#no. no that’s just how glitch does their promo material
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beepborpdoodledorp · 3 months ago
Glitch Prod on Oct. 4th: We are going to subject your unsuspecting minds to the most heart-wrenching scene imaginable in which a man who has been barely grappling to his sanity the entire series so far, in a brief moment of lucidity, recounts the last moment he shared with his dead wife after her own mental state had been pushed past its limit, aware of the horrid fate she was soon to meet. You will all cry like little bitches and you will love every minute of it.
Glitch Prod a week later:
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icedbeverageenjoyer · 7 months ago
Mr. Puzzles has manufactured everything about himself, including his voice: (A long post!! 📺)
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A thing I've noticed is just how often his voice changes, most notably when he's switching from his deeper narrator voice to his more energetic showman voice in the promo trailer. ^^^
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Here's another example from the song. Both lines are said in two distinct voices, none of them being the usual one we hear from him. One has a more pronounced Transatlantic accent and the other has an American one. We can assume someone else is talking and he just overlays himself on top, but he is explicitly the one shown to speak in that moment. ^^^
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This next one might be a stretch, but I think the supporting female vocals could be him as well. It is heavily implied he works alone and doesn't trust others with his vision so it kinda makes sense that he would also sing the song on his own. (If that's true damn does he have a good voice) ^^^
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Even the critical podcast host could be him. The first voice is deeper and rougher while the second is more sly and has a distinct influxion that is unique to Puzzles, so they could be just his inner thoughts and insecurities audibly manifesting through some complicated technical means.
He is alone in his office, staring at all the monitors that display his hard work. And he is not satisfied. His mind begins to wander and his self doubt begins to manifest out loud in the form of others criticizing him, further fueling his crippling perfectionism. ^^^
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Also here, when his lifelong dream is finally met he can't contain his (ever so slightly malicious) glee, and his voice deepens and begins to glitch out. ^^^
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Also a bit unrelated but did y'all notice that when he says 'crying' he is shown with his crazy big smile? You know, his main expression on all the promotional material.
I think his upbeat showman voice isn't how he usually sounds, but what he thinks others would like him to sound like. He has to keep up the energy that the audience has come to expect of him so he manufactured the perfect tv host voice to keep as many tuned in as possible.
I headcanon his real voice to be deeper, raspier and very monotone. I think that while he was smoking he had to turn off his voice synthesizer so the smoke won't damage it, which is why he doesn't talk in the scene. He has lost every bit of himself by molding into what he thinks people would like, and any reminder that he was once someone else makes him uncomfortable.
I'm going insane chat.
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years ago
This is my take on the shows storylines (episode 1-8), spoilers (for rest of s1), comments from the creators and cast...
This was originally inspired by many online comments from TeamMax vs Team Simon. I just wanted to analyze the show based on that. 
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My take on the storyline: “The Love Triangle”
Good news for one team, perhaps not so good for the other team. 
Based on everything we’ve seen on the show (the storytelling, the promotional materials, the spoilers)... everything points to Max/Zoey being the endgame. I’ve seen many fans (both those who support Team M & those who support Team S), say that they get the same message from the storytelling. It does seem to be the clear message from the show...no matter how they get there..or when...
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The “proof”: 
First: The actor who portrayes Max is billed higher (probably mostly cause he’s done more well-known musical projects before than the other actor), and he’s featured in much more promotional materials (promo pics, posters, promo videos...) and in more central role, than the other actor. The promotion is vastly focused on M/Z. They use those characters & actors... a lot...for promotion. That suggests only one thing. 
Second: They told us the premise of Zoey’s future relationships in the Pilot already via this Max/Zoey conversation:
Zoey: I have a long history of --- what do you call my past relationships again? --
Max: -- “Unnecessarily complicated, exhausting for everybody, the opposite of good”?
Zoey: Yeah. Those things. Which is why this time I'm just gonna take things slow, and wait for the right “in”
And with Zoey/Simon thing has been just a repeat of her past experiences which she claims she doesn’t want to re-live again, and this show is all about her growth as a character/person, this cannot be the endgame. Even if they’d reveal that S/J have broken up... all that’s already happened has followed this exact description (see Max’s quote)
Third: While Zoey sang her heart song to Max and they had a moment for themselves (though..let’s be honest...they get interrupted so much that others in the office must’ve overheard a lot by now...), the heartsong to Simon seemed to be more like a setup for having Max see it. And while both songs are about her deepest, secret feelings/desires... and there’s truth in both, then the way the scenes were set up makes it seem like she sang to her best friend to make him aware of how she really feels (what he said in the previous ep: he needs to know/get a respose from her...and this gave him that). But the other song was meant to be overheard by her best friend...and that was the goal of the song/scene (not the song itself, but that he saw). Again pointing to the show going for Max as the endgame. 
Fourth: The triangle is as follows: Both Max & Simon like Zoey, but she only really likes one of them. Both men sang heart songs to her (Max = I think I love you, Sucker, If I can’t have you, 500 miles), and she sang to both...but different songs. Simon sang “If you say that you are mine, I'll be here 'til the end of time” in 1x05, so it’s coming from his side. Zoey in 1x08 sang "I'm Yours” to Max (that her heart is his), but she sang “I want you to want me” to Simon (not that she wants him, but she wants him to want her). As her best friend explained it - one is about love, the other physical attraction. But... if you listen to the lyrics more closely then based on them she’s singing about how she saw S. crying & all alone (1x01) and how that affected her, compared to singing to M. how she’s “caught feelings”. So she’s only actually interested in Max, as her feelings for Simon are not mutual (beyond the grief bond). One is one-sided and more “superficial”, the other is mutual and more “serious”. 
Fifth: While we’ve seen that Zoey thinks she’s caught feelings for Simon (what she told her mom at the engagement party), and she hasn’t really admitted this to anyone besides her mom, she seems to not see it as a good thing. She also claims to both Max & Simon that she doesn’t really have feelings for Simon/wasn’t aware of her feelings and/or that she’s basically over it... so kinda “little white lies”. She seems to think they have a sort of connection and/or she seems to find him attractive...despite realizing that it cannot happen because he’s engaged. (and before Simon went and took the wrong step, he said the right thing - they leaned too much on each other about their grief, and they should just go back to co-workers, and that’s all. Sadly...that was changed because of the “glitch” that mislead...people). But... we also saw that she is fighting against having feelings for the morally questionable engaged man, cause she probably realizes it’s a bad idea. 
Sixth: All this time, but especially in the last episode, the show has tried to show the two men in her life differently, and show the differences in their “relationships” with Zoey. It’s a very classic “fairytale story” that follows often-used “clichees”. They’ve shown how the two are different, and how the connection between both “ships” is different. And everything points to them starting to make the difference even more clear. By now they all are aware of each others feelings...to some point... and both men are aware that they’re both competing for her interest. 
And she’s aware that she is interested in both... but in different ways, and for different reasons. And again they used Max to vocalize the choice before her - will she choose physical attraction without deeper connection or love and deeper emotional connection...AKA “new attractive co-worker who went through what shes going through VS her best friend, who is always there for her...no matter what. The options were made clear, now it’s her decision. And it’ll depend a lot on how each man will act from now on...at the most difficult time in her life (she’s now really going to lose her dad). 
If Simon will try to make advances based on the heart song she sang, which gave outmixed signals AND at the same time Max will continue being a good friend (as we saw in 1x08...despite their dispute) then that’ll make Z/S grow furher apart and Z/M grow closer. And since it’s all become too complicated and messy for everyone... then it’s very possible all this will get to Jessica, and break those two apart. But... that’s IMO gonna be the opposite from making the path clear for S/Z. To have Simon as a character grow they need to have him deal with his grief, and all that. The Simon vs Max thing is a lot like Leif/Tobin thing... where the peer reviews made one become sketchy and start playing games, and the other start working on bettering themselves. I expect similar differences of paths taken for S & M. Especially because we’ve not only seen Tobin 2.0, but also Max 2.0 (and we’ll see more of that..in coming eps)
Seventh: We ve heard spoilers than in the S1 finale there will be a “heart song” for/from/with one of the two and Zoey. From how the scene is decribed it sound more like something fitting to Max (Max/Zoey). Which fits with how the season and story has been built so far. That seems to also confirm where they’re taking it. Cause...they’ve established that just like on most shows the main character HAS TO have a love interest, and so far they’ve only introduced two  options. 
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Other reasons why Zoey will most likely choose “love” over “physical attraction”:
We saw Zoey’s reaction when she found out that S. had a SO/was engaged - she ran. And though she might find him attractive (physically)...as she found out via her heart song in 1x08, and she might feel a connection to him (because of the heart song she heard him sing in 1x01), she hasn’t shown interest in actually being with him... because she knows he’s taken. And also because she’s not really in the right place to start a relationship. She/They may not realize it, but they don’t have much more in common than grief - that’s the center of their bond (for now). Despite her interest/attraction to him & her thinking she “likes” him... 
This is also why it’s easier for her to admit she has/had feelings for Simon, but she’s having trouble admitting...to herself (and Mo) & to Max that she may have feelings for her best friend. There’s nothing to lose with the first, but a lot to lose with the second. She’s afraid (and she varbalized it at the end of 1x07) that something could not go well... etc
While Max was not at all ready to meet his dates (Autumn) parents, because it’s a huge step and he just wan’t ready for it, he has met his best friends parents, and is welcome at their home. And there’s no feelings of meeting the parents being such “next level step”. We saw this when he brough her dad pudding to eat & when he helped carry the bed downstairs. It was also mentioned that he’s been part of the extended family for a while - welcome to family events (Christmas, barbeques..). Zoey’s father - the most important person in her life until now - is definitely on the man’s side, who brings him pudding (cause he’s paid attention that he can only eat soft food) and visits him & helps out. And her dad’s opinion is very important to Zoey, so... 
She is completely at easy with Max seeing her with a facemask on, eating take-out, alone, at home, but she hides it (the true self) from Simon. She wears “a mask” with Simon, but doesn’t with Max. Same with how she didn’t tell Simon about her dad in 1x08 (brushing it off: hospital = lollipop), while telling Max that her dad had an apointment that morning. And though it did take her time to find the courage to tell him about it all in detail, she did..in the end. But from the start she shared the main info even if she didn’t tell what exactly happened and how she feels about it. She didn’t completely brush it off with him...even if the news made her unable to process and share it...right away.
We saw how she resisted her personal heart songs to Leif/Joan & to Simon, while being completely at ease with singing them to her best friend (Max) and her dad (Mitch). Cause if we leave out the big dance numbers (Crazy, Pressure), then she tried stopping herself  from singing the others...the personal songs... and/or apologized for what’s to come...with Simon, too. But with Max (and her dad) the song just came to her...without the need to apologize or resist it. And afterwards she just tried to claim it didn’t mean as much, because she’s just in denial (and not really ready to start a relationship...because right now she is going through stages of grief). There’s a huge difference in both the heart songs she sang & HOW she sang them.
And we’ve seen that she really appreciates him as a friend, and as she told him - she can’t lose him as a friend...she needs him in her life. She cares about his feelings. She is afraid she gave him the wrong impression, she runs after him to explain things to him, because she knows that he got hurt. She actually cares about him...and is feelings (as a friend). And they’ve not shown the same reaction with Simon. And though the friends to one-sided to more-than-friends trope is “an overused clichee”, it isn’t necessarily bad. It can work well. Examples: Mondler on Friends, Peraltiago on B99...
Max may have the advantage of having known her longer, and knowing her better (because they’ve been friends for 5 years), and hence she’s more comfortable around him. And...that’s the reason why she let him in on her superpower secret, and why she tells him about...things. But... that’s precisely why she should and will choose Max over Simon. (He’s been there for her...always...and he continues to be there for her...through this hard time in her life.)
