#no torba
Sarah Posner for TPM:
I am a journalist who has covered the Christian right for two decades. Over the past three years, I began to more frequently use the term “Christian nationalism” to describe the movement I cover. But I did not start using a new term to suggest its proponents’ ideology had changed. Instead, the term had come into more common usage in the Trump era, now regularly used by academics, journalists, and pro-democracy activists to describe a movement that insists America is a “Christian nation” — that is, an illiberal, nominally democratic theocracy, rather than a pluralistic secular democracy. To me, the phrase was highly descriptive of the movement I’ve dedicated my career to covering, and neatly encapsulates the core threat the Christian right poses to freedom and equality. From its top leaders and influencers down to the grassroots — politically mobilized white evangelicals, the foot soldiers of the Christian right — its proponents believe that God divinely ordained America to be a Christian nation; that this Christian nation has come under attack by liberals and secularists; and that patriotic Christians must engage in spiritual warfare to rid America of demonic forces, and in political action to restore its Christian heritage. That includes taking political steps — as a voter, as an elected official, as a lawyer, as a judge — to ensure that America is governed according to a “biblical worldview.”
If you want to see that definition in action, look no further than the career of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Seventeen years ago, when I interviewed Johnson, then a lawyer with the Christian right legal powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom, I would have labeled him a loyal soldier in the Christian right’s legal army trying to bring down the separation of church and state. He is a product of and a participant in a sprawling religious and political infrastructure that has made the movement’s successes possible, from politically active megachurches, to culture-shaping organizations like Focus on the Family, to political players like the Family Research Council, to the legal force in his former employer ADF. 
In today’s parlance, Johnson is a Christian nationalist — although he, like most of his compatriots, has certainly not embraced the label. But Mike Johnson the House Speaker is still Mike Johnson the lawyer I interviewed all those years ago: an evangelical called to politics to be a “servant leader” to a Christian nation, dedicated to its governance according to a biblical worldview: against church-state separation, for expanded rights for conservative Christians, adamantly against abortion and LGBTQ rights, and especially, currently, trans rights. That mindset is still the beating heart of the Christian right, even as the movement, and other movements in the far-right space, have radicalized in the Trump era, taking on new forms and embracing a range of solutions to the apocalyptic trajectory they see America to be on. Different movements imagining a version of Christian supremacy exist side by side — different strains that often borrow ideas from one another, and that fit comfortably under the banner of Christian nationalism.  
The term “Christian nationalism” became popularized during Trump’s presidency for a few reasons. First, Trump, who first ran in 2016 on a nativist platform with the nationalist slogan “Make America Great Again,” was and still is dependent on white evangelicals to win elections and maintain a hold on power. He is consequently willing to carry out their goals, bringing their ambitions closer to fruition than they’ve ever been in their 45-year marriage to the Republican Party. They have been clear, for example, in crediting him for the downfall of Roe v. Wade, among other assaults on other peoples’ rights.
Second, the prominence of Christian iconography at the January 6 insurrection, and the support for Trump’s stolen election lie before, during, and after January 6 by both Christian right influencers and the grassroots, brought into stark relief that Christian nationalist motivations helped fuel his attempted coup.   Finally, sociologists studying the belief systems of Christian nationalists pushed the term into public usage, as did anti-nationalist Christians, especially after January 6, in order to elevate awareness of the threats Christian nationalism poses to democracy. (The paperback edition of my book, Unholy, which was published in mid-2021 and included a post-January 6 afterword, reflected the increasing usage of the term Christian nationalists by including the term in a fresh subtitle.)
The Trump era, along with the rise of openly Christian nationalist social media sites like Gab, and Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, have given space for otherwise unknown figures, like the rabidly antisemitic Gab founder Andrew Torba, co-author of the book Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, and Stephen Wolfe, author of the racist book The Case for Christian Nationalism, to enter the Christian nationalism discourse. Although Torba and Wolfe have made waves online, and extremism watchers are rightly alarmed that their tracts could prove influential and radicalizing, they remain distinct from the Christian right. 
