#no pero i do hope u get the vibe I’m going for the watch could also be golden yk
yooo!! yooo!! this is my moment finally 🧣
pearl necklace or its variations, like something very classy
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Alternatively, an old/vintage watch
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bryanllamado · 4 years
ATM with Bryan | 22
I’m constantly in search of how to open my blog with a greeting– without apologizing for being inactive like I usually do so… What’s up, readers? This is me, Bryan Llamado, and welcome to my blog! First things first, Merry Christmas to you who are reading this! I hope your Christmas wish(es) come true and you get every single item on your wish list. Well, it isn’t bad to wish for some things when you’ve been good all year long, right? I also hope you feel all the Christmas and holiday vibes because people rarely feel them nowadays.
It’s almost 1AM in the morning and I decided to draft this entry much because I wanted to write something on Christmas– to do something productive. Of course I have a lot of things to blog about like my 4 month internship in Thailand, oratorical contest in Baguio and how the recent semester was! My schedule has been crazy during the start of the month because we finished our undergraduate thesis and defense. Plus, I also joined a competition in Baguio! #damingtime Luckily, the semester break just began and so, I’m giving you a list of my ‘at the moments.’
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Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover. I know I mention CoHo a lot in my blogs and how much I love her novels! Well, the word love is an understatement. I’ve considered myself addicted to CoHo novels after reading November 9 and It Ends with Us. Since then, I found myself reading CoHo books from time to time. And after reading Hopeless, I decided to read this one which is a companion novel of the former.
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the 22nd volume of ATM with Bryan. I have a whole lot of blog topics to work on and I hope to finish all of them before the next semester begins. Ang dami ko nang utang sa inyo! And I might as well start paying my blog debts with this entry. I’m also looking forward to blogging about new topics pero secret muna. Baka mag-expect agad kayo! Basta watch out for my next entries na lang! Haha
to The Essential: Celine Dion album– and I’m not even kidding with this one. I recently stumbled upon a Zac Efron interview and he mentioned that he has this album! So while I was looking for good music to listen to before starting this blog, I remembered that interview so I immediately looked up for this album in my library and pressed play (but skipped the tracks that I don’t know lol).
about what to splurge slash spend on this Christmas. I suppose everyone’s getting their fair share of Aguinaldos this season and the money will definitely go somewhere– food, shopping, clothes, bank (some people actually save lol) or charity (for the kindhearted ones). I’ll be a little selfish this time but I don’t know where to actually spend the money on. Any suggestions? Decent ones please. Haha
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the scent of mosquito coils– decided to light up one because I already feel some mosquitoes trying to bite my skin.
for a new phone. My phone (which is a ZH&K Odyssey Ace) has been with me for three years now and I badly want to replace it. It’s such a hassle to use much because it’s old already and there are things that I want to work on (my blog, YouTube channel, Instagram feed) that my phone’s capacity could not carry out. I’ve been eyeing some Android brands for a while now so I hope to get one ASAP.
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to spend quality time with my family and friends this holiday season! What are holidays for if you don’t spend time with your loved ones? This is also the much needed time when everybody is free from *responsibilities* so we have time to catch up and bond. I miss my high school friends so much and I think I won’t stop talking the moment we see each other! Kwento pa more!
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a red shirt that I got when I was in high school and a pair of blue shorts– still in last night’s sleep wear because today is a stay-in-and-no-ligo kind of day.
the fact that I have the time to blog, read novels and plan things. I rarely have time to do these things once a semester begins simply because I have a hard time balancing my schedule and my free time is spent mostly on SLEEP. I know I barely rant about how stressful college life is but most of the time, I feel burnout kicking in because I couldn’t do the things that I love.
