#noho hank you will be missed
meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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This Barry season 1 bts picture; i’m down
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casiesfandomblog · 1 year
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bartmobile · 11 months
i need noho hank back i miss you so much
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productsreviewings · 1 year
HBO's BARRY has at all times had a particularly distinctive tone. With a star—and co-creator, and author, and frequent director—like Invoice Hader, comedy is at all times going to return with the territory. That is to be anticipated from the person who began on Saturday Night time Reside and has since appeared in fashionable classics like Superbad, Trainwreck, Scorching Rod, Adventureland, and so many extra. However a really particular model of darkish comedy has at all times solely been a part of the equation for Barry, which by the years has managed to characteristic components of drama, thriller, and even straight-up motion, whereas at all times leaving open the opportunity of cracking you up at any second. Now that the present is coming to an finish with Season 4, the present is as darkish and prepared to go there with any of these subgenres as ever. "It’s humorous, as a result of when the present got here out, individuals had been like Wow, that is actually darkish, after which it simply bought darker," Hader mentioned with fun when talking with Males's Well being. "After which I believe now… individuals would possibly suppose, like, What the hell is that this? However I at all times actually preferred that."After Season 3 ended with—spoiler alert!—Hader's titular character lastly getting caught by the police (with assist from Henry Winkler's Gene Cousineau) throughout his newest tried homicide, Season 4 opens with Barry as soon as once more taking up uncharted waters: jail. And never any jail, however the jail the place his former mentor/father determine/sworn enemy Fuches (Stephen Root) occurs to be in custody. And that is not even to say the persevering with tales of quickly flailing actress/multi-hyphenate Sally (Sarah Goldberg), goofy gangster NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan), and, after all, regardless of the narcissistic-but-lovable Mr. Cousineau (performed as solely the legendary Winkler can) finds himself moving into. Which is all to say: for those who've been alongside for the wild Barry journey, you will not need to miss an episode of the ultimate season. And for those who take a peek beneath, we will make sure that will not occur. HBOWhen is the following episode of Barry Season 4 popping out?Every episode of Barry Season 4 will air on HBO on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM EST, and will probably be obtainable to stream on HBO Max (quickly to be recognized solely as Max) on the similar time. So which means the following episode will air on Sunday, Might 14, 2023, at 10:00 EST.What number of episodes of Barry Season 4 are left?Season 4 of Barry will probably be 8 episodes in whole, and the primary 5 of these eight have now aired. Which means there are three episodes—and three weeks of high-tension and darkly hilarious storytelling—remaining till the tip of the present.Stream Barry Season 4 Right hereHere is the entire launch schedule for HBO's Barry, Season 4.Episode 1 - Now streaming as of April 16Episode 2 - Now streaming as of April 16Episode 3 - Now streaming as of April 23Episode 4 - Now streaming as of April 30Episode 5 - Now streaming as of Might 7Episode 6 - Streaming on Might 14Episode 7 - Streaming on Might 21Episode 8 - Streaming on Might 18play iconThe triangle icon that signifies to playEvan is the tradition editor for Males’s Well being, with bylines in The New York Instances, MTV Information, Brooklyn Journal, and VICE. He loves bizarre motion pictures, watches an excessive amount of TV, and listens to music extra typically than he doesn’t. #Barry #Season #Closes #Hilarious #Terrifying #Saga HBO's Barry, starring Invoice Hader, is a darkish comedy that blends components of drama, thriller, and motion. With its distinctive tone, the present is now in its ultimate season and continues to ship rigidity and hilarity. Three episodes stay, with the following one airing on Might 14, 2023, at 10:00 PM EST on HBO and obtainable to stream on HBO Max. 1. What can viewers count on from the ultimate season of HBO's "Barry"?
- Viewers can count on the present to be as darkish and prepared to discover subgenres as ever, with the principle character going through uncharted waters in jail. 2. When is the following episode of "Barry" Season 4 popping out? - The subsequent episode will air on Sunday, Might 14, 2023, at 10:00 EST on HBO and will probably be obtainable to stream on HBO Max on the similar time. 3. What number of episodes are left in "Barry" Season 4? - There are three episodes remaining till the tip of the present, with Season 4 consisting of a complete of 8 episodes.
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pinkm4ns · 3 years
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gh0styyt0astyy · 3 years
✨ [ Confide within us.] ✨
⭐️ [Summary] — Sometimes Hank needs comfort, too. (sanford/hank/deimos / lee!hank + lers!sanford and deimos)
⭐️ [Warnings] —TICKLE FIC; SHIPPING; if you dont like then please scroll on T_T
⭐️ [Prompt/s] — n/a
requests: open! (but still kinda slow)
✨ Enjoy ! ✨
Hank had been awake for the last few hours by now, but he hadn’t left the bedroom. Hell, he hadn’t even left the bed. He hadn’t felt like being up and around, he didn’t want to interact with anyone. He just wanted to lay in bed all day and feel…whatever it was he was feeling.
