#no sweet little 'anta' in a moment like that
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quoththemaiden · 1 year ago
Tiny little translation differences from the Good Omens Holy Water Divorce in English and Japanese:
Crowley: This is something else, for if it all goes pear-shaped. Aziraphale: I like pears. >_> Crowley: If it all goes wrong, I want insurance.
Crowley: This is something else, for if everything goes horribly wrong (shippai). Aziraphale: I like pie (pai). >_> Crowley: I'm serious. I want insurance.
Solid, in-character translation of the joke for Aziraphale. Japanese!Crowley is having even less of his nonsense than the English one, but it's hard to blame him when Aziraphale's deflection is even more of a stretch.
Aziraphale: Do you know what trouble I'd be in if they knew I'd been fraternising? It's completely out of the question. Crowley: "Fraternising?"
Aziraphale: Do you understand how I'd become if it were discovered that I've been friendly with an enemy? It's entirely outside what I can do. Crowley: "Friendly with an enemy?"
Certainly, "fraternising" already means opposite sides, but adding "enemy/opponent" (敵 teki) in there makes it stand out all the more, at least to me. On the flip side, "dou naru" is less explicit than "what trouble I'd be in," but Aziraphale still casts his eyes Heaven-ward at the precise right moment... so the vagueness actually makes it feel more like a callback to how they discussed Crowley's Fall just one minute prior and less like it's referring to the previous scene's sternly-written note.
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thegongoozlerreacts · 2 years ago
Cemetery Mary: True End (Crowven's Route)
here i am!! time to get the true end, where i will hopefully get all of the answers to my questions (or at least most of them)
since the ending guide says that the true end is the same regardless of the route you got it on, i will be doing Crowven's and not twyla's or Reginald's because i just really like seeing Mary and Crowven have a good time together
spoilers below
since im gonna get the true ending, i've decided i wont skip anything so that i'll be going through a complete story (does that make sense??)
lol its kinda funny (not really) that Mary's parents were so worried that she'd be a victim of 'the Blackwood Butcher' im sure Reginald would find it funny since the only reason he's killing people is for Mary
i wonder why Reginald killed Mary's aunt and uncle (well i think he did) but only kidnapped her parents (unless he killed them at some point but if he did he would have let the bodies be found yk? for a funeral) maybe its just cuz it was her parents
man the tension between Mary and Crowven at the beginning,,,, at least in this route it will fade away
man,, i wonder what would have happened if Mary had told someone about the mystery number instead of like,, talking to them in secret
Vasilis looks cool i know theyre the mc of Blackout Hospital, and ive been planning to play that game after Cemetery Mary so after i get the true ending im gonna play that game afterwards lmaoo I wonder if Crowven shows up in Blackout Hospital or smth it would be interesting to see more of their relationship
"A chocolate muffin! Because sweet foods are the best!" Mary is so cute aaaaa i love her
i also wonder if we'll ever get an explanation for the animosity between twyla and Crowven like what was all that stuff in the lake about?? i need to know
im now wondering if the mystery number really is Reginald i mean who else could it be tho?? but it wasnt really confirmed in any route that its Reginald behind the mystery number and the kidnapping of Mary's parents, just that he's the killer how odd
ohhhh dude i just realized that Mary never learns that Reginald can tell when someone (when Mary?) is lying bc to get on that route you have to be honest with him, so she doesnt learn until that moment leading up to the good ending crazy
"Manslaughter on the Disorient Locomotive" lmaoo nice
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also Reginald being a pufferfish??? that explains why to get the good ending on his route you have to pick a pufferfish or a manta ray
wait a second. Mary Anta.... manta ray... OH MY FUCKING GOD
MARY ANTA IS JUST AN ANAGRAM OF MANTA RAY WHHH Ok that explains the manta ray part and why she was drawn with a manta ray cape in that one scene and why she feels connected to them and her hair-horn things oh my fucking god. holy shit. this is revolutionary
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theyre so cute
also oh my god i just searched the relationship between crows and owls, and theyre enemies!! like Crowven and Twyla!! this makes me wanna search up other stuff about the animals the characters are associated with but i have a game to play so i'll do that later
"Rest-aurant In Peace" thats hilarious
i feel so bad for Mary :(( i hope she sees her parents in the true ending
so the mystery number denies being the one in the diner, which i know is Reginald cuz of the Reginald route so if the mystery number was really Reginald then why would he say that he wasnt in the diner and that he doesnt know who it was
he could be lying OR im wrong and the mystery number isnt Reginald at all but then who could it be??? well i guess i'll find out in the true end
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aww this is so cute- oHMY GOD HER DAD IS A MANTA RAY
HE'S GOT THE HORNS AND A LITTLE TALE i wonder what her mom is another manta ray maybe???
