#no they're not??? i mean all beaches are special like it's not an insult but i did look like a beach?????
lavenderprose · 1 month
"Would you love me if I was a crab?"
The responses are immediate and exactly what Ed should have expected: Stede's eyes go big, he offers a wide smile and his voice goes high and indulging as he says, "Of course! I would make a special little tank for you--"
Izzy, on his other side, rolls his eyes and says nothing at all.
There are a few crabs scuttling along this stretch of beach, washed ashore by a storm last night. They're still trying to get their bearings and make their way back to sea, presumably. Ed has counted four of them as they walk. He doesn't know if they're the kind of crabs you eat. He doesn't know if there's such a thing as crabs you can't eat.
Stede is still talking.
"Of course, we would have to make sure that the water is of the right salinity, and it might be hard to communicate, but perhaps we could invent some form of semaphore involving pincers--" Here he forms his hands into two approximations of claws and snaps his thumbs against his fingers repeatedly. "Snap snap. Something like that."
"No way to live," Izzy says then, and when Ed looks at him it seems like even he's surprised he spoke. He looks uneasy with it, like the thought had escaped rather than being released. He's been walking somewhat separate, his pace matching that of Ed and Stede but several feet further up the beach where the sand isn't so damp. Stede has had his arm looped through Ed's and they've been walking in lockstep, murmuring to each other about the lovely bright morning sun and the crisp smell of the ocean, and about Stede's newly-bought swim-cover he's wearing and about lunch. Come to think, this is the first time Ed has heard Izzy speak all morning.
"What's that, dear?" Stede asks, still distracted by his own hands. He mutters something to himself that sounds like And this could mean I'm hungry as he pokes his pinched hands towards his stomach.
"In a tank," says Izzy. His arms are folded against his body, he's turned towards Ed and Stede and the calm surf washing up the beach. The sun hits his eyes and makes them look brighter, green like seaglass. "If you were a...crab."
"Say I wanted to live in a tank?" Ed mutters, feeling weirdly defensive. "If Stede wanted to put me in a tank and keep me safe--"
"No way to live," Izzy says, shrugging. "Might be nice for a little while, but you'd get bored in a tank. You'd start trying to escape, try to wedge your pincers through the lid of--" He moves his hands for a moment, almost as though to pantomime like Stede, then scowls at himself at stops. Shrugs again. "We couldn't keep you."
"Would we know it was you?" Stede asks then, like this is crucial information. Ed doesn't know why the conversation has taken this turn, even though he was the one to ask, but he feels like his heart might break a little if they can't come to a consensus about what to do with Crab-Ed.
"Yeah," says Ed, "You'd know it was me because it would be like...a sea-witch curse or something."
"Oh! Well then we would just find a way to break the curse." Stede nods, smiling sagely and confident in his wisdom.
"You can't," Ed says, hurriedly and suddenly nervous. "It's permanent. Can't break it, I'm gonna be a crab forever."
"Would you still think like you?" Stede asks. Izzy, utterly quiet, stares towards the horizon like if he glares hard enough, the sun will descend from the sky and end the conversation.
"Yeah, yeah. Ed Teach brain, tiny crab body."
"Well that complicates it--"
"Why are we talking about this again?" Izzy mutters, still squinting towards the sun like it's personally insulted him. "If Edward were a crab, he'd have to do crab things. We'd do human things. End of."
Stede frowns. "Well the question wasn't about what we would do with our Ed-crab. It was would we love him."
Izzy snorts, and Ed feels a strange spike of dread right up until Izzy mutters, "Of course," in a way that says he thinks the answer is very obvious, and the question very redundant. When he realizes that Ed and Stede are both staring at him, he shifts his stance and cards a hand through his hair. Slowly, with obvious difficulty, he says, "I couldn't keep him in a tank. Wouldn't be fair. Of all people, I should know that." His eyes flick to Ed for a snap moment. Ed doesn't know what his face does, but whatever it is it's enough to relax the line between Izzy's eyebrows. "He'd have to go. But I'd remember him. I'd hope he was...happy. Doing crab things. I'd love him."
From somewhere next to Ed, the inelegant sound of Stede's sniffles breaks the moment they might have been about to have.
"That's such a sweet sentiment, Izzy," Stede says, wiping under an eye. "I was going to say that we could ask the sea-witch to turn us into crabs as well. That way we could all do crab things together."
"There's an idea," Ed says enthusiastically. "We could make a crab house and eat crab food and have crab se--"
"I'm not turning into a crab," Izzy says, and turns back to face the direction they'd come. "Are we done with this? I'm fucking starving."
He marches off, leaving Stede and Ed to walk in his now-determined wake. Obviously trying to escape the sentimentality of his own words. Ed exchanges a knowing, saccharine expression with Stede as they follow.
"Izzy?" Stede calls up to him, paces ahead and legs pumping. Izzy barks out a vague response. "Would you love me if I was a crab?"
Izzy stops and turns completely around. There is a smirk on his face and hidden laughter in his eyes.
"If you were a crab," Izzy says, "I would have a crab fucking boil, Stede Bonnet."
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umbreonlatias · 6 months
Lola's Family!
Yes, it's lore focused and WAS on the front page, and could technically still be there, but in an effort to shorten the pinned post, I'm trying something, since linking to already made posts is actually pretty easy-especially on mobile!
I might or might not add more/do another post like this at some point, I don't really know! 😅
Older lore from Facebook/Deviantart.
Might not mesh perfectly anymore, but there's more in the link above!
(Might make a birthday post and link it at some point just for the sake of neatness!)
-Her father was a Zorua among Zorua who was one of the best shape shifters out there!
-Her father is called Leo, short for Leonardo! (Not Ninja turtle related, I just liked the name! 😅)
-He may have ties to N's Zorua, and taught his family how to talk to humans/read.
-He's the local sheriff.
-He's old, but still has a mischievous streak.
-He disappeared for a long time to Arceus knows where some time ago, but is back to being the law.