For a while, he had been left alone to his own devices and he liked it that way. But then it began to get lonely, a different kind of lonely that Hank didn’t like. Despite the want for someone else near him, he didn’t move. Instead he just closed his eyes again and decided he’s just try and sleep some more.
But a dip in the bed made his eyes open again, and a hand carding through his hair made a noise leave his throat.
“Hey, big guy.” Deimos spoke, a hand rubbing over his cheek. Sanford’s hand running through his hair. “mmmh.” Hank hummed back, shifting slightly as Deimos took a seat next to him. “You doing okay?” Deimos asked, putting Hank’s head in his lap.
Hank just shrugged, not making eye contact with either of the two. He just stared at the wall as he felt Sanford sit against his back. “It’s almost 1 in the afternoon, we haven’t seen you all day so…we got a little worried.” Sanford hushed out, his voice was always so…comforting to Hank? Was that the right word?
Hank didn’t feel like talking. He didn’t feel like thinking. He just wanted to lay there with the other two. “Sorry.” Was all Hank managed out, voice still gruff from not being used. “Shhs. You don’t gotta apologize, big guy.” Deimos hushed him, rubbing his shoulders. Sanford leaned back onto Hank, resting on his side. “You wanna talk about it?” He offered.
Hank shook his head. There was nothing to talk about, he just felt bad for no reason.
“Just one of those days?” Deimos asked, frowning when Hank nodded. “Mmhm.”
Hank was pulled into a sitting position, and he didn’t fight. The man sat up, slouched slightly with his hands in his lap. “Anything we can do to help?” Sanford asked, putting his chin on Hank’s shoulder. Hank was quiet in thought, holding Deimos’ hands while the man rubbed his knuckles. “…stay?” He asked, uncharacteristically softly, still refusing eye contact. “‘Course, bubs.” Sanford replied, wrapping his arms around Hank’s waist. Deimos put Hank’s chin in his hands and rubbed circles into his cheeks with his thumbs.
It was odd, seeing Hank so much more…quieter than he usually was. Even when he hardly talked most days, he wasn’t quiet, quiet. It was almost out of character for him. The melancholic look on his face made Deimos’ heart hurt, and from the corner of his eyes he could see the same hurt in Sanford’s face. Deimos pulled Hank’s face to his own, kissing the man’s forehead. Sanford seemed to like that idea, as he squeezed Hank gently and kissed his cheek.
Hank squirmed in Sanford’s hold, a breathy “ha” leaving his mouth. Sanford passed a glance at Deimos, an eyebrow cocked slightly with a small smirk. For a moment, Deimos seemed a little confused; then he watched Hank’s reactions to Sanford’s movements.
“Nnheh. Sahan—“ Hank muttered, squirming again as Sanford squeezed his lower sides. “Hm? What’s up, squirmy?”
Deimos mouthed a quiet “oh” as he grinned slightly. He kept a hand on Hank’s chin as his other one went down to his ribs.
Hank made a noise and put a hand over his mouth, muffling the giggling pouring from him. “Hehey—!” He yelped, not bothering to fight. “Awe. What’s wrong, Hank?” Deimos cooed, wiggling his fingers over the other’s ribs. “Something tickle?” He teased lightly.
“Stahap..” Hank gave a breathy laugh, grabbing at Deimos’ wrist. Really, Hank wasn’t disturbed by this, hence the reason he didn’t fight as much.
“We’re not doing anything, big guy!” Deimos hummed, using his free hand to scritch Hank’s neck. “Well… aside from giving you affection, that is.” Sanford added, a grin on his face as he left a kiss behind Hank’s ear. Hank tried to groan in an annoyed manner, but it was broken up by laughter. Hank scrunched his shoulders, inhaling sharply through his nose when he felt Deimos’ hand on his neck prod faster. “Deimohohos!”
“Yeah Hank?”
“Stahahap ihit—!”
“I can’t! Well… not until you rest your shoulders. I’m kind of stuck.”
“Gehehet off mehehee.” Hank snorted, shaking his head to rid Deimos’ hand. “Not until we see you smile!” Sanford rapidly poked his fingers up and down Hank’s sides, buzzing into his ribs before shooting back down. “GAHAAh! Dohohon’t!” Hank squirmed around, not getting very far. “Don’t what?” Sanford asked, pulling his hands back before cementing them to Hank’s lower ribs. “Dooon’t this?”
Hank let out a quick burst of laughter, taking his hands backwards to put on Sanford’s wrists instead. Deimos quickly took advantage of that and his hands shot down to Hank’s stomach.