man this dream makes me so sad :(( Mary thinks its another normal but fun day w her parents but turns out its just a nightmare also the text after Mary wakes up from the nightmare is so "What's the matter, Mary? I thought you liked ghosts." its so ?!?!?!??
the arcade music is such a banger fr
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so Zapara and Theodore,,, what animals are they at first i thought Zapara was a cat but maybe she's a dog??? her ears look like cat ears so she's probably a cat and then Theodore is.... i have no idea my first thought was a ram but probably not?? maybe he is tho
anyways on with the game
i still think its really funny that Zapara and Theodore thought 'Cemetery Mary' was a ghost
"You just met them in the wrong environment, that's all!" lol and u thought having Mary find out that ur friends keep drugs in the cemetery was gonna make her like them more than a club????
"You'd never catch me here looking like some over-watered pansy!" oh Zapara,,,,, little do u know
i much prefer Mary's communication with ghosts over the cursed manga stuff
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Sunny is so cute just adorable
"Who's the Crowven I know? Is he just a ghost too?" MAN this line is so,,,, its so,,,, rrraghhhghhhhgh yeah
they put her there in that nasty bathtub while she was asleep disgusting honestly if i were Mary i would be more mad about the fact they put me in a bath tub and not the mean noose prank that Zapara did
"I am not at all a violent person" lol. lmao. funny joke Reg
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"...After having lost so many people..." "...I'm just glad I haven't lost you yet." SOBBING
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i love them so much,,, they are so cute,,,,
OKKK now its time for the TRUE END so excited!!
what happens if i say no oh LOL it just ends i mean that makes sense
so this mysterious narrator?? rewinded back to when Mary fell asleep at the mausoleum interesting
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this sure is new Mary please dont go inside the suspicious white van (is that a white van???)
oh its the bus LOL ok get on the bus
why is he asking her to go back to sleep?? whats happening??
why are they leaving tf
who is that and wtf is happening????
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this is serious and im lowkey freaking out but this just looks cute
oh my god we're finally getting some answers lets gooooo
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waitwaitwait wtf gangs??? like actually?? well ok
nO WAY ???? HE WAS THE HEAD OF CONGRESS?? so that was the war he was talking about
oh is that why Crowven and his family live in a cabin in the woods instead of actually inside the city???
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aww cute
Crowven fucking inherited this shit??? yoo thats crazy oh is that what he was out of town for?? gang stuff??
OHHH WTF HE'S THE MYSTERY NUMBER??? ok so i was wrong okok wild i thought it was Reginald they both had that vibe
"Why were you so creepy over the phone?!?!" LMAOOO ok but true maybe its just cuz he's old/j
dont trust the old man just cuz he's old Mary
ok i guess the old man isnt too bad,,
Ovidius is nice i like him
if Crowven dies in the true end i will cry lol pls answer Mary's messages u soon u fucking idiot
i dont why but in my head these guys have a british accent
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but theyre the only ones with the british accent so i think thats really funny it was the 'ello miss' that made me give them a british accent
anyways WTFFFFF NOOOOO i really hope her parents arent dead
why are we in a fucking movie theatre
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did Mary die is she a ghost wtf wtf i hope she didnt???? maybe this is just some weird nightmare??
ok it was just a nightmare but wtf
so she's in a jail cell
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what.... the fuck?????
what ?? the fuck?? no explanation at all and for what?? what is he doing there? why was he not talking? where is he going? what the fuck is happening???
