#no name for her yet feel free to drop suggestions uwu
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leenoe · 5 months ago
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lyn-rambles · 4 years ago
Did you know? || Yaku Morisuke x Reader ||
Hello again my fellows
Ok so this one shot is part of the Haikyuu Headquarters server collab  we all very happy to show our works, so please check out other works and give all the writers and artists a look uwu. If you want to see more of this type of content please use this.
I hope this time it gets posted because tumblr has been eating this thing ;-;
Pairing: Yaku x reader
Prompt: You woke me up at 3am for this?
Altern Universe: N/A
                                                                 PoV: Second person 
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.5 K
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Yaku had a rough day, practice with the Japan National Team had exhausted him, he could barely walk to his shower to get off all the sweat from his body. He had been staying at the Japan's volleyball Association’s Dorms while he got arrangements done to stay in a more comfortable place. The cool water felt great against his sore body, they practically cleaned the gym floor that day doing drills and receives most of it. He was amazed to see that Hinata had gotten better at them and also was glad to see some old friends and known faces, he was also happy to see Kuroo again but he wasn’t going to tell him that out loud… He had a reputation to keep.
He closed the water and stepped out fresh, and feeling better, maybe not less tired but a bit more comfortable with his body. Yaku slipped on his pajamas and looked at his phone. The little LED had twinkled the whole afternoon, the color red immediately made him think that he must be out of battery and as he unlocked it he found your message. A smile grew in his lips. After his graduation you both had tried to keep contact. At the time you were still a second year but you got to be acquainted quickly. You had lived near each other, yet, you didn’t attend the same middle school it wasn’t like you an Yaku had talked too much, until you became a first year at Nekoma.
“I don’t know if you’ll see this before training but I wanted to show you this” and then showed a photo of the new samples you had prepared for your bio class. You worked as a teacher on a Junior High School, and had talked him about your plans on using plant samples to teach about the common tissues on them. He smiled at how proudly you had shown him the images from the microscope. He replied to you congratulating on the quality of them. He remembered how fascinating you found the world around and how happy you were on telling others about it. You had always rambled facts about animals, space, plants, the solar systems, name it you probably had a fun fact about it. It was that hunger for knowledge and the love of spreading it was what drawn him to you on first place. You were part of the science club. Professor Murakama, the bio teacher was in charge of your club, and Morisuke hadn’t talked with him outside from classes but Kuroo had insisted on him to help him getting some works they had delivered and he wanted a revision even though he almost got a perfect mark.
“Hello there!” he greeted them. He had lifted his safety glasses. And the small circle of students that surrounded him turned to them. Morisuke didn’t know most of the people there, since most of them were first years, but he waved at you. You returned it. Of course you knew Yaku, he had lived next to your house since forever but you had never actually been close. Kuroo got to the professor and he just stood awkwardly on the door frame as everyone returned to the working tables.
The professor muttered something to himself. As he checked on Kuroo’s worksheet. “Yaku, why don’t you join our experimentation while I go to the teacher’s lounge with Kuroo?” he asked him. “You can use my lab coat and safety glasses while you are at it.”
Morisuke put on the equipment as he reminded everyone to be mindful of the lab rules pasted on a cardboard on the wall behind Yaku. The students divided on partners and you sat on a work table alone.
“What is it (Y/LN)? Why aren’t you working with anybody?” Yaku asked as he sat down next to you.
“We are an odd number of students, so today is my turn to work alone.” He turned to see one of her classmates mouthing to her that he was sorry. “You are free if you only want to watch, since you don’t have rubber gloves.”
That day seemed so long ago, he had watched as she prepared the acidic solution in a beaker and added drops of phenolphthalein before adding a strong base and watched in awe how the liquid started to get a hot pink color.
“Wha- Whe- How?!” he had asked you.
Since then, it was history. He had sometimes went at lunch time to see how were you doing, being a first year was tough. And you sometimes met him at the cafeteria before getting back to your friends. Then he got your number and that’s when the rambling about random science facts became constant. He always had at least one image and a new fact, such as “Hey! Did you knew that elephants are the only species with 4 knees?” He always had a smile at that and he didn’t notice when he started to look at them with fondness until his teammates pointed it out. And then it happened, one day he just didn’t get the random fact of the day as you two had started to call it, by your second year, even he had started to send you those kind of things or whenever he found out about some new exhibit. His friend urged him to already ask you out as he clearly had signs of endorphin rush whenever they mentioned her or Talk saw her. Up to this day he never knew why he didn’t do it, even more when he got so concerned that you didn’t even saw his text, since you always answered quite fast. He walked outside of the VB team staff room and walked to the entrance alone. And he rose his gaze and you were there under a tree, with your head between your arms. He rushed at your side, without knowing what to do, he put his hand on your shoulder.
You shot your head up only to see his face. He looked as your face was tainted with tears.
“Hey, (Y/N),” his voice wavered. “What happened?”
You only cleaned your eyes with the corner pf ypur jumper. And used a napkin to clean your runny nose. “Nothing… I am fine, Morisuke.” You managed a constrained smile, he stood up and offered his hand.
“Come on, let me walk you home.” You took his hand.
That day you were supposed to tell your feelings to your crush. You had been harboring feelings for him since you met him on your first year and today, you (with Yaku’s help) had worked enough courage to tell him. You had crafted a love letter to cite him on your classroom and tell him there after school. He had also helped you (he almost did it all) to bake some small cookies to gift him.
There you stood with your crush in front of you, you had told him. You had done it, this is the moment where he accepts and-
“I like you, as a friend, your intelligence is quiet intimidating and I can’t see you as more than a friend because of it.”
Morisuke had heard your story, as you started to sob again. You were sitting on the sidewalk in front of your house as he took out a napkin and scooted near to you as you kept crying, his left arm grabbed you by the shoulder and he embraced you. Your violent breaths calmed and he let you go. His uniform now had moisted with what you called “nose tears” (“Morisuke! Did you knew that when you cry some of your tears go down on your nose and that’s why you have a runny nose every time you cry?”) but he could wash it later. Right now the only important thing was you.
“Morisuke, you are my friend, right?” He nodded. “is my-“
“No” he had answered right away.
“But you didn’t even let me finish” you pushed him with a playful manner.
“I knew what you where gonna ask and my answer is no.” He searched on the paper bag and handed you a chocolate filled bread. “I know your favorites are caramel ones, but right now you need something to raise your serotonin levels.” You took it and looked at him, you had sent him that fact when you had suggested to make the cookies. “Besides if he feels intimidated by something as petty as that, he doesn’t deserve a the time of day, he doesn’t deserve you.” He grumbled. You had stared at him wide eyed as his face started to get pink and bid you farewell as he slammed his house door. You smiled as you clenched the bread.
And then his graduation came. You had sneaked from cleaning duty thanks to your best friend (“Go get him, (Y/N)!”) He had also been encouraged by his friends this might be the last time he could tell you about his feelings. His family was throwing a small dinner and they had invited you since you had started to spend more and more time with Morisuke. His mom had made Stir-fried vegetables with other dishes. All his family gathered inside as you two talked on the same sidewalk, you both had been sharing some good old laughs.
You still held your stomach with your arms at Yakkun as he rubbed his leg after slapping it while he laughed. He had the sting of tears of laughing and of pain on leg, but he kept going. Until both of you had calmed and the small faint dread of bursting out laughing again came back.
“Ok, now in all seriousness, (Y/N)” he tried to regain his composure and you snorted at him as he bit his lip to suppress another laugh. “I have something to tell you- please breathe… slowly” His gaze was heavy with feigned disdain as he turned around to not laugh at your violent rapid breathing caused by another burst of laughs. You inhaled deeply trying to calm yourself.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Have I told you the reason why I never accepted the two confessions I ever received?”
You gasped. You had been pestering him, one of your best friends into telling you but nothing had worked. “No! But please do tell me! I can’t believe it is finally happening!” you grinned at his question.
He breathed in slowly, as he started the word vomit, he saw your grin slowly disappear. As your eyes slowly went down. His heart his head started spinning. His face was becoming red, he wanted to turn back and get inside his home like that afternoon all those months ago. His whole being felt as if he had his guts stolen.
“And I didn’t worked up the courage up until now to tell you.” He sighed, for the first time, defeated. “I like you more than a friend, I-”
His eyes went wide when you hugged him by the neck and kept pressing pecks to his cheek. Then that hollowness became a party of elephants dancing on his gut. He finally turned to you, on your face shined the biggest smile you could manage.
“Yakkun, I was supposed to confess to you today, you stole my idea.” If he could have turned an even deeper shade of red he would have, he worked his hands up to your face and kissed your temple and smiled through his embarrassment.
Months passed by fast, as he had made the arrangements to move to Russia and play on the Super League. Lev had been helping him to make the contacts. You were currently on your third year, and whenever you could go home early you helped him studying Russian, you helped him craft flash cards and as you said the word in Japanese he answered always making a different grin. Much tp your laugh. You also helped him on his writing… you both sadly sucked at it. You tried to have non-study-dates-because-you-also-need-to-stop-worrying-about-me-and-school. Yakkun also helped whenever you found problem in a class… which wasn’t really often, but he was glad whenever you asked him for advice. Days after you got your college acceptance letter from college, he left Japan.
Yakkun had fallen asleep remembering the times you had stayed awake studying as he made you company over a video call or he had stayed awake after a particularly rough training just to have a “meal” with you.
His phone buzzed, once, twice, and the third time he picked it up. A pool of drool had formed under his face. He squinted his eyes at bright screen.
“(Y/N)?” he asked with a groan.
“Salutations, Mori!” over the speaker he heard the car engine.
“What is it?” He yawned as he stretched his arms and some of his joints cracked.
“I-” you hesitated before answering. “I found something really cool, I was wondering if you could join me.”
He rubbed his eyes, before turning to see his phone screen.
3:00 AM
He sighed with defeat. “Sure, just let me put a shirt on.”
You drived off, he took the copilot seat and dozed off yet again. You felt guilty of waking him in the middle of the night, but you had been waiting for this the whole week. Earlier you had called Kuroo just make sure the team had a free day before resuming their training. You side eyed him as how he curled on the seat breathing softly. The light of the city were getting behind as you approached your destination. The small lights of the highway and your car illuminated the way.
“Mori, we are here.” You gently shaked him. You were parked on a resting spot. In front it had a small hill covered with grass. The moon cleared the way. Mori had just woken up again and was getting out as you unloaded the trunk. You got some small snacks in a bag and a blanket.
“You woke me up at 3 AM… For this?” he was ired. And his expression showed clear dissatisfaction. “Listen, (Y/N) I know it is- Are you even listening?”
You had turned your face up and a teeth smile crept on your face. You lowered your face and moved your hand up so he could see. A meteor shower painted the sky as he looked up in awe and the it hit him, you had been mentioning this the whole week.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” He looked at you his face had softened as he approached you.
“I’m sorry (Y/N).” he murmured grabbing taking the bag. You turned your head side to side.
“You’ve been working to the bone lately.” You took a step nearer and cupped his face with your free hand. Your eyes locked with his soft gaze as he smiled fondly. His forehead rested on yours and then he pushed his lips to yours, your skin started to get goose bumps as you exhaled , you had been yearning for this.
“Did you know it was worth to get up at this time?”
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animatedarchives · 5 years ago
one stormy night • a risky revenge (part i) || shinso x reader
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a/n: HI BABIE i felt so bad that i mistook you for someone else (bc hers was the only todoroki request i got,,,) that i just hAD to churn this out as an apology :((( i will also be splitting this into two parts because it was getting pretty long hehe anyway, i hOPE YOU ACCEPT THIS APOLOGY T^T and i hope you enjoy it~ thanks for requesting bb i love you uwu (P.S. clarissa if you see this i pRomiSe i’ll have your shoto request out soon i’m sORRYSKCNINHNC)
► genre: aNGST and fLuFf
► warnings: mentions of cheating 
► word count: 2.9k words
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The rain hit harshly against your window pane as you looked out at the stormy sky. It was currently 3am and you were wide awake, despite having training in approximately four hours. You’ve been trying to fall asleep for the past two hours but for some reason, your just body wouldn’t allow it. You groaned into your pillow and closed your eyes for what seemed like your tenth attempt to fall asleep. But something inside you was keeping you awake - a strange, unnerving feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was amiss in the world. 
Just as you were getting into a comfortable position, you heard a pounding at the door and your eyes opened. You convinced yourself it was probably just the thunder, refusing to get up and answer it. You pulled the blanket over your shoulders and shut your eyes again. You had to get at least some rest before training or you knew you wouldn’t perform.
Just then, thunder crashed dangerously outside your window and your door swung open to reveal a figure standing in the doorway. Your eyes shot open and you bolted up out of bed, adrenaline coursing through your body.
