#no roosters were harmed in the writing of this fic
callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 52: Epilogue ✍️📲
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: mentions of death (as a memory), nightmares, pregnancy innacuracy probably, soft fluff, Liam's bday party AND ASH'S SECREEEEEEET
A/N: THIS IS A WRAP! Oh my gosh, I still can't believe that this began less than a month ago and it's been a hell of a ride. I've laughed and cried with this fic, I've met beautiful people and I discovered a lot of me while writing it. This isn't the end! I will definitely come to them in the future, Jake and Red have a very special place in my heart and it's time to let them go for a while and focus on the new pair... Rooster and Ash! I hope that some of you stay around for Tasting the Ashes. There's gonna be some mystery and also... well, you'll see. It's gonna be funny and crazy and I love it already.
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It’s been months since that dreadful night, but it feels like yesterday. 
When you walked out of the house, dozens of police officers walked in, guns in hand, ready to get the two men who had kidnapped your kid. Nobody seemed to know yet that you and Gibbs had ended the job. 
Maverick and Rooster were there, playing with Liam, who had woken up at last. Paramedics checked on him, and even though he was fine, they wanted to take him to the hospital to run some tests. Just to make sure that he was completely okay. 
Maverick hugged you two tight, tears running down his face because his kids were okay. Yeah, Mav started to call you Red Mitchell that day. When you asked him what they were doing there, he simply said, “I couldn’t stay behind and do nothing. I came to help.”
It was like getting back the father you had lost so many years ago
Rooster had been taking care of Liam since he woke up and somehow managed to convince him that it had all been a nightmare. Both boys were playing with Liam’s Mater toy that Bradley had brought all the way with him. You almost cried when you heard Liam’s giggles. 
He was okay. Jake was okay. You were okay. 
And so was baby Seresin. She was perfectly fine and healthy. Yes, Jake was right. It was a baby girl, Jake’s little princess. Little Maeve had her father wrapped around her little finger before she was even born. He cried when you told him the name you wanted for her. 
Maeve was his mother’s name. You wanted to remember her in some way because, while she didn't always make the best decisions to protect her son, you could understand her desperation and how she believed that harming her child was the only way to spare him a life of suffering like hers. You had only been in Gregory’s presence for less than an hour, but it was enough to make you consider all the possible options and scenarios. A part of you could understand how scared Maeve must have been. 
While Liam was okay, and you were absolutely glad about it, Jake and you had to face another reality: the aftermath. You couldn’t sleep for weeks without waking up with fast breathing and sweat soaking up your clothes, running to Liam’s room, and checking that he was still there. Jake had it worse; he had to hold Liam’s lifeless body between his arms while your bloody one lay in front of him. He lost it all in his nightmares, just to wake up and realize that his family was there, that Liam was asleep in his room, that you were alive, and your baby bump was growing bigger each week. 
You eventually moved out of the house, filled with so many bad memories that neither of you was able to sleep without nightmares coming to haunt you at least once a week. 
Now both of you live in a beautiful house you bought outside the base with the money Jake inherited. Oh, yeah. A lawyer came to the base a month after the kidnapping, looking for Jake. He had inherited the company, the mansion, and a lot of money, most of it dirty. He didn’t know what to do with it. He asked for advice, but you didn’t think it was your place to say what he should do or not with that money. 
Jake eventually sold the mansion, donated half the money his father had owned in his life to different organizations that helped victims of terrorism or war, orphans, victims of domestic violence, etc. He wanted to give the money to people who really needed it. But he didn’t give it all, because, as much as he wanted to destroy the whole company and dance over its ashes, there were thousands of families that depended on it. Men and women who worked on making those weapons and whose money put food on the table. 
Jake Seresin was the owner of that company, but he didn’t run it. He left that burden to other people. It was better that way. 
He was a Lieutenant Commander now; he didn’t have time to run a company, be a father and the leader of the Dagger Squad. 
It turns out that Jake Seresin had been given a recommendation to get a promotion after the uranium mission, but Cyclone kept it hidden because he didn’t want Jake to become more insufferable than he already was. Or that’s what the ex-vice admiral stated in his court-martial. Jake had received several recommendations over those three years. The first was Maverick's, and that was the one that Cyclone first ignored. The second was by Captain Kerner, after the Dagger Squad worked on a mission under his command. Cyclone also hid that one. The third one was from you; a month after you came to base, watching the spectacular leadership skills he had, you thought that he deserved to be a rank higher than he was.
With all the things that happened, you completely forgot about the recommendation. But when Iceman started investigating Cyclone’s hidden agenda, he found out everything. Jake got promoted the day before Cyclone’s court-martial, so when you two walked in there the next day, Jake had his new shiny badges on, and Cyclone’s face was worth every waiting second. He didn’t actually do anything wrong, just hid information, was an asshole, and tried to get a good aviator kicked out just because he was jealous of him. 
He was dishonorably discharged, and you don’t have to care about him anymore. 
Dagger Squad is now led by two Seresins, even though one of them is gone due to maternity leave. 
“Sweets, are you okay?” 
Jake’s words pull you out of your daydream. “Oh yeah, I was just remembering everything.” 
He sits next to you on the sofa, his hand instantly moving to your belly. He finds it extremely fascinating how there’s a tiny little human inside you, growing every day. “It’s all in the past now, love. Now we have to think about the present.” 
“I still can't believe Liam is turning three today.” You chuckle when Jake presses his lips against your bump. “You love her more than me.” 
“Honey, you are my wife, and I’ll love you till the end of my days. But these kids are the love of my life.” 
You feel tears coming to your eyes at his answer. “You love them more than me?” 
Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing, he knows that this reaction is due to the hormones. This second semester is making you cry a lot. You have been crying at the most random things: you cried when you ran out of peanut butter, when Ava started pre-k, when you and Jake went to the store to buy some new clothes for Liam and the t-shirt you wanted wasn’t in Liam’s size… 
He knows he shouldn’t laugh, but it’s hilarious. “Of course not, Mama Seresin, I love you more.”
“But a parent should love his kids more than anything.” You retort, hot, wet tears running down your face.