Crowven r u fucking serious????
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NOOO WAY TWYLA???? oh my god oh ok so that sorta explains the lake stuff n why they hate each other so much bc theyre in opposing gangs
oh fuck oh no she saw Mary
oh wait wtf she's helping Mary?? fr?? ok i guess she isnt that bad but i still dont like her
oh she's insane actually
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oh ok i fucking knew it there is absolutely no reason to trust her
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lets fucking go!! thanks Ovidius
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goddamnit Crowven STOP IT
Mary what r u doing this is a fucking trap i feel it in my bones no way is it that easy
she just threw her phone out the window tf
ok so thats really not important compared to everything else thats happening like the fact that Crowven's in the car that was chasing them
does twyla know abt Mary's ghost communication thing or smth cuz in the route i played she didnt get a chance to learn
oh ok nvm its not even a real mausoleum
i hate twyla so much
oh my god its death???
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crazy she's talking to death and theyre a unicorn????? or narwhal??? wait that doesnt matter
ok so Mary gave up her ability to visit the afterlife unfortunately but its ok it was for her family bro that was literally a deus ex machina right???
lets fucking go!!!
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wild crazy insane all those words describe twyla
twyla shut the FUCK up
ok so 1) Reginald just up and left with no explanation if i went on his route and got the true end from there then how would that happen? like would we get answers for the manga and that headstone? does Mary react to the fact that she has the ability to visit the afterlife for the first time there???
also a small headstone with twyla's initials showed up??? weird
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wait what the fuck what???? huh??? will there be a sequel to this game bc i need an explanation for that and everything else
wow,,, so thats really the end wow
this whole game was an absolutely wild ride but i loved it
even tho there's still some mysteries yet to be tied up... im glad Mary and Crowven and her family are safe and are living a good life now its really nice
i do wonder if there'll be a sequel tho bc i'll definitely play that (there's a prequel so im also gonna play that too)
well,,, time for me to at breakfast bc ive been playing this game since 6 am and i am hungry LOL
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telli1206 · 5 years ago
With You, I Am Home
A little Jaylos love and fluff I felt like writing to help get through today. Miss your love and light every day, Cameron Boyce. 10 months without you is 10 months too long ❤
Shout out to @bunny-lou for the idea, borrowed from this post.
"Stopppppp Jay! I told you I can’t right now.”
Evil, NOTHING is more distracting than an affectionate Jay. When he starts getting handsy, it feels like he grows at least ten more arms, all eager and willing to wrap themselves around every inch of Carlos.
“Aw, c’mon Pup. You’ve been buried in that book all day. Pay me some attention.”
Jay loosens his hands from around Carlos’ waist so he can angle his nose underneath Carlos’ ear, burying it into white curls to inhale the sweet scent of the boy’s mango shampoo.
“You smell so damn good, how am I supposed to leave you alone?”
Jay sighs happily as he starts trailing his nose down the side of Carlos’ neck, and damned if that doesn’t feel SO good. Carlos bites his tongue to just on the side of painful to keep from moaning. As tempting as it is to give into his boyfriend, now is NOT a good time.
“I already told you, I’m not going to pass my Calculus final if I don’t study some more. You’re just going to have to wait.”
At his last word, Carlos presses a palm to Jay’s chest and pushes back firmly, forcing him back towards the bed. “Sit,” he instructs, pointing behind them.
Jay scowls, edging himself backwards to sit on Carlos’ bed. He knows Carlos has studied plenty. The boy tutors four other kids in Calculus right now, he probably could have passed his final without even reviewing his textbook.
But Jay understands Carlos’ need to feel prepared. And he wants to indulge his boyfriend, to make him happy.
