#no need for her to off another gf 😏
lenalee-academy · 1 month
“…I don’t have any answers or solutions. I only know one thing. I’m not satisfied. A few years with you isn’t enough. I want more: centuries, millennia. I’ll do anything in my power to make that happen.”
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Ummmm EXCUSE me?!?! Who taught Zachary Atwood Piker to finesse like this?! You can’t just go around telling women beautiful things like this sir! I couldn’t breathe when I first heard those lines because I started screaming “wait WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!” at the top of my lungs over and over because WHAT?! Zach?! Zachary Atwood? Zach Piker? Mr. I have the worst luck with women? Mr. I can’t even see past the spatial ring on your neck. Mr. Pretends I don’t know women are fawning over me because I have goals…. That Zach?!
I’m sorry I was just not ready for such swoon worthy dedications like wow Zach! Really putting on the Mac there buddy! Not that I don’t like Catheya, how could you not like Catheya?! Ya boy was so hard to get and girl was tripping over her feet and nearly dying trying to get him to show any interest. So I’m super happy for her!….
However… I’m not going to lie I was rooting a bit for Iz Tayn. I mean come on?! Who doesn’t want to see a completely oblivious power house realize what love is and that she’s in it… with Zach. Like that would have been so interesting to read. Especially Zach’s response cause she’s so intense 😂
But realistically speaking I guess it’d be a little odd to get with your stalker, whose favorite pastime is literally watching your life play out, like it’s a honest to goodness tv show. Iz has to find someone else to realize that with now or I’m going to be upset. I need to see when this realization happens! I’ve already halfway switched them in my mind to a bff situation and can picture her going to Zach like “what is happening?! Is this what happened to you and Catheya during season 12?!” 😂 🤣 🤣
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moonswolfie · 3 months
Kenma, suna, and tsukishima with a gf that loves to baby them? Like she loves dressing them up, dotes on them, and acts liek their parent sometimes? Thanx!
i return with a request and a new theme 😏 thank u so much for requesting🩵 i know i just changed my theme but i'm already making pinterest boards for new themes ITS JUST SO FUN!
in case you couldn't tell the reader is fem!
ALSO SUMMER HOLIDAYS!?!??! Its nice to finally be free...
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Tsukishima Kei
"I'm worried about you, you know." you placed your head in your hands, leaning your elbows on the table. "Really, it should be the other way around. You don't know this even though it should be basic knowledge." Tsukishima sighed, ready to go over the biology lesson with you for the hundreth time already.
"Do you get enough sleep? Your eyebags are looking a little big lately. Do you eat enough? You look stressed. You always tell me you're fine, but-"
"I'm fine." Tsukishima brushed you off, looking back at the notebook.
"What are you pouting like a toddler for?" when he looked back up at you, he was seriously baffled by the similarity of your face to a little kid who got refused to eat candy. Though, maybe, just maybe, he finds it kind of cute. Maybe.
"We're done studying." you got up from the dining table, placing your hands on your hips. "You do realise I'm only doing this because you asked, right? And you're the one still struggling with this subject, last time I checked." he furrowed his brows slightly.
"I won't be able to study in peace until I see you sleeping peacefully in bed after a good meal. We can start with the sleep and I'll cook something later!" you were determined to take care of him now. Sometimes your boyfriend's aloof attitude towards his well being and towards everything in general makes you worry. Whenever he replies with a simple "I'm fine" you must dote on him for a bit. That's the rule.
It looked like he was weighing his choices for a brief moment before sighing and saying "Fine, just don't come crying when you fail this test tommorow."
"Yaaaay, I'll be up in your room, ready to tuck you in!" you pecked his lips, spun around on your heels and ran upstairs to his room.
Tsukishima sighed, closing his notebook. When he looked to the doorway, his mom was standing there and smiling at him. He immediately tensed up, worrying about just how much of your conversation she heard.
"You know, your girlfriend would make a good mom. I'm just saying." Tsukishima's mom smiled at her son cheekily. He hid his face, not moving for a good thirty seconds before practically sprinting to his room.
