#no need to be like “erm the timeline doesnt matter”
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beyemar · 2 months ago
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 My personal timeline of the Zelda Universe [as well as answers to questions i suspect people will have about it]
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diamondpastry · 2 days ago
I love love love how Ingo is doing here. He’s a wreck. He’s trying so hard to be “normal” by Emmet’s standards but it’s too much. It’s all so much. Now that he’s in the future, I imagine his PTSD (there’s no WAY he doesn’t have any from how Hisui was) kicks in. He has debilitating nightmares and flashbacks, now that he’s in a safe place he might get “worse” before he gets better. It shows the change between them even more. Ingo is traumatized. Completely. But so is Emmet by Ingo being absent for so long. Things aren’t how they used to be. His brother is hurt and he’s not telling Emmet WHY. Emmet is throwing himself in with Volo because it’s easier than dealing with his issues. And Volo is estatic that even though he has Ingo back, Emmet still is with him. He’s still able to get the plates/be manipulated/have a relationship. (I don’t actually know the timeline here, or how they got Ingo back, or what Volo’s actual goal is) I imagine for Ingo and Emmet, their bedrock, their foundation and strength as twins would have been communication. With that just… gone, they’re fighting. And Emmet is struggling seeing as Ingo won’t talk to him about what happened. But Ingo might not even understand what’s wrong. He KNOWS Hisui was “bad” but never understood why. It was his new normal. Now in the present, he’s safe, no Pokémon are around the corner ready to maul him for food or territorial purposes, he has a strong team at all times, and he has support, something I don’t think he would have had living alone even with his noble in the highlands. And then Emmet has been irreversibly changed by grief. He probably doesn’t even know, living with how Ingo used to be and having to deal with how Ingo is now. And it’s frustrating, extremely so, because they aren’t communicating. Emmet would be internally freaking out, I’m sure, if Ingo had a nightmare and started screaming or something. Of course he’d comfort Ingo, but his brother might not actually be present enough to understand that he wouldn’t be hurt. I imagine he’d flinch, and cry, maybe even BEG not to be hurt.
Erm. This went longer than expected. My apologies. You have infected me with the ideasTM
ITS SO REAL ITS SO REAL ITS SO REAL PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE GETTING MRSSAGES LIKE THESE but i should apologize for taking too long to respond i wanted to properly ponder about this because its so so verrry interesting and fun for me
ingo definitely feels immense guilt for leaving emmet ... even if it wasnt his fault, he can see how much his absence has affected his brother
so as much as possible, he tries to brace through his discomforts and traumas; actively hurting himself as long as it brings a smile to emmets face
but it doesnt 💔 emmet could clearly see that ingo is troubled but hes struggling to pinpoint why ... for emmet, he thinks simply returning back to 'how it was' would fix everything; so he keeps offering to go out and let loose and watch a movie (because thats how they used to relax after a tiring day) when the only thing ingo truly needs is some space for himself ... i feel like thats important after his time in the pearl clan
years of being seperated has left them out of sync and thats so difficult for emmet to accept
especially when he tried so so hard to keep himself the same way just for ingo (in my latest comic with volo and emmet camping; he couldnt bare the idea of changing so much that ingo couldnt recognize him)
but yes, communication is the key and unfortunately it took some yelling for them to actually acknowledge the problem ... theyll be okay in the long run im sure 💙 the road to healing simply
as for emmets relationship with volo, i cant say much yet because id be spoiling something
but yes, i will confirm the plates dont matter anymore once ingo gets back; emmet doesnt really have a reason to keep that situationship going on with volo anymore but somethings stopping him ... i cant say much for volos reason either ... (that is also spoilers)
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currentfandomkick · 5 years ago
Kwami part 2
Time for the zodiacs, again, still on Peace and Tranquility Assured or PATA box.
Sidenote, there can be multiple versions of a given kwami, just using a different part of their domain(s) at the time, even hyperspecific ones (like a Duusuu of one emotion). They further embody traits from these more specific aspects of a kwami’s domain, and yes, the can fight against each other. The term to describe them is modified by the apsect. Easy example is for Tikki and her aspects, they go by aspect of Tikki’s domain. The one i like to use most is Creation as she has access to the other tikkis abilities.