Besides, the boy’s brain is sexy as hell. Hearing him rattle off equations, and mumble out derivatives and accelerations and velocities is enough to make Jay’s toes numb and his pants uncomfortably tight.
So he’s been a good boyfriend. A patient boyfriend. All day. But now, after having dinner alone, playing video games alone, and even soaping up in the shower alone, his arms are starting to feel empty, and his bed is too cold and way too spacious.
Carlos isn’t turning away from his desk though. He hasn’t even touched the peanut butter and Nutella sandwich Jay brought him, with a chocolate kiss for dessert. If his freckled genius isn’t giving in to all that chocolate, he’s not planning to take a break anytime soon.
It’s time to bring out the big guns.
‘”Anta taʿnī al-kaṯiīra bilnisbaẗi liī (You mean so much to me).”
Jay smirks when he sees Carlos sit upright in his chair, his ears perked in interest.
He stands up and walks up slowly behind the desk chair, resting his hands on Carlos’ shoulders, as he dips down to graze his lips to the shell of Carlos’ ear.
“ʾAnti ǧamīlah ǧiddan (You’re so beautiful).”
Jay’s voice sends a shiver down the younger boy’s spine, and he feels himself biting back a smile. Speaking in Arabic is always a sure way to have Carlos putty in his hands.
“Jayyyy,” Carlos croaks, his voice barely a whisper. He’s already pink and flush and panting from just two sentences. Jay can’t hold himself back anymore, the sight of his boyfriend falling apart under his words is just too delicious.
He grabs the back of the chair and spins Carlos around to face him, palms his hands up and under a pert backside, and hoists the boy up in one swift movement. 
Carlos yelps, but instinctively wraps his arms around Jay’s neck to steady himself while Jay stumbles and drops him onto his bed.
Jay quickly climbs over Carlos, holding himself up by his arms so he can hover and stare into gorgeous brown eyes.
“ʾAnta wasīmun ǧiddan (You’re so handsome).”
Carlos gasps, pulling Jay down to him to press fervent kisses to his lips, desperately licking and biting at his mouth. He groans when Jay pushes his tongue inside, wrapping a hand behind Carlos’ head to deepen their kisses.
This, this right here, is exactly what Jay wanted. To finally feel the soft plushness of Carlos’ lips, his lithe body writhing underneath him. Jay lives for moments like this now, with his boyfriend, his Carlos. He needs it as badly as he needs oxygen.
Speaking of oxygen...
They finally break apart to suck in a breath, panting warm air against each other.
Jay looks heatedly at Carlos, his eyes starting to trail, along with one finger, down Carlos’ neck, slowly dragging over his chest, until he finds the hem of his shirt, playfully brushing the freckled skin that’s poking out from underneath.
Carlos watches with wide eyes, quietly whimpering at the sensation.
“ʾAnti lī šurūqa al-ššamsi, yaā ḥubbī (You are my sunshine, my love).”
Frantic fingers grab at the bottom of Jay’s shirt, yanking it upward. He bucks up in surprise, unexpectedly lodging the clothing under his armpits. He chuckles and wiggles his arms out of the shirt, pulling himself free and tossing it to the floor.
He smirks at the boy beneath him as he reaches for the hem of his shirt too, lifting it off easily and throwing it to land beside his.
Jay drops his arms to lay bare torsoes flush against each other, sighing happily from the warmth of skin on skin. Carlos tips his head to smile at him, reaching a hand up to scrape his nails lightly against Jay’s back.
“Kāna muqaddaran lanā ʾan nakūna maʿan (We were meant to be together).”
Thin but strong legs wrap around Jay, pushing the wind right out of his lungs. He’s gaping for air, but Carlos still leans in, beckoning for more kisses. Jay can’t resist obliging him, but he still jams his fingers along his hips to loosen the grip of Carlos’ legs, gasping when the boy relents and relaxes his hold.
