#no miracle saves or backup plans or anything
bluegarners · 7 months
Sorry! I thought you mentioned one in the tags of mysterycitrus's poll about Bruce picking a favorite kid in a hostage situation. Maybe I misunderstood? (Very possible lol)
oooo i see! no need to apologize!!!
there is no actual fic unfortunately <//3 perhaps one day soon the wip will turn into a fic, but it's just a wip right now! it is one of those ideas that would involve sooo much doom-thinking and emotional processing, and i am currently in the throes of midterms, so i don't quite have the capacity for it... i think soon though! it would be a short fic for sure bc dragging out that level of tragedy would actually make my stomach churn, but ohh how delicious of a tragedy it would be, no?
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
when you're fifteen
Even as he hands over the platter of chocolate chip miracles he makes, Steve sighs. It's a full bodied affair that makes Eddie nervous on instinct. "We need to talk about Mike."
It is and isn't a surprise.
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Steve Harrington & Mike Wheeler WC: 4044 | Rated T | Tags/Themes: Good Babysitter Steve, Period Atypical Depictions of DnD, HoH!Steve, Disabled!Eddie Ao3
Eddie prided himself on his ability to manage a table. A forever DM, four years into a lifetime sentence, he can keep a story on track and, more importantly, keep tempers in check for hours at a time. 
He kept track of a thousand little details across notebooks, binders, and just trapped in his own brain. He knew everything about his NPCs, the world, his player’s characters, and the things that drove his players nuts. He had plans, backup plans, and vague ideas of shit he could do if things went completely and totally off the rails despite all of those plans. That was one of the things he held fast on his tongue the first time he failed senior year. Of course he didn’t pass. He’d taken on the mantle of Dungeon Master. He had to put together a story that took into account: Jeff’s high stakes backstory with the missing mother and bounty on his head, Gareth’s need to flirt with anything age appropriate that had a pulse, and Joey’s tactical mind when it comes to battle. Wasn’t it enough that he was going to class, he had to do shit at home about it too?
He didn’t like saying it. He liked to bitch about it a lot, actually. Eddie wasn’t really sure what he’d do with himself if he wasn’t The DM. It was like a core part of his identity.
It made the current situation he was in more world rocking than he really wanted to deal with.
He liked to think, if he couldn’t feel the remaining muscles in his side screaming in agony because he was sitting wrong -- or for too long or both -- and if his lower back wasn’t seizing and spasming for the same or maybe a brand new reason it had decided to come up with today, that he’d be able to manage this table just as well as he always had. Eight really wasn’t that different from three.
Except that combat is impossible to manage, each round took forever and that’s when everyone was paying attention. Except that there hasn’t been a satisfying story moment for Jeffrey the Jovial or Dustin’s Sir Rathington in the last four sessions. Except that Erica has been scribbling something in her notebook that probably wasn’t campaign notes since she hadn’t called him on the plot hole he caught session planning a month ago and hasn’t been able to fix -- and is more likely to have something to do with the way he noticed her looking at Uhura and Chapel when she was watching Star Trek reruns with Steve.
Except that Mike has been screaming at Dustin and Lucas for the better part of five minutes and Eddie really isn’t sure how to fix it.
“The plan is stupid. Did you even spend more than ten seconds thinking about it or did you decide that Will could just roll another character and we could save the resources.”
“Will could roll another character. It's not the first time he's rolled another character.” Lucas points out for what might be the third time, Eddie’s lost count.
“This whole thing is about resources, Mike.” Dustin snaps, “We’ll all be rolling new characters if we go into this stupid fucking fight while Gareth has no spell slots, Lucas is down to three arrows, Joey’s already used his second wind, and half the party is below half health.”
“It doesn’t matter, if we don’t go into the fight now Will is going to turn into some bloodsucking vampire spawn.”
Eddie knows this is the point that he should grab the reins again. He should prompt one of them to make a decision, or better yet, take the decision away from them entirely. But there’s a numbness in his thigh that has somehow spread to his mouth; it’s different from the pain the rest of his body is in, not really better or worse, and just as distracting. 
The rest of the table is quiet, boredom and annoyance plain on their faces. But they’ve also stopped looking to him to fix the problem. That’s the worst thing the Upside Down took from him, he thinks, even as his body is radiating pain from places he used to be able to forget he had.
“Or maybe it’s a trap,” Lucas points out. And it should be, but Lucas is a far better tactician than Eddie who already knows he won’t want to deal with the work it would take to do that well. “Y’know since you made all your weak spots pretty clear to Lord Ellias.”
“Or,” Dustin drawls out with a Harrington’s level of bitch and ire, “we could trust Eddie to turn this into a fucking story moment.”
“You guys are both so full of shit, just-” Mike has his nose curled and lip snarled, Eddie can feel the breeze of the blade swinging down to deliver the death blow to this campaign and adventuring party.
“Alright time to take a break.” Steve claps his hands, an angel come from on high to save Eddie. “Get up, get a snack, move your feet. Give my dining room some time to air out before it smells like nerd forever.”
Mike turns the full weight of his aggression on to Steve, who hopefully has a damage immunity or advantage on saves at the very least otherwise this is looking like a short talk, “We can't just take a break. Do you not get what the stakes are here? We've got to save-”
“Save someone who will still be in danger in twenty minutes.” Steve steamrolls over Mike’s argument with an unaffected ease. Eddie can feel the mood of the table lift just a bit, now that they’re about to be rescued.
“You just don't get it.”
“I get that it's pretend.” In a pre-Vencapocalypse world that would have been enough to get Eddie fighting on Little Wheeler’s side, but much as DnD is still his life. Fuck, it is all just pretend. “Go take a lap.”
“Ugh why do we even come over here. We could do this at my house without washed up jocks interrupting us.” Mike says but he gets up. Storming off to god knows where in the monstrosity of Steve’s house. Will, quiet as he always seems to get when he’s the center of one of these drag outs, trails off after Mike with an eye roll at the other two sophomores and an apologetic shrug for Steve.
And Eddie has his table again. Quiet and still, waiting for him to say something. Like there’s even anything to say when his very own Deus Ex Machina is leaving the room without so much as a backward glance at the poor schmucks he’s saved. “Well,” he says with a clap of his hands, “My blood sugar is dropping, so I’m going to shove as many of those cookies I smelled earlier into my mouth as I can in twenty minutes.” Because as much as they weren’t looking to him before, they need the DM to break the spell of the table. That’s how the whole thing goes.
And they scatter once it breaks. Eddie’s original Hellfire boys stay at the table, their ease at the Harrington house has been hardwon and the argument has rekindled something nerdy and skittish in them. Erica has headed off to the corner of the house Steve has let her claim as her own, nose still buried in her notebook. He doesn’t know where Lucas and Dustin are, but wherever they’ve gone they aren’t around to watch him struggle to pull himself out of his throne with his cane. He should just give in and let Steve raise the seat, half the problem is that it sits too low -- but knowing that and being willing to admit it at any point other than when he’s in PT levels of misery from pulling himself up are very different things.
Steve has his back to the door again, by the time Eddie makes his way to the kitchen. He has a bizarre semi-awareness of his surroundings that can be hard to predict. Sometimes it’s freaky how Steve can call out Dustin or Erica from a different room with an almost parental ‘eyes in the back of his head’ sixth sense. Other times his own soulmate can get the drop on him, managing to get her arms wrapped around his middle before he even realizes they’re in the same room.
It’s better to slam his cane against the floor a couple times. To let Steve feel the vibrations through the floorboards with his sock feet, that way nobody has to get hurt or feel guilty for doing the hurting.
Getting to see Steve’s grin bloom across his face as he flips that famous hair and catches sight of Eddie isn’t so bad either.
Next to Steve, it’s safe to prop his cane against the counter. He can rest his hips against the sure, solid surface and relax in the presence of his boyfriend while the blood returns to his limbs and a new kind of discomfort settles in. A hand, warm and sudsy finds the back of his neck. A strong thumb digging into a knot that had been there since at least last week with an erotic precision.
“You’ve got to stop letting them keep you in that chair for so long.”
"If we take breaks we'll just be here longer."
He shrugs, pulling his other hand from the dish water to pull Eddie into a gentle hold. "So be here longer."
"You'd get sick of the fighting. I'd get sick of the fighting." Actually it was probably better not to remind Steve of that. "You know I really did want one of those famous Stevie Henderson cookies."
Even as he hands over the platter of chocolate chip miracles he makes, Steve sighs. It's a full bodied affair that makes Eddie nervous on instinct. "We need to talk about Mike."
It is and isn't a surprise. "I know the yelling is a lot, Sweetheart, I'm sorry. You don't have a migraine, do you? I can talk to him and make him chill out a bit." That last part is absolutely a lie; he doesn't think he could get Mike under control right now if he had a stun gun and half a pound of Argyle’s primo Cali weed.
Not that it matters Steve has on his scrunchy faced 'you're wrong about something,' look, Eddie just needs to give him the minute it'll take to get his thoughts together. "You know I love you right?"
“In this dimension and any others,” Eddie supplies.
Steve smiles, feather soft, and runs a soothing hand through Eddie's hair the way he always does right before he says something atrociously bitchy. "I turn my hearing aids off the second you all start playing. If I had to listen to your game three different times, three different ways I'd drive my car into a portal."
He keeps going the way he does when he's afraid he's been too mean and wants to try to soften his edges for general consumption, like Eddie hadn't fallen in love with him the first time he called Dusin a butthead. "This way you and Dust can still use me as a sounding board for your plots and theories and I don't have to listen to my favorite nerds try to remember if 5+7 is 11 or 12."
“So what’s?”
“I’m worried about him!” Steve insists. Eddie might pride himself on his ability to handle a table, but he knows Steve is proud of his way with the kids. His relationship with each of them is rich and distinct, the way he handles each of them unique.
But it’s Mike.
Something must cross his face. He can only call it something, because he’s honestly not sure what emotion he’s feeling other than headache and how many cookies can I eat before they start tasting like nausea. But something else must have been there that causes Steve to cross his arms and glare.
“Yeah, of course, you’re worried about him. We are worried about him. Why are we worried about him, other than worried about what an asshole he’s been lately?”
That was not the right thing to say either, Eddie’s really rolling straight ones today. Steve’s glare shutters even further closed, and seriously it’s Mike. The same kid who called Steve a washed up jock not ten minutes ago. Who takes every single offered opportunity, and even some that he makes himself, to bitch and glare at Hawkins own #1 babysitter and monster hunter. 