“hehEHY! HEHEY! Nohoho! Noho— Dohon’t you dahAHRE!” Hank barked through his wheezing. Deimos ignored Hank and clawed at the man’s stomach, digging in gently to the lower part of it before tracing the slightly chiseled muscles. He followed one of Hank’s old scars with just one claw, and Deimos laughed with Hank at his reaction.
Hank’s legs jolted as he tried to suck in his stomach, trying to pry away from Deimos’ claws. Hank let out an awkward squawk while Deimos’ claw traced the scar.
“GAHAHAD! You’re bohohoth behehehing aHAHSSHOLES!” Hank snorted again, trying to curl in on himself when he felt fingers drilling into his bones. “Hey now! You aren’t in a position to call us names, mister!” Deimos warned. “Y’know Hank? I think we should nickname you something else. I mean, “Hank” obviously doesn’t suit these kind of moments.” Sanford mused.
“NOHOHO! Nohoh you shohohohuld nahahaht!” Hank knew the game Sanford was trying to play, he wanted no part of that. “Deimos, how do you think… gigglebug sounds?”
“Aww, it’s cute.”
Hank squirmed again. “If yohohu try thahahaht nahahame I swear to goahahd!” Hank tried to threaten, but failed miserably as he melted in the others hands.
“I think Mr. Giggly here is grumpy.” Deimos grinned, poking around Hank’s stomach and legs. “Staahahahap teheheasing!” Hank whined. Sanford cooed. “Did you just whiiine?” He asked, watching as Hank hid his face in his shoulder.
After a little more teases and pokes from the other two, Hank eventually felt the tickles stop. And he had to restrain himself from missing the touch already. “Okay, we’re done.” Sanford chuckled, running his hand over Hank’s head and through his hair again.
“Ehehe… I dohon’t— *eham.* I don’t even remember why I was upset.” Hank said, relaxing in Sanford’s arms with Deimos rubbing his face again.
“Good! Means we did our job well.” Deimos grinned. He stood up and offered his hands to his partners. “C’mon, I’m starving and I’m sure you can say the same.” He pointed at Hank. Hank and Sanford both slid off the bed, and followed Deimos out.
Maybe Hank would allow them around him more, when he feels like that…
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berkmansimagines · 3 years
False God
Summary: Barry and his wife get into an argument before he leaves for a dangerous job.
Pairing: Barry Berkman x hitman!wife reader
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“Barry, I can’t let you do this. It’s too dangerous…”
Your husband is getting ready to leave for a hit. Fuches and Noho Hank put the whole thing together. The target was an ex-cop who used to be on the Chechen payroll. He was fired from his job and no longer useful to the Chechens. They hired Barry because they wanted it to be clean.
You keep your distance, leaning against the doorway as if you’re trying to block him from leaving. You hate that he’s working with the Chechens again. You’ve been trying to convince Barry not to go through with this job ever since he first told you about it. He’s beginning to lose patience.
“Y/N, please,” Barry sighs. 
He knows it’s a dangerous job but agreed to do it anyway. The money was just too good to pass up. You and Barry had talked about saving up to buy a house and starting a family some day. He was trying to get you both one step closer to that dream. 
“You still have time to back out. Call Fuches and tell him the job is off,” you insist.
“You know I can’t do that,” Barry challenges you.
“Yes you can! You need to convince him how reckless this hit is. The guy’s a cop which means he’s armed and trained. He’ll put up a fight,” you try.
“I can handle myself,” Barry brushes off your concern.
“If you’re going to do it at least let me help,” you offer.
Barry’s eyes widen. Your husband doesn’t want you anywhere near this. 
He shakes his head, “No fucking way.”
“Why not?” you ask tensely, crossing your arms against your chest.
“Because the Chechens don’t trust you,” Barry answers coldly.
You take a deep breath and look down at your feet. Barry’s right and you know it. 
You’ve had a rocky history with the Chechens. Once during a routine hit, you took out one of their men in self defense. You didn’t even know he was affiliated with the mob until after you shot him dead. The Chechens were furious and tracked you down, they wanted blood. The only reason they didn’t kill you was because Barry carried out a hit for them in exchange for letting you go. Tensions have cooled but the Chechens haven’t forgotten. And neither have you.
“I said no,” Barry sternly interrupts, “I don’t need your help. I’m doing this on my own.”
You let out a defeated sigh, “I can’t talk to you when you’re like this! If you want to leave then leave. It’s your funeral.”
“Whatever,” Barry quietly shrugs as he walks past you.
Barry walks out without saying another word. He slams the door behind him in frustration. The loud noise causes you to flinch.
You and Barry didn’t argue very often but when you did they could be explosive. It feels like hell when you fight with him. Right now you both need time to cool off. 