(Hisui was not a thing back then, but it is now, so what if perhaps he was briefly sent to Hisui? Maybe he came back as a ghost???)
-Lola can shape shift because of him- with some differences-
-She can maintain form in battle, even when hit, she just can't hold it sleeping, or knocked out!
-Her main form is her pink Umbreon with shiny Latias wings.
Her Mom's a Vaporeon, who can color change at will!
-She's a famous model, a twin, and a December 25 hatch.
-She can be vain, but she's not mean in the slightest!
-Lola can always breathe underwater because of her genes, and even has webs in between her paws!
-Her Mom is Azura- no relation the the FF(?) character- I just liked the name, and Azure means blue! 😅
-They're married.
-Leo and Azura adopted a female Fenniken
-Her name is Scarlet Rose
-Scarlet is mostly red, with blue ear tufts/tail/eyes
-She's immune to water, and is the only Fenniken to actively seek water out
-Found on Cyllage beach on a family walk at sunset, passed out in the waves
-Loves pranks
-Used to talk with a country accent, but I dropped that! 😅
-Is younger than Lola
Has mun's brother's birthday of May 22nd!
Azura's parents, and siblings also stay with them
Inari- female Vaporeon, twins with Azura, baker extraordinaire, and Head chef at the hotel, makes the best sweets!
Sparx- male Jolteon, is part of leadership of a rescue team- teammate is a female Vulpix, he can come and go whenever he pleases, he's a good mon, but likes pranks, and often gets into wars with Scarlet
-Leader of two teams, a Red Rescue team, and a Explorers of Sky team, the co leader is the Vulpix whom I have not named!
Carrie- female Flareon, quiet, professional glass blower, sells her stuff in the hotel gift shop (when I created this, she LOVED MLP- the one with Twilight Sparkle!), NEVER feed her chocolate, as she'll bounce off the walls- literally!- Sparx will do it just for fun/to mess with his sister! 😈
Destiny- female Espeon, nerd/scientist with a temper- insult something she loves and incur her wrath! 👹
Flurry- male Glaceon, quiet librarian, introvert, runs the hotel library
Napalm- male Leafeon, quiet, respectful Doctor who specializes in aromatherapy, has an area in the hotel where he sees clients, and sells healing items- once had a trainer before I decided my OC's were caught- respectfully- like James, by mun- all in Luxury balls are they're my favorite.
The grandparents-
Alabaster- male Umbreon, OLD, still kicking, so is part of hotel guard, staunch rule follower, has trouble sleeping- might be white with blue rings, and yellow eyes.
His wife- Moonbeam- female Sylveon, typical sweet grandma type, who likes to bake cookies with Inari, and spoil kiddos, often reels Alabaster in when he gets too tense,/doesn't take care of himself, passed the color shifting on to her kids- but prefers to be the usual colors.
Lastly, not family by blood, but still in the fam!
Mystery- female Eevee, mischievous, LOVES pilfering cookies/sweets from mons- especially Inari- may call Azura, and her siblings Aunts and Uncles, likes to get into prank wars with Scarlet and Sparx, may not evolve/doesn't know what she'd be if she did- that's well...a Mystery! 😁
She gets away with it because she's cute, and Lola also likes sweets and it's kinda her hotel, so it's her rules! 😎😁
All mons are caught by mun, so Pokéballs don't work on them!😋
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quatregats · 3 years
Also hello I’m back, I was away so I’m just getting to my notifications now, sorry for the delay
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doccywhomst · 3 years
what your favorite doctor says about you (MEAN edition)
before we get into this, i just wanna say that nearly all of these are applicable to me because i love all of the doctors, so please don't feel too attacked. but also, feel attacked.
theta sigma: you're a miserable pile of fanon lore and desperately want to live the romantic fantasy of playing hooky to skip stones across a sunlit lake with your childhood-bestfriends-to-enemies-to-frenemies gay love interest
first doctor: you're routinely prepared to commit murder with a rock in the event of any slight inconvenience
second doctor: i... i.... i can't find anything mean to say about you. in my head, you're a little clown wearing clothes that are too big. there we go.
third doctor: pure of heart, dumb of ass, home of sexual. you're a himbo pretending to be a scientist. you don't know anything about the moon or sun, just like the writers of his first series.
fourth doctor: you're a little weirdo who loves the horrible special effects. you'll gobble up any terrible content, but at least we have that in common
fifth doctor: angry golden retriever who listens to the beach boys
sixth doctor: you like this show a little too much (just kidding, that's impossible) and you're a trainwreck of a human, your life is completely off the rails, you desperately need therapy
seventh doctor: you genuinely liked Survival, which should be a crime, and we all know that you're mostly here for Ace
eighth doctor: you're a sadist and a masochist at the same time, you're a freak of nature, you're disgusting, I'm gonna kill you, here's 200 dollars
war doctor: you're already so emo that I don't even want to insult you, i feel like you'll start weeping
shalka doctor: you're so obsessed with this show that you'll cling to any little scrap of it and beg for a crumb of serotonin. i bet you read and write a lot of fanfiction
ninth doctor: see shalka doctor. also, you need a lot of therapy
tenth doctor: you're touch-deprived and live vicariously through the romantic exploits of characters on a children's science fiction show. also, old small gremlin man in cage
eleventh doctor: you're straight in a gay way or gay in a straight way, and neither of these are strictly insults, but they're true. also your fashion and music tastes are literally putrid, but you'll take that as a compliment
twelfth doctor: your ideal best friend is an old man who's actively rude to you and routinely puts you in mortal danger, but you don't even care because you're literally in love with him, and you love him even though he's hopelessly inaccessible and will never love you back. to be fair, we've all been there
thirteenth doctor: you love the drama, don't lie. you like putting characters through the Pain Machine and it's a reflection of your trauma
ruth!doctor: see shalka doctor. but otherwise you're beautiful and perfect.
