#no more bagpipes bless
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By India McTaggart and Tracey Kandohla
21 April 2024
The first statue of Queen Elizabeth II since her death has been unveiled to the approving barks of nearly 50 corgis.
The permanent memorial to Britain’s longest-reigning monarch – complete with her own immortalised dogs – has been hailed as a fitting tribute for the “mother of our nation.”
The eye-catching 7ft bronze statue went on display on what would have been the late monarch’s 98th birthday, with a group of her favourite dogs stealing the show.
It takes pride of place outside the library in the market town of Oakham, in Rutland, Britain’s smallest county.
It depicts a youthful Queen Elizabeth – who stood at just 5ft 4in – standing at 7ft in regal robes with three loyal corgi companions at her feet, one peeking out from the creases.
It serves as a permanent reminder of her 70-year reign and her enduring affection for the Pembroke Welsh breed.
Sculptor Hywel Pratley believes the memorial will become a hit not only with royal fans, but that it will attract social media users wanting a selfie beside the late monarch and her dogs.
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Speaking before the unveiling in front of a 400-person crowd and with a host of local dignitaries attending, he said:
“The plinth is designed to be sat on and I can see the statue becoming popular with the Instagram generation, and why not?
It will make a perfect backdrop for pictures and people will be able to reach up and pat a dog or if small enough even sit in its back.”
Mr Pratley, 51, who is half Welsh and lives in Chelmsford, Essex, told how he chose to add the corgis for a “bit of fun and to tap into the late Queen’s humanity and address her friendliness.”
He explained he made the statue larger than life because a “life-size Queen Elizabeth is too small. She deserves more.”
The £125,000 statue was commissioned by Dr Sarah Furness, the Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland, following the Queen’s death in September 2022.
Addressing the crowds in the spring sunshine, she said:
“We are witnessing a piece of history today with the first statue of Queen Elizabeth to be commissioned since her death and who gave us 70 years of exemplary service.
Rutland may be a small county, but the response to this had been huge with contributions from local businesses and individuals of varying sizes.”
As she spoke, barks from 46 dogs from the Welsh Corgi League rang out, and she said, smiling: “You can hear them!”
She added: “The statue is for everyone.”
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Before his cancer battle had been known and made public, King Charles III had been invited to unveil the statue.
It is not known if Palace officials had agreed to the request.
Instead, the honour fell to Alicia Kearns, the Tory MP for Rutland and Melton, before being blessed by Debbie Sellins, the Bishop of Peterborough.
One resident, Hilda Townsend, said: “It is just wonderful. We are the tiniest county, but the first to honour the late majesty in such a big way. It is a very fitting tribute.”
Her husband, John, added: “It is absolutely amazing and, as Rutlanders, makes us extremely proud.”
The unveiling of two of the three bronze corgis was given to two young children who had won a local school art competition.
In an emotional speech, Ms Kearns, 31, said:
“It is an incredible statue of our beloved Queen, who showed unwavering commitment.
We hope we can reflect on her legacy of compassion, strength and leadership. The statue was no mean feat and is for all of Rutland and all of our country, and to come together in joy. Rutland leads and others will follow.”
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The MP revealed that the King would be visiting the statue.
Crowds of local residents mingled with visitors from further afield, some waving Union flags, with children sporting gold paper crowns on their heads.
She told spectators: “I am proud to play my very small part in helping to celebrate her reign,” pointing to the statue and saying: “She belongs to all of you.”
Following the unveiling, a lone bagpiper played a lament to the late Queen and the National Anthem was played, with crowds joining in.
Dozens of corgis, some wearing red, white and blue, then posed beside the new monument with their owners and officials before parading along the packed streets to Oakham Castle for a meet-and-greet session with the public.
Among the corgi owners was Katrina Emptage from Lincoln, with her two-year-old pet, Mable.
She said: “The statue is absolutely amazing and I’m delighted to be here to see it and be part of the corgi parade. It is very special.”
The late Queen held a life-long, deep affection for the breed after she fell in love with the dogs as a child.
She owned more than 30 over the years, many of which were direct descendants of the first, Susan, which was given to her as an 18th birthday present by her parents in 1944.
Speaking of his inspiration, Mr Pratley said:
“I very quickly thought that I would like to have a corgi nestling in her robes by her feet because what a great symbol it is, artistically, of her being mother of a nation.”
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
I think, probably more than is reasonable, about the All-Eras Doctors and Companions TARDIS Band. They basically have to play some kind of folk-rock, because they have a bagpiper and an electric guitarist and a guy who plays the spoons and that kind of limits your genre options. Fitz probably at least knows a little early Folk Revival stuff, so that's all right. There's possibly Eight on violin as well as Two struggling along on recorder, bless him. If they have a singer it's probably Six. I am not sure his style of singing 100% blends with the rest of it, but oh well. They could use a little more percussion but I can't think of any drummers.
Unfortunately I think I probably really like their music. It sounds like my kind of thing.
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Scrooge: GIVE IT AWAY!?
Webby: More like putting it mostly back?
Scrooge: BACK!
Webby: Yep! I'm calling it "re-adventuring!"
Webby: Well it’s kinda hard for any else to enjoy it right now-
Scrooge: ENJOY!?
Webby: -what with it all being locked up in bins and stuff...
Scrooge: I- bins? Lass, are you hearing yourself? The beasties in the other bin are dangerous monsters of magic and menace!
Webby: Exactly! Fun!!!
Scrooge: And the money in the bin is MINE. I collected it-
Lena: cough stole cough cough
Scrooge: -fair and square!
Webby: I know. You’re a self-made man.
Scrooge: That I am!
Webby: You worked hard and took risks and made an amazing life for us.
Scrooge: See? Bless me bagpipes, I didn’t risk life and limb gathering gold and trapping terrors just so anyone off the street could squander them- I did it for our FAMILY.
Violet: Hmm.
Scrooge: Oh alright, I did it for the adventure- which I then SHARED with my family! Happy now?
Violet: That is more accurate, yes.
Webby: And wonderful! Growing up in manors and going on adventures with you is great! But what about, you know… everyone else?
Scrooge: If someone else wants to run from a bloodthirsty unicorn, or earn-
Lena: Steal.
Scrooge: EARN treasure from an accursed temple, then what’s stopping them, eh? They can go right ahead and do it on their own dime!
Webby: How?
Scrooge: What?
Webby: How is anyone else supposed to do what you did, if there’s no adventures left in the world for them? 
Scrooge: …well…
Webby: How can they earn what you got if you’re hoarding it all in the bins?
Scrooge: … ah’m, ah’m sure there must still be, something…
Violet: There is not.
Lena: the nerds have spoken.
Webby: We've checked.
Violet: Multiple times.
Lena: and that pun is still the only fun thing to ever come out of your stupid finances
Scooge: Maybe you could check again..?
Webby: Dad, you asked me for a family business plan. This is it.
Scrooge: 'This' is also me life's work, Webby.
Webby: Exactly! It's AMAZING! But it's just sitting around gathering dust! Let’s stop wasting all your cool adventures and DO something with them!
Lena: Epic burn.
Violet: Unhelpful comment.
Lena: Sorry.
Scrooge: … just, put it all back? Give it up?
Webby: No. Invest it.
Scrooge: I'm not seeing much profit in it for us.
Webby: You will. There's always something new and fun and frightening to look forward to! So when the world needs saving, again, and a whole new generation of self-made adventures shows up to help fight for it- that'll be like the best investment security of all! Right?
Scrooge: …… ah suppose…
Lena: also like, we’ve already snuck out the sword horse, sooo
Scrooge: you wha- You’ve WHAT
Webby: It was antsy!
Violet: Your other bin is severely lacking in adequate environmental stimulation. And alarmingly lacking in security.
Lena: And Webby wanted a rematch with it
Scrooge: She wanted a- o' course she did. Did you win, lass?
Webby: We had to reattach it’s horn with super glue so I think so!
Scrooge: That’s my girl.
Webby: Thanks! Am I also your girl of sound financial investments??
Scrooge: That's...
Scrooge: ... aye, lass. That you are. Truly.
Violet: 'Aww'.
Webby: My name's Webby?
Lena: Ooooh~
Webby: Wait- my name ISN'T "Truly", right? I don't have ANOTHER secret name do I? Having a clone name is fine, and getting the McDuck name is AMAZING, but they're really starting to stack up now and Scrooge wants me to work on my signature only it's really hard to fit it all on one line and I also kinda wanna add another one someday maybe depending definitely not having anything to do with YOU Lena I'm just staring at you right now because it's really FUN and ENCHANTING and wait, what're we doing right now...?
Scrooge: Will you two miscreants get this girl out of the manor before the air in here does her any more harm.
Violet: We require no prompting.
Lena: C'mon Webby, delight of my dark and accursed existence, let's go bankrupt your dad.