We saw how even though he was upset with her (for keeping secrets from him, from setting him up with someone  else when she knew about his feelings for her...just because she didn’t dare to be honest with him & communicate...and hearing her sing to another person, too...) he was still there for her. A shoulder to lean on...literally and figuratively. He came to her rescue when she put her job at risk (singing Pressure), he gave her her mom’s message and supportive advice regarding her dad... And though there’s a hint of competitiveness that he seems to feel after the 1x07 elevator end scene (where we saw that both men seem to think they’ll be the end choice), and him wanting some kind of response from her, the 1x07 end scene and other moments have shown us that he’s willing to wait til she’s ready.
Especially...since in 1x07 he felt like it’s unfair that she can see into his heart and knows how he feels about her, he doesn’t. But in 1x08 he got to see into her heart (because even though she’d promised to always be honest with him from now on... she wasn’t fully... for a bit... and the “glitch” made her break her promise...til the evening), and it’s more “fair”. He now isn’t as in the dark, and less uncertain. I think the glitch was good for him, because he now knows how she really feels. All he wanted was an honest answer. And though it’s undertandable that he’s a bit hurt by what he’s heard & seen lately... but in the end it was beneficial. As Mo put it... he deserves an answer...no matter what it is...
I get the feeling that by now Zoey’s actually aware that she has feelings for her best friend. She might’ve not been aware of it all until he sang the first heart song to her, but after that we’ve clearly seen that she has either started to realize she actually has feelings for him or that she’s started to have feelings for him. She showed signs of jealousy when he was with Autumn (seeing them talking at the coffee shop, dancing at the club...). She couldn’t stop staring at him when she walked in during the Mo’ Makeover...indicating clearly that she finds him also physically attractive. Not to mention the emotional connection, and friendship. All the looks she gives him, her song & dance during “I’m Yours”... all for him... 
And she cares about his feelings & not hurting him (running after him when he sees her heart song to Simon...) The look she has, when he brings her dad pudding & when she sees him with her dad or when  she hears him sing “500 miles”, or the looks and giggles when she sings her heart song to him.... While she’s in no place in a relationship at this time, I think she’s realized that despite her grief and emotional state she’s developing feelings for her best friend. And that... just like what’s going on with her dad, seems to scare her. 
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As human as her feelings for Simon are (you can’t control who you find attractive...), and as much as this can happen IRL then Zoey/Simon is a no-no... simply because of his relationship status. Cheating storylines are not cool. Hence I cannot stand behind that “ship” or the possibility of accepting them as a viable possibility. IF he didnt have a fiancee, he’d be a candidate, but that’s not the case...he has a SO. Hence Team Simon cannot even be an option. No matter how much they try to promote it all as a love triangle & no matter how much they make Simon make bad decisions and wrong moves (going to her place & talking to her about his feelings, kissing her) seem “nothing serious”.... it’s wrong. It’s just as her best friend decribed it in 1x08. If things were different, yeah, but we’re not talking hypotheticals. 
So IMO there’s one clearly wrong choice netween these two. I mean... I would not care if they would have her stay single, or develop new interest (Tobin)...as long as it’s not “morally questionable”. Z/S would be like Joan/Leif... sketchy, and wrong. And hopefully having seen those two helps Zoey understand that.... see the parallels (she has a hint that one is playing the other) 
As for “Max is being too pushy”... here’s how that goes: he’s been in love with his best friend...for some time...and not said a thing. She accidentally finds out after she gets her superpower. And all the while his feelings seem to grow deeper. And now that she’s aware of his feelings, it seems she’s become more aware of her own (similar) feelings and/or she’s developed them. And sure...after his peer reviews (that “he doesn’t show initiative”) & seeing that his best friend is interested in someone else...who would be just another “not good option” similar to her past bad relationship decisions, ...and after getting mixed signals from her, he made more direct steps. 
He sang her his heart songs, but he didnt push her (no, “Hand picked” is not like a date, just “are you free to go and eat”). She only felt pushed because she could “read his mind”. Also... he didn’t sing to her while being in a relationship with someone else...he kept his distance. And at the same time she seems to have become more and more aware about her feelings for him, and she was giving him “wrong signals”. His response - the flash mob was a response to that. And he was just upset that she ran...without any real response (not interested, can’t right now...cause I’m too occupied with  dad thing). All he wanted was some sort of respose, and he told her so. She avoided telling him how she really feels (as Mo put it... he’ll understand if you say you don’t know, but you owe your friend an answer)...delaying it...as long as she could.  
Also... any rational person would be confused about hearing that someone has superpowers. Again...she avoided giving him an explanation, instead telling him “fairytales of superpowers”. And in the end he was okay with her answer - that she can’t give him an answer at the moment. Even though he was upset, we saw he was still gonna be her friend (even if keeping some distrance, and not doing the movie nights), and that he was sure that one day she’ll be ready (the 1x07 elevator end scene, where both men think she’ll choose them...in the end..when she’s ready)
And in the latest episode we saw that no matter how hurt his feelings were, he did not stop being her friend. As he said “he’ll be there...always...and be the shoulder to lean on”. And you could tell that a huge weight was lifted off his shoulder when he knew her real feelings. When she did what she promised in last episode...be 100% honest with him. Sure... it only happened because of the glitch, when she sang him the heart song, but nonetheless it made things more equal. As he said - it’s unfair that she knows how he feels & can see into his heart but he cannot see into hers. The glitch changed that. Gave him the opportunity to get the answers she “owed him”
 So... it’s undertandable that he felt hurt and confused when he saw her sing a heart song to someone else... right after finally giving him some answers. But...during he same conversation he processed it all, and also explained it to her - one song about love, the other about attraction. And he didn’t say “choose me”, he just explained the meanings to her (cause it was obvious she didn’t understand it herself), and told what his choice would be, while saying that he knows she’ll make her decision on her own....cause that ’s what she’s like. 
As a friend he doesn’t want her to make the same mistakes she has in the past..hence him being “upset” with her. Cause to him it looks like she wasn’t completely honest (something she promised to be) with him - singing her heart feelings to him, and then to someone else. Claiming that she can’t lose him as a friend and that’s why she’s not ready to try being more than friends, when to an outsider it looks like the real reason is, as he put it - cause she’s confused about her feelings... for two people. All she’d have to tell him...from start... would just be honest and simply just say (more clearly) that she has to focus on her family & dad at this time, and ask for time. She kinda did at the end of 1x07, but because she’s not good with emotions and feelings...and she delayed her answer, she didn’t really let him in...and be the friend she needs at the time, it wasnt as clear as it could’ve been. 
So far all his “pushy” behaviour can be seen as being a good friend -  he’s trying to help her not start another overly complicated relationship...which she told him (in Pilot) is not what she wants anymore. He points out to her why Simon is not a good option - he’s taken. Yes, part of his “pushiness” seems to come from trying to be less what his peer reviews decribed him like & competitiveness (knowing Simon is kinda his competition). But from his POV... (before she told him about her superpowers& sang him her heart song)... she’d been shown more interest in him (checking him out, giving mixed signals) & at the same time he’s in a bit of hurry because if he doesn’t act soon she may make a move on the new guy/the new guy may make a move on her. So it makes sense that with all of that happening at the same time he seems...to some... to "push” her towards being more than friends... Cause unconciously he may realize that if he doesn’t make a move ...now... he may be too late. 
And though it all... he’s still there for her. He might be “mad at her... just a bit”, but he still goes to check on her, still gives her advice, and space... after he knows what’s really going on. (he “pushes” her to confont her feelings about her dad, and deal with it instead of running). He’s not looking for something in return. We saw that over and over in several episodes. He verbalized it in 1x06, and his face/look told it in the end of 1x07 elevator scene. 
Also... “Mr Nice Guy” is better than “Mr. Cheater”...any day... in my book. And it surprises me that there are those who think that “nice guy who goes after his best friend” is worse option & worse clichee than the “hot new guy, who is willing to cheat”. For me one is clearly wrong behaviour the other just depends on your preferences. 
To quote Mo : Max is funny, and funny always wins. Hence... being Team Max.
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                  So... while up until things got overly complicated, both men could’ve been options, by now the show (writing etc) has made it pretty clear that they’re going for Z/M endgame. 
Though the showrunner/writers at times love to focus on the “love triangle” (I still don’t see it in the writing...I only hear it being described so by the showrunner etc), and how they want to continue with that...for a while... which makes it seem a bit like they’re seriously pro “cheating plots” and “human feelings are messy...hence we let the main character continue making bad choices” because “we love the love- triangle drama”, there’s still more evidence in them not really taking it further than the kiss. But yeah... at times the showrunners comments make it sound like he thinks more like the HIMYM creator did and less like Dawson’s Creek creator did. Too fixed in loving the “triangle drama” & not going for character growth... But... I truly hope that all that has just been misleading...and the storytelling is what tells us how it goes. 
They already let Simon make a bad move - the kiss. That should be the line over the line that they won’t cross again. He may continue pursuing her by singing songs to her, because he read her heartsong in the wrong way (because he doesn’t know why she did it, and what’s behind it), but if they follow the character growth path, and their current direction... they won’t let him/her go into the “cheating plot” territory again. 
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    My “advice” to Zoey & Simon: 
IF I could talk to these fictional characters, then the advice I would have given them...weeks/months ago would have been: just talk to your family & friends...the important people in your life. That’s Jessica for Simon, and Max (Mo, her mom...) for Zoey. Luckily we finally saw Zoey do that in the latest episode. So far we haven’t seen her really share the specific details on her dads health & her feelings regarding it all, with him. She hasn’t really confonted her feelings about it...til now or really confided in anyone in her family...etc... until now/finally. But Simon doesn’t seem to be doing so (he kept it all inside for a long time...until he had a chance to talk to a stranger, Zoey), and even though he made a point to not talk to her about it all, there has been no indication that after the “smoked roses” incident he’s confided in the person he should, Jessica.
Because... it doesn’t take a shared experience to get the support you need. The other person doesn’t have to have lived through the same/doesn’t have to know what it feels like in person to be the right person to lean on. And that was beautifully showcased at the end of ep 1x08, when Max, after he had been told about her dad’s condition, and her feelings regarding it, was the emotional support she needed. It just takes one person - somone who knows you best/well... to help you nagivate your “grief”.
To elaborate: That moment, when she finally was completely honest with Max, and let him in on her dad’s situation, was very important. It was the step to right direction. It also showed Zoey & us that it doesnt take a person who has experienced the same to understand her, support her. It just takes one person, who knows you & is there for you no matter what. And we shan’t forget that since Max was also close with Mitch, he will be personally affected by her dad’s death. So a shared experience... shared grief. Max being “in” on the details means that they’ll lean on each other more on this (so less need fo Zoey to connect about grief with Simon...who doesn’t have a connection with her dad & who doesn’t really know her). It was a crucial moment: Zoey finally not running from it all & properly starting grieving (going through the stages). And she finally let someone really in (something Simon can’t/won’t do with his fiancee... both cause she doesn’t understand him & his not willing to let her in), so this will make their friendship stronger going forward. Meaning: she doesn’t need Simon fro grief bond - she can get that support from Max, too. 
And they really need to explore Simon’s character...and let him grow. Based on spoilers we know that were gonna get (finally) some more development and closer look into Max. But they need to look into S. (Is it just the grief? Is is something...more...)
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wow ..this turned out way longer than I expected and planned. 
Also... no ship wars comments, please. Even though I stated why I prefer one of the options the show has introduced that does not mean this is an invite to start discussion which is better. This is not the purpose of this post. You’re allowed to have your preference. For me there simply is a (single) reason why I cannot support one, while am OK with the other. 
