#no more pouting andy
becasart · 4 days
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It's ok Logan, Andy's in safe hands 🤗 You unknowingly gave him a ma 🥰
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deerlino · 4 months
— “i'm not falling in love,” he says, while he's actually falling the hardest. minho's in such deep denial, it's like he's drowning in the nile.
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words ༯ 0.8k / pairing ༯ lee minho x gn!reader / tags ༯ best friends to lovers (kinda), childhood friends, mutual pining, fluff, humor, teasing & banter, arcade games, unspoken feelings, slice of life / content warnings ༯ fluff and more fluff !
a/n ༯ eh, this one's not my top-notch work, had a few bumps and hiccups, but hey, it's alright. took me ages to write tho. 😭 wanted to really nail that denial part, but i guess it's decent enough. hope you still got a kick out of it ! <3
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“I’m not falling in love,” he says.
You stare at Minho, half-smirking, half-annoyed. He’s sprawled out on your bed, flipping through one of your old comic books, pretending he’s way cooler than he actually is. His hair is a mess—he’s too lazy to even run a hand through it properly. You roll your eyes.
“Sure, Minho. Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you say, tossing a pillow at his face. He barely dodges it, laughing. It’s that laugh that makes your heart skip a beat, but you refuse to admit it.
“Why would I be falling for you?” he teases, grinning. “You’re like... my best friend. And you’re a pain in the ass.”
You snort. “Right back at you, loser.”
He sits up, crossing his legs and leaning forward. “Let’s be real. If anyone’s falling, it’s definitely not me. I’m the epitome of self-control.”
You can’t help but laugh at that. “Yeah, right. You cried watching Toy Story 3.”
“Hey, that was emotional!” he protests, eyes wide in mock offense. “Andy grew up, okay? It’s relatable.”
“Sure, sure,” you say, shaking your head. You grab your phone and plop down beside him, scrolling through your messages. He leans over, way too close, trying to peek at your screen.
“Who’s texting you?” he asks, curious.
You nudge him away. “Nosy much? It’s just my mom.”
“Tell her I say hi,” he says, leaning back on his elbows.
You do, and your mom’s quick reply makes you giggle. “Tell Minho he’s still grounded for breaking my favorite vase last year.”
“Mom says you’re still grounded,” you say, showing him the message. He laughs again, this time falling back onto the bed, clutching his stomach.
“Man, your mom’s got a long memory.”
“Yup,” you agree. “So, Mr. Epitome of Self-Control, what’s the plan for today?”
He sits up, his eyes sparkling with that mischievous glint you know all too well. “Let’s go to the arcade. I bet I can beat your high score on Dance Dance Revolution.”
“You wish!” you exclaim, jumping up. “You couldn’t beat me if your life depended on it.”
As you both head out, the playful banter continues. At the arcade, it’s as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s just you, Minho, and the flashing lights of the game machines. You watch as he concentrates intensely on the dance mat, his tongue sticking out slightly. You can’t help but think he looks kinda cute like that. Not that you’d ever tell him.
“Ha! Beat that!” he shouts, pointing at his score. It’s higher than yours by a mere point. You roll your eyes.
“Beginner’s luck,” you mutter, stepping up to the mat. He watches you, that goofy grin still plastered on his face. You nail the moves, one by one, beating his score by a landslide.
“Told ya,” you say, smugly.
He pouts, crossing his arms. “Okay, okay. You win this time. But next time, you’re going down.”
As you both leave the arcade, he drapes an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. It’s a casual gesture, something he’s done a thousand times before, but tonight, it feels different. Warmer. More... significant.
“Hey, you hungry?” he asks, steering you towards the diner down the street. It’s your usual spot, a place that holds countless memories. As you slide into your favorite booth, Minho immediately starts teasing the waitress, who’s known you both since you were kids.
“Two milkshakes, please. Extra whipped cream for her because she’s extra,” he says, winking at you.
You stick your tongue out at him. “And fries. Don’t forget the fries.”
When the food arrives, you both dig in, talking about everything and nothing. It’s easy, comfortable. But there’s an undercurrent of something more. Something unspoken.
“Do you ever think about the future?” he asks suddenly, looking at you with those deep, thoughtful eyes.
You pause, a fry halfway to your mouth. “Sometimes. Why?”
He shrugs, looking away. “I dunno. Just wondering what it’ll be like. If we’ll still be... like this.”
“Like what?” you ask, genuinely curious.
He fiddles with his straw, avoiding your gaze. “You know. Best friends. Hanging out all the time.”
“Of course,” you say, nudging his foot under the table. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
He finally looks at you, a soft smile on his lips. “Yeah. You’re right.”
You both finish your food, and as you walk home, the silence between you is comfortable. His hand brushes against yours a few times, and each time, your heart skips a beat.
Back at your house, you sit on the porch, watching the stars. Minho leans back, propping himself up on his elbows, looking up at the sky.
“Thanks for tonight,” he says quietly.
You glance at him, surprised. “For what?”
He shrugs, not meeting your eyes. “Just... for being you.”
Your heart flutters, and you find yourself smiling. “Anytime, Minho. Anytime.”
He looks at you then, really looks at you, and for a moment, it’s as if the world stands still. Then he breaks the gaze, looking embarrassed.
“Okay, seriously, I’m not falling in love,” he insists again, more to himself than to you.
You laugh, shaking your head. “Keep telling yourself that, idiot.”
But as you both sit there, the night wrapping around you like a warm blanket, you know the truth. And maybe, just maybe, he does too.
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© deerlino (est. 040624) ༯ heyo, did you enjoy this piece? if you did, maybe you could reblog, drop a comment, or shoot me an ask to let me know your thoughts. also, feel free to check out my other stuff! thanks a bunch for the support! <3
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taintedcigs · 1 year
i know places — e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x popular cheerleader!f!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY, minors dni!!, ANGST, smut, p in v, kind of degradation, jealousy, praises, nicknames, br*eding kink, cre*mpie, FIGHT!!, eddie beats someone up, gareth is an asshole im sorry, and some flufff
summary: in which you are secretly dating eddie because his friends don't like you (wc: 6k+)
a/n: HELLO hello I AM BACK! i kind of hate this, and the ending sucks pls ignore it but i wanted to post it so bad bc i love ts x eddie!! also a part of this was heavily HEAVILY inspired by an ep of veronica mars bc its one of my fav shows!! also no dividers and i didn't proof-read SO PLEASE ignore the mistakes plss
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Four months.
It had been four months since you and Eddie had started to “secretly date.”
And in all honesty, it had been fun. The sneaking around, the private dates, the quick fuck seshs in school, in the supply closet, after his D&D campaigns, in his van, in the woods.
And the teasing, oh god, the teasing.
It's why you were currently scrunched up in the back of his van, ragged breathing and curses, heavy tension filling the space.
“You done teasin’?” he asked, hovering over you.
It started with the glances in the hallway, at first, Eddie thought they were innocent. But the way you threw your head back as you touched Andy’s arm had Eddie’s jaw clenched.
He was sure his blood was boiling by the time he dragged you back to his van.
He dismissed your concerns about how he shouldn’t skip English again, he could care less, he needed you, and he needed you now.
It was driving him crazy too, while he had fun, he hated the idea of not being able to tell those stupid jocks to back off of his girl.
He hated the stupid school hierarchy and his friends for having to keep this relationship a secret, he hated not being able to show you off.
“Teasing?” You asked, an innocent smile playing on your lips.
“C’mon don’t play coy now.” He warned, “I know what you were tryin’ to do with that stupid jock.” He scoffed.
“And did it work?” You batted your lashes, and he rolled his tongue inside of his cheek. “Yeah.” He barely gave you any time to adjust before his lips hungrily attacked yours.
So needy and filled with lust that you couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped your lips. He didn’t waste any time as he reached for the edge of your tiny top almost ripping it off and letting it drop to the van’s floor.
You could feel your breath hitch with how rough he was being, his calloused fingers flipping your cheerleader skirt and moving your panties aside, sliding a finger as he groaned at the wetness, partying your pussy to get a better view of your gushing heat.
“Fuckfuckfuck.” He cursed under his breath, “Such a pretty fucking pussy, baby,” He peppered your heat. “All mine, yea?” He asked needily.
His fingers worked your clit with little circles, causing you to whimper out. “Mhmm.” You barely let out, eyes shutting immediately in pleasure.
His fingers worked to stretch you open, and his visible bulge was pressing hard against his uncomfortable pants, you knew you would get what you had been begging for all morning soon.
“You think it’s fuckin’ funny to try to make me jealous?” He raised a brow, and you stopped your lips from twitching into a smirk, you didn’t need him to edge you, not right now, not when you needed him this much.
“Nuh-uh.” You pouted, “Only did it cause you kept flirting with that girl yesterday at the gig.” You huffed, you knew you were being petty, but could care less, the downside to this whole deal was the fact that you couldn’t tell those girls to back off of him, you just had to smile and watch as they swooned all over him.
And if he could play at that game, so could you.
He gave you a slight chuckle before his fingers plunged in and out of you, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit as you moaned for more. “Needy fuckin’ slut.” He’s being mean, and you love it.
“I’ll give you all the attention you need, yea? Such a bratty baby.” He teased.
You cried out when he retracted his fingers, feeling empty as you pouted at him. He was quick to get his aching cock out of the uncomfortable boxers, bouncing against his stomach as he hissed.
His breathing was ragged as his cock flexed in his palm, causing your thighs to tremble with need, “Do something.” You breathed.
He raised a brow at your eagerness, “Please,” You pleaded, tears welling in your eyes at the pent-up frustration inside of you.
He was quick to dip his head down your chest, mouth nibbling at your nipples, and you arched against his fingers, he was driving you crazy and you could feel his aching cock brush against your thighs.
“So fuckin’ perfect,” He cried out pinching your clit, “And all mine,” You liked how rough and possessive he got when he was jealous, you didn’t care that it was wrong, your heat was pulsing relentlessly with need.
“Jesus,” He cried out when he had one hand on your hip, and used the other to rub the tip of his pulsing cock against your entrance.
You trembled with desire when he teased you further, his pink tip sliding easily over your soaking cunt, “C’mon, thought you wanted to fuckin’ tease me?” He mocked.
“You’re already cryin’ out like a whore and I haven’t even touched you properly yet, peach,” He cooes, causing you to whine.
“N—need you,” Barely able to speak, you spread your thighs further, and Eddie gives you a chuckle, his mocking was making you throb even more.
“Jesus fucking Christ, you spread your legs like that for that dumb jock too, honey?” His words are laced with bitterness and you’re quick to shake your head.
“Uh—uh, only you,” You whine, he’s rough as he grabs your cheeks making you look at him, your eyes widen as you desperately plead for him to do something  — anything.
“Since I own this tight little cunt, I’m gonna use it like I fuckin’ want to,” He growls, and you whimper at that, Eddie’s lips tilt into a smirk, he knows you enjoy his words. “You want that, peach? You want me to wreck this pretty little pussy? Fill you to the brim with my warm load?” He asks, and it makes you tilt your head backward in pleasure when he teases his tip against your entrance again.
“Mpmhm… Fuckfuckfuck, yes please!” You’re practically shaking with the need to be fucked.
He grasped your wrists in one hand, pinning them against the cold walls of his van, making you hiss, barely giving you any warning before he slowly prodded his aching cock inside your velvety walls.
“Fuckohfuckohfuck,” His breathing was ragged and you could almost feel his cock splitting you open, your mouth rounding into a silent ‘Oh.’
As he plunged himself deeper into you, your back arched back toward him, making your cunt clamp down on his cock, and he growled, “S’fuckin’ tight, poor baby must’ve felt so empty without my cock, yea?” He cooes and you nod quickly.
You could feel your insides burn, both from need and from how big Eddie was. “Mmmph, greedy fuckin’ cunt. Takin’ me so well, honey.” He murmured peppering your face with kisses, you could barely take in his words, your mind clouded with desire.
Your eyes welled up in tears again, it felt so fucking good, feeling him this deep inside of you, “Shhh… you can do it baby,” Eddie encouraged as he forced himself deeper into your soaking walls.
“Be a good girl and take it all, can you do that honey?” You nodded immediately, Eddie’s hands were quick to caress your cheeks, “Good fuckin’ girl,” He murmured before he went on and on, his cock invading your walls until he was sure he was balls deep inside of you.
You couldn’t help the filthy squeaks that escaped your lips, the space of the van filled with your mewls and Eddie’s balls slapping against you.
He licks your neck before he bites hard onto your shoulder, his grunts filling the room as he plunges harder into you.
“Jesus fucking— mmpfh… just like that honey,” He murmurs into your neck, “My perfect fuckin’ girl.”
“Look so fuckin’ pretty when you’re all fucked out like this,” He nibbles on your neck, hands pinching your nipples. “Gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, baby,” He groans as he slams further inside of you.
“Edsedsedseds!” You repeat like a mantra, “What’d’ya need, peach?” He asks smugly.
“Jesus— n-need to cum!” You cry out and Eddie’s brain short-circuits for a moment, as you lay beneath him, plump lips making ‘Oh!’ sounds as your head is tilted back, and Eddie revels in it.
“Do it, honey. Cum for me,” He encourages.
“Need that tight little cunt to clamp down on me, peach,” He groans, and your whimpers get louder, you know you’re getting close and Eddie can feel how much you tighten around him.
“Shitshitshiiit— baby, this cunt is so fuckin’ greedy, and so fuckin’ tight,” He grunts. “All mine, angel.”
“’M close, Eds…” You barely blurt out in your fucked out state, and Eddie coos, “Cum for me, honey, c’mon cream my cock.”
He tilts his hips up further and hits your velvety walls so perfectly that almost has your eyes crossing.
Once his calloused fingers make their way onto your clit, rubbing slow circles and also giving your sensitive spot a pinch you cry out, trembling beneath him as you feel yourself release around his cock.
He lets out a loud grunt, “S’fuckin’ tight when you cum, shit— Gonna fuck my load into you, baby.”
“You want that? You want me to fill that pretty pussy, have you leakin’ my cum for days?” You nod weakly, still too fucked out to answer.
“Fuckfuckfuck— yeah, baby, gonna fill your tight little hole up, gonna give you all this cum,” He grunted.
“Would you like that honey? Shit—so fuckin’ tight, beg for it, beg for me, princess—” He almost growls into the curve of your neck, his hips slamming forward roughly, “Please—Eds, please, need your cum…” You make a mewling sound and Eddie can’t help himself, he’s pounding into you like a dog in heat and he knows he’s getting close now.
“Jesus—I’m gonna cum, honey. God—I’m gonna spend all of my load in this tight little cunt peach, it’s takin’ me so well, baby, I couldn’t pull out even if I wanted to, fuckfuckfuck—”
“Goin’ to fuck my load into you, baby, need to fill you up nice and sweet,” He cooes, mind boggling with the sight of your tits jiggling each time he slams harder into you, he knows he is rearing his orgasm with the way his hips stutter.
“Cum inside’a me, please,” You purr, eyes sultry as they meet Eddie’s, his grip on your hips tightens enough to leave a mark, your words sending a wave of pleasure to him as his movement is picked up.
“Mhmm, I love it when you fill me up s’warm and nice, and make me yours,” You murmured and that was it for Eddie.
His groans became uncontrollable now, and his eyes squeezed shut, he slammed into your body one last time, roughly, a string of curses spilled from his lips before his cock pulsated and his warm sticky load painted your insides, already spilling out of your tight cunt with how stuffed you were, falling down your thighs. 
With a few “Fuckfuckfuck’s” Eddie collapsed on top of you, lips peppering your face softly as he wrapped an arm around you, murmuring, “You okay, baby?”
You nodded quickly, “Mhmm…” You relaxed into his warm body, “That fuckin’ punk really thought he could flirt with you, huh?” He chuckled; he was still possessive, bringing a dark smile to your lips.
“You know what you have to do to keep them away, don’t you?” You raised a brow, and he immediately knew what you were implying, but he wasn’t ready for any of it.
“Not this again,” He huffed, and you were quick to get out of his hold, you weren’t the type to push a guy around to make things exclusive, but with Eddie, you wanted nothing more than that, you didn’t even care about the teasing you would endure when the two of you made things official, but he certainly did, and it was starting to hurt you.
“Nevermind,” You murmured, searching for your clothes as Eddie got up, “Why are we in such a hurry?” He asked, tone worried. “We already skipped one class, I don’t wanna skip another one, doofus.” You narrowed your eyes at him before slipping on your skirt, sighing in relief when you found your panties discarded on the floor.
“You mad at me or somethin’?” You could tell how fragile he was acting around you, and it made your heart ache, but all of the secrets and running around were getting to you, the girls that were throwing themselves at Eddie as he flashed them a chuckle made your blood boil, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“No, it’s just super fucking tiring to act like you don’t exist, when you’re the only person I want in my life,” Your words come out faster than you mean to, and you look at him with such a hopeful gaze that Eddie’s heart tightens, the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
“Honey…” He whispers, before pulling your body to his again, “You have no fuckin’ idea how much I want that to happen, but—”
“But, what?” Your voice is irritated.
“But you know how the guys are, you know how annoying Gareth—” You immediately scoff at the name.
You had no idea when or why it happened.  You had no idea what caused him to act this way toward you. But Eddie’s friends absolutely hated you.  Especially Gareth. Jeff also did not like the fact that you were the head cheerleader, but Gareth almost had a vendetta against you, you had barely interacted with him, but the boy was out to get you.
You were fine with the kids, Dustin and Mike had adored you the second you protected them against Carver’s idea of a joke. Lucas, with his new place on the basketball team, understood you, granted he had no idea of what was happening between you and Eddie, but he knew you were Eddie’s friend, and he knew how hard Eddie’s friends have been on you.
And that is exactly why you and Eddie had decided to keep your relationship a secret that started a few months ago.
Eddie had doubts about what people would say about your relationship, and he couldn’t handle the fact that his friends would have a say in it, he wanted to keep you away from them, as long as possible.
And he assumed your popular friends wouldn’t be so keen on him, either.
So you agreed to keep the relationship a secret, but it was eating away at you now.
“It’s about him again, isn’t it?” You asked, shaking your head with a chuckle. “Four months and you can’t even dare to say I’m your girlfriend, because of fucking Gareth,” You spat out.
“It’s not just about that—Jesus, you think your cheerleader and jock friends would fuckin’ enjoy havin’ the freak around?” His tone was louder now and you hated it.
“I don’t care! I don’t give the slightest fuck what they would think about my boyfriend, it’s my business and they don’t fucking get a say in it, Eddie!” Your insecurities were on the surface now, even if Eddie couldn’t tell, you were hurt by him wanting to hide you away this much, caring more about Gareth who had this twisted game of trying to hurt you, and it made you feel like absolute shit like Eddie could care less about you.
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that? I do! But Gareth—” You scoffed interrupting him as you turned around to face him. “Fuck him!” Your voice raised in fury.
“Look, Eddie, if you don’t want this—” Your hand was quick to point between the two of you, “Just say the fucking word.”  
“You’re twistin’ my fuckin’ words around,” His voice didn’t hold the confidence it did before, his eyes were washed over with guilt and worry, he couldn’t afford to lose you, and if he kept being a jackass, it looked like he was going to.
“You’re unbelievable,” He scoffed, “I’m unbelievable?” You quoted him, eyes narrowing again.
Eddie was on his last straws and he knew it, but he couldn’t get himself to back down, he couldn’t let you see the vulnerable side of him this soon, there was no way you would be able to stay with him, not when you saw how fragile he actually was.
“Yeah! You fuckin’ are,  acting all insane and shit just because you felt jealous over some stupid girls—” And he stops there because the exasperation of breath that slipped past your lips is so loud that he realizes what he just said.
“Fuck you,” You say it so ironically and humorously, that Eddie likes to think this is one of those ironic ‘Fuck you’s you had uttered to him before, slightly nudging his side as you gave him a warm smile, but you’re nothing but cold now.
“If you think that’s what this is about then I have nothing to say to you,” Your voice was timid before you made your way to the door, Eddie’s faint mumbles of your name were just dizzying your mind when you felt the hot tears threatening to spill down your cheeks.
And with that, Eddie spent the rest of the day either sulking or using other people as his anger outlet, he knew it wasn’t fair, but he couldn’t help it when you spent the rest of the day ignoring him, acting like he didn’t even exist, and it was killing him.
It got so much worse for him around lunchtime, his table was facing you, and his throat tightened, a lump forming at the fact that you didn’t even glance at him, not even turning your head toward his direction.