to get a new planner for 2019. I decided not to get a Starbucks planner for next year because it’s not practical. When I got back from Thailand, I only go to school every Fridays and when I need to accomplish something so my allowance was cut down to just enough for my needs. I knew collecting stickers will only drag me down the drain so I skipped this time. Siguro next year! Haha
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to go on a diet. It’s not a secret that I gained a whole lot of weight when I was still in Thailand and I haven’t done anything to get rid of the extra weight just yet. I think I also need to exercise badly! Di na sapat yung diet diet lang! This time around, I won’t pressure or starve myself in order to be fit. Also, some people (including me) think that I look better with my current body. *winks*
excited to see my relatives and friends this Christmas. We just had our annual family reunion with the Llamado angkan weeks ago and I definitely had a good time! This season, it’s the turn of Gatdula angkan to reunite. I also haven’t seen my high school friends for the looongest time and we already have plans of going out. *sana matuloy* *sana hindi drawing* lol
on my Adobe Lightroom CC app. I need to change my feed and I found the perfect preset that will help me achieve the theme that I want. Unfortunately, the theme I chose (which I won’t reveal yet, abang abang na lang) is hard to maintain so I’m editing a bunch of photos just to have enough stock in case I ran out of new photos or ideas. Hassle but it challenges my creativity so laban lang! Haha
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I hope everyone’s having a blessed and restful Christmas season!
Advance happy New Year to everyone as well!
Till the next entry!
Bry. x 122518
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swearronchanel · 8 years
and my commentary continues: series 6, episode 2 (if this is now a thing idk what to title it)
You asked for it, my first class isn’t until noon tomorrow so I can sleep in & so, I complied Also the SAG awards finished at like 10pm so even after doing my night routine it’s still early haha here it goes …
- Oh shit I forgot color - ah I really like the new intro - Penny’s outfit is so cute - “Walk don’t run” stfu Sister Ursula this isn’t elementary school - “Have you lost your marbles bubsy” haha that’s cute - UGH I WANNA FIGHT THIS NUN - LET JULIENNE ARRANGE THE DAMN FLOWERS - This is when sister Ursula presses sister Monica Joan about the bon bons lol - “Unlike your sisters” guessing u don’t think u count - You’re damn right - Sister MJ sly af 😏 wish she was my grandma - Aw penny it’s ok sweetie all will be well - AlRight so where is St Cuthberts, is it closer than the London? Idk just wondering - I don’t care that much tbh - Damn this man gonna go blind how sad - I like knowing what happens when I’m watching bc I can’t take so much I get anxious - But are we not going to mention Patsy’s wig anymore? It’s still ugly, lucky emerald is beautiful anyway - - Ugh my bbys are still so hurt about the thalidomide 💔💔 - IT WAS NOT EITHER OF YOUR FAULTS - YES IT IS A MIRACLE PATRICK, YOU SHOULD’VE MENTIONED IT LAST WEEK but it’s all good - HE’S TOUCHING HER STOMACH AH - AND THEY KISSED Lmaoo I bet this will break Tumblr - UgH SUCH A SWEET MOMENT TO MELT MY COLD HEART - Jk this show has made me such an emotional mess, like I rarely ever used to cry or anything - But it could also be because of university diminishing my sanity - “We should really start telling people” - YEA PLS GIVE US A CUTE SCENE TELLING EVERYONE @ NONNATUS - - Buttt, I’m gonna guess it’s either going to be implied that they told them off screen or they won’t find out till she starts bleeding mid inspection ?? idk I’m just guessing, don’t come at me lmaoo - Patrick’s smirk “he’ll certainly understand” 😂😂 - SHELAGH’S CRINGING FACE I LOVE IT - YOU KNOW IM HERE FOR ALL CRINGEY EXPRESSIONS - Plus that’s my bby - - PHYLLIS SAW PATS AND DELIA - SHE KNOWS & IM GLAD IT WAS HER TO FIRST FIND OUT - - alright so let me be annoying real quick - From that clip from the casebook Valerie is problematic/lowkey racist & no estoy aquí para eso PERO I like her in the moment? - One, her outfit is cute - & B, she gets along well with my shelagh and seems nice.. I’m not gonna forget her comment though lol, so I’m going to stay neutral for now - - Ok the Marsh baby is born next - Lol sorry I love when sister Winifred is being cringey or funny but this was just kinda boring but I know it’ll get better later in the episode - BUT SERIOUSLY I WANNA KNOW SISTER WINIFRED’S REAL NAME - Idk why that was capitalized I don’t feel that strongly but I’m very curious !