The conventional Christian right does not want a parallel society or a divorce. They believe they are restoring, and will run, the Christian nation God intended America to be — from the inside. They will do that, in their view, through faith (evangelizing others and bringing them to salvation through Jesus Christ); through spiritual warfare (using prayer to battle satanic enemies of Christian America); and through politics and the law (governing and lawmaking from a “biblical worldview” after eviscerating church-state separation). Changes in the evangelical world, particularly the emphasis in the growing charismatic movement on prophecy, signs and wonders, spiritual warfare, the prosperity gospel, and Trumpism, has intensified the prominence of the supernatural in their politics, giving their Christian nationalism its own unmistakable brand.
For decades, Christian right has been completely open about their beliefs and goals. Their quest to take dominion over American institutions by openly evangelizing and instituting Christian supremacist policies sets the Christian right apart from other types of Christian nationalists who might operate in secret, or imagine utopian communities as the ideal way to save themselves from a secular, debauched nation.  The fact that far-right extremists like Torba or Wolfe embrace the Christian nationalist label gives the more conventional Christian right leaders and organizations space to disassociate themselves from it. Some also berate journalists who use it to describe them, accusing them of hurling a left-wing slur at Christians. 
The bottom line is that Christian nationalism takes on different forms, and despite organizational or even ideological differences, ideas can penetrate the often porous borders between different camps. Someone who receives the daily email blast from the Family Research Council might also be drawn to Wolfe’s book, for example. On a more unnerving, macro level, major right-wing and GOP figures, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and the CEO of the Daily Wire, the podcast consortium run by conservative influencer Ben Shapiro, have embraced the rabidly antisemitic, Hitler-admiring antagonist Nick Fuentes, who is Catholic but also is accurately described as a Christian nationalist. The increasingly influential Catholic integralist movement, which seeks a Catholic-inflected replacement for the “liberal order,” is yet another unique form of Christian nationalism.
Sarah Posner wrote for TPM about the variants of Christian Nationalism within the larger Christian Right movement.
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haleviyah · 7 months
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Andrew Torba has just announced Israeli's have been banned from using Gab(dot)com, a Christian themed Reddit-like forum. He may blame porn bots or scammers for the reason of proposing blocking Israeli IP addresses, however I have watched this man since 2020, his reasons are as fickle as his arguments.
At one point he went as far as channeling Hitler's ghost by stressing the Jews are to blame for the current economic issue, completely ignoring that the government has been purposely printing money and reckless spending that led to the American dollar to be devalued recently.
There are other instances where he suggested as reviving the Constantine-style of economic strategy only giving leeway for Christians - turning this parallel economy into a three way fight, when it should be a team effort to bring the country back from the brink of collapse. From a former-Christian's perspective, I know exactly what Torba is doing: He is purposely trying to implement the the Four Horsemen to destroy America from the inside out. Instead of political or personal affairs motivating him (like a certain senile man is doing in the White House) Torba is destroying American in the name of Christian doctrines, however it's failing.
Torba's main weakness is the use of the internet and dependancy on technology. Alas, despite his only audience being people who don't have a life outside of the box they created the dominion Torba's feeding the main issue.
We worry about caliphate of radical Islam, well radical Christianity is just as dangerous - do we really want another battle of Jerusalem again? Consider the mass slaughter of children, the casualty rate you are going to be dealing with, Torba! If you think you can go up against that ideology armed with ChatBots and no military experience you're a bigger imbecile than I thought.
Even worse: If you even dare to go against Israel like you are now- you're done for, Torba.
No exceptions. Don't you dare hide behind your Jesus, grow some balls and own your mistakes like a man!
You extort everyone with your "If they hate Jesus they don't belong here." excuse. So anyone who questions your messiah is basically treated like a nobody? Like you were before you found salvation in Him... is that it?
What happened to "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you?" or "Love your neighbour as yourself?" - do you hate yourself that much you have nothing to offer but bitterness and indifference?
You violated Romans 11 and Leviticus 19 and that is between you an G-d, and I don't care if you write a news letter about me and send it to my inbox - do it! Let's see if you feel better at the end of the day!
