#no offense to ppl who like him i understand but. me and bones are NOT friends
samaspic31 · 2 years
god i love tos. what’s better than kirk and spock flirting, gender essentialism that’s so absurd it’s almost funny, and terribly endearing vfx
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coffincoitus · 2 years
the funny thing to me is how most daemyra shippers are also into reylo, darklina and other ships that are darker than daemyra (i've even seen hannigram shippers), but somehow the fandom decided to draw the line at choking and daemon being envious of rhaenyra
first of all, no offense to ppl who have been led by the pussy to mediocre media (we've all been there)! but star wars and shadow and bone strike me as the kinda media that's not suuuper complex. I don't think ppl who watch that are rly engaging with the Darker Corners of the Human Psyche. I think they just find "bad boys" hot and have deep rooted fantasies of being The One Girl special enough to catch the bad boy's heart and heal his broken soul (bc deep down he's just a hurt little boy needing the love of a mother, oops, I mean.. loving girlfriend). and they manifest that into such ships. note that in these fantasies, the bad boy is violent, but mostly in a way that means he'll never let anyone mess with his princess (and if he's violent to women, it's only to the women who don't Understand him like his princess does). for these women, when daemon breaks out of the "bad boy who changes after meeting the Right girl" script and actually shows what a violent temper rly means for that man's intimate partners, he's ruining their fantasies. which, in the minds of spoiled immature adults who only engage with media to feel positive emotions, is bad writing.
imo ppl who ship hannigram, but balk at other situations of fictional intimate partner violence have a similar problem. hannigram was a very popular "slash" ship on tumblr. probably comparable to destiel. and as with destiel, I think a lot of ppl watched the show after they were already into the ship from seeing it thru the shipper goggles on tumblr. they were more agreeable to the violence bc they already knew it'd be violent and already thought the ship was hot anyway before even watching the show. it's different when they go in expecting a fairy tale.
it all comes down to ppl projecting their desires in annoying ways lol. tbh I think projection to a certain degree is an unavoidable and actually enjoyable part of engaging with media, but when your own fantasies prevent you from seeing the actual text and when you start feeling entitled to where the story should go based on that projection then it becomes silly lol
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avenger-hawk · 2 years
(submission by some idiot who had nothing better to do I guess)
Gotta put my reply first because your submission is too long. Also because I don’t like you.
First of all did you think I’d read this long ass shit and reply to all of it for real?
Cause I read the beginning and the end and it’s enough to see you’re an idiot, and your little brain wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t come to shit in my blog.
You see, I write in my blog and I don’t come into yours to tell you you’re a delusional dumbass with little understanding…I do it in mine. I discussed N*ruto stuff when I started this blog. Then I got tired because it’s useless, no one’s gonna change their mind and the majority of ppl are too stupid to even think properly.
In my blog my word is the law. Not to mention I always say it’s my opinion, anyway.
My opinion is based on canon though. Ofc I like to stretch canon and write extreme headcanons…but certain things are canon.
Like yin and yang. Yin, Sasuke, passive/receptive element. Yang, N*ruto, assertive/dominant element. This is what kishi wrote.
N*ruto always chased after Sasuke, Sasuke either escaped or let N*ruto do whatever with him. N*ruto acted possessive and dominant with Sasuke, to an extreme point. He always imposed his will on Sasuke.
But you know what, I wrote about all this many times and you read my posts anyway since, I guess, all this submission is a confutation of my opinion.
Dude you sound like an idiot N*ruto stan who should use their brain before engaging in a discussion with someone else. Try to do this next time. But not with me cause I’m gonna block you.