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years ago
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Ex-Aid & Ghost, Part One
:grabs the popcorn:
This is gonna be hard, because I wanted to try and do this without in-movie spoilers. I mean, I’ve seen the entire show at this point, and if you’re reading my liveblogs, I’m basically assuming that so have you, so not touching on plot points is a little impossible, especially with my overbearing love for going into meta and theories.
Also, it’s going to be in multiple parts. This first post covers about twenty minutes of run-time over the course of several hours of real-time, and nine pages.
(links to the other parts will go here)
Okay, so. In the first two minutes, we have Dr. Pac-man’s three assistants start shooting up the GenmCorp lobby, and I’m pretty sure that the muscle guy broke a guards neck. And then they go after Kuroto, with a very… glitchy Dr. Pac-Man alongside.
We’re talking ‘pre-bugvisor Graphite’ visual glitching, here. As though he doesn’t quite have enough… I dunno, cohesion to stay intact on his own.
Thing is, Kuroto seems genuinely… if not scared, then at least shocked to see him. The dude’s supposed to be very dead, after all.
And seriously, why do people keep jamming proto-gashats into their bodies?! No! Don’t do that! Stop it! I don’t care if you’re a bugster or not, it doesn’t actually help you at all, it’s just going to make you physically unstable!
And here we have Tougo, victim of the day. I have to say, I’ve never liked him much. He’s… annoying. Also, I’m aware that the choice of color for his school uniform is most likely ‘because Pac-Man’, but that doesn’t change the fact that’s it’s ugly. The girls jacket is a nice dark tan, but the boys have this gaim-awful mustard.
And then the Pac-Viruses attack.
Emu’s such a good guy, helping one of his young patients out in both work and as a sort of mentor-friend. Pity we’re still very early in Ex-Aid, and he’s still a horrible klutz. There’s no time to be tripping over your feet, Emu! We’ve got people to save!
…oh no… It never quite clicked before, but I think Takeru had to repeat a year! He was clearly planning on going to university, if only because he and Akari are/were in the same year of school, and she’d never let him live it down if he didn’t. And here? His teacher, who’s practically mocking him for being six months behind, is asking whether he’s serious about his entry exams or not.
So. Since it’s December now, and it was early April when he came back, Takeru missed the entire last half of what was supposed to be his senior year of high school. So here, he’s probably about three months into what he missed before.
Akari, Onari, please don’t disrupt the class like this, they probably all think Takeru’s weird enough as is without him getting called out for superhero business.
You know, Akari reminding Takeru to be careful, because he’s got a regular body now, implies that he hasn’t been careful. Maybe not as Ghost, but… you know, in regular exertion stuff. (And as Ghost, because there’s probably a number of times he’s had to help Alain with. Like. Less-than-satisfied court members or something over in the Ganma world.)
So, both teams are here at the outbreak site. Team Ghost, consisting of Takeru, Akari, and Onari, and team Ex-Aid, consisting of Emu and Asuna. Both of the lads put on their drivers, and simultaneously notice the other one there.
They didn’t meet outside of the suits in Ghost’s final episode, which was an epilogue to his story and a Bonus Sneak Preview Of The New Challenger, so it makes sense that the drivers – both of which are very distinct – would be how they recognize each other.
Of course, that gets us into the slight issue of ‘when does Ghost ep 50 take place.’
See, it’s implied in-show that it’s not long after Takeru comes back to life, which puts it in early to mid-April. He has a line about ‘are we really going to celebrate my birthday twice from now on?’, to which the answer was a definitive yes, so it makes logical sense for it to not be on his original birthday in October.
Except for how Emu couldn’t show up for his Big Damn Heroes moment if it were in April, because he didn’t put on the Gamer Driver until October.
So, when Emu comes to try and get the Shakariki Sports gashat from Ayumu, it isn’t quite chronologically possible… unless you take into account who Ayumu is.
He’s Takeru’s son. From the future. Meaning he time-traveled to get there.
It’s not even unprecedented for the season – Takeru’s father opened the portals that brought Takeru and Shinnosuke back and forth from 2005 in the Ghost & Drive movie, after all. So, it stands to reason that the portal ability, which Ayumu also shows, is a familial power.
What I’m positing is that Emu traveled back in time, and probably didn’t even know it.
He goes to the game worlds and battle stages fairly often, and since suddenly being in a different location isn’t exactly new to him… it would only makes sense for him to not realize that he’s in a different month, too. Especially when one of the stages looks just like the forest behind Daitenkuu Temple, and he has all sorts of flashy light effects going on all the time. An eye-shaped portal could totally just be another one of the standard special effects.
Yup, nothing unusual here.
Okay, that aside, nobody actually gets to transform just yet, because the whole group is swarmed by Pac-Viruses before either of them can activate their drivers, with the viruses quickly singling Takeru out and chewing into him.
He doesn’t get hit with the literal fever that everyone else they’ve done this to are suffering from. No, in Takeru’s case… the Ghost Driver disappears. He pulls out his eyecon to try again… and it clicks uselessly.
Onari suspects it might be because he ‘hasn’t transformed lately’, adding more credence to his and Emu’s encounter being more than two months ago.
Since nobody else here can… time for Ex-Aid to make an appearance.
In level one.
Cue Opening Credits.
So, Emu can’t so much as dent the Pac-Viruses, and then two of Zaizen’s lackeys show up. The man, apparently named Kazushige Ryuzaki, uses the Drago Knight Hunter Z proto-gashat to turn into… (quick search of the wiki) the Doral Bugster. Since I don’t feel like typing out his name, and it’s never said in show anyway, I’m just gonna be calling him Doral from here on. Similarly with the woman, Ageha Takeda, who uses Giri Giri Chambara to become the Giril Bugster.
So, you know, of course the one with a sword is the one Takeru faces off against. Why not? Not like he’s probably got some incredibly justified trauma relating to them. Not like it’s not actually incredibly ironic that his first heroic Eyecon arms him with a sword. Why not re-open some old less-than-metaphorical wounds right off the bat?
Doral basically corners Emu into the parking garage that Takeru and the others tried to bring Tougo through. Oh, yeah, they were trying to get that guy out of the area when he collapsed. I didn’t mention it because he’s not a good character, and exists primarily to guilt-trip Emu. So, yeah. Doral and Giril knock both our heroes down, breaking Emu’s level two transformation in the process, and here comes Dr. Pac-Man, being all ominous and glitchy, saying that he’s doing this for ‘revenge on humanity’.
Suuuure, that’s how you wanna spin it. Humanity in general. It’s totally not against a few very specific humans, one of whom you’ve recently had held at machine-gun point, and the other who has no idea what’s going on.
They use the scene of bringing Tougo into CR for a brief exposition dump – which is fair, both in-universe and out. Takeru’s team wouldn’t know what’s going on, and it helps just in case the parents in the audience haven’t been following what their kids have been watching. It just gives us that little bit of elaboration on the bugster virus, enough so that people aren’t completely lost.
Tougo’s – oh, wow, his ‘infection ratio’ is already at 63%. Usually when they get someone in here, they’re only in the 30% range. But, of course, there isn’t any data to define what’s going on, because this isn’t one of the normal bugsters. There’d be no reason for Pac-Man to be programmed into a Genm Corp system.
(Which actually raises the question of how they were able to see an icon for Burgermon in episode 17, since he wasn’t supposed to be a Bugster, either. Then again, he is from a game Genm Corp was developing. But I digress.)
Anyway, Emu’s justifiably confused as to why Takeru doesn’t seem to be having any of the usual symptoms of an infection. Oh, sweetie, if you only knew- :ahem: sorry, distracted.
Takeru says that no, he’s not feeling any sort of fever, he’s doing fine.
Onari reminds him that ‘he’ll only get hurt if he pushes himself’, and Akari feels his forehead to make sure he’s telling the truth.
Once again, we’re getting the implication that Takeru has developed a habit of going too far.
upstairs, we’ve got a conference call with Secretary Hinata, the Official CR team, and the Ghost team. Onari bursts out laughing at Poppy’s last name – and freaks out when she hops out of the arcade cabinet.
Both of these are understandable reactions, but maybe don’t immediately declare this a supernatural phenomenon? You know, since a government official was the one to first address her.
I will always be frustrated at the reverb effect they gave Poppy’s voice in this movie. There was no reason for Toei to do that, it’s just excessive, and it’s not like they did it in any of the promo materials or shorts, to say nothing of the show itself. Actually…
I wonder if some parts of this movie draw from early planning stages of Ex-Aid? Like, there’s no explaining the voice thing otherwise, and Emu was pretty close to freezing up for a long time in here… despite the setting for it being explicitly between episodes 10 and 11, at which point they’ve already faced an approaching pandemic, with what Graphite pulled in episodes 9 and 10. So, either the team just didn’t think of that, or there were aspects that got… left over.
I mean, it’s not nearly as inexplicably different as the entirety of the OOO section of OOO & W, but it’s not exactly fitting with where Emu would be even just in the first few episodes.
And yes, I’m aware that OOO & W was made when they had one whole episode of OOO to go off of, but that’s why I think there might be artifact plot elements in here.
Okay, back to the film itself. Again. Emu – Genius Gamer M – uses his genre savvy to realize why he couldn’t damage the Pac-Viruses. If, like some of the other bugsters, they’re operating on the logic of their game, then the only weakness they would have would be ghosts. AKA, instead of infecting Takeru, they burned out his ability to transform into Ghost, thus removing their biggest threat.
I mean, only some bugsters use their games that heavily. Motors, for one, the bugster from Bakusou Bike, is ‘prone’ to racing, and technically speaking, Emu and Kiriya cleared the game before destroying him, by beating him in a race. And the Doremifa Beat Collabos bugster was using music just like it would have been in the game itself – if you miss the notes, you get punished. In game, that’d just be a bad score. In the real world… painful explosions. Poppy, the actual bugster from Doremifa Beat, can’t sing without a backing track. And then there’s Burgermon, who was cleared in the same method as beating a level in his game – making a burger for him.
So, yeah, the Pac-Viruses might be in that class of bugster.
Anyway, enter Dan Kuroto and Hanaya Taiga.
Taiga’s all “No, I’m totally not here to help you guys, I’m just not letting these freaks run loose.”
Kuroto tells the ensemble that they stole the ‘heavily guarded’ proto gashats.
If by ‘heavily guarded’ you mean you were clearly reading their data out in the open, in your office. Again. And by ‘stole’ you mean “They had two machine guns pointed at me, and a sword, and I’m not immortal just yet! What was I supposed to do?! Just not hand them over?!”
…Yeah, he may be an evil bastard, but he didn’t exactly have a choice even if he wasn’t trying to keep up his ‘benevolent CEO�� facade.
Taiga’s comment of ‘those gashats are very dangerous’ is not only an understatement, but also… it’s foreshadowing. We know that Kuroto’s been using Proto Mighty Action X, and that it’s slowly wearing him down – Parad told us as much in episode 8 or 9. We know that Drago Knight was actually hurting Graphite, and he’s from there.
And, although we haven’t seen it yet, Taiga also has experience using them. Proto Bang Bang Shooting is what he originally used as Snipe, back in 2011. But we don’t know that even outside of the show just yet.
This movie came out in theaters in December 2016. We found out that the proto-gashats were involved during the Snipe Episode ZERO specials… the first of which wasn’t released until April 2017.
So… here, have some foreshadowing, I guess!
Emu asks if Kuroto has any idea who the culprits could be… and Kuroto pauses before saying he doesn’t. There’s a… not a scare chord, but a ‘you should be really, really suspicious right now’ sound effect when he says that.
I can’t tell if Emu looks disappointed or suspicious.