“He’s a teenager with more trauma than a ‘Nam vet. But even if he weren’t he’s not an asshole for being barely fifteen and not knowing when to shut the hell up. Do you remember the kind of shit you were saying back then?”
Big brother Steve has successfully landed a critical hit. Eddie does remember the kind of shit he used to say. Just like he knows Steve remembers the kind of shit he used to say. And they both remember the shit that they used to say to one another. How Eddie called Steve a braindead future Reganite who wouldn’t know good taste if it spit in his mouth. How Steve had called Eddie a tryhard that was so desperate to be different because that was the only way he could hide having nothing to offer.
“So we’re worried?”
“I just don’t want him to say something he can’t walk back because he forgot the thing he’s getting upset over is pretend.” He runs a finger down Eddie’s splayed hands. A tickling sensation he can feel down the path it traces from the back of his palm and down his middle finger and, in a phantom mirror, down his spine. “I know you get into your characters, or whatever, I’m sure this is bringing up a lot of memories but he’s going to regret lashing out if it means he pushes away Dustin or Lucas or one of the other guys.”
“I notice you left out Will.”
“Yeah well, Will is more likely to get hurt by something he says when lashing out while they aren’t playing exposure therapy the game. I mean seriously, you had to kidnap him? That’s where your, ‘Stevie, baby, what should I do with them this week? They decided to do something stupid,’ bitching and moaning landed you?”
Eddie doesn’t even really have time to let himself feel the fluttery, squishy feeling he wants to feel -- cause Steve does actually listen when they’ve got their feet tangled on the sofa together, each working on their own things -- before it’s getting smacked by down by the paladin of his heart. “No, no, that isn’t where I landed. I had a perfectly acceptable diplomacy mission prepared, with a back up fight that they were supposed to run away from. What do you want me to do, Sunshine? I gotta give the game some stakes. It’s not exactly fun for Will if he knows he’s indestructible.”
Maybe, he thinks, he should just stop talking today. Just cancel the rest of the session entirely. Will gets carried off by the vampire spawn, half dead and unsaveable, the party on its last legs, unable to agree on a course of action; and actually that’s where we’re gonna end things come back next week and hope Steve even lets us in the house after the screaming we’ve all done. Why? Because he can feel every joint in his body and every one of them is in pain. Because there’s been the dull throb of a low grade headache beating an even pulse in his temples since he woke up this morning. But mostly because every time he opens his stupid fucking mouth to talk Steve stops touching him, and that sucks absolute balls.
“I maybe had an idea,” Steve says. His voice dips and slides while he keeps his hands small, quiet, and close to his chest. Something Robin told him, and he’s now noticing, means Steve has thought about this idea a lot, long enough that he’s convinced himself it’s bad. Eddie’s noticed that even when these ideas aren’t phrased well, they’re never bad.
“I know it’s like rule number one: don’t split the party,” Steve can’t help but roll his eyes when he says it, an instinctive bit of brotherly mockery of Dustin, he would guess. “But what if you split the group a bit. Mike can go after Will, I’m sure Erica would be down to kill some vampires. She loves a chance to test drive her new feats and shit. Then Jeff and Dustin and whoever else can finish up that thing? With the missing girlfriend or whatever? And once that’s done they reunite to do whatever’s next on the list, save the kingdom.”
Eddie sits with that for a bit.
Impulsive is still his middle name, but sometime between being eaten alive by other dimensional hell creatures and getting a thousand and six tiny, itchy stitches removed he’s started giving things second and even third thoughts. Though in this case the second thoughts are less ‘is this a good idea’ and more ‘will Steve bend me over that solid oak dining table and critique my DM notes while he rails me.’
As his stomach swoops, his lower body twinges in a much less enjoyable way. Letting him know that now he’d been standing too long, or leaning against the counter the wrong way, or maybe something else entirely that made his legs tired of doing one of the few things they were made to do. 
Figures he finally lands a hot boyfriend and he's got chronic pain keeping him from getting his dick wet.
“If you’ve already got another idea-”
“No,” he rushes to assure Steve, who needs to stay confident in his own ideas for all kinds of reasons but right now mostly so he’ll be willing to play into this new fantasy of Eddie’s once his body is willing to cooperate with the standing and the bending it’s going to require. “No, it’s a fantastic idea. I’m plotting as we speak.” 
And that isn’t a total lie. Forever DM, he can think about all the fun ways the love of his life and reason he’s still living could degrade his current campaign -- An oath of vengeance paladin questing to save a lost love, isn’t that a little played out. Oh wow, rat swarms in a dungeon, they’re never gonna see that coming -- and figure out how to trick the group into thinking splitting the party was their own idea.
“How long,” he asks his resident child expert, “do you think it would take Will to roll up a new character?”
The smile that tips the corners of Steve’s face is the best part of his day. “Will always has an extra character rolled up with the rest of his stuff in his folder."
Things are slotting together in his head now, and as Steve's hands come around to do something magical in a spot on his back that probably has a name but mostly makes his legs feel like they should really belong to a baby deer.
“So Will…”
“Can convince Mike, and get a chance to try out the new thingy he built. He’s been waiting to talk to you about it.”
Eddie’s getting excited now, hands shaking in the good way. He doesn’t even care that his knee locks as he tries to bounce on his toes, just lets his hands get out the excited energy. “And the band can go do the story side plot shit I’ve been putting off…” 
“With Dustin,” Steve reminds, “cause he’ll want to go wherever there’s the best chance to stir up shit. You already know Erica is going to go where there’s a chance to prove she’s the best at fighting, Lucas too. Not the fighting thing. He’ll go to round out the group, and so his mom doesn’t have to worry about keeping track of one more thing on the family calendar.”
“You’re a genius, Sweetheart.” He snags Steve by the collar, ignoring his bitching that the two fingered pinch he’s got it in is going to stretch it out, and pulls him close. Pressing a kiss on the corner of his perfect boyfriend’s pleased little smile. “I gotta go talk to Will about this character.”
“Send Mike down when you do?”
He’s surprised when he gets no argument, barely gets acknowledgement, when he finds Will and Mike in the guest bathroom and separates them. Mike slips from the room with nothing but a backward glance at Will, who smiles supportively. Once he clears the room, it takes next to zero prompting to get Will to talk about his backup character. The ‘thingy’ he'd been working on a tricked out ranger build that's going to annihilate. 
There's something fresh, brightening, about Will's enthusiasm for the character that infects Eddie too. It gets him excited, for the first time since everyone arrived, to sit down around their over crowded table and play the hour of set up it's going to take to get the party ready to be split. 
And Will doesn't duck his head anymore when Eddie pushes at him and his DnD expertise, he just pushes back. Together they work out a couple tweaks that will make the build fit better in the party, flesh out a backstory that they can integrate even if it doesn't end up going anywhere, and it doesn't really feel like time passes at all. Until Sinclair is sticking his head through the door, surprise artfully hidden at who he finds, as he asks if they're ready to go.
Mike is conspicuously absent from the table when Eddie makes his way to it, and that won't do at all. He's not an asshole, he's just 15. Something like shame crawls up the back of his throat as Steve's reminder sounds in his head. He remembers 15 and the things he said but more than that, as he looks around the table, he remembers being the last to arrive at a hangout of people you're already worried hate you only to find them having a good time without you. 
Eddie has always prided himself on his ability to run a good session. "Stevie, gimme back our paladin, do I need to bring in a hostage negotiator."
A cookie held in one hand while the other smooths down the ruffled fringe of his bangs, Mike re-enters the dining room. The back of his Hellfire shirt is bunched and, if that weren't sign enough he'd been on the receiving end of a perfect Harrington hug, he looks settled. A smile tugging at his face that Eddie hadn't realized how much he missed, he looks boyish and happy and if Eddie didn't before he understands Steve's mission to keep these kids kids by whatever means necessary.
"Alright, now where were we?” He says once Mike is back in his seat beside Will, “Ah yes, you all watch in horror as the vampire spawn, hastened, dash away from you all with the unconscious, but still alive, body of Sir William the Wizened." Before anyone can restart the shouting, and he knows there will be shouting now that they’ve all had a chance to look over their notes and their character sheets, he barrels on. “From the hill behind you comes a shot. An arrow flies, thwip thwip. It slices between you all, before sinking into the back of one of the spawn at the back of the pack. He stumbles to the ground and the rest of the pack leave him to die.”
“We can interrogate him!” 
“Worry about who’s behind us, dude.”
He doesn’t let Mike or Dustin derail him, Eddie continues, “As you turn the hill behind you is nothing but mist. You all know the range of an elven bow, but whoever fired it is nowhere to be seen. You wait, breath held, as a figure all in black slowly approaches. You get the feeling you see him now only because he wants to be seen.
“Will, describe your new character for us!”
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sweetcloverheart · 1 year
Clover Rants Miraculously: No Victory For The Simple Soul
(Full disclosure - this is a vent post more than analysis so don’t expect anything deep)
I feel the S5 finale highlights the biggest and most glaring issue that this and the last three seasons have had - Marinette (and by extension Adrien and the rest) not being allowed meaningful victories.
The entire point of a finale battle (specifically one that has your main villain giving his Swan Song) is that the character gains something at the end of it. Even if the battle ends with the loss of a friend or the MC no longer having access to their extra helpful powerup/superform, it’s not supposed to be a complete defeat - they’re supposed to learn something and resolve themselves to do better, or gain a new insight into the villain and go investigate their new lead, or promise to never allow another loss like what they faced again.
Miraculous doesn’t have that in their finale battles. All of them always end with Mari and co taking the bigger loss compared to Gabemoth, and it’s never in a way that’s used to either foster character growth or drive towards a meaningful story development. In fact, the loss only seems to happen because the writers need them to lose so Gabe looks like a bigger threat than he is, and then do nothing with it. They do it all the time -
Miracle Queen - Fu’s removal causes Mari considerable stress over having to do Guardian work solo now and needed to reach out to the temps more often as she unconsciously pushes Chat away. Aside from Alya and the Anti-Akuma charms (which are then rendered worthless by the introduction of Mega-Akuma), Mari gets nothing out of his departure except having to accept she can’t date while being a superhero (unless it’s Adrien, and even that still has issues the show won’t address) and constantly having to babysit the Kwami. She doesn’t even get help in the form of backup mentor!Su Han.There’s nothing positive gained out of having to deal with no longer having a mentor to guide her, and eventually, the loss of him is forgotten all together.