Villains?! At this time of night? It was the perfect stunt, really - planning a sneak attack while everyone fast asleep and unsuspecting. Taking a defensive stance, you held your arms out in front of you, ready to attack the stranger if need be. 
“Who are you? What do you want?” you questioned aggressively. The light from the hallway backlit their face, making it difficult for you to tell who it was.
“Relax, sunshine. It’s just me,” the silhouette said calmly, closing the door.
“Toshi?” you called out into the darkness, your tense form relaxing slightly. 
“Well, who else would have the key to your room?” 
He paused, eyeing you protectively. “There better not be anyone else with the key to your room.” 
Hearing his familiar voice, you sighed with relief and let your hands drop to your side.
You and Shinso have been friends for years now, having known each other since childhood. You guys lived in the same neighbourhood, went to the same school, and were even in the same class. You two literally grew up together and have been inseparable ever since. You knew each other inside out and could recite anything and everything about the other from the back of your hand. One of your favourite memories together though, was the day your quirk manifested - the day you got a nickname that would unknowingly stick for all the years to come. 
You and Shinso were laying on the lush, green grass next to each other, basking under the warmth of the summer sun. The gentle breeze combed through your hair and you closed your eyes in ignorant bliss. All seemed well until suddenly, you felt something strange bubbling inside of you - a tide of energy that was threatening to overflow. You sat up and grabbed your right hand, your sudden movements garnering Shinso’s attention as he sat up with you.
Your eyes widened as warmth rushed to your fingertips, causing them to glow. Realising what was happening, you looked towards your best friend, who seemed to grasp the situation too. In fact, he looked equally if not more excited than you did. He had always idolised the idea of being a hero and couldn’t wait to have his own quirk. He watched eagerly with his large innocent eyes, honoured to be part of your special moment. 
The glow intensified and slowly but surely, you were able to produce a small ball of light from the palm of your tiny hand. 
“Look!” you gasped, eyes shining as your mouth gaped in awe. “It’s so bright!”
“Yeah! It’s like the sun!” Shinso beamed, pointing to the burning white sphere in the sky. Then, his eyes lit up. “I know! Next time when we become heroes, you should call yourself Little Miss Sunshine,” he suggested, practically radiating with enthusiasm. 
“Okay!” you giggled. You liked the sound of that name. He knew you would. 
“Well come on, Sunshine!” he said grabbing your free hand in his. “We have to show your parents!” he exclaimed, dragging you behind him as you squealed with excitement. 
The tension in your body subsided as the intruder identified himself and you sat down on the edge of your bed. Ignoring the unpleasant squelching that filled the room, you pinched the bridge of your nose and groaned.
“Just because you have my key does not mean you can barge into my room at 3am in the morning!” you chided, rubbing the tiredness from your face. “Some of us actually do sleep, you know.” 
It was apparent you weren’t going to bed any time soon, which made you feel very frustrated to say the least. “What on earth are you doing here anyway?” you sighed exasperatedly, wondering how much caffeine you’d have to down to be able to keep your eyes open in the morning. 
Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating your room and finally allowing you to see your best friend’s face for the first time that night. You paused, body frozen as your thoughts came to a halt. 
Your gut was right: something was amiss.
Shinso was dripping wet, completely drenched from head to toe. Even though he was a good distance away, you could tell that he was shivering; his cold, wet shirt stuck to his body, perfectly defining each and every one of his muscles. You watched as a small pool of water gathered at his feet. Was he out in the rain? Your eyes wandered to his face, the same one you’ve known for all these years. His violet orbs were dark and tired - strangely more than usual. And as you looked more intently, you found an emotion swirling within them that tugged at your heartstrings: a deep-set sorrow. 
“Toshi, what happened?” you asked as you approached him, eyes full of concern as you searched his face. His eyebrows were creased and a huge frown settled upon his soft, pink lips. Water glided across the crevases on his face, but you couldn’t tell if the wetness was due to the unforgiving rain or if it were something else. You hoped to God it was the former. 
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He shut it again, trying to find the words to say. But he couldn’t. Or maybe he just didn’t want to. It was too painful to face the brutal reality of the world. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t tell anyone. He had a habit of bottling things up because he hated showing his true emotions. He hated being pitied. His whole life, everyone had ridiculed his dream of becoming a hero because of his brainwashing quirk. He would never forget their looks of sympathy as they shook their heads. “What a shame,” they would say. “You’d be a much better hero if you were born with another quirk.”
But you weren’t like the rest. You were never like the rest. You never cared about what type of quirk Shinso had; you loved him regardless. The day his quirk manifested, the rest of the children scrambled away in fear. Yet you remained at his side, holding his trembling body and comforting him as he cried in your arms. You were the only one who believed in his seemingly unreachable dream. You always gave him that small hope to cling on to when all seemed lost. He knew he could trust you. You were the only one he could be vulnerable in front of and safely lean on for support. You were his rock, his shelter in the storm.
He inhaled deeply. “We broke up,” he finally admitted. “She cheated on me.”
Even with the thunder crashing in the background, you could hear the heartbreak in his voice.
“Toshi… I’m so sorry…” you said as you placed your hand on his arm in an effort to comfort him. You could feel his tense muscles through the thinness of his wet shirt and the shaking that came along with it. Whether it was from the cold or the emotion, you couldn’t say for sure. Perhaps it was both. 
“It’s okay,” he exhaled, straightening his posture to appear stronger than he felt. But you knew. You knew he was crumbling inside.
“No, it’s not,” you sighed walking towards your wardrobe. “I know you really liked her, Toshi. She must be blind to not see how good of a man you are,” you said, trying to conceal the venom in your voice as you pulled something out of the cupboard. You always hated her and never understood what he saw in her. But you knew how much joy she brought him, so you begrudgingly let it slide. You just wanted him to be happy.
“Well, I know you didn’t come here for nothing so if you want, I’m always here to talk,” you said, offering a gentle smile as you turned to face him. “But first,” you handed him a sweater and a pair of joggers. “Go change before you catch a cold.”
He smiled gratefully as he took them, your kind gesture reminding him how much you truly cared. He looked down curiously at the clothes, feeling the strangely familiar material between his calloused fingers. “Are these mine?” he chuckled lightly, eyes seeming to brighten just the tiniest bit. 
You scoffed playfully. “Yes, and now I’m returning them to you,” you smiled, full of mock innocence. You borrowed it from him a while ago but had completely forgotten about it until now. You guessed it was good that you held on to it. “Hurry up before you get sick,” you ordered impatiently, trying to hide the worry in your voice. 
He shook his head at your silly antics. “Yes, mother,” he said and proceeded to take off his shirt.
“OH MY GOD, NOT HERE YOU DUMBASS! THERE’S A TOILET FOR A REASON!” you exclaimed embarrassedly, trying to look anywhere but his magnificently toned body. 
“Oh please, don’t act like you’ve not seen me shirtless before,” he replied nonchalantly. You sputtered, unable to come up with an adequate response. He was right, of course; you had seen him shirtless countless times before - hell, you’ve probably seen him full on naked as a child. However, that still wasn’t enough to rid you of the deep red blush you hoped so dearly would be concealed by the darkness of your room. You mentally slapped yourself. Relax. He’s just changing, it’s no big deal. Yet for some reason, you could not suppress the persistent feeling of something fluttering in your stomach. You shook your head vigorously, clearing your head. It was probably nothing. You guys were just best friends after all.
No longer sopping wet, he lay down on your bed, sighing with exhaustion. You sat cross-legged on the floor, letting him have the bed because he was having a bad day. You watched him wordlessly, waiting for him to start talking, but he never did. You didn’t want to push him, but you knew that you had to help him face his emotions if he was going to heal. It was going to be difficult, but you knew it was necessary.
“For the record, I always thought you were too good for her,” you broke the silence, not knowing what else to say. He smiled softly as he stared at the ceiling, contemplating your words. 
“That’s funny, I always thought she was too good for me,” he laughed, but it was anything but joyful; it was cynical, bitter and sad. You couldn’t help but feel angry at her for dimming the light in Shinso’s eyes and making him doubt himself. To you, he was the perfect guy and there were so many things you loved about him. He was smart, observant, protective, respectful, caring - the list could go on forever.
But above all, he was insanely hard working and always pushed himself to achieve whatever he had set his eyes on. This applied to all areas of his life, whether it was how relentlessly he pursued the girl he loved or how he was always skipping out on sleep to train, just so he could master his quirk. He might have marketed it as nothing but an admirable trait on the outside, but you knew the hidden reason behind his fervor: doubt.
No one doubted themselves more than he did, especially with everyone questioning his dreams from the day his quirk manifested. His abilities were supposed to be a blessing, yet he saw them as nothing but a curse. Because of the constant self-doubt he harboured from such a young age, he was always his worst critic. You knew he was constantly pushing himself to prove to himself and others that he was worth something. You knew how hard he was on himself when he thought no one was looking. You knew that despite him putting in his best efforts, he always felt like it wasn’t good enough. Like he wasn’t good enough. And the thought that someone had given his doubts weight and made him feel like it was even remotely true when it wasn’t, sparked something within you. Anger consumed your mind as you watched him drown in hopelessness until finally, you reached your tipping point. 
“Shinso Hitoshi, I will not sit here and let you mope about yourself! You are the most amazing guy I have ever met and any girl would be lucky to have you!” you exclaimed, hoping your words would get through to him. 
“Well considering the fact that she cheated and dumped me, I’d say evidently not,” he said dryly. You deflated. You knew Shinso was the type who appreciated actions rather than just words but you didn’t know how-
Your eyes lit up as an idea hit you.
“I know! We’re going to show her what she’s missing,” you said.
He gave you a sideways glance, cocking an eyebrow. “And how exactly are we going to do that?” he asked. 
“You sir, are going to date me.”
He blinked at you twice before laughing. “You can’t be serious,” he said amusedly. At least the smile he gave this time was genuine. 
“Am I ever not serious?” you joked, hoping to keep this light mood.
He scoffed. “But you know I’d never date you, Y/N. You’re my best friend,” he said. It was true: you guys were best friends. 
So why did the thought that he never considered you as anything more put a slight ache in your heart? 
You brushed your thoughts aside, convinced it was nothing. “It’s pretend dating, stupid. Think about it,” you scooted closer to the bed, intent on selling your idea. You had to show him somehow that he was actually more amazing than he gave himself credit for.
“Imagine seeing her dumbfounded face as you stroll in class tomorrow with a new girl by your side, showing how unaffected you are and that you were able to move on faster than she ever expected you to. Plus, I know you don’t love talking to people, so this is perfect because everyone would be able to see it without you even saying a word!” you said. He watched as you gestured animatedly while giving your pitch, the ends of his lips slowly curling upwards. 
“Consider it… silent bragging,” you suggested slyly, wiggling your eyebrows as you finished your speech. He turned to lay on his back again and draped his arm over his eyes. 
“You know, considering my specialty is manipulating people, I have to say you are quite the snake,” he chuckled. You laughed as you punched his arm in response, not even putting a dent in his muscular form. 
“So, what do you say?” you asked hopefully. His smile slackened as he weighed the pros and cons in his head. You waited eagerly for his response, excited to take your revenge on the girl who had hurt your best friend.
“Mmm, okay,” he hummed quietly.
Astonished that he had actually agreed to a plan you were half-joking about, you spread down happily on the floor and sighed with satisfaction. “I can’t wait to see her stupid face when she sees us tomorrow,” you grinned, eyes glinting with mischief. But as you mulled over it, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were forcing this idea on him. Although you’d do anything to help him feel better, you’d never want to force him into something he wasn’t comfortable with.
“Hey Toshi,” you called gently, wanting to double-check. But he didn’t respond. “Toshi?” you called again, sitting up slightly. That was when you realised he had fallen asleep. He must have been exhausted. You watched as his chest rose and fell at a steady pace, his face calm and peaceful. You smiled softly, wishing you could protect him against the pains of the world. 
“Y/N…” he mumbled tiredly.
“Hmm?” you hummed in response.
“... Best friend hug…”
You giggled at his neediness and leaned over the bed to embrace him, inhaling the musky scent that exuded from his sweater. You leaned back and pulled the blanket up over his broad chest, letting him sleep on your bed for the night.
“She messed with the wrong people. We’ll show her tomorrow,” he said before drifting back to sleep. You smiled at his determination, your doubts put to rest.
“Goodnight, Toshi,” you whispered as you lay on the floor with your spare blanket, the storm continuing to roll in the background. 
You finally shut your eyes as you prepared yourself for the day ahead. 
The day when you would become Shinso Hitoshi’s fake girlfriend.
