#no this isnt six sentences
jackwolfes · 10 months
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from wedding vows (CW: implied adultery)
Wylan doesn't notice he's been twisting his wedding ring around for a while, but when he does he stops. Bitterly, he bites his bottom lip. He’s an adulterer. He's a liar and a fraud, a cheat, maybe a whore. He isn't sure he likes any of that, but he knows he isn't going to stop seeing Jesper. He also knows he isn't made for the Barrel and it's many sins.
no-pressure tagging! @wesperbrekkered @oneofthewednesdays @deathless--aphrodite @anonniemousefics
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lokilysolbitch · 17 days
me autistic and with chronic dissociation and light processing issues especially with glare, white paper and black text, using an online textbook, copy and pasting my chapter into google docs, changing the font and it's size, making it double spaced, changing the font color, highlighting the text in a different color, putting my glasses on, changing my screen brightness, and TURNING OFF EVERY OTHER LIGHT IN THE ROOM to reduce glare, rocking and using blankets that don't make me want to exit my skin: okay reading time
me: hm it's not making sense still,,,,,
me: oh the author is just refusing to make the topic easy to understand. oh. oh okay. yeah okay cool great cool
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queenofbaws · 2 years
stay with me on this one, but if we’re saying until dawn and the quarry take place in the same universe AND we’re saying jacks related to the hacketts and is now staying with them at the motel to help with the werewolves AND we’re saying the ud kids decide to become councillors to try and get over their collective fear of nature can you IMAGINE the record scratch horrified pause when jack sees them and they see him and they just dont know what to do with themselves
((ash. ash i gotta be real with you. i have no idea if you intended for this to be a legit prompt or not, but the moment i saw it in my inbox i astral projected into another plane of existence and when i woke up i was sitting in front of a word doc with all this, so. i figured i might as well share it.))
definitely more than six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
If the redhead hadn’t gone and dropped her cup like that, he might’ve thought it was all just a hallucination. The stress-induced dealies that snuck up on you sometimes when you least expected, creeping in slow and sinister-like from the edges until you let your guard down long enough for them to take hold. She might’ve been a floater in his eye, a nervous mistake, an old memory rising up to the top like a body bloating in a lake. But she dropped her cup when she saw him and her face went grey, and she grabbed hold of the one sitting next to her, and when he turned, well...then Jack just knew.
“You have got to be fuckin’ with me,” he said, watching as, one by one, the Blackwood babies drank in the sight of him in like cyanide, choking and coughing and sputtering as they tried to get it down.
“Hey, whoa, hey! Language!” Chris said from beside him – khaki Chris, not-exactly-cousin-nephew Chris. He wished he could’ve said dumbass Chris, but all of a sudden, there were two of those in Hackett’s Quarry, wouldn’t you know.
It was right about that time the rest of the picnic table realized something was amiss, the kiddies sitting opposite the Washingtons’ friends turning round to try and figure out what the fuss was about. He watched the math happening in real-time, the cogs in their cute little heads whirring at breakneck speeds: He’s a mean-looking SOB, sure, said the looks on their faces, But I wouldn’t mess my pants at the sight of him.
Then, surprising perhaps everyone except for Jack, Mr. Action Movie stood up and waved him a tepid salute. “Holy shit,” he called over, “Creepy Grandpa’s back! ‘Sup, Creepy Grandpa?”
Beside him, Chris reeled back like he’d been slapped across the face, whirling to look their way. “Creepy—”
Only Jack beat him to it. “Well, if it ain’t the dumbass who stuck his hand in a loaded bear trap,” he replied, approaching the table and taking careful note of which kiddies did and didn’t flinch the nearer he got. “How’s it going, dumbass?”
“Bear trap?” the girl from the mines spat, the tough cookie with the fancy clothes. She whirled on him like a rattlesnake, her eyes narrowing. “You said you lost your fingers from frost bite, trying to get to Jess.”
“I…” Caught dead to rights, Mr. Action Movie spluttered, “Whose word you gonna take, Em? Huh? Mine or his?!”
From across the table, another girl spoke up. “You…put your hand in a bear trap. For bears.”