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pipipinyyy · 3 years
Explaining why I have added every song in my entire and very long Niragi playlist because I can and because over analyzing him is my passion (I usually update it from time to time but I'll do it with the current songs)
Completely self indulgent post, but I decided to share to feed my fellow Niragi stans (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
This is entirely based on my view of the songs and how I interpret them while thinking about Niragi. I'm aware that most of them have entirely different meanings, this is just for fun :) (Also sorry if my explanations don't make much sense, English is not my first language and I might make mistakes when trying to put my feelings and thoughts into words)
This may contain manga/s2 spoilers
Hayloft-Mother Mother: Vibes
Criminal-Britney Spears: The whole song describes him ("he is a sucker with a gun") and the fandom's obsession ("mama I'm in love with a criminal")
Daddy Issues-The Neighborhood: I feel like he would act like this, using the most vulnerable spots to pick on someone ("cry little girl, nobody does it like you do")
Psycho-Jin Dogg, OVER KILL: Vibes
Riot-Hollywood Undead: He'd definitely start a riot like he did in the 10 of hearts, burning and destroying anything that crosses his path
Bitches-Mindless Self Indulgence: He most likely thinks he's a total fuckboy and popular with girls since he can get almost anything he wants out of scarying people
Baby's on Fire-Die Antwoord: Vibes
Insane in the Brain-Cypress Hill: This man is being consumed by his own way of protecting himself
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing-Set It Off: Based on how he feels towards the people who hurt him in the past ("Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay" "You've always been a huge piece of shit, if I could kill you, I would" "Karma is gonna come collect your debt")
Death no more-IC3PEAK: Vibes
Gasoline-I Prevail: Sort of similar to Riot, ("So burn it all down, burn it all down, I don't give a fuck")
Toxic-Britney Spears: The whole fandom knows how much of a piece of shit this dude can be, but we still find ourselves liking/enjoying his character (to an extent), a toxic addiction
Nice Guy-GRLwood: As much as I love this man, he'd use the "I'm a nice guy c'mon" card just to fuck. If he wants to, he'll get it, if he doesn't, he'll most likely get mad
Dernière danse-Indila: Vibes
TRRST-IC3PEAK: Mostly vibes, I kinda see this song as how he felt the first time he killed someone on purpose inside the borderlands ("mama they say I'm a terrorist, I did nothing wrong but I got on the blacklist")
Saint Bernard-Lincoln: Vibes
Nowhere To Run-Stegosaurus Rex: Being with him at the Beach would either be ignoring each other completely or a game of tag, no inbetween. If this man wants to kill you, he'll get his fun time out of it as well ("You're gonna die, I'm gonna kill you")
The House of Wolves-Bring Me The Horizon: Based on how he sees life after being consumed by his current mental state ("Show me a sign, show me a reason to give a solitary fuck about your god damn beliefs" "What you call faith, I call a sorry excuse")
Smells Blood-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
SIU-Maretu: Similar to Daddy Issues, don't expect this man to be a therapist. If he sees anyone crying or panicking in or outside a game, he'd most likely tell them to suck it up, just like this song.
Judgement-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
MONSTER ENERGY GUN!-KevinKempt: Vibes + He for sure has an energy drink addiction, specially pre-borderlands
HURT-1 800 PAIN: Vibes
Fear Is The Mind Killer-Zheani: Vibes
I Bet on Losing Dogs: Based on how I know Niragi is toxic, and most likely unsaveable of his deteriorating mental state, but I still have him as my biggest comfort character ("I bet on losing dogs, I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place")
Emo Boy-Ayesha Erotica: He's been in an emo phase (and maybe still is), the lyrics are pretty self explanatory, they describe us Niragi simps perfecrly ("come on fuck me emo boy")
Crybaby-Destroy Boys: Vibes
The Fox's Wedding-MASA Works DESIGEN: Vibes
You're a useless child-Kikuo: We don't know much about his past, but judging by the unstoppable bullying he's suffered, his parents didn't care about him, or were straight up absent. He's been insulted by pretty much everyone in his past to the point of believing it and telling those things to himself ("You're a useless child, the most useless child in this world" "Drool in snot, dandruff, shit and piss" "I'm a useless child" "Nobody will save me" "I'm a lonely kid")
Take A Slice-Glass Animals: Vibes
Fighting With The Melody-Jimmy Urine: Vibes
Comics-Caravan Palace: Vibes
Rhinestone Eyes-Gorillaz: Vibes
Butch 4 Butch-Rio Romero: Mostly vibes, sort of how I think the most "peacefull" moments in a relationship with him would feel like, kind of bittersweet feeling
Suki Suki Daisuki-Jun Togawa: Yandere Niragi. If he's interested in someone, he'd go through an obsessive phase, most likely forcing the other person to "love" him. This man is so confused about the feeling of love that he's unable to tell when he loves someone or when he's obsessed with them due to his lack of attention ("Like you, like you, I love you. Say you love me or I'll kill you")
:(-The Garden: Vibes
Kitty City-Cyriak Harris: Vibes
Blood-My Chemical Romance: If Niragi went to a therapist, he'd act like this song, with his signature cocky and sarcastic personality (at least before he gets better) ("I can't control myself because I don't know how" "They can fix me proper with a bit of luck" "I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love")
A Mask of My Own Face-Lemon Demon: He feels like he needs to protect himself or else he will get hurt inside the borderlands by others again. He uses another personality, a completely ruthless one, even if he doesn't like it and hates himself for it, he doesn't see another way to deal with his fear, allowing his "new self" to consume himself. ("I'd wear that mask of my own face" "I look into my eyeholes and what do I see? A handsome motherfucker motherfucking looking back at me")
I'm a Murderer-Freddie Dredd: Mostly vibes ("I'm a motherfucking murderer")
'Cause I'm a Liar-Mcki Robyns-P: He would lie just for fun even in serious situations. If he needs to manipulate someone to survive, he'll do it his way, after all, he doesn't care anymore, he just seeks for excitement. ("Without emotion, without devotion. It's much easier to fake something happy")
I Disagree-Poppy: I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like this is how he sees and feels the world and those around him, feeling misunderstood and going his own way ("If only all of you could see the world I see, then maybe everyone could live in harmony")