Webby: Okay!!!!!
Scrooge: Just- just some of the money now, not all of it. NOT ALL.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Which arknights operators have the best pegging game and which ones have the worst?
Hoshiguma - will dick you down exactly how you like it and being held in her big strong arms will make you feel anywhere from safe and protected to primally dominated
Nearl - very sweet and responsive and good at reading your signs so she can give you what you need
Saria - will pound your prostate like it owes her money
Horn - you want to top her? By what?
Siege - did you know that lions can mate anywhere from 20 - 40 times a day?
Gavial - wildly enthusiastic, but will be gentle if you need her to. Considers submission holds a form of foreplay. Be prepared for bite marks.
Gladiia - fantastic pegging game, but be sure to use LOTS of lube
Blaze - similar to Gavial, Big Catto makes things fun and is down for all sorts of stuff. Also very warm and will cuddle you afterwards.
Texas - she's a teeny tiny Lupolet but that won't stop her from drilling you like an oil well
Lappland - sex with Lappland is wild and will leave you limping and covered with bite and scratch marks. She'll pound you like you're behind on your protection payments. If you ask real nice, she might even use lube.
Penance - they dont call her the long dick of the law for nothing
Whislash - Auntie has exacting standards. Fortunately for you, she's going to train you until you meet them.
Indra - see Gavial
Specter - see Lappland, except she's more likely to be gentle since she knows you're weak and fragile
Meteorite - something something lay you(r cervix) to siege something something caught in her intricate net
Dobermann - see Whislash
Meteor - see Nearl
Gravel - loves you very much and will do anything for you, including peg you nice and good
Platinum - can't even handle an ab roller. Will be wheezing 3 strokes in
Swire - bless her heart, she tries, but she's just too much of a bottom
Bagpipe - see Swire.
Irene - unfortunately her swordsmanship doesn't translate here
Exusiai - see Swire
Sora - bottom
Saileach - bottom
Nightingale - cannot maintain this level of exertion for long
Skadi - variable. If you have Outstanding durability or higher, she will peg the hell out of you, but if you don't, she'll kill you on the first thrust
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aro-iceland · 8 months
not really a drawing request but id love to know more about your ocs??? from what you’ve posted they look amazing??
Thank you VERY much!!! i forgot how much i love to talk about them
(sorry for the old art or picrews, i am too excited to not talk about them and simultaneously not patient enough to redraw them)
All picrew links: Kit + Kevín + Lilly Annalise Piper + Cecily Mikael + Claire Princeton
here's a general overview of everything that exists:
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part 1: em groups
you should at least be vaguely familiar with my em. every single au and whatever hetalia character i feel like grabbing for that day goes in there. interesting little tidbit that somehow hasn't come up so far is that in more human AUs of mine he's part irish! ~20% of icelandic males and 60% of females actually have irish/keltic ancestry!!! ireland being his mom hc is going WILD in me. he's also very magic because that headcanon singlehandedly started the ice obsession in me. how well in tune he is with it and how exactly it looks like depends on the au . i also make him closer friends with swe and fin because i can👍
(excerpt from my em content dedicated whatsapp group with just my (non-hetalia) best friend and me: )
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le is there a lot because i love him so so much. incredibly phoenix coded man
there's also monaco, gwendolyn or gwenny to me. she's a permanent resident because i support women's rights (slaying) and wrongs (gambling addictions)
a notable not fully formed character is faroe islands! petra sometimes, emma other times. i genuinely don't know where those names come from. i heard the faroe islands and iceland being referred to as "kind of like twins" and as each othere's "best friends" *somewhere* and i am VERY normal about that too. oh SO normal
part 2: mikael's world
a fusion of 2 groups put into one world, connected by one flimsy tie. it's mostly analogous to real life but no homophobia👍
Group A: Pentagon
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Mikael started out as a swedish micronation oc but we don't talk about that. he has a chicken called omelette because of inside jokes during... my wattpad era... shudders. i project onto him a lot and lots of his design is just wish fullfillment. while i love my ocs suffering and angst, because i put so much of myself in him, ultimately, his story is one of healing. major point of difference between us though is that his parents abandoned him and mine... didn't.do.that. 💀👍
Claire and Piper both actually started out as minecraft skins i made for fun!! and then i made them kith:3
Cecily and Kit were added becaue i felt like something was missing to complete the friendgroup!
Group B: menace club
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Kevín and Lilly are my ACNL and ACNH side accounts...... and Annalise was some pretty trans woman i drew one day there's nothing much to this
Part 3: D&D
so.. confession: i haven't actually played d&d yet! but my friends love it a lot, i love a couple ttrpg podcasts so.. yeah i have a couple concepts!
The Leighlar Pilayden, or blueberry bitchfuck as i like to call him, Half Elf sorcerer who was abandoned as a babg and raised in a cult which, in a world with multiple deities, somehow ended up believing in the *one* that doesn't exist! he's a sorcerer but they all think his powers a blessing from their god
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TIEFLING BARD I might get to play as him soon... negative strength, the only reason he has such a high charisma stat is because everyone pitties him... he accidentally ended up in a criminal gang... he plays the pan flute and bagpipes... pathetic baby
Part 4: Miscellaneous
All the Characters that are alone in their worlds!
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(^aesthetic wise but he definitely kins larry)
Brian is the brain cell a friend and i are sharing and also the last one we have. he's a SOO overworked office worker. he has to handle EVERYTHING he's so exhausted please give him a break. he recently got a boyfriend. good for my him
Recently re-named Ailbhe used to be Avery and is a genderless, fully white skinned(as in colour not the skin colour we associate with the word. imagine porcelaine!) and neon yellow haired fallen angel/ex-demi-god!! not much lore but... lots of potential!!
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Firenze is... idk he just happened in one history lesson in 2018 and now he's here. bunny boy with lots of responsibilities around the palace!!!
and ... phew. i THINK that's it? mostly? oh my god. if. there's anyone you wanna know more about... tell ME
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lizalfosrise · 1 year
Hey Rise, it's AK favorites time again. Give me your best defenders. Gameplay, personality, aesthetic, whatever.
Alrighty! Let's place this under a cut:
Launch Faves:
Spot - I see full kemono in Arknights I black out and go feral good yes very nice. That healing smokescreen remains very helpful, and he's just a real solid bro. His VA caught my eye too, since I was watching Raildex that year so I'd been hearing him quite a lot.
Cuora - Roaming baseball turtle is Fucking Invincible. HOMERUN!! Her module lore story was pretty nice in a sledgehammer-to-the-heart kinda way given it was her memory issues + her baseball&bat's origin. Incredibly solid and the first elusive 4-blocker saving our asses and storing up Pure Gold Ingots in the Factories. Homerun indeed.
Croissant - Really cool and fun character (we got her southern US drawl back hooray) with the interesting gimmick of being the push-stroker(they can never live this naming scheme down) defender. Problem? S2 says yeet 'em! No problem boblem. Niche and therefore undervalued at the earlygame, but Integrated Strategies with the Force+2 manual obtained must've made some fun shenanigans.
All the Fortresses, honestly. They're great in character, in aesthetics and I greatly enjoy having their long-range bombardments. Firewhistle's brought us Burn procs and it's delightful to watch the bonus damage pour in. I can be trusted with the Londinium Self-Defense Artillery cannon emplacements.
Don't use 'em enough but they're fun: Duelist and Sentinels - Aurora is cute and has access to Cold proc manipulation tactics (plus that claw-shaped staked, slim tower shield is a work of art); Liskarm has been a faithful SP battery pistol-shooting down aerial threats while Blitz has the flashbang spam going for him.
Guardians are lifesavers, of course. Gummy's frying pan bonk stuns every third hit can actually be incredibly useful. Blemishine is a far better pick than Nearl due to her Sleep mechanics and yknow, 6* bulk/Skill 3 (she's cool to borrow as a support unit but I don't have her fully invested). Saria is pretty solid here and with regards to character&story, but at the same time I never actually E2'd her until mid-Dorothy's Vision because I finally experienced her Skill 3 and needed her to be beefier for a map clear (or several) that event.
Horn - "YOU WANT TO TOPPLE ME?! BY WHAT?" Episode 9 was so great, and then we suffered a Manfred to the Self-Defense Artillery. That CG towards the end of Ep9 with a heavily-injured Horn pulling the S3 glare at Mandragora after auto-rocketjumping Bagpipe away was phenomenal. Incidentally a major part of why if you have taste you'll understand that Horndragora is the superior toxic yuri pairing rather than suffering that watery tart of a catgirl. I'm more enamored with that heavy-duty shieldcannon though, naturally. The Victorian Army gets all the cool gunlances eh? That VA olive green drab is a wonderful colour scheme too, really. The overheat flame vfx during S3 are a delightful detail on the chibi sprite and for that reason though I'll get that (somewhat mismatched) Lady of the Lake skin, I won't equip it often. But S1/S3 were absolutely outstanding during IS2.