“And you willingly make out with Jacob sometimes! We all do things we’re not proud of…”
“A bear trap,” she repeated, and now that he was closer Jack could see her expression was all but identical to the girl from the mines’s, maybe just lacking some of the venom. “The thing used to trap bears.”
He turned away from their little snit and instead turned to the other three he’d had the most cause to deal with that night back in the Pines, the redhead and the blonde and dumbass Chris, all three of them doing their level best not to meet his eye. They seemed to understand what none of the rest of their ragtag little group had grasped yet; that if he was there, something was very, very wrong with Hackett’s Quarry indeed.
Beside them, the Washington boy was all agitated knee-jiggling and prolonged glaring; unlike his buddies, he seemed to want to keep a good bead on him at all times, lest he disappear into the wind…or start whacking at him. “Not big into background checks in these parts, huh Mr. H?” he called, his eyes still on Jack. “I’m gonna go ahead and guess you don’t have the most, like, comfortable relationship with the local police force?”
“Uh,” is what Chris managed to get out. It was probably for the best that that’s how it happened.
“Is this place cursed?” The redhead got it out all in one big breath, a nervous wide-eyed rush that had him, just for a moment, standing back in the great room of a very different lodge, the wind screaming outside the windows as something worse stalked them from the treeline. “If it’s cursed, you have to tell us. You…I remember…they can’t be in the light, right? They can’t be in the light because it hurts their eyes, but you said it only happens after someone eats someone else, and, and…” Her head whipped around, her frantic gaze moving past him and towards Chris, who was by all accounts still just standing there dumb as a deer in headlights. “Do you have a history of cannibalism here?!”
“I…wait, hold on…” Another one of the kids from the other side of the table, the – ugh, he hated even thinking the dumbshit word – Hacketteer side, turned around and looked about the room. “Okay, I gotta hand it to you guys, this is…the weirdest episode of Punk’d I could imagine, but like…props for creativity, I guess.”
“Wait, cannibalism?!” asked another redhead, somehow even tinier than the first. “Like…like people eating other people?”
“That’s usually the definition of cannibalism, yeah.”
“Ryan, c’mon. She’s freaked, man.”
“Okay, know what? No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not today. Sorry, I know we said we were gonna do this, but just…nope. Nope!” Dumbass Chris stood from his side of the table, taking the Washington boy by one arm and the terrified redhead by the other, the blonde following close behind. “I knew something was weird about this place. I knew it! I told you guys...we told you guys, but nooo, no one believed—”
“Oh my God,” drawled one of the two he’d dragged from the cave-in, the girl who’d been all but naked under a miner’s coat and high school jacket. So far as he could see, she’d recovered from the frostbite better than he would’ve thought. “You just don’t like the outdoors, Chris. And Ashley’s scared of everything. And Josh is…” She rolled her eyes. “Josh.”
The table, both sides of it, seemed to rumble in agreement at that last part.
She gave him a slow, apprehensive finger-wave, the little frostbite queen, her lips turning up in a confused smile. “I really don’t remember you,” she admitted, searching the face of the young man beside her for answers before both of them shrugged. “But I’m pretty sure I can figure out where we all know you from.”
“Creepy. Grandpa,” Action Movie repeated, having resorted to sitting on the hand what was missing fingers, if only so the others couldn’t get a good look at it. “Remember? He pulled a gun on m…oh, right, you guys weren’t there.”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” muttered the one beside frostbite queen.
“Man, screw you! I tried!”
“Yeah Matt, Mike tried!”
“I…I’m sorry.” From the Hacketteer side of the table, some shaggy-haired kid turned around, giving Jack an uncertain look of his own. “Who are you? And how do you guys…?”
Jack jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m that one’s uncle.”
Doing nothing to help the goddamn situation, Chris finally found his tongue. “No you’re not.”
“I’m sort of his uncle.”
“That’s still not totally right either.”
The Blackwood kids all exchanged a look at that little revelation…the ones that remained, anyway. The Washington boy and his three nervous nellies were already high tailing it out of the lodge and towards…well, Jack couldn’t rightly say. The cabins, maybe. He could imagine they’d want to get out of Dodge as quick as humanly possible.