He never did tell you why he looked so red upon arriving in his room.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Suna Rintaro
"Is all of this really neccessary?" Suna raised one of his perfect brows when you placed another shirt in his arms. You took him out for a shopping trip today. Your shopping trips always end with him walking out the mall with a whole new closet instead of the other way around.
He always insists that he doesn't need new clothes or much of anything, but you always end up convincing him into a mall trip. You spoil him rotten, to be honest. Not that he minds.
"Yeah, how else am I going to keep you well-dressed?" you urged him to the dressing room just so you can clap excitedly at every outfit he puts on and models for you. He already looks like one, so why not take advantage of that, right?
"Okay, whatever you say, babe." Suna rolled his eyes playfully and walked into the changing room. You were squealing excitedly at each outfit he appeared in from behind the curtain like a crazy fangirl.
He didn't seem too enthusiastic about some of the outfits which made you sad but for the most part, you had loads of fun. He was taking a while with the last outfit, though. And you were probably overreacting, but you got worried.
You just can't help but worry for your boyfriend sometimes, even if it is unwarranted. It's kind of your thing. One time he accidentally cut his finger and you spent every moment together with him pressing get better kisses on it. You made sure he changed the bandaid every day, too. You were comically worried about him being able to attend volleyball practice. And that's just one of the examples.
So you pulled back the curtain.
"A little privacy, please?" Your boyfriend was standing in the changing room in all of his shirtless glory. You never really thought about it until now, but Suna is fit. You suppose it makes sense, considering he plays volleyball, but still. He was smiling at you cheekily, probably amused by how dumbfounded you look right now.
"I... um, it's... I was just worried about you! And put your shirt back on, you'll catch a cold!" You don't think you've ever closed a curtain as fast before.
You could hear Suna laugh to himself behind the curtain. "Sure, sure, mom. But I think you were just trying to be a little sneaky."
Well, you still ended up spoiling your boyfriend with new clothes that day, but you ended up with an accidental gift of your own, too. Maybe being a worrywart isn't that bad sometimes.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Kozume Kenma
"Um, I can eat on my own..." Kenma gently pushed away your hand, which was holding food to his mouth.
"Oh, we both know you wouldn't eat at all if I didn't hand feed you. You seriously need to lay off the videogames sometimes." You playfully rolled your eyes, putting the piece of food back to his mouth. He sighed with exasperation and begrudgingly ate the piece of food.
"And besides, you know how much I love spoiling you. I can't resist when you're just... too cute." you pulled on his cheek like an overly excited grandma.
The thing about Kenma is, he hates that he likes being babied by you. When his mom used to do it, he found it overbearing and annoying, but when you hand feed him, it kind of feels comforting. Then again though, he can't focus on the videogame because of that. So that's why he hates it.
"I could go without the... ugh." Kenma was just about to beat the level, but you placing another piece of food in front of his face distracted him for just a moment, which made him get a game over.
"Oh..." you stared at the game over screen, suddenly feeling bad for being a distraction. You just can't help but want to baby him whenever you're with him. He doesn't exactly make it hard for you with the way he blushes and gets all embarrased every single time.
"Well then, I was just thinking you played enough videogames today. I propose we do something else." you pulled on Kenma's arm and he protested by giving you one of his iconic scowls.
"You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much." you reminded him with a gentle smile. He mumbled something you couldn't quite catch under his breath and reached for the controller.
"Oh no. No you don't." you tackled Kenma before he could do anything else. You know, if he wasn't so damn flustered right now, he would have been seriously mad. But when you smile at him like that, it's like his anger decides to get up and leave.
"Would you... umm, mind getting off me?" he was worried that he might overheat like his dad's poor laptop which he forced to run videogames far beyond its capabilities. Now he feels bad for that old thing.
"Only if you promise that we go for a little walk outside." he grumbled at first but ended up agreeing after you gave him a little kiss on the cheek as encouragement.
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austinslounge · 4 months
Hi can I ask by saying trouble in paradise what does that mean?
I mean what are the rumors that you have heard?
"Trouble in paradise" is just a figure of speech. It basically means that a relationship is "on the rocks", or is starting to have (or has been having) issues.
None of us know of course what's going on in their relationship 100% because we're not in it, but there have been some writings on the wall for a while now that things aren't as great as some shippers might think.