Eddie was fidgeting in his seat, he was itching to run over to your side, scream at the top of his lungs that you were his girlfriend, and kiss you, right in front of the entire school.
It was killing him, not being able to show you how much he fucking loved you. And his mind was now swirling with the idea that you finally realized how much of a loser he was, or that you finally realized how he didn’t deserve you, not in the slightest bit.
After one fucking conversation he had managed to push you away, and possibly manage to ruin one good fucking thing in his life, and he wanted to bang his head against the table while yelling out idiotidiotidiot!
Eddie knew he had to do something, as soon as possible, you were slipping away from his fingers, and he couldn’t handle losing you.
You were doing everything you can to avoid his gaze, no matter how much your head itched to cock in his direction.
Trying your best to stay unbothered as you attempted to laugh genuinely at the cheesy jokes Andy was providing the table with.
And Eddie’s blood was boiling, you seriously didn’t mean to make him jealous, but it didn’t matter to him, you were acknowledging everyone and specifically Andy right now but him, and it made Eddie’s jaw clench uncontrollably.
The banter going on at the table was unknown to him, but it made your skin crawl as if Gareth was saying some stupid shit about you again as if the entire table was mocking you, it was cruel, or at least it felt cruel to you.
That’s when your throat tightened up, your mind foggy as you could barely focus on anything but the chatter going on at Eddie’s table.
The cafeteria noises were pounding in your head now, jock’s table filled with the obnoxious laugh of Jason Carver, and you could even hear Robin blabbing something to Steve somewhere behind you. It was all a blur to you by now.
It surely had nothing to do with you but your mind and anxiety were enough to convince you that Gareth was making fun of you at the table. That little voice in your head there to tell you all the worst possibilities.
You barely noticed Eddie’s body burning off with rage when you were so focused on trying to hear what Gareth was saying, it shouldn’t have bothered you this much, but knowing how close he was to Eddie and how much he hated you… maybe it meant something.
Maybe Gareth knew that you were not good enough for Eddie, maybe you deserved it.
Maybe Gareth was right, maybe you were not right for Eddie, maybe he deserved to be with someone who liked his stupid D&D game, someone who didn’t conform, someone who wasn’t a coward, maybe someone who wasn’t a—
“You okay?” Chrissy’s concerning voice caused your train of thought to disappear, at least pushing it back into your subconscious until you were ready to face your problems again.
“Mhmm,” You were quick to flash her with a smile, it wasn’t genuine and she probably knew it wasn’t genuine but, she stood silent as she didn’t want to put you on blast in front of everyone, giving you a tight-lipped smile and a reassuring squeeze in your arm, and you invited it in, cold demeanor changing within seconds.
And Eddie could sense it now, sitting across you, leaning in his chair like a storm isn’t brewing in his head, eyeing you carefully.
You slowly readjusted yourself, eyes quickly stealing a glance from Eddie’s table–but never at him.
And if he wasn’t watching he would’ve missed it, but he didn’t—hope inside of him blossoming like never before.
He was fidgeting to get out of his seat, run over to you, hands itching to hold you again, never to let go this time.
Your quick glance, instead of resulting in Eddie’s attention, brought Gareth’s unwarranted attention to you.
You felt uncomfortable in your seat now, you knew now your anxiety about him talking awfully about you to Eddie would be true now.
“She’s such a spoiled brat,” Gareth blurted out.
“Who are you talking about?” Jeff asked mindlessly, hands dipped into the fries he had been munching on.
“That stupid cheerleader,” Eddie’s head snapped at the mention of that, surely Gareth didn’t mean—Oh.
It was as if the rage building in within Eddie had snapped within seconds, thoughts in his head swirling, blaming Gareth for the fight.
“Watch it,” Eddie’s voice spoke before he turned his attention to Gareth, the table immediately quitening down.
“Excuse me?” Gareth questioned, taken aback, before Eddie cocked his head in his direction.
“Don’t fuckin’ talk about her,” His teeth were gritted, and your ears perked up at the rise in Eddie’s voice.
“The fuck are you on about?” Gareth replied back, the tension in the table was rising and Dustin was fidgeting im his seat by now.
“I’m telling you to keep your mouth shut when it comes to her, is that clear?” Eddie bounced from his seat, so quickly that he didn’t realize the entire cafeteria staring at him, including you.
Gareth gave him a confused chuckle, “I’m sorry?”
“Are you defending a cheerleader now or what? Have you forgotten how awful they have been to us?” He raised a brow.
“She didn’t do anything,” Eddie defended you like his life depended on it, he couldn’t believe how stupid he was being, for caring about Gareth’s half-witted input on you, like he ever actually had a conversation with you other than throwing insults to your way under his breath.
“So leave her alone,” It was more like a threat than anything else, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the scene, Eddie not noticing your gaze, blinded by the rage.
Eddie was barely hanging by a thread, the way he leaned over the table eyes bulging out as he stood over Gareth, everyone could sense it.
A loud whoo’s from the jock’s table caused you to huff, before you knew it, Jason Carver was involved.
“Trouble in paradise?” He shouted, followed by the obnoxious laughter of his followers, they called Eddie the leader of a satanic cult but by the looks of it, Jason and his stupid little jocks fit the description more.
“Oh, shut it, Carver,” Your mouth opened before your mind could process it, heads turned toward you and you were afraid to look back up now.
The laughter from Jason’s table had died down, and you could feel plenty of eyes on you, but what mattered the most, you could feel Eddie’s burning gaze on you, the storm in his mind calming down with your tone.
Before you knew it everyone went into something else, Chrissy was quick to start a conversation and you could see from the corner of your eye that Dustin had probably took on the same job, spewing nonsense until the tension deviated.
Eddie had slumped into his seat now, thighs spread wide open while his leg fidgeted, his anger had dissipated—eyes trained on you again, it was so obvious now, even Chrissy was nudging you.
The conversation at the table was no longer interesting, he didn’t even attempt to care if Gareth was okay, you stood up to him in front of the entire school, so mindlessly that Eddie felt like a coward.
Guilt ran through his veins quicker than it intended to, Eddie knew he has been acting like an idiot, but you had opened his eyes further.
He knew he had to talk to you.
And once he saw you leaving the cafeteria alone, he knew it was now or never.
He barely waited right after you left, ignoring the voices from the table calling out for him as he waved them off, mumbling incoherently about how he had to take care of something.
You stopped when you heard his weighted footsteps, jogging after you as he called your name.
You were afraid to turn around, afraid to ask him what had happened that made him lash out at Gareth like that.
“I’m sorry,” were the first words that slipped past his almost trembling lips, his honey-brown eyes mellow.
“I said some really stupid things I shouldn’t have said,” were the words that followed, you could tell he meant it, ragged breath escaping with each word, he was nervous.
Your heart tightened in your chest, unable to open your mouth, you stared at him like a deer caught in headlights.
“I—I don’t need you to say anything,” He breathed again, and it’s not like you could get any words out now, they all died down in your throat.
“I just need you to trust me,” He murmured, calloused hands coming in contact with your shoulders as he held you steady, your legs feeling like jelly when he looked at you like that.
“W—with what?” You didn’t mean to stutter, but you couldn’t help it when he was standing this close to you, it didn’t matter if you had been dating for the last four months, you could tell something in him had changed, with the way he held you in public, your mind getting excited about the possibilities.
“I’m gonna fix this,” He pointed between the two of you, almost mimicking you from before.
“I’ll pick you up at 7, does that sound okay?” He gave you a warm smile, teeth flashing and dimples forming on the right side of his cheek, making you giggle immediately.
“O–okay,” You didn’t mean to sound so excited–almost desperate, but you could feel your insides twist with hope with each of his words, breaking down the guards you spent building up all these years.
He gave you a sloppy kiss on your cheek, his smile never wearing off, “See you after school, yea?” You nodded quickly, heat rising up on your cheeks.
By the time Eddie picked you up by your house, your chest tightened, the whole ride was more silent than usual, the stereo Eddie usually blasted now stayed as a background noise as you fidgeted in your seat.
“Are you ever gonna tell me where we are going? Or at least what we’re gonna do?” You asked curiously, head cocking to his side.
“So impatient,” He mocked, hands drumming on the steering wheel before he flashed you a smile.
“We’re almost there,” He announced, and the roads were becoming all too familiar to you now.
“Are we going to the trailer?” You asked excitedly, and Eddie threw you a look.
“You do know what surprises mean, don’t you?” He raised his brows and flashed a teasing smile, his eyes dancing with amusement.
You huffed playfully, crossing your arms against your chest.
“You do realize how cute you look when you get all mad like that?”
"Oh, stop it," you stammered, covering your face slightly with your hands, attempting to hide your embarrassment and the smile that threatened to betray you.
Eddie flashed a toothy-grin, dimples ever so present, you couldn't tear your eyes away from him, even if you wanted to.
Gaze lingered on his features longingly, as if trying to capture every detail in your memory. “Thank you for today,” He murmured, almost embarrassed, looking out on the road as his hands got clammy on the steering wheel.
You know exactly what he was thanking you for, but you still threw him a puzzled look.
“For standing up to Carver like that,” He adds, clearing his throat,
“I doubt you realize it Eddie but—”
“I think I’d pretty much do anything for you,” The words blurted out before you could process them, brain jumbled from everything that happened today.
A soft smile curved his lips as he watched you, eyes tracing every contour of your face with awe.
The rest of the ride was silent, as you kept your promise to not spoil the surprise, mind filled with various ideas as Eddie finally pulled up to his trailer.
"So... will you tell me the surprise now?" You asked, smile etching on your face as Eddie gave you a breathy laugh.
"Such an impatient baby, huh?" He mocked, nudging your shoulder playfully, his eyes sparkling with mirth.
As you caught up to him, he couldn't help but reach out to brush your hand with his fingertips, a subtle gesture of affection.
When he finally intertwined them, your heart raced, possibilities of whatever the surprise was overwhelming you as your palms grew sweaty with anxiety when you faced the daunting door to Eddie's trailer.
Eddie's fingers gripped the doorknob tightly, with a twist of the key in his hands, the lock mechanism turned, and he pushed the door open, revealing loud chattering coming from the room.
You got startled when Eddie fully opened the door, almost squealing when you saw all of the Hellfire Club squeezed into the living room, your eyes widening at Eddie's surprise.
It was silent before Gareth spoke up, “What kind of a sick joke is this supposed to be?” He chuckled bitterly, Eddie felt hot-blooded again.
“Is this why you defended her during lunch?” He chuckled, and your eyes widened at the revelation—so, that's why Eddie lashed out at lunch.
"Unfuckinbelievable," Gareth scoffed.
Eddie's jaw tightened, the muscles flexing with the strain of suppressing the overwhelming urge to lash out. “What the hell are you doing? Please tell me this is a new joke of yours called ‘I’m fucking the spoiled brat cheerleader to spite the jocks’.” Gareth spoke up, and turned around to Jeff and others for approval, but the rest of the guys just stood silent, he had crossed the line and everyone could sense it.
Your face soured at his comment, and you could feel Eddie’s grip on your hand tightened, he was getting fired up. “Goodbye, Gareth.” Eddie spoke calmly, much to your and everyone else’s surprise. Every movement he made was rigid, calculated, as if trying to contain the tempest of rage threatening to consume him.
Gareth turned to Eddie baffled, “What?” He scoffed, and Eddie gave a breathy chuckle before straightening up to collect himself. “Get out of my house.” Eddie spat with rage inside of him.
“You have a problem with, her, you leave.” You looked up at him softly as you gently squeezed his hand to let him know that it was okay, he didn’t need to make a scene, and he softened with your touch.
“Actually, if you have a problem with Y/N, you’re pretty much dead to me so just like…” He mocked a thinking face, “Evaporate or something, I don’t know.” A sarcastic smirk was plastered onto his lips now.
Everyone stood silent, causing Eddie to huff.
“That’s kind of a general invitation, if you don’t like my girlfriend then… just start heading toward the rectangle with the knob.” A wide smile spread across your face at him calling you 'his girlfriend', you leaned towards him almost, eager to soak in every word.
“Fuck you, Eddie,” Gareth spat out, Eddie rolled his tongue inside of his cheek at the comment, it looked like Gareth wasn't just going to go away silently, and Eddie wasn't sure if he could hold off the storm brewing inside of him if Gareth dared to talk about you again.
“Selling off your friends for a cheer slut—”
The sound that resonated in your ears before Gareth laid on the ground beneath you, it happened all so fast, Eddie's veins pulsating with the surging rage before his fists collided with Gareth's cheek.
Your mouth hung open, words trapped in your throat as your voice failed you in the face of disbelief.
Eddie cowered over him, the rest of the guys standing in shock as they tried to hold him back, they didn't need to, Eddie was done with Gareth.
“I told you to not fuckin' speak about her, was that not clear?” He spat out his words with seething anger. Gareth looked back at him with a groan.
“Then let this be a lesson for you.” He sneered.
It was all blurry, Gareth still groaning and mumbling under his breath as he left without a goodbye, the rest of the guys apologizing as they took care of Gareth, congratulating the two of you before he left to probably get that poor boy some ice.
“Well... I'd say that went pretty well?” A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes, and you giggled at Eddie's inability to defuse the tension in the room.
“'M so sorry...” You straightened your posture, lifting your head to meet Eddie's soft gaze.
“Are you kidding?” He asked, eyes glinting with admiration.
“I don't care about him,” He scoffed.
“He doesn't fucking get to talk about you like that, and he doesn't deserve to be in my life,” His firm stance and unwavering eye contact were signaling you that he meant every word he was saying, he got sick of Gareth's shit, that's why this had happened, not because of you.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, honey,” He muttered, pressing soft kisses into your hair, he was trying to relieve you of your guilt, telling you that this was all on Gareth.
He leaned slightly forward, subtly closing the distance between you and him. “Now see,” He muttered, “Why can't it just be like this?” He couldn't help but reach out to gently brush a strand of hair away from your face, his touch tender as his fingers ached to touch you.
“Why do other people in the world have to exist, huh?” Every time he spoke to you, his voice took on a softer, almost more mellow tone, as if he was savoring the words to speak to you on his lips.
Your head tilted slightly with a giggle, eager to absorb every word he uttered. Each touch, each gaze you shared, sent an unwavering contentment through his entire being, more than you realized.
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crimsonred-hi · 8 months
What do you mean grey?!
Pairing: dad!Andrew Hozier-Byrne x wife!Reader
Warning: aging
Summary: Andrew with his beautiful hair and beard, he’s very proud of them both: of the length, the colour, the health of it. And one day, one very long day, where he’s spent his whole day being stern dad to his daughter, and at the end he gets in bed with his wife and the mother of his child just for her to notice something in his hair.
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He falls into be at the end of the day, feeling like his joints are about to separate. He can’t even turn his head to look at his wife.
“Andy?… what’s the matter, handsome?”
He hums, not really wanting to speak. Their daughter, Mavis Raine Hozier-Byrne, is a little shit, well not really, she’s got ADHD like her mother [I have ADHD, I’m projecting a bit] so she’s a little bit bouncy… hyperactive. She’s hyperactive. And Andrew took her to see his parents house, and the little lass didn’t really register to be careful with her grandpa. There was a lot of stress on Andrew and his mother’s part, but Andrew’s dad didn’t really give a shit because he was too busy enjoying his time with Mavis.
He sighs, thinking back on the day, finally turning his head to his wife’s side of the bed. She runs a hand though his hair, scratching his scalp, making him sigh.
“Was she being difficult?”
He nods, fluttering his eyes to look at her, his eyelashes are really long and very ginger, and with the current sun in Ireland his cheeks are covered in freckles and all his hair has lightened to a red auburn colour.
What was that? He looks up at her confused, why did she go ‘oh’?
“What’s the matter, honey…?”
She looks back at him, not knowing what to say to him, glancing back and forth between his eyes and his hair.
“Just…… a few strands of grey…”
He shoots up, all that tiredness from seconds ago is gone, as he shoots up to go to your bathroom to look at his hair.
Fucking grey hair. In his mane and beard.
“I’m going fuckin grey! I’m not old enough to go grey! Why am I going grey!”
She laughs at him, giggling, moving up to cuddle into his side. She slots herself in his side, her hand on his stomach and her head on his shoulder.
“Honey. I’m going fuckin grey.”
She looks up at him smiling,
“Nothing wrong with it… plus, because your a red head, your hair is gonna go white and not grey.”
“Mammy?… da?… why are ya yelling?…”
A small girl with curly, auburn hair, walking into her parents ensuite bathroom after being awoken by her dad’s yelling.
His wife hits his chest, then giggling (trying to wind him up more),
“Look at that, you’ve got a grey in your chest hair.”
She laughs, before moving to their daughter, picking her up and kissing her cheek.
“Mavis, do ya want ta see ya da’s grey hairs?”
The girl wipes her eyes, and giggles,
“Da has grey hairs? Why does he have grey hairs? Is da really old?”
“No! I am not old, Mavis!”
His wife laughs at him, carrying their daughter towards him. Y/n moves her hands through his chest hair, making a free grey hairs more noticeable.
“Look at that, Mavis, da’s getting grey hairs… look at his beard.”
Mavis moves her small hands to her dad’s cheeks, looking at the small greys on the sides of his cheeks.
“DA’s going grey!”
Andrew sighs, looking at his wife and daughter, giggling hysterically at him. He pouts,
“I am going to bed.”
His girls giggle.
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444 notes · View notes
compos mentis 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, chronic health issues, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After a long court case, your mother stays attached to her lawyer, bringing even more contention into your life.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note:Double does of Andricus.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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“My lawyer will hear about this!” Your mother snarls and you shy away. 
She always has to make a scene. You don’t even understand why she’s doing this. All they did was forget to put a fork in the bag. The poor employee behind the counter looks ready to snap as they wipe their sweaty hands on their apron. 
“My daughter is sick and you can’t remember a fork! It’s so much for her to come back in here!” She snarls. 
“Mom, I could wait in the car--” 
“Be quiet. Oh yes, I want corporate’s number, right now. I will be certain my attorney gives them a call about you...” she squints at the girl’s name tag, “Tina!” 
“Mom, please,” you pout. 
“Oh honey,” she turns and pets your head dramatically, then look at the worker as she cradles your face and adjusts the tube under your nose, “look at her. Look what you’re doing to her.” 
You hold back the flood of tears. You hate when she does this. You just want to be invisible but she always has to make you front and centre. She always has to tell everyone how sick and helpless you are. 
“Mom,” you moan. 
“Ugh, whatever,” she tears away and snaps her fingers, “give me the fork. And I expect a complimentary salad as well.” 
“Ma’am, we can’t do that,” Tina says dully. 
“What do you mean you can’t do that?” 
“Here,” Tina reaches under the counter and pulls out a card, “that’s the number for head office. I’ll grab you a fork.” 
She turns and takes out one of the bamboo forks. Your mother snarls and squeezes the card until it folds. She snatches the fork and throws it back at the worker. 
“Are you kidding? She can’t eat with this! She’ll get splinters.” 
“I want to go, mom,” you whine. 
She shrugs off your touch on her arm, “Mr. Barber, DA, will hear about this!” 
She stomps and spins. You turn slowly to follow as she’s already halfway to the door. You're already forgotten. You roll your tank with you as you curl your shoulders and awkwardly angle it through the door. 
Your mom’s a bluffer. Andy isn’t the DA. Not yet. He’s only the assistant. And he isn’t her lawyer. Not anymore. Once she won the lawsuit against the hospital, he traded in that title for boyfriend. And now she has a ring on her finger which means he’s soon be stepdad. You don’t think you can ever call him that.  
You avoid him as much as you can. Not because you dislike him, because you don’t know him. Aside from him coaching you to take the stand, you didn’t know much about him. You don’t have the energy to know more. Besides, he isn’t there for you. You’re just the unfortunate burden left for your mother to care for. 
You get to the car, heart racing, and shake as you struggle to get the door open. Your mother has the engine rumbling already and you can barely move around as you’re too dizzy to set your feet. You fall into the seat and strain to drag the oxygen tank between your legs. You really should have more space. 
You wiggle your chafed nose. Your mouth and nostrils are always painfully dry. You get your belt on and reach into the belt bag you keep on you at all times. You santize your hands from the mini bottle then take out the vaseline to apply to your dry skin. 
You lurch back as your mother veers out of the lot. You jostle with the movement and struggle to put the cap back on the tin. You tuck it away at last as her bluetooth dials out. 