¡! - - Shelagh being all cute and cheeky giving those vaccinations - Penny is so sweet - - Alright this is so irrelevant but still, Shelagh is outside.. so Why would she throw up in a napkin in her hand? lol, all that open space 😭😂 idk I really hate throwing up and will not let my self throw up. Not even vlad can make me😷 - SHIT THAT EXPLOSION THO - what were they doing exactly? - like a bitch over here a lil confused :/ - MY LIL SUPERHERO SPRINGING TO ACTION YES BBY - shit George’s blind for good now it’s sad - and arthur’s gonna die damn - - look at disheveled Shelagh so damn pretty but I wonder when she got that cut lol - Lmaoo @ Valerie, so she knows the Nonnatuns - - Damn I’m only 17 mins in why do I talk so much shit to myself - Sister MJ sneaking that bread during sister Ursula’s prayer is me 😂 - I swear though if Sister Ursula tries to get rid of Sister MJ I will fight - My eyes roll every time this woman is on my screen - Phyllis chewing angrily is also me - “Travel visas there have been canceled” shit pats it’s too relevant right now - “I’m trifle deaf these days” PHYLLIS U ARE A GEM - Penny wins best dressed patient - - Patrick worrying is precious - SHELAGH TRYING TO HINT WHILE SMILING IS SO FUNNY BUT WHY - Lmao why are they acting like Tim is not literally right there? - Also this boy is 15 why is he not ever with friends - Of course he knew, he’s always around and isn’t dumb at all. He basically grew up around pregnant ladies tbh - “.. Good I don’t want to know any other details” lmao 😂 - I knew he’d be pleased but I lowkey wanted him not to upset or annoyed so he could have a good little story line - It’s not realistic that this 15 year old is so pleasant with his parents all the time - Like I was an angsty fright @ 15 - lol I’m acting like I’m old, I’m going to be 19 & I’m still like that^ with my parents a lot of the time - - Why do British people call bandaids “plasters”? Hm. I just think of plaster of Paris for like walls or whatever it’s used for - “I’m a slow healer” lol Shelagh is so precious - “If the baby’s a girl I’m moving out” I think it’ll be a boy. Actually Idk forget I said that - Don’t be nervous bby, speak up you got this - “That’s my girl” yes Patrick that’s our girl protect her at all freaking cost 😭 - I’ve gotten so far without saying “fuck” I’m proud - - “This is the dark before the dawn, but there is always a dawn” thanks sister I needed that - “I’ve committed a crime"😭😭 - I love sister MJ - also not gonna lie I cried a little the first time watching this - - Some mothers of color in the community centre makes me happy - Who’s the model though? 😏 - Someone find him & tag me - Ugh here comes sister “I ruin everything” - Honestly when is sister Julienne just gonna come out and say “you gotta go”? - No that’s not the way you do things - fuck yea sister J - “We must simply sit it out and wait for Churchill” - I HOPE THATS TRIXIE - BUT also I really want Sister Julienne to be the one who saves the day - Lol yea Babs your wardrobe should step it up but it’s okay - - Shelagh don’t be nervous you’re gonna kill it - Does sister Ursula even do anything? She doesn’t see patients does she? Nah she just makes everyone angry - Get up outta here - Lol I’m so Brooklyn for that - “Mrs Turner you look nice” - UM YES, MY BBY, her new dresses & coats slay - She finally took a break from the damn cardigans & I love it. Not that there’s anything wrong with cardigans but you catch my drift - Nah for real I wanted a fabulous wardrobe for Shelagh bc times are changing & Laura Main is literally gorgeous so she needs pretty outfits & got it I did - so here for it, now we wait for another pair of trousers. lets get it 1962 - this first dress had such jackie