While Carlos is distracted with deep, biting kisses, Jay discreetly snakes both his hands behind him, squeezing him tightly when he’s fully encased. Carlos randomly bursts into giggles from the firmness of Jay’s hold. At this angle, Jay’s chest tickles his own with each tiny breath.
With a sudden jerk backwards Jay pulls himself upright, taking Carlos with him. He squeaks as he’s dropped into Jay’s lap.
“You are so troublesome,” Carlos mutters as Jay attacks his neck, nipping and sucking on the soft flesh. “I’m amazed I can learn anything with you around.”
Jay smiles against Carlos’ collarbone, darting his tongue out to lightly trace along the protruding shape.
“I beg to differ. I happen to think you learn a lot with me around.”
Carlos pulls back to look at Jay, eyebrows perked in curiousity. “Is that so?”
Jay chuckles, pecking him on the lips. “Yes it is so. How many sentences did I just teach you in Arabic? You’re welcome by the way.”
“Oh, I’m supposed to thank you? I’m sure you had no idea that I think it’s sexy when you talk like that.”
“Me? Sexy?” Jay grabs his chest, feigning shock. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Carlos drops his head into the crook of Jay’s neck, muffling his laughter. “Whatever.”
“As a matter of fact, I have one more for you. But you’ve probably heard me say it once or twice.”
“ʾAnā ʾuḥibbuka (I love you).”
Carlos lifts his head, gazing at Jay with a warm smile and pinked cheeks.
“I love you too, Jay.”
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leatherbookmark · 3 years ago
ramblings 3/?, Long edition
1. another interesting thing that while the orig text uses 不需要, not + require, need => “Jin Guangyao didn’t need to keep a son”, the japanese edition uses 残すわけにはいかなかった, “he couldn’t afford to keep (him)”, afford in the meaning of socially or mentally not being able to do that, ie “his position is so precarious he can’t afford to let his guard down”. sect leader yao, of course, isn’t someone who would care about any of that, but the japanese edition makes him sound a little bit more socially aware. it’s not “not needing such a son” like “eh, who would want one” but rather “his social position made it extremely hard for him to do so”.
2. love how wwx addresses everyone with あんた rather than あなた. just using あなた isn’t really polite because it’s directly calling people “you” (a polite thing would be to just omit it or use someone’s name). anta is a shortening of anata, so it’s... even less polite lol but i mean, it fits
(i haven’t gotten to a part where lwj would have a longer speaking part (i mean. i mean) but i’m looking forward to it! and considering how it’s done with other characters, i think the japanese edition has a better grasp on speech patterns than the english one)
3. it’s also fun what this edition is doing with wwx’s thoughts. in the original novel, it’s simply “wei wuxian thought: ‘insert thoughts here’“, ext uses italics that aren’t really used in japanese and so does the 7s edition, meanwhile in japanese, his thoughts are in (round brackets), with the beginning of the next sentence adding that “with this on his mind/thinking this/idk what’s the phrase in english”.
4. ooh another interesting thing! when they’re talking about how jgy got rid of xy in the end, the original text uses the word 清理, which means
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but the japanese term, 粛清, is slightly more direct and specified and means a political purge
5. oh, and right after that we have the “dog bites dog” part, which means
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in the japanese edition we just have お見事な内輪揉めの幕引き, a splendid example of ending an internal conflict.
6. this is not in the original novel, but when there’s talk of jgy having a plan that “if the Sunshot Campaign didn’t go well“, the word used to mean “well” is actually 芳しい, meaning good/favourable (situation, reputation), but also sweet-smelling, fragrant. do you recognize the character? yes, it’s 芳 (fang) from 斂 芳尊 (lianfang-zun) :-)
7. ...aaaand we got our confusing moment! it’s been a while! (i still can’t figure out the lotus pier roofs). anyway, in the part where the cultivators accuse jgy of murder, incest and jaywalking taking sect-fundraised money for himself, exr has it as “Every sect helped out a bit”. in chinese, it’s 出力各家也都有份, in which 有份 is “to have a share of something (responsibilities)”.
