#noah kahan i guess but he does it in a different way
burnmywholelifedown ยท 2 years
Wow, I'm Obsessed with you. Thank you for the best answer I've received to an ask!! And for indulging my question game. You answered my question beautifully and I got to know a little more about you. TTDS is one of my most favorite songs ever written and the top off evermore. The lyric to volcano you picked is great, I think it's one of her best lines because I relate to the coreeeee about everything in that line. If I am going to be honest, I think my favorite lyric is "flowers on the side of the road, traveling beside each other, no one has to dance on their own." Because I love songs about women friendships. I was going to do one a day but you get a bonus question! What is your favorite halsey song and why?
Aw I'm so glad you liked it! I'm aware I am not a person who likes things a normal amount so I'm glad you appreciated that. Oooh yes that is a beautiful lyric. I don't think I've every really given it a lot of thought but wow that's actually really cool. I love that poetic way to describe women and their support for each other. Wow look at that now you made me appreciate Sad Girl Summer more which is saying something cause that song didn't work for me when it was first released and it's been slowly growing on me ever since.
Yay two questions! Oh boy I think I have to go with 3am. I mean the song literally begins with this revving sound and then it continues this frenetic energy all the way through. Musically and lyrically it embodies mania to me. That album as a whole spoke to me so much so if I had to pick a favorite song it would definitely be a Manic song. I was impressed that she was vulnerable about her bipolar like that.. I really resonate with the ways mental health shows itself across the album but no more than in 3am where she talks about that jagged sort of chaos that comes from the grandiosity to insecurity swings. Are you a halsey fan?
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my-moony-and-padfoot ยท 10 months
Get to know me :) In a very detailed manner and all of this totally unnecessary and unneeded
(I found these random questions/"get to know me" thingies from Pinterest and left out a few things) I just wanted to do this because I'm hella bored and definitely shouldn't be studying
Definitely not
First name: Guess ๐Ÿ“š
Middle name: Maria
Nickname: My friends call me Grandma, Gran and gran-gran.
Age: young and sweet, only seventeen
Height: 165.5 cm
Birthday: 31st of July
Zodiac sign: I'm a Leo โ™Œ
Sexuality: Pan ๐Ÿณ
Fave color: light pink, light purple and dark green
Fave animal/s: dogs and cats, foxes. Red pandas are cool too and reindeers. Oh oh and turtles
Pets: three dogs and four cats (in two different places tho)
Shoe size: 38-39 EU
Hair color: orange ish
How long is your hair: down to my shoulders
Eye color: blue green brown ish something I really don't know, they're weird. They like often change colors weirdly idk what's up with them. So, I usually stick with saying they're green
Do you have glasses: I do ๐Ÿค“
Any siblings: half big sister and half big brother, so technically one right?
Where are you from: That there is a mystery ๐ŸŒŽ, unless you're fucking Sherlock, or another fictional detective, or a stalker
Last dream: A nightmare of my grandma trying to kill our whole family
Fave book/s: One of the harry potters and heart stoppers. Also I love this Norse mythology book I have
Last book you bought: Poison, and before the coffee gets cold
Favorite hobby/hobbies: writing and crochet ๐Ÿงถ. Also I really like DND ๐ŸŽฒ
Favorite game: Sims 4, Minecraft
Fave song/s: We made it - Louis Tomlinson, lowlife - YUNGBLUD, Mars - YUNGBLUD Call your mom - Noah Kahan and arsonist - Alec Benjamin, Body - Mother Mother, Miserable man - David Kusher, Holding on to heartache - Louis Tomlinson, Golden - Harry Styles (I'm sorry I couldn't pick just one) Theres so many more tho
Favorite artist/s: Louis Tomlinson (he's mainly on my play list) and I also like Harry styles. YUNGBLUD, Noah Kahan, David Kusher, Jordan Suaste, cavetown, Conan Gray... I like too many artists, okay?
Last song you listened to: Polygraph eyes - YUNGBLUD
Fave movie: Harry Potter Goblet of fire, I don't really watch movies ๐ŸŽฅ Sweeney Todd is good too
Religion: I'm a Christian, like I belong in the church but I don't really believe into anything, but I respect everyone who does <3
Have you been to the hospital: A lot when I was a child, last time was because of my knees
Ever gotten in trouble with the law: Nope
Met any celebrities: I've met a few YouTubers, does that count?
