grevbacks · 6 years
date  &  time:  may  5th  1979,  evening. location:  the  ministry  of  magic.
      he  trespasses  on  holy  ground,  but  there  is  stealth  within  a  battalion  of  pristinely  tailored  suits.  BAGNOLD’S  elocutions  result  in  a  lip  that  draws  rearward  --  taut  like  a  bowstring  --  and  razor-bared canines.  werewolves  and  vampires  are  but  two  adversaries  she’s  struck,  and  both  bite.  though  he’s  been  known  to  bark,  a  global  radius  of  wanted  posters  prove  his  malevolent  capabilities.  there  is  a  furor  of  dissent  that  security  proceeds  to  quell,  yet  tongues  permeated  by  wine  lacerate  over  crystalline-rimmed  glasses.  a  leathered  flask  is  slipped  from  an  inner  pocket,  its  cap  revolved  twice,  then  raised  to  pursed  lips.  ❛  she’s  going  to  find  a  lot  more  than  just  her  name  scratched  off  the  ballot.  ❜  
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mericmulciber · 6 years
c l o s e d  t o ╳ @paintmcxred l o c a l e ╳ the ministry of magic e v e n t ╳ the ministry gala d a t e ╳ may 5th, 1979 at 9:04 p.m.
Politics raise his hackles. The puppets are perched at the front of the room, their ventriloquist mouths mouthing susurrous promises they have no intention to keep, weaving platforms specifically designed to birth radicals and resentment. It’s a game, a distraction. In the end, the pendulum always swings too far to either side. There is no room for gray area in these endless debates and the world is not a black and white place. Meric’s opinions are sealed behind canines gritted harshly against the glare of chandeliers — enchanted to flicker and glow like a candle’s persistent light. He moves through the crowd all wrapped in tailored suits and flowing gowns, scanning the droves of wizarding elite for a familiar frame —- his date. 
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What he finds instead is Virgil Gatewood tilting a vial of something noxious into an unsuspecting witch’s goblet. His first instinct is to look away; it’s not his place to meddle in the affairs of others. What does this woman’s life and integrity mean to him? But on second thought, he’s reminded of how little respect he has for Gatewood. Seeing him diminished in a grand room like this is too great an opportunity to bypass. Rather than moving in the opposite direction, he advances and catches the wrist of the careless wizard who blanches at the contact.
“Mixing drinks now, Gatewood? Has your measly inheritance run dry so soon that you’ve resorted to service?” The rhythmic tsk, tsk, tsk of judgement resounds.
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edithchang-blog1 · 6 years
who: open to all where: ministry of magic gala when: 05/05/1979, evening
There was not one candidate whose platform Edith entirely agreed with. As Bagnold has pointed out, there was no proof that a Pure-blood was any stronger, more powerful, more intelligent than a Half-blood or Muggleborn. Squibs were a rather common occurrence in ‘pure’ bloodlines, after all. However, she did not see the good in integrating the magical and muggle worlds. What a dangerous notion to put forth. Yes, the isolation was difficult for muggleborns and their immediate families but opening the door, even a little, could only end in disaster.
When it came to those considered “tainted”, “half-breeds”, “beasts”, Edith could not align herself with Bagnold’s views on this matter either. Certainly, some individuals could be hazardous but wasn’t that the same for wizard-kind too? Couldn’t Bagnold see the hypocrisy in her stance? Well. No one was perfect, certainly Edith wasn’t. She believed in blood equality but how often had she spoken in support of it? At times her own hypocrisy weighed on her mind. 
She found herself alone at her table, the others guests had promptly left their seats after the conclusion of the two candidates’ speeches. Edith rose from her chair with a sigh, it was about time she made like her table-mates and mingled with her peers too. She lifted a glass of sherry from a passing waiter’s tray, taking a sip of the sweet drink before setting off to find an acquaintance to talk to. 
“What a pleasant evening, hm?” she commented sarcastically.
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