#noel vermillion x reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Blazblue X Reader
A Little something that I thought up after I took a nap
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With Nine, it would be quiet. She would be reading or seemingly doing so while dozing off, her head finding a resting spot on your body. It would also be quite warm with her. Not to the point of it being sweltering but more of a comfortable heat that seems to eat at your will to move and think, calling you to close your eyes and rest for a moment, to simply enjoy this feeling.
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With Kokonoe, it would be filled with the quiet hum of electricity from the many computers and machines running tests and simulations. She would be curled up in her chair as she watched you like a hawk, her feline eyes never leaving you, reflecting a sense of curiosity that was typically reserved for the things she did not understand. There would be few words spoken between the two of you.
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With Bullet, it would be filled with the sound of her humming a tune and her needle going through cloth. She never had as much time to enjoy her hobby as she wished, but what little she did was nice. Especially when you were near her as she did it. Even if the two of you were doing something entirely different from one another, the connection was still extremely nice to feel.
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With Makoto, it would be filled with Makoto’s laughter and joy. Whether it be a match of lacrosse or the two of you sitting around and talking, she will always find a way to make the both of you smile. She will hold you close to her and tell you the silliest and funniest things she has seen or heard. All to see you smile.
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With Noel, it would be filled with the sound of pages turning. Noel loves to read and to write but you are the only one to ever see what she makes. She made sure to pick out a book that both of you would like. It was perhaps her favorite thing to do with you. To simply lay down on the bed with a book between the two of you, quietly enjoying the other’s presence.
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With Litchi, it would be filled with the soft rings of wind chimes and the sound of tiles being placed on a board. Even Litchi had her hobbies, and by far Mahjong had to be her favorite of them. Especially when she got to tease you until you were red in the face. Perhaps she should go a bit easier on you, then again, perhaps not.
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With Tsubaki, it would be filled with her quietly singing a song as she painted. A barely audible serenade for only you to hear. All she asked for in payment, was that you sat near her and listened, allowing her to soothe whatever nerves you were feeling.
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uponawhitehorse13 · 3 months
Being asked if their S/O would still love them if they were a worm
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-When posed with the question Noel just answered "Yes" and didn't think much of it
-It was only later when she was alone that she actually gave the question some thought. Worms are tiny, skinny and gross s/o probably wouldn't be able to love something like that.
-Thinking on it further she was pretty small, especially compared to s/o and unlike the curves other girls had she was pretty skinny. The train of thought just continued to spiral from there.
-When you returned to your home you were surprised to hear sobbing echoing through it. You noticed Noel crying on the floor and immediately rush to her side checking her for wounds and asking her what's wrong. With teary eyes and a lot of stuttering she manages to whine "You d-don't love meeee...".
-Before she manages to mumble out anything else you pull her into a passionate kiss which lasts until you need air again. Noel wide eyed and catching her breath tries to start a sentence only to be interrupted by you doing it again.
-This continues until she's calmed down. After she explains the situation you ask her why she would even think that. Noel goes on a tangent about all her insecurities while you sit and listen quietly.
-When she's done you wordlessly pick her up and start carrying her to your bedroom. Noel squeaks asking you what are you doing to which you simply reply that you're going to prove how much you love her another way.
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-Tsubaki can only mutter "I don't know..." when asked. She'd like to say yes but she just isn't sure.
-Later when she's sitting at home she remembers the question and decides to find out the real answer.
-"S/O can you come here I want to ask you something!". You come over and see Tsubaki sitting on the couch with a serious expression. "Sit down." she says calmly tapping the space next to her.
-"I AM SO FUCKED" is the only thought going through your head as you start to panic and try to think about what's going to happen. Did you do something wrong? Does she want to break up? Did something else happen? You don't know.
-You sit down looking straight at her waiting for whatever horrible thing is going to happen next. She asks "Would you still love me if I were a worm?" with a tone in her voice that makes it sound like she's about to cry.
-You can't do it. You manage to supress a laugh but it's clear that you're trying not to laugh. She looks down with a frown. Before she can say anything you bust out laughing saying "Of course I'd still love you dummy!". She looks at you with a look of genuine surprise.
-You ask her if that was why she was so serious and she can't help but start blushing and apologizing. With a kiss on the cheek you tell her that she shouldn't worry about stupid things like that and go back to whatever you were doing.
-Alone again Tsubaki places a hand on the cheek you just kissed and starts blushing even harder thinking about how happy she is to have someone like you.
Author's note: I remember seeing a guy respond to this question by saying he'd cut his gf in half until he has enough worms to make a fleshlight and I always think about doing that but making a hunter from Halo. Also the Noel section can serve as a prequel to @nkn0va's pregnancy ask.
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nkn0va · 2 months
If it's ok with you could do a some headcannons of Tsubaki, Noel, and Makoto with a M!Reader that has acess to the Persona Izanagi-No-Okami
It's my personal favorite persona
Blazblue story would've looked mad different if there was a dude that could just whip out the Myriad Truths against Izanami and Terumi
For convenience sake, InO is going to be the result of S/O having a Drive to keep in line with lore.
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-You were...on the average side when it came to combat back at Torifune. Your Ars Magus aptitude and physical prowess weren't by any means bad but nothing spectacular. This was however, until you awakened to a Drive by growing a connection with the Azure.
-You got the chance to show this off for the first time proper during the battle against Azrael. You had to hold him off while Professor Kokonoe was making the preparations to teleport him somewhere far away where he could never return from, and Ragna was not looking too good since Celica was disabling him pretty hard.
-That was when you finally revealed Izanagi No Okami for the first time. A move which predictably fired up Azrael quite a bit.
-Tsubaki for her part wasn't watching what was happening, that is until she sensed a vast power coming from the arena. Even she couldn't ignore that.
-Looking inside, she saw you of all people battling Azrael, a huge figure in pure white robes at your back. Like everyone else she's stunned. Despite knowing you for as long as she has, you'd never revealed you could do anything like that, let alone being powerful enough to fight the Mad Dog.
-The rescue mission happened to break her free from the Imperator's curse and the first thing she did when she finally got alone time with you was ask what you did against Azrael.
