#no new years kisses yall!! stay safe!!
lazaruspiss · 6 months
caught covid, im vaxxed and already thru the worst of it im p sure so dont worry, anyways stay safe out there
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winstonsns · 1 month
the gang with a soc!reader
authors note: sorry the last one was kind of all over the place. i tend to ramble when i write so ill try to stay more on topic this time. in this preference, you and the characters will already be a couple :3 im also wondering if people are clicking the hashtags then they see my posts?? so if that’s what’s happening and you can see my posts when you click the hashtags please tell me because i have no idea if it’s working LMAO
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includes: ponyboy, johnny, darry, soda, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.0k
warnings: mild cussing, mentions of fighting/getting jumped
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you both are academic BEASTS so you’re somewhat rivals and trying to get to the top of the class
but you’re still together, it’s a healthy relationship
most of the time, you’ll actually walk him home from wherever you are since it’s safe for you to walk home on your own, but since he’s a greaser it’s not safe for him
when you met the gang they taught you how to fight in case some greasers or even some socs tried to fight you
by walking him home, you’ve actually prevented him from getting beat up
you like to take him out to get food or something he wants when he gets a good grade since he gets happy when they’re high
sometimes you’ll get lower grades than him and you two will study together, or reversed
you’ll get him a new book every time he finishes another one, by the end of the year he has a new shelf just filled with books you’ve given him
you occasionally read him to sleep when he’s having a hard time, or again reversed
he falls asleep pretty quickly when you do this and he really appreciates it
you always sit together during assemblies and choose to be each others partner in the classes you have together
if you don’t decide to do track one year you’ll go to his meets, and after you always take him out to eat since you’re proud
if he’s extra tired then he’ll ask to go home so you will
you learned how to cook so he can have big nice meals, along with baking chocolate cake when soda and darry aren’t there to make it
pony thinks you make it better than darry but will never tell him that
he really loves spending time with you and feels like you’re the first person besides johnny to really understand him
you made him think about socs in a different way too, in a good way
yall are just humans doing what you know best, some in different environments and had different parents with different parenting styles
you like to bring him to the best places in tulsa to watch the sunsets
you also get the best polaroids of the sunsets and the colors are so beautiful
as soon as he told the gang that he was dating someone they were excited for him, then they found out you were a soc
dally told him to break up with you without even knowing you, johnny told him to give you a chance
when johnny invited you to the curtis house to meet his friends, you brought presents for all of them since you wanted to make a good impression
you had your ways about finding what they like and don’t like
they immediately took a liking to you when you gave them presents and a kiss on johnnys cheek
you’d patch him up and give him bandaids to take home after getting beat up by socs or his parents
sometimes you’d give him money and he would use that money to get you something you’ve been wanting for a while
he’s always so thankful for everything you do for him and everything you give him
since your parents don’t really care about the differences between greasers and socs, they let johnny stay over since they know things are rough at home
sometimes they’ll take you and him out for dinner with them and you think it’s so cute
he was nervous your parents wouldn’t like him since most of the socs parents would think he’s gross
he’s always proud of you for naturally getting good grades and seeing the smile on your face when you get your report card
sometimes when he’s upset you two will cuddle in your bed or you’ll drive him to a restaurant or fast food place
he always feels bad about spending your money but you tell him not to feel bad about it since you have more
things got more financially stable when you came into his life
you’d help him pay groceries and the bills if he was struggling, you also helped around the house
sometimes he’ll wake up to the smell of bacon, waffles, eggs, etc and suddenly its like he doesn’t have to be the responsible one 24/7
having you in his life has improved everything, and his brothers are so thankful to have you there too
you’re like a mother to them and they’re comfortable enough to open up to you
sometimes you’ll ask him out on cute little dates randomly just so he can get a break of hard work
he’ll take the day off and get all dressed up since you told him you were taking him to a really fancy restaurant
occasionally you’ll get your nails done just for your dates and he always notices
you’ll ask him “which color is better” and he’ll say “aren’t they the same?” then you have to explain to him that one is darker than the other
he still doesn’t see the difference but chooses one anyway since he likes to see you happy
he’s literally so in love with you and how you’ll do romantic and domestic things for him
you’re so beautiful and perfect in his eyes, and sometimes he’ll stare at you and his brothers will tease him
he really loves being around you and having you by his side
you also helped him become calmer, that pony and soda have their own problems and darry yelling at them probably just makes them scared
he starts to actually communicate with them and you’ll give him gifts for completing or succeeding because why not
he’s always like “hon, you didn’t have to get me this…” but you can see he’s happy with whatever you give him
he just loves you so much and his brothers love you too but obviously not romantically
people actually think the both of you are socs, i mean they’re half right
they think soda is a soc since he’s so handsome and think you’re a soc because of your mannerisms and how you’re very beautiful
you’ll always visit him at the DX just to hang out with him
your parents love him and how he treats you so they also let him stay over at your house
sometimes when it’s sodas turn to get groceries from the store, you’ll go along with him
he just wants to be around you whenever he can
you’ll offer to pay for the groceries plus stuff he doesn’t need but instead wants
once he got a pimple and he freaked the fuck out
you bought him some cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and pimple patches
you taught him how to use them and when, and in which order to use them in
his pimple went away in a few days
since you’re so smart and get good grades, you’ll help pony with his homework sometimes
soda will stare at you helping him from far away, he thinks it’s adorable that you two are bonding
when the two of you are in your room, you’ll play frank sinatra and the little dippers while having a home-date with sweets :3
you two have so much fun and he even opens up to you about his problems
you offer to get him a therapist but he says it’s that bad, you tell him to talk to you if he wants to talk about it again
he legit treats you like a princess and you love it
yall are the most attractive couple EVER no one can tell if they wanna be you or be with you
when he realized he liked you he knew he had to protect you with his life
he needed a break from loud and annoying girls, then he found you
you could get quiet at times and you weren’t constantly screaming and acting like an annoying 12 year old boy
you got him to steal less since you could pay for things on your own
he didn’t really listen and still stole money from other people so he could get you things
whenever he got put in prison you could always bail him out due to the money you have
if he had to serve time then you’d give him money so he could spend it and get necessities
you’ll also make diy crafts for him on your guys anniversary and his birthday
he brings you to meetups with the gang, and they love you being there with him
you spoil him rotten and he loves it
makes him feel like a princess, weirdly enough
he’ll steal money to spoil you too, pays for your nails sometimes
you told him you wanted specific flowers once and he got you flowers sometime the next week, he acted nonchalant about it but he loved the happy look on your face
sometimes you’re quiet but he always finds a way to bring you to tears after laughing so hard
he’s literally the funniest person you’ve ever met
he never really expected a soc to get so loud since they were normally reserved and didn’t talk to many people
anyway you brought him to fucking disneyland once and he LOVED it
you booked a hotel and everything so yall saw mickey mouse
two-bit kinda laughed at him but he seemed happy so he didn’t care
he loves traveling with you and brags about it to the gang all the time
they say it’s cool then act like they don’t care but they’re kinda jealous he gets all that stuff
they’re happy for him though
sometimes you’ll get him little mickey figurines and he’ll put them on his nightstand, sometimes even carry it with him if it’s a keychain
he never would’ve expected a soc to be so nice to someone like him
he’s really glad that you love him and you show it
before you two started dating he tried to avoid you at all costs
he kinda thought you’d beat up him and his friends so he just stayed away from you
anyway when you guys started dating you’d drive him to the DX
you’d give him tips just for fun even if you didn’t buy anything from him
you’d buy him all sorts of little trinkets and such just so he’d have something to mess around with
i don’t have a lot of knowledge on him bro pls bear with me LMAO
he’s almost always with soda so you kind of became his best friend naturally
you’ll buy steve food on his breaks and drive him to restaurants or fast food places and you’ll eat on a bench or in a field together
you talk about some shit that happened at work while he listens
he’ll occasionally get you some food since he knows you like sweets
then you repay him with something he’s wanted for a while that he’s been asking for
whether it’s a book or food or a trinket idk
he loves you so much and is glad soda gets along with you so well
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sorry this one’s shorter! i’ll try to make the preference longer next time. i’m gonna try to post at least twice per week but if im feeling good ill try to post more 💗 thank you for reading!
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jeansplaytoy · 8 months
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you took interest in someone you never thought you would.
arminxreader, black!reader, 90s highschool based, language throughout, sexual references throughout (maybe not in this chapter), hood themed, mental /some physical abuse, armin referred to as ‘white boy armin’, all characters are 18+ except for the ones that obviously aren’t and in the beginning, NO PROOFREAD YALL.
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“aye, white boy.”
“white boy armin!”
“you’re a disappointment, armin.”
“mommy loves you, armin. okay?”
he lived up to those same words and phrases everyday, nothing new. it’s just the way he lived. growing up from hearing his mom and dad argue every single damn day, shits annoying. especially when the attention moved on to him.
and he was only 12.
“you don’t know what he goes through at school, or even here, because you’re not around enough!” that was his mom.
“i don’t give a shit what happens at school or here. i don’t want him to grow up like the rest of the kids on these streets. look at where we fuckin live, woman! you actually think he’s gonna have fun here?” that was his dad. he hates his dad. he was always yelling, and drinking, and yelling again.
but armin was quiet. he didn’t really get to have a say in things, but even when he did, he didn’t say anything.
“yo, armin! can you come out today?” eren asked, across the street of armin’s house. he stood up and glanced back at his house, shrugging.
and then there were the streets. the damn hood streets where a lot of shit happens, a lot of shit was seen. but he had to be some kind of ‘privileged white boy’? no. did he wanna be? no. but he didn’t like where he lived. he only grew to like it, especially when you came into the picture.
now you were one of the girls that everyone wanted to talk to at school, the one with the good style and the good personality that every boy always wanted to kiss or date.
“this armin. he cool, real chill. he quiet but you know, you gon’ start liking him when y’all get closer.” ony said. you all walked the sidewalks together, them walking you home to make sure you were safe on the way. ‘them’ being eren, ony, and armin. eren knew armin the longest, and he would be considered to be ‘white boy eren’, but he wasn’t even from around there. he went to a different school, and fought almost everywhere he went, which is why he wasn’t from around there anymore.
“you new here or sum? or you just quiet.” you looked up at him, holding your backpack on your shoulder.
“quiet.” he muttered, looking away.
he wasn’t gonna lie when he said he didn’t really like you at first. but as years went by, it was more of you he could stand.
“boy i don’t want you. i already said that.” you looked at a boy as you closed your locker.
“say it. i want you to.” armin said, leaning against a locker behind the guy, making him turn around. “who the fuck you posed to be? oh. that white boy.” he scoffed.
armin raised his eyebrows.
yeah, that was his third fight that month.
and the third time his dad yelled at him in that week.
“why the hell am i gettin’ calls from the school saying you’re suspended again? see, this is why you need to stay in the damn house and be homeschooled—!”
as he kept rambling, armin closed the fridge and sighed, walking upstairs.
“don’t walk away from me when i’m fucking talking to you, arlert!” his dad slammed his beer glass down and followed armin.
“so i can’t walk and listen at the same time? ight.” armin mumbled.
“the fuck did you just say?” his dad squinted, making his way to his room.
armin turned around. “i said-“ “honey, just leave him alone. he hasn’t did anything bad, maybe he was just defending his self!” his mom rushed in the picture, but was shoved out of the way. his dad grabbed his shirt and pinned him against the wall.
“listen you little shit. you talk back to me again and i’ll break your fuckin’ face. i don’t know where you get your attitude from, but you need to shut the hell up like you did when you were younger.” his dad snapped through gritted teeth. armin’s breathing got heavy and he bit his bottom lip with a force, nearly making his own lip bleed.
“just get off of him!” his mom yelled.
his dad stared into his eyes, fuming with anger. he shoved him against the wall one last time before turning and stoping downstairs. armin stood there for a few seconds before going in his room, slamming the door behind him.
he threw his self down on his bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes with a slight frown. that’s when he got a text.
yo u tryna hoop?
he tossed his phone down beside him and sniffed, getting up and looking through his drawers for basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
he changed his clothes and shoes, fixing his hair in the mirror before grabbing his second backpack and his phone, walking out of his room.
he went downstairs and to his kitchen, where his mom washed the dishes. “where you headed, sweetie?” she asked. “bouda hoop, Ma. ill be back tonight.” he grabbed a bottle of water and walked towards the front door. “don’t come too late.” his mom said before blowing him a kiss.
armin nodded and shut the door behind him, starting to walk out of the driveway and down the sidewalk. the walk was like 5 minutes. 5 minutes that he didn’t care about because nothing else in his life was that important.
but when he made it, it was slightly better.
“i know that ain’t white boy armin, man i heard you got suspended today.” one of his friends dapped him up. “yeah, ian worried bout that. i just wanna hoop right now.” he walked towards the basketball goal with ony, jean, and connie.
“wassup, Arm’. you ain’t been here in a minute.” connie chuckled, patting his back. “ight, let’s go.”
and there you were, sitting on the bench by yourself, simply because ony dragged you there. sasha and mikasa had extra work to do that day, so you were the only girl there. you didn’t have a problem with it tho, because you knew everyone there.
“want me to watch and he can’t even make the shot.” you whispered to yourself with a small chuckle, pulling out your phone to find something better to entertain yourself with.
after about an hour, yeah, an hour of being there for no reason, you saw someone coming over to you. you looked up to see armin. he sat at the bench, a few inches away from you, wiping his sweat and checking his phone.
“you good?” you frowned a little. “yeah.” he mumbled. you hummed, guessing he didn’t really wanna have a conversation with you at the moment.
“ain’t you ony girl?” he tilted his head. “i thought you was in our lil group. no, we not together.” you shook your head, watching the rest of the boys continue to play basketball.
“um, thank you for defending me or whatever at school. i hate when boys do the shit they do.” you said. “don’t even mention it.” he mumbled. you looked at him for a minute before something caught your eye. “you got a scratch.” you pointed to his finger.
“hm.” he looked at you.
you smacked your lips and pointed, grabbing his hand. “a scratch.” you said before looking closer. “oh, that’s glass. you ain’t feel that?” you asked, sitting his hand on your lap and trying to get the glass out by yourself.
he didn’t really mind it, so he let you, despite the small amounts of pain that shot through his finger every time you touched it.
“nah. not until you pointed it out.” he mumbled, leaning back.
you threw the small shard of glass under the bench and reached in your small purse, grabbing a bandaid.
“you actually keep bandaids in yo purse?” he asked. you shrugged with a small smile. “i know y’all boys be easy to scratch up.” you said, rubbing the bandaid on his finger before letting go of his hand.
armin looked at you for a few seconds before humming. “that’s prolly just me.”
you laughed and shook your head. “well. you ain’t sweating no more. you could go back out there.” you pointed, right before jean called him back on the court.
armin smacked his lips a little and nodded slowly, standing up and walking over to the rest of the boys.
you decided to watch them start playing again, glancing at a different person every time someone stole or passed the ball. it was a few minutes back in, some people took their shirts off. but only one caught your eye.
‘he that fit?’ you thought to yourself, seeing armin’s abs and arms. his arms had a little muscle, and of course he wasn’t buff buff. but it did look like he worked out a little. or more than that.
you continued to watch them play, your eyes never leaving him.
even when he glanced back at you, standing to the side of one of their dumb free throws.
his lip quirked a half smile a little before he got back to playing. and again, minutes passed, a lot of minutes, to hours. that’s when everyone finally decided to go home.
“come on, y/n.” ony yawned, grabbing his things. the streetlights were on now, and everyone was getting tired. you were about to stand up until you heard the basketball bouncing again.