Asbestos - The most tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuuuuuundere foulmouthed foul-tempered vkei-ass Aussie salamander is just so iconic, bless her. Funky and rad design, personality and until Shalem appeared, the only Arts-shotgun shielder. Trying out her Skill 2 in IS2 was pretty fun since I only rarely used her prior honestly. The details gone into fitting her entire theming around asbestos are so so good.
Mudrock - Initially I wouldn't use her due to the 35dp cost buuuut I reached the point where 'This is fine actually' after a while of wanting to properly invest in her and yeah. Fucking incredible with sneak-healing via Perfumer. Spin2Win is forever relevant! We need a skin that brings back the full hazard suit towering over most other chibis though. Really good as a character, her parts in Twilight of Wolumonde were what made that event remotely bearable to me.
Her fellow Juggernaut companion Penance is likewise extremely good in aesthetics, character and as a unit.
Eunectes - Same deal as above, I actually haven't used her so badly she's not actually E2 yet. But I think she's incredibly gorgeous and a very cool Forgemaster. The Acahualla Trio are very, very fun! Summoning her upgraded Raging Ironhide must be a real lovely feeling given how much of a nuisance it is to fight.
Nian - Unemployed. Commando. The only Sui fragment I have at E2. Fellow spice fiend. Many noteworthy things can be said. I greatly enjoy her. We need to see more of the situation with training up Purgatory now going forwards in that storyline. Love that her E2 splash shows the(or at least, her) bestial Sui form has a maw in the chest.
Shoutout: Ace - He would've been male 6* Defender, absolutely, the way he tanked Talulah 1v1 during the Chernobog Exfiltration long enough for every surviving RI Operator to redeploy disengage & evacuate. Legendary guy. There's no Elite Operator covering the Defender class as a Temporary Recruitment in Integrated Strategies, so personally I feel like that's where he might've been.
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afairytalestray · 1 year
Day 16 of Cats-pril, @storyweaverofgondor‘s April baby! Today’s prompt is rehearsal, and I tried my hand at writing a chat fic! Also on Ao3 here.
HarvestGoddess: Since my darling Munkustrap refuses to interact with the digital world, this is a formal request from the friend group mum for everyone to turn up to Pekes and Pols rehearsal tonight please. If Munk loses any more fur from the stress he’ll be a sphinx cat! x
Rumpled_cheese: im gonna be there now i really wanna see that sedhfwiuh
QueenVic: me and Plato will be present and accounted for! @MagicalMisto, are you needing a lift? x
Lettie: …I’ll make sure Etcetera comes, Dem
HarvestGoddess: thanks Lettie!
MagicalMisto: thnx Vic, Tugger has his bike so he’ll bring us. @HarvestGoddess I can confirm that Tugger will be there, regardless of whichever way he is currently contributing to Munk’s hair loss
QueenVic: np!
HarvestGoddess: Thank you Misto! I can tell you that Tug is currently convincing Munk that he’s signed up for a Japanese ikebana class under the guise of impressing you, and that Munk can’t possibly expect him to miss it. Of course, this class runs on the exact same times and dates as Pekes & Pols rehearsals x
MagicalMisto: of course it would lmao
MangoJelly: what is an iceban class
MangoJelly: wait nvm Cori knows thats hilarious
lonz: you lot are mean
lonz: I’ll be there, @HarvestGoddess, and I’ll try and talk Cass into it as well
etc.: it’s called being funny lonzy, LOOK IT UP
Georgeofthejunkyard: pick me! :D :D :D 
HarvestGoddess: @MangoJelly, will you be at rehearsal? Also, is it safe to assume that @C-oracle-pat is with you, and that his poor phone is dead or abandoned somewhere? x
Tantomile: It is always a safe assumption that wherever my brother is, Mungojerrie will be nearby. Coricopat has left his phone on the coffee table, as per. I’ll plug it in and bring it to rehearsal tonight.
Rumpled_cheese: Tantomile - hero of the people!
MangoJelly: oshit sorry Demeter yeah ill be there! 
MangoJelly: OWIEUFOI yeah Corks is with me the now, he says hell be there too, and thanks Tanto!
QueenVic: … :o
MagicalMisto: oooooooooohhhh
Tantomile: What.
HarvestGoddess: no murders until after the show please and thank you!
Lettie: RIP Jerrie
MangoJelly: nOoOOOOOOO
MangoJelly: it was a quote TANTOMILE I prommy!
MangoJelly: Cori said: “oh, thank you, Tanto”
MangoJelly: I wouldnt dream of giving you a nickname id never do anything that might make you revoke your blessing!!!!!!
Tantomile: See that you do not, Mungojerrie.
Cassss: 6 at the Egyptian, yes?
Cassss: I’ll be there for you, Dem, and NOT because Alonzo is badgering me
HarvestGoddess: That’s right! Love ya, Cass! x
QueenVic: lol get rekt Lonz
lonz: :’( 
MagicalMisto: I would advise everyone to bring earplugs, Tugger has decided to treat you all to a bagpipe solo
etc.: yeeeessssssssss i love the bagpipes!!!!
Rumpled_cheese: lol it was nice knowing ya @RumTugTummer Munk is gonna kill u
RumTugTummer: RUDE Cats today just don’t appreciate classical pibroch
lonz: I can confirm this to be true.
RumTugTummer: aweoiufaAMNWIUFC see y’all later bye
lonz: @MagicalMisto please do something about this
MagicalMisto: nah it’ll be funny
lonz: why hast thou forsaken me, brother?
RumTugTummer: YES BABE
HarvestGoddess: I don’t care what you bring as long as you all show up!
MagicalMisto: o7
RumTugTummer: o7
Rumpled_cheese: o7
Lettie: o7
etc.: o7
MangoJelly: o7
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20th March >> Mass Readings (USA)
Wednesday, Fifth Week of Lent - Proper Readings 
(see also Lazarus)
(Liturgical Colour: Violet: B (2))
First Reading Daniel 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 The Lord has sent his angel to deliver his servants.
King Nebuchadnezzar said: “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you will not serve my god, or worship the golden statue that I set up? Be ready now to fall down and worship the statue I had made, whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, flute, lyre, harp, psaltery, bagpipe, and all the other musical instruments; otherwise, you shall be instantly cast into the white-hot furnace; and who is the God who can deliver you out of my hands?” Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered King Nebuchadnezzar, “There is no need for us to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If our God, whom we serve, can save us from the white-hot furnace and from your hands, O king, may he save us! But even if he will not, know, O king, that we will not serve your god or worship the golden statue that you set up.”
King Nebuchadnezzar’s face became livid with utter rage against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He ordered the furnace to be heated seven times more than usual and had some of the strongest men in his army bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and cast them into the white-hot furnace.
Nebuchadnezzar rose in haste and asked his nobles, “Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?” “Assuredly, O king,” they answered. “But,” he replied, “I see four men unfettered and unhurt, walking in the fire, and the fourth looks like a son of God.” Nebuchadnezzar exclaimed, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel to deliver the servants who trusted in him; they disobeyed the royal command and yielded their bodies rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Daniel 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
“Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever; And blessed is your holy and glorious name, praiseworthy and exalted above all for all ages.”
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
“Blessed are you in the temple of your holy glory, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever.
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
“Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever.”
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
“Blessed are you who look into the depths from your throne upon the cherubim; praiseworthy and exalted above all forever.”
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
“Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven, praiseworthy and glorious forever.”
R/ Glory and praise for ever!
Gospel Acclamation cf. Luke 8:15
Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.
Gospel John 8:31-42 If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, “We are descendants of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How can you say, ‘You will become free’?” Jesus answered them, “Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. A slave does not remain in a household forever, but a son always remains. So if the Son frees you, then you will truly be free. I know that you are descendants of Abraham. But you are trying to kill me, because my word has no room among you. I tell you what I have seen in the Father’s presence; then do what you have heard from the Father.” They answered and said to him, “Our father is Abraham.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works of Abraham. But now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God; Abraham did not do this. You are doing the works of your father!” So they said to him, “We were not born of fornication. We have one Father, God.” Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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skyeventide · 2 years
edinburgh highlights:
the old man with only half his teeth working at the train station pub greeting me with a heavily accented hullo luv.
the speakers at the new year's hogmanay street party blasting auld lang syne just after the midnight fireworks from the castle and people just going in for an impromptu dancing circle that we randomly joined.
the fuckin. 2 pounds and 75 pence espresso. that's like 3 euros, and nowhere did I find a coffee for less than 2 pounds. I want to be clear this is not a normal price for an espresso, if you're in Italy and you're paying more than 1 euro and 50 cents you're starring in a highway robbery.
the set of vintage postcards depicting weirdly handsome scots dragoon guards. I bought it of course.
that one mf who was playing the bagpipe in a full kilt dress by the rise that led to the castle. under the rain and in the wind. for at least two consecutive days.
my shoes, which resisted the flaky weather despite everything, after a generous dose of waterproof spray.
that incredibly gorgeous view of arthur's seat from the side gardens of holyroodhouse just after some rain, with sun beams hitting the promontory just right. painting-worthy.
the four consecutive glasses of scotch. if I have to pick a production area, campbelltown and islay are where it's at.
the haggis and black pudding. god bless.