-As she hears the explanation, she can't help but feel safe, for what feels like the first time in years. You'd broken her free of the spell and you were even strong enough now to hold off a beast like Azrael. The future she envisioned with you now became even more secure.
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-You've always been there to stand up for Noel, not afraid to throw down with anyone should you need to, no matter who they were. You seemed strangely confident in your combat abilities, no matter who you were staring down.
-Noel wished she could be as fearless as you, be able to stare down anyone in the eye with complete confidence. It was a huge reason she fell for you to begin with. She wanted to learn a thing or two from you on confidence.
-It was a while before she learned the 'why'. During the Ikaruga Civil War the two of you were deployed to intercept Sector Seven agents trying to do...something, it wasn't made clear what they were after.
-The two of you were ambushed, outnumbered and outgunned. That was until you revealed the power of your Drive for the first time. A manifestation of the creator god Izanagi himself, effortlessly wiping out the entire ambush force.
-Noel was only snapped out of her star struck state when you snapped her out of it and got moving again. Her admiration for you only increased tenfold that day, wishing she could do even half the things you could.
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-Similar to Noel, you also readily stand up for Makoto when she's facing racially motivated bullying. Even if it was someone from the Duodecim itself you were prepared to stand up for your girlfriend.
-The fact you could so easily match Makoto's vigor and energy was a huge reason she fell for you. Whatever shenanigans she got up to, you were ready to meet the challenge.
-You went with her when she went off to look for Tsubaki after she'd gone missing and was under the Imperator's control. No matter how much you two tried to reach out to her, it was useless.
-She was also much stronger than before, Makoto wasn't ready for the Izayoi's power. You however, certainly were.
-You obviously kept Izanagi-no-Okami from going all out, you didn't want to kill Tsubaki, but the difference in your strength was more than obvious, and she was forced to retreat.
-Makoto is in complete shock, not knowing how to react. She'd never seen anything like it before, causing her to start bombarding you with questions the moment she finds her voice again.
-Seeing you kick ass like that made her so proud to have you as her s/o. If you could hold off Tsubaki like that so effortlessly you could probably even fight Azrael in the tournament coming up soon.
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your-phantomfield · 7 months
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I .. II .. III circa 2198 for @nkn0va
Dating Noel Vermillion...
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Noel has been a romantic all of her life- at least, all of it that she can remember.  Her poetry books are filled with references to the butterflies of gentle hand-holding, the warmth of a long walk or a sunset watched together, the feeling of finding a lost part of yourself in way your soulmate says your name.
This sappy, lovestruck side of herself is something she’s a little afraid to show you right away- afraid you’ll laugh at her, afraid it'll gross you out or scare you away.  But it’s so integral to who she is, it will color your relationship from day one.
You’ll catch her looking at you all the time with this expression of absolute awe.  It's one of the rare times she doesn't even look nervous!
Until she realizes you’ve caught her doing it.  Then she absolutely panics, stuttering in her rush to apologize or think of an excuse.
She gets lost in thought, admiring the shape of your hands as you work with something or the melody of your voice and how it's always so comforting to her.
What draws her in most are your eyes. It’s probably one of the most obvious ways you can tell she’s falling for you. Noel struggles with eye contact in general, and early on she does try to avoid your gaze just as much as anyone else- but when you do make eye contact, she’s mesmerized. She can’t look away. Noel is someone who believes you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes, and yours draw her in like nothing else.
Once the two of you are at a comfortable point in your relationship, she tends to hold eye contact with you a lot. She smiles, clearly happy to see you- sometimes giggling a bit- and then eases into this warm, loving expression as she forgets whatever you were talking about and takes a moment to just soak it all in. Her feelings for you. The feelings your presence gives her.
It’s a sanctuary for her. Your name itself is a synonym for peace.
Which is probably a theme of one of the hundreds of poems she’s written about you.
Noel has been writing poetry about you since she first started falling for you.  If you ever found out about the tens of dozens of poems she wrote for you before you even started dating, she’d probably drop dead on the spot.
After you started dating (and after another dozen poems gobbled up her notebook) she bought a special notebook specifically for writing about you and your relationship.  She probably splurged for fancy tinted paper, with a cute pattern and a color that reminds her of you.  It’s carefully organized, neatly decorated with stickers and some small doodles.  It would be a really cute anniversary gift for her to give you one day, but just like before, she’d never have the heart to actually let you see it.
There are a few things she writes that she does share with you, though. On rare, incredibly rare, occasion, like a special birthday or your first anniversary, she may decide to give you a poem.
She pours her heart and soul into draft after draft, looking over each one to make sure it’s absolutely perfect… then collapses into tears at the thought of you actually reading it. Back to the drawing board.
She just can’t force herself to give you her work, no matter how hard she tries. The compromise she makes with herself is to send it to you anonymously. She doesn’t sign it, but the way it shows up on your door, windowsill, or desk on the day of your anniversary gives you a pretty big hint that it’s from her.
It appears alongside pressed flowers from her hometown, smelling of a perfume you might be able to recognize that she’s worn on a few of your dates when she really wanted to impress you.
Noel of course adamantly denies any involvement. She insists that she’s never ever ever ever seen that handwriting before, and that it couldn’t POSSIBLY be from her because her anniversary gift to you is this wonderful picnic she made for you!  So she’d never send you a letter!  L-l-let alone a l-lo-love p-p- ohhh, just stop asking!  Just drop it!!!  Please!
You’re pretty familiar with her handwriting when you’re dating her. She may be scared to death at the thought of you seeing her poetry, but she writes letters to you often. This is partially brought on by her romantic nature and her love of all things literary.
You could be living in the same apartment together and she’d still leave you a letter every other week, left on your pillow or in your lunch bag or in the pocket of your coat. It’s something she likes to do when you’ve had a bad day or if you won’t be getting home at the same time.
Her personal preferences aren’t the only reason she ends up writing you so much, though. Chances are the two of you aren’t living together. At this point in her life, her work has to be her number one priority.