kennedy vibes, love it - - “Consequences be DAMMED” YES PATS - Phyllis and Sister J are proud, I really want one of them to press Sister Ursula - Look @ Delia actually being a nurse! - ah penny 💔 - - Shelagh’s so nervous at first but then is like YOU KNOW WHAT ASSHAT JUDGE - “Where is nurse Mount?” , “where she is needed” YES SISTER JULIENNE - love the blue coat Shelagh - “I’m not ill, I’m just tired and angry” same - Don’t cry bby - “Our best is worthless bc it won’t change anything” ugh crush my heart, especially that little hug. I need to hug them all - lol who invited Tom to the hospital - he’s so handsome though so it’s ok - TELL THEM, STAND UP - “We need to fight” yes ! - I was worried penny’s baby wouldn’t live - C'mon Pats be pc - okay patsy opening up, crushes my heart she’s so closed off but I feel - Here comes the wicked bitch of the east [end] - Whoops can I call a fictitious nun a bitch - YES PATS YES DONT TAKE HER SHIT - Aw patsy, you two will okay, I mean look sister Bernadette came back as Shelagh because of letters so you never know - - Shelagh’s baby blue outfit >> - she needs to go out in public more with her hair down and slay everyone’s life - “Not today.” Yes Delia - “You did it Mrs Turner, you made em listen!” - Yes tf she did. I’m so proud - the set makeup artist did a crazy good job with the burns - “We never really out grow our parents, we just think we do” aw I should call my mum and dad - mm maybe later it’s midnight lmao - DELIA SAID I LOVE U - I FEEL LIKE NO IMPORTANT COUPLE on here HAS SAID “I LOVE YOU” to each other ?? - They almost kissed aw - Fred just break the door damn - Reminds me a little of when Jenny left - Aw the Marsh fam - Phyllis you are gold - Phyllis is still learning Spanish, please give her an opportunity to use it! - the only Spanish speaking mother was conchita, wasn’t that the first episode ever? lets get another one - Anyway, this was so sad. - “The pain it costs to love..” PHYLLIS I LOVE You. You deserve everything good - Aw all the other mothers with penny! - Alright Lets hear it Vanessa - Aw Delia Bonus: preview for next week - my other bby Trixie is back !! - hope she loses her shit when she realizes sister Ursula is ruining everything + patsy/sister mary cynthia are gone - My bby Shelagh looks so pretty!💕 - BUT I KNOW NO ONE IS SHUTTING DOWN ANYTHING - I will not have it - Phyllis spilling the ever so obvious and boiling tea, sister Ursula is UNFIT - Pls let Sister Julienne say something crazy to her before she goes - Why is babs crying?? - ugh of course that’s the most of a preview we get - Nothing bad will happen to my bbys I won’t have it. Protect them at all costs or I’ll spontaneously combust - Jk but I might flip my shit or throw my laptop - But for real for Shelagh to miscarry 3 episodes in would be a waste of a storyline - Plus it is a drama, we’ll be shook for a while, then we’ll cry, we’ll laugh & then Vanessa Redgrave says something profound and we go on with the week - The End 🙃🙃 - If you read this far, you’re a champ - I did this for u all
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ckrzztynn · 4 years
Hyuna's Babe MV Meaning Behind
If you are into kpop, you basically know or heard Hyuna. If not, I pity you.
Kidding aside. Hyuna, born Kim Hyun-ah, is a South Korean singer-songwriter, rapper and model. She was born on June 6th of 1992, and debuted with Wonder Girls under JYP Entertainment in 2006, but left the group the following year due to health problems. She then debuted under cube entertainment in the girl group 4minute in 2009 and went on to become one of the most popular girl groups in the country. She launched a solo career while still a part of the group in 2010 with 'Change'. 4minute disbanded in 2016, and hyuna has continued working as a solo artist ever since. She is a member of the sub unit Troublemaker, and Triple H. Hyuna is known, and often criticised for, her breaking the rules and sexy concepts. This concept shines in comeback songs such as Red (2014), Roll deep (2015), How's This (2016), and Lip & Hip (2017). For this reason, her music video for Babe came as a confused shock to many.  She is now a soloist in PNation together with her boyfriend, Dawn.