“Andrew,” your mother greets the Assistant DA before he can speak. He sighs. You’ve heard him tell her over and over not to call him that. “You won’t believe what just happened. The way they gawk at us when we’re just trying to live like normal people!” 
She squawks on in one of her rants and you can only sit there and listen along with the man at the other end of the call. In the background, you make out the shuffle of paper and typing of keys. You shift as your mother cranks the real and you hear something rustle. You look back and groan. 
“Mom, the food spilled,” you utter. 
“Andrew!” She ignores you as she grips the steering wheel tighter, “are you even listening?” 
“Yeah, I heard. The food spilled. Why don’t you come by the office? I’m just finishing up. I’ll just take you ladies out.” He offers. 
You really don’t want that. You don’t like to go out. You only went to the wrap shop because your mom insisted after your last appointment. You’re always exhausted after all the tests. 
“Oh, gosh, that would be lovely,” she trills, “how about it, honey?” She doesn’t wait for your answer. “I’ll head over there right now. I hope you don’t mind, I won’t have time to change. We had a long day with the doctor.” 
“That’s fine. I just need to send these notes over and I’ll be all done,” he explains. “How about you, sweetheart? Feeling up to some linguine?” 
You don’t realise he’s talking to you until he says your name clearly. You gulp, “yes, sir.” 
“Oh, silly,” your mom reaches over to swat you, “she still calls you that.” 
He chuckles from the other end, “big changes. We’re all adjusting. Anyway, see you shortly. I got someone at my door.” 
“Bye, sweetie,” she sings and the line dies. 
She huffs and rolls her eyes. Her smile falls away. “I bet it’s that damned legal aid. Have you seen the way she dresses? Oh, how she flutters her eyes at my fiance?” 
You just grumble and nod. As usual, she isn’t looking for two-sided conversation. She tells, she doesn’t talk. 
“This will be nice. A family dinner. All of us. Honey, you really do need to loosen up with him. The wedding will be here before we know it.” 
You shrug, “I know. I’m not... I’m trying.” 
“I know, I know. The case was so much and then to think, it brought us all together. But this is the best we can hope for. The settlement is great but taking care of you, it’s so much. It’ll be nice to have help,” she chatters on. 
You zone out her usual gripes. She has a way of complaining about you without really saying it outright. You know you’ve made her life harder. Always sick, always helpless. You asked her to hire you a nurse with the settlement but she convinced you to put the money in a trust. It will be worth much more in ten years, honey... 
She pulls around the building with its staunch white pillars. The sight of them casts a wave of deja vu over you. You thought once all was said and done in court, you’d never have to come there again. It’s humiliating enough to be gawked at in public but to be put in front of an audience like that... 
You’re just sensitive. That’s what your mom says. She’s right. You wouldn’t know. You’ve never had to be on your own. She’s always been the one doing everything. 
She parks and gets out and you carefully lift your tank out of the car, not wanting to touch the cold shell. You stand and lean on it, rolling it ahead of you. You follow her inside as she hardly misses a beat. You can hardly keep up. 
She steps onto the elevator and tuts at you to hurry up. You get on and she hits the buttons impatiently. You get off on a floor, letting her lead you as you keep your head down. Her clicking heels keep you in line. 
“Danica,” Andy greets your mom by name, “just in time.” 
“Mm, there you are,” her response is curt.  
You look up at Andy as he leans on the desk of his aide. She’s a pretty blond woman named Gwen with shiny nails. She smiles as he stands on his own weight. 
“How are you?” Andy offers a one-armed hug. 
“Good,” she wraps him up and plants a kiss on his cheek as he dodges her lips. “How are you, sweetie?” 
“Tired, long day,” he replies stiffly. He looks at you, “hey, you look beat.” 
“A little,” you mutter. 
“You sure you’re up to it? We can just order in,” he offers. 
“I’m okay,” you say as your mother looks at you sharply. Better to just do what she wants. 
“I don’t mind,” he insists. 
“Oh, but sweetie, you said we’d go out. Don’t you want to have a nice dinner with your fiancee?” She smirks at Gwen. 
You want to turn into dust. This is torturous. You’re light-headed and uncomfortable. Andy keeps his arm around your mom, “see ya, Gwen. You get going. I don’t want people thinking I’m a tryant.” 
He struts towards you and puts his hand on your arm to turn you around. You walk beside him and his touch falls to your lower back. You want to pull away but you can’t. The wheels on your tank squeak with each step. 
You’re happy to detach from Andy as the elevator doors open. You wait and your mom steps on first by Andy doesn’t. He waves you in ahead of him and grunts. He doesn’t rsay anything to your mom but you can sense tension. 
“How about I drive? You can come with me in the morning and get your car,” Andy suggests, “save some mileage.” 
“Oh, that would be so nice. I’d love some chardonnay with dinner,” she bubbles. 
He steps between you and taps the button. His sleeve brushes you as you hunch lower. Your head is really bugging you. You just want to sleep. Or maybe you’re just hungry. 
“Looks like it hurt,” Andy points to your bandaged hand. You peek at it and shake your head. 
“IV. Just bruised,” you answer. 
“Ah, no fun,” he remarks. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about the hospital bills, huh? Got you all tucked away.” 
“It’s so wonderful,” your mom latches onto his arm. “You take such good care of us, baby.” 
“Mm, doing my best. Can’t be easy with a sick kid.” 
“No, no, not easy. But oh, you helped so much. I mean, how dare that hospital just dismiss us like that. They could’ve killed her. Malpractice if I ever saw it, and you would know, being a lawyer and all,” she says tritely. 
You stay silent. You don’t like talking about it. It’s over, so why do you have to keep reliving it? She seemed to bask in the attention it got her while you hated every minute of it. 
As you stare at the bottom of the doors, you feel a tickle on your hand. You wince but don’t pull away. You think, at first, it’s a stray hair. You glance over and find Andy rubbing his finger against your hand. You grip the handle of your tank tighter and swallow. What is he doing? 
He stands with his head straight, his shoulders high, as if he’s doing nothing at all. Maybe he doesn’t realise. You don’t move. You’re frozen in indecision. You don’t want to pull away in case you embarrass him. 
Surely, it’s unintentional. You’re just some sick woman still living with her mother. You’re frail and helpless and you can’t even breathe on your own. 
No, it’s just a mistake. A mix-up. He’s probably lost in thought, the way he gets. When he sits and stares at you but sees nothing at all. 
The elevator opens and he rescinds his touch. He waves you through first, and you shuffle ahead of him. Your mom follows and he brings up the rear. You need to sit down soon. 
You go outside into the cool evening air and make your way to his car. Your mother stomps ahead in her heels but he stays at a pace with you. You can never keep up. As you reach his SUV, you hesitate. You forget how much bigger his car is. So high up. 
“Can I help?” He offers as he follows you to the back door. He opens it for you as you spin your tank around. 
“I’m... okay,” you lift the tank first and he quickly scoops his hand under the wheels to help. You grab onto the door to haul yourself up. His hand brushes your hip as you do and you swing into the seat. “Thanks.” 
“Not at all, sweetheart,” he lays his hand on your knee and gives a quick squeeze. “You sure you don’t need anything?” 
You shake your head and close your eyes. You’re completely worn out. You need to save what little you have left for dinner. 
“Alright,” he lets go and shuts the door.  
He gets in the front as your mother hums, “let’s go. I’m starving.” 
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worksby-d · 1 year
Your Age is Showing
Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Summary: Your Halloween costume makes Andy's old man brain short circuit, but he’ll get over it.
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Warnings: Age gap
Word count: ~400
Ghost kitty divider by @youngadulhood 🤭
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Making your way downstairs, you grab your sweatshirt off the railing, the one that Andy always jokingly threatens to throw away if you don’t start hanging it up. 
Laughing to yourself, you take the last few steps toward where he’s sitting at the kitchen island, working as always. 
“You’re sure you don’t wanna come with?” You ask, draping your arms over his shoulders to lean down and kiss his cheek. 
You know what his answer will be, but you like teasing him. A Halloween party definitely isn’t his scene, and you’re completely fine with that. When you brought it up to him a month ago, he told you he wanted you to go and have enough fun for the both of you. 
“I’m sure,” he chuckles. He brings a hand up to rest over yours on his chest. “Too late to get a costume now anyway. Which, speaking of…”
He hasn’t seen your costume yet.
Turning around in his barstool, his eyes widen instantly seeing how skimpy your outfit is. He doesn’t know what he expected, but it certainly wasn’t the short denim shorts and tied-up plaid top that’s barely keeping your boobs in place. 
“Cowgirl,” you wink, tipping your cowboy hat at him.
“That’s your costume?” His eyes wander to your exposed midriff. “Where’s the rest of it?”
You can’t help but laugh, putting your fingers underneath his jaw to force his mouth closed. 
“Your age is showing, babe.”
“There’s a lot more than my age showing right now,” he scoffs and you playfully hit him.
You pout, pretending to care about the stunned look on his face. “You really don’t like it?”
“Won’t you be cold?” 
The smirk that he’s trying to suppress tells you that he’s fucking with you now and you shoot him a glare. 
His gaze softens, and he reaches out to pull you closer, resting his hands on your ass as you lean down to kiss him. 
“Easy, partner,” you giggle, pulling away from him when you feel him deepening the kiss, warning him with a fake southern accent.
“I’m teasing,” he says softly, dropping his hands from your backside to hold yours. “I’d rather nobody else look at you the way I am right now, but…” He shrugs. “I know who you’re coming home to later, so that’s all that matters.”
“You’re sure?” 
“Of course.”
“Good,” you smile. “I didn’t want to take it off. That’s your job when I get back in a couple hours.” You bat your eyelashes at him and quickly escape his hold before he can trap you in place. “Bye, baby!”
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Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby
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mabelstone · 4 months
La Petite Mort
hozier x f!reader
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part four of lullabies <3 | part three | masterlist
cw: sex sex sex love making ❤️ no other warnings really, it's pretty gushy
word count: 2.6k
taglist: @princezty @somethinglikero @jimihendrixpopfigure @the-imperfectgirl-blog @l1nd3n xo
Hours later, the buzz of the alcohol had completely fled my system, leaving me with a residual fatigue and a love struck smile. It felt wrong, but simultaneously, nothing had ever felt so right or natural. Like the sense of deja vu that confirms you are exactly where you're supposed to be.
"Hey," he gently shook my arm from where I was sitting in a booth, almost unable to keep my eyes open. "You 'right?"
"Mhm," I grinned, fighting back a yawn. "And how are you, hotshot?"
"Overwhelmed," he huffed, extending his hand to me. He never enjoyed crowds despite their tendency to form around him everywhere he went. "Let's go home."
I let him lead me out, warmth flooding my cheeks at the simple gesture. The bite of the cold was sharper than earlier, my teeth instantly chattering. He, of course noticed immediately, shucking himself of his jacket, draping it over my shoulders.
"Andy," I shook my head trying to fight him off, but it was no use. "Now you're gonna get cold."
"I have at least three layers on at all times, the cold fears me," he joked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
"Thank you," I pouted at him, overwhelmed at such a small gesture. But it wasn't small to me. Everything Andy did was grand in my eyes. "So chivalrous."
"Well, you know me," he shrugged, stifling a grin of his own.
I started humming the chorus of tonights' song as we walked, unable to remember any of the words other than imagine being loved by me, and the beautiful melody that was sure to hang around for days.
"Don't do that," he laughed with embarrassment, slinging his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close.
"Why not? It's a beautiful song, after all," I shrugged, unable to hide my smile that stretched from ear to ear. "And wasn't I the inspiration?" I teased, and it was now his turn to glow red.
"Mhm," he grinned, eyes focused on the road ahead of us. We were nearly back at the car, and the adrenaline was beginning to flood my bloodstream. "That's why you liked it, 'uh?."
"So good," I agreed, walking a bit closer to him that now our arms bumped occasionally. "Did you mean what you said? In the song?"
"'Course I did," he chuckled, unlocking the car and opening my door for me. He even helped me buckle my seatbelt. "Don't worry, it's just a song."
He climbed into his side now, the faintest pink tint to his cheeks, but otherwise, unbothered. I, on the other hand, was trying to get my stupid heart to slow back to normal.
I was fighting the urge to climb over into his lap and beg him to do all the things he'd been imagining. Instead we drove in what would appear to be comfortable silence from an outsiders' perspective. Obviously I didn't know what he was thinking, but I can promise you there was no trace of innocence in my thoughts. The air in the car was thick with desire, leaving me on the verge of choking on the tension.
We exchanged few words on the drive back to his, stealing bashful glances here and there. When the car stilled to a park, I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer.
"Andrew?" My heart continued to pound in my ears, his brows raising slightly in encouragement. "I want you," I confessed.
He turned to face me and I could see his quickening pulse through the thin skin of his neck. He swallowed thickly, pupils blown so wide I could scarcely see any green.
His gaze flitted between my lips and my eyes, and I'm sure I too was all pupil at this point. I couldn't help myself, leaning over the centre console to feel his lips on mine. My eyes fluttered shut, as did his, and I swear something inside of me had come alive for the first time in my life.
He was better than I had ever imagined.
Lips warm and soft, adding the perfect amount of pressure that made me crave more and more. His hand slipped up the back of my head, cradling its entirety in his palm.
He pulled back slowly, his hand still at the base of my skull. His lips were plump and looked absolutely delicious, my heart aching at the loss of contact.
"I want you, you know that," his voice was lower than before, our faces still close enough that I could feel the tickle of his breath ghosting my lips. "But you just got out of such a long relationship."
"You've treated me better these past few weeks than he did in six years," I reached my hand up to cup his face. His skin was warm and soft, the scratch of his stubble in my palm pulling me back down to Earth, reminding me that this wasn't just another daydream of mine. "Please, kiss me."
And he did, pulling me in as close as the confinement of his car would allow. It felt like coming up for air after holding your breath under water, like the relief you get when a siren finally stops blaring. His scent, his warmth, his gentle breaths exhaled through his nose, mingling with mine as we moved in synchronicity, as if we'd rehearsed this a million times. I'm starting to suspect he must have been having similar dreams of me.
I pulled away this time, giving him my best doe eyes through hooded lids as I suggested, "shall we go inside?"
Without a second thought, Andy was out of the car, opening my door for me. Within moments, our lips were connected again, my arms draped around his neck, his hands quick to grab my waist. He lead me into his house, our mouths moving fast, passion coursing through our veins like electricity. I squealed in surprise when he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist as he carried me up the stairs. We were a mess of giggles and laboured breathing, bumping into walls, and desperately grabbing at one another.
Despite the desperation in our actions, he softly laid me onto his bed, crawling in between my thighs before kissing me again. I ran my hands up the sides of his torso, feeling him shudder slightly under my touch.
I could feel his hard on digging into my thigh, and suddenly my clothes were the biggest inconvenience known to man. "Show me, Andy," I breathed in between kisses, his lips now on my neck, my knickers well on their way to being drenched. "All the things you've been wanting to do to me."
He let out a deep, guttural sound somewhere between a strangled moan and a whine. He reluctantly pulled himself from me, slipping his shoes off in two fluid movements. He knelt before me, my entire ankle easily in the grip of his hand. He unbuckled my heels, slipping them off with a kiss to each of my calves. He slowly ran his hands up my legs, planting a trail of kisses upon each inch of skin he touched, the heat in my core beginning to boil.
He looked up through his head of curls, eyes dark and hungry. "You sure you want this, darlin'?"
I nodded desperately, hands instantly finding their way into his hair to bring his lips to mine again. His tongue prodded at my bottom lip and I let him in my mouth without hesitation, allowing him to explore. This only caused my desire for his tongue elsewhere to grow insurmountably.
All of my senses came to life when I felt his hand moving toward my inner thigh, opening my legs wide for him to grant him full access. His fingers made their way to my core, a soft groan fleeting from his lips. "Fuck," he breathed against my lips, slipping a ridiculously long finger inside of me with ease. I moaned into his mouth, one of my hands reaching down to grab his wrist, encouraging him to insert another. He did, curling his fingers with such precision that if I my brain weren't staticky from the feeling, I'd question how many lovers he'd had. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of me, kissing my neck as he did so, eyes glued to my face as if he were memorising every expression he pulled from me.
"Need to feel you," I choked out breathlessly, desperately cupping his face. "Please."
He smiled wickedly, kissing my lips once more before pulling his fingers out, dipping them straight into his mouth. My jaw nearly detached from my face at the gesture, my stomach flipping harder than ever. I watched in awe as he pulled his shirt off, his pants soon to follow, absolutely shocked that the shy, awkward, nerdy Andrew I thought I knew did not exist within these walls. I could see the outline of his cock through his boxers, swallowing hard. How on Earth was that going to fit? I sat up to rid myself of my dress, allowing it to pool around my ankles as he watched on, cock twitching beneath the thin cotton.
I made my way to him, helping him remove the last bit of clothing keeping us apart, eyes nearly bulging out of my head when I saw him. All of him. He may be the most beautiful man I have ever seen.
His hands quickly found my face, reeling me in with those lips once more before laying me on the bed again. His eyes searched mine again for any doubt, not finding any, but something else. "You okay?"
"Yes, just preparing," I laughed, only half joking.
"You're okay, you can take it," he kissed my cheek softly, lining himself up with my entrance. I gasped at the sharp sting of the stretch, holding my breath briefly. He halted all movement, no doubt used to this happening. "Tell me when, baby."
I rested my hands on his shoulders, taking a deep breath before nodding. He slowly slipped the rest of his length in, our beautiful harmonisation of moans filling the air.
It was only painful for a moment before I was practically begging for more. He was as long and thick as you’d expect, but God, nothing could have prepared me. He began to form a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of me while I whined under his touch.
To feel his body weight on mine, his warmth, his scent, his love - I had ascended from my human form. I caved, begging him for more, begging him to fuck me how he wanted to.
He captured my lips with his mid way through a thrust, his cock slamming into that spot that made my brain fuzzy. I dug my nails into his shoulders, gasping into his mouth, “just like that.”
He obliged, one of his hands steadying himself with the headboard, the other cupping the back of my head. I wondered why, until he really found his rhythm.
With each delicious thrust, he would effectively hit my g-spot, making me weak as jelly under him, barely able to form words. My head was hitting his hand with the sheer force of each thrust, and I’m sure the thought of him protecting my skull would make me swoon if I weren’t on the brink of tears, producing noises I didn’t know I was capable of.
“Andy, Andy,” I chanted his name breathlessly, unable to even open my eyes as pleasure cradled my entire being. I’d never heard my voice this desperate ever, to the point that I had no autonomy over my words and vocality, like my soul was speaking without getting confirmation from my brain first. “You- feel- so- good,” I was near crying between each thrust, my mouth completely dry from all the panting.
“You feel good too, darlin’,” he grinned, removing his hand from the bed head and dropping it down to my clit. “So fuckin’ good.”
My jaw went slack, no coherent words falling from my mouth, just rhapsodies of praise in the form of whimpers and laboured breaths.
"Want you to cum for me," he breathed, his thrusts growing sloppy ever so slightly.
"Keep going," I barely got the words out, the coil in my stomach tightening as he dragged me closer to the edge with every word, every thrust, every skilled dance of his fingers over my clit. "Andy," I warned loudly, the high pitch of my tone sounding foreign to my ears, unsure if had even fallen from my tongue. "Oh, my God, I'm gonna-"
Within an instant, I unravelled beneath his touch, moaning a string of curses I couldn't even hear as the static in my mind grew overwhelming. I shook uncontrollably, every muscle of mine growing limp yet tensing and spasming at the same time. My back arched and my toes curled, crescent moon shapes from my fingernails marking his beautiful skin; a reminder to us both of how euphoric he had made me feel. My orgasm rippled through me like waves in a storm, pummelling me over and over as I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling into the back of my head, unable to open them, unable to close my mouth as a slurry of cries dripped from my soul. Unsure of what came over me, I begged, “please cum in me,” wanting nothing more than to feel every ounce of his loving.
When I finally came back down to Earth, the waves crashed into him, the most angelic sounds flooding the four walls we were confined to. Overstimulation wracked my bones, panting into his mouth as he rode out the rest of his high, a clash of tongue and teeth as he kissed me once more. He pumped into me a few more unsteady times, his arms shaking as they struggled to hold his weight any longer.
He pulled out of me slowly, the loss of contact leaving me with a hollow feeling, immediately clinging to him the second his head hit the pillow beside me.
“Andrew,” I breathed in disbelief, titling my head to see the tired smile on his face. “I don’t even have words.”