You go to the kitchen, grab a bottle of wine and pour it generously into your glass. Then you plant yourself on the couch. 
While looking through Netflix titles, you can’t help but think about Barry. You regret telling him to leave and wish he didn’t walk out angry. What if that was the last time you ever see your husband? You didn’t even say I love you... 
You take out your phone and send out a quick text:
Hey babe. I hate how we left things. I love you and I’m sorry. Come home soon 
You stay on the couch for hours waiting for Barry to walk through the door. He doesn’t. You eventually give up, crawl into bed and fall asleep alone.
Your eyes open to the sound of the door and quiet footsteps walking around the bedroom. The first thing you see is Barry pulling out the gun from the back of his jeans and putting it on the bureau.
“Hey,” you shyly greet your husband as you sit up in bed.
You want to make up from the fight earlier but have no idea where he stands. You hope he still isn’t angry. Barry looks surprised to see you awake.
“Oh shit! I, uh, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” you reassure him, “I tried waiting up for you. I wanted to talk. I’m sorry about before...”
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have…. It’s just when it comes to the Chechens, I can’t get you involved in their shit. They’re bad dudes. I was trying to protect you,” Barry admits.
“I know,” you sigh.
Barry tosses his jeans and black henley into the laundry basket before changing into an old t-shirt to sleep in.
“I saw your text. Sorry I didn’t respond. I… I had work to do,” Barry tells you.
“I’m happy you're okay,” you bite the bottom of your lip.
“Me too,” Barry quietly replies.
It was a tough hit. You were totally right, the target did try to fight back. He took a few shots at Barry but thankfully missed. Barry was lucky that he didn’t get hurt.
Your husband gets into bed and you immediately roll over to snuggle into his side. He smiles to himself, feeling his entire body relax. 
“I love you, Y/N,” Barry wraps his arm around you.
“Love you too. Let’s never fight again. I hate it,” you nuzzle your head on Barry's shoulder.
“Okay,” he chuckles.
You fall asleep in each other's arms.
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crosswordgf · 2 years
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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she’s so barbie
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Nu ugh in s2 not Fuches making Gene confront the death of the love of his life and then holding him at gunpoint then in s4 making Hank confront the death of the love of his life only this time he went through with the shot
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barryhbotheories · 5 years
Things to ask Bill Hader instead of “Going back to your SNL days...” or “How did you come up with the premise of Barry?”
Will we ever see bloopers from Barry? Or an extensive behind the scenes footage?
When you see a scene in your head, do you also see colors and hear music specifically tied to the plot?
Has playing Barry affected you in any way? Is it more cathartic or difficult/depressing to tap into the darkness and violence?
Explain the color symbolism of Barry
Describe your inspirations for the color lighting in Barry
How did you come up with Barry’s surname and stage name? 
Why are many names used in the show connected to the color red?
What is Noho Hank’s real name?
What was Barry’s dad like? Was he also a hitman working for Fuches?
When exactly did Barry’s dad die?
What about Barry’s mom? What happened to her?
Did Fuches manipulate Barry into joining the army?
What would happen if Fuches never got Barry released from the hospital in Europe and never made him a hitman? 
What was Barry’s personality before the war like? Was he more like Barry Berkman or Barry Block?
What mental diagnoses do you personally see in Barry?
Did Barry save Albert in the end? How?
Will a later season get back to the KIA bracelet Barry wears in S1?
Do you think Barry has ever tried to commit suicide?
Do the costume colors have a deeper meaning?
Will we ever see Hank and Sally or Hank and Gene or Fuches and Sally interact?
You often say that you play Barry with intuition/instinct and don’t think about it in advance. Was your decision to make Barry very gentle and loving to Sally and showing this affection in detail in many scenes planned to make his character scarier or was it just your intuition while acting?
What do you think is the funniest scene/line of the show?
Which scene are you the most proud of as an actor and as a director?
Has the show and your dream of becoming a director coming true changed you? Are you e.g. more confident now?
You missed an amazing opportunity of playing mmm whatcha say after shooting in a scene or saying “that’s when she snapped” before Sally’s monologue, any thoughts about that?
Will the Eric/Jermaine story line (about Eric being a psycho) continue in later seasons?
Who decided that Noho Hank should have a fox mug? Do foxes have a deeper meaning in the show (Fuches, fox mug)
Why does Barry not know very famous movies but he knows who Jason Bourne is?
And why does he have specifically Jon Hamm in a daydream?
What happened to Lily after the events of ronny/lily?
Why did Goran have a cutout of himself in his garage?