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gamingstar26 · 2 years
Donald FOWL Mini AU Info
A mini au where Donald joins fowl. It’s basically a dt17 season 3 rewrite with different duckverse canon mixed in. Cause I thought it would be interesting.
Donald joins FOWL after the events of Quack Pack, after Bradford has a small talk with him, and after being mostly convinced he joins FOWL to seek some revenge on Scrooge and Della. Donald tries to balance his family life and FOWL life, while his family is oblivious to the fact they have a FOWL spy in the manor pool. They believe he’s just traveling more often because of his new job. Even Mrs. Beakly couldn’t figure it out.
Bradford chose Donald is because he sees him as someone who shares similar ideals to him in terms of adventures, and someone who is very skilled at many things, a hard worker that Scrooge can’t see is in front of him, easy to manipulate in a way, Etc.
The reason Donald joins FOWL is for some revenge on Scrooge and Della (mostly Scrooge), and also to stop FOWL on his own. (Cause I figured that he fought FOWL, Organization, etc in the past in his Agent 44 SHUSH, as Double Duck Agency Days)
Donald helps Bradford get the Papyrus of Binding, blessed bagpipes, and other mythical artifacts. Bradford even tried to get the Golden Atlas, but failed.
Donald is the true heir to Scrooge not Webby because I figured it makes more sense and it ties well with the whole “most trusted ally” thing, and it also makes the most sense in terms of how Donald has always been the true heir. (Also Della but Donald is more likely in all honesty)
As backup in case Donald couldn’t get The Papyrus of Binding and as weapons against the Mcduck/Duck family, Black Heron made two Donald clones Project 34 aka Project Lux Dei.
Black Heron never trusted Donald from the beginning, because she believes that he will betray them and stop their plans (she’s not wrong) Donald grew to like the other FOWL Agents and see them as a small weird family.
Donald is called Agent D or Agent Duck when working for FOWL. sometimes Black Heron calls him Double Duck.—————————————————————
Project 34 aka Project Lux Dei (which means light of god in Latin) Donald’s clones
There are two versions of them the male and female.
The clones were made as backups in case Donald couldn’t get the Papyrus of Binding, and as weapons against the Mcduck/Duck family.
The Males Clones: Jurakan and Yocahu. named after Taino Gods. Jurakan is the god of Hurricanes. Yocahu is the leader of the other gods and god of sky and creation. while their post last adventure names are Aku and Paolino named after Donald's names in Italian (Paolino Paperino) and (Aku Ankk) Finnish. the reason both are missing limbs was because when they were “born” they were conjoined, so they were later separated. They have prosthetic arms just like Black Heron’s and have peg foot. Jurakan is missing his left arm and right foot, while Yocahu is missing his right arm and left foot. (The same as Donald in my lost limbs au)
The Female Clones: Amphitrite and Doris. named after sea goddesses. Amphitrite is the goddess of the ocean and wife of Poseidon in greek myth. Doris was a goddess who ruled over the oceanids in greek myth. while their post last adventure names are Donna and Dottie. Donna is referencing Donna Duck, Donald's first love interest, Dottie is Referencing Daisy's First Niece that later got replaced by April May and June. Which ironically is how Webby was made to be a condensed version of the AMJ.———————————————————————
How season 3 would change in this: I have a few problems with dt17 season 3 so yeah.
Well for one Donald is more important to the story, and Huey still has his arc but is a bit different. Webby is not a clone herself she is Mrs. Beaklys granddaughter all the way till the end, Her parents were killed by FOWL agents and they were SHUSH and Agency agents themselves. Donald and Della interact more cause we needed it man. Also Bradford’s motivations is not just ‘adventures killed my grandma crap’. Della actually changes and becomes a bit of better person cause she didn’t develop at all in the show. Daisy appears more often, she and Donald dated before and got back together in Louie’s Eleven. Also Xandra shows up cause I love her alright. Della and Scrooge face the consequences of their actions cause they never did in the show. And both get called out for their crap and on how they treated Donald, the kids, and the rest of the family. Just Della in general cause she had potential and was disappointing could’ve been better. Scrooge is more close the comics in this au, he’s more in the moral grey area just like in the comics. Some events change, added or removed to complement this au. There’s more but that’s all for now.
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scottpetersen · 2 years
DuckTales The Inter-Dimensional Swap Fanfic Chapter 1
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Scrooge McDuck (2017) POV:
I heard the alarm clock on my nightstand ring and I woke up on my bed.
Ugh. Seems like it’s 6:00AM already.
I know that’s an early time to start your day. But ever since it turned out that my CEO Bradford was the evil mastermind behind FOWL, I had to pull more of my own weight in running McDuck Enterprises and it’s gotten excruciatingly exhausting. And I had no choice but to set my alarm clock to 6:00AM to make sure I’m able to run my company and also make time for my family and our adventures. Between all that, it’s been a while since I’ve had a decent amount of sleep.
But I’ve made it through far worse before. So, I’m sure I can make it through this until I hire a new CEO. After all, I am Scrooge McDuck. Tougher than the toughies and smarter than the smarties.
Suddenly, I realized something.
The sound my alarm clock is making is different from before.
I took a look at it only to realize this looks like an alarm clock manufactured in the 1980s. It doesn’t look like a modern alarm clock at all.
Also, this alarm clock says it’s 8:00AM. So, it was set to ring at 8:00AM rather than 6:00AM!
Curse me kilts! What is this?!
Then, I heard knocking on my bedroom door.
I went to open it.
Then, I saw the person at the door.
What?! How is this possible?!
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It’s Duckworth! But he doesn’t appear to be a ghost! Standing before me is a completely living Duckworth who looks almost identical to what he looked like while he was still alive! I’m not sure I’d believe it if I wasn’t seeing it! Although, it does seem that his physique is slightly different.
I would feel overjoyed to see that Duckworth has apparently been restored to the land of the living.
But something felt wrong here.
“Good morning, sir.” Duckworth said.
“Duckworth?” I said still trying to figure out how this is possible. “How are you alive?!”
Confusion and surprise showed on Duckworth’s face.
Does he not remember being a ghost?!
“Are…you feeling alright, sir?” Duckworth replied after a moment of hesitation. “And if you don’t mind me asking, do you need something for your throat?”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Forgive me, sir. It’s just that…” Duckworth began to say while hesitating. “Your voice sounds different.”
“What?” I asked. My voice sounds perfectly normal to me.
I think I need to get myself some space in order to figure what’s going on here.
“I think I should get started on my day in order to clear my head.” I said as politely as possible.
Duckworth looked very reluctant before replying with, “Very well, sir.”
I wandered through the halls of my mansion thinking about what could be happening here.
Could it be that I somehow got trapped in the past…NO! That can’t be it! That wouldn’t explain why Duckworth didn’t recognize my voice.
Eventually, I stumbled across…Beakley?!
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She’s not wearing her usual attire. She’s wearing a purple outfit with a large white apron and her hair looks like it’s in curls as well as a bun.
“Beakley?” I said getting her attention. “…what are you wearing?”
That outfit strongly resembles the outfit she was wearing while we were trapped in that bizarre Quack Pack TV show created by that genie.
Hm. Is that what this is? Is that genie messing with me and my family again?
…No. I doubt that. I don’t hear any laughter coming from nowhere. Besides, last time I checked, we were on good terms the last time we met.
“Hello, Mr. McDuck.” Beakley said greeting me before responding to my question. “And what about you? Don’t you usually wear blue rather than red? And why does your voice sound different?”
Bless me bagpipes! Beakley’s tone sounds all kinds of wrong! Her tone usually sounds a lot more strict and firm! Now, though, it sounds a lot more soft.
Also, why do both Duckworth and Beakley think my voice sounds different? It sounds perfectly normal.
Suddenly, I heard something! It sounded like a vase breaking.
Me and Beakley went to see what was going on only to find Huey, Dewey and Louie standing over the shattered pieces of the vase.
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“Uh oh. We’ve really done it now.” Dewey said before the triplets spotted us.
“Oh uh…Hi, Uncle Scrooge.” they said in unison.
The way they said that in unison sounded very wrong. And their tones sound like those of stereotypical kids.
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“Oh. Good morning, Grandma. Good morning, Scrooge.” she said as she walked towards us.
“Good morning, Webbigail.” Beakley replied.