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You don’t seem like the type to engage in discussions that oppose your opinions but I’m gonna send this anyway, I was going through your sns tag and some of your points are confusing to me. How is naruto losing his shit over orochimaru talking about Sasuke like he’s an object proof that’s he’s like, super possessive of Sasuke? I do agree that naruto is assertive but how is Sasuke passive? They both have dominant personalities, if they didn’t they wouldn’t have fought as much as they did. If sasuke was as passive as you like to say shippuden wouldn’t exist. Both sn and ns are written ooc in that regard as well. I agree that genin Sasuke was selfless but shippuden Sasuke who didn’t care who he hurt in order to achieve his goals? Where’s the selflessness..? Naruto can also be selfish but saying he’s not selfless at all is the actual ooc take there. Not only is being selfless your average mc trait but the naruto who let himself get beat up rather than rat out his international criminal friend and constantly puts himself in danger so his loved ones dont get hurt, isnt selfless at all? Also the whole naruto chasing and Sasuke escaping therefore Sasuke is the bottom..?? And that one point about the war arc, I’m pretty sure they were both leading and following the other, not too much offense but you kinda sound like an articulate version of “Sasuke is the bottom because his name is sasUke" 
Yes naruto told Sasuke he’d break every bone in his body but like..Sasuke was willingly walking into the lair of some creepy guy who everyone knew wanted to possess his body?And Sasuke was willing to risk it purely for the power to kill itachi. This was also after Sasuke was putting serious effort into killing naruto so the kid gloves were def off 💀 naruto was also running on demon fox chakra which we know makes him more violent? And naruto saying that they’d both die if they fought all out was just facts they literally blew eachother’s arms off,Idk you don’t have to like naruto which I think you don’t but a lot of your points seem to ignore context and take it simply as this or that which is weird with how many deep analysis posts you have. 
Sns is also already toxic without your added layer of naruto dominant controlling possessive imposing ultra alpha toxic male and Sasuke the poor passive submissive docile victim who does whatever naruto says. Naruto was weirdly obsessed with Sasuke and Sasuke tried to kill naruto several times for the sake of solitude and power. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone portray their bond as the healthiest thing ever then again I kinda just watched naruto so I haven’t been exposed to the fandom for long. 
Idek if im remembering these correctly but sns first meeting after the timeskip naruto was just saying what about our bond, orochimaru wants your body etc etc and the only time they met up after that was at the bridge where naruto was like i get it now and not to attack the village but fight him instead cause he’s the only one who can handle all that hate, and finally after the war where it was just “let me cut you down” “no” and sasuke seeing into naruto’s memories and something else about what it means to be hokage. which sasuke was very obviously wrong about so the whole imposing beliefs is just..?
The Sasuke that wanted justice and revolution didn’t need to be saved but the Sasuke who was willing to and did hurt anyone and anything to achieve his goals and thought being hokage meant being hated for the sake of peace, absolutely did. The problem with the story was that they put those two together cause I find it hard to believe all the Sasuke was right crowd genuinely believe he was making God honest sense there at the end. Whatever “imposing of beliefs” done by naruto was most def to the sasuke who wanted to run into the arms of a dangerous enemy wanting to use his body, trying to kill his best friend for trying to stop him and get the ms, trying to kill his team again for idk, shits and giggles after their first encounter post time skip, running to attack a bunch of kages, joining but not really joining the akatsuki and trying to take out killer bee, an innocent jinchuriki, trying to destroy a whole village, nearly sacrificing a teammate he recruited himself to kill danzo by shooting a lightning blade through her, trying to kill kakashi? for some reason.. then trying to kill naruto( again) and the tailed beasts because he thought that was the path of #power and #peace 
You trying to pass Sasuke off as this super selfless submissive victim who can’t think or stand up for himself and gets pushed around easily by everyone and never did anything wrong in his life he was just desperate or whatever else is in your bio is probably the most confusing part of the posts I’ve seen and I’m a naruto stan who really only cares about him, as it relates to naruto you sound just like every other Sasuke stan who cries about his mischaracterization then turns around and mischaraterizes naruto, like you can pull for canon material all you want but still misinterpret it or just…choose to see it in your own negative way and run with it, saying this because you always emphasize canon in your posts as if what you say is the real and only truth and everyone else is delusional 
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goodieghosty · 3 years
Godsides au shenanigans cuz I said so
The two who adjust most quickly to having to wear modern clothing are Virgil and Patton. Roman, though excited about the idea, was distraught to learn that it wasn't exactly common for regular ppl to walk down the street in something you'd see during fashion week. Broke his lil heart.
Meanwhile Virgil will never be going back to armor or his robes ever again, which Logan absolutely loathes "Virgil this is a very important event, put on your ceremonial robes." Virgil, in his new Jack Skellington onsie that Thomas got him "No."