What signs you may ask? You might want to pull up a chair lol 😂
The fact that they rarely look happy or even connected as friends when we see them papped together (unless -- they're on the red carpet of course 😏)
The articles (especially from L&S) that have been coming out this year which have been nothing but negative on both sides from "sources" on each side of their teams.
Do we really need to bring up Austin in Paris during the YSL event last year? 👀 The man looked single, and Kaia was in the same city as him rofl 🤣
Their recent NYC pap stroll pics where they're both looking over it (enough said)
Then, the weird People.com article that conveniently came out right after that talking about how "happy" and "in love" they are. 🙄 I'm sorry, but truly happy couples don't need articles coming out about how "happy" they are after they are papped together looking humdrum lol 😅
The weird recent DeuxMoi "sighting" of Austin in the Cayman Islands (which was probably sent in by a nervous Kaustin fan) when we all know that Austin has been busy on a press tour for "The Bikeriders", and meanwhile, Kaia has been on the beach in the Cayman Islands with Camila Morrone grabbing her butt. 😏
Perhaps the weirdest thing of all is Austin's recent like on an Instagram post that was basically this dude saying that "when the devil can't get to you, he sends you a woman with two A's in her name", that ends in "uh". 👀 🥴 Some fans/shippers assumed he may have been thinking about Vanessa when he liked that reel. But let's think about this for a second - You're trying to tell me that Austin is still thinking about his MARRIED, about-to-pop and have a baby with another man ex-girlfriend, who he has always had nothing but GOOD things to say about (even after their breakup), who he mentioned and talked about (unprompted mind you) during the "Elvis" press tour and called a "friend", and who he recently said in Esquire that he still has "love" and "care" for? 🤨 Get real lol 😆 Mayyybe some are right and he was thinking about Vanessa. But to me, that would STILL be a red flag and a slight against Kaia because imo if you're a guy who's been in a relationship with your current gf of two years, and you're still THAT triggered by your ex that you have to like posts like that thinking about her - then he's obviously not over her. I personally think that reel he liked was him thinking about his current gf and situation lol, but to each his/her own. 😊
Either way you slice it, their relationship seems like one to not be taken seriously, because no woman or man in a serious and genuine relationship behaves this way imo.
But we can all agree to disagree of course.😊 These are just my own personal opinions and observations. I've probably missed some other signs, but those are the ones that came to my mind right off the top of my head.
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koushuwu · 1 year
Ryou and Kuramochi are a deadly pair. i fear that i cannot help you but i can make it worse:
Ryousuke being over to play some video games with Kuramochi, but every so often his eyes keep flitting over to you, Mochi's gf, dressed comfortably in shorts and an oversized shirt.
as if the shirt is hiding your exposed thighs to anyone.
so Ryousuke decides to raise the stakes as they play Smash Bros.:
"if I win, she takes off her shirt."
you nearly choke when you hear the wager. your eyes go to your boyfriend, and his eyes widen when he looks at you.
then, he gives you that feral grin.
"only if it's okay with her."
you look between the two of them—Mochi still grinning and Ryousuke staring at your chest where you're clearly not wearing a bra—and nod.
Kuramochi isn't a bad player by any means, and he goes harder than he has all night, but Ryousuke suddenly brings things up to another level. it's not easy, but he wins. not even two seconds after the "Game!" sound plays are his hands making quick work of your shirt.
the rest of the night proceeds like that, and it's how you find yourself in your current position, with your shorts off and panties pushed to the side and Ryousuke between your legs licking hungrily at your cunt, and your boyfriend behind you kissing away all of your moans.
(enjoy~ 😏)
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ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME, OVER HERE???????? i need them. i need this. so, SO BAD. i am going feral ajffivjdlvndbjdnvskjcsjknvd-
ok but the thing is, that with these two it would happen. ryou would make that damned challenge and kuramochi would fucking do it. these two fuckers, like even if you're already kuramochi's partner, the two just know each other so well and balance each other out with complete trust and i swear to god if this would not be the best time ever, i don't know what the fuck is!
