#no wonder i coulsnt remember anything!!!
leqsr · 11 months
I need to talk to my therapist.
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kittyspring-creates · 2 years
Long ago back in 2016 or something ben ten omnivers was still a thing and i was super obsesses. Recently got reminded how obessesed so hers some headcanons i remember.
Warning for angst, mind sucidle tendencies.
° ben is bi
° in be 10 alien force he and kevin were having a secret relationship, it was mildly abusive emotionally as after being with ben kevin woukd openly pin for gwen. Without her knowing it was a push and pull of which tennyson hed end up with.
°when omivers started ben thought kevin had finally accepted he loved ben more and was going to stay in town. But the night he waved off his cousin for collage kevin admited he was going with her. Assentially breaking up with ben all together
° when ben met rook he was dealing with a break up to a relationship no one knew about so he admits to himself he wasnt the friendliest person at first. Also becuase he was dealing with abandenment issues and didnt really want anything one new in his life at the moment
° past headcanon when ben was like 13 he started realizing how much he hated his own body, assentially when cleaning out his moms closet he found out he liked the female aspect of things. Later that year finding out what trans was
° the first person he told was his grand pa as he was ashamed of how he felt, max talked him through all if the possibilities till they landed on ben was really a girl. In private max started calling him britney and ben really enjoyed it. Max even changed bens pronouns when they were alone.
° but becuase of the time, place they lived in and later ben being a galactic star he never felt comftorable with anyone knowing anything about him they didnt already assume. Expecially after and warning abusive father alert. Kirby tennyson found ben wearing lip stick it started a huge fight between the family to which ben let slip he was trans. His dad couldnt comprehend the idea saying the omitrixs messed up bens mind and when ben explaied the dna portion of how he felt kirby marched out to demand max abd the plumers change bens dna back.
°when he got to maxs trailer he was beyond reason and max was furious that he coulsnt just accept his child. It was max that gave his iwn son the ultimatime to accept his family as they are or to leave so they can grow in peace. Eventually Kirby left and ben blamed himself fir the divorce and his grandpa losing a son despite max telling him it was kirbys fault for blaming instead of accepting
° no one told the real reason fir the divorce just that the tennysons werent in love anymore.
°in alien force ben tried his best to be 'normal' when kevin broke his heart to many times he tried ti date juilie, she was cute and fit and loved sports like he did. She even disnt mind the alien thing. But there was no spark there the way he and kevin had which caused a distance to start in their relationship. Untill ben was avoiding her sometimes. In her break up story ben cane across way more selfish then he was but he didnt correct her, thats how he saw him and thats how hed always be to her.
° one thing ben gets annoyed with is when people push relationships in him. Like ester or kai and majorly when the four arm princess wanted him as a husband. He liked ester alot but enough to know it wasnt a good idea, he was use to girls falling for him at first then seeing how selfish he was or unattentive and getting annoyed with him. He usually waited it out till they stopped wanting to hang out
°with kai it made him uncomftorable. Sure she was strong willed and he loved that aboit people. But he also knew she disnt like all forms of him, she was meh about how he was born she was meh aboit most of his alien forms except ben wolf. Thats what she was in love with and he wonderes why no one else saw it. All they saw was that darn future version of himself that kept popping up.
°he hated his future self, he was all big and muscly and had a beard. Ben disnt want any of those. He wanted to be like his mom, slim and with an aura of grace, a good cook and makes a killer punch everyone raves about. A woman that glows from head to toe. But seeing his future self always made him feel hopeless.
° ben has a secret closet that he has for all the things grandpa and later his mom even got him. Lots of cute outfits, his mom got him a bra with build in breast not to big she says. After learning to tuck she got him more form fitting underwear when he asked ever so sheepishly. Sometimes hed wear the stuff only in the house. When he knew no one would come to visit. But its the tennyson house hold they always have someone dropping by unannounced.
°ben has special contacts for going out. Purple ones to cover his green eyes He'll put a sweat band over his omnitrix and it usually hides it well enough. He liked to curl his hair till its a curly version of his regular mop.
° when dressed up like this ben likes to go to clubs in the under ground city, there people dont really know human anatomy to much so when he ends up with someone for the night they dont question his body, but he never takes off his shirts. He'll be the first to admit hes kinda slutty but he likes it that way.
° ben didnt want to admit it but he was falling in love with Rook, he was just so diffrent from everyone ben met. There was no real pressure from him to be better or Rook losing his temper and there were times Ben was waiting for it. He was funny without knowing it. The way he talked or woukd even light up when he talked about his home planet. Sometimes he got a sad look about him when hed mention how farm life was like he liked the memories but didnt want it to be his life.
°when ben came with him to visit family he was over joyed that rook trusted him enough at that point he was starting to develop a crush. Imidiatly he adored Rooks siblings despite the large man being annoyed by them. When ben was told the story of rooks first love and watched as the two walked away for the celebration he tried not ti be sad about it. Saying its just a silly crush and rooks not his type anyway.