Remus tried to forgo clothes altogether because "well we used to do it a l l the time-" he does not understand.
Roman, crying when he sees a plushie of a unicorn "Is this where they all went?!" Remus, who had forced many of them into the sea to make Narwhals after one of their many spats "oh nooooooo, how tragic."
Logan going into incredible detail whenever someone asks him about a historical event. And then immediately being told that's not what happened. "Oh? My apologies, were you there as well-" and Thomas having to drag him away like "Hahahah he's uh-just really getting into character! He's in a play!"
Janus starting Twitter wars and living for it
Janus bringing in every single snake he finds and Thomas having a heart attack whenever he finds one. "Thomas these are my messengers, don't frighten them."
Virgil's human disguise having only one actually physical arm and the other just phases through anything or anyone that isn't another god. Someone threw something his way and he goes to catch it with that hand and to avoid an awkward situation Roman took it upon himself and got nailed in the face. "... You literally could have just caught that." "I saved you and this is the thanks I get." "It was a foam ball."
To avoid Virgil having to touch anything with that hand, one of the other gods hold it. And for soooome reason it always falls to Roman. It's totally not because everyone but Roman knows he has a major crush on him
Patton spots one(1) person littering and takes personal offense to it-Thomas has to convince him not to ruin their day for a candy wrapper. Definitely has to teach Patton not everything is black and white. That being said if they see anyone kick a puppy then that person is absolutely getting major karma.
Remus would have a blast trying to create things with his own hands. He makes, the oddest friendship bracelets. "Remus are these real teeth?" "Wouldn't you like to know."
Logan and Remus really like brainstorming together to make new species, especially in the deep sea. Roman has long since relinquished creative rights over the ocean to his brother a long time ago
Virgil-as gods do-getting jealous of a mortal that Roman has taken a fancy to and getting super pouty which just, makes his powers go whack for a bit and it won't stop storming for however long he's sulking "I'm fine! Leave me alone!" Poor Thomas, with his umbrella "Virgil it was bone dry a second ago-you are Not fine!"
Janus straight up just eating a bird that Patton and Thomas had j u s t nursed back to health "... did... you you two want that?" Patton would make him hack it up so he could bring the poor traumatized thing back to life
Thomas just keeps coming up with new excuses every time someone asks about one of the "strange men"
Thomas needs a vacation in this au
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backwardabyss · 8 years
i’ve been free of the sh*rlock fandom for many blissful years now and i try not to like, write things on this useless blog of mine but i’ve seen more reactionary anger to the season four finale than i was expecting so i feel compelled to Share My Thoughts regardless of whether or not anyone wants to hear them. full disclosure: i am not a fan of j*hnlock or the conspiracy movement it has inspired so you may not want to read this if you are. 
i guess the major thing for me is.........confusion. shipping holmes/watson i wholeheartedly understand, of course, there’s a long and beautiful history of doing it and i’ve always adored the ambiguous queerness of the Canon’s holmes and how that’s been adapted or not adapted in the thousands of films/tv shows/pastiches/etc that have followed it. what i dont?? fucking understand??? is the people who genuinely thought it would become canon, on bbc sh*rlock (2010) OF ALL FUCKING THINGS????
i’m pretty damn far from being a “casual” viewer of the show, it was my primary fandom for several years and i was once-upon-a-midnight-fuckin-dreary completely consumed by my love for it. so as someone for whom that is true but who, unlike most fandom people for whom it is true, has not been sucked into the J*hnlock Meta Echo Chamber, i feel pretty confident in my assertion that there has been really very little in the series itself to suggest a romantic john/sh*rlock endgame. sure, their relationship is at the center of the show and they ofc have been shown to care for each other deeply and enduringly, as holmeses and watsons always do....and, sure, there are without question lines and moments that could be read as revealing a romantic undercurrent to their devotion to each other (particularly on sh*rlock’s end, i think). but that there was a legitimate conspiracy movement convinced beyond all shadow of a doubt that they were going to explicitly get bbc’s sh*rlock and john making out onscreen...i just do not get it, and do not see it, and yes i’ve read the metas, and no they did not convince me and i’m not entirely sure how they convinced anyone but whatever, it’s fine, that’s not the point.