Personal Jesus-Mindless Self Indulgence: He has a superiority complex, that's for sure. I don't think he sees himself as a god, but I see him joking about it
Rainbow Factory-GLAZE, WoodenToaster: Vibes
Frontier Psychiatrist-The Avalanches: I kinda see this as Aguni taking the role of Niragi's "father figure" inside the borderlands, realizing he's turning insane and is unable to control him ("That boy needs therapy")
Hate it. Hate it. "JIGAHIDAI!"-WADATAKEAKI Kurage P: Jealousy. I can see it either in a pre-borderland situation where he hates the popular students in school, or inside the borderlands hating both Chishiya and Arisu. Jealousy takes over him constructing a big ego, causing himself to develop his superiority complex ("You see, I hate that popular girl!" "Does she think I don't notice? How she looks at me as if I'm trash" "I want to be praised" "I'm different from you all, I have my own ego! I'm not a side character" "I have zero common sense. I'm special")
Villain-Stella Jang: He knows damn well he's a villain, that's his goal after all, but what if someone took his point of view? wouldn't the villains be all of those who hurted him in the first place? ("We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side, but what if we are the villains on the other")
Violent-carolesdaughter: This is how I view an argument inside a relationship with Niragi. He's used to violence, to cause fear, and getting what he wants, so being in a healthy relationship would require a lot of patience and strenght. While he's getting better and suppressing those violent actions, there will be times where he accidentally uses violence or threatens the other person unintentionally, mostly hurting himself and his partner psychologically. The lyrics change between both points of view ("Don't make me get violent, I want my ring back baby that's a diamond" "She knows I'm a wreck" "I gave you all my trust and I told you just don't break it")
Hey Bunny-Baby Bugs: Based on how I think it would feel to partner up with him inside the borderlands and catching feelings for him while knowing the huge mess he is ("Hey bunny, what's with those evil eyes?" "Hey bunny, what the hell is wrong with us?" "Hey bunny, what if I loose you too? If I become the monster, together we can always be blue")
Kokoronashi-majiko: I'm pretty sure Niragi isn't able to see himself as someone able to love, even if he doesn't want to be alone (just like when he confesses this feeling while fighting with Chishiya and Arisu). If someone truly loved him and was willing to not letting him go, it would hurt. He can't see himself as someone who can love or be loved, so he can't accept the love he's seeking for in case that turns him "weaker" making his true self confront with the protective mean personality he's created. He could learn how to accept it, so he might want the other person to stay in the end, but it wouldn't be easy for him to accept it ("It's awful, I'd rather you destroy my body, tear it to sheds, do as you please" "No matter how much I'm loved by you, my heart is just one" "I don't know this, don't leave me alone")
Nightmare Parade-FAKE TYPE.: Vibes
Slipping Through My Fingers-Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried: Niragi seeing himself loosing his young, gentle and caring personality due to his fear, being unable to control what's happening inside, nostalgia and sadness kicking in ("The feeling that I'm loosing her forever" "That funny little girl" "Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time")
Kuroneko No Tango-Pink Martini, The Von Trapps: Vibes
YKWIM?-Yot Club: Him confroting his feelings of loneliness when he's left alone with his thoughts ("It feels like I care too much when I'm alone, oh no")
Romantic Lover-Eyedress: Just appreciating his physical appearance ("She's a killer, I love her features")
Wrecking Ball-Mother Mother: Based on how he sees himself as someone who needs to destroy everything in a way or another in order to be powerful + the fun he has with it ("Call me a reckless wrecking ball" "Let's break it just because we can")
Edge-Rezz: Vibes
Freaks-Surf Curse: Again, confronting feelings when loving someone, but not in such a painful as Kokoronashi ("I need a place to stay where I can cover up my face" "Don't cry, I'm just a freak")
Little Bit-Lykke Li: Vibes
6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con)-Will Wood and the Tapeworms: Vibes
PHONKY TOWN-PlayaPhonk: Vibes
I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE-Måneskin: Freaky time. He would absolutely love this song, definitely his type of thing ("You could be the beauty and I could be the monster" "I wanna touch your body so fucking electric" "I wanna make you hungry, then I wanna feed you")
#BrooklynBloodPop!-SyKo: Vibes
A Cold Freezin' Night-The Books: Vibes
A Pearl-Mitski: My most favorite song to associate with Niragi. Represents his evolution as a character. Creating an scenario where he is loved by someone,he rejects it at first, acting tough ("I don't want your touch") and then proceeds to explain why ("It's just that I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended" "it left a pearl in my hand and I roll it around every night just to watch it glow") the war being the borderlands and his new personality, he loved it, but nobody drew a line and it's getting out of hand. The pearl is the feeling of power, the one he has to remember when feeling weak just to feel something. At the end of the song it changes to ("Sorry I can't take your touch"), realizing that he wants love, but he's not able to take it or else he'll become the Niragi from the past
Problematic-Bo Burnham: Him acknowledging his problematic actions but not wanting to apologize because he doesn't feel the need to. He knows he's done bad things but he is going to laugh at it and be a sarcastic mf about it
First Love/Late Spring-Mitski: Similar to Kokoronashi, he wouldn't be able to accept love and how it makes him feel. He would think that he prefers for everyone to hate him and be lonely instead of sacrificing his tougher side. Also talks about how he's grown way too quickly for him to understand feelings properly ("So please hurry leave me, I can't breathe, please don't say you love me" "One word from you and I would jump out of this ledge I'm on baby" "I was so young when I behaved 25, yet now I find I've grown into a tough child"
The Other Side Of Paradise-Glass Animals: Vibes
Bodybag-Chloe Moriondo: How I feel about liking his character, confronting feelings basically ("Don't know if I hate you or if I wanna date you" "I don't wanna like you, I just wanna tie you up, then keep you in a cage and watch you sleep for ages"
Get Into It (Yuh)-Doja Cat: Vibes
Psycho Killer-2005 Remaster- Talking Heads: Vibes