Mullo (mouse) -Multiplication/Reproduction. Weilder is usually a social cameleon, able to blend in anywhere or their weilder is a social butterfly. This weilder often is used to find out information to protect ‘their people’ by the weilder’s standard. Is always a support for other weilders and is never in the feild alone as she needs others to opperate. Is the most likely to be fused with another kwami, and is the last one to give a fellow kwami grief. Her role is often relegated to spying or gathering information, but has been used for combat or distraction and even evaculations or plan execution. Her ability lets the user divide themselves into many and if within the time limit, reform into one at a chosen location. Overtime her weilders develop the ability to know how to break anything perfectly everytime, much to Mullo’s amusement as it resembles her ability rather than concept.
Ziggy (goat) - Helpfulness/Aide, at least in theory. In practice his weilders are considered a double-edged sword due to always being either a Matryr or Traitor. This is because once a weilder selects a problem, they will sovle it at any cost—which is the sole requirement for his weilders in terms of actions and behavior. Skillwise goats are incredibly particular—the weilder must be extremely organized, good at planning for others, and have a deeply rooted need to help others no matter what. Often weilders are, deemed one who is ‘purely kind for the sake of it’. He Pairs best with the Turtle when active, as they will yeild to a Turtle or Ladybug with ease. a Cat must be helping others selflessly before their word is considered, much to Pollen’s annoyance. His ability lets his weidlwr target a given problem and identify the what must be neutralized to fix said problem/identify the root of issue Or a core aspect of the solution. He is the ‘Fixer’ of the kwami role-wise, but his weilders the others are always wary of.
Rooar (Tiger) - Bravery (acting regardless of fear, not in the absence of).* their weilder must act inspite of their fears, often in attempt to achieve a dream of theirs or to help a friend. Their weilder will not be a bystander or choose the path of least resistance because they are afraid. Their ability is to ‘buff’ or boost a given ability of an ally by swiping them, making their miraculous the only one that is also a weapon. The ally must allow the tiger user to swipe them, or else the buff/boost will not happen. The buff allows them to use their full potential in one aspect—flexibility, strength, strategy, stealth, endurance, speed, ect.—without any negatives to doing so. However, if the intended recipent attacks the weilder, they fall victim to intense insecurities and doubt. Works well as a support for a Bee or Bull. Snakes and Mice weilders have the least compatibility with Tigers as battle partners. In terms of role, they are the best ally to have for teams built on trust.
* for the sanity of any gaurdian, they must keep the kwami of fear, the bat miraculous, away from Rooar and any of their weilders. They will try to kill each other on principle, and its messy when boxes end up fighting each other.
Stompp (Bull) - Determination. He requires highly persistent weilders that will risk everything for their goal. In terms of powers, when activated he increases his weilder’s strength to Superman levelsby pulling nosering. This gives them brass knuckles or gloves (depending on the weilder and combatant). Works best with weilders trained in hand-to-hand combat. Is often deemed the muscle of the box. Often allied with the Black Cat and works well with the Bee personality-wise. Dangerous when allied with the Goat, therefore both being active is uncommon for general safety.
Fluff (Rabbit) — Time. Fluff requires a weilder with either interest or willingness to learn about time/history in depth and the ability to trust Fluff’s judgement on readiness for transformation. She will refuse to let any other weild her but her picks. Any Fluff from another timeline is referred to as Hopp to avoid confusion. Ability is called Burrow wherein the weilder enters a pocket dimension and can see past, present and future and exit at any point or place in time. Rarely used due to delicacy of time travel and potential to go mad. Many rabbit weilders have gone insane by looking too far into the future. Fluff is one one who decides if she’s active, and she overrules Tikki, Plagg and Wayzz if the situation is getting to potentially apocalyptic, which only she can determine. Due to this, despite being the oddest and least consistent of the PATA box, she is deemed the only one everyone should listen to if she says stop. Both as a kwami and in terms of weilding, the best bet is to use the Snake with her to prevent horrible situations. The Rabbit and Snake cannot be Weilded by the same person.