She’s a member of the NOL, an elite member of their fighting force no less, and serving directly under the Major Kisaragi. The intensity of her job and the ruthlessness of her superior(s) mean she isn’t exactly swimming in free time. She’s too afraid to even try to ask Jin for days off, positive he would shatter her hopes and somehow find a way to punish you, too, whether or not you’re in the NOL yourself.
If you manage to find yourself serving as a member of the 4th Thaurmaturgist Squadron alongside her, you'll be able to spend more time together. She'd likely end up your commanding officer, considering her rank and her time in the academy at Torifune, but she's a lenient commander in general and there's no way she could be strict with you.
More likely, though, is that Noel and you will not be serving in the same unit, even if you are a member of the NOL. If you're able to live in the same Hierarchical city, she'll make time for you on all her days off, and maybe you'd have a chance to move in together.
Though her work still drags her away sometimes. This is what leads her to write you so much. She could call you- and she does- but her favorite way to stay in touch with you will always be a heartfelt letter. She tends to get nervous on the phone.
Though somehow that's rarely a problem when talking to you… Actually, she finds herself unable to stop talking when the two of you are on the phone! She'll sit down to call you while she's having dinner and planning to get ready for bed soon, and if you don't keep a careful eye on the clock and stop her, it'll be one in the morning and she'll be falling asleep on call. It's pretty cute, but she really does need to be up in morning, and she has a hard enough time getting out of bed as is!
Just how much she has to prioritize her work over you is a huge source of guilt for her. It almost crushes her some days.
Maybe one day, she’ll have the courage to tell you why- about the situation her parents are in, about her adoption, about how important it is that she repay them in this way. They saved her. They loved her when she had nothing. They have to be her top priority right now; which means the NOL has to be her top priority right now. Even over you. It absolutely breaks her heart.
Because of this debt she feels she has to her family, she never intended to live for herself.  Like I said at the start, Noel has always been a romantic, in love with love.  But she never thought she’d find love for herself.  She views herself as plain at best, annoying to many, and unable to offer much, if anything, to anyone.  Yet somehow… you chose her?
She'll never understand why. Every day she's with you, she sees you as more and more incredible. Her low confidence leads her to idolize the people she loves.
She feels she couldn't possibly deserve all the patience you offer her. She's so busy with her job, she can't promise you a future, she can't buy you the kinds of things you deserve, she knows there are prettier and smarter women you could be with.
Yet you stay with her. Through all her failures.
She'll never have the words- and I don't have the words- to express how grateful she is for the way you love her.
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Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
A little idea that popped in my head while thinking on another ask.
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Noel nervously fidgeted as the train rattled along the tracks.
“Take a breath Second Lieutenant Vermillion.” you muttered as you flipped through the magazine that was on the table.
“But… First Lieutenant-” Noel began to speak before she was cut off.
“There are fifty N.O.L. Operatives on this train, none of which are below the rank of Sergeant. Of those fifty, five are first lieutenants, Yayoi and myself included, ten are second lieutenants like yourself, and there is also Major Kisaragi on board as well. The likelihood of them even getting this far is slim, getting past us is even slimmer, and even if they do manage that they’ll have the Major to contend with.” you stated before setting the magazine on the table and reaching down for the glass of water on the table.
“In other words, enjoy the free first class ride.” you stated before taking a sip out of your glass and looking out the window.
Said window was promptly smashed through by a Ninja Of Ikaruga.
“Not. A. Word. Vermillion.” you told the blonde who had thrown her arms in front of her face to protect herself whilst you glared at the shards of glass that was now in your water.
You then stood up and faced the Ninja as you poured the water out of your glass and onto the floor.
You tossed the glass to the Ninja who easily caught it and looked at the glass in confusion.
Using his distraction to your advantage, you spun around and kicked the glass out of his hand with the heel of your foot and into his face, shattering it and blinding him in one fell swoop.
“I CAN’T SEE!!!” The Ninja shouted before you grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed his head into one of the tables and grabbed an ashtray with your other hand.
Next, you pulled him upright and then smashed him across the face with the ashtray, shattering it before grabbing him by the collar and swinging him around, tossing him out of the window he came in from and into a tree that caused a sickening crunch to ring out before both him and the tree disappeared in a blur.
Then, the rest of the windows on the train car shattered, Ninja’s coming in through each one.
“Sigh and I was hoping to have a nice relaxing trip with my crush.” you thought to yourself as you grabbed a glass bottle from off one of the tables and approached the Ninja’s whilst Noel began to scramble to her feet, Bolverk already in her hands.
“Right then Vermillion, I’ll handle the ones in front of me. You handle the ones behind me.” you told Noel as you walked forwards, and past her.
“Loud and clear, First Lieutenant.” Noel responded as she walked forwards and past you.
You approached the group of Ninja’s, tossing the glass into the air and catching it by the spout, holding it like a club as the sharp retort of gunfire sounded through the carriage.
“So, who’s first?” you asked with a grin.
In an instant, the first one was upon you, his knife ready to cut into you.
You stepped past the knife, smashing the bottle over his head, disorienting him before you grabbed him by the head, pulled him into the air and then slammed him down, causing the wooden floor to snap and buckle from the force. You then picked him up by the collar and threw him back into the group.
“Next.” was all you said as you began to walk forward.
This time, two of their numbers came at you.
Like the first, they were dealt with quickly.
The second had several of his tendons cut by a broken glass bottle, his head slammed through a table, cracking his skull and breaking his nose, occipital bone, jaw, and several teeth.
The third had his jaw shattered, ribs cracked, and knee kicked in before being thrown into the wall of the train.
You continued forward, undeterred,
The fourth rushed in with the fifth, sixth, and seventh.
The fourth had his forearm snapped like a twig followed by an elbow to the temple.
The fifth was sent into the sixth with a kick to the chest followed by a left hook across the face, a right hook, a left, and then being grabbed by the head with both hands and having your knee slammed into his face before being tossed to the side.
Next the sixth who was still off balance from having the fifth kicked into him.
You capitalized on this by grabbing him by the collar and hitting him with a powerful strike to the face, sending him back from the force before you pulled him back towards yourself and punched him again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Finally, you sent him flying with one last blow, leaving only the seventh standing, sword in hand.