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meanhoeforcb97 · 5 years ago
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Birthday Boy
Pairing: Switch(?)Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
Genre: Romantic Smut
Warnings: Name calling (princess), oral (m), slight food-play (chocolate), handcuffs, lingerie, unprotected sex (don't be silly, wrap your willy)
Requested: nope
Words: 2.7k
Happy birthday to Hyunjin-ah uwu
This is the third time I'm uploading it eYE—
It was Hyunjin's birthday today, and so you decided to prepare a little birthday surprise for him. You made him breakfast in bed in the morning and you two cuddled watching his favourite movie before he left the house to go grab some lunch and celebrate with some of his close friends.
Meanwhile you didn't stay home for long, you went to the mall and bought everything you needed for his birthday surprise and birthday present. You bought a small chocolate cake for the two of you, flowers, some decorations and lastly his present.
Making sure to get home early you started setting up a few balloons in the livingroom and hallway with a happy birthday banner. You continued to make a path of small scented candles that led to your bedroom. In there, you had placed several candles on the dresser, bedside tables and shelves and you could already imagine how beautiful it would look once you lit them up.
Proceeding with your plan, you changed the bedsheets to his favourite silky beige ones and draped a fluffy blanket over the foot of the bed. Once you were satisfied with how it looked you prepared a small note for him and placed it neatly on the coffee table in the livingroom where you were sure he'd see it. After that was done you decided to take a bath and get ready yourself.
After your bath was over and you were dry and ready, your went inside your bedroom and carefully sat on the bed taking out a paper bag from underneath it. It was Hyunjin's gift. You smirked to yourself as you got the lingerie set out of the bag.
It was a beautiful black see-through material with a few purplish lace details on the breasts and pelvic area.
Putting it on, you couldn't help but smile to yourself knowing how much Hyunjin was gonna love it. Getting your phone from the side table you decided to text him.
Baby when are you gonna be back :((
I missed you :((
Awww is my baby jealous cuz I didnt spend as much time with her today?
Dont worry baby, I'm on my way! <3
I'll be there in... 15 minutes! ^3^~ <3
You smirked to yourself and proceeded to go inside the kitchen and grab a lighter and the cake. Placing the cake box on top of the bed, you started off by lighting up the candles there and taking some pictures of yourself to use some other time ;)
You then wrapped your silky robe and went to the living room lighting up all of the candles there, as well as the hallway. You then grabbed the flowers you bought and threw some petals on the floor and on top of the bed creating a very romantic and sensual atmosphere.
You checked the time and you had only about 3 minutes before he arrived so you placed yourself on the bed with the cake on your lap –the box long forgotten in the trashcan– and with a beautiful bouquet of flowers placed next to you.
Soon enough, you heard a door opening and closing and Hyunjin's voice.
"Baby I'm hom— what the?" He muttered as he saw the setup.
He took off his jacket and shoes and walked towards the note resting on the table next to his favourite vanilla scented candles.
'Open Me'
It read on the outside and so he did.
Hello There Birthday Boy!
I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends but now it's our night!
I need you to follow the candles and let them relax you with their beautiful scent.
There will be a surprise waiting for you at the end of your path.
He placed the note down and did as told, following the path lit by the candles.
Once the trail was over he looked up only to realise he was standing outside of your shared bedroom.
But now he had gotten an idea of what was going to take place in there.
He entered and immediately saw you sitting on the bed while holding his cake. Once you locked gazes, your eyes lit up and you started singing. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Hyunjin-ah! Happy birthday to you!" You finished and he came closer blowing out the candles on top of the cake and then leaned in and kissed you on the lips.
Taking the cake from you hands, he placed it on top of the side table.
He sat next to you on the and smiled at you.
"You know you really didn't have to do all that, the fact that you're here with me is enough." He said as he cupped your cheek and you turned to face him.
In the process he caught glimpse of your bra strap under your robe but didn't say anything.
"No Hyunjin-ah! I want to show you how special you are! Now stand up I have something more!" You said excitedly and he complied standing next to the bed and watching you intently.
Firstly, you gave him the flowers you bought for him and then you told him to close his eyes.
"No peeking okay?" You said and he nodded with a smile but cheated anyways, as he watched you bend over and grabbing something from underneath the bed.
Once he saw you were about to stand up, he immediately closed his eyes and you turned towards him holding a paper bag.
"Don't open them yet!" You said as you took the flowers from his hands and placed them on a random chair before handing him the bag.
"Now!" You said and he opened his eyes to see a Victoria's Secret's bag placed on his hand.
"Oh?" He said raising an eyebrow and looked straight into your eyes.
"Princess if you wanted us to fuck on my birthday you could have just asked and I would fuck you senseless all day instead." He said as he licked his lips looking at you with a growing fire in his eyes.
"Oh no Hyunjin, today is all about you, so take a seat, birthday boy." You said as you pushed his chest leading him to fall on the bed and he looked at you with a half smirk.
"Hmm, I like this side of you princess!~" he said as he looked at you anticipating your next move. You took the bag out of his grip and placed it next to the both of you as you got on top of his lap.
You kissed him on the lips, initiating a makeout session and started unbuttoning his velvety pink button up and slid it off his arms with ease. Once his upper half was bare, you proceeded to work your way down and undoing his pants. His breath hitched in his throat as you lightly palmed him trying to get him more excited.
"Now take a seat at the headboard and close your eyes." You instructed and he complied without a second thought. You then opened the bag and took out two pairs of fluffy pink handcuffs and cuffing both his hands on either side of the bed.
Upon the sound of the cuffs closing he quickly whipped his head towards you and looked at you shocked and confused.
"What are you doing?" He basically hissed as he pulled at the restraints.
"Making sure you enjoy this without worrying about me enjoying it. Now watch me." You said as you untied the bow holding the two sides of your robe together slowly and seductively revealing the lingerie underneath.
He couldn't help but groan at the sight of your dolled up body, all for him.
You let the silky fabric slide down your shoulder and pooling around your ankles exposing your half naked body entirely.
"Now, how shall I please the birthday boy first hmm? Any suggestions?" You said as you circled the bed to get to him. He gulped and opened his mouth in an attempt to speak but no sound came out.
"Hmm I have an idea..." You said as you looked into his eyes with your own lust-filled ones before dipping your finger into the cake, his eyes following your movements.
Unconsciously he licked his lips and you smirked as you brought the finger to his mouth.
"Go ahead, try it." You said and he gulped before taking your finger inside his mouth and licking it clean.
"Is it good?" You asked him and he nodded vigorously.
"Let me try for myself." You said as you dipped your finger inside the cake once again but you 'accidentally' dropped it on his upper body making him slightly moan from the coldness of the cake meeting his burning hot skin.
"Oops!" You said before you bended over and licked his abs getting the cake off of him and moaned while looking straight into his eyes.
"You're right, it's delicious, but I have something even tastier right in front of me." You said as you licked your lips before situating yourself on top of his lap and kissing allover his jaw and neck before finding his sweet spot and sucking harshly on it leaving the first hickey on his pale unmarked skin like the first drop of paint on a blank canvas.
He moaned and tried to place his hands on your waist but the cuffs held him back everytime.
"Its useless baby, they won't budge" You mattered between kisses and continued marking your way down his body.
"You want more baby, don't you?" You asked teasingly and he panted as he nodded at you.
"Yes please! Stop teasing me already!" He said as he buckled his hips up trying to find some sort of friction.
"Hmm I guess we can do something about that." You said as you got off him and spread his legs so you'd fit between them.
Pulling down his boxers and throwing them somewhere in the room, you let his rock-hard member free and took him inside your hand making him sigh at the very-much-needed contact.
Folding your body over with your ass up high, you licked a long stripe from his base to his tip following a prominent vein poking out underneath the skin.
He groaned and tried to grab your hair only to be reminded by the fact you had him tied up.
Playing dirty you decided to tease him some more as you licked around his tip spreading his pre-cum around.
"J-just put it in for fuck's s-sake!" He said between heavy breaths and you looked straight into his eyes as you placed his whole dick inside your mouth reaching his pubic bone and feeling his hairs tickle your nose and you slightly gagged from the friction at the back of your throat caused by his tip.
"Oh my god! Just like that!" He groaned as you hollowed your cheeks around his shaft.
You continued to bob your head up and down his member as fast as you possibly could.
"Gosh princess you make me feel so good!" He moaned again and again slightly bucking his hips up to meet your movements causing you to gag, but once you felt his member twitch inside your mouth you did everything you could to finish him off.
Massaging his balls, sucking on his tip and bobbing your head as fast as you could you soon felt him twitch again and he groaned louder.
"Princess I-I'm gonna cum!" He warned and soon enough you felt his hot cum hitting the back of your throat as you tried to shallow every drop of it milking him dry.
Once you swallowed everything you took your mouth off his dick with a pop and opened your mouth wide sticking your tongue out for him to see and he hissed.
"Fuck you're such a good girl for me baby!" He groaned out and tried to pull his hands away from the cuffs to touch you.
You smiled at him and moved closer, taking the key out of your bra and slowly unlocking the handcuffs restraining his hands from touching you.
"You know Hyunjin-ah, I'm very glad you enjoyed yourself but I'm afraid you enjoyed yourself so much that you made me have a problem myself." You said as you as you pointed towards your vagina and he licked his lips.
"I think I could help with that." He said finally placing his hands on your hips after what seemed like years.
"Oh really?" You teased. "What do you suggest?" You asked as you pushed his hair off his sweaty forehead.
"Well firstly, I need this off." He said as he put his finger underneath the bra strap pulling it up and then letting it drop against your skin making you moan slightly.
"Then take it off for me." You challenged and he quickly smashed his lips against your own and worked his way with taking off your lingerie.
Once you were as bare as a newborn baby he flipped you guys over, still not breaking your makeout session, and trailed a hand down to your core to test the waters.
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his fingers looking your entrance and he groaned pulling away for a split moment "Oh my Fuck! Your soaked for me!" He said before smashing his lips back into yours and sucking on your tongue.
Once he felt you were wet enough, he took his fingers away and spread your wetness on his alreay hard tip.
"Baby I love you so much, you can't even imagine how much you mean to me." He mumbled into your lips as he pushed himself in and your both moaned.
Caressing up your sides and breasts he reached for your hands interlocking your fingers with his and he took his sweet time kissing all over your face and neck moving lower to your chest and taking your nipple between his teeth, sucking on it and flicking his skilled tongue over it. You lightly squeezed his hands and he hummed against your breast making you moan.
"Y-you can move now." You announced and he immediately started thrusting into you slow and deep savoring every moment with you –and in you–.
Filling you up to the brim you could feel each others love through passionate, loving movements of both your bodies.
Wrapping your legs around his waist you allowed him to reach deeper into you hitting your g-spot repeatedly.
Both were moaning each others names between kisses as your tongues tangled up against each other.
Soon you were brought over the edge as you came all over your lover's cock and with a few more thrusts you felt your walls being painted white as he came inside you, moaning your name repeatedly.
"H-happy birthday Hyunjin-ah.." you said as you kissed his lips once again.
"Fuck Y/n I love you so much!" He said with a lovesick smile as he pushed some hair out of your sweaty and tired face.
He slowly pulled out and kissed you lovingly on the lips as he went out of the room for a few minutes and then came back soon after and hovered over your tired form still lying down on the bed.
"I know you wanted to make this night about me, but let me take care of you love." He said and you nodded without a second thought as he put his hands under your knees and back holding you up bridal style almost effortlessly.
You kissed his cheek and he smiled down at you with his famous eye-smiles as he took you both to the bathroom.
There, you saw some of the candles placed around the room, and the tub filled with water and your favourite body wash. Two wineglasses and your favourite wine by the side of the tub.
"Ta-da!" He said and twirled you both around and you giggled telling him to stop.
He slowly and carefully got inside the tub and placed you down on top of himself hugging you close to his body.
"I love you so much Y/n, thank you for being with me all this time." He said and you turned to look at him.
"I love you more." You said as you snuggled your nose into his and kissing his lips lovingly.
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fuzziemutt · 4 years ago
Headcanon Background
These are my headcanons following the world of “Do You Understand?”
This is just extra world building and character stuff that I didn’t want bogging down the main story or have established in there for future reference. Some of these headcanons are inspired by fics I’ve read btw. I might add onto this in the future.
WARNING: Minor Spoilers ahead - I do suggest reading this after the story is complete.
-this mostly covers Connor, Nines and Hank because they’re the ones I most often deal with. If anyone asks for the others or I think of some for them I might add em.
This is Post Pacifist route and everyone lives (best ending)
The actual events of the game take much longer, the revolution doesn’t end until towards the end of December to January.
Some events of the game went a bit differently since the time is stretched and because mister Cage is dumb. Like Markus can’t do the weird look deviation thing for funsies. And Alice is human (even if not shown). And there were more revolutionary events that aren’t discussed but happened.
Androids are also much more open about their inhumaness, they often act more human like around humans. However, while alone, androids tend to talk via their internal networks most often (some choose to outwardly speak only too, it’s just preference) and refer to themselves in less human manners.