“i’m… just gon stay here wit’ armin til he wanna leave. i’ll text you when i get home.” you mumbled.
“ight. be safe.” ony flicked your forehead before walking out of the gate with connie.
you hummed and looked back over to armin who just dribbled and shot the ball for a few more minutes. that was until he sighed, making one last shot and letting the ball fall, turning around.
you saw him pause, probably being jumpscared by how you were just sitting there, before holding his chest and letting out a deep sigh. “what the fuck?” he walked over to you. “why you still here?” he asked, grabbing his things.
“ian want you to be alone. duh.” you got up as he grabbed his things. you grabbed your purse and phone, waiting on armin to finish packing his stuff.
“you coulda just went home.”
“i know that.”
“don’t you got some typa curfew?” armin asked, starting to walk. you walked beside him. “no, and you do?” you looked up at him. “nah. i just think it’s weird how you would randomly wait for me. no problem wit it tho. ‘preciate it.” he said.
“cus ion want you to be here alone.” you said as you both left the gate and started to walk down the street.
“well how you gettin home? i know you live on the other side of the block.” he mumbled. “the good side.”
you smacked your lips with a smile. “ion live on the good side. shit still happens there. the neighborhood still boring as fuck. i just… don’t pay attention to it.” you shrugged.
you continued to walk and talk until you both made it to armin’s house.
armin suddenly stopped. “we gon have to go around.”
“ion want you walkin home alone.”
“why would i be walking home alone if my house is right behind the fence of yours?” you started walking to the side, and backyard of his house.
“hol’ up, huh?”
“hold on, lift me.” you grabbed the top of the fence. “uh.. okay.” armin muttered, letting you step on his hands.
when you were halfway across, you sat there for a second.
“thanks for walking me home.” you smiled a little, hopping down and walking towards your own house, leaving armin confused.
“well damn.” he pursed his lips together, picking his things back up and walking towards his house.
after that… well, you don’t even remember. all you know is, that was the one time you two got close.
the one time, just for now.
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part two here!
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senoraackerman · 11 months
if I had to be sad you have to be sad too
WARNINGS: angst, angst yall, no happy ending (lmao), a couple mentions of the name Y/n, written with tall Latina reader in mind, depression from Suguru?, spelling mistakes were made (that’s for damn sure)
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“Suguru!” you say with a smile as you finally catch up to him
Your boyfriend turns around and gives you a weak smile. You noticed he lost weight, hasn’t been sleeping well, and has been quieter than usual. Every time you asked in concern, he would assure you he’s okay, which you never believed.
Especially after the incident with the Star Plasma Vessel. He was never the same ever since he took on the mission with Gojo, leaving you and Shoko behind as they took care of Rika.
You sigh, “Are you still free for later today? The new episode of Breaking Bad is coming out”
Suguru nods at your question. You can’t help but frown at Suguru’s lack of communication.
“Suguru, you know you can tell me what you’re feeling. You don’t have to keep it to yourself, please.”
Your boyfriend just smiles at you, “I’m fine, really. It’s the summer heat.”
You frown but decide not to pester him any longer. “Don’t forget, okay? My dorm at 7, don’t be late!” You say as you give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk off to meet with Shoko.
Safe to say Geto never came to your dorm at 7.
You waited.
It was now 8.
You waited some more.
It was now 9.
You waited once again, occasionally glancing down at your phone for any message from Suguru. Nothing.
It was now 10.
You tried staying awake, just incase Suguru texted you. Your sleep got the best of you.
It was now the next morning.
As disappointed as you were, you just didn’t have the heart to be mad at him. Suguru wouldn’t do this on purpose.
You walk into the lounge area and see Suguru talking with Haibara. You wave at both of them and look to Suguru, who gave you a look as to say ‘sorry’.
Sighing, you took a seat next to Suguru, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Haibara kindly greeted you and asked what you would like from his upcoming mission with Nanami. You insisted he didn’t have to get anything but he wouldn’t take no as an answer. With a laugh, you said you would like something sweet, which happened to be the same answer as Geto. You both had Gojo in mind.
Days passed and you hear the news of Haibara.
Suguru tells you he’s assigned on a mission and will gone for a couple of days.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
He smiles at you, “Nah, I’ll be fine. Once I return, we can watch that episode of Breaking Bad that I missed.”
You kiss Suguru softly, “I’ll be waiting.”
Days passed, with no sign of Suguru.
More days passed, and no sign of Suguru.
Even more days passed, and with an order of execution of Suguru Geto.
When Gojo had told you, you couldn’t believe it.
Suguru wouldn’t do that.
He wouldn’t do that.
He wouldn’t kill innocent people.
He wouldn’t kill his own parents.
He wouldn’t.
You knew him.
He wouldn’t.
You chose not to believe it, that was until Geto came face to face with you and told you himself.
“Suguru….,” you say in a whisper.
Suguru walked away from you, not turning to face you again.
He had left all of you. He had left Jujustu High Tech. He had left his friends. He had left Gojo. He had left Shoko. Most importantly, he left you.
It was now 2016.
You hadn’t seen Geto or heard of him since. You didn’t seem to care, at least that’s what you thought.
Alongside Gojo, you also became a teacher. While Gojo taught the first years, you taught the second years.
You also changed, significantly. Your short curly hair now grew in length; cascading near your ribs, you also grew taller, you fashioned a scar on your right eye from a curse years ago, and you matured.
You “moved on” from your former friend and boyfriend, Suguru Geto.
That was until you saw him on the school grounds, holding Yuta close and speaking to him with a smile.
You stood there, watching the interaction as Gojo placed a hand on your shoulder to knock you out of your trance.
Gojo speaks up, “Could you please stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students.”
Suguru turned around as his hand was draped over Yuta. “Saturo, Y/n!”, he greeted the both of you casually, as if he hadn’t been off terrorizing non sorcerers.
You motion Maki, Inumaki, and Panda to get ready just incase.
Suguru continued on with his speech, not before insulting Maki, calling her the Zenin clans failure.
Maki, clearly angered at his words, drew her blade.
You walked up to them and step in between them, “Why are you here, Geto?”
He couldn’t help but eye you up and down, seeing how much you changed over the years.
Suguru laughed and closed his eyes, “What’s with the formalities, hmm?” he smiled and continued, “I’m here to declare war.”
You didn’t want it to end like this.
Not like this.
There wasn’t enough time.
Geto leaned against the wall, gripping his shoulder that was missing an arm. When he saw you looking at him, he couldn’t help but smile softly.
You walk to Geto and sit besides him, not having the heart to end him. You couldn’t. He was your first love, your first friend, your first everything.
“My love…” he whispered to you, “it’s okay to let go.”
Tears spilled from your eyes, “I can’t, Suguru.”
You turn to face him, his raven eyes looking at your light brown eyes. He could stare in them forever, if the world was so kind to let him do so.
“Were you happy?” you ask so quietly, you weren’t sure if Geto had even heard of you.
Suguru closed his eyes and leaned his head to your shoulder, “I was, but a part of me was hurting knowing you weren’t with me,” he confessed.
The tears never stopped, “I love you, Suguru.”
Suguru smiled at you; that smile that always made you gush; that smile that always let you know he was there for you; that smile that let you know you were both in it together; that smile that let you know he loved you.
“I love you, too.”
Those were the last words you heard fall from Geto Suguru’s lips.
He knew you had to kill him. You knew as well.
Insert song: ghostin by Ariana Grande
“I know you hear me when I cry, I try to hold it in at night, while you’re sleeping next to me, but it’s your arms that I need this time, look at the cards that we’ve dealt, if you were anybody else, probably wouldn’t last a day, every tear’s a rain parade from hell”
Never writing angst again (it’s one of my least favorite tropes) Why did I decide to do it? Because I hate myself I guess 😭
DW THO, suguru smut coming soon 😩🫣🤲🏼 featuring him and y/n in a hot box! (bitch what)
Here’s a picture to help you feel better
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That was so out of pocket I’m sorry
(Also someone pls request something in my asks bro as long as it’s not too freaky deeky)
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winterspiderpurrs · 6 months
Bucky obsessing over barista Peter Parker across the street from where his apartment is and gets angry when he finds out that Peter is dating someone(not beck though) and hurts Peter in the process, but immediately regretting it and forcing Peter to forgive him or something. I like sad angst dark fic where someone just isn’t right in the head. Bucky’s just lonely :(
Today was the day. Bucky was finally going to ask Peter out. They met for the first time a few months back at the coffee shop. Steve had agreed with his therapist that he should try to step out of his routine - try something new. So thats how Bucky ended up at the coffee shop across the way.
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First he just got himself a plain coffee, then he asked if they did one of those cups for animal, but would it be okay to give to his cat. Peter was happy to explain how they are safe for cats just as long as ita not an everyday treat. But one once a week wouldn't hurt. They bonded over the cat video Bucky showed Peter the following day.
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Now Bucky doesn't show up there everyday. But he is there often enough, a couple of late nights and a few early mornings. Always chit-chatting with Peter. They got along, the joked some, the bonded the few times they got personal.
Peter telling Bucky about his parents and how his Uncle passed away. His uncle was a Vietnam veteran so he understood. Bucky told Peter him how he lost his arm while serving. His Ptsd. And it Peter was good looking, Bucky just loved his smile and his laugh.
But the day arrived, Bucky knew that Peter would hang out in the side alley, either reading a book for one of his college courses, wrapping up a phone call or just playing a game on his phone. There was a make shift " break area " for the employee in the cafe set up there. He peeked around the corner, saw the mop of brown curls. Smiling a little but before he fully steps into the alley he freezes. There was a tall redhair man pressing close to Peter, the man leaning down to pull Peter up into a kiss.
Bucky leaves. He didn't want to do anything that he would regret. He knows that nothing he had found out led him to believe that Peter was seeing anyone. He goes home and gets on his laptop. It didn't take him long to find out who the man was. Harry Osborn. Been friends with Peter for a long time. He has been in a variety of photos over the years. But nothing that leads him into believing that Peter and this Harry were an item. He does find it ironic that most of the photos Harry is tagged in are with women. None with men. So either this was new... or this relationship is a secret.
But Bucky couldn't keep himself away. He showed up right before closing. He knew Peter would manage the front while the only other employee would stay in the back. After he orders, he sits down m, trying to remain calm. Why hadn't Peter said anything? What does this Osborn kid have that he didn't? Other than money, that is. Peter was too kind to be a gold digger, right?
"Here you go Bucky! Place coffee, and on the house a muffin, rather you have it since I know its the kind you like then throw it out."
Bucky looks up at Peter, he can see that Peter faltered back a little, a smalk frown forming.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"
Peter blinks " What?"
" The red head, saw yall in the alley earlier. I thought we were friends Pete." Bucky reach up and grabs Peter's wrist, yanking him close, squeezing.
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"Friends don't keep secrets like that. "
Peter's eyes widen, he pulls at his arm.
"I... I'm sorry Bucky. Harry isn't out yet to everyone, it must of just slipped my mind to mention I was seeing someone" he tugs his arm again. " Your hurting me Bucky..."
Bucky's eyes widen, and he lets go. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. " I'm sorry Pete. Sometimes I get triggered and can't control it...."
He can see that Peter's expression softens a little, he knew about his Ptsd, understood. God was he so lucky to have met Peter.
" It's okay Bucky. "
His Peter was so forgiving.
Some weeks went by, and it was like the event never happened. Bucky stilk showed up, they woukd talk. He even brought Alpine one time. And when he had to go out of town for a week, a retreat Steve was forcing him to go to. Peter, his precious Peter, offered to watch Alpine for him. Either he could go to Bucky's, or Bucky could bring Alpine to Peter's.
Bucky readily gave Peter a copy of his apartment key. Walking Peter over on a lunch break. He had spent the previous day cleaning and locking away anything that might be questionable. Peter had free reign of the apartment other than Bucky's office.
Which he had locked. It was the only rule he had. Peter just didn't know that his whole apartment was hooked up with cameras. Bucky was able to watch Peter whenever he entered the apartment.
He paid Peter of course, and once he was back invited Peter to a military event, as a thank you. Peter just didn't know that Osborn's company puts on the event. And he knew for a fact that Harry had called and canceled on Peter the previous day. Saying he wasn't feeling well. But he knew that the bastard was going to the event, and he had a model he was bringing.
He picked Peter up, made sure to be the perfect gentleman. Opened doors for him, complimented on how great he looked. He was even able to finally introduce Peter to Steve who was aslo at the event.
" Nice to meet you Steve, its nice to put a face to the name I kept hearing about... though your a lot bigger then how he tells it"
Steve shakes Peter's hand and laughs " I was a late bloomer, but once Bucky started working out and joined the military I soon followed. It's nice to finally meet you too. Bucky says you even have Alpine wrapped arouns your finger"
" Its the pet cups from work. She knows I was the first one to give her one a few months ago. That's how we met. "
Steve smiles and nods, he then looks at Bucky hard for a moment. " Let's go get a drink, Peter do you mind manning the table?"
" No problem! Could you grab a drink for me to while your up Bucky?"
" Sure Doll. We will be right back"
Steve and Bucky moved across the room, but instead of heading to the bar, Steve pulls Bucky to a small conference room.
" Bucky. Be honest with me. Are you doing okay? I know Dr. Zemo has praise how you are doing... but you would tell me, right?"
Bucky frown at Steve.
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" I'm doing fine. Great even. Nothing for you to worry about."
" Are you sure? Cause Peter said you have met just a few months ago..."
" Yeah so?"
" Bucky... you have been talking about Peter for over a year now. Honest I almost thought he.. was a delusion until you told me he watched Alpine for you."
Bucky's face relaxed and he gave Steve a blank stare. " Things are fine. Just leave it Stevie"
Steve would always back off and ease up on him when he used his childhood name. He could see Steve was debating with himself.
" I just want to make sure you are doing okay. That Peter is safe... I don't want a repeat of Sam"
"Don't say that name! Peter is nothing like him. Peter is perfect safe. Peter understands my ptsd he doesn't hold it against me if I have... have an episode. ... we promised we would never talk about that. Stevie.. I'm doing my best. I'm doing everything you told me. I got an apartment of my own, a job, I stepped out ofbmy routine, I don't miss a session with the Doc. You... you can't hold my past against me Stevie... I haven't felt this.... this normal since I lost my arm... Peter is just a friend. Sure I want more but I'm not pushing that on him unless he wants that. I need more then just you and the doc to talk too.."
Steve sighs, rubs his hand over his face before he stares again at Bucky.
" Oh Bucky. I don't mean to worry. But... I worry. I'm with you until the end of the line you know that. Just want you to be safe is all. " he pats Bucky on the shoulder.
"Peter seems like a good guy... just. If you start questioning things. Tell me first and maybe we can resolve it before... before anything else could happen"
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Steve sighs again and stares at Bucky. He still remembers the distraught phone call. He raced to Sam's apartment, the blood stains, Bucky rocking on the floor, knife in his hand. The clean-up they had to do. Bucky wasn't meant for prison. He had an episode that was triggered by Sam saying he was moving. Got a job in DC. They could try long distance, but it might be best to break up. Steve helped clean up the scene, Bucky and him disposing the body.
There were warning signs that Bucky was close to a breakdown, but Steve thought Bucky was getting help. He hadn't realized that before Sam, that Bucky hadn't been to therapy for over a year.
" I promise... if I feel like I'm spiraling. I will come to you. " Steve didn't have to know that Bucky was already into deep with Peter. But Peter was different. He was special, and he understood.
They left the room and made there way tonthe bar, Bucky getting a sprite for Peter. Both men noticed a sad look on Peter's face once they got back to the table.