“You’re a Hackett?” the girl from the mine asked, her eyes zipping between him and Chris, no doubt plumbing for a resemblance that just wasn’t there.
“I’m a Fiddler,” he corrected, and her entire face seemed to curdle.
“Yeah, think I’m gonna stick with Creepy Grandpa,” Action Movie said, trying to keep his tough-guy act going with a smirk and a snicker, but coming across more twitchy than anything else. “Uncle Fiddler just is not good.”
“No one’s arguing you on that, Mike,” said one of the Hacketteers, a girl with a dark bob and inquisitive eyes. “Still doesn’t answer how you guys…know each other…though…”
The girl from the mines set her chin in her hands, fixing Jack with a stare the likes of which almost had him missing the Wendigo. “What is it?” she asked plainly, leaving no room for hemming or hawing. “What’s wrong with this place?”
“There’s…there’s nothing wrong with the camp!” Chris laughed as though it were the most ridiculous idea in the world, standing there beside Jack with one arm slung (unwelcomely) across his shoulders. “Tell ‘em, Uncle Jack. All we got here is sunshine and fresh air and—”
“Werewolves,” Jack said matter-of-factly, watching how very differently the two sides of the table reacted.
The Hacketteers paused, looked at one another…and then began to giggle.
The Blackwood kids, however, well. They paused too, looked at each other too…and then stood from the table as the others had before, not a one of them so much as glancing Chris’s way as they passed by in single file, silent as specters and tired as martyrs.
“Well!” Chris said, dropping the arm from Jack’s shoulders to clap his hands instead. “Who wants lunch?”
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Six Sentence Sunday
Allow me to just casually plop this right here.
"Fight me. Let me prove to you that I can be the Commander I'm supposed to be." He raised his chin defiantly. 
        Krahl snorted and let go of his collar, shoving him a bit in the process. Cody managed to catch himself before stumbling too terribly and making a fool of himself. Immediately he stood back up at perfect attention.
Not gonna tag anyone (partly because there's less than 30 minutes left of Sunday and partly because it's too much brain power.) Enjoy yourself some little Cody...as a treat.
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sodacowboy · 1 month
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y’all please look at this ad youtube gave me
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skenpiel · 1 year
"the nine quadrants of leprechaun romance" ← every single part of that sentence stupid
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as sad and disappointing as this is, look me in the eyes and tell me that this isnt the absolute funniest shit youve ever seen. like, they changed their bio to ONE vaguely implicative sentence and posted some promo statement about where you can find it on streaming services, and this little shitty cockroach fandom (affectionate) absolutely BLOWS THE FUCK UP. like, within the span of 2-3 days, we completely took over tumblr so that this 15-year-old fandom was trending, their twitter account gained roughly 6k followers, and everyone is theorizing about a season six a reboot a spin-off a red white and royal blue crossover every thing under the SUN and it literally gets so bad that the poor intern (thats probably gotten two hours of sleep this week and is running solely on celsius and coffee) and the two-person marketing team that managed this whole thing had to scramble to clarify that WE'RE NOT ACTUALLY DOING ANYTHING WE'RE JUST ADVERTISING THE SHOW AGAIN
like. thats the funniest shit EVER.
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mydetheturk · 2 years
"Well, my second job is in space. It's even more dangerous there than you'd think," Hal says. He pans his Lantern's light across Nora's frame, and Barry watches. "Ring says you're alright; it also says you're filled with tachyons and should get that checked out ASAP."
"It's a time travel thing," Barry pipes up.
"And the ring says she's been time traveling without proper PPE, so chop chop Flash," Hal replies.
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rw-ancient-nerd · 1 year
The Ancient Naming System!
For my first actual post, I'll be going into detail about the ancient naming system which there seems to be one! Feel free to use my research to make your own Ancient names for ocs and such.
This is all research I've done before for an oc of mine named Nine Gleaming Reeds Within Heaps of Dust. In my research, I've learned a pattern within the canon ancient names which helped me figure out the possible naming system they could have had.