Okay ngl I’m not gonna get into how to fix this mess of a world Cage made, I’m going to idealize some things in this fic (like I made a landlord nice and not much ACAB- or really any cop stuff), this is merely for fic purposes. I ain’t gonna play moral battlefield with Cage’s dumbass for what started as a vent fic. Just know I don’t agree with a lot of the decisions Cage made for this game’s plot.
Connor RK800:
The RK800 model was made with less articulations in his face so as to cut corners given he was meant to just be a trial. -He needs to consciously run facial expression programs and they can be quite awkward.
Same vein, Connor’s constant calibration, while also a stim, lack of tear ducts, and blinking glitch are also due to Cyberlife cutting corners
Connor Has ADHD because I do so he does too
He also stims by pacing or running, but he tends to do this in absolute private.
He likes to change his hair color quite often to differentiate himself from Nines (He would change his eye color if he could), he does have Bryan’s curly hair but he still consistently styles it to the game style.
His wardrobe style consists of button ups (black, white and floral), turtlenecks, a dark grey blazer, knee length black coat, black jeans, and dress shoes (often Cyberlife ones since they’re just slip ons essentially)
He has killed/hunted way more deviants (and humans) than in game Connor. When he isn’t with Hank, Cyberlife ordered him to simply hunt down and dispose of any deviants he could find. (they wanted results they just played nice with the law for show)
While he wasn't cruel and let all deviants he met with Hank go (except Rupert), any deviants he found while "off duty" did not receive the same mercies (some would even be found mangled beyond recognition). Hank really amplified the humanity in him but only when present. It was also easier to ignore orders when he had a scapegoat.
He also remembers all prior iterations of himself; while the corruption in memory is still there, it was used to condition him in “right” from “wrong”.
He spent a lot more time with Amanda especially during early trials as well so his loyalty to her is very deep and she is like a mother figure to him.
This is Connor model -54. Past 3 models deactivation: Fell with Daniel while protecting Emma (Successful mission); Success w/ Carlos’ android, but he still self destructed and got shot in the interrogation room when trying to stop them; Stratford tower kitchen but the deviant crushes his thirium pump before running leaving him unable to be saved.
He did go up to the roof and saw how Simon was left behind, but he thought about how Hank would be displeased if he killed this android in front of him, given prior results, so he left back to the kitchen last second. Simon knows he left him alone but he doesn't know why.
*pats his head* this boy can hold so much unprocessed trauma
Also this Connor is not an “uwu soft boy”, he is a bastard man. A nice bastard man, but a bastard man none the less. He will sell you to Satan for a single corn chip (/j). He is severely touch-starved though.
He is very bad at expressing and showing his true emotions in a way that makes sense since he’s spent the last, however many, iterations putting himself in a tomb of denial, fear and anger in order to survive. He often expresses nothing or in a manner that he feels will benefit him (arguably manipulative but he is in constant survival mode still). (unless he gets too overwhelmed by his own emotions like hella overwhelmed)
He wasn’t necessarily “deviant” when a machine, his social relations and general programming just saw the act of being more emotionally expressive as giving him a higher chance of not being killed by his handlers. Basically “if they think I’m like a cute roomba, they won’t kill me as easily”. He still experienced frustration, fear and other emotions he ignored, but he was under command (with code and external pressures), his own AI just got fucky and advanced without anyone realizing it (from trauma).
The books in his apartment are random books hes bought from a thrift store, but there are some mystery books and a sea creature encyclopedia in the mix. - The manta ray plush is a gift from Hank, the Whale is a gift from Nines.
Connor (Nines) RK900:
He looks and sounds exactly like Connor. Height, build, face, voice and everything is the exact same except he has blue eyes.
Arguably Nines’ system name is still registered as “Connor” but he just never felt the need to change it since he just goes by Nines anyways.
He has more articulations in his face, even more than the average android, and he tends to take advantage of this. He does feel bad sometimes after being a walking reminder that Connor meant nothing to Cyberlife, but they both tend to not want to talk about that and just ignore it. He doesn’t know how deep Connor’s jealousy goes though.
Given he activated deviant, he really isn’t sure what being a machine is like or having to follow orders. This sometimes is a disadvantage as he doesn’t get sometimes why androids, like Connor, would lean so heavily onto their old programming.
This also means, he’s very expressive and open about his emotions. They were free so why would he try hiding what he felt ? (This can sometimes get him in trouble)
Where Connor changes his hair, Nines wears very loud and vibrant clothing, if he finds a shirt that screams ugly he will wear it. His usual get up is asymmetrical colored button ups, whatever pants he grabs that morning, dress shoes (don’t worry they’re ugly too) and his favorite highlighter neon yellow and orange hooded jacket. He also tends to change into more comfy wear when at his room in New Jericho.
He is partnered with Gavin Reed, but those two really aren’t friends and never will be. Nines can handle him just fine at work but he would never invite that man anywhere near him after it. He is friends with most of the DPD. People find him really friendly and enjoy talking to him.
He also owns a cat named Clem, not much is known about her because she’s really shy.
While he still has access to the base zen garden program, the program is not connected to anything and never had the Amanda AI implemented yet. Since he was never rolled off the press properly and Amanda was set to change connections to the new model set when Connor was done, it never happened.
He was released from Cyberlife storage due to an agreement between them and Markus that all remaining prototypes would be released and androids would have access to the tower in order to produce biocomponents and parts (Cyberlife still owns the building arguably and has access to any info/security there though). He’s honestly not that close to the Jericho leadership despite everything. He talks to them every once in a while but he doesn’t actively talk to them.
Arguably yes he is one of many RK900s, but for sake of story, he is the -84 model of the series and the only one we will see.
Hank Anderson:
After the revolution, he offers Connor a place to stay out of worry. He won’t admit it, but he had a gut feeling con man wasn’t doing well (he was right)
He does work on his drinking problem, but he still has a lot of issues and sometimes relapses. He’s slowly getting better.
He’s like a dad figure to Connor but he isn’t his dad. He gives guidance, but he also gets that Connor is arguably a full grown adult even if he is emotionally like 1 years old. He kinda is a dad to Nines too, but this isn’t as focused on in the story. While he is a bit less grumpy (aggressive) enter Connor, he still a bit of a sour boot most of the time. He just is sober while doing it now. He started wearing a ponytail after the revolution to keep his hair out of his face. He lets Connor trim it every once in a while, but he can’t bring himself to go back to the short style. This Hank adopted Cole as a baby after finding him at a crime scene. He never got married. (He jokes about having an ex-wife out of a sense of compulsory heteronormativity and because it’s funny to him) He used to treat Gavin like a son of sorts before Cole’s death, but practically dropped him afterwards which is why Gavin is doubly hostile towards him. The house he lives in now is not the same house he lived in when Cole was alive. He also got rid of a lot of Cole’s stuff when moving (The toys and clothes he kept are in a box in the garage).
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rogersbabyyy · 6 years ago
anatomy lessons | roger taylor
summary: your best friend, roger taylor, is studying to achieve his bsc in biology and is currently focusing on the human reproductive system. he’s having trouble remembering his anatomy, so you offer some help.
pairing: smile/early queen era roger taylor x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k+
warnings/tags: SMUT!, fingering, squirting, oral sex (female receiving), foul language, best friends to lovers uwu, a bit of fluff
a/n- hi lovies!! this is my first queen fic that i’m posting on here. i hope you like it, and if so, feel free to send me requests or headcanon ideas for any of the borhap/queen boys! ps i highly doubt that biology students learn about vaginas in detail but whatever i dont care just pretend they do for the story pls<3
It was a quiet evening. Dressed in sweatpants and a jumper that you nicked from Roger’s closet, you busied yourself in the kitchen making a cup of chamomile tea, with the intention of sitting down to do a bit of reading afterward. Roger, your best friend and despairingly gorgeous roommate, was sat at the dining table, surrounded by a sea of thick and confusing-looking glossy biology textbooks, his eyebrows furrowed. He was trying his best to cram in weeks worth of information for a quickly approaching exam that he’d neglected to study for; you found it rather amusing. Not to mention, he’d been recovering from a hangover in bed for most of the day, and had a gig with his band, Smile, starting in roughly two hours. Roger was unusually intelligent, as evident by the university course he was studying, and yet he could be an absolute idiot when he chose to be.
“Want some tea, Rog?”
Receiving nothing but silence as a response, despite the frantic murmuring you heard from the dining table (he sounded like an absolute madman, talking to himself like that), you sighed. “Rog!” Sticking your head out of the kitchen, you yelled in his general vicinity for his attention.
“D’you want a cup of tea?”
“Nah, thanks!”
You rolled your eyes and, nonetheless, pulled a second mug from the cupboard; you knew that he’d steal sips from yours anyway, he always did. As you put the kettle on and waited for it to boil, you leaned on the kitchen counter, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. You had a clear view of Roger from this angle, and it was entrancing to see him so focused, a sight that was usually only ever apparent when he played the drums. He was beautiful, as always, even with the frown lines that traced along his forehead, already dressed in his costume of the night with his blond locks a perfect mess.
The hiss of the kettle made you jump, and you flushed at the thoughts of Rog that had clouded your consciousness. Thinking about him like that wasn’t going to do you any good. You poured the tea, jiggling the tea bags in the warm water, adding a dash of honey to Roger’s cup, just how he liked it. Sucking in your stomach as you skirted precariously around his rather inconveniently placed drum kit near the kitchen’s entrance, careful not to knock the cymbals, you set the steaming mugs on coasters on the table.
Roger took a precious moment to glance up from his notes as you settled into a chair, curling one leg underneath you and nudging his tea in his direction.
“Said I didn't want one, silly.” He shot you a mocking glance paired with one of his signature smirks, yet tugged the cup toward him and blew the steam rising from it.
“Rather unfortunately for me, I know you too well.” You retorted. Roger snorted at the response, but promptly returned his attention to the work in front of him after sipping the hot drink cautiously.
“What topic are you up to?” You asked curiously, trying to catch a glimpse of the cover of one of the textbooks for any inclination.
“Human reproductive system,” He scoffed, flipping through one of his several textbooks frantically until he came to rest on a detailed, coloured diagram of the vagina. You felt a scarlet blush cloud your cheeks as he began chewing on the end of his pen, studying the image intently. You glanced down at the cup of tea in front of you, fiddling with the tea bag as a distraction as Roger muttered to himself.
“Can’t fuckin’ remember all this! Frenium of labia minora? Labium minus? What’s the bloody difference?”
Your thighs clenched together as he turned another page to a detailed explanation of the purpose of the clitoris and the existence of the female G-spot. Roger scanned the page quickly before beginning to jot down a note in his exercise book, murmuring under his breath in a staccato fashion as he wrote.
You’d liked him for years, since you were fifteen or sixteen and your hormones were running ramage. God, you were probably in love at this point. It killed you whenever you woke up and there was a stunning, tall blonde in your kitchen, helping herself to the eggs, wearing just a pair of knickers and one of Roger’s button downs. You wanted to be her. Even if it was just for a night. And when Roger suggested moving in together since neither of you could afford a full month’s rent by yourselves (you worked part time at a cafe and Roger relied on the sporadic earnings he gleaned from gigs), you thought that, perhaps, you had a chance.
Your train of thought was interrupted as Roger started up again.
“The most sensitive female erogenous zone of a female body is the clitoris… by stimulating the clitoris through masturbation or sexual intercourse… a sexual physiological response can be set into motion-”
Was he doing this on purpose? It was like you weren’t even there, as he bit his lip, concentrating, scribbling frantically.
“Roger.” His name came out in a choked tone, and you coughed once after speaking it.
“Yeah, Y/N?” He responded absentmindedly, frowning over another diagram.
“I can help you.” You were going to regret this. Oh, for sure. You were going to regret this when he’d reject you, and you’d end up crying at three in the morning listening to something sad on vinyl with the volume turned nearly all the way down. That’s usually what happened when a guy said that I thought we were just friends or there’s someone else. In those circumstances, Roger was there to slip in bed next to you and hold you while you sobbed into his shoulder and drenched his pyjama shirt. Not this time. Not if you fucked this whole thing up.
This caught his attention, his head snapping up, an eyebrow quirked. “What d’you know about this?”
You hesitated, starting to rise from your seat. “Nothing! Just teasing. I might call it a night, Rog-”
“No, you weren’t.” He hand clasped around your wrist, preventing you from leaving. Reluctantly, you sunk back into the seat.
“I’ve got a vagina, Rog, believe it or not.” You flushed as soon at the words left your mouth, shifting in your seat. He was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable as his eyes studied yours. “You can look… if you want.”
His lips parted slightly, still gripping his pen, as his eyes trailed slowly over your body. “You’re… you’re my best friend, Y/N.”
You interlocked your fingers together, fiddling, the heat refusing to leave your cheeks, as you realised the stupidity of your suggestion. God, maybe you should just go to bed and cry and never get up. Roger set his pen down softly, his gaze never leaving yours.