" What's wrong? Did something happen? Did someone say something to you?"
Steve puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder.
" Calm down Buck. This isn't the place"
Bucky was about to snark back at Steve when Peter shook his head. " No. Nothing like that... its just..." Peter turned and looked across the room. There was Harry, a model on his arm, laughing and drinking. Occasionally kissing the model as he jokes and makes small talk. Bucky's eyes narrow, he was already irritated because of his conversation with Steve and now he has to see his Peter being sad? Sure he had hoped Peter woukd see Harry and realized he lied about what he was doing. He didn't realize the bastard would be playing it up and basically cheating on Peter.
He clenched his jaw, before rolling his shoulder to try to relax.
" Let's just forget about him Doll. Why don't you dance with Stevie. Show'em you can find better too and then we can dance. Prove you got options too."
Peter sent a nervous glance at Steve, who gave him a small smile and a nod before he glanced back to Bucky.
" That should be fine... but... if this is the end... I'm worried Harry will tell his dad to remove me from my internship"
" You don't need the Osborn's Peter. You dance with Stevie, he might have two left feet but he is a gentleman "
" Hey!"
" and I will make sure you have a new internship by the end of the night"
Peter blinks and tils his head. " How?"
Bucky takes a sip of his drink. " Just leave it to me Doll. You're crazy smart. You've toldnme about some projects, with the right connections you will have offers by morning"
Steve walks Peter to the dance floor for the first round of dancing. Bucky smirked as he watched the moment Harry noticed Peter, and the jealous anger that appeared when he noticed the man dancing with him.
Bucky circled to the other side of the room. He stands next to a man who just snuck back into the room. He sips his drink before tapping his shoe against the other.
" I'm calling in my favor now"
" Hell of a place to do that... what is it."
" You are going to hire an intern, paid, he gets to pick his hours."
" I can't just hire anybody. I have a business to run"
" and you have this business because of the job I took"
Mr. Tony Stark turned to look at the man he hired years before. He contracted out someone to kill Obadiah. Obadiah had gotten the conpany in bad dealings, took advantage of a young newly orphaned Tony, who in his party days signed documents that he didn't realize. Tony needed Obe gone, and the ex military man delivered.
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" Fine. Have them submitted an application and I will push it through"
Bucky nods and he wonders up to Steve and Peter. He smiles at them
" My turn now punk"
Bucky would do anything for Peter. And he had Peter right where he wanted him. Maybe during the dance he will let Peter know that he works part time for Tony Stark, that he would get him that internship. Or tell him he got him an interview.
The hug he got and the kiss on the cheek at the end of the night made it worth it. Even more so when Peter invited him to his apartment to meet his cat Murph, Peter's cellphone, on silence on the counter. Harry's name flashed across the screen. It gets ignored along with the text messages that were flooding in. Peter was choosing him.
But it's not like Bucky gave him much of a choice.
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dckweed · 2 years
hello my loves, it's been a while since my last part for this series, and i just want to remind yall that these are going total AU, against the plot of stranger things and are totally going off of my own plots/imagination.
I know originally I was planning on only doing four but i think i might possibly turn it into five, y'all don't know this about me yet, but you'll soon find out that i can't leave good enough alone lmao, my brain goes wild i swear. im sorry these are taking so long, and im sorry that i havent gotten any new requests out yet, i honestly just haven't had the motivation!
anyway, i give you part three of the billy installment:
part one , part two
warnings: MINORS SAFE TO READ! mentions of trauma, mentions of abuse of children, billy being completely head over heels for reader, reader being a total love drunk brat for billy, papa hop goes mad bear..billy being a decent big brother
"..DADDY, PLEASE!.." billy hargrove x female!hopper!reader
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Billy had stuck around that day, and for several days after, your father had made it very clear that he was welcome in the house, that he accepted the two of you being together, it made him feel comfortable, like he didn't have to hide anything.
He loves that the two of you could do something as simple as sit on the couch together now. While your father worked at night, the two of you had stayed up on the couch watching old movies, it was probably one of his favorite moments, and it made him smile to think of it. you had sprawled out on the couch, your head in his lap and he had just sat there, leaned against the cushions with his hand playing in your hair for hours as he listened to you laugh at the corny lines coming from the television set.
He looked down at you occasionally, the light from the television coloring your face as it played. He couldn't help but smile lovingly at you and imagine himself in a few years down the road with you, maybe married and in your own home..he wanted to take you to california to see where he was at his happiest, hell he even had thoughts of you with a couple of little ones running around, you round and pregnant, another on the way.
fuck, he thought, i really am in love with her..he couldn't help but smile at the thought though. The night had ended with you falling asleep in his lap, carefully he scoops you up and stands, carrying you gently to your new bedroom.
He had kissed your head gently when he laid you down, covering you up with your comforter. He had gone home when he knew his father wasn't there and had grabbed a few pieces of clothes, you wore his tshirt and he couldn't help but admire it. He sighed, grabbing his keys off of your dresser. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him, he didn't want to leave, he felt safe here with you and your father, hell he even liked your sister, she was weird but he thought she was cool. he knew he needed to go back though, Max could only over for him for so long.
Reluctantly he gives you a longing stare from your doorway, flipping the light off before closing your door, he even poked his head in on Eleven, who was sound asleep, before making his way to the front door and out to his car.
It was a long and quiet drive home, during which he smoked more cigarettes than he probably should have. He sat in his drive way for a few minutes, his nerves getting the best of him before he opened the door and made his way up to the porch, sliding his key into the lock.
"Well," He heard from the dark, his heart immediately starting to race in fear. He closed the door, knowing there was no turning back now, he had already walked into the lions den. "look who finally decided to come home from the whore's house."
You were sound asleep, the early hours of the morning still dark and quiet, peaceful even, though that didn't stop you from waking up with a start, wondering if the noise you'd heard was in your sleep or if it had actually happened. You glanced over at the clock, it was just past midnight and Billy wasn't beside you, you knew he must have finally gone home.
You were just about to lay back down when you heard the sound again, a heavy pounding on the front door of your small house. Startled, you jump before you realize the urgency in it and hear a muffled call from outside. Quickly you rise to your feet, swinging your legs over the side of your bed and onto your rug covered floor, not bothering to stop and get your slippers or but on bottoms besides the panties you're wearing, it's not like Billy's shirt didn't cover everything anyway.
Eleven is poking her head out of her doorway as you rush by, looking at you confused. "Stay there." You say, the pounding coming again, it sounded like two fists and you still couldn't make out the voice. Quickly you rush through the living room, skirting around the small coffee table and turn the locks on the door, throwing it open just as the person raises their hand to knock.
"Billy?!" You ask, squinting into the dark. The porch light wasn't on but you could make out his face from the shadowy light of the moon. You see a dark mark on his face, and a panicked looked about his features, you scan the rest of his body with urgency, your eyes widening in surprise. "Max?!"
The girl had blood dribbling from her nose and lip, a small cut on her cheek as well and one of her eyes looked red and swollen. Quickly, horrified, you pull both of them in, the girl looks like she can barely stand on her own, Billy the one supporting her. You lead her to the couch and set her down, Billy just stands behind you, fidgeting nervously with his hands, running them through his hair several times.
"He hit her, he hit her and i didn't know what else to do or where else to go but I couldn't just leave her there she doesn't deserve that.." You hear him say, his voice thick with emotions. You knew that he and Max weren't the friendliest with each other, but you also knew that deep down Billy would never let anything happen to her, and you knew that he must be eating himself alive on the inside for this. "And it's all my fault.." The moment ran through his mind as he paced nervously, trying not to look at his stepsister laying on the couch, half conscious.
"She's not a whore dad," He had said, his voice cool though his blood boiled with rage. How dare he call you a whore, you, sweet and loving Y/N, how dare he even suggest that.
He hears him scoff, hears the lamp in the living room click back on. "She's a whore if I say she's a whore." He says, standing from the chair, his body shadowed by the dim light of the lamp glowing behind him as he stalked closer. "She's probably such a fucking whore that you got her knocked up huh? That's why youve been staying with her, is that it? Hm, Billy?"
Billy clenched his jaw, he couldn't let him talk about you like this. "Shut your fucking mouth." He had growled, his father stopped just before him, stunned by his son's words. He was angered though, he could tell by the way his body tensed and he braces himself for it, the impact of the first closed fisted blow, feel his cheek cut open as his father's ring scraped across the skin. He felt the blood drip down his face and slowly he turns his head to look at his father lips pursed.
"That knock some fucking sense into you?" His father asks, hands raised as if to go again. Billy snaps, he's fucking had enough. Why would he even come back here when he so obviously had a home with you and your family. Fuck, he was stupid for leaving. With a yell he lunges forward, fists flying. He catches the man in the face, connecting with his jaw, and then his eye, trying to knock him down. He trips over the rug in the living room after rushing the man backwards and his father takes it to his advantage, savagely beating his son as he kicks and stomps every inch of him that he can get his foot on.
Billy is curled in, trying to protect himself, he feels something snap in his side and he knows that something is broken. He yells in pain, trying to wrap is brain around how to get out of it, fuck, he didn't want to die this way, and with the way his father was going? He was surely trying to end his life.
He hears a door open, and footsteps come down the hallway. "Stop it!" He hears a voice yell, his father tells them to shut up and doesn't falter in the least on his barrage of kicks, landing a few good stomps to the back of his head. Billy can barely see from the pain at this point and groans. "Leave him alone! You're killing him!"
Suddenly, between his arms covering his face, he catches a glimpse of the long red hair flying, her legs wrapping around his father's waist as she tries to knock him backwards. It works, though only momentarily. The man stumbles, thrashing about as he tries to knock his stepdaughter off. Billy doesn't miss his chance, he clambers to his feet, his body groaning and burning with pain he hadn't felt before, but he stands anyway, tall and proud, arms raised to fight.
After merely a moment, his father knocks the girl off, turning around. Billy hears the sickening sound of his hand connecting with the girls face, smacking her hard enough to send her flying into the coffee table. He could see the blood already, he knew she would have a black eye.
"I told you to stay the fuck out of it, girl." His father sneers, looking down at her menacingly. "Now look at what you've done, guess I need to teach you some respect too, huh?"
Max groans, and Billy knows she's at least conscious. He looks over to her, watching his father turn back to him. "Leave her the fuck alone dad, this is between you and me." He grinds out, looking back at her as she starts to stand. "Maxine, get your ass up and go get in my car..you're not staying here."
He sees the girl stagger slowly to her feet, stumbling to the wall and leaning against it for support. Her upper head was bleeding, she must've hit it on the table. She nears the door, and his father with his chest heaving opens his mouth to yell at her, starting to move towards her. He manages to get his hand in her hair, yanking her backwards before slamming her head into the wall. "Don't you fucki-" He's cut short by Billy connecting with his middle, tackling him to the ground. They crash through the coffee table that Max had landed on, it breaks at the force of their weight, but it gives Billy the upper hand as he connects his fist to his father's face, repeatedly punching the man, one of his hands clutched tightly to his shirt to keep him from moving, he's bought Max enough time to get out.
After a few moments the man is clearly stunned, and Billy stops, letting his head drop as he lets go of his shirt. The man groans as Billy stands to his feet, staggering as he backs away, making his way to the door. "That knock some fucking sense into you, dad?" He sneers, mocking the man as he leaves the living room, slamming the front door closed behind him.
His vision is blurred, and he's unsteady on his feet when he gets into the car, but he looks over at the girl, his little sister as much as he hated it, and he knew he had to go. He reached over, letting his hand rub her hair, she was leaning against the glass, groaning. "You're gonna be okay, I promise I won't ever let him do that to you again..I'm so sorry, Max..so so sorry.." He says, taking his hand away from her head to start the car, punching on the gas to get them as far away as quickly as he could.
"Jesus Christ, Billy.." You breathe, listening to him talk. He looked worse than Max, and your only instinct was to take care of him but you could see how worked up he was over the girl, flinching every time he looked at her. You had El go get you some supplies from the bathroom and kitchen, a damp rag to clean up her face some ice for the bruised eye that was beginning to puff up.
It took only a few minutes to get her taken care of, and shes asleep before you even finish, though you know it's from her injury rather than actual tiredness. You order Eleven to sit with her, to keep an eye on her, tell her what to do incase she throws up before you make your way to Billy, who is still pacing, muttering about how it was his fault.
You step in front of him, and gently you grab his hands, squeezing them in yours and he stops, meeting your eyes. You see the emotion in them, and you can do nothing as you watch them well with tears. God, Billy Hargrove deserved so much fucking better than that piece of shit father of his. "Come, Billy, let's go to my room okay?"
Slowly you make your way to your room. You sit him on the bed, helping him adjust himself so he's leaned again the head board as you climb onto his lap, legs on either side of his thighs as you take his face in your hands, giving him a long, gentle kiss.
His hands go to your waist and you feel his body that was shaking from adrenaline, or maybe fear start to calm. He sighs when you pull away, his eyes closed. You sit up, taking in the damage to his face. You can just barely make out bruising in his hair line, and you hope that his whole head isn't bruised if it was true that his father had kicked him that brutally. His cheek is cut, not horribly deep. It's something you can easily take care of and you take some of your supplies and get to work, Billy's hands still on your waist, gripping you ever so tightly every once in a while.
Once you're finished you straiten up, he opens his eyes and looks at you, almost startled by the movement. He had slowly been falling asleep, your presence and your soothing, gentle hands working on him having lulled him in to a relaxed state. "I'm sorry baby," You say, giving him a small smile. "I need to take your shirt off.." Slowly, gently you raise the hem of his white undershirt, the only thing he had on, and you lift it up over his head and arms that he had helpfully raised for you, despite the pain.
You hiss out a breath, flinching at the sight of his torso. Every inch of his skin was one giant bruise, his entire torso covered in angry reddish-purple marks, more starting to blossom. You ran your hands over his chest and stomach, feeling him tense and grunt at the sensation. "Oh my god, Billy.." You moan, your eyes welling up with tears. How could someone do this to their own child, someone they were supposed to love and protect, to give life not try and take it? You didn't think you'd ever get the answer.
Billy watches you, his heart welling farther with the love that he so deeply felt for you as he watched you fuss and get emotional over his injuries. He knew then that he was really going to marry you, you were the only good thing to come out of Hawkins, you were his future, his reason to live. He couldn't wait to put a ring on your finger, just the thought of it had him going crazy on the inside. "That wasn't exactly the way I planned to have you moaning that tonight.." He smirks half heartedly, trying to ease the tension settling in the room. He didn't like seeing you this upset, especially over him, but he loves that you cared for him that much.
You chuckle, trying to hide a sniffle behind it as you wipe your eyes, bringing your hands back down to his body, this time going gently over his sides. He yells loudly in pain when you just barely brush over one of his ribs. His hands squeeze your hips tightly and he groans as he breathed through the blinding pain brining through his torso. You lean down, getting a closer look. You can just barely make out the break through his skin, nothing that one or two of his ribs were caved in just the slightest bit.
"Holy shit, Billy..he broke them." You say, your eyes welling with tears again. You didn't know what to do, but you knew he wouldnt want to go to the hospital, and you didn't want to take him without your father in case the abusive man showed up. You cleaned him up as best as he could, rubbing some muscle cream over his torso in hopes that he wouldnt be so sore, and after a while, once youve wrapped some large gauze around his middle as tightly as he could without hurting him, to help splint his rib cage, you get up.
"Come on, you ought to lay down, love.." You whisper, taking his hand as you help him slide down into the bed, gently taking off his boots and his pants for him before you cover him up with your comforter. "Let me go get you some aspirin, okay? Helps with swelling.."