He looked to be the leader.
He pointed the blade at you, ready to attack, only looking for an opening.
You continued to move towards him.
He continued to move back.
Then, with a flash of seither and in the blink of an eye, you had him by the throat. His sword arm broken, ribs shattered, leg destroyed, and jaw fractured in half a dozen different places.
You then unceremoniously dropped him on the ground as Noel fired her last shot, subduing the enemy in this car.
“Now then, back to enjoying the ride.” You declared as you turned on your heel to return to your seat.
“But First Lieutenant-” Noel began to exclaim before the temperature dropped to frigid levels and light began to explode out of the car behind the one you were in.
“Trust me, Major Kisaragi and First Lieutenant Yayoi have it covered.” you answered the question Noel was unable to finish as you sat down before gesturing to the seat across from you while you swiped the glass off the table and into the floor.
Noel sat down in her seat, clearly not quite used to all of this.
“Now then, seeing as your time in first class was ruined, how about the next time you are off I’ll take you on a First Class ride, free of charge?” You offered with a smile as you picked the magazine back up.
“…First Lieutenant, are you asking me out?” Noel asked, confused.
“Why of course. I happen to find you quite interesting Miss Vermillion.” you answered without a hint of embarrassment in your voice and a slight grin on your face.
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nkn0va · 11 days
Blazeblue request: During their time being mind controlled, Noel and Tsubaki's M!S/O's are charged with distracting them. To keep their focus on them, the S/O's saying anything they know would piss of thier girlfriend, even while undersomeone's control.
For Noel specifically it will be a hypothetical AU where she and Tsubaki switch places in the story so that she's under the Mind Eater instead. Don't know if that's exactly what you want but you're getting it anyway.
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-Noel was certainly not to be trifled with, as a few people, including Jin, found out the hard way. It was your job to distract and weaken her as you knew her better than anyone else.
-Unfortunately for you, the Imperator's hold was stronger than expected. She showed zero hesitation or restraint. It was becoming increasingly clear that if she got the better of you, you would die right there.
You unfortunately didn't have a Nox Nyctores so you were decently outclassed, you had to find a way to distract her, some way to mess her up and throw her off her game even through mind control.
-"Hey, Noel! At least before you kill me, there's one last confession I gotta make..."
"...I'm gonna be honest, I lowkey thought you were a guy when we first met. You really got nothing under there, you know?"
-Cue Noel going into a rage. It exhausted her enough to complete the mission and eventually break her out of the Mind Eater as planned. And as expected you had to do a lot of comforting her afterward and reassuring her you found her perfectly attractive as she was so that she didn't break down into tears.
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-Tsubaki had been lured into the barrier, just as planned. Now it was your time to carry it out. You needed to get in there after Noel had helped awaken Izayoi's true form and attempt to snap her out of it.
-She was already quite tough as is, but now having awakened the Zero Type Izayoi, she was on another level. You needed to do something to throw her off or you were screwed. The Imperator seemed to have the same idea, projecting her consciousness over Tsubaki's and taunting you every now and then.
-That would be pretty hard. You didn't really know what would flat out make Tsubaki mad, she was never that kind of person. However eventually you came up with the perfect thing to do so.
-It was simple, really. All you had to do was shit talk the NOL and give some 'frank opinions' on it and the Imperator. She never tolerated that even before the Mind Eater. Doing it more and more slowly whittled away at her temper and made her more and more pissed.
-She didn't go into a blind rage, however it was much easier to wear her down. With that you could finally appeal to what was left of her humanity and break her out of the spell. You two could finally make up and forgive each other for everything that had happened.
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nkn0va · 5 months
Request(Blazblue): On the day of their birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, and Mai's S/O's back them their favorite dishes (Mai's S/O even asking Noel to help them cook for her).
I am so sorry if this gets repetitive, that's kinda how it goes sometimes for 4 character requests. Probably gonna be a bit shorter than usual.
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-It doesn't take much to figure out what kind of food Makoto likes. Not only does her heritage make it pretty obvious but she's also quite the foodie in general.
-She doesn't have any particular favorite food but she is a big sweets gal, and of course being a squirrel, nuts are a personal favorite of hers. There are plenty of dishes out there that meet both those criteria, you have options.
-Eventually the idea you decided on was a chestnut parfait. Sweet, easy to make, had nuts, and had fruits to make it at least somewhat healthy. The perfect plan.
-When lunch eventually rolls around you head up to Makoto and present it to her while wishing her a happy birthday. Her mouth almost starts to water right then and there.
-She scarfs it down at record speeds that are frankly a bit concerning. She certainly enjoyed it though judging by her smile and the way her tail couldn't seem to stop wagging.
-As soon as she's done her arms wrap around you immediately in an enthusiastic showing of thanks. She's absolutely going to ask you for more in the future.
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-Noel's not too much of a foodie, she absolutely prefers to cook instead of eat, much to everyone's dismay.
-However her birthday happens to fall on Christmas, so you have as good of an excuse as any to make something for her. A traditional Christmas dish could fulfill your needs well.
-You spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, making a nice, full meal for the both of you to enjoy. You figured it'd be a nice thing to do for both of you since work in the NOL has left you both unfortunately unable to go home for Christmas.
-Mercifully, your workload is at least greatly lightened for the day if not outright eliminated entirely. As soon as you're done with what little you have to do and evening comes you invite Noel over to your place, not telling her the reason.
-The first thing Noel is met with is a table filled with steaming hot food, leaving her unable to hold back her shock that you'd go so far for her.
-She doesn't know whether to kiss you or dig right in, however her nervousness gets the best of her and she opts to go for the food, which is by no means a bad choice. The effort and love you put into it really shines through.
-Mission success. Now all that's left is to pray to whatever God will listen that she doesn't get the urge to return the favor...
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-Tsubaki is a sucker for chocolate, as much as she tries not to let it get to her. It gets to the point that Jin of all people worries about her in this regard.