“I want to.” It was barely a whisper, just loud enough for you to hear. You let out the breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding in a shaky sigh, your eyes meeting his; yet still not believing you’d heard correctly.
As if he read your mind, he repeated himself, louder. “I want to. Christ, I want to.”
Roger rose from his seat and offered his hand to you, a bashful smile forming on his lips. You took it, hesitantly, but gratefully, as he lead to you to the sofa and let you take a seat. He sunk down next to you, his arm stretching behind you to rest on the couch; a move you’d seen him use on countless other girls he’d brought back here. It was odd to now be in their position; oh, how you’d longed to be one of those girls.
“I-I s’pose I better-” You laughed softly as you tugged off your pants, leaving your knickers, clenching your legs shut self consciously as you glanced up at Roger. His eyes were dark as they surveyed the space between your legs, something he’d only come close to seeing when he walked in on you changing.
“If you want to… lay back fo’ me… and, uh, open your legs.”
You followed his commands, arms trembling as you fought to hold your weight as you propped yourself up on a pillow. Roger noticed, and his arm quickly finding a place at the small of your back.
“It’s okay, ‘ve got you. No need t’be nervous, it’s just me.”
Just him? Jesus Christ, you couldn’t believe this was happening.
As you settled into a comfortable position, you spread your legs slightly, causing Roger to bite into his lip.
“... May I?” His fingertips trailed over the grey cotton knickers that covered your heat (you wished you had the foresight to wear something lacy and a little bit prettier). A nod from you was all the confirmation he needed as he pried the fabric from your body, sliding the underwear past your ankles and throwing it to the floor.
You hissed quietly as the cool air hit your core, and Roger inhaled sharply at the sight of your pretty pink pussy, all spread out and ready for him. His boxers were already uncomfortably tight, his cock growing in his pants; fuck, he’d wanted you for years. You were his best friend, and this was all wrong, but you were fucking perfect. All those girls he’d been with, every single time he was thinking about you. He’d even gone as far to groan your name as he came inside some brunette tease he picked up at a bar (that didn’t end well for either party involved).
“Let me know if you don’t feel comfortable at any point, love.” His usual high voice had dropped an octave, becoming increasingly rough. His arms hooked around your thighs as he tugged you closer to him, making you squeal; you both laughed softly, breaking the tension for a moment.
His thumb came to rest gently on your clit, you were so sensitive, so needy for him, your pelvis bucked toward his hand involuntarily as you let out a quiet whine. Embarrassment washed over your face, and you apologised profusely,
“Shit, shit, shit, sorry Rog-”
“S’alright, love. Don’t say sorry. Only natural.” He smirked, as his thumb brushed upward over your clit; the cocky expression on his face told you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“Clitoral hood, glans, and frenium… the primary source of female sexual pleasure…” He muttered softly to himself, beginning to rub short, quick circles over your clit. Fighting back a groan, you gasped, clenching the edge of the sofa so hard your knuckles turned white.
“How does that feel?” Roger looked you straight in the eye, his expression serious, inquisitive, as if this was only ‘for educational purposes’, and purely platonic (and you both knew fully well that it wasn’t, not at this stage).
“Fuck… so good, Rog...”
“Can you be more descriptive for me?” He pressed harder on your clit, his cock throbbing as your lips parted in pleasure
“Oh, fuck! S’like… m’so sensitive, it’s like this pressure just building up in my pelvis, but it feels so fucking good.”
“Perfect.” Roger rubbed faster circles over the swollen area, almost coming in his pants at your expression; the way your pretty eyes fluttered shut, your jaw relaxing, your back arching up from the couch. He resisted the urge to squeeze his cock for some kind of relief, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Despite how blissed out you looked with just him playing with your clit, if Roger’s many sexual encounters had taught him anything, it was that you needed friction.
He pulled away, making you whimper at the loss of contact. “Sorry, babe. I want t’make you come, alright?” He fought back a grin as his fingers rubbed over your entrance. God, he was going to be the death of you.
“When a woman is sexually excited, blood flow increases to the genitals so that the vulva and clitoris swell and the vagina lubricates itself…” He recited, spreading the wetness leaking from your entrance over your pussy.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” Your hips bucked upward toward his hand again.
“So wet for me, aren’t you?” He murmured. “And there’s the labium majus, labium minus, all part of the vulva… Can I put a finger in you, love? Jus’ to have a feel.”
“Please, Rog, I need you.”
His cock throbbed once again, and Roger felt his boxers becoming uneasily wet due to the precum leaking from the tip of his cock. His finger entered you slowly, yet quite easily; you were so fucking wet. A moan caught in your throat as your pussy contracted around his finger, and Roger hissed softly. He could only imagine too well how he’d feel inside you.
“Fuckin’ tight little pussy you’ve got, hm?” He withdrew his finger slightly, only to thrust it in further. “Another one, babe?”
You nodded frantically as Roger pushed his ring finger into you. “All feels perfect, if you were wonderin’. No cuts or bumps. Perfect, smooth little pussy.” His fingers increased their pace, beginning to fuck you hard and fast. You’d been fingered plenty of times, but never like this. You’d faked orgasms plenty of times, but tonight, you knew that wouldn’t need to be the case.
“See if I can find your G-spot, huh? Shall I make you come? Give you the best fuckin’ orgasm you’ve ever had?”
You let out an obscene moan worthy of a porn movie at his words, spasming around his fingers. “Please, please, let me come Rog, wanna come so bad-”
Fuelling his ego, his fingers pushed deeper inside you, curling upward, searching for your G-spot; a slightly rougher spot of the vagina that he knew, if he touched it just right, was going to make you come like you never had before.
“I’ve wanted you for so long, Y/N. So long. Since we were sixteen, wanted to see you under me like this, wanted to make you come and scream my fuckin’ name.” His fingers sped up and suddenly curled just right, touching a spot inside you that no guy had ever found, making you scream as you clutched blindly at the sofa cushions.
“That’s it, huh? Are you close, love? Ready to come around my fingers?”
“Yes! Roger, please, please, please, I’m so close-!”
His fingers were a blur, his free hand gripping your hip to hold your squirming body still. Your slickness coated his fingers, sweaty tendrils of hair framing your pleasure stricken features, your hardened nipples apparent through your sweater. You looked so beautiful, he couldn’t help himself as he leant down to press his mouth to your clit, flicking his tongue expertly over the bundle of nerves.
“FUCK, Roger, oh my God, fuck, I’m gonna come, m’gonna come-”
“Come for me, darlin’,” He murmured against your heat, the vibrations from his voice and his fingers repeatedly nudging your G-spot sending you over the edge. A plunging shudder overcame your nervous system, a terrific gasp and a string of obscene curses the only indication that you were coming; well, that and the clear juices that ejaculated from your pussy and took Roger by surprise only for a moment. His hips thrust into the sofa for some kind of relief as he lapped at your core to gather the juices on his tongue. He’d made you squirt.
As you came down from your orgasm (still quite literally seeing stars), snapping your legs shut against the cool air that was enough to overstimulate your clit, you noticed the mess you’d made.
“Shit, ‘ve never done that before,” You were still trembling, looking in shock at the soaked sofa and Roger’s gleaming chin which he wiped with the back of his hand, beaming. “M’ so sorry, Rog, m’ so embarrassed-”
“It was so fuckin’ hot. Don’t you dare apologise, love, I almost came in my jocks. You’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”
“Fuck, you’re good, Roger, that was… that was incredible.”
“M’ not bad, am I?” He smirked and gently kissed your forehead. “Let’s get you cleaned up, darlin’.” He left the room and you took a moment to catch your breath and get your head straight. You were scared to think of what would happen after this. What if it was just one of those things you’d never speak about again, like when you caught him getting a blowjob in the bathroom of the apartment?
You didn’t get a chance to ponder this any further as Roger returned with a warm, damp towel, resuming his position beside you.
“Can you open for me, babe?” His voice was gentle, his free hand resting delicately on the side of your thigh. Slowly, your prised your still-trembling legs open. Roger’s face became concentrated as he carefully wiped the insides of your thighs and your entrance. The latter made you shudder, and he apologised softly.
“Sorry, love, you must be so sensitive.”
He finished up quickly, touching you as if you were made of porcelain, before wiping the sofa down, before folding the towel and setting it to the side.
“What you said before…” You paused, as you adjusted yourself so that you were sitting upright.
“Yeah, love?”
“That, since we were teenagers…” You trailed off, and it was his turn to blush.
“Yeah… yeah. I really like you. A lot. Have for a long time. I just didn’t want to fuck it up, I wasn��t ready to commit and I couldn’t hurt you, not like that. You deserve better than me.”
And in one swift motion, you looped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his, a kiss strangely more intimate that the experience that you both just shared. Roger responded instantly, groaning into your mouth, his palms sliding across your back to pull you closer to him. The kiss was wet and messy and passionately open mouthed as years of yearning for one another came to fruition. His hand cradled your face as his tongue danced desperately with yours, and he only pulled away when it became apparent that neither of you could breathe.
You laughed breathlessly, causing him to smile, as you looked him straight in the eye and proclaimed, “I think I like you too.”
Roger persuaded you to join him at the Smile gig that night. You rocked up to the small pub hand in hand, a subtle way of announcing to the all the people that knew you both what had happened. Brian simply grinned; a man of pure intelligence and intuition, he knew this was a long time coming. And when the usual gaggle of girls approached Roger afterward, he could sense your visible discomfort. So, he simply slipped his arm around your waist and pressed his lips flush to yours in front of everyone, much to your utter embarrassment. Yet, you couldn’t hide the smile that refused to leave your face afterward, earning Roger’s gentle teasing as he laughed and pecked one of your rosy cheeks.
Finally, that night, as you became distracted with saying goodbye to Tim and his partner, Brian took the chance to slap Roger on the back, leaning down to speak in a hushed tone, “Don’t fuck this one up. She’s brilliant.”
3K notes · View notes
hanideyumeron · 5 years ago
tsuki roze x minamoto teru ~ quarantine gift exchange
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this is for @jshk-oneshots​ uwu i’m pretty sure i wrote this at 2:00 am after feeling a very big urge to write cause i remember writing none of this yet here it is ._.   i feel teru is a bit ooc, so please forgive me ;-;
The Tsuki and Minamoto family had been rivals since what seems like the dawn of time. 
Each year, the eldest of each family would battle to see which one is superior; the Tsuki family or the Minamoto family. But as times modernised, battling with swords or guns became abnormal, so, unfortunately, the battling had to modernise just like the world. 
How did they do this? Why by getting the best grades of course. 
The eldest of the Tsuki family was no other than Roze who, like her name suggested, was as beautiful as the rose. She could bewitch anyone with her big brown eyes that looked as smooth as milk chocolate. Unlike the many people before her, she hated the ‘battling’ she had to do. Whenever she thought about it, she just wanted to stuff her head into her pillows and groan. 
Recently, Akane had been constantly objected to these bursts of anger and groans as Roze poured her heart out; saying how unfair it was to her that she had to beat Minamoto Teru of all people in grades. It was no use, however, as Teru was older than both of them, and would probably tie them upside down if they tried to do anything. She knew it was impossible, there was no use! What was worse was Teru loved to tease.
“Mmm, that’s sad Tsuki-san,” he said leaning over her desk. She could feel his eyes boring holes into her head. She even felt the urge to rub the spot where he was glaring at. All Teru was doing was looking at her. Then, he took her test and smiled down at her again. That same grin that she wanted to rub off so badly. “I got a higher score than you,” he said with a hint of cockiness. His smug smirk was still on his face as he hovered over Roze who, at the moment, really didn’t care about her scores. 
“Oh that’s a shame,” she mumbled looking at her score as well. It wasn’t bad, my goodness, anything but that. But if she wanted to beat Teru, my god she'd need to do better. Looking up to Teru for a second proved to be a bit stupid because as soon as she did, Teru let her see his icy blue eyes which sent shivers down her spine. She could feel what they meant. They were screaming ‘I dare you to actually try, wimp’. Ouch, her ego hurt a bit. “Too bad I don’t actually care,” she mumbled before looking away. 
Teru looked at her in confusion. 
That lunch, he decided to confront her about it since she usually ate alone on the rooftop. When he got there, he saw her sitting on one of the benches. Her hair was the same brown colour, indicating she hadn’t fought any supernaturals yet that day. She wasn’t facing him, meaning she wasn’t aware that he was currently up on the rooftop as well. Teru, being the secretly playful teen he is, decided to scare the girl. Yes, the two of them may have been rivals, but behind all that he liked to think him and Roze were good friends, although the rivalry did get in the way in those things.
“Booarch nemeses?” The question made Rose look up and blink. This time she was the one to filet her head. 