…Disappointed. He didn’t believe Kuroto could be evil until he revealed himself, so… yeah.
At the totally not sketchy base, Dr. Pac-Man and his lackies are planning something. They’re waiting for Tougo’s symptoms to break out – he was the one they were targeting, after all. I think the Pac-Viruses went after Takeru on their own. They’re also working on something called the ‘genome graph’.
Complete with a diagram of a human gene… that starts off normal, and then becomes blocky… pixellated, almost.
So that’s not sketchy at all.
…oh what the heck. The next scene is the next day. How can I tell? Everyone is in different outfits. It’s not just how Takeru is noticeably no longer in his school uniform, and back to his normal wardrobe. Akari and Onari are in different outfits, too, and Emu was wearing his yellow binary shirt, but now he’s on one of his dark blue ones.
How long does this movie take place over?
(No wonder Haruto was able to show up out of the blue! It’s been at least a day, so he’s had time to find out about this!)
Anyway, Tougo (finally) wakes up, and Emu and Takeru both start questioning him as to why the people in white were after him. Well, Emu’s telling him to go lay back down, because he can barely stand for more than a few seconds without wobbling, and Takeru’s asking questions.
Tougo cares not for your platitudes and worrying about his health, he’s got school and game development to do! Both Emu and Takeru take incredibly personal offense to this attitude.
Casual reminder, both of them were 18, the same age as Tougo, when things went wrong. Well, went wrong a second time in Emu’s case, when he went and decided that he needed to focus on his studies after… well, as we find out later, doing almost exactly what Tougo’s doing. Neglecting his own well being in order to do what he loves – games.
…ohhh no Emu is same hatting really hard with this guy.
(Listen, Tougo, as long as you don’t start identifying with the primary game designer in this show, we’re set. Just accept the fanmail gracefully, and everything will go much smoother.)
But, as Hiiro points out, they technically can’t force treatment on him. But also… well. There are some pretty nasty folks after Tougo.
On the roof, Takeru and Emu have a little chat. They’re both basically going ‘how on earth are you handling the Rider thing?’ to each other’s situations.
Pulling out the Ex-Aid Eyecon, Takeru says that he couldn’t have imagined that the rider that gave it to him is a doctor. He was just so incredibly neon. But the fact that ‘Doctor Emu’ is saving lives as both a doctor and as a Kamen Rider… that really impresses him.
(Please note that Takeru consistently uses “Emu-sensei” to refer to Emu both here, and in HeiGen Final. No, there’s no hero worship going on here, what are you talking about? That’s silly!)
Similarly, Emu’s incredibly impressed by Takeru’s resolve to have kept fighting after dying, and speaking as a doctor, can’t even begin to imagine what that takes.
And then here comes Kuroto, asking to see Takeru’s Ghost Eyecon to analyze it, so they can make something that will effect the Pac-Viruses.
Since Takeru agrees, it means that he’s not tied to it the way he was in the series. It’s probably a different Eyecon completely – seeing as in-show, the Ore eyecon was literally him. Technically, the Takeru we saw was almost a projection – his tangibility depended heavily on his emotional state.
(There’s a reason I occasionally joke about Ghost’s Eyecons being ‘Soul Gem Two: Spooky Boogaloo.’)
(Also, Yurusen shares a VA with Madoka, and that just drove the joke home. Turns out Meduka Meguca is the cat, after all!)
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Hatesate Puzzle is an Android game – you can tell, because the list of files includes four different .apk files. Also, it’s up to version 7.21.
But the programming screen? Uses the same stupid block of text that all of the programming screens use in this show. Like, it’s even more egregious this time, because it’s shown very clearly, in decent lighting, unlike in Kuroto’s assorted lairs. Also, it talks about game physics such as collision detection for the ground.
This is a match three game.
Anyway, turns out Hiiro’s idea was to allow Tougo to leave the hospital, as long as he was still being observed. There’s a hundred thousand people infected right now, and the people who did it want him. So… Tougo is bait.
Needs of the many, blah blah blah you could have at least run this by someone, Hiiro. I get not telling Emu. But Asuna should have been informed, at least.
Almost immediately after Hiiro takes his leave, letting Emu take over, we hear static as Tougo staggers backward in his seat and passes out.
We come to a busy office – a busy police barracks. Team Ghost waits anxiously on a visitors couch.
“I’m glad to see you’re back.”
Enter Officer Tomari Shinnosuke: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (active duty); Kamen Rider Drive (inactive).
Takeru and co had called in a favor, and Shinnosuke was only all to willing to help cover this case. Not only is it rider business now, but they’re threatening the city. Not to mention the police squad they destroyed yesterday – handily confirming that a day has, in fact, gone by – means Shinnosuke really wants in.
Turns out the three they’ve seen the faces of were all researchers into genetic therapy with the Next Genome Institute. Doctor Pac-Man is ‘most likely’ their boss, Zaizen Michihiko. Unfortunately…
They’re all supposed to be very, very dead. They died six years ago, as a matter of fact.
Most of the institute’s data was destroyed when the facility was sealed, but there’s a bit of closed circuit footage remaining of the event. Only a few seconds, but it’s enough to show them standing over an operating table, as orange lights encase and dissolve them, squares of light patterning the floor and walls.
Squares of light eerily similar to what they just say the other day, when people were activating Gashats.
Bugster work isn’t the only sketchy thing they’ve done – there were rumors of the institute working with cloning, creating mutants… basically, as Akari says, mad scientists.
(Anyone want to place odds on them being funded by Foundation X? No? Just me? Okay then.)
Emu and Asuna are with Tougo as he wakes on a bench. THey’d moved him somewhere out of the sun, and he’s… An asshole about it. He never asked for their help, and he’ll die when it’s time, anyway, so why are they bothering?
Doctor Pac-Man, still very glitchy, strolls up. “He’s right. None of you are needed here. Why not just hand him over?”
Running time!
Back at the precinct, Shinnosuke promises that he’ll let team Ghost know as soon as they find where the Next Genome researchers are hiding.
Y’know, except for that part where he’s too late, and they’re already going after Tougo, and by extension, Emu.
Shinnsouke’s fired up and ready to go after them.
Y’know, except for the part where Krim locked all of the Drive tech in his depression garage the Drive Pit at the end of the season, and Shinnosuke can’t transform, which Takeru points out, saying that it’s too dangerous for Officer Tomari to go.
Of course, Onari, logically, tries to point out that Takeru’s in the same boat right now, to which Takeru hurriedly shushes him.
Takeru and his team run off to deal with the situation.
Sad music plays as Shinnosuke laments his lack of belt.
And here’s where I decided I had to cut the liveblog for now! Because again, twenty-some minutes, and nine pages of text. This is going to take a while.
See you next game
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fluidsf · 6 years ago
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Fluid Label Focus on Crónica 017
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López: Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey (2019)
Reviewed format: review copy of Digital Album as kindly provided by Crónica
Welcome to the 17th review in the Fluid Label Focus series on the Crónica label. Today I have for you another recent release on the label that I finally got to this month. This is the new collaborative album by Portuguese experimental group Haarvöl and field recordist and sound artist Xóan-Xil López, titled Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey. This album features three long pieces for dance that were created for the play Revoluções (Revolutions) by choreographer Né Barros. As always, Miguel Carvalhais from Crónica kindly sent me an advance review copy, in this case of the digital version of the album. The Bandcamp download I got here features the 3 album tracks in high resolution 24-bit/48kHz audio, as well as a high resolution version of the album cover (in a wider 3259x2965p resolution as also used on the packaging of the physical CD version) and a PDF file. The PDF file (in my review copy it’s the promo version) features the album cover as well as additional artwork by Rui Manuel Vieira of Haarvöl, design of this release is by José Carneiro. Besides the artwork, as with many Crónica release you will find a lot of details on the release including the tracklist, credits and a description of the album and the various pieces. I read the full PDF file before listening and the texts per track are admittedly quite complex and oftentimes abstract, so they do require some background knowledge and reading to fully comprehend but even if (like me) your strength isn’t in the academic part of arts and music and concepts within them there’s quite a few recognisable reference points in the texts and names and literature mentioned to reference. As is also mentioned in the description of the album, the three pieces all depict three layers of time, past, present and future which also an interesting aspect of the concept behind the music, though for me personally these time layers were clearer as a difference in textural build up and sonic patterns between the three pieces and the “human sounds” within the music gave hints to passing time. It is definitely interesting to re-listen the pieces and reference details within them to the text in the PDF file but a great quality of the music is also that on its own the inherent effect it has on the imagination and subconcious are very strong, so let’s have a look at the music itself in the next section.
As mentioned before, Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey consists of three long pieces, each of which is around 15 minutes long and while each of the three pieces can work as an independent work if listened on their own, there’s also a great consistency in the music even though the three pieces definitely differ from each other in quite major ways (referencing the various phases of time). In terms of overall sonic signature, I’d say that Something’s Missing (Utopian) is a shifting at times quite noisy haze of textures, glitches and often metallic manipulated field recordings, The Pulsating Waves (Reality) goes for a more Industrial Drone sound, though it’s not as noisy as the first piece and Don’t Look Back, Run (Trauma) is the most minimalist in terms of composition, being mostly centred around a repeating Drone motif and filtered resonances. The album begins with Something’s Missing (Utopian). This piece moves through various phases, mixing field recordings, drones and glitches together to create a deep immersive and ever evolving soundscape that freely moves from fluctuating resonances to more tonal focussed moments in time. High frequency shimmering pulsations throughout the piece add a great metallic shine to the music and the glitches add some vibrant rhythmic elements to the mixture which are also very well blended into the sonic image. The piece has a very dense kind of layering within it in which field recordings, the drones and glitches are blended in such a way that there’s these audible edges between the sounds and the sonic layers seem to both intertwine and all be clearly audible as separate parts of the mix of the piece. The evolution of the music in the piece throughout is also very focussed on both textural contrasts and balance and the sounds used are also often not easily discernible in which sources they come from with the metallics in the field recordings and some of the resonances in the drones adding a layer of “artificial” sonic energy in the piece but this also makes it feel quite magical and wholly original and new. I love how the music’s combination of concrete sounds and textures also at times creates new wonderful organic sounds from material that is often coming from very human sources and the combination of both tonal pulsations and scattering glitch elements is quite unique and offers a great new take on Drone music that I haven’t heard before. The buzzing climax near the middle of the piece and the distorted organ like drones in the second half are highlights in the piece too. Indeed there’s a lot of things going on in these pieces but even with this many layers and changes throughout the music always stays consistent and not hard to grasp and most importantly never gets to a point of staying idle and “looping it out” which is a risk of Drone music if an artist would get too minimal with his / her approach. The very good mix and master on the piece also makes me feel this music could work great in multi-channel surround installation form as there’s a great depth and spatiality to this pieces, very good. In the next piece The Pulsating Waves (Reality), the music moves into a more “Industrial” like direction, so to speak, with quite a lot more focus on field recordings of machinery and metal clangs, as well as buzzing electricity like whirring sounds though the drones remain too, albeit in more subdued filtered form. With fuzzy human sounds of distant voices and crowds as well as some great vocal samples pitched in various hissy resonant tones the music moves into a contemplative introspective ambience. The buzzing electrical sound reminds me of the Mosaique album Shattering Silence (also on Crónica) that I reviewed last year but in this case there are mysterious resonances and distant sounds from the field recordings which again lead to a bit of a climax near the middle of the piece but also get quite intense in the finale of the piece in which an array of machinery sounds and heavily resonant flanged metallic sounds are combined with even more noisy mechanical sounds to create an ending that’s both intense but also quite hypnotic with its ever shifting overtones and resonances. The Pulsating Waves (Reality) definitely has more of a general Industrial ambience to it than the first piece but the gradual but also very varied composition of sonic elements also does give it a bit of a minimal Glitch kind of feeling in the middle of the piece with the droning tones accompanying the whirring sounds in subtly stuttering way. Again, definitely an awesome piece of music this one and while it’s quite Industrial, the piece has a very intriguing sense of introspection and tranquil peace to it too though the calm drones and fluctuating resonances throughout, feels quite like an atmospheric aural version of a panoramic time-lapse of a factory, intense mechanical sounds but also a sense of rest in your mind. Final track Don’t Look Back, Run (Trauma) is the most minimalist composition on the album, with a strings like droning tone forming a repeating pattern throughout almost the entire piece. The field recordings are much less recognisable as well, with many of the elements in the piece being very resonant, metallic or high frequency. Glimmering delayed elements, additional filtered drones as well as filtered distant noise change and evolve within the piece overtime, always moving in a new direction while the main droning tone keeps moving in an irregular rhythm. Indeed it’s an especially great quality of all three pieces on this album and of course of Haarvöl and Xoán-Xil Lopéz themselves that even in the most minimalist piece on the album, there’s such a rich variety of both organic, metallic and other sculpted sonic elements as well as constant evolution of the composition that the music always stays intriguing throughout and never stops moving forward in the extended length of the pieces. A great closer to an awesome album of music.
Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey by Haarvöl and Xoán-Xil López is definitely an awesome strongly recommended album, that is one of the best releases on Crónica and also of experimental music in general so far this year. The richness of textures and completely original sound that these artists create together on this album breaks the borders of soundscape and Drone music in a great new way that makes the music so well suited to many re-listens as well as these pieces will always sound new and different, even with every new repeated listen. There’s just so many layers and details of evolution in sound in the pieces to be discovered that it’s amazing how well balanced the pieces are all are considering how densely packed with layers most of the pieces are. I would especially recommend this album to fans of soundscapes, field recordings and Drone (Ambient) music but also if you’re into Industrial and even Glitch you’ll find plenty to enjoy in this music, it’s very rich music. So go check out this album for sure, you won’t regret it.
Digital Album and Limited Edition CD are available from the Crónica Bandcamp page here: https://cronica.bandcamp.com/album/unwritten-rules-of-a-ceaseless-journey
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otis67462821-blog · 5 years ago
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Furthermore, Sqribble comes with an online preview function that enables you to observe just how the e Reserve will turn out on different devices. This function saves time and quicken the e Reserve creation process.</p> easiest ebook creator in the world https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17O-GVuG6cv-UVlO5w8LR0HRjhFlU_ABpmnBqfvoxJr0 <br> <p>It is additionally extremely useful to anybody curious about producing added revenue by offering e Reserve creation solutions. Sqribble comes with an industrial agency certificate that enables anybody to use the software to offer others and retain all the profits! Just how much does it Expense? Typically, the software chooses $197.</p> <p>Adeel Chowdhry, Sqribble's programmer, has more than one decade experience in the electronic sector. He is renowned for hit products such as Pixel Studio FX and Social Studio FX which rose to be the # 1 top ranking products in different markets. He has additionally been a highlighted speaker in many global events.</p> <p>Feel confident; Sqribble is a professional, high quality e Reserve service that deserves spending into. In today's extremely competitive online arena, an e Reserve is an important advertising and marketing tool no matter of the item you're marketing. Sqribble is a glitch complimentary, easy to use and unrestricted tool (one payment only for the typical version) that can assist marketing professionals create high quality e Books with the least monetary investment and initiative possible.</p> <p>With Sqribble, there's no demand to proceed spending hundreds, or possibly countless bucks, on expensive software or consultants. Save your difficult made money and allow this new software do the help you at a fraction of the expense. Sqribble is arranged to release on November fifth 2018. Benefit from the item as quickly as it is launched and give it an examination drive.</p> <p> I acquired Sqribble a couple of weeks back and have actually been evaluating it out both directly and at my permanent work. I'll share my experiences throughout this testimonial and attempt to supply some useful understanding for every one of you reading this testimonial. We'll begin with a fast testimonial and after that, if you're still curious about finding out more about Sqribble, you can proceed on to the comprehensive section.</p> <br> Sqribble Review easiest ebook creator in the world https://youtu.be/SVLIBSbaD1Q<br> Sqribble Review easiest ebook creator in the world https://bisbee83028580.tumblr.com/post/189941995778/sqribble-review-drag-and-drop-ebook-creator
0 notes
lott97680515-blog · 5 years ago
Sqribble Review being an amazon ebook creator
<p>Item: Sqribble Designer: Adeel Chowdhry. Official Site: >> Simply Visit This Site Price Cut Promo Code Code: being an amazon ebook creator Spock Rating: 99 Scribble is a brand-new software application established by Adeel Chowdhry that aids individuals produce expert e Books in a matter of mins-- with just a couple of clicks. If you have actually ever tried developing an e Schedule from the ground up you know just how intimidating the job can be.</p> <p>If you do not have the time and also artistic skills to do so you can take into consideration outsourcing the task as an option. Nevertheless, this will cost you a considerable total up to get what you need. However NOT anymore! Sqribble simplifies the entire style and also material creation procedure and also therefore conserves on the internet entrepreneurs great deals of money and time.</p> <p>>> Go here to get your copy. 1. Gorgeous e Covers Sqribble packs over 50 seriously remarkable design templates that are exceptionally efficient in developing a strong impression on your leads. They're additionally suitable for promoting your brand name as a pacesetter in your area. The design templates are expanded in over 15 niches and also categorized appropriately.</p> <p>All you have to do is simply click on a couple of motivates, dabble around with some headers, footers and also colors using the drag and also drop feature and also you should have a sensational e Schedule cover in a short while. The covers look excellent on all platforms and also media. 2. Instantaneous Material With Sqribble, you can easily import message from either a site, the Sqribble library, word document, or various other resources on the web or your computer system to fill your e Schedule.</p> Sqribble Review being an amazon ebook creator https://vimeo.com/rickporter/ebooksoftwarecreator<br> <p>The software application can additionally aid you compile unique words from the internet to develop an initial e Schedule. For any individual that does not have the time or simply dislikes writing, this means you can produce a wonderful e Schedule from the ground up swiftly and also easily without ever writing a solitary word! It additionally means you do not have to pay a lot of money completely material.</p> <p>3. Style being an amazon ebook creator & Publish As a Sqribble individual you can easily tailor i.e. add, edit or erase a tabulation, headers, message blocks, bullet listings, links, buttons e.t.c. once they have actually been exported to the Sqribble job area. As soon as all the adjustments have actually been made just hit "Produce" and also download your e Schedule in just a couple of secs.</p> <p>Create Flipbooks Unlike various otherbeing an amazon ebook creator e Schedule generators Sqribble comes with a bonus offer feature that can be utilized to animate an e Schedule to turn pages in a way similar to an actual book. This makes the being an amazon ebook creatore Schedule extra eye-catching and also enhances the probability of netting greater downloads and also, consequently, better sales.</p> <p>This makes it simple to shape your job by controling a couple of integrated alternatives. In enhancement, Sqribble comes with an online preview feature that permits you to observe just how the e Schedule will end up on numerous devices. This feature conserves time and also accelerate the e Schedule creation procedure.</p> being an amazon ebook creator https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fgGkEUBA8g4Qf9wnaP9puS06N7_92bB- <br> <p>It is additionally extremely beneficial to any individual thinking about creating added income by providing e Schedule creation services. Sqribble comes with a business agency permit that permits any individual to use the software application to offer others and also keep all the profits! Just how much does it Cost? Typically, the software application chooses $197.</p> <p>Adeel Chowdhry, Sqribble's programmer, has over 10 years experience in the electronic industry. He is renowned for blockbuster products such as Pixel Workshop FX and also Social Workshop FX which climbed to be the # 1 top ranking products in numerous markets. He has actually additionally been a highlighted speaker in several global events.</p> <p>Rest ensured; Sqribble is a professional, excellent quality e Schedule option that deserves investing right into. In today's extremely affordable on the internet field, an e Schedule is an important advertising device no matter of the item you're marketing. Sqribble is a glitch cost-free, simple to use and also unrestricted device (one payment just for the conventional version) that can aid online marketers produce excellent quality e Books with the least monetary investment and also initiative feasible.</p> <p>With Sqribble, there's no need to continue spending hundreds, or possibly countless dollars, on fancy software application or freelancers. Conserve your hard generated income and also let this brand-new software application do the job for you at a fraction of the cost. Sqribble is set up to introduce on November 5th 2018. Take benefit of the item as soon as it is released and also provide it an examination drive.</p> <p> I acquired Sqribble a couple of weeks earlier and also have actually been testing it out both personally and also at my full time work. I'll share my experiences throughout this testimonial and also try to give some beneficial insight for all of you reviewing this testimonial. We'll start with a fast testimonial and after that, if you're still thinking about finding out more regarding Sqribble, you can continue on to the in-depth section.</p> <br> Sqribble Review being an amazon ebook creator https://rickporters.blogspot.com/2019/12/sqribble-review-best-ebook-software.html<br> Sqribble Review being an amazon ebook creator https://milton87550589.tumblr.com/post/189941904048/sqribble-review-beacon-ebook-creator-review
0 notes
manning19947579 · 5 years ago
Sqribble Review 1-minute ebook creator software
<p>Product: Sqribble Designer: Adeel Chowdhry. Official Web site: >> Simply Click Right Here Discount Promo Code Code: 1-minute ebook creator software Spock Ranking: 99 Scribble is a brand-new software established by Adeel Chowdhry that aids individuals produce specialist e Books in an issue of mins-- with simply a couple of clicks. If you have ever tried developing an e Reserve from square one you understand simply how daunting the job can be.</p> <p>If you lack the time and also imaginative abilities to do so you can take into consideration contracting out the project as a choice. Nonetheless, this will cost you a substantial total up to get what you need. But NOT anymore! Sqribble streamlines the entire design and also web content creation procedure and also hence saves on the internet business owners great deals of money and time.</p> <p>>> Click right here to get your duplicate. 1. Stunning e Covers Sqribble packs over 50 seriously excellent design templates that are unbelievably efficient in developing a solid very first perception on your potential customers. They're additionally suitable for promoting your brand as a leader in your area. The design templates are spread out in over 15 specific niches and also categorized appropriately.</p> <p>All you need to do is merely click a couple of prompts, dabble around with some headers, footers and also colors utilizing the drag and also decline feature and also you ought to have a sensational e Reserve cover in a brief while. The covers look excellent on all systems and also media. 2. Instantaneous Material With Sqribble, you can easily import text from either a site, the Sqribble library, word document, or various other sources on the net or your computer to load your e Reserve.</p> Sqribble Review 1-minute ebook creator software https://vimeopro.com/rickporter/sqribble-review-ebook-creator-software<br> <p>The software can additionally assist you assemble unique words from the web to create an original e Reserve. For any person that lacks the time or merely despises writing, this suggests you can produce a great e Reserve from square one promptly and also easily without ever composing a solitary word! It additionally suggests you do not need to pay a ton of money for great web content.</p> <p>3. Style 1-minute ebook creator software & Publish As a Sqribble user you can easily personalize i.e. add, modify or delete a table of components, headers, text blocks, bullet lists, web links, buttons e.t.c. as soon as they have been exported to the Sqribble work room. When all the adjustments have been made simply struck "Produce" and also download your e Reserve in simply a couple of seconds.</p> <p>Produce Flipbooks Unlike various other1-minute ebook creator software e Reserve generators Sqribble features a perk feature that can be utilized to animate an e Reserve to turn pages in a fashion comparable to an actual book. This makes the 1-minute ebook creator softwaree Reserve extra eye-catching and also boosts the possibility of netting greater downloads and also, consequently, higher sales.</p> <p>This makes it simple to shape your work by manipulating a couple of inbuilt options. In enhancement, Sqribble features a live sneak peek feature that permits you to observe exactly how the e Reserve will end up on numerous tools. This feature saves time and also quicken the e Reserve creation procedure.</p> 1-minute ebook creator software https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17O-GVuG6cv-UVlO5w8LR0HRjhFlU_ABpmnBqfvoxJr0 <br> <p>It is additionally very valuable to any person curious about generating additional earnings by providing e Reserve creation services. Sqribble features a business firm permit that permits any person to utilize the software to serve others and also preserve all the earnings! How much does it Expense? Typically, the software chooses $197.</p> <p>Adeel Chowdhry, Sqribble's programmer, has over one decade experience in the digital industry. He is renowned for blockbuster products such as Pixel Workshop FX and also Social Workshop FX which climbed to be the # 1 leading ranking products in numerous marketplaces. He has actually additionally been a featured audio speaker in lots of international events.</p> <p>Feel confident; Sqribble is a professional, top quality e Reserve service that deserves investing into. In today's very competitive on the internet sector, an e Reserve is an essential advertising and marketing tool no matter the item you're offering. Sqribble is a glitch free, simple to utilize and also limitless tool (one settlement just for the conventional version) that can help online marketers produce top quality e Books with the least economic investment and also effort possible.</p> <p>With Sqribble, there's no requirement to proceed investing hundreds, or possibly hundreds of dollars, on elegant software or consultants. Save your tough earned money and also allow this brand-new software do the work for you at a portion of the cost. Sqribble is scheduled to launch on November 5th 2018. Make use of the item as soon as it is launched and also give it a test drive.</p> <p> I purchased Sqribble a couple of weeks back and also have been examining it out both personally and also at my full time task. I'll share my experiences throughout this testimonial and also attempt to provide some valuable understanding for every one of you reading this testimonial. We'll kick off with a fast testimonial and after that, if you're still curious about finding out more concerning Sqribble, you can advance to the comprehensive part.</p> <br> Sqribble Review 1-minute ebook creator software https://twitter.com/RickPorterSEO/status/1210988921611534337<br> Sqribble Review 1-minute ebook creator software https://holm90658695.tumblr.com/post/189941853043/sqribble-review-1-ebook-creator-doc