like, for example, i keep seeing people shocked that after the ~EXPLICIT TEXTUAL GAYNESS~ of the lying detective they couldn’t believe the final problem would follow. and i’m just like??? huh? you mean, the hug? the one that happened in the context of a) john mourning his dead wife who he clearly loved very genuinely and b) john hearing sh*rlock receive a text from irene adler and urging him, quite explicitly, to go fuck her and telling him he’d be an idiot not to?? that explicit textual gayness?? WHAT? (i know the Conspiracy People have composed all these half-assed metas about how irene isn’t Really A Character and is just a mirror for sh*rlock or a symbol of his desire to bone john or something, but, lol no offense but fuck that misogynistic bullshit that treats every woman on the show as a literal empty signifier only sitting there to reflect something about sh*rlock and/or john. it’s just not a good reading or a valid interpretation and it’s so sexist i don’t even know where to start lmao. john genuinely wants sh*rlock to find the love of A Good Woman bc he is a hetero and well, the worst, and there was nothing about that scene that felt like a lead-up to the two men in it falling in love like ohhh my god. oh my god.)
and like ok, i got off course there, but how did ANYONE expect a different outcome after this interview, in which gatiss and moffat both told you all in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that they had no romance planned and in fact seemed incredibly miffed by the refusal to be believed when they said that?? gatiss literally says that there is no conspiracy and that even tho they lie about some things in interviews they are not lying about this. and look, i don’t want to defend them, i think the writers of this show are assholes and bigoted in ways they can’t see, but how anyone could accuse them of “baiting them into thinking j*hnlock would be endgame” when they’ve been saying it won’t be the case (often in unnecessarily rude and offensive terms) for literal YEARS??? i don’t get it. I REALLY DON’T. and no, gatiss doesn’t Owe you a holmes/watson relationship just because he’s a gay man himself lmao and when he’s expressed his feelings on the matter countless, countless times. you all chose not to believe him, for whatever reason, so i mean i’m sorry if some of you are hurting but i’m also feeling very congratulationsyouplayedyourself.jpeg about the whole thing.
which brings me to my last major point really, which is: WHY WOULD YOU WANT THESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE TO BE THE ONES TO DELIVER YOU YOUR QUEER REPRESENTATION?? moffat in particular is just, UGH, i mean, for fuck’s sake, the man wrote an adaptation of a scandal in bohemia where irene identified herself as a lesbian and yet, in the very same episode, fell in love with sh*rlock to such an all-consuming degree that she Lost Her Head and made a silly mistake in their game and got humiliated in defeat. like, what kind of lesbophobic, misogynistic fucking NONSENSE that btw completely deviates from the plot of the actual story in which she beats holmes’ ass and flees away into the night, victorious and safe. that’s the writer you thought was orchestrating a queer endgame for his beloved sh*rlock holmes???? that’s the writer you wanted orchestrating a queer endgame for his beloved sh*rlock holmes?? l o l....ok. that’s not even taking into account all the nasty things he’s said in interviews, like how sh*rlock is ofc not interested in men and ofc he’s not asexual bc asexual people are BORING, sh*rlock is just a latent straight man repressing his urge to bone women!! maybe he’ll marry mrs. hudson in the end tho!! lmao. i....cannot.
and i guess i’m also irritated by this guilting wave on my dash, like i’m obligated to feel sympathy for all these shippers who get duped, or whatever. like, look, even putting my personal feelings about the j*hnlock fandom aside (YOUR SMUG ASSES MADE THE FANDOM LIVES OF ALL RAREPAIR SHIPPERS HELL FOR YEARS, YOU ASSHOLES), after going through what, say, the 100 did to lexa, i’m just.....having a hard time feeling sympathy, i am sorry. oh, your two favorite characters get to live happily together raising a baby in 221b in a scenario that leaves them ripe and open for no end of headcanon and fic that can be totally canon-compliant? boooooo frickin hoooo. HEARTBREAKING. 