You are not an example of Christ. Completely the opposite, you hate everyone even those who share His bloodline. Replacement theology is your agenda, not reaching out the world and helping others. You lack forgiveness and now you will reap the consequences of this.
I've heard of suicide bombing, but this is the first ever coming from a Christian Crusader.
On a bit of lighter news, guess who was just banned from Twitter:
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This is going to be you Torba!
You don't to share this world with us, we don't have to share this world with you!
p.s. To any Christians reading this, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for allowing people like this guy to get away with hating G-d's Chosen People... not the TV show - HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. Israel! And for what, to avoid a fight? To wait for your Christ to make the fight stop? Jesus would be disgusted of this lukewarm attitude you have if you care of his opinion so much. Either you do something, or be uprooted and burned like wheat by their hatred - it's your choice.
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aktifgayler · 1 year
Dün akşam ne yaptığım daha önemli değil mi? Şuursuzca ben
Bu akşam ne yapıyorsunuz? Bu akşamın özelliği ne ki bunu soruyorsun? Bugünün dünden farkı ne ayrıca? Hadi olmuşu anlatabilirim de olmamışı nasıl anlatayım? Clairvoyant’mıyım ben ? Durugörüst, fütürist, sihirbaz veya vs mi sandınız beni teessüf ederim 😂 ay pardon ya fütürist zaten başka teknik bir kelimeydi değil mi? neyse işte o kelimeyi yazmadım say kız abla… Ay sanki ayrıca clairvoyant olmanın…
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perfavor · 2 years
bizim bi komşumuz var 60 yaşında falan geçen gün eski bir arkadaşı aramış konuşalım buluşalım demiş buluşunca da biliyor musun ben seni çok seviyordum ama sen çok hırçındın sana yaklaşmıyordum öyle içimde yara kaldı senin sevgin söylemek istedim demiş
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ncdtgrsy · 1 year
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haberolacom · 1 year
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neine · 2 years
do you guys remember the post i made about a village “Moszna” (ballsack)? Because when i was in a shopping mall recently i saw a girl maybe like 15 years old with a tote bag with a huge “Moszna” on it under a castle and I could not stop laughing. I need it. I need it so bad.  
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onderkaracay · 2 years
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🗣️ Avrupa Birliğine Uyum Yasalarının Amacı Neydi?
Saklı her niyetlerine bir kılıf bularak gerçekleştirmek istediler.
Bizi Avrupa Birliğine almayacaklarını kendileri de biliyordu.
O zaman amaç veya gerçek niyet neydi?
Bunu anlayabilmek için 2001 krizinin ne amaçla yapıldığını anlamak gerekir.
11 Eylül 2011 günü Amerika da ikiz kuleler vurulduğu gün bizde de Türk ulusunun bir gecede milyar dolarları sermaye bankaları tarafından merkez bankası başkanının kurun iki katına çıkacağı haberini almaları sonucu bir gecede servetleri kadar vurgun vurmaları ile başladı.
O tarihte bir sermaye bankasında memur olarak çalışıyordum.
O banka o gün krizden en başarılı çıkan banka diye övünüyordu. Kriz fırsat demektir. Fırsatı bilderberg'in elemanı olarak merkez bankasına yerleştirilen bir işbirlikçi görevini kötüye kullanarak Türk ulusuna ihanet ederek bunlara bu fırsatı vermişti.
Sonrasında da bunların operasyonu devam etti.
Ecevit tuzağa düşürüldü.
Kemal Derviş gelsin ekonomiyi düzeltsin. Dünya bankasında çalışan sermayenin işbirlikçisi görevini yapacaktı.
O da aldığı talimatların gereğini yaptı.
✓ Bankaları satacaksınız dedi. Sattılar. Hatta 2002 tarihinde gömlek değiştirerek iktidar olanlar biz Kemal Derviş'in ekonomi programını uygulayacağız dediler. İlginç değil mi? Kemal Derviş emperyalizmin adamıydı ve milli görüş gömleğini çıkartıp onların ekonomi programını uygulayacağız diyenler iktidar olmuştu. Algı değiştirmek amacıyla Kemal Derviş Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi içinde siyasete devam ettirildi.