“Could say the same to you!” He sighed, content with his arm around me, our bodies gently slowing back to normal. “What an angel.”
You are the angel, is what I wanted to say. Instead, I basked in his warmth, his scent flooding my senses as my soul unwillingly reconnected with my body.
“Write a song about this, would ya?” I laughed against his skin, tracing shapes into his chest, feeling like I was the main character in a cheesy rom-com.
“Way ahead of ya, love,” he grinned back, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head. “Wanna have a shower? Or is that too much?”
I looked up at him with furrowed brows and pursed lips. “Andrew. There’s a chance you just knocked me up. No, showering together is not too much.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” he groaned, abruptly rolling out of bed, picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom. He laughed devilishly at the squeak he elicited from me, kissing my face while I smiled and giggled like a fool.
He towered over me, the beads of water dripping from his hair onto me. He looked beautiful, contented in serenity, similar to how I was feeling, I'm sure. He lathered my body in soapy suds, nothing remotely sexual in the gesture. I did the same for him, enveloped in the warmth of his skin, acclimated to the same temperature of the water. If this were my last moment on Earth, I would die happy. Andrew had a way of making me forget every bad moment of my life. Every poor decision, every tear cried for a man who only thought about himself. Surely, this was too soon to be labelled as love. But it sure felt like it.
"You are so beautiful."
i hope u liked it if u didn't tell me if u did leave requests of something you'd like to see in this next xo and i'm aware of all the run on sentences, i'm sorry if that makes it difficult to read. i will not shut up! even in text
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padfootagain · 5 months
Only An Almost (VII)
Chapter 7: Tender Bitterness
Hello!! Here is another chapter! So much angst in this fic, I’m sorry (no, I’m not).
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 1759
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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“Stop cheating!”
“I’m not cheating!”
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not!”
“You can’t use the same word twice.”
“Since when?”
“Since it’s in the rules.”
“You’re just a sore loser.”
“I’m not, you’re simply cheating!”
You gave him a toothy grin, the kind that made you absolutely adorable, that melted Andrew’s heart…
“It counts.”
“It doesn’t.”
You pouted, gave him your most adorable gaze…
God, you were so fucking annoying…
Andrew heaved a frustrated sigh, hiding his smile and reddening cheeks by grabbing the pen and paper set next to your game of scrabble and your cups of tea.
He counted in silence the points that belonged to you and wrote them down. When Andrew looked up again, you were grinning, clearly proud of yourself. You were so fucking annoying…
… he wanted to kiss that smirk off your face.
It was raining, you were both too lazy to go outside. You had eaten lunch with some friends, including Sam and Daphne who were being unbearably cute together, although the stress of the wedding was growing week after week. You were the one to offer Andrew to drop by to play some boardgame or just watch TV, or whatever. ‘Hang out’, that’s how you called it. You wanted to spend time with him. And Andrew hesitated at first, he thought you meant that you wanted to have sex. And it sounded crazy, knowing how he felt for you and how lovely you looked today and how he wanted to touch you right now… it sounded crazy to think that he didn’t want to have sex with you. And actually, he did want you. If you offered now, he would definitely say yes. But this conversation of yours during your hike was keeping him up at night. He didn’t know what to make of it.
You would never give him a proper chance, he knew that now. The only choice that remained was to enjoy having you by his side for as long as he could, or stop seeing you altogether. He wouldn’t be able to be your friend now. Not after losing all hope, not after learning what it felt like to be yours and for you to be almost his… he couldn’t do it.
So he tried to put more distance between the two of you this past week. It didn’t really work, for the friends part of your relationship. But the ‘benefits’ were down to zero. Andrew wasn’t sure whether he felt good or bad about it.
“Thanks, Andy!”
He mumbled some incoherent answer, playing off annoyance, when the words had simply remained stuck in his throat as you beamed up at him.
Yeah, he wasn’t doing too well…
You both grew quiet as Andrew was thinking, staring at the letters displayed before him. He was losing, by a lot, but then again, his head was everywhere but on the game at hand. It was fun though, you were fun.
He laughed at another stupid joke you said, and forgot the word he had thought of to play. You were laughing as well, and he bathed in the warmth of your smile, in your witty remarks, in how much fun he was having. For a moment, the weight of your relationship was lifted from his heart and shoulders. After all, you could have shared such a moment being friends, or even in a relationship. You could have laughed with him like this too, if you loved him…
“And that is how I will die of boredom… you’re no craic!” you complained, pouting dramatically to make him laugh.
And you easily succeeded, he giggled and it made him blush, the way his heart skipped a beat at how adorable you looked.
“If you stopped talking, maybe I’d be faster.”
“Are you blaming me for your lack of vocabulary?”
“Sorry, who writes lyrics here?”
“Sorry, Mr. Poet. I know your art demands patience and devotion.”
“Exactly, so please, be quiet from now on. I must summon the Muses.”
“If I shove the letters into your mouth, will that help, Virgil?”
“So violent…”
He was struggling not to laugh too loudly all the same.
“Feed the board. It demands your offering.”
“You’re fucking mad.”
“Says you!”
“Says me… here you go.”
He placed a word on the board, nothing too fancy, nothing that would allow him to win. You glanced over at the letters he had left and frowned.
“You could win more points if you moved your word and used the plural.”
“Really? I didn’t see it. Too late now.”
But you picked up the letter, moved his word around.
“Isn’t that cheating?” he chuckled.
“I’m just helping. You’re not focused today.”
Your voice was infinitely gentle as you spoke, there was worry tainting your tone. Andrew looked up at you with a questioning frown.
“I just… you look… you seem a little off these days, Andy,” you went on, clearly cautious in the words you chose. “Is everything okay?”
He struggled to swallow.
“’Course. I’m fine.”
“You know you can talk to me if something’s wrong, right?”
But Andrew shook his head, offering you a reassuring smile.
“I’m perfectly fine. There is no need for you to worry.”
The look you gave him pierced his heart. You looked at him like you… like you were hurting with him. How ironic, considering that you were the reason his body and soul were aching now…
“I’m worried about you. I hate seeing you sad.”
He let out a bitter scoff, he couldn’t help it.
“Like you care,” he spat with more venom in his tone than he meant to let out.
You looked at him with wide eyes, blinking in surprise.
“Of course, I care… why would you say that?”
He heaved a frustrated sigh.
“Never mind,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What’s wrong with you? We’ve been friends for years, you’re… you’re one of the most important people in my life… how could you say that? God, we… we’ve slept together. And you think I don’t care?”
His jaw clenched, he struggled to blink tears away. He took in a deep breath.
“I… I’m sorry. I’m just… I’m a little lost. In my life, I mean. In… in everything… I don’t know what to do.”
You silently invited him to keep going. The rain was louder outside, the sky so dark you could have turned on the lights.
“I… I don’t know… I have a decision to take, and I don’t know what to do.”
“You don’t want to tell me the specifics?”
“No… honestly, no, I don’t want to.”
“Okay. Well… what would make you happier? I reckon that’s all you need to ask yourself.”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m gonna be on the losing side no matter what.”
Slowly, you nodded, but your frown was enough to tell him that you had no clue what he was talking about. You pondered his words for a moment.
“Y/N… I don’t think you can help anyway. I just have to figure this out on my own. Don’t worry about me, okay? I’m fine. I’m simply worried about something, that’s all.”
Slowly, you nodded, although you seemed unconvinced.
“Can I do something to make you feel better?”
You opened your arms for him.
“A hug?”
He chuckled fondly at you. Even if he tried to be mad at you, he simply couldn’t. You were too sweet for that…
“Sure, come here.”
You yielded easily, standing up to hug him. Sitting in his chair you were a little taller than him, for once. He breathed deeply your scent as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He felt his bones melting under your touch as you stroked his hair, a palm splayed reassuringly across his spine, as if to support his frame. You kissed his forehead, and he almost cried with the tenderness of your gesture.
He held you tightly, more so than he should have, but you didn’t seem to mind, accepting the way he clung unto you.
“What if I ordered some pizza and we watched some disgustingly sweet movie together tonight?”
He hummed in approval.
“Sounds nice,” he answered in a sigh.
“If you’re nice to me, I’ll let you have some of my favourite whiskey.”
“When am I ever not nice to you?”
“When you try to prevent me from cheating at scrabble?”
“It’s called being a law-abiding citizen. You should try sometimes.”
“Huh, huh…. No thanks. I’d rather remain a rascal.”
He chuckled into your neck, sending vibrations through your skin, and he noticed the way it made you shiver.
God, if you held him like that, if you reacted this way to him… it ought to mean something… despite his job and the odds, perhaps one day you would…
He looked up at you when you gently pulled on his hair to guide him away from your neck. He thought you wanted to break free from the hug, and he almost protested, but then both of your hands were gently cradling his face, your thumbs brushing his bearded cheeks. Before he could realize what you were doing, you were pressing your lips to his, in the gentlest, most tender kiss he had ever been given. It was loving. He was shocked by the intimacy of it, how much care and love you were putting into the gesture. Andrew couldn’t remember ever being kissed so lovingly…
When you pulled away, he had to blink a few times to force his brain back into action.
And you looked down at him with so much fondness in your smile, as if you felt the same adoration that coursed through every fibre of his being every time he looked at you, every time he as much as thought of you.
And what if he could change your mind?
None of you said anything. Andrew buried his face into your neck again, held you tight, and you welcomed him in your embrace with a pressing of your lips to his hairline. Not a kiss, just a resting of your lips onto his skin. You inhaled deeply enough for him to hear it, to think that perhaps you were committing his scent to memory too, the same he did with yours. And all the while, there was nothing sexual in your gestures. Only comfort and kindness and maybe even love, Andrew was foolish enough to think of the word.
There was no way you could have held him like this, and not feel a thing… right?
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kryannoy · 2 months
Hii! Can we have another yandere Andrew graves x reader?
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genre: (i don't know what to call this)
character: yandere!andrew graves x reader
warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, andrew traumatizing/scaring the reader, obsessive, possessive
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He's cruel. So cruel.
But he loves you madly. Dearly.
And he wants you only for himself. No one can get you.
And the only way to make sure you understand that, is by breaking your heart and rebuilding it himself.
You and Andrew have been friends for quite some time now. In high school, he was the quiet kid with few friends and you were you, just living your life. He would never have noticed you if it weren't for when you made him realize that some kids were bullying him with running a few errands for them. It opened his eyes when you smacked him with a statement; "You know they're just using you to their advantage."
Call him dumb, yes, but he sincerely thought they were just asking for help. He didn't mind it and maybe that's because he's so used to running errands for his younger sister, despite being the older sibling.
Ever since that day, he stopped accepting those "helps" and you decided to approach him more often. You both talked so much and learned so much of each other that he fell in love with you without you realizing. Andrew has always been a chill and nonchalant guy so you often overlook his emotions, not including the times that he can be sassy. But his demeanor makes it easy to talk to and you enjoyed it.
When you started to hang out with Andrew, some of the kids took it as you were showing pity to him. Or you approached him with a trick up your sleeve. Be it all those rumours, Andrew didn't care. He knows you're not that kind of person from all your conversations, your behavior, your gestures. They were all genuine.
After you both graduated high school, he still wanted to keep in touch and you didn't mind. Both of you meet up at your free time and when college starts, he 'coincidentally' got into the same university as you. And how excited was he to see you and the thought of seeing you every single day.
But how awfully mad was he to find out you liked some guy at your part-time workplace.
Andrew tried to keep you from coming to work, or convince you that guy is just another flirty guy who's playing with your feelings. But of course, his efforts went in vain as you somehow landed a date with your crush.
"Y/N, he's not taking this seriously! Don't go on that stupid date."
"Andrew, I understand you're worried. But what if you're wrong?" You say as you keep rummaging through your wardrobe for what to wear. Fancy? Cute? Casual? "Besides, I'm not a kid and you're not my mother, Andy."
He rolls his eyes at the nickname. He felt a sting at your little comment. You really don't see him as someone more than a friend, huh? How is he going to change your mind?
You hold up two shirts in front of you and show them to Andrew so he can choose but Andrew isn't looking at you anymore. You notice the small pout he has on his handsome face and immediately you put down your clothes. You sit next to him on the bed and pull his face to you.
"What made you so mad, hmm? Is it because of my little comment?"
He raises an eyebrow with an unbothered look.
"Because I called you 'Andy'? Or because I'm not listening to you for still wanting to go on a date with him?"
". . . All of it." He may be upset with you right now but he still savours your warm touch on his cheek before you let go.
"Andrew," you sigh. "Look, I know you mean well but relationships are never going to be like a fairytale. It needs trial-and-error. So, let me go on this date and see how it goes, yeah?" You smile that sweet smile so he can change his mind instead. Gosh, he wished he could kiss you right now.
"And if you end up crying?"
"I'll come to you and you'll be my shoulder to cry on?" You giggle at this.
Oh, he will. He will make sure you come back crawling to him and never disobey him again.
Andrew tickles your sides and you shrieked. You hear his chuckle indicating his mood has changed for the better a bit. It changed because he has a plan set up.
"And I would have the right to say 'I told you so'!"
The day of your stupid date has come and he's all set. He's nervous whether the plan will work or not, but in everyone's right mind, anyone would be heartbroken to see their crush kissing another person that's not them.
You were all dolled up it made his expression dark and deadly. Anyone walking by would be running after their lives.
He allows you to have fun with your date to let you have high hopes for something you would never get in the first place, just to be crushed and make you disgusted by that boy. He brought along his little sister, Ashley, for the plan.
"You're so weird, Andy," Ashley provoked while waiting for the perfect time to move. "You're letting your dear little sister kiss some random guy just for a girl?"
"As if you're not a slut with your boobs always sticking out," Andrew spits back. "And don't call me Andy."
Ashley rolls her eyes as she mutters under her breath, "Goes to show that you have been ogling at it like a weirdo."
"She's leaving. Go, now." Despite the little comment, she still obliges her brother and went after the boy you were dating. Andrew wasn't sure where you're going but the plan was once you return to your date, you'll be seeing a big surprise.
And surprise it was to see your dream boy talking to a girl, smiling and laughing and ending up kissing. Ashley notices your return. Thinking that this was enough sight for your sore eyes, she stuck her tongue out into the boy's mouth and pressed her boobs more into his chest.
Andrew admits he felt really bad for you but this is the only way to get you and make you understand that you don't need anyone else but him.
When the two parts themselves, you can see the boy's eyes filled with want before changing into guilt and fear once noticing you. And you really felt disgusted. You walked up to him and slapped your anger across his face.
"Oof, didn't know you had a girlfriend," Ashley says to act it out.
You heard your name being called by the boy after you left them and ran back home. In your room, miscalls and texts are lining up in your phone but you ignore all of them. There's no way you're going to let him explain what happened. There's no explanation to that evidence. The only person you want to calm you down is one tap away. But then, he would say "I told you so" because he was right and he claimed it. Gosh, you should've listened to him.
Your thumb hover over Andrew's contact but you hear a knock at your door. It must be one of your parents. You wipe your tears and suppress your anger.
"Yeah?" Before you could even tell them to come in or go away, the door opens and reveals Andrew instead. There goes the first person yet the last person you want to see. "Andrew?"
"I'm here." He walks in, closes the door behind him and engulfs you into an embrace. His warmth, his reassuring hug without saying anything, his presence; it all made you burst into tears once again.
"I should've listened to you," you sob into his shoulder, wetting his sweater. He's glad you couldn't see his face because he was smiling widely from his successful plan. He's sure, with this you'll be traumatized to find another man, traumatized that you might be disappointed again. And from here on, he'll have to make sure he'll always be there by your side whenever you need. Be it running errands for you, buying snacks that you can get yourself, or when you're lonely and sad, he'll be there for you to show that he's the only guy who would never betray, never cheat, and never make you run away.
All of these thoughts excite him that he didn't realize he kissed your head. Thankfully, you didn't push him away in disgust. That's the first step.
"I told you so."
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 6 months
Shen Smut Fic from Undead Unluck
Nsfw; AFAB ; slight yandere
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman, but I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
In which Shen finally has enough of your worrywart antics and decides to put matters into his own hands.
It was supposed to be a regular quest - capture the UMA, be rewarded with a Negator’s location, find the Negator, and be done with it. 
So why were you deserted in Japan, in a LOVE HOTEL of all places, stuck with the most unintentionally insufferable man on the planet? 
“Jeez,” you sigh, face-palming your forehead, “I can’t believe Andy and Fuuko left without us! And what for? The newest copy of Shonen Jump?!” 
You hear a laugh from behind. Shen was sitting cross legged on the gaudy heart-shaped mattress provided with the room, leaning his chin into a hand while he watches you pace around the room, and, much to your chagrin, with amusement. 
How could he be so nonchalant about everything? His cool demeanor always contrasted your reactive, uptight one, and without even trying to he manages to piss you off on the daily. 
“Look, I’m sure they’ll be back soon. Or they won’t. Méi wèntí (no problem)!”
You slap your cheeks with a groan. “It’s absolutely an issue, Shen! We’ve wasted how many days trying to capture UMA ____? And now instead of doing anything productive we’re stuck here cause those two decided to ditch us!” 
His polite smile does little to reassure you. 
“You’re way too worried.”
“And you aren’t?!”
He hums, tapping his face. “Not necessarily. Whatever Fuuka told Andy, it must have been important. You saw the way he carried her off with a sprint, no? I trust they have some sort of plan. Although like you, I wish they would have given us a heads up.” 
While you sure loved Fuuko, her brash plans always gave you the worst fucking headaches. You’re glad Andy is there to protect her, but still. 
You sigh and plop face down on the mattress next to the blue haired man. 
For a moment, there is only silence. Eventually, you forfeit.
“…For what it’s worth, this bed sure is comfy.” 
“Right?” Shen agrees, moving to lay down on his back and stare at the hot pink ceiling. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I think you’re too stressed most of the time. Have you ever tried meditation? I’m no meditation master, but I can offer you some pointers.” 
“No thanks,” You grimace at him, “Meditation stresses me out.”
“That’s counterintuitive.” 
“I know.”
More silence. 
He turns his head to face you. “Well if you happen to find a way to destress and need a partner, I’d be happy to lend a hand. I’d offer to spar with you, but I know you’re not much of a fighter.” 
“That’s…that’s real nice of you, Shen. Thanks.” 
“Of course,” His smile reaches his eyes when he adds, “You’re cute when you’re pouting, but I think you’re even prettier with a smile on your face instead.”
It takes a second for the words to click in your head, then a blush blooms across your face.  
“Hey. Can I be honest with you for a second?”
“Gànba (go ahead).”
“When we first met, I hated your guts. You always had this shit eating grin on your face no matter what’s happening, and it drove me insane. It’s really hard to tell what you’re actually feeling behind that smile. It made it difficult to trust you, and I already had a hard time trusting people as it was. Still do, actually.” 
You continue on. “But after spending more time with you and the others, I’ve learned that you’re not all that bad. And maybe you are hard to read sometimes but I trust that you’re not a threat and want to protect the people you care about. And I find that really admirable, ya know? A lot. So uh? I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to get to know you more as a person and be friends. And that I’m sorry for always having my head up my ass.”
His eyes widen at your words and you look away abashedly. “I mean, if being buddies is a problem then I totally understand I mean whywouldyouwannahangoutwithmeinthefirstplace—“
He reaches to grab your hand, halting your rambling. “Does that mean I have permission?”
“Uh, permission to what?”
He squeezes your hand, eyes ablaze with something you couldn’t put your finger on. “To kiss you.”
Immediately you’re a stuttering mess. “Hah?? I mean - what - no, I - that’s totally inappropriate, we can’t —“ He locks eyes with you, “Please kiss me.” 
You’re shocked. Did he just use his Negator ability on you?
He ears turn pink at your proclamation and he says, “Of course. Anything you want.”
Before you can say anything in retaliation he’s moving in on you like a shark. With a hand cupping the back of your head, his lips meet yours hungrily, leaving your body slack with shock. You can barely breathe as he fights his way into your mouth, tongue exploring inside your mouth fervently. You bring your hands up to his chest to push back but he doesn’t budge. 
It feels like eternity before he lets you go. When he finally relents, you’re gasping for breath. You look into his eyes, shocked to see that they’re dilated, blown wide with excitement.
He says breathlessly, “I’ve been interested in you since the day you joined the Union. I did everything I could to get you to like me. I tried to be the nice guy, be polite and approachable, but you never seemed to wanna let me in. I was honestly beginning to give up. You don’t know how happy I am to finally hear you say that.” 