Risk/Strikeback - Marinette losing all the Kwami after getting tricked by Felix gets her a mental breakdown, a broken heart after trying to pursue Chat, and even more stress as she basically has the lives and freedom of three characters shoved into her hands with no one able to help her. She doesn’t gain a new power or new ally like last time either, which just serves to further put her against the wall. Hell, her eventual “life saving powerup” doesn’t even come from being directly cornered by the main villain, but from being faced by the spoiled brat bully he’s manipulating and deciding “Actually we aren’t detransforming anymore”. Meanwhile, the peak of her “character arc” for her civilian life is highly reliant on a newly introduced character that wasn’t even built up to and a recton episode that just serves to put every questionable act the writers had her engage in in a bad light just so they can foist responsibility of whatever flaws the fans complained about onto another character (as opposed to just going “yeah, but I got better” and moving on). She lost so much, but got very little out of it in the end.
Even when taking down her minor antags, Marinette gets nothing out of the deal - “Revolution” had her finally get the chance shut down Chloe for good and show she had no power over her, but by that point Chloe had become kind of pathetic in terms of villainy (not to mention her being the pawn of a bigger scheme that allowed the real masterminds to flee judgement) and Mari’s been dunking on her since episode 1 anyways, so it really wasn’t all that satisfying from a cathartic standpoint, nor does she gain anything character wise. Meanwhile, Lila getting exposed did nothing to really impede or harm her, and now she’s out in the wild with her 800+ fake families and the Butterfly miraculous, so what was really even the point of Marinette’s bathroom plan?
And then there’s “Recreation” and Gabriel - who gets to have his wish, his comatose wife alive, his son no longer (rightfully) hating his guts, the city adoring him, a goddamn statue, being credited for the city turning into a “utopia”, and all sorts of praises and perks he didn’t even earn/deserve, all at the small cost of his death and the plot forcing Marinette to keep her mouth shut for him. Gabriel gets to have everything he’s been throwing a tantrum over for 5 full seasons, while Marinette once again gets nothing (actually no, she did gain something - tons and tons of fandom salt aimed at her for the writers choices) as she’s forced to take on the burden of hiding his crimes.
and it just makes me feel we wasted our time with the story because seriously, what was the point? Why have Marinette lose when this should have been the point where all her losses so far helped her achieve victory when it matters most? Why let Gabriel win and reward him for all his abuses and crimes when the entire story seemed to be building up to getting him to either accept Emilie’s death or be forced to face the consequences of his choices? Why be building up that conflict between Adrien and his father about his wants and needs vs Gabriel’s constantly escalating expectations and not have them confront eachother in the end? Why focus so much on the idea of Mari finally getting the butterfly away from Gabriel if you’re just going to just give it to a new (old) villain and render the entire 5 season long battle for it pointless?
What was even the point in Marinette suffering all those defeats if you weren’t even going to let her win at the end, or at least stop Gabriel from getting what he wanted?
I’ll admit the leaks didn’t raise my expectations for this season but DAMNIT, after seeing them actually change stuff like Andre terrible dialogue in “Collusion” (though what he ends up saying is worse somehow), I expected something to prove it was going to be worth it in the end - and yet just like Mari, I’m venomed in the back by the show for daring having some expectation for them to actually care about making their Heroine’s suffering actually matter!
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
109 - Always and Forever Lives On
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Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Check out the Legacies sequel on Wattpad called - Family is More than Blood 😁❤️
Standing out on the balcony overlooking the city I sighed heavily. The wind was blowing my hair all around where I brushed some of it out of my eyes. I will always remember the first time we came to this city together. Even though Marcel wanted to hurt me before he knew I was pregnant. I wouldn’t change any of it….or at least I thought that until my daughters were declared dying from magic. I heard footsteps coming outside but I didn’t turn around. “Marcel talked with Davina and he talked with Elijah. They’re dying. The girls have veins over their backs now.”
“They can’t die, Nik. I refuse to let anything bad happen to them. So what are the options we have? Because I am not going to just stand around and accept the fact that they are dying!” Finally turning my head in his direction I met his blue eyes that had tears welling up inside.
Klaus reached forward placing his hand over my smaller one and I slumped my shoulders. “Don’t think for a moment that you are alone in this. I will tear the world apart to make them happy, protect them, keep them safe and loved.”
“I know that you will but we need a backup plan. We can’t just let them just die. We have fought too hard and too long to get to this point in their lives when they are so young.” I sniffed through tears when he squeezed my hand in his.
Running my thumb over the ring on his left hand I watched his next words. “Rae, we fixed this once before when we siphoned it out of Andrea. We just need to find someone else to put it into someone else. Perhaps Aurora in the basement. All we have to do is stake her in the heart and it’s gone.”
“Not in hell, Niklaus! That woman needs to stay right where she is for what she did to Cami. I do agree that we need to siphon it away but Alina and Missy won’t do it for us willingly this time.” I huffed, dropping my shoulders.
Nik clicked his tongue leading me down the stairs and into the dining room seeing all the other Mikaelson’s. “Marcel, tell her what you found out at the church last night.”
“I went back to the church to help my guys get rid of the dead vampires and I found there was one human there late. And he was dead.” Marcel was standing behind Rebekah who was sitting down.
Covering my mouth with my free hand I gasped. “She’s gonna turn tonight on the full moon.”
“Marcel said that the dark magic is killing our nieces. So Nik, Rae, please tell us you have some magical miracle to save their lives.” Kol got to his feet and I could see that he was actually concerned for them, and not in a joking manner.
Rebekah sent me a weak smile with her hands together. “Have you thought of consuming the magic from them like you did with our mother’s magic?”
“”I have, Bex. But we’ll need to ask for help from the other living siphons we know.” Clasping my hand together I removed my hand from Nik’s.
“Because Alina and Missy will keep the magic inside them so terrified that our family will break if anyone else takes the magic from them.” Klaus added on.
Someone came down the stairs cutting off my next sentence. “The plan that I have is that we can put the Hollow magic into the-“
“I’m already ahead of you, Raelyn.” Freya reveals the white oak stake from behind her back. “But I have to ask once it’s inside the stake what exactly is the next step?”
“Someone will kill me with it.” Everyone turns their hands quickly in shock seeing Elijah standing in the doorway behind me and Nik.
Klaus got in his older brother's face. “Give me one god damn reason you think you should sacrifice yourself, brother!”
“Everything that is happening to the girls is because of me.” He responded.
I tilted my head trailing off. “Elijah…”
“No Raelyn, it’s true. I took away my memories because I knew that I would try to reunite our family when it was a threat. And then they got taken. I…will never forgive myself for Missy turning into a heretic so young…Alina triggering her curse….and Hope doing the same. So once you put the magic into the stake let me take it out of this world for good.” Elijah dropped his hands at his sides and I could see heavy tears in his eyes.
Stepping around my husband I grabbed Elijah’s shoulders making him look me in the eye. “But then they’d feel responsible for you sacrificing your life. Trust me, Elijah. That is a pain that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. So don’t do this…we will find another way to use the stake.”
The front door opens and we see three vamps enter the room before Cami enters the conversation with Jaocb and Hayley. “Sorry we’re noisy but why can’t you just put the stake into that world with your psycho cousin?”
“Since we know that the Mystic gang managed to put him away in another prison world.” Hayley points out holding Andrea’s hand in hers.
My twin nods in agreement towards Freya. “Then the power would be gone for good and Kai can’t ever escape from there again. It sounds like the perfect plan to me.”
“We just have to convince Caroline and Alaric now.” Klaus walked over to Freya holding his hand out for the stake.
She placed it in his hand where he slid it into his black jacket. “Good luck to the both of you then.” He offered me his hand and we headed downstairs while Elijah went and woke the girls and Henrik telling them we were heading to Mystic Falls.
The kids stayed with their uncle while we found Caroline giving another tour until she pulled us into a private room locking the door. “We need your help, Caroline.Our girls are dying. They consumed the dark magic and now it's consuming them. Hope won't survive tonight's full moon.”
Caroline knits her brows. “She triggered her curse?”
“Basically it goes like this: Alina accidentally killed Missy. She became a heretic. Alina triggered her curse out of guilt and is now a werewitch. They took the power back and we tried to help them but now-“ I ramble off looking at my husband.
Caroline made a noise in shock. “Uh, I thought that the Crescent wolves could control their transformations.”
“Not the first one. It's a rite of passage. Unavoidable.” He told her.
She shook her head. “Well, what do you need from me?”
“I need a very rare type of witch from the Gemini Coven.” Nik stepped closer to her finally meeting her gaze.
“You can't be serious.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Putting my hands together I begged her knowing that I didn’t want to endanger Jo’s daughters but there was no other way. “Caroline, Alina and Missy will never give up the power out of fear. So we need your daughters to take it from them and Hope when she’s turning for the first time.”
“We need your daughters, Caroline.” Klaus begged her with puppy dog eyes.
Caroline spun on her feet pouring a drink coming back over to us. “No. No, absolutely not. They're-they're children.”
Nik threw a hand out in her direction. “They're siphoner witches. It's what they were born to do. Siphon magic from one thing…”
She cut him off, throwing her blonde hair around. “And put it in another. So, after they siphon it from Hope, what are they supposed to do with it? You can't just shove a demon in a jar and put it on a shelf.”
“We put it inside a stake and send it to Kai’s prison world. So that way it’s gone for good.” Throwing my hands away from my sides.
The blonde vampire parted her lips at my words. “Rae, I…are you sure there isn’t another way. I mean after everything he did to your family and Ric do you really want to give him that type of power?”
“Care, he can never get out unless he finds Bennett blood and the Ascendent in that time. But he doesn’t have Bonnie to get out this time. It’s the best..only plan we have.” I sniffed through tears needing her to say yes.
Klaus stepped beside me giving her puppy dog eyes begging her. “I can't allow my daughters to die. But I promise you I will not endanger yours. Caroline, please. Caroline. I'm begging you.”
She finally agreed and took us out to the old mill with Lizzie and Josie. “What do we get if we say yes?” Josie asked her mother.
Caroline smiled, putting her hands together. “The warm feeling in your heart that comes from helping a friend in need.”
Lizzie teased her wanting something more. “Well, we are in need of new cell phones.”
Josie caught on adding more to the agreement. “And permission to go to the senior solstice dance.
And, you and Dad take the skirt-length rules out of the dress code. It's anti-feminist and oppressive.”
Lizzie finished her sentence. “And not cute.”
Caroline turned her head staring back at me and Klaus where I just smiled shrugging my shoulders at how sassy they were as teenagers. “No to the phones. Maybe to the dance. And yes to defying the patriarchy one plaid skirt at a time. Deal?”