✓ Üretmenize gerek yok dedi. Hatta alış veriş merkezi açın dedi. Üretimden vazgeçtiler alış veriş merkezleri açıldı. Ülke ithal mal pazarı olarak tarımda bile dışa bağımlı bir ülke haline geldi.
✓ İnşaat yapacaksınız dedi. Satılan bankalara kaynak aktarmak adına bu büyük bir fırsat olacaktı. Öylede oldu.
İşte yabancıya toprak, mülk, maden ruhsatları ve yurttaşlık satışı sözde Avrupa Birliğine uyum yasaları adı altında yabancıya konut kredisi yetkisi de bankalara verilerek ülkemizin topraklarının el değiştirmesi ve işgale varacak ilk adım bu yolla atıldı.
Türk ulusu medya ile uyur iken gece ve torba yasalar ile hakkımız kanun ile çalınıyordu. Kanun ile çalmak nedir o güne kadar bilmiyorduk.
Bankalar sonrasında tarla, bağ, bahçe ne varsa kredi ile ipotek karşılığında kredi vererek halkı kandırdılar. Bütün bu topraklar yabancı bankaların mülkiyetine geçti.
O gün bugündür ülkemiz talan ediliyor.
Ben bankada işimi işte bu ihanete karşı çıktığım için kaybettim. O günlerde aynı zamanda Türk askerine çeşitli kumpaslar ile zulüm uygulanıyordu.
Diretenler, karşı çıkarak direnenler işten çıkarılıyor işsiz bırakılarak sindirmek istiyorlardı.
12 Eylül 2012 tarihini seçtiler beni işten çıkarmak için.
Kendi ayaklarına kurşunu sıktılar o gün.
Sonradan anlayacaklardı.
Ve Mobbing Bank kitabımın ilk cümlesi şöyle yazıyordu;
✓ Zulüm ilk çıktığı adrese geri döner ve başlatanı bitirir.
12 Eylül 2012 günü direnişi başlattığım gündü.
Tüm Türklerin yürek meydanında gönül kongresi yapmaya başladığınız gündü.
Zaman bizi haklı çıkardı.
Bugün zulmün bittiği günleri yaşıyoruz.
Zalimlerin bittiklerini anladıkları zaman zulümlerini artırmaları tarihi bir gerçektir.
Güçlü olan değil her zaman haklı olan kazanır.
Ülkemiz çeşitli hileler ile elimizden alınmak isteniyor.
Atalarımız gibi kanımızın son damlasına kadar akıtır toprağımızı ve yurdumuzu kimseye vermeyiz.
Bundan sonra yaşanacak her aleyhimize gelişme bu amaca yönelik olacaktır.
Türk ulusu Atatürk çizgisine dönmek zorundadır.
Onun yolundan çıkanların peşinden gitmekten vazgeçmelidir.
Onları çaresiz bırakmanın başka bir yolu yoktur.
Kuvayi milliye güçleri olarak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti yurttaşı olmak Anayasa'ya sahip çıkarak bunun üstesinden yine geliriz.
Türk ulusu şunu asla unutmamalıdır;
✓ Komşularımız ile iyi geçinmek bizim yararımızadır.
✓ Yayılmacı ve sömürgeci batı ile ilişkilerimizi çok dikkatli bir şekilde yeniden gözden geçirmek zorundayız. Batı ile bizim artık 1950 sonrası bir dost görünümlü düşmanlığı besleme olanağımız kalmamıştır. Batının işbirlikçisi her kim varsa tarihe bu şekilde yazılacaktır.