You turn to leave but his hand stops you, you glance at him as he pulls you to him, pulling you downwards. He brings his hand up, grunting as he moves his ribs and brings it to the back of your head, pushing you down so that your lips meet his in a slow, passionate embrace. "I love you,Y/N.." He whispers when he pulls away, releasing you as well.
"I love you too.." You whisper back, kissing his forehead every so gently before rushing off to the kitchen in search of aspirin. By the time you make it back, he's already snoring loudly, head turned to the side on your pillows. You watch him for a moment, giving him a small affectionate smile as you set the medicine and water down in the coffee table.
You go back out to the living room. Glancing at the clock. "Dad will be home soon, I'm going to wait outside for him, okay?" You ask, going to start a pot of coffee in the kitchen, pulling your hair back.
"Y/N," You hear your sisters small voice, she was say next to her friend, tears brimming in her eyes as she looked up at you. You smile at her. "What's going to happen to them?"
"I don't know, for right now..they'll stay here, Dad won't let them go back, and I won't let him let them go back..he could have killed Billy.." You say, scooping the amount of coffee grounds you liked into the coffee maker. "He could have killed her, look at what he did with just a smack." You should have had his father taken care of a long time ago, you didn't want to interfere but now you didn't have a choice.
The water starts boiling and you hear it spurt out, watching as it turns the coffee grounds in to the hot, dark liquid you so desperately craved in this moment; you breathed in the aroma.
"Is she going to be okay?" She asks, coming to stand in the doorway of the kitchen as you lean against the counter. She had on a baggy sleep shirt and some sweat pants, she looked tired with her hair a mess. "Will Billy be okay?"
You give her a stiff nod, though you weren't too sure about Billy, he really needed to go to the hospital, you worried some of the bruising might have been from internal bleeding. "They'll be okay, Max will probably just have a bad bruise, maybe a mild concussion.." You say, pouring yourself a mug of the coffee as it stops brewing, blowing on it gently. "Billy..is a lot worse, his entire stomach is nothing but one big bruise..and his ribs are broken, and i think his scalp is bruised."
You could tell your sister wanted to cry, but you walked over to her and held her against your body. "They'll be okay, El, dad isn't going to let them leave." You say, reassuring her.
After a bit you make your way outside, you had put on some sweatpants to help combat the chilly air but the mug of coffee in your hands helped more than enough. You knew it was nearing four thirty, you had called in asked him to come home early and he had asked you to give him an hour. You did tell him why, all you'd said was that it was important.
True to his word, you heard the tires of his truck hit the gravel of the drive and saw his headlights flicker through the bushes. You stood from your position on the steps, raising the mug to your face as he parks the car, looking at him gravely as he gets out of the car.
"What's wrong?" He asks, noticing your face as he grabs his shot gun, he didn't like leaving it in the car. "Who died?..did someone actually die?" You sigh, turning to go up the steps, letting him follow you.
"Someone could have died.." You say under your breath, opening the front door quietly so as not to wake up Billy or Max. Jim sees her instantly, his mouth dropping open as he gives you a pointed look. Eleven sits next to her still, on high alert.
"Jesus, what happened?" He asks, looking down at her sadly. He didn't want to ask, but he had a feeling who had done it. "Is Billy here?"
You nod. "Yeah, and she's in a lot better shape than him." You say quietly, leading him down the hallway. The two of you stop in your open doorway, your bedside lamp the only thing illuminating the small room. Your dad's boots cause the floor to creak and Billy shifts in his sleep, groaning at the sound and the movement.
Jim steps in, inching closer to the bed as quietly as he could. He could see the bruises peeking out of the gauze wrapped around his torso, the cut on his cheek, he could even make out the bruising in his hairline. He turns to look at his daughter, "Jesus Christ, Y/N.." He whispers, looking back down at the boy.
"He broke his ribs, dad..I think he was trying to kill him, both of them..Max tried to stop it." You go into the details that Billy had told you, explaining to him how savagely his own father had beaten, how he had stomped on his head and the rest of his body with as much force as he could. How he had managed to get back up to save his sister, whom he had promised to never let it happen again. You told him the guilt he felt that the girl had been involved in the first place, you told him how he had been shaking in what you thought was fear until you finally got him in your arms, able to calm him down.
He was quiet for a moment, as he looks at Billy and back out towards the hallway. You can tell by the look in his that he's made his mind up about something, and fearing the worst you start babbling immediately.
"You can't send them back, daddy please, he's going to kill them and you know it." You say, pleading with your father to listen to you, tears in your eyes at the thought of having to send Max back, Billy was eighteen, he could do whatever he wanted, same as you, but Max? You were afraid that this opened a whole new world of hurt for her if you allowed her to walk back through the front door of that house.
You father puts one of his large hands on your shoulders, trying to calm you down. "Honey, I'm not letting them go back. It goes against my entire oath of I do." He says and you relax. "Here's what's going to happen, you did a good job, but they both need to go to the hospital so they can document the injuries as evidence against his father, ill call in to the station, get a couple ambulances out here, you're going to go with them, okay?"
You nod vigorously, happy that he saw your logic. Your father may seem like a rough asshole at times, but you knew he had the biggest soft spot in the world when it came to people who needed him, and those two? They needed him more than anything. "What about you?"
He cocks his shot gun with one hand, let a barrel into the chamber, he held a dangerous gleam in his eyes that you weren't totally sure you were fond of. "I'm going to pay Mr. Hargrove a visit."
The ambulances came within half an hour, your father had already been gone upon their arrival having called it into the station before heading straight out the door, making sure his pistol and the shotgun were loaded in case Billy's father tried to get violent with him, not that he couldn't swat the man away with a flick of his wrist, but he'd rather have the fire power.
You let them into the house, telling Eleven to go back to her room. They took Max first, she was semi conscious, coherent enough to tell them her name and how old she was when they asked, and where it hurt the most. You watched them move her onto the stretcher and wheel her out, helping the next set of paramedics to your room with the stretcher as they came.
Billy was still passed out when they arrived, and quickly they had determined him unconscious upon trying to rouse him from sleep. One of the men turned to you as you tried to stay calm, what if you had waited too long?
"Honey, can you tell us his name?" He asks gently, stepping closer to you in the doorway as you watched his partner look him up and down, using his hands to check his bones. "Do you know what happened?"
You sniffle, watching tearfully. "His name is Billy, and the same thing that happened to his stepsister, only worse." You said, trying not to cry as you thought about it. "He um..he kicked the shit out of him..his entire stomach is nothing but one big bruise..maybe some of it from bleeding i don't know..his ribs are broken..and his entire scalp is bruising too..he said his father stomped on it." You said, the man nods once, his body tensing at your words. "He's eighteen if you need to know.."
He goes back to the bed to help his partner and they pull down the blankets, his partner points at the gauze around him and looks at you. "You do this?" You nod, hugging your arms to your body. He smiles at you. "Good work, smart girl..you clean up his face too?"
They checked him for a few more minutes before slipping an orange spinal board under him, just Incase his father kicked him hard enough to hurt his spine or neck, before they moved him to the stretcher, fastening him to it.
You see Eleven peek out of her door as they pass and you tell her to stay in her room, that you're going to go with them and to make sure to lock the door behind you as you shove your feet into your sandals and run after them.
The whole time in the ambulance, watching him lay there as they hooked him to different machines and asked you more questions, the only thing that you could think about was how much it pained you to know that he had lived like this, how much you loved him and wanted him to be safe with you and how much you wanted to hold him in your arms forever, you'd never thought about it before but you could definitely see yourself marrying him. You wouldn't tell him that, terrified that it would scare him off.
Everything happened so fast by the time you guys got to the hospital, you sat in the waiting room for a couple of hours, your father eventually joining you just as the sun started to peak high into the sky.
"Any news on them?" He asks quietly, he had changed from his work uniform so you knew he had to have stopped by the house. "Billy going to be okay?"
You shrug, emotional after having been left alone with your thoughts for so long. "He fractured his skull, dad..he's in surgery right now, they said he had a small internal bleed, they're trying to stop it and make sure nothing else is wrong." You choke out a sob, and your father engulfs you in his arms. You stay for a few moments, trying to calm yourself down, you could tell he was angered by the words and you couldn't blame him. "Max has a mild concussion, and he bruised her eye pretty good. She's awake and fine, but they're going to keep her a day or so they said."
"Good, that's good.." Jim breathed, relieved that the younger girl was okay, Eleven had asked repeatedly about her when he had come home to change. "I took care of their father for the time being, i made him pack up all of their clothes and things and then i arrested him, he's down at the station right now, and i dropped off their things at the house." You nod, giving his hand a squeeze as you reached for it, a silent thank you. "Eleven is unpacking Max's stuff, but I thought I'd let you and Billy handle his stuff."
You're about to answer when you're interrupted by a doctor stopping in front of the two of you, hands in his white coat. "Miss Hopper?" You look up at him, eyes hopeful. He gives you a small smile. "Your young man is going to be just fine, surgery went well and we stopped the bleed. He'll need to stay a few days or so to make sure nothing more happens, especially with his head injury."
You smile, happy years running down your face as you let out a choked noise. Your father squeezes your hand. The doctor smiles again. "He's awake, and he's quite insistently asking after you, you may go see him if you'd like, he's in the first room on the left, just around the corner, his sister as well." You don't say a word as you stand and rush to the door, running down the hallway. "To be young and feel a love like theirs.."
You find the room and rush in, moving the small privacy curtain out of your way. He lays in the bed closest to the window, Max in the one by the door. He looks up as you run in and you see his face change immediately as he holds his arms up to you. "Oh my god, Billy I thought you were going to die when they said you were bleeding inside.." You say, blubbering everywhere, your face a mess of tears and admittedly, some snot. "You were in surgery for so long I thought something bad had happened and i started panicking because how can the world take you from me right now?" You didn't know what you were saying, too focused on his hands cupping your face.
Billy made his mind up right then and there. He was going to marry you, maybe not soon, maybe a couple years down the road, but he was ready to ask you. He brushes your tears away with his thumbs, rubbing them under your eyes as you sniffle and try to calm down. He gives you a smile, despite the pain blooming through his body. "Hey, babygirl, im not going anywhere, not yet..you're stuck with me for a long, long time." He says quietly, not even caring that Max was seeing him like this. You nod at him, smiling. "I love you..now, kiss me you goof." You do as told, giving him a long, sweet kiss, though you pull away, trying not to lean on him too much. He sighs. "Now I'm happy.."
You chuckle, wiping your nose before looking over to the left, Max was slowly sliding off the bed, hospital gown tied around her. She shuffled over to the two of you. "Hey, how are you feeling?" You ask, but she goes right past you.
You watch her lean over Billy and engulf him in an awkward hug, her head on his chest as she tried not to press on him too much. Billy looks uncomfortable, unsure of what to do for a few moments but eventually he relaxes and brings a hand up to rub the back of her head. "I'm okay, kid..and it's honestly probably because of you so..thank you, Max.."
You thought the moment was sweet, and you were glad that the two seemed to be bonding, though it bothered you that it took the two of them being beaten to do it. You open your arms for her next, and she squeezed you tight. "Hey, you guys don't have to go back there okay? My dad arrested him, and he packed up all of your things..you'll be staying with us for now.." She squeezed you tighter a minute before letting go and going back to her bed.
You share a look with Billy. "You look tired." He says, a small tug at his lips. "Give me another kiss and then go home, okay? You need to rest.." You don't argue, you're just glad that he's okay. You do as he says, you give him another kiss, a longer one this time and you even give Max a peck on the head too. "Y/N.." You look at him over your shoulder, eyebrows furrowed. "..can you send your dad in? I need to talk to him."
Your dad seems surprised, but goes as told. You wait for him in the waiting room, pacing.
Jim makes his way to the room, poking his head in. "You look like shit." He says, stepping in. Billy chuckles, but winces. "Bet that hurts, I'm sorry." He stands in front of the bed, giving a small smile to Max, who is busy trying to figure out the television.
"Sir, I know you probably think it's too soon, and maybe it is, but.." He takes in a deep breath, and Jim puts his hands on his hips, he had a nervous feeling about this. "..I want to marry your daughter.."
@dakotazzzzz @annoyingexboyfriend @ttsbaby01 @rainwritesworld-deactivated2022 @angelbbygrl @peakascum @choclate32 @meltedcandiedacid @variety-fangirl @floreoo @miaivy @gloryekaterina @queenjayrogue @fluffyhairobsessed
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hearts-4-valentine · 5 months
How long is forever?
Yang Jeongin x reader
Summary: Summary: your best friend Jeongin is moving away to become a K-pop idol. Years later you go to surprise him at a concert. He asks you when are you going to see him again and you jokingly say forever. How long is forever?
You and Jeongin have always been close as long as you can remember. He was your only friend and you were his only friend. You stuck together like glue and loved each other.
“Foxy! I’m here,”
You both hugged each other very tightly while their parents laughed. You both run upstairs to go play with your stuffed animals. Your parents called out to you but you didn't hear what they said because all you were focused on was Jeongin.
"So...Y/nnie.. I won't be here for your birthday,"
"What!? Why not? Did you find another best friend? I came to your tenth birthday so why can't you come to mine?"
"Well...my mom wants me to try something new...We're moving back to South Korea next week-"
You were completely devastated. You thought he came to stay with you in America forever... But now he's leaving for god knows how long. But there would always be a memory of him in the back of your mind.
The day has come...
You and your mother are at the airport with Jeongin, his mom, and his dad. You couldn't even look at Jeongin.
He almost started crying. He just wants you to say something or at least look at him. It wasn't his choice and you know that, but it still hurt like hell. You were his safe space, his best friend forever and he had to leave... he had to leave you. He didn't care for anything else in America but you.
"Remember me..."
You go up to him and kissed his cheek and hugged him, refusing to let go. Then you felt something being put on your wrist. It was a bracelet that said 'Y/nnie'. Then he showed you a bracelet that said 'Foxy' on it.
Then it was time for him to board the plane. You gave him one last hug and said another goodbye.
You walked around your college's campus bored as ever. It was only a matter of time until you graduated. Even though you're only 21, time has been flying by quicker than you ever expected to be.
Then, your friend, Irene runs up to you with a smile brighter than the sun.
"A K-pop group is performing at our college, girly!"
"Irene, you know I'm not into that kind of-"
"You're never interested in anything. But anyway, look at the flyer for it!"
There are the words STRAY KIDS bolded on top of the paper with the members names underneath it. There's Bangchan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N (Jeongin).
"Wait! Jeongin?"
"Yeah, he's the youngest of the group. So...are you coming with? I got two backstage passes! Wouldn’t want to waste them, would we?
"Yeah...I guess I'll go,"
You are at the concert in the third row. You see people from your college and people who aren't from your college to. Maybe it was leftover tickets and other people decided to go.
They are performing their opening song, LALALALA. You start to smile because you are actually liking the music. Until you hear a familiar voice with a familiar face...
"몸부림치며 roll 냅다 던져버려 맞닥뜨려 세상의 소음"
You mumbled to yourself. Could it actually be? Was it him?
About 50 people were lined up for the meet and greet backstage. You were so nervous about seeing you friend that you haven't seen in over 6 years.
“Irene I’m so scared…”
“What is it to be scared of?”
“What if he remembers me and it’s kinda awkward or if he doesn’t remember and that’s even more awkward—
“Girl…you really need to stop your rambling…please,”
Soon enough it was your turn… you walked forward but you stopped because of your name being called.
You felt to nervous to respond…so you smiled as he came up to you .