i realize this probably is like, rude and condescending and invalidating or whatever and well what can i tell u, i’m a rude bitch, but i am tiiiired of reading all these posts like this is the biggest slight against the lgbtqa+ community in media history. it’s not. yeah, you should all be expecting better from your media, for sure. but you should not have been expecting better from this shitpile of a show, which has proven its disregard for women, racial/ethnic minorities, and queer ppl for seasons upon seasons now. it’s 2017, and the tv landscape still isn’t great but there are so many shows out there with actual canonical lgbtqa+ characters that you can be looking to for the representation you want, deserve, etc. 
sh*rlock isn’t the queer love story you all wanted it to be, and if i’m not empathetic abt that it’s bc i’m SO DAMN RELIEVED that’s the case, bc it and most of the people involved in its production are hmm, what’s the word.....THE. DAMN. WORST. 
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livlepretre · 3 years
OH and one more thing, i went to a bookstore with a couple friends the other day and i asked the one i'm not as good friends with if she'd read shadow and bone and she said yes, so i was like awesome omg! and i said i loved the show too and the show even make me like mal a little more since i hated him in the books, and she was like oh my god are you one of THOSE people who likes the darkling? and i was like... yeah... and she goes "ugh i hate people like you, he's EVIL!! how can you like him??" and i'm just like, uh, yeah, that's like the whole point!
i will never understand ppl who act like liking the villain IN A FICTIONAL WORK shows some kind of moral failure djdhfjgjdjsk and how can anyone like mal anyway
no offense but it sounds like she might have some issues telling reality apart from fantasy if she feels so strongly about people who enjoy fictional content that she hates them. my advice would just be to turn it around... when you point out that judging people so strongly based on their taste in stories is ridiculous, they usually get embarrassed (they should) and back down.
but also, her taste speaks for itself.
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wolfflowers · 4 years
Hmmrrr I should look into dream dictionaries and what the witchy world has to say on dream interpretations. Twice now it felt like a spirit visited me or acknowledged me by being present in the dream and its story.
Those two (despite being very different) felt important and it felt like an honor to see them so close to me, and that they liked or acknowledged something in me. But I have no idea who they are! And I'm not sure how to research them or who to ask.
For my own reference I'm talking about:
1 ) The electric or lightning monkey with a long tail in a "fighting house" (for training? Like martial arts?) which was also a big home/ apartment for the homeless or travelers (maybe kids? Orphans or neglected).
He fought a lot in anger, but not because he enjoyed violence. Maybe for justice? Righteous anger? Had a 1×1 or 2×2 square tapestry made old beige-white material (not paper, it was flexible in the wind).
His image was a stylised monkey with his long limbs and tail forming a circle around his body, the ink was green or red.
The last scene was me walking past it after observing it (was being shown around the place) and yellow electricity sparked within the ink for a moment, and something invisible made the tapestry ripple as if in the wind. I think his deep voice resonated from somewhere quietly.
2 ) The second walked up to me (was it twice the same man in 2 diff dreams, or 2 diff ppl but somehow related, or maybe not related at all???)
First sequence was in a wides, warm and sunny canyon of yellow stone and sand with ppl walking about. I saw a few shallow holes (looking for something or testing the ground?), and a line of ppl digging at the ground one layer at a time towards the canyon wall with really solid rods (like it was their job?) I tried not to get in anyone's way but there were so many ppl!
In another area a large group were playing a sport. I walked passed a few players while keeping myself out of their game and in the shade to join a line of spectators. I was nearly on the end of the line on the far right.
The game (or now it felt like a dance and music performance?) finished, and a proud muscular man with yellow and blue (beaded? and leather cords?) accessories on his arms and chest walked up to me, or I was passing him and I ask,
"Excuse me, I liked your performance." And here I'm worried on how to phrase my sentence because WHITE GUILT DON'T SAY SOMETHING RACIST OR IGNORANT. "An instrument that played in your music sounded like one I heard that was from Peru. Are you perhaps from that region? Like from..."
And here I couldn't remember the name of the country, think it started with a V and had and A somewhere? He let out a happy bark of laughter and smiled, extending his right arm with the elbow bent down and his open hand up for me to clasp.
"I am from A..v...z..a(?), and yes we did use that/a similar instrument!"