but in the japanese text, it’s 協力した各家は皆分け前をもらえた which is (i think?) “every sect that cooperated received a share” which seems to be the opposite thing, hmm. unless the meaning is that each got assigned a share to pay, but hmm, did they? and in terms of profits, i think the watchtowers were more profitable for the people rather than for the sects...
i tried putting 有份 through a japanese dictionary, and it gives me 分け前がある -- “there are/to have a share”. someone on this site explains the last part means “to have benefits” which would suggest that the original text had something about the sect that crowdfunded the watchtowers having some benefits that jgy allegedly got his little paws on, but??? i’m confused. it definitely makes more sense for them to contribute rather than receive...
8. oh! another tasty subtle word difference: “I thought he really wanted to do good” vs 真心想做事 (sincerely + want to + do things) vs 本心から人々に憂えることに当たってばかり思っていた (I really thought he was genuinely concerned for people). which is fucking hilarious considering that Yeah He Was, this is just (as of 15 minutes ago) a JGY Is Bad Conference
9. also! i’m sorry i’m just just saying it now but for all this time, everyone’s been referring to jgy with the 奴 (yatsu) pronoun which is just. he (derogatory)
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(note: they’re not calling him an object; yatsu is versatile like that. going off the examples from this site, yatsu can be “this fucking guy!”, “my lil bro is a good dude okay”, or “pass me that thingy over there”. i love that (derogatory, familiar) isn’t a weird thing in japanese! tfw politeness = distance, and lack of politeness = either familiarity or disrespect. this is also why “there’s no need for thank you or sorry” is a thing in mdzs/cql, i think)
10. another interesting thing: when wwx thinks “if it’s just a rumor, then why are you believing it so easily?”, he uses 鵜呑みにする, in which 鵜呑み (unomi) is made of 鵜 (cormorant) and 呑み (swallow). it can also mean “to gobble up, to swallow food whole”.
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and maybe that’s it for today, the post is already long lol;;
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fulltimereviewer · 5 years ago
50+ Interesting Power Rangers Fanfiction 2020
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Fanfiction
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Eternaldarkness3166 I Know I never knew one of the actors from mmpr had died but I found out about it a couple of years ago due to the fact that it happened and everybody was still little kids at the time damn it blew my mind when I first found out r.i.p
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Caitlin Lopez All the episodes featuring the romance between Tommy and Kimberly plus the bromance of Tommy and Jason followed by the bromance of Tommy, Rocky, Adam, and Billy in addition to Kimberly's friendship with Aisha and Trini
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Anta Kumari Mahato Legendary Power Rangers game is on for tomorrow at work so I can go to your place and time to you and the bato phrkiske so we can either do a few things that
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kagomecc46 Legendary Power Rangers The moment they brought Tommy back.for good...we even got a Tommy Kimberly (?first) kiss scene. Teenage guy actually admits he waiting a (power rangers fanfiction) long time just for that sweet kiss. He keeper ;) Then theres all the creative ways coming from Billy with alien technology lol .thx from this fans heart this recap of the 1st season is what was needed to jog forgotten tv watching memories
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asmio's alt 373638 I love the episodes but when the power rangers lost the thunder megazord it was hard for them to form the dino megazord they couldn't form it cause the dinosaurs were connected with the thunder megazord so when they were on a quest to find ninjor he gives them new zords to fight monsters in season3 when they get (power rangers fanfiction)the ninja zords another megazord was given to them it was called showgun megazord when they called for the showgun zords when they form the megazord and when they are in a copit billy called for the ninja zords and then ninjor comes and helps them
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master drew t Legendary Power Rangers well I guess you could say that it might’ve been the season final, cause it was actually quiet epic to say the least
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Brother Grimace Ransik's surrender in the 'Time Force' finale. The only Big Bad to score a complete and undeniable final victory against a full team of Rangers without trickery or assistance... but surrendered because he learned that he was wrong(power rangers fanfiction) and willingly gave up to face justice. It's an awesome scene where you actually feel sorry for him, a great warrior who has surrendered his sword. It's also why the Wild Force/Time Force team up is so awesome - because he pays in full for his crimes and gets an actual 'second chance' at a better life.