Finally you gathered up all the courage you had and said something…
“I’m glad to see you again, foxy,”
So I’m kinda leaving yall on a cliffhanger ig. I didn’t have time to write it because I’m so busy and recently I’ve been all over the place so…yeah
It probably won’t be posted until the end of February but idk
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tiajk · 1 year
Maze runner x reader
Thomas x fem! reader x newt x Minho
I will be making a male Version and gender neutral version of this I want people of other genders to enjoy this alswell
a/n: in this i made everyone bi sexual and your all in poly relationship they all don’t just love y/n and still consider each other as friends they all love each other in a intimate way
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Our love has no bounds
Warnings: fluff, angst, crack, polyamorous, death, crack, jealousy, janson (ew)
so basically your all in the maze your the maze you don't remember anything it’s weird and you hate it (i mean who would like it)
Your one of the ones that come up in the beginning like for instance it’s only like 5 of you there that five being you newt Alby Winston and gally then the new greenie comes up it’s Minho since Alby was busy at the moment you gave him the tour the kid was barely taller than you (In this part your 5’2 but u can say you grow taller as the years because I’m making it 4 years instead of 3 that they were in the maze) and he was quiet , shy even but all that went away when you smiled at him and he smiled back “damn he has a cute eye smile” (EYE SMILES ARE MY WEAKNESSES ISTG)
You took him took kitchen at the moment you were all the cooks until someone came up and was the best cook
You ended the tour off by saying “all right greenie this is the last part of the tour if u need anything let me newt or Alby know okay?” “Mi…” you we’re confused he said something but u didn’t hear it “what” “my name it’s Minho” you smirked and out your hand out to him “well Minho nice to meet you”
So after that you and minho got closer along with newt tagging along and getting closer
As more and more greenies came up they realized one thing that they love you and they love each other
But you didn't want to admit it you just couldn’t having a crush on 2 boys was bad and you thought you were selfish because of it with you being a runner it was upsetting and you just wanted to focus on getting out of there
Okay i’m done building this character development
When thomas came you newt and minho were already in a relationship (like in my last maze runner idea thomas was there for 3 months instead of 3 days)
He was staring at newt hard asf like you all did to be honest look at him
Thomas had taken a liking to all of you when you ben and minho and run in the maze when he tried to go in he was staring at you and minho hardddd like when i say hard i mean hard and i'm not gonna lie you guys were too
Okay onto the relationship
cuddles IMMACULATE they’re all so warm
But everyone in the glade is accepting asf like were all family here
Sometimes yall be in the map room doing things…..
Chuck being your number #1 supporter
When thomas become a runner you and minho pranked him as a joke and he was mad but you guys made it up to him by cuddling him and giving him attention
There's a joke around the glade that newts the little housewife and it's funny as hell
Stargazing together like i could imagine one of you were having a bad day and they boys and you plans to go stargazing and its amazing
Newt kissing you minho and thomas goodbye as you go into the maze for the day
Winston being your best friend along with gally,ben,ably and chuck
You two gossiping him about your relationships (i lowkey cannon ben x winston dont judge me they deserve more love)
When chuck died you sobbed out loudly he was like a brother to you no one or anything could replace that from you that piece of your heart was gone and you could never forgot it
When you guys break out of the maze all of you being protective asf towards each other
While going into the wicked facility you guys holding each others hand and giving each other looks as a way of staying “be careful and stay safe”
So while they didn’t take you with teresa they didn’t really want to for some reason you were thankful and it made you happy you could be with your boys and your friends finally being safe or what you thought was safe
Even after you guys escaped you were all still holding on to each other scared you were going to lose each other and you couldn’t have that not when you lost so many already
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eyesxxyou · 6 months
Angst about dad hobie/spiderpunk so warning! But it becomes a slight fluff?
Hobie having a afab reader as their lover. The reader actually gets pregnant from yknow, and hobie doesnt want them doing an unsafe abortion since they mightve been illegal back then or still are, and he doesnt want reader being hurt. So they have a kid and hobie stays with them no matter how hard it is being spiderman and being scared of your family being killed.
This was years ago, he shouldve been more safe, he shouldve done more. That what he tells himself as hes at your and his 8 year old daughters grave. Having a heart locket necklace that he bought for you on his neck, having a ring that he had made for his daughter and would let her wear it on special occasions on the same necklace. And inside the necklace is a photo of you three a couple of days before he lost the both of you. He has patches and stuff from both of yall on his leather jacket. Or if your crafty and make stuff or made him a leather jacket it becomes his main leather jacket he wears as it was a gift from you. Or any pins or anything he purs it on the jacket. He knows you or her wouldnt want him to blame himself but he cant stop, so he protects other familys woth his whole life. He knows how hard it is losing the hellspawn you created or the person you fell in love with. He distracts himself all the time with work, music, riots. Work+music+riots all together. Destroying osborn. Destroying villains. He overworks himself not to feel the immense pain and guilt he feels. He almost had bled out a couple of times if not for captain anarchy. You would patch him up and he got used to you doing it, he stopped doing it to himself. And he stopped caring about himself and if it happened, he just wanted his world back. He used to care about himself, you and yalls daughter did as well. Youd comfort him and now your gone, he doesnt know how to do with his feelings or anything , so thats why he distracts himself or doesnt care what happens to him. But no matter what on yalls anniversary, your birthday, your daughters birthday, his, honestly no matter what he always went to visit your grave everyday. He felt closer to you and your daughter. He was a little closer then he thought as yall were right their with him whenever hed come to visit, or just watching over him. You were his guardian angels physically and liter. He doesnt know that yet, he will once you accidentally show yourself to him when hes bleeding out when no ones around and he hears your and your daughters blissful voice. But its not his day, not today. Not yet. You give him another kiss before making sure he doesnt bleed out and his daighter also gives him kiss and cuddles him while you fix where his wounds at. He doesnt believe its real until he wakes up in an alleyway with karl shaking him and his wound is wrapped like how youd wrap it. Hed just need to change it, karl would help him with that. He still felt your and your daughters presence, and that motivates him a lot more. He is able to get more done and he finally gives himself a break. Visiting yours and his daughters grave with flowers while he is working on a new song to help anyone struggling with something similar he went to. Bit he also lets himself go to the park and relieve yalls memories from when you were kids to teens to young adults, to where yall had yalls daughter as probably 18/19/20 year olds (i dont want teen pregn in this guys even though that exist. Thatd also be a little weird writing ahout this.) But anyways while he revisits the memories he knows you and your daughter are right with him, when are yall not? And now he knows how yall feel and yalls presence, so he now always knows yall are always with him
Im sorry this shit isnt profread so sorry for any errors in my spelling but i thought this was cute, i hope you enjoyed this. A little angst but its cute (i almost cried when writing this)
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universecorp · 2 years
hey yall 😝. im feeling a possessive type wonwoo fic kinda w a story like the joshua fic hehe. uh heres my three prompts: #6, #38, and theres more i want to do but i cant decide so ill just let you decide (99-101, 93, 86, 65,66, 41, 13 im sick pls choose bc i cant 😭) thanks 🫶
p.s. yall #57 had me rolling it was out of nowhere i just started laughing
It’s My Right to Be Hellish
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Summary: Your boyfriend, Wonwoo, tended to be possessive, even when it came to his friends. He never failed to remind you that you were his though.
Wonwoo x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut and Fluff
Warnings: Possessive Wonwoo, Dom!Wonwoo, Sub!Reader, Unprotected sex(stay safe), Small argument, Choking, Degrading, Objectification/Dehumanization(???), Teasing, Oral!Fem receiving, Fingering
W.C.: 2.1k
#6 “I could kiss you forever.”
#38 “Don’t go…”
#41 “I’m fine…”
You and your boyfriend were currently out with some of his college friends. It had been about a year since he had graduated, but you were still currently attending school, studying neuroscience. Wonwoo had landed his dream job as a game designer, so he made enough money to support the two of you and your child, a.k.a. your cat, Bean. You still had a job, but Wonwoo insisted you cut down your hours to focus on school more, which you declined, feeling it wasn’t fair that he would be the only breadwinner.
Currently you were chatting with Wonwoo’s friend Dino, who was talking animatedly about his new dance for his final. You listened intently, taking a sip of your drink before glancing over at your boyfriend. You hadn’t talked to him much all night, since his friends had been keeping conversation with you all night. Wonwoo had been having his own conversations with others as well, but anytime you’d laugh loudly at something Hansol or Dino had said, Wonwoo would feel a ping of jealousy. It’s not that he didn’t trust you, quite the opposite actually. He just doesn’t like sharing.
Wonwoo was possessive, he hated having to share your attention and you in general. Most pet names he called you were always accompanied with a “my” in front of it, and he never failed to remind you or anyone else that you were his and his alone. You thought his possessiveness was cute and sometimes sexy depending on the situation, but other times, like now it was a little annoying. 
“I’m going to get another round of drinks.” Wonwoo’s rough voice cut through all conversations, causing a majority of the table to nod. Wonwoo left, heading towards the bar area, you could tell by the way his voice sounded and his body language that something was wrong. “I’m gonna go help him.” You supplied quickly before following your boyfriend to the bar. Wonwoo didn’t turn to face you, even though he could feel your presence. “Woo, what’s wrong?” You sighed out. “I’m fine.” He said still turned around, tapping his finger impatiently as he waited for the bartender to make the drinks. “You’re not fine, you’ve been glaring at anyone who talks to me all night, and you just stormed off like a child.” He rolled his eyes at you which made you scoff, before leaving him alone at the bar. If he was going to act like a child you were going to treat him like one.
Wonwoo returned with the drinks, and the whole table took notice of the change in atmosphere. You pushed it to the side, not wanting to ruin the night for the rest of the group and continued talking to them. Seungkwan began inquiring about your final which you were working on with Mingyu, Wonwoo’s best friend. The two of you were both culinary minors and currently in the same capstone course.  You began talking about your plans. thankful that the atmosphere became a bit more bearable, but you didn’t miss the way Wonwoo was blatantly ignoring you as you spoke.
After another hour your group parted ways, currently you were sitting in the passenger seat, of Wonwoo’s car. You were glancing at him occasionally, watching his jaw tick in frustration. The two of you hadn’t said a word to one another since you left him alone at the bar. It was probably for the best though, you both learned that you shouldn’t say things until you were cooled off. You were fine, but Wonwoo, Wonwoo wasn’t. His right hand was roughly gripping the steering wheel while his left propped his head up against the window. The red stoplight illuminated his sharp features, almost making him look scary especially with the way his brows were furrowed. 
Eventually the two of you made it home, getting ready for bed in silence. You had settled into bed first, waiting for Wonwoo to join you, but you sat up with a confused expression when he grabbed his pillow and began walking out to the living room. “Where are you going?” You asked, causing Wonwoo to stop in the doorway. “I’m going to sleep in the living room.” You couldn’t help the small pout that formed on your lips from his answer. “Woo, please stay, you know I don’t sleep well without you.” Wonwoo just clicked his tongue before taking another step forward towards the living room. ”You’ll be fine for one night.”He said bluntly trying to walk away again, but your voice interrupted him. “Don’t go, please.” Wonwoo stood still, contemplating if he should stay or not. Eventually he sighed before turning around and taking his place in bed next to you, allowing you to slide yourself next to him. You smiled softly, intertwining your hand with his as you snuggled into his shoulder. “I’m sorry for saying you were being childish.” You said bringing his knuckles up to your lips, planting a soft kiss against them as you looked up at him. Wonwoo looked down at you before sighing again and kissing the crown of your head, “It’s ok, I’m sorry for acting like that, I just don’t like sharing you, I guess I’m still not used to it.” You smiled and leaned up to plant a peck on his lips, which he returned graciously. 
“What are you gonna do in the future hmm?” You asked against his lips, to which he hummed a quick, “I don’t know,” against your own. You and Wonwoo knew you wanted to get married and eventually have kids, but he wanted to wait until you graduated so that you could focus on each other and so the two of you could have the wedding you dreamed of. You were on board with that idea, knowing that you needed to have a stable job before you settled down and especially before the two of you decided to have kids. 
“I think once I have a ring on that pretty finger of yours, then maybe I’ll be ready to share.” You smiled as your pecks began turning less innocent. “Even with little us’s running around, if they’re anything like you, then you’ll really have to share.” Wonwoo let out a deep chuckle against your lips, “Well until then, you’re all mine.” 
Wonwoo took your lips in a deeper kiss as he climbed over you, caging you between himself and the bed. You sighed into his mouth, wrapping your hands behind his neck, while he brought his own to your hips, gripping them roughly. You gasped lightly, allowing Wonwoo to slip his tongue into your mouth. You submitted immediately, allowing him to take the lead, practically melting into the bed. Wonwoo trailed his hands down to the bottom button of your night shirt and began unbuttoning the soft material slowly, leaving a trail of kisses on your skin once it was exposed. 
“So gorgeous, I could kiss you forever.” He mumbled against your skin, “All of this is mine, these thighs,” he squeezed them roughly as he spoke, “these breasts, and these lips.” He trailed his way back up to your lips to give you a short peck as he massaged breasts roughly, causing you to moan breathily. “All these sounds are mine too, no one else gets to hear you like this.” Wonwoo looked down at you smugly, loving all the noises you were making. He hated it when you tried to hold back your sounds or reactions, he wanted to know he was making you feel good. You also weren’t in the mood to be a brat, so you were willing to let him hear everything you had to offer. 
“Woo, stop teasing please…” You trailed off into another moan as Wonwoo continued to fondle your breasts teasingly. “Patience, love, you know I like to take care of my things nicely.” Your eyes practically rolled in the back of your head when he said that. You let out an embarrassingly loud whimper at his words, which only caused him to smile down at you. “You like that? You like when I call you one of my things, baby? Love being reduced down to nothing but an object, don't you? My personal plaything.” You nodded in response, arching your back as he began tweaking your nipples roughly, moaning out his name as he trailed one of his hands down to your core slowly. He rubbed two fingers over your clothed pussy, letting out a huff of laughter as he felt how wet you were through the fabric. “God you’re soaked.” You couldn’t help the blush that climbed up your body as he spoke about you so shamelessly. “Do I really have that much of an effect on you?” You wanted to slap the smug smile off his face at that moment, but decided against it. “You and I both know the answer to that question.” You said breathily as Wonwoo moved down to take your panties off. “True, I just wanted to hear you say it though.” Wonwoo huffed out a laugh while you lifted your hips to help him remove the soaked piece of fabric. 
Wonwoo gently trailed his fingers across your folds, making you shiver slightly. You wished he would just slip them inside of you, but you knew he was in the mood to break you down. Wonwoo kisses the inside of your thigh before taking the plump skin between his teeth. You yelped slightly at the pain, but whimpered as Wonwoo began sucking love bites into your skin. Wonwoo continued to tease you until he suddenly sunk two fingers into you. He curled them upwards, hitting that spot that always drove you insane. 
Your hands quickly flew to your boyfriend's black locks as he began to finger you roughly. “Fuck…don’t stop!” You said breathily, tilting your head back in pleasure. “Wasn’t planning on it baby.” Wonwoo smirked as he spoke before slotting his tongue inside of you next to his fingers. Your grip on his scalp tightened as you moved against his tongue and fingers, moaning loudly as you began to grow closer to your height. Wonwoo thrusted his tongue and fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, while humming against you, sending the vibrations straight to your core. A series of curses and his name left your lips as you arched your back, feeling yourself on the brink of release. “C-close…” you whimpered out, causing Wonwoo to pull away from you. “I know baby, but don’t you wanna cum on my cock?” Wonwoo asked, trying to sooth you. You nodded with teary eyes, reaching out for him. He immediately made his way up, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. 