His strong hand roams to grip your waist. Tightly. With a low whisper he says, “I want you. I want all of you. And if you let me, I’m going to do more than just kiss you, my dear.” 
You’re so flustered you don’t even know what to say. “I — you — wait. You like me?Why? I mean we’re basically coworkers aren’t we and I don’t know about you but datingcoworkershasalwaysbeenweirdand—“
He gives you a knowing wink, and you’re back to speaking your hidden truths again. 
“I want you more than I can say.“ Fuck Untruth. 
Apparently you said that last bit out loud, because Shen gives you a hearty laugh, so much he has to wipe a tear from his eye. 
Embarrassed, you want to get up and leave the room, but he’s still looking at you. His ability is still turned on and you can’t budge.
“Yeah, I can’t let you leave. Not when I finally know how you really feel about me.”
His face almost seems apologetic. “Forgive me, Y/N my dear. I just know that this is the only way I can get the truth out of you.”
You want to yell at him but your mouth will only tell another story. With slight apprehension, you watch as his signature smile mutates into something darker, more predatory. 
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman,” He inches closer to you, lips whispering against your ear, “But I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
You gulp. 
With a quick push, he immediately has you on your back, staring up at him like a deer in the headlights. His arms are around both sides of your head, legs caging you in. You find yourself shaking with either anxiety or excitement, you can’t tell. 
“Fàngsōng (relax). I promise I won’t hurt you. Unless you want that, that is”. 
You move a hand up to cover his eyes so he can’t use his Negation, sparing the both of you from whatever embarrassing remark would come out of your mouth otherwise. 
Despite the hand in his face, he was smiling at you like a villain. “You know, you’re not really helping your case by doing that. I can still tell what you want, see?”
A gasp escapes your lips as you feel a hand trail down your pants, into your panties. An electrifying tingle flows through you when Shen rubs you in a circular motion. Opening your eyes, he’s already taken his hand out (much to your disappointment) and is staring at the slick coating his fingers. Your hand is long gone from his face. 
“Hmm, pretty wet.” He hums. 
You watch mortifyingly as Shen licks his fingers clean, the sight counteractively igniting something within your core. 
“And you taste pretty damn good, too.”
He gets off you and starts tugging your pants off. Before he goes further, asks, “Can I?”
He doesn’t even have to use his ability. You respond with a small, barely above a whisper, “yes”. 
With your face as red as it can possibly be, the muscular man gives you a flirtatious wink, his eyes lidded with lust at this point. 
Both your pants and undergarments are thrown across the room, and your lower half is left bare for him to see. By instinct you try to close your legs, wanting to hide, but the Union member’s arms keep you open. 
The way he stares at your pussy has you feeling faint of heart. He’s eyeing you like you’re a famous painting he’ll only get to see once in his life, doing his best to analyze and remember every detail. 
“Can you please stop staring? This is embarrassing,” You whimper. 
“No need to be so shy, my dear. You’re beautiful. I want to see everything.” His enthusiasm does little to settle your nerves. 
With a devious smirk, he lays on his stomach, face between your thighs.
“Xiè xie nǐ de shí wù (Thanks for the food).” 
Fire erupts through your veins when you feel his warm tongue lap at your folds, sliding up and down in the best way imaginable. His lips gently suckle on your clit, and despite not wanting to be loud, you cry out with fervor. You swear the pleasure is insurmountable. 
Your hands grip the fabric of the mattress you’re on, and when his tongue dips in and out of your entrance, you can only moan pathetically. 
“Fuck. Even your moans sound so beautiful,” Shen praises in adoration. You turn to look away, only to have your head jerked back in Shen’s direction. “We can’t be having that. Keep looking at me, my dear. I wanna see those beautiful eyes of yours filled with pleasure.”
Lewd slurping sounds fill the room. 
He looks so pleased with himself while you quiver under his grasp, something intense gradually building inside of you. Your hands instinctively move to grip his hair, mindlessly pushing him down further to eat you out. You feel yourself reaching close to that high, and when that strong tension in your core finally snaps, you feel lightheaded from the your intense orgasm.  
You’re so sensitive that every nerve of your body feels lit up. But that doesn’t stop Shen. 
The man keeps lapping you up, causing you to grip his hair tighter as you cry, “Fuck, I came! I came I came I came, stop, it’s so fucking sensitive, god!” 
It takes another minute of begging before 
He opts to listen to you. He chuckles. “Well, did my girl like that? You tasted so good, mhm.”
You’re left speechless, still reeling from your orgasm. Shen gets up on his knees and begins to strip. You always knew he was buff, but you’re mesmerized by his toned muscles as he removes his shirt, revealing a chiseled stomach and oh-so broad chest. 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks when he sends you another wink, obviously enjoying the fact that you’re ogling him. When he slides his pants off, you see that he’s hard with want, the tip of his veiny cock an angry red color. You feel intimidated by the sheer size. 
He’s big. 
“Uhm…I don’t think that’s gonna fit,” you mumble nervously. 
He laughs at that. “Sure it will. We’ll make it work, my dear.”
Now as naked as you, he moves to give you another fiery kiss, his tongue tangling itself with yours. He reminds you again how beautiful you are, whispering praises between every break. He touches you again, pleased that your juices and his spit have you sopping when through and through. 
Finally, when he feels like he can’t wait any longer, what would be a loud cry from you is silenced by a kiss as he moves to shove his member into your weeping entrance. He has you caged between his arms again, your legs wrapped around his torso. It’s a slow endeavor at first, letting you get used to his size as he stretches you out.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” You feel your insides being stuffed to the brim with his cock. He slowly moves in, until he finally fully braces himself inside you.
He gently moves in and out, a slothful but sure pace. He opts to wrap his tongue around the hard nipple of your breast. 
“Good girl,” he praises, “Taking me so well, aren’t you.”
“I—I don’t…” You words fall at the wayside. 
“Fuck,” he groans, “We’re meant to be together, don’t you see?”
Shen awaits an answer but your words regress to babbles and whines.
You whimper as he suckles on your neck, bound to leave a nasty hickey after. The pleasure is too overwhelming and you inch to get away. It’s futile though — he has you locked in.
“You’re not getting away,” his soft voice turns into a growl when he realizes you’re trying to evade him, and he grabs the arms you were pushing at his chest with, opting to pin them down at each side of your head. 
“I’ll make you feel so good you can’t get away.”
All of a sudden, the movement of his hips snaps from gentle to rough, the stronger man voraciously sheathing his cock in and out of you like a beast in heat.
“Oh god,” You words slur as your mouth pools with saliva, drooling from total ecstasy, unable to do anything except hold on to the man who’s ravaging you. Tears of delight prickle at your eyes.
You feel so good you can hardly think straight, blissfully enjoying the sudden roughness he displays as he mutters, “Don’t think anyone else can make you feel this good, huh? Nǐ shì wǒ de (You are mine).” 
He pumps into you relentlessly, looking down on you with crazed lust in his eyes, watching as your eyes nearly roll back in enjoyment. You feel so full, you don’t know how you can continue taking it. 
“Shen, Shen, I can’t take it!”
“Yes, you can. And you will.” He commands. 
Another orgasm threatens to overcome you, and even though you’re begging him to give you a minute of respite, he doesn’t comply. 
“I’ve waited so long to have you, you’re not getting a break that easily.”
He gets you to where you’re on your knees, ass up with your face in a pillow. 
With a groan he’s back inside you, hitting your insides deeper than you thought possible. 
“You’re too perfect, I can watch you all day,” He confesses. 
Your cries bounce off the walls of the room when he gives your ass a slap. It stings, but you’re so far on Cloud 9 that you don’t care. If anything, it’s the catalyst to you cumming once more. Shen eyes in fascination as your cunt spazzes around his member, highly satisfied with himself for making you feel so good. 
He kneads your ass as you’re gasping for air, basically sobbing from your orgasm taking the life out of you. Your cunt is twitching when he slowly pulls out, only to slam back in as hard as he possibly can. He fastens his grip on your ass, pulling you back into him when you try to move further away. 
“No running,” He chastises, earning another hard slap on your ass. You yelp at the roughness of it all, but in truth? Maybe you’re enjoying it a lot more than you should. 
You turn your head as best as you can to look at the man ravaging you. He’s looking at you with such intense focus, gritting his teeth in an unnerving grin that leaves you feeling aroused and like you’re prey. Sweat beads down his forehead and chest as he continues to pound you, leaving your pussy a wet and stuttering mess. 
His hands meet your waist and with one deft move your back hits the bed again. You hear Shen curse before your sweat covered, fucked-out sinful visage, and you don’t bother holding back the moan that leaves your throat when the angry red head of his dick slides back into your entrance.
“So good,” He grunts, fucking you into a mating press. He moves a hand down to fumble with your clit, eliciting all the cries he’s grown to love hearing out of you. 
You feel as if you might come again, and you know Shen is getting close too when the man’s thrusts grow sporadic. 
“That’s it,” He encourages through clenched teeth, “Cum for me. Cum on my cock!”
His words send you over the edge, and you clench around his dick once more. 
“Yes, please,” He hears you beg, and that’s all he needs to climax himself. A quick couple of thrusts and he pulls out, hastily pumping his long shaft with a hand until thick ropes of cum decorate your chest. 
He reaches for the towel conveniently placed on the nightstand and gently wipes away the mess he made.
“Hahhh,” Once he’s done, he breathes out a pleased sigh, collapsing beside on you the bed. 
“Holy shit,” You say through unsteady breaths. You try to reel yourself in after all those intense orgasms. 
Unfortunately for you, post nut clarity hits hard and FAST, and you immediately make way to get up and clean off, and maybe bury yourself someplace hidden. You get the nagging feeling that maybe your bed partner will regret his decision later on, and howcouldyoulookhimintheeyesnow—-
Shen tugs your hand back and pulls you close, wrapping you in his arms. 
“Hey, don’t leave me all by myself! Let’s stay like this for a while, yes?” He says. 
“I…okay,” You can’t help but agree, comfortable in his warm embrace. The two of you stay like that for a while, basking in the afterglow of the deed and eachother’s presence. 
Fuuka was throwing duck feed into a pond when Andy sat down next to her, watching with a mischievous grin as all the ducks scattered away under his scrutinizing glare. 
“Say,” Fuuka starts after slapping her partner on the shoulder for his harassment of the ducks, “Do you think we can head back to the hotel now? We already spent the money Shen gave us for Shonen Jump.”
Andy hums, finger on his chin in thought. 
“Nah, Shen asked us to leave for the whole day, remember? Let’s get dinner before heading back.”
“Why do you think Shen wanted us gone in the first place? It’s not like the quest required that we split into teams.”
Andy gives her a pointed look. 
“What?” She says quizzically.
After a few seconds, her face glows beet red, eyes wide with realization.
Hotel + privacy + man + woman = ???
“Holy crap. No way!” She shouts. 
“Yes way. So for our sake and theirs, let’s not go back until late tonight.”
She nods in agreement, fanning her flustered face. 
thanks for reading! And @shiroisotto64, from one Shen lover to another, hope you enjoyed it ;)
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jamneuromain · 1 year
Divorce with either Steve/Andy I'm feeling angsty.
Whether happy/sad ending is up to you :)
Hi bestie <3 I'm sorry it has taken more time than I thought but my drabble turns into a one-shot before I can even realize skjksjskjskjksj
hope you'll enjoy this <3
Lie, Lie, Lie
Steve Rogers x You (Mutant!Reader)
Warning: Swearing, Angst, Divorce, (also asshole-ish Avengers?)
W/C: 5.4 K
Summary: A small leak will sink a great ship. -- Benjamin Franklin
A/N: My first entry to the bingo challenge hosted by @the-slumberparty.
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It starts with a minor, insignificant detail.
Just some static in the phone, really.
A snippet of sound that common people would interpret as bad signals, considering that Steve is phoning you from thousands of miles away, while you are using the landline.
For holy Mary’s sake, who the hell still uses landlines today?
Apparently, the academic conferences you attend do.
Steve notices the small static buzzing the call you are having, after which you grumble in frustration, “Stupid signals, can’t even function properly.”
He smiles, knowing that you can’t see the expression on his face. You are cute even when you are complaining.
You sigh deeply on the other end of the phone, your voice slightly distorted from the electronic, or wireless, transmission, “I miss you, Stevie. Can’t wait to come home.”
“It’ll only be two more days,” Steve reassures you with his soothing timbre, “I’ll be waiting for you at the airport, alright? First thing you’ll see after getting off that plane.”
“Okay.” You know he can hear you pouting, but you pout anyway, “Gotta have some sleep now. I’m going to the keynote tomorrow morning.”
“Take care of yourself.” Steve holding on to his phone, wincing again as the static buzzes again, but it appears only on his end, as you seem unaffected by it, “Take care of my favorite scientist and my favorite girl for me, okay?”
“I am your favorite girl. And you know I have my powers.” You try your best to stifle a large yawn, but Steve senses your tiredness right away.
“Sleep tight, okay? I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Steve blows a kiss, hoping that it would travel across oceans and lands via the phone, and reach your forehead.
“Night, Steve.”
“Good night, sweetheart.”
You are about to hang up when the static tortures his ear again.
You hang up.
Static isn’t a problem for most people, who, unlike Steve, don’t have super hearing and super memory.
Steve could think that the static is a minor interference, however, static that appears during phone calls are hardly inconsistent. And if he has learned a thing or two during the time that landlines are still fairly popular – 40s, by the way – is that static doesn’t go on and off, nor does it blur on different pronunciations since static should naturally have a pattern.
Since Stark phones issued by the friendly billionaire is certainly off the question, he suspects that someone might be tapping into your landline.
Something is off. His intuition is telling him. So, he called Tony and asked for a favor.
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After some analysis that Steve couldn’t fully understand, Tony presses his index finger to his lips tightly, humming to himself.
“Anything?” Steve watched as Tony chugged down the fifth cup of coffee ten minutes ago, and now Tony has been unusually quiet.
Tony spins his chair around, looking thoughtful. He waves his fountain pen in midair, pointing at his screen in general, “This isn’t some sort of prank Bruce asked you to play, is it?”
“Prank? Tony, this is my wife we’re talking about.” Steve is about to lose his patience. He crosses his arm, dead serious, “What is … this? Am I being paranoid or …”
He wouldn’t dare to think about you in actual danger and he’s sitting cozily in Avengers Compound. He could’ve been risking your precious rescue time. Or warn you, somehow.
Even knowing that you have your special powers.
Your mutant powers.
Still, there are hundreds of ways for you to be defenseless.
A collar could suppress all your powers. A shot of the new dose of Mutant Serum could make you lose your X-gene once and for all. And all those terrible things that could happen to you.
Tony scratches his goatee, his expression is puzzled, to say the least, “this static that you provided, looks like the interface Bruce and I were cooking up for a Friday-upgrade.”
“English, please, Tony.”
Tony magnifies the example of static extracted from the recording that is automatically stored on Stark servers, and pulls out a random MRI brain scan from Steve’s health exam last year, “See what I mean?”
Steve watches the two waves on the screen closely, almost stuttering from what he is summarizing, “They look … similar.”
“Exactly.” Tony throws the MRI scan off the screen and points to the static, “This? This isn’t sound. This is human thinking. Hell, thinking, I’m not even sure it’s human. And it has a purpose. The reason you are hearing the ‘static’ – I’ll name that thing later, is that it serves as a relay, that patches you through its – thinking, whatever, and directs your call to Y/N.”
“It isn’t Friday?” Steve blurts out the only AI he could think of.
“If it is Friday, the Nobel committee is handing me the award right this moment.” Tony snorts, but he turns serious as soon as he notices Steve’s worrying look, “but with this fragment, I can locate Y/N,” and with a few taps on the keyboard, a global map appears in front of them.
Tony mutters to himself, “Can’t track the relay itself, but I can … ”
Another few keystrokes and a red dot blip.
“… in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.” Tony isn’t even sure about what the blipping dot shows, “Now this can’t be right-” Tony looks back at Steve, whose eyebrows are tying up like knots, “Where did you say she’s having this academic conference?”
“Leipzig, Germany.” Steve answers without a second thought, “Quantum 2023.”
Tony looks awe-struck.
“I’m sending a team to get her.” Steve stands up from his seat abruptly, heading to the doorway, but Tony’s words make him stop.
“Quantum 2023 is next week, Steve. And it isn’t held in Leipzig.”
“But that’s impossible,” Steve turns on his heels, glaring at Tony, “She told me that she came into contact with some Professor, who invited her to this conference because she was doing so well with her panel back in January.”
“And what’s that panel?”
“CPS Quantum Computer-”
“CPSQ was never held this year.” Tony shakes his head, “The conference was cancelled because a main member of the CPSQ committee passed away last December. What else has she told you?”
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“I can’t tell you.” You dare not read his face. Your gaze lands on the marble counter that you and Steve agreed on two years ago, instead of him. You lied. And you know you lied. And the fact that you know that you can tell him nothing, makes you even more scared and frightened, as you are well aware the last things Steve would tolerate are betrayal and infidelity.
Your shared home, once a sanctuary for you and the love of your life, now withering and shaken, cold and gloomy. It no longer is a safe haven for you.
“Did anyone blackmail you with anything?” Steve asks calmly.
He’s prepared for the worst things to come.
He spent the whole night with Tony trying to figure out the so-called “academic conferences” you were supposed to be a part of, and there were eight of them during the last three years.
Some calls were too old to trace, but Tony has figured out it with the recent three conferences, you weren’t doing Keynotes or presenting your results to academia, but in the same spot in the Pacific doing God knows what.
It was undocumented waters. Tony could only gather so much info that the islands in the vicinity were bought by a mysterious wealthy man who paid through his Kaymen Island account.
And you were visiting it almost every four months. Like clockwork.
There were a few heat signatures on the island, but with no visible vehicle, neither ferry nor helicopter in sight, Tony would have to guess that you would need someone who can transport you from where you were to the island.
“No.” You have no excuse. No reasons. No idea what you should say.
But you weren’t blackmailed. You went there voluntarily.
His gaze feels heavy on your shoulders. From the corner of your eyes, you can see he’s looking at you intensely. Trying to figure out whether you are still lying to him.
“Are you cheating?”
The other possible explanation he has thought of. Frightening, if an answer of certainty comes out of your mouth, but it would explain your lies. Steve curls his hand into a fist, the veins on his hand popping briefly onto his skin.
The hands that caressed your hair and your jaw, cradling your face when he leaned in to kiss you. All the gentle moves. Treating you as a soft and delicate being. Now a hard fist on the table.
He didn’t touch you on your way back to your home. Nor did he accept your hugs and kisses at the airport.
He was very disappointed.
“No.” You answer, with your head low.
How could he doubt your relationship? How could he doubt your love for him? Waiting for him to return after every battle, taking care of his wounds, having-
How could he think all of those were lies too?
“Then what are you hiding?”
Steve maintains his best manners not to crush the table under his fist into bits and pieces. He wants you to answer. Something. Tell him why he has been kept in the dark.
You open your mouth, but no word comes out.
“I can’t tell you.” You whisper, your resolve of keeping the secret faltering under his piercing gaze. But you can’t tell him.
There’s turmoil in your stomach, wreaking havoc in your guts. You want to throw up when thinking about the truth, but cannot say it. Not with your teeth and tongue. Not with pen and paper. You cannot. You physically cannot.
Nothing remorseful or any expression similar appears on your face, as Steve observes your reaction closely.
“Please, Steve. I promise I’ll tell you, but now is not the time. It was – is an important … deed, to do.”
Steve stands up from his chair slowly.
Not even looking at you anymore, he sounds emotionless. Cold.
“I thought for a moment you were kidnapped. Tortured. Lured into a trap.”
“I was this close,” he pinches his index finger and thumb together, “sending a full-blown rescue tactical team, to get you out.”
“Steve, please, just listen-”
“And are you talking, Y/N? Are you telling me what I need to hear?” He stands with his back to you, shaking with uncontrollable anger. “The truth, that’s all I want.”
“I can’t-”
“I can’t, either.” He interrupts you. For the entire time you can remember, from his cute and sweet attempts to ask you out on a date, from his chivalry of taking you out and asking you to be his wife, from the start of your happy marriage, he hasn’t once interrupted you when you were talking.
Tears roll down your eyes as you are tongue-tied, unable to utter a sound.
But Steve didn’t see those tears. If he did, he would have some idea that you are truly sorry for what you have done.