Baths or showers: Showers. Definitely showers ๐Ÿšฟ
What color socks are you wearing: white with light purple stripes at the top
Would you like to be famous: not really no
How many pillows do you sleep with: Two, well one the other one just is kinda there but it's never under my head, it's to prop the other one up
Do you own stuffed animals: I do ๐Ÿงธ
If you do, how many: Six, can't sleep without one of them (it's a bunny). I lied there's seven
What position do you sleep in: The Superman position, y'know? ๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™‚๏ธ
What do you eat for breakfast: I don't eat breakfast, sometimes coffee though, coffee with oat milk is the best
Ever tried archery: I actually have, was my hobby for a year or something, spoiler alert; wasn't very good at it ๐Ÿน
Ever fired a gun: Nope and won't
Favorite clean word: fluffy, it's nice to say
Favorite curse word: Fuck, I say that way too much someone help me
Longest you've been without sleep: 23 hours
Have any scars: I do, a surgery scar on my knee, one on my upper lip from my teeth going through it, small one in the corner of my eyes, a lot on my knees from falling down as a kid so much, and then some others
Are you a good liar: I think I am
Can you do any accents (besides your own): Not really and I don't have that much of an accent, I think. Though my friends tell me I have a bit of a British accent, which is bizarre, and I don't really hear it myself.
What is your personality type: from the 16 personalities INFJ-T ๐ŸŒ›
Can you curl your tongue: I can, I can also do the flower thingy
Left or right handed: right handed
Are you scared of spiders: Sort of, I don't mind them as long as they're not near me
Favorite food: lasagna and tortillas
Are you a clean or a messy person: Messy but in an organized way ๐Ÿ“ฆ
Most used phrase: "No shit Sherlock" "no wayyy" "just...why?"
Most used word: Probably some curse word... Or "what" "why"
Do you suck or bite lollipops: Bite ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Do you talk to yourself: all the freaking time
Do you sing to yourself: I do, everytime I listen to music alone ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
Are you a good singer: I'd like to say that I am, but I don't actually know
Biggest fear: someone murdering me (during the night with a knife), dislocating my knee, or any other part that can be dislocated (it hurts so fucking much, cannot recommend)
Can you name all the states: Maybe probably, haven't tried
Favorite school subject: Psychology or English ๐Ÿ“–
Least favorite school subject: MATH, and chemistry, physics is sorta alright but I don't like the math part
Extrovert or introvert: as introverted as they come lol
Have you been scuba diving: Nope, probably never will go ๐Ÿคฟ deep waters scare me
What makes you nervous: Literally everything, it's called anxiety โœจ
Are you scared of the dark: not anymore, unless it's outside, sometimes it's scary inside too, but not too often
Do you correct people if they make mistakes: Sometimes but not to be mean to them, but not like minor mistakes, unless I wanna annoy someone
Are you ticklish: Not really ๐Ÿชถ
Have you been in a position of authority: I've been a scout leader for the past three years, can't do it anymore tho, does that count?
Have you ever drank underage: Once because my sister forced me to, A glass of champagne how rebellious of me
Ever done drugs: Nope
Ever smoked anything: Nope x2
How many piercings do you have: I have earrings and snake bites ๐Ÿ I really want an industrial but idk if I have the correct anatomy
How fast can you type: Somewhat fast, I'm faster on my phone than on a computer
Are you a fast learner: Depends on the subject, but usually yes
Can you roll your R's: No I cannot ๐Ÿ
Do you keep a journal: Every now and then, I'm not very consistent. But I do do bullet journaling in the back of my calendar
Do you like your age: โœจSweet sixteenโœจ It's fine, I don't really care I'd honestly rather be older โšฐ๏ธ
Do you like your name: I think it's very pretty, I used to hate it tho when I was young (still kinda do, most of the time). It's fine but I just don't like using it with people
How did you get your name: From my mom and dad lol. No it "tells a story" and it suits well for English which my mom wanted, it's somewhat rare here where I live. With the spelling I have
Dream job: I have zero clue ๐Ÿ”Ž
What was your first job: A week at a daycare. But my first actual job (something I got paid for) was in a coffee shop for a summer
What places have you worked in: In a daycare and a preschool and two summers in that cafe, never going back there it was horrible
Last show you watched: Chicago med ๐Ÿฉบ
Last show you finished: baby reindeer
Favorite show ever: Big bang theory, Chicago med, what we do in the shadows and 911. Oh, heartstopper :)
What is your earliest memory: Sitting on a dresser and my dad telling me to wait for a bit, or being on my mum's shoulders while she was doing something outside (I'm not sure which one is first)
Happiest memory: Moving away, getting into the school I wanted with good grades
When did you start this blog: May-June 2022
When did you start writing fanfic: January 2022 (The next few ones a writing related because they were in this one list of questions I found)
What was your first fic: Fred Weasley/reader definitely not with a self insert *cough cough.