✓ Rusya batı benzeri bir niyettir. Din bağlantılı intikamlar peşinde koşacak kinci bir yapıları vardır. Sıcak denizlere inme başarısını bu ziyniyetin sayesinde gerçekleştirmiş olmaları onları başka hevesler içine çekebilir. Yarın batı ve Rusya bir arada bize karşı birleşecek gibi görünüyor. Ukrayna bunun için yem edildi. Ülkemizi batı yanlısı bir Zelensky benzeri bir yönetim anlayışına teslim etmek gibi bir yanlışa asla düşmemek gerekir. Antalya bölgesinde Rusların mülk satın alarak ülkemize yerleşmeleri doğru değil bir tehdittir. Biz neden Rusya'da mülk satın alamıyoruz?
Atatürk bu konularda bizi şu şekilde uyarmıştır;
✓ Arapların iç işlerine karışmayın.
✓ Yayılmacı batının oyunlarına gelmeyin.
✓ Ruslar ile iyi geçinin.
Hangisine uyduk? Bu politikanın tamamını terk edenler 1950'den bu yana bu ülkeyi yönetenlerdir.
Bitecek artık bu zulüm.
Yeter söz haklının olacaktır. Bir asır öncesinde olduğu gibi.
] Önder KARAÇAY [
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witekspicsgoods · 2 years
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Bags with printed pictures.
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muatyland · 3 months
Recensione "Stupenda creatura idiota" di Fabio Torba
Nella città-stato di Palmariva, la tecnologia della “trasfigurazione” consente a chiunque di modificare esteriormente il proprio corpo. Attecchiscono mode sempre più bizzarre e grottesche: poliziotti che prendono in prestito il viso dai detective del cinema, dive con metà faccia in putrefazione, gang di vandali-serpenti. In questo mondo sopravvive Alex, un trasfiguratore che si tiene a galla con…
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dzisiejsza · 7 months
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Wpis 65. Torba klębuszków i narzuta Cz. 1
To co widać na foto to mój ostatni wyczyn. Czyli: porządki w domu, i zebranie wszystkich klębuszków do "jednego worka" w moim przypadku torby...
Skąd mam aż około 460 małych klębuszków. Już mówię:
1. Moja babcia (od strony mamy)
Dziergała sobie na drutach z miłością do rodziny: swetry, skarpety, szaliki i kamizelki. Po jej śmierci miałam kilka dużych kłębków. A te duże kłębki kiedyś podzieliłam na male klębuszki z nadzieją że zrobię mały szalik albo chodniczek (dla niewtajemniczonych, chodniczek to mały chodnik, ale nie taki do chodzenia bezpiecznie przy ulicy po mieście. Tylko to taki wytwór najczęściej ręcznie robiony, kuzyn dywanu ale daleki, który jest węższy niż dywan. Najłatwiej sobie to wyobrazić tak: chodnik kładzie się tam gdzie się najczęściej chodzi na "domowych szlakach" jest z reguły około 1 m szerokości a długość zależy od metrażu domu. Jest zrobiony z resztek nitek a służy po to by odkurzacz (czy szczotka) w domu nie chodzil za często.). Te nitki miałam w jednej dużej plastikowej butelce po wodzie mineralnej 3 l włożony w kącie za meblami.
2. Moja babcia ( od strony taty)
Babcia druga nie przepadała za robieniem na drutach. Choć jak już to robiła, to tworzyła chodniczki albo kamizelki. Najczęściej jednak robiła na szydełku. Robiła i taką ją pamiętam.
U babci w domu były chodniki na podłodze w kuchni i w korytarzu (jej roboty) okrągłe na krzesłach koła do siedzenia na nich, by krzesło się nie brudziło. A na pułkach w regałach białe serwetki koronkowe, które sama zrobiła. Od niej miałam mniejszy zapas klębuszków trzymanych w piwnicy w pudełku.
3. Z gazet wysyłkowych o dzierganiu.
Zawsze marzyłam o tym by uzbierać kolejcje do dziergania "deagostini" ("robótki na drutach") jednak finansowo nie udało się stąd mam torbę na wluczkę (w której mam te klębuszki) I trochę kłębków. Kiedyś też kupiłam jedną gazetę ("Rób na drutach!") bo była nie droga, I miała kilka fajnych prezentów: druty, motek włuczki i segregator (solidnej konstrukcji), z zamiarem zbierania ale się nie udało (skromne życie ma swoje ogrniczenia i skupia się na najważniejszych potrzebach, dodatkowe marzenia odkłada).