INFERNO-Sub Urban, Bella Poarch: Again, another song that describes him pretty well ("Baby I'm the reason why hell's so hot" "Terribly like terrible, she's a villain" "Think I'm getting butterflies but it's really something telling me to run away")
Bad Morning-Omori: Vibes
Trouble Brewing: Vibes
Dueles Tan Bien-Bruses: Another song about my confronting feelings with this man ("You know what? You taste better than alcohol to me. You know that and you've got control" "Because you hurt, and you hurt so good that I don't know what to do")
And that's it!! This took me the whole day to write but it makes me very happy to be able to share it :)
I've you've read the entire thing, hope you enjoyed the character analysis! ლ(◞‿◟ლ)
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elysianslove · 3 years
unrelated but my IELTS test is tomorrow!!! pls wish me luck on the writing part,,, the time allocation is terrible bruh i'm scared i won't finish it or something,,,
so i wanted to try the match-up but you said to include relationship habits and i've never been in a romantic one so i hope it'll be ok to mention anything but that,,,
lemme try hq because there are so many guys i'm curious to see who you'll match me with :0
i can't really think of attractive things about myself rip but i can confirm that i am a giver in terms of affection. head pats, running my fingers through hair, scratching your scalp— if you're touch starved, i will gladly provide. i have no problem recieving it, but some people have clung to me saying i am warm and squishy,,, which brings me to my next point— my love language is most likely physical affection, quality time, and words of affirmation. i have a terrible case of insecurity and my brain has been wired to assume the worst outcome at all times, so please tell me you won't leave even if i'm annoying af,,, for the same reason, it's hard for me to get close to smooth talkers as well as people who talk harshly (even if they're just being honest and mean well.) i like to tease people too (but more to the light insults, not flirting), it's fun to see people's reactions.
i will talk non stop with people i'm comfortable with, so unless you tell me to stop, i won't, lmao. a lot of my close friends irl are either 1) quiet listeners who sometimes give advice or 2) has the same energy and will yell with me. that being said, as i stated that one of my love languages include quality time, just us sitting next to each other while doing our own things in the same room in silence is cool too :D
my ideal hangouts are the more casual ones, specially during the later time of day. things like binge watching movies at home or at the cinema, evening rides or strolls, eating at a nice diner, walking down the beach to watch the sunset/sunrise with the sand and waves between our toes, and midnight convenience store shopping.
THIS SOUNDED SO GENERIC AND BORING ZJNEJXNE maybe this is why i won't ever get a guy irl 😔 thank you for doing this!! and feel free to skip if you don't feel like doing it ♥️
— 💤 anon
i really hope you like this especially because you mean soso much to me!! mwah ily <3 and no you sound like a lovely person, anyone would be lucky to have you as their s/o <3
11k Event/Match Ups are closed!
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↬ your haikyuu matchup: kageyama tobio !
↬ your fanfiction trope: and there was only one bed !
— headcanon: contrary to what people might assume, kageyama is not clueless when it comes to relationships. yes of course he once was, but as he developed as a person, so did his mindsets and his approaches and understandings. with how long you’ve been together, kageyama knows now. he knows your little habits that he’s learned to love and appreciate and find endearing, and he knows of your needs and wants and aspirations and dreams, and he knows and caters to you whenever you need him to, able to tell the signs of any sort of mood you’re in. the misconception is in that he’s quiet, but just because he’s not vocal doesn’t mean he doesn’t know you like the back of his hand. you’re the most important person in his life, there’s no way he wouldn’t put in the effort. he just does it his own way. you’re not necessarily opposites, but neither are you the same— nonetheless, you’re made for one another, and if it isn’t clear in everything else, it is in the way he looks at you.
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Oliver Adams - HPHM Profile [redone]
(information is as of sixth year - shared universe with @ask-hphm-crew)
Name: Oliver Tyler Adams
Gender: Male (cis)
Age: 16
Birthday: May 28th, 1973 (gemini)
Species: Human/wizard
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Residence: The family farm in the Irish countryside. It's huge, a bit outdated decoration-wise, and homey. His room is on the third floor, looking out over the field and he can see the sunrise if he wakes up early enough. The farm is so old and imbued with magic that Oliver can use underage magic without the Ministry finding out
Personality Type: ESFJ-A (the consul)
Wand: 13 3/4 inches of pliant pine wood encasing a phoenix feather core. The wand is thick and heavy, light in color, and with no defining marks other than Oliver's name carved into it with a knife. Doing this did not damage the wand in any way, but when Ollivander saw it he nearly had a heart attack.
Animagus: A mixed breed cat, Siamese/Ragdoll, similar to the stray cats that lounge around the farm
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimency and Occlumency, though he doesn't practice them often
Boggart Form: In earlier years, it was a werewolf, since one could be heard howling somewhere near the farm during full moons. As he got older and met actual werewolves like Chiara, Oliver lost his fear of them and his boggart changed to a mortally wounded vision of himself, having failed to save anyone from the vaults and meeting his own painful end
Riddikulus Form: The vision of himself is instead only afflicted with a concussion, with his Quidditch team mothering him as he insists he's fine
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): Oliver would smell like roast chicken, fresh tomatoes, and bright sunshine
Amortentia (what do they smell?): At the current point, Oliver smells the ocean, cat fur, and wood polish. As he has no strong romantic interest (though that may change very soon) the smells just make him happy and aren't related to any specific person
Patronus: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: His first time seeing the ocean. Nothing went wrong that day, and he got to see dolphins for the first time too. He and his family all had a great time together.
Mirror of Erised: His mother and grandparents standing proudly behind him. It's his graduation day, not an injury to him. Everything turned out okay
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Reficere Aspectu - temporarily repairs his vision. The spell he uses for Quidditch matches.