° later down the road when ben tried not to be hoplessly in love with rook. He found he when rook disnt like something it hurt him alot more then when other people didnt like him. When rook reveiled he wasnt fake fighting in the under ground city to throw off a villian at the time. It crushed ben to know he really felt those things about him. That he really thought ben must be a disapointment compaired to the galactic show that was broadcast about him. And after the fiasco with albedo ben pretending to be him. He didnt want to talk to rook after the fact. Knowing that rook couldnt tell the difference becuase he wanted ben to be something he is not. So despirate for ben to be this made up hero rook has in his head that rook couldnt even tell when there was an imposter
°eventually ben pushed it all down like he did everything else and pretended he was fine with it. But hes not ever fine. More times then he liked to count hed cry at night wishing things were diffrent that he was what everyone wanted him to be becuase he did nothing but disapoint people around him. Thats what he convinced himself
° as a last few notes for bens trans life. Durring one of rook shars visits her brother was to busy to really hand out so she searched for ben tto be her earth guide. Accedentally uncovering his closet of secrets. He was scared at first untill shar asked if they coukd get matching earth outfits since it seemed he was into girlish cloths. She didnt understand but ben never passed up the opertunity for a fashion show. They ended up dressing in matching outfits. Short shorts that went up to their stomachs and showed off their legs with a red pokadot white button up that was tucked in. Big sunglasses and a scarf tied in a bow for the mall, a long butter yellow dress with flowy short sleeves, flats and tied back hair with curled bangs for the park. Short overals and pink shirt with bens favorite dusty blue boots for hanging out at mr smoothy. And for their sleep over, bratz inspired shirts. Ben wire pretty princess symbol as he was a pretty princess and little pink shorts. Shar was given one with angel with angel wings and purple shorts to sleep in. They did all the sleepover things ben wanted to do. Taking quizes from magazines, doing eachothers nails, watching movies, having deep convos.
° in there conversation ben tells her about being trans and swears her to a pinky promis bot ti telk anyone. He goes on to tell her how everyday gets worse and he fells trapped in his public image and male body. About how he hates his future self. Shar tells him the future is never set in stone and he could be Britney Tennyson if he really wanted but bens afraid that his future version is what others force him to being ause no one can or has acceoted him for all of him before not his human form plus all his alien forms cause they are a part if him. Shar tells him stories if the farm and her neighbours transititons. How gender is never a box its just a way if expression on her planet. If someone says they are a girl then they are infact a girl no matter what their body tells them otherwise. Its the first time ben has openly cried infront of someone other then his mom and grandpa.
°shar tells him when he is ready rook blonko will be just as accepting. The two echange numbers and often share photos of what their doing with one another. Its nice to finally have a female frined and not a girl trying to romantisize him for a change.
°later down the road Shars wors were true. When Rook was infected with fistricks body chemicals, after their mission ben was told he had to watch rook till the effects wore off. It was alot harder for him to be aroind Rook as now he was exactly bens type. Meat head he loved em big and dumb and right now thats what rook was. All rook coukd talk about was going to parties until ben 'convinced' him to just go to bed. When he thoigh rook was asleep he left the mans home to go get ready for his own party. Dressing up in tight jeans a green crop top over a black long sleeve crop top. Hair extentions to make his hair way longer and a purple cap with his purple contacts. He left for this our door concert like party some people were having. In the mix of the crowed his good mood was ruined when he bumped into fist rook. Without thinking of how he looked he tried ti drak rook out if there lecturing him of how iresponsible he was being. It took rook a moment to realize it was ben dragging him and not just some chick.
When ben realized he was in one of his briteny otfits he started feaking out at rook seeing him like that. Fistrook told him to chill out that he was to uptight and ti not let a hot outfit go to waste. Some how convincing ven to continue parting and somehow parting with him. Eventually ben did calm down and rook started taking photos with bens phone of their night. They hung around the concert, went to a soap party and bounced in a trampolen full of foam, went roller blading, danced at an age apropriate rave, where rook dipped ven and in a moment of pure adrenilen kissed ben. Much to his suprise. But he couldnt dwell on it mich as he was dragged ti the next party.
° then ended up at a dennys where they ate pancakes till the sun came up. Both adrenilin hung over and to tired ti care where they were. Eventually they went their seprate ways. Ben crashed on his couch and woke up a few hours later remembering the kiss. He bulted up, changed to look like his public figure then raced out the door. But when he got to the plumers head Quarters rook was back to normal in the infermery as he didnt remeber the last few days and he was worried something was wrong. Till the grey matters explained everything and how ben watched over him. Rook expressed his thanks. Ben was disheartened by it all. Rook had no memory, no recelection of britney or the kiss and so everything went back to business as usual. Ben chopped up the kiss to being fistricks dna in rook and not an indication that maybe just maybe rook liked him to
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aj-is-typing-18 · 3 years
So......I made another thing for the au started by @shadeswift99 and @red-rose-gown . And if you guys want more and have requests? Feel free to shoot me an ask :)
Tw: body horror
It was a pretty good start to the day for bdubs. Hed woken up early, hed gotten plenty of rest nad alot of work done! It was becoming a very productive day, yet he couldn't shake the feeling something was....wrong. everything felt too....quiet. or cheery. Impulse seemed to be the only other person to ever answer his com, and he was acting odd.
