eleanorofengland · 10 years
Will you taste this? I’m trying to decide which of these wines will be served at the ball and I won’t last long if I sip from all these goblets.
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lucienrenaud-blog · 10 years
Squeezing the bridge of his nose between his fingers, the King let out a heavy sigh. He’d spent the better part of the week in his chambers with his advisors as France had begun to deteriorate. His people were growing restless, taking the news of the failed siege in Switzerland as a sign that Luc did not plan to give in to their demands. Leaning back in his chair, he dismissed his advisors and turned his attention to who entered next. “What might I do for you?” he asked, hoping for a distraction.
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ofrvchefort · 10 years
“              I hardly think that would be wise, do you?”
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duchess-arwen-blog · 10 years
“Oh were you speaking to me? Forgive me I tend to forget I’m in the present.”
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eleanorofengland · 10 years
Eleanor tried to sneak back to her chambers again silently - and without leavin a trail, but her soaked dress begged to differ. She was sitting by the gardens when it had started raining, and instead of rushing inside she let the rain soak her - she closed her eyes and for a moment forgot who she was and what she was going through. A small smile tugged at her lips as she walked - it had been a while since she felt this good.
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freja-ofdenmark-blog · 10 years
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Freja opened her chamber’s window with smug satisfaction, finally free from the doctor’s prodding and poking. Despite the dull aching wound in her side that prohibited her from venturing outdoors, the persistent young woman was determined to experience an adventure. She grabbed a trinket- in this case, a rather large gold coin she had rubbed to the point of being far too shiny- and chucked it at the nearest pedestrian stepping down the cobblestone square below. “You there! Yes, yes, you, who else?” Naturally pouted lips pulled into a dangerous smirk as she hissed the address. “What I would give to take your place this afternoon!” She groaned, dark brows wiggling in desperation. “Aid such a poor wretch, although I do not think you have the strength to catch me if I decided to climb out of here.”
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lucienrenaud-blog · 10 years
“I regret that I was not present when my assistance was needed,” Lucien said as an aside to his aide, surveying the damaged castle as he arrived. He removed his gloves and overcoat as he strode through a corridor, taking note of the lack of organization. “Let us offer aid in any way that is needed.” The command was sincere but direct as he came upon someone he was unfamiliar with. Turning his attention to this stranger, Luc softened his tone, “I pray you fare well in this trying time?”
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cabcllero-blog · 10 years
✣ consecuencia
The knight was quiet, unusually so. With his torso and left arm bound in bandages underneath his shirt, Tomás sat at a small table, his expression thoughtful. The door opened suddenly, pulling him from his thoughts so harshly that it made him jump.
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“It’s all right. You may enter, I’m only hiding.” He called after a moment, looking up with a meek smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “I have managed to escape the captivity of the infirmary for a while,” He explained, “— the doctor who watches over us has the eyes of a hawk; thus I doubt my absence will go unnoticed for long.”
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eleanorofengland · 10 years
Eleanor was determined to keep a strong front up - she still had duties as a princess and mourning was not one of them. If anything, Alistair would be the one reminding her of her position, and so found herself ordering servants around - helping as much as she possibly could with repairing the damage that had come to the castle. No longer wearing black, Eleanor’s crimson tresses swayed against the floor as she walked hurriedly to asses the repairs in the English Wing. Though her pace slowed and her breath heavied - Eleanor knew all too well the symptoms and in her mind, she hoped, she prayed, another sick spell would not cast its poison on her. She needed to keep moving, to keep working, it’s the only way she’d stop mourning. But she couldn’t help herself from stopping, her arm stretching to rest her palm against the wall, support her weight as she breathed in slowly.
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freja-ofdenmark-blog · 10 years
Freja's arms swayed at her sides as she sauntered through the trails of the castle gardens, chin raised ever so slightly while her lips danced, caught in a smirk. Her fingers swiftly gathered buds and flowers to form a large bouquet without hesitation. Her chambers were far too dark, and the temptation of nature was already calling her onward- despite her exhaustion from her recent voyage. She rounded the corner, light eyes snapping to a figure. "Don't worry, I spared the least favorable flowers to continue growing." She held up her bouquet. "Only a small sacrifice for my visit, as I'm feeling gracious today." 
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kilianbrannon · 10 years
"Would you be kind enough to at least pretend like you are interested?" Kilian asked with a sigh. His eyebrows raised, he faced the other. He didn't like having to stop in the middle of a story.
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ofrvchefort · 10 years
❝ — Excuse me?❞ He asked, a brow raising, ❝I do not believe I'm in anyone's way.❞
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ruledby-blood-blog · 10 years
"Do not move. How am I sure you are not one of them?"
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cabcllero-blog · 10 years
✣ susto
“Run, Your Grace!” The Spaniard called urgently over the noise of clashing swords, the dizzying screech of steel grating against steel echoing through the castle halls. Tomás watched with wide eyes as one of his men was cut down with the clumsy swing of a rebel's battle axe, alarm rising thickly in his chest. 
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Another rebel charged towards him, sword drawn and ready to strike though whatever stood in it's way. Tomás dodged the initial swipe taken in his direction, countering the attack with a succession of short Winden manoeuvres. A well timed strike to the neck saw his opponent fall with speed, leaving the man to breathe his last as the knight paused for a beat to glance upwards. “— Please, for God's sake, run!”
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fleurdefrance · 10 years
Fleur was roaming the palace walls after dark per usual. Since her voyage, her ability to sleep had been stunted, so she spent her time awake exploring the castle. As the French princess turned the familiar corner to the throne room, she noticed a shadow in her peripheral running along the wall behind her. Fleur chuckled to herself and the shadow stopped dead, taking note of Fleur. "Running in the shadows is not a very good reputation to have in a castle full of precious nobility," she joked quietly.
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