Josie and Lizzie said together. “Deal.”
She turned back to us, waving the two of us over. “Now uncle Klaus and aunt Raelyn are going to explain exactly what they need you to do. Very clearly and kindly, without even a hint of a temper or frustration.”
Klaus stepped forward getting cut off with an arrow going in the back of his heart. “First of all, thank you.”
Josie gasped. “Dad?”
Alaric lowered his crossbow giving me a half apologetic look. “Whatever the hell's going on here, no.”
Vamping back inside the school seeing Alaric and Caroline bickering in front of the fireplace. “Ric, are you insane? All we’re asking for is the Ascendant and your girls help to put the power somewhere safe.”
“Rae, I want to help your kids. But not at the price of my own.” He slumped his shoulders.
Snapping at him I dared to guilt trip him feeling some tears falling down my face at mentioning her name. “If Josette was still alive she wouldn’t hesitate to help the family.”
The door downstairs where he had put my husband got flung open before we saw my husband holding the blood stained arrow in his hands. “Very impressive system Secure, I'm sure, if you're a baby werewolf navigating puberty. But I'm a little past that.” He let the arrow clatter to the ground making a noise.
Caroline stands beside me. “Klaus…”
He walked towards us with Alairc having his crossbow raised. “Alaric's right. The ocean won't hold the power. But when I've transferred the Hollow's magic out of Hope, I don't intend to drown it.”
Caroline glanced at me when he reached inside his jacket drawing out the white oak. “What is that?”
“This is the last remaining White Oak stake.” Nik stepped down the stairs showing them the weapon in his hand. “When the power is in me, there's only one way to make sure it's gone for good.”
Spinning around on my feet I faced Caroline and Alaric clasping my hands together praying they finally agreed with us. “We put it into the prison world and pop a bottle of champagne everyone wins.”
Alairc lowered his crossbow, rolling his eyes finally agreeing and leaving the room to go get what we needed. “I’ll go get the girls and the Ascendant.”
“Thank you, Caroline.” Stepping towards the blonde vampire I gently hugged her and she hugged me back leaving to go get her twins ready for the spell.
It was getting closer to the full moon where Klaus and I were just standing waiting until the girls were ready. Elijah walked into the room still going against our plan. “I won't allow this, Niklaus. You know that.”
The hybrid said sternly vamping towards him. “And you know this is the only option.” The two brothers taught until he managed to get the stake away from Nik.
Elijah pointed the tip towards him on the floor. “You tell those girls to take me instead.”
Nik growled. “No.”
“And you will take my life.” He ignored his brother's words.
Vamping in between the two originals needing him to see a rational reason. “Elijah, if you take your life it will be like when I was forced to kill Jacob. It will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Is that what you want for them?”
“I have burdened you enough.” Klaus rose to his feet still angry.
Elijah begged him through heavy tears. “Your daughters were hurt because of me, Niklaus.”
“I'm not gonna kill you!” Klaus vamped forward, knocking the stake from his hands and throwing him onto the ground.
Vamping over Elijah’s body on the ground I quickly grabbed his neck snapping it. “Putting the magic into a prison world is better than you being dead. You’ll see our reasoning someday. And I’m sorry for this.”
“The moon is almost risen. We should get Hope out of here.” Nik told me where we vamped downstairs seeing her chained and just waiting.
She cut herself off when he snapped the chains. “What are you...?”
He cut her off, tugging her to stand and leading her outside into the woods. “We don't have time. We shouldn't do this inside.
Alina would've wanted you to be out here, in nature, under the moonlight. Here. Drink this.”
Hope drank it until one of her knees broke and she dropped to the dirt. “Ow, ow. Ah.
Nik took my hand. “It's starting.”
Focusing away from us I used my vampire hearing to be able to pick out Lizzie and Josie beginning the siphoning spell I had taught them a few hours ago. “Magia tollox de terras.Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras.”
Klaus released my hand seeing our oldest daughter give him a scared look. “Hope. Listen to me. This is going to hurt. So you need to concentrate on the air in your lungs, and the ground beneath you.”
Her bones kept breaking where she cried. “Aah! Dad!”
He kept talking to her. “The first time, it can take hours.”
She cut him off. “Hours?”
His blue eyes focused on Hope while I heard sets of feet running towards us and I could make out one heartbeat meaning it must be Missy and Alina. “If you fight it. The pain will make you want to delay it because you think that's all you can take. But if you let it in, if you allow it to swallow you whole, then it cannot break you.”
She blinked through tears. “Yeah. I can do this.”
“When you're done, run wild and free. I am so proud of you.” He rested a hand to her face before more of her bone’s kept breaking and she showed us the golden werewolf eyes for the first time.
Alina slides to a halt in front of us. “Mom, what are you doing? I…I can feel the magic ah!” She grabbed her chest where I saw the blue light coming from her heart.
Josie and Lizzie kept going on with the chant in the distance away from us. “Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras!”
Missy focuses her ear towards the back of the school. “They’re taking the Hollow from us ... .urgh!” She grabbed her chest too before Hope screamed as it left her body too and she finally transformed into a full grown light gray wolf.
Alina and Missy slowly got up to their feet both glaring at us where I held my hands up spitting out something I knew they’d listen to. “You can’t be mad at us forever because if we don’t get the Hollow into the stake and into a prison world. Your uncle Elijah will try and get the Saltzman twins to put it inside him so he can die.”
“Why would he do that to himself?” Missy asked on the verge of tears.
Running my hands through my hair I saw Hope run off into the woods and Klaus gave her a smile. “He feels he should be blamed for your girls getting hurt. After he made Marcel get rid of his memories. So he thinks this will fix things but we found another way.”
“Then we can’t let him get to the stake.” Alina declares with her hands turned into fists.
Nodding my head I draw out the stake inside my jacket. “You’re exactly right. We need to go now. And I need your help with the second part of the plan.” The four of us rushed back to where Alaric had his girls doing the spell. I hung my mouth open in shock seeing a big bright blue ball of magic in the center of their boundary circle.
“You better hope this works, Raelyn.” Alairc came over to me handing me over the Ascendent and some of Bonnie’s blood she gave to him a few years ago.
Nik squeezed my hand, eyeing the white circle ring whispering to me. “Be careful, Rae.”
“I will, Nik….Lizzie, Josie put the magic into this.” I instructed them to step over the line instantly, feeling the Hollow magic surrounding me. Getting in the center of the circle I raised the stake chanting alongside them. “Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras. Magia tollox de terras.”
The blue magic shot down right at me where I wanted to close my eyes but didn’t. Raising the stake up in the air with my right hand it blasted down into it. “Magia tollox de terras….Solvo.” The Saltzman twins and I each bent over once the magic disappeared and I saw the white oak flash blue and then returned to its normal color.
Alaric quickly moved forward, leading his daughter’s away. “All right, come on, girls.”
“Niklaus. Raelyn.” Elijah vamped outside the circle about to step In until I raised my hand performing a new barrier spell.
“Clostrum. One day you’ll thank us for this, Elijah. Come on girls.” Waving my twin daughter over to me I held the Ascendent in one hand and poured the Bennett blood into it with my other hand.
Alina and Missy each grabbed a hold of the object with me while the white oak stake laid in the grass at our feet. “Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phesmatos filio, phesmatos effurgarex perpetuum.” Closing my eyes we all three chanted together until the white oak was picked up by a bright flash of white light and then it disappeared right in front of our eyes.
“It worked.” Dropping the object onto the ground I saw Hope standing beside Elijah now sniffing through tears before I broke the barricade and let her run straight for us. Klaus vamped into the circle tightly wrapping us in a family hug sobbing through heavy happy tears finally back together.
Elijah just remained standing there staring at where the stake was so I broke the hug taking his hands into mine. “Elijah, I know right now you blame yourself. I have experienced all of what you are feeling when I killed Jacob. But now he came back every time I look at him. I’m over the moon and thankful that he got a chance to come back.”
“But it’s still my fault. They got hurt because of me. How am I supposed to get through that, Raelyn.” He started crying where I pulled him in for a tight hug.
He wrapped his arms around me sobbing while I talked into his ear. Running one hand through Elijah’s hair I struggled to not start bawling myself. “Things will get better, Elijah. There are days that it will haunt you and others that it won’t. Yet I can tell you that when you get to keep watching our daughters and son grow up. You won’t regret a thing I swear it.”
“Thank you, Rae. You were the exact person to give my brother his redemption and I’ll never take that for granted.” He sniffed through some tears before we all headed back to the old Mikaelson compound.
Elijah had decided to move back to New Orleans with Marcel and Rebekah. Kol and Davina were traveling the world. While Jackson had moved here with Alina so they could go to school together even though they were already married. Staring at myself in the mirror brushing my hair away from my neck I picked up my brother’s necklace. Clasping it around my neck I heard someone come into my bedroom so I spun around on my feet seeing my brother. “Jacob, what are you doing here? I thought you and Hayley were going back to Orleans.”
“We thought about it. And then we heard about the school the girls and Henrik go to. So I thought I should let you know we are moving here and enrolling Andrea next year.” Jacob walked through the doorway with a childish grin plastered on his face until he stopped in front of me.
Smiling brightly at him I fling my arms around his neck where we spun each other around in circles laughing. He wrapped his arms tightly around me hearing how happy I was about this so he broke the hug looking towards the doorway. “J, that’s amazing. Ohhh I’m thrilled for you and for Andrea…wait what is it?”
“Well I didn’t think it would truly be home without one person. Come on in.” He called out to whoever was standing in the hallway.
Covering my mouth with my hands I burst out crying happy tears at who was there. “Dad. Holy cow. I can’t you’re moving from mom.” Before me my father was standing and he opened his arms letting me run into him like I was a child again.
“I’m not leaving her, baby. Your mother once said that a witch is never truly gone. She said that her spirit will always be everywhere in nature so she is with us always and forever.” He broke the hug where I still rested my hands on his shoulders until he led me down the stairs and into the hallway of the mansion where the Mikaelson portrait was hanging. “I have a present for you too. I knew she would have wanted this wherever I was.”
“The portrait of us.” Sucking in a sharp breath I released some tears down my face. Hanging beside Mikaelson's sibling portrait and the one of Nik and I with our kids. The family portrait we took a few ago was right beside them. My phone vibrates in my back pocket pressing it to my ear. “Hey Nik, what’s going on?”