Steve stands with his back to you.
“I’ll save us the trouble and ask Tony to wipe our marriage from the system.”
Almost a shriek, your hands and feet are placed in the bottom of the ice pit, “You can’t-! I- You can’t!”
Your sobbing fills the room that was occupied by a dreadful silence. From your husband.
You would never imagine that a lie would go this far.
“Watch me.”
He can’t, not when you are-
Not when you are working on-
Not when you are trying to-
He can’t.
Realization dawns on you that even if you did tell him one thing that you can say to make him stay, he would consider it a lie.
Or an effort you make, trying to be bound to him.
That your trust is broken forever.
With that realization hitting you, he leaves the room.
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Five years later, somewhere near Hawaii.
“This is really nice, what you got over here,” Tony comments in honesty, taking a step back to observe the rippling portal gate, “How long has it been put into use?”
Jean, the woman with flaming red hair and a scarf around her shoulders, has an impeccable smile on her face, leading the way as Natasha and Steve boarded the small vehicle up ahead, “Four. We used to transport to and from all over the world with the help of mutants who can create a portal. But as larger machines and construction materials were needed on Krakoa, the very land that you are standing on, our top scientists decided to benefit us all by inventing an instant portal device- Devices, should I say.”
As there are three large portals, each the size of a house, standing next to each other on the founding stones.
“Why are we even here?” Steve murmurs to Natasha, sounding confused, “I thought bargaining was Tony’s specialty…?”
“Smile, Rogers.” Natasha murmurs back, her eyes scanning the tropical island for any anomaly, “It’s a diplomatic event, not a business one.”
“Like a photo Op?”
“Like a peace offering.” Nat lowers her voice as she notices a mutant with bright green hair start the engine of their car, and take the position as their driver, “Krakoa now has the most efficient cancer eradication solution, and if we all behave and act like adults, the world would accept the possibility of the first mutant country. The UN is considering whether to add Krakoa as a new member country as we speak.”
“And if we blew it, WW3?”
“Worse. We will be hanged before we could say ‘assemble’.” Natasha sits straighter when Tony and Jean, the woman with red hair approaches the vehicle, and asks with a louder voice, “Would you mind telling us about the three-day trip planned on Krakoa?”
“Certainly.” With a look from Jean, the green-hair starts the car and drives away from the beach, heading towards a road that leads to the Krakoa city center. “We don’t have anything planned for this evening, so Lorna – our temporary driver - and I will show you around this place in general and escort you to your residence, where you will have dinner with our high council tonight. Tomorrow you’ll visit our university facilities and our most advanced laboratory, with our head scientist Hank. If you would like to visit any place else, feel free to tell us and we’ll try our best to satisfy your demands…”
Their residence is a small building near the city square. After a brief tour of the area, Jean tells them that normally they wouldn’t expect many visitors, so the building, though more well-equipped than most hotels, only resides the three of them, plus Jean for now.
Natasha strides across the room as Tony takes voice notes on his phone.
“… Their technology is at least two decades, if not three, more advanced than our top scientist.” With that as a summary, Tony stuffs his phone in his pocket.
And the room is filled with deafening silence.
“Do you think they cleared this place out when they are expecting us?” Steve sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at Tony and Natasha.
“They are afraid of us, as we are afraid of them.” Natasha says slowly. Not really answering Steve’s question, but hinting at the opinion that she has in mind. Her striding comes to a halt, “The looks we had on our way here? Not all friendly.”
“Too bad we don’t have a mutant as a middleman.” Tony clicks his tongue, moving around his jaw like he has a toothache.
“Tony-” Starts Natasha warningly.
They all know one mutant who helped around in the Avengers a few years ago. They know one mutant was exceptionally close to Steve. Hell, they were even there to witness the wedding of-
“I’m gonna go get some air.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a long exhale, before walking out of the room.
Of Steve and you.
You were not a powerful mutant. But you would be helpful, under a circumstance like this.
But Steve divorced you a few years back.
No one knows why. No one knows any information regarding the terrible divorce that made Steve leave you, leave the States for months.
Except that you were “missing” from time to time.
Natasha sits on the other armchair in the room, looking closely at Tony, and his greying beard. She chooses her words very carefully, “Was she…” Were you cheating back then? On Steve?
Tony shakes his head, “He never told me.”
“But is it possible that…”
“I wanted to believe the other way.” Tony nibbling at his bottom lip. In the end, he looks back at Natasha, the former Russian spy, “But the incident right after she left…”
A breach that erased all of your data, along with the data of three staff within the Avengers Compound, happened a few months after you left the Compound and disappeared. Not only the records of your information, but also calls and texts, almost every trace of your presence was erased completely from both Avengers Compound and the government system as well.
The three staff later identified as mutants. They fled from the compound on the same day of the incident.
No one knew where you were. No CCTV or surveillance camera has recorded your prescence ever since.
It's a shame to admit, but no one bothered to look either.
After all, there were no demands or ransoms asked. And they were too busy saving the world to care for such trivia.
Nothing else was missing.
A few printed photos that Steve kept in his office survived. Printed photos of you and him together. That he had kept in the bottom of his drawer ever since your divorce.
A week later, Krakoa was established, announcing itself as a country and providing shelters for all mutants.
Steve suspected that the two events might be connected somehow, but Krakoa banned anyone who isn’t a mutant from entering the territory and has been moving on the map ever since, refusing any prying eyes.
Steve wanders into the patch of green a few hundred inches away from the hotel, heading towards the beach.
He was painfully reminded of you.
Of your happy times together.
And the determination you showed when you refused to tell him about your affair.
Yes, your affair. Even though you denied it. Steve believes that you were lying to him. About your location, about your everything.
About your lover.
“… come on down little monkey!” A familiar voice ghosting his ears.
A little girl screams at the top of her lungs, before giggling and sitting at the far end of a branch on a tree a few meters away, “But it’s out of power-Hi, Uncle Hank!”
The girl has blonde curly hair, bouncing as she jumps on the thin branch that could snap at any second. Steve is about to sprint to rescue when he hears you.
Your familiar voice.
“Come on, Mommy will catch you.” You clap your hand, your back facing Steve, who is hiding in the bushes. Your arms stretched wide open, urging the little girl to come down.
Urging your daughter to come down from the tree? From a branch seven feet in the air? How are you even encouraging the little girl while she could break her neck is unfathomable to Steve. This is stupid. Reckless. Irresponsible. A total -
“Come on, little monkey.” You clap your hand again, “It won’t be half as fun if I have to come up and get you.”
“Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know that the rocket boots will die so soon,” begins a man on your side, apologizing. A thin man with glasses in his 40s. “The battery is supposed to last five hours when I put them on- Oh.”
“Yes.” Steve hears your grumpiness, “Batteries. Hank. My expertise.”
Steve knows your expertise.
Although you studied quantum physics and its application, your interest in Physics derived from your ability to absorb power and power transformation. However, you were not particularly interested in fighting bad guys, that’s why you weren’t on missions as often as he thought you would.
Batteries. You would absorb electricity from it in an instant, even when you are not intentionally doing so.
“Exhibiting her abilities so soon?” Hank gasps in disbelief, raising his head to look at your daughter jumping on that twig, “Normally it would be until their teen years.”
You chuckle, “Missing out on the latest Bio lab, aren’t you? They just published a paper about how mutant parents would cause a higher rate of mutant children, and as a result, their abilities tend to show earlier. Even so,” you kick the sand under your feet, your voice less exciting, “Hers is showing earlier than I did.”
“You showed your ability when you were five, right?”
“Two months till five. But yeah, pretty early. She made the light in our room flick on and off, starting from a month ago.” You make one last attempt at your daughter, who is having her fun with those thick rocket boots on her feet, “Be a sweetheart and come down, alright? Mommy is getting tired and we haven’t had dinner yet.” You plead softly.
“Alright, Mommy.” The little girl answers.
As Steve watches from afar, worrying sick that your daughter would fall from the tree, she spreads her arms and falls from the tree. But like a piece of paper, descending slowly into your arms.
Absorbing gravity to cancel it out. One of your typical moves too. Steve thinks bitterly. No doubt the little girl is your daughter.
Hank offers something as you three walk further from Steve and the bush he’s hiding. Steve didn’t quite catch what he said, but he hears you reply with a certain “Yes”.
Your voice trails away, “But it’ll be fine. Won’t we, little monkey?”
The little girl giggles again.
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“Do you want Daddy back, Mommy?” Your daughter Maddie asks abruptly as you take out the storybook before bed.
“I-” It would be a lie, to say that you do not want Steve. But years have gone by and you’ve built your life around Maddie and Krakoa. While you were desperate, wanting him back when you found yourself pregnant with Maddie, the night when he left your house, you knew that the only reason Steve would stick around, which is knowing that you are pregnant. Despite the responsibility he would be burdened with, he would also doubt whether he’s raising some other people’s child, since he already suspects that you were cheating, and your life would be miserable with his indifference.
You remember your panicking and fearing his leave.
Thinking that he can’t leave you, not when you are pregnant, not when you are working on a home and a shelter for your future children, trying to create a safe haven for you and your family.
But he left.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.” You tuck a strand of her blonde curls behind her ears, gazing into her beautiful cerulean eyes, “I hurt your father really bad when I made the big mistake that we talked about. And he hurt me too. Not that he wanted to, but he left me alone in this world.” You kiss her short chubby hand, placing her hand on your cheek, “We won’t be happy ever again. Because I lied to him. And he will always remember it.”
“Oh.” Maddie sounds disappointed, scrunching her little face together, “But Daddy knows you are doing the right thing, right? Building Kra-Kra-Krakoa and our home?”
She tried a few times to pronounce the word “Krakoa”, making you smile.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.” You explain to her with more patience than you can ever imagine, “I have never seen your father ever since.”
“He should!” Your daughter curls herself up into a ball in your arms, nuzzling your soft pyjamas, “He should be proud of you. And what you did. You help build the island, Mommy. Daddy should know. And he will forget your lying.”
Kids. Always thinking everything in the world is so simple. A small grin creeps up your lips.
But in your heart, the bitterness swirls into a dark pit.
Everyone else understood. Other mutants who had a family, who told their partners they will be gone for a while, who lied to their partners that they were needed for a job.
Their partners did. Their partners understood the cruelty of separation and the pain that those mutants cannot utter a word about their whereabouts, or the details of the job. The worst you’ve heard of, aside from yourself as an example, was a huge fight between Lorna and her boyfriend, but in the end, she forgave him after a week, having enough trust for both of them to continue their relationship and got married two years ago.
But no. Not Steve.
Steve, who quickly jumped to the conclusion that there was no need to continue this marriage.
Steve, after leaving word of divorcing you, left. To some shit-eating place in South Africa, for two whole months.
Two months. Two months of prying eyes and prodding questions from the Avengers, which you knew they were being kind and helpful, but you couldn’t stay there. Not when it brought pain and scars to your chest every time you’d see some possession that belonged to him, and cry your eyes out, nearly losing Maddie as a result. Not when they were also suspecting that you cheated on Steve and scolding you lightly, telling you to “speak to Steve and ask for his forgiveness”.
They were his family. Not really yours.
Yours is here.
You kiss her forehead, tucking her in, “I sure hope so. Good night, sweetheart.”
Your smile fades as your mind drifts to the human delegation that is alleged to arrive today.
You asked to be kept out of the loop and out of the trails that the delegation is visiting. You even confirmed with Hank today that you would take these three days off from the lab.
You blocked all relevant information regarding those visitors.
You were raised by this mutant family, by mutants such as Jean and Hank and befriended them, and you had your heart broken in the human world. You don’t want anywhere near humans ever again.
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“These are some state-of-the-art devices. I have to say, I’m very impressed.” Tony tilts his head to the side, reading the metrics recorded on the screen in the up-state Bio lab, “This is not quite my expertise though, the project you are operating here.”
Hank magnifies the part Tony is observing onto the huge screen behind them, “We are trying to incorporate human thoughts into robots, but in a wireless form. With a thought-” Hank, the man in glasses, places two stickers onto his head, and a robotic arm on the far end of the lab begins writing “Welcome”, stopping dead when it comes to “O”. Hank shrugs, not even bothered by the failure of the demonstration, “We have a talented specialist that helps with coding, but there are always some interferences with the transmission.”
Natasha clears her throat to gain their attention, “I’m also very impressed with the construction of the island as a whole. A construction this large should take … what, five years and a couple hundred workers?”
“Two and a half, to be precise.” Hank gestures for them to move forward onto the Physics lab, peeling the stickers off his temple, “About three dozen mutants involved. It would be sooner if it weren’t…” As if he suddenly was reminded of something, Hank let out a short “Ah”, and a brief pause, “if it weren’t some … unintentional held-up with one of our finest mutants.” His eyes land on sulking Steve, only for a few seconds.
Hank said it with a proud smile on his face. It didn’t take Steve forever to recognize the man from the beach last night, who gave your daughter, very irresponsibly, Steve might add, rocket boots.
Your daughter’s father is very irresponsible too. Not even showing up when your daughter is in danger. He thinks, clenching his jaw, praying for strength that he would punch that guy in the face if he ever meets him.
Natasha and Tony exchange a glance behind Hank, failing to notice Steve and his stern expressions.
“But it must have been a huge effort, even with three dozen, to keep them silent?” Natasha jokes light-heartedly, “There’s hardly any secret in the Avengers Compound without the full staff knowing it in three days.”
Hank nods politely, holding the door for them to come through, “Well, yes. But as you are well aware, a few of our best mutants are telepathic, meaning they could plant a gag order in our heads,” Hank taps his temple with his knuckle, “We couldn’t speak to anyone else about Krakoa for three years until it’s established. Our mind forbade us to speak of it because of the gag order.”
“Masochists, and they are proud of it,” Natasha whispers to Tony in a rush.
“It is troubling. Misunderstandings and arguments have aroused based on the gag order and its implementation.” Hank walks them through the long hallway from one building to another, “But we agreed it’s for the best at that moment.”
Tony makes a face that isn’t as obvious, but Steve and Natasha could tell that’s his disapproving face.
As Hank opens another door for them, the first thing they see is a little girl playing with her toy car on a tall chair. She slides the car down from a colorful track, and the track would deliver the toy car back to her hands.
“Maddison!” Hank rushes to her side, looking up and down to see whether the girl got hurt, “What are you doing here?”
“Mommy needs to pick up something.” Maddie points at you, cheering, “Look! Mommy Mommy!” She drops her toy car to the ground, and jumps off the tall chair, running to you and hugging your thigh.
Steve stops breathing. Seeing you, well and alive in front of him, with your daughter, in a rosy-pink dress that you bought while dating him a few years back.
You look … the same.
“Get behind me, Maddie.” You tug the little girl on her arm, to have her shielded fully behind your legs. An undetectable shakiness in your voice.
Maddie peeks from behind you. She doesn’t understand where this tension is coming from, but she understands one thing: “Mommy, is that Daddy?” She raises her head and asks.
You hate to lie to your daughter. But you are not going to let her be exposed to Natasha and Tony, and most importantly, Steve.
“Christ. It’s Y/N.” Tony mutters.
“Mommy, he looks exactly like the photo you showed me.” Maddie asks in confusion, pointing towards Steve, “He looks exactly like Daddy?”
“Maddison, not now.” It takes all your willpower not to push them all out of the lab at once, “Hank, would you mind?” You glance icily at Hank, urging him to solve the problem at hand.
“Yes, of course.” Hank starts to head the other way, “I’m sorry, but we’re behind schedule. If you would come with me-”
“No one is coming anywhere until we deal with this,” Tony announces, one hand already on his wristwatch, which you know contains a small plasma canon if he activates it.
“Is she…?” Steve knows the answer to his question before he asks. The hair and the eyes are similar to his, and the nose and lips resemble yours-
“Boys,” Natasha raises her voice, “Let’s be civil, shall we?”
“How old is she?” Steve feels a lump down his throat, “is she-”
“Civil?” You let out a dry laugh, the exact opposite of amused, “Tony Fucking Stark is ready to attack when he pulls out that wristwatch. And Natasha, long time no see, the same goes for your widow bites too. Yeah, I saw the glowing blue under your sleeves. You are trying to take my child away from me in a heartbeat and call yourself civil?”
“Tony, Nat.” Steve speaks.
Two words that bring the two of them away from their weapons.
You pick Maddie up from the ground, having your back to the Avengers, protecting your daughter from their grasp, “Let’s go, Maddie. I am apparently not welcomed here.”
“Y/N!” Steve calls to your back, “Y/N, please!”
Natasha is tempted to step forward and ask you to stay and talk this out, being blocked by Hank.
“I assume it is best that you stay right where you are,” Hank says politely, though his thin body has no intention of moving.
Maddie hugs your neck, laying her head on your shoulders. Her blue eyes focusing on Steve while you walk away.
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Find my The Slumber Party Present Bingo Challenge here 👈
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allaboutnayeli · 6 months
the kitty surprise [t.rodman x reader]
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prompt: trinity sneaks you two's cat to practice without you knowing.
author notes: this is probably trash 💔💔 not too much on me, writing is hurting my brain these days. enjoy it!
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"why can't i?" trinity whines as she leans against the counter. the little white furry body of you two's cat, coco, in her hands. the woman was really trying to convince you to let her bring coco to practice today which was out of the question.
"where would she even be while we practice? what if she runs out onto the field and gets hurt? what if she scratches someone?"
"okay, okay. i get it, god," trinity says. stopping you from listing off more reasons on to why coco can't come along. "but you know she gets lonely, babe," your girlfriend pouts at you. moving closer to you as she holds up coco, "just look at this cute face."
the sight of coco and trinity's faces next to each other is an adorable sight, but not adorable enough for you to say yes. you giggle before placing a kiss on trinity's forehead than the cat beside her.
"she will be fine. now put her down and go get your bag so we can go," you move away from them. going off somewhere in the house to find your missing cleats. meanwhile trinity was hatching up a plan that she knew you would hate, but coco would love (she hopes).
the american player grabs some of the white cat's snacks before going over to where her bag was on the couch. "you just have to stay in here for like 20 minutes tops, okay, baby?" trinity baby talks to the cat. putting the bag of cat snacks open in her bag with coco following after. she worries all of the soccer items in the bag might make it uncomfortable for her furry baby, so quickly she grabs one of you two's small blankets that could hardly fit you both and stuff it inside. coco seemed to be just alright with this arrangement. snuggling up to the blanket before dozing off.
just as you come back into the living room, cleats in hand, trinity zips up her bag enough that you wouldn't be able to tell a cat was in there on the first glance.
"alright, let's go, babe," you say. moving towards the front door with trinity right behind you until you stop with your hand on the door knob. "forgot to say bye to coco," you try to move to go over to her cat tree in the dining room, but trinity stops you.
she speaks loudly (so that you can't hear how coco meows at the sound of her name being called) as she says, "uh.. actually she's.. shitting! yeah she's shitting and you know how long she takes." you look at her in confusion but just shrug it off since y'all don't have enough time to worry about that right now.
"whatever. let's go," and off you two went to practice.
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now getting coco to practice wasn't that hard. the cat slept the time away in the backseat of the car while trinity and you sang along to your playlist. soon enough y'all came to the training facilities for the washington spirit. "you two are late!" andi shouts, leaving from her own car.
"hypocrite!" you shout back. giggling once andi puts up the middle finger at you. meanwhile trinity was trying to cover up the fact she was having a crisis; how was she supposed to sneak coco in? and where would she go? those two questions bounce around the american player's head as she takes your and hers bag out of the car. sticking her tongue out at you when you try to grab yours. "nope. princesses don't carry their own bags," trinity says.
you roll your eyes, hiding the bashful smile on your lips. you check the time on your phone before shaking your head, "whatever. we are already ten minutes late." trinity happily follows along after you. just grateful that you haven't noticed the little white furball that's trying to stick her head out of trinity's bag.
the moment you two get into the locker room you separate. you go off to change while trinity acts like she's trying to change. instead she was looking in her bag, making sure coco was okay. with you two being late the rest of the team was out of the locker room so trinity didn't have to do any explaining just yet.
"i'm going to let you out, okay? just stay right here and nobody's going to know," the american player whispers to coco. the cat just meows as she looks up at her owner. trinity gives her a few pets before letting her out of the bag. pulling out the blanket as well so it can cover the space in her cubby. "stay, okay?" she gives coco a kiss before pulling away. the white cat just lazily lays there. enjoying the warmth of the blanket combined with being in a space that smells like one of her favorite people. trinity closes the door of her cubby the moment ashley walks in.