-Her birthday just so happens to coincidentally fall on White Day, so you'd likely already be getting her chocolate anyway. The problem is having both occasions on the same day sorta ups the pressure on your part to perform.
-You eventually decided the best way to fill the criteria for both was via chocolate cake. You didn't want just some simple, easy cake from a box anyone could make, you knew she deserved better.
-Then you had an epiphany. You could indeed churn out something worthy of such a lovely lady. After spending a good amount of time in the kitchen you end up with a chocolate cake sweetened with condensed milk along topped with caramel and whipped cream. Surely this would pay off.
-Tsubaki's eyes light up as soon as she sees the fruits of your hard labor, even more so once she takes the first bite. She is practically in heaven. It felt like she was falling for you all over again.
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(Can't believe it took this long to finally write for Mai. Though I'm writing this last minute on late night April 21st so what can you do lmao)
-It's rather tough for you to pin down what sort of food Mai would like considering her...complicated relationship with food.
-Whatever you do see her eat, it's completely mangled beyond recognition by whatever the hell Noel does whenever she cooks. You don't know, and frankly you don't think you want to.
-However this is going to turn out to be a nice boon for a change. Not being able to cook for Mai was a serious point of grief for you due to her supertaste, but with Noel around you can finally do so. She immediately agrees to the plan.
-After some discussion about what she typically makes for Mai and what she seems to like best, you two decide on a seafood pilaf. You'd make the base since you wanted to contribute at least something to the dish, and let Noel take it from there.
-Frankly it's a bit scary, leaving her with a perfectly normal dish and then getting it back looking like a weapon of mass destruction. This weapon of mass destruction though was all Mai could eat so you really can't complain. (Not complaining about Noel's cooking...what the hell have you come to...?)
-Mai's grin is practically ear to ear as she eagerly eats everything down, especially once she hears that both you and Noel worked on the dish. As far as she's concerned this is the best damn thing she's ever eaten, thanking you both with a big smile and hug. Being able to eat after what happened is always a treat.
-You still have no idea what Noel does to any food she touches to make it end up the way it does, but perhaps it's one of those mysteries that's just best left unsolved.
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nkn0va · 4 months
After reading that one izanami post i was wondering if you could do other bb girls reacting to an unplanned pregnancy? Possibly noel kokonoe and tsubaki?
And this request takes the title of taking the longest to write due to various unfortunate circumstances...
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-Chances are the...act that lead up to such a thing happened because you couldn't help but notice her severe lack of self confidence, especially in her body. One thing lead to another and it ended up happening as a more direct way of assuring her that you did indeed find her attractive.
-However in the heat of the moment neither of you remembered the potential consequences, nor the protection for such consequences. The two of you had to find out the hard way. As soon as the test comes back positive Noel especially is just stunned, not knowing what on Earth to be thinking right now.
-Truthfully, she'd always wanted to be a mother deep down and do for a child what her parents did for her when she had nothing, but at the same time now that it's actually about to happen she's probably having a breakdown.
-She has no idea what to do with a child when it eventually comes, she's far too busy with her job in the NOL. And god forbid Major Kisaragi finds out the reason she suddenly has to go on leave.
-At least you have the excuse to finally not have to worry every day about needing to eat Noel's cooking or deflect it as believably as possible and get her to rest. You can finally take the reigns for once in that department.
-The news is received to...mixed responses. Makoto is thrilled, already getting ideas of being the 'fun aunt'. Mai's somewhat in the same boat but also slightly worried for you two. Tsubaki has some very choice words for you. If she wasn't already close friends with you she would've probably landed you in the ICU, best case scenario. After she gets over her initial shock and rage she can finally calm down and take the situation for what it is. She's not a fan of abortion so this is something everyone has to deal with now.
-As excited as Noel is about the prospect of a child, she's also extremely nervous. She doesn't want to mess this up. It only gets worse the closer to birth she gets, you're gonna need to spend a lot of time reassuring her.
-When the time does finally come and she hears her child's first cries, holding them in her arms, she very quickly breaks down into tears, and in that moment she knows she wants to be a mom.
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-Kokonoe doesn't really pay attention to...those particular base urges of hers. At least she didn't until you started dating. That's when she finally started having those intrusive thoughts.
-Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing, but this is Kokonoe we're talking about. She shows absolutely zero restraint in those intrusive thoughts 90 percent of the time so you were pretty much doomed from the start. Or blessed, depending on your perception.
-Shortly after your night together she starts getting sick in a way she never had before, none of it made any sense to her. It was only when started running checks on herself she realized what happened.
-Well this is just fucking great.
-This was seriously the last thing she needed right now. She was caught up in trying to contain Azrael all the while dealing with the Civil War. She didn't need a damn child on top of that. As much as she wants to just abort and get it done with, she just...can't seem to muster up the will to do it, and that's still without you expressing your want to raise a kid with her. She soon begrudgingly resigns to her fate and lets it happen.
-If you think her chocolate addiction is bad normally, you haven't seen shit yet. She is going through the stuff by the bucket while pregnant when she has her way. If you're smart about it though you can leverage this fact and bribe her to eat normal, healthy food for both her and the baby's sake.
-The actual pregnancy itself doesn't really affect much outside of that. She almost never went out anyway and she has non-in-person ways of ordering people around so they're left in the dark about it.
-She is cursing you and squeezing your hand in active malice during the birthing process. Given her beastkin strength, you've got several bones in there cracked now. At least Sector Seven's medical care is top notch so you recover in record time.
-You're gonna have to take primary care of the kid, Kokonoe is already busy enough as is dealing with all the shit she has to deal with. That doesn't mean she doesn't want to, though.
-Deep down, she does wanna care for the kid, she knows what it's like to not have parents in her life and she doesn't want her own child to have to endure that. Out of care but also out of spite to be a better parent than Jubei was. She has no idea what she's doing and she acts like she isn't trying but she really is doing her best despite her complete and utter lack of experience. She just hides it behind the the apathetic, impatient mask. When no one's watching she's researching every childcare related topic she can so that she can give them a better life than she had, but she'll never let you know.
