#no one jumps on Peter Pettigrew's bed
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spindrifters · 9 months
In honor of impmas 2024, I present to you good godfather sirius black and the one and only time I will ever write harry, ft. some groupchat crack treated seriously. happy birthday, @impishtubist!
“Where have you been?”
Harry jumps, the uncanny impersonation of Molly Weasley reverberating through the dusty rafters and black lacquer front hall of Grimmauld Place. Sirius smirks, grabs the lanky fifteen year-old by the scruff and pulls him into an all-encompassing hug.
“Didn’t half scare me, Sirius,” Harry grumbles into his chest, and there’s the whisper of an attempt to pull away, but his heart isn’t really in it. In any case, Sirius doesn’t let him go, just buries a grin into that mess of hair. Lemongrass shampoo and London grime.
“Serves you right, sneaking off in the middle of the night.”
“I wasn’t sneaking.”
“No? What time d’you call this, then?”
“A perfectly appropriate time of night to go for a walk,” his godson continues to grouse. “Needed to clear my head.” Only it doesn’t escape his notice that there hasn’t been another attempt to pull away. And he’s not wrong. It’s barely half eleven, only Harry’s at double risk on his own these days. If not Death Eaters or another bloody dementor, then the press who’ll hound him to the ends of the earth should they catch sight of the Boy Who Lied—fucking cunts—alone on walkabout without so much as his friends for a buffer. There’s a reason the Order’s got about ten layers of protocol surrounding his protection at all times. If it were anyone else who’d caught him slipping in through the front door, there’d be hell to pay.
Harry’s not stupid, though. Far from it, Sirius thinks, that old pride swelling in his chest. And he’s got James’s cloak for good measure, clutched in a hand that smells of hot concrete and pigeon shit.
Harry seems to sag against his chest, Sirius’s hand still wrapped around his nape. Summer sweat of a teenage boy on the brink of becoming a man.
“Knut for your thoughts?”
These are the things, then. The little tells beyond the way Harry strains toward him like a houseplant yearning for the sun. It’s not the same as sniffing out smells—daffodils and murtlap essence and the endless putrid fecal stench of Azkaban—but it’s just as strong. Pheromones or some muggle toss like that, something he might ask Hermione Granger about if he remembers before she heads back off to school.
It’s something Sirius noticed a long time ago, the change that happened in fifth year when his own heightened senses were lent keener by the dog that now lived inside. He remembers that Prongs was bright and coppery like triumph when he stepped off the Quidditch pitch, or cinnamon-fresh like home. He remembers being sixteen, frustrated and hormonal and knowing he’d die on the spot if anyone caught him with his nose buried in Moony’s discarded trousers to see if there was anything there that might even hint he wasn’t alone in this.
And Harry…
Something sour signaling frustration. Harsh metallic that means fear. Beneath that, the sweet damp scent of hurt. Sirius can hardly blame him. Fuck Peter Pettigrew, if he ever gets out of this fucking godforsaken house arrest, Merline Maitland and the rest of her staff at the Prophet are at the very top of his hit list.
“Go to bed,” he tells him, pressing a kiss to his sweaty brow, one that smells of rubbish bins lining the streets for the morning to come.
Green eyes flick up, half shock. “Thought I’d get it in the neck.”
“Nah,” says Sirius, guiding him up the stairs. “Just let me know next time. Maybe Snuffles can come along, too.”
“Yeah,” says Harry, though they both know he won’t. Sirius doesn’t need to sniff that out to know. He still thinks he has to protect Sirius just as much as Sirius knows it's not his job to do it.
He’s a good boy, Prongs. Too good. He doesn’t deserve any of this.
You’d be so bloody proud.
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charmed [17]: 'the finale: part 1' (remus lupin x reader)
a/n: part 2 drops wednesday at midnight.
series masterlist here
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series summary: set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. not wanting the students to know they are married, they navigate the challenging year through hidden glances, hand holds underneath the table and loving moments in their offices. even with all their efforts to conceal their relationship, their chemistry does not go unnoticed by the student population of hogwarts, who grow fond of the pair as they offer them some of the best classes they’ve had in a while. their relationship as newlyweds is strengthened as teaching the next generation of wizards unlocks a sea of memories of their love story. for the second time in his life, remus holds hogwarts responsible for some of his happiest memories. he’s given the chance to create them with the love of his life, y/n, who has taught and continues to teach him that every part of him is lovable, remaining forever under her charm.
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"What are you going to do with him if I give him to you?" Ron asked Lupin tensely. 
"Force him to show himself," said Lupin. "If he really is a rat, it won't hurt him." 
Ron hesitated. Then at long last, he held out Scabbers and Lupin took him. Scabbers began to squeak without stopping, twisting and turning, his tiny black eyes bulging in his head. "Ready, Sirius?" said Lupin. 
Black had already retrieved Snape's wand from the bed. He approached Lupin and the struggling rat, and his wet eyes suddenly seemed to be burning in his face. 
"Together?" he said quietly. 
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest nervously.
"I think so,,, said Lupin, holding Scabbers tightly in one hand and his wand in the other. "On the count of three. One -- two -- THREE!" 
A flash of blue-white light erupted from both wands; for a moment, Scabbers was frozen in midair, his small gray form twisting madly -- Ron yelled -- the rat fell and hit the floor. There was another blinding flash of light and then —  
It was like watching a speeded-up film of a growing tree. A head was shooting upward from the ground; limbs were sprouting; a moment later, a man was standing where Scabbers had been, cringing and wringing his hands. Crookshanks was spitting and snarling on the bed; the hair on his back was standing up. 
"Well, hello, Peter," said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. "Long time, no see. 
"S -- Sirius... R -- Remus..." Even Pettigrew's voice was squeaky. Again, his eyes darted toward the door. "My friends... my old friends..." 
Black’s arm wand rose, but Y/N seized his wrist, giving him a warning look. Sirius jumped, as this was the first time Y/N had touched him— and she quickly retracted her hand as they both turned their attention back toward Remus and Peter.
"We've been having a little chat, Peter, about what happened the night Lily and James died. You might have missed the finer points while you were squeaking around down there on the bed — I'd like to clear up one or two little matters with you, Peter.” 
“D-don’t know… what you’re t-talking about, Remus— He- he—“ He squirmed, pointing at Sirius with a trembling finger. “He’s here to k-kill me, he's got dark powers the rest of us can only dream of!”
Black started to laugh, a horrible, mirthless laugh that filled the whole room. 
"Voldemort, teach me tricks?" he said.
Pettigrew flinched as though Black had brandished a whip at him. 
"What, scared to hear your old master's name?" said Black. I don't blame you, Peter. His lot aren't very happy with you, are they?" 
"Don't know... what you're talking about...," said Pettigrew again, more shrilly than ever. He wiped his face on his sleeve and looked up at Lupin. "You don't believe this -- this madness, Remus --" 
"I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat," said Lupin evenly. 
"Innocent, but scared!" squealed Pettigrew. "If Voldemort's supporters were after me, it was because I put one of their best men in Azkaban -- the spy, Sirius Black!" 
"How dare you," he growled, sounding suddenly like the bearsized dog he had been. I, a spy for Voldemort? When did I ever sneak around people who were stronger and more powerful than myself? But you, Peter -- I'll never understand why I didn't see you were the spy from the start. You always liked big friends who'd look after you, didn't you? It used to be us... me and Remus... and James….”
Pettigrew wiped his face again; he was almost panting for breath. 
"Me, a spy... must be out of your mind... never... don't know how you can say such a --" 
"Lily and James only made you Secret-Keeper because I suggested it,” Black hissed. 
"Professor Lupin?" said Hermione timidly. "Can — can I say something?" 
"Certainly, Hermione," said Lupin courteously. 
"If you don't mind me asking, how -- how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn't use Dark Magic?" 
"Thank you!" gasped Pettigrew, nodding frantically at her. "Exactly! Precisely what I —" 
But Lupin silenced him with a look. Black was frowning slightly at Hermione, but not as though he were annoyed with her. He seemed to be pondering his answer. 
"I don't know how I did it," he said slowly. "I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent. That wasn't a happy thought, so the dementors couldn't suck it out of me... but it kept me sane and knowing who I am... helped me keep my powers... so when it all became ... too much... I could transform in my cell... become a dog. Dementors can't see, you know...." He swallowed. "They feel their way toward people by feeding off their emotions.... They could tell that my feelings were less -- less human, less complex when I was a dog... but they thought, of course, that I was losing my mind like everyone else in there, so it didn't trouble them. But I was weak, very weak, and I had 
no hope of driving them away from me without a wand...." 
"But then I saw Peter in that picture... I realized he was at Hogwarts with Harry... perfectly positioned to act, if one hint reached his ears that the Dark Side was gathering strength again...." 
"It was as if someone had lit a fire In my head, and the dementors couldn't destroy it.... It wasn't a happy feeling... it was an obsession... but it gave me strength, it cleared my mind. So, one night when they opened my door to bring food, I slipped past them as a dog.... It's so much harder for them to sense animal emotions that they were confused.... I was thin, very thin... thin enough to slip through the bars.... I swam as a dog back to the mainland.... I journeyed north and slipped into the Hogwarts grounds as a dog. I've been living in the forest ever since, except when I came to watch the Quidditch, of course. You fly as well as your father did, Harry...." 
He looked at Harry, who did not look away. 
"Believe me," croaked Black. "Believe me, Harry. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them." 
And at long last, Harry believed him. Throat too tight to speak, he nodded. 
Pettigrew had fallen to his knees as though Harry's nod had been his own death sentence. He shuffled forward on his knees, groveling, his hands clasped in front of him as though praying. 
"Sirius -- it's me... it's Peter... your friend... you wouldn't --" Black kicked out and Pettigrew recoiled. 
"There's enough filth on my robes without you touching them," said Black. 
"Remus!" Pettigrew squeaked, turning to Lupin instead, writhing imploringly in front of him.
And he scrambled around to Ron. 
"Ron... haven't I been a good friend... a good pet? You won't let them kill me, Ron, will you... you're on my side, aren't you. 
But Ron was staring at Pettigrew with the utmost revulsion. "I let you sleep in my bed!" he said. 
"Kind boy... kind master..." Pettigrew crawled toward Ron "You won't let them do it.... I was your rat.... I was a good pet...." 
"If you made a better rat than a human, it's not much to boast about, Peter," said Black harshly. Ron, going still paler with pain, wrenched his broken leg out of Pettigrew's reach. Pettigrew turned on his knees, staggered forward, and seized the hem of Hermione's robes. 
"Sweet girl... clever girl... you -- you won't let them.... Help me...." 
Hermione pulled her robes out of Pettigrew's clutching hands and backed away against the wall, looking horrified. 
“Y/N! Oh, Y/N— we’ve been friends… you knew me—“ He attempted to lunge at her before being violently pushed back by both Sirius and Remus.
“Don’t you even dare touch her…” Remus growled.
Pettigrew knelt, trembling uncontrollably, and-turned his head slowly toward Harry. 
"Harry... Harry... you look just like your father... just like him...." 
Black and Lupin stood shoulder to shoulder, wands raised. 
Hermione covered her face with her hands and turned to the wall. Y/N bit her lip, unsure how to react or feel in the moment.
"NO!" Harry yelled. He ran forward, placing himself in front Pettigrew, facing the wands. "You can't kill him," he said breathlessly. "You can't." 
Black and Lupin both looked staggered. Y/N exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
"Harry, this piece of vermin is the reason you have no parents," Black snarled. "This cringing bit of filth would have seen you die too, without turning a hair. You heard him. His own stinking skin meant more to him than your whole family." 
"I know," Harry panted. "We'll take him up to the castle. We'll hand him over to the dementors.... He can go to Azkaban... but don't kill him." 
Y/N breathed heavily, cold sweat coating the palms of her hands and the low of her back.
"Harry!" gasped Pettigrew, and he flung his arms around Harry's knees. "You -- thank you -- it's more than I deserve -- thank you --" 
"Get off me," Harry spat, throwing Pettigrew's hands off him in disgust. "I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it because -- I don't reckon my dad would've wanted them to become killers -- just for you." 
Remus and Sirius looked at each other, and nodded.
Thin cords shot from Lupin's wand this time, and next moment, Pettigrew was wriggling on the floor, bound and gagged. 
"But if you transform, Peter," growled Black, his own wand pointing at Pettigrew too, "we will kill you. You agree, Harry?" 
Harry looked down at the pitiful figure on the floor and nodded so that Pettigrew could see him. 
“Right.” Y/N finally spoke. "Ron, I can't mend bones nearly as well as Madam Pomfrey, so I think it's best if we just strap your leg up until we can get you to the hospital wing." 
She hurried over to Ron, bent down, tapped Ron's leg with her wand, and muttered, "Ferula." Bandages spun up Ron's leg, strapping it tightly to a splint. Lupin helped him to his feet; Ron put his weight gingerly on the leg and didn't wince. 
"That's better," he said. "Thanks." 
Remus turned his gaze on Y/N and was about to ask her how she felt, before Hermione brought up a very real point.
"What about Professor Snape?" 
“Nothing wrong with him.” Sirius bent over him and checked his pulse. “You were just a little… overenthusiastic, Y/N.”
Y/N winced. “Oops.”
Sirius muttered, "Mobilicorpus." As though invisible strings were tied to Snape's wrists, neck, and knees, he was pulled into a standing position, head still lolling unpleasantly, like a grotesque puppet. He hung a few inches above the ground, his limp feet dangling. 
Lupin picked up the Invisibility Cloak and tucked it safely into his pocket. 
"And two of us should be chained to this," said Black, nudging Pettigrew with his toe. "Just to make sure." 
"I'll do it," said Lupin.
"And me," said Ron savagely, limping forward. 
Harry had never been part of a stranger group. Crookshanks led the way down the stairs; Lupin, Pettigrew, and Ron went next, looking like entrants in a six-legged race. Next came Professor Snape, drifting creepily along, his toes hitting each stair as they descended, held up by his own wand, which was being pointed at him by Sirius. Y/N, Harry and Hermione brought up the rear. 
Getting back up through the tunnel proved to be a challenge. Remus, Ron and Peter managed to squeeze through sideways, shuffling along in single file. Sirius followed with Snape dangling behind him, his lolling head bumped frequently against the ceiling under Sirius’ control. They walked in silence until they reached the end of the tunnel, where Crookshanks exited first to paw at the root knot, letting everyone else exit without the chaos of the tree’s moving branches. At last, all of them were out.
Silently, with the occasional cry and whimper from Peter, they trampled through the grounds and halted just where the Castle was in view.
Remus detached him and Ron from Peter, helping Ron sit down while keeping his wand on Peter. “Let’s take a break,” Remus said, to which a grateful Ron nodded.
Sirius dropped Snape down carelessly. Harry and Hermione rushed to Ron, joining him on the floor and asking him if his leg was alright.
“So.” Sirius said seriously, looking at Y/N.
She still had her arms crossed over her chest defensively, before letting them down to grab one of Remus’ hands. She raised her eyebrows.
“How much more innocent do I have to be proven to get a hug from an old friend?” Sirius said, spreading his arms wide open.
Y/N smiled slightly, dropping Remus’ hand and slowly walking up to Sirius. She raised her arms, letting Sirius engulf her in a warm embrace, finally relaxing for the first time tonight. “God, it’s been so long.” She sighed.
They separated and Y/N fought back tears as she cupped his face, taking the time to have a proper look at him. “You’re so thin now.” She whispered sadly, brushing her thumbs along his cheekbones which cut right through from underneath his thin layer of skin.
“And you’re beautiful as always.”
Remus watched them with endearment pouring out of his eyes.
“What more do we not know about them?” Ron whispered to Harry and Hermione with a puzzled expression as they watched the unusual reunion unfold in front of them.
“You’re gonna be free now.” Y/N smiled. “You’ll be able to eat whatever you want again. Fill these cheeks out.”
“I’m free.” Sirius chuckled loosely. Y/N nodded, doing the same as a tear threatened to spill. He laughed more loudly now, beckoning Remus to join them.
“FREE!” Sirius shouted, jumping up and down, then squeezing his two friends against him.
“Whoa-“ Y/N said, “o-okay.” She pulled away from them. “Careful”, and she reflexively placed her hand defensively over her stomach. Her jaw dropped as she remembered.
“You okay?” Remus eyed her with slight concern.
Y/N’s eyes widened as her mouth hung open, moving but unable to get any words out. Sirius’ eyes darted between the two, looking for clues on what was going on all of a sudden.
“I’m…” Y/N managed to say. “I’m…” She looked down at her hand and looked back up at Remus. Comprehension dawned on him and he covered his mouth, gasping.
“Are you…”
Y/N nodded furiously, heavy tears spilling out. “Remus, I’m pregnant, I took a test literally earlier tonight— I had forgotten, with everything that’s happened after— but I forgot, and it’s really early, but I was feeling off and so I did the test and—“
It was like all the words that had failed her just prior all fought their way out at the same time. Remus let out a scream that could only be described as close to a joyful howl and ran to her. He dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his cheek on her stomach.
“Are you really?” Remus whispered for only her to hear, searching her eyes intensely through his own glossy ones, as if confirmation of the truth was hidden somewhere under her pupils.
Y/N nodded, smiling, eyes absolutely sparkling as she cradled his head. She burst into happy tears as Remus’ eyes welled up. For the next minute, all they could do was let out disbelieving gasps as words began to fail them. He stood up, wrapping her in his arms.
They hid their faces into each other’s necks, crying softly into each other. “I love you,” Remus said into her hair.
“I love you too,” she whispered back.
“Holy shit…” Sirius stumbled slightly at the news. 
“It’s still really early,” Y/N said, finally pulling away from Remus, but unable to keep herself from smiling ear to ear.
“I’m…” Sirius whispered. He took both of their hands.
He was unable to finish his sentence but Remus and Y/N knew what he meant by the expression in his eyes and simply returned the silent sentiment. 
“Thank you.” Remus said quietly at his friend, squeezing his hand.
“C-Congratulations Professor Y/N.” Hermione said shyly, afraid to intrude on this incredibly intimate moment. The three of them had just been watching silently from the side until now. Well, somewhat silently, if you excluded Peter’s muffled whines that he let out once in a while. “And Professor Lupin.”
“Thank you, Hermione.” Y/N said warmly. She read her nervous, unsure body language and beckoned her over, wrapping a protective arm around Hermione’s shoulders.
Sirius took a few steps back, turning to face the open air where the Castle stood proud in the dark distance. 
Harry glanced at Ron and Peter, who sat immobile on the ground and inched closer to Sirius. The older man saw him approach.
“In all its’ glory, eh?” He turned back to the castle. Harry nodded. “God, it hasn’t changed one bit. Not from here, at least.”
Harry observed him. Almost longingly. In the span of a few hours, the image of him had completely changed in his mind. He wanted to know so much more. There was so much to ask.