Here's all the canon ancient names found in the steam achievements and in various pearls (pearl dialog screenshots taken from the rain world miraheze wiki)
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Within all these names, we can spot a pattern of some kind. Their names arent just a mushed up pile of words that makes a weird sentence, they each have an amount of something followed by another amount of something. They have almost like a first and last name.
The comma separates the first name from last name. If the comma isnt there, its then replaced by words like "upon" or "of".
the (amount) can be numbers from one to infinity or a word explaining the amount of [thing] such as "Endless" and "A". One name that doesnt seem to follow this is Droplets Upon Five Large Droplets. Maybe the (amount) can be completely skipped if the [thing] is plural? I'm not completely certain.
The [Thing] can also be anything, there doesnt seem to be any limit to what that [thing] can be whether it's something physical or not. (Though, physical things seem to be the most commonly used)
Sometimes the [thing] can be described after the (amount). Like "Five Large Droplets" and "Fifteen Spoked Wheel"
(amount)[described thing], (amount)[described thing]
Another ancient with a name unlike the others is Six Grains of Gravel, Mountains Abound as in their last name, the [thing] comes before the (amount). This could just be an exception for grammar though.
And that concludes my research of the Ancient Naming System. From all of this, I've also made a few other custom ancient names based off this system!
You may use them if you'd like, you don't even have to ask. I'll list them here;
-three glistening jewels, enough seeds
-seven rusty shackles, no stones
-twenty iron bolts, one less horn
-only remaining fern by two blades
If you have any questions or would want to point out any mistakes or information I might have missed, let me know!
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pteren · 2 months
hiiiii how do pronouns work in your conlang and how would i say im lucien my pronouns are they/she
pronouns are super simple. there are three base pronouns u/su/o which are modified by suffixes to convey relevant information.
u - 1st person (i, me, us) su - 2nd person (you, y'all) o - 3rd person (they, them, she, he, it)
if a person has a gender, you add a suffix for that! there's a few which come with the language:
-m - male -k - female -d - a child -l - nonbinary/agender but wants to specify
...but you can also invent your own or just omit gender entirely. omitting the gender particle can mean a person isnt attached to gender, or their gender is ambiguous/not being specified. personally i don't use a gender particle for myself most of the time, but i use -d when im feeling especially childlike.
and finally if you're talking about multiple people, you add the suffix -ni meaning "many".*
u - me uni - us om - him omni - those guys
that's it! ulithoid pronouns aren't marked for case like they are in english- "i" and "me" are the same word "u". "she" and "her" are both "ok".**
"i am Lucien" would be "u e' Lucien". ulithoid doesn't currently have a word for "pronoun", but fortunately we don't need one- because ulithoid can apply gender to ANY pronoun, not just 3rd person ones. so when you introduce yourself you can tack the gender onto the "i":
uk e' Lucien
you don't have to say "my pronouns are..." you can just USE one of the pronouns.
mentioning multiple sets of pronouns can be tricky. you could follow up the sentence with another statement and use a different gender there:
uk e' Lucien! u messi' ikt'ze.
or you could just repeat the pronoun using the second gender after a little pause:
uk, u e' Lucien
...to indicate that people can use -k for you if they want, but aren't required to. ^^
*there are also other "number" suffixes other than the simple plural, such as -nam meaning "enough", -nik meaning "too many", and six for the numbers 0-5. **there's really no reason for english to distinguish between nominative and accusative tense because the sentence structure carries that information for free. like, if someone said "me kicked he" you wouldn't parse the case information and think the speaker had been kicked- you'd just think they were using the wrong pronouns.
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demxnicprxncess · 2 years
Evan Peters with a filipino partner?🤭🤭
So with this im going to do this as in like you take him to meet your mom and she makes a traditional filipino meal and yeah! sorry if this isnt all that good honey!
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears.