“I love your pregnancy hormones.” Jake giggles, kissing your pouty lips and cleaning your face. “We need to go, they’re all waiting at the Hard Deck.” 
Jake goes to get your shoes and helps you wear them. “Penny is so wonderful for closing the Hard Deck to celebrate Liam’s birthday party.” 
“Yeah, she’s the best memaw ever.” 
Charlotte walks in with Liam in his arms. “Someone said party?” 
"Look at her, she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Jake says, hugging Charlotte, who had been staying a few days with you. 
“I’m not beautiful anymore? Is it because I’m fat? It’s your fault there’s a baby inside me.” You say, crying again. 
Jake doubles in laughter. He loves your pregnancy hormones. 
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“Why would Ash call Rooster instead of me?” You ask Jake, reading the conversation over and over again. 
“I don’t know, love. Perhaps she realized she was in love with him." 
“Nah, Ash doesn’t fall in love that easily.” You explain, watching Javy and Nat walk towards you. “You two are so cute together.” 
“Please, don’t cry again.” Nat begs, caressing your baby bump. “Maeve you need to get out of there soon enough or your mama will fill a pool with her tears.” 
“She needs to stay there for another four months, thank you so much.” 
Rooster walks into the bar, gift in hand, his mustache days are over, and he's rocking a short boxed beard. “I made it! I’m not late! You can’t yell at me.”
“I mean, I could.” Mav says, smacking Rooster’s head. “Why are you late to Liam’s birthday party?” 
“You didn’t read the chat?” 
“No, I was playing with the birthday boy.” Mav looks at his phone and groans. “Son, maybe you should forget about her.” 
“Wait, what? Now that she's looking for me?" Rooster shakes his head. “No chance in hell.”
All of you sigh at the same time, knowing that he’s completely in love with the mysterious girl she has seen a few times. He doesn’t even know how she is in reality, but he’s in love with this idea of her he has. 
“Okay so… now that we’re all here, and before we call the kids inside to start Liam’s party. Penny, my dear, can you come here?” Mav asks, looking around while searching for his wife.
Penny, and Ames too, go to stand next to Mav with a white envelope in her hands. You smile, knowing the secrets that the envelope hides inside. 
“I got a present for you, Jake.” Penny hands the envelope to Jake, and smiles, eyes glistening. “Open it, sweetheart.” 
“It’s not my birthday.” Jake chuckles, opening the white paper envelope and grabbing the folded papers that are inside. He unfolds it and has to sit down when he reads the big black letters at the top of the page. “Adoption papers?” 
“Your life has been an absolute disaster, Jake, and you deserve better than that. You deserve a loving family and doting parents that care for you, celebrate your victories, and are always ready to offer a helping hand in case of need.” Penny explains, hugging Mav’s arm. “And we want to be those parents.” 
“You want to adopt me?” Jake manages to say, nose red, and tears welling up in his eyes. 
“It was my idea, actually.” Ames stands in front of Jake, with a pen in her hand. “You’re my brother, and I want everyone to know that. Want to join the Mitchells?” 
“What happened with Benjamin-Mitchell?” He asks, grabbing Amelia’s pen. 
“It was a mouthful. Now sing those papers, you dingus.” Ames is on the verge of sobbing. 
Jake signs the papers and looks at you. “You knew about this?” 
“Of course I knew. It was a secret.” You kiss his cheek. “Guess we’re the Mitchells now.” 
“A big and loud family.” Penny says, hugging you and Jake, Ames, and Mav joining her too. “Charlotte, can I ask your daughter to call me mom?” 
Charlotte laughs and nods. “She’s gonna need you once I go back home.” 
“She has a boyfriend now. She's gonna leave me and run away with him.” You wink at your mom, and she laughs. You’re happy that she has found another person who loves her as much as your dad did. She deserves it. 
“You have to call me dad now.” Mav says, wiping the tears from his face. 
“Can I call you dad too?” 
You look around, trying to find the owner of the voice. Who said that? You see Ash standing behind Mav. At first, you don’t understand what she’s doing here. 
Then you realize that she just asked Mav if she could call him dad. 
And after that, you see the big baby bump she has. 
“Ash, you're pregnant?” You question, looking at her. “Wait, you want to call Mav da- Oh.” 
“I think I’m lost here.” Penny says, looking at Mav. “You know her?” 
“I-I don’t think so.” Mav glances at Ash, tilting his head. “Do I know you?”
“You remember Barbara?” Ash says, ignoring Rooster, who has moved to stand next to her. He’s going to pass out in a moment. 
“Babs? Your mom is Babs?” Mav looks at Ice, who has been sitting in the back with Mickey and Payback. “Ice, you knew about this?” 
“How was I supposed to know?” He groans, looking at him. 
“Babs was your friend!” 
“That doesn’t mean that she told me every secret she had. And she certainly didn’t tell me about you having a daughter.” Ice places a hand on Ash’s shoulder. “Sweetie, you want to sit down?” 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay. Twins make the belly look bigger.” 
You get up from your stool, walking over to her with a finger raised. “Excuse me, young lady. You come here on the day of my son’s birthday, and not only have you finally found the man you were looking for all these months, but you also happen to be pregnant with twins, and you didn’t tell me?”
“You would have told Rooster!” 
“And what does Rooster have to do with this?” 
“He’s the father!” 
“He’s what!?” You say, looking at Rooster. “You said you used protection!” 
You point at Ash’s belly. “YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?” 
Rooster looks between you and Ash, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. “This can’t be fucking happening.” 
Jake pats Rooster in the back. “Congrats, man. You’re finally having that baby you wanted.” 
Rooster's face goes blank before he passes out, Jake and Javy catching him before he falls to the floor. 
“Disasters follow this family wherever we go.” You say, sitting down next to Nat, watching as the guys move Rooster to one of the chairs. 
“Well, at least this is a happy disaster.” She says, before raising her beer. “Congratulations, Dada Bradshaw.” 
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finleycannotdraw · 2 years
thank you!!! you sent three emojis so I’m giving you three little snippets<3
“Okay, I have to give that to him,” Fiebron says to Arnolf, who smacks him. “Seriously, witcher, we’re just curious. We knew Jaskier when he was fifteen and stupid.”