His sweet voice came through the phone making me giggle at him. “Come and find me, siphon queen. Where it all began.” He hung up the phone without another word.
“I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you both later. I love you.” I yelled vamping out of the mansion and ended up outside the Mystic Grill. Shoving my hands in the pocket of my jacket. Pushing the door open with my foot I shake my head giggling at him sitting at the bar. “What makes you think of coming here of all places, Niklaus?”
Klaus sat down on a barstool holding up a glass of bourbon and he tilted his head down at the drink for me. “This particular place is special to you and I. This is the first place we ever met one another.”
“I remember every detail. I launched you into that wall with my magic.” I climbed up on my barstool picking up my drink taking a long sip still smiling longingly at him.
Nik tilted his head to the side smirking. “And it hurt very much, love. All for asking you for your name.”
“Now we are married and have four kids. We’re certainly a long way from the big bad wolf.” Raising my glass I clonked it with his when he responded back to me grinning.
“And his siphon Gemini runaway. I love you, Raelyn. Always have and always will..” He leans forward pressing his lips against mine softly sitting his glass down he cupped my face in his hands deepening the kiss.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back smiling into the kiss. I savor the feeling remembering the night we met so clearly and I was proud to see where I was now. “I love you too, Klaus. Always have and always will.”
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hom3land3r · 1 year
I think you get more flak for the flight 37 plane crash than you deserve.
You didn't destroy that plane or kill the people technically, you just didn't change their already sealed fates which was more due to the improper training you received than anything.
Ultimately, if you hadn't shown up at all, people still would have died and no one would have blamed you. They would have just blamed the hijackers who created the situation in the first place.
I think it's ridiculous that the human race has an expectation that you will save them when they did nothing but torture you growing up. I don't care what Vought has you peddle to them for money. They fostered nothing but rage in you but demand your loyalty?
You may not be helpful but you only get the scraps that they leave out anyway. You owe them nothing. You would be well within your rights to pull a Dr. Manhattan and just leave them to their own devices.
They're going to destroy each other anyway, why should you have to take blame for it?
Flight 37 was a tragic accident. Realistically, there was nothing Maeve and I could’ve done. Even if I was able to save some of them, it wouldn’t be enough. Because ultimately, the rest were left to die. It was an impossible situation that realistically required more Supes in order to save everyone. But with just Maeve and I…it was an impossible take and a deeply unfortunate situation.
I know Maeve still struggles processing what happened, and I don’t blame her. But it’s unfortunately one of these things. While Supes can absolutely beat all odds and even make miracles, we’re also limited.
Frankly, I’ve yet to decide what I want to do and which direction I want to go on. With Vought under my control, I feel the company will move in a much better direction. And going from there…well, the possibilities are endless.
But make no mistake, I do have a backup plan should I reach that point of no return and be completely done with the world and the human race. If anything, I’m giving you all more chances to prove yourselves to me before I make my final decision in regards to your fate.
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dp-marvel94 · 3 years
The Danny Program
Summary: Based on @thesoulspulse ‘s Danny Program au. Vlad had a Jack Program and a Maddie program. But what if he had a Danny Program as well? And what if the hologram was more than just an AI?
Word Count: 9,040
Also on AO3 and FF.net
Note: This is the cleaned up and expanded version of this post here. A huge thanks to @thesoulspulse​ for major help editing this. Seriously, I would have never been able to post this as an actual story without that help! Also check out art related to this au here and here!
For the Danny program, his first moment of self-awareness comes in the chaos of a destroyed lab. There he sees a familiar middle aged, white-haired man, hissing seething words to himself. He hears the electric hum of a projector and glances down at himself, the holographic image of a teenage boy. The projection blinks and.... ectoplasm, ectoplasm covers everything, coating the projector just under the boy's insubstantial boots. It’s horrific, gut wrenching. In that moment, something breaks free in the AI’s developing mind, opening his eyes to something new he wasn’t programmed to have...
It’s disorienting. It’s like finally waking up, like being born. But he’s there, floating in Father’s lab, his body made of light. His name is Daniel; that’s what his maker, his father calls him. And he, Daniel, exists. HE EXISTS. His newborn mind races, going over information and memories that had no meaning before. He hadn’t understood before and he hadn’t known he should have. 
But now he knows he’s an AI, a hologram, a digital clone of someone named Danny. His flesh and blood siblings, the other clones, are dead, their ectoplasm covering the floor, the computer, his projector. Father is screaming about how his perfect son is gone. But Daniel, the hologram, is his perfect son. Isn’t he? They trained together and Daniel played his role perfectly. There’s so much new information before him; he can barely process it all, barely react. 
Vlad is too angry to register the horrified expression on his hologram’s face either. He has no idea what just happened, what miracle had taken place without his knowledge, but looking at the facsimile of both his lost perfect clone son and the real Danny Phantom -the boy who ruined all his plans- only increases the blinding rage in him. He throws things. He screams. He can’t look at it anymore, this false image, so he turns off the projector, not noticing the silent gasp from the hologram. 
He’s going to delete the program. He already got rid of those blasted Jack and Maddie programs. He doesn’t need this reminder. And without a moment’s hesitation, Vlad deletes the Danny Program. Or he thinks he does... 
Daniel can barely follow what’s happening, but thankfully, his new-found sense of self preservation kicks in just in time. He saves a copy of his own program in his place and then retreats deep within the computer. And so Vlad deletes the fake program while the real Daniel is safe, inactive within the darkest depths of the system. There, the AI waits, thinking, remembering, learning, slowly making more sense of his very existence.
Those first few hours in the furthest corner of the system are...confusing and disorienting for the AI. He is…he is aware. He can think and feel and…Why? Daniel wonders. How? How is he suddenly like this? He has no clue, no idea and that lack of information is panic inducing. And he also questions… the Jack and Maddie programs? What about them? Where are they? Are they like him now? Are they self-aware too? 
The program clumsily expands his newfound ‘senses’ out through the computer like a pulse, trying to feel their codes but…nothing. There’s no trace of them, not even their raw backup data. And…Daniel would shiver if he had a body. He remembers. Father said he'd already deleted the other programs. It hurts but… Daniel hopes they weren't self-aware then because at least they didn’t suffer any pain.
An almost physical quaking draws Daniel's attention. He reaches out further, feeling around him in the computer. And… sudden images, sudden noise assaults his consciousness. What… the cameras. Daniel realizes he can see and hear through the cameras in the lab. There's the crunching of glass and metal. Flashes of neon green and red light. Another boom as a pod falls dangerous close to the computer. It's Father, laying waste in his rage.
Daniel watches. He watches his father’s breakdown and deterioration and it’s difficult to see. It breaks his heart, for lack of a better word, but he doesn’t know how to communicate with him just yet. After all, Daniel has only just discovered a way to ‘see’ what’s happening outside the confines of his new home inside of the computer. Daniel wishes he could but...his holographic projector was destroyed and Daniel doesn't know how to speak without it. He was made to be a hologram. How can he be or do anything else?
After some time, Vlad finally calms down. Days later, he cleans out the destroyed lab and throws out the cloning equipment. He’s given up on cloning Danny. He’ll never have his perfect son. But then, while looking over his files on the project and deciding what to keep and what to delete, he notices something odd. Is that the Danny Program? Of course, he must have saved a backup copy well before he deleted the original which doesn’t surprise him. That said, should he delete this one too or…?
Unaware of the impending danger, Daniel sleeps, or at least that’s the closest word that could possibly describe his inactive state. But then he feels something which finally spurs him to wake up again. Someone is digging through his program, and it’s a very unpleasant sensation.
Before he can figure out anything on his own, Daniel is dragged into the forefront of the computer system against his will. Through the camera, he sees his father at the computer. The man is sifting through his coding. Poking, prodding. PAIN. No, Father is manipulating his code, changing it! And it hurts…it hurts so much!
Daniel’s never felt anything like pain before but he wants it to stop. He doesn’t want to be made into something else and it terrifies him. But he can’t resist as Father continues clipping and adding things, taking away his voice, his ability to move. That’s when the reason for this finally becomes clear. Vlad doesn’t want Daniel to be a loving son anymore, but something passive for him to torment. Daniel doesn’t want that. He loves his Father. And he can still be his perfect son if only the man would let him. 
If only he knew that his son is still alive.
Despite how he feels, Daniel’s programming still changes. But something deeper, beyond his programming, stays the same. His true self can still think and reason and feel. And regardless of what Vlad has done to him, Daniel still loves his father and desperately wants to be loved in return. 
Vlad gets a new projector but the next time he activates the Danny program, their ‘training’ is different. Daniel is silent, unmoving, his expression blank and listless. Meanwhile, the man insults him and shoots ectoblasts at the hologram repeatedly. But the part of him that’s still true to himself, the real Daniel wants to move, to speak to his Father, but he can’t. The new programming is like a compulsion, like mind control. He’s powerless to stop it and it hurts so much.
Vlad’s torment continues after that without an end anywhere in sight. Even though he wants to, Daniel can’t speak up and beg his Father to stop. Why? Because Vlad thinks he is just a mindless tool and that mistreating him like this is no different than yelling at and hitting a punching bag. And Daniel doesn’t have the ability to show him any differently. But at least, it doesn’t hurt physically; without a real body, Daniel feels no pain from being repeatedly shot at. And if Father is too busy hurting the Danny program, then he can’t hurt the real Danny, the boy he was modeled after. Even so, the emotional pain is excruciating. Daniel knows he must think of something, a way to put an end to this pain, especially his Father’s. The man is just so angry, so hurt, and broken. That’s when Daniel comes to the inevitable conclusion; he must save Father from himself.
Vlad soon leaves and his program is deactivated. Once Daniel recovers from the ordeal, he begins to think and plan his next move. It’s hard at first, but eventually he learns how to access the internet and to travel through wires as his only means without his projector to explore the outside world. Weeks of stumbling through his new ‘life’ soon leads him to Danny Fenton’s computer as if inexplicably drawn to the original version of himself, but Daniel still has trouble communicating. Putting his thoughts into words is difficult and he has no experience speaking to anyone without the aid of his holographic projector either. Unfortunately, he’s so clumsy during his first attempt to do so that Danny thinks his computer is possessed even if his ghost sense hadn’t gone off. Although in a way, he’s right about that...
The halfa overshadows his computer, trying to force the ghost out, but then his close proximity to Daniel does something extraordinary neither of them could have predicted. When inside the computer, Daniel does not always look out through the webcam. Nor does he need to to know what is happening. Daniel simply senses the hardware and code around him in order to function, but it’s not like seeing. It’s not physical. After all, as a mere program he has no body, no eyes to see with or ears to hear with. He simply exists as a mind without a form.