"Adobo" | Evan Peters x GN!Reader
"Ev, are you ready to go?" He nodded and walked up to me looking me up and down, "You look great babe." I smiled and kissed his cheek before walked to get in the car, "I'm nervous." I looked over at him from the passenger seat still smiling, "Why? I'm sure ma will love you." I turned on the radio to our favorite shared station as I set up the GPS to my mom's house, he sat beside me whilst driving and talking to himself rehearsing answers and questions. "Evan, calm down. Just be authentic and I swear she'll love you. Also she might cook my favorite meal Ev." He looked interested, "She's making hamburgers?" I laughed slightly looking down and ignoring that response by providing my own. "Chicken Adobo." He looked at me confused and kept driving before making a left turn, "What is that?" I smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "It's a Filipino dish, it's just chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, salt, pepper, and sometimes dried citrus. Nothing too strange. You might like it." He pulled up at a house I instantly recognized and I felt my excitement bubble up, "Come on babe!" I got out of the car extremely happy and ran around to his side to pull him out and drag him to the door, before I could knock I heard the door open and myself being yanked inside smothered with a hug and a scent I've relished in since I was young. "Mama!" I heard her soft laugh as she stroked my hair and kissed the crown of my head, "My baby has come home! Is this the young man you've told me about?" I nodded excitedly and pulled him close giving him time to introduce himself, "I'm Evan Mrs. (her last name)" She smiled and gave him the same hug she gave me, "Call me mom sweetheart." His face heated up red as she practically suffocated him. "Ma, I'm hungry I wanna eat." She smiled and pulled me by my hand before seating me at the table and bringing out three plates of food. One for me, one for Evan, and then one for her. Evan looked nervous as he got a little bit with his fork and taking a little tasting bite, I watched anxiously as he swallowed the chicken, his eyes lighting up at the taste of the different seasoning coating both his chicken and now his taste buds. He looked at me in amazement before taking another bite, "Wait what is this?" I smiled at him and his excitement my mom answering before I could, "It's Chicken Adobo. I'll give (Your name) the recipe sweet boy." He smiled and continued eating. After having spent over 5 hours at her house and having some drinks we decided on staying the night, we walked into my old room and he looked around and see drawing and awards from when I was six and older. At some point he seen an old school photo and chuckled. "So you HAVE always been this pretty huh?" I turned around and snatched it from him. "Shhh you weren't supposed to see that." He smiled and laid down on the small bed, "I got super lucky." I followed up his sentence with a kiss before laying by him, "Go to sleep Ev." "Goodnight (name) I love you." I smiled and snuggled into him mumbling a soft "I love you too" before lulling to sleep.
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blusandbirds · 6 months
writing patterns game!
tagged by @zannolin to post the first sentences of the last ten fics i posted and see what it says about how i start stories! this is actually really interesting, i've never thought about it before
1.) On a genuinely beautiful day in Philadelphia, two weeks before the end of the school year, all of Billy’s siblings pile into the Vasquez van for Mary to drive them to Binder Square Park for some fresh air and sunshine. (the worms and me)
2.) Natasha Trace is not a woman in the habit of feeling stupid. (you're making me uneasy (so maybe you can see me))
3.) Hawk’s only awake at 2:00 AM because yesterday, he and Demetri fucked up their sleep schedules playing through a Dungeon Master special event campaign that took them until seven in the morning to complete. (close to you)
4.) It's Wednesday, computer lab day for the fourth graders, and the dimly lit room is a symphony of clacking keyboards and whirring fans as Mrs. Harrington's class diligently works their way through Accelerated Reader tests. (hey princess)
5.) It’s all gone to shit. (keep me in a cool, dry place)
6.) Here’s a truth: Mick’s never had a dad. ((so anyway) dont be a stranger)
7.) It’s like a math problem. (anything in between)
8.) Robby Keene is exactly the kind of boy Eli Moskowitz would have a crush on. (see you later boy)
9.) Pale December light creeps in through the cracks in the blinds of the Machado apartment's guest room. (this is a sandwich about love)
10.) It's the night before The Mission and Hangman can't seem to settle. (only say my name (it will be held against you))
this is actually really interesting. "it's all gone to shit" made me giggle though i should start more stories like that. i think that usually the first line is like, a pretty broad scene/scenario settling statement that narrows down into the point of the fic. i never start with dialogue which i feel like i knew but is interesting to see. im actually really glad the first line of my six plus one isnt here because i HATE that first line but cannot bring myself to change it after so long. it's funny because a lot of them are very run on but you can kind of tell which ones i wrote to post on tumblr first because their first sentences are very short and sharp (that'd be 2 5 and 7). i enjoy starting with an "it's" in particular because honestly 1 could easily say "it's" instead of "on," probably need to change that up.
tagging @kermit-coded @quesadillayuri and anybody else who sees who wants to join!
