#noddle burger boy
teartra · 2 years
I think in terms of “child antagonist” The Collector and Noddle Burger Boy are almost similar in terms of personality and both are powerful in their own way. But the way Big Hero 6 Series wrote NBB character sooo damn annoying
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're having a nice day :)
Do you know more about why Leo is supposedly a bad cook? I don't remember a particular scene in the 2003 series of him messing up cooking and in the 2012 series he actually cooks noddles/soup(?) and the mess in the kitchen for breakfast (Shellacne episode) is more due to Raph and Donnie
Just curious where this comes from 🤔
in 2003 there's no particular scene, but Leo is the only one not shown cooking at any point in the show. Mikey's shown cooking eggs, Donnie's shown baking cookies with April and Splinter, and Raph is shown grilling a burger. Leo never cooks anything. In my headcanon it's because he was banned from doing so.
In 2012, Leo does make a big mess when he makes breakfast in the Shellacne episode, which only kinda added on to the 2003 headcanon.
I think it's become a popular headcanon because the thought that Leo, who is often shown as the Golden Boy, is just a horrible awful cook is really funny.
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superdorkcat · 5 years
So now that “Internabout” has confirmed that Trina and Noodle Burger Boy see each other as siblings, I wanna see whether they consider Momakase and Globby as part of their family.
Despite the fact that Globby’s an adult and all, they probably see him as a peer (or at least, more of one than Momakase) due to his goofy nature and how he seems to hang out with Noodle during their off time. However, jury’s still out if he’s considered a cousin, an older brother figure, or some neighbor kid that hangs out at their house a lot. Plus, Obake looks like a tired dad when Globby and Noddle are interacting in “Kentucky Kaiju”.
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Momakase is most likely seen as an aunt due to the fact that she’s easily the most mature of Obake’s little mini-boss squad. Either that or possibly a mother figure as a call-back to Fred suggesting couple names for her and Obake back in “Fan Friction”. Although, being the arrogant, closed-off type, she probably wouldn’t happy about the latter interpretation with her liking the former only a little bit more.
BONUS: Obake doesn’t have any hard feelings against Granville for her part in his accident and he was possibly grateful in his own way, as, if the accident never happened, he’d have stayed Bob Aken and would never have became Obake. And, if he ever told Trina and Noodle about her, maybe they’d have the same outlook and think of her as like their grandma or something. (Granny Granny, anyone?)
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