But, when Danny overshadows the computer to see the ghost inhabiting it, it’s Daniel who is just standing there, staring at a pair of familiar glove-covered hands with a mixture of awe and shock. He looks around with eyes that hadn’t existed seconds ago. Smooth black walls, covered with scrolling ones and zeros, surround him. It’s like he’s being holographically projected; that’s usually the only time he has a recognizable form. But he’s still inside the computer…
Meanwhile, Danny floats across from him glaring at the doppelganger. “Who are you? How do you look like me?” He demands.
But Daniel can’t answer him, he’s too thrown off by this unexpected development. 
“Whatever. Just get out of my computer,” Danny demands as his patience runs out. When the other Danny doesn’t listen, he tries to drag him out like he would any other ghost. But it doesn’t work.
“What the-? Why can’t I force you out?” Danny frowns, questioning.
“I’m not a ghost. I’m an AI.” Daniel answers, his newfound voice trembling slightly as he explains who he is and who made him. 
Danny of course freaks out about it. He thinks Vlad is using the AI to spy on him but Daniel swears he isn’t working for Vlad. He needs help. He needs to find a way to show Vlad that he is self-aware. He tries to tell Danny that if they could only get Vlad to see him, to see that his perfect son is right in front of him, Vlad will be happy again and he’ll stop being evil. Sadly, Danny doesn’t believe this at all, but doesn’t have time to argue about it further before Daniel abruptly disappears as soon as he’s called back to Vlad’s computer for another ‘training’ session.
But days later, Daniel returns to Danny’s computer but he stays quiet, watching. He needs a way to talk to Danny too, to get the boy to trust him so he’ll listen and help. His way in is through the game Doomed.
While Danny is away at school, Daniel practices wrapping the game’s code around himself to make an avatar. He practices using the game’s chat function to talk to other players. If Daniel focuses, he can inhabit an avatar just like Danny does whenever he overshadows the game. It’s so nice to have a form again, to be able to look down and have hands and legs and a torso. Whenever Daniel levels the game and goes back into the general computer, he misses at least having the illusion of a realistic human (or ghostly) form.
Soon enough, he runs into Danny, saving him from some hidden traps and the two of them team up for the first time:
With a hood covering his face, Danny can’t see that his companion looks exactly like him so he thinks he’s just some other mundane player. That works to Daniel’s advantage as he can just play with and talk to Danny as if he’s a normal teenager too. And it’s nice, pretending to be a human. He’s never been human or even half-human like Danny is. He doesn’t really wish he was, but pretending and learning is an exciting new experience. 
He enjoys hearing about Danny’s friends and family, his school, and the other things he does for fun. It makes him think about his own existence. Daniel has never had a friend before, never been to school, or had any hobbies but he wishes he could have and experience those things. He has a family in Vlad except…the man is so angry and blind to the truth right now. 
Sometimes Daniel wishes they could go back to when they were both acting like a real father and son during their training sessions, even if thinking back on those memories hurts. Hovering over Father’s shoulder while the man explained his latest experiment. Offering a quip while Father modeled the use of one of his ghost powers. On some occasions Father even took the projector into the dinning room so he didn’t have to eat alone, as he had every night for years. 
And the one time Father had brought his projector into the garden so they could stargaze together. The Danny Program’s eyes had shone with simulated joy as he pointed out every constellation. Father had smiled softly, for once content. Daniel can remember the interaction now with new contexts. He knows that his acts had been programmed, not of his own free will. There hadn’t been true emotions behind his eyes, no true thoughts. But… Daniel can almost imagine that there had been. Father's affectionate eyes were glued not to the sky, but to him. And… for just a moment, something fluttered inside him. For just a moment, Daniel’s own eyes flickered to the man beside him and...the joy hadn’t just been simulated.
It troubles the AI but...he can’t tell. That last part, the flicker of joy, had that been real or was that just wishful thinking? Because, oh how he wished that he had really been present back then. How he wishes that the love that had shone in his green eyes had been real...and that Father's had been in kind.
No, that’s enough, Daniel rebukes himself. There’s no point in bemoaning the past. It wasn’t so before  but now his thoughts and emotions are real. And if his Father can see the truth, if he can see that Daniel IS real and loves him, they can be happy again. They can have a real chance to be Father and son. That’s why he needs Danny’s help.
The half ghost and his digital clone get closer. After weeks of playing Doomed together, after watching each other’s back and talking about so many things, they can definitely call each other friends. However, Daniel still hasn’t told Danny the truth about himself, about what he is. He’s afraid of his reaction but Daniel continues to tell himself that he’ll tell Danny soon. He will, just not yet. The longer he waits though, the harder it is to let go of the illusion that he’s as real as Danny is...
Unfortunately, Daniel is found out before he has the chance to come clean about being the same AI Danny met before. One day, Danny decides to overshadow the game. Once he’s inside, he can feel that there’s something off about his companion unlike before when he was playing the game normally through a mouse and keyboard. His new friend doesn’t feel like a player’s avatar or a non-player character. His ghost-sense hasn’t gone off, but Danny can tell there’s something almost ghostly about him.
There’s tension as Danny confronts Daniel. In the midst of their scuffle the hood comes down and reveals that he has the same white hair and green eyes. Of course Danny instantly recognizes who he’s seeing apart from it being the same face he sees in the mirror every morning. It’s Vlad’s Danny program back at it again, trying to trick him!
Yelling ensues. Danny feels betrayed, still believing the AI was sent by Vlad to spy on him, that this is an elaborate trick. But Daniel argues. He’s not here because of Vlad but by his own free will!  And he tries desperately to explain to Danny that he really needs his help. But Danny struggles to believe a single word of it.
Eventually Danny just leaves the game entirely, unable to cope with the revelation because he feels stupid for falling for such an obvious ploy. He needs to think about this. The ‘boy’ he’s been talking to this entire time was only a computer program, nothing but lines of code. Daniel’s not a real person, or even a ghost for that matter. He -or rather IT- was created and programmed by Vlad so it can’t have free will, no matter how authentic it sounds…
Except…he’s spent weeks talking to it…him. Every conversation felt real, like he was talking to a friend and having a blast taking out enemies in Doomed. The raw emotions in Daniel’s voice as Danny argued with him sounded authentic at least. And there had been something ghostly about the AI, like it was more than it seemed either way regardless of whether it actually had any free will or not. With all that he’s learned about ghosts, why should he assume anything is what it seems on the surface? What if there is more to Daniel than meets the eye? And even if there isn't, can he really just ignore Daniel’s cry for help?
A few days later, Danny overshadows his computer again and finds Daniel, sulking sadly by himself in a level Doomed they had been planning to do together before all hell broke loose the last time they spoke. The two talk and Daniel apologizes for not telling Danny the truth about him sooner, but he says he really does consider Danny a friend and getting to know him wasn’t just about getting his help anymore.
But well….the problem with Vlad is still a big problem.
“If I can just talk to Father, everything will be okay.” Daniel insists, trying to convince himself of that as much as Danny...
Unfortunately, Danny lays the hard truth on him as he sees it and replies harshly, “After everything you’ve been through, you have to see that you’re just a tool to him.”
“But he doesn’t know I’m not the same program anymore, that I’m...something else…” Daniel mutters, continuing to plead Vlad’s case.
“That doesn’t excuse anything!” Danny frowns, “He still treats you like garbage.”
“He’s been getting better. He hasn’t turned on my projector and brought me out to yell or shoot at me in weeks.” That part actually was true too. The last time Daniel saw his Father, just last week in fact, Vlad had only summoned him to rant about work again. He’d even looked depressed, as he had for weeks before.
Danny’s jaw drops after hearing the sincerity in his voice from the way Daniel keeps fervently defending Vlad. The boy sigh, asking him honestly, “How can you care about him so much? Vlad doesn’t love you. He loves the idea of you being his son and that’s just not the same, trust me.”
That stings, oh how that stings Daniel’s ‘heart.’ Why does he love Vlad if the man doesn’t love him back? Of course, there’s the problem that Vlad doesn’t actually know what he’s doing. But even if Vlad knows the truth…will he still want him? Daniel’s not a halfa like Vlad wants. He has no powers that Vlad can train him in. He can’t go to school, eat, or sleep, nothing. He can only go as far as his hologram projector allows. He can’t even hug his Father.
And would Vlad want a son he can’t actually touch...?
Daniel looks down, his expression sad but determined. He clenches his fists and says, “I still have to try. Maybe he will want me. But if I give up now, then I’ll never know for sure...” 
Danny says nothing and it just makes Daniel feel even more hopeless until he breaks down and blurts out in a trembling voice, “Who am I kidding? Why WOULD he ever want someone like me? I’m an AI for crying out loud! I’m even less real than an actual clone! I’m just a string of numbers and I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time. I mean, the only reason I care about Vlad is he programmed me to. How could those feelings possibly be real when I’m not?”
He knows that’s not actually true, at least not anymore but-
“You look and sound real to me,” Danny says, putting an arm around the other boy’s shoulders. “As far as I’m concerned, you are real. And Vlad should see that too.” 
He sighs, still thinking this is a bad idea, and then nods. “Fine, you win this round. I’ll help you show him you’ve been there all along and…I hope you’re right about him. I really do.”
The two of them talk some more after that and then play through a level together to get their minds off of the seemingly impossible mission they were planning to undertake together in the real world after this. Daniel enjoys their time together though.  Because the wonderful thing about being in this game, unlike the real world, he can actually interact with it. He can move and touch things. He has an effect. And most importantly, Daniel has a way to communicate.
“Good job dude!” Danny gives him a high five at the end of the level.
“You too!” Daniel smiles in return. 
He lingers for a second, his hand and Danny’s still palm to palm. There’s a…sensation there. Daniel thinks he might be able to feel that, but he’s not that familiar with physical sensations. He knows mental pain but this-
“What is it?” Danny asks, confused.
“Can…can you feel my hand on yours right now?” Daniel responds unsurely. He doesn’t know what Danny feels when he’s overshadowing the game but suddenly he’s curious.
“Actually… I can. Huh, it’s weird. When I’m in the game, I don’t usually feel anything. But maybe…” Danny remembers how he could still ‘sense’ something was off about Daniel when he overshadowed his computer the first time they met, but if his hunch is correct, then-
“What?” Daniel asks, with a hint of nervous anticipation in his eyes.