Wait! That’s…Webbigail?!
She looks like that doll she had nailed to the wall with an arrow!
“Webbigail?” I said. “Is that you…daughter?”
“What?!” everyone here shouted clearly being taken by surprise by what I just said.
Beakley then whispered in my ear, “I know you’re probably trying to make my granddaughter feel more appreciated but isn’t this going overboard?”
So, no one here remembers Webbigail turning out to be my daughter.
Suddenly, it all fell into place. Bless me bagpipes! I should’ve figured this out sooner! I’m in a parallel universe of some sort. That would explain why things seem to be different here. And why my family seem to be acting different.
They’re alternate versions of my family!
I heard a strange moaning sound and looked to see…Wait A Second!
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It’s that cave duck from our time-travel adventure! Or rather his alternate universe counterpart.
Apparently, in this world, he wasn’t sent back to the past.
The cave duck started sniffing the air and made his way towards me.
And after he sniffed me, he backed away and started looking confused.
I’m guessing my scent is a bit different from my counterpart’s.
“What is it, Bubba?” Huey’s counterpart asked.
I tapped my cane on the floor and cleared my throat getting everyone’s attention.
“He just figured out I’m not the Scrooge McDuck you know.” I said seeing no point in keeping this a secret from my family’s counterparts.
And I also found myself relieved to hear no one asking about my voice this time.
After a moment, Webbigail’s counterpart asked, “What? What are you talk about?”
“I’m another version of Scrooge from an alternate universe that somehow got sent here.” I said.
This isn’t the first time I traveled to other dimensions. So, I know what I’m talking about.
“What?!” everyone shouted.
“Then, where’s our Scrooge?” Webbigail’s counterpart asked.
There was an awkward silence.
I thought about it for a few moments.
That’s a good question! I didn’t see him while I was wandering through this world’s McDuck Manor. But if I woke up in his bedroom and his alarm clock was already set…Oh. Oh no!
“I think I just realized where my counterpart is!” I said.
“Well. Where is he?” Louie’s counterpart asked.
“I think he’s back in my home dimension!” I said.
“Then we gotta get him back!” Dewey’s counterpart said.
Something tells me that’s gonna be easier said than done.
Speaking of which, I hope my counterpart is doing fine back in my home. And I also hope he doesn’t take any of my money from my money bin!
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Scrooge McDuck (1987) POV:
The alarm clock on my nightstand rang waking me up.
I reached over to shut it off only to get a look at the time: 6:00AM?!
I know I set my alarm clock to 8:00AM!
Also, this alarm clock doesn’t look like any kind I’ve seen before.
Maybe the boys took this from Gyro and decided to prank me with it.
Oh well. I’m awake now. Might as well give myself a good stroll.
I went out into the hallway.
And…saw a little girl out here.
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“Good morning, Dad.” the little girl said with enthusiasm. “I made you your favorite tea.”
Wait! Dad?!
Is this girl confused?
“Dad? What are you talking about? I don’t recall having a daughter. Or any child for that matter.” I said.
“What?” the little girl said before walking a bit closer. “Um, Dad? Don’t you remember? We found out I was your daughter when it turned out that FOWL cloned me from your DNA to get the Papyrus Of Binding. And why do you sound different? And don’t you usually wear red rather than blue?”
Cloned from my DNA?!
And what is the Papyrus Of Binding?!
And surely I would remember if things like that happened.
My voice sounds perfectly normal and I always wore blue.
Noticing my confusion, the girl looked down.
I don’t like this. I think she’s about to cry.
I was about to go over to see if I can comfort her. She may be a stranger as far as I know but she’s still just a child.
Then, the little girl suddenly gasped!
“Oh no!” she screamed. “Is this some sort of dystopian alternate dimension?!”
Then, the little girl pointed at me saying, “And you’re an evil Scrooge doppelgänger?!”
Oh no. That poor girl is starting to panic!
“What? No!” I said in response.
“Exactly what an evil Scrooge doppelgänger would say!” the little girl shouted and it seems like she’s getting ready to fight!
Uh oh. I have no choice! I have to defend myself.
And I better make sure not to hurt her.
Neither shouldn’t be too difficult. After all, she’s just a litt-
My train of thought was interrupted when the little girl jumped at me! And…
I stand corrected!
That girl is very strong as I realized when she punched me in the stomach!
As our fight raged on throughout the hallway, I tried to grab her but she dodged at every turn with her agility and small size making it too difficult to get ahold of her!
Then, she tripped me and got a firm grip on my arm.
I struggled to break free but to no avail.
“Give it up, Scrooge-elganger!” the little girl said. “Where! Is! My! Dad?!”
“What is going on here?!” someone shouted!
I turned my head to the source of the voice and it was a woman who bares somewhat of a resemblance to…Ms. Beakley?!
I also noticed 3 boys not far behind her. One wearing red. One wearing blue. One wearing green. Huey, Dewey and Louie?!
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“Whoa Webby!” Louie said with panic and confusion. “Why are you attacking Uncle Scrooge?!”
Wait! That’s…Webbigail?!
What’s going on here?!
“Webby!” Ms. Beakley said sternly. “Let him go!”
After a moment, Webby replied with, “Ok, Grandma.”
Obeying her grandmother, Webbigail let go of my arm.
Then, Ms. Beakley turned to me and asked, “What happened?”
“I…don’t…know…” I slowly said still processing the sheer strangeness of the situation and Ms. Beakley unusually stern demeanor. “For some reason, Webbigail called me “Dad” and after I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about, she tackled me to the floor after calling me an “evil doppelgänger”.”
Ms. Beakley and the boys widened their eyes in shock!
“Sir, are you feeling alright?” Ms. Beakley asked with a suspicious and slightly curious stare. “You both look and sound different.”
“Why…uh…yes.” I replied slightly unsure how to respond.
“Wait!” Huey exclaimed gaining our attention. “I think Webby is actually right about him being a doppelgänger. I think he’s from a parallel universe.”
“What?! Why would you think that?” Louie asked bewildered.
“Because he does look like Uncle Scrooge but some of his features, namely his voice, are different. And if you look closely, you can see that his head is rounder and that his eyes are different too.” Huey explained. “And it’s similar to how our heads were rounder and our eyes were different while we were trapped in that alternate dimension by Taurus Bulba, remember? So, I’m also guessing that this is the version of Uncle Scrooge from that dimension.”
I’m beginning to realize that what Huey, er, this world’s Huey is saying actually makes sense. It’s the only explanation for why everyone is acting different.
“Wait a second!” Louie shouted. “If this Scrooge came here from an alternate dimension, then how did his head and eyes stay the same? Shouldn’t they have changed like they did for us while we were trapped in that alternate dimension?”
“We’ll have to figure that out later. If this Scrooge is here, then our Scrooge is probably trapped in his home dimension! We have to get him back!” this world’s Webby declared!
I honestly hope that my other self is doing fine back in my home. And that he doesn’t touch my money bin!
“Hey! What’s going on over here?” someone asked.
We turned to see where the voice was coming from.
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The source of the voice was this world’s version of Donald.
Apparently, in this world, Donald decided to stay at my mansion and didn’t join the navy.
However, I don’t quite recognize the woman standing next to him.
“Hi, everyone. How’s it going?” that woman asked.
“Well, we have a bit of a crisis here.” this world’s Louie explained nonchalantly. “Turns out an alternate version of Scrooge is trapped in this dimension and we’re guessing our Scrooge is trapped in his dimension since we haven’t seen him.”
“What?!” Donald and that woman yelled in unison.
Speaking of that woman, I’m beginning to wonder who she is. My other self’s pilot? A work acquaintance? A friend?
Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I walked up to her and said, “I don’t believe we’ve met. Who might you be?”
Everyone’s eyes widened in shock again!
And that woman angrily responded with, “Wait a minute, buddy! Does this mean there’s no version of me where you’re from?!”
“I’m sorry. But not as far as I remember.” I said as politely as I could beginning to think I need to tread more lightly here.
“I’m the other you’s niece: Della Duck!” she said after letting out a disappointed groan.
My other self has a niece?!
Hm. She seems to be quite bold and determined. And judging by her prosthetic leg, she seems to have been through an extremely dangerous adventure that she was still able to persevere through.
So, despite her not existing back at my home, I can still see her being my niece.
“Listen. Now that we have introductions out of the way, we’ve got to find a way to get our Scrooge McDuck back and send this one home.” this world’s Ms. Beakley declared.
I nodded.
This world’s Ms. Beakley is right!
Besides, I can’t wait to rub this in all the explorers’ faces when I get back.
Notes: Ok. This fanfic is probably gonna be 5 or 6 chapters long. This fanfic was inspired by a fanfic I read years ago called Batswitch on fanfiction.net which was written by @quinquinis. In it, the Bruce Wayne Batman from one universe was switched with the Richard Grayson Batman from another universe. What caused the 2 Scrooges to be put in this situation will be revealed later in this fanfic. Also, thanks for reading.