All bdubs knew was that is was some movie spoof thing. But all of the bones screamed he shouldn't go anywhere near botem, and it made him wonder is something else was at play here. But it was better not to know....
Bdubs decided not to dwell on this, going to brush and breed some more some more Llamas up! He had to stay above the competition afterall. Now, he was just finishing up when he saw something he hadn't before.
One of his llamas was.....unusually puffy.
No, bdubs wasn't imagining it- was he? No. No way! He decided, walking over to the llama a bit cautiously. Odd. It was.....? He saw it was fluffier then Usual, and it seemed the llama had a light pink tint....Bdubs went to pet the grazing llama and quickly pulled away......
Some fur came off on his fingers...
It wasn't normal. It was sticky and melty. Poofy.....smelled like- bdubs put his nose to the stuff.
The builder knew something was wrong. He quickly got the cotton candy like substance off of his hand, although there were now a few lighter blotches of skin where some of it was. The builder decided to bandage it up. Didn't X say something about this? Bdubs knew he did. Bdubs remembered the admin visiting a few days ago, telling him to be on the lookout for anything class A-77 v hippies weird. And this was exactly that.
Bdubs sighed, and sat down for a moment. He thought he'd heard something and turned around, seeing the forest and vines....a bit closer then normal. The builder was puzzled. He shrugged. But then.....then he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Something inside was telling him to immediately go make sure tango and keralis were okay.
The man quickly acted on this, streighting his red bandanna to calm down. Surely they were fine. This weird candy thing couldn't have done anything too bad- right? After readjusting it again to stop his thoughts from spiraling, bdubs headed over.
His gut sank when he couldn't find tango at his base.
Normally tango was always around, he wasnt afk by any means- bdubs searched his entire place, the farms- and there was still no sign of his netherborn friend. He found some of those candy wrappers from meat impulse was selling scattered about, and a half eaten one on tangos table.
But he was pretty sure tango never left his chair look like he'd fallen out of it.
The next 10 minutes were a blurr of anxiety, and bdubs had to step back from the others house and take a breath, looking out across the water. Keralis was home, he had to be. Said he was working on trading after all.
The builder looked down to his arm to see the pink fur creeping out from his bandages.....like they were growing from out of his hand. He kept the bandages on. Nevermind that, he told himself, not noticing he couldnt really.....feel his hand.
Making sure his friends were safe was all that mattered.
Bdubs quickly got out of the boat, for once the sun was setting. He could sleep when everyone was safe. He pushed aside the fact his hand was being weird, fuzzy and fluffy and all-
Bdubs head a low noise from inside keralises house and stepped inside. It sounded like a groan.
Everything seemed bright. Brighter. More vibrant, as bdubs noticed, walking in and seeing nothing out of the ordinary......
That's when he saw him.
Keralis was on the floor, laying on his back. He looked.....liquidy. his hair looked slick back and hissclera was purple, but his pupils and such were blue and red, vibrantly blank and glazed over. He had a lopsided grin on his melty face, and didn't look.....human. his skin was super gloopy and melty, and it was like taffy......
"K?" Bdubs asked, immediately coming to his friends side, checking for a pulse. He was alive, just really sticky.....
"M...more..." his friend rasped. "Need more....P..please..."
Bduhs picked keralis up, and felt himself stick to the other. Felt as.....as the others taffy like skin almost....ate him. Or, absorobed....? He didn't have time to worry about that, heading to the boat.
"Dont worry." He said gently as he got them into the boat.
"Im gonna take you to x, he'll know what to do."
Bdubs couldn't feel anything. It was all fuzzy. He felt like he was in the edge of a cliff, dazed and clear and fuzzy all at once. He hadn't stopped moving since he had found keralis, and now.....his hair was fluffy, tinted pink. His arms up to his elbows were fuzzy and pink, and everything was so nice and vibrant....it was hard not to get distracted. He just wanted to stare.....
No. You have to help get keralis safe, That voice in his head said, as he got up and stumbled out of the boat. He gently picked up keralis and they leaned on eachother, stumbling towards the admins base. Bdubs knocked on his door, and he coulsnt hear the admin talk, but he took keralis.
Keralis was safe.
Bdubs fell full force into it, swing as his eyes finally glazed over and his thoughts reached a murmuring buzz, and the world around him went black.
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