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detectivesus · 10 months
Needed advice/ opinion from someone who not within my circle (I know your pretty good at this type of stuff)
Went out Friday night with my mate and this girl they are seeing (not dating, also pretty much ny friend too at this point). At the first bar, she starts flirting with me. When my mate goes to the toilet, she said that my friend told her that she can't see Me even though she finds me attractive and I'm more her type than my friend because I'm there best friend. She then said they got a date with another girl this Tuesday and were like, "Why can't I see other people I like and they can (I to also really like her)?" We might have had a few kisses here and there when they were looking for tabbaco and when they went to the loo.
We then go to the 2nd bar when My friend doesn't get in as they were too drunk but once we were in we didnt know the reaosn until i called them to hear that they were already in a taxi home. We literally went to the toilet, and then she suggested that we get a hotel room...😏, and we did, and honestly, it was indescribable. Like we were very honest with each other with how we feel about each other.
When we wake up, again, similar to the night before, we were very honest with each other and planned to spend the day with each other. During the walk to the restaurant, she gets a call from my friend. They were talking for like an 1/2 hour. Apparently, it was about why she didn't go back with them last night. If I'm being completely honest, the whole day was like probably the best day I had this year, and whilst walking to a bar/ tea place she asked if I wanted the this as a date in which I agreed with. Whe. We got in and sat down with our tea, she said something about my friend, and explained that every time she has spent time with them, they either argue and most of the time and leaves feeling worried. Then she list of traits of mine that she would want in a gf. We also planned to meet again Wednesday.
She had previously planned to meet up with my friend and when she was sitting in my lap I may have admitted to her that I had feelings for her and she felt the same and that near the end of the date I got pretty upset, about he going and the situation I got her in too. She was really sweet about it and said it was her choice to do it it wasn't on sided.
I walk her to were she meeting my friend and I bump into them on the walk back to mine and they were explain the augment they had and that their friends were telling them to stop seeing them, however they notice a mark on my neck and questioned it and I may have lied.
I get a call from her a few hours later crying saying sorry as my friend found the marks that I made on her and she told them the truth, they apparent shouted at her and she ran out, i tried to help I ask if the want them to meet them. If they want me to get them a tax but the phone hangs up and im sitting here fucking worried and upset.
I then get a text from her that her and my friend are okay and moving on from the situation nd asking g me I'm I okay.
I text my friend to see if I can talk to them hut they just said they don't want to see me which I'm really confused
I just feel really confused, sad and i guess I want an opion on the situation, like
hellooooo sounds like you’ve had quite the week!! glad you had a good time but to be honest it was bound to get messy from the get-go. even if they’re not serious or official it’s still such a violation of trust for your friend & probably caught them off guard too. don’t mean to be too harsh, because i know in the heat of the moment things can happen, but i can see why they might want to take some time to cool off and process the whole situation before wanting to talk to you right away. a bit wrong of the girl too for putting you and your friend in this situation but definitely feel for your friend tbh!! complicated definitely but i think you just need to give it a bit of time <3
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allisonlol · 3 years
Who do you think would like having a goth s/o who is very happy 24/7. Tall chunky boots, crazy hairstyles, old wedding dresses,baggy pants covered in chains, and of course the music but she’s super happy lol
a/n: you just described my favorite type of person heh ! here's my personal take on which characters would also love someone like this~
(Chuuya, Poe, Gin) with a Goth S/O That's Super Happy
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ngl misa was the blueprint for how i dress...i feel like this goes for a lot of anime fans lmao
i think we all knew he would be on this list
let me just start off by saying you two are the best dressed couple in all of existence
chuuya does have a pretty good eye for fashion (as we can clearly see) so he absolutely adores your style
he really appreciates how genuinely happy and positive of a person you are, too
when he first got to know you, he was shocked by how your demeanor was polar opposite to how you dressed & presented yourself
probably thought you were gonna be a stereotypical mean or intimidating goth but nope- you’re really upbeat !!
this was a relief to him because you were so easy to get along with
we know chuuya struggles with that sometimes...
you bring a positivity to his life that he desperately needs lol
nothing is better than coming home to you after a draining day of mafia business 
y’all just be screaming along to slipknot at 4am...the rest of the mafia is so sick of it 
if you ever needed help with styling your hair into a crazy up-do or something, chuuya is totally down to help !!