"You know what this means?" Black said abruptly to Harry. “Me being free?" 
“You can eat all you want now?” Harry joked. Black chuckled, glancing back at Remus and Y/N, who had taken a seat alongside the others. Remus couldn’t take his hand off Y/N’s belly.
"Yes...," said Black. "But I'm also — I don't know if anyone ever told you — I'm your godfather." 
"Yeah, I knew that," said Harry. 
"Well... your parents appointed me your guardian," said Black stiffly. "If anything happened to them..." 
Harry waited.
"I'll understand, of course, if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle," said Black. "But... well... think about it. Once my name's cleared... if you wanted a... a different home..." 
Some sort of explosion took place upon Harry’s expression. 
"What — live with you?" he said. "Leave the Dursleys?" 
"Of course, I thought you wouldn't want to," said Black quickly. "I understand, I just thought I'd —" 
"Are you insane?" said Harry, his voice easily as croaky as Black's. 
"Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Have you got a house? When can I move in?" 
Black turned right around to look at him.
"You want to?" he said. "You mean it?”
 "Yeah, I mean it!" said Harry. 
Black's gaunt face broke into the first true smile where the joy reached his eyes as well. The difference it made was startling, as though a person ten years younger were shining through the starved mask; for a moment, he was recognizable as the man who had laughed at Harry's parents' wedding. 
Sirius looked at Harry as if he were his own son, but feeling slightly awkward, extended out his arm and pat the boy on the shoulder stiffly. 
Y/N was watching the scene unfold between the two from her spot on the ground. Tears were rolling down her cheek, fast and hot. In that moment, hope filled up the chests of Y/N, Remus, Sirius, and Harry. It felt, it almost felt… like the future had a glimmer of a chance of having family in it.
Remus took notice, and wiped her cheeks dry with the back of his fingers. He took her hand, and squeezed it reassuringly. He was still crying himself, at the news that he was going to be a father.
His gaze was rested upon her face and while Y/N’s originally was too, her eyes shifted. They shifted to the sky behind him. A cloud had just cleared, and the night seemed to brighten a tad more.
She dropped his hand. The corners of her lips dropped.
Her face was now fully bathed in moonlight and Remus snapped his head back to see the full moon emerging into the sky. He went rigid.
“He didn’t take his potion tonight!” Hermione gasped.
“Sirius.” Y/N said, deadpan, not taking her eyes off Remus.
Sirius whipped his head around and froze. “Run.”
When Harry didn’t move the second he was told to, Sirius repeated it, and pushed him down the grass to where Ron and Hermione were. “RUN!”
Remus began to shake and Y/N jumped to her feet, but Sirius burst between them. “Leave it to me.” He said.
Sirius attempted to drag Remus’ transforming body away from the others as Y/N clutched onto Hermione and Harry’s shoulders tightly. “You guys need to run, okay?” She said, hands shaking in her grip as she nudged them in the Castle’s direction opposite from Sirius and Remus. “Ron, can you get up—“
She turned her attention to Ron on the floor, and squatted in attempt to help him get to his feet. “Oh, fucking hell—“ She cried at Snape’s unconscious body. She bent over him, slapping him multiple times on the face. “Wake up, wake up, wake up.”
There was a terrible snarling noise. Lupin's head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws. As the werewolf reared, snapping its long jaws, Sirius disappeared from Harry's eyeline. He had transformed. The enormous, bearlike dog bounded forward onto the wolf. They were locked, jaw to jaw, claws ripping at each other. 
Harry, Ron and Hermione stood, transfixed by the sight, too intent upon the battle to notice anything else. Peter, who was still tied up, was inching his fingers near Remus’ wand, which had fallen onto the ground not more than a few inches away from him. He squirmed through his ties and… BANG! Light flashed once he got his hands on it and he was free from the restraints. 
“EXPELLIARMUS!” Harry pointed his wand, but it was too late— Peter had transformed into a rat and scurried off in the dark patches of grass. “Y/N, he escaped!”
“Fuck.” Y/N said, giving up on reanimating Snape. She rose to her feet, looking out for the rat, when another sound from afar caught her attention.
Yelping, whining… a dog in pain. A small thud of its body hitting the ground. Then, a howl and rumbling growl. Heavy paws running, and getting louder. The werewolf was headed back towards them. 
Y/N looked between the spot where Peter had disappeared and the three kids. There was no decision to make. 
“GO!” She yelled at them. “DON’T COME THIS WAY.”
And with a crack, she transformed into a dove and flapped her wings to get height. She whistled, getting the wolf’s attention, and soared through the sky, leading him straight into the Forbidden Forest.
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 21 - Ancient Greece
@wolfstarmicrofic August 21, word count 940
This is the last part of the Apple Core Series from a Wolfstar POV. There will be a part three starting next month where I am going to write my first Rosekiller. Hope you've all enjoyed the story so far.
Previous part First Jegulus part
Everyone was in on Monday. Effie had insisted and, as usual, she got her way. But Regulus had called in a few friends for the occasion as well. 
“Who are they and why are they in my kitchen?” Sirius asked his brother with a sceptical look on his face as he took in the two men and the tiny elf-like woman with a ridiculous amount of floaty hair, standing just inside the door. 
“These insane people are your personal protection unit. The second Wormtail steps foot in the café, they will be on him. Have you ever seen a lion lake down a wilder beast? That’s them.” Regulus smiled proudly as he gestured to his friends. 
“That’s really kind of you to volunteer them, Reggie, but you do know that we’re just going to ban him and not kill him, right?”
“Aw, take all the fun out of it, why don’t you,” The one he thought was Barty sulked. 
“Don’t worry, babe, you can stab me in bed tonight,” Evan purred in his ear loud enough for them all to hear. 
“I think I’m about to have a stroke,” Sirius groaned, dropping his head into his hand. 
“I can smell burning toast,” Pandora piped up, sniffing the surrounding air.
“Shit!” Sirius spun around, pulled the burnt toasties from the machines and tossed them straight into the bin.  
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Regulus patted Sirius’s arm. “They’ll scare him just enough so that he never comes back.”
“Fine. Now get out of my kitchen, I have toasties to create!”
It didn’t take long for Wormtail to turn up. He waltzed in as though nothing was amiss, not that he knew it was, and sat at his usual table. He opened the menu, blocking his view in front of him, and began reading. That’s when Barty and Evan pounced. 
“Hello,” Evan said, his voice smooth as velvet. Wormtail jumped and dropped his menu. 
“Oh, er, hi. Erm, I don’t really like sharing a table, if, if you don’t mind,” He squeaked nervously as Barty picked up the fork from in front of him and twirled it in his fingers. 
“Well, we don’t like little rats who film our friends,” Barty said in an over-calm way. His smile was just a bit too toothy. Even Sirius felt unnerved from his viewpoint. 
Two chairs dragged across the floor and stopped beside the table. Effie and Monty sat down, looking all polite. 
“And we don’t appreciate our son’s being used for your entertainment,” Effie hissed. Barty looked at her impressed. Sirius felt like there’d be another handful of strays added to their family by the end of this. 
“What she said,” Monty said cheerfully as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Wormtail. 
“Peter?” Pandora appeared out of nowhere. “Peter Pettigrew, is that you?” She gasped. “Oh, haven’t you been naughty? I’ve a good mind to tell your mother on you. Using my dear friend Sirius to get views online. That’s not very nice, you know,” She chastised him. 
Two more chairs joined the group. 
“The only one who can torture my brother is me,” Regulus sneered. "The fact you think you have the right to film him at all is beyond me." 
“Dickhead,” James shot at him. 
“James Fleamont Potter, language,” Effie gasped. 
“Sorry, Mum,” James flushed and tried again. “You hurt my friend, prepare to di—” Monty elbowed his son in the ribs, “Have a good telling off,” He huffed. 
Remus took Sirius’s hand and led him over to the table. 
"It gives me great pleasure, Mr Pettigrew, to inform you--” Remus said too sweetly. 
“Sling your hook, you're barred!” Sirius shouted at the cowering man. Wormtail jumped to his feet and ran for the door.   
Then, like some film about Ancient Greece, they all charged down the giant rat, yelling and screaming after him. Sirius brandishing his toastie tongs and Remus throwing coffee cup lids like discuses, as Peter Pettigrew scurried down the road as fast as his short legs could carry him and disappeared around the corner out of sight. 
“I got it all on film! I got it all on film!” Effie cried out excitedly. 
“So did I,” Monty grinned wildly. “Oh, wait,” His face fell. “I had it on the wrong camera. It’s just my face.”
“So who’s watching the café?” James asked once they were done cheering and laughing at Monty. 
“Oh shit!” Sirius yelled and raced back to the unmanned café.
They went back to serving their customers as if nothing had happened. Sirius couldn't believe how lucky he was to have so many people who cared about him like his chosen family did. Remus came up behind him and wrapped him in a hug. Sirius turned his face so he could kiss Remus on the lips. "I love these guys so much," He said, sighing happily as he watched them all chatting and laughing. 
"I love you," Remus whispered in his ear, making Sirius's knees go weak. 
"I love you too," He said, capturing Remus's lips with his own again. "Think Reggie would mind if we snuck off into his flat for a bit?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
"Yes he bloody would!" Regulus glared at them. "Mine." 
"Want a bet?" Sirius asked, but didn't wait for an answer as he dragged Remus out of the staff door with Regulus screaming bloody murder behind them.
He spun Remus around and kissed him properly. "Chinese for tea?"
"Yeah, go on then," Remus laughed, kissing him one more time before going back to his counter to take the orders of their waiting customers. 
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once-upon-an-imagine · 8 months
If hurt/comfort dialogue is still open might I pls ask for peter pettigrew and reader “try and get some sleep. i’ll stay right here- i won’t let anything happen to you, i swear.”
yes, of course! I loved this! is a bit AU or actually more like post-Hogwarts and Peter is not an idiot! hope you like it! Warnings: break-in, mentions of Peter getting hurt
"Here you go, mate" Remus said, bringing more blankets to Peter.
"Thanks, Moons" he said snapping out of his thoughts before he took them.
"How are you holding up?" Remus asked, worriedly.
"Hanging in there" he smiled weakly. "Thanks again, for letting us stay-"
"No, don't mention it" Remus shrugged him off. "You are both welcome here as long as you'd like" he insisted.
"Here Wormy" Sirius said coming in with two mugs of hot tea. "This will help you both get some proper rest, yeah?" he smiled kindly.
"Thanks, Padfoot" he said, managing to place the blankets under his arms and grabbing the two mugs.
"How is she?" Sirius asked.
"She's still a bit shaken up" Peter admitted. "She just... kept jumping at every sound, I thought maybe if we were out of there-"
"Yeah, you did the right thing" Sirius assured him. "The two of you can stay here as long as you need" he said as Remus nodded. "We're just glad you're both okay" he told him.
"You should go get some rest, mate" Remus told him. "It's been a long night for both of you" he said.
"Yeah" Peter sighed. "Thanks again, both of you" he smiled.
"Come get us if you need anything" Sirius said, before Remus hugged him closer, kissed his head and both of them went up to their room.
"Hey, love" Peter said when he walked into the guest room and saw you sitting by the window.
"Hi" you said, trying to smile at him but tears kept rolling down your face. He placed the blankets on the bed and walked over to you, handing you one mug. "Thank you" you said, wiping away your tears with the sleeve of Peter's sweater you were wearing.
"Sirius says it might help us sleep" he said, pulling you closer to him and kissing your head. "We're safe here, darling" he whispered, kissing you again.
"I'm sorry" you said, crying a little harder. Peter pulled away a little so he could look at you.
"Why are you sorry-?"
"I keep... trying to remember..." you said. "If I locked the doors and checked the windows, I-" you cried. "I can't remember" you said, as Peter grabbed your mug and placed it on the floor with his. "What if that's why they broke in?"
"Love, what happened tonight wasn't your fault" he assured you.
"B-but you got hurt a-and what if they-?"
"Shh" Peter pulled you against his chest and kept kissing your head. "Look, we don't know why they broke in" he said. "And I wasn't going to let them harm you" he said, tightening his grip a little. "The important thing is that we're safe now" he told you. "Okay?"
"Okay" you slowly nodded as he brushed away your tears.
"Come on" he said, getting up and pulling you with him before he grabbed the mugs. "We should try to get some rest" he said as you sat on the bed and he placed the blanket on top of the two of you. He pulled you closer as you finished your tea and he did the same.
"I love you" you said, still trying to stay awake. You didn't want to go to sleep but you were exhausted. Peter placed the now empty mugs on the nightstand and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a peck on the lips.
"I love you too" he said before kissing your temple. "Try and get some sleep, okay? I’ll stay right here, love- I won’t let anything happen to you, I swear” he said, kissing your temple.
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wastelandmoony · 8 months
Déjà Vécu: Chapter Twenty
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Chapter Twenty : I Wanna Be Your Dog
Summary: Everyone has secrets.
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans
Warnings: none.
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
July 24th, 1975
We did it.
The letter was short and nondescript, but she knew exactly what James was referring to when the piece of parchment was dropped through her open window by a familiar tawny owl. They had done it. The boys had finally become Animagi.
She chose not to respond to the declaration, for the sole reason of not really knowing what to say. The three of them would undoubtedly tell her the moment they reunited, though she was concerned about how they’d break the news to Remus. 
A month prior, during the final week of their 4th year, Remus had received a letter from his father during breakfast requesting (leaning more towards demanding) that he return home for the summer. James was put out when he read it, having made plans to have both Remus and Sirius stay at the Manor for the entire summer. Obviously, James and the other two boys had used his absence to their advantage, finally completing their almost two-year-old plan to become Animagi.
She had worried about Remus ever since departing Kings Cross, writing him every day in their shared notebook. He had been apprehensive to return home, having not spoken to his father since the previous winter. Ultimately, Remus had told her that he believed his father asked him to visit to keep up appearances. Allegedly people began to inquire about Lyall’s son, a subject the elder Lupin vehemently strived to avoid. The bright side, Remus disclosed, was that his father largely left him alone, giving him plenty of time to read and do whatever he fancied. 
Crumpling up the letter from James, she rolled off the bed and moved the needle over on the record player in the corner of her bedroom. Marc Bolan’s voice echoed softly as Monolith ushered her thoughts away.
September 1st, 1975
“Alright, out with it then,” she scowled at the three giddy boys sitting in the train compartment. James and Sirius were grinning ear to ear, Peter on the other hand was trying to hide his elation. They hadn’t spoken to her upon their arrival on the platform, instead Sirius grabbed her hand and dragged her inside the train. Once seated with the door firmly shut, the three boys were vibrating with excitement. Remus had yet to arrive, so time was of the essence to get this out in the open.
“We did it,” James finally spoke.
“Yes, you made that clear in your note. Do you care to elaborate at all?” She crossed her arms.
“A dog!” Sirius was practically jumping out of his skin. (No pun intended.)
She gave him an exasperated look, “What?”
“I’m a dog!” He whisper-screamed before transforming into a large shaggy black dog. 
“Sirius!—“ She tried not to shout, watching wide-eyed while the dog jumped up onto the seat and wagged his tail so hard into James’ face that it knocked his glasses off. As James leaned down to pick up his lost spectacles, Sirius changed back and sat down.
“Sorry, mate,” he laughed at his best friend, who smiled back, not even the least bit perturbed. 
“Sirius, you can’t just change forms whenever you want! What if someone walked past and saw?!” She could throttle him right here, right now, in this train compartment.
He shrugged, “But no one did, did they? Relax, Yellowjacket.”
His cavalier attitude about this was mind-boggling. 
She looked at James, her expression incredulous, “and what about you?”
He beamed, “A stag.”
She knew he wouldn’t be as bold as Sirius to change form right now, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t interested in seeing it.
“Tell her yours, Pete,” Sirius kicked at the boys’ leg, leading to a grimace from Peter.
She looked over at him just in time to catch his eye roll.
“…a rat,” he murmured. 
Sirius slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. James looked down at his lap, biting his lip to contain his own chuckling.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s lame,” Peter grumbled, slumping down further in his seat. 
“It’s not lame, Pete,” she tutted, “Rats are pretty cool, they can sneak into the tiniest spaces. I think it’ll be really useful.”
His mouth gave the tiniest upward turn, just as Remus threw the compartment door open. 
“Hello, lads,” he stepped over Sirius’ outstretched legs to get to his normal spot by the window, “Why’re you all so quiet?”
She hadn’t realized they had been staring at him. They hadn’t even discussed when the other three were planning on unveiling their secret to him, and she doubted they would do it right now, not with the risk of Remus taking the entire revelation badly.
She took it upon herself to break the silent tension, “Did you hear, Lily made prefect!”
At the mention of her name, James immediately straightened. 
Sirius rolled his eyes, “Great, now we’re going to have McGonagall’s trained guard watching us 24/7.”
James crossed his arms, “Lily wouldn’t tell on us like that.”
“Oh, because you know her so well?” Sirius sneered.
James punched him in the arm, “I don’t need to know her like that. We just…have a connection. I can feel it.”
Sirius furrowed his brows, and then immediately burst into a fit of laughter, “A connection? You’re delusional, mate.”
She shot Sirius an annoyed look, to which he threw his hands up innocently.
“Am I wrong?”
“You’re being rude,” she sighed, “leave him alone. We never made fun when you were in love with Mary.”
“Not to his face…” Remus mumbled while digging through his bag.
Sirius stared at her from across the compartment, face unreadable, but his eyes were practically burning through her, “I was never in love with Mary.”
Something about the way he was staring made her unwilling to break the contact. Her heart raced as his blue eyes finally left hers, following James as he stood up and went to the compartment door.
“Where’re you going?” Pete asked, sounding the most nervous she’d heard him in a while. 
“I’m going to congratulate Gryffindor’s newest prefect,” James smirked as he slipped out into the corridor. 
The door clicked shut quietly, and she glanced back over at Sirius. The intensity in his gaze was gone as he kicked his feet up on the now-vacant section of the bench seat.
“Five Galleons that she jinxes him,” he grinned.
“Make it ten. But I bet she’ll just ignore him as usual,” she said.
Sirius shot her a wink before leaning his head back against the wall, “You’ve got a deal, love.” 
She smirked as Sirius slipped her the money under the table in the Great Hall. His fingers brushed against her palm lightly, sending a chill up her arm. 
“Pleasure doing business with you, Black,” she pushed the feeling as far down as she could.
James had just joined them at the table, having spent the rest of the train ride with Marlene and some of the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team talking strategy. 
“I can’t believe she’s still friends with that slimy git,” He grumbled as he sat on the bench beside Sirius. 
“Who…?” She followed his narrowed gaze to see Lily walk through the gilded doors with Severus.
Mary rolled her eyes, “Trust me, we’ve been trying to figure it out as well.”