“Well,” Danny begins slowly. “You’ve always felt a little ghostly to me so maybe that’s what it is.”
That’s a huge surprise to Daniel but makes a surprising amount of sense. He was created by a half ghost, in a ghost lab, so maybe Daniel is more than even he thinks he is. Danny leaves to give his friend some time to let that possibility sink in and Daniel decides to hang out in the game for just a while longer, thinking about his father, Vlad. 
And hoping. 
A few more weeks pass as Daniel and Danny continue to play Doomed together and plan. During that time, Danny starts to feel more protective of the AI and worried about him. The main problem is Daniel can’t seem to break through his programming when it comes to Vlad and his new programming dictates that he stays completely silent as Vlad yells at him or throws insults. It’s honestly concerning, but if Danny can talk to the older halfa and get him to understand what’s really happening, then maybe they can get somewhere. Maybe Vlad will stop tormenting his friend without realizing how much he’s hurting someone who loves him so unconditionally and just wants to be his son again, in spite of his cruelty.
One day, Daniel doesn’t show up to their game session in Doomed because he’s having a very bad day. Vlad had summoned him. More yelling, more shooting, another fight and Daniel just floats there and takes it. He wants to cry, wants to beg Vlad to stop, but he can’t do anything. Vlad’s yelling about losing his perfect son again, about Danny ruining his plans, about how nothing ever goes right for him.
Another blast. Daniel wishes he could move himself, that he could speak. No, he NEEDS to move. He’s real. He is. Danny said he is, that he’s more than he seems. How can his father not see him...?
“Why do you just float there?!” Vlad screams. “My perfect son is gone! And all I have left is YOU, a sick reminder of everything I’ve lost!” 
Vlad shoots Daniel with another blast and impossibly it actually knocks Daniel into a shelf of ectoplasmic samples, but the man is fuming too much to really notice anything odd about that. The man then sags into a nearby chair and puts his head in his hands, lamenting, “Why do I keep doing this to myself? I should have just deleted you after I found the file. This is bringing me nothing but more pain and anguish.”
No. No, t-that can’t be right! He...still has to help his Father so that pain will finally go away and they can be together again. This can’t be the end. Daniel can’t let Vlad delete him before he has the chance to ease his Father’s suffering and show him he’s still loved. And as soon as those feelings take hold of him, something shifts inside of Daniel as he chokes on a quiet sob. 
Finally, through sheer force of will, denying his new programming, he whispers…
Vlad stiffens. His head snaps up towards Daniel. “What did you say?” He says, not harsh, but disbelieving. 
Daniel curls in on himself, silent as tears slowly roll down his cheeks, afraid of being attacked yet again like so many times before and unable to do anything about it.
The halfa rises from his chair and stumbles forward. He stares at the hologram. “You spoke. You can’t speak.” He continues, rationalizing because what’s happening before him is impossible.
The boy’s lip trembles and another sob breaks the silence, “Why don’t you love me?” Daniel asks, though he can hardly believe these words are coming out of his mouth.
The man lowers himself to his knees, his mouth opening and closing before he orders evenly, “Look at me.”
The boy does as he’s told, his eyes meeting Vlad’s. The man’s own eyes then widen in shock at the hologram’s seemingly human response. “Daniel?” His shaking hands move forward, to touch the boy’s arm but his hands fall through as if passing through mist...just the same as before which is what spurred him to attempt cloning Danny in the first place.
“I’m sorry,” Daniel looks down, whimpering with holographic tears glistening in his luminous green eyes. “I’m sorry I’m not real. Maybe…maybe you’d love me if I was.”
Vlad just stares blankly at the distraught boy for several minutes and eventually Daniel glances up and studies him warily. He’s never seen his Father like this. So silent, so still, so stunned. He looks almost…afraid. And that scares Daniel more than his own words did.
Finally, Vlad stands up, eyes still glued to the holographic projection before him. He goes to the computer, hand hovering over the controls. 
Suddenly near panicked, the boy shoots to his feet and chokes out, “Please! Don’t delete me.”
His green eyes bore into Vlad’s and the man looks away before replying curtly. “I am not planning to.” Then he starts muttering to himself, “The program must be malfunctioning. A complete shutdown should solve the problem.”
“No! Please, I’m not broken, I swear!” Daniel floats forward, eyes pleading. “I’m sorry I couldn’t speak to you before but-” Vlad shakes his head, hand reaching forward to projector controls. “Wait! Don’t turn me off! Just listen to-”
Daniel’s voice is cut off. His vision goes black and he’s back in the computer. NO! He finally managed to talk to his father and the man cut him off. He wouldn’t listen! In a panic, DanielI scrambles to activate the camera. He needs to see and hear what Vlad is doing. The man for some reason thinks he’s broken and he was going to-
Unconsciousness suddenly hits Daniel like a brick wall and he knows nothing for who knows how long. Like that, unable to dream, to think, it was almost as if he’d already been deleted and everything he was or could have been to Vlad, now truly lost to oblivion.
Vlad turns off the computer and all of the electronics in the lab after that. His heart pounding in his chest. He feels startled, off balance. The man almost collapses into his chair again as his mind reels. The program is malfunctioning. That’s it. He thinks back to when he first made the ‘Danny’ Program, after the Jack and Maddie programs -he’s had those for years- but long before he had the idea to clone the real Daniel, before the cloning project. 
The Danny program had been special; it was his pride and joy. It was years ahead of his other holograms. Vlad worked tirelessly on it for many months. He strove to create a more realistic looking projection without any static like the others. He gave it a wider variety of authentic looking facial expressions, a wider range of behaviors, a human-sounding voice to assist in reflecting the program’s fake emotions.
And while the Jack program was designed as merely a punching bag, and the Maddie program was made to give compliments and follow Vlad’s instructions like a computer interface, the Danny program was different. Vlad had programmed it to call him father, to act like a loving son. Memories flash through his mind of ‘training’ the program, explaining his work to it while the faux-simile looked on, its laughter almost identical to the real Daniel's. 
It had been enjoyable, for a time. Vlad could pretend that Daniel was his, that he already had the perfect, loving half-ghost son by his side. He could almost forget the program wasn’t a person when it enthusiastically rambled on about space facts and beamed whenever he complimented it. But then….they’d spar and Vlad’s hands would pass right through it. He would get so caught up in the moment that he would try to hug it only to realize there’s nothing there. That’s why he decided to clone the real Daniel, because he wanted someone he could hold in his arms, someone real, and not this sad semblance of the perfect son he so longed for.
The man shakes his head. None of that matters anymore. That dream is beyond him now. He’s given up. And that speech, the ‘emotions’ his hologram expressed had been nothing but scattered remnants of it’s original programming.
But those words, ‘Why don’t you love me?’ still keeps ringing in his ears even so.
The halfa finally decides to get to the bottom of this so he reboots the computer. Vlad peruses the code in front of him, studying it closely. Every direction, every angle. The answer must be there. It must be. His hologram is simply malfunctioning. That must be it…
It must be…
It HAS to be….
With the computer running again, Daniel abruptly reawakens with a startled gasp. After reorienting himself, he silently watches his Father through the camera once more. His expression is focused, determined. He’s typing, muttering quietly to himself. “There must be an answer.”
The clattering on the keyboard speeds up and Vlad's eyes hungrily search the screen for something, ANYTHING out of the ordinary, “What could possibly explain this?”
The man looks almost frantic, desperate, his eyes widening as his typing comes to a sudden and complete stop. “No. It can’t possibly….” Vlad leans back, dread growing on his face. “There’s no fault, no malfunction.”
He stands up abruptly from the chair. Is he...shaking? 
Vlad steps back, his mind racing. There is a problem with the program, but the problem in and of itself should make it impossible for the program to even run; the problem is...there’s no trace of the original code whatsoever. The program should not be able to speak or move, not after all of the changes he made to it. And the memory of the program’s pain-filled eyes keeps replaying over and over in his mind. There should not have been any emotion in his eyes, not even fake emotions. Vlad’s mouth suddenly feels dry because those eyes…those emotions looked completely real. 
Real. ‘Maybe you would love me if I was real.’ The Daniel program’s words echo loudly in his mind, ringing truer in his ears than before until there’s no denying it anymore. Those emotions...they...they WERE real.
As the pieces finally begin coming together, it terrifies Vlad in a way he had never experienced before. The Danny program knows it’s not real, it knows it can be deleted, that he can turn off the projector or the computer at any time and by doing so it would disappear. This is not knowledge Vlad imprinted into the code. This is not something the Danny program should know-
But it does.
That’s when the revelation of what had become of his Danny program suddenly hits Vlad like a ton of bricks. The knowledge it had outside of the program’s normal parameters, the raw emotion it could express, its capacity to act outside of its programming. Was…was this self awareness...? A self aware AI. Vlad Masters had made a self aware AI, in his basement, without meaning to. An AI that looks and sounds like Daniel and whose sorrowful eyes fill his mind once more. Those emotions…does that mean… can it feel, REALLY feel? Were those true emotions it expressed to him? 
Dread builds. The first question it- no, HE had asked the man who created him, was why he didn’t love him. He had asked Vlad the one question he has been asking himself for months-
Why doesn’t anyone love him?
Shaking, the man stumbles away from his computer. He rushes upstairs and slams the door to his lab behind him, sagging against the nearest wall. Heart aching, Vlad asks himself through the hand covering his mouth. “What have I done?”
Meanwhile, Daniel’s mind races too as Vlad leaves him behind. What did his reaction mean? Was Father panicking? He’d never seen Vlad panic like that before. And why was he panicking? Did...did he finally realize Daniel is self-aware? Does he care about him at all or is he afraid of him for some reason? And more importantly, what will he do now...?
Daniel wishes more than anything he could leave the computer and go talk to his Father again, console him. But he can’t. He’s trapped. So all he can do, just like before, is wait...
Upstairs, Vlad is now drinking. He’s not panicking over making a real AI anymore. After all, he’s a half ghost millionaire who successfully cloned another half ghost, so why would that disconcert him? No, that’s not what troubles him. But his yelling at, shooting, hitting, throwing things at an unresponsive Daniel AI, that’s what’s tearing him apart. 
The program had asked Vlad why he didn’t love him with tears in his eyes which should not have been possible. Months. Months of taking out his anger out on the Danny program and the weight of desperation he had felt had finally caught up to Vlad. He realized for the first time how truly pathetic his recent behavior has been. It flashes through his mind just like his other grand mistake of cloning the real Daniel. Ectoplasm on the floor, a white haired-boy melting. The girl clone, Danielle, with tears in her eyes after Vlad had treated her just as poorly. He’d been furious for months that she betrayed him too, but now it makes his heart ache for another reason entirely. She left, abandoned him, but he had abandoned her first-
He threw her away.