Today, pag-uusapan natin ang isa sa kanyang mga hit song na 'Babe'. I really love this song pero after kong malaman yung meaning behind, ghorL I'll never watch the MV the same way again. I'mma explain to you after I discuss the MV. You can watch it in the multimedia above. Mas maganda siguro kung mapanood niyo muna yung MV and make your own hypothesis bago niyo ito basahin.
The music video for 'Babe' was release on August 29th, 2017 and the initial sound of the song is a very bubblegum, poppy, bright sound. This is a stark difference to the style Hyuna has shown through a majority of her music since debuting as a solo artist, often having a sexy, badass kind of vibe. Everything about Babe is different to what she usually does - the outfits, the setting, the sound - but this was all intentional.
ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ:
Babe - Hyuna |───♡──────| ⇆ㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤ↻ volume : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉100 %
Nagsimula ang MV na nagsasayaw siya in a white dress, which is unusual dahil kilala nga siya sa sexy concept and image, sa parang universe background CGI kineme and the first line is...
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In an Asian culture, halimbawa sa Pilipinas na lang, parents be like "Hindi ka na bata. Matanda ka na. Go and work!", "You're already 20. When I was your age, I was 21." and other kinemeruts. Meron pa ngang pag lampas na yung edad mo sa kalendaryo or malapit na, dapat mag-asawa ka na but she's saying na like duh I'm just 26 what do you mean? I'm young. 26 is a nice age.
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Hmmm. Creepy smile? She could just say precious smile to someone-- who do you think is that someone?
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Then biglang nasunog yung screen showing a girl na sumisilip. Ang sunod na nangyari sa MV ay pumasok siya sa isang box showing only her silhouette.
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And what she did next? If you will think about the usual sexy concept of Hyuna, she might do sexy kineme inside or twerk kineme but this is what she do...
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She put her both arms in the surface which is a universal sign of being trapped. Parang sa mga horror movie keme. And when the door opens *drum rolls*
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She is sitting on a bicycle, with braids, wearing an oversized sweater, black lipstick and big loop earrings which is very unusual from her known concept. And take note of the lyrics.
(More than yesterday) I feel even stranger (Again today) you don't feel like mine (When tomorrow comes) an unthinkable me That I don't even know
I am a, Babe babe babe babe In front of you, Babe babe babe babe I didn't know I'd be like this
The lyrics. She's pertaining to someone na dahil sa someone na 'yon, ay hindi niya namamalayan na nagbabago na siya.
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Look carefully at the back-up dancers. The outfits the female dancers are very weird, looking like they have pom poms on their shirts, mocking the way people want them to look cute.
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Then she's wearing a cute dress on top of the box showing her undies? Thoughts?
Then she starts counting down...
U make me 25, 25, 25 U make me 24, 24, 24 I feel like 21, 21, 21
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Then she raps...
Hurry and take me, play with me Why do you treat me like a baby, so softly? I can't figure out how old I am in front of you Did you put a spell on me? I was invincible but now I don't know what to do because of you I'm burning up every day, you twist me up babe This is indeed me whining, but hope you think it's cute
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Then she keeps on saying "Pamper me" with that creepy look idk I find it creepy.
And also during this part, there's a shot of Hyuna laying on a mirror (which represents knowing yourself) covered in sand (which makes her unable to see herself truly). It can also be a reference to her song Mirror from the same album, which is about knowing who you really are and embracing your true self.
Then yung screen nagmukhang parang yung sa 90s coz she keeps counting back and she was born on 90s.
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Then she starts counting down again but when she said "You make me 17" biglang nag-iba yung mukha niya. Parang ayaw niya. "You make me 15" then after saying that, umalis na siya leaving her back-up dancers who are wearing weird outfits.
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Then napunta siya dito where we can see the light in between her legs which portrays innocence, purity, or virginity. Then the next lyrics said...