"coach says hurry up or we are all running suicides," ashley says. those words got trinity to quickly change and head out of the locker room.
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everything was going well and exactly to plan until break. trinity was laying her head on your legs as you two catch your breath. coach still made you two do suicides despite trinity coming out as fast as possible.
"i can't wait to go up against-" before you can even finish your sentence, someone was yelling out from the locker room.
"it's a cat in here!" one of the spirit players shouts. everyone else out on the practice field looks around in confusion, but you already knew who the culprit was. "babe-" you look down at trinity whose face is ridden with panic. she sits up before you can even finish your sentence.
"i swear i can explain!" trinity doesn't even have a chance to as coco runs out of the building onto the field. immediately she clings onto you. the annoyance in you was rising as you realize trinity didn't listen to you, but that wasn't even the focus at the moment with coco in your arms. all of your other teammates came over to you and trinity. good thing coach wasn't anywhere near here.
"well.." andi says as she looks at the white cat in your arms. trinity was waiting for the yelling or something about telling coach, but it was none of that. instead your teammates just cooed at how cute coco is. fighting over who gets to hold her first.
that doesn't mean you aren't annoyed still, but you can't deal with that with everyone crowding around trinity and you, so you leave that for later.
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coco was absolutely spoiled at practice. the spirit coach even said she can come back some days; basically as an unofficial emotional support animal for the team. everyone was on board with that. the day went better than you thought it would, but that doesn't mean trinity wasn't about to get it.
"i can't believe you brought her along without asking me," you say. trinity lets out a groan hearing your words. she already knew you would get on her later about her lil cat smuggle, but still. the cat in question is happily sleeping in trin's arms. tired from a full day of playing around.
"she gets lonely, babe. i explained that to you," trinity reasons.
"she's a cat!"
"a cat who gets lonely! like she has separation anxiety i swear"
"she does not!" you roll your eyes at trinity's childishness. this woman is twenty one and still pulls shenanigans like this. she just falls silent as she pouts. the car falls silent as you stop talking as well. when you two reach your apartment you sigh and look over at trinity after parking.
"i'm not mad, so.. whatever just tell me next time," you say. trinity perks up before leaning over slightly for a kiss. you give her what she wants, smiling once you pull away. "but you're cleaning her litter box today since you wanted to sneak her along," you give her a cheeky smile as she groans.
"but babe!"
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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sosa2imagines · 4 months
Broken Hearts. Part 8
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Warnings- Fluff, good time with friends, little smut.
As you stepped through the doors of the fortress, your senses were immediately assaulted by the tantalizing aroma of pizzas.
The scent filled the air, and your stomach grumbled in response to the mouth-watering fragrance. Nick and Andy, standing near the dining table, chuckled.
“Finally! We were starting to think you two got lost.” Nick teased, an amused smile on his face.
Andy chimed in, his voice filled with a hint of pride. “This was all Lloyd's idea.” he revealed, gesturing towards the pizzas and decorations laid out. You looked over at Lloyd, noticing the satisfied glint in his eyes. It dawned on you that his insistence on the spa trip had been a clever cover-up for preparing this surprise party.
A warm wave of gratitude and affection washed over you, touched by the thoughtfulness behind Lloyd's actions.
You smiled at him, silently expressing your thanks for his efforts. Lloyd returned your smile, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and relief that the surprise had been a success.
Nick couldn't help but give Lloyd a playful jab, a smirk on his face. “We did all the hard work...” he said, shooting a sidelong glance at Lloyd.
Lloyd immediately retorted, feigning offense. “Hey, I helped too!” he protested, a mock pout on his face.
“Sure, if barking orders is called helping, then sure you did help.” Andy smirks.
You kiss both Andy's and Nick's cheeks “Thanks you guys, this is amazing, best party ever!” “Let's get started!!!” Lloyd jumps in.
As the hour passed, the banter continued, and the alcohol started to take its toll on Nick and Andy. Nick slowly started to slur his words, stumbling a bit, while Andy let out loud laughs at everything and anything. Unlike you and Lloyd, you two were perfectly sober.
That’s when you realize your drinks are non-alcoholic, Lloyd just gave you a cheeky smile, with mischievous glint in his eyes.
As Nick and Andy's intoxication became more obvious, you and Lloyd stepped in to help.
You assisted Lloyd in guiding the two stumbling men to their rooms, trying your best to keep them upright. “Come on, guys, time for bed.” Lloyd said firmly, his arm wrapped around Andy's shoulders as he helped him towards his room. You did the same with Nick, attempting to keep him from tripping over his own feet.
As you finished settling Nick and Andy in their rooms, Lloyd discreetly took your hand, gently linking your fingers together.
He led you to the terrace, a soft smile on his face.
As you stepped out onto the terrace, you were greeted by a breath-taking sight.
The expansive space was transformed into a magical haven, adorned with twinkling fairy lights, a comfortable couch bed, and an array of snacks and a bottle of wine.
“Lloyd?” “Welcome to our date” “Date? you never asked…” “I don't ask remember?” “I do and I'm glad, Lloyd this is so beautiful!!!” 
You were filled with awe, taking in the enchanting ambiance that Lloyd had carefully prepared.
He led you to the inviting couch bed, motioning for you to sit. As you settled into the comfortable cushions, you looked up at the night sky, dotted with stars. It was serene and intimate, the perfect setting for a romantic moment.
Lloyd handed you a glass of wine, his gaze lingering on yours. “I'm really glad to have you here.” he murmured, his voice husky and filled with genuine affection.
He reached out then, gently brushing his knuckles against your cheek, a gesture both tender and intimate. His touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but lean into it, savoring the moment. “This view... this moment... it's all the more beautiful with you next to me.”
As Lloyd's lips gently pressed against yours, a wave of euphoria washed over you, enveloping you in an absolute state of bliss. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, wanting to hold onto this moment as if it were a precious treasure.
The world around you faded into the background as you lost yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his kiss. “I’m glad too.”
Lloyd chuckled, breaking the kiss for a moment. He leaned back a little, his eyes glinting with humor. “You know...” he said, his voice filled with a hint of amusement, “I've been planning this date with you since my first jerk off.” He smirked at his own comment, clearly enjoying your reaction. You couldn't help but burst into laughter, the unexpected remark catching you off guard.
“Liar!” you say, shoving him in playfully, “you were in love with Madison, you said and I quote ‘She smells like coconuts.’”
Lloyd laughed heartily, “Hey, hey,” he protested, still chuckling. “I was young and foolish back then. And hey, she did smell like coconuts!” He feigned defensiveness, attempting to justify his past crush on Madison.
You squeak in surprise, as he leans over and pulls you to sit between his legs, his back leaned against the bed couch. Your back leaned against him. He pulls the blanket up over your legs. “I've always liked the way you smelled though.” he whispers against your ear and the tone of his voice showers your skin in goosebumps. “Like what?” you ask quietly.
Lloyd's lips curled into a soft smile as he inhaled your scent once more, his breath warm against your skin. “Like vanilla and fresh laundry,” he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and sincerity. “It's this soothing and intoxicating combination that I can never quite get enough of.” He buried his face into your hair again, nuzzling it gently.
As his hands remained on your waist, nestled underneath the cozy blanket, you could feel his fingers gently squeezing and caressing your skin through the fabric of your clothing. The sensation was soothing and comforting, his grip firm yet affectionate, silently communicating his desire to be closer to you.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you rested back against Lloyd, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath you.
“You know...” you began, the words flowing out of you softly, “I had a secret crush on you since school.” You paused, a nostalgic smile playing on your lips. “But I never said anything, because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship.”
Lloyd's arms tightened around you, his grip becoming a little more possessive at your confession. “You did, huh?” he replied, his voice holding a hint of surprise and amusement. “And here I was, oblivious as ever.” He chuckled again, his fingers tracing circles on your skin. “You could've saved me a lot of heartache if you had told me back then, Sugar.”
You laughed softly, feeling the heat of his breath on your neck. “Well, I always thought you were too busy chasing the popular girls anyway,” you teased, grinning at the memory. “You wouldn't have given me a second glance.”
Lloyd's chest vibrated with a deep, hearty laugh, the sound sending vibrations through your body. “Is that what you think?” he asked, a smirk evident in his voice. “You didn't give me enough credit.” His fingers gently traced up and down your waist, leaving a trail of tingles in their wake. “I definitely would've given you more than a second glance.”
You shivered slightly as you felt his hand slip under your shirt, caressing the bare skin of your waist. His fingers traced feather-like patterns on your skin, igniting a trail of fire in their wake. The sensation of his touch was both soothing and exhilarating, leaving you breathless and wanting more.
While his free hand, continued its exploration, migrating to the waistband of your jeans. He teased the button with his fingertips, gently toying with it.
You hesitated for a moment, gathering your courage before speaking. “You know,” you began, your voice soft, “that night after we kissed, I had the most vivid dream about us.” Your cheeks flushed a soft shade of pink as you continued, the memory still fresh in your mind. “It was so real, like I could feel every touch, every sensation...”
You bite your lip, your breath tripping and coming to a halt, as his left hand is pushing so slowly inside your underwear, his right hand cupping your exposed breast and you are glad for not wearing a bra that day!
Lloyd leaned closer, his lips gently brushing against your ear, causing your heartbeat to quicken.
He took your earlobe between his teeth, softly biting it, before whispering in a low, sultry voice. “Sometimes,” he murmured huskily, his voice low and seductive, “I fantasize about you too.” He nibbled on your earlobe again, his breath hot against your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
He trailed kisses down your neck, his lips leaving a trail of fire along your sensitive skin. “I imagine running my hands all over your body,” he continued, his voice thick with desire. “Claiming you as mine...”
You could feel his breath, ragged and uneven, against your skin as he continued to nibble on your earlobe. “The things I want to do to you...” he murmured, his voice rough with need. His fingers traced the contours of your collarbone, the touch light yet possessive, before going back under your shirt, caressing your breast.”
His thumb easy glides over your clit, “how good I bet you'd take me.”
His touch was both gentle and insistent, as if he wanted to claim every inch of you. He moved slowly, his fingers exploring your cunt, causing you to arch your back in response. His touch was like fire against your skin, igniting a blaze of sensation that spread throughout your body.
You circle your hips and feel his cock growing rock hard. You moan breathily as his finger makes a slow circle over you.
He groans, his fingers, already so slick with your wetness, move in deeper. Working three fingers inside of you, the stretch he provides to soothe the ache inside your pussy, makes you so delirious.
The wet pump of his fingers in and out of your cunt, his thumb over your clit, has turned your brain into a mess.
At the beginning he was fingering you to explore you, but now with the confessions out in the open, he has found a purpose. His mouth hot against your neck, one hand cupped around your breast, pinching your nipple between his thumb and finger a perfect combination of pleasure and pain.
“I like you, always had, maybe more than like you…” he finally confesses. Lloyd pushes his fingers in roughly, to emphasize his confession and you bite your lip to stifle the moan, threatening to escape.
Abruptly he pulls out his fingers and brings his hand up to his mouth. The depth of his groan, makes you shiver, as he devours your taste.
He removes his right hand from underneath your shirt, but his left goes back to your clit, working over you, all over again. “I know I call you Sugar” he says forehead resting against your shoulder “You taste more sweet than sugar itself.”
He pushes you forward slightly, as he works on his own hardness. The new and steady rhythm of Lloyd's hand working up and down over his length is fast and rough almost desperate.
He's so desperately focused, now that he's touched and tasted you, he couldn't resist the urge to come, even if his life depended on it.
You feel his knuckles as they move, the brush of the plump head of his dick, covered in slippery precum. Secondly, you'll never know whether it's from the way your breathing has changed or if it's the fact that you can't sit still anymore, you're biting your lip to keep from moaning loudly.
Lloyd knows you're close, the same way that you know he is too. “I want to touch you…please” you beg and whine. Each move of his fingers pushes you closer to the edge. “Soon,” he promises, breathing harder, as both of you are so close.
“Come for me, Sugar…” he pants and who are you to deny him? You moan his name, trying and failing to contain the sounds of intense pleasure, that are pushing their way out of your throat. It's strong enough to steal your vision, to pull you under into an abyss of endless pleasure.
He doesn't care about the aftershocks he causes, as he pushes his thick fingers, as deep as he can inside you. And there's no use trying to mask the strangled sob that escapes, your whole body shaking like you've been trying to hold for too long.
“You're...ah fuck, I’m gonna come.” he growls, making sure to keep his fingers buried inside you.
You feel his cum shoot hot against your spine, it's enough to make you nearly blackout. He grinds his dick against your back, pumping cum out of his cock against your skin with each thrust. He works himself through his orgasm, making him hiss with delight.
It was the most incredible feeling you had ever experienced. Lloyd's touch was like electricity, igniting every nerve in your body and bringing you to the brink of ecstasy.
You were lost in the sensations, overwhelmed by the intensity of his touch. It was the most glorious, dizzying moment of your life.
After catching his breath, Lloyd leans back a little, and pulls his shirt off, using it to clean you up, before tossing it aside on the floor.
He tilts your face back, to look at him and you can just barely make out his expression from the glow of the lights he doesn't say anything, instead he just looks at you, making sure that you're ok. You move your head slightly, admiring the fairy lights bouncing across his vulnerable face.
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Part 7- Part 9
Taglist- @imyourbratzdoll @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @ilovetaquitosmmmm
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute @nekoannie-chan @emerald-writes
@redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @chemtrails-club @slutforchrisjamalevans @gracescor3
@ghostlythinggoingaround @princezzjasmine @3xclusivemariii @ephemeral-oasis
@geeky-politics-46 @dexter99 @calwitch
@whore-for-chris-evans @caplanreblogsfics
@pono-pura-vida @iwudbutnah @renegadesgirl1991
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Three for One 5
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, cheating, customer service abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As a customer service associate, you’re used to work with a wide variety of characters. Your efforts to go above and beyond draw the attention of a certain set of customers who want more than what’s on the shelf.
Character: Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen, Ransom Drysdale
Note: How are these getting longer lol
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me 💞
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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If you thought the darkness was torturous, the light proves to be worse. You look at your surroundings. It’s eerie. A room curated for one. For you.
The white fluffy stool in front of a matching vanity. A picture of a woman in white sitting in a meadow, flowers all around and a stream flowing through the lush field. A vanity painted with flowers, the night tables matching; the bedspread under you similar woven with pansies. The trim at the top of the wall is pink petals on white and a soft rug under the foot of the bed.
It’s all very cute but deranged. You’d love to have all this and more but you’d rather your apartment. If the price is those three men then you’d rather a gutter. Most importantly, you want your dog.
You can’t even make your demands. The walls can’t give you what you want. You doubt your captors will either but you can try. You can wear them down. You can be nice sure, you prefer that, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be your own brand of evil.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. The noise needles in your ears and you hear the mechanism click. You raise your head to watch the door open and the one with the beard enters. Alan, Arnold? Ugh, you don’t care.
He doesn’t break the threshold. He crosses his arms and stares at you. A ripple in his forehead underlines his thoughts.
“I’m going to bring you out but you have to be good,” he says.
You close your eyes and drop your head. You fill your chest and let out a blasting wail. He grunts and stomps to the bed. He grabs your shoulders, shaking you until you nearly swallow your tongue. You bite the tip as he sits you up and you’re forced to face him.
“No, no more of that. Or you don’t get your first present.”
“I don’t want any of your presents,” you sneer.
“This one, I think you do,” he intones, “I’m asking you to give me a chance. Let me show you that this isn’t just for us. This is about you, honey.”
“I didn’t ask for this,” you hiss, “why can’t you just let me go?”
He shakes his head, “it’s too late for that.”
“I won’t behave. I swear, I’m going to scream–” you inhale and he quickly covers your mouth, his other hand coming around the back of your skull. 
He hushes you as his blue eyes darken, “honey, I’m being nice right now, so you need to go along with this. If you don’t…” he pauses and looks over his shoulder, “I don’t know what they’ll do.”
You furrow your brow. Getting out of this room is one step closer to escape. You can be good. For now.
You let the tension leave your body and soften your expression. He senses it and slowly slides his hand away from your mouth. You flick your lashes, putting on your best pout.
“Okay, Alan, I’ll be good,” you avow.
His brow tweaks and his cheek ticks. His nostrils flare as his chest rise and falls, “it’s Andy.”
“Right, I’m sorry, I’m really freaked out,” you show your teeth sheepishly, “that other guy… he hurt me.”
“Which one?” He asks.
“Er… stache guy.”
“I’ll talk to him,” he huffs, “can I untie you?”
“No, honey, I’m asking,” he looks you straight in the face, “you’re not going to try anything, right?”
“I can be good,” you squirm, “my wrists hurt.”
He lays you back and rolls you over. He pulls the tape away from your arms, then your ankles. You think of the trick from the van. You know his weak spot but it’s too soon for that. Timing, it all comes down to the right opportunity.
“Let’s go,” he takes your hand and helps you up.
You get to your feet and let him lead you out. His large hand clings to yours as he pulls you after him like a child. As you go into the hall, you examine every inch of the place. He takes you into the front room, a low din that in any other circumstance would be cozy.
It looks like any other living room. A sectional and an armchair, an artificial fireplace set into the wall, a mantel trimmed in tinsel, a rich carpet spread over the dark hardwood, and shelves of books along with a television mounted to the wall. The tree in the corner stands bare over a red velvet skirt.
“We can decorate the tree tonight and see if Santa leaves anything for tomorrow.”
You hold back a scoff, “um, I know Santa isn’t real.”
He chuckles, “it’s a joke.”
“Is this the surprise?” You deflate. Sounds like work to you. Of course, your apartment is too small for a proper tree but you’re less than excited for a pastime you always longed for.
“No, not the only one,” he lets you go as you tug on your hand. “Honey, we did this all for you.”
You turn on him, “I didn’t ask you too.”
“Hey, hey, why are you acting like this? You’re such a sweet girl.”
You swallow tightly and hear beeping again. Then a clamour that includes a scramble, some scraping and the thump of a door against something else. You try to see past Andy as you feel cold air rush in from outside. You want to race past him but he’d be on you in a moment.
You hear a familiar growl before another voice wafts in from the entryway.
“Ah, he bit me. Again!” One man says.
“You think I’m having fun at the ass end?” The other retorts.
“Woah, oh, shit–”
There’s a duller thump and you hear claws and paws on the floor. Your heart leaps and you look around Alan– Andy as you hear the heavy breaths bounding towards you. 
“Ernie!” You squeal as the Saint Bernard lumbers in, furtively searching before he spots you. “Ernie, my boy. Oh, baby boy.”
He nearly knocks over Andy as he barrels into your arms. You hug him around the neck and inhale the scent of his fur. His collar tinkles and let his warmth ease your fear. You were so worried about him, more than even yourself.
“You said it was a puppy,” the bare-faced man snarls as he shakes his hand.
“I didn’t know…” Andy says.
“He is a puppy,” you insist.
“Who let the pussycat out?” The mustachioed creep asks.
Your eyes shoot darts in his direction and his hand shields his pants, almost instinctively. Ernie drags his large rough tongue up your cheek. He was scared too but now you have each other.
“Surprise,” Andy says, “so now, honey, you’re going to be good, right?”
You look at him and chew your lip. His eyes fall to Ernie and you put your arm in front of the dog. He doesn’t need to put his threat into words.
“Shit, I’m bleeding. That thing got shots?” Scarf asks.
“What about the girl? She got me good,” Mustache snickers.
“No, but maybe I should get checked now,” you snip.
“Woa-ho!” Mr. Caterpillar exclaims, “she’s got a mouth.”
“Honey,” Andy warns, “we’re being good, right?”
You huff and nod.
“So, apologise.”
“What?” You burst out, “he–” You stop and look between all three men. You have Ernie but you’re more worried about him getting hurt than knowing he’d hurt them in an instant. Even then, he has his head low, a steady rumble brewing in him.
“That thing needs to calm down,” the naked faced one whines, still cradling his hand.
“He’s confused,” you defend your son, “okay? And I’m sorry, er, dude, I’m sure you don’t have any communicable diseases.”
“The fuck? Disease– Alright,” the man steps forward, “that’s it. First she bites me, then she kicks me in the dick and now–”
“Lloyd,” Andy puts his hand up, “no. We’re all just getting used to each other. You’re not exactly easy to be around yourself.”
“Fuck that, I’m funny,” the fuzzy lipped man, Lloyd, argues.
“Everyone just quit,” Andy demands, “alright? Did you get the food?”
