#nobori just throws the other shoe at him as he flees
ghostypetrainer · 2 years
zoroark mama emmet on pasio is not having a good time. There's tons of other hims here, but they're all cooler than him, and worse, seem to be on good terms with that guy who Must Not Be Named who STOLE HIS FACE and is prolly some weird zorua! If only he could be someone else. Someone cooler, whose... identity... Wouldn't be questioned... *sees nobori running past, on the run from multiple ingo's and emmets, like he has multiple times in the past* wait! That's it!
That nobori is a really strong battler, from the times emmet has faced him in the past, and he's always running around with barely a moment to stop and talk to the people on this island! And his family is mysterious, other than that other emmet who hangs around him sometimes... So nobody will question it if nobori suddenly gets a "twin" who "only recently landed in pasio"! Plus he can get tips on battling from the other ppl always chasing him WITHOUT them knowing he has a weird zorua doppelganger! It's perfect (he ignores the question of whether the other emmet often seen w nobori would know and refute the twin thing, and also the question of how he's going to explain having eelektrik when nobori has a totally sinnohan partner Pokemon)!
So emmet gets some hair dye and reinvents himself as "kudari", nobori's long-lost brother who is so happy to be here and is totally not nervous and has never had overprotective parents! Just parents who never told him he had a brother! Nothing to see here, and he's totally not emmet you guys!
Emmet. Emmet please. This is not a viable solution, namely for the fact that Nobori will clock you right away!! But thankfully it manages to not blow up in his face, since Nobori does the adult thing and sits Emmet down and has a a long talk with him about why he felt the need to do something like this in the first place, and proves to be really helpful in working through his issues!
He also points out that all these other Emmets have Ingos, so maybe this Zorua isn't actually a Zorua but is actually his twin? Why not give getting to know him a shot? You might be pleasantly surprised by the results! And Emmet thanks him for the help, and vows to try and get to know this weird kid with his face, even though he's not TOTALLY convinced he's not a Zorua yet.
Meanwhile, Nobori's Emmet has been watching the whole thing from behind a bush. Nobori has been aware he's been watching the entire time and just tells him to come out already, and when he does, he just has the biggest shit eating grin on his face. LIke... that was some verrry good advice, Ingo. Verrry like you! But also verrry funny to hear coming out of a 14 year old.
Nobori just throws his shoe at him.
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