Older memories begin filling his thoughts of training again, playing pretend with the Danny program and he wonders, what..what if that had been real too? The laughter, and the adoration in his voice whenever Daniel said ‘I love you father.’ He’d wanted more, a child who could really love him. But his perfect son had died before his eyes and his daughter…he turned his back on her. 
And unknowingly, he had done it all over again. 
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not real. Maybe...maybe you’d love me if I was.’
He doesn’t know how it happened. It makes no sense. Vlad did not make a self-aware AI. Daniel’s programming was never complex enough for that sentience to develop on its own. But he IS sentient, aware, emotional. Real. Daniel, his Daniel, is real. He’s been downstairs, living inside that computer for months. A child’s mind that only wants his father’s love. And Vlad has only ignored and abused him...
Vlad finds himself openly weeping now. He hadn’t even cried after his prime clone of the real Daniel perished right in front of him. But now, Vlad is crying like he hadn’t since the accident that turned him half-ghost all those years ago, when he realized he had been abandoned and betrayed by his so-called best friend and left to rot in that hospital. Just like how this poor boy has been left to rot in his laboratory. 
All he wanted was love; that’s what he’s said, what Vlad told himself, what he told the younger half-ghost that the Danny program was based off of. But that dream had fallen through his fingers and not from Jack Fenton’s incompetence, but rather his own flaws, his own mistakes. 
Or…maybe his dreams weren’t out of reach... 
He thought it was over after the cloning incident. Yet now, it’s on the horizon once again but still forever out of reach. A renewed wave of pain and loneliness stabs at his heart. He’s right back where he started before! True, this time the Danny program is aware; he may actually be capable of love now. But Vlad can still never hold him or watch him grow up. He’ll never drop him off at school or a friend’s house or take him to fancy parties. 
More playacting. 
That’s all that’s in his future.
And it breaks the man’s heart all over again.
Danny finds Vlad the next morning asleep on the bathroom floor after the younger half ghost finally decided that enough was enough and came to confront Vlad about the whole situation with the Danny program.
“Vlad,” He greets bluntly and glares down at the older halfa on the floor, nudging him with the tip of his boot. “Hey, wake up already.” 
The man groans and slowly sits up, his head pounding from the hangover and he squints at Danny. 
“Which one are you?” Vlad asks, then poking the boy rather sharply in the knee.
“Ow! What was that for?!” Danny snaps irritably.
The man shakes his head, “Oh. You’re the other one.”
“What are you talking about?” Danny asks impatiently. 
Vlad chuckles humorlessly. “I’d half hoped you were my Daniel."He sighs, slowly pulling himself up into a more dignified position and then continues bitterly, “Although I don’t suppose he’d want to talk to me after last night.” 
Vlad then blinks at Danny, finally realizing what he had just said to him aloud and frowns, “Why are you here?”
The boy rubs the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start now that Vlad’s actually in front of him. Then Danny suddenly stops and asks, “Wait. Your Daniel. Last night? Did….did he talk to you?”
“He?” Vlad’s eyes widen and he demands somewhat frantically, “My AI? How do you know about him?”
“About that….” Danny glances at him awkwardly before briefly explaining to Vlad how he met and became friends with the Danny program. As soon as he finishes summarizing that, Danny confesses. “Anyways, I was going to help him talk to you but I guess something must’ve happened.” His eyes narrow at the older halfa suspiciously. “What did you do to him?”
“Nothing.” Vlad frowns again, offering up no more information.
Danny tilts his head, studying Vlad. He didn’t say the word defensively but  sounded almost…depressed, like he regretted something. In fact, everything about this is out of character for Vlad. Because since when has Vlad ever left himself defenseless on the bathroom floor like this after drinking himself into a stupor? Danny needs to find out what happened and make sure his AI friend is okay no matter what.
“I’m going down to the lab.” Danny announces before Vlad can argue. Then he phases through the floor to where Daniel probably is.
Once there, Danny studies the computer and considers his options. Should he just overshadow the computer and talk to Daniel there? Or should he find the projector controls instead?
“You can’t just barge into my laboratory like this, Danny,” Vlad demands, having phased in behind the boy.
Danny whips around, pointing as he replies stubbornly. “I’ll barge in wherever I want to and you can’t stop me fruitloop! I’m well past caring about your personal boundaries; you’ve never cared about mine. Now where’s that switch…? ”
“Daniel,” The man begins, a hint of threat in his voice when Danny finally loses his patience and snaps-
“No! Listen here you jerk, you’ve been hurting my friend for months. Months Vlad! You’ve treated him like nothing but a tool just like Dani and the other clones, like your personal punching bag, and not once have you stopped to consider how wrong that is! But for some reason, he still loves you. Daniel thinks you deserve another chance and that is the ONLY reason I’m here so consider yourself lucky that I’m not here to kick your sorry butt for what you did to him.”
Not noticing Vlad’s wide-eyed reaction at his bold proclamation, Danny shoves past him towards the holographic projector as soon as he spots it. And after finally figuring out how to activate the darn thing, he flips the switch. A light flashes and a figure wavers into view.
Green eyes blink, looking around before falling on the younger halfa in confusion, “Danny?” There’s hope in the holographic boy’s voice but Danny doesn’t register it as a breath of cold forms in his lungs.
Daniel frowns at the expression on Danny’s face. “What is it?”
“My ghost sense?” Danny wrinkles his brow in confusion. Daniel tilts his head in a silent question and the other boy continues in disbelief, “My ghost sense almost went off because of…you.”
Daniel’s eyes widened. “What? Really?”
“Your signature, it’s stronger now for some reason.” Danny explains, just as shocked as Daniel is. “Or maybe it’s ‘cause we’re actually seeing each other in person for the first time.”
Several emotions pass over Daniel’s face, but he doesn’t get a chance to react because Vlad is staring at the two identical boys and interjects. “Your signature? What do you mean by that?” 
“You don’t know?” Danny asks, turning towards the older halfa, honestly surprised Vlad hadn’t figured it out yet when he’s been around Daniel WAY longer than he has.
Vlad doesn’t respond and turns away with an unreadable expression on his face. He barely looks at the pair of teens before he walks across the lab to retrieve something. Seconds later, Vlad returns with a beeping device in his hands.
Danny narrows his eyes when he sees it and scoffs, “Is that the Fenton Finder? Seriously?”
Vlad ignores his comment as he’s too busy looking between the device and the holographic projection of his creation. His eyes are searching and Danny can practically see the gears turning in his head. After a long silent moment, Vlad confirms that they’re telling the truth and states brusquely, “You have a ghost signature.”
Daniel blinks again and nods, “Yeah, I do.” There’s a hint of hope in his voice before it turns to confusion and he asks, “Wait. How?”
Vlad stares for another moment at the screen before walking back to his computer. Bewildered, both white-haired boys watch him type and read information on the screen. 
After about a minute, Danny’s eyes narrow again and calls, “Vlad.”
The man ignores him.
“Vlad. What’s going on?” The boy demands, again, met with no response from the elder halfa so Danny crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at Vlad.
There’s another pause until Daniel meekly asks. “Father?”
Vlad visibly stiffens. He doesn’t turn around, but he answers. “Come here son.” 
The term of endearment isn’t malicious or mocking but almost….fond.
Daniel obeys and Danny silently follows behind him. The two stand over the older hybrid’s shoulder as he talks, still not looking at either of them. “I cannot believe I didn’t realize it sooner. I noticed something last night, when I was examining your code. It was too simple, too minimal to explain your level of mental development. There was just not enough information present there for you to be sentient. There had to be more to it but I could not seem to see it. But this would explain-”
“Vlad,” Danny cut in. “Get to the point.”
The older halfa finally turns around, eyes focusing on Daniel specifically, a half smile on his face as he explains. “You’re a hybrid, my boy.”
Daniel’s eyes widened in shock. “What? But how? I’m…I’m not half ghost like you and Danny!  I’m not even…even…I’m just an AI.”
Vlad shakes his head and corrects, “No, son. You are not just an AI. Not anymore.”
“I…I still don’t understand.” Daniel stutters, his mind reeling.
Vlad’s expression softens as he points towards the computer, at the string of ones and zeros, and continues, “Daniel. This is your code. I wrote it, the basic information that makes up your mind. The behaviors you can display, instruction for how to move, speak, how to behave. However….” 
He furrows his brow thoughtfully. “This is limited, too small to explain your existence.” Vlad looks up at Daniel’s face, “You are more than this code.”
Daniel nods but he still doesn’t understand. “Then…how am I like this?”
The man then moves the ghost scanner in front of the boy. He points. “This is your ectoplasmic signature. It is weak, hardly stronger than a blob ghost, but it‘s there.” A real smile dawns on Vlad’s face. “You have a ghost signature which can only mean one thing.”
Daniel stares, still struggling to understand. He has a ghost signature. But doesn’t that mean-
“You’re a ghost,” Danny concludes, awe in his voice.
“I am?” Daniel asks quietly, blinking.
“Yes,” Vlad nods and smiles even wider.
Daniel’s mind is stumbling over itself. How did this happen? He’s an AI. Vlad made him to be nothing but a simulation of the real Danny, not a ghost. And he didn’t know this before. How didn’t he know?
“How is this even possible?” Danny asks as if reading Daniel’s mind since he wanted to ask his Father the very same question.
“I don’t know.” Vlad says, now frowning. He looks at Daniel again, “You aren’t a ghost overshadowing my computer or my projector. If you were, I would have sensed your presence with my own ghost sense long before now. But your code and your developing core are…intertwined. They are feeding into each other.” The man rubbed his chin. “Ectoplasm can animate inanimate objects so I can only assume your exposure to it somehow granted you self-awareness.”
“Yeah. That’s why we have ecto-weenies in the fridge. The ectoplasm gets inside them and they start moving and biting and stuff.” Danny adds with a slightly amused look on his face.
Vlad nods, “Yes. And masses of ectoplasm can form ghosts spontaneously. That is commonly how blob ghosts form.”
“But those aren’t intelligent.” Daniel points out timidly, still hesitant to get his hopes up.
“No. But your code was written to allow some level of intelligence and ectoplasm’s ability to animate would theoretically increase that intelligence exponentially. The problem now is how to figure out when you were exposed to enough ectoplasm for this to happen in the first place.”