“Now he’s twenty-five and stupid,” the witcher replies. “Go away.”
“What’s your horse’s name?” Arnolf asks.
“Roach,” says the witcher. “Go away.”
“Why’d you name her that?”
“Felt like it. Go away.”
“Go away.”
“Fine, fine, whatever,” Fiebron sighs. “Guess we can go torture it out of Jaskier.”
A fist slams into the wall in front of his face, and he shrieks. Geralt is now looming over him, glaring like he means it. Arnolf is the only thing stopping Fiebron from wilting into the hay.
“If you touch my bard, I will have your skin on a clothesline within the hour,” he growls.
Fiebron and Arnolf are two ocs of mine for this fic! They’re bards who were Jaskier’s old classmates and they have absolutely zero braincells. To use another quote from Jaskier later in the fic, “those two couldn’t harm a fruit fly if you have them a sledgehammer.” if you want to know more about them feel free to ask!!
“Go to sleep, Jaskier.”
“Oh,” Jaskier says surprisedly. “I thought, you know, since you’re angry with me and all, that you’d be chomping at the bit to get me up before the roosters and get back on the road.”
Geralt doesn’t open his eyes. “Don’t be stupid.”
“Right,” Jaskier whispers, and Geralt can hear him shuffling to get comfortable, still on his back. Just when he thinks the bard has drifted off, he pipes up again: “Which part was stupid, exactly?”
“Hm,” Geralt says, and then, “the part where I’m angry with you.”
Jaskier is silent, and Geralt’s cursing himself, and then Jaskier’s face is shoved into his neck, his body pressed up to Geralt’s. It’s an awkwardly sideways attempt at a hug, but Jaskier smells relieved and tired and something else, and—
He’s rolling away again, suddenly, as though Geralt’s touch burned him, as though Geralt’s touch contains the same violence as the princess’s outburst at dinner. Geralt wants, desperately, to reach over and pull him back, but he forces himself to stillness and does his very best to ignore the sound of Jaskier’s heart, beating within arms’ reach, racing away but never gaining any distance.
In the morning they wake up tangled up in each other’s limbs, as they both knew they would. Jaskier, spitting Geralt’s hair out of his mouth, is brushing his own out of his face as he sits up, not quite blocking the sunbeams from spearing directly into Geralt’s eyes. They don’t talk about the previous night. Roach is mocking him as they disembark, but Geralt ignores her, and ignores her even harder when Jaskier offers her an apple.
He also ignores how he starts craving Jaskier’s touch after that night. Hopefully it will go away.
(It doesn’t.)
tl;dr they’re stupid!
aaaannnndd 3.
“You should know better than to run off without telling me,” she scolds.
“Bye Mister Witcher! Bye Mister Jaskier!” she yells over her mother’s shoulder. “I love your horse! And your hair flowers!”
Jaskier waves, and Geralt looks extremely disgruntled.
“Mama, put me down,” she demands. “I can walk on my own.”
“I don’t want you getting hurt,” her mother sighs, setting her down. “You shouldn’t walk up to strangers in the street like that, honey. Especially not witchers.”
“But he was nice,” she protests. “His husband was putting flowers in his hair! He let me pet his horse!”
“His… husband?”
“The man who writes all of the songs about him!” Marcy doesn’t understand the big deal about the witcher having a husband. She’d figured her mother, who has a husband herself, would understand the decision.
Marcy (and her mom) are other ocs for this fic. Marcy is a friendly 7-year-old who approaches Geralt and Jaskier at a market.
thanks for the ask! I love talking about my writing and I love these idiots :)
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Masterlist Of Characters I’ll Write For (All male characters) Requests Open! 18+ MINORS DNI ~2024 Update~
~By now I’ve realized I’ve said I was coming back again like 12 times now, and there was no updates. Sorry guys💀😭. I just feel like I’m not as into anime anymore and my past imagines were just super cringey. I will be deleting my least popular posts and the ones I’m personally not proud of, so I apologize if any of my followers saved those😬. I will however be trying to get into creative writing once more, as I feel like I am able to write about more mature topics now and other things. My Masterlist of characters has changed, as some I don’t feel comfortable writing for and again I apologize. I won’t do heavy smut, nor certain topics of self harm as I don’t want to write for something I’m not entirely familiar with personally (nor do I want to compare my personal experiences with it to someone else’s as it’s different for everyone). I will however cover certain mental illnesses, but they will not be romanticized but rather comfort fics. As far as writing occasionally fics relating to a slight burp fetish (I hate that word🤧 it just sounds weird lmao) I probably won’t do too many of those requests as I’m trying to move away from that type of content. I also will be changing my accounts lay out, so if you see some changes dw it’s still me😅 Thank you, and I hope you guys will send me some great requests!💕~
Iwaizumi Hajime
Kuroo Tetsuro
Tsukkishima Kei
Phoenix Wright (During the time period of the Justice For All saga)
Miles Edgeworth (During the time period of the Justice For All saga)
AVATAR (James Cameron’s)
Jake Sully
Kafka Hibino
Iharu Furuhashi
Aoi Kaguragi
Ken Ryuguji
Takashi Mitsuya
Naoto Tachibana
Keisuke Baji
Atsushi Sendo
Takuya Yamamoto
Felix (Once Upon A Time)
Riff (Westside Story)
Draco Malfoy (Hogwarts Timeline up until the Battle of Hogwarts)
Rooster/ Bradley Bradshaw (Top Gun Maverick)
Jake Seresin (Top Gun Maverick)
David Shreiner (Gross Anatomy)
Andrew Neiman (Whiplash)
Coriolanus Snow (The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)
Peter Hayes (Divergent Films)
Sebastian Sallow (Hogwarts Legacy)
*I am okay with writing minor weight gain and burp kinks if that appeals to you
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scribbleboxfox · 2 years
This Weekend’s Dumpsterfire and The Future of TLRH
Putting under a readmore for courtesy.