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-The chances of such a prim, proper, chaste girl like Tsubaki getting pregnant by accident is very slim. The only real way this is happening is if you're already married to her and she gets curious about the act. She'd never even heard of it until embarrassingly late in life and it was only when she entered the military academy and overheard fellow classmates talking about it.
-However as smart as she is, she forgot about the concept of protection in the heat of the moment. An uncharacteristic mistake on her part which she soon found out the hard way, causing her brain to basically shut off as she stares down at the test.
-On one hand this was always what she's wanted. To settle down, marry, and start a family. She was looking forward to it ever since she fell for you. On the other hand, the weight of what that really was finally started to set in now that it was about to happen. Being wholly responsible for the health and wellbeing of an entire person that depended on her for basic survival was now starting to really mean something for her. You're gonna have to snap her out of this and reassure her that everything will be fine as long as you two tackle it as a team.
-Similarly to Kokonoe, her love for chocolate only grows more pronounced during pregnancy, though she does at least realize she can't live off it. She's much more mature about it. She'll try to hold back most of the time, though try is sometimes the keyword. It's pretty cute in all honesty.
-All her friends soon inevitably find out and most of them are thrilled. Jin much less so, but it's Jin. He still wishes you well, though not without threats of freezing you to a popsicle if you screw this up. You already got that when you married Tsubaki though, so no big deal mostly.
-The moment you confirm the baby's gender she immediately starts the name brainstorming, her excitement is infectious. She definitely steers towards more traditional names in her preferences, mostly Japanese but a foreign name can definitely catch her interest if it's meaning really speaks to her values.
-Tsubaki is basically the model mother every mom wishes to be. She's devoted, understanding, caring, and has an endless amount of love to give. She can finally give all that love to an offspring like she's always wanted, and she'll make sure her child is never lonely like she was growing up.
-Of course though, part of that includes the child having siblings...she'll go as far as you want to with that. At least one more, but other than that she has no particular preferences herself. The more the better in her opinion but she does also want to respect your wishes since you might not be as excited as her. If you somehow are she only falls even more in love.
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nkn0va · 6 months
We really need more short girls wearing tall boyfriends clothes so I'd like to request that for Noel, Kokonoe and Linne.
I agree, Anon. Let these girls be comfy.
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-Noel was sent out to carry out a mission in Akitsu. It was just recon but the lack of functioning weather control systems made it a living nightmare to be there for an extended period of time.
-She unfortunately doesn't do all that well with the cold, and some snow falling off a rooftop happened to land on her, dousing her in water from the melted snow and only made it even worse, even after getting off the airship to take her out of the city.
-She used the spare key to your place you'd given her to invite herself into your abode, though upon entering you didn't seem to be home. This left her free reign to do whatever she wanted for the time being.
-She'd probably been in your room on a few occasions by this point, but this was her first time having done so alone. She wandered into your closet and soon found a hoodie, freshly washed by the looks of it that seemed to almost call out to her.
-Now Noel's pretty short, only 5'1, the hoodie is pretty freaking baggy, enough to go down to her thighs. This only makes it better for her though, it's dry, warm, and comfy. It makes her feel safe, just like being in your arms.
-As she's caught up in thinking about you while wearing your hoodie she fails to hear the front door opening as you come back from grocery shopping. You see Noel's boots at the door so she seemed to have dropped by while you weren't around.
-She's only snapped out of it as you open the door to your room and see her standing there in your hoodie, causing her to yelp and stutter and stammer endlessly, not knowing what to do.
-You catching her in the act like this has her face turning as red as Tsubaki's hair as she trips over her words, desperately trying to apologize or come up with an excuse for this. She feels like dying from embarrassment right now.
-You'd have to truly be a different breed of monster to be mad when she's this god damn adorable right now. You two spend the rest of the day in bed together as you dote on and coddle her.
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-Unlike Noel, it's going to be much harder, if not outright impossible, to catch Kokonoe lacking and find her wearing your clothes.
-Chances are though, it was by accident. She wakes up a lot earlier than you do and needs to head to work. As per usual she grabs enough clothes to last being in the lab for a while, at least a few days.
-However once she gets there she notices something is off. Apparently you'd accidentally put in your white jacket in with the rest of hers, and in her rush and half-sleepy state she didn't notice in the moment.
-So for a work day, Kokonoe has to wear said jacket eventually. She isn't letting anyone in the lab that whole day, and deflects any questions about it. No one really tries to push it though, having come to expect that from the mad genius.
-She's especially not letting anyone see it considering how big it is on her, making it obvious that it belongs to someone else. She's only 5'1 due to her being a shut-in neet and not going the fuck outside so it doesn't exactly fit like a glove.
-Kokonoe does take extra care of it though, being mindful to not accidentally spill her coffee on it. Partly so that she doesn't get something that's not hers ruined and partly so that you don't find out.
-You do however find out anyway upon not being able to find that specific jacket after you woke up in the morning, searching both your wardrobe and hers at home. The mental image of your grumpy girlfriend wearing an oversized jacket as she works gives you a good chuckle, but you know not to push her on the matter, it would only piss her off.
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-Linne doesn't wear the most clothing in the world, and wearing just shorts while going into the Hollow Night in the middle of December quickly proved to not be the best idea she's ever had in her long lifetime.
-Cold and shivering, she eventually drops by your place, sneaking in through the window in an attempt to find some way to warm up.
-You're currently asleep, mostly on Linne's orders for you to not go into the Night this time for whatever reason. You learned by now it was best not to question her on her thought process.
-She heads over to your closet and ever so carefully and quietly opens the door having the idea to borrow one of your hoodies.
-Linne, currently being in the body that she is, is a mere 4'7, meaning your hoodie might as well be a full fledged robe to her. It's a bit unwieldy, but it got the job done in warming her up.
-Seeing nothing else to do, she quickly hops into your bed under the covers with you to further retreat from the cold. She was too tired to care about Wald worrying here she's been, she can worry about that later.
-She's quick to wake up before you despite having fallen asleep way later and puts your hoodie back before you can realize she ever did anything. She's able to put on the act pretty well that she just spent the night with Wald after doing whatever she needed to do.