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uncaaj · 11 months
Fanfic: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Starring Donald Duck Chapter 2 - Enter Scrooge McDuckStar (DuckTales x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
CHAPTER 1 | chapter 2 | MORE COMING SOON...
“Bless me bagpipes, I cannot fathom that I’m back in this country. I told myself I’d never forgive the Japanese for luring away me darling Holly. But I will admit…”
Joseph “Scrooge” McDuckstar reached for his hip and paused the tape. He yanked the Waddleman cassette player from his trench coat belt and perused it.
“They do make some fancy gadgets,” he remarked, before returning the Waddleman to his holster and lowering his headphones around his neck.
Having survived a 13 hour cross-country-ocean flight from Duckburg to Tokyo, Japan, Scrooge adjusted his fedora and took stock of his surroundings. Streams of people flowed through every pathway in Narita International Airport like blood cells through veins. Their chatter and clattering footsteps were a cloud of noise above the crowds. If Scrooge thought JFK Airport was busy, this was unfathomably busy. He had survived plunging a powerful warrior into a volcano and yet, finding Holly Duckjo in this jungle of plain-colored clothes and plain-colored suitcases was going to be the hardest task of his 68 years of life.
“Papa! Over here!”
The voice drew his attention in its direction and there she was. Leave it to his daughter to make it all fall into place.
“Holly!” He ran toward her, shoving a bystander by their face and meeting Holly in a tight embrace. All his predisposed grievances melted away and all he felt was joy.
“Thank you for coming,” she said.
“No trouble,” said Scrooge. “If you ever need me, give me a day and I’ll cross the globe for you.”
“And mom?”
Scrooge scoffed. “She made a fuss but family comes first. I told her it wouldn’t be longer than my business trips.”
“Good.” Holly tightened her hold on Scrooge. “Oh, papa.”
“Um, y-you can let go, Holly,” Scrooge chuckled. “I’m glad to see you too.”
“Papa!” she complained. “It’s been so long since you’ve held me.”
Scrooge pulled her away slightly and winked. “You’re 45, my dear. Act your age a little, eh?”
Holly playfully shoved him. “Oh, thanks for the reminder! I’m gonna tickle you for that!”
“Holly, wait-”
But he could not stop it. Holly and her devious smile had already reached his chest and began to work their magic. He felt the giggles well up from his belly and they cascaded out of him like a waterfall. “Kn-knock it off!” he protested.
All too suddenly, she tickled under his armpits and his spine locked up. It was the tickle spot that brought him to his knees, and she knew it.
Time seemed to stop as all eyes turned to them and every drop of chatter ceased. Holly blushed and even bowed in apology to a couple of people. Scrooge rolled his eyes. “What are you yahoos lookin’ at?!” he yelled. 
The crowds continued their movement and Holly bent down to pick up Scrooge’s suitcase. “I’ll take this, papa.”
“Don’t worry about them, dear,” said Scrooge, following his daughter to the exit. “By the way, remind me about Dontaro-did you say it was an ‘evil spirit’?
The color left her cheeks and tears started flowing as she gripped his coat. “Oh papa, my poor Dontaro! I saw it! It grabbed the gun! An…arm that wasn’t his!”
“And no one else but you saw this arm?” Scrooge asked, “Not even the police?”
“Yes!” said Holly.
“I know Dontaro says this came upon him not long ago, but…what about you, my dear? Has anything strange happened to you?”
Holly shook her head. “Not at all. Papa, what can we do? Dontaro says he won’t leave the cell until he finds out what’s causing this!”
Scrooge pulled Holly in close to him again. “There, there. Now that I’m here, everything’s going to be okay. First, we’ll go see my grandson. Take me to his cell.”
Holly nodded and took his suitcase to the door. Scrooge took one glance back at the swarm of people and snapped his finger. A pair of eyes atop a great red robe met him, and the man they belonged to rose from his seat by the near gate. He took long strides behind Scrooge and Holly as they ventured out into the city.
When Scrooge entered the detention block at the police station, he made sure to expect the unexpected. Each one of the inmates cowered in the corner of their cells, as far away from the far cell as they could muster. 
“I tell ya,” said the bailiff, “Somethin’s haunting him, and he’s violent! If word of this gets out, I’ll be on the street!”
Scrooge unbuttoned his coat and threw the length behind him. “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking my grandson with me.”
Scrooge took slow steps, the sound of his leather shoes echoing down the corridor.
“Sir, please,” the bailiff begged. “I can’t be held responsible for what he might do-”
“Stay out of my way,” Scrooge replied firmly. “I’ll take care of this.”
He continued down the way until he reached the cell and beheld his grandson. The cell floor was scattered with items-a bike, an electric guitar, various model kits finished and unfinished, and stacks of books on supernatural phenomena and the occult. And there sat Dontaro upon the bed, looking as cold as the stone that surrounded him.
“Dontaro!” said Holly, holding onto Scrooge’s coat. “It’s your grandpa! He’ll be able to help you. Please come out!”
Dontaro slid off the bed and walked over to them, hands in his jacket pockets. He stopped right before where the cold metal of the door met his feet and Scrooge faced his grandson, bills merely centimeters from touching.
“Come on,” said Scrooge, “we’re going home.”
“Get lost,” said Dontaro.
Holly gasped.
“I didn’t ask you to come,” Dontaro continued. “What can you ‘help’ me with? I’m sorry you came all this way, gramps…” Dontaro held up a metal cylinder with arcing wires dangling from one end. “...but I’m beyond help.”
Scrooge blinked and raised his left hand, his bad hand. The pinky was gone. He was less concerned that Dontaro had broken it off, and more so with when he could have done it.
Dontaro tossed it behind him as if it was salt to banish his evil spirit. “Did you see it? This spirit possessing me is no laughing matter. You need to leave, gramps. I don’t want you to lose what’s left of your life.”
Scrooge stretched his neck. As if he thinks I’m clueless, he thought. I know exactly what he’s dealin’ with. Still, it’s amazing that he could pull a stunt like that from the jump. Whether he wants me help or not, the lad’s gonna need a hard lesson if he’s going to survive what’s to come.
“Lad?” said Scrooge before stepping back and gesturing to the man in the red robe. “This is a dear friend of mine. His name’s Muhammad Avdol, but I call him Gyro. I met him in Egypt three years ago.” Scrooge pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Gyro? Make my grandson get out of that cell.”
Gyro stepped forward. “Mr. McDuckstar?” he said, turning to Scrooge. “I may have to get rough if he’s going to choose to leave. Is that okay?”
Scrooge nodded. “That’s fine.”
The bailiff stumbled back then bolted forward. “Wait, how rough?!” Scrooge stopped him with an arm. “I will not have a scene in my jail!”
“Shut it!” said Scrooge.
“Papa!” squeaked Holly, gripping Scrooge’s arm tight. “What are you doing?”
“Don’t worry, dearest,” Scrooge reassured. “It’s for his own good.”
Dontaro scoffed. “You really think I’ll leave with a threat like that? You look tough, Mr. Avdol, but you’ll only make me wanna stay to spite ya!”
Gyro stretched his hands out, making an unknown gesture. He closed his eyes and his robe fluttered from the force of an unseen wind. Opening them again, a hulking bird-being burst forth from his body and took its place behind him. Its strong muscles rippled and its beak shone in the cheap lighting.
Dontaro shuffled backwards, an awestruck look across his beak. “Is…is that…?”
“That’s right,” said Scrooge. “Gyro has an ‘evil spirit’ just like yours, and he can control it by his will alone. We call it ‘Scientist’s Red.’”
Dontaro marveled at the sight before him, but before he could think, streams of fire snaked out from the bird spirit’s wings and they wrapped around Dontaro’s arms and legs and dragged him off of the bed. He grunted as the heat burned his feathers away and seared his flesh. It was so overwhelming he could not scream.
“Papa! What are you doing to Dontaro?!” Holly exclaimed, too stunned to move.
“He’s in pain but there’s nothing there,” said the bailiff.
Dontaro gritted his teeth and sank his head low. Emerging from his form much like Gyro’s spirit, was his own, equally as muscular with a firm face and a bill similar to Dontaro’s own.
Scrooge smiled and crossed his arms. “There he is. Dontaro’s more powerful than I envisioned.”
The spirit grabbed Scientist’s Red by the neck and the two spirits locked themselves in a duel. Gyro’s brow dripped sweat with his effort. “He’s…just as powerful as me! I don’t want to seriously hurt him!”
“You see, lad?” Scrooge called. “Your ‘spirit’ stands beside you, created by your life force. Because of that, we call them ‘Stands.’ It’s not evil, Dontaro. It’s you!”