She dipped her head as McGonagall strode past the table, having once again transfigured her Hufflepuff robes to blend in with her friends. A double line of first years trailed behind the professor, their little faces full of every emotion from fear, to anxiety, to pure excitement. She turned to Sirius across the table, who was presently in the midst of a heated conversation with James and Marlene. She remembered his face as they had stood side-by-side waiting to be sorted, how pale and afraid he was. Regulus popped into her mind, the way he had looked at her with such disgust that day on the train when Sirius failed to show. Things could have been so different if he wasn’t placed in Gryffindor. She wondered if they would’ve stayed friends. A piece of her believed it, but all logic points to the alternative. She shook her head, the thought of it was almost too much; the five of them being fractured.
“You alright?” Sirius said softly across from her.
James and Marlene were still gesticulating about whatever, but his focus had turned to her. Concern stitched his brow as she gave him a half-smile.
“Of course, just thinking about our first time seeing the Great Hall. Do you remember?”
“I remember you falling off your broom the next day—“
She went to kick him under the table, only for him to move slightly to the left.
“Bastard…” she whispered, as he smirked, “I’ll get you back for that.”
The heat in his eyes threw her off, “Do your worst, Yellowjacket.”
The feast wound down as it usually did, with plenty of laughter and a few minor arguments (most courtesy of Sirius). Dumbledore took to the lectern and asked for all prefects to escort the new first years to their respective dormitories, concluding the evening with another one of his vague anecdotes. 
“I should probably make an appearance at my own table before anyone catches on,” she said as she gathered her bag. Sirius quietly mumbled the incantation for the transfiguration of her robes back to yellow, holding her gaze for a moment too long. Enough for her to feel the heat rise to her cheeks. 
In an attempt to hide her slightly flustered state, she turned towards Remus to say goodnight, only to see him stand up and fumble with something in his hand. 
“Where’re you going?” James said across the table, mouth still filled with dessert.
Remus began to play with the lapel of his robe, “I, erm—“
He took his hands away from the fabric and she saw the small pin, a crest with a scarlet engraved P.
“You’re…a prefect?” The question barely left her mouth she was so hurt. Not at the new role, but that he had kept something so seemingly innocent from her. 
Remus didn’t look at her, “I’ll—I’ll see you later.” 
She watched as he quickly ushered the small group of first years out of the Great Hall with Lily in tow. 
“Did you know?”
She turned to see James starting at her in disbelief. Shaking her head, she stood from the table and grabbed her bag, “No…I had no idea.”
“This is unbelievable,” Sirius said as he got up to leave, “we’re practically untouchable now!” 
She kept silent as the four of them left the hall, Peter and James turning to head up the main staircase to Gryffindor Tower, while she began the journey down to the lower floors.
“Oi! Where’re you headed?” James called from halfway up the stairs. 
She hadn’t realized Sirius was still beside her.
“I’m going to walk her down, I’ll be up shortly. Don’t touch my Honeydukes stash, Pete!” Sirius pointed an accusatory finger towards them.
She shook her head, “You don’t have to—“
He cut her off with a look, “I know Remus usually walks you down the first night.” 
Words failed her, so instead she kept her head down and let Sirius lead her towards the kitchens. 
At the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, they lingered. She stared at the golden wood barrels and fought back every urge to cry or scream. Frankly she wanted to do both.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius said quietly.
She turned to look at him, “…why would he keep something so trivial from me? I tell him everything, he’s my best friend.”
She felt the tear slide down before she could stop it, and Sirius was immediately pulling her towards him, wrapping her into a tight embrace.
“You know how he is, he’s a mystery,” he said as he rested his chin atop her head, “Who knows why Moony does half the shit he does.”
She inhaled slowly and counted to ten, grounding herself in the smell of smoke and spice, the warmth of Sirius’ body pressed against hers. 
“I don’t think he meant to hurt you, not intentionally,” Sirius trailed a hand down her spine, the softest touch that sent her head spinning. 
She pulled back, she needed to be alone. Between Remus’ lies and Sirius’—well she didn’t really know what was happening with that right now—she needed to unravel the emotional knots threatening to choke her.
“Thank you for walking with me,” she said, “you didn’t have to do that.”
Sirius kissed the top of her head, “Remus isn’t the only one who can look out for you,” he began to back down the corridor, “Goodnight, Yellowjacket.”
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wolfstarhaven · 1 year
your favorite uni aus please and thank you <3
Hi anon🌸 Since many of my favourite uni!AUs are the same as my absolute favourites in general, you’ll recognise some of these fics from my others rec lists. But I just couldn’t exclude them! Anyway, I tried to include some other gems as well.
* = personal favourite
*Blends, by rvltn909 (191k)
Words got in the way sometimes, but Remus got the sense Sirius knew what he was trying to say.
General themes: slow burn(!!); pining; fluff; light angst; smut; strangers to friends to lovers.
(If you haven’t read blends yet, what are you even doing?)
*talking over cigarettes and drinking coffee, by beep348 (20k)
Remus and Sirius are in the same literature seminar at university and while Remus is great at reading books he is very bad at reading people.
General themes: pining; misunderstandings (remus thinks sirius is dating mary); strangers to friends to lovers; slow burn; fluff.
Size of the Moon, by deadsea (39k)
remus & sirius are dumb (american) college radio co-djs who, of course, often struggle to express feelings through anything but their playlists
General themes: friends to lovers; poor communication.
*Impossible Things, by accioromulus (14k)
It was an impossible thing, living with Remus Lupin--but Sirius was doing it anyway.
General themes: flatmates; pining; slow burn; friends to lovers; soft soft soft.
(Ok yea I know only remus is at uni and it’s not a main focus or anything, so perhaps this shouldn’t count BUT TRY AND STOP ME FROM INCLUDING THIS!! If you haven’t read this already you really must. It’s the law. I don’t make the rules)
Loose Ends, by impossiblemoon (40k)
Sirius Black was perfectly content with living his unremarkable life until he found himself in a chance meeting with the first person he couldn't instantly suss out. Remus Lupin was a complete mystery that captivated Sirius hook, line and sinker.
General themes: light angst; happy ending; breaking up & getting back together; sharing a bed.
Credit No Credit, by halictus (14k)
Remus and Sirius are both applying to graduate school. Whenever they cross paths at program visits, they inevitably hook up. This situation would make more sense to their friends if they weren't supposed to be enemies.
General themes: light enemies to lovers; rivals to lovers?; rivals with benefits; smut; past breakup.
you jump, I jump, by grumposaur (17k)
When Remus witnesses a disturbing event walking home one night, it sends him down a twisted path of many discoveries: secret societies, macabre rituals, cloaked figures, and a dark-haired boy who proves to be the most dangerous of all.
General themes: mystery; journalist!remus; this one is for you dark academia lovers; cults; flirting; happy but open ending.
*lover, you should've come over, by dykesiriusblack (105k)
The story of Remus and Sirius meeting at age 20, falling in love without meaning to, and not knowing how the fuck to deal with it for far too long.
General themes: ANGST! (read the tags!!); depression; chronic pain; happy ending; shitty communication; light enemies to lovers I guess; friends with benefits; on-and-off relationship; slow burn; jealousy.
Suite Nothings: Wolfstar Edition, by femme_de_lettres (61k)
When Remus Lupin was placed into a suite with James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black for his first year away at college, he didn't have very high expectations. When Sirius Black was placed into a suite with James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin for his first year at college, his expectations couldn't have been higher.
General themes: roommates; friends to lovers; some darker themes — read the tags; fluff.
Paper Walls, by Kember (66k)
Have you ever lived with a person you just can’t stand? Everything about them rubs you the wrong way, and yet, you can’t help thinking what it would be like to kiss them… Yeah, welcome to the life of Remus Lupin. He just wants to keep his head down, crack on with his studies, and maybe graduate at some point in the future. But his juvenile crush on his arrogant, impulsive, reckless housemate, Sirius Black, is going to be a major bump in that perfect road.
General themes: light enemies to lovers; not actually enemies tho; flatmates; miscommunication; jealousy; angst and fluff.
got a fascination (with your presentation), by spellingmynamewrong (8k)
When Remus thought of Oxford as a child, he envisioned turrets, laughter, and an unnameable, unforgettable magic. He did not envision vomiting his breakfast all over himself while standing in the halls of St. Catherine’s College.
General themes: meet-cute; pure fluff.
*Ocean of Fiction Blue, orphaned (13k)
Remus Lupin isn't sure what to make of his new flatshare situation. He's a quiet student with a past, who doesn't date and is determined to keep it that way. Then he meets his artist flatmate, Sirius Black and his entire world is turned upside down.
General themes: flatmates; pining; disabled!remus; so sweet.
xx Elliot
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nevvaraven · 2 years
Peter Pettigrew x Sybill Trelawny
(I blame @messrfeli for making me become obsessed enough with this ship to actually write something for them and am also crediting them for inspiring the entire damn thing.)
Summary: Peter Pettigrew, seconds after the death of James and Lily, and minutes before he’s caught by Sirius Black, runs into one Sybill Trelawny, the woman who saw this all coming and the only person he’s ever truly loved
Only moments after the deaths of James Potter and Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew runs, it’s not a very well thought out plan or a particularly good one but he’s improvising. Through a mix of fear and desperation, he apparates without a destination in mind but rather a thought, a word really. Home.
So it’s no surprise he ends up here. She brought him here that one Sunday morning, the sun had barely risen and Peter had been complaining about wanting to go back to bed, but allowed himself to be tugged along to a suburban looking street with fancy Georgian houses and wide front lawns, all manicured to perfection, slightly concerned as to whether or not they were about to break into someone’s house, you never really knew with Sybill, but if she said jump Peter would ask how high. They stopped in front of the house with red bricks and white shutters with multicoloured tulips planted along the walkway, Sybill looked as though she wanted to run up the driveway and hug the damn thing, eyes bright and running all over the exterior, curls blowing about in the morning breeze, and glasses perched crookedly on her nose, Peter honestly couldn’t have cared less about the house, in that moment, Sybill was truly the most breathtaking individual he would ever lay eyes on. He remembered pulling her into his arms and snogging the daylights out of her after she told him that this was the house she wanted them to live in, how warm he had felt inside with their foreheads pressed together, muttering promises about their future they couldn’t even fathom wasn’t guaranteed. It was truly one of the happiest days of Peter’s life. 
So it’s not a surprise at all to him that when thinking of home, it led him here, in his head this is where he was always supposed to end up. 
What is a surprise however is the sight of bright blonde hair and vivid green eyes behind wide familiar glasses, that block his view of the home the minute he lands. Even here, under the torrential rain, and dimly lit street, with the weight of what he’s done suffocating him to the point of there being no breath left in his lungs, the sight of Sybill Trelawny still manages to take his breath away.
It’s ridiculous really, they haven’t spoken in months, the last time they were together was the night she had confronted him about her visions of his defection whilst Peter had begged her to join him. She called him insane, a traitor, said he’s chosen the wrong side and that she didn’t recognise him anymore, he told her she was naive and a fool, a martyr for a cause that wasn’t worth fighting for. They had both screamed until their throats had been sore but he’ll never forget what she said to him after he told her he didn’t have a choice anymore, the memory coming back to him like punch to the chest.
She looked at him with the kind of anger you can only really have for the people you love, it was withheld, contained, blocked. No matter how bad it got, it was never real anger with them, because it was mixed in there with all that love and desperation and hope, but that night it was the closest Sybill had ever gotten to having nothing but pure anger, maybe even pure hatred, towards the man she loved. It was laced within her words when she spat them out to him with tears streaming down her cheeks, and hands resting above her chest,
“You had a choice Peter. You had me!” She slammed her hands against her chest again and cried impossibly harder, her words seeming to cause her just as much pain as they were causing him, but as her breath hitched in her throat, she slowly straightened up, looked into his eyes and uttered the words that would haunt Peter until his own last breath, “and you chose wrong.” 
So despite their bitter ending and the memory of Sybill’s cries as he walked out the door, he can’t really help himself now, not when he’s scared and alone and James and Lily are dead, and it’s his fault, and he’s lost and cold, and it’s Sybill, she’s here, she’s home. As much as he doesn’t want to be right now, he’s weak. And she’s not looking at him like he’s a man who just murdered his best friend, so he runs to her. 
He doesn’t expect to and it’s clear she doesn’t either because she opens her arms for him like she’s forgotten she would ever choose not to. It’s like muscle memory for them both, a routine so easy to fall back into, that they feel like matching puzzle pieces when he reaches her.
Even now, on a nearly deserted street, in the pouring rain, where the echo of another life of him running into her arms after a long day of work laughs at them, he stands there shivering from the rain but warm in her embrace, he lets himself cry over the finality of what has just occurred, hoping foolishly that if he could just stay here nestled between her arms then he could pretend like everything is still ok and that James isn’t dead. That Lily isn’t dead. That he didn’t just do what he did to them.  
But war is rarely fair, and because of Peter, war is over. 
And he chose wrong. He chose wrong.
So when Sybil nudges his head and asks him what’s wrong, he clings to her for a little while longer, delaying the inevitable, keeping her for just a few more seconds, please forgive me, he thinks as he raises his head and stares into those familiar green eyes, eyelashes wet from the rain but forever feeling an invitation calling him home. She asks him again, hand coming up to cradle his cheek,
“Tell me Peter,” her voice as soft and lovely as it always has been, saying his name with the kind of tenderness he hasn’t felt for months. Oh I’ve missed you. Let me stay here. Despite her vision likely obscured by the raindrops on her glasses she stares straight into his eyes and draws the words out of him.
With the minimal amount of bravery he has left in him, he takes a deep breath and tries to go home. “James and Lily are dead.”
He knows there’s no beating around the bush, so he just says it, he plans to explain himself more, how he was just following orders, how he didn’t think it would end like this, that he wants her to know he’s ready to fix this for her now, that they can run away somewhere, start fresh, but as soon as the first words are out of his mouth it feels like a vinyl scratching to a stop. Like the rain has just halted and the droplets are holding still in the air, the people aren’t moving, the world isn’t spinning, all the air has been sucked out and for just a second, Peter isn’t sure his heart is even beating, because Sybill’s hand drops from his face and she steps back, she’s not looking at him like he’s a man who just murdered his best friend, she’s looking at him like he’s a man she doesn’t even recognise, and oh it is so much worse, as if he’s dangerous, as if he’s going to hurt her, oh no, no, she’s looking at him like she’s scared for fucks sake. Which is just ridiculous, he’d never hurt her in a million years, a fact he’s about to remind her of when- 
‘You need to go,’ Sybill spoke like she had just seen a ghost, face pale, voice all shaky and panicked, it reminded him of the way she’d get after the comedowns from some of her more invasive visions when they were young. He tried to reach for her as he’d done a million times before, offer her the safety and comfort of his hands, the place she always goes to for refuge, only this time she steps even further away from him. 
Peter stares at her, feeling slightly betrayed, eyebrows furrowed, hand left dangling in the air, it’s even colder now, though it has less to do with the rain and more with the emptiness of Sybill’s eyes as she looks frantically around the street. Like she’s thinking of a million things all at once, she probably is.
Peter wants desperately to just hold her and go back to that Sunday morning, before it all went to shit, when they were laughing and kissing in the morning sunshine, not falling to pieces in the midnight rain, ” Look I know you’re upset, but what’s done is done, we ca-“ 
He doesn’t get to finish before she’s grabbing him by the collar of his coat, eyes wide and manic, wet hair stuck to her cheeks, lips turned blue from the cold, merlin she’s gorgeous, even when she’s shaking him like a crazy woman.
“You need to go Peter don’t you understand they’re gonna come for you any second now you need to go!” Her voice was turning higher with every word, practically begging him at this point. And he knew she was right, it wouldn’t take long for Sirius to connect the dots once he sees the wreckage of the house, if he wanted to get away he’d have to go now. 
So he grabbed her hand and got ready to apparate them. He closed his eyes and imagined his uncles house in Germany, the one his mum had taken him to when he was 12 in the summer, it was in the countryside, surrounded by acres of fields, blue painted walls and a brown picket fence, he’d explain to his uncle that he needs a place to stay and then he and Sybill could plan where they could go next or maybe they could settle there even, who knows, they can discuss it later. 
The memory of the house is hazy and the distance was sure going to take a lot out of him, especially doing side along apparition, but as he’d begun to focus his energy, he felt Sybill tugging away from his hand. He turned to look at her and found her no longer staring at him with that panicked look in her eye, but with something much more devastating and reminiscent of that night everything fell apart for them. 
Sybill looked him dead in the eye, no longer inviting him home, but banishing him with 5 simple words that felt like daggers in his chest, “I’m not coming with you,” her voice wasn’t shaking anymore, it was assured, but Peter knew her well enough to know her calm demeanour was always a mask for the things she never believed herself capable of handling. This time he wasn’t sure if it was anger, or fear, or heartbreak, or all of it, but whatever it was, it was enough for Peter to know that he wasn’t going to be able to change her mind.
And there it was, life singing that familiar old tune it had been playing since that first day James Potter sat down in the same train compartment as Sirius Black, as Peter had watched from behind the door, when two became one. Peter Pettigrew, always the fool. 
And now Peter watches again, this time as Sybill Trelawny, his Sybill, his heart, takes more and more steps away from him, every step making the air around him seem as though it’s getting thinner and thinner, until he’s not sure he can even breath. And like that day on the train compartment, watching what he thought was his future move out of reach, he feels as though he’s been left with nothing. 
It’s that same song playing, and those same images Peter sees, when later that night Sirius Black finds him, in the middle of the street, with murder in his eyes and with an audience worthy of the spectacle, it’s as he cuts off his finger, mutilates the part of himself his lover found solace in, chips away at the part of himself that allowed him to connect to his one source of happiness and love, that he feels as though he’s finally living up to only thing he was ever going to be, giving up on trying to be anything better. 
I’m setting you free, he thinks, as he carves through skin and bone, transforming into a version of himself he would not dare to escape for another 12 years, time in which he will spend, pondering over who exactly he was referring to when he made that Final Cut. 
Peter Pettigrew, always the fool.
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The Dating Game [Part Three]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauders Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, James Potter x Original Female Character, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Dorcas Meadow, Original Female Character, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Sabrina Lovegood
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3461
Summary: James and Sabrina decide to play the dating game.
Tags/Warnings: Fake Dating, Fake Couple, Kissing, Jealousy, Quidditch, Arguing, Angst, Fluff, Sabrina's outfit inspo
Notes: finally done!
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Though James had assured Sabrina not to worry about Sirius he couldn’t help but fret as time drew on without an appearance from his best mate. He didn’t return to the dormitory until well after curfew and when he did he rushed in, climbing into his bed without a word or chance for James to bob his head out of the curtains to check on him. 