-Good thing for her, too. If you ever found out what she did she'd turn into a hot, embarrassed mess. That's one good thing of having lived for so long, she knows how to cover her tracks.
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uponawhitehorse13 · 1 month
Noel Vermillion SFW alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She loves it but doesn't really know how to initiate it.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most of the time she'd be just quietly hanging around you not even saying anything.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves it but can't initiate. She will get as close as she can to you without touching you and wait for you to wrap an arm around her. The she will nuzzle almost uncomfortably close.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Other than the obvious not letting her cook she's actually decent at other duties around the house.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I feel like even if she was in an abusive relationship her low confidence would lead to her being unable to break up without some convincing from her friends.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She'd die if you proposed to her.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Decently gentle but will playfully hit you for flustering her.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Similarly to cuddles she can't initiate. She'd just stare at you hugging herself until you asked her if she wants a hug to which she would silently nod.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She can't do it. Always stumbling over the words, stuttering or saying something else instead. Help her please.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It always stems from her lack of confidence and she is easily talked out of it through praise.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
This is a strange situation where she also doesn't know how to initiate but if you do end up kissing she doesn't really know when to pull away and you will have to pry her off you unless you enjoy suffocation.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
She'd be very nervous about being around children but she actually thrives in that kind of non judgemental environment.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
She always wants to stay in bed and cuddle which is probably for the best. You don't really want her surprising you with breakfast.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Before bed she's always scribbling something in a notebook while sitting in an uncomfortable position just to prevent you from seeing what she's writing.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
You'd have to get her really comfortabe if you want her to start opening up.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She can put up with a lot and I do mean A LOT.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She'd always remember things at the last second and apologize a lot.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The confession. No matter who confessed she was so nervous it'll stay with her for better or worse.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Honestly wants to protect you but always ends up being the one protected.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She'd always rope her friends into helping her do something for you but it always ends in shenanigans.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Other than the cooking the unrealistic standard she holds herself to can actually get annoying.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very bad self image. Help her please.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
There is actually a way to make her "safe" in the kitchen and that is to put her in charge of decoration. She will obsess about things like strawberry size and shape or spend all the time practicing how to pour sauce or decorate with whipped cream that she'll conpletely forget she isn't actually doing any cooking.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If her friends don't like you she'd be a lot more cautious about starting a relationship with you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
I feel like she has way too many plushies. Like the tower will collapse upon you and you will be buried alive.
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nkn0va · 7 months
Hi i'd like to request some flustered noel vermillion please.
Precious embarrassed bean, must protect.
Noel Vermillion
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-To be honest, it probably doesn't take much to fluster Noel. You're most definitely the poor girl's first relationship, she has no idea what to do.
-A kiss on the cheek, a headpat, holding her hand, just about any form of physical affection you initiate first will likely do the job. And don't even get me started on if you do it in public.
-Makoto teasing her on that matter much to Tsubaki's (<3) dismay only makes it worse. If steam could literally come out of a person's ears, it'd probably be coming out of Noel's if her friends ever see you show her affection.
-Even if it's in private, show her enough affection and her brain just kinda...shuts down. Her head goes empty for a little bit before she fully processes what just happened. She'll eventually hug you and bury her face into your body to hide the beet red blush on it and faintly mutter at you to please stop.
-It's pretty obvious she doesn't mean it though, deep down she loves it. It makes her feel all warm and tingly inside, she feels safe and loved. Eventually she'll stop protesting and lets it happen.
-It's as amusing as it is heart-stoppingly adorable.
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uponawhitehorse13 · 1 month
☻☺︎☻ By the way welcome aboard of being a writer, we hope you have a unpleasant day. Like your writing and make sure to take care! ☺︎☻☺︎
Request: Noel Vermillion with S/O she failed to protect when enemy projectile fired upon them instead of her, S/O get sent flying with brain damage then get amnesia in hospital.
Noel's S/O getting amnesia after she failed to protect them
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-First of all she’s going to feel really horrible about failing to protect you. She’s carrying you to get help as soon as she can. She can barely explain what even happened to the doctors through the tears and hyperventilating.
-She’s staying at the hospital as long as it takes for you to wake up. Sitting all day by your side. Sometimes her friends visit and try to get her to at least sleep in a normal bed but she refuses. The guilt of failing to protect you will simply not let her rest.
-When you finally wake up she’s hugging you impossibly hard and crying. Immediately talking about how worried she was and how sorry she is she wasn’t able to protect you. When you ask her who she is she starts sobbing and hitting you saying it’s not funny to mess with her. However when she realizes the question is genuine she just runs away crying.
-She ends up locking herself up in her room. Not letting even her friends in. While you’re still in the hospital her friends visit and explain things. You feel pretty bad for her so you decide to visit her after they let you out. You find her alone in her room surrounded by a huge mess, her eyes puffy from crying. You do your best to comfort her and ask her if she’d be down to help you try and regain your memories. As soon as you say that you can see her eyes light up with hope.
-The next few days are filled with shenanigans. Noel taking you to places you guys had dates at to try and awaken some memories. Her friends also trying to help. You learning not to eat Noel’s cooking the hard way. Even though you don’t remember her in the worst case scenario you’ll fall for her again.
-Until finally one day you two are walking past some construction when one of the workers yells for you to watch out. In the blink of an eye Noel tackles you to the ground to dodge the falling object. However you end up hitting your head (again).
-As you look up at Noel on your chest you mutter that you remember. “Huh, what did you remem–?!”. You interrupt her with a kiss. Of course she starts crying and hitting you talking about how worried she was but all you can do is sit there and smile. Guess you won’t need to fall for her twice after all.
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nkn0va · 5 months
noel accidentally forgetting her s/os birthday and trying to do something last second
The poor, sad sap.
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-A strange feeling had been weighing on Noel's mind for a while now. The feeling you get when you're forgetting something important but can't figure out what it is.
-She'd been trying to find something to help her relieve this feeling, and it came in the form of official documents.
-She'd been doing paperwork and came across personal info for a few NOL officers, including you. Taking a peek at your birthday, it appeared to be coming up this Friday.
-Oh no...