- Lumos, Aguamenti, Wingardium Leviosa - extremely useful spells for around the farm
- Arania Exumi - spider repellent is always useful
- Orchideous - he conjures flowers for his mother and grandmother all the time
- Reparo - the first Transfiguration spell he got on the first try
[concept image made using the zepeto app]
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Height: 6'3
Weight: 191 lbs
Physique: Skinny with noticeable muscles from all the Quidditch and farming
Eye Color: Light, slightly greyish blue
Hair Color: Dirty blonde, usually kept in a bowl cut that his mother gives him. Oliver knows it's not fashionable (Andre is constantly nagging him to change it) but he doesn't really care enough to learn hair charms
Skin Tone: Light, no freckles. He burns easily so when he comes back at the start of every year he's a bit pink
Body Modifications: His eyesight is atrocious. He wears round glasses most of the time and uses a temporary vision charm for Quidditch
Scarring: Oliver has a nasty scar on his back from being kicked by a cow as a kid, and some scratches on his arms and legs from the various animals and work around the farm
Fashion: This kid has no fashion. Andre is in hell. Oliver wears shorts whenever he can and t-shirts. If it's cold he'll add a flannel. Around sixth year he starts updating his wardrobe a bit, but keeps his usual clothing for around the farm. No point having decent clothing get all dirty and ripped up
House: Gryffindor
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: E
- Care of Magical Creatures: E
- Charms: A
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: O
- History of Magic: A
- Potions: A
- Transfiguration: A
Quidditch: Keeper since year 3
Extracurriculars: Dragon Club, Gobstones Club
Favorite Professor: Professor McGonagall. She's his head of house, and she reminds Oliver a bit of his grandmother with her stern but kind nature. She encourages his love of Transfiguration, even if he isn't the best at it, and she's a huge Quidditch fan
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Dumbledore. Oliver is an easygoing, agreeable guy most of the time. He respects his elders as his grandparents taught him, but only when they deserve it. Dumbledore most certainly does not
Mother: Katie Adams
- Katie is a shy, quiet woman. She was homeschooled for most of her life, receiving at-home tutoring in her later years as her mother Gertrude was unable to properly teach her what she needed to know, and she's only seen the inside of Hogwarts twice: when she sat in for her O.W.L.s and her N.E.W.T.s.
- As a mother, Katie made sure to raise Oliver to be kind and always drink his Respect Women Juice. She had him take on some of the farm duties at a young age to help teach him responsibility
- Oliver got kicked by a cow when she turned her back on him for no more than ten seconds. Katie's boggart is what would have happened had Oliver been standing slightly closer - he would have been paralyzed, as the kick would have hit his neck
Father: Kyle Donovan
- Oliver never knew him. He was a muggle who left Katie shortly after she became pregnant
- He was a decent guy in general, but the idea of being a father at the age of 24 scared him and he ran like a coward. He never knew about the Wizarding world, and even if he wanted to return to try and make amends he'll never be able to find the family farm ever again, thanks to Marvin
Grandfather: Marvin Adams
- Marvin is a cranky, slightly old fashioned kind of guy. He cares a lot about tradition and keeps telling Oliver that one day the farm will be his, and then his kids', and then their kids'. Oliver doesn't have the strength to tell him he's not sure he wants kids at all
- Marvin loves his wife. There were many times in their relationship where it looked like the marriage was about to fall apart, but they were somehow always able to get through them - mostly by him apologizing to Gertrude
- Oliver is able to hold his own in a duel thanks to Marvin. Despite being an old crud, he's got a lot of fight in him
Grandmother: Gertrude Adams
- Gertrude was horrified that Oliver was going to grow up without a male influence, which is why Katie never moved off the family farm with him. The old woman made Oliver learn to cook and sew so that he wouldn't be a useless husband in the future
- She's the type of person who'll say that she still dreams of marrying her teenage sweetheart and moving to an island with him, but she doesn't mean it. She loves her family and her life, but she does one day want to retire on an island
- After Oliver graduates Hogwarts and takes over the farm, Gertrude will finally be able to convince Marvin that they can retire without worrying over the farm, and they'll move to a lovely beach house. Her last ten years will be spent in her own little paradise
Love Interest: Isla Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- Isla is the twin sister of Vera, one of Oliver's closest friends in Gryffindor. Isla is in Ravenclaw, so originally they didn't spend much time together. However, Oliver always found Isla cuter than Vera
- People who didn't know them well thought Oliver and Vera liked each other, but anyone who did know them knew Vera would rather die, and that Oliver preferred the red haired twin over the blonde one
- Vera is the one who keeps pushing to get them together. She told Oliver that she knows Isla likes him, but he refused to believe it. Still, she kept trying, saying that if anyone had to be her brother-in-law she'd rather it be him
- In fourth year, Ravenclaw lost a crucial match and it took them out if running for the House Cup. Isla, a chaser, was disappointed, but went to the final match to support her sister and her crush
- Gryffindor won, and in the excitement, Isla ran up to Oliver and yanked him down so she could kiss him. Oliver understandably short-circuited, while Vera yelled "Finally!"
Best Friend: Andre Egwu
- When Oliver first met Andre, they didn't like each other at all. They were on opposing Quidditch teams, after all. But their mutual friends forced them to spend more time together, and now the two are practically inseparable. It makes little sense to most people.