How do you come up with ideas for writing: They just come up when I try to sleep, or am doing something random, or something happens so I just write it out. I hate brain storming with all my heart because nothing good comes up when I try
What character/s do you enjoy writing the most: Sirius and Remus <3, but lately I've fallen in love with Percy and Oliver and starchaser is always fun to write. Also lily and Pandora are lovely to write, I just never really do it
What character do you not enjoy writing: Any authoritative figure because it's hard and when there's multiple characters because it's hard to keep track
Is there a fic you regret writing: Not really, I mean I'm embarrassed of some of my writings, but it just shows that I've learned and I can write better now :)
Favorite thing you've written: "When I..." A long fic about a suicide attempt and it was very comforting to write, but then I think I've written a few good hurt/comfort fics. There's like very small bits of the stories that I absolutely love, and loved to write
What do you like to write: Hurt/comfort and just sad things, I feel like I'm good at it. I like descriptive writing too and I've been trying to work on it lately
What don't you like writing: Smut, I feel a little cringe when I write it, and like longer fics, I feel I can't come up with a good enough idea for a one ๐Ÿค” Also, I don't have the patience for that
Favorite characters: Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory. Sirius and Remus obviously, Regulus, and then I like the Weasley twins... There's honestly too many that I like. But to mention a few more: Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tara and Darcy <3 and the art teacher I can't remember the name of from heartstopper. Loki <3. Will Halsted and Sharon Goodwin are the best characters in Chicago med, fight me. Laszlo from what we do in the shadows.
Do you keep a journal: I have a few pages in the back of my calendar for bullet journaling
One bad habit: self deprecation, I apparently do that too much. Source: my friends
What did you want to be as a child: I really wanted to be a chef or a baker
Who's the last person you held hands with: My friend when dancing, if that doesn't count, then with the same friend at a school Christmas party cause I almost lost them in the hallway 'cause there were a lot of people. Before that, no clue
Are you outgoing or shy: Shy with new people. I'm shyly outgoing lol
Who are you looking forward to seeing: My bestie haven't seen her in over a year
What does your most recent text say: "Alright :)" Another one cause it was around the same time but to a different person. "It's just a little guy"
Do you have trust issues. Oh yeah
Favorite part of your daily routine: Everything cause it always goes the same way. We love structure over here. But if I have to pick one, cracking my back every morning cause it's so satisfying
What do you do when you wake up: Turn off my alarm if it's on, then I go through the notifications on my phone and just lay there doing random things before I gotta get up. Usually reading actually if I have enough time and oh, always listen to a podcast/music
Morning routine: What I just mentioned, but when I get up, I drink water and take my meds, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth. If I'm going somewhere I pack my stuff, and then dress up. If I'm not going anywhere, I usually start watching something and drink coffee in peace and then change clothes
Evening routine: I shower, wash my face, sometimes eat something and change into pyjamas. Mark stuff in my calendar, do my journaling and then I get into bed. I usually read before sleeping, a book or fanfic.
Do you like your neighbors: I don't really know our neighbors ๐Ÿ‘€ except the ones I dog sit for. Oh at least one of our neighbors thinks I'm creepy. (Literally steered their kids away from me while I was coming from school.)
Is your hair long enough for a ponytail: it is, I just often don't keep it in one. Unless it's dirty or I'm alone and need it to get it out of the way
How many languages can you speak: Two (actually three but I'm really bad at the third one) I picked french for next year tho :)
Can you cook: Yep, I'm quite good at it. I can bake too
Last time you cried: A few days ago because I was feeling like an absolutely horrible human being
How long does it take you to get ready: Like 10 minutes lol โฑ๏ธ
Favorite number: 5. Five is the Ultimate number, and everything either ends in five or is divisible by five. I've always liked the number five :3
Alright ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ
That was quite long, Sorry about that, I just like questions :)
If there is something you wanna know for some reason, feel free to ask. Like I said I like questions.
I might write more things here, if I think of something or find something fun
Feel free to use these if you want, I just want to note that most of these I did not make up myself and I don't know who did.
Enjoy this I guess I just got inspired and stopped studying for this, anyone I can blame on my English grade after this ๐Ÿ‘€
Also there's almost hundred of you following me, that's so weird....
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