#no more Miluca
phoenixwitch13 · 8 months
Michael Guerin Deserves Better Than This Shit
I love both Michael and Alex, and I especially love Malex. I have my crack ships pairing them with other people, but there's no other ship I want more in canon than Malex. That being said, I get really annoyed with Alex stans (I use the word stans instead of fans because they are usually crazy fans who only love Alex and low key seem to hate Michael) who act like Michael is some monster for having dated Maria and like Alex should have been furious with him. Now, I hate Miluca as a ship and Maria DeLuca as a character, so it's not about liking the ship as one of my crack pairings. No, it's all about the fact that for ten years, Alex walked away from Michael. For ten years, Alex broke Michael's heart (I know he had his reasons for his actions and I understand them, but this is still what happened). And for a matter of weeks, Michael dates someone else (because he was not actually with Maria in canon for more than a few weeks and it was, as she said, on a non-exclusive trial basis), and suddenly he's some big bad monster who hurt Alex beyond repair? Sorry, but no. He doesn't deserve to be hated for that. Not when you don't dislike Alex for leaving him over and over again for a decade. You know who Alex should be angry at, though? Maria. He has no right to be angry with Michael for not believing he would stay this time and for trying to move on with someone else (not saying he can't feel hurt, but he doesn't have a right to be angry with Michael the way some stans wanted him to be). But he can be angry with Maria for getting together with Michael after finding out about him being in love with him when she claims to be Alex's best friend. Alex can be angry with Maria all he wants because she was a crappy friend, but being angry with Michael for dating someone else, no matter who that person was, would only make him look like an ass, which is probably why he had no anger toward Michael on the show. The people who think he should be angry with Michael look like hypocrites, especially since many of them happily also ship Alex with Forrest or Kyle or sometimes even Max, Michael's brother. So, what? Only Alex is allowed to be happy with someone else when the love of his life leaves him? Michael just has to suffer? This post is not supposed to be anti Alex. I love him and don't actually think he did anything wrong in canon. What I'm calling out is the behavior of his stans, which is really not cool. Michael doesn't deserve that bullshit, and I think if Alex was a real person, he'd be pissed at anyone who thought Michael deserved for him to be angry with him and to suffer the way some fic writers try to make him.
Also, if you disagree, know you won't change my mind on this, so don't waste your time typing something out to rant at me, okay? I'll probably just delete your reply without finishing reading it. Maria DeLuca stans DNI. Miluca stans DNI. Crazy Alex stans who hate Michael even though that means Alex would hate you, DNI.
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dr-lizortecho · 4 months
For RNM, ❤️💚💕
Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Ummm- Maria, like she’s just not whatever all her haters try and paint her as? The opposite tbh. They just don’t get her like I get her. Max too (just a different sector of fandom) like the amount of people who think he’s inherently cruel or the takes on him being homophobic are silly to me.
What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Ha ha ha- so much. She’s not anti-marriage or men… she’s not selfish or cruel. She’s not a bad friend. She’s not more focused on herself then others- her steam rolling of her loved ones is because she is so focused on them instead of herself. She’s much more feminine than fandom would have you believe. She’s flawless because of her flaws. Also- she’s autistic.
What is an unpopular ship that you like?
All of them tbh. Miluca and malexa are probably the most disliked unpopular ones. And Kaliz and Kyliz are probably my most favorite that are just unpopular cause people don’t create/interact with them.
send me an unpopular fandom ask <3
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jule1122 · 1 year
Malex Fic - You know I love you so
Written for the @yearoftheotpevent June challenge of “(accidental) love confessions.”  I wanted to give Michael and Alex some time to enjoy getting back together and to tell people about their new relationship so I added a few days to 3x09 between Kyle being released from Deep Sky and Alex getting sucking into the Lockhart Machine.  This really just some fluff about them telling everyone they are in love.  Their are brief references to past Miluca and Forlex.  As always, this is a Maria friendly fic.
You know I love you so on AO3
Title from “Yellow” by Coldplay
Summary:  There first date is still a few days away.  It's too early for Alex and Michael to say "I love you."  At least to each other. 
Michael sits at the bar, fiddling with his empty beer bottle until Maria comes over.
“Want another,” she asks, already handing him a new bottle.
“Good to see you back in action,” Michael smiles.  “But are you sure it’s not too soon?”
Maria rolls her eyes.  “I wish everyone would stop asking me that.  I’m fine, 100% fine, even certified by both Liz and Kyle.”
“Alright I’ll back off,” Michael holds out his hands in surrender.  “But you can’t blame us for caring about you.”
Maria’s stance softens, and she smiles at Michael.  “I’m lucky I had so many people on my side, I know that.  But what about you?  I heard you and Alex had quite an adventure of your own.”
It’s an opening Michael can’t ignore, but instead of the carefully worded explanation he planned, he blurts out, “ I love him, Alex, I mean.”
“I know,” Maria’s smile gentles.  “He loves you too.”
Michael blushes and ducks his head, but doesn’t deny it.  Alex hasn’t said the words - neither of them have which makes Michael’s confession even more awkward - but Michael feels them.  He feels them in the way Alex kisses him, the way he smiles at Michael’s dumb jokes and the way he holds him in bed, no space between them.
“It doesn’t mean I didn’t love you too,” he says.  And Michael knows that is what he’d really come here to say.  Alex comes before and after - and hopefully forever after - but he doesn’t want Maria to feel like she was just a pit stop along his way back to Alex.  
“I know that,” Maria takes his hand off the bottle where he’d been picking at the label and squeezes it.  “I loved you too.  A relationship doesn’t have to last forever to be important.  We had a good thing together, it was what we both wanted and needed at the time.”
“And now?”  Michael can’t help but ask.
“And now we’re friends.  You’re where you need to be and I,” Maria hesitates for a second.  “I’m figuring it out.”
“We have a date this week,” Michael confesses, a disbelieving thrill of excitement in his chest just from talking about it.  “We wanted to tell you first before you saw us or heard about it from someone else.”
“That’s great,” Maria’s smile is wide and genuine.  “I shouldn’t have said when I did before, but I really do expect an invitation to the wedding.”
Michael knows he should brush it off, but he can’t bring himself to pretend it’s not what he’s always wanted so he draws an “X” over his heart, “Promise you’ll be first on the list.”
“I’d better be.  Now go bother your siblings,” Maria points to where Isobel and Max are sitting, having come in sometime while they were talking, “so I can get some actual work done.”
“Here you go,” Kyle sits next to Alex and sets their drinks on the table.  “Boring beer for you and a Pomegranate Pluto Martini for me.”
Alex makes a face when he sees just how bright Kyle’s drink is.  “So this is why you wanted to meet here instead of the Wild Pony?  Because Maria won’t make you drinks that glow.”
Kyle throws back his head and laughs.  “Just wanted to celebrate my clean bill of health. There’s nothing like Taylor Swift Drag Night to make you feel alive.”
It’s a fairly quiet Tuesday at Planet 7, no drag queens in sight yet, but Alex thinks he understands what Kyle is trying to say.  “I’ll drink to that,” he agrees, tapping his bottle against Kyle’s glass.
“I’ll have you drinking one of these by the end of the night,” Kyle says, quickly downing his drink and signaling one of the bartenders for another.
Alex just shakes his head.  He’s been to Planet 7 a few times with Forrest, but it’s not really his kind of place.  Kyle, on the other hand, seems completely comfortable.  He knows most of the staff by name, has glitter highlighting his cheekbones, and Alex is pretty sure he’s wearing lip gloss.  He doesn’t know what to do with any of that, but tonight is supposed to be about Kyle having a good time so he’s trying not to think too much.
“So tell me what I missed,” Kyle prompts him once his new drink has been delivered.
Michael is the first thing Alex thinks because Michael is all he thinks since their kiss on the patio.  He tries to push away the images of Michael’s smile after they kissed and the way his body looked spread out over Alex’s bed.  “Nothing much,” he answers as casually as he can..
“You got laid,” Kyle’s eyes widen, and he points at Alex.  “Who was it?  Is he here?”
Alex looks around quickly just in case Michael showed up while he wasn’t looking even though he knows Michael is at the Wild Pony with Max and Isobel.  He’d declined Alex’s invitation to join him, sending him off with a kiss and a promise to take pictures if Kyle did anything embarrassing.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, doing his best to stonewall Kyle.
“Don’t lie to me.  I know that look.  It’s the same look you had after you hooked up with Forrest.  Is  it Forrest?  Did he come back because he can’t live without you?   He didn’t convince you to run away with him did he? I just got out of coma, don’t leave town again.”
“What is in that thing?  Alex eyes Kyle’s drink suspiciously.  “You shouldn’t be this drunk after one and half drinks.”
“It’s more like four.  I had few before you got here.  Devon makes a mean martini,” he waves his hand carelessly in the direction of the bar and the bartender winks at him.  “But don’t change the subject.  You definitely got laid, and I want to know if you’re running away with some cute guy and leaving me behind.”
“I’m not running away with anyone,”  Alex admits with a huff.  
“So it’s not Forrest.  Who is it?  If you don’t tell me I’ll just get Isobel to get it out of you.”
Alex winces because nothing the Air Force taught him would prepare him for being interrogated by Isobel  “It’s Guerin.  Michael,” he corrects.
“Oh, thank God,” Kyle sighs dramatically.  “The sexual tension between you two was getting uncomfortable.”
“There’s no sexual tension,” Alex protests.
