#no1 offender of replying 'thats cringe' after ppl sending encouraging words
lunarcry · 6 months
"It's okay to have to learn how to live on your own, you know. No one ever has all the answers." He's not scared of Fenrir, despite what she is: he could be, if it weren't for the fact that he had bonded himself to an echo of something that had in fact, by all research and all speaking with her himself, been a much more frightening thing in life (it is hard to fear anything knowing what you love could outclass most). Sarunan's ears show a state similar to relaxation, tilted slightly to the side, angled forward, the expression on his face inscrutable. One gloved hand carefully extends, placing itself between the girl's ears -- not rubbing her head or fluffing her hair, just calmly placing his hand there as reassurance. "It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been alive. The people on this ship aren't exactly the type who abandon anyone. Trust me."
And what's meant as reassurance has the opposite effect; bored, judging eyes flashing with anger once he touches her, and fangs laid bare.
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"Get your hands off me!!"
However, she doesn't bite. A low growl lingering as she snaps at him and pulls away, it's okay to have to learn how to live alone and they won't abandon anyone, she knew all of that already. Walder had pressed on despite being near death, all for the friend that she herself couldn't save. Io yelled when she had been letting out her frustrations on Rosetta, and despite their earlier fight Lyria had asked if she could put a bow in her hair when Loki had been speaking with them at that annoying island. She knew all of that already.
And still he's yapping about love and peace and acceptance as if he expects her to break down and sob. Who was going to abandon her? Why should she live on her own? Poor little primal beast who was thrown away by her creators and denied by the world. You need help, don't you? You need love, don't you? Everyone on this damn ship acted like him, just shut up.
"Trust you?" she had considered being sarcastic, but that was before he had decided to encroach on her personal space. "All you've done is blabber about yourself, don't try and act like you know me. Why the hell should I care about any of that, you're no better than those researchers who created us for their own selfish gains. Take your ego and go feel good about yourself somewhere else", despite her words, the one who ends up storming off is Fenrir herself. "Gah! I can't stand you people!"
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