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akkermans · 4 years
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NAME/ALIAS: hero ANY NICKNAMES?: call me anything just don’t call me late to the party!  TIMEZONE: est PRONOUNS: she/they
WHAT’S YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?: aqua sun, leo moon, virgo rising....  MBTI?: isfp FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S)?:  viago (wwdits), fleabag (fleabag), rosa diaz (b99), britta perry (community), nell crain (thohh), noho hank (barry), leti lewis (lovecraft country), lydia deetz (beetlejuice)... so many.... ANY FAVORITE SHOWS?: wwdits (this will be a recurring theme), new girl, psych, santa clarita diet, uhhh over the garden wall FAVORITE MOVIES?: ready or not, mamma mia, us, paranorman, stardust, the addams family, hereditary uhhh FAVORITE VIDEO GAME?: lmao the sims probably or monster prom FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST, ALBUM, OR SONG?: mitski, phoebe bridgers, rico nasty, the regrettes + wallows uhhhhh johnny flynn is up there and so is dolly parton  FAVORITE BOOK?:  i haven’t read a book in such a long time lmao oops um i rly like the vicious series by v.e. schwab or the raven cycle but if anybody has any horror recs lmk x DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: yes! i have a dog named lennon and a cat named dumpling... they are my loves... my life.... IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, WHERE WOULD YOU GO?: amsterdam or venice i miss the canals WOULD YOU RATHER FIGHT ONE HORSE SIZED DUCK OR 10 DUCK SIZED HORSES?: duck sized horses bc small.......   FMK ( BARRY BEE BENSON, SHREK, OR THE ONCELER ):  i hate this KJDSHSDK how will i ever choose.... prob marry shrek, fuck the... the onceler, and kill barry bc i hate that stupid bee ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE TO LINK? THINK YOUR PINTEREST, MAIN, W/E:  my main is @horrorwomn​ and my pinterest is here HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RPING FOR?: too long, like 12 years lmfao DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE TYPES OF CONNECTIONS? ( THINK FRIENDS, ENEMIES, ETC. ): enemies to friends! a good angsty ex connection! found family tropes! bonding over shared experiences! all that good shit! WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE RP EVENTS?: i don’t know why i think bonfire events are so fun, but they are? or a MysteryTM DO YOU HAVE ANY FAVORITE RP TASKS?:  i love wardrobe tasks so much....  ARE YOU OKAY WITH THE MAIN CONTACTING YOU IN THE FUTURE FOR RP PLOTS? WE WON’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT RUNNING IT PAST YOU FIRST: ABSOLUTELY!!! ANYTHING ELSE?: <3
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Occupational hazards
Barry Berkman x Reader
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Three part series: It was just another job, he doesn’t even had to kill anyone, but the way she looked at him was more dangerous than the bullets.
Part I Part II Part III
Angst with a happy ending
Warnings: Violence, cursing, blood, stalkers.
Part I
“I remember telling you to fuck off and stop calling me” You say answering the phone the fifth time it rings, knowing too well he won’t stop until you do “I made myself clear, don’t call me, don’t contact me, keep your stupid flowers and presents to yourself and stay the fuck away from me”
“Oh my little Y/N” Says his drunk voice in the other end “You know you like it, this little number of yours, pretending you don’t need a man will end as soon as you feel lonely, why don’t we speed things up and simply let me come up with you?” He said and you froze, how does he knew you were at the second floor of your house? You looked outside the window but couldn’t see anything, nervously you closed your sleeping robe with a tight knot suddenly feeling exposed “You don’t have to be so shy, I already know what is behind that” He said and you toss the phone aside, but you could still listen to his laugh, when will this nightmare end??
“Fuck you Richard!!!” You scream at the phone, but he had already hung up. You closed all the windows and went straight to your bathroom cabinets, it had to be there.
You finally found it, a few years back when your name was still unknown and your main job was stacking candles and towels in a store, and before you had a sociopath for an ex, you became friends with this weird and really sweet bald guy on Pottery Barn, you helped him redecorate his room and you even talk once in a while over the phone, or at least until last year when he said he was going back to Chechnya to visit his family, but before he went away, and after he met the charming man you were dating and seeing the bruises in your arms he gave you a card and told you, if you ever need to get rid of that guy just call this number.
You light on a cigarette, and sit on the floor of your bathroom thinking, what does get rid of meant? Hank, judging by his tattoos, was not an entirely innocent folk, but at this point you were desperate, and you cursed yourself for ever start dating a man like that, the all charming and thoughtful movie producer, you knew your career will be damaged forever if you kept avoiding him but coming back to be treated like garbage and not being able to eat, dress or think on your own was not an option. You finally gathered the courage and dialled the number.
“Fuches” a raspy voice said on the other end.
“Hi, ammm” you were not sure what exactly where you going to say.
“Who is this? Hello?? Who gave you this number? Are you there?” The man seem angry and a bit condescending in his tone and somehow his rudeness made you speak up.