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robthewischmop · 4 months
Just normel shit I do
I have been sitting here for like 40 minutes trying to post something but when i start to actually write it just fells wrong and maybe I just need to post something to stop felling the dread of not having really posted any thing since the literal day that i made this account and just post some shit. But when ever i want to post some thing It just gets longer and longer until Its just a bunch of words that made sens a minute ago but now they just fell wrong [The fact that I go back when I am done and add my thoughts In the []things probably dosnt help with that] and I have no Idea what to do about this but to just make a post[That would have been a good idea six months ago because at that point I was just not using tumbler because If I actively used tumblet that I had to poste something and thats scary ] . Because it literally does not matter if or when or even what i post because no one I know even knows what tumbler is and even on tumbler almost no one will (probebly) see this and so anything that i do with this account really dos not mater. I think i just needed to hear/think/type that because I feel much better now. It is now 8.51 pm on the 25.05.2024(DD.MM.YYYY) I have been writing this since 7:45 pm or something (about 7pm if we count the 40 minutes) You dont need to read further anything under this isnt really important
First of all it fells so good to just type the last paragraph with the time and date again I will now try to compress every idea for a post that I had In those 40 minutes i mention into one or less sentences. Fist post idea I am have been executive dysfunctioning this account and originally wanted to make a post similar to this or my first post on the first of each month. [Just because you dont put a . or , in there dosnt mean its just one sentenc there are tow of them in there at least]
Second post idea My pc isnt good enough to run windows 11 and its sad about it
the 3ed post idea(how the fuck do you spell third (why do I know how to spell now and not like 10 seconds ago)) I have been here for a year now and I still have now Idea how tumbler works
fourth post idea how do I get other stuff than splatoon on my tumbler there is just to much of it[actually I lied to you this was a post idea that I had like 3 months ago its better now i fixed it]
Look what i found In my drafts before finishing up this post its such a nice small message that I wrote 10 months ago and if I actually remembered to post this the day after I wrote it maybe then I would have actually done what this draft says:
"Hello again people on the internet
I have bin here fore a month now and I think I really like it here . I still have no idea what i supposed to do so im just going to do something.
i will probably do something on the first of every month just because that`s when i made my first post "
I will hear by try to do that this year (this is not part of the draft anymore i will actually try to do this)
Its about 9:30 pm still the 25 of May now . it has just been fun to write all this stuff again
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hostilemuppet · 4 months
(I have no idea what the ooc hint is, so I’m just gonna drop this while thinking lmao, it’s a lot of words sorry).
What were the tdau kids’s first words ? (All kids, including Bruce’s teens)
I thought of this after watching the ‘alright bruv’ baby and remembered one question from an anon a while ago about genetically transferred accents hc thingy with pop trolls I think.
Bradgelina popped out as six year olds and pretty sure they have their purple daddy’s accent. So do they use (willingly or not) generic Essex lingo ? (I think that’s their accent I can’t remember)
Kinda like how tiny diamond adds random Essex slang in sentences (pretty sure this isn’t canon).
Would Bruce’s kids (jokingly) tease them about it (the day they actually meet each other) ?
Aaarghh I have so many questions !
hmm... "first words" would be really hard for most trolls since they sort of... start out as kids? even though ive been playing around with "theyre actual newborns for around a week before springing up to a certain age" just for the cuteness of having newborns, that also wouldnt really help 😭 but i think itd be funny if all the brucandy kids first words (assuming they age more like human children) were like. cocktails. regardless of how complicated the name was. freddys first word was "pina colada"
accents being genetic and hereditary isnt exactly "canon" to tdau but i think itd be really fucking funny, and regardless of that brangelina still both have creeks essex accent. if you want you can blame it on the 3 1/2 months creek had sole custody while he and floyd were divorced
tiny peppering in the odd essex slang term is ALSO not canon, just something i think would be funny. alex is the tiny expert anyway 😌
bruces kids hate the british SOOOOO much its not even funny
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
"we had food, but weren't always fed. we had bathrooms but weren't really taught hygiene. we had books and could read, but weren't taught the days of the week or the order of the months. and yet we were expected to fully know all of these things anyway."