Not that he knew what he was going to say. So far his and Sabrina’s little ploy had not garnered the attention either of them wanted but now it was as if they were all playing a game of chicken, the train speeding towards them until one of them gave up the ghost and jumped out the way. That was why James made a resolution, if neither Sirius nor Lily had admitted anything by the end of the week he and Sabrina would have to knock this whole debacle on the head. Not that he got a chance to lay this decision on her though as he had to spend the following morning preparing for the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match. As he walked into the great hall he was met with a sea of red and gold from banners and flags to each house member's jumpers and scarves.  Even Sabrina had opted to adorn her house colours, though he doubted she’d be watching most of the game. 
She offered him a smile as he sat down, and a cheery ‘good luck’ though she looked about as happy as he felt, the worry from last night still on his mind. Sirius didn’t appear until the end of breakfast, only scarfing down a piece of toast before he rose, already in his quidditch uniform, and headed to the door forcing James to finish up quickly so that they could walk down together. And despite neither of them speaking, other than to Peter who had hurried along to head down to the pitch with them though he’d be in the spectator stands, they managed to cinch a win. It was a tough game, with the Ravenclaw beaters intent on scuppering James solely though that was no surprise given how spectacularly he’d played. And he wasn’t too proud to admit that without his best friend he might not have been on such good form because even though he was barely speaking to him Sirius was still there blocking every player and bludger that came for his best pal. 
Sabrina had watched the entire thing, nerves bubbling in her stomach as she watched the boys fly about like ants far above them. She’d fretted all night about Sirius, about the look on his face when he’d seen her kissing James. It looked wounded. 
She hadn’t been sure about the reciprocation of his feelings before which was why she’d thought simply baiting him would work. But she should’ve known. Outside of the suave, debonair, painstakingly handsome teen was a sweet, sensitive man who cared deeply even if he pretended he didn’t. That was one of the things she adored in the first place. She’d bashed him for not being honest when she was just as guilty. So as Gryffindor claimed victory over the Ravenclaw she decided she’d end it, once the celebrations were done. 
And of course Gryffindor went all out on the celebrations. After an outpouring of cheering and merriment on the pitch the students had been shepherded back to their common room, the Gryffindor’s wild with excitement, which was only amped as they found the common room now transformed for a party. Gold and red banners hung from the ceiling, music blared from a record player and food and drink gathered on every free table. There was a lot of recapping, a lot of congratulating from various students who came up to James beaming with house pride, and a lot of drinking which had Sabrina feeling merry even if she was thankful not to be noticed, the attention on her ‘beau’. Even Sirius had consented to cheering up, unable to shake the infectious joy of his team mates, though he stayed by the record player, using the role of DJ as means of avoiding his friends. That being said he had hugged James fiercely as they hit the ground of the pitch, congratulating one another before they were swept up in the crowd.
He was standing there now, beer in hand, chatting to Remus though admittedly he wasn’t paying much attention to the conversation, offering indifferent words or grunts where needed. Instead his eyes kept flicking to where James was sitting on the sofa, his mop of dark hair visible above the back of the couch where he was relaxed, a blonde sitting to his left, her head dangerously close to his friend as she kept leaning in to speak. With every glance his smile chipped away.  Fortunately his attention was diverted as a very merry seventh year drifted over to him, throwing his arms around his shoulders as he said, ‘you’re on the music right?’
‘Yeah,’ Sirius said, fighting the urge to shrug him off.
‘Taking requests?’ he asked, ‘it’s gettin’ a bit morbid in here.’
‘Go on then,’ Sirius said, hoping that would shirk him off.
‘Whack on We Are The Champions,’ he said, before strutting off back to his friends gathered in the corner watching them with anticipation. Sirius rolled his eyes but moved to flick through his stack of LPs anyway until he found the one he wanted, waving off the grumble of the crowd as the music died before being reignited again. 
It was a slow melodic build that was harshened by the seventh year and his friends who immediately jumped in on the chorus as they realised their request had been heard. Soon enough every student in the room was joining in, revelling in their victory as they called out.
 We are the champions  We are the champions  No time for losers  'Cause we are the champions of the World.
James was singing from his seat, his hand in Sabrina’s as the whole couch swayed to the music until they were suddenly pulled up by Marlene and Mary to dance beside the fireplace, huddled in a group of people. James was smiling so hard his cheeks were hurting until Mary smacked him on the arm and said, ‘you should make a speech!’
He glanced at her, finding her brown eyes wide and glinting as the idea set in. He knew it was just a drunken idea but that meant it was something she wouldn't let go of and apparently neither would others as Marlene said, ‘yeah go on Potter!’
‘Nah,’ James laughed, ‘I’m too sozzled for that.’
‘C’mon James,’ Peter encouraged from his other side.
‘Honestly I don’t know what to say,’ James said.
‘Since when do you opt out of a chance to gloat?’ Lily said scathingly from where she was still sitting, legs crossed over one another as she held her glass in hand, staring at it intently as an excuse not to look up.
James swallowed thickly and didn’t reply, his usual repertoire with her feeling empty and awkward now instead of the natural quipping it normally was.
‘Oh go on mate!’ Peter said, nudging his arm, ‘you’re the bloody reason we won.’
‘Yeah Potter!’ Mary said before calling the crowd to attention as she yelled, ‘speech!’
‘Guys,’ Sabrina said, seeing the discomfort in his eyes as all eyes turned to him, some muttering to others to get them to be quiet. James shook his head, waving her off as he knew there was no point fighting his friends.
‘Alright then,’ he said, clearing his throat and grabbing his half-empty bottle as he thought about what to say.
‘Shut it everyone!’ Mary decreed before gesturing that he had the floor. Sabrina slipped her hand into his free one and squoze it reassuringly, receiving a smile in return.
‘Well first I wanna congratulate the whole team for being on top form today,’ James said, looking around at the sea of happy faces. Sirius was standing at the back, watching him with a stony expression that separated him from the pack. Again James’ excitement dimmed but nevertheless he pressed on, unable to keep his adoring fans waiting, ‘without you lot we wouldn’t have won.’
‘Well you helped a bit,’ Peter mused, earning a laugh from everyone that made him beam with pride.
‘Yeah but it’s a team effort,’ James replied, gesturing to the wider crowd with his drink as he added, ‘same with you lot in the stands. Without you there wouldn’t be a reason to try as hard as we do.’
‘Not even to make sure Slytherin doesn’t win the cup?’ someone heckled from somewhere in the room.
‘Well I suppose that’s incentive in itself. Either way we still managed it so thanks and lets have some fun eh? Cheers,’ James said, raising his bottle as a chorus of replies rang out.
‘And let's get thoroughly rat-arsed,’ Mary shouted, earning a louder cheer as she pushed into the room, Marlene trailing behind her as they went for more drinks.
It was a move that knocked Sabrina into James, forcing him to grab onto her so that she wasn’t pulled along or spilled her own drink. She could feel his own bottle in his hand, nestled by her waist, her arm on his bicep as he’d steadied her. She smiled at him and to his disappointment he felt nothing. Nothing more than platonic happiness and looking at him Sabrina felt the same.
‘Well done,’ she said.
‘Thanks,’ James said, leaning further in so that she could hear him over the din of the next song on the record, ‘can’t believe they made me make a speech.’
‘Well at least if this quidditch thing doesn’t work out we know a public speaking career could be on the cards,’ she teased.
‘Oh yeah, next minister for magic I am,’ James grinned. Sabrina smiled back before she sighed. They were having fun but there was no point putting off the inevitable and so she said, ‘James look-’
But James wasn’t listening, he was too busy looking over her shoulder at where Lily had just slammed her drink down onto the coffee table and strode off, shoving through throngs of disgruntled students as she headed for the door. Sabrina whipped her head around and watched her go and before James could stop her she was heading out the portrait hole too, not slowing down as he called her name.
Sabrina had to give it to the girl she was fast. So quick that had she not followed her when she did she wouldn’t have seen the way she turned heading towards the courtyard. Given it was still spring and the night had drawn ever so close the air outside was cold and Lily’s shirt did nothing to protect her from the chill of it. She didn’t even know why she was out here; it wasn’t as if there was anywhere to sit down and she was liable to get cold quickly if she didn’t go back inside. All she knew was that she could no longer sit there watching Sabrina and James cosy up to one another. It made her insides spin and the room much to hot for her liking. That was why she had headed in the direction of a breeze, hoping the cool would clear her head. And it was working well until she heard her name called and turned to find Sabrina standing on the steps of the courtyard, Jamse a few steps behind him and Sirius coming into view just behind him. James glanced at his friend as he appeared but said nothing watching Sabrina and Lily instead.
‘What do you want?’ Lily said, folding her arms across her chest and holding her head high. Sabrina came a touch closer. In her Mary Janes they were almost the same height, looking at each other eye to eye as she stepped onto the cobbled stone of the courtyard.
‘Are you okay?’ Sabrina asked softly.
‘Fine,’ Lily said, glancing at James and tightening her jaw as she felt the sharp sting of tears in her eyes.
‘Are you sure? You run off pretty quickly,’ Sabrina reasoned.
‘Well sorry if I don’t want to watch you snog Potter’s face off,’ Lily said snarkily. At that Sabrina bristled, the original purpose of the prank blaring loud and clear. She had the floor now to just tell the truth and she couldn’t do it, more to the point she was angry at her because of it which was starting to get under her skin as she said, ‘well you were asking me to the other day. Why’s today any different?’
‘Why him?’ Lily shot back, taking Sabrina off guard.
‘What?’ she asked.
‘Out of all the people you could’ve picked to date you picked him,’ Lily said, sounding more upset than she intended, ‘why?’
‘Why not?’ Sabrina replied, ‘James is a good guy.’
‘Did you only just realise that? Because you could have anyone in the school and you picked him after years of being friends with him and no attraction and then boom one day you picked him!’ Lily said angrily.
‘So?’ Sabrina said.
‘It’s weird!’ Lily shouted. James and Sirius were watching on awkwardly now. It was getting more heated and though he couldn’t see Sabrina’s face he could see Lily's and she was getting more upset by the second. He was going to intervene, try and distract some attention to help them both calm down but Sirius put his hand on his arm, stopping him from moving forward. He wanted to hear this explanation.
‘Why do you care?’ Sabrina said, feeling the acceptance coming if she could just push that bit more, ‘I thought you didn't like him.’
‘Of course I bloody do!’ Lily shouted, ‘why do you think-‘
‘I know,’ Sabrina said, cutting her ranting short as her mouth fell agape though she recovered quick enough to say, ‘what?’
‘I know you like him,’ Sabrina said offering her a sympathetic smile, ‘I’ve known all along I was just hoping this would make you realise you did too. Instead of leading him on for the sake of it.’
‘I wasn’t leading him on!’ Lily protested, blushing as Sabrina raised an eyebrow, ‘besides how could you mess with me like that!’
‘It got you to admit the truth didn’t it,’ Sabrina reasoned. Lily sighed.
‘That’s not the…you shouldn’t have done that,’ Lily said sadly.
‘If it makes you feel any better it wasn’t meant to be like this. It was supposed to be a laugh,’ Sabrina said, moving forward to hug her friend loosely, ‘you were just a little more stubborn than planned. I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay,’ Lily said, smiling sadly though she found her eyes trailing over to James who was far enough away he could no longer hear what either of them were saying as evidenced by the panicked look on his face.
‘Maybe now you can stop dancing around the fact that you actually like one another,’ Sabrina said softly, ‘he really likes you Lily.’
‘I really like him too,’ she said, gnawing on her lip nervously.
‘If it makes you feel any better he’s not as big of a prat as he makes out,’ Sabrina quipped.
‘I heard that,’ James said from somewhere close behind them. She didn’t turn but pulled her hand away from Lily to offer him the finger, giggling with Lily before she said, ‘maybe you two should go and talk about it somewhere?’
‘Good idea,’ Lily said, hugging her friend tightly before letting her go and heading up the steps into the castle before they disappeared from view.
Sirius had been watching the whole thing, trying to wrap his head around the entire charade. He barely paid attention to his friends as they left, James offering him an apologetic smile before he disappeared. He was too focused on Sabrina, on the feelings that churned in his stomach at the sight of her. Before this whole thing had started he hadn't been sure he liked her. She was a friend, a good one and considering he and the opposite sex were rarely just friends he wasn’t sure he wanted to meander into that territory and risk mucking things up for something that might be nothing. But seeing her with James had ruined him, sent him almost as mad as it had Lily though he couldn’t quite bring himself to have the same outburst.
If he was a different man, one not raised in expectation and propriety he would’ve rushed to her, told her how relieved he was that she wasn’t dating James and how it was him he wanted her to be with if she would Just let him. If he rid himself of all modesty and decorum he would’ve hit James the moment he saw them together just as he had wanted to. But no, he couldn’t do that.
In fact as she turned round, her face growing surprised as she realised he was there, he couldn’t find anything more to say than, ‘you two aren’t dating.’
‘Nope,’ Sabrina said, coming closer to him.
‘Why lie?’ he asked.
‘It made Lily see sense didn’t it?’ she shrugged. Sirius stood up off the wall he’d been leaning against and advanced towards her until they were feet apart. He wanted to believe that it was just a prank, a joke and nothing more, but he was scared. Scared that in his failure to pursue her properly he'd lost her to someone even if it was supposed to be a sham.
‘Yeah but what if she hadn't got upset. You would've been hurting her and not even know,’ Sirius said, hoping she’d say something that would make him feel better about the hurt in his own chest.
‘I wasn’t going to marry him,’ Sabrina said aggravatedly, ‘we would've fake split up.’
‘And if you fell for each other,’ he challenged, moving closer as if he could spot the lies in her gorgeous blue eyes.
‘Not a chance,’ she said.
‘That kiss looked pretty real to me,’ he challenged.
‘That was only because you were teasing us,’ Sabrina said.
‘Yeah right,’ Sirius scoffed.
‘It’s true,’ she said, earnestly placing her hand on his bicep. Even through his jumper her touch felt like lava, igniting his body on fire in a way that terrified him so he pulled away, trying to push his feelings down or find a way that he wouldn’t have to be honest with her, ‘yeah, I guess. I mean you don’t want to date anyone right? Should've known it was fake.’
 ‘I do want to date. I thought me going out with James would prove that,’ she said, stopping him in his tracks and making him look back at her. His grey gaze was heavy on her face now, making her shift awkwardly as she held her elbow, as if her arm across he could hold her together. That was like music to his ears and yet he was reluctant.
‘Why do you say no to everyone who asks you then?’ he asked puzzled, though her words were music to his ears.
‘Because I don’t want to date them,’ she said, she could feel him being reeled in now, dancing around the topic like James and Lily would. So she needed to be brave. If he couldn’t be honest she’d have to be.
‘But you want to date someone?’ he asked.
‘Yeah,’ she said, moving towards him so that there was barely a foot between them, her big blue eyes staring at him as she said, ‘someone who gets very irritable about me dating his best friend. Someone who was very intent on watching everyone who asks me out. Someone who doesn’t realise the reason I’m oblivious to that is because I’m too busy ogling him.’
‘What if you and this person don’t work out?’ Sirius asked quietly, his heart singing but his head very much worrying, ‘I mean what if he’s never dated a friend before.’
‘Well then if it doesn’t work out we go back to being friends,’ Sabrina said, moving to wrap her arms around his waist. Sirius sighed, ‘you make it sound so easy.’
‘Oh it's not. I'm no fan of the dating game, believe me,’ she said, leaning in, ‘but sometimes it's worth it for the right person.’
‘Yeah?’ he asked, his hand brushing past her cheek as he moved a lock of golden hair over her shoulder.
‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘so c’mon.’
‘What?’ Sirius asked.
‘Are you going to show if you’re a better kisser than Potter or not?’ she smiled.
And with that Sirius black made the final move of the game. 
Sirius Black Tags
@caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Toffee Pt.2: War Time
a/n: this chapter contains smut. Beware. Somehow tho it is important to the story. But if you don’t want to read that part: allow me to paraphrase in a way anyone can understand:
Snape, having to stay with his true love while she is married to James, is about to have a baby and is in the next room over from the other pair of lovers: I am in misery... There ain't nobody who can comfort me...
Remus and You: I save dick by giving it CPR! Let's make porn and watch it on VCR!~
Death Eaters coming to attack after breakfast: REESE'S PUFFS REESE'S PUFFS REESE'S PUFFS EAT 'EM UP EAT 'EM UP EAT 'EM UP
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You were running as fast as you could, pine tree limbs hitting you across the face. You had to stop since it felt like you were bound to collapse, "Asencido!" you said as you were lifted up into the trees. You grabbed onto one of the limbs before steadying yourself.
"Come down, lovely... We just have a few questions." One of the Death Eaters called to you. You tried to steady your breath as you realized you very well could die if this went poorly. You were about to aim down the tree when you heard a booming voice ring out.
Fire blasted out and let a loud hiss out of the wand of whoever cast it. You heard screams and thuds as two black smoky stripes flew up and out to the night sky. You breathed heavily. 
"What does a Christmas tree wear?"
You smiled as you began to climb down, you turned to look at two very familiar faces. You felt as if you were about to cry. It had been a rough year and you didn't know if they were dead or imprisoned. "A skirt." you answered. You ran to Remus and hugged him. He hugged you back as you began to cry. You pulled away from his shoulder to grab his face and you began kissing it.
"Uhh..." the tall man in purplish robes felt like he was intruding. You looked at him, tears drying on your face.
He opened his arms when you came in for a hug. "What on earth were they chasing you for."
You pulled away and grinned, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. You handed it to him. "Some people have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" 
Remus grabbed your hand, "Well, back to the old office?" he asked. Kingsley shook his head. You were confused until you were apparated outside of a weird-looking house. You were so happy though: A hot shower, a warm bed, and a roof that wasn't leaking. You walked with Remus and Kingsley to the door before Remus opened it to let you both in. You almost cried when you saw the sight before you: Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Potter, Severus Snape, and Albus Dumbledore.
You burst into tears when Lily jumped up to hug you. It had been so long. You had missed so much. You looked at the almost twenty-year-old woman and you couldn't help but cry out of envy and guilt. You looked at James, who had now stood up. He smiled at you and hugged you. Sirius Black's eyes were a little wet when he joined the group hug. Peter joined in with a 'Missed you, happy you're back.' The group hug faded and you looked at Snape. 
"You best give me a damn hug even though I smell like a swamp rat." You joked. He reluctantly hugged you. 
You looked at Dumbledore who smiled, "We have much to talk about."
"Damn right we do!" you said, "You said three months. It's been almost two years." 
Remus held your shoulder, "Another time. Something else..." 
You looked at him, confused. 
"Lily," he said, "Has some important news." 
You looked at her and that's when you noticed. She was sitting next to a book that read "What to Expect When You Are Expecting.", cards that said congratulations and she seemed bigger than the last time you'd seen her. You had noticed the last part first when she hugged but you didn't want to be rude. It clicked and you let out a happy squeal. "Lily! Oh my god! Is it a boy or girl?" 
