#nobody knows what cursed spirits taste like ... man im making myself sad again
qismet · 1 month
i haven't done a full meta and bio for kisen but as his little notepad grows i feel inclined to share a little bit about him
kisen doesn't have a specific era that i've placed him in or overlapping eras, but he goes no further than the meiji era because within that time frame there manages to be a good 70-100 years before the birth of getō suguru i always thought getō's technique was far too powerful and cool to simply not be linked to someone, or multiple persons that might have held it before him and he just wasn't aware of it and never would be. it's said somewhere that his technique is incredibly rare to be born with and that in the same vein he's a special grade with a one of a kind ability and i just thought, someone needs to have had that and had a slightly mirrored fate. so in essence kisen is just that, a distant relative of getō's bloodline who at the point of his existence, held the same curse manipulation technique. in whichever timeline he's in he's been orphaned or misplaced due to war/other circumstances and i do put a heavy focus on it having been hard for him to make connections with other sorcerers of his time because of his technique and the peculiarity of it, the idea that he does exorcise cursed spirits but then in turn can use them against others, and he does. within my portrayal of getō i have it down that he never truly feels alone within himself, never catches a moment of quiet because he's aware that whatever monsters he keeps in that cage are with him always and waiting to be called. the same goes for kisen. mostly i go about placing kisen in the 17th-century feudal period of japan wherein he takes odd jobs both eliminating curses and people of interest. not of interest to him, but to others. it earns him a living and he can do it both himself, or extend a curse or two to do it for him, there really is no great difference. known as curse keeper, he does this alongside searching for his family, which they are alive as a later testament to the birth of getō suguru but they're small in numbers and have relocated and as we see they later fade out of jujutsu society as a note to getō suguru having two ''normal'' parents and coming from a ''normal'' family
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