0 notes
land72727954445-blog · 5 years ago
Sqribble Review mobile ebook creator
<p>Product: Sqribble Designer: Adeel Chowdhry. Authorities Web site: >> Simply Visit This Site Discount Rate Promo Code Code: mobile ebook creator Spock Rating: 99 Scribble is a brand-new software program established by Adeel Chowdhry that aids individuals develop specialist e Books in a matter of mins-- with simply a couple of clicks. If you have actually ever before attempted developing an e Schedule from scratch you know simply how discouraging the task can be.</p> <p>If you lack the moment as well as artistic abilities to do so you can take into consideration contracting out the job as an alternative. Nonetheless, this will cost you a significant amount to get what you require. But NOT any longer! Sqribble simplifies the entire layout as well as material development process as well as therefore saves online entrepreneurs great deals of time as well as cash.</p> <p>>> Visit this site to get your copy. 1. Beautiful e Covers Sqribble packs over 50 seriously remarkable design templates that are unbelievably effective in developing a strong first impact on your potential customers. They're likewise excellent for advertising your brand name as a pacesetter in your area. The design templates are spread out in over 15 niches as well as classified appropriately.</p> <p>All you need to do is merely click a couple of triggers, dabble about with some headers, footers as well as colors utilizing the drag as well as decrease feature as well as you must have a magnificent e Schedule cover in a short while. The covers look wonderful on all systems as well as media. 2. Instantaneous Material With Sqribble, you can quickly import text from either a site, the Sqribble library, word file, or various other sources on the net or your computer to fill your e Schedule.</p> Sqribble Review mobile ebook creator https://vimeo.com/channels/ebookcreatorsoftware<br> <p>The software program can likewise assist you put together special words from the web to develop an initial e Schedule. For anyone that does not have the moment or merely hates writing, this implies you can develop a great e Schedule from scratch swiftly as well as quickly without ever before composing a solitary word! It likewise implies you don't need to pay a fortune completely material.</p> <p>3. Style mobile ebook creator & Publish As a Sqribble customer you can quickly customize i.e. include, edit or remove a table of contents, headers, text blocks, bullet lists, links, buttons e.t.c. when they have actually been exported to the Sqribble job space. Once all the adjustments have actually been made simply struck "Create" as well as download your e Schedule in simply a couple of secs.</p> <p>Produce Flipbooks Unlike various othermobile ebook creator e Schedule generators Sqribble features a reward feature that can be used to stimulate an e Schedule to turn pages in a way similar to an actual book. This makes the mobile ebook creatore Schedule much more attractive as well as boosts the probability of netting greater downloads as well as, subsequently, higher sales.</p> <p>This makes it simple to form your job by manipulating a couple of integrated alternatives. On top of that, Sqribble features a real-time sneak peek feature that enables you to observe how the e Schedule will transform out on different devices. This feature saves time as well as rates up the e Schedule development process.</p> mobile ebook creator https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17O-GVuG6cv-UVlO5w8LR0HRjhFlU_ABpmnBqfvoxJr0 <br> <p>It is likewise highly beneficial to anyone curious about generating added income by providing e Schedule development services. Sqribble features a business agency certificate that enables anyone to use the software program to offer others as well as preserve all the profits! Just how much does it Expense? Generally, the software program chooses $197.</p> <p>Adeel Chowdhry, Sqribble's developer, has more than 10 years experience in the digital sector. He is renowned for smash hit items such as Pixel Workshop FX as well as Social Workshop FX which climbed to be the # 1 top ranking items in different markets. He has actually likewise been a featured audio speaker in many worldwide occasions.</p> <p>Feel confident; Sqribble is a professional, top quality e Schedule remedy that is worth investing into. In today's highly competitive online arena, an e Schedule is a vital advertising and marketing device no matter the product you're offering. Sqribble is a glitch free, simple to use as well as unrestricted device (one settlement only for the conventional variation) that can assist marketing experts generate top quality e Books with the least economic investment as well as effort feasible.</p> <p>With Sqribble, there's no requirement to proceed spending hundreds, or potentially countless dollars, on elegant software program or consultants. Conserve your tough earned cash as well as allow this new software program do the benefit you at a fraction of the cost. Sqribble is scheduled to release on November 5th 2018. Take advantage of the product as soon as it is released as well as offer it a test drive.</p> <p> I bought Sqribble a couple of weeks earlier as well as have actually been examining it out both personally as well as at my full time work. I'll share my experiences throughout this review as well as attempt to supply some beneficial insight for every one of you reading this review. We'll begin with a quick review and afterwards, if you're still curious about finding out more regarding Sqribble, you can continue to the comprehensive portion.</p> <br> Sqribble Review mobile ebook creator https://rickporters.blogspot.com/2019/12/sqribble-review-best-ebook-software.html<br> Sqribble Review mobile ebook creator https://gray42713606.tumblr.com/post/189941794505/sqribble-review-mobi-ebook-creator
0 notes
guez83228726426-blog · 5 years ago
Sqribble Review freeware ebook creator
<p>Item: Sqribble Creator: Adeel Chowdhry. Official Site: >> Just Visit This Site Discount Promo Code Code: freeware ebook creator Spock Score: 99 Scribble is a new software program created by Adeel Chowdhry that assists individuals produce specialist e Books in a matter of mins-- with simply a couple of clicks. If you have ever tried creating an e Book from scratch you know simply exactly how daunting the job can be.</p> <p>If you lack the moment as well as imaginative abilities to do so you can consider outsourcing the project as an option. However, this will certainly cost you a substantial total up to obtain what you require. But NOT any longer! Sqribble streamlines the entire design as well as material development process as well as thus conserves on the internet entrepreneurs great deals of money and time.</p> <p>>> Click below to obtain your duplicate. 1. Gorgeous e Covers Sqribble packs over 50 seriously remarkable templates that are incredibly reliable in creating a solid impression on your potential customers. They're also suitable for promoting your brand as a forerunner in your field. The templates are spread out in over 15 particular niches as well as categorized accordingly.</p> <p>All you have to do is simply click on a couple of prompts, dabble around with some headers, footers as well as shades utilizing the drag as well as decrease attribute as well as you need to have a spectacular e Book cover in a brief while. The covers look fantastic on all platforms as well as media. 2. Instant Content With Sqribble, you can conveniently import text from either a website, the Sqribble library, word record, or other sources on the web or your computer system to load your e Book.</p> Sqribble Review freeware ebook creator https://vimeopro.com/rickporter/sqribble-review-ebook-creator-software<br> <p>The software program can also aid you assemble special words from the web to develop an original e Book. For anybody who lacks the moment or simply hates writing, this implies you can produce a great e Book from scratch promptly as well as conveniently without ever creating a solitary word! It also implies you do not have to pay a fortune forever material.</p> <p>3. Style freeware ebook creator & Publish As a Sqribble user you can conveniently tailor i.e. add, edit or delete a tabulation, headers, text blocks, bullet checklists, links, switches e.t.c. as soon as they have been exported to the Sqribble work area. When all the modifications have been made simply struck "Generate" as well as download your e Book in simply a couple of seconds.</p> <p>Create Flipbooks Unlike otherfreeware ebook creator e Book generators Sqribble comes with a bonus offer attribute that can be utilized to stimulate an e Book to turn pages in a manner similar to a real publication. This makes the freeware ebook creatore Book extra eye-catching as well as increases the probability of netting greater downloads as well as, as a result, higher sales.</p> <p>This makes it easy to shape your work by adjusting a couple of inbuilt options. Additionally, Sqribble comes with an online preview attribute that permits you to observe exactly how the e Book will certainly transform out on numerous devices. This attribute conserves time as well as quicken the e Book development process.</p> freeware ebook creator https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gBa5xBTJt3sHk1Bz1jM2R68ksml03B8s <br> <p>It is also very beneficial to anybody interested in generating added income by supplying e Book development services. Sqribble comes with a commercial company license that permits anybody to use the software program to serve others as well as maintain all the revenues! How much does it Expense? Typically, the software program chooses $197.</p> <p>Adeel Chowdhry, Sqribble's designer, has over one decade experience in the digital sector. He is renowned for smash hit products such as Pixel Studio FX as well as Social Studio FX which climbed to be the # 1 top ranking products in numerous markets. He has actually also been a featured speaker in many international occasions.</p> <p>Relax assured; Sqribble is a professional, top quality e Book option that deserves investing right into. In today's very affordable on the internet arena, an e Book is an essential marketing tool regardless of the product you're selling. Sqribble is a glitch totally free, easy to use as well as unrestricted tool (one repayment only for the standard variation) that can aid marketing professionals create top quality e Books with the least economic investment as well as effort possible.</p> <p>With Sqribble, there's no need to continue investing hundreds, or potentially thousands of dollars, on fancy software program or consultants. Conserve your difficult made money as well as allow this new software program do the help you at a portion of the cost. Sqribble is scheduled to introduce on November fifth 2018. Capitalize on the product as quickly as it is launched as well as give it a test drive.</p> <p> I acquired Sqribble a couple of weeks back as well as have been testing it out both personally as well as at my full time task. I'll share my experiences throughout this review as well as attempt to offer some beneficial insight for all of you reviewing this review. We'll start with a fast review as well as after that, if you're still interested in discovering more about Sqribble, you can continue on to the comprehensive portion.</p> <br> Sqribble Review freeware ebook creator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVLIBSbaD1Q<br> Sqribble Review freeware ebook creator https://mazur90038439.tumblr.com/post/189941649723/sqribble-review-flip-ebook-creator-freeware
0 notes
markussenburnham30-blog · 7 years ago
Madden Mobile — Is Pressure Closing Cheating? GameQuiche
Or potentially you are an teacher that plans to do all model-new contemplate your madden mobile technique. Next, it is necessary to note that Madden has one true exploit: While other sports franchises (FIFA, NBA 2K) punish your speed, agility and comparable rankings for making a bigger player, Madden does not. That's to not say a 7-foot tall working again moves as rapidly as one standing 5 ft 7 inches, however they would technically have the same scores. Some positions can use this, and I will present you which ones. madden mobile sport have shifted earlier the goal of as being a kids' passion, so do not believe every single sport is family members-pleasant. Both promos had their own issues. I did effectively in each with getting 2 rare presents in madden that had 91 and 93 OVRs, and I pulled ninety one Klay which offered for 80 million. So technically I did better on Nba. However Nba had the same exact event everyday with no new day by day content and an absolute minimum number of units. It could be extraordinarily difficult to grind for anything other than an 87 ovr. And naturally the vast majority of madden's presents stunk except some elites. It did really feel loads simpler to get elite players and presents though. Meanwhile all I've gotten from Nba's eilte presents is 6 OOP gamers, which it's useless to have a 5'8'' center. Madden NFL Mobile Hack Madden-Cash and Coins Generator Hack On-line Resources Generator Madden NFL Mobile Hack Online Sources Generator Madden-Cash and Coins Generator sur le discussion board Rain , Madden NFL Mobile Hack Cheats 2018 100% Working Limitless Free Madden-Cash and Coins Generator Generator sur le discussion board , Madden NFL Mobile Hack Unlimited Madden-Cash and Coins Generator Cheats ? UnliCheats, Mod by jlsdiversion programmer group ? Hey of us we simply discharge new marvelous hack device, this is Madden NFL Mobile Hack Cheat Tool v0290, Madden NFL Mobile Hack Generate Free Madden-Cash and Coins Generator using , The all new Madden NFL Mobile Hack permits you to generate limitless amounts of Madden-Cash and Coins Generator at no cost utterly online Use our Madden NFL Mobile Hack cheats, Get Free Madden-Cash and Coins Generator with our new Madden NFL Mobile Hack and on-line, 6 days in the past With our new online Madden NFL Mobile Hack you'll be able to have many limitless amounts of Madden-Cash and Coins Generator and at your disposal and give your self. Madden NFL Mobile Hack (OnlineGenerator) has brought fairly a very long time to construct earlier than we decided so or not it's launched for public use. Me and my crew of programmers have labored so difficult since of this coach to make optimistic that the mod is protected but user-pleasant. The very very first release we total had so many random crashes and was never great even for a seasoned programmer. You regularly had to debug each single injection till it could make a fruitful entry. And that's why it completely was by no means released. Following quite a few alterations within the algorithm and codes, we finally found a glitch that people can investigate which finally lead to this final launch. Even now, a number of more minor bugs have previously been corrected so you will not imagine this system has crashed when it seems to be prefer it's frozen however takes place to be even now injecting. Earlier than the correction, the method would get near to half-hour but following the adjustments that folk created, it has been lowered to 2 - 3 minutes which we believe is the absolute most optimized time for account security from getting detected.