"A boy," she said, lightly laughing. 
You held her hand as you beamed at her, tears coming back to your eyes. It was a wonderful thing for Lily had always wanted to be a mother. 
"There's a problem," James said. You looked at Lily.
"Is he..."
"He is fine but we need a place to hide."
You placed your hand on your heart. That couldn't be good. "Where?" 
"Godric's Hollow, we'll go right after Harry is born. I hate to be... Rude but that's one reason we brought you." 
You felt a sting but it was for the greater good. "Midwife, at your service." you smiled. "When is he due?" 
It was late May. "Alright. I will help you and I will defend you and little Harry to the death."
"That's why you're the godmother." 
You gasped and smiled, "Really?"
"And I'm the godfather," Sirius said. 
"Oh god, you'll kill it," you said, joking. 
"Hey! I can take care of a baby."
"You are a baby." Remus joined in. 
You all had a few laughs. 
"I see this is settled. We will stay for the night and leave during the early morning hours one at a time." Kingsley said. "But I have a few other things to manage. Albus and I will be leaving within the hour. Please get rest and you," he looked at you, "Shower. You reek of dog and mud." 
Laughter erupted as you huffed. You walked up the stairs to the bathroom, bag and wand in tow. You washed your hair with your shampoo and pulled out several sticks, leaves, and one or two bugs. You hated the damn woods. You scrubbed yourself clean of all the mud and dirt til your skin was almost raw. You got out of the shower to see two beautifully plush towels on the sink, Remus's sweater and pair of flowy pants that appeared to be washed and cleaned, and a note. 
"You need a little pampering. The towels are for you, fresh from the dryer and the outfit is clean and I am going to wash all your clothes in the morning -R" 
You smiled as you grabbed the towels, dried yourself off, and put your hair up in one. You placed the other one in the hamper before getting dressed and digging in your bag for a toothbrush and hairbrush. You brushed your teeth and sat the damp brush on the tiny rack you then stepped out and walked to the stairwell to see Sirius sprawled out on the couch and James sitting in his recliner. You were about to say something when you felt an arm snake around your waist and a head placed on your shoulder. 
"Missed you." He whispered. 
You sighed, "Missed you more."
"Let's go to bed." He nuzzled into your neck, while the offer was tempting.
"I need to check on Lily."
"She's a grown woman." 
You tilted your head to look at him, "She and that baby are my responsibility now." 
He sighed as he spun you to face him, "She's on the first floor, with the door wide open and two of the best wizards listening and watching over her." 
"It's a woman thing." 
Remus rolled his eyes as he let you go. You kissed his cheek as you walked down the stairs and looked into the room with the open door. Yeah, those two were totally watching her. She was trying to close the window to no avail. You walked her and gently grabbed her hand, "Lily, I got this. Go lay down."
She huffed, "I am pregnant, not elderly!" 
"I know, I know but you know as well as I do that'd I'd do this regardless."
She rolled her eyes as she walked back to bed, she crawled into it and folded the sheets over her before turning on her side. You shut the window and locked it, "Do you need anything else?"
You smiled and shook your head, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. You got a few ice cubes and filled it up with water, on your way you stopped.
"James, go to bed, it's almost ten. Siri-" A loud snore interrupted you, and you sighed. "Keep up the good work."
James stood up and walked to you, "Be honest."
"Always am."
"Am I ready for this?"
"Oh hell no," you said, placing your hand on your hip. "But then again, no one really is. Every parent and child are different." You handed him the glass. "All that matters is that you are there. Every day, Every moment, every chance. You have to be there." 
He shook his head, "Thanks." he lifted it up.
"That's for her, you idiot."
You walked up the stairs to the second door and opened it. You walked in to see Remus sitting on the side of the bed, facing away from the door. You pulled the towel off your head and hung it on the back of a chair. You grabbed the hair brush from your pocket and began brushing your hair as you walked to the bed. You slid your knees on the bed and sat down the hairbrush as you looped your arms under his and leaned to his shoulder so you could rest your head.
"How is she?"
"Sleepy, happy, and hydrated," you responded. 
He turned to look at you and you stared back into his beautiful honey eyes that glowed in the barely lit room. He placed his hand on the side of your face and leaned in. He gently kissed your lips and you returned the kiss. After a moment, he pulled away, hand still on your face, "You're beautiful." 
You blushed and smiled, "Rem, let's go to bed. You look tired." 
He shook his head as he got up and walked to turn off the light switch, you moved to the right side of the bed and folded back the sheets so you could lay under them. Remus walked back to the bed and crawled in beside you. You were turned facing the window, he was right behind you, head in the crook of your neck.
"I missed you."
"You told me."
"You still love me, right?"
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, "Forever is a very long time." 
"I know. It's a good thing." You said, eyes filling with sleep. He placed a few more kisses, going down your neck to where the sweater was blocking him, He reached up a hand to gently move it down your shoulder. You breathed out lightly.
"No hickies."
"They won't care. They know." 
You laughed lightly, "That's... Not the point."
"Do you want me to stop?" he whispered in your ear.
"I didn't say that either." You flipped over to face him but before you could finish your remark he pulled you into a kiss. It quickly turned heated as he nipped at your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, he slipped his tongue in your mouth as you both slowly started to grind up against each other. You pulled away.
"No, shh. They're asleep, they won't hear us."
You shook your head, "No I- Can we go faster?" 
His eyes glinted, "Oh." he said, more seductively than he should've. He flipped back the sheets and stood on his knees as you slid to be fully on your back. He slowly unbuttoned his pajama shirt and flung it to god knows where in the dark room. The only light was the moonlight, it glowed around him, outlining his features in silver light. You sat up and he took his hands and ran them up your shirt to gently pull it off you. He took a moment to look at you. You also looked stunning in the moonlight. He leaned in to kiss you and you roped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. As always, he left you breathless as you laid back. He kissed your neck, nipping and sucking ever so often. It made your breathing uneven. It had been a long time since you and he had done this last. Since you were both extremely faithful neither of you had pleasured themselves, done this with other people, or even thought about it with anyone else or on your own. Two years of pent of friction were about to let loose. 
He kissed all the way down til he reach your pant line, he looked up at you. You lifted up your hips and he jerked your pants down and off, he continue kissing as he then looped his finger around your panties, he removed those but he wanted to look cool so he swung them around his finger before flinging them away like his shirt. You sighed and rolled your eyes as you sat up on your arms. Remus looked up at you as he continued kissing down your thighs, your hand slipped to his hair, lightly tugging with impatience. He lightly laughed as he finally caved to your silent demands, he slowly licked a stripe up your slit, it made you lightly shiver. 
He licked your folds a few more times before moving to your clit, he also slowly moved a finger up to stretch you. You pulled his hair tighter as he started to speed up. He was having the time of his life as he licked and sucked, making you lightly moan. He had thought about this ever since you got given the assignment to watch a camp of Death Eaters. He missed you and doing this with you. He could barely wait so he decided to stop, which drew a whine from you.
You were about to protest until you saw him pulling at his pants, tugging them off as quickly as he could. You went to help but he grabbed your hand. He looked up at you with lust-blown eyes. "Let me do the work tonight." He let your hands drop as he moved to place a kiss on your lips. He kissed you hard and rough as he finally kicked off his pants. He released the kiss so he could grip your thighs and slowly move you closer to him. You breathed heavily, watching him with expecting eyes, you slid your hands down his back, lightly tickling him. 
He slowly pushed in, eliciting a moan from you, he gave you a minute until he started moving. In fluid motions, he dragged in and out at a pace that was becoming too slow for you, you bucked your hips, a sign for him to speed up. He slowly increased the pace, the headboard was hitting against the wall, denoting any squelched and heavy breathing .
"F-Fuck! Harder!" you called out, louder than you intended. He looked down at you.
"Shh.. They'll hear." 
You wanted to scoff but he sped up and started going deeper. You choked on your moan and he lightly laughed. You were clawing at his back and shoulders, turning to hold yourself together. You reached one hand up into his hair and pulled and he let out a moan louder than yours. You smiled at two things: your retaliation and the fact that Remus was reaching for the headboard. You watched as his hand splayed out to steady himself. But then you remembered who was in the next room over, you were about to object when Remus slammed into you, taking your breath away. He continued fucking you until you started grabbing at his arm, preparing yourself and squeezing him. 
"Re- Please. Please. Please." you let out a chorus, keeping tune this the bed lightly banging on the wall. He continued until you let you one last loud, guttural moan that could have been mistaken for a scream, out. He pulled out just as he came, staining the yellow sheets white. You both breathed heavily, eyes hooded with exhaustion.
"We have to clean this up," Remus said, interrupting the peace while reaching for his wand. You sat up and stumbled to the wash basin, you looked at Remus and motioned for your wand. He tossed it to you. You swished the wand, making water come out to fill the basin, you grabbed one of the washcloths and dipped it in the water. You cleaned yourself first, getting in all the places that would become sweaty or sticky. After you were done, you dumped the water out the window, grabbed a new washcloth for Remus, and refilled the water. You carried it over to the bed and reached your hand to the cloth, wrung it out, and slowly wiped Remus's back, where the marks left by your nails were turning red.
"Sorry about those," you whispered. A gentle, lovey air had fallen over the room. He turned his head to look at you.
"It's alright, I take them as a compliment," he said, reaching to take the cloth from you. You smiled as you looked at his back: your nail marks, the scars he'd collected, and his beauty marks that made his own personal constellation. You slowly connected them by tracing lines with your finger. When he was done with the washcloth, he handed it to you as you stood up and walked to dump this round of water out the window. He watched you walk, admiring you. You turned and saw him staring holes through you. You blushed as you walked back to bed, laying down beside him. You were both too tired to change back into your pajamas so you two gently touched each other's bare skin until you drifted off to sleep. Remus stayed awake for a moment longer, feeling your warmth as sleep invaded his mind.
"I love you," he said, just barely a whisper.
Remus felt a chill go across his shoulders, they woke up and scanned the room to see the window was cracked. He lightly sighed as he looked over to see you still sleeping. He watched your body rise and fall with every breath, stuttering ever so often, you were gently snoring. He brushed a few strands of your hair out of your face as he looked at your peaceful sleeping face, he was thinking about all the things you must've gone through. He wasn't there to protect you but he was now and he swore he was never going to let anything hurt you. He turned his head back to the window, the sun was barely up, he could get some more sleep or he could gently wake you so you two could make breakfast together. He decided to do that. He gently dragged his fingers across your cheek, down your back, and on your shoulder, whispering your name. Your eyes fluttered open, sleep stained and glossed over, you smiled when you saw his face, your own hand came up to graze across it. He grasped your hand as he sat up.
"It's early," he said, voice calm and quiet. "Wanna make breakfast?" 
You sighed, eyes threatening to close, "Yeah yeah... Hand me my pants and your shirt." 
"My shirt?" 
You sat up on your free arm, "Yeah, that's what you get for waking me up." 
He shook his head as he stood up, grabbed his own change of clothes, and tossed you his shirt. You slid it on your arms and began to button it up, it smelled like him. Old books, ink, coffee and chocolate. You looked up at him as he was about to slip on a new shirt, you let out a whistle, making him look at you. He flung a pair of shorts he'd dug out of your bag at you. You slipped them on. You both quietly walked the stairs and to the kitchen, trying not to wake anyone just yet. You walked to the fridge, looking for milk, eggs, cream, and butter while Remus found a pan, opened the bread box, and lit the gas stove. 
"Put on a pot of coffee," you said, quietly. He grabbed the kettle and put it on the eye, he then walked to you and let his hand rest on your hips while the other reached for the oatmeal. You smiled as you cracked the eggs into a bowl.
"Sweetheart, where's the-Oh." he handed you a whisk, "Thank you, could you put on a pan for the eggs? Add some butter to it."
"Sure, I'll cook them, you always burn them." he said, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
You whisked up the eggs and added some milk, salt, and pepper. You handed the bowl to Remus who poured them into a hot pan. You grabbed the kettle when it began to squeal. You poured the scalding water into the french press where Remus had put the coffee grounds and let it steep. You went back to the fridge and dug around til you found some lemons and a melon. 
"Some fresh fruit would be nice." Remus said when he looked at what you had pulled from the fridge. You pulled out your wand and flicked it to cut the melon to save some time, you put the cut cubes into a bowl to which you cut the lemon and squeezed the juice into. You ate a piece, enjoying the taste, you picked up another piece and walked to Remus. You tapped on his shoulder and he looked at you, saw what you had and opened his mouth. You both ate some of it until you heard footsteps to the kitchen, you both looked up to see a chipper Sirius Black. He looked at you both, smiling a mischievous grin. Shit. 
"Enjoyed yourselves?" he asked. You turned bright red and Remus began choking on the melon in his mouth. Sirius looked between the two of you before walking to the bowl and grabbing himself a piece. "Poor Severus. He must've gotten a worse earful." 
Speaking of him, Severus stumbled down the stairs and rounded into the kitchen where he looked at you three before looking at the pot of coffee. He walked to it, grabbed a cup from the mug rack.
"Not a word." 
He took a sip of his coffee, looking at Remus, then to you. 
"So... how'd you sleep?" Remus asked. Sour expression undying on Snape's face. 
"Perfectly. Fine." he bit out. 
You were about to say something when Sirius held up a hand, silencing the group. He looked up to the ceiling. Footsteps. You four slowly drew your wands. You wait a minute before you heard a crash, you grabbed Remus and Sirius grabbed Snape as the roof collapsed. You flicked your wand, creating a smoke screen. You all had prepared for this. You ran to James and Lily's room, fling the door open and slamming it shut behind you. You looked at the Potters, who had woken up from the crash.
"James! Get her out of here!" You shouted as you heard slamming and spells being cast outside the door. "Anywhere but here!" He shook his hand as he grabbed the emergency bag and then his wife. They apparated away as soon as the door blew in, with your wand drawn, you swung it toward the opponent, white sparks flying out. 
You dodged a spell, you yelled "Ventus Duo!" you yelled, a strong wind coming from you wand, you walked forward, repelling them back. "Petrificious Totalus!" your target stiffened up and fell to the ground. You ran back to the kitchen to see Snape and Sirius dealing some serious damage to the Death Eaters. You looked for Remus and saw him on the floor, you ran to him, and you held his head as he blinked rapidly. 
"Where.. am I?" he asked. He'd been knocked silly.
You looked at Sirius, "Sirius! We need to get out of here!" 
He looked at you, deflecting a spell. "Aright alright, lemme think." something clicked behind his eyes as he twirled his wand around in a circle, "Protego Diabolica!" he yelled, making a ring of black fire appear around the group. You grabbed a hold of Severus and Remus as Sirrus grabbed you and you apparated away from the house.
What rude interuptions.
Remus shook from the wind, it was a horrible night. He hurried up the path, following slightly behind you when you lifted a hand to stop him. He looked at you, words about to come out and say how he just wanted to go in already and how it was cold but they were stalled. The gate open, The door open, and the faint cries of a baby. You broke into a sprint, Remus following behind you. Remus got to the door, wand drawn, you followed right behind him and gasped at what you saw. 
The lamp was broken, the furniture was ajar, and James. 
James Potter.
Smile gone.
Deathly Pale.
Glassed over eye staring off, faint with tears.
You covered your mouth but then you heard Harry cry, you ran up the stairs, worried about him, you ran to his nursey, hoping he wasn't hurt. You opened the door, hitting a fallen table. Inside you saw Snape, instantly you drew your wand and pointed at him but you let it fall to your side when you saw what he was doing. He was holding her, rocking as he wept. You began to cry as you walked to Harry and picked him up. You looked him over, only seeing a scar on his forehead. You kissed it and looked at Snape.
"Sev... We need to get Albus." 
He stilled and looked at you, shaking his head. He gently laid Lily back down. Her eyes were closed, her face growing pale. You turned Harry away from her. "Shh... Auntie is here. Shh." you cooed, trying to calm him as you walked down the stairs, Severus following behind you. You Saw Remus just staring down at his friend, a million thoughts going on behind his tear-filled eyes. You brought a hand to his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He just walked away and out the door, you followed, wondering what he was doing. He rose his wand to the sky and slowly, white sparks flew out of the tip, lighting up the sky. The distress signal. 
After a few hours, Kingsley, Arthur and Molly Weasley appeared. Severus calmly told them what had happened. You rocked Harry as you heard what he said. Tears rolled down everyone's faces. You slowly slipped your hand into Remus's, he held it tightly as turned to take Harry from you. You were confused and pulled back.
"Give him to me."
"Why? He's sleeping now. You'll wake him."
Kingsley spoke for Remus, "hagrid is going to take Harry to Albus, he'll give them to Harry's new family." 
You were highly offended at that statement, "What does that old man know about family! Harry is my godson! We can take care of him! Can't we Remus?" you said, looking at him. Remus just looked at you with sad eyes, it clicked instantly. This had been the plan all along, you started to cry harder. Remus pried Harry from you, you would never forgive him for this. Molly walked to you, hugging you as you and she walked to the flying car she and her husband, Arthur had arrived in. 
"We are going to head to the Burrow, dear. It'll be okay." she said as Arthur opened the car door for you. You slid in and curled into yourself, finally letting the loud cries out. Molly sat in the back with you, slowly rubbing your back, comforting you. 
Remus looked as the taillight of the car faded into the night sky. He looked down at Harry, who was now awake, and looking up at him, he saw Lily's eyes looking back. Kingsley walked up to him. Looking at the baby, he spoke.
"He'll be here any minute."
"Is this really for the best?"
"Yes. he needs to be with blood family. I don't doubt her or your parenting abilities, rather, if it were up to me, you would be needing to babyproof your house."
Remus looked at the little boy again, he was just staring up, watching and listening. "We're going to miss so much. 11 years til she'll see him again, do you think he'll recognize her?" that was a silly question.
"I don't know." Kingsley said, reaching his hand to hold Harry's. A loud horn and a single headlight interrupted the moment. They looked up to see a motorbike. Sirius was in the side car while Hagrid was driving. With a slightly bumpy landing, they slid to a stop in front of the three men. Sirius got out of the sidecar and ran to Remus. 
"Is he alright?" he looked around for you, then remembered the plan. 
"He look al'ight, but that'll scar, won't it? " Hargird said, pointing at the cut. 
Sirius brushed the wisps of Harry's hair to see it clearer. "I think so but I hope not. Hagrid."
Hagrid held out his hands for the baby, Remus took one last look at the baby's green eyes before giving him to the half-giant man. Sirius looked at Remus.
"It'll be okay, Moony." 
"No. No, it won't."
You were sitting at the table, drinking a cup of tea, faint sobs radiating off you. You were interrupted by a poke. You looked down at the two-year-old twin, Fred. You smiled the best you could. It was getting light outside and from what Molly said, the twins were up the second they felt the presence of people. You looked at him.
"Where's George?" 
Another poke on your other side answered you, and you smiled, wiping the tears. 