“Eh? I-I was joking!” She blurted out “W-We’re…I guess friends,” Why did it hurt when she said friends like that. It felt unnatural but it was there, almost as if it was like it was a bone that refused the crack and continued to hurt. 
“Friends…,” Teru mumbled, looking off to the distance. He thought back to when they were in the classroom, where the switch flicked on and they were rivals once more. He remembered what she said back there “Too bad, I don’t actually care,” It was no lie that Roze hated fighting Teru. Honestly, Teru hated fighting Roze. They were in the same class, sure, but all this competing sure got old and frustrating real quick. “You don’t actually see me as a rival, do you, Roze?”
The statement made Roze spit out her rice and choke on her spit before she looked straight in Teru’s eyes “EH? OF COURSE, WE ARE! Y-YOU WANT TO FIGHT RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I WILL-,”
Before she could bring out her sword, Teru had already reached over the table to cover her mouth. He lightly shushed her, looking to the sides to see that people were indeed looking at the pair. He awkwardly smiled and pulled Roze out of the canteen, and to an abandoned hall. “Hey, I haven’t even eaten yet!” She grumbled angrily, which made Teru look back at her. Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed and looked down at the girl. 
“What were you thinking? You were really going to take out your sword in a canteen of all places,” he bent down when a thought went through his head “Don’t tell me, are you sick? Did that meal make you sick? Don’t tell me I have to-,”
“I’m not sick! Jeez, stop babying me, I’m not Kou,” Roze swatted Teru’s hands away and looked off to the distance. There was no sound. No people. Nothing. Just...them and the silence. 
“I don’t like being rivals,”
The confirmation made Teru’s eyes widen a fraction before softening again as the girl fiddled with her hands. Small and dainty, that’s what they were. Rose knew she knew for a fact, that she shouldn’t pour her feelings out to Teru, the boy she was supposed to be battling until their families’ had their fill. 
“I-I don’t like comparing test scores, competing in sports competitions, seeing who can be the most liked by people,” a laugh came from her throat, but it was agonising to listen to. It sounded like a broken record “Don’t you hate it too?”
Honestly, Teru did. Roze was in the class below her, and frankly, he didn’t like battling with someone younger than him. It felt as if he was constantly a level higher than she was. And it wasn’t fair. None of it was. He didn’t mind being an exorcist. Being one was one of his prides and joys. But upholding a grudge that his family had for generations, a grudge he personally didn’t have. It felt like a lie. 
And how could he lie to someone he genuinely loved. 
The only way he knew how to express love, was to use blunt words and small affectionate gestures. So with that in mind, Teru reached out she patted Roze’s hair, not knowing what on earth he was doing. This wasn’t Kou. This was Tiara. This was Roze. And he couldn’t treat her like them. 
With wide eyes, she gazed up at Teru, who awkwardly smiled back. “No...I don’t like it,” he mumbled sighing. Then, he decided to hug her, which made Roze feel more comfortable. “I have a plan,” he said briefly “How about...I tutor you and help you get the same scores as me. That way both of us win,”
The plan made Roze laugh wholeheartedly, pulling away a bit to look at Teru “That would be awesome! We could meet at the library so we won’t see our parents oh oh and-,”
Teru just listened to her rant about the upcoming plan. Honestly, for some unknown reason, Roze’s voice was calming. The two of them will end their pretend rivalry they made up for their parents and become allies. And maybe, end their families centuries-old quarrel officially someday. 
The sudden jolt that was inflicted onto Roze’s shoulders made her shriek, making her drop her lunch on the floor. The bento landed with a sad splat on the ground which affected the two that the lunch was practically ruined. Rose whipped her head around, wanting to know who was the culprit that made her freak out. All she saw was a laughing Teru who thought that her shriek was hilarious and nothing short of amazing. He was holding his stomach from laughter and soon it began to hurt from laughing too much. “Hey, it’s not funny!” She yelled, pointing pathetically at her lunch. She groaned in frustration and pushed Teru back from her. She hated the way his laugh made her head all fuzzy and her thoughts turn to honey. It was a troubling feeling but a feeling she could get used to. 
“You owe me a lunch you prick!” Roze yelled. Normally she wouldn’t act like this, but because this situation involved spoiled lunch, especially her lunch, drastic measures needed to be taken. Namely guilt-trip-and-make-the-person-by-me- another-lunch drastic measures. 
Teru calmed down and looked down at the girl before smiling again, his princely charm glowing off him. “Fine, fine,” he said “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch. I need to talk to you anyways,” with that he started walking back to the doors of the rooftops. 
‘Talk to me?’ Roze grumbled, hesitating to follow him. Her gaze went back to the ruined lunch she was about to enjoy and then her mind angrily settled. If he was going to give her free food then she’d take it. Picking up her stuff, she caught up to Teru who was calmly making her way downstairs. 
When Teru bought her lunch, the two settled in the canteen of the school. Roze could feel the glares of fangirls hurt her back like arrows each time another one would look at her and Teru. Why couldn’t they mind their own business, jeez, Teru is a human being as well. Despite the glares, Roze just looked at her lunch and started to eat it. “So, what does the almighty Teru want to talk about to his arch-nemesis?” Roze said jokingly as she ate. Teru tilted his head and blinked.
“Is that what we are now?” He asked with a chuckle, scratching a bit on his cheek “Are we arch nemeses?” The question made Rose look up and blink. This time she was the one to filet her head. 
“Eh? I-I was joking!” She blurted out “W-We’re…I guess friends,” Why did it hurt when she said friends like that. It felt unnatural but it was there, almost as if it was like it was a bike that refused the crack and continued to hurt. 
“Friends…,” Teru mumbled, looking off to the distance. He thought back to when they were in the classroom, where the switch flicked on and they were rivals once more. He remembered what she said back there “Too bad, I don’t actually care,” It was no lie that Roze hated fighting Teru. Honestly, Teru hated fighting Roze. They were in the same class, sure, but all this competing sure got old and frustrating real quick. “You don’t actually see me as a rival, do you, Roze?”
The statement made Roze spit out her rice and choke on her spit before she looked straight in Teru’s eyes “EH? OF COURSE, WE ARE! Y-YOU WANT TO FIGHT RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I WILL-,”
Before she could bring out her sword, Teru had already reached over the table to cover her mouth. He lightly shushed her, looking to the sides to see that people were indeed looking at the pair. He awkwardly smiled and pulled Roze out of the canteen, and to an abandoned hall. “Hey, I haven’t even eaten yet!” She grumbled angrily, which made Teru look back at her. Raking a hand through his hair, he sighed and looked down at the girl. 
“What were you thinking? You were really going to take out your sword in a canteen of all places,” he bent down when a thought went through his head “Don’t tell me, are you sick? Did that meal make you sick? Don’t tell me I have to-,”
“I’m not sick! Jeez, stop babying me, I’m not Kou,” Roze swatted Teru’s hands away and looked off to the distance. There was no sound. No people. Nothing. Just...them and the silence. 
“I don’t like being rivals,”
The confirmation made Teru’s eyes widen a fraction before softening again as the girl fiddled with her hands. Small and dainty, that’s what they were. Rose knew she knew for a fact, that she shouldn’t pour her feelings out to Teru, the boy she was supposed to be battling until their families’ had their fill. 
“I-I don’t like comparing test scores, competing in sports competitions, seeing who can be the most liked by people,” a laugh came from her throat, but it was agonising to listen to. It sounded like a broken record “Don’t you hate it too?”
Honestly, Teru did. Roze was in the class below her, and frankly, he didn’t like battling with someone younger than him. It felt as if he was constantly a level higher than she was. And it wasn’t fair. None of it was. He didn’t mind being an exorcist. Being one was one of his prides and joys. But upholding a grudge that his family had for generations, a grudge he personally didn’t have. It felt like a lie. 
And how could he lie to someone he genuinely loved. 
The only way he knew how to express love, was to use blunt words and small affectionate gestures. So with that in mind, Teru reached out she patted Roze’s hair, not knowing what on earth he was doing. This wasn’t Kou. This was Tiara. This was Roze. And he couldn’t treat her like them. 
With wide eyes, she gazed up at Teru, who awkwardly smiled back. “No...I don’t like it,” he mumbled sighing. Then, he decided to hug her, which made Roze feel more comfortable. “I have a plan,” he said briefly “How about...I tutor you and help you get the same scores as me. That way both of us win,”
The plan made Roze laugh wholeheartedly, pulling away a bit to look at Teru “That would be awesome! We could meet at the library so we won’t see our parents oh oh and-,”
Teru just listened to her rant about the upcoming plan. Honestly, for some unknown reason, Roze’s voice was calming. The two of them will end their pretend rivalry they made up for their parents and become allies. And maybe, end their families centuries-old quarrel officially someday.
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kissmetae · 6 years ago
Soft breaths
x Taehyung
AU: Domestic || You and your boyfriend enjoy a day of christmas shopping and finish it off by replacing the cold with the heat of each other ;)
SMUT | 4.4k | x reader
Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
Rating: MATURE | sexual content, unprotected sex
A/N: This is a soft domestic lovers au uwu ft. christmas shopping It turned out shorter than I expected but i hope that won’t affect its quality. Some smut features include the succ, fingering, dirty talk and passionate love making gone rough uwu
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It was that time of year again.
Christmas decorations were being put up in each and every shop and all across town. The yearly ”isn’t it too early?” debate had begun and the air was quickly getting colder.
Next to you under the warm covers was the mess of hair belonging to your boyfriend. His arm was wrapped snuggly around your waist and his face was resting peacefully by your neck.
Long calm breathes tickled your skin and he let out low whimpers in his sleep.
You were half awake, his sudden whimpers causing you to slowly wake up.
”T-Taehyung?” You mumbled sleepily, rolling over slightly.
He let out a low humming sound, beginning to wake up.
You stretched carefully, making sure you wouldn’t move too much.
Taehyung’s readjusted his arm, tightening his gentle grip.
You pulled a hand through his messy hair soothingly, moving it away from his face.
He looked so peaceful.
Until he suddenly whimpered again.
Was he perhaps dreaming something?
You continued playing with hair, knowing how much it relaxed him.
After a while his long eyelashes fluttered and he moved a little, stretching his legs out before he opened his eyes.
He let out a soft groan.
”Good morning baby.” He mumbled, his voice deep and raspy.
”Good morning my love.”
He smiled widely and stretched out properly before pulling you even closer to his warm broad chest.
”I don’t want to leave bed.” He whined.
”We don’t have to.” You ensured.
”You’re right, but I have a plan for us today.”
”A plan?”
”A plan.” He repeated cutely, brushing his nose against yours.
”What is your plan?” You asked curiously.
”My baby has to give me a good morning kiss first.” He smirked, chuckling lightly.
You shared a sweet kiss.
Slow and soft.
Your lips caressing the plumpness of his with a gentle smacking sound.
He took a deep breath and smiled at you.
”I thought, maybe we could…”
”Stay in bed all day?” You filled in suggestively, hitting your head against his chest gently and nuzzling against him.
He chuckled.
”I thought we could go into town and look at the decorations and maybe give each other some Christmas gift inspiration. And after that we could maybe have dinner somewhere nice?” He suggested.
Instead of responding you pulled the covers over your head.
A wild Taehyung suddenly appeared next to you under the covers.
You hid against his chest.
”I’m not ready to face the world yet, it’s so cold.”
”How about we stay in a bed a little longer and then go to town?”
You nodded against his chest and you felt his hand stroke up and down your back.
”Are you feeling extra cuddly today baby?” He asked with a giggle and pulled the covers back down.
You nodded again.
His body was so warm and the air surrounding you was so cold.
”What were you dreaming earlier?” You suddenly asked, looking up at him.
”Dreaming?” He raised a brow questioningly.
”Yes, you were whimpering earlier-”
”Oh, I-” he interrupted himself with a shy chuckle. ”It was nothing.”
”Tell me!”
”It was nothing innocent…”
”Now you really have to tell me…”
He blushed, ears and cheeks going a faint rosy tint.
”You know… just my beautiful girlfriend moaning my name while I fuck her.” He laughed shamefully.
”You’re perverse!”
”Says the person who said she dreamt of riding me the other day so she woke me up, so she could ride-”
”Stop!” You laughed.
”You were so loud.” He teased
”In the dream?”
”How loud?” You wanted to tease him more.
He shook his head with a wide grin.
”Taehyung!” You moaned.
”Please stop.”
You giggled.
”That’s enough! Let’s have some breakfast!” He said, flustered.
”10 more minutes…” you begged.
”Five, and don’t try to turn me on.”
You snuggled up to him innocently and he placed a soft kiss against your forehead.
”I love you.” He whispered.
”I love you too.”
You made some breakfast together and sat down to eat.
You were wearing one of Taehyung’s big hoodies to keep yourself warm and waited eagerly for your tea to cool down enough for you to drink it, to warm yourself up even more but from the inside.
