fairygyms · 7 years
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lil eleanor pagedoll for @nocturnalliy !
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kimmysfandomblog · 7 years
for the ask thing !! what about saimota? O: (i wanted to ask for oumasai too but idk if you liked that one, you can just do the first one if you want)
Thanks for the ask, Alessandra!!! I don’t mind doing both for you :) It’s very lengthy, so under the cut!
From here: https://kimmysfandomblog.tumblr.com/post/167497972565/send-me-a-ship-and-ill-tell-you
Oh man, I love SaiMota
 Anyways, with NDRV3 as it is, we already know none of the popular ships people like can be canon XD So for both of these, it’ll be in a no-killing-game AU!
Who said “I love you” first: Maybe this will surprise you.... but Shuichi! Kaito is a bit... dense... when it comes to love. He doesn’t seem to realize people like him not-platonically. Besides, shy as Shuichi is, Kaito is the one that makes him more confident in himself! Also, I don’t think Kaito would even think to see another boy in a romantic light at first. Like most people, he grew up not even considering someone of the same gender would like him, or that he may like someone of the same gender. So, I think the way I see this happening is that Shuichi would confess, fully expecting Kaito to reject him, but at least want to be honest about it in case Kaito starts seeing Shuichi act differently and comment about it (or maybe that already happened and he didn’t want to lie anymore). I think Kaito would be surprised, and ask for some time to think about it.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Alright, assuming they are together already, I can see them both having pictures of each other! Shuichi smiling confidently (if slightly exasperated) on Kaito’s phone background, and Kaito grinning widely with a thumbs up on Shuichi’s! I think it may even be cuter if it came from the same picture (a couple’s picture, maybe from a photo booth?)
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Probably Kaito! Although I don’t see this as something done all that often, honestly. Maybe he’d write something to boost confidence in Shuichi the day he’s presenting important evidence that he isn’t all the way certain will help them solve the case/find the missing person. Kaito writes a message to his sidekick, reassuring Shuichi that he’s got this, and even if he’s wrong, he’ll be okay.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: 100% Kaito. Kaito may even go overboard, getting one of those huge teddy  bears, a dozen roses, a locket... sometimes the gifts are too much, but Kaito’s excited face makes it hard for Shuichi to show anything but excitement and gratefulness at the presents (although the teddy bear was definitely something he did not want presented so publicly XD) As for Shuichi, he’d definitely go for things much more personal (a men’s ring with stars engraved, space-themed shirts/ties, model spaceships, etc.)
Who initiated the first kiss: Kaito! Well, maybe it’s my headcanon, but I can totally see it like this: after Kaito tells Shuichi he needs a little time to think about it, he does, and begins to realize that he maybe returns the feelings, He’d protect anyone fiercely, of course, but somehow, thinking about Shuichi getting hurt, or bullied, made him mad at the imaginary perpetrator. More mad then he’s ever been at anyone, and this perpetrator doesn’t even exist. He’s still not quite sure yet, so he tries to think of ways that would help him figure this out for sure. I can see Kaito being the type to have had girlfriends before, and that he already lost his first kiss (not that he minds too much that he did), so he comes to the conclsion that maybe if he kisses Shuichi and is not repulsed in any way, maybe even liking it, then he’ll finally know for sure. Shuichi, when he’s told about this plan, is a bit nervous about it (he’s never dated anyone ever, and he might care about his first kiss a little, or even more than just a little aware he’d be kissing Kaito for the sake of finding out if Kaito is into guys/him), and seeing the hesitation, Kaito says he’ll think up another plan, but Shuichi wants to go through with it. Now sure, he closes his eyes and waits. Kaito hesitates, but then softly takes hold, and kisses him (just brushing of lips), and finds he actually didn’t mind at all, and even kind of felt something in his heart, so he chooses to believe in himself and his heart and proclaims Shuichi is his boyfriend! A very shocked and happy Shuichi starts tearing up.
That was ridiculously long... sorry XD Got a bit lost there... anyways!
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Look, Shuichi will never be the one to get up first. Kaito gets up early being the early bird; the excited puppy he is. He’s totally the type to be openly affectionate and mascaraed around with Shuichi, so I can see him waking Shuichi up with a kiss, who may, at first, be embarrassed about it, but he gets used to it as a part of his daily routine!