"No cry!" Fred said, grabbing your hand.
"Smiles. Yes?" George said, grabbing your other. 
"Okay, see!" you smiled brightly, showing teeth. They smiled at you too. You laughed lightly as you stood up, "You guys hungry?" that was the right question to ask. A chorus of Hungry and Apple rang through the house. You reached for the apples and a knife, chopped them into thin slices after washing, put them on a plate, and helped Fred and George into chairs. You three ate apples. 
"Don't tell your brother but you two are my favorite." 
The twins grinned with apple in their teeth. You laughed lightly but you jerked your head when you heard the door open. Molly, Arthur and Remus walked in. You looked to the floor.
"Mommy!" the twins yelled as they ran to Molly, She picked up George and Arthur picked up Fred. you looked at them, waiting for news. Arthur satisfied your curiosity but it wasn't what you wanted to hear. 
"Harry is safe but Sirius is being taken to prison." He covered Fred's ears when he said this. You jumped up, knocking over the tea cup. 
"They think he told... You-Know-Who where they were."
"That's insane!" you said, wiping up the spilled tea.
"Well...we also killed... twelve muggles," Molly said. You just couldn't believe it. You walked to the table and propped yourself on your arms. 
"I... I want to go home..." You calmly said. You walked to them, you said goodbye to the Weasleys, and walked out, coat in hand. Remus followed you. 
You were kicking off your boots and propping them back up when Remus finally spoke to you. "Hey. I-"
"Remus! Don't." you snapped. He looked at you.
"Don't yell at me!"
"After what you did, I can do whatever I want to! You-" you stomped your foot in frustration, "Just you!"
"I tried! I tried okay?" he said, voice rising.
"Obviously not very hard! Cause where is Harry? Where is he!? Not here. Where he should be!"
"I know! But I did try! I didn't know they were even thinking of this until a week ago!"
"And you didn't tell me? What the actual fuck Remus!" 
He tried to breathe and not yell but he couldn't hold it, "I didn't want you to worry about something that until tonight, I didn't think would happen! I tried to do what's best for you! But you are too dense and selfish to realize it! I always try to! But do you do the same for me? No! No, you don't."
"You are just bringing this up now?! If you had a problem with how I was treating you, you could've said something dammit! I am not a mind reader!"
He looked at you, anger prevalent on his face, he turned, flung open the door, walked out, and slammed it behind him. You jumped at the noise. "Damn you!" you picked up your shoes and threw them at the door, tears of rage sprinting down your face. You fell to your knees as you pathetically threw the last shoe, barely hitting the door. You sat there and wailed for what felt like hours. Everything had gone wrong. You stood back up and walked to the door, you looked out the peephole to see him standing with his back turned so you couldn't see his face. You were about to open the door but you let your hand drop, you turned and walked to the hallway stairs and sat down. 
You were going to have a busy day tomorrow.
The funeral was announced in two days. You were getting dressed in your black outfit, it was a simple shirt, skirt, heels, and a hat. You watched as a raindrop dripped down the window pane, it was a fitting atmosphere for the day. You breathed in and out shakily, you turned to the mirror, looking at your face that seemed to have aged overnight. You had lost everything. 
Your best friend, Lily.
Your confidant, Sirius.
Your brother from another mother, James.
Your voice of reason, Peter.
Your lover, Remus. 
You felt tears burn when you thought about them all. You all were too damn young for this. You wiped the few tears away as you walked downstairs, grabbed your umbrella, and walked out the door.
It was a cab ride and walk. You and Remus had agreed that it was a beautiful place to live but you had moved back in with your mother. You knew you were getting close when you saw familiar faces and black umbrellas. You saw Severus, he didn’t have an umbrella. You walked up to him and covered his head with yours.
You two didn’t talk much but you enjoyed his calm presence, even though he had every ability to be sarcastic to the point to where he was just rude. 
“How are coping?”
“It’s… a lot harder than I thought it would be.” His voice lightly cracked. You put a hand on his shoulder.
“She was great. No one was prepared to be without her.”
“No, no one is ever really ready to let anyone go.”
“She’ll be in our hearts.”
You and Severus walked closer to the grave, holding the two white roses you were given to place on the two caskets. Your breath was becoming in even as you placed your rose on Lily's casket lid. You turned to James’s and we’re about to place the rose when you saw him. You stood straighter and looked back down the casket.
“Some other time Jamie? You would have been great for Harry.”
You placed your rose and walked away from the casket, Severus stayed with you and Remus stood a few people apart from you. You felt tears streaking down your face, Severus noticed, handed you his handkerchief, and reached for your hand. You wanted to just burst into tears, run to Remus, slap him, hug him and go back home but you would never do that.
Remus noticed you and Severus, jealousy and rage bubbling up, becoming visible on his face.
Everyone had said some nice words when you slowly began to leave. You and Severus walked to the mouth of Godric’s Hollow so you could get a cab and not look suspicious when you returned to your mostly muggle neighborhood.
He opened the door for you, “See you at Hogwarts?”
You had agreed to take the Muggle Studies position after the unfortunate passing of Professor Ordeailic. Forty-nine years of service, one year away from retirement.
“See you then, maybe sooner. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come to visit or write.”
He shook his head and closed the door. He watched the cab drive away in the rain, he turned and saw Remus.
“Why were you no-“
“We called off the engagement.”
He was surprised, you and Remus were so in love. “I am sorry to hear that.”
Remus took a few steps closer, “Are you though? You and her seem rather close.”
Snape sighed, “She was crying and I did a courtesy by offering her something to wipe her tears with, and besides, she isn’t… she’s lovely but it’s a no for two reasons.”
“Which are?”
“She loves you and I don’t love her.”
Remus looked him up and down, he was right about the last part. “I don’t think she loves me anymore.”
“You’re an idiot.”
Remus was taken aback slightly. “What?”
“Now, don’t tell her I told you this but I heard from Albus, that Arthur had come to the Burrow for dinner and after dinner, she talked about you until she fell asleep. She’s too proud to tell you but she misses you.”
Remus just looked down. “I am sor-“
Snape just shook his head, “No need to be sorry. But I would go makeup.” He said, walking away from Remus and disappearing. Remus knew what he had to do.
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agh82701 · 2 years
Harry Potter but everything is happy:
It was an ordinary Wednesday in Godric's Hollow except today was what the muggles called Halloween. Those in the Wizarding world called it All Hollows Evening. It was a night of feasting, parties, and games, yet Lily and James Potter kept to themselves. This year, they were targets. Or rather, their first son, only a year and a few months old, was a target. A prophecy made the year prior declared that the son of people who had defied the Dark Lord three times born at the end of the seventh month was the only one that could bring about his downfall. Now, Lily and James had defied the Dark Lord three times and Harry had been born on July thirty-first, but Neville Longbottom, born on the thirtieth, son to Alice and Frank Longbottom, who had also fought and defied the Dark Lord three times over could have also fulfilled the prophecy. Between the two boys, something had compelled the Dark Lord to pick Harry as the one the prophecy was talking about. This is why the Potters decided to lay low this year for Halloween. They had placed a curse on their house to make themselves unfindable to anyone unless their secret keeper, James' best friend Sirius Black, told them where they were. Sirius, however, had talked with his and James' other friend, Peter Pettigrew, and had ultimately decided that Peter would make a better secret keeper and Sirius would go into hiding with the Potter family. Unfortunately, Peter stabbed his friends in the back and told the Dark Lord where their house in Godric's Hollow was. On that fateful Halloween night, the Dark Lord made his move.
As the Dark Lord crept into the Potter's home, he stepped on an unfortunate floorboard that creaked under his weight, alerting James and Lily to his presence. James whipped out his wand, ran downstairs, and killed the Dark Lord where he stood, frozen in the shame of failing to stay stealthy. Harry remained asleep in his mother's arms the whole time.
10 years later-
"Harry!" Cried Charlotte, climbing on top of Harry. "Uncle Paddy and Uncle Moony are here! They want to go with us to King's Cross to see you off to school!" Harry who had been fast asleep and dreaming of his own face on chocolate frog cards was now wide awake. Not only because his little sister had jumped on top of him but because Paddy and Moony were here. They weren't really his uncles, but they may as well have been, they were his parents' best friends, Sirius and Remus Lupin who still used the nicknames they had made for each other in their days at Hogwarts, Sirius being Padfoot for his animagus as a dog, and Remus being Moony as an allusion to his lycanthropy. Harry leaped out of bed and ran downstairs to his family.
"There's our first year," beamed Sirius as Harry came into view. "Ready for your first year at Hogwarts?"
"Yeah," said Harry who though excited, had a stomach full of Cornish pixies. He sat down at the table next to Remus who was nursing a very pale cup of coffee as Lily set a plate of toast in front of her son and tousled his hair. Harry began to eat his breakfast when his father and sister joined them at the table.
"Now Harry," started Remus. "Your Uncle Paddy and I have something for you, not a going away present, but just to make sure everything is okay at school." He reached under the table and pulled out a birdcage in which perched a beautiful snowy white owl. Harry gasped. He could not believe it, his very own owl.
"Your mother said you could use the school owls but I wouldn't have. My godson has to have his own owl if he's going to keep us updated with all the trouble he gets into," exclaimed Sirius with a smile.
"That's if he's anything like you three while you were in school," Lily said glaring not only at her husband but his best friends as well. "Harry is a perfectly well-behaved boy and he'll get top marks in his classes."
"So was James before he met Sirius," said Remus under his breath so only Harry and Charlotte could hear. The three of them giggled as Lily shot Remus a look that could only say "I'll see to you later about the owl."
"Well, what's her name, Harry?" Asked James clapping his son on the shoulder.
"I don't know," Harry said, still in awe that this owl was his. "I have no idea,"
"Well, you better come up with something. We have to leave for the station in an hour and a half."
Harry wasn't anywhere close to being fully packed for school. His robes were everywhere and his class books were still wrapped up in the thick brown paper from the bookshop. He picked up the stack of books by the string tying the paper up and the paper tore open as the weight of the books tipped to one side. The books came crashing to the floor, half of them landing open. A flash of white flew by Harry's face and landed on one of the open books. His owl must have heard the books fall and come to check out the noise. Picking up his textbooks, the owl sat peacefully on A History of Magic knowing that her owner was safe.
"What are you sitting on?" Asked Harry as he gave the owl a pat on the head. She flew back out the bedroom door and out of sight as Harry read the page that was now a bit crinkled from the large bird that had just used it as a chair. It was about a German witch from the middle ages. Hastily, Harry threw his loose books, wrinkled robes, school supplies, and brand-new wand into his trunk and headed back to the kitchen.
"You all ready?" Asked Lily. "I packed you some lunch for the train, just a sandwich and a few sickles to get some sweets from the trolley," she held out a small paper package to Harry who now couldn't contain his excitement.
"Is it time to go yet?" He asked his parents.
Remus let out a chuckle, "He is definitely your son Lily, I don't think James has ever been that excited to go to school,"
"He was for our seventh year when we had spent all summer making a list of pranks we couldn't wait to pull," Sirius said eyeing James with a smile.
"Slow your roll kid," James said to Harry, "You hardly ate breakfast," Harry took his seat between Remus and Charlotte once again and nibbled at his eggs and toast.
"Thanks for the owl," Harry said between bites. "I picked out a name for her,"
"You named your owl Paddy after me? That's so kind of you," Sirius teased.
"No," protested Harry with a giggle, "Her name is Hedwig,"
The six of them arrived at King's Cross at a quarter to eleven and made their way to the column between platforms nine and ten. They meandered around until the coast was clear of muggles and slipped quietly into the column and onto platform nine and three quarters. Harry had been on the train plenty of times when his parents had taken him to Hogsmead for their annual Christmas shopping trip, but he had never been on the Hogwarts express. The scarlet engine let out a huge puff of steam as Harry loaded his trunk and Hedwig onto the carriage right in the middle.
"Why can't I go with Harry?" Charlotte whined.
"You'll go when you're eleven," explained Lily.
"That's so long away,"
"It's only 2 years Char," Harry said hopping off the train to say his goodbyes to his family. "When I'm a third year, you'll be a first year. Then I can show you all around the castle." This idea pleased Charlotte as she smiled and gave her big brother a hug.
"Now, you be safe," Lily said motherly, "and write to us as much as you can,"
"He'll be fine Lily," James said comforting his wife as she teared up at the idea of sending her first child to school, "He's a Potter. If he doesn't have your brains he has to have my knack for mischief. He can take care of himself." Harry hugged his parents and his uncles one last time as the warning whistle sounded at two minutes to eleven. He climbed onto the train and into a compartment that was empty except for one very red-haired boy who was hanging halfway out the window. Harry made his way to the window as well and the boy made room. As the train started to pull away from the station, they both waved and yelled at their families one final goodbye.
"I'm Ron Weasley," the boy said as they took their seats. "Are you a first year too?"
"Yeah," said Harry, thankful he was with someone his own age. "I'm Harry,"
"You know, you look just like that Potter guy who killed the Dark Lord," Ron said squinting at Harry.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. He's my dad. I'm Harry Potter,"
"No way! That's so cool! What's he like?" Ron's eyes were full of awe and wonder.
"I dunno, he's just my dad," Harry laughed. Who would have known the first person he met would be a fan of his parents'?
The two boys talked about their families, the Weasley family having six sons and one daughter, Harry saw his own family as quite small. When lunch time rolled around, both Harry and Ron pulled out the lunch their mothers packed.
"Ew," exclaimed Ron. "Corned beef. She always forgets how much I hate it."
"I'll trade if you want. I just have ham," Harry offered. The boys swapped sandwiches as they heard a rattling in the corridor.
"Anything from the trolley dears?" A witch pushing a squeaky-wheeled cart full of candy asked.
"No sorry," said Ron looking a bit disappointed.
"I'll get you something," said Harry. "Can I have some chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pastie?" Not five minutes later were all the frogs opened and the boys comparing their trading cards from inside the wrapping.
"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville is looking for his," a young girl with fluffy brown hair appeared in the doorway to the compartment startling both Harry and Ron.
"I haven't," Harry said. "Have you?"
"None that aren't made of peppermint. Those are on the trolley," Ron started laughing at his own joke as the girl glared at him.
"Well, anyways, I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger. You know, we're almost there you should probably put on your robes," she disappeared almost as quickly as she arrived, bouncing off to the next compartment to ask the same question.
"Well," said Ron with a sigh. "She's something. A Ravenclaw I bet."
"Oh yeah, what house are you hoping for?" Harry had completely forgotten about the sorting.
"My whole family has been Gryffindor I think I'd be a disappointment to them if I wasn't."
"Same here. My parents, my uncles Moony and Paddy, I have to be Gryffindor." With the thought of the sorting at the front of his mind, the rest of the train ride flew by and before Harry knew it, the Hogwarts gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid was beckoning all the first years toward him. Harry was thankful to see a friendly face which eased his nerves about starting school.
Hagrid was a friend of his parents and had come around for dinner a few times, even more over this past summer holiday to tell Harry everything about Hogwarts and what to expect. His mother, Lily, was a muggleborn and grew up going to a muggle primary school. She had decided that it was best for Harry to be exposed to the muggle world before going to Hogwarts, therefore Harry attended the same primary school his mother and Aunt Petunia did. Harry could only hope that dinners with Hagrid would help ease Harry into Wizarding school.
Hagrid lead the gaggle of eleven-year-old wizards to the lake that stood between the castle and the train station. They all climbed into small wooden boats and Hagrid guided them towards the school. Harry looked up at the tallest turret. The towers looked taller than they had from the streets of Hogsmead. He felt another surge of anxiety and looked over at Ron and could tell they felt the same.
The massive front doors to the school stood looming in front of them and Harry gulped nervously. He hadn't been nervous until now but the sorting ceremony was about to start. A young witch walked the first years to the front of the Great Hall where a stool sat with a wrinkled pointy leather hat perched on top. A witch with square glasses and emerald green silk robes stood behind the podium at the front of the hall at the professors table.
"Welcome first years," she said smiling at all of them. "I am your headmaster, Professor McGonagall." She went on to explain the sorting ceremony which Harry mostly zoned out for, distracted by the enchanted ceiling above. He only snapped back to reality when he heard a name he knew. Hermione, the girl from the train, got Gryffindor, as well as Neville Longbottom, a boy Harry had met a few times since their parents were friends. He clutched a squirming toad in his lap as he got sorted and Harry realized it was Neville's toad that was lost on the train. Finally it was Harry's turn.
He slowly walked up to the stool and the sorting hat was placed on his head. Harry began to panic. What if he wasn't Gryffindor? What if he was placed in Slytherin?
"Don't worry about the what-ifs," a grumbly voice said in Harry's head. "Whatever house I put you in, you'll fit in,"
"Please, please, please," Harry pleaded.
"You could do well in Slytherin,"
"No!" Harry's mind screamed.
"And Hufflepuff could be a good fit,"
"No no no no no," his panic grew. "Please, Gryffindor," he knew his family would love him regardless of his house, but he had to be Gryffindor, he had to keep the family legacy. "I'm a Gryffindor," he told the hat.
"Well well, bold of you to tell me what I know," the hat whispered to Harry. "Gryffindor!" It cried loud enough for the whole hall to hear. The table at the far right of the hall erupted in cheers. Harry grinned ear to ear and sat next to Hermione and two identical red-haired boys that Harry assumed were Ron's brothers, Fred and George, whom he had heard about on the train. The end of the alphabet approached and Ron was sorted into Gryffindor as well. His brothers whooped and hollered and Harry cheered. It was going to be a good school year.
And it was. Harry and Ron were best friends and their duo turned into a trio turned into a quartet as they grew closer to Hermione and Neville. Fred and George were the pranksters of the Weasley family, but that didn't stop Ron from getting into his own mischief and Harry followed in his footsteps. One night, Harry found an intricately folded square of parchment in the side pocket of his book bag. He unfolded it and another slip of parchment fell out.
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good
Harry read it out loud and the larger bit of parchment blossomed with maroon ink. Harry was face to face with his father and uncle's legacy. The marauders' map. Harry took it upon himself to explore all the secret passageways the map marked out for him. He wasn't taking after his mother or father. He was taking after uncle Moony.
While at Hogwarts, Lily was a star student. Sirius and James got in their fair share of trouble. But Remus kept his name clear. In public, Remus was like Lily. The top of their class, both prefects. But when he was alone with his friends, Remus was the brains of all the pranks. Harry filled this role in his friend group, while Hermione and Neville were the ones that had their noses in books studying to get the best grades, and Ron was always getting caught getting into trouble. Harry was Ron's cover. He got good enough grades for the professors to like him but the marauders' map and the invisibility cloak he had snuck out of the hall wardrobe that belonged to James, made him as sneaky as can be. As Ron got in more trouble, Harry shared his sneaky secrets. They hung out in the shrieking shack and all kinds of other off limits places and even got Hermionie and Neville to join them sometimes. The four of them were made for each other. Harry and Ron made sure Hermionie and Neville loosened up to have some fun, while they made sure Harry and Ron did their homework and kept their grades up, helping them where they struggled.