You heard the sound of the bathroom door opening followed by footsteps across the floor.
You turned around to look over your shoulder and saw Taehyung with a towel wrapped around his hips.
His skin was glowing and his hair was wet.
He headed towards the bedroom and you got a glance of his toned back, small drops of water making their way from his hair down his shoulder blades.
You drank your tea and after a while he came back out of the bedroom dressed in fitted black slacks and an oversized turtleneck sweater.
In his right ear dangled a plain simple chain accompanied by two small studs.
You only had to get dressed and you would be ready to go, but you wanted to finish your tea first.
Taehyung joined you in the kitchen and sat down next to you on one of the bar stools by the kitchen island.
”What tea is that?” He asked curiously.
”I think it was green tea and cinnamon.”
”Can I try?”
You handed over the large mug to him and he had a tiny sip.
”Christmassy.” He commented and handed it back to you.
You quickly finished what was left and went to get dressed.
Taehyung’s hand was holding yours tightly in his pocket when you walked towards the main street in town. Shops and cafés lined the streets and each window was festively decorated for the season.
You were both bundled up in the cold wearing big scarves, gloves and warm coats.
Every shop you walked into was warm and toasty, causing blood to rush to your face from the sudden temperature change and make your skin blush.
Taehyung’s cheeks and the tip of his nose had a rose tint to them, making him look even more adorable than he already did all bundled up.
After a few more shop stops you headed to a bakery café down the street for a well-earned break.
You had made the not so wise choice to wear heeled boots for the day. They were pretty and comfortable, but not made for long distance walking. As a result your feet were mildly aching and sitting down felt like such a relief.
You shared a gingerbread cupcake and ordered a hot drink each from the seasonal menu.
Calm festive music was playing in the café, adding to the cozy atmosphere. You took a sip of your drink and threw a glance at Taehyung who was taking a piece of the cupcake with the spoon in his hand.
A variety of bags were resting against the table leg beneath and you and Taehyung talked about what you could’ve possibly missed. You could of course always go back to town and pick up whatever whenever but it was nice to have things done.
“Do we have wrapping?”
“We have plenty left from last year, I checked it before.” Taehyung smiled and took a sip of his own drink.
Eventually you came to the conclusion that you should call it a day and head back to the comfort of your own home.
“Yes! My feet are aching.”
“Your feet hurt? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s manageable, don’t worry.”
“Manageable could get worse, so let’s definitely call It a day now.”
You finished your drinks and the cupcake, got bundled up in your outer wear again and assembled all the bags, making sure not to forget any under the table.
You walked to the nearest bus stop and the bus wouldn’t arrive for another 7 minutes. It wasn’t too bad, but the nipping cold made it a bit less bearable.
“Are you cold?” You asked Taehyung.
He shook his head.
“Are you?”
You turned around and looked at the bus time on the monitor again.
6 minutes.
Taehyung had his scarf wrapped snug around his neck and lower face. You moved all the bags you were carrying to one hand and reached up to his face. Gently, you moved a few strands of his hair away from his face.
He buried himself deeper in the scarf to hide his flustered smile. You poked his nose and he giggled.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
Taehyung moved his bags to one hand as well and poked your nose back.
You grabbed his free hand with yours and squeezed it gently.
You got back home and put all the bags down in the hallway and quickly kicked off your shoes, finally getting some relief for your feet.
Taehyung took off his coat and hung it up on one of the coat hangers.
“We must’ve walked more than we thought.” He pointed out, taking off his shoes.
“It’s easy to get distracted when you have a handsome man next to you.” You sighed, making him laugh.
“How are your feet?” He asked.
“Already better, I just needed to take my shoes off.” You said and walked into the living room.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry you?” He asked and you suddenly felt yourself being pulled back by two strong arms.
“I’m ok! I’m ok!” You giggled, his hands tickling your waist.
He wrapped his arms around you tighter and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“I want to cuddle.” He pouted.
You turned around in his embrace to face him and he pressed his forehead against yours.
“To make up for the cold.” He said in a low tone, eyeing you from the lips to your eyes.
Was he hinting on something else?
His lips brushed softly against yours before giving you a gentle kiss.
One hand of his travelled down your back, over your hip and sneakily grabbed the hem of your dress. He pulled it up to your hip with a caressing motion up your thigh.
A smirk lingered at his lips.
You grabbed a hold of both of his wrists and yanked them away from you, holding them in a tight grip between you.
Taehyung looked at you with confused longing eyes.
…Didn’t you want him?
Your hands caressed his wrists and you walked back towards the sofa.
”You have nothing to worry about baby.” You said soothingly. ”Now sit down.”
He could hint something deviant in your expression, but he still followed your command.
You placed your hands on his knees and spread his legs further apart.
He looked up at you with a mix of confusion and curiosity.
You sat down on your knees on the floor, between his legs, your hands leaving his knees and beginning to move up along his inner thighs.
He didn’t speak a word, watching you intensely.
He wanted to question what you were doing… but he was unable to form words, just hoping it was leading to what he thought it would.
Your left hand caressed his inner thigh while your right hand moved over his bulge.
It got heavier for him to breathe as you began to gently rub your hand over his crotch.
He leaned his head back against the sofa and you began palming harder, adding more pressure and feeling the outline of his growing erection.
He exhaled deeply.
You removed your hand to see his hard cock strain against the tight fabric.
Taehyung looked down at you and noticed, as well as felt, how hard he had become from your touch.
Still not daring to interrupt he let you keep going.
You unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.
He knew for sure what was coming now.
You grabbed the hem of his jeans together with his boxers and began to pull them down slowly. He lifted his hips, assisting you with getting his jeans and boxers down his thighs and then off, leaving him nude from the waist down.
His hard cock slapped against his toned lower abdomen, begging to be touched by the looks of it.
Taehyung felt an urge to fidget with something as a slight nervousness began to build up.
”what are you going to do?” He finally built up the courage to ask.
”Make you feel good.” You ensured.
You trailed your fingers from the base of his shaft to the tip, fingers brushing gently over the faint veins trailing up his cock.
He twitched when your fingertips suddenly came in contact with the sensitive head.
You wrapped your hand around his dick gently at the very top and began to draw circles with your thumb surrounding the tiny slit.
Head leaned back again and he inhaled at the sudden pleasure he was introduced to.
You let your hand slide down his length and tighten around him, and you began to jerk him off slowly.
You got up on your knees, a bit higher so that you could support yourself on Taehyung’s thighs.
Without any warning you leaned forward and dragged your tongue up from the base to the very tip.
He whimpered and looked down at you with surprised, yet lust filled eye.
You pressed your lips against his cock and let him slide into your mouth. You began to swirl your tongue around the head, causing him to moan softly.
You started to suck.
Head, lower and the sides of his cock. Your hand cupped his balls while the other held his cock in place for your mouth.
You pulled him out, sucking hard all the way until he fell free from your lips. Saliva mixed with precum made up a faint string between your mouth and the tip of his cock until it suddenly broke.
You looked up at him with innocent eyes, but a teasing smirk.
He looked even more handsome when he was aroused.
You took him in your mouth again and this time tried to take him in as far as you could without gagging. Slow movements up and down.
He let out a low groan and tangled his hand in your hair. His fingers caressed your scalp gently and his breathing got heavier.
You pulled back, lips against his tip, kissing and sucking while your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and began to jerk him off.
He accidently pulled your hair as he moaned in pleasure.
He leaned his head back against the sofa and exhaled deeply.
You loved how vocal and loud he became whenever he was being pleasured…
”Fuck…” he mumbled
You looked up at him and he was biting his lip hard.
You let him slip out fully and began to kitten lick across his tip instead, driving him crazy with the teasingly light licks, causing a shaky breath.
”Baby I-”
His words fell as you sucked on the head again and his thighs tensed up.
”I’m gonna cum…” he panted followed by another low moan.
”Don-don’t stop”
”It feels so good…”
You smirked.
His mouth hung open and his hand pulled at your hair again. He closed his eyes and you squeezed your hand tighter around his swollen cock.
”Yes-” he groaned and let out a short hum.
You pulled away and started jerking him off faster.
His hands fell to his sides and he grabbed onto the cushions of the sofa hard.
His right hand hit the sofa with a hard thud sound.
A mere breath later, he released.
A loud moan of relief echoed through the room and his cum leaked over your hand.
”fuck…” he panted, getting down from his high.
He throbbed in your hand and you carefully let go.
You stood back up and lazily wiped your hand off on your shirt.
He looked up at you with an expression of relief mixed with a satisfied smirk.
You placed your hands on the sides of his face and leaned down to place a gentle loving kiss on his lips. To your surprise he pulled you down on top of him and kissed you back with hunger.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and began playing with his long soft curls.
Who knows how long you remained that way afterwards. Taehyung’s hands roaming all over you in the most gentle way. His hands moving up and down your thighs, up you sides, gently squeezing at your waist and treating you to the most delicate touches.
Your hands occupied with his hair had such a soothing effect on him that he would be able to take a nap there and then, drained of energy from his release and relaxed.
You looked over at Taehyung who was getting in under the covers beside you.
He was shirtless, only dressed in pajama pants and his hair was pulled back into a lazy bun, but a bun on the verge to becoming a ponytail as his hair wasn’t quite long enough.
He got in under the covers and pulled the hair tie out his hair, making it fall messily over his face.
He placed the hair tie on the nightstand and pulled a hand through his hair to get it out of his face and finally got into place next to you and moved closer like he always did.
Arm around waist, face against neck, crotch against ass and legs tangled with each other. But since you were currently laying on your back he only opted for the arm around waist and nuzzled against your neck softly.
A thing you were very fond of was to steal Taehyung’s old shirts and use as night wear. Something he didn’t mind at all considering that the shirts had already seen better days but also because there was something unexplainably sexy about seeing you half naked in his clothes.
This night was no exception only that you were only wearing his shirt, a single piece of clothing.
Come to think of it you wore a full set together, only that Taehyung wore the bottoms and you wore the top.
The thought made you chuckle.
”Hmm?” Taehyung hummed with a questionable tone.
”I just realized we’re wearing one pajama between us.”
”That’s true” he chuckled. ”I wouldn’t mind you being topless though.” he smirked, somehow managing to make it sound innocent.
You snuggled for a while and Taehyung moved his arm slightly so that his hand was on your abdomen underneath the shirt.
He placed a gentle kiss on your jaw and his began to slowly stroke across your skin, heading south.
The touch of his long delicate fingers almost had you shiver but the sensitive reaction building up was quickly replaced by a sharp inhale when his fingers located your clit and began to draw lazy circles around it.
”Baby relax” he whispered and continued to pleasuring torture slowly, slowly.
His teasing touch made your arousal more and more unbearable, feeling how you surely became more and more wet by his hand.
He pressed soft gentle kisses against your neck as is hand travelled further down your slit. A long finger slid into you and curled against your muscles. You grabbed a hold of his forearm and squeezed it, making him smirk at the reaction. He added a second finger and spread you apart, scissoring you carefully before he began to thrust his fingers in and out in an almost soothingly slow pace.
A soft laugh tickled against your ear. A laugh of pride that he could feel and see what he did to you. How wet he made you, how relaxed yet horny he made and how ready for him you were becoming…
Despite having you suck him off earlier, he was needy for more… He wanted to repay you, treat you like you made him feel. Like a treasure, royalty, priceless...
Nothing beat hearing your sweet voice whimper for him under his body, not even getting a blow job.
His cock strained against the fabric of his pants and it was getting uncomfortable, but he held on a little longer.
“Do you want more?” He suddenly whispered, sending a row of shivers down your neck.
“I want you.” You said and pressed your forehead against his.
His eyes went wide, pleading innocently with a pout of his lips.
“Do you want me… more?” He suggested.
“Much more?” He pressed his thumb against your clit, adding pressure and moving slightly. It was a simple touch but enough to make you squirm and your thighs to tense.
You nodded, biting your lip and squeezing his arm tighter.
His fingers slipped out and he pulled away fully, abandoning you of his gentle touch, leaving you desperate and hungrier for more.
He put his leg over you and a second later he was straddling you, covers slipping down his back and exposing you for the cold air in the room.
His fingers found their way between one of the openings between the buttons of his old shirt, thinking he’d unbutton a button you were caught by surprise when he suddenly gripped the fabric tight and pulled it apart, two buttons flying to the floor.
You heart was racing.
He was so strong….
A gasp escaped you when the cold air was suddenly exposed to your breasts.
He slipped the shirt off your shoulders and you sat up slightly to help him pull it off you completely and throw it to the floor.
You swallowed.
Looking down you noticed his aching bulge and the atmosphere changed.
From gentle and relaxing it had quickly took a spin to aggressive and intimidating.
He pulled his hair back and shot you a deviant smirk. He got off of you and stepped down on to the floor, pulled the blanket off the bed and lowered his pants, letting them fall to the floor.