4. Sklepik z "drugiej ręki".
Mam u siebie taki sklepik gdzie oprócz ubrań są też inne różności, między innymi jest kosz "najtańszych drobiazgow" między innymi w nim znajduję dużo włuczki po 1 czy 0.50 gr i z niej też mam (najwięcej zrobionych) maleńkich klębuszków. Jak powstały z ogromu włuczki maleńkie klebuszki. A no tak: od dłuższego czasu opiekuje sie ciocią z zespołem Downa. Mimo że ma 53 lata jest jak 4 - 5 letnie dziecko. Lubi kolory, zwijanie, wrzucanie. Więc któregoś dnia nie mając jej czym zająć, wzięłam dużą butelkę po wodzie mineralnej, nacieram w kilku miejscach nitkę na każdym kłębki i ciocia zwijała klebuszki a potem wrzucała każdy z nichd o butelki. Miała wielką frajdę aż miło było patrzeć;) I tak powstał drugi pakiet kłębków w dużej butli po wodzie mineralnej.
5. Włuczka z bluzek.
Czasem bluzkę kupiłam z włuczki, a potem nie podobała mi się po pewnym czasie i rozpruwalyśmy z ciocią (zaznaczę, że to też jej ogromna radość) swetr czy bluzkę i zwijalyśmy to na kłębki.
Takim sposobem uzbierała się w końcu taka pękata torba małych klębuszkow (wielkości? Myślę, że są wiejsze orzecha włoskiego).
A co za tym idzie jak postanowiłam wydziergać z tych kłębków narzutę na łóżko, albo chodniczek, zobaczymy jak to będzie wyglądało, jak ładnie to narzuta. Jak średnio to dywanik...
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Alex Kaplan at MMFA:
Local officials in northeast Pennsylvania have been forced to rebut an anti-immigrant claim spread by antisemitic Gab CEO Andrew Torba, who claimed that there were “busses full of migrants being dropped off” in the town of Tunkhannock. Authorities say they have been “inundated with calls” in response to the anti-immigrant claim, which spread via social media in a situation similar to what is currently encompassing the town of Springfield, Ohio, where baseless anti-immigrant smears spread by neo-Nazis and social media users have led to repeated bomb threats.
Gab is a far-right social media platform that has been a haven for white nationalists, including the 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue shooter. Torba, Gab’s CEO, has pushed white nationalism, Christian nationalism, and antisemitism — including complaining that “pagans, Jews, non-believers, atheists” have too much political power and arguing that Christians are “done being controlled and being told what we’re allowed to do in our own country by a 2% minority.” He also cheered on the January 6 insurrection as it was happening, has called democracy a “failed concept” and a “failed ideology,” promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory, and led an effort to sabotage vaccination efforts during the coronavirus pandemic. Notably, Torba has bragged that Gab helped make the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory “part of the daily mainstream discourse.”
On September 16, Torba posted on both Gab and X (formerly Twitter) that “I’m getting reports from locals that they have spotted busses full of migrants being dropped off in Tunkhannock, PA. I can personally confirm that I’ve seen parking lots full of them at the local park near Tunkhannock.” His post included an image that supposedly supported his claim. Torba’s post reportedly spread across social media, and local law enforcement officials told ABC affiliate WNEP that they are “being inundated with calls about the post.” WNEP dedicated a segment about the anti-migrant claim, specifically highlighting Torba’s post and speaking with the district attorney of Wyoming County, where Tunkhannock is located, who said, “If it was all true and if they were here, they have disappeared. And even if they were here, there’s no indication of anything illegal.” The district attorney had reportedly “even consulted with Homeland Security personnel who work out of his office” about the claim.
[...] Torba’s targeting of supposed migrants in Tunkhannock comes as Springfield, Ohio, has been inundated with bomb threats over false claims that members of its Haitian immigrant community were “stealing and eating local pets.” 