“Maybe not now,” Kyle wiggles his eyebrows.  “But the last time we were all out together, and he was playing pool, the things he did with the pool stick to get your attention were very suggestive, educational too, but mostly suggestive.”
Alex blushes, “It’s not like that.”
“It’s not sexual?”  Kyle sounds doubtful.  “Because I know you got laid”
“Ok, yes I got laid,” Alex cuts him off.  “But it’s not just sex.  I love him,” he admits without meaning to.
“Oh,” Kyle’s brow furrows for a second before a bright smile blooms on his face.  “That’s awesome, dude.  I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty happy about it too,” he admits, finding it easy this time to say just how much Michael means to him.
Michael walks away from his conversation with Maria smiling and wondering if he should text Alex even if it means interrupting his night with Valenti.  When he gets to their booth, Max and Isobel are having a whispered conversation that stops once he sits down.
“What’s up?” he asks when they both turn to look at him.  He really hopes it's not another Jones emergency.  He wants his date with Alex before the next pile of shit hits the fan.
“Nothing,” Isobel says too brightly.
“You and Maria looked like you were having a pretty intense conversation when we got here,” Max says.
“Not really,” Michael shrugs.  Intense seems like too strong of a word, important yes, but it’s not like they were fighting.  “Just wanted to talk to her about something.  And make sure she’s feeling alright.”
“It’s nice that you are so concerned, but we don’t want you to get hurt,” Isobel reaches across the table and takes his hand.
“Ok?”  It’s a question because Michael really has no idea what she’s talking about.  He feels like he walked into the middle of the wrong conversation.
“Michael,” Isobel sighs and sits up straighter, taking her hand away.  “You know Maria is seeing Greg Manes.”
“Greg’s not the Manes I’m in love with so I don’t see why that would be a problem,” Michael shrugs.
“You mean Alex, right?”  Max asks.
Michael rolls his eyes, “I sure as hell wasn’t talking about Flint.”
“Does this mean we can finally talk about your secret, sordid teenage affair with Alex Manes instead of just hinting about it?” Isobel leans forward eagerly.
“No, and it wasn’t,” Michael makes a face and Isobel raises one brow at him, “sordid.”  He’ll give her secret, but there was nothing sordid about how they felt about each other.  Sure, they fucked it up later, but when he fell in love with Alex it made him feel lighter and hopeful.
“Does he know how you feel or are you still waiting for the right time?  You know the weird emo poet guy is gone,” Isobel tells him.
“Oh, he’s very aware,” Michael smirks, thinking of how thoroughly he’d demonstrated his feeling this morning.
“So you’re back together,” Max, ever the romantic, smiles.
“No,” Michael corrects, but he feels bad when Max’s face falls and Isobel rushes to comfort him.
“Maybe he just needs time,” she says.  “He wrote you a love song after all.”
“We are together,” Michael admits.  “Just not back together.  What we had before is over, and we need to start fresh if this is going to work.  Can’t keep looking back.”
Max winces a little, and Michael knows he’s thinking about his own complicated history with Liz.  
“So when did it happen?  Who made the first move?  Was it romantic or one of those fighting until your kissing moments?” Isobel bombards him with questions, most of which he has no intention of answering.
Michael leans back in the booth and sighs.  “It’s still pretty new, and it’s still not sordid,” he makes another face at that word. “Although the sex is,” he trails off and lets out a low whistle.
Max drops his face into his hands, but Isobel claps her hands, “Tell me everything,” she demands.
“Iz, no,” Max looks up and glares at her.
“What, even you can admit they are hot together.”
“And it’s not secret this time,” Michael says, drawing their attention back to him.  “We have a date this week.”
“That’s awesome, man,” Max beams at him.
“When is it?” Isobel asks.  “I’ll need an hour, no two hours, to get you ready.”
“I can dress myself,” Michael objects, looking to Max for support.
Max laughs, “Don’t look at me.  She has a whole section of my closet marked off for date clothes and knows if I don’t use them.  I’m thrilled she has someone else to torture.”
“I wouldn’t have to do that if I could trust you to get changed before you go out,” Isobel scolds Max.
“Hey, I thought women liked a man in uniform.”
“Not that ugly brown uniform you wear.  Now, I remember how Alex looked in his dress blues for the parade,” she smiles dreamily and turns to Michael.  “Does he ever wear that for you?  Because he should.  The role play possibilities are endless.”
It’s Michael’s turn to cover his face with his hands.  “Maybe we should have kept this secret,” he groans, but no one believes him.
After their respective nights out, Alex and Michael went back to their own homes, and while they exchanged texts about how their evenings had gone, they hadn’t seen each other.  Alex was surprised by just how much he missed Michael even after only a few days together, and pleased at how he isn’t afraid to let Michael know it.  So it was no hardship for him to leave early enough to pick up three coffees instead of one and stop by the junkyard on the way to work.
He leaves his own coffee in the car and heads toward the garage with the other two.  As expected it’s Sanders who he sees first.  Alex isn’t sure if he has an alarm system on the driveway entrance or he just spends all his time watching for cars, but he always appears the minute someone gets out of their vehicle.  
“Car trouble?” Sanders asks as he makes his way to Alex.
“No, sir, just stopped by to see Michael.”  Alex lifts the coffee cups a little higher in the air.
“So you’re coming by in the daylight now, out in the open, instead of sneaking around hoping no one sees you?”
Alex feels a flush of shame on his face.  He was never embarrassed to be seen with Michael, just afraid, but he knows how he looks.  “You’ll be seeing a lot of me now.  I’ll do better by him,” he says as confidently as he can.  “I love him,” he adds because Sanders is Michael’s family, and Alex wants him to know he’s serious.
“I could have told you that.  One eye,” he taps his patch, “but I’m not blind.  Don’t know why I have to keep reminding people of that,” he grumbles.  “And you’ll both do better because you’re not a couple of scared kids this time.  You’re not hiding from that no good daddy of yours, and he’s not so used to secrets he wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face.”
Alex laughs because he’s not wrong, but “No, now we're just dealing with his,” Alex pauses and reconsiders his words because he can’t bring himself to call Jones Michael’s father in front of the man who really should have that title.  “Now we’re dealing with Jones and all my bullshit from a decade in the Air Force.”
“Never gonna be perfect,” Sanders grunts.  “But you’re better together than you are apart.  Start with that.”
“Thanks,” Alex shifts on his feet. He wasn’t expecting to have a heart to heart with Sanders so soon.  It makes his anxious to see Michael, to be reassured he hasn’t fucked things up already.  “Here, this is for you,” he thrusts one of the coffee cups at Sanders.
He sips it cautiously then smiles before narrowing his eye at Alex. “Michael tell you how I take my coffee?”
“Nope, he told me you take it black.”
“Idiot,” Sanders mumbles under his breath.  “Guess coffee runs are your job from now on.”
“I can do that,” Alex agrees easily.  Sanders' approval is worth the hours he spent reviewing the footage he hacked from the coffee shop to find out Sanders preferred coffee is a double espresso latte with half vanilla, half coconut and almond milk.
“Best be on your way before Michael glares a hole in my back waiting for me to let you go.  Guess I know why he’s been smiling like a loon these last few days.  Probably explains the limp, too.”
Sanders walks away leaving Alex choking on air.  But he spots Michael waiting in the doorway of the garage, and his smile is worth the embarrassment.
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userlaylivia · 9 months
I'm on S3 (3x01 to be exact!!) In my rnm rewatch and I have just so many malex and echo feelings the angst just kills me my babies! also I always forget how much I hated miluca until I rewatch and it's really weird considering they were my second otp on the og but malex owns me and sorry but michael/heather had no chemistry imo lol and I also didn't like forlex either but I was more tolerable of them because I wanted alex to be happy but yeah my two otps kill me! also can you believe monday is the 5 year anniversary of the pilot?? that's just unreal!
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fangeek-girl · 1 year
My fics need love 🥺
Now that I'm active on here again, might as well share links to the fics I have already published on Ao3. Also I'm really bad at tagging fics so hopefully they find their intended audience with y'all's help
Star Wars (under alias Meowalker)
Last Kiss (Anidala) Padmé's last moments as she remembers the good in Anakin. Inspired by Last Kiss (Taylor's Version). **Set during RotS**
Emotions (Anakin) Anakin loses himself after the events of Tatooine and Geonosis. Inspired by Emotions (5 Seconds of Summer) **Set after AotC**
Fix You (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé) Obi-Wan would rather die than give up on Anakin after the battle on Mustafar. Inspired by Fix You (Coldplay)
Unwell (Anakin) Anakin has trouble dealing with everything that happened during Attack of the Clones, to the point where he slowly starts losing his mind. Inspired by Unwell (Matchbox Twenty) **Set after AotC**
Skywalker Dyad Trilogy
Part 1: Halves of a Whole (Completed on 2023/07/30) Shmi had twins, one of which she had to leave with Palpatine as she escaped with Anakin. But the Force has a way to bring dyads together. **The first 9 chapters happen during TPM, AotC and TCW** Part 2: Cat and Mice (Completed on 2023/09/17) After escaping from Order 66, Kateva and Anakin bring the Jedi survivors to Ossus, where they learn more about their bond and try to find a way to take down their father. Unfortunately, there is now an Empire between them and Sidious. **Directly follows part 1** Part 3: [on hiatus] Kat seeks a way to defeat their father at the same time Anakin and the Jedi refugees must defend Ossus from an Empire attack. All bets are off and the stakes are higher than ever. **Directly follows part 2**
Roswell, New Mexico (under alias Triad_and_Turquoise)
The One (Echo) Max's feelings for Liz, down the road. Inspired by The One (Kodaline).