After a minute or so, Wonwoo pulled back to remove his boxers, stroking himself to fill hardness before climbing back over you. He lined himself up with you before pushing in slowly, throwing his head back in pleasure as he bottomed out. Wonwoo set up a steady pace, moving your thighs to rest on his hips as he thrusted deeply into you. His hands roughly gripped your thighs as he leaned down to capture your lips, swallowing your moans. “You feel so good baby, taking me so well.” He mumbled against your lips as he slowed down a little, rolling his hips into you. You threw an arm over your eyes as you moaned his name loudly into the silence of your apartment, feeling the pressure of your pleasure building up slowly. “You’re not cumming until I do love, but I think you knew that right?” You nodded in response, but that answer didn’t make Wonwoo happy, so he grabbed your cheeks forcefully. “Words. please.” Wonwoo punctuated each syllable with a thrust making you cry out in pleasure before answering with a shaky “yes,” as tears of pleasure began running down your cheeks. “Good girl.” Wonwoo tapped your cheek, twice, lightly before bringing his hand down to your neck and squeezing lightly. You gasped slightly at the restriction while arching your back, trying to fight off your orgasm that was now fast approaching. 
“Hold on a little longer baby, I know you can do it.” Wonwoo grunted out, increasing his pace. He was thrusting into you quickly, letting out deep groans as you clenched around him. Wonwoo leaned down to capture your lips one last time, squeezing your neck a little tighter as his hips stuttered a bit signaling he was close. “Let go…” he mumbled against your lips, to which you obeyed, letting your orgasm wash over you. Wonwoo stilled inside of you, as he came, loosening the grip he had around your neck to bring his hand up to move your hair out of your face. The two of you were breathing heavily as you stared into each other’s eyes, basking in the post orgasm glow, smiling softly at one another. “You ok?” Wonwoo asked leaning down to kiss your cheek softly. You nodded with a slightly dopey smile on your face as you were still stuck on your post orgasmic high. Wonwoo nodded himself before moving to lay next to you, pulling you in closely to his body. “I love you.” He whispered against the shell of your ear before kissing it gently. “I love you too.”
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grey-tones · 3 years
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Final art of 2020, goodbye hell year! Let's all hope and work towards a better and brighter 2021 ❤
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ilychimmy · 5 years
happy new year bitches! i finally got a new years kiss from the one i love!
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
Stuck with you || Leon S. Kennedy (RE2 Remake)
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Leon S. Kennedy x RPDOfficer!Fem!reader
Summary: It's a dark and stormy night in Raccoon City and also the perfect setting for a zombie apocalypse of course. You find yourself stuck in the RPD with none other than your partner in crime Leon S. Kennedy. As the both of you explore the new and abandoned environment you both find yourselves fending off zombies, running away from them, and getting stuck in safe rooms too...what more could go wrong? Maybe it's not so bad being stuck in a room with Officer Kennedy just for a few hours...right?
TW: Smut, Angst, Emotional Post Apocalyptical Shit, Nudity, Adult Language/Swearing, Roleplaying (Kinda), Oral sex (Fem Receiving), Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Intense Making Out/Kissing, Some Arguing, Violence/Gore (Basically just shooting zombies and some blood), Tending to wounds (Blood and open wounds stuff ya know), Gun Fire/Shooting (At Zombies obviously), Some Commitment Issues (because the world is ending obviously)
Word Count: 4,196
A/N: I totally forgot how much I loved this game and that I basically grew up playing RE4, 5 and 6! I saw some walkthroughs of the new RE2 & RE3 Remake like a year ago and this one-shot smut has been sitting in my drafts for a god damn year just unpublished. I decided to release it due to the new movie coming out to quench yall’s thirst for Leon from the video games at least since I lowkey hate the cast they picked for the movie. Hopefully, I nail everything on the head and get the details right! Hope you all enjoy it and thank you!
UPDATE: READ PT. 2 (RE4 Remake)
"Are you sure this is the right hallway to the darkroom?" You whispered as you held your handgun close to your chest.
Your breath was heavy from having outrun some zombies from the last room you ventured into with Leon. He seemed to be unaffected from all this exercise, it probably was all that training at the police academy or maybe he was just built well, very well you might add. Ypu were guilty of having stolen a few glances here and there at his budging muscles in his police uniform.
"You sure do ask a lot of questions Y/N. According to the map, yes it should be right around this corner." He clutched onto his shotgun tightly, swiftly turning the corner as you followed suit, making sure to look around and behind every corner.
"Well, maybe I wouldn't ask so many questions if you just communicated with me a bit more." You said with a snarky attitude as the moan and grunting of a nearby zombie echoed close by.
You decided to stay quiet, slowly stepping on your tippy-toes but that didn't last very long when another zombie started to wildly scratch at the boarded-up windows near the Darkroom. Another zombie crawling on the floor ready to take a bite at your ankles. You pointed your flashlight to the ground pulling the trigger on your handgun, shooting it right in the head two times without hesitation. Bang Bang. Blood splattered all over the floor and onto the tips of your shoes. Leon aimed for the zombie that was knocking at the window and shot right through the glass. Boom. You heard the loud cocking of the shotgun as he reloaded and shot once more, glass shattering and flying all over the both of you. You heard Leon loudly grunt as you were positive he cut himself with one of the flying shards. Both of your gunshots had only caused more trouble by alerting the rest of the dormant zombies that were roaming the halls carelessly and the moaning and groaning became louder. Shadows of rotting corpses creeping towards you, ready to pounce.
"Fuck! Come on, get in!" Leon said as you quickly ran into the Darkroom right behind him and he slammed the door shut with his shoulder. He shifted his whole body weight against the door holding it closed while their nails seemed to screech against the door, trying to claw their way inside. The wooden door rattling as Leon made sure that door stayed closed like his life depended on it.
"A little help would be nice!" He yelled at you from across the room. You quickly grabbed a metal chair making sure to put it right under the doorknob and propping it up to blockade the door. Safety at last.
"Jesus Christ...that was a close one. We really need to get you a silencer for that trigger finger of yours." He said bending down and putting his hands on his knees, exhaling while his eyes were focused on the floor. Blood was running down his bicep in dark red streams, droplets falling onto the cracked concrete, making creating a somewhat intriguing pattern.
"Seriously?! You wanted me to just do nothing while a zombie was about to bite me?! You also didn't need to use your loud and proud shotgun to take out one zombie!-” You we’re practically out of breath while you ranted, Leon never seemed to catch a break, you both have been acting like cat and dog all day.
“Thanks though...for saving our asses...again." You admitted, the tone in your voice defeated.
You walked over to the table in the middle of the room putting down your handgun and taking off your RPD hip pouch, unstrapping the bulletproof vest from your chest. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, you tried to take a minute to calm down. The adrenaline pumping in your veins had you completely on edge and you werent feeling like yourself all day, but then again not everyone is thrown into a borderline zombie apocalypse on their first day on the job.
You were one of the rookies that was suppose to start today just like Leon. The both of you had been paired to be working as partners but this wasn't what you expected when you had arrived to Raccoon City. Everything was abandoned, crumbling to pieces and it looked like a massacre happened outside. Nowhere was safe anymore and everything about your past life didn't matter right now, the goal was to survive every second.
You heard Leon curse under his breath while he sat on the spare cot that was in the room, his hand holding the bleeding gash that was on his bicep. You quickly decided to take action by rummaging around the room in hopes to find a first aid kit or anything at this point to help your partner. You might not have gotten off on the right foot when first meeting him but that didn't make it any less important that the both of you had to stick together through this, because being alone would have been much worse.
At last, after opening every drawer and cabinet you were able to find a first aid kit. You walked over to Leon, getting down on one knee as you put the open kit on the cot beside him.
"What are you doing Y/N? I'll be fine, I promise. Right now, we need to rest and wait for this to pass." He said giving you a weak smile looking down at you with his piercing blueish grey eyes.
"No Leon. It's not fine, you're bleeding all over the place and I don't think you want this cut to get infected, do you?" You asked tilting your head to the side, slowly placing your fingertips on his muscular bicep and rotating his arm closer to you so you could see the wound better.
"Take off your shirt." You commanded him to do without even blinking an eye.
You didn’t even realized how it sounded or what you had said but a blush came across your face at the thought that a half-naked Leon would be right in front of your eyes in mere seconds.
Leon hesitated for a second but proceeded to unstrap his bulletproof vest and toss it to the side. He slowly peeled his shirt off and Jesus Christ what a sight. You couldn't help but glance over and admire his sculpted body. The deep valleys and dips in his abs, his defined V line that ran against his waistline, and even his collarbones looked appealing. The crappy lighting in the room somehow making all the right parts of his body glisten like golden glitter.
"May I...?" You asked as Leon nodded his head in response and let you grab hold of his arm, rotating it towards you.
You grabbed the tweezers from the box and started to see if you could find any glass shards in the cut and of course, there were a few pieces lodged deep in there.
"This is...well it's going to hurt. There’s no sugar coating that." You say while starting to slowly spread the skin open with your fingertips and reaching into the fleshy parts, pulling out glass pieces one by one. You could hear Leon grunting under his breath, clearly in pain as a thin layer of sweat started to develop on his skin.
"I'm almost done, I promise." You say trying to reassure him and he grinds his teeth together in response.
His knuckles go white as he grips the bottom edge of the cot. You couldn't help but get distracted by his veiny hands and how hot and bothered he made you feel while admiring every part of him. You weren't going to lie, yes it had been a while since anyone's touched you in that way and this whole situation right now wasn’t your number one choice for getting out there to meet that someone special. You would be lying if you said you didn't find Leon attractive because he was way more than attractive, he was obviously your type. Strong, blonde, brooding and blue-eyed type that you wouldn't mind if he pinned you against the wall and took you right then and there.
You shook your head trying to get the dirty thoughts out of your mind and you placed the tweezers down, moving onto the brown glass bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. You picked up a hefty amount of cotton gauze, unscrewed the cap, and soaked it in the liquid. You hesitated a little bit before pressing the gauze firmly into the wound and you could feel Leon squirm a little, most likely because it burned like a bitch.
"Fucking hell..." He said a bit too loud and placed his hand onto your shoulder squeezing tightly as the liquid filled his wound with white fizzing bubbles.
"Just hang in there. One more step left." You said reaching into the kit for the antibacterial liquid and dabbing it into the cut with your finger. Leon let out a sigh of relief as the burning had stopped and you wrapped up the gash with white bandage that was in the kit. You made sure to tightly wrap it around his arm, trying to also be delicate and not touching the sensitive area too much.
"Thank you…I appreciate it." His voice low and shallow.
You got up off the floor and sat in the spot right next to him on the cot. Leon had noticed a stray piece of hair in your eye and brushed it back, tucking it behind your ear. He let his hand rest on your cheek for just a moment, pulling it away quickly when he realized how close he was to you. Your cheeks got all flushed by his touch and you could feel your body heating up by being this close to him, what the hell was happening to you?! It couldn't be possible that you had actually developed feelings for him in less than 24 hours. It's just impossible. Your body was clearly reacting because you craved the touch of another human being, right?
"Sorry, I-it looked like it was in your eyes." He said with a smile as you were leaning more and more into him that both of your lips were inches away from each other but the moment quickly fell flat when it was interrupted by radio static coming through the walkie-talkie.
"Oh shit! That must be Marvin." You say reaching for the walkie-talkie from your hip pouch that was on the table.
You fiddle with the buttons to get the right channel and you press the button to speak.
"Marvin?! Marvin are you there?" You shout into the walkie.
"Y/N? Leon? It's Marvin! I____the lobby is__________with_____too many of them!" He says over the very static signal and his words get chopped off and broken, the signal soon dies out.
"Fuck! God damnit! This whole place is getting overrun. We need to get out of here Leon." You say in desperation as you put your hands on the table, hanging up the walkie-talkie, and turning around to face him while you lean against the flimsy wood of the table.
"I know, but right now we need to wait it out. I don't think you have any ideas on how we can pass the time, do you?" He asked with what seemed like a mischievous smile on his face while he stood up and walked towards you.
His hands immediately resting on both sides of the table, pinning you in between. His head slowly cocking to the side while he leaned in closer to you.
You looked away for a second breaking eye contact with him. You could feel the heat of his breath on your neck and that alone was making you weak in the knees. He was acting pretty bold for a man who you thought was all about being a hero and saving the world. He acts as if you both weren’t literally bantering five minutes ago.
"I have a few ideas..." You said with a small smirk on your face as well.
You placed your hand on the waistband of his uniform trousers. Your fingers fiddling with his belt buckle but not fully undoing it. You saw the way he raised his eyebrows at you, his breath hitching ever so slightly as your fingertips glided along the edge, teasing him.
"Please do enlighten me Officer Y/LN. What were you thinking of doing to me exactly?" His eyebrows furrowing slightly as if he was geuinely curious.
"Well, I was hoping that actually, you could do something to me..." You paused for a moment as you leaned closer towards his body, your hands sliding up from his waist to pressing against the pecks on his chest and your lips going to his ear.
"I want you to....fuck me, Officer Kennedy. Can a rookie like you handle that?" You said pulling away to see his expression, it was like you had unleashed a beast within him by uttering those words. You were pretty sure that Leon was also just as touch-starved as you were, so what was the harm in indulging in one another?
"When you say it like that, how can I refuse?" He said as his hands snaked around to your waist, having a firm grip on you as he lifted you up in one swift movement, high enough so that you could sit on the wooden table.
Next thing you know his lips found their way to yours and there was no stopping this now. The way he kissed you, so ravenous, this man was in dire need and so were you. His hands caressed your body in all the right places as you opened your legs wider so that he could fit perfectly into the space inbetween. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands went straight to the nape of his neck, tugging at the little hairs there. His tongue pushing and pulling with yours while the both of you fought for dominance. You let a small moan slip from your lips when you felt his hands grab at your ass, squeezing the soft tissue, his hands snaking up your back bringing along your shirt with them. The kiss broke apart for just a moment as he pulled the shirt off of you and tossed it to the side and he took a moment to admire your body, observing every curve, dip, and even the valley between your breasts.
"This looks like it might be illegal. I'll have to confiscate this Officer." He said in heavy breaths, not even giving you time to respond back. His hands went immediately to your back, his skillful fingers unclasping your black lacey bra and freeing your breasts, leaving you completely exposed.
You responded with a small moan as he began fluttering kisses down your neck and making sure to leave hickies all over, biting your delicate skin and licking the spot over and over again. The heat of his tongue made your core boil even more while he squeezed and touched you in all the places you were craving for so long. Each kiss he placed needy and feverish while you squeezed your legs around him tighter, your hips grinding against his in unison. You could already feel his hard-on through his trousers, you were in the same boat as you could already feel yourself becoming wetter the more he did everything right to your body. Your hands made their way down to his belt buckle expect this time you made sure to push and pull it until it unbuckled completely and unbuttoned his trousers. Your hands slowly ghosted over his hard-on and you could feel him respond by pausing every few seconds while his lips traveled down your body, littering your skin with kisses left and right. One hand squeezed your breast while the other was hooked onto the belt loops of your pants, ready to undo them.
"Leon...please..." You begged in between small moans that you tried to suppress as you hid your face in the crook of his neck.
"I'm not finished with you just yet." He said almost with a husky growl as he slowly started to help you slip off your pants, your panties sliding off at the same time leaving you completely naked and vulnerable to him.