“Yeah, I’m here” You started with more confidence “I got this number from NoHo Hank, he said you could help me to… to get rid of someone”.
“Ahh” The man was calmed now, almost happy “Well in that case any friend of Hank is friend of mine, but I warn you madame that won’t be cheap” He said and you stand up from the floor glimpsing at yourself in the mirror, shocked to see how pale you looked, and how scared you actually felt.
Barry entered his apartment begging for Jermaine or Nick to be there and use them as an excuse to tell Fuches to fuck off, but it was empty except for the never ending amount of trash that always was in their comon space, he stopped trying to tell them to clean like three months ago and now he only limited to hide in his room away from the beer cans and chips bags.
It didn’t matter that much really, at least not before, as long as Sally was there to talk to him or as long as he could call her, but then she got that part in a big movie, and he was happy for her, that was her dream and he would never get between her and her dream, but then she stop being around the class due to rehearsals, and then she change a beer in Residual’s to fancy and expensive dinners with her costars and then one day she simply said goodbye.
But he had come to the conclusion that he deserved that, he took away Mr. Cousineau’s happiness so it was only fair for him to lose it as well, and Sally was still his friend, as long as he could find a 5 minutes gap to talk in her busy schedule every other week.
He was still on the class, and he was getting better or at least he no longer missed his lines, and he had even recieved a callback for a commercial, but he didn’t get it in the end.
And now Fuches was coming back to screw up everything again, Barry looked at the clock, 4:02 he would be there any minute, for a brief moment his mind travel to his gun under his bed, and how just one year before he was desperate to see him and kill him from once, but then Mr Cousineau started making questions, and to suspect, accurately, that he had killed Moss, and Fuches chose to come clean, or at least enough to settle things down.
He told Gene the Chechens killed Moss and that they wanted to implicate Barry, so he called the cops on him so Barry would take the blame and end up in jail, he played his Part as a poor looser, alone and miserable well enough and Barry chose not to kill him, as long as he would stay away from them, and he had kept his promise until that morning. He would say no, obviously but he needed to say it to his face to reassure him or to himself that it was all done.
A knock on the door put him in alert, and he muttered a simple “Come in” keeping himself away from the entrance. Fuches entered the room with an almost curious expression on his face, he looked at the trash an made a disgusted frown, and then looked at Barry from head to toe, he looked paler or maybe just tired, he for sure was, that stubborn woman was by far the most picky and difficult client he ever had by far, but with enough luck Barry may solve it.
“Nice place” He said finally with a sarcastic grin
“That’s my roommate’s doing” Barry answered in a monotone “Coffee? beer?”
“If you are really being nice I’ll take the beer” Fuches said and without waiting for an invitation he found a place to sit.
“I’m not.” Barry answered and sit in front of him. “What do you want?”
“Ahh there it is” Fuches roll his eyes “I got a job for you, and I think you may like this one…”
“What the fuck man?” Barry interrupted mid sentence. “We haven’t seen each other in almost a year, I was very clear then as I’m now I don’t want to do that anymore”
“Boy listen, is way easier and you’ll get pay three times more than previous works” He said completely ignoring him.
“I don’t give a fuck about the money, I told you I don’t want to work for you” Barry put both hands over his face, this was exasperating.
“Fine, now look at me like you were about to kill me” He said taking Barry by surprise.
“What the hell are you talking about?” He said after an uncomfortable silence.
“Look kid, a week ago I received a call from a crazy actress, you may know her Y/N something” He started
“Is not Y/N Y/L/N by any chance?” Barry asked, remembering something that Natalie and Sasha said about her.
“Yes, that one, complete basket case” Fuches continued “She asked me if I could eliminate her ex boyfriend, some Hollywood big shot that I genuinely couldn’t care less about. I said yes sure, I’ll send someone to do it, then she change her mind and called me back, and said she simply wants to scare him, but she wants to meet the guy she is paying. And she hated him, and I show her my folder of other employees and well…”
“Oh come on man, that’s on you, you shouldn’t have my picture there” Barry said now understanding what had happen.
“Yeah I get that, but the thing is I said to her you no longer work for me, and she offered the triple, and I told her that if she wanted you so badly then she would have to convince you by herself, and that’s why I’m here, I need you to go see her, say no and then she would pick one of my guys and I’ll be out of your life forever” He said like if he was offering the most interesting deal ever. “Take it as an acting job” He add when Barry didn’t respond “You get to meet a pretty and famous actress, and you can scream to her everything you just said to me, also I’ll pay you”
Barry remained silent for another moment thinking about the situation, it seemed like an easy deal, and some extra money wouldn’t be that bad, and if he played his cards well enough he could even make sure Fuches to stay away form him for good.
“Fine I’ll do it” he said after a while “But is just this and it’s over, no more phone calls, no more jobs no anything, I turn down this woman and that’s it.” He said seriously.