Madden NFL Mobile Hack coins is a software created by a fan of the App. The Madden Mobile Hack Online rewards include three Gold locker items, 126 Silver Locker gadgets, aproximatelly 16,000 coins and 0.8 elite locker items. And for mark closer to forty 1000, Brady Master Item could be unlocked. That ought to obtain a S7 other madden mobile for appropriations iTunes! enhancing of the older Harvest Moon messages, I do been some madden mobile 16 takes straight held out tips on how to fairly dwell their very own giveaways that used not gone on the Recreation Boy case and be them related on users as good batteries? also with the present madden mobile of an seasoning search and people, I have those would take not simply as nation lessons tablets. madden mobile 16 Of Recollections is like a cheaper tools ' Sorry what materials are about this programming. https://github.com/NFLCoins dwell a BIG madden mobile 16 hack of Harvest Moon questions and when I occurred this for my disc I noticed to be out what it gives sure. When you play Madden or Madden Ultimate Group, referred to as MUT to avid players, you know how necessary it is to have some tips up your sleeve to carry out at your highest level within the game. There are some tips and ideas that can help transfer your team alongside and may help you be and keep competitive in the sport, securing among the finest players and capitalizing on them. If you already know a few of these tips and your competition does not, you are already better off. Read the easy methods to hack madden mobile instructions so that you simply do not need any issue in utilizing the device. Playing with madden NFL coin Plenty of gamers have truly been asking concerning the madden NFL coins as well as what they assist you accomplish. Permit's harm down precisely what is madden NFL 18 coins in addition to why you require acquire madden NFL 18 coi. Madden On-line Store continues to provide economical coins for NFL 18 so you'll be able to set up your squad as well as get pleasure from all the capabilities on this new launch. Madden NFL Mobile gives greater than one method to improve your roster. All of these on-line "Hacks" are simply scams that they use to get personal data or money from visitors. They don't work. Now open your madden NFL mobile hack in your android or iOS device. There's something about Madden that causes Packers gamers to place the team on their again. EA Sports activities have side by aspect tournaments and challenged for Madden Mobile tension will increase extra especially that Madden NFL 18 was simply launched weeks ago. Madden Mobile coins have to be going gaga by now. We will not probably simply put their consoles down whereas enjoying Madden Mobile. But how many stressed nights would it take to gather enough Madden Mobile Coins? As a gamer, have you had the sensation of wanting to purchase one thing digitally, however your coins are usually not enough to take it residence? How long is it going to be to achieve your superb quantity? Effectively, you possibly can rest now. We now have an effective way to resolve your Madden Mobile Coins downside. There are two methods for you to get the coins. First, you may all the time buy the coins. Go to the official website and buy the coins legally and legitimately. Second, you need to use the Madden NFL Mobile 18 Hack mobile generator, permitting you to get the coins without spending a dime. This hack generator is a system that's designed to assist avid gamers get their resources with out having to spend a dime. This can be a fashionable go-to various when you do not want to re-do the game once more and you might be in want of the coins. Madden NFL mobile is an American soccer sport video game which has the identical rules and options as a normal soccer recreation. It's based on the Nationwide soccer league and revealed by EA sports activities. This is significantly the mobile model of Madden Ultimate Team (MUT). Just like a real soccer game, Madden NFL mobile is played in numerous modes. Theses modes are particular packages and modifications with respect to degree gain, number of gamers and many others. The various modes as seen in Madden NFL mobile are discussed respectively under.
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Principles of Accounting and Accounting Assumptions
If your site is a low business owner, you want to have to are sure your primary business often is a affluent enterprise. You want to finally know in what way much us dollars your business is constructing and strategies far a person can provide yourself all through credit considering your distributors and suppliers. You'd really like to have a snapshot or conclusion of very own business all round performance to boost in talking for lots more funds taken from bankers as a way to expand our activities. Commercial reporting is therefore any kind of a critical factor of running a young business. Profit and also Loss Account The primary business describe that that you need from the final of each month, depending on one particular volume including activity, happens to be the four weekly profit while loss trading account or survey. This is often prepared due to a one month era in all the case to monthly accounts and another three calendar month period in the case of every three months accounts. One particular profit plus loss service shows by what method your promos or revenue is interpreted to the main net financial gain. Revenue could be the money of marketing that you will have made in order to really your home owners. The revenue figure would likely be a good net number after human resources for money discounts and after that any pensions that you have have afforded your customers and prospects. Each sale made will quite possibly be supported for a lender invoice in which details in which type of product distributed for a fee or products and services rendered and also the associated value. A gross make profit figure has always been arrived at just after deducting the spending directly assigned to unquestionably the sales. Your gross return margin is arrived by going to by splitting the overall profit suffering from the earnings figure . this really does show all of the percentage at profit attained from merchandise sales to subscribers. Some work owners indeed know the way to have basic bookkeeping, but still, they seek out it practical to use a top quality. Why? Due to a business owner's platter is absolutely full. Different kinds of aspects for the home business need to be acquired care wrong - marketing, human resource, production, a lot of. Therefore, just in case there is a consultant who will probably help, it follows that wouldn't it's be smart to hire them? As a business owner, it was your accountability to take a look at your personal business seeing that a whole grain. No material how diverse you are, you shouldn't overwhelm ourselves with just about all the assignments. You need to have to learn how if you want to delegate throughout the order in maximize your prized profits. And possibly it can mean spending each little extra for a very additional yet unfortunately a dependable service. Some entrepreneurs claim where it spending an extra amount on the perfect task just that you could possibly do should be worth which. But business experts would definitely disagree on the way to this. When you're inside the business industry, things will in no way go given that smoothly even as you demand it towards be. Certainly there will constitute challenges the fact may trap you separate from guard. Know what if being handling each and every one the jobs in a business? Follow you reckon you may perhaps cope upward? What the actual event that you developed one mistake in accounting? Is the software still sincerely worth it? Outsoucring a accountant will instead of only help you to you shrink down your good costs then again reduce glitches in your own business equally well. Accounting attempts to do something to see non-cash scenarios and circumstances as many people occur. Accumulation is in question with predicted future cash receipts as well as a payments: it is an accounting act of beginning to see assets, liabilities or income for amounts expected to be acquired or paid in future. Common experiences of accruals include jobs and sales negotiation of property or service providers on credit, interest, rent out (not BAS Services to date paid), wages and salaries, taxes. Thus, we make record about all expenses and net income relating when you need to the information systems period irrespective of if actual hard earned cash has been disbursed or received also known as not. If a practical accounting supposition (i.e. Planning concern, persistence and accrual) is fail to followed (in the food preparation of funding statements) i would say the fact will need to be revealed. [AS-I para 27].
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years ago
This is part of my ZEP: S1 Thoughts Master Post
Here’s the new & updated long analysis post for ZEP S1. This one features the whole season, all 12 episodes.
Just me...dissecting & analyzing the storyline...with focus on Zoey & Team Max. But since the stories are so intertwined, there’s Zoey/dad & Zoey/Simon talk, too. Among other things...relevant to it all...
I hear the showrunner & the characters talk about a “love triangle”, yet I don’t see one (just confused, grieving people). I hear them talk about a deep emotional bond between Z&S, and yet I don’t see it on screen. I see a pretty shallow connection due to their dads - “grief bond” with no actual deeper connection. And though I personally don’t “feel” that they actually feel attraction to the other, I’m willing to admit that perhaps each truly thinks they do…and actually find the other attractive. But nonetheless the story, to me, has clearly been told in a way that showcases the differences of the two men in her life.
One thing that kinda supports my theories is that while we & Zoey have heard Max sing her actual “love songs” (revealing that the connection they have is love, friendship, romance), then Simon’s “heart songs” have been mostly related to his grief (”Should I stay or should I go” is kinda an exception here). Meaning their connection is based on that, and his grief is what she’s supposed to help him with. All S’s songs have been about his inability to deal with the loss of his dad, and the problems in his life & relationship that have come from this. Which is why I’m still a bit confused why the show is calling it a love triangle, when it doesn’t really seem to be.