By now, most of us have seen what went down this weekend with a bunch of former Rooster Teeth employees coming forward about how they were treated by the company. @anneapocalypse worded it better than I ever could on Twitter, but none of this is news. RT has always been like this, and they’re not going to change. I hope they crash and burn permanently this time, so the malicious behavior of both HR and their higher-ups never hurts anyone again. I hope the underpaid employees, both current and former, are properly compensated for the work that they’ve done. And I hope Rooster Teeth is sued into the fucking ground.
I stopped watching their content (sans RvB) back during my sophomore year of college. I wish I could say it was because of some sixth sense that I had before I became aware of all the bullshit behind the scenes, but truth told, I just outgrew them. And now, with the full picture of the harm RT has caused coming into focus, I don’t think I want to be associated in any way with their content.
So what does that mean for The Long Road Home?
Well, considering the amount of work I’ve put into the damned thing, it’d be a waste to not finish it. I started writing TLRH because I had a gut feeling that the story I’d come to love wouldn’t be continued; that loose ends would never properly be tied up. Thanks, Apollo, you bastard.
I want to emphasize that I am, and always have been, writing this fic for myself. And I think I want to finish writing it for myself.
That being said, I need to address some hard truths;
I don’t think I can illustrate every chapter anymore. Right now, the thought of drawing the characters from a show that helped form the foundation of Rooster Teeth sickens me. I’m hoping that will change, mostly so I can keep building my skills as an artist. If I do illustrate the next few chapters, those drawings will likely only be of the original characters I’ve inserted into the fic.
There’s a real chance I might cut certain future mini-plots I had planned so I can finish the fic sooner and wash my hands of the whole ordeal. Anything that gets cut will be addressed in the Notes of the final chapter.
Once this fic is finished, there is a very real chance I will never write anything for this universe ever again.
I might need to extend my hiatus till the end of the year.
When I first started writing TLRH, I estimated that it would take me roughly 7 years to finish it. We’re now on year 5, and my estimate is looking to be accurate. Now that Arc 2 is finished, and we only have about 2-3 LFC’s (Long Fucking Chapter’s) left at the beginning of Arc 3, it’s going to be easy going from here, relatively speaking.
In short; I can probably post chapters faster. Which means I can get this thing over with sooner.
Don’t be alarmed, the story I’m trying to tell is still going to have all the nuance and love and whatnot that I intended originally. I might just need to take some time before I can find the drive to keep going. I’ve been falling out of love with RvB for a while for a number of reasons, but this is the final nail in the coffin. Still, like I said, I’m going to finish TLRH, and I’m going to do the story and characters justice. If only to say that I did.
TL;DR: Fuck Rooster Teeth, I genuinely hope this kills the company for good and that all the people it hurt are properly compensated. I’m going to finish my fanfic with flying colors and then probably never touch Red vs. Blue again, but some changes to the formatting will likely be made.
Stay safe, stay hydrated, and for the love of fuck, stay off Twitter.
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tydy-the-megnet · 6 years
That’s Elf-Confidence
Or, The Importance of Understanding Cultural Differences (Or the Lack Thereof)
Rayla knew a lot of things. One thing she did not know, however, was how not to flirt.
Rayla may have had some anecdotal ideas from Runaan and the others. But for the most part, the raging hormones and unscrupulous ideas she had had taken a back seat to the whole war effort thing they had gotten wrapped up in.
Thus, when Rayla had found the time to start pursuing Callum, it had been a spectacular failure.
Emphasis on spectacular.
Rayla had done her due diligence. She had researched on various ways that humans courted each other.
It wasn’t really her fault that a lot of media talked mostly about the failed attempts at courting. It also wasn’t her fault that media didn’t really specify whether they were failures, since that really should have been mentioned, even if it seemed like common sense to every human that thought about it.
Because everyone knows that humans and elves don’t really get each other. Hence the aforementioned war.
So, needless to say, when Rayla did some research on “how to flirt with a human,” she might have gotten some heavily skewed information.
“Uh, Rayla? What’s with the rooster?” Callum asked hesitantly, eyeing the cock that Rayla had brought into their encampment.
Rayla beamed at him, as if he was to be awarded for noticing such an obviously out of place thing. Callum raised an eyebrow at the girl.
“Ah was wonderin’ if you’d suck it?” She answered.
Callum took a beat to stare at his companion. When it was clear he’d receive no elaboration -- like Rayla thought that was answer enough -- he answered.
“Um, no thanks?”
Her face fell, however. Her beaming smile dripping as her arms slackened, allowing the fowl creature to slip out of her grasp and be on his merry way. Callum wasn’t even slightly blushing, she noticed. She’d have to try harder.
Rayla left at that, leaving Callum to wonder if he’d just infringed on some elf tradition.
The next day, Rayla decided she’d not give up. Just because one effort failed, didn’t mean every effort would fail. With elves, if the flirtee didn’t like a flower or something, then the flirter would try chocolate. Or maybe a serenade under the moonlight.
If Callum didn’t want to “suck cock” as human media suggested, then she’d try something else.
So began her second attempt at romance with Callum. A cat wasn’t livestock, so it had been more difficult to procure one, but Rayla wasn’t about to give up. Not on this.
Her research had told her that some humans like to “lick pussy.” Now, she thought it was disgusting, and a bit to close to eating cats. Which didn’t make much sense when she remembered how Callum had been off-put when he thought elves ate humans. But, she supposed cats and humans were hardly the same thing. Maybe cats were delicious? She’d never tried them.
Or maybe the act of licking them was pleasurable? Rayla watched as the cat licked itself. It certainly seemed content with its life right now. Maybe that article had been on to something after all.
So, with growing excitement, and a tinge of nervousness, Rayla approached Callum with her pussy cat in hand, waiting impatiently as he put down his book.
“Ya wanna lick it?” She asked, quirking her lips upward and trying to conceal her nerves.
Callum was looking at her like that again. Not the good that that he had when drawing her. The bad that, like he didn’t understand and was afraid to ask.
“I, ah,” he hesitated, glancing between her and the cat. Maybe it had been working better than the rooster, maybe not, but it wasn’t working well enough, Rayla decided. “No, I’m- I’m good, Rayla. Thanks for asking, though.”
As Callum stood to walk off, Rayla huffed and stared at her cat. She gave it a tentative lick, grimacing at the hairs that stuck to her tongue.