He wasted no time getting in between your legs, his kisses making your inner thighs get goosebumps by the touch of his lips on your skin. You bit your lip at the sight of seeing him on his knees for you, worshipping you like a goddess. Leon seemed to be completely enthralled with the idea of going down on you. He started by swirling his tongue around your clit and then moved back down to trace your slit. Your hands immediately moved into his hair, raking through his brownish blonde locks and pulling him closer. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, your body reacting to him like it never had before. He continued to lick up and down your slit, his calloused fingertips rubbing at your clit, a whole new kind of sensation coursing through your body as you let out a wanton moan. You bucked your hips against him, grinding your pussy on his lips needy for more.
"I'm so close-" You barely were able to get out as he relentlessly continued to pleasure you with his tongue and god did this man have a skilled tongue.
Your whole body clenched when you suddenly felt two fingers prod into your enterance and slowly push in. He scissored his fingers, spreading you open and you certainly were tighter than expected. You could feel the knot inside your core tightening to the extreme. The feeling of his lips around your clit and his fingers being thrust in and out of your pussy made you see stars, your eyes shuttering, and your body trembling.
You came, crying out his name, you were pretty sure even the zombies on the other side of the door probably heard you. He kept licking stripes up and down your slit. You could feel your cum running down your inner thighs as your legs squeezed around his head bringing him closer. He pulled away for a moment to take a breath and stood right back up, his hips aligned with yours as you watched him lazily, drunk off the feeling of reaching your climax. Slowly he lowered his trousers and briefs just enough to reveal his popping erection. Laid flat up against his lower abs, he bit his lip seeing you so unraveled and needy for him. His lips found their way back to yours, his tongue pressing up against yours making sure you could taste yourself on his lips. The way he kissed you was passionate yet rough it was like nothing you had ever experienced before. He had you under a complete trance and for a moment you even forgot that the world was probably crumbling outside of this room that the two of you were stuck inside together. Your hands slide up his arms and you gave a gentle squeeze to the bandaging you had put on his bicep. He pressed a bit harder into kissing you, his teeth grazing your lower lip catching it and biting it in response to the slight pain he felt.
"Fuck Leon, I need you...please..." You said practically begging at this point as you craved to have his cock inside you.
"Did I mention how hot you sound when you beg?" He said with a smug look on his face,  your legs already feeling like jelly at this point but you had just enough strength to pull his hips closer to you.
His cock filled you completely in one stroke, the head brushing against your wet slit as it entered you. You squeezed your eyes shut as his length stretched your walls. He drew his hips back and then thrusted back into you. Gasps and whines fell from your lips while he fucked you. You drew arbitrary patterns on his back with the pads of your fingers. Your toes curled as he slammed into you over and over again. His hands gripping the table under you as he struggled to steady himself with each and every thrust the faster he went in and out of you. His nose nuzzled into your neck as he struggled to hold back his groans of pleasure. You bit your bottom lip in the process while your fingers scratched into his back, definitely leaving a mark. His cock stroked along your g-spot, coaxing your orgasm to come faster. You could feel your muscles tensing. Your second orgasm was on the brink of happening and your moans were louder than you thought possible being as you couldn’t hold them in any longer.
"Cum for me...Y/N..." He had whispered into your ear, it flushing red with each and every word he had said.
You had cursed his name under your breath as your whole core had tensed up for a moment as you came. His hips still thrusting into yours as you rode out your high and you could feel him release inside of you, your fingers relaxing and tapping against his shoulder blades as both of your breaths were heavy and panting. His head leaned against your shoulder as his hands laid against the small of your back holding you close. Your legs had tightened around his waist keeping him close to you as you both took a moment to really process what just happened. That really fucking happened?!
"So...that really happened..." You say in a low whisper, as Leon had taken the liberty to pull away from you, fixing himself as he pulled up his boxer briefs and his trousers, bending down to find his belt and buckling it back in place, his hand going up to his forehead and wiping off the layer of sweat that had built up from the workout you both had done.
You start to scramble to pull up your own panties and pants as you hopped off the table looking for your bra that had been discarded on the floor. The room had fallen under a heartbreaking silence as the both of you acted as if nothing had happened.
"Jesus Christ Leon! Say something! See this is your problem, you don't fucking communicate with me! You sure as hell were communicating with my damn body two seconds ago!" You say frustrated at the whole situation as you held your shirt in one hand while you stood across the room pointing your finger at him.
"Y/N please just give me a minute to think! I'm not good with this kinda thing...with commitment or whatever the hell you wanna call it." He says turning around to face you, slipping his t-shirt back onto his torso, his teeth grinding against each other while he lifted his arms.
"Oh please, are you really telling me you have commitment issues all of a sudden?! You sure weren't having those problems while you fucked me into oblivion on that table!" You yelled at him, the moaning and groaning of zombies from the other side of the door seeming to get inherently louder the more you raised your voice.
"What the hell do you want me to say Y/N?! That I really enjoyed it, that I might actually have feelings for you, that after all this is over I want to still see you again?! Is that what you want?" He says between heavy breaths, his eyes locking with yours.
"Leon...I-" You stutter to get out as you look into his blueish-grey eyes and you could see the fear.
"Do you have any idea how serious things are out there?! For fucks sake I don't even know if we are gonna survive this and right now you're the only person I have left...if I lost you...I don't know what I'd do..." He says under his breath as a tear starts to well up in your eye as you could hear the pain in his voice.
"I'm sorry Leon I shouldn't have said that...Things are pretty fucked up right now in the world and even though I just met you...there is clearly some type of chemistry between us is there not...?" You ask as if hoping he says something or anything at this point so the silence in the room doesn't kill you.
"Yeah...there is." He says as his steps make their way to you, his hand finding yours and holding it, squeezing every so often.
"Maybe, after all of this is over...I can get you a drink first...how does that sound?" He says with a small smile on his lips as you look back into his eyes and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"Sure, I would love that. Promise you won't die on me, Officer Kennedy." You say as you pull him in for a hug, he really looked like he needed one.
"You know that I don't make any promises." He says as his hands clench at your back holding you tightly.
"Stop ruining the moment Kennedy." You say with a chuckle as you're still hugging him close, not wanting to let go.
The two of you still had a long time to wait out in the Darkroom and who knows what else would happen between you two during that time. You hoped that eventually the world would be saved and things could maybe go back to normal one day. You sure as hell weren't going to miss out on that drink Leon owed you.
READ PT. 2 (RE4 Remake)
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shijiujun · 4 years
[END 2020] My Top 9 Danmei Novel Picks of the Year
As a part of my Round Up post for the year, here’s my pick of favourite danmei novels, that I’ve read! This is sort of an accompaniment to my previous danmei rec list over HERE, so there may be one or two overlaps, but I’ve read WAY MORE after that and am prepared to like give more options here 
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Note: There should be English translations for all via novel updates if you do a search of the English name, but I don’t think most of them are completed.
If you wanna see my full reading and queue list (it’s all in Chinese tho, for my own records), it’s here.
I’m leaving out the usual MXTX and Priest ones, because they’re already good and we all know that and there’re many carrds and posts dedicated to them.
I am also a sucker for fainting but smart men, and not too overly angsty/complicated storylines, just putting it out there first, which is why I haven’t read a lot of some of the ones on my queue list.
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1. 一剑霜寒 | A Sword of Frost by 语笑阑珊
Summary: Jing Yan Ran is the Emperor’s brother and wields military power in the novel, and it starts with an object being stolen from the palace. Jing Yan Ran has to retrieve the item secretly, and so enlists the help of Feng Yu Sect’s Sect Master, Yun Yi Feng, who heads the martial arts world’s one and only information trading post. Yun Yi Feng does not deal in business that involves any royalty, but Jing Yan Ran offers him something he cannot refuse - the Blood Red Lingzhi, a rare and mystical herb that is rumoured to be able to treat his life-threatening condition. 
Yun Yi Feng was used by his shifu when he was younger to test out all kinds of poisons and cures, and since then, his body flushes dangerously hot and cold frequently, with bouts of severe coughing fits in between. Throughout the first mission where he spends time with Jing Yan Ran searching for the stolen object, he allows Jing Yan Ran to take care of him, and they fall in LURVE pretty much like 10 chapters in.
Of course, they have to uncover a plot and conspiracy against their enemies who are plotting to dethrone the Emperor, and also reveal the secrets of Yun Yi Feng’s birth.
My Thoughts: AN ABSOLUTE FAVE AND GEM, I’d say this is my favourite danmei novel ever. This is both hilarious and tears-inducing, to be honest, because for most of the novel YYF knows he doesn’t have long to live and so in the beginning he knows of his own feelings for JYR and JYR also shows him that he loves him, but he is unable to officially reciprocate because he knows his body is like weakening day by day. Halfway through the fear that he’s literally about to die as they are JUST about to find the cure is real, and damn I cried so much at that. Some highlights:
YYF falls asleep very easily in baths and everywhere actually, and pretty much within the first 10 chapters he gets used to JYR carrying him around (even naked from the bath, he’s like oh well, okay cool) and taking care of him, and JYR ALWAYS makes sure he is warm and toasty under his cape
YYF LOVESSSS RICHES, PLAYING THE ZITHER AND COOKING - He’s good at gathering the first one, but he FUCKING SUCKS AS THE LAST TWO - It’s so funny because he’s so beautiful and handsome right, and when he sits down at the zither everyone is like OH DAMN WHAT A DREAM- and then he plays, and everyone’s fantasies is shattered, he’s ABYSMAL at it, and the same goes for cooking
JYR doesn’t actually have the Blood Red Lingzhi, and throughout the first arc, he feels SO DAMN GUILTY because YYF even carved out a pendant that looks like what he thinks the herb looks like, and like carries it with him everywhere LMAO
Available: Novel Online and Manhua on Bilibili
2. 高能二维码 | High Energy QR Code by 青色羽翼
Summary: CEO Xing Ye’s brother Xing Shuo has just passed away at the age of 24, and nothing will make him believe that Xing Shuo died of natural causes despite autopsies and experts telling him that he really died simply of a heart failure. Xing Ye, who has impeccable memory, suddenly recalls the last time he saw Xing Shuo. His brother called out to him just before Xing Ye left for a business trip, and looked as if he had something to say, but ended up just wishing him a safe trip.
At that moment, there was a QR code on Xing Shuo’s phone, and the phone screen was strangely turned out towards Xing Ye, and Xing Ye, with his incredibly high IQ and memory, realizes that Xing Shuo wanted him to see the QR code. Quickly, he reproduces the QR code by pen and then scans it, and finds himself in a game world.
There he meets a narcissistic but also cute mirror which can speak, and finds out later that his name is Lu Ming Ze. Xing Ye’s mission is to clear the game missions in each round that is set by the black and white cubic game system, a system that continuously tempts its players into giving in to committing sins such as killing someone else, stealing and other things. He soon realizes that if he cannot stay on a path clear of these sins, he will never be able to triumph over the game system and return Lu Ming Ze back to his body in the real world. 
At the same time, he gains new teammates and friends for life, and also finds out what role his brother played in this game. 
My Thoughts: MY GOD I LOVE THIS. I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED READING THIS YESTERDAY, and honestly it’s one of my faves. I don’t like game systems very often (I’ve read three others so far, and this, and KOD are the only ones I’ve liked) but this one is *chef’s kiss*. So LMZ was born like with a really handsome face, like SUPER HANDSOME, and that’s why he’s like a harmless narcissist that cannot bear to look at ugly things LMAO, but he’s not spoilt, he makes sure that Xing Ye stays true to himself, and help him keep his head clear. 
THE ONLY THING ABOUT THIS FRICKIN NOVEL IS THAT LU MING ZE STAYS A MIRROR, LIKE DIFFERENT KINDS OF MIRRORS, in the first TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY CHAPTERS. I KID YOU NOT. I FRICKIN KID YOU NOT. I swear I was sooo touched starved at the end of the novel, because they couldn’t even kiss?!! Like Xing Ye kisses the mirror, and then uses his thumbs to like hi-five mini LMZ in the mirror back, they can’t even hug. Do you know how empty my arms felt when I read this book?!! And my arms have never been filled!!!!!!
I really like this one because each game world is set up in such a brilliant way, but it’s not so unnecessarily complex that you literally don’t know what the fuck is going on. Xing Ye’s intelligence as he outmanoeuvres every single one of his enemies and convinces his would-be loyal teammates to trust him is so satisfying, world after world, victory after victory.
Humour is also absolutely ON POINT. A lot of it is centred on Xing Ye getting caught in the real world kissing his handheld mirror (LMZ) by LMZ’s parents (who cannot see him in the mirror) and LMZ’s parents going like ???!!!!!!!! 
Available: Novel Online | Physical Novel is coming out on 10 Dec (freebies are, you guessed it, a mirror)
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3. 妻为上 | The Wife is First by 绿野千鹤
Summary: This is set in a historical setting where men can marry other men, but it’s usually reserved for sons who were not borne by the official main first wife of the patriarch of the family, i.e. a son born by a concubine in a family may be forced to marry a man to keep him from being able to become the next family’s patriarch for example. This is because any family’s next leader needs to be able to have children with a wife who married in as a zheng shi (lawful wife), and not a ce shi (second wife) or any other concubines/mistresses etc. Most of these men who marry other men have to take them as their zheng shi and lawful spouse in a sense, and the same goes for the royal family.
The story starts with third prince Jing Shao, who was forced to marry Mu Han Zhang, a Marquis’ second son, by the Empress and Emperor, thereby officially and effectively cutting him out of the race for the throne. He’s mocked by the public as everyone knows what this means, and for the next 10 years, he neglects Mu Han Zhang, blaming him for his predicament, and deliberately showers his three other concubines with affection in front of him, but 10 years later, when Jing Shao is accused of treason, everyone leaves him except for Mu Han Zhang. They are chased to the edge of the cliff by soldiers, and Mu Han Zhang dies in his arms having taken an arrow meant for him earlier, and Jing Shao jumps off the cliff with his dead body, and promises that if there’s a next life, he will do everything Han Zhang says, and love him.
He wakes up immediately on the night of his marriage with Han Zhang, and realizes that he’s been given a second chance to make everything right. Han Zhang is definitely afraid of him, humiliated and angry when he first wakes up after how rough Jing Shao was with him earlier on their wedding night, and he has no memories of their past life. Jing Shao then sets to SHOWER HAN ZHANG with affection, love and basically everything, because he realized that this is the only person who stayed by his side until the end, and then he falls in love with Han Zhang properly this time, and also deals with every single person who maligned and schemed against him in his previous life, with Han Zhang by his side.
My Thoughts: OKAY BEFORE YALL GO INTO THE ‘WIFE’ terminology discourse and everything, in this case they do use the term ‘wife’ literally, and it’s a position, that while men frequently fall into (there are a lot of male ‘wives’ in this story), is also used to cut off like sons from inheriting the family and the fortune, and even titles. Male ‘wives’ aren’t looked down upon in this setting, in fact, Han Zhang gets a lot of leeway as one, and in his case he was also able to rise up the ranks to be an actual official later on, but the sad thing comes from sons who are most of the time forced to marry a male ‘wife’ for whatever reason, and then they are neglected as the son goes and find concubines, women he actually wants to sleep with - this is sad af yall. I don’t know, on one hand, yay for equality in marriage in this setting, but on the other hand like, damn, must you use same-sex marriage like that argh.
ANYWAY THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVES TOO?!!! I mean, especially when Jing Shao literally just goes into doting mode 200% and Han Zhang is totally like wtf why is he so nice to me is he scheming or something? And then he realizes that Jing Shao is really, really gentle towards him despite his reputation as a cruel, dark military commander, and Jing Shao always smiles at him. In any situation, especially in the beginning, when Han Zhang thought Jing Shao would not stand with him, Jing Shao literally just protects him no matter what, gives him everything, and cries, I love it. 