we’ve all seen how perfect his hair is so you know you can trust him 😏
poe is definitely a goth gf lover™️
you guys have a pretty similar style tbh?
you influence how he dresses and vice versa
y’all definitely borrow each others clothes to wear
you especially love to snatch his overcoat because it’s so big on you and goes great with all your fits
you convince him into wearing your corsets every now and then
and damn does he look good-
another one who really appreciates your personality
it’s such a contrast to his...but hey, opposites attract, right?
you’re gladly the one that makes the phone calls in the relationship LOL
when poe first saw you he instantly wanted to get to know you better
thankfully you felt the same way and approached him first; he was surprised at how positive you were !
definitely expected you to be more melancholic to suit your style
the main gifts that you guys buy each other are clothes and accessories tbh
which is funny bc y’all end up sharing them anyways
poe doesn’t seem like the type to listen to music often so you have to introduce him to all your favorite bands
at first he’s like “this is...interesting 🤨” but comes to love it lmao
you guys already know i had to add gin
hell, her only hobby is “being edgy” so of course she’s a great match for you
another one who borrows your clothes to wear
especially if it’s a mask of any kind...they’ll snatch that shit away from you in seconds
pretty adorable tbh
gin is no stranger to “looks can be deceiving” so she’s not at all surprised when you end up being super happy and upbeat
in fact that’s the main reason she loves you
you bring a positivity to gin’s life that they really lacked before, and they’re very grateful for that
y’all are SUCH a power couple
the two of you look so intimidating walking down the street together...until you open your mouth and it’s evident that you’re super sweet
you help gin style her hair into all sorts of new and different hairstyles, all of which look amazing 
they help you with yours in return <3
i know damn well gin already has the same music taste as you
you guys gush about your favorite bands and blast their songs while you get ready for work in the morning
tachihara has definitely threatened to break down the door at some point if you guys didn’t turn the volume down-
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Song requests ✨
Here are a couple of the song requests so far that I have made a plot for! I am still trying to work some of them out hehe so don't worry if your songs aren't on there yet! I am still accepting a couple more if anyone else has any more they want to send in 🤍
(Disclaimer! These are just rough ideas & may not be the exact way they end up!)
Lewis Hamilton
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In Case You Didn't Know- After being friends for years, you finally build up the courage to tell him your feelings but after you don't get the reaction you were hoping to get you keep your distance... making him realises he is wrong, hoping the art of music will win you back...(Coming soon 👀)
Hold you down- You both attend a close friend's wedding however when Lewis finds out your boyfriend had stood you up, he makes it the perfect chance to finally tell you how he feels... ending the night with a final dance!... (coming soon 👀)
Someone to stay- Lewis is contemplating whether he wants to continue his career in f1, after mercedes disappointing start... once you figure out how lonely and lost he feels, you make him visit his past to remind him where he had come from... (Coming soon 👀)
Mess is mine- After last year’s race in Abu dhabi, Lewis went to a small town in Morocco by the coast (Imsouane if you need a reference) where he took a break from the f1 world and the media. During his last day there he bumped into you in a small coffee shop early in the morning and you two bonded like you knew eachother since forever.. (Coming soon 👀)
Charles Leclerc
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Goodnight n go- Yours and Charles secret relationship starts to unravel as his rival with your brother starts to heat up... however neither of you want to say goodnight n go... even when your brothers in the opposite room!