Back to December (Miluca) One month into lockdown, Maria has too much time to think and goes down a painful memory lane... Inspired by Back to December (Taylor Swift).
Treacherous (Malexa) What happens during that night in the airstream, seen through the eyes of Michael, Maria and Alex. Not graphic. Inspired by Treacherous (Taylor Swift)
One Love (Malex) Michael is unable to let go of Alex through the lost decade. Inspired by One Love (Marianas Trench), from Michael's POV
On hiatus (aka I will get back to it one day I swear!!!)
Three Makes a Family (Malex) Max and Liz died in a horrible accident, leaving their single daughter an orphan. With no other choice, Michael and Alex stepped up to take care of the deeply traumatized and scarred 10-year-old. Five years later, the precarious routine they've established is on the verge of collapsing, and secrets that should have stayed buried are at risk of surfacing. **post-s3, doesn't take s4 into account**
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ober-affen-geil · 2 years
March for Meta Day 2: Season 2
Ship: Miluca | Song: "Peaceful Easy Feeling" by Eagles
Miluca was a breath for me, in season 2. I was happy to multiship, and I loved Michael and Maria when they were together. "Peaceful Easy Feeling" represents Miluca, from Michael's perspective, pretty perfectly in my opinion because it tells the story of his relationship with her.
For Michael in season 2, Maria *is* the most peaceful and solid relationship he's ever had in his life. Platonic or otherwise. She grounds him, in a way that the chorus talks about. The verses tell their story, the first one representing almost exactly how they first begin their relationship. There is some introspection and recognition of faults, and an acceptance that the relationship may not last.
The genre being country rock is the icing on the cake because what else could more perfectly describe Michael?
Lyrics: I like the way your sparkling earrings lay Against your skin so brown And I want to sleep with you in the desert night With a billion stars all around Chorus: 'Cause I got a peaceful easy feelin' And I know you won't let me down 'Cause I'm already standin' On the ground And I found out a long time ago What a woman can do to your soul Aw but she can't take you any way You don't already know how to go [Chorus] I get this feelin' I may know you As a lover and a friend This voice keeps whisperin' in my other ear Tells me I may never see you again [Chorus]
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ladynox · 2 years
Tumblr media
@rnmbingo made it! Links to fics under the cut. All of them were great! Heed the warnings/tags!
Fics link back to the comment to make things easier for the mods. Tangled Up With You All Night Burning it Down by @maeglinthebold (malexa/malex) "Wait, you chose this?" Michael cried, so high-pitched in alarm that his voice cracked. "We could be getting pampered by elf hunks and you made us fight a dragon? Alex, are you even listening to me?!"
Life in Analog: A Typewriter’s Story by @ajna-eye-cogitations (echo) Max Evans is dying, but his typewriter doesn't know that yet. It has helped him through stormy nights when he needs the companionship the most.
And the Sun Rose Red by christchex (miluca)
When she closed her eyes she could still see the flames. They flickered bright against her eyelids. She could feel the heat on her face as she tried desperately to run towards the burning wreckage of her home, of her life. Her throat still burned from the smoke, from her desperate yelling as she realized that there was more than just liquor in that bar.
Maria is an outlaw at the end of her reign and her past haunts her. (A Kissing Kate Barlow AU).
rivalry series by @haloud (anatsobel)
Isobel Evans has earned her place as Team USA's top center. Ice queen in more ways than one, she has a reputation for poise, passion and perfection on and off the ice...
So how is Canada's new superstar so easily getting under her skin?
Three Player Morning by @tasyfa (Kaliz)
Kyle loves his partners. Both of them. Really.
In the Ambulance by @impalachick (valevans)
After Kyle chases Max down in the ambulance, he finds out that Max is suffering from a strange and sexual side effect. But Kyle is all too eager to help with Max's boner problem.
Ashes to Ashes by @myrmidryad (Maria DeLuca, Patty Harris)
At its best, its fullest, its busiest, it is full of music and life and death.
Still Good by by @infp-obsessing-over-everything (Max Evans, Mr. Jones)
When Jones returns to the cave in 3x04 Max is awake and ready to argue. Not ready to go down with out a screaming match. His heart however is too weak to put up with the the strain coupled with his powers making the pacemaker malfunction. Jones has to comfort him and tries to show him they can trust each other.
wait for rain by @bydayornight (miluca)
“Well, this was fun, but I’m all booked up on problems.” He stood up from the bar stool, pulling a flask from inside his jacket and giving her a half-hearted salute as he sauntered backwards out of the bar. “Bye, DeLuca. Great dance last year, by the way. The blood was a nice touch.”
Michael and Maria forge a bond in the lost decade.
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aliciam72 · 4 years
So before I get to the story (thank you to all who gave me suggestions I will be getting to all of them) I want to vent a bit. I know many fans of the show are very upset about the last episode and that is totally valid. I respect your decision to not watch, strike that scene from canon, write fix its, or stop writing all together. What I ask in return to have my decision to continue to write Malex respected as well. Now, everyone here has been wonderful and no one has ever said anything negative to me...I actually posted this on A03 first and got a comment I was not expecting...probably because if I’m not happy with a story I usually just move on, I don’t leave negative comments. This person (and I’m not sure they are on tumblr or not) did say they were happy with the ending of my story but went on to trash Guerin calling him a ‘vile douchebag’ I get it...people are mad at him and Maria. I’m not jumping into the fray...I just want to write fic. And I like Michael. I like Malex. While this story doesn’t end happy for Michael, the follow up I have planned does. I’m not asking for validation or sympathy...I just need to vent a bit. Okay...on to the story!
What’s in a name? 
Isobel and Michael sat in a booth at the Crash Down across from Max waiting for Liz to join them. 
“Where’s Maria?” Isobel looked at her phone for the fifth time since they sat down. 
Michael shrugged. “Probably the Pony. We’re...uh...not talking right now.”
Isobel rolled her eyes. “What now?”
“I may have accidentally broke some glasses last open mike night. We’re on a break or something...” 
“And why did you break glasses?” Max questioned.
Isobel smirked. “I’m guessing it had to do with our local war hero and his blue haired boy toy.” 
Liz slid in the booth next to Max, still wearing her uniform. “Oh Mikey, it’s a bit more than a break.”
Michael glared at her. “Do we need to talk about my love life?”
“Don’t you mean lack of love life?” Max teased.
“We can talk about my love life instead.” Isobel offered taking pity on him.
Michael and Max shook their heads but Liz leaned in and set her elbows on the table. “Do tell! Anyone we know?”
“Well, I almost hooked up with your ex but I think I scared him off with my dirty talk.”
“Eww, Iz, I do not need to hear you were dirty talking to Valenti!” Michael groaned. 
“Too bad. I’ve had to witness your numerous hook ups over the years. The only one I wasn’t grossed out by was Alex and you went and screwed that up.” She turned to Liz. “I went to a gay bar.”
Liz’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? I want details!!”
Michael threw money on the table and stood up. “I’m outta here.” 
“C’mon Michael, don’t leave me to listen to this alone...again.” Max pleaded. 
Sighing dramatically, Michael sat down and motioned for Isobel to continue. 
“Her name is Blaire and she is almost as hot as me!” 
Michael tuned Isobel out while she replayed her night with the blond bartender from Planet 7. He let his mind wander back to the last open mic night at the pony. 
“Didn’t think you were coming tonight. I thought dramatic poetry reading wasn’t your style.” Maria pushed a beer towards Michael.
“I’m here to support my girl.” Michael leaned across the bar and gave her a quick kiss.
“Don’t call me that. It makes me feel like a dog. And unless you’re paying it’s not much support.” 
“You wound me, DeLuca. I’ve been paying my tab for weeks now.” Michael flashed her a wide smile. 
Maria leaned over and kissed him again. “Yeah, yeah. Just behave okay? Alex is coming with Forrest.”
Michael stiffened but nodded. “I’ll be good.”
He tried. He really did. He greeted Forrest and Alex with a smile and wave. He sat and politely listened to an overdramatic Forrest recite a ridiculous poem while staring into Alex’s eyes. He even kept his temper when Alex clapped and whistled after he finished. But when Forrest made his way back to their table and kissed Alex in a way that Michael was never allowed to well, he lost control of his powers for a second and broke a whole row of Maria’s beer glasses. 
“What the fuck, Guerin!” Maria shouted over the performer on stage. 
“Oh my God, Maria, I’m sorry!” Michael jumped up to help her clean up the glasses. 
“Don’t!” Maria pushed him away.
Michael flinched. “I said I was sorry.” He whispered not sure Maria heard him. 
“He’s allowed to be happy. You chose me, remember?” Maria hissed.
“I know. It’s just hard-“ Michael tried to explain. 
“Well, it shouldn’t be. You have no right to be jealous.”
Michael sighed. “I know. It won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t. Get out. I can’t even look at you right now.”
Michael frowned. “It was a mistake. I-I just lost control for a second.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to think this whole thing was a mistake. Even after everything you still love him don’t you?”
“Maria, that’s not fair. You know I do but you’re right, I chose you.” Michael glanced to Alex’s table and caught him staring. He looked more confused than angry and that made Michael feel horrible. 