Humans were weird.
But then, Rayla mused on all the elves thought of as odd, who would go with sheep or other animals. Rayla stopped herself from thinking about what the shop-keeps might’ve thought when she had gotten the cockerel and pussy cat.
When Rayla read her next article, she decided she had been had. Nothing before had worked, and now she read that “giving head" was yet another way of showing her intentions.
Needless to say, it was revolting.
In horrified outrage, Rayla stormed up to the boy, showing him the periodical she had found.
“You humans are sick! Ya know tha’?! Wha’ kinda-- where would--” She threw the periodical at him, leaving him floundering to catch it and look at the cause of her horror. “Suckin’ on fowl an’ lickin’ cats an’-- an’--” Rayla dropped down to her knees, hugging herself as she stared blankly into the distance. “Why is decapitation a turn-on for you?!”
“What?” Callum, to his credit, looked just as off-put. He forced his eyes away from Rayla’s pallor, making himself read what he assumed to be some elven tabloid about human indecency.
Instead he found the title, “The Odds and Ends of Human Flirting: How to Court that Special Someone.” Callum’s face twitched, his mouth curling into a smile.
“Were you trying to flirt with me?”
“Ah was, before ah foun’ out how disgusting humans are!”
“Not only,” Callum, started, stifling laughter, “Not only did you completely misinterpret the entire article.” He tossed the object in question back to her, “You also picked the worst article on the subject. None of these lines would work even if you did them right.”
“W-what?” Rayla hardly breathed.
“Yeah. We don’t--” Callum choked on his laughter, a grin pulling onto his face as Rayla’s face slowly ignited. “We don’t suck roosters or lick cats.”
“But tha’ article says--”
“It says ‘cock’ and ‘pussy.’” Callum palmed his face, looking as embarrassed as Rayla was starting to feel. “Slang words for genitalia.”
Rayla gasped, “So, ah was askin’ you fer sex?”
“No. You were asking me to put animals in my mouth.”
“Well, uh,”
“And no, we don’t decapitate anyone for love any more than you drink blood.”
Ralya paused, considering Callum with an intense gaze accentuated by her flustered cheeks. “Good.”
Callum took a deep breath, calming his mirth as he regarding the girl before him.
“So, you wanna know how to properly flirt with a human?”
“Well then,” Callum said, smirking as he took her hand in his, “Why don’t you let me show you on our date tonight?”
I may have made Callum a little bit too smooth, but I’m a sucker for the “take her by the hand” thing.
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
Queen of my Heart
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x reader
Word count - 2,665
Warnings - mentions of death, alcohol
Song - House of Cards by Tyler Shaw
Summary - Bradley Bradshaw thought it was his destiny to be lonely, thankfully the universe proved him wrong
A/N - I know I originally said I wanted to write a TASM fic based on this song, but whoops I decided to write Rooster instead. Look this song works for him too so I kinda had to a'ight? I'm not sorry. Anyways I'll stop rambling so as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!
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If there was any feeling Bradley Bradshaw was familiar with, it was loneliness. He lost his father at a young age, being raised by his brilliant mother with the help of Maverick, his stand-in father figure. Then he lost his mum just as he was applying to join the Navy and not long after that he cut all ties with Maverick when he discovered he pulled his papers from the naval academy which set him back four years. In becoming an adult, Bradley Bradshaw learnt to rely on no one but himself. However, despite Rooster’s familiarity with the feeling, he couldn’t help but resent it. After reconciling with Maverick and finding a team who quickly became his second family, he thought his lonely feelings would dissipate into the sea breeze, but they lingered, eating away at him as he saw his friends getting partners and having people they could lean on and trust. Over time, Rooster accepted that his fate was to be lonely. He felt like a house of cards, missing a piece and ready to tumble at any moment.
That was until you stumbled into his life.
Rooster was on the beach the day he met you. The rest of Dagger Squad had already congregated inside the Hard Deck, ready to spend their evening getting wasted and betting on games of pool and darts. Rooster wasn’t quite ready to go and be with his friends just yet so took some time alone. The beach was quiet, only a few people walked past where Rooster had chosen to situate himself, barely giving him a second thought as he stared out at the sea from where he was perched on a wall.
“Apollo! Apollo, here boy!” Rooster only just heard the calls before an Alsatian launched itself at him. Propping his front paws on Rooster’s legs and panting happily. It was safe to say the random dog launching itself at him was shocking, but he wasn’t going to complain. He loved dogs and this one wagged its tail happily as Rooster scratched him behind the ears.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. He just yanked the lead out of my hand and took off. You’re not hurt, are you?” Rooster looked up from the dog to the owner and he could’ve sworn his heart stopped at that moment. You were absolutely gorgeous, and he had to force himself to respond before you got more concerned.
“I’m good. He didn’t do much damage. I think he just wanted some cuddles, is that right?” Rooster assures you before turning his attention back to your dog, giving Apollo a scratch under the chin as he barks happily.
“Still, he usually has good recall I have no idea what possessed him to come charging over to you.” You apologise profusely, grabbing Apollo’s collar and gently pulling him off Rooster.
“Like I said, no harm done.” Rooster says with a laugh as you gather the lead up again, Apollo now standing at your side, panting happily as his tail wags side to side.
“I feel bad, is there anything I can do…?” You trail off, realising you don’t know his name.
“Bradley Bradshaw.” He introduces himself, not bothering to give you his callsign.
“I’m y/n l/n. Nice to meet you. But seriously there has to be something I can do to apologise.” You insist, stroking the top of Apollo’s head as you look at Bradley. Your heart was pounding in your chest, initially from the shock of Apollo running off to some random stranger but now you could see who Apollo ran over to your heart was hammering in your chest because of how attractive this man was.
“If you insist on making it up to me, how about you let me buy you a drink? I want to get to know the owner of the dog who decided I was worth running away for.” Rooster says with a smile. If any other man had said that to you, you would’ve been turning tail and getting yourself out of that situation but when you looked at Bradley, you didn’t see that type of man.