Ron's younger sister Ginny joined them the next year, and Charlotte the year after that. The following year brought the Triwizard Tournament. A seventh-year Hufflepuff named Cedric got selected to represent Hogwarts and Harry and his friends cheered him on to victory. Ron and Hermionie were made prefects in their fifth year, which everyone laughed at since out of all the Gryffindor fifth years, Ron had gotten in the most trouble the four years previous. McGonagall had her faith in Ron, thinking being made prefect would whip him into shape, however, pranks became more elaborate as Ron got roped into Fred and George's growing joke business. The next two years were uneventful as O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams took up most of their time. They all graduated with honors and went on to careers at the Ministry of Magic. Ron and Harry became Aurors hunting down groups that tried to emulate the Dark Lord. Hermionie, born to muggle parents, went into muggle relations which was her specialty since she didn't even know about the Wizarding world until she turned eleven. Neville was a herbology researcher with a focus on antidotes. Ginny joined Weasleys Wizard Wheezes as the twins' financial advisor and Charlotte had fallen in love with the care of magical creatures while in school so she was on a path to working at a dragon sanctuary with one of Ron's many brothers, Charlie.
Everyone was happy and all was well.
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
James: Well I was a boyscout.Sirius , you were a boyscout, weren't you?
Sirius: No, but I ate a brownie once.
Sirius: Is this Peter’s funeral? Is that the corpse of Peter Pettigrew? James , is that you?
[James waves, embarrassed]
Sirius: Are you with Remus? Where'd you guys park?
James : Sirius !
Dumbledore : I spent the best years of my life sittin' on the porch, playin' the harmonica, waitin' for somethin' better. And the years have been goin' by faster, and faster, and then, all of a sudden, I was an old man.
Sirius: Well I bet you can play the shit outta that harmonica!
Dumbledore: That I can. 'Cept there's no one around to hear me play it. Piece of advice: you can lose your money. You can spend it - all of it. Maybe work hard, get it all back. But if you waste your time, you're never gonna get it back.
Remus: I'm out.
James: What does that mean?
Sirius: I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Remus : This trip is officially over! This is finished! Let's just go home.
Sirius: I agree. That is a great idea. All we've got to do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone... he liked us, I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat. And... hey, there's a beer in the river. Cool.
James: Come back to bed, you guys. I'm freezing.
Sirius: Not until he puts Jabba back in his Hut!
Remus : Hey, that sounds like Creed.
Sirius : I never thought I'd be happy to hear anything that sounds like Creed.
Sirius : I'm not an astronaut, I'm an American.
Sirius : We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
James: Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Remus : Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
Sirius : [as a bear sniffs around Remus ] Stay calm. Get in the fetal position. It won't bother you if you're in the fetal position.
[the bear roars]
Sirius : Abort the fetal position! It's not working!
James: [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Sirius: I about shit.
Remus : I did shit.
James: Oh shit!
Remus: What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Remus: [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Remus: Oh, shit!
James : So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Remus: What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Sirius : No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Sirius : It was like her eyes were trying to escape her head
Remus: I bet you a hundred grand and my left nut that all you catch in that river is a cold.
Sirius: [after catching a fish] You owe me a hundred grand AND the left nut!
Sirius: This never leaves the cave.
Remus : I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
James: You're exaggerating again.
Remus : I'm afraid of the dark, James .
James: So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Remus: I'm afraid of small spaces.
James: Again, not that abnormal.
Remus : Cellophane.
Sirius : Like Saran Wrap?
James : Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Remus: I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Sirius : Very.
Sirius: So you're saying you lost the map? You don't have it?
James : No, I'm saying I forgot to hold on to it while my ass was free-falling over a 100 foot waterfall
Sirius : So you don't have it?
James: Wait a second.Sirius , were you really employee of the month?
Sirius : No! I lied about that too!
Sirius : [urging Remus to climb through a hole] Come on Remus , your the only one small enough to get through.
James: That's what she said.
Kingsley: So... are you a class... 4,5?
Sirius: Yeah? Yeah? Why don't you try to put those numbers together. Yeah. I shot a class 45, and haven't lost a man yet.
Kingsley : Lie to me! I don't care. I'm not the one who's going to drown.
Dumbledore : Come with me, or I'll shoot your testicles off and stuff 'em and mount 'em on my mantlepiece.
Sirius: That's gonna be an ugly mantlepiece.
Sirius : Great mother of ganja!
James: Let's take Peter ‘s trip.
Sirius : I say hell yes!
Sirius : [whilst high on marijuana, in a Pakistani accent] I will give you four cows for Lily’s hand in marriage!
Remus : Are you running immigrants over the boarder again, coyote?
Sirius : Those guys fell asleep in my truck! I thought I'd just gotten shit-faced and bought a bunch of sombreros. I didn't know there were dudes underneath.
James: [canoing through rapids] Sirius , it's getting big!
Sirius : No problem.
James: Like, really big!
Sirius: I'm in over my head!
James: What?
Sirius : I'm in over my head!
James: Don't tell me that!
Tonks : My name is Tonks .
Marlene: You may call me Marlene.
Tonks : And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Sirius : [whispers to James ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
James: [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Tonks , Marlene: [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
James, Sirius, Remus : H-hey! Peace!
Jammes: How do you guys get supplies?
Tonks: [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
James: [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Marlene: Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Tonks?
Tonks: [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[Tonks gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Tonks: [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Sirius: So where is this radio?
Remus : Tree had a orgasm?
[Marlene gets up and excitedly holds Tonks’ s hands]
Tonks : [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Marlene: [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Remus watches totally mesmerised]
Marlene : [she and Tonks look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Remus: What? Makes you wanna what?
[Marlene and Tonks look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
Remus : [after Sirius had offered to distract Dennis and Elwood instead of James ] Give 'em hell, Siriusy
Sirius: [about to rapple down the tree] This Hellmart's open for business, and I'm slashing prices.
James: When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Sirius: Not it.
Remus : Is there beer in heaven?
James: I was thinking more the bar in town.
Sirius: We'll shine them.
James: That would kill the fish.
Sirius: Let's go through there.
Remus: Where? There's no door!
Sirius : His forest name is 'Slug'!
Remus : You guys are spraying me.
Sirius : Give me a break. I'm writing your name.
Remus : Stop it!
Remus: Where are we?
James: Corner of Bumfuck and You Got a Purty Mouth.
Remus: What are you doing?
James: Taking off my shoes
Remus: Why?
James: Because I run faster with no shoes
Remus: You can't out-run that bear!
James: I dont have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!
Remus: I'm out.
James : What does that mean?
Sirius: I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Remus : The only chance we have to survive is to huddle together for warmth...
James: I, for one, choose death.
Remus: This trip is officially over! This is finished! Let's just go home.
Sirius : I agree. That is a great idea. All we've got to do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone... he liked us, I remember. And he'll send out a rescue boat. And... hey, there's a beer in the river. Cool.
[Petters French speaking girlfriend rubs herself on his casket]
Remus : Peter’s dead and he still has a better chance of getting laid than I do.
Remus : Hey, that sounds like Creed.
Sirius: I never thought I'd be happy to hear anything that sounds like Creed.
Sirius: We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
James: Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Remus: Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
Remus: [the three boys are wearing only their boxers at night, after losing their clothes] You know, things are as bad as they could possibly get.
[starts raining hard, James and Remus look up at the rain]
Remus: I stand corrected!
James: Come on, Remus . It's like when we'd jump off the railroad bridge into the river when we were kids. That was... higher than this...
Remus: But I never *did* jump in the river! You guys always pushed me when I wasn't looking!
James: Oh yea...
[James pushes Remus off the Treehouse]
Remus : [doing his best c3p0 voice] We are in serious trouble my friends. All data points to us being... how do you human's say it? Completely screwed.
Remus: yeah. You know, that is... that's a good way to say it. That pretty much sums it up.
Remus : [doing his best c3p0 voice] As expected, Sirius is... drunk.
James : [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Sirius : I about shit.
Remus: I did shit.
James: Oh shit!
Remus: What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Remus : [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Remus: Oh, shit!
James : So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Remus : What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Sirius : No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Remus : I bet you a hundred grand and my left nut that all you catch in that river is a cold.
Sirius: [after catching a fish] You owe me a hundred grand AND the left nut!
Remus: I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
James: You're exaggerating again.
Remus: I'm afraid of the dark, James.
James: So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Remus: I'm afraid of small spaces.
James: Again, not that abnormal.
Remus: Cellophane.
Sirius: Like Saran Wrap?
James: Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Remus : I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Sirius : Very.
Remus: [lying in a bed] So happy right now.
[the camera pans out, revealing Tonks lying next to Remus ]
Tonks : [lovingly] That was really... really beautiful.
[Remus smiles and Tonks moves closer and kisses him]
Tonks: [lovingly holding Remus ] Hmmm will you get the light hon'?
Remus: Oh... yeah.
[Remus turns the light off using his foot]
Tonks : [kindly] You're so good at that now.
[Remus giggles]
Remus : Mmm, bacon.
Dumbledore : Squirrel.
Remus: Mmm... squirrel.
Remus: [as Tonks is lovingly attending to him] I'm very good at giving a back massage... so if you wanna roll down those stockings I could give you one.
Tonks : Stockings?
Remus: Uh, leg warmers?
Tonks : [shows Remus one of her very hairy legs] I'm all natural.
[Tonks giggles]
Remus: Supernatural.
Remus: I have responsibilities and... I am a doctor now! I AM DOCTOR Lupin NOW!
Remus: It crawled straight in my stomach!
James : Come on, let's go
Remus: I think it laid its eggs in my stomach!
James: You're a lot smarter than him. Right Remus ?
Remus: Well, I wouldn't say a lot smarter.
Remus : Are you running immigrants over the boarder again, coyote?
Sirius : Those guys fell asleep in my truck! I thought I'd just gotten shit-faced and bought a bunch of sombreros. I didn't know there were dudes underneath.
Remus: This is exactly what you hear about when people go into the deep woods in the middle of the summertime! Aside from getting all sorts of diseases and things, they just wind up being the victims of some kind of unexpected man-rape!
Tonks : My name is Tonks .
Marlene : You may call me Marlene .
Tonks: And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Sirius: [whispers to James ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
James: [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Tonks , Marlene: [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
James, Sirius , Remus: H-hey! Peace!
James : How do you guys get supplies?
Tonks : [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
James: [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Marlene : Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Tonks ?
Tonks : [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[Tonks gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Tonks: [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Sirius: So where is this radio?
Remus : Tree had a orgasm?
[Marlene gets up and excitedly holds Tonk’s hands]
Tonks: [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Marlene: [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Remus watches totally mesmerised]
Marlene : [she and Tonks look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Remus: What? Makes you wanna what?
[Marlene and Tonks look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
Dumbledore: Remember, carry your friends wherever you go.
Remus: Close to your heart.
Dumbledore: Or on your back. I got G.G.’s bones in my satchel. Thought I'd give 'em a proper burial. I spent 30 years waiting to have a life!
Remus : Whoa... Matrix.
Remus : [after Sirius had offered to distract Dennis and Elwood instead of James ] Give 'em hell, Siriusy
Sirius: [about to rapple down the tree] This Hellmart's open for business, and I'm slashing prices.
Remus : Hey guys look! A wild deer! All out in the open like that!
[Deer growls]
Remus: Stop, drop, and roll!
James: When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Sirius: Not it.
Remus: Is there beer in heaven?
James: I was thinking more the bar in town.
Remus : What does the map say, James ?
James: Oh, you know, it's a map.
Remus : James , didn't you see that the river split on the map?
James: I would have if your friend the big-ass bear hadn't eaten it!
Sirius: Let's go through there.
Remus: Where? There's no door!
Remus: You guys are spraying me.
Sirius: Give me a break. I'm writing your name.
Remus : Stop it!
James: Well I was a boyscout. Sirius , you were a boyscout, weren't you?
Sirius: No, but I ate a brownie once.
James: I christen this, Duke the second!
[smashes beer bottle on canoe]
Kingsley: Thanks for breaking glass where my kids play.
Remus Where are we?
James: Corner of Bumfuck and You Got a Purty Mouth.
Sirius: Is this Peter’s funeral? Is that the corpse of Peter Pettigrew?James , is that you?
[James waves, embarrassed]
Sirius: Are you with Remus ? Where'd you guys park?
James:Sirius !
Remus : What are you doing?
James: Taking off my shoes
Remus : Why?
Jerry Conlaine : Because I run faster with no shoes
Remus : You can't out-run that bear!
James: I dont have to out-run the bear, I just have to out-run you!
Remus: I'm out.
James : What does that mean?
Sirius: I think it means he's out. Like coming out, like he's finally admitting he's gay.
Remus: The only chance we have to survive is to huddle together for warmth...
James: I, for one, choose death.
James: Come back to bed, you guys. I'm freezing.
Sirius: Not until he puts Jabba back in his Hut!
Sirius : We'll shine them. It's an old Cherokee trick.
James: Oh, I forgot. The Cherokee have been using flashlights for thousands of years.
Remus: Didn't they pioneer the D-cell battery?
James: Come on, Remus . It's like when we'd jump off the railroad bridge into the river when we were kids. That was... higher than this...
Remus: But I never *did* jump in the river! You guys always pushed me when I wasn't looking!
James: Oh yea...
[James pushes Remus off the Treehouse]
James: [laying in the boat, after rapid riding] I about shit. Did you about shit?
Sirius: I about shit.
Remus: I did shit.
James: Oh shit!
Remus: What? Oh, shit? Oh, shit! What? Oh, shit?
Remus : [while falling off the waterfall]
[all together shout]
Remus :Oh, shit!
James: So this is Spirit River, we take that to Widowmaker Bend and then we hike to Devil's Staircase and that should lead us right to the top of Hellfire...
Remus : What's with all these satanic names? Isn't there, like, a Fluffy Bunny Way?
Sirius: No... but there's a Shut-Up-You-Big-Baby Ridge.
Remus: I wouldn't be so jealous of me if I were you. Every day I develop some new and exciting phobia.
James: You're exaggerating again.
Remus : I'm afraid of the dark, James .
James: So? There's a lot of people that are afraid of the dark.
Remus: I'm afraid of small spaces.
James: Again, not that abnormal.
Remus: Cellophane.
Sirius : Like Saran Wrap?
James: Yeah, you're alone on that one.
Remus: I won't even keep it in the house anymore, because I'm afraid that somehow it'll get draped over my head and stick to my mouth and nose and I'll suffocate. How pathetic is that?
Sirius: Very.
[Lily carries a cardboard box into her house as the answer machine comes on]
James: [on the answer machine] Hi, this is James , and I can't come to the phone right now because I am busy trying to convince the love of my life to give me another chance. And I will prove to her that I grew up just enough to know that I want the responsibility day in and day out of being there for her in this relationship which I am hoping will someday become marriage, kids and an *unbelievably* happy life together.
[Lily starts to smile as she hears the message]
James: [hangs up] Hi honey.
[James gets down on one knee and proposes to Lily , who accepts his proposal. James stands up and embraces her]
Lily : Can you please be serious for 5 minutes?
James: My record is 4 but I think I can do it.
Sirius: So you're saying you lost the map? You don't have it?
James: No, I'm saying I forgot to hold on to it while my ass was free-falling over a 100 foot waterfall
Sirius: So you don't have it?
James: But you could've left! Why'd you stay up here all these years?
Dumbledore: Seemed like a good idea at the time. Know what I mean, kid?
James: Yeah, I do.
Dumbledore : Have you ever spent 30 years in a cabin?
James: ...No.
Dumbledore: Well, then you don't know what I mean!
James: I mean, metaphorically, I know what you mean.
Dumbledore : Metaphorically, have you ever spent 30 years in a cabin?
James: Uh - no.
Dumbledore: Well then think before you talk!
James: Wait a second.Sirius , were you really employee of the month?
Sirius: No! I lied about that too!
Sirius: [urging dan to climb through a hole] Come on Remus , your the only one small enough to get through.
James: That's what she said.
Remus: It crawled straight in my stomach!
James: Come on, let's go
Remus: I think it laid its eggs in my stomach!
James: You're a lot smarter than him. Right Remus ?
Remus: Well, I wouldn't say a lot smarter.
James: Let's take Peter’s trip.
Sirius: I say hell yes!
James: [canoing through rapids] Sirius , it's getting big!
Sirius: No problem.
James: Like, really big!
Sirius: I'm in over my head!
James: What?
Sirius : I'm in over my head!
James: Don't tell me that!
Tonks : My name is Tonks .
Marlene : You may call me Marlene.
Tonks : And if you're from the logging company you'll have to speak to our lawyers!
Sirius: [whispers to James ] If you look to your left you can totally see their downstairs.
James: [calling] Uh, we're not, we're not from the logging company.
Tonks , Marlene : [smiling and putting two fingers up] Peace!
James , Sirius , Remus: H-hey! Peace!
James : How do you guys get supplies?
Tonks: [happily] When we need supplies, we radio the Earthchild Support Network!
James : [encouraged] Radio? You guys have a *radio*?
Marlene: Yeah we haven't used it since that last big thunderstorm. Remember that Tonks ?
Tonks : [inspired] Oh my god. That thunderstorm was *so* spiritual.
[Tonks gets up and dances as the guys look on, mesmerised]
Tonks : [dreamily] Earthchild's limps were waving and heaving back and forth. It was like she was dancing to the rhythm of the thunder. It was just like... BAM! BAM! BAM! Full on, tantric orgasm.
Sirius : So where is this radio?
Remus: Tree had a orgasm?
[Marlene gets up and excitedly holds Tonks 's hands]
Tonks : [excited] We danced naked in the storm all night!
Marlene: [dreamily] And then held each other soaking wet until the morning!
[Remus watches totally mesmerised]
Marlene: [she and Tonks look towards the guys] The rain is like a drug. It just makes you wanna...
Remus : What? Makes you wanna what?
[Marlene and Tonks look at each other, giggle and run over to the guys and sit by them]
James: I'm what neurologists call slow!
James: When we get out of this someone's buying a round of drinks, not it.
Sirius: Not it.
Remus: Is there beer in heaven?
James: I was thinking more the bar in town.
James : Wow, this song is so uncool.
James: No worries, no responsibilities, just living in the moment.
Sirius: We'll shine them.
James: That would kill the fish.
Remus : What does the map say, James?
James: Oh, you know, it's a map.
Remus:James , didn't you see that the river split on the map?
James: I would have if your friend the big-ass bear hadn't eaten it!
Young Peter: Hey, is it cool to be a grown up?
James: Not really my man
James : That bear loves you Remus -o!