“God! You can’t even pay attention to me when we’re fighting! Really, Guerin, leave.” Maria grabbed the beer from his hand and pointed to the door. 
“Are we?” Michael didn’t know what he wanted to ask.
“Done? Yeah, I think we are. And maybe stay away from Alex too. He doesn’t deserve your shit.” Maria turned her back on Michael and started sweeping up the glass. 
Michael slowly got up and headed to the door. He slowed at Alex’s table. “I’m sorry, it was an accident. You were good, Forrest.”
“Earth to Micheal...” Isobel waved her hand in front of Michael’s face. 
Michael looked at her. “What’d I miss?”
Max laughed. “Just the whole story.”
Michael was about to say something when Alex and Forrest walked in and headed to the counter. Alex leaned over and said something to the waitress before turning to them and smiling. Forrest gave him a quick kiss and headed to the bathroom. 
Liz rolled her eyes. “I don’t get how he can date a Long. Especially after everything Wyatt has done to all of us!”
Michael stopped looking at Alex. “Forrest isn’t Wyatt.”
Liz’s eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t tell me you actually think Forrest is good for Alex do you? I thought that was what the broken glasses and Maria dumping you was all about.”
“She dumped you?” Isobel gave him a look of surprise.
“Yeah, she did. I lost control and she got mad. Said I shouldn’t be jealous and she was right but that’s not really why I lost control. And before you ask, I’m not telling you why. Forrest may be a Long but he’s nothing like the rest of them. He’s treats Alex right and that’s all that matters. So, please Liz don’t hassle him. I know Wyatt has done a lot to your family but let Alex have this, he deserves to be happy.” Michael stood and strode out of the diner. 
He made it to his truck before he realized someone was calling his name. He turned to see Alex making his way over to him. He hung his head and debated ignoring him but Alex was in front of him before he could open the door. “What do you want, Alex?”
“I’m sorry about Maria.” Alex said shifting his weight to his good leg. 
“You chased after me to tell me you’re sorry Maria dumped my ass?” Michael laughed and reached to open his door. 
Alex grabbed his arm and cleared his throat. “That’s not really what I meant. I’m sorry for being the reason you let your control slip.”
Michael didn’t turn around. “You weren’t.” 
“Michael, you’re a terrible liar. I know Forrest kissing me in front of everyone hurt you. I...we...try not to flaunt this in your face—“
“You shouldn’t have to hide anything from me. I sure as hell didn’t.” Michael was suddenly angry. Why was Alex being so nice to him? He walked away from him, right into the arms of his best friend. He had every reason to flaunt his relationship with Forrest in his face. Michael wasn’t jealous, he was hurt. Forrest got to have the version of Alex he never got to have. The version who had no problem kissing or holding hands in public. He was happy Alex felt comfortable enough to live his life in the open but it still stung that the whole time they were together they had to keep it a dirty secret. 
“No, you didn’t.” Alex turned to leave but only a got a few steps before turning back. “Thank you for what you said to Liz. It means a lot.”
Michael watched Alex walk back to Forrest who was waiting by the door holding their food. “Alex!”
Alex stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“I know, Michael. I know why and like I said, I’m sorry.” Alex gave him a small smile before taking the bag from Forrest and heading to the car.
Michael opened the door to the truck and got in. He rested his head on the steering wheel and tried to keep the tears from falling. 
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I don't necessarily agree that there was no build up for 3x08 it's just that we got so used to the big Alex/Michael/Malex scenes in the previous seasons never having any positive impact on their future and everything being meaningless that it's now very confusing that so much of their previous growth as a couple and as individuals suddenly had a big payoff in one episode after so much stalling. We've seen Alex open up to Michael a bunch of times before about his feelings/what Michael means to him. 3x08 wasn't new. 1x09, 1x13 and 2x04 were all huge only for the show to immediately undermine them by Michael misunderstanding things for no reason/having no real response/reaction to it after and putting them back to square one over and over again. Now we got a whole episode with them talking from Michael clearly communicating his hurt about Alex shutting him down to them compromising about Deep Sky and the show subverted all of our expectations with Malex actually taking a step forward instead of everything once again turning to shit for more drama. We could have gotten the same exact development a season and a half ago and it wouldn't have been weird at all. It was the show we were originally promised. Now that they put Malex on the same page for the first time ever fingers crossed we get more emotional consistency in storytelling going forward.
The major issue I have is what a lot of people including Tyler and Vlamis expressed, is that the show wrote itself into a corner of it both being absolutely far too long to justifiably have Malex not be together, but also not showing us this season in scenes or dialogue where Malex are at with each other because the show committed to that year long time jump after a season that ended with Michael walking out on Alex's song, and Alex kissing another man and starting the season a year later, still kissing that same man. Yeah, we've had two previous seasons of "build up" but we need more context for right now because based on context clues it seems like Michael and Alex have had no contact for this whole year, not that the show has even bothered to give us that much information. 🙄 So why is Michael hopeful now as opposed to last season when Alex was pouring out his love in a song about Michael? What changed? Who knows! Not us, that's for sure. And Alex is telling he he joined deep sky for Michael, and it's like, bitch where?! When? When he was crying while watching Forrest leave a WEEK ago after talking about exclusivity with him? When he was telling Kyle he considered not joining Deep Sky at all and leaving with Forrest but decided to stay because he needs to know more? But now suddenly it’s because he wants to build a better world for Michael to not be afraid.
It's not that Alex and Michael haven't had the build up for this reunion as characters, it's that we the audience are missing seeing steps or even being TOLD about them and are being expected to fill in the blanks, which is incredibly insulting because it comes across like Malex and their journey isn't an important story to tell because the fans just want them to be together and see them kiss and that's all that matters. Which isn't true! Their journey back to each other matter and fans want to see it. Tyler and Vlamis want to show it! It's a captivating story that deserved to be seen, not just throwing all their romance into one episode and expecting the fans to do ALL the heavy lifting on how they got her based on previous seasons. Little things that wouldn't have taken that much time could have solved so much of this issue too, which makes it even more frustrating! I've talked about this before but things like, Kyle and/or Alex brining up Michael when talking about Alex joining Deep Sky. Alex and Greg talking about Michael when Alex mentions getting out of the military and his new endeavors and talking about Jesse's death of which Michael was a part and Greg was about to take a bullet for him because of how important he knew Michael was to Alex. We got a scene with Kyle, Greg, and Michael and their single connecting thread, Alex, wasn't even mentioned?! Ridiculous. Alex looking at a picture of Michael before going into Deep Sky for the interview. Seeing literally anything from Alex's POV would have been helpful because again, we are getting Malex in a bubble where they only exist for each other when they are together, or when someone else is brining up (or throwing in their face) that they know about Malex's "secret" relationship. And it shouldn't be like that. And yeah, Alex is a "private" character, but he's just that, a character. So we can only ever know what the show tells or shows us, so if Alex isn't allowed to talk to anyone or even have a private moment where we see him thinking about Michael and their relationship, then how do we know what's going on in his head?
And you're absolutely right about their previous interactions not holding weight or carrying over and that's part of the issue as well. We're so used to things happening in a bubble or happening and then not mattering later, but as I said, it's been a year in the show since any of those events, and they aren't even being allowed to talk about them this season either! There's still been no mention of that song Alex sang, or of f*rlex or m*luca and how either of them really felt about that, or addressing those people as the reasons they weren't together before now. I'm hopeful we will get them talking more this season but given what we've seen so far and the show's absolute refusal to hold m*ria accountable for anything, I doubt we will get any real closure on what took so long for them to get together. And because the show won't address the m*ria issue, it's impossible to address the Michael issue and how he picked someone else, who wasn't even nice or kind or helpful or supportive of him, over Alex (who was being all of those things) over, and over, and over. That needs to be addressed in order to heal and move forward but that can't happen as long as m*ria has never done anything wrong ever, or if it IS addressed before the end of the season it will all fall on Michael as entirely his fault and will probably be twisted in some way to prop her up even more as the kind of woman they both want and wish they could have if only they weren't so unfortunately stuck with their cosmic connection to each other.
So yeah, Alex and Michael's story has simultaneously taken 84 unjustifiable years to get to this point, while also not giving us nearly enough present-day information after a year-long time jump to explain how they suddenly are all in and ready to be together now, as opposed to where they were at the end of season 2. By not allowing them to interact or talk to anyone else about what they have been thinking about the other for the entire year time jump and what conclusions they have come to about what and who they want and why, and if they have hope of getting that and why, it feels like their journey this season has been rushed or steps have been skipped. Because there was really no reason for them not to be together at the end of season 2 but that's what c*rina gave us and instead of working to fix that, they've just decided to pretend last season and this year long time jump, and m*ria keeping them apart just...doesn't exist for Alex and Michael. I absolutely do not believe in that "the characters need to earn being together" crap, but the writing absolutely does have to earn the payoff of them getting together. There are emotional beats that needed to be set up, and a build within this season to get to that point and have it mean something. And by benching Malex all season we didn't get the build up of seeing both of them being clowns on the same page of the book called "I want to be with him but he no longer wants to be with me", and without that tension, the big "release" doesn't feel satisfying. And I don't think it's wrong to ask for more from the show that just two pretty guys kissing. Their love story is one for the ages and deserves to be told (actually their Romeo/Juliet warring families set up makes them the most interesting and they should have been the focal point of the show all along but I digress), not just shoehorned in for ratings boosts. It's insulting, not just to the fans or to the Malex story, but also to the actors bringing the story to life who WANT to do more, who are BEGGING to do more with their characters and this story.