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Paul Verner MMPR Season 1 was a great start for the Power Rangers franchise. Sure the one-liners and the jokes were cheesy, but they worked. First you have Jason Lee Scott, the Red Ranger and the fearless leader of the Power Rangers. He was awesome all the way. Not only was he a leader, he was also like a big brother. (power rangers fanfiction)Not to mention that he's an expert Martial Artist. Next you have Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger and second in command of the Rangers. He was pretty cool too and I like his custom fighting style as well. Then there's Billy Cranston, the Blue Ranger. He's smart and logical, not to mention that he loves inventing things. I liked how Billy was adapting to defending the world slowly but surely despite relying on his powers a lot. He was pretty good. Next there's Trini Kwan, the Yellow Ranger. She's equally smart and expert at Martial Arts and Kung Fu. Trini was good. Not only was she caring, but she was also tough when she need to be. Kimberly Ann Hart, the Pink Ranger. She's the valley girl who loves shopping at the mall and expert of gymnastics. Kimberly was great even though some of her valley girl attitudes was pretty annoying at times. And last, but certainly not least, Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger. He's just as much of an expert at Martial Arts like Jason is. Tommy was awesome. The only problem I had was that his green powers were thrown under the bus. I thought he was better as the Green Ranger. Overall, all six rangers were great. And again, despite the cheesy one-liners and jokes, Season 1 was great(power rangers fanfiction)
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Sticky a fun fact is Amy and David (Kim and Billy) helped the other rangers with agility like flips, Austin and Jason (the actor) helped the others with martial arts, so they all had amazing skills that helped each other (so in this case Kim whose into gymnastics would be given lessons in combat, and she would teach others how to properly move(power rangers fanfiction)) , but a side effect of having people with skills that others have as well ends to create competitive nature's and this created an infamous real life rivalry between Austin and Jason as they were hardcore into martial arts and gym, and apparently Austin bragged he could do stuff, Jason would call Austins bluff and never do what he said he could
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UltimaKeyMaste MMPR also did pretty much everything to separate the human side of things from Zyuranger, high schoolers compared to awkward ancient warriors in modern times. Megaforce, while the idea of copying MMPR seems better than Samurai copy-pasting the Sentai into a Western show, was an utterly soulless copy MMPR and made even worse. At least Samurai didn't insult the original show in the process.(power rangers fanfiction) So Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is the first part entry into the power rangers franchise, if i am not wrong this season is totally adapted or is similar to the Japanese tv show Kyuryu Sentai Zyuranger. people still love this Mighty Morphine Power Rangers fanfiction, because this shows costume resembles that of the Japanese Tv Show mentioned above. This power rangers fanfiction is about mighty morphine. Read the full article
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lostinathoughtonceagain · 5 years ago
God is answering my prayers
the last few days have been raining, and i love it. it has been so fun i love the rain and clouds. I am meeting such cool people and they like me for me its really sweet. i havnt felt this way with people other than sophia and my family for a long time. and its me not under the influence which is really cool. i think i may be acting too happy tho, i might be annoying, but if im hapy im happy right. i got kinda an attidude cuz they wouldnt let me leave recovery group for substances and i wanted to go to eating disorder topics i got really quiet after it just made me mad because i didnt wanna be there. well i lied to them, ive smoked once. i wonder if susan is mad about that. i should talk to her maybe. or dont, its my business and i did it once and regret it anyways. I love my mom i just gotta get over her bugging me honestly. but last night we had so much fun adn watched tv and it was a lovely night. and then i came home and dad anmd barrtt were in the garage having really good conversations. this answered my prayer because it really stresed me out the other night when they were fighting. we talked about the idea that his generation were like dogs and our gernation is like ctas. and then we watched live bands perform the mathew something baand and peter gabirel it ws truly a blessing. and