- They're the kind of best friends who insult the living daylights out of each other to show their love
- They went as friends to the Celestial Ball. A few people got the wrong impression, but they've never considered dating each other. They feel more like brothers than anything else
Rival: Anyone on an opposing Quidditch team. Even if the rivalry doesn't affect them off the pitch, Oliver's instinctive reaction when he sees his opponents is one of distaste (ironic since both his best friend and his girlfriend are his rivals)
Enemy: Every last member of R
- Charlie Weasley
- Ben Copper
- Jae Kim
Pets: a barn owl named Priscilla, and a sheepdog who stays at the farm named Sparky
Closest Canon Friends:
- Charlie Weasley
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Diego Caplan
Closest Noncanon Friends:
- Vera Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- The gang from @ask-hphm-crew
- Unnamed members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
- Oliver was raised a happy, carefree little boy. His incident with the cow never deterred him from helping his mum and grandparents around the farm, and he even gave the cow an "I'm sorry I provoked you" treat as soon as he could. He didn't ask about his father until he was ten, and Gertrude sat him down and told him what happened. Oliver resents the man that fled his mother. Gertrude knew he'd be angry and didn't tell him his father's name
- During his first couple years at Hogwarts, Oliver made friends and charmed his way into most of the professors' good graces. In year three Oliver joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and after his first match against Ravenclaw, he and Andre started butting heads until their other friends forced them to hang out more
- Oliver gets involved with the Cursed Vaults almost by accident. He has no cursed brother like the game says, but he does have a desire to help people, so when he hears of a group of students trying to save the school from certain doom, he gets involved right away
- His discovered Legilimency throws him for a loop, as no one in his family has that power. He rarely ever uses his mind reading without permission, but when it becomes necessary he's usually able to do it without the target finding out
- After Hogwarts, Oliver will take ownership of the family farm for a few years, but it's not his passion and he hates the idea of being stuck there for the rest of his life. At age twenty two he sells the farm to one of the farmhands with three young kids and uses the money to buy a bakery with an apartment above it. He grows some of his own ingredients and buys the rest at discount from the old farm, and also runs guitar lessons out of his apartment. His grandparents are a little disappointed, but they understand, and his mother reveals that she had a secret boyfriend who she moves in with and later marries. He's a nice man with a kid a little older than Oliver
- Oliver and Isla have a small wedding a little before the Battle of Hogwarts. A few years later, Isla gives birth to twin girls Kenzie and Kleio. Five years after that, their son Caspian is born
Extra Info
- Oliver is a family man through and through. If he had to, he would have stayed on the farm forever to support his family. When he has his own family, he's an extremely devoted father even though he was never sure he wanted children when he was younger
- Despite not moving on to play Quidditch professionally, Oliver does join a recreational team after he sells the farm, as does Andre, who starts up his own fashion line
- Oliver is a total house husband. Isla is a cursebreaker, and Oliver brags about her to whoever will listen. She often comes home to a fresh cooked meal/baked goods
- Oliver's a cat person. He adopts two stray kittens when he moves to the bakery and loves them with all his heart
- He can't be alone for more than a few days or he'll go crazy. He loves spending time with his friends or even meeting new people
- He starts playing the guitar at the age of seven. Marvin is the one to teach him. Later on he learns about the muggle electric guitar and buys one as soon as he can figure out how to get electricity into his apartment
- Oliver visits his grandparents at their beach house at least five times a year. He can't get enough of the ocean, even when it's too cold to go swimming (and he'll usually do it anyway)
- He's the tallest one in his immediate family. Oliver assumes he got his height from his father, but he actually got the height from Gertrude's side of the family
- Oliver will always prefer to cook himself than to go to a restaurant
- He's a fairly good dueler, but Diego could always kick his ass
- Oliver will try to arrange a big meetup with all of his friends at least once a year. Not everyone can make it every time, but he refuses to let their friendships fade into the past
- He loses the bowl cut in year seven, when Andre convinces Tonks and Diego to hold him down so Andre can fix his hair. Oliver ends up liking it and keeps it that way for years to come
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cactusstree · 5 years
1994 v.s. 2019: My Thoughts On The New Little Women Adaptation
Before I start, I would like to say this is a VERY biased review, it is not meant to be objective. I have always loved the 1994 Little Women, and I definitely went into the theater knowing that I would still prefer it. I absolutely enjoyed the new adaptation and I’m sure I will be watching it again in the future, but there are certain things that I feel just can’t be changed about the original.
Jo March
Going into the theater, i had low expectations of Saorise's portrayl of Jo simply because i think Winona Ryder cannot be beat. I still prefer Winona, but i was pleasantly surprised with Saorise. I felt Saorise really captured Jo's tomboyish personality, when I was afraid she would not. I was happy to see Jo's masculine costuming; it seems Gerwig was able to "get away" with more gender nonconformity than the first movie could.
Jo March+ Laurie
In terms of Jo and Laurie's relationship, I have mixed feelings. In the 1994 version, it seemed as though Jo was certain in her feelings towards Laurie. Although it pained her to lose a dear friendship, she never really regretted it besides "I shouldn't turn down perfectly good marriage proposals." In 2019, however, Jo seemed much more indecisive after the two characters argument after Meg's wedding. It appeared that she may actually love Laurie romantically. I felt this was inconsistent, especially because 2019 Jo was much more aggressive in her first refusal, even to the extent that I was hoping Gerwig might actually allow Jo to be a lesbian (as we all know she is). Jo even said something along the lines of "I wish I had those feelings towards you but I don't," which is what got my hopes up.
Personally, I have always felt that Jo made the correct decision in turning down Laurie, as I picture their relationship to be more similar to brother and sister.
Jo March+ Friedrich
I have to say I was very disappointed with this movie's Friedrich. While of course I would prefer that Jo end up independent, we all know that is not going to happen. Therefore, I want her to end up with her intellectual equal, and someone who genuinely cares about her. In 1994, it is firmly established that Friedrich is dirt poor, and has many similar interests to Jo. On the other hand, 2019 only hints at Friedrich's poverty, and makes little to no effort in making him a lovable character; there are only a few interactions shown between him and Jo, and none of them really struck me as anything special. For instance, 2019 Friedrich offers Jo a set of Shakespeare's complete works, and while this is certainly a kind gesture, it doesn't really showthat they have much in common besides a love of literature. In 1994, Friedrich and Jo have an entire conversation about trancendentalism, not only establishing that they have more specific interests in common, but also showing that Jo's parents, while poor, are deeply involved in political and intellectual movements.