(this is a different anon)
Fuuuuccccckkkkkk the wasn't rlly taught hygiene thing hit way to God damn hard,,,, I didn't know u were supposed to like, scrub when u showered or bathed untill I was 12. Fuck my mom didn't even buy me a loofa or anything untill I was THIRTEEN!!!!!!
My parents didn't teach me shit either they just sat me in front of educational shows and let pbs do the work for em.
Fuck! I learned how to walk from the FAMILY DOG!!!!!! and on top of that at the ripe age of one and a half already had a habit of hiding things as I hid the fact that I knew how to walk for an unknown amount time!!!!!
My mom can't remember what my first word was, because it was a whole sentence and that sorta rlly pisses me off to think about.
Parents fucking suck. My parents were, well they were better then their own parents by a landslide but that doesn't mean they were great. They tried, but, two PTSD riddled parents does not a sane child make.
Also rlly digging the distinction u made between abuse and neglect, cuz, like, words are weird in how the brain processes them even when they're technically considered similes.
Fuck I have to many thoughts spring time S.A.D. is a bitch
They tried, but, two PTSD riddled parents does not a sane child make.
haha... same. idk what happened to my mom but shes kind of like a robot, and not in the swag autistic way, in the "she is so surface level and any glimpse i see into a real person under there is fleeting despite be literally living with her and knowing her my entire life. something is wrong with her."
and my dad just clearly has PTSD, among various other issues. i mean he lived through a civil war, it makes sense, but if you imply he has mental health issues he'll KILL YOU and go on a two hour rant about how mental health isnt real cause that's like.. an american thing or something.. idk.
sucks about the S.A.D, but im glad you can relate. i used to be mad that my mom didn't know my first word either, but i figured "eh, there's six of us, I guess it just became less important"
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122 posts created (8%)
1,363 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,365 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#simon snow - 406 posts
#baz pitch - 375 posts
#snowbaz - 338 posts
#wip wednesday - 135 posts
#six sentence sunday - 133 posts
#inktober 2022 - 74 posts
#goatober 2022 - 55 posts
#ofmd - 43 posts
#fic rec - 37 posts
#fallen from the sky with grace - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#i wish it could be a book in your bookshelf and my bookshelf and i could tuck it in someone's hands and say 'read this'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Happy Inktober Goatober!
@foolofabookwyrm-activated made the perfect prompt list for 2022.
Day Five - CHAOS
Day Three - Friends : Link
Credit to @krisrix for his Watford era hair styles: Link
121 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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Happy Inktober Goatober!
Happy Halloween! I made it to the end this year! Woot woot!
Day Thirty-one: Spooky
Who ya gonna call? GOAT BUSTERS!
Cheers to @foolofabookwyrm-activated who came up with the idea of Goatober and frankly made a prompt list that was way more fun than the regular one!
And cheers to my fellow participants : @tea-brigade @superchlorine @thelostkat @milady-pink @erzbethluna
You're all awesome!
Day Twenty-Nine - Fairytale : Link
138 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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Happy Inktober Goatober!
@foolofabookwyrm-activated made the perfect prompt list for 2022.
Day 8 : Kids
Baby goats in pajamas! Is apparently a thing!
Day 6 : Yoga
141 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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Feeling cheeky...
Thanks to @krisrix for guidance and encouragement.
145 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
New Art Commission for
Fallen From the Sky with Grace
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Yes, it's true. I commissioned a second piece of art for my story. And look at it! Isnt it gorgeous?
The incomparable, breathtakingly talented @cynopoe made this afterglow scene for chapter two - Turbulence
I've cropped the middle out so Tumblr doesn't flag the nudity, but stop and take a closer look. There are so many details in the composition. Look at their body language. Zoom in to see the expression on Simon's face. Omg that dappled light which turns a London park (strewn with bottles) into the most romantic spot to fool around with one's boyfriend.
See the full post
157 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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