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cakebeam · 3 years
My thoughts on ep.5
• So, is everyone on this show going to get a handprint before Malex’s get theirs, if they ever do at this point? And now the handprint is used to not just share memories but also suck the life force out of someone? Ohhhhh kayyyyy...
• Why is Maria the one spending the entire episode with Kyle and borderline flirting with him when her supposed love interest is Greg (🤮), who was also in the episode? 
• Oh and, Miluca has more scenes together this season than Malex so far. And not a “Miluca declared dead” in sight from Michael while his I love you still hangs in the air. Wow.
• Why did Max have to be the one to sleep with the reporter, Anatsa? She has great chemistry with Isobel and though I do love Kybel, I’m getting pretty over there barely being any gay content on this show. Speaking of which-
• No mention of Malex whatsoever. No mention of Alex (I think someone brought up calling him and that was it), again. We are 5 episodes into this 13 episode season and Chris’s words of treating Malex equally as Echo this season is now just a straight up lie fam. 
• Rosa’s unbelievable bullsh*t line of finally going after the people who have been antagonizing her family for a decade- GIRL IT’S BEEN WYATT THE WHOLE TIME. Everyone else was just his cronies. The show trying to erase Wyatt being an evil white supremacist and the primary abuser of the Ortecho family from that narrative and retconning it to be Jordan, a character we’ve never seen before this season, is still f*cked up.
When are Arturo and Liz going to finally find out about Wyatt and remind Rosa that he’s a complete monster? Does she even get that he literally BEAT Arturo? And SHOT Liz? She should not be talking to this guy, let alone being his friend. What the f*ck?!
• When is it time for Maria to finally not be in an episode? I need a serious break from this character. She’s literally more involved with the group than Liz, who is the main character. I did NOT sign up for the Maria Deluca show. This show is already bad and she is just making it so much worse this season with no one calling her out. 
• I’ve already forgotten about Heath. Can he just not exist anymore? Thanks.
• Isobel’s snake clothing all season- is this going to relate to something at some point or is it just for kicks? Ophiuchus?
• I could barely hear the pod squad and Jones talk over Liz’s loud moaning. Girl give it a break, we know you’re dying, I’m trying to hear everyone else.
• Rosa and Michael talk- Good sh*t 👌👌👌
• Kyle spreading vapo rub on Liz’s cleavage. Um... why? And then they call each other family? This is really f*cking weird messaging.
• So the aura’s are based on emotions and not the general aura of someone? That’s kind of disappointing but useful I guess. 
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
Y'all, I don't want to unfollow some of you, but if i have to see 🌳🌲's face one more time cause y'all refuse to tag it properly, I'm gonna start unfollowing left and right
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for @caitlesshea...Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have the most wonderful day
Forrest is a nice guy. He’s cute, he’s funny, he rocks a leather jacket like no one Alex has ever seen in person, and he understands Alex’s history with the military. On paper, he’s pretty much perfect. Off paper, he’s not perfect but he might be perfect for Alex.
Except for the tiny, inconsequential detail of Alex having a soulmate and it not being Forrest Long. But other than that small hiccup (which the other party seems to be ignoring just fine) Alex likes the guy. He likes spending time with him. He likes going on dates with him. And he’s really starting to like kissing him.
They’d had a nice dinner and Forrest had walked Alex to his car before slowly pressing him up against it and kissing him softly. The quiet din of the restaurant filtered in at the edge of his senses but Alex ignored it in favor of cupping Forrest’s face and kissing him back. He was just about to suggest heading back to his place when he felt it.
Lips crawling up the side of his neck. A moment later he caught a whiff of perfume and cheap beer. 
Alex broke away from the kiss and focused all of his attention on slamming the door on the connection. Frustratingly, it wouldn’t close. Not all of the way. 
“Alex?” Forrest sounded worried. Alex shook his head but didn’t answer, too lost in the link to Michael to form words. He’d managed to close the mental bridge between them for almost a decade before coming back to Roswell, and to Michael, permanently had forced it wide open for the first time since graduation. They’d each closed it a few times since then but neither one of them had tried to shut it off until the night they-
Alex pressed a hand to his forehead and imagined a heavy steel door slamming shut over the link, trying to stifle their connection through sheer will alone. The sensations ceased and Alex breathed a sigh of relief.
“Alex?” Forrest asked again. “What’s wrong?”
“Long story,” was all Alex offered. It was their second date. Not the time to talk about Alex’s soul bond to another man. He wasn’t exactly sure when the right time for that was but it wasn’t now. He hooked a finger in Forrest’s belt loop and tugged. Forrest went easily, his eyes darting from Alex’s hand to his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his hands gentle on Alex’s face.
“Yeah,” Alex assured. “Just a little headache, nothing ma-” Wet lips encircled his cock and Alex choked out a gasp. He pressed a hand over his crotch, the familiar denim under his touch grounding him. 
“Alex?!” Forrest’s eyes were wide. “What’s going on?”
Alex rolled his eyes. “My soulmate’s an asshole.” It was out before he could stop it. So much for not mentioning that on the second date.
Forrest froze. Alex wasn’t even sure he was breathing. “Your what?”
He felt a kiss press to his tip and Alex opened the door wide open. STOP IT, he screamed down it. Michael physically jerked in response and Alex felt and heard Maria choke on the sudden motion. Michael hurriedly pushed her away and pulled up his pants. What the hell, Alex!? Maria kneeled on the floor, one hand pressed to her mouth as she cleared her throat. She glared up at Michael. “What the hell, Guerin?!”
“Alex?” Forrest asked softly. He sounded worried again and Alex had to wonder how many times he’d said his name. Ignoring Michael’s queries, Alex pulled out of the connection and back into his own mind. Forrest’s hands were back on his face, his face creased in worry. “You’re scaring me. Are you okay?”
Alex nodded and kissed him. Forrest didn’t react at first, not until Alex coaxed his lips open and slipped his tongue into his mouth. Then it was like a switch flipped. Forrest pushed forward until Alex was happily trapped between his body and the side of the car. As Alex’s hands wandered south, Forrest slipped his knee between his thighs and pressed up against his hardening cock. 
Alex! Michael yelled. Alex slipped into their connection just long enough to see Maria yelling at Michael while Michael felt physically ill. 
Not so much fun from the other side, is it?
I didn’t know.
Now you do. Alex came back to himself to find his hands down the back of Forrest’s pants and an asshole yelling at them. 
“Maybe we should take this somewhere else?” Alex asked, panting lightly.
But Forrest shook his head. “As nice as that was,” he laughed lightly, “and believe me it was nice, we really need to talk about your soulmate?”
Alex dropped his head back with a poorly concealed groan. “Can we not? We’re not together, obviously, so I don’t think it matters.” Forrest’s hands were still tight on his hips and Alex didn’t mind it at all. 
“I can see that,” Forrest smirked, glancing down at the obvious evidence. “But I think it might matter to me.” He let go of Alex’s hips and took a step back. “Your soul is bound to another’s. If what I’ve read is accurate, then you’ve got a telepathic and emotional link to them. One that can’t be severed.” Alex nodded. Forrest shrugged his shoulders, his hands shoving deep into his pockets. “How can you do what we just did if you’re bound to someone else like that?”
Alex looked around the parking lot. “Can we talk somewhere else?”
Forrest nodded. “I’ll follow you.”
Alex watched him walk away before unlocking his car and sliding behind the wheel. It was late and there were few places open but Alex wasn’t sure if Forrest would be comfortable going back to his place right now so he headed for the Crashdown. When they walked in, Arturo looked up and smiled. Alex waved and led Forrest to an empty booth in the back. Though it was late, the place wasn’t exactly empty and there was enough chatter in the air to give them some privacy.
“So,” Forrest started when Alex didn’t say anything. “Soulmate.”
Alex motioned to Arturo for a coffee. He’d prefer something a little stronger but the Crashdown’s menu hadn’t yet expanded to include alcohol so he’d take what he could get. “We bonded in high school,” he started. Alex twisted his fingers together and didn’t look up. “It was good for about a month and then I enlisted. He didn’t come with me so we spent a decade…” he cleared his throat. “Anyway, when I moved back we sort of picked back up but things happened and it became clear that despite the bond we’re not good for each other, not like that, so we agreed to move on. Be with other people.” A waiter Alex didn’t recognize brought over two cups of coffee and disappeared without seeing if they wanted anything to eat. 
“I’ve never heard of a bonded pair not being together,” Forrest commented as he poured sugar into his coffee. His voice was free of judgement. 
“Yeah.” Alex rubbed a hand across his forehead. “I know. But being together isn’t really an option for us.”
Forrest made a noise. “What happened earlier?”
Alex felt a flush creep up his neck and he quickly took a sip of his coffee. It was too hot but he didn’t care. “The connection. I used to be able to close it completely but lately it’s been creeping open. He, uh, he was with his girlfriend and…”
“Ah,” was all Forrest said. “That must be awkward.”
“Just a bit,” Alex agreed. He grimaced. “I might have kissed you to give him a little payback. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, I wasn’t complaining.” Forrest laughed. “It was good, even if you did have ulterior motives.” He looked down at his coffee and spun it around in his hands. 
Alex reached out and stilled his movements. “It wasn’t all ulterior motives. I like you, a lot. I wanted to kiss you and I liked it. A lot.”
Forrest smiled and nodded. “But this is never going to be anything permanent.”