earlier i started crying because 1 the rainbow was so beautiful and 2 i saw barrett driving and as he turned to look at the ambulence that passed the other way i saw his glasses. there kinda dorky in a way but not really idk but it made me love him so much. it made my heart aso tender towards him i started crying. i started thinking about how much i love my family i wish i coudlve enjoyed more time with us all together but thats just how it works and i am the youngest. i just have so much love adn gratitude for them. at sunst i continued crying and 3 birds flew over me. i think it was Gods sign to me. I am held by the creator of the universe and he is near to me. in the garage i thought about how at barretts concert outside at dads one night i was in the kitchen at one point ( this concert i proceeded to ask for money from people for my bible study and recieved upwards $60. I did buy notebooks with bibkle verses on them and im pretty sure my mom just ended up using them )and carter said “did barrett just try to pulla screamo” cuz barrettett screamed a bit i thought about how much barrett practiced and was probably so nervous to perform in the first place. Little did we know he would be our step brother in the years following. He said it kinda louder so it was a statement to be made not just a whispered side comment. it was arragont and i know based in his deeply ruted insecurity that barrett is better than him. in wish i could go back and help barrett when things like that happned. when he was ging thru his hurt and confusion i wish i could be like the person i am today and comfor him adn help him so he didnt grow to have a resentful heart towards christianity. but thats nnot my responsibility and the fact of the amtter is i was little and had no knowledge or capability of doing so. Here we all are with outr past hurt as we are and none of us can go back in time. and i do believe everything happens fora  reason and weare all here bruises and cuts frfrom the past hurt and shame for whatver reason. i love my brothers so much and my mom and dad i was so blsessed to even be born and the fact this happned not out of a place of love just proves its a mircale even more. past the hurt past the lack of love. came beautiful children and i am so grateful to have been born and apart of this famaily. thank you Lord. I have so much love for my brothers, like seriously even just barretts shorts an he way his car is alwyas e]messy. kyles funny faces and chill personality and michaels ability to make any situation fun. I think they are the best men on this planet. i want them tojalways be in their lives. i love them all. it scares me thinking about how kyle will be goignoff to baseball michael willbe here married with hayley and barrett, idk, hopefully he goes on crazy adventurres and falls even depper in lve with someone and wwith life. and the thought about me going up tos anta barba=ra means im leaving all this and the moment i had last night. but my dad shared how family is always here. and i really souldnt not go live my life because i have a string attached to mescared to levae my family. i ma just so thankful and God is answering my prayers
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I just saw the gif of the cotton candy and the racoon and wondered, had Brody ever had it? Does he know what it is? Does he like it? Since it tastes so different to most food the way it dissolves in your mouth. What if Charlie or Dylan gave him some in the road trip?
[Thanks anon! This was fun]
It was a guilty pleasure, really, those little tubs of cotton candy that were sold at convenience stores. Never as good as fresh right from the fair, but good enough.
“Wanna try it?” asked Charlie, twisting around to face Brody. Brody was fiddling with the stuffed lion, running his fingers through the bright pink hair of its mane.
“Is, is it people food?” he asked very softly. Charlie opened his mouth, but Dylan interrupted.
Brody nodded and reached out slowly. Charlie smiled at him – earning an automatic one in return – and pulled apart a bit for him. The boy took it and placed it in his mouth. After a moment, his eyes bulged and he looked at Charlie, concerned. Charlie tried not to laugh as he could see Brody open and close his mouth, highly confused. After a moment, he looked back up.
“Where’d it go?”
Charlie did laugh that time. “You ate it, bud.”
“No, no I didn’t.” He had such conviction in his voice. And genuine confusion. “I put it in my mouth and it disappeared.”
“Can you taste it?”
Brody nodded, eyes still wide.
“Then you ate it. It melts in your mouth. It’s sweet right? Do you want more?”
Brody paused, considering. After a moment, he nodded again.
“Yes, please.”  
[Tags are being a bit funny, so let me know if they worked.]
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