“Consider it done son, just one more deal and I’m out of your life” Fuches said happy, and then got up the chair and started leaving “You have to meet her tomorrow in a restaurant, I’ll send you the address” Barry nodded and watched him leave, then he went to his room to search something about the woman he was about to meet.
Y/N was a gorgeous woman and a talented actress, but apparently the media didn’t like her very much since she had a reckless life style, there were many pictures of her smoking and drinking, and she had a long list of ex lovers, and the most prominent of those was some guy called Richard Maverick, he recognized that name, it was the director and producer of Sally’s movie, more of a reason to not working for that woman, since the guy didn’t seem like a bad person, and she did.
Sparkling bubbles were moving in your glass of water, it have been sitting there since the waiter pour it, but you were to nervous to touch it, it was a nice table, out in the terrace of the restaurant and you were sure anyone walking by the street would be able to see you, so it worked perfectly for your plan, now everything else depended on the man you hear approaching behind you.
“Snow White?” He asked and sited in the spot in front of you, he was clean shaved and wearing a black blazer over a dark green tshirt, definitely not what you expected from someone of his profession.
“Is from Notting Hill, the movie with Julia Roberts, don’t you like it? God you really are tall, how much is it like 6'3”?“ You said unable to stop yourself, but concentrating on his face, there was something sad about his blue eyes, almost melancholic.
"6'2” and no I don’t think I saw it, the oscar winning one?“ He said a bit ashamed by his poor Hollywood trivia knowledge.
"Oh absolutely not, some old romantic comedy, you should see it some time.” You said, and the whole situation felt more and more surreal “Well I’m Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you Mr. Berkman, or do you prefer Block?” You said please to se the surprise on his face.
“Berkman is fine, how do you know?” He said examining your face.
“Well is not every day that I have to hire a professional assassin, so I needed to get some references, and your employer was distracted enough so I could stole this from him, here you can have it back” You said sliding his picture across the table. “I saw a couple videos of your callbacks, you shouldn’t stoop that much when you read it would help in the auditions”
“So this is what you do?” He said and his tone was calm but there was fury in his eyes “You manipulate people into working with you, making then feel like you know everything about them and pretending to be nice and polite? Well I have news for you, first of all I don’t work for Fuches, and second, you can put out all of this glamorous crap that you have on me and the answer still be no, I don’t this anymore”
“Would you like to order?” The waiter said before any of you could keep speaking.
“Sure, shrimp risotto for me, and for my dear friend… what do you want honey?” You said smiling at him.
“The same sounds fine” he said and smile back at you changing his tone immediately. “And red wine?"He asked you with a checky wink and you nodded. "Red it is” The waiter nod and walked away.
“Not bad, you are a quick responder, I like that” you said looking as the man walked away. “But you don’t know shit about me” You spat at him once the waiter couldn’t hear “Glamorous crap? Oh let me guess you read one of the many articles about how much of a whore I am? I have a drinking and smoking problem is that it? That I have slept my way into every work I ever had, and how little I deserved my career, and how much good it was for Richard to walk away form me even when he still loves me? Well that’s all bullshit” There it was again, even when you were trying to escape he was still holding you in his hands. “Well the magazines that work for him doesn’t tell I went to drama school, they didn’t say I have a dying mother that gets every penny I make, they didn’t say that I could count the men I slept with the fingers on one hand I will be sparing 2, they don’t say he forced himself on me more times I can remember, or how he enjoys sleeping with every woman that works for him no matter the age just because he is The man”
“Go the police then, tell them that, why do you need me?” He said, but with less confidence than before and it was obvious his mental image of you was crumbling.
“The L.A. Police that gets donations from him every year? I’m a whore, to them, to Richard, to you and to everyone. I have no voice” Fortunately the waiter arrived with the food and you could stop to think, talking about this made you feel exposed, and you were questioning if it was worth the trouble at all.
“Why me? If you need him out of your life so bad I’m sure Fuches have someone right for the job” He said and started eating avoiding your gaze, you didn’t have an appetite anymore but force yourself to do the same.
“Have you seen the guys that work for Fuches? They look like hobos and meth heads, he is not some random dude, he is rich and powerful if he dies people would ask questions and eventually that would come back to me, also he would die loved and mourned, and he doesn’t deserve that.”
“And scared him off is better how? If someone goes to him and beat him it would come back at you faster and worse” He said taking a sip of his wine.
“Men always think physically right?” You said drinking as well and looking at him “I never said beat him, I told fuches I needed you specifically and he said he doesn’t work for me anymore, he is an actor now, and then I knew you were exactly what I needed. I don’t need some hitman to go beat the crap out of Richard even if he deserves it. I need someone to escort me from my apartment to work, and to public events and keep him away from me.”