Alex pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry. I should have been up front about it.”
“I’m not sure how that conversation would’ve gone,” Forrest laughed. “I’m glad we got some time together first. And just because it isn’t permanent doesn’t mean it can’t be something at all.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “We could have fun.” Forrest paused and searched Alex’s face. “And now that I know about the ulterior motives, I’m more than fine with being used to piss off some other guy.”
Alex laughed in surprise. “Are you serious?”
Forrest shrugged. “Is he an asshole?”
“I love him,” Alex replied immediately.
“Not what I asked,” Forrest winked. “But yeah, I figured that part out all on my own.” Alex flushed. Of course he did, soulmates were never anything but hopelessly in love with each other. “I just figured if he’s with someone else when you can feel it, he’s gotta be a bit of a dick.”
Alex shrugged. “We’re both assholes,” he admitted.
“Fair enough.” Forrest took a sip of his coffee. “The offer still stands. We can have some fun for as long as you want. And if what you want is a little payback or to make him jealous or something like that, I am happy to oblige.”
“You really like pissing off assholes don’t you?” Alex shook his head, not even trying to hide his smile.
Forrest stretched. “It’s something of a hobby of mine.”
“Okay.” Alex couldn’t believe he was agreeing to this. He lifted his coffee cup and waited until Forrest did the same to clink them together. “To having fun and pissing off the asshole.”
Forrest was a lot of fun. He was quickly becoming one of Alex’s best friends, albeit one that Alex made out with on a fairly regular basis. 
Alex’s connection with Michael was getting harder and harder to close. Every time he tried to shut it down, it stayed just a little bit more open. They never spoke about it, even when they did speak, and as far as Alex could tell, Michael was just trying to ignore the thing. Forrest started to recognize the signs of the open connection, particularly when Michael and Maria were together, and he was always quick to offer his help. Most times, Alex took him up on it. It felt good and had the pleasant bonus of making Michael sick to his stomach. Two months into their arrangement, Alex was pretty sure Michael and Maria hadn’t had sex once. Maria certainly seemed pissed off enough to be going through a dry spell when he ran across her. He couldn’t deny the little thrill it gave him to know he was effectively cockblocking her. 
“Alex!” Michael ran out of the Crashdown as Alex walked to his car. Alex slowed and turned. “Can we talk?”
Alex shrugged. “What’s wrong? Is everyone okay?”
“What? Yeah, everyone’s fine.” Michael shook his head. “It’s about the thing.”
Alex arched an eyebrow. He knew perfectly well what Michael was referring to but he wasn’t going to let him off easy. “The thing?”
Michael rolled his eyes. “The bond.”
“Oh that thing.” Michael glared balefully. Alex sighed. “What about it?”
Michael looked around. It was late and the sidewalk was empty. He stepped closer to Alex anyway. “Why is it acting up?”
“It’s not,” Alex furrowed his brow. “I can’t keep it closed anymore for some reason but it’s not acting up.”
“Keep it closed?”
“Yes,” Alex said slowly. “I used to keep it closed so we wouldn’t have...this. But since I opened it back up when I got home, I’ve had trouble closing it again. Maybe you should try it this time.” Alex huffed. “Instead of making me do all the work.”
Michael glared. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I make you cut me off in the cold after disappearing in the middle of the night to join the military without telling me?” Alex looked away. Michael sighed. “How do I do it?”
“Just picture a door between us and close it.” Alex shrugged. “That’s what I did.”
“So what’s the problem now?”
“The door won’t close all the way. I’m not sure why.”
“Well if you can’t do it with a decade of practice,” Alex flinched, “how do you expect me-”
“Alex!” Forrest jogged across the street, waving brightly. “There you are. I was getting worried.” Alex felt Michael’s body tense up, his whole being radiating anger and anxious energy. 
Michael glared at him. He didn’t relax.
“Everything okay?” Forrest had joined them by now and was glancing between them. 
“Everything’s fine,” Alex replied, breaking away from his glaring match with Michael. “I was on my way.”
Forrest waved him off. “No worries. Just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight.” Michael huffed and walked away without a word. Alex and Forrest stared after him. “Don’t tell me that alien guy is your asshole.” Alex closed his eyes. “That came out wrong.” Forrest looked sheepish when Alex opened his eyes.
“Yeah. Michael’s the guy,” Alex confessed.
“Isn’t he dating your friend?” 
Alex hummed.
“What an asshole.”
What’s a seven letter word for terrain ruined coach?
Alex was in the middle of an important briefing on base and so ignored Michael. After a moment though, he felt him in his head and closed his eyes. You don’t have a security clearance.
He felt Michael huff. Seven letter word?
There was a pause. Huh. That fits.
Why is there smoke? I don’t like smoke when it’s coming out of my car.
Distantly, he heard a tool fall to the ground before Michael was in his head and looking through his eyes. Damn. What did you do to this thing?
I drove it.
Well that explains it. Alex mentally stuck his tongue out and Michael’s answering laugh rumbled through his own chest. Give me half an hour and I’ll come out with the tow truck.
They went back and forth with random innocuous conversations for about two weeks. Their interaction would usually last about 30 seconds, maybe a minute, and then nothing. Alex wasn’t sure what to make of it except that he liked it. He liked having this inside scoop on Michael’s thoughts, not necessarily because of their bond but because Michael was reaching out to him to show them to him.
You cannot honestly find this attractive. 
Alex jerked in surprise. He’d been lost in his thoughts listening to Forrest perform his new poem and hadn’t expected to hear from Michael. It has its appeal.
To dying cats maybe.
Don’t be an asshole.
I’m not! I’m being honest. Like you should be. This is not good. 
His words are-
Okay, yeah, it’s not really my thing. Michael’s smugness positively radiated from him. So much so, that Alex knew he was sitting at the table three behind him and one to the left without having to turn around and look. Fuck off.
Make me.
Alex arched an eyebrow. Really, Guerin? On the small stage, Forrest caught his eye and raised an eyebrow. Alex jerked his head slightly backwards in Michael’s direction. Forrest followed the movement and shook his head at them. 
Bring it on, Manes.
Alex waited until he heard Maria come over to Michael. He let Michael relax, let him ease into a conversation with Maria. After a moment, he felt Maria sit on his lap. With a twisted grin, Alex opened the connection up wide and remembered their first night together after Alex came home from his first deployment. They’d both been a mess of emotions and riding the highs of relief at Alex’s safe return and anger over the way they’d left things when he’d deployed and it had spiraled into one of the most passionate nights they’d ever shared. It was also the first time Alex had ridden Michael. Distantly, Alex heard Forrest finish up and the next guy step up on stage. A moment later, the chair next to him was pulled out and Forrest sat down. But Alex paid him no mind, lost as he was in the memory.
Eight years ago Alex rolled his hips into Michael’s and present day Michael shoved Maria off of his lap in response. She hit the floor with a grunt and the room fell silent. Alex felt bad, he hadn’t intended for Michael to literally throw her off of him, but he couldn’t regret it when the memory bloomed bright in his mind, Michael’s own memory of that night joining with his and becoming a vivid thing between them. 
Forrest cupped his face, clearly reading the signs of an open connection and planning his usual response, but Alex brushed him off. Someone helped Maria to her feet while Michael hunched over in his chair, one hand pressed against his crotch. He was completely oblivious to her rage. 
That’s playing dirty.
You asked for it.
Alex pulled back and closed the door between them. The world swam into focus around him, complete with a slightly worried, smirking Forrest. “What did you do?” He looked behind Alex at Michael. Or maybe Maria, Alex wasn’t sure. 
Alex shrugged, unwilling to answer.  Forrest’s smirk grew wider. “You’re a little bit of an asshole Alex Manes.”
Half an hour later, Michael got his payback by making Alex witness his and Maria’s fight. It wasn’t pretty. 
Why don’t you just leave? Give her some time to calm down and talk to her tomorrow.
I can’t just leave.
You can actually. Tell her you’re going home and you’ll talk to her tomorrow.
I can’t walk out on her Alex. I hurt her. I embarrassed her. She gets to yell at me.
No, Guerin. She gets to be hurt and embarrassed. And she gets to be upset. None of that gives the right to yell at you. Especially not like this.
“Why can’t you act like a normal adult, Guerin?” Maria huffed. “Maybe stay sober for more than a few hours at a time?”
You’ve been doing so good with your sobriety. Alex told Michael. It’s not a crime to enjoy a few drinks, you know. You’ve cut back so much and you’re doing so well at being there for everyone. She’s upset and she’s yelling. Don’t take what she’s saying to heart. She doesn’t mean it.
She sure seems like she means it.
Michael. Go home. Talk to her tomorrow.
You can.
“Are you even listening to me?!” Michael and Alex both focused on Maria. She stood not two feet away, her hands on her hips and anger in her eyes. “You’re too drunk to control yourself and throw me on the floor in the middle of my bar and you can’t even listen to me when I’m trying to tell you how upset I am? Are you kidding me?” She pointed at the door. “Get out.”
“Maria-” Go! 
Maria glared at Michael and he went. At the door, Michael turned back to face her and Alex caught a strange look on her face. It was almost like she’d expected Michael to stay. For what, he couldn’t say. She’d made it clear he wasn’t welcome so unless she wanted him to beg for her forgiveness- Ah, there it was. 
She’s not like that. Michael had obviously caught his train of thought. I hurt her.
You embarrassed her. There’s a difference.