Birthday Cake- When you land your dream job, Charles helps you celebrate despite you missing someone important in your life (Coming soon 👀)
Pierre Gasly (Not revelant but this GIF 😏)
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As it was- After your split with Pierre, his family begs you to talk to him again as he closes off from the outside world... (Coming soon 👀)
Daniel Ricciardo
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Best part- Lazy mornings off together, when you both pretend that his busy life doesn't exist... (Coming soon 👀)
Lay By Me- After Daniel changes team, you start to feel like a part of you is missing (Coming soon 👀)
Ben chilwell
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Needy (Insta AU)- After getting sick of just being another one of Bens 'side chicks' you decide to show if what he is missing full time
Lando Norris
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Nervous- When Lando meets a random girl at his local café & ends up hooking up with her he thought he could escape the trance you put him in... however that all changes when he discovers who has replaced Charlotte as his new media assistant! (Coming soon 👀)
Cornelia Street- After your trip to London goes wrong you result in a stranger to give you a place to stay... (Coming soon 👀)
POV- After years of meeting the wrong people, you finally find someone who is willing to love you for who you are... (Coming soon👀)
I Don't Care- You and Lando attend a sporting event where he doesn't feel like he fits in... (Coming soon 👀)
There's nothing holding me back- running around a foreign city with Lando, running from the paps, just being overall goofs before finally confessing our feelings to each other and ending the perfect day out with a kiss! (Coming soon 👀)
Mason Mount
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Lost without you- you’ve finally took the decision to leave Chelsea after being their head of communication for the last 5 years and Mason’s secret gf for the last 3 seasons... after taking an offer at mercedes f1 Mason starts to feel the impact of your disappearance!
This- When you & Mason first started dating you were hesitant to let him meet your little boy... but as the months pass by you see there was nothing to be afraid of
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danowh0re · 3 years
Possessive gf Sally when someone flirts with you hc
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⚠️: No warnings !
Grammar is a bitch and we both hate eachother soooo have fun reading :))
My writing sucks ahhahahah
Possessive hypodermic Sally
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She'd see you across the hotel, flirting or just talking with someone else. She instantly power walks to you, grabbing your arm, and takes you to the other side of the hotel.. "i... I thought you were with me..." she sniffles, not being able to make eye contact with you. Your hands meet her cheeks, cupping them softly, making her look at you.. "sall.... of course I'm with you... I love you..". A small tear trickles down her face. "Y…you.... you... l-love... me...?" She says with a little squeak in the end "yes, and only you", you kiss her nose, pulling her into a soft hug.
Overthinks everything that is happening in the moment, kinda just needing you to say that you love or care about her every second till sally forgets that someone flirted with you. But secretly, she never forgot about it. It's what usually keeps her up at night
you’ll be helping out Iris with setting people up in their rooms, Sally would be obviously stalking and watching inside the room that you are in from the door frame, making sure you won't notice her. The man that you were helping get settled in, handed you a fifty bill tip, whispering something in your ear. Sally instantly getting jealous, she makes a scene, probably knocking something down in the hall, which draws your attention, making you leave the man and figure out what that noise was. You're faced with a weeping woman on the floor, and that woman is sally. You go down on your knees, rubbing her back… “What happened sall....”. she slowly looks up at you, shaking her head violently, “W-WHAT DID ...H..HE SAY... WHO'S THAT MAN???” she says, instantly getting up from the floor, adjusting her dress and coat, wiping off the tears trailing down her face. "What do you mean—" you look at her in complete confusion. "..Sall" your hands cup her face. "I don't even know his name.. “ she sniffles, looking slowly back into the room that he’s in, looking back at you. “a-are you.. sure…? ..you aren't lying to me.. Everyone lies to me.. please don't be like them..” her face molds into a frown, so you walk over to her again, wrapping your arms around her in a large hug, whispering in her ear. “i promise”.
if you leave her alone ANYTIME, she needs to know where you are going and if she can come with-
she stands by your side whenever you are talking to someone, holding your hand tightly, her kissing you every second for the person that you are talking to, to get the idea that you are taken.
She pushes herself down when there's another person getting close to you in a kinda 😏 way, blaming herself for that moment ever occurring, thinking she's the worst person to be in a relationship with, cause she really loved you... and she's never had anyone to love.. you were her first love but her thoughts and emotions got in control with her mind and her heart.