“Okay, but only because I want to get to know the man my dog thought was worth bolting away from me for.” You reply with a grin. Rooster didn’t take you to the Hard Deck. He wanted to be able to get to know you without his friends interfering. So, he took you to a little bar a bit further down the beach. It was a plus that it was dog friendly.
You both fell for each other that same evening.
It took a few dates for Rooster to ask you to be his girlfriend but once he did, everyone knew he was a goner for you. None of the team had met you yet, nor knew about him even having a girlfriend but they didn’t miss the way Rooster rejected women who would flirt with him in the bar and the way his eyes would light up when he got a text from you. It wasn’t that he wasn’t proud to say he was dating you. The subject of significant others had just never come up in conversation since the two of you got together and Rooster didn’t want to make a big deal about it in case you didn’t want him to.
“So Bradshaw. Who’s the lucky girl?” Hangman says one night from his position at the pool table, carefully aiming at the cue ball as he glances up at Rooster.
“What?” Rooster says, completely caught off guard as he was busy staring at the photo of Apollo you had just sent him.
“Come on, it's obvious you’re a taken man.” Hangman insists, straightening up and raising an eyebrow pointedly at him.
“Everyone’s noticed it, Rooster. You’ve seemed different the past few weeks. A good different, we mean.” Phoenix elaborates, smacking Hangman on the back of the head for being so direct. Most of Dagger Squad didn’t want to force anything out of him so Hangman asking a direct question like that was the opposite of what they were going for. They wanted Rooster to open up in his own time about it.
“I don’t know what else to say other than Hangman is right. I’m a taken man.” Rooster admits with a smile, causing an uproar amongst his friends of congratulations and slaps on the back.
“Look at that! Our Rooster finally got himself a girl!” Payback exclaims proudly, wrapping an arm around Rooster’s shoulders and jostling him as everyone laughs.
“Alright, alright, calm down.” Rooster laughs, shoving Payback's arm off him before taking a swig of his beer.
“You have to introduce us to her. We need to meet the girl who has you whipped.” Fanboy declares, getting approval from the rest of the team.
“If she is okay with meeting you guys, you can meet her.” Rooster concedes, holding his hands up in surrender as his friends cheer loudly.
“What are we cheering about?” The familiar voice of Maverick cuts through the cheers as they die down, making every person present turn to face him.
“Rooster got himself a girlfriend.” Coyote informs Maverick, everyone watching as a smile spreads across Maverick’s face.
“It’s about time! When do we get to meet her?” He asks, laughing to himself when Rooster rolled his eyes.
“Like I just said, if she is okay with it, I’ll bring her here to the Hard Deck and you can meet her.” Rooster repeats, earning a clap on the back from Maverick as he walks over to him.
“Can’t wait.” Maverick says with a proud smile.
When Rooster next went to see you, he knocked on your front door, nervousness swimming in his stomach at asking you if you wanted to meet his friends. When the door opened, Apollo leapt at him, jumping up and whining happily at Rooster’s presence.
“Apollo, come on boy. You know Bradley.” You laugh as you call the dog back into the house being followed by Rooster as he comes in, closing the door behind him. You all head into the living room and settle on the sofa, you, and Rooster alongside each other with Apollo spread across both of your laps, demanding a belly rub.
“You’ve got your thinking face on. What’s got the cogs turning in your head?” You say lightly with a kind smile as you scratch your dog’s belly not once taking your eyes off your boyfriend.
“You know me so well.” He laughs, touched that you know him so well to the point that you can tell just from his expression that he’s deep in thought.
“My friends from the Navy figured out I have a girlfriend and once I confirmed it, they told me that they wanted to meet you. I said that they could only if you were okay with it because I don’t want you to feel pressured or-”
“Bradley, you’re rambling sweetheart. I’d love to meet your friends. From what you’ve told me they sound like a great bunch.” You assure, grabbing Rooster’s hand and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles.
“You sure?” He asks quietly, the nerves still gnawing at him.
“Of course! They’re your friends and I want to get to know the people who are part of your team.” You reassure, your gentle smile easing those nerves and allowing Rooster to smile and lean in for a kiss. Just as your lips connect, Apollo decides he wanted to be part of the action and joined, giving you kisses of his own as you both laugh and move away to try and dodge him.
When the day came for you to meet Dagger Squad you were a little nervous. These were people who had known Bradley longer than you had. Hell, one of the men in the bar you were stood outside had known Bradley since the day he was born. You wanted to make a good impression and could only hope they’d like you.
“Nervous?” You hear Bradley ask as he wraps an arm around your shoulder and rubs his hand up and down your shoulder reassuringly.
“A little.” You confess, not removing your gaze from the doors of the Hard Deck.
“They will one hundred percent without a doubt love you. Not as much as I do but it’ll be close.” Bradley says calmly with a gentle smile. You couldn’t stop the smile from overtaking your lips, so you nod and allow Bradley to lead you into the bar. When you enter the Hard Deck, Bradley quickly locates his friends and leads you over to them.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend y/n. y/n, these are my friends.” Bradley introduces you to each other as he moves his arm from your shoulders to around your waist. One by one, all of Dagger Squad introduce themselves to you, giving you their name and their callsign, letting you know they didn’t care what they called you.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You say with a grin, feeling more at ease now you knew their names and after being greeted with nothing but smiles.
“So, y/n, tell us about how you and Rooster met.” Phoenix asks, glancing between the two of you as you share a look and laugh to yourselves.
“My dog ran away from me because he thought Bradley was the most interesting thing on the beach.” You explain, glancing up at Bradley and leaning into his side slightly.
“A dog playing matchmaker, huh? You’ll have to introduce us, maybe he could get me a date.” Fanboy says, causing an eruption of laughs from everyone gathered.
Conversation started to flow naturally then, everyone getting to know you and you getting to know them. Rooster was shocked at how well-behaved his friends were being. Even Hangman was keeping his flirting to a minimum and even invited you to play a game of pool with him. While you were playing pool, Rooster chatted to Phoenix and Bob, curious to see how their training had been going and as they spoke, Maverick entered the bar and approached the trio.
“Hey, Mav.” Rooster greets happily when he notices his appearance.
“Hey Rooster. Good to see you. So, am I going to get to meet your girlfriend or are you going to keep hiding her from me?” Maverick teases, making Rooster scoff jokingly and laugh.