Dontaro panted heavily, surrounded by fire. “Having…trouble…breathing…”
“But you gotta watch out,” Scrooge continued. “As you weaken, so does your Stand.”
“Enough with this ‘Stand’ business!” Dontaro yelled suddenly, and his Stand withdrew from Scientist’s Red and griped the cell’s iron bars. Dontaro grunted as his Stand slowly pried them apart like matchsticks.
“Th-the bars are bending on their own!” howled the bailiff. 
Yet Holly could see the Stands plain as day. She was mystified, witness to a phenomena she never could have dreamed in her life. Dontaro’s Stand finished its job and Dontaro climbed out through the wide gap. Gyro’s arms fell to his sides and Scientist’s Red suddenly vanished from sight, and he took a seat on the stone floor.
“What are you doing?!” Dontaro declared. “You let me win?”
“Not exactly,” said Gyro. “I could’ve sent you to the hospital if I wanted. But I don’t think any of us expected you to pack a punch like that. Besides…” He nodded toward the ruined cell door and Dontaro looked back at what he had done. “I did what I was asked. Mr. McDuckStar? He’s out.”
Holly ran toward her son and squeezed his waist. “Oh, my darling boy!”
“Mom, stop…” grumbled Dontaro.
“Show your mother some grace,” said Scrooge. “She was worried about you. Now I think we’ll be on our way. Apologies for any trouble we caused.”
Dontaro was led out by his mother and Scrooge and Gyro bowed toward the bailiff, who looked like he had seen ghosts.
Once out in the sunlight, Dontaro shook out his school uniform. “Gramps?” he asked.
Scrooge turned to him. “Yes, lad?”
“You’re sure I can control this…Stand? It won’t attack if I don’t tell it to?”
“You got it.”
“Also, how do you know what they are? You’re not giving me the whole scoop.”
Scrooge cleared his throat. “Let’s go get some coffee.”
Holly raised her hand. “Ooh, I know a great café just down the street!”
“Gramps, what’s goin’ on?” asked Dontaro.
Scrooge placed a hand on his shoulder and guided him down the street. “I think you need to hear this story from the beginning.”
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the-richest-duck · 1 year
*crashes into the door and blasts it open*
*laughs evil and lighting strikes*
You should be more careful with ur "family" in the money Bin.....
*Glomgold runs off*
"Bless me bagpipes what is he talking about?
*scrooge drives to his money bin to see what he was talking about*
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Tiny Beautiful Things Chapter 28
She takes a deep breath and then another. You put Jenny Murphy on a job and things get done. A month after they are engaged, she stands ready to get married.
The laird’s room has been transformed into a bridal suite. Her wedding dress lays across the bed. The bouquet that Geillis will hold as her vows are said, lays beside in.  She stands, in front of a full length mirror, in the camisole that will be under the gown.
“You are beautiful.” Jenny assures her. Geillis nods.
“You will blow his kilt straight up.” Geillis is her usual crude self but tempers it with, “as you should, as his wife. You are gorgeous Claire.”
“Ready for the gown?” Jenny, her type A personality shining in this situation, strives to keep everyone on schedule.
“Yes.” They carefully lower it over her head. Simple this wedding will be but that doesn’t mean her bridal gown is. Layers of satin and lace, cut low in front to accent her bosom, it flows around her feet. “Wow.” The bride breaths out.
“Just so.” Jenny agrees. She has, of course, had it on before but, there is something different about wearing it on her wedding day. It turns beauty into something beyond, a type of brilliance.
“You are positively radiant.” Geillis declares.
Lamb knocks on the door. “May I come in?”
“Please do. Come see your niece.” Jenny opens the door for him. He steps through and stops at the sight of her.
“Why Claire, you are stunning!” He walks in and takes her hands. They are steady in his, to her surprise. “A woman grown. How did that happen?”
She is laughing through her tears. “It always does, Uncle Lamb.”
“Eh, and seems to shock parents every time.” He shakes his head to clear it. “You chose well, my love. Jamie is perfect for you and you for him.”
“Yes.” Her eyes are shiny with tears.
“It is my honor to walk you to your future. We don’t walk alone. Your mum and dad walk with us.” He lets go of one of her hands and reaches into his vest pocket. Opening his fingers, he presents her with a ring, “This is the ring my brother placed on your mum’s  finger the day they were married. Wear it today. I know that she would have insisted, were she here.”
Behind them, her forgotten bridesmaids, sniffle. Tears run freely down her own face as she presents her right hand to him. He slips it on her ring finger. “Now, I am ready.”
Ian escorts his heavily pregnant bride and Geillis down the stairs and into the great room. Claire follows on Lamb’s arm.
The bagpipes play the wedding march as they enter. The room is gorgeous with flowers everywhere, softly burning candles, and ribbons on the ends of the chairs that make up the aisle. She sees none of it, only him, her groom.
He is resplendent in his white shirt and kilt. A old brooch holds his tartan up and his family sword is on his side. It is his eyes that draw her though.
They shine as bright as she has ever seen them, aglow with an inner light that is just for her.  As they make their way slowly to him, she knows hers shine the same.
Her uncle places her hand in his. “The most precious gift I am entrusting to you. Keep her safe.” He instructs.
“I swear.” Her groom answers.
“Who gives this woman in marriage?” the priest asks.
“Myself and the spirits of her late parents do.” Lamb says with pride. He then takes a seat beside Jenny, who is unable to stand up for the ceremony.
The traditional vows are said, the rings blessed, as the scent of incense joins the smell of the flowers, then they take each other’s hands and say their own.
“I never thought  I would find my future here. Peace is all I prayed for. Then you seemed to step out of nowhere, stealing my breath in more ways then one. You helped my heal, to learn to trust love again, to find that peace I was praying for. Beyond that, a love that is strong enough to battle through any storm we face. I don’t know what the future brings, but I know that as we walk in it together, we needn’t fear it. Don’t be afraid Jamie. There are two of us now.”
He blinks tears out of his eyes so he can hold hers. “Claire, I was a prisoner of my own fears. I thought myself repulsive and that it was better to hide myself away. Until you. When I stepped out of that door, I didn’t know I would be stepping into my future. You saw me, really saw me. Past the scars to the man enclosed in them. You weren’t afraid to rip the layers off to get to me. In you, I didn’t fear the unveiling. I love you past the point of telling. I don’t fear, not as long as you keep my hand.”
The entire room is sniffling. It draws out two sounds, that were they heard, would worry them.
“As they have agreed to be wed by the exchanging of rings and vows, it is my honor to present, Jamie and Claire Fraser. You may kiss.”
They don’t need told twice. Their lips come together as two things simultaneously happen. Jenny let’s out a moan they all hear as her waters break and a voice she never wished to hear again says, “Hello Claire.”
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inkplotkey · 2 years
Okay here some Glomscrooge (I guess I picked Ducktales 2017 universe this time) short fics I wrote with the promts this post gave me:
Prompts: Hurt/comfort
Panic attack+helping them through it
Scrooge gulped. He couldn’t believe that The Beagle Boys had actually managed to capture him. He was now in some sort of a shed, roped tightly. Suddenly the door opened and one of the Beagle Boys threw something on the floor.
”Hi Scrooge, you got company!”
The door closed again. Scrooge looked at the form lying on the floor. No, it couldn’t be…
”They got you too?” Scrooge asked in surprise.
Flintheart managed to sit up and looked a bit dazed. He turned to look at his long time rival.
”Scrooge? What is going on?”
”I’m not sure exactly”, Scrooge answered with a frown. ”The Beagle Boys captured us. I think they will demand ransom.”
”Oh no!” Flintheart exclaimed. ”Not my money!”
”I’m sure we will get out of here before we need to pay them”, Scrooge said confidently.
Flintheart didn’t look convinced however. He had an uneasy expression on his face.
”They said… they are going to hurt us if we don’t cooperate”, he said with a shaky voice.
”What?” asked Scrooge in confusion.
”I have a high tolerance for pain”, Flintheart said. ”I have a high tolerance for pain…”
Scrooge looked at his rival who was repeating the same sentence over and over as in some kind of a trance.
”Flinty? What’s the matter?” he asked and frowned.
Flintheart didn’t reply. His eyes started to look glassy and he actually trembled. Scrooge became worried for the other’s unusual behavior.
”Flinty?” he asked again.
The shorter duck was now hyperventilating. Scrooge gasped as he realised that the other duck was having a panic attack. He hopped next to him so that he faced him.
”Hey, it’s all right, they are not going to hurt us”, Scrooge said with a calming voice. ”That was just bluff. If they hurt us, no one would give them ransom money!”
Flintheart didn’t seem to react to the words and was still having trouble with his breathing. Scrooge cursed silently as he wished he could touch the other duck. He started to jiggle his arms. After a while the ropes seemed to loosen a bit, just enough that Scrooge could get free of the ropes.