Sally gallops in your direction, noticing you with another person and needing to change that as quickly as possible. She comes over to you, getting all handsy, trying to scare the mystery person that you are with away. Just talking about what you two could be going right now.... alone 😉. Sally gets pretty graphic, all loud and out in the open.... sooo you woosh her away, apologizing to the person you were having a conversation with. Sally looks at you in shock, giving the fact that you apologized, or even still talking to them. She wraps her arms around your shoulder as you two roam the halls, talking. "What was all that about..??" You stop walking for a second, facing her. "...w..what do you mean..." Sally takes your hands, a little frown appearing on her face... "she was too pretty.... you... you know how I get all jealous Y/N.... I can't stand it... I know I'm not the prettiest... or even fun to be around.... I'm not in any box.." Sally looks down at the floor, pouting back up at you. "You're mine... okay..?" She says, kissing your hands. "Please?".. you nod, kissing her hands back "I don't want anyone else but you Sally... but... you know I'm allowed to talk to other people, right...? No matter what happens, I'm with you, okay? Sally?" A wide smile appears on her face from all the love she's receiving from you "y-yes" a little giggle comes out of her mouth, kissing you with the most enthusiasm, happy to get reassurance from you.
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boomerangguy · 3 years
Hello friend! Just out of complete random curiosity, what would you say are your most favorite fanfic tropes? Please feel free to answer in great detail. 😋
Myarg!!! 🤩 Thank you so much for this ask! It’s made me do some thinking about: a) what actually qualifies as a fanfic trope, and b) which ones I like the most! Here’s what I’ve come up with…so I hope this is what you’re looking for! 😬
“…and they were roommates!” / ‘only one bed’
Sadly, the two-and-of-a-half-thousand fics on AO3 tagged with ‘Sokka/Suki’ have appallingly little Sukka content. 😔 I’ve only come across, like, one Sukka fic ever that uses one of these two, Apartment 3E on FF.net, but I have read fics with this trope some for other ships that were pretty fun. What I like about these tropes—and why I grouped them together—is because awkward, forced-bonding situations usually make for plenty of humor, pining, good-natured conflict, and romantic and/or sexual tension. And don’t all those things work with Sukka perfectly??? 😩 I can just picture them stuck in the same bed (as rivals or obliviously lovesick ‘friends’), and Sokka rolling over on Suki’s side in the middle of the night while blabbering some gibberish in his sleep. She wakes up and shoves him off the edge of the bed, but even on the floor, he’s still out cold—and meanwhile Suki starts to feel guilty, so she gets up and tries to haul him back up onto the bed. But she finds out that Sokka is a lot heavier than she previously thought…and he’s got all these muscles…and this really cute sleeping face…and he’s…oh shit, he’s waking up! 😏
Fake Dating / Under Cover
Just like the last pair, these two tropes aren’t exactly the same, of course, but there’s a similar theme. Whether it’s something as cute and fluffy as ‘hey I need a bf/gf to take home for the holidays so my mom will stop bugging me’ or as angsty and complex as ‘I must infiltrate the palace and earn the trust of the rival prince/princess so I can later betray them,’ there’s always the element of blurring what’s pretend and what’s real—and trying to find out where you started to fall in love along the way. 🥰 The vibes aren’t quite as close to the canon Sukka romance as the two tropes above are, but that’s hardly necessary! There’s a great Sukka fake dating fic by @asajjvxntress that I absolutely love! 🤌
(Here’s a third below the cut that’s not exactly SFW, but these days I have to be careful what I tag/post on tumblr, so it’s gonna be kinda vague 😅)
“Wtf??? Mom and Dad still do it???”