“She’s playing pool, come on I’ll introduce you.” Rooster replies, gesturing for Maverick to follow him as he crosses to the pool table.
“Hey baby, this is Mav.” Rooster says as you greet him when you notice him coming over to you. Upon noticing Maverick you stand up straighter, approaching Maverick nervously.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maverick. Bradley’s told me so much about you.” You say, glancing between the two men as Rooster takes your hand, the contact helping you calm down slightly as he runs his thumb along the back of your hand.
“Nothing bad I hope.” Maverick jokes, glancing at Rooster who simply shrugs with a grin. The three of you fall into easy conversation and you find yourself getting more comfortable around Maverick.
“y/n, could I talk to you alone for a minute?” Maverick asks, gesturing towards the stools at the bar, out of earshot of the other aviators.
“Yes, of course.” You say, the nerves resurfacing but Rooster was quick to lift your hand to his lips and press a bunch of kisses to the back of it while whispering reassurances that you’ll be fine. Once he stops, you thank him quietly and then turn and walk over to where Maverick was waiting. When you sit down, Rooster turns to Hangman and picks up the pool cue you had put down when he and Maverick came over.
“Ready for me to kick your ass, Hangman?”
You sit down at the bar on the stool next to Maverick and immediately start thinking through every possible thing he could be potentially about to say to you right now. Out of everyone, Maverick was who you wanted to impress the most, especially given that he was Bradley’s father figure.
“What I want to talk about isn’t bad, you don’t need to worry.” Maverick says, noticing how you fiddled with your fingers and how on edge you looked.
“I wanted to talk about how happy you’ve made Rooster. I don’t know how easy it would be to get him to admit that but I and everyone on this team noticed how much happier he was even before we met you. The way he looks at you, I’ve only seen it once before. It’s the exact same way his dad looked at his mum. He loves you so much.” Maverick explains, his eyes growing glossy as he reminisces about Goose and Carole.
“I love him too; way more than I could explain.” You reply honestly, glancing across the bar to where Rooster was playing pool against Hangman, celebrating as he pots another ball while Hangman rolls his eyes.
“I know you do. Anyone can see how much you love each other.” Maverick says with a smile, watching as you turn back to him and nod. When he silently dismisses you, you get up from the stool and cross to Rooster, wrapping your arms around his middle when you reach him, making him turn around with a large grin, pressing a kiss to your lips, abandoning his pool cue to place both hands on your waist and pull you closer. As Maverick watches, a proud smile shines on his face knowing his best friend’s son got the happiness he deserves.
Bradley Bradshaw was familiar with the feeling of loneliness. It used to eat at him at every given moment. But once he met you, the loneliness didn’t seem to be a problem anymore. He felt whole again, and it was because his house of cards was completed once the queen of his heart that he needed stepped in.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Welcome to my rules!
I’ve tried to list things out as best as possible and cover all important topics, but if I’ve missed anything or you are confused or you have a question, please don’t hesitate to send me a message, whether in my inbox or my messages. I do highly encourage that you read all of my rules as any request that goes against any of my rules will not be accepted.
What I Write For:
The Peaky Blinders
Aberama Gold
Ada Shelby Thorne
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Esme Lee Shelby
Grace Burgess Shelby
Finn Shelby
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Johnny Dogs
Linda Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Thomas Shelby
Cast of the Peaky Blinders
Cillian Murphy
Finn Cole
Harry Kirton
Joe Cole
Paul Anderson
Tom Hardy
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Alexandra Cabot
Amanda Rollins
Casey Novak
Dominick Carisi
Donald Cragen
Elliot Stabler
John Munch
Nick Amaro
Olivia Benson
Odafin Tutuola
Rafael Barba
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Eleven/Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Joyce Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Murray Bauman
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Steve Harrington
Will Byers
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Mike “Viper” Metcalf
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
I will not accept any requests that have been send to other writers. 
No writer enjoys seeing the same request they’ve recieved get send to other writers. It’s not fair to anyone and no one enjoys it. Now, if your request hasn’t been accepted then, at least for me, feel free to send it to other writers. But please wait until you know whether its been accepted or not to do that. 
What I Write:
One Shots & Blurbs
One shots are usually anything that is 1k or more and blurbs are anything under 1k. When requesting, you can use the prompt list on my master list, but you don’t have to. 
Please list the characters you would like in your request. There is a minimum of three characters for preferences, but I have yet to set a maximum. That doesn’t mean you should go crazy about it.
Gif Imagines
These are only ever don by request, just so you guys know.
How to Request Something:
I know it sounds stupid to have this but it can be hard.
Have the name of the character or characters you want somewhere in the request. I have gotten requests that were just prompts and what do you do with that? 
When more fandoms are added to the list, state the fandom.
Tell me what you are requesting. I need to know what format you would like it in. 
What I am Comfortable Writing:
Male x Male / Female x Female or whatever else
Poly relationships
Age gaps (I have to be comfortable with the gap, though, and it has to be legal)
Abuse (but it will never be romanticized)
I don’t want to sugar coat anything and pretend things don’t happen. Abuse of any form is real and it’s horrible, I know that. Any fics that include abuse will say so in the warnings.
Writing for real people.
What I am Not Comfortable Writing:
Romanticized abuse & self harm
It’s a short list, but if you want to know if I’m comfortable with something that’s not on either of these lists, just ask. It’s better to ask so then everyone becomes informed.
If you have any questions about anything, don’t hesitate to ask and I do have the right to refuse to write something if it makes me uncomfortable or I have no interest in it.
You can find my ask box here.
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tumbler-tidbits · 6 years
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1)Mr.Quackers by @impala-dreamer
Link: HERE
Summary: None lol
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW SMUT, Crack!Fic, hilarity
My Review: They say that crack is whack, well in this case quack is whack 😂😂 This little drabble with have you laughing until you cry, it’s just that ducking funny! (See what I did there?)