Who starts tickle fights: These two would only do tickle fights if Kaito somehow convinces himself it would be good for training XD In that case, Kaito would totally be the one to start it, and Shuichi would be powerless to stop him. Or maybe part of training is detecting sneak attacks, so both of them would use tickling as an incentive to train harder to be undetected :P
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Kaito would! Shuichi would be too shy to ask Kaito to join him, I think, even if he were more confident. I also don’t think Kaito would make a big deal out of it. In fact, somehow I think he may even invite himself in while Shuichi is taking a shower XD
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Probably both! Although honestly, Kaito visiting Shuichi in the Detective Office seems like it would be a daily occurrence unless there was training/he was up in space. Kaito doesn’t seem the type to cook, though, so he’d probably get take-out. Shuichi is the type to skip meals if he’s stressed, and knowing this, Kaito would make sure he got something to eat, even if he had to shoe off some of Shuichi’s clients to do so. As for Shuichi, I can’t remember how good he is in cooking, but I imagine he’d be proficient enough to cook simple meals. Either way, Kaito wouldn’t care what the meal tastes like because he’d be too excited Shuichi had some time off to visit him in training. He’d probably talk Shuichi’s ear off about everything interesting that happened that day tat even if there was something burnt, or didn’t have enough salt or too much salt, he wouldn’t even notice.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Shuichi for sure! Shuichi has that kind of personality, and being that it’s the first date, he might not be completely sure Kaito will stay with him, but if Katio is sure, and he seems really excited about wherever he’s taking Shuichi, then Shuichi is willing to take that chance! Kaito at least is very confident and happy. He’s made his decision and has decided to stick to it! He’s gonna make sure Shuichi’s first date with him (and first ever date) is a great one! It’s not at all a conventional first date. It consists of them running around to almost every nearby tourist area, but that’s best for Shuichi, who takes his mind off of this being a date and just has fun. At the end of the day, Kaito just takes him to this fantastic open area where they can view the stars as clearly as they can.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Shuichi is adverse to bugs, but it’s never confirmed how Kaito would feel about them (?), so I’m going to say Kaito would (and if Gonta is around he’d not kill it). Anyways, he’d want to show Shuichi he isn’t afraid of anything, so he handles the dirty work for him :P
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Kaito, most definitely! Although he clearly doesn’t need to be drunk to say it. He’s proud of his relationship to Shuichi, so there’s no reason for him to feel like he has to hide it. If he’s drunk, he may be more embarrassing and a little too clingy maybe XD As for a drunk Shuichi... I think he’d be one to offer being the designated driver, but if he is allowed to drink and does get drunk, I see him being very clingy, but more of a sad drunk. Maybe he would proclaim his love to Kaito but it would be so pitiful and sad no one would make fun of him for it (too much). That may not include Kokichi though XD
As you can see, I had way too much fun with SaiMota XD I just really love them, soooo much!
And now for SaiOuma/OumaSai
Who said “I love you” first: Kokichi did! It’s hard seeing him not saying the first “I love you” to his significant other. However, he’d say it in such a context that Shuichi would not be sure whether to take him seriously or not. For example, maybe Shuichi is wondering why Kokichi kept bothering Shuichi’s clients, and Kokichi was always the one who ended up swiping whatever they lost, only to leave clues for Shuichi to find him.Why does Kokichi do it? Because he loves Shuichi, of course!
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Probably both once they are in an established relationship! Shuichi might have even been able to get a picture of Kokichi at his most genuinely happy and saved it as his background. Kokichi, I feel, would just take random pictures of Shuichi, like just saying “Hey Shuichi!” Shuichi turns around and then *click!* Now Kokichi has a new background! Sometimes it’s actually a good shot, but most of the time, it’s rather silly (half-closed eyes, food smeared on Shuichi’s mouth, Shuichi as he is about to get hit by a ball, etc.)
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Kokichi would, and it would be either silly things to tease Shuichi, overly romanticized notes, maybe a drawing making fun of one of Shuichi’s friends, etc. Other times, he’d do it as a part of a riddle. In fact, I imagine he’d even have it be a part of a series of riddles leading up to him initiating Shuichi into DICE officially.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Kokichi seems to be the type to get gifts that seem cheesy, turn out to be pranks, only to have it be something hidden that was the actual present, something personal to him and to Shuichi. Shuichi would always try for the more personal gifts that he knows Kokichi would want, no matter how strange they get (a oujia board? magic trick book? Yugioh cards? he gets them).