He took the ropes off him and hurried to pat his rival comfortingly.
”Hey, it’s okay, it’s going to be okay, Flintheart”, he whispered and stroked his arm.
Flintheart’s gaze turned into him, looking fearful but not as glassy as before.
Scrooge continued to whisper him calming thoughts, hoping it would soothe the other enough.
Gradually Flintheart’s breathing became more even and he could breathe in and out again. Scrooge sighed in relief.
”I’m here, Flinty”, he said with a gentle voice.
Flintheart had tears in his eyes. He looked at Scrooge.
Scrooge’s heart ached. He realised the other was still roped and he opened the knots, freeing Flintheart.
Scrooge wasn’t sure what came over him but he hugged his nemesis. Flintheart was rigid at first but then answered the embrace.
”Don’t worry, we’re going to get out of here”, Scrooge whispered.
Prompts: Angst
Lost memory
 Scrooge frowned. Had the other duck hit his head? Why didn’t he remember Scrooge’s name?
Flintheart Glomgold just blinked and looked at him questioningly.
”Do I really know you, sir?” he asked in confusion.
”Know me? You are my most bitter rival!” Scrooge exclaimed. ”Are you joking right now, Flintheart?”
Flintheart shook his head, even more confused. Why was this duck in top hat talking to him?
”Don’t you remember how you always scheme against me and want to compete in every thing possible with me?” Scrooge asked and cocked his head. ”Like just yesterday we had a staring contest here at the Billionaire’s Club!”
”Staring contest? Sounds ridiculous”, Flintheart commented. ”Surely I have better things to do than that.”
”You don’t remember anything about me?” Scrooge asked in worry.
”No, should I?” Flintheart asked.
”Bless me bagpipes, of course! We have been rivals for decades! Your sole purpose in life seems to try best me in everything!” Scrooge said exasperated.
”Sounds stupid”, Flintheart said.
Scrooge couldn’t believe it but he felt really pained for Flintheart losing his memory of him like this. It didn’t feel right the other didn’t seem to care about their rivalry anymore. How would he regain his memories again? Was it even possible?
”Flinty, try to remember! Us, together, golfing… remember when we had that golf tournament in the moors of Scotland?” Scrooge tried to trigger some old memories out of the younger duck.
”Doesn’t ring a bell. Why would I go to Scotland to play golf with you?” Flintheart asked perplexed.
”Because you would go to the end of the world for me because of pure spite”, Scrooge said and let out a sob.
”Sounds very unlikely”, Flintheart said. ”Why would I care do I lose or win to you?
”Flintheart, don’t you really remember anything?” Scrooge asked. ”Like when you once teamed up with all of my enemies just so you could beat me in a bet?”
”No”, Flintheart said and frowned. ”Why would I do that? I’m a capable businessman, I don’t need help.”
”You really have forgotten me”, Scrooge said sadly. ”You don’t seem like yourself at all.”
Scrooge hated to see Flintheart so indifferent, not seeming to care about their feud or shared past that went on decades. Usually the other would rile easily and challenge him into some kind of contest. His hatred for Scrooge was passionate, so it felt odd that he wasn’t explaining one of his schemes maniacally to Scrooge. Now Flintheart’s eyes looked cold and distant.
Scrooge looked as Flintheart sat down and started to read a newspaper. He didn’t seem to care about Scrooge’s presence at all. Scrooge wasn’t used to being ignored like this by him.
”Why are you staring at me?” Flintheart asked.
Scrooge wish there would be some emotion in his words, but they sounded impassive and uncaring. Scrooge sniffed and sat down on his chair as well.
”No reason”, Scrooge said hollowly and glanced at his rival who wasn’t the same anymore.
 Prompts: Fluff
Being carried
”No one beats me in arm wrestling!” Scrooge declared and put his hand in front of him at the table.
”Oh yeah, it’s time for a new champion”, Flintheart said and smirked.
They started to arm wrestle. Scrooge was surprised to find out Flintheart was actually strong.
”How come we haven’t done this before?” Scrooge asked, trying to distract the other.
Flintheart was oddly focused and only grunted.
Suddenly Scrooge felt itching in his beak and he sneezed loudly. Flintheart took an advantage of the situation and and pulled Scrooge’s hand so that it touched the desk.
”I won!” Flintheart shouted in joy.
”Hey, no fair!” Scrooge exclaimed and cleaned his beak. ”I sneezed!”
”That’s a poor excuse”, Flintheart said. ”I won, fair and square!”
”This must be a first…” Scrooge mumbled in annoyance.
His pride had been hurt. He had never lost in an arm wrestling contest before. He needed to prove he was still the toughest of the toughies or else he would lose a face forever.
”I bet I can carry you to your room!” Scrooge cried and moved to take Flintheart in his arms.
”What?!” asked Flintheart in surprise as he was being lifted.
Scrooge started to carry Flintheart upstairs. He huffed and puffed as the stairs were quite steep.
”What on earth are you doing, McDuck?” Flintheart shouted, feeling flustered. ”Put me down this instant!”
”No!” Scrooge said and continued climbing the stairs up. ”Which room was your again?”
”Err, 526”, Flintheart said confused.
”Great, another four more floors”, Scrooge mumbled. ”Count on you to take the cheapskate room in a conference hotel for billionaires.”
”Hey, at least I’m not sleeping in a windowless room at the basement like some ducks!” Flintheart exclaimed in annoyance.
After reaching the third floor, Scrooge started to feel exhausted.
”What are you trying to prove by this?” Flintheart asked. ”It doesn’t make any sense! And I’m usually the not sensible one!”
”Ugh, must show that I am stronger”, Scrooge mumbled and gritted his teeth.
”Hah! Scroogie, are you worried you have become a weak old man?” Flintheart laughed in delight.
”I’m not! Now shut up!” Scrooge grumbled.
”Oh congrats to the newlyweds!” said a man on the fourth floor.
”What?” asked Scrooge and Flintheart in unison.
Then they realised Scrooge had been carrying Flintheart in bridal style. Both of them blushed deeply.
”Great, we will be the main topic of the conference now”, Scrooge mumbled.
”It’s your own fault”, Flintheart said, still blushing visibly.
It felt actually pretty nice being carried like this. Scrooge was pretty exhausted though which gave Flintheart childish joy.
Finally they reached Flintheart’s room and he opened it with a key card. Scrooge put Flintheart gently on the bed with his last strength.
”I did it!” Scrooge exclaimed in triumph. ”In your face, Glomgold!”
”You sure you didn’t lose a face there?” Flintheart asked sarcastically. ”It seems you are willing to go such lengths to secure a victory that you will make a fool out of yourself in the process.”
Suddenly a hotel worker came in the room.
”I heard you two are a newlywed couple so I booked you a deluxe suite with a king sized bed next to this room, on the house of course!”
”W-whaaat?” Scrooge and Flintheart yelled.
”You should move to your new room now, there is a customer coming to this room soon”, the worker said. ”Have a fun visit!”
Both ducks blushed deeply, unable to think how to react.
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Not going to lie, it kind of feels weird to me that the Missing Mysteries were kind of set up as being a big thing for Huey specifically...and then he plays basically zero significant role in any of the episodes about the Missing Mysteries? Like, thinking of each of the Missing Mysteries that get brought up, and who the episode focuses on:
Harp - the main conflict/plot really focuses on Webby and Beakley
Third-Eye Diamond - Does Huey even appear in this episode? Main plot focuses more on Launchpad and by extension, Dewey
Fountain of Youth - Huey gets a little focus with the whole minor subplot of Dewey magically getting older, but the main focus is on the whole thing with Scrooge and Goldie
Gene the Genie/Lamp - Kind of has a major role in that he’s the one who first realizes what’s happening and helps make everyone aware, but the main character of the episode is Donald
Blessed Bagpipes - Plays a role, but the main conflict/story really revolves around Webby
Solego Circuit - Once again, plays a role and is the one who figures out what’s going on, but the main focus of the special is obviously Darkwing, Launchpad, and Gosalyn
Papyrus of Binding - First appearance is a flashback so obviously Huey has no direct part in the plot, but the second appearance is in the finale where Huey has a role....but is quickly overshadowed by Webby and her twist
Stone of What Was - Huey’s there for the adventure, but the main focus is on Dewey and Kit
Sword of Swanstantine - Huey has a nice little character moment where he learns to come to terms with his anger and control it better to make himself a more effective fighter (though he never uses this again)....but ultimately because of how the episode plays out, he doesn’t really get that much more attention than any of the other kids. 
So, in all of the episodes about the Missing Mysteries really play a major role, Huey only really has any significant role in...3? At best?
I like the Missing Mysteries storyline, but it was apparently not the best one to use for Huey, or at least, the writers apparently weren’t sure how to make him a major player in most of the episodes about them. 
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