“Food?” The bare-faced man shrugs out of his jacket, “what food?”
“For the dog? I told you–” Andy begins.
“Ah, shit, knew we forgot something,” Lloyd chuckles, “he’ll be fine. He can eat chicken, can’t he?”
“He has a sensitive tummy,” you say.
“Jesus,” the third man grumbles as he hangs his scarf over his coat. “I’m not going back. It’s late.”
“Can he have rice? Carrots?” Andy suggests.
“I guess, I don’t know if he’ll eat 'em,” you look at Ernie as his deep brown eyes meet yours. You pet his head to keep him calm. He doesn’t like these men any more than you do.
“Fine,” Andy huffs, “go get the decorations,” he orders the others.
“Why don’t you get the decorations?” Lloyd sneers.
“She needs to change,” Andy explains.
“Like we can’t help her,” the other man challenges.
“I don’t often agree with him, but he’s right. We’ll get her changed.”
You grimace as your eyes ping pong at the back and forth of their conversation. This isn’t good. You don’t enjoy being talked about like you’re not there.
“How about I get myself changed?” You offer.
The men turn to you. None of them seem impressed. A sudden peel of thunder fills the room and you look at Ernie. His bark echoes in your ears.
“Shut that thing up,” Lloyd snaps.
“He’s quiet,” you say, “he was just saying the same about you.”
“Really?” He goes to take another step forward and the other man stops him, “Ransom, let me go.”
“I’ll take her, you two go get the decorations,” he says.
Andy frames his hips and sighs, “fine. We all know the plan. Let’s stick to it.”
You want to raise your hand and clarify that you do not, in fact, know the plan but you suspect you’re not a part of the collective. You keep your hand on Ernie and gulp. He nuzzles your hip.
You bend and pet behind his ear, “it’s okay.” It’s not. You move to face him, “sit,” you raise your voice, “stay. I’ll be right back.”
As you stand, the dog obeys. He’s a gentle giant, at least with you. You pat his head and turn away. The men watch you.
“That thing listens?” The one they called Ransom asks.
“He can.”
“Come on,” he beckons you with two fingers, a smirk ghosting on his lips.
“This is bullshit,” Lloyd mutters as Andy approaches him.
“We can keep talking all night,” Andy pats his shoulder, “or get things moving.”
“Whatever,” the man smooths his mustache.
You reluctantly move towards the third man, the one with no personality grown out on his lip or jaw. A baby face if you ever saw one. The way he leers makes you uncomfortable. He smells like Armani.
“Not smiling now, are you?” He says under his breath as he ushers you down the hall.
He points you into that same bedroom. You stop just inside and he shoulders past you with a grumble. You watch him go to the wardrobe and open it. You look between him and the door. You could make it.
You wait a few seconds as he pushes hangers over the bar. You take a step. He doesn’t notice. Another and he’s bitching about colours. You didn’t think men were that picky. You get right in the frame of the door and back out. He looks around the open wardrobe.
“Bye,” you wave and pull the door shut.
You know he’s probably swearing at you but you can’t hear him. You hold onto the handle and hit the little lock icon in the corner of the keypad. The deadbolt rolls into place.
This is it. You edge out to the living room. You don’t see anybody. Ernie sits where you left him, sniffing the air. He sees you and perks up. You wave him over and he lifts his rump, taking careful steps across the room.
You grab his collar and take him with you to the front door. You twist the handle, it doesn’t budge. You flip the lock over it, still nothing. You don’t know what to do. What the hell?
You search around you. The windows are barred, you can’t get out that way. There’s a small box right beside the door. You flip it open to reveal another keypad. Fuck.
“And where are we going, pussy cat?” The question nips your ears as a plastic ornament pings off the wall beside you. You spin and face the mustachioed menace. 
“You know, I just need some fresh air.”
Ernie growls and puts himself between you and the man, keeping the distance with his body. He prowls around, snout low as he paces back and forth. Lloyd steps closer and the dog mirrors him.
“Call that thing off,” he demands.
“Why would I do that?” You challenge.
“Well I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if I made him stop,” he opens and closes his fist.
“You wouldn’t hurt a puppy–”
“I’ll do what needs to be done,” he tilts his head.
“Ernie,” you call the dog, “quiet. Sit.”
The dog lets out a wispy boof but listens. He flops his butt down and glares at the man. You put your hands up and step forward.
“You’re mean. How can you threaten an innocent dog?”
“He drooled on my Jimmy Choo’s,” he says, “come on,” he grabs you by the back of the neck, “let’s go get the dumbass out.”
Ernie barks as you whimper. You flutter your hand at him as Lloyd’s fingertips pinch into your tendons, “Ern, it’s okay, I’m okay. Stay.”
He must hear the panic. He remains, restlessly shifting his front paws. You march beside the man back to the hallway. You reach to touch his arm and he only squeezes harder.
“Shouldn’t blame you for trying,” he says, “but I will.”
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
I would absolutely love a Andy Barber or Ari Levinson Best Friends Dad fic
Maybe they sneak into your room late at night and start touching you while you’re asleep, leading into more
Anything like that would be great
hello. I'm sorry this took so long. I thought I'd write both men. also, the smut not be that great, so I do apologise for that.
summary - you've been teasing your best friend's dad and his best friend for months, and they've finally fallen into your small trap.
warning - smut, threesome, creampie, daddy kink, breeding kink, best friend's dad, older men, slight somno, dubcon, swearing, oral sex.
18+ only please, the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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Ari and Andy sneak into your room, their cocks hardening as they see you sleeping bare. Ari immediately called his best friend Andy when his daughter told him you were staying over, and he’s glad he did. You were a sight for sore eyes.
They move closer, and their large hands touch your body softly. Groaning as you feel so smooth, your legs widen, giving the men a great view of your glistening cunt. Together they begin to rub your swollen clit. Their other hand moves to twist your nipples and squeeze your breasts.
“God, she’s such a fucking slut, even in her sleep.” Ari hums in agreement, smirking as you whimper in your sleep. 
“A whore like her must be punished for being a tease.” Both men slowly crawl onto the bed, their clothes left on the floor, and their cocks stand tall. Andy grips his cock tightly, rubbing his leaking tip against your plump lips while Ari lines up with your weeping entrance. Both groan as their so close to finally getting what they want.
A whine leaves you, your eyes slowly opening as you wake. “Mr Levinson? Mr Barber, what are– OH!” Ari thrusts deep inside you, and the loud moan that leaves you is interrupted by Andy shoving his cock into your mouth.
“Shh, baby girl. Let us take care of you.” Ari grips your hips, stopping them from moving as he pounds harder and faster into your tight cunt. “Jesus fucking Christ! If I had known you’d feel like heaven, I would’ve fucked you in your little dresses ages ago.” His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head, never having felt someone as heavenly as you.
Andy grunts, his hands squeezing your breasts as he thrusts deep into your throat. Feeling you choke and gag on his cock makes his head fuzzy. “Fuck! That’s right, honey. Keep choking on daddy’s cock.” He leans back, watching his cock go in and out of your mouth, feeling his balls tighten at the lump in your throat. “So good, honey. You suck cock so well!”
Soft whines and whimpers escape your full mouth, your body withering underneath the prominent, older men. You wonder what your best friend would think if she walked in and found you like this. The thrill of getting caught causes your cunt to squeeze her father’s cock, tingles spreading throughout your body with this newfound pleasure. 
“You like this. Don’t you, baby girl?” Your eyes water, trying to nod as he keeps fucking into your sweet spot. One hand gripping each man, your nails dug into their flesh as they brought pleasure to your body. “Fuck– shit! I’m going to cum! You’ll be so full of me, baby girl, that you’ll soon be round with my child.” The thought of you round and plump, walking around with a part of him inside you and having to lie to everyone causes his balls to tighten and his eyes to roll as he erupts. Filling your puffy cunt to the brim with his seed.
Andy groans, thrusting faster into your mouth. The moan you let out sends vibrations up his throbbing member, causing his cock to twitch as he empties into the back of your throat. “Shit– fuck! You made me cum like a fucking teenager!” Both men groan as they pull out, Ari’s eyes transfixed on his cum leaking out of your stuffed cunt. A squeal leaves you as he pushes it back deep inside you with his finger. “Swallow it, honey. Make your daddies proud.” Andy smiles as you listen to him, his cock twitching at the sight.
You pout, eyes wide as you stare at them. “More, please?” 
They finally fell into your trap. All the hard work of acting innocent and teasing them definitely paid off. You couldn’t wait till they marked you all over the house. The next place you had in mind was your best friend's room… The thought of them wrecking you in there made your cunt clench around nothing.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 3 months
Mob Rules - Playtime with Thor
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Playtime | Thor x Reader | 2.4k words
When you and Thor make an early exit while waiting for the boss' meeting to be over, he suggests a little playtime.
Warnings: 18+ AU with d/s themes, open relationship/free use. Semi-public sex (in car), use of butt plug, cockwarming, cum marking/creampie, anal, anal play. Little bit of Stucky x Reader at the end. Rated S for smut and F for filth.
Masterlist | Mob Rules | Poly Fics |Bucky | Steve
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It was boring, worse than boring, mindless, endless, the food terrible, the conversation none existent. You gave a petulant sigh, tapping your manicured nails against the side of your crystal champagne flute.
You turned to Thor, one of two bodyguards assigned to you by Sir and Sarge, and rolled your eyes. He was your designated escort for this a formal tea party held by one of the gang’s latest business associates and while the garden was very beautiful and the sun lovely and warm, you were still endlessly bored. At least you got to spend more time with Thor though, you hadn’t had a chance to spend much time with him yet, one on one, you were mostly occupied with Sir and Sarge, although they were starting to allow the other gang members to approach you. 
In fact, you’d slept in Andy’s bed last night, a congratulatory prize for the lawyer after getting one of the dealers off a minor charge the day before. Andy was gentle, but firm, and you’d slept well afterwards, waking naturally when the sun came streaming through the windows. Naturally, but alone. There were normally so many people around that you hardly got a moment to yourself so, enjoying the luxury of privacy, you took a long hot shower before heading back to your own room. 
As soon as you opened the door you knew that Sir and Sarge had already been looking for you. Your bed was still neatly made, but your clothes for the day were placed on the end of the comforter. A light blue summer dress, strappy heels and matching lace underwear. They always knew just what to pick to make your day. 
Sir and Sarge had left instructions for you to dress and join them in the garage for 1pm, ready for this ridiculous attempt at a tea party, and had left a discrete black box alongside your dress. Inside was a small silicone butt plug, bright pink and very soft as well as a new tube of lube. Excitedly you’d dressed in all your new gifts and clenched your legs together, waiting for something to happen. You were sure from the bluetooth symbol on the side that they had some wicked plan to toy with you during the day. But nothing happened. 
Thor caught your eye again and you gave your secret signal to leave, standing politely and excusing yourself until you were out of ear shot. 
It felt good having Thor following you through the garden and into the courtyard of the mansion. He was huge, taller even that Sir and Sarge, with dark blonde hair that fell about his shoulders. Despite his muscular stature he had a friendly, welcoming, face that had instantly put you at ease when you were introduced. That, alongside his booming laugh, made you think he must have been some sort of jovial god in another life.
Thor walked half a pace behind you, head swivelling to make sure no one was following, or watching, who shouldn’t be. Half of his hair was in a messy bun, the rest looked stuck to his neck, the day was so hot you were desperate for the cool of the air conditioned car.
“God, that was shit, can we go home now?” You whined as soon as you were out of earshot, and Thor gave a low chuckle in answer. 
“Not yet, Bambi, the bosses still have some work to do.” He laughed but it was indulgent and kind. If you were bored he must have been falling asleep, stood watching without taking part. 
“But I’m bored,” you pouted up at him while he opened your car door, looking around once more before following you into the dim interior of the limousine. 
“Good job I brought something to entertain you then,” he smirked and, suddenly, you remembered the plug. 
His face lit with a smile at the same time your eyes widened, “that was from you, wasn’t it?” 
“Correct,” he pulled his phone from his pocket and flicked through the apps, grin widening and finger dragging up the screen. You squirmed, shocked, as the plug began to vibrate. The feeling shot through you instantly, your body going slack and giving in to the pleasure. 
“Does that feel good, Bambi?” His voice dropped lower, a rich, rolling tone, still a lilt of his Australian accent despite years spent in Brooklyn. 
“Uh huh,” you mumbled, biting your bottom lip and digging your fingernails into the leather of your seat. 
Thor watched the expression on your face change, the plug was exciting, it had your skin prickling with need, but it wasn’t quite enough. He kept his eyes trained on yours as you began grinding into the seat beneath you, slipping a hand up your thigh -
“No. Don’t touch yet. I’ve had to watch you for so long, I want you to wait too.”
He reached forward and tugged you into him, arranging your legs on either side of his hips until your wet panties were plastered against his growing cock. It felt wonderful between your legs, pressing into your wet folds and aching clit. 
Thor’s hands found your waist and allowed you to circle your hips just once, searching for friction, before he lifted you again. 
“Need some help, Bambi?” He smirked, confident and cocksure, “be a good girl and ask for it.” With one hand he kept a tight hold of your waist, with the other he freed his cock, the head bobbing through the black material of his trousers and leaving a trail of precum. 
Since moving in with Sir and Sarge you had yet to see a dick you didn’t love, even if you had only been allowed to sample a very select few. Every one was different, delicious, filling in their own right, and Thor’s was no exception. You were sure your fingertips wouldn’t touch if you tried to grasp him, the shaft thick and heavy, tapering slightly to the flushed head. You wanted it, now, inside you, stretching you, the perfect match to the insistent buzzing of the plug in your hole. 
“Please, Thor, please can I have your cock?” You wanted to look at him, you really did, you knew the sort of manners expected of you as the gang’s girlfriend, but you couldn’t tear your eyes from the swollen head of his cock. “Plug me up, fill me up, please?”
He let out a deep, rough, laugh and squeezed himself harder, milking a single drop of precum from the tip that slowly pearled and fell down the length of his shaft. You squirmed, letting out an embarrassing mewl. 
The plug stopped and you balled up your fists in frustration at the total lack of stimulation. Throwing caution to the wind, you lifted yourself and rubbed your pussy against him, dipping down enough to tease the head over your covered entrance, pushing against the fabric.
“So needy,” he commented, more to himself than to you, his own gaze was locked on your thighs, straddling his own, the sheen of your arousal making them slick, and his cock, disappearing between them and under your dress. You bunched it up further, holding the skirt with one hand and using the other to grip his shirt for leverage. 
“Please,” you pouted, batting your eyelashes. 
“Fine, you can sit on it.” He conceded, pushing your panties to one side, and allowing you  to slowly lower yourself, inch by inch, his cock getting wider, the stretch a burn that had you begging for more, bouncing slowly until you were fully seated. 
You dropped your dress in favour of dipping your fingers between your legs and feeling the way he’d stretched you, pushing up on your lower stomach. 
“The bosses were right, you do feel like heaven.” He observed, cupping your cheeks, “you sit tight -” he winked, “and I’ll turn your little toy back on for you.” 
Your mouth dropped into a surprised ‘o’ as the vibrations started again, stronger this time. With Thor’s cock buried so deep the plug pressed even harder against your walls, vibrating into your pussy as well. 
You circled your hips, attempting to press your clit to the cold belt of Thor’s trousers, but he held you firm, slightly away from his body. 
With a smirk he slid his hand under your dress and pressed his thumb to your clit, a deep insistent pressure. 
“Please.” You begged, eyes wide. 
“Let’s see how long it takes you to cum like that.” He leant back and spread his arms over the seats. 
“Thor, that’s not fair.” You moaned, the sensations too overwhelming to form any more of an argument, though you could tell that he was struggling too by the way his jaw was clenched. 
Despite his lack of movement you could feel the coil of your pleasure tightening, your walls clamping down on his and your hole squeezing the plug deeper. 
“Thor -” you whined, trying to move again but finding hands on your hips again, holding you down on his cock, impossibly deep and with no escape. You could barely twitch, your hands fisted so tightly in his shirt that it pulled against his muscled chest, the buttons straining. 
“Come on my cock, Bambi, let me feel that little pussy and then I’ll give you my cum.” His eyes met yours focussed and unrelenting, his body remaining still despite your efforts to writhe and rub yourself. 
Your orgasm hit you all the harder, the pulsing of your walls and clit were relentless with no respite from the feel of him, no push or pull just the feeling of being entirely full. Thor continued to smirk, brushing one long lock of blonde hair behind his ear before lifting you and spinning you around, pushing you over until your hands hit the floor. 
Embarrassment flooded you. From this position he had full access to you, he’d be able to see the way your hole still greedily gripped the neck of the plug, pulling it in and out as your orgasm faded. He’d be able to see the drip of your own arousal as it spilled from between your puffy lips, and he wouldn’t be able to see your face,  he didn’t need to after all, you were just a toy now, easily tossed about for him to use. 
“Such a good fucking girl, aren’t you Bambi, so sweet, bet neither of the bosses ever put you in this position did they?” He brought a large hand down to smack the globe of your ass, it stung, but you couldn’t help the flood of arousal either. “I’m gonna use your little holes and then I’m going to plug you back up so you don’t forget that you belong to all of us.” He growled, “you took too long to come to me, Bambi, I won’t want this long again.” 
You felt him move and then the solid weight of his cock against your lips, but he didn’t thrust in. Instead you could feel his hand as he moved it up and down his cock at pace, his knuckles catching on your clit and making you cry out. And then he was tugging at the plug, pulling it from your hole with an obscene pop and replacing it with the head of his cock. With as much energy as you could muster you tried to move backwards, but he didn’t give you anymore, just the wide head keeping you open. For a moment you wondered why he’d stopped, and then he gave a guttural groan and you felt the hot splash of cum painting you from the inside. 
He picked up the plug, the silicone rolling in the cleft of your ass cheeks briefly before he began to tease it in again -
“Well, well, well.” The door to the limousine opened, flooding the dark space with light. You couldn’t see, but you could tell by the polished shoes that slid past you that Sarge and Sir had finished their meeting. “What’s going on here?” Sarge asked. 
“Thor was -” 
“Not you, Bambi. We only want to hear you make those pretty little noises.” Sir snapped. 
“Just having some play time, boss, Bambi was bored, weren’t you sweetheart?” Thor laughed, plunging the plug in and you groaned again, grateful to have the toy back inside even if it wasn’t buzzing. 
Sarge hummed, “sounded fun, mind if we join in?” He didn’t wait for an answer before your world was spinning again, still on the floor you were now at least face up, looking up into Sarge’s twinkling eyes. 
“You good down there, Bambi?” He asked, smoothing his hands across your arse and down past your pussy. His thumbs rubbed your lips teasingly. 
“Yes, thank you, Sarge.” 
He laughed, “you like being full of cum, do you? We’d better give you some more then.” The tent in his trousers was unmistakable, how long had they been listening to you?
Sarge removed the plug, wiping it on the handkerchief from his top pocket before putting it in your mouth, “you keep that warm like the good slut you are, because it’s going right back in when we’re finished with you.” 
Sarge began to stroke himself slowly, rubbing and cupping your pussy with one hand until you were mewling again, your begging muffled around the toy. 
“Should gag her more often,” Sir said, sliding along the bench seat to be closer, his own cock rock hard and dribbling precum. 
Thor, though he’d tucked himself away, was pressing his heel to his crotch again, unsure if he’d be in trouble or not, and that thought alone had you desperate for one of them to fuck you. Being caught had been a lot more exhilarating than you’d thought it would be. 
“Move, gonna cum.” Sir pushed against Sarge and grabbed one of your thighs, pushing it back until you were almost bent in half, your hole gaping slightly without the plug to cling to. Like Thor, Sir pressed his head into your hole and came with a grunt, thrusting a little before pulling back pushing the cum in with his fingers. “Shit,” he panted. “Fill ‘er up, Buck.” 
Sir angled you back towards Sarge just in time for him to push inside, thrusting as he came until he was bent over you, fucking his way through his orgasm. You cried out as his hips rubbed against your clit perfectly, sparking new pleasure through your whole body. 
“Good girl,” he moaned, “good fucking girl.” His eyes were glazed when he pulled back, plucking the plug from your mouth and pushing it back in easily. “Fuck, that was a good idea Thor. Wonder how many she could take before it starts coming out again.” 
Sir and Thor laughed while you gazed up at them. You weren’t sure you could manage everyone without getting to cum at least one more time, but you would certainly try!
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