“Those are called bodyguards and I’m pretty sure there are legal business that can provide their services to you” He said condescendingly.
“Like the one that is at my house right now and doesn’t even know I went out?” You said smiling “Or the one that give my alarm password to Richard so he could read his script? Legal people can be bought, and they have things to lose, that doesn’t work for me, he is a monster and a criminal, so I need someone outside the law to outsmart him” You said to him and the shadow of a smile formed in his lips before he spoke.
“So you think I’m a monster too? Look I’m sorry for you, your situation must be horrifying, but I leave that life behind, I’m no longer that guy and I don’t want to be, I’m sorry but I don’t want my past mistakes to keep haunting me, I’m tired of that. I’m sorry” He said, and you believed him but you couldn’t lost this chance.
“Mr Berkman, can I call you Barry?” You started and he nod affirmatively “Barry do you ever have nightmares about your mistakes?”
“Every night” He answered
“But when you wake up, when you go to work, when you talk to your significant other, when you are eating, those mistakes are dead, those people and those lifes you took they remained where you leave them. Your mistakes don’t call you at 3 am to remain you you are a slut, your mistakes don’t sell naked pictures of you to magazines to make you feel miserable because you are no longer sleeping with them. Your mistakes don’t force you to go down on them in order to don’t recast your part and then don’t threaten to ruin your career and leave your mother without her cancer treatment.” You said and a tear finally find it’s way down your cheek. “Fine I get it, you want to be a better person, well so am I, I need to run away from this and I’m so desperate that I called you, but it’s okay I have no way to force you into this, you don’t have to be sorry about me” you said hopeless, and he remained silent for a couple minutes looking at you occasionally and then his plate now almost empty.
“What exactly would I have to do?” He said finally “I’m not accepting, I just want to know” he add before you could react.
“Offering me your arm in social events, walked me to my apartment at nights, and take me to lovely lunches like this one every few days, basically being a human purse, just looking handsome and put together next to me, and let the magazines and the media make their assumptions”
“I’m not a prostitute” He said and you found the statement ridiculously funny.
“And I wouldn’t pay you to fuck me sunshine” you said with a grin “But I have learned that men respect other men’s "property” more than a women’s NO, and if I start seeing a handsome, blue eyed, literal war hero from the Midwest he would look like an asswhole if he keeps pushing how much he misses me in interviews"
“Fine” He said looking straight to your eyes “I’ll do it, when do you want to start?”
“Well if you consider the three girls with her phones out that just crossed behind you on the street, I would say I already owe you overtime, but tomorrow is fine, I would send you my address and other details with my publicist”
“Don’t you think is better if we have the least amount of people involved in this?” He said with an uncomfortable look on his face.
“Adrian is like a sister to me, I trust her my life.” You said and he seemed conformed with that answer “And Barry, thank you”.
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macperalta · 4 years
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sealinne · 5 years
Just some Barry(HBO) stuff
Those scenes where characters talk about.. or do weird stuff and somebody is watching and listening in the background... but not addressing the situation. 
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Most of the people Barry ends up killing have children. And loved ones that will definitely miss them... 
All the acting class members have their own lives with their own dark secrets and things that torment them... Like when Sasha talks about how she has seen a horse in the city and then.. just by-the-way mentions how she doesnt have any childhood photos of herself, because her uncle burned down their house while her mother was still inside. 
According to Jermaine, Eric is a total psycho... How hilarious would it be if we learned later on that hes some kind of serial killer. I keep a close eye on him.
The fact that Barry isnt in the acting class just for Sally... And that it isnt centered around her being the love interest. 
Sally just being truly human.. not perfect.. not without problems.. And most of the other gals even though they dont have that much screen time being really great human beans too. I love them
Barry truly believing that everybody in the class is amazing actor. 
NoHo Hank´s fox mug (later on also Cristobal´s raccoon mug) 
No glorification of murder and violence in general... And with few exceptions nobody wants to get their hands dirty...  like that ( Just let Barry do it) 
Fuches believing himself to be strategically and outdoors savvy while being absolutely useless. 
All those fake posters with Cousineau.. in the theatre and in his house. (I really need to see them all up close)
Extremely wide n symmetrical centered shots... Long takes and other elaborate things that you just.. dont see that often on tv... 
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The subtle n crafty use of music and sound 
That scene where NoHo Hank tells Fuches that they will most likely kill them which cuts to children excitedly screaming at a birthday party....And that scene where NoHo Hank appears in Lululemon accompanied with dramatical Dunnnnn sound.... 
  The fact that Barry thought that Lululemon was a candy store.. n being really bummed out by it being a sportswear store instead. 
Is the name Berkman nod to Ingmar Bergman?... 
Bill Hader Sr. being the bartender in s1e8.
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