Who initiated the first kiss: Kokichi would, and he may even do that before they even start dating, but only if he’s positive Shuichi likes him back. I can imagine him doing his crocodile tears, but the reason for them seems to be something that would genuinely upset him, so when Shuichi tries to comfort him, he mumbles something. Shuchi gets closer and closer to hear him and *moi* there’s the kiss! Kiss and run with a trail of Nishishishi~
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Kokichi would! Though it’s not an everyday thing. I’d say he would probably lockpick his way into Shuichi’s room at some points when they are dating and kiss Shuichi awake, which startles the boy more than anything else at first since he wasn’t expecting anyone. Luckily, it’s just Kokichi, lying about Shuich being forgetful and leaving his room unlocked and whining about how much he missed his darling Shuichi.
Who starts tickle fights: Kokichi would probably do this! Although honestly, I don’t know when he would, except for maybe trying to get something from Shuichi’s pockets, or slipping something in the pockets.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Kokichi again! At first, Shuichi refuses, but one day he surprises Kokichi by agreeing (though with a very red face and almost about to back out). Kokichi pulls him in delightfully (clothes and all :P) but takes it more seriously once Shuichi is properly undressed XD 
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Kokichi actually breaks into the Detective Office through a window every so often, and the first 20 times, Shuichi is always startled to look  up from his work to see Kokichi there with a Cheshire grin. Kokichi and him play a game of “Who eats the tainted onigirir/dumpling/etc.” as a way to “test Shuichi’s detective skills.” By tainted, it’s just a harmless prank (like it has hot sauce, switched sugar/salt, tastes disgusting but not harmful, etc)
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Shuichi, but like with Kaito in the previous answer, Kokichi makes sure his first date is one he’ll never forget. They do some harmless pranks, roleplay as Phantom Thief vs Detective, and end the date by breaking into someone’s house (which turns out to be Shuichi’s, but in the dark, and given the angle and the fact Kokichi blindfolded him their, Shuichi doesn’t even realize it.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Probably Shuichi, reluctantly. They try not to let Gonta know spiders are killed, or attempt to just take the spider out, but neither of them want to be around spiders. Maybe they’ll call Gonta just to take it away :P
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: I can’t see Kokichi ever wanting to be caught off-guard, so I think that he’d pretend he was drunk, loudly proclaiming his love for his beloved Shuichi who he can’t live without. As for Shuichi, I think he’d be a sad, clingy drunk. He’d probably just mumble about how he truly feels about everything, and his love for Kokichi would be said so sincerely, Kokichi almost feels bad for telling back the whole thing to Shuichi the next day. Almost.
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randomuser678 · 7 years
Rules are to tag 20 blogs you want to know better 
tagged by @bismuthpride (Thank you!)
Name: Mateus
Nickname: Matt or Pedrosa (Which is just my second name)
gender: guy, mostly
star sign: Scorpio, which fits me, I think
height: 1m and 65 I think. Which is 5,4 feet (Who measures stuff in feet that’s weird)
sexuality: bisexual
Hogwarts house: I don’t know? I’m very much not into Harry Potter, but I think the blue one? They are the cold smart ones aren’t they?
Favorite animal: Cats, penguins, peacocks, chickens and many insects like ants, bees and spiders, don’t know if insects count tho.
Average hours of sleep: Like, 6 maybe. And I usually wake up on the middle of the night, which is not nice. And I’m so used to waking up early to school I can’t sleep till late anymore.
Dog or cat person: Cats, even tho I don’t have animals and don’t intend on having
blankets you sleep with: 1 when its hot and 3-4 when it’s cold, and seasons are a mess where I live, so I alternate a lot.
Dream trip: I'm really fine just living where I am, but I guess I’d like to go to Canada, or England, or like, Japan if I can dream a little bit.
When I made my blog: Sometime last year, so with 14-15 years
Followers: 94 ;-;
Why I made a tumblr: Fandoms, I used to just list down blogs I’d visit a lot, and save their pages on my favorites file, but that didn't work out too well, so now I am here.
Reasons for url: My url means random as in just another random guy, just a random face in the crowd, and then I wanted to become super famous and to my url become ironic and easy to remember. and I like the number 6 so I just kept counting until the name was valid.
i tag: @pandemiic @animewonderlandninja @docochoca @thecobaltscarf @escapingviolence @rin-an @mediati0nal-field @trash-hell @evenoddish @dothackeryggdrasil @vidlii @nekoabuki @immissyblog @xylyene @nocturnalliy @ecstaticunicorns @taffyvinyl @svumutual @sanchoyo and @fanmadereality
Like, only if you want to, and you can do it too even if I didn't mention you, have fun and good night!
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nocturnalliy · 7 years
uchusaboten -> nocturnalliy
i’m gonna change my name bc of a certain person since they’re making me feel paranoid
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