Alex! She’s upset! Michael turned and looked forlornly at Maria’s door. I need to-
Michael. Alex thought about his front door and shoved the image at Michael. My door’s always open.
Michael hesitated. No Forrest?
Michael got in his truck.
It was late. That was the first thing Alex noticed. He was usually up with the sun, old habits, but the light streaming through his window told him it was close to noon.
The second thing he noticed was that he was warm. Unnaturally so. Third, he recognized that he felt warm in more ways than just temperature. He felt warm and safe and soft, somehow. 
Finally, Alex turned his head and took in the mop of curls currently sharing a pillow with him.
Alex lifted his head just enough to see the clock behind Michael’s head. 10:04 flashed brightly. Late.
Alex rolled his eyes. Late is late no matter what day it is.
Michael lifted his head to give Alex the saddest eyes in the world. There are not enough words to tell you how wrong you are. 
Alex couldn’t help it, he laughed. Michael’s eyes crinkled up as he smiled in response. “Get up. I have to pee.” Alex shoved at Michael’s shoulders. His shirt was soft under Alex’s hands, his muscles hard underneath.
Michael rolled off of him and Alex escaped to the bathroom. A few minutes later he emerged to find Michael perched on the edge of the bed, his phone in his fist. “What’s wrong?” Alex hadn’t felt any major emotions from Michael but the white knuckle grip told him something had happened.
“Maria,” Michael replied.
“Is she still angry?”
Michael handed his phone over. “She wants to know why I spent the night at your place.”
Alex took the phone in surprise. “You told her you were here?”
Alex’s head jerked up. “Then how did she know you were here?” Michael waved a hand at the phone so Alex read the message.
{From: Maria      06:31am}
Why is your truck outside of Alex’s house? 
Are you sleeping with him behind my back? 
How long has this been going on? 
How could you do this to me?
The messages were one right after the other.
“What the hell was she doing here at 6:30 in the morning?” Alex was gobsmacked. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Maria was spying on them. But she’d have absolutely no reason to. He and Michael had hardly seen each other in months. And Michael definitely hadn’t been over to his place since long before that.
Michael shrugged. “I should go talk to her.”
Alex tossed his phone onto the bed. It bounced once and then slid off the other side. “You should make me breakfast.” He left the room without waiting for a response. A sense of unease crawled up his spine. He wasn’t sure whose it was but it disappeared when Michael’s footsteps followed him a moment later.
Alex settled into a chair and watched as Michael fussed around his kitchen. Slowly, he felt a knot ease in his shoulders as Michael relaxed. 
The knot came back as Michael set two plates in front of them. “So where’s Forrest?”
Alex picked up a fork. “I would imagine he’s at home.”
“You two didn’t have plans after the thing last night?”
Alex ate quietly for a moment. “He and I aren’t together.” Michael scoffed. “We’re not. He’s my friend and he’s not a bad kisser so we have fun sometimes but we’re not together. He wasn’t really big on dating someone with a soulmate and-”
Michael’s head snapped up. “You told him?”
Alex met his gaze evenly. “I’m not sure how Maria’s missed it all these months but it’s pretty obvious when our connection is open. Or at least it is to Forrest. He noticed something was up the first time it happened and he asked so I told him. I didn’t see any reason to lie, especially about that.”
“Why haven’t you told Maria?” Alex cut him off. “You’ve been together for months. She’s gotta wonder if a soulbond is possible.” Soulbonds weren’t instantaneous. They formed soon enough, sure, but it always took a little while, as if the souls needed to be sure they’d found their match before bonding. People couldn’t control when a bond would form or with who but it was a common topic of discussion in new couples.
Michael shrugged. “She’s never seemed interested in the idea.” 
“She used to talk about it all the time in high school,” Alex mused out loud. “She loved the idea. Found it super romantic.”
Michael was quiet. When his plate was clear, he sat back and waited for Alex to finish. “Maybe she just isn’t interested in bonding with me. Either way, the topic hasn’t come up.” He cleared his throat. “So if you’re not with Forrest, why are you always with him when Maria and I start something? Your timing is impeccable with that, by the way. I haven’t been able to-”
“I know.” Alex tried not to be smug but it was hard. “Such a shame, too.”
Michael looked away. “I didn’t know you could feel that. I’m sorry.”
“I couldn’t,” Alex admitted. “While I was gone, that whole ten years, I had our connection shut down. I couldn’t feel anything.” He stared down at his plate. “Just since the three of us...I had left it open before then but after that I tried to shut it and I couldn’t.”
“I’m sorry.” Michael paused long enough that Alex looked up at him. “For that night. I could feel how uncomfortable you were with her and I should have said something but I figured you would if it really bothered you.” Alex didn’t say anything. “And for all the times since. It sucks, feeling you with him.”
“I know.” Alex pushed his plate away slightly and leaned back. “I’m sorry too. He and I have been making out mostly to get back at you when you try to sleep with Maria.”
Michael huffed, his lips ticking upwards. “Yeah, I kinda figured that. The timing was a little too good.” 
Alex shrugged, unrepentant. After a while, Michael stood and cleared the table. Alex thought about offering to clean up but Michael turned him down with a glance.
“So what now?”
Michael sighed heavily. “Now I go talk to Maria and figure things out.”
“Here’s an idea.” Alex stood slowly. “How about you figure things out and then go talk to Maria.” He entered the kitchen and stopped just behind Michael. “Michael what do you want?”
“I want to be good for someone. I want to make someone happy. I want to be happy.”
Alex swallowed his own feelings and laid a gentle hand on Michael’s shoulder. The touch burned his hand and his shoulder. “And are you? Happy? With Maria?”
Michael looked over at him. “I don’t think so,” he confessed quietly, his voice barely a murmur. “I don’t know what more I can do, though.”
“What about what Maria could do?” Michael looked at him in question. “Michael you can do everything right for her and it still won’t make you happy if she doesn’t do anything for you.”
“She does!” Michael turned around. Alex’s hand fell back to his side. “She lets me be there for her and support her. I’m good to her Alex! I’m good for her.”
“I know you are. But is she good for you? What does she do for you? Has she been helping you with your mom? Is she supporting you with the situation regarding Max’s health? It’s not just about what she’s letting you do for her, Guerin. What is she doing for you?”
Michael’s mouth opened before snapping shut. “She cares about me.” It sounded like an accusation.
“You’re easy to care about,” Alex told him. Michael scoffed. “I should know, I’ve been in love with you for going on 11 years now.” Michael’s eyes widened and Alex rolled his. “We’re literally soulmates, Guerin.”
“Yeah,” Michael agreed softly. “Didn’t stop you from leaving me behind for ten years.”
“No,” he agreed. “But it didn’t make you come with me either.”
“You never asked.”
“It was implied,” Alex defended. “We’re soulmates. Where you go I go, and vice versa. I never thought you’d let me just leave.”
“You didn’t ask,” Michael repeated.
“I should’ve. If I’d known we’d be here now, I would’ve waited for you to be released from jail and packed up your shit myself.” Michael looked away. “We’ve both made mistakes Michael. But the fundamental truth of who we are and who we are to each other hasn’t changed. I’m done ignoring it and I’m done fighting it. I don’t want to anymore.”
“What are you saying Alex?”
Alex didn’t answer. Not with words anyway. Instead, he opened his mind and his soul up to Michael and let him feel everything. The good, the bad, the terrible, and the brilliant. After a moment with no response from Michael, Alex started to close it all up again when Michael’s lips pressed against his and everything lit up. It was the first time they’d ever kissed with their connection open wide. There was no hiding now. Everything was there for the other to see. Alex thought he should feel self conscious or anxious, desperate to keep something for himself, but there was none of that. Just an overwhelming sense of peace and rightness.
The incessant ringing of the doorbell broke them apart who knows how long later. Michael’s hands were tight on Alex’s face, like his grip was the holding thing keeping him sane. For his part, Alex wasn’t sure when he’d grabbed hold of the back of Michael’s shirt but he didn’t want to let go any time soon.
The doorbell didn’t shut up.
Michael groaned and dropped his forehead against Alex’s. “Send them away.”
“I’d have to answer the door to do that.” A rush of NO crashed over him. Alex chuckled. He ran his hand up and down Michael’s back. “Give me one minute to answer the door and send them away.”
“One minute.” But Michael didn’t move.
With a heavy groan, Michael let go of him. He leaned back just enough for Alex to slip out from where he’d somehow become trapped between Michael and the counter, but not so far back that Alex didn’t brush up against him on his way out of the kitchen.
Alex was so focused on Michael and on the bright happy feelings coming through the bond that it took his brain a few seconds to process what his eyes were seeing on the other side of the door. “Maria?”
“Where’s Michael, Alex?” Maria looked pissed. She stepped up into the doorway and craned her neck around him. “Michael!” Alex felt Michael stiffen, the happiness seeping from him as the tension leaked in. 
She tried to push past him into the house but Alex didn’t budge. “Maria.” She didn’t react so Alex put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back a step. “Maria.”
Now she looked at him. “What the hell is Michael doing here, Alex? Have you two been fucking behind my back?” 
“No,” he answered honestly. Maria scoffed.
“He’s been here the whole night.”
“And how exactly do you know that?”
Maria held up her phone. “I tracked his phone. I wanted to know if he’d pick up some barfly after I kicked him out last night. Imagine my surprise when he shows up at my best friend’s house and then doesn’t leave all night.” She glared at Alex.