-It was Wednesday...
-Noel feels like having a panic attack on the spot upon the realization that she'd completely forgotten her own S/O's birthday up until now. It's...a while until she can breathe normally again.
-Her first instinct is to immediately go to Tsubaki and Makoto for help, there was no way she could do this on her own. Hopefully they can give some helpful advice.
-Makoto's first instinct upon learning that your birthday is nearly here is to go balls to the wall with a huge ass birthday party. Tsubaki has to bring her back down to Earth since there's not nearly enough time for that and everyone on base is too busy.
-The three spend a while bouncing ideas back and forth. Should she cook for you? Absolutely not unless she wants to murder you, but the others don't tell her that, just saying to put a pin on it for now.
-A ring? No, this is your birthday, not a marriage proposal. Some other nice piece of jewelry? Potentially. Fancy recreational place like a fair or concert that might be happening? Never can go wrong with that.
-Internally, the idea of sharing one of the poems she's written about you comes up, only to be quickly shot down. If you ever read one of her poems with knowledge she wrote it about you and for you, she would overheat of embarrassment.
-Eventually it's decided to be a fancy dinner at a place per Tsubaki's suggestion along with a special gift of a solidly nice necklace with your birthstone.
-Your jaw damn near drops once you show up to the place and you immediately feel guilty for indirectly making Noel feel like she had to go all out like this for your birthday. However she's surprisingly insistent that it's really no problem. How she managed to pull it off you don't know but if she's telling you not to worry in front of a such a nice place you're definitely not complaining.
-It's a good middle ground of being able to eat some nice food Noel provides you with while not instantaneously and haphazardly throwing you onto death's doorstep and praying to whatever God of your choosing that it doesn't answer. The impeccable atmosphere of a balcony view over the city of Naobi is also a very nice bonus.
-After indulging yourself in such fine dining that would give you a heart attack on the spot if Noel had let you see the bill, she takes you over to a park nearby, taking in the fresh, crisp night air on a relaxing stroll. No one there, just you and the lady you felt so unbelievably lucky to call yours.
-And just when you felt you couldn't possibly by more lucky, Noel seemingly out of nowhere pulls out a gorgeous, custom made necklace featuring your birthstone front and center.
-You would've never guessed she'd put such a thing together in merely two days, even if she had some help, and you probably don't ever find out. You let her put the necklace around your neck before being unable to help yourself but bring her into a passionate kiss of pure joy, nearly taking the poor thing's breath away.
-Noel's caught completely off guard, embarrassed, and blushing like mad, but the smile on her face outshines any star you could look up and point to right now.
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All Of My Current Works Pt. 2
Genshin Impact
Seeing How Your Body Works-Furina X Vamp! Reader
Lobotomy Corporation & Library Of Ruina
Limbus Company
Girls Front Line
Honkai Star Rail
Dear, would you be so kind as to help me with this?-Kafka X Reader
Supply Run-Natasha X Reader
Serval, Yukong, Stelle X Fighter Reader
Hard Work-Qingque X Reader
Incorrect HSR X Reader Quotes
Never Fade Away-Firefly X Reader
A Few Seconds Too Late-Himeko, Kafka, and Yukong x Reader
Hypnotize Me!-March 7th X Vamp! Reader
A Friendly Sparring Match-Seele X Reader
Zenless Zone Zero
Kresnik Pt.1: Meeting-Belle X Reader
Kresnik Pt. 2: The Butcher-Belle X Reader
Belle X Mech Pilot Reader
Belle X Reader Who Likes To Be Stylish While Fighting
Reverse 1999
Penny Polendina X Reader Relationship Headcannons
Yang, Weiss, And Nora X Kobeni-Esque Reader
Yang And Nora X Reader After Breaking Your Pelvis
Fatal Illusion-Cinder Fall X Reader
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Shoot The Works-Tier Harribel X Reader
Retsu Unohana And Sui-Feng X Powerful Himbo Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Retsu Unohana X Eternally Sleepy Reader
Isane Kotetsu x Secret Admirer Reader
Rukia Kuchki And Artist Reader
Elisabeth Blantorche And Rangiku Matsumoto Taking Care Of Sick Reader
Chainsaw man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
Cold-Barghest X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-Tamamo No Mae, Nero Claudius, & BB
Death By Snu Snu-Penthesilea, Caenis, Medea, Medusa, And Atalante Alter
Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vamp! Reader
Luvia With A S/O Who Grew Up Poor
Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, And Sumiere With A Reader Who Flips A Coin To Make Decisions
Granblue Fantasy
Beatrix With A Shy Reader Who Can Make Her Blush With Ease
King Of Fighters
Death By Snu Snu-Leona Heidern And Mai Shiranui X Reader
Death By Snu Snu-King, Mai Shiranui, and Chizuru Kagura
King's Reaction To Being Called Hot In Her Suit And Tie
Nina Williams X Reader Who Was Frozen Around The Same Time She Was
A Vampire, A Devil, And Lycoris-Reina X Reader
Guilty Gear
Sleeping With Testament As It Storms
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
Testament Struggling To Find An Engagement Gift For You
Death By Snu Snu-Nine The Phantom and Litchi Faye Ling
Kokonoe And Nine Having A Mother Daughter Rivalry Over You
Enjoy The Ride-Noel Vermillion X Reader
What Spending Time With Them Would Be Like-Nine, Kokonoe, Bullet, Makoto, Noel, Litchi, And Tsubaki X Reader
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
Glad To Be A Problem-Tsubaki X Reader
Kaguya And Eltnum With A Stoic Reader Who Is Easy To Fluster.
Wagner Comforting You After A Nightmare
Wagner X Touch Averse Reader
Alarms-Kokonoe X Reader
Street Fighter
Death By Snu Snu-Karin Kanzuku And Cammy White
Death By Snu Snu-Marisa, A.K.I., And Poison
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Hi-Fi Rush
Peppermint With A Reader Who Tries And Fails To Not Look At Her Ass
Trails Of Cold Steel
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
River City Girls
Revers Death By Snu Snu-Kyoko, Elphelt Valentine, and Yang
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