Longg (dragon) - Sky-centric Weather. Their weilder must understand that power is not to be taken lightly. He prefers those that take the miraculous as a duty to bear rather than a great privledge, as well as weilders that are able to withstand and adapt to his elements. Due to this he is very through with all weilder and many of the kwami deem this trait of his similar to Wayzz. His ability is Dragon Summon, wherein the weilder can summon one ‘blast’ or manipulation of each element under his command—water, wind and lightning by saying ‘x dragon’. His weapon is a sword to direct the blast, but if a weilder wishes, this can be dilluted into altering weather to help crops grow, which is his main use.
Sass (snake) - essentially “Do-Over” in theory but in practice repetition is the better explanation. His weilders must be acting selflessly, as selfishness in do-overs never ends well. He needs emotionally resilient weilders and is best paired with a strategist or composer. His ability is “Second Chance” wherein he can rewind time to a given limit of time (set by Fluff. Sass never crosses her on this rule) and can do so endlessly to that timeframe in theory. No one wants to test it. Ability is activated by either the lyre or the weilder saying “second chance”. The lyre is the backup for loss of voice. He cannot be weilded by the Rabbit weilder, as they contradict each other int erms of how they see time. All attempts resulted in losing the ability to weild a miraculous and communicate/interact with kwami. He does work well with the Rabbit’s weilders and is out often.
Kaalki (horse) - Transportation. Her weilders must, i cannot stress this enough, be known in many places. No one knows why exactly, but they have to for Kaalki to use full gallop with them. Honestly, she had the least requirements past this, but it does restrict her to famous people, for better or worse. Often the kwami see her as an easy transport, and she doesnt mind too much. Yes, she does give her weilders a horseshoe weapon since she knows they will need to fight, and it does act more like a boomerang. She doesnt care, it keeps them alive. She works with any miraculous so long as the wielder is famous. She prefers glorious and famous as theya re known for good things and are more likely to do good then.
Xuppu (monkey) - Jubilation. He requires his weilders to be as chaotic good as he is. Which is...difficult. Harder than Kaalki to find a potential weilder most of the time, but easier to induct in most cases. Again, the weilder must be good by the Order of the Miraculous standards as nuetral monkey of celebrating victory standards result in terrifying and chaotic weilders. He is the mood booster for most kwami. His ability, Uproar, lets him summon a toy that, whiever it hits besides the monkey weilder, will have their abilities malfunction. Is the best defense against other miraculous and kwami groups PATA box has.
Baark (dog) - Community. His weilders must be builders for groups/community and want them to flourish. Honestly, many community leaders can weild him with ease. The problem is his ability, Howl, lets his weilder create a pack through by wither inspiring or hypnotizing others with the wielder as the group leader. This is dangerous and is why this is the most stolen miraculous, not the Black Cat, as it is easier to get resoruces for movements, especially nefarious ones, via hypnotism than by doing the work to change minds and hearts. (In my maribat au, Ra al Ghul did use it at one point to make the League. It was reclaimed but by then the League of Assassins was a cult). Baark’s job is to keep the PATA group together and safe.
Orikko (rooster) - Cycle/Rebirth. This kwami requires weilders that fall into patterns and want to change no matter the cost—yes many redeemed historical figures have weilded him. His ability is Peck, which lets the victim (of the hammer you get) dedtory the parts of said victim that the victim does not like. This makes it very dangerous, despite being used to stop inhibitions. Deemed the most dangerous after Fluff, Tikki and Plagg as he can remake a person completely by his standards of what is and is not good about them if no wielder is present.
Daizzi (pig) - love in all forms (familial, friendship, mentor-mentee, community, romantic, ect). Their weilder must be a romantic who sees the best in people, and wants them to connect with their loved ones. The weilder can sense different forms love and who connects to who. This lets the weilder understand relationships and determine what should be done to repair them. Are able to summon those bonded or other miraculous users to them by squealing. Weapon is a bow and arrow, who’s areow can change the type of love or summon the victim’s nearest ‘love’ of the type of love arrow they were hit with. Is deemed the romantic and conselor of the kwami.
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