#no way........... :0......anon has gifted me a merit
fisheito · 10 months
the pokecarnival will feed me and my family and my family's family for generations. morvpeko and his fat little ass are EVERYTHING to me. presenting you with a merit badge for Goofiest Gills and another for Good Brain Feeling Maker
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(OC Anon) care to share one with us? ^^
Sure! This one is based of a friend of mine with a rad blog!
Background:Phoebe is a grandiloquent noble woman from Ylisse. She is a duchess in her county, but is overwhelmingly loved by her constituents due to her kind nature. She is a powerful mage and healer, and has a dutiful heart with no tolerance for wrongdoing.  She speaks in a noble disposition like the heroines of her novels, but resorts to plainspeak when excited. The most likely to to be nose deep in a book. Born March 4th.
Upon recruitment:
Nile: Hey! Excuse me!
Phoebe: Yes?
Nile: Hi, I-oh! Duchess Pho-
Phoebe: Shhh! I’m not a duchess here, I’m just a normal person.
Nile: A normal person...on the battlefield?
Phoebe: I’m...afraid I got.sidetracked on the way to the library. These thieves were attacking this young man, you see.
Nile: You’re very noble, to jump in like that.
Phoebe: Nonsense. Helping an individual in need should be a norm, not an exception.
Nile: Fair enough. Perhaps you’d like to help a few more people?
Phoebe: In what way?
Nile: You could join our ranks.
Phoebe:You’re inviting me to fight alongside your….ragtag volunteer army?
Nile: Yes, um, well-
Phoebe: I’d be delighted to serve such a noble cause.
Nile: Really? T-thank you!
Phoebe: Let’s hold off on the celebrations until this fight is over. Just to make sure we all..survive.
Nile: If you’re itching to fight that bad, you should have just said so.
Phoebe: P-preposterous! I just want the people to be safe!
Nile: Riiiiight.
*Nile exits into battle*
Phoebe:....This is so cool! Fighting alongside an army! It’s just like the book I just finished!
Nile: Milady?
Phoebe: Eh? Yes! I come apace, my stalwart ally!
Class: Strategist
Can reclass into:MaidMaster NinjaMechanistSwordmaster
Signature Weapon:
Phoebe’s Research Notes: Does increased damage to an enemy if it was already used on them in the battle.
Phoebe’s Personal Skill:
Idea 1:
If supported by someone who has the same weapon type equipped as her enemy, takes -4 damage.
Does +1 damage for every tome or scroll in her possession.
Has +2 defense when supported and +2 attack when alone.
Upon switching classes:
“A change of pace is required for...for...ugh forget it! This is exciting!”
Upon Leveling Up!
0-1 stat goes up: “This is...embarrassing.”
0-1 stat goes up, almost all stats capped: “Have I...become too strong?”
2-3 stats go up: “All progress is good progress.”
4-5 stats go up: “This work merits celebration!”
6-7 stats go up: “Wow!! I can’t believe this!!”
“Writing everyday is the only way to improve.” (exp)
“Who leaves such an item lying about?” (item)
“Hard work is indispensable when it comes to self-betterment.” (weapon exp)
Asking: Allies
“We all need things to aid the dull of the day. What do you do?” (free time)
“You look positively elated. Did you finish a particularly good book?” (happy)
“Logic dictates that working together bolsters our joint success” (team up)
“We all need motivation for our goals. What do you dream of?” (dreams)
Answering: Allies
“I read. Books are wonderful! I mean...novels are very compelling.” (free time)
“No! I just read a great book! I can’t believe-oop! I won’t spoil it. Take this and read it” (happy)
“Of course! I love making new frie-*ahem* A stalwart ally like you is always welcome!” (team up)
“My dream is to be a true hero! Um, by that I mean bring peace to the world.” (dreams)
“The army’s library is so sparse. I’ll have to do something about that.” (misc)
“This strategy tome gave me some amazing combat ideas!” (surge)
Asking: Spouse
“I can’t mince words with you! I love you!!” (love)
“This is for you! I found it in one of my catalogues.” (gift)
“You look dashing today!.” (compliment)
“Stay safe out there, ok? I couldn’t bear to see you hurt” (promise)
Answering: Spouse
“Oh, thank you! You’re grandiloquence has, *sigh* I love you too.” (love)
“A gift? For me? Ooh it looks book shaped!” (gift)
“You’re far too kind! Thank you!!” (compliment)
“I’ll stay safe. I promise.” (promise)
When aiding another in battle:
“Allow me to help.”“We can fight together.”“I am here for you”“We are mightier than the sword!”
When protecting a teammate:
“Don’t let your guard down!”
“Writer’s block!”
“Stay alert”
When attacking with a teammate!
“Entering: Stage left!”
“Poetry in motion!”
“Don’t forget me!!”
“Plot twist!!”
When you defeat a foe:“Perfect.”
“Cest la vie.”
“A worthy ending!”
When a teammate defeats your foe:
“Fabulous co-writing!”
“We work well together.”
“Excellent collaboration!”
Critical Hit:
“Surely, you jest.”
“The. End!”
“Your final chapter is at hand!”
“The plot thickens!”
Defeat Line: “Thus..cracks...a noble…..heart...”
Retreat Quote:“I can’t die here! There’s a million things I have to do! Sorry! I have to withdraw..”
Death Quote:
“Heh. I’m catching glimpses of the other side. It’s too late for me..I hope history remembers me. Farewell...friends...”
Running the staff store:
“Anything else you need?”
“Come back soon!”
Running the lottery corner:
“Care to try your hand at luck? Or do you believe fate to be scripted?”
When receiving a bad prize:
“How awful! I mean...perhaps next time.””
When receiving a decent prize:
“Not bad, but nothing to write home about.”
When receiving a great prize:
“Mercy me! One for the books!!”
When running the mess hall.
“I’ve got my cookbook right here! Ready to go!”
When making a normal meal:
“Every meal tells a story! Enjoy!”
When making a great meal:“Wow! I outdid myself!”
When making a terrible meal:
“I think I had my cookbook upside down..”
When eating a normal meal:
“This was an enjoyable meal. My thanks.”
When eating a great meal:
“This meal is the stuff of legends!”
When eating a terrible meal:“Ugh...would you give the cook this letter I wrote? It has my review of the meal.”
When running the accessory store:
“Look at all of these clothes. I’m getting inspiration for my research!!”
When running the weapons store:
“Steel. A universal language amongst humanity that conveys the messages of- wow! Look at that one!!”
When running the smithy:
“To name a weapon makes it more than a tool. It transforms it into a stalwart ally, and a really cool name to yell in battle.”
General Store Line:
“Come in, please, friend.”
When in the hot spring:
“The water is perfect. This is so relaxing. These are optimal writing conditions.”
When on ore duty:
“I mined this ore today. I used it to add pigment to my ink, but you can have the rest.”
When on milk duty:
“Milk is good for growth. And it’s also delicious! Why wouldn’t you drink it?”
When selected:
“Is it my turn? I suppose I can tear myself away from my work for a bit.”
When partnering:
“This is a collaborative piece!!”
When winning:
“Was there ever any doubt?”
When losing:
“That was...daunting. I’m going to train harder for next time!”
“What’s this? Do you have something for me?!”
Receiving a good accessory:
“Really, for me? How very kind!!”
Receiving a bad accessory:
“What..do I do with this?”
When receiving a birthday gift:
“My birthday? Most people thought it was yesterday! Thank you so much!!””
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