I can't sleep today Can't sleep because of you Cuz I'm thinking of your eyes Cuz I'm thinking of the way you talk I can't sleep
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And the last line is
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Which is sang or in-edit para magtunog robot. And what does robot do? Sasakupin nila yung mundo sa future. Just kidding! Idk biglang napunta sa sci-fi utak ko.
So robots just follow commands whatever kung anong i-utos sakanila.
And if you listen carefully, that may sound like "You make me barbie girl". And what is a barbie girl from the famous song of Aqua?
A doll you can play, control, and undress anywhere. Hmmm.
Naiisip mo na ba ang meaning of this song and kung sino yung "someone" na iyon?
Kung hindi pa, I'mma explain it to you.
She was talking about the sexualizing of idols at a young age. Remember, na-tackle na natin ito?
She continues counting down in age, as she becomes more uncertain of who she is. This person is making her act younger, and younger, and younger, to the point where it gets into the underage category. This makes her uncomfortable and disturbed shown in the music video. She debuted at the age of 15 sa Wonder Girls and nag-debut ulit siya at the age of 17 sa 4minute. That's why when she counting down, nung 17 na, nag-iba na yung mukha niya tsaka nung nag-15 na ay umalis na siya. It's almost as if she's recounting all her time as an idol and it's highly likely that someone she works with or for has been harassing her or tormenting her- or perhaps they did this in the past.
Nung nagbilang siya pababa from 19, 17, 15, kinanta niya yun in Korean demonstrating that you should act your age outside Korean industry and is expected to act like those age if you want to succeed in Korea.
Yung pagbibilang pabalik is like a self-reflection of the past and standards of kpop.
And doon sa hook,
I can't sleep today Can't sleep because of you Cuz I'm thinking of your eyes Cuz I'm thinking of the way you talk I can't sleep
She can't sleep dahil sa ginawa sakanya. It causes a lot of trauma sa side niya. This person is making her so anxious, confused and uncomfortable. She's suffering greatly because of this person. This could also be a reference to the crazy schedules of kpop idols, which lead them to run on little sleep - caused by their companies demands and set schedules for them, which only supports the idea of a business associate harassing her.
And dito sa second verse,
(More than yesterday) I feel even stranger (Again today) you don't feel like mine (When tomorrow comes) an unthinkable me That I don't even know
Dahil nga they're a kpop idol, may binibigay na concept sakanila at dapat nilang sundin iyon dahil kasama iyon sa contract na pinirmahan nila. Some of the idols are even force to act cute or aegyo para magmukhang bata just like what is mentioned on her rap "This is indeed me whining, but hope you think it's cute" as if she's validating that someone if it's enough or artehan pa to the point na they forgot they're own self and they feel like stranger na sa sarili nila. They are other the control of that "someone" at wala silang magagawa.
And doon sa simula, sa universe CGI kineme at sa na-trapped siya sa box, it means na she's trapped in an artificial world and nung umalis na siya after counting 15, na-realize niya na everything is fake and she seems like a robot following the standards of kpop. Like yung mundong ginagalawan niya ay ibang-iba na sa totoong siya.
Bruhh this is giving me chills. Nung una kong narinig yung song, I really loved it lalo na yung choreo like gusto kong paulit-ulit sayawin. Ang unang interpretation ko kasi sa kanta is like a typical "special someone" yung tinutukoy niya and is about age doesn't matter sa love kaya nagbibilang siya pababa ng age. Akala ko it's about loving someone like the first time you experience it when you were still a teenager but no, it was wrong! Grabe talaga na-mindblown ako sobra. Pakihanap nga yung utak ko.
So anong masasabi niyo? Do you agree with this theory? Or do you have your own interpretation of  the song?
Stan Hyuna y'all!!! Big round of applause kay Hyuna for doing this👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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more at https://www.wattpad.com/story/231040962-kpop-dark-side-conspiracy-theories
┌───────⋆──┐ Source: Gloom (YouTube) Piano Jazzy (YouTube) ur dad who says ACAB! (WeHeartIt) Leo 27 (amino apps) Wikipedia Azlyrics └──⋆───────┘
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