Michael started to gather his things, his whole body heavy with anxious anticipation of seeing Maria, and Alex couldn’t have that. He pressed against Maria’s shoulder again until she stood outside his door. “Look. Michael and I haven’t done anything. He came here last night and went to sleep. Then he made breakfast. Nothing happened.” He held the door in one hand. “Now. I’m sure Michael will want to talk to you at some point but as for me? I’m taking my soulmate back. Have a good day, Maria.” And he closed the door in her face and locked it.
There was a palpable stunned silence on the other side and Alex took advantage of it to track down Michael. It wasn’t hard. He was in Alex’s bedroom flipping his phone between his hands. “I can’t believe you just did that. You just told her.” He didn’t wait for Alex to say anything.
“Yes,” Alex agreed. “Because it needed to be said.” Distantly Maria yelled something but Alex couldn’t make it out and he wasn’t particularly in the mood to go ask her to repeat herself so he ignored it. “Whatever you decided to do, we’re still going to be soulmates. Wanting to be good for Maria isn’t going to change that so hiding it from her serves no purpose.”
“Are you sure we can do this? Be together?”
“I didn’t realize we were talking about doing this, being together.” Alex slowly crossed the room. “That’s what I want but lately you’ve been pretty adamant about wanting something different.”
Michael looked past him in the direction of the front door. “I got different. And it was good. For a while. But it wasn’t as good. And it definitely wasn’t better.” He shook his head. “I want to be good for someone Alex.”
“I know,” Alex said softly.
“No, you don’t.” Michael shook his head. “I want to be good for you. But I don’t know how to do that.”
Alex stepped in close. “Be you. We’re literally made for each other, Guerin. We’re cosmic,” he smiled. “So now we figure out how to make that work. And we do it together. Not with other people.”
“You say that like it’s easy.”
Alex shook his head. “I don’t think any of it is going to be easy. But I can pretty much guarantee it’ll be worth it.”
The connection bloomed. Alex smiled breathlessly. “Yeah.”
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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ignore me as I prompt myself with Miluca + breeze, cause how else am I suppose to practice for that Malexa/Kaliz fic???
She was like a cool breeze drifting through his life on a hot summer’s day. Gently lifting his sweat-slicked curls from his forehead and the thin material of his shirt off his back. Never quite removing his work load or labor but her mere presence making it more bearable.
Or so Michael thinks as he lifts his head from underneath the hood of the car he’s fixing up, just the sound of her truck on the drive has become music to his ears. A sense of relief after a hard day.
“What do I owe the pleasure?” He asks with a lopsided grin.
Maria quirks an eyebrow as she slams her door closed. “I can’t just drop by to see my boyfriend?”
Michael chuckles, “this far out from the Pony?”
The breeze blows her hair out from her ears, making her huff and brush it back. That small movement making the sun feel less like it’s beating down on Michael and more like Spring.
“Maybe I wanted to see you,” she shrugs as she reaches him. “Maybe my trucks brakes started making a high pitched sound.”
“Brake pads,” Michael says easily, almost losing his train of thought as Maria brushes her fingers across his forehead. Unsticking them much like the breeze tended to.
“You’re all sweaty,” she says sweetly. Fingers lingering on his overheated skin, just the barely there touch of the pads of her fingers enough to make Michael lose focus.
“I’m workin’ in the sun, babe,” Michael drawls, eye lids fluttering.
Maria lifts up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. Which was enough to make his stomach churn, because every loving touch from her seemed to delicately press him back into place. Ease his broken edges where they belonged and teach him touch could be gentle, could be more than demanding or taking. Even as adults and not the innocent children they once were.
“I never said that was a bad thing,” Maria smiles at him. “It brings out that rain smell.”
Michael smiles, “does it now?”
Maria nods. And Michael leans down to kiss her, though it’s much more like coming home than a kiss.
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powderseal · 4 years
wild to me how in 1x13 michael told both alex AND maria that he wanted to have conversations with them about their relationships and then in 2x01 after blowing them both off, alex was concerned and reached out in a supportive way that offered michael a healthy coping mechanism while still giving him space, while maria immediately assumed the worst of michael, complained about him to other people, encouraged him to drink, and then yelled at him for kissing someone else even though they weren't even remotely together much less exclusive AND YET alex is the manipulative, controlling one who calls all the shots in his and michael's relationship and pushes michael around emotionally
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neeterloveschenford · 4 years
I was thinking today about how easy it would have been to make things a little bit clearer in season 2. A scene here or there, a comment or a look and so many things would have had context. I think the thing that irritates me the most is that we have to fill in so many of the blanks in the narrative. And then certain people get upset if we get things wrong. If you want a specific narrative, then you need to tell that narrative instead of letting your audience figure things out. Everyone has different experiences, so everyone interprets certain situations differently. (ie the scene that shall not be named)  So I wanted to make a list of things that I think should have had a little more context. Some people may not agree with my moments, I may not agree with someone else’s moments. But these are things that I lay awake wondering about. How different would this season play out if just a few things were different. 
1. One thing that really stuck in my craw was from “that” scene. If M!luca was only supposed to be a one season arc and Malex was still you’re endgame plan, then why did Michael say I almost lost you to Maria first and Alex second? Alex was stabbed. Michael was tending to his wound. If he had said that to Alex first, Maria second, it wouldn’t have lost any of the emotional punch. He was legit worried about both of them. But it would have still supported the narrative that Alex was the love of his life. It also would have planted that seed in Maria that she could never measure up to Alex. It would have made her insecurity the morning after more believable. 
2. When Isobel was trying to tell Max about her experience with Blair, he came off as dismissive. How hard would it have been to say he was so proud of her for living her best life, but please don’t give any details. I know that it was supposed to come off as yuck, I don’t want to hear about this, you’re my sister. Which is totally understandable. (I don’t know of a single man who wants to hear about their sister’s sex life.) But there wasn’t any kind of encouragement to continue discovering herself either. 
3.Speaking of Blair, if you needed to check a threesome off your aren’t I progressive check list, why not have a threesome between Isobel, Kyle and Blair? It probably would’ve had the desired effect instead of causing so much discourse in the fandom.
4. Why was there only one 20 second scene between Liz, Maria and Alex? If you want to honor the OG series why would you not play up their friendship? If it was because Alex didn’t want to be reminded of M!luca so he stayed away, then why not have him and Liz discuss that? It would make more sense to have Alex isolated like he was most of the season. And if Liz is all in her head and not seeing things like she was in season 1, how nice would it have been to have someone point out she was being a crap friend again?
5. As for Alex and Maria, they REALLY needed to have their episode 5 conversation much sooner. Like really.
6. I love snarky banter. But I feel like they completely missed the mark this season with both Steph and Maria. Steph came off as a jerk. Kyle had no reason to find her at all appealing. She was rude, dismissive and hateful. Kyle is a sweet, compassionate and extremely hot doctor. There is no way he would put up with that just to get a date. I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between Michael and Maria in season 1, but if they are in a relationship, there has to be the combination of snarky moments and sweet moments. The sweet moments were few and far between. She rarely had a nice thing to say about him and when he tried to be sweet she usually tried to joke it off. It just didn’t work for me.
7. Alex not wanting to kiss Forrest in the middle of the pony or at the paintball place wasn’t the thing they should have used to help Alex feel more comfortable in his own skin. I am a straight female and I wouldn’t feel comfortable kissing someone that I barely knew at a public place. They could have dug a little deeper into his internalized homophobia and made it more believable. 
8. Charlie said that the toxin was designed to drop into a city and kill someone and all of their descendants. So how far away was Alex being held? I can’t see Michael letting Jesse set off that bomb without Alex being five states away. Gregory either for that matter. And as much as he hated Jesse, I don’t think Michael would have let him kill himself because Alex still loved his father. If Alex wanted Jesse dead, he would have grabbed Greg and ran. But no, he tried to get him to give up the bomb. If Michael actually wanted to kill Jesse he would have done it in the previous episode when he hit him over the head and gave that incredibly romantic monologue about loving Alex. So none of that whole let’s ride carnival rides, puke and watch a bad man die scene made sense to me. Michael going to the carnival to try to stop Jesse would have. 
9. Did anyone at the hospital figure out what made Maria bleed internally? Couldn’t someone question it and Kyle had to come up with a plausible answer? Is that making too much sense? That’s how it always worked on ER and Grey’s Anatomy. If someone started spontaneously bleeding internally, usually Meredith or George Clooney would want to know why.
10. Lastly, I know I’m in the minority, but I really wanted to see jealous Michael. It would have given a lot more context to the bunker fight in 2x10 and Michael’s reaction to Forrest watching Alex sing in the finale. And Michael always feels like he’s not enough. It would make sense for him to have a knee jerk reaction to seeing Alex flirting with someone else. 
So those are things I think would have been so easy to fix but was left up to us to read between the lines. That is fine if it’s one or two things. But things like this happened every episode. It really is the responsibility of the writers and showrunners to flesh out the characters and the story. It’s shouldn’t be left up to us the audience. Hopefully with the restrictions in production they will run into next season they will focus more on character interactions and not have three seasons worth of plot in 13 episodes. We can only dream,
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silvertons · 4 years
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How come you're not mad at me? For Michael? The mess between us will never be your fault. And plus, you didn't know my history with him until after you hooked up. That's my fault, I should have told you. No, when I found out, I should have stopped. Yeah, okay, you should have. But you couldn't. How could I be mad at you for falling for Michael Guerin? It's the easiest thing in the world.
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