I look at his extended hand and I'm like huh? Me?? We clasp hands and he holds my elbow or shoulder with his left hand. I'm not sure what to do so I hold my left hand over my chest, a bit shy, and he talks to me in his native tongue.
I'm looking at him in the eyes and I don't know what he's saying but I respectfully let him continue. He seems to have finished with one clap on my elbow/shoulder, then repeats what he said in English so I could understand! Then claps me on the left shoulder with a calmer smile.
It felt like a series of small blessings for the coming future that I'm not used to say, like "may the rivers in your path let you pass", all nature-based. It felt so kind??
And just... why me? Why this much kindness for asking a question? Is it because of my interest/curiosity? Because he felt like it? Or he really enjoys helping others? It felt nice because it sounded like he meant it. ((Think this dream was because I watched a Japanese man giving his tips as a comic book/manga artist and he had a translator repeat in English.))
3 ) This dream was far longer an elaborate, involved being in an English town with stones for roads and old houses huddled closely to each other along the way. Apparently it was normal to see actors dressed in their roles and cosplayers (acting or just enjoying themselves) walking about in the busy town.
Pro actors sometimes started reenacting scenes or would improvise, sometimes even with the cosplayers (crossover galore!) and the public for the fun of it.
I was walking and saw ppl standing on the side of the road looking and smiling at an actor, I think it was HP based (not my decision lol), it was a melancholic Mad-eye Moody or Mr Filch sitting down in the shadows on the road, looking up at the sky and singing something he was upset about.
But it was all comedy for the audience because he's dramatic and often a sour character who causes problems to others.
I watched as I kept walking and grinned, noticing a few other actors and cosplayers in the surrounding audience.
I'm in a different area with just as many ppl, and it seems like a improvised scene had just ended and ppl started to amble away. I noticed a very tall mechanical Horrortale Papyrus and exclaimed something, they heard me and turned around with a grin.
They used (or painted) rusted metal for the exposed bones and mechanical joints (because the cosplayer, like most humans, was shorter than horror!Papyrus). Even the nails, screws and bolts had rust trails. They did a very good job, despite his character's sad story.
Then several other Papyruses (all UT or HT) and ppl walk up so we gather a small group going "Hey I love this guy!" "I love this guy too!"
Then the scene changes and all the Papyrus cosplayers are standing in a line extending to my right.) One at a time stands in front of me, and they automatically get swiped to the left so the next one in line faces me.
I don't do any swiping motion; it feels like a character select screen, and they're kind of floating a few inches off the ground. Yet they're still the cosplayers!
So I just. Tell every individual what I personally think and like about their costume. Some react like Paps would which is always fun to see at conventions (STARS I MISS CONS!) ((Not sure why I'm doing this tho. Maybe because I like commenting on ppl's art online?))
But the last in line is a man that just sticks out from the rest, and it feels like he came specifically to see me or to tell me something.
I think he's Native American: has tan skin, in shape, tall, has something dangling from his neck in a wide U over his chest, made with natural things/objects? (WHAT ARE WORDS)
But what makes him feel different than just a plain human was a tall square or rectangular bag/sack over his head. The bag was beige-brown, looked worn, stood upright, and it looked as if something solid and rectangular stood over his head under the sack to give this square shape.
The bag had something painted on it in black red n blue, but I can't remember what it was; was it a symbol, words, a face, like a depiction of a mask (of a spirit, deity, or a curse?)
So he stood there floating a few inches off the ground and told me something in a... sort of sad/solemn tone. I think his voice was muffled.
And I'm not sure if this was one whole person, or a spirit/deity/something using this man's body to speak to me through him.
And I can't remember what he said. Sad news? A warning? And ancestor just reaching out?
Now that I'm awake, I'm wondering if it was the spirit of someone who was killed with a sack over their head or had their head cut off in an execution, with something offensive painted on the sack (because my known families lived, and I currently live, on the lands of Native Americans, where white ppl caused a genocide).
Or, maybe, the man had passed away naturally and they covered his head so ppl could visit? Or he had a nasty head wound, or deformity, or lesions, so they covered his head with the sack and painted something meaningful before he was burried/burned? That would be a bit nicer.
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