Especially because Han Zhang is the son of a concubine and he was bullied a lot in the Mu family, and the official Lady Mu married him off to Jing Shao in hopes that he would be unhappy for the rest of his life, and I suppose that came true in the first life, but in the second, Han Zhang gets all the love, respect and support he never got before in this family with Jing Shao and that makes me WEEP.
Available: Novel Online and Manhua on Kuaikan
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4. 死亡万花筒 Kaleidoscope of Death by 西子绪
OOOH I intro-ed KOD here in my previous rec list. Still one of my faves and all-time re-reads, especially under the covers in the dark hehehe.
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5. 你的距离 | Your Distance by 公子优 
Summary: Ting Shuang is a student at a German university, and has this handsome professor Bai Chang Yi who he swears kind of hates him. He’s just broken up with his longtime boyfriend, and then goes on this dating app that matches a profile with him based on distance. The app can also show the matched profile’s distance from him once they enter the same area, and Ting Shuang starts chatting with this Chinese guy on the app, who he finds out later, is 36 years old, 187cm in height and wears glasses. 
The guy is a little aloof and cool, very mature in his replies on the app, and somehow Bai Chang Yi finds out who he is later, as Ting Shuang starts complaining to him about his professor to Bai Chang Yi. Instead of getting angry and offended, BCY is pretty much amused and finds Ting Shuang cute. A few days later Ting Shuang finally realizes who it is he’s been texting, and after getting past the initial embarrassment and fear, they start dating for real, and they really fall in love!!!!! 
My Thoughts: This is sweet and also hilarious af, if you need to like satisfy your sweet tooth, this is definitely one for you. It’s really funny because Bai Chang Yi runs in the same circles as Ting Shuang’s dad, who he’s estranged from because the dad doesn’t want to recognize a son who is gay, and then BCY convinces him later in the funniest of ways, and there’s a small subplot at the end in which Ting Shuang is pretty cool, and yep, short and sweet! BCY in the manhua is handsome af too guys ;-;
Available: Novel Online, Audio Drama on Maoer FM and Manhua on Bilibili, 
6. 神木挠不尽 The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post by 绿野千鹤
Summary: Mo Tian Liao, a weapons forger and master who ruled the Demon Tribe, was hunted down and killed by other righteous sects in the region when he managed to forge an incredibly destructive weapon that could end the world. Before he died, he placed the only thing he loved, a white cat, into a hole in the tree behind him to protect it. The only thing he was grateful for was that he did not create a blood pact with the cat, Xiao Mao, because if he had done so, when he died, Xiao Mao would have died along with him as well.
Right before he dies, unbeknownst to him, Xiao Mao who is no simple demonic cat, wraps part of his consciousness around Mo Tian Liao, and MTL’s spirit ends up floating about for 300 years, until he finds a suitable time to return with a body made out of a special tree and its wood. The first thing he does, of course, is to find his white cat, but he’s poor, and the body he has isn’t powerful, so he joins Wo Yun Sect, the only sect that did not hunt him down that day hundreds of years ago.
There, he is chosen by Qing Tong shizun to be his direct disciple, much to the astonishment of other shizuns in the sect, and Qing Tong’s shixiongs. MTL has never seen a person as beautiful and gorgeous as his shizun, and if only he could find that cat (who’s actually his shizun, who recognizes him and protects him, even if MTL doesn’t actually need much protection).
My Thoughts: This was hilarious as well, and so romantic?!!! Qing Tong/Xiao Mao waited for MTL to come back, and the moment he came back, Qing Tong was there ready to grab him, and then before he went to sleep that night, Qing Tong thought to himself, “I’ve gotten my person back, I can sleep well now” and AHHHHH at this point they weren’t even like a couple yet? MTL ‘kidnapped’ Qing Tong when he was a young demon cat by accident because he likes pretty things (like his shizun lmao) and Qing Tong is attached to him because MTL never forced a blood pact on him, and gave him everything he wanted as a younger cat before MTL died. Gosh, a mirror in #2 and then a cat now with this one. XD
Available: Novel Online
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7. 破云 | Breaking the Clouds by ��上
Summary: Three years ago, Captain Jiang Ting and his team of the Narcotics division perished in an explosion due to a wrong call of his, and he returns three years later under a new identity ready to deal with the people who set him and his team up. He’s caught in what seems to be a simple murder case almost immediately and meets Yan Xie, who’s Vice Captain and in charge of this case. Yan Xie realizes who Jiang Ting is shortly after, and begins to unravel the huge mystery surrounding the events of three years ago, and falls in love with Jiang Ting along the way as well.
My Thoughts: Okay out of the FOUR crime/detective/thriller danmei novels I’ve read, the poyun and tunhai (below) series is the one that MIRRORS actual narcotics division and undercovers the best. It has the complexity and depth of the drugs/narcotics world, and both this one and its sequel focuses a lot on the position of an undercover and mole. I liked this one a lot because there are SOOOO many twists especially in the last arc, like you honestly won’t see any of them coming until it hits you? And Yan Xie is such a confident, rich-ass narcissist, and he keeps asking Jiang Ting if he can “just touch” him ONCE lmao, he’s thick-skinned af, but that’s why he and Jiang Ting are so compatible ;-;.
Available: Novel Online, Novel Print, Audio Drama and Manhua on Bilibili
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8. 吞海 | Swallowing the Sea by 淮上
Summary: Sequel to Po Yun. Yu Wu is a young-looking new detective under Captain Bu Chong Hua’s narcotics team. Bu Chong Hua is Yan Xie’s cousin by actual relation, but brother in relationship because BCH’s parents died early and Yan Xie’s parents have been taking care of him mostly. He cannot stand Yu Wu, who seems to want to coast through at work and keep to a 9-5 work schedule. 
It’s only after an altercation and Yu Wu dumping his nonchalant facade to snarl at BCH that he realizes that YW is actually more interesting and mysterious than he thought, and he begins to try to get close to him, understand him. It turns out that Yu Wu is a famous undercover who nearly died a year ago during an operation, and due to various reasons, he was assigned to BCH’s team by higher ups so he can peacefully live the rest of his life out there. However, his past catches up with him quickly, and his enemies turning up forces him to rely on BCH. 
With BCH, Yu Wu’s resentment of having to be an undercover in the past and being so easily discarded by his team’s leaders, and of him being forced to be in the shadows while others can announce their achievements to the world, is slowly erased, because BCH sees him, knows him, and understands him more than anyone else.
My Thoughts: I actually liked this one better than the first one - Yu Wu is such a pouty, angry little thing?! And for good reason (there’s a bit of cannibalism in the book, not by choice when he was younger and in a poor village in Cambodia, where some militants forced survivors in the village to eat the meat of boiled corpses of other villagers, so YW is a vegetarian, like if he eats meat he gets really sick) and the twists here are even more amazing?! BCH really, really, devotes himself to YW the moment he realizes how much he likes him, doing a 180 degree turn. Instead of Yan Xie’s flamboyance, BCH is much steadier, grouchy, like an old uncle, but also looks at things even more clearly than Yan Xie does sometimes. Yu Wu is understandably bitter about what he had to go through, and BCH is the ONLY person who can calm him down, whom he listens to, which I LOVE. Some highlights:
Yu Wu grew up in a poor village and thus loves money, and he fights in underground betting rings to earn more money - The stash of hidden money he collects I think is half for his escape money, but if he happens to never need it, his dream is to donate the money to his village so they can open up a school there - ANYWAY because Yan Xie’s parents, and technically BCH’s ‘parents’ are soooooo rich right, Yan Xie’s mom shows her approval to her son-in-laws (Jiang Ting first, then Yu Wu), by giving them winter pants. It’s kind of like inside warmers, and usually meant for older ladies to wear LOLOL so Yu Wu was like staring at the pants when he finally got them and looked soooo reluctant until Jiang Ting told him it costs $6,000 AND HE WAS LIKE :333333 okie
He acts a lot like a kid?!! He likes eating like some snack but it’s really unhealthy for him, and BCH the mother hen keeps catching him in weird places like the toilet, where he’s hiding from BCH so he can eat his fave snack?! And the whole police station knows not to give YW what he wants in terms of snacks and smokes because once BCH finds out, he makes life very difficult for them HAHAHAHA
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9. 穿成反派如何活命 | How to Survive as A Villain by 伊依以翼
Summary: Rich and handsome CEO Xiao Yu An finds out he has a terminal illness (cancer), and dies while he’s reading this online novel, where a king mistreats the crown prince from a neighbouring state which sent him over as hostage after losing a war, and ends up being killed by the crown prince years later (SVSSS much?!). He wakes up AS THE KING, and afraid of dying, he immediately goes about befriending the prince, Yan He Qing. Yan He Qing falls in love with Xiao Yu An while being his friend/hostage/bodyguard, and Xiao Yu An tries to avoid all the deaths he read in the book, while making sure Yan He Qing manages to find his three/four wives, including Xiao Yu An’s sister.
Of course, because Xiao Yu An showed him warmth and kindness, Yan He Qing ends up falling for him instead, and Xiao Yu An is an absolute oblivious idiot because he REALLY doesn’t realize until much later. Yan He Qing ends up declaring war on Xiao Yu An’s kingdom because he is duty bound to do so, but doesn’t hurt Xiao Yu An, wanting to keep him by his side, but YHQ’s scheming uncle drives a wedge between them, and XYA leaves, breaking YHQ’s heart.
They meet again a few years later, where XYA is training to be a physician in a small village and chances upon a severely injured YHQ. There, he realizes that it was all a misunderstanding, and that YHQ actually LIKES, LIKES him, but before they can enjoy this short period of happiness, disaster strikes again.
My Thoughts: THIS WAS really enjoyable, and with the manhua visuals, it is *chef’s kiss*. I think this transmigration version actually delved into the part where XYA is unable to change everything, and if he saves one person, someone else is destined to die, and that moral dilemma devastates him a lot. In this novel he actually transmigrates TWICE, once into the king’s body, and the second time into a neighbouring state’s prince/king’s body, who looks exactly like his modern self after. YHQ is real sweet to him istg, and I like that the epilogues are SUPER EXTENSIVE, including an arc where YHQ and XYA transmigrate back to the real world and everyone who died is alive and close to them, and gets their happy ending ;-;
Available: Novel Online and Manhua on Bilibili
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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l4verq · 3 years
dumb theories | b.b
bucky barnes x reader
in which you have an incredibly dumb idea in hopes of seeing him again
warnings : angst, fluff
fic : one shot
a/n : kinda inspired by new moon, yall DON’T do this shit lol Bella was dumb. and so is y/n 😳
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|| gif by @love-ha-fge ||
The first time it happened, you thought you were going insane.
You had to take the subway that day cause your stupid car wouldn’t start for some reason.
It would be the third day in a row that you were late if you wasted any more time and you were already tottering a treacherous line of possibly being fired due to “mandatory cutbacks”.
So, you make a mental note to ring up your sister cause she’s always known her way around cars and rush towards the metro station.
It’s a Wednesday, quite possibly the busiest you’ve seen the subway.
You clump your way through the swarm of people, eyes on the ground, trying not to step on others.
But it’s hard cause you’re in these ridiculously high heels that you were sure you’d love during a late night shopping spree.
And your worst fear comes true when your ankle buckles, legs wobbling as you try not to fall.
But a strong hand grips your arm, steadying you on to your feet.
It takes you a spilt second to whip your head around because you know it’s him, his touch.
You look around frantically, searching for those blue eyes that you’ve missed so desperately.
Your hope dwindles with each bump into a passerby, harsh reality sinking in again.
Which hurts the same as when he left you, a solemn farewell on the rooftop of your apartment.
“It’s safer for you if I’m not around.”
You could only stand and stare as he left, metal arm glinting in the afternoon sun, hoping he’d turn around.
The second time, you’re black out drunk in a random club with your co-workers.
Not your best look but you were too miserable to be alone that night.
A pep talk to yourself about how you deserve someone better than him and five shots later, he’s off your mind which feels nice, for a change.
But you could never really take alcohol that well so you’re bent over a toilet seat, hurling next to a couple making out.
You just wanted to go home.
But home wasn’t where your apartment was.
It was in the arms of a grumpy 106 year old supersoldier, who looked way too good for his age.
The next day, you’d woken up in your bed, neatly tucked in.
Everything the same as before, only the window, you always kept shut, was wide open.
Sometimes you could swear, you see a tint of ivory out of the corner of your eye, while in the grocery store, in the park, on your way to work.
But you always find nothing when you glance over.
Your sister claims your misery is progressing to delusions, that you need to get laid.
You flick her off, half convinced by her theory.
Yet here you are, hands clutching on to the railings as you try not to look twenty stories down.
You had your own theory to test out.
Not your smartest idea, could possibly be the last idea you have.
But the consequences somehow seemed to dull at the thought of possibly seeing him again.
You teeter to the very edge, hands slowly letting go as you fall.
It’s all a blur of wind and glasses until everything goes black.
“You got lucky,” The man smiles, “Bucky took most of the hit.”
He introduces himself as Finnick, a pudgy man with thick rimmed glasses.
“Are you a doctor?” You croak, eyes skimming over the tubes jammed in your arm.
You were propped up against a pillow, a machine beeping next to you.
He gets up to leave, “Close enough. All you need is one more good night’s rest and you’ll be good as new.”
You close your eyes as your stupid decisions come rushing back to you.
“Is he-.”
“Pissed, yeah. He’s been waiting for you to wake up since Tuesday.” Finnick smiles, sadly.
Tuesday? How many days had it been?
You don’t have time to think cause he arrives at the door, in his daunting kevlar suit.
The stupid mask over his pretty face once again.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble as you brace yourself for him to chew you out.
But instead he storms in and pulls you in a tight embrace, stoically.
Your free hand limps around his waist.
You smile cause you’ve missed this so much and so has he.
But he pulls away and gruffs, “That was stupid.”
You avert your gaze to the floor, gnawing at your lip.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, sorry doesn’t even begin to cut it. You could have died.” His voice breaks.
All the what ifs had haunted him for the past two days as you laid unconscious, regretting ever leaving you.
“I kinda did when you left.” You confess, unable to meet his eyes.
His rugged hand reaches to lift your chin to look him in his coarsened blue eyes.
It’s at times like this when he wants to run away with you somewhere safe, where he could tell you how much he loves you.
But he knew his demons would catch up to him, they always did.
And he couldn’t let them taint you too.
“You’re dramatic.” His face softens underneath the mask.
You smile and he smiles too thinking about how he’d fall off another building just to see that again.
Hand slowly reaching out to the back of his mask, he flinches slightly as you pull it off.
The only person he’d let touch his face willingly.
You notice a new ridged line leading from his mouth to his ear.
“S’nothing.” He assures you, your finger tracing the mellowed scar.
“Did it hurt?” You ask, already knowing what he’d say.
You never asked much about what he did, but you knew enough.
Why he couldn’t stay the night, why he sneaked out your window each time.
He shakes his head, kissing your hand.
“Do you have to go?” You whisper, heart sinking again.
He had to.
Hydra still did daily check-ins though the ‘treatments’ stopped years ago and he couldn’t risk anything.
Not when so much was on the line.
“Only after you fall asleep.”
“And when I wake up?”
“I’ll be right next to you.”
a/n : smone stop me frm commiting infidelity, tfatws is making me fall for bucky even more and steve’s pissed😳🏃🏻‍♀️ lol im still cringing as i post this👁👽
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