James : You guys, check out this map. It looks like Billy left us a treasure map.
Lily: I won't do it! I won't play the role of nagging girlfriend anymore.
James: Would nagging wife make you happier?
Lily : ...Please tell me that was not you proposing to me.
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bead0o · 3 months
Petter Pettigrew, the sub you are
I’m new to writing on this app so be aware
Peter has been ignoring you, so you ignore his needs
Warnings:Smut, overstimulate, sub!peter, caught, oral sex m receiving breeding kink, p in v
Please tell me if I missed anything and once again I’m new so yeah
It’s been a long day, your tired from homework the night before and the fact that your boyfriend has been ignoring you didn’t ease your mind
Why he was ignoring you, no one knows, you asked all his friends, gosh even the professors
Not a drop of information
You were getting mad, his been ignoring you for almost 2 weeks and the dream you had the night before doesn’t help the want to be with your boyfriend
So here you were, hiding in your boyfriends dorm with the help of Remus though, you had to repay him for it he reminded you at least five times
The door opened and you held your breath
And sure enough it’s Peter whistling, he never knew how to whistle though, how does he know now?
You jumped up and quickly closed the door
“Peter, what the fuck.”you asked
“I can explain”Peter said and by the tone of his voice, he didn’t know why you were so mad
“I had to beg one of your friends to help me up here!”i whispered shouted
No matter how mad you were, you knew Peter doesn’t like loud noises
“Why?”peter asked confused
“You were ignoring me!”
“Oh? You didn’t even bother to realize you were ignoring ME?”
“Uhm, I was too busy, I was trying to learn, I was doing something.”Peter said
“Busy? Learn? Doing something? Peter what the fuck!”
“Look im sorry, it’s just, I can’t say, you’ll find out soon I promise”Peter said
“Oh, okay”you said “but I’m still mad.”
You wouldnt like that excuse if Peter never said promise, he kept them like if he didn’t fulfill it, he’d lose everything
“Oh”Peter sighed
“I missed you”you smiled going closer to Peter
“I missed you too y/n”
And you guys kissed
So gentle with a little push from you
“We have astronomy in a hour y/n”peter caught on
“I can just help your little friend”you winked and Peter physically cringed
“Don’t say that ever again”
“I won’t, but don’t tell mommy what she has to do”you gentle pushed Peter onto the bed, whose? you didn’t know
Peter nodded biting his lips
“Say it out loud baby”
“Yes mommy”
Peter was already hard, you felt it from just a gentle touch and with just a gentle touch Peter whined
“Y/n, please”Peter begged
“Strip Peter”
And he did, he was too quick though
“Yes mommy”
He slowed down his body recoiling with just a piece of fabric touching his penis
He whined once his erect penis was named, the cold finding its way to him
“Lay down”you soothed gently guiding Peter down
Once Peter was laying you spread his legs your body in between his legs
You put your shirt and bra off slowly Peter quickly trying to get a little steam off tried touching his penis
“Nuh uh Peter, bad boy”you smirked smacking his hand away causing him to whine
“Y/n please”you glared at him quickly removing any skin that was once touching him which made him whine for the touch
“I am mommy, you say mommy”you said
“Sorry, sorry mommy, I just your so beautiful I can’t, I forgot”Peter whined his hips moving for any type of touch he can find
You smiled to yourself finally going to touch his penis after spitting on your hand
Just as you were about to put your hand around Peter’s shaft you stopped and looked at him
“Mommy please.”he begged
“What do you want me to do?”you asked
Peter got shy and turned his head his hips not having stopped once
“Please touch me mommy, I want you to touch me”
And you did
You slowly put your hand on the tip of his penis and slowly moved lower to his lap causing him to moan
“Don’t move your hips Peter”you warned and he nodded eagerly his eyes snapped shut
“Open your eyes Peter”
“Sorry”he said opening his eyes
“Good boy”you said now finally moving it at a normal and tight pace making Peter moan and whine
And as it was getting dry you stopped and kissed his tip and spat on it having eye contact with Peter
“Bloody hell”Peter whispered
“No cussing”you ordered and Peter quickly apologized
You started using you spit as lube once more going as a good pace
“Y/n, mommy I’m gonna cum!”peter whined his neck stretched as he looked up unintentionally rocking his hips up and only noticed with you forcefully pushed it down
“Don’t”you ordered
“But mommy please”Peter whined
“No peter”
You continued your pace teasingly tightening going faster as the wet noises grew louder so did Peter’s
“Please, please, please, may I cum, fuck, mommy please may I cum?”peter begged
“Wait”you ordered lowering your mouth to his penis
his now purple overstimulated penis halfway in your mouth when the door opened you ignored them
Peter’s body going frigid as he came into your mouth once the person had full view and only realized what was happening when you slowly started to raise you head from Peter’s penis
You got up and sat on Peter’s lap Peter shaking from his recent orgasm when you moved your oanties aside and slowly sat on Peter twitching penis
“Fuck y/n, I-i can’t handle it, please fuck y/n”peter begged as his legs were shaking
You shook your head to ask for him to wait and he did and once his legs stopped shaking you slowly started to grind on his penis and once you were comfortable you started bouncing on him
Peter was moaning and crying from the overstimulation and the pleasure when the door once again opened you checked not stopping your movements to see James not noticing you as he was dancing so you ignored him too still bouncing on Peter, Peter looking like he too didn’t notice James
“Fuck mommy, I’m gonna come again”Peter whined
“Come inside me Peter”you moaned
“Oh shit-“you heard you checked and saw James scrambling out the room
“He was in here”Peter whined out and you nodded
“2 minutes I think”you said not stopping you movements
“Shit”Peter whispered which earned him a slap on the face
“Bad boy”
Right after you had said it Peter moaned you lowered yourself biting and licking his exposed neck as he opened it from his second orgasm
You continued to bounce Peter not having cum yet
“Fuck mommy”Peter whined which earned him an aggressive bite on the neck
“I’m coming”you moaned onto his neck Peter’s legs shaking from the abuse of his orgasms
You rested on Peters torso as you came vagina clutching around Peters penis which earned another orgasm from him
Peter scratched your back whining as you grinding his orgasm into your uterus
“Breed me”you whined
“Oh gosh y/n your perfect”Peter moaned his legs shaking
“I know”you joked kissing Peter’s cheek
You lifted your self whining from the lost of contact and laid next to Peter
“Can you keep the cum inside me?”you asked
“Of course”Peter smiled his fingers finding their way to your vagina and slowly entered dragging as much cum as he can back inside you
You moaned legs shaking from the use of your vagina
Peter started fingering you slowly using the cum as lube
You moaned and kissed Peter moaning into the kiss
He started curling his fingers making you whine and moan
“I’m coming”you whispered into Peter’s mouth
“Come”Peter’s whispered back playing around his fingers making you cum once more your mouth agape you eyes rolling as you came
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wxrmtxil · 9 months
Pinned Intro Post
I've got a link to Peter's bio HERE for folks to use :D
Tumblr media
Or have a look below the cut for a full intro! :D
Character name: Peter Pettigrew Age & Birthday: Age 21, Birthday August 12th  Gender & Pronouns: CisMale, He/Him Occupation: Clerk, Ministry of Magic, Department of Magical Law Enforcement Blood status: Half-Blood (Raised Muggleborn) Previous house: Gryffindor Previous Affiliation: Order Face claim: Dylan Minnette
Traits:  Positive: Intelligent, Humble, Caring
Intelligent: Despite first appearances, Peter is surprisingly smart though he rarely bothers to put ideas forward, talking himself out of them having any worth. So often when he actually does speak up people are surprised by his ideas.
                  Humble: To the point of it being bad for him. Peter Pettigrew cannot take a compliment and will always find a way to bounce it back or deflect it from himself. However, it makes him likeable since he’ll never take credit for anything and works best in teams.
                  Caring: Peter knew centre stage was never for him, so instead he made a skill out of lifting others up, always being a shoulder to lean on or just someone to talk to when it feels like the walls are closing in and, again, people like talking to him. 
Negative: Cowardly, Withdrawn, Dependant
Cowardly: Peter jumps at his own shadow and while it was funny to his friends and others age eleven, now his fear has him all but trembling near-constantly; when you’re paralysed by fear the battles already lost.
Withdrawn: Peter’s always seen himself as a burden to everyone who bothers with him and out of desperation to be a little better has started keeping a great deal to himself, if he doesn’t speak the problem aloud maybe people won’t see it.
Dependant: Working well in teams is fine but take them away and Peter crumbles. He can’t be left alone to do anything important since his greatest enemy is his own lack of belief in himself.
TW: Death, TW: Injury, TW: Blood
Peter was born to a woefully unprepared teenaged couple in a small mining village in Wales. His father worked every day and his mother too as soon as she was able. They explained to Peter that they couldn’t be with him if they wanted food or even to live so Peter got very good at keeping quiet and keeping to himself. He also got very good at being scared; monsters under the bed, boogie-men in the wardrobe, demons in the woods… Every sound was something to be scared of. As worried as he was of all the creatures in his mind his blood ran cold and remained that way when his mother collapsed at work and was never the same again. A heart attack at twenty-four… apparently weak-hearts ran in the family.
His mother’s ill-health rendered her unable to work and his father was devastated, unable to cope with the change in his wife. Peter, aged six, became a caretaker of sorts. While his father, who grew less happy in himself, shuffled to work and back, Peter cooked simple food, cleaned the house, left his mother with all she needed and walked to school and back, always running past the scary parts. He and his father… They were never close to begin with but by this point? They just didn’t talk to one another; they didn’t know how to. So, Peter went into himself more and more and the world grew more frightening. His mother tried to bring him out of his shell but… She rarely had the strength to put in much effort.
At age eleven a woman in strange clothes came to the door with a letter in hand… Magic? Peter’s mother spoke in slow sentences, saying she’d confided to his father about herself, that she’d never had any talent for magic and had been left behind by her family for it, guessing Peter wouldn’t have the gift either and yet… there it was. His father scraped together what money he could and Peter ambled onto the Hogwarts Express in a uniform two sizes too big (he’d grow into it and it would last longer) expecting to have a heart attack himself before he even reached the school.
Then came the sorting. He stalled the process, cheeks bright red as the hat hmm’d and harr’d into his ear suggesting how he was a fit for all the houses and none at the same time. In the end the hat had simply asked him what he wanted and Peter had whispered, ‘I want to be brave.’ The hat yelled Gryffindor and he was pretty sure everyone in the Great Hall did a double take, himself included. But he trembled off to his table and off to his dorm soon after, not muttering a word to anyone.
He had a nightmare and woke up in cold sweat in his dorm. Some of the other boys were still awake and talking; they’d stared at him, he at them and somehow, they’d all ended up talking. From there he ended up finding three of the most talented people he’d ever met; ones he could never live up too yet they seemed to want him around anyway. So, he clung to their coat-tails and prayed to whoever would listen not to be left behind.
Slowly, he came out of himself and was able to joke and smile with them, he didn’t gain confidence in himself, not really, but with their relentless encouragement he surprised himself, and others, time and time again, even mastering a spell he’d nearly fainted at when James first suggested it. Being a rat had only made him feel awful at first, but once again his friends made it seem to have worth.
Then it was over, they left Hogwarts and Peter felt like any stability he had vanished from under him. With good grades he got a clerical position at the ministry, a job he hoped would leave him overlooked, and joined the Order mainly because he couldn’t bear to be without his friends. Missions were undertaken and again he clung to the backs of his friends and prayed. Eventually, his prayers failed him.
He didn’t know how the Death Eaters discovered his alliance; it didn’t matter. He came face to face with the Dark Lord himself and it barely took a few rounds of the cruciatus curse before he was ready to tell the man whatever he needed to know but- Dumbledore appears, Horcruxes destroyed, and the war came to an end. The Dark Lord ws dead, but he left Peter a parting gift, a vicious slash to his back from left shoulder to right hip. He’d been dumped, bleeding out with the bodies of a few other ministry workers; their dead faces the last thing he remembered…
Peter awoke in St. Mungos, lying on his front, his torso wrapped in bandages and was hailed the miraculous survivor of a vicious attack. From there, it was as though he was trying to rebuild his life anew, the trauma of the encounter a hunting spectre enough to have him regressing to the stuttering, semi-mute boy he’d been in Hogwarts. The war was over, but for Peter, the journey to rebuild himself was still ongoing. 
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leuchtstabrebell · 1 year
Whumptober Day 13 / Prompt: Infection
This year, November arrived wet and grey and suddenly, and it brought harsh winds and rain with it. Peter spends his time rushing from his flat to work and back to his flat. He still hasn’t mastered that rain-shield spell, and he won’t ask Sirius to explain it to him again. Rather, he has followed Maud’s example and bought himself a raincoat and a new umbrella, like a normal person.
He spends a lot of time digging graves. The war does not care about the weather.
There are more and more deaths each week, growing mountains of corpses. Every day he wakes up afraid that someone he knows has been added to their number. The only positive he can think of is the fact that more bodies to bury means more funeral rites which means more money for him. He has finally been able to afford a new fridge, one that’s actually reliable.
The ground is still soft enough to dig without too much exhaustion, though muddy and slippery. These days, there is a lot of dirt under fingernails and bruises on his sickly-pale skin from falling.
He has felt a cold coming for days. At his muggle job, half of his co-workers have the flue. Maud couldn’t come to work for over two weeks due to a particularly nasty case of it, and he spent half of the time missing her and the other half denying that fact. It’s boring without her. It’s darker without her.
Peter wakes up one morning with a sore throat and his whole body weak. He just about manages to call in sick and make himself a cuppa before he stumbles back into bed and pulls the covers over his head.
It’s never been this bad, he thinks to himself. Everything hurts.
He has this exact same reaction every year. Rationally, he knows that it’s not any worse than the other times he has been sick, and that a common cold is nothing to whine about. Irrationally, poor Peter Pettigrew might have the hardest fate in all of Great Britain. Or at least in all of Tower Hamlets.
Sirius arrives late that evening and finds Peter pathetically sniffling on the sofa, where he has heaved his body a few hours ago and has not moved since. He has wrapped a blanket around himself and there are pain meds scattered on the table.
“Are you sick?” he asks.
Peter glares at him. “Yes,” he croaks. “Obviously.”
“Ugh.” Sirius kicks off his boots, as usual, flinging mud all over the hallway and vanishes into the bathroom without another word.
The next days are even worse. His aching throat is joined by a rattling cough and a fever that won’t go down no matter what he tries.
Peter has dozed off in the living room to the sound of the rain outside and is woken up by Sirius rummaging through the kitchen. Pots clanging against something, the thud of a glass put down too hard on a surface. Every little sound makes Peter want to jump out of his skin. He sighs and calls out to Sirius: “Hey! Can you stop destroying the kitchen equipment? I’m trying to sleep here.” The strain on his voice makes him wince and his lungs protest. There is a short pause, then more pots clanging. Sirius marches into the living room.
“You certainly seem to have enough air in your lungs to nag,” he says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Peter wheezes out before his body is shaken by another coughing fit.
“Oh, nothing,” Sirius says, staring at Peter.
“No, no, tell me,” Peter says, pissed. He feels his heartbeat speeding up.
“It’s just – for the past days, all you’ve been doing is complaining about how hard everything is, and how sad you are, and what a poor lad you are,” Sirius responds and crosses his arms.
“Yeah, well, maybe it would be nice if my friends cared enough to at least check in with me once in a while. You haven’t even offered to make me a tea or anything.”
“You already drink like ten cups a day,” Sirius says and pouts. Man-child.
“It’s not about the tea!”
Sirius tenses his jaw. “Oh, I know. You want me to pity you, poor sick Peter. You know there’s a war going on, right?”
“No, Sirius, enlighten me,” Peter drawls, suppressing another coughing fit.
“While you’re here, complaining about a common cold, people are out there risking their lives. The friends who ‘don’t care about you’ are out there, fighting, dying, while your biggest problem is me cleaning the kitchen.”
“Fuck you,” Peter says, no longer shaking from the fever but from anger. “Why can’t you be a good friend for once? It’s great that you’re willing to throw your life away but don’t except the same insanity from me. And for once, just do the hard work and actually be there for your friends.”
You know that is why Remus left you, lies on his tongue. He swallows it down.
Sirius just stares at Peter, face unreadable. “You don’t get it. You think if you just close your eyes and pretend, everything will turn out fine. But it won’t.”
Peter open his mouth to respond but is stopped by another coughing fit so bad that his eyes start watering.
Something in Sirius’ gaze softens.
“I’ll get you another blanket,” he says.
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contrarywiseizybel · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
Day 9: Ginny Weasley + Peter Pettigrew (voyeurism)
Author Notes: This takes place in a universe where Sirius never got the newspaper in Azkaban and Peter's still hiding out years later. How many years later? Reader's choice.
He tried to convince himself he was a good person, but sometimes it was difficult.
Like when he let Severus take the abuse of the Marauders, all so they’d think he was one of them.
Like when he tattled to Dumbledore about Remus being a werewolf, not wanting to get in trouble for Sirius and James’ harebrained scheme of becoming animagus.
Like when he had crawled to Voldemort, desperate for his protection regardless of the cost.
But deep down, in his heart of hearts, he liked to think he was still a good person. Just one who had been put in very unfortunate situations. It wasn’t his fault Voldemort chose to attack James and Lily. It wasn’t his fault Sirius had cornered him near all those muggles. It wasn’t his fault a young wizard had mistaken him for a familiar and taken him in.
Although as moans sounded in the dark room he wondered if maybe he was only an alright person.
It wasn’t like he could really see Ginny Weasley as she squirmed around on her thin bed. Rat eyes weren’t much better than human eyes, and he couldn’t see more than the full moon offered, streaming in from the uncovered window and casting the teen in a silver white glow.
It wasn’t like he could really hear Ginny Weasley, as her fingers trailed along pale skin. Maybe his rat ears were better than humans, but that didn’t mean he could hear the drag of fingers as they pulled up a too small night shirt, or hear gentle moans escaping her rosy red lips.
It wasn’t like he could really smell Ginny Weasley, as she pumped her fingers in and out of her cunt. Yes his rat nose could pick up smells that a human never could, but that didn’t mean he was gasping hungrily at the air, pheromones so cloying and thick he could almost taste them.
“Merlin dammit!” Ginny screamed, but not out of pleasure. Instead she was glaring furiously at Peter’s tiny furry frame where he was unsuccessfully hiding on her bookshelf. She jumped up, grabbing him around the middle with less care than she normally afforded her brother’s familiar. “No sneaking into my room, Scabbers!”
She had been at least nice enough to leave him near Ron’s open door, the rumble of snores informing him that the boy was deep in sleep and unlike to wake up to his sister’s yelling. Peter watched her retreating form, momentarily lamenting having been caught.
‘Oh well,’ he thought as he waddled down the dark hallway, ‘maybe the twins are doing something worth watching.’
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