He climbed back up and took a strong grip of your ankles, spreading your legs apart wide.
Hands by your sides, hips pressed against yours, chest to chest and lips to lips.
He kissed you passionately, swirling his tongue around your mouth as if to claim every area for himself and his hungry touch.
His aching cock rested patiently against your slit, unknowingly having you ache even more for his touch to return to you the way it was before.
Your hands were making his hair messy and he reached down to quickly guide himself in. He slid the tip of his cock up and down your slit and hit it against your clit along with a deviant chuckle against the kiss.
Your hands moved down his neck to his shoulder blades, finger blades dragging lightly across his skin to give him shivers.
His cock pushed against your entrance, and with no warning needed he thrusted into you, stretching you out around him, making you gasp and his lips to quickly latch back on to your lower lip again. He picked up a pace right away, passionately pulling out and thrusting back deep and slow, making sure you feel every inch of him slide in and out of you. Making you want more, make you beg… To feel the very tip of his dick push deeper and deeper, his thick shaft stretching you out, making you even more wet.
His lips fell to your neck, heavy breathing tickling beneath your ear as he increased his speed, feeling the sweet pleasure consume him and pull him closer to his release.
As his hands gripped tighter he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
“Does it feel good baby?”
“Do you like that?”
Soft smirking chuckles followed by a long groan.
“Fuck… you feel so good.”
“Baby you know I never fuck, I make love.”
His words made you let out a flustered giggle and he chuckled lightly again.
“You do…” You said, followed by a moan when he hit your sweet spot.
“But if you want me to fuck you…
… You’d only have to ask.”
“Do it.” You smirked.
“Do what?” He groaned, thrusting deeper.
“Fuck me.”
He kissed your neck. An apologetic kiss for what was to come…
His hands moved from your waist down your sides, over your hips and your thighs. He hooked his hands under your thighs, pulling them up to his sides and moving closer. His hands returned to right above your waist and he thrusted into your hard, earning a whimper from you.
He went faster and harder, passion replaced with a raw hunger of lust.
Heavy breathing.
Skin being scratched.
Teeth gritting.
Each pounding move made you let out a loud moan. A moan begging for more, begging for release…
The overwhelming pleasure from his rough treatment made you tense up faster than you expected. The familiar numb tingling sensation was consuming your body…
“Mmm?” He hummed, placing sloppy kisses on your neck.
“I’m close-“ You sounded pleading.
He nuzzled against your neck and pounded deeper. You nails scratched his back and you locked your legs around him, throwing your head back on the pillow.
“H- hold on.” He panted.
An almost impossible request…
You were already aching on the very verge…
“I’m gonna cum….” He groaned.
He whimpered needy against your neck.
“I can’t-“ You stopped mid-sentence to gasp.
He pressed himself harder against you, a moaning mess.
Another hard thrust and you muscles couldn’t hold on longer.
Your body lost control, clenching tightly around his still thrusting cock, thighs aching and muscles quivering before they let go completely. The tight pulsating feeling was enough to send Taehyung the last remaining way to his release. You held on to him tightly when he groaned loudly and released, filling your aching core with his cum.
Both breathless.
All movements stopped after he pushed himself deeper.
His heavy panting was warm against your neck.
Your hands stroked his back soothingly and you scratched his scalp soothingly.
“Fuck…” he mumbled, still out of breath.
You took a minute to calm down from your highs before Taehyung carefully pulled out and fell down beside you.
Mouth open and eyes full of admiration, he looked down at you and put his arm behind you head. You moved to lay your head on his arm and wrapped an arm around him.
The cold air was replaced by your heat.
His hand moved up to move your hair to behind your ear.
“You’re so beautiful…”
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clownsgobeepbeep · 6 years ago
Soak! x3
I have been needing to write some grandpa Cecilio...so I shall do so, but for the future X3
I also apologize if Cecilio was written incorrectly uwu And also because this is rather long
“Do you guys hear that song?”
“It’s the hokey pokey. Oh dear, I used to be so addicted to that song.”
“Oh yeah. But then I turned myself around.” 
Despite the loud sounds surrounding the trio who walked alongside down a path filled with several others, there was a painful silence that came from a person from the trio. Meanwhile, another stiffled a giggle whilst the other who had last spoken awaited a reaction.
“I already deal with enough of this with my dad.” finally replied the shortest member before the tallest gave a laugh.
“I’m just making sure you never take a break from him!” he exclaimed before giving a laugh, even wiping away a stray tear at the though of his previous joke. 
“That was so dumb.”
“No, it was great!” the other member laughed. “Ula just can’t take a joke.”
“Yes I can! I just have enough with my dad’s jokes, and Cordelia loosing her shit over each one.”
“Cordie just knows how to appreciate our jokes.” laughed who was Cecilio, walking in between his eldest granddaughters at the state fair which was buzzing with guests all over. “Anyways, what do you girls what to do next?”
“I wanna go on the rollercoaster!” Ama pointed to a roller coaster that was off in the distance, and it clearly stood out due to its height and the screams that were heard everywhere.
“I don’t think I’m tall enough for that.” Ula blinked at the sight before Cecilio ruffled her hair.
“You can always do that hair-height changing thingy you do! In fact, why didn’t you do it sooner?”
“Oooh Ula! You’re not scared are you?” Ama poked her cousin’s cheek before her finger was swatted away. 
“Of course not. But someone my size probably could not withstand that. I’ll probably puke everything out.” Ula pouted before turning to the side. “How about we go eat something instead?”
Right in that moment, Cecilio felt and he as well as the girls heard his stomach give a growl, making Ula and Ama giggle.
“How about some deep fried food?” Cecilio suggested as he caught sight of the plethora of food stands, licking his lips at everything being offered.
“Deep fried sounds weird, but I’ll take it!” Ama smiled before Ula nodded in agreement, following the older man to one of the many lines for the deep fried food. They stood in line behind a person, right before Cecilio felt a tap on his back which made him turn and see a man who was clearly upset.
“What the hell’s your problem? You’re cutting in front of me!” he shouted at Cecilio who’s eyes widened as he gave an apologetic look.
“I’m s-”
“Hi there.~” Ula then stood in between Cecilio and the man. “My name’s Lily. Do you have a name, Sweet Face? Or call I call you mine?~”
Cecilio looked down in surprise as Ula fluttered her eyelashes at the man who’s demeanor took an immediate turn, especially as he blushed at the sight of Ula. He blinked a few times before turning to Ama who smiled and gave a shrug; she was clearly used to seeing this.
“I, um, well, s-sure! You don’t have a boyfriend?”
“Not at all. In fact, I was hoping you’d be willing to take that title.” Ula twirled a lock of hair on her finger, meanwhile her free hand was behind her, motioning to Cecilio and Ama to move on. 
Cecilio was quite hesitant in leaving Ula alone with this stranger, but Ama grabbed his arm and dragged him back to their place.
“What was that?”
“She always does that so things go her way.” Ama playfully rolled her eyes while Cecilio glanced at Ula who was still flirting, even having dragging the man away. “I thought you knew this grandpa! She’s like Aunt Jelly.”
“Oh riiiight, ‘cause they eat all that love and stuff, right?”
“Yup.” Ama nodded before they both noticed that Ula had come back, smiling at Cecilio. “What’d you do?”
“Threw him in a trash can.” Ula shrugged before looking to the front. “Oh look we’re next.”
With that, Cecilio gave a smile before patting the top of Ula’s head which made her beam brightly up at him. His tiny grandaughter, flirting with people to her advantage...it kinda made him proud actually, at least she got some snacks out of it.
“Eeeew, what is that!?” joked Ula as she made a disgusted yet playful face at the food Cecilio was about to take a bite out of.
“This is...the monster deep fried pizza.~” he proudly presented before taking a large bite of the food, the girls watching in amazement before looking down at the other foods they had purchased.
“Boy am I excited to try out this corn dog.” Ama smiled down at one of the things on her plate. “What did you get Ula?”
“Well for my main course: deep fried octopus, especially ‘cause of the little hat and googly eyes it came with.”
“Ew.” Ama joked as Ula gave her a look, both then starting to eat before realizing that Cecilio had now finished his pizza.
“So girls, tell me. How’s life been treatin’ ya?” Cecilio wiped himself with a napkin before both the girls gave a shrug. “Hmm, Ula, how’s the band stuff been going? What was the name again?
“It’s Cin-O-Surre, and we’ve been doing great.” Ula nodded before Ama gave a nudge.
“Especially since they have a new member.~”
“Ama shut up.” Ula playfully hit Ama as Cecilio could tell what was being told.
“Is this new member cool?” he asked with a smile, placing his chin in his palm as he propped up his elbow on the table. 
“Well, pfft, yeah.” Ula shrugged as her eyes darted to the side, a blush forming on her cheeks. “His name’s Schrader and...he plays the bass really well...writes great songs.”
“And this Schrader, is he your friend?”
“Yeah but Ula loves him.~” teased Ama who giggled as Ula now nudged her.
“Oh, is that so?” Cecilio chuckled as Ula’s blush darkened.
“Well I don’t love him but...I might like him more than I would like a friend.” she smiled like a goof, even turning away so her expression wouldn’t be seen. “He’s a really cool guy...”
“And he works at the diner Ula was telling you about earlier.” Ama chipped in before a plastic spoon hit her head, but she ignored it and the fact that it came from Ula to instead lean closer towards her.
“Well if Ula wants, she can tell me more about this boy.” Cecilio gently nudged Ama so that she would back away and give the flustered Ula her space, and they were both surprised to see how Ula sprung back into the conversation with a smile and twinkles in her eyes.
“ So Schrader has these wonderful, so beautiful eyes that remind me of blueberries. And, and he writes the best songs you will ever hear in your life, and, and his fingers! When he plays a guitar, holy shit! It looks like they’re dancing some waltz or tango! And he sings so wonderfully, and he likes horror and scary stuff like me! And, and he’s so tall and handsome and amazing! And, and! And, and...” Ula soon started to quiet down as she saw Cecilio’s and Ama’s eyes right on her, Ama even smirking. “He...calls me...Nungen...”
“Ula has a crush on Schrader!~” Ama exclaimed before Ula hit her arm again Cecilio only giving a chuckle before ruffling Ula’s hair as she pouted in embarrassment.
“You two are so adorable.”
“Anyways, enough about me. How are things with you and lover boy Henry?”
“Lover boy? Henry?” Ama made a weird face. “What on earth are you talking about Ula?”
“Oh don’t play dumb.” Ula stared at Ama who was still pretty confused. “If not you, than at least Henry. Like, he’s clearly head over heels.”
“What? No he’s not. Henry’s my friend and he knows that. Henry doesn’t have those kind of feelings for me.”
“Yes he does!” Ula squinted her eyes while Cecilio watched the two continue their bickering, his eyes drifting to the side where he heard splashing. Oooh, that looked like fun!
“Girls, girls! How about we go check that out?” Cecilio pointed to the area where plenty of people were gathered, the girls turning and then giving a shrug as well as nod before standing up and throwing away their trash.
They all approached the area to see that it was a dunk tank, and a person was now attempting to hit the target but failing.
“Pfft, I bet I could do that in two throws tops.” Ama stuck a tongue out before Ula gave her a look.
“Sure Ama.” she shrugged with a laugh.
“I bet I could stay in that chair and not get wet because none of you could drop me.” spoke Cecilio before the girls looked up at him, and he grinned down at each one.
So now, Cecilio sat on the chair inside the tank, grinning like a fool as he looked through the glass at where the girls stood.
“Take your best shot!” he waved at them, watching as Ula turned to Ama.
“You take the first two shots, I’ll take the third.” Ula handed two baseballs to Ama.
“Pfft, you won’t need to.” stated Ama who then launched the first ball which hit the wall rather than the target. “Don’t worry, I said at two I’d make it.”
“Okaaaay.” Ula shrugged.
“Come on Ama, just a little harder!” called Cecilio from inside before Ama threw the second ball, missing yet again before Ula gave her a smug look.
“Stop.” Ama covered Ula’s face who swatted her hand away again, then walking in front as she clenched onto the baseball she held.
Ula kept her eyes on the target for just a bit, then turning to Cecilio who made a silly face at her. So, Ula squinted before roughly throwing the ball, hitting the target right on the center before an alarm loudly sounded and a splash followed.
“Where did you learn to do that!?”
“I’ve been practicing some baseball.”
“Baseball? Why?”
“No reason.”
The pair then rushed towards the tank as they saw Cecilio pop out his soaked head, even spitting out water like a water fountain  before he gave a laugh.
He watched as the girls soon burst out into laughter, even holding their sides as their eyes were shut and smiles wide. Cecilio gave a smile himself, thinking of how they still looked like their younger selves, yet it was nice that they were growing up and that he was there to see it.
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