Alright, is this a real fanfic trope? Not really! 😆 I think I’ve seen it a few times before, but it’s the concept behind the first fic I ever posted on AO3, The Councilman’s Mistress, and I absolutely love it. There’s this depressing (and unfounded imo) skepticism among Millennials/Gen Z that marriage begets the death of romance and the beginning of passionless mundanity. 😣 But I refuse to buy into that 🥺 and I adore the idea of my married OTPs keeping things steamy even into their 30s and 40s (at least), especially when that means desperately trying to find time during their busy schedules and away from their kids. Applying this mostly-self-invented ‘trope’ to my OTPs is fun, of course, but tbh, I like it for their parents just as much, if not more! 😜 For ATLA, Kyakoda is my preferred horny-parents-pairing. (And I really like Hakursa, but it’s tough to compete with that SWT momilf/dadilf duo. 🥵) My (hopelessly) massive WIP folder has a fic where Sokka brings Suki home from college to meet his parents, and when he texts his mom that he’s going to arrive a little earlier than expected, she doesn’t answer…because Kya’s phone is in her jeans…and her jeans are crumpled up on the kitchen floor. 😛 It’s one I’m not sure I’ll finish, so I’d definitely consider passing it along to another Sukka writer if they felt inclined to write it themselves. 👀 (I’ve already rambled plenty, but this pseudo-trope opens the door for ‘bonus babies’ conceived when the couple’s older children are already teenagers or young adults…an idea I got from watching Father of the Bride Part II on TV as a little kid and have not forgotten in the past fifteen-or-so years. 😂)
Anyway, thank you so much for the ask, @myargalargan!!! 😊 (And I promise that I’ll answer any future asks MUCH sooner!) This really got me thinking about the kind of fic Sukka needs to have written for them… 🧐
(And speaking of Sukka fics, I got the inspiration for a silly-and-corny ficlet while thinking about my favorite tropes—it’s pretty much just goofy, cracky nonsense, but I couldn’t get it out of my head. 🤪 So here’s Cantaloupes, rated M for sexual innuendo.)
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galaxy12sblog · 3 years
Holding hand!?!
In FNF Au, Boyfriend was rap battling with Fnf! Galaxy, giving her a hard time.
FNF! Galaxy: Son of a Bitch! *Drops the microphone*
Boyfriend: *laughing* Beep! *Looks at FNF! Alexa from the distance* Ba!
FNF! Alexa: 💢😑.....What is it now short man?
FNF! Elisa: *laughing* 🤣
BF: Ba! Beep!!
FNF! Alexa: I'm not going to rap battle with you again 😑. I told you.
BF: Ba? Beep! *Looks at FNF! Elisa* Beep Ba!
FNF! Elisa: !?!... excuse me,can someone translate that?
Sky: he says "you pink haired girl, you won't even win a rap battle, cause you're a lesbian loser".
FNF! Elisa:......................
FNF!Zach: uh.. Elisa?
FNF! Alexa: whoa, whoa, *holds FNF Elisa away from BF* calm down..
FNF! Elisa: !!!! *Blushes*...*in mind: and she's too close!!*
FNF! Alexa: *looks at BF* 😠.. alright Short man. You wanna Rap battle? *Grabs FNF! Elisa* She'll rap with me.
FNF! Elisa: *blushing* w-well Uh...
FNF! Alexa: Well, what?
FNF! Elisa: nothing 😅.
FNF! Alexa: okay, *looks at Boyfriend* She'll rap with me, with the same song. If we win, we get to punch you in the face. If you win, you'll get to do whatever you want with Pico. Deal?
BF: Beep!!
Sky: he said "Deal"
FNF! Alexa: great. *Holds FNF! Elisa's hand*
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FNF! Elisa: !!!!!?!?! *Blushes*
FNF! Galaxy: 😏..*walks away* plan is working~!!!
FNF! Elisa: 😵...*shakes head* *holds the microphone*
They both start the battle along with BF. They rap battle for a few hours. FNF! Elisa raps really good like she's having fun or pissed off. FNF! Alexa on the other hand, is also rapping good but with anger. Both rap together at the same time in the song.
Jaira: looks like they're gonna win.
Jaira: Don't think so.
FNF!Bot: they will!
Before the last part, Elisa starts to do a high note that was like very loud and fantastic. Everything shakes.
GF: !!!! Uh-
FNF! Galaxy: Whoa!
After that, the battle was finished.
FNF! Alexa: *looks at Elisa* I'm proud of you Elisa.
FNF! Elisa: *blush a bit* pr-proud of me? Oh, you don't need to say that-
FNF! Alexa: Nah girl, you nailed that high note! Obviously I had to say that! *Glares at BF*...speak of the devil
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We'll have to punch you in the face, com'on here.
FNF! Elisa: U-um, Alexa, no disturb but uh ....*blushing* your h-hand, you're still holding my h-hand.
FNF! Alexa: don't worry, I'll let you go after I deal with dwarf man here.
BF: Ba!!
FNF! Ereka: *laughs*
FNF! Elisa: *blushing*...>///<
The end
FNF Alexa belongs to @black0mangle
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