I really missed the tender 1994 moment where Friedrich invites Jo to an opera, which we know she has always wanted to attend, and they kiss in the "worst" seat in the theater. Friedrich was not able to afford nice seats, but he wanted Jo to have the opera experience, as he knew she would love it. In 2019, Friedrich simply observes Jo enjoying the opera while he sits in a nice seat and she stands, once again not really establishing any sort of connection between the two.
1994 Friedrich's criticisms of Jo's writing seem genuine. They come from a place of "you are talented and you write entertaining stories, but they don't seem to really come from your heart." Of course, Jo is offended at first but she comes to realize that she needs to write about her family, not just adventure stories. Therefore, Friedrich's criticisms are actually constructive and help Jo along her path. 2019 Friedrich really only says "I don't like it" which doesn't help Jo at all, and then it seems like she had to humble herself and stop being offended? Once again, this doesn't make any sense. Jo had every right to be offended when this man she barely knows starts criticising her life's work with no helpful suggestions. I felt that tension was never really resolved.
And of course, Jo and Friedrich's final scene where they kiss in the rain will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the 1994 version of course because it's simply beautiful. I love the fact that two of them are alone in the rain on the pathway leaving Orchard house. I didn't really enjoy the train station setting as much because it felt less special, especially when they're surrounded by people. Also, the 2019 version just quickly went over one of my favorite moments, when Friedrich says "I have nothing to give you, my hands are empty" (which of course in more powerful in 1994 because of how strongly Friedrich's poverty is established) and Jo responds by holding his hands and saying "not empty now."
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This moment was included in 2019, but it didn't feel as special to me.
I think Gerwig tried to make up for Friedrich's characterization by showing that LM Alcott would prefer that Jo ended up a spinster, but I just don't think this was the right way to go. Like I said, I would like Jo to be independent as well, but if she does end up with a man I would like to feel happy for her. Gerwig's juxtaposition between Alcott getting her book published and Jo's moment with Friedrich was clever, but it took me out of the moment and made the last few scenes much less enjoyable.
I felt 2019 focused much less on Marmee, which was disappointing to me. That isn't to say Laura Dern did a poor job, just that I have a closer connection to Susan Sarandon. There were several more scenes in 1994 that included Marmee, so I think the audience has more time to become attatched to her. Also, I didn't like that there were a few sarcastic quips between Marmee and the father (such as when father March jokes that he should move to California? I just didn't quite get that).
Mr. Laurence
Something I will say I prefer about 2019 is the emphasis on Mr. Laurence. I LOVED seeing his close friendship with Beth, especially the scene where he listens to her play the piano in his home, and later when he and Jo enter Orchard House together after Beth's death. I felt his inclusion helped Beth seem more significant.
While I understand what Gerwig was trying to do with the way she ordered the scenes, I think chronological order is the best way to go. I liked that 2019 ordering was able to make some interesting parallels between the girl's childhood and young adulthood, such as Beth's first and last illnesses, Amy's relationship with Laurie, Jo's childhood at Orchard House and her later return. The problem I have, however, is that the constant scene switching made it more difficult to connect with the characters. One of the reasons we as an audience care so much about the girl's adulthood is because we saw them being foolish, we saw the way they care for one another, etc. This is especially apparent in Laurie's character, because he's kind of an asshole in young adulthood. In 1994, we put up with that because he is so charming in the first half of the movie. In 2019, not much is convincing me that I like Laurie as a character until we're further into the movie. It also took away from the audience's view of Beth. In 1994, we are relieved that she survives the first wave of scarlet fever, and that relief makes her later death more powerful. In 2019, her first and second waves of illness are depicted simultaneously, which makes it difficult for the audience to calm down. For me, this just meant a full ten minutes of tears streaming down my face, I never got a break!
Listen, I loved Florence Pugh as Amy, but I really really wish they had a younger actress to depict her as a child. I don't mean this as an insult towards Pugh, because I think she did a wonderful job, it was just incredibly difficult for me to believe she was the youngest child during their childhood scenes.
Amy+ Laurie
I have never really loved that Amy and Laurie ended up together, but their 2019 relationship felt even less resolved than 1994. One of the things that helped their 1994 relationship is the moment where Amy is being sent away due to Beth's illness and she laments (in her overdramatic fashion) to Laurie that she has never been kissed. Laurie promises her that he will kiss her before she dies. This sets up a potential for their romantic relationship, and establishes that they both care for one another. In 2019, it isn't really confirmed that Laurie cares for Amy more that her sister. In 1994, Laurie and Amy have a full conversation about how Amy doesn't want to be loved for her family, but rather for being herself, Larie then has to get his act straight and prove to her that he really does love her for who she is. In 2019, they have this same conversation but it never felt completed. It seemed like Amy just gave in, especially because she was so distraught about her sister's death. I will say that I loved 2019 Amy's moment where she explains marriage is very much an economic agreement for women, as I feel that was important to acknowlege in their time period.
1994 Jo's reaction to their marriage also felt like more of a resolution. She seems genuinely happy for them. That isn't to say that 2019 Jo isn't happy for them either, but she is clearly more upset and hasn't finished moving on.
It is difficult for me to compare 1994 and 2019 in this aspect, as I genuinely loved both. I think 1994 focused more on details and domestic scenery, whereas 2019's landscape shots were more impressive. For instance, I loved that Gerwig included a scene at the beach because it was simply beautiful, and gave the audience something new to look at. The ice skating scenes and the scene right after Meg's wedding were really lovely in my opinion. However, I vastly prefer 1994's depiction of Orchard House. It just seems so much more inviting to me.
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(I can't find a good picture of 2019 Orchard House, though I have heard it is more closely modeled to LM Alcott's actual home, so that is something, I just didn't really like it)
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I thought these scenes were beautifully framed, I loved it!
I absolutely loved the costuming in 2019, especially Jo's writing coat!
1994 soundtrack makes me weep tears of joy and nostalgia every time I hear it. 2019 doesn't even come close.
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