2)So Good Dean by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
Link: HERE
Summary: This moment was something completely new to Dean
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: sex toys, vibrator, prostate milking, Dom/sub elements, sub!Dean, praise kink
My Review: Ok so most of us have an affinity to Dom!Dean but Sub!Dean can be just as sexy when done correctly and by God does Sundae do it correctly! This is so fucking erotic it will make you wet! No joke it’s AMAZING!!
3)Helping Hand by @bamby0304
Link: HERE
Summary: You’re frustrated. You need sex, you need that release, but you just can’t get yourself there. It just doesn’t feel… right. Sam notices your change in mood and tries to get you to tell him what’s wrong. When you open up, admit everything to him, you expect awkwardness and tension… instead, Sam lends a helping hand.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Sexually frustrated reader. Low self-esteem issues. Sam questioning himself. A bit of angst. Tiniest amount of crack. Some added fluff. Smut. Way more plot than I’d intended. Explicit language. Fingering. Squirting. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people). Seriously... the plot got away from me.
My Review: whew this one is a doozy! Friends with benefits gets the pair into a very erotic situation! This one is gonna leave you sweating and needy let me tell ya! And as if Amber didn’t do enough to get us all hot and bothered, she adds on the fluff at the end that just makes you go “awwwe” 🥰
4)Fine by @kittenofdoomage
Link: HERE
Summary: Boy loves girl, girl loves boy; boy feels he’s not worth it, girl thinks she’s not his standard. This is the tale of how they realize they’re idiots.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Warnings: angst (a smidge), smut, drunken sexual encounters, fluff. Dean being sexy as all fuck and Sam being a cockblock.
My Review: ok as a plus sized gal these fics have a special spot in my heart and boy this one does not disappoint! Who hasn’t dreamed of Dean pining over them, defending them, and making love to them? Well you get it all in this one! The special meaning of the title is revealed and makes the story that much more passionate. This one is smoking ladies and gents!
5)With Wolves Series by @bamby0304
Link: HERE
Summary: Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
Characters: Alpha!Dean, Alpha!Sam, Omega!Reader, numerous Alpha and Beta characters
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics. Heat. Rut. Knotting. Marking. Explicit language. Imprisonment. Violence. Angst. Assault. Blood. Murder. Death. Smut. Poly relationship. Medical procedures. Medicinal drugs. Each chapter will have it’s own warnings as this is just a brief list. Please read each chapter’s warnings carefully. There will be triggering content
My Review: If you love angst, smut, passion, and a smidge of fluff then this series is for you! I cannot express how much I loved reading this! I laughed, I cried, and if we’re being totally honest I had to change my panties on more than one occasion! Amber paints an incredible AU with all our favorite and not so favorite characters, a seriously genius plot line and backstory and some of the best smut you will ever read! Hands down you must binge this series! YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! P.S she even has a set of visuals for the series!
6)Knot Gonna Hurt Me by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
Link: HERE
Summary: Sam doesn’t want to hurt his young Omega
Pairing: Alpha!Sam x Virgin!Omega!Reader
Warnings:  first time, abo dynamics, unprotected sex, nipple play, claiming, scenting, fingering, oral sex on a female, age difference, virgin!reader
My Review: This one is soooo passionate! Sam is extra gentle and caring and has to be convinced by his Omega that he will not Hurt her during their first time together. Fluffy feels and hot smut, you can’t go wrong!
7)Journal of Letters by @curly-haired-disaster
Link: Tumblr seems to have eaten the Masterlist for this drabble series, we are working on locating it and I will update when we do 😊
Summary: None
Pairing: None
Warnings: SPN level violence, mentions of suicide/self harm, graphic depictions of violence.
My Review: This series of drabbles takes you on an incredible, infuriatingly confusing journey! Told by way of Journal entries, things just keep getting weirder! Can you put together the pieces and solve the puzzle? Grab some internet because trust me, you WILL start seeking Google for help!
8)I Dream of Cock by @supernatural-teamfreewillpage
Link: HERE
Summary: y/n has a very very weird dream that she kinda explains to the boys and she’s mad and disappointed when she wakes up to find she didn’t really have one instead she had something else.
Pairing: None
Warnings: Porn Crack- Cocks, Dicks, Dildos, The Big Rooster, But its all crack no smut
My Review: Ok y’all if you want to die laughing you MUST read this 😂. Ash is very Brash and it makes for some hilarious dialogue not to mention Sam and Deans reactions. This one is a side tickler for sure!
9)Christening by @kittenofdoomage
Summary:This is entirely written for @oriona75 as part of her birthday present, with the final chapter coming on the day of her birth, the 27th October. The premise - Sam and the reader have just bought their first house, and Sam is intent on christening every room
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Smut all the way through
My Review: Ever dreamed of having sex in EVERY room of the house? No? Well when you move in with Sam Winchester you’ll be a hot mess! Keep the spare panties handy folks, these are hot!
10)Bite Me by @maddiepants
Link: HERE
Summary:This short story came from a conversation with @closetspngirl about Jensen's perfect teeth. I hope you don't that I changed it to Dean.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, biting, Dean's mouth (yes that's a warning)
My Review: Got a bit of an oral fixation? Then this is the drabble for you! Erica’s words are so descriptive that you can feel what is being done in the words she writes! So erotic, so sexy, and oh yeah it’s a panty soaker!
11)Take Care of You by @dean-winchesters-bacon
Link: HERE
Summary: Dean hasn’t been himself since Michael possessed him so the reader takes him on a little getaway.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Warnings: Smut, Explicit Language, Oral (Male Receiving), Fingering
My Review: This one is so sweet and fluffy! Set during the current season the reader takes Dean to a cabin to get him out of his room! I love how Kat sets the scene, she clearly paints a picture as if you were watching an episode! There are tons of fun little quips and dialogue that make you laugh, And let’s not forgot the sexy AF smut! Bonus... there’s a sweet surprise ending ❤️
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Taglist: @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants​  @pisces-cutie​  @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99 @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​  @spnmightkillme @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01 @sammyimpala-67 @lunarboycas​  @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean @fangirl-forevers-world  @thoughtslikeaminefield @supernatural-teamfreewillpage @supernaturalsammy01​ @ruthiesconnells​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten​ @missjenniferb​  @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313  @spnskinnyballs @getnaildbyme
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