Far-right extremist Gab CEO Andrew Torba’s anti-migrant claim that buses of migrants are flooding into Tunkhannock, PA got debunked by local officials.
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borcumvarmi · 8 months
2024 yılı torba yasası 2024 yılı torba yasası, Türkiye’nin ekonomik ve sosyal hayatına önemli katkılar sunabilecek nitelikte düzenlemeler içermektedir. “Torba yasa” terimi, bir ülkedeki yasama organının çeşitli konularda birden fazla düzenleme ve değişikliği içeren geniş kapsamlı bir yasa paketini ifade eder. Torba yasalar, genellikle birçok farklı konuda düzenleme içerir ve bu nedenle “torba” adını alırlar çünkü bir torba içinde birçok farklı öğe bulunabilir. https://www.borcumvarmi.com/torba-yasa-resmi-gazetede-yayimlandi_132.htm
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infozneta · 9 months
Najlepsze zabiegi kosmetyczne dla mężczyzn
W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej mężczyzn zwraca uwagę na swoją pielęgnację. Nie jest to już domena wyłącznie kobiet. Mężczyźni zaczynają doceniać wartość dobrego wyglądu i zdrowej skóry. W tym kontekście, kosmetyczka staje się miejscem, które odwiedzają nie tylko kobiety, ale również panowie. W końcu, kto nie chciałby wyglądać młodo i atrakcyjnie jak najdłużej?
Zabiegi kosmetyczne dla mężczyzn różnią się nieco od tych dla kobiet. Skóra mężczyzn jest grubsza, ma więcej kolagenu i produkuje więcej sebum. Dlatego też wymaga specjalistycznego podejścia. Na szczęście, kosmetyczki są na to przygotowane i oferują szereg zabiegów dostosowanych do potrzeb męskiej skóry.
Jednym z najpopularniejszych zabiegów jest głębokie oczyszczanie skóry. Pozwala ono na usunięcie zanieczyszczeń i nadmiaru sebum, które mogą prowadzić do powstawania niedoskonałości. Zabieg ten jest szczególnie polecany dla mężczyzn z tłustą lub mieszana skórą, ale może być stosowany dla każdego typu skóry. Efektem jest zdrowsza, świeża i promienna cera.
Kolejnym zabiegiem, który cieszy się dużą popularnością wśród mężczyzn, jest mikrodermabrazja. Jest to zabieg mechanicznego złuszczania naskórka, który pomaga w walce z drobnymi zmarszczkami, bliznami czy przebarwieniami. Mikrodermabrazja jest idealna dla mężczyzn, którzy chcą poprawić wygląd swojej skóry, ale nie chcą poddawać się inwazyjnym zabiegom.
Nie można zapomnieć również o zabiegach nawilżających. Męska skóra, mimo że produkuje więcej sebum, często jest odwodniona. Dlatego tak ważne jest dostarczanie jej odpowiedniej ilości wilgoci. Zabiegi nawilżające pomagają utrzymać skórę w dobrej kondycji, zapobiegają powstawaniu zmarszczek i dodają cerze blasku.
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luxlius · 9 months
siedzimy sobie z dziewczyną na wyjebaniu, najedzone poznańcore curry, leci muzyczka, żadnych kłótni o polityke i najebanych wujków, święty spokój, zaraz se obejrzymy ATLA, żadnych zmartwień
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zdravljeilepotaema1 · 10 months
Kako da se brinete o kožnoj torbi?
Kako da se brinete o svojoj kožnoj torbi? Saznajte više na sajtu: Zdravlje i lepota-Ema
Hidratacija i kondicioniranje kožeKada ste prvi put kupili svoju kožnu torbu, ptrebno je da je tretirajte balzamom ili specijalnom kremom koja će biti odabrana za vrstu kože od koje je napravljena.Redovno čišćenje. Osnova za negu kožne torbe je i redovno uklanjanje prašine i prljavštine. Meka i suva krpa je vaš najbolji prijatelj u ovom procesu. Izbegavajte upotrebu vlažnih maramica ili vode da…
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