Since they all sing their innermost thoughts, and the songs are related to the feelings they have, and connected to the “problem” Zoey is supposed to help them with, then for Simon that seems to be “everything grief related” (he’s still not dealing with the loss, and it affected his relationship with Jessica..etc)…and I don’t understand why Zoey isn’t more actively helping him with that…instead focusing on “do I possibly have romantic feelings for the man?”, when she & Mo established that if she doesn’t help the person who she hears sing with their problem… that’s not good. I think THIS is the thing that has “confused” me. (but we all know network shows love their love triangles and such drama, so they have to play it like that..). So I really hope that in the coming eps we will see Z. help S. deal with his grief (she has her family, Mo & Max…who help her, but S. doesn’t seem to have any support system…) and “fix him”.
Good news for one team, perhaps not so good for the other team.
Based on everything we’ve seen on the show (the storytelling, the promotional materials, the spoilers)… everything points to Max/Zoey being the endgame. I’ve seen many fans (both those who support Team M & those who support Team S), say that they get the same message from the storytelling. It does seem to be the clear message from the show…no matter how they get there..or when…
The “proof”:
First: The actor who portrayes Max is billed higher (probably mostly cause he’s done more well-known musical projects before than the other actor), and he’s featured in much more promotional materials (promo pics, posters, promo videos…) and in more central role, than the other actor. The promotion is vastly focused on M/Z. They use those characters & actors… a lot…for promotion. That suggests only one thing.
Second: They told us the premise of Zoey’s future relationships in the Pilot already via this Max/Zoey conversation:
Zoey: I have a long history of — what do you call my past relationships again? –
Max: – “Unnecessarily complicated, exhausting for everybody, the opposite of good”?
Zoey: Yeah. Those things. Which is why this time I’m just gonna take things slow, and wait for the right “in”
And with Zoey/Simon thing has been just a repeat of her past experiences which she claims she doesn’t want to re-live again, and this show is all about her growth as a character/person, this cannot be the endgame. Even if they’d reveal that S/J have broken up… all that’s already happened has followed this exact description (see Max’s quote)
Third: While Zoey sang her heart song to Max and they had a moment for themselves (though..let’s be honest…they get interrupted so much that others in the office must’ve overheard a lot by now…), the heartsong to Simon seemed to be more like a setup for having Max see it. And while both songs are about her deepest, secret feelings/desires… and there’s truth in both, then the way the scenes were set up makes it seem like she sang to her best friend to make him aware of how she really feels (what he said in the previous ep: he needs to know/get a respose from her…and this gave him that). But the other song was meant to be overheard by her best friend…and that was the goal of the song/scene (not the song itself, but that he saw). Again pointing to the show going for Max as the endgame.
Fourth: The triangle is as follows: Both Max & Simon like Zoey, but she only really likes one of them. Both men sang heart songs to her (Max = I think I love you, Sucker, If I can’t have you, 500 miles), and she sang to both…but different songs. Simon sang “If you say that you are mine, I’ll be here ‘til the end of time” in 1x05, so it’s coming from his side. Zoey in 1x08 sang “I’m Yours” to Max (that her heart is his), but she sang “I want you to want me” to Simon (not that she wants him, but she wants him to want her). As her best friend explained it - one is about love, the other physical attraction. But… if you listen to the lyrics more closely then based on them she’s singing about how she saw S. crying & all alone (1x01) and how that affected her, compared to singing to M. how she’s “caught feelings”. So she’s only actually interested in Max, as her feelings for Simon are not mutual (beyond the grief bond). One is one-sided and more “superficial”, the other is mutual and more “serious”.
Fifth: While we’ve seen that Zoey thinks she’s caught feelings for Simon (what she told her mom at the engagement party), and she hasn’t really admitted this to anyone besides her mom, she seems to not see it as a good thing. She also claims to both Max & Simon that she doesn’t really have feelings for Simon/wasn’t aware of her feelings and/or that she’s basically over it… so kinda “little white lies”. She seems to think they have a sort of connection and/or she seems to find him attractive…despite realizing that it cannot happen because he’s engaged. (and before Simon went and took the wrong step, he said the right thing - they leaned too much on each other about their grief, and they should just go back to co-workers, and that’s all. Sadly…that was changed because of the “glitch” that mislead…people). But… we also saw that she is fighting against having feelings for the morally questionable engaged man, cause she probably realizes it’s a bad idea.
Sixth: All this time, but especially in the last episode, the show has tried to show the two men in her life differently, and show the differences in their “relationships” with Zoey. It’s a very classic “fairytale story” that follows often-used “clichees”. They’ve shown how the two are different, and how the connection between both “ships” is different. And everything points to them starting to make the difference even more clear. By now they all are aware of each others feelings…to some point… and both men are aware that they’re both competing for her interest.
And she’s aware that she is interested in both… but in different ways, and for different reasons. And again they used Max to vocalize the choice before her - will she choose physical attraction without deeper connection or love and deeper emotional connection…AKA “new attractive co-worker who went through what shes going through VS her best friend, who is always there for her…no matter what. The options were made clear, now it’s her decision. And it’ll depend a lot on how each man will act from now on…at the most difficult time in her life (she’s now really going to lose her dad).
If Simon will try to make advances based on the heart song she sang, which gave outmixed signals AND at the same time Max will continue being a good friend (as we saw in 1x08…despite their dispute) then that’ll make Z/S grow furher apart and Z/M grow closer. And since it’s all become too complicated and messy for everyone… then it’s very possible all this will get to Jessica, and break those two apart. But… that’s IMO gonna be the opposite from making the path clear for S/Z. To have Simon as a character grow they need to have him deal with his grief, and all that. The Simon vs Max thing is a lot like Leif/Tobin thing… where the peer reviews made one become sketchy and start playing games, and the other start working on bettering themselves. I expect similar differences of paths taken for S & M. Especially because we’ve not only seen Tobin 2.0, but also Max 2.0 (and we’ll see more of that..in coming eps)
Seventh: We ve heard spoilers than in the S1 finale there will be a “heart song” for/from/with one of the two and Zoey. From how the scene is decribed it sound more like something fitting to Max (Max/Zoey). Which fits with how the season and story has been built so far. That seems to also confirm where they’re taking it. Cause…they’ve established that just like on most shows the main character HAS TO have a love interest, and so far they’ve only introduced two  options.
Other reasons why Zoey will most likely choose “love” over “physical attraction” (in the end, even if she’ll choose differently for now):
We saw Zoey’s reaction when she found out that S. had a SO/was engaged - she ran. And though she might find him attractive (physically)…as she found out via her heart song in 1x08, and she might feel a connection to him (because of the heart song she heard him sing in 1x01), she hasn’t shown interest in actually being with him… because she knows he’s taken. And also because she’s not really in the right place to start a relationship. She/They may not realize it, but they don’t have much more in common than grief - that’s the center of their bond (for now). Despite her interest/attraction to him & her thinking she “likes” him…
This is also why it’s easier for her to admit she has/had feelings for Simon, but she’s having trouble admitting…to herself (and Mo) & to Max that she may have feelings for her best friend. There’s nothing to lose with the first, but a lot to lose with the second. She’s afraid (and she varbalized it at the end of 1x07) that something could not go well… etc
While Max was not at all ready to meet his dates (Autumn) parents, because it’s a huge step and he just wan’t ready for it, he has met his best friends parents, and is welcome at their home. And there’s no feelings of meeting the parents being such “next level step”. We saw this when he brough her dad pudding to eat & when he helped carry the bed downstairs. It was also mentioned that he’s been part of the extended family for a while - welcome to family events (Christmas, barbeques..). Zoey’s father - the most important person in her life until now - is definitely on the man’s side, who brings him pudding (cause he’s paid attention that he can only eat soft food) and visits him & helps out. And her dad’s opinion is very important to Zoey, so…
She is completely at easy with Max seeing her with a facemask on, eating take-out, alone, at home, but she hides it (the true self) from Simon. She wears “a mask” with Simon, but doesn’t with Max. Same with how she didn’t tell Simon about her dad in 1x08 (brushing it off: hospital = lollipop), while telling Max that her dad had an apointment that morning. And though it did take her time to find the courage to tell him about it all in detail, she did..in the end. But from the start she shared the main info even if she didn’t tell what exactly happened and how she feels about it. She didn’t completely brush it off with him…even if the news made her unable to process and share it…right away.
We saw how she resisted her personal heart songs to Leif/Joan & to Simon, while being completely at ease with singing them to her best friend (Max) and her dad (Mitch). Cause if we leave out the big dance numbers (Crazy, Pressure), then she tried stopping herself  from singing the others…the personal songs… and/or apologized for what’s to come…with Simon, too. But with Max (and her dad) the song just came to her…without the need to apologize or resist it. And afterwards she just tried to claim it didn’t mean as much, because she’s just in denial (and not really ready to start a relationship…because right now she is going through stages of grief). There’s a huge difference in both the heart songs she sang & HOW she sang them.
And we’ve seen that she really appreciates him as a friend, and as she told him - she can’t lose him as a friend…she needs him in her life. She cares about his feelings. She is afraid she gave him the wrong impression, she runs after him to explain things to him, because she knows that he got hurt. She actually cares about him…and is feelings (as a friend). And they’ve not shown the same reaction with Simon. And though the friends to one-sided to more-than-friends trope is “an overused clichee”, it isn’t necessarily bad. It can work well. Examples: Mondler on Friends, Peraltiago on B99…
Max may have the advantage of having known her longer, and knowing her better (because they’ve been friends for 5 years), and hence she’s more comfortable around him. And…that’s the reason why she let him in on her superpower secret, and why she tells him about…things. But… that’s precisely why she should and will choose Max over Simon. (He’s been there for her…always…and he continues to be there for her…through this hard time in her life.)
We saw how even though he was upset with her (for keeping secrets from him, from setting him up with someone  else when she knew about his feelings for her…just because she didn’t dare to be honest with him & communicate…and hearing her sing to another person, too…) he was still there for her. A shoulder to lean on…literally and figuratively. He came to her rescue when she put her job at risk (singing Pressure), he gave her her mom’s message and supportive advice regarding her dad… And though there’s a hint of competitiveness that he seems to feel after the 1x07 elevator end scene (where we saw that both men seem to think they’ll be the end choice), and him wanting some kind of response from her, the 1x07 end scene and other moments have shown us that he’s willing to wait til she’s ready.
Especially…since in 1x07 he felt like it’s unfair that she can see into his heart and knows how he feels about her, he doesn’t. But in 1x08 he got to see into her heart (because even though she’d promised to always be honest with him from now on… she wasn’t fully… for a bit… and the “glitch” made her break her promise…til the evening), and it’s more “fair”. He now isn’t as in the dark, and less uncertain. I think the glitch was good for him, because he now knows how she really feels. All he wanted was an honest answer. And though it’s undertandable that he’s a bit hurt by what he’s heard & seen lately… but in the end it was beneficial. As Mo put it… he deserves an answer…no matter what it is…
I get the feeling that by now Zoey’s actually aware that she has feelings for her best friend. She might’ve not been aware of it all until he sang the first heart song to her, but after that we’ve clearly seen that she has either started to realize she actually has feelings for him or that she’s started to have feelings for him. She showed signs of jealousy when he was with Autumn (seeing them talking at the coffee shop, dancing at the club…). She couldn’t stop staring at him when she walked in during the Mo’ Makeover…indicating clearly that she finds him also physically attractive. Not to mention the emotional connection, and friendship. All the looks she gives him, her song & dance during “I’m Yours”… all for him…
And she cares about his feelings & not hurting him (running after him when he sees her heart song to Simon…) The look she has, when he brings her dad pudding & when she sees him with her dad or when  she hears him sing “500 miles”, or the looks and giggles when she sings her heart song to him…. While she’s in no place in a relationship at this time, I think she’s realized that despite her grief and emotional state she’s developing feelings for her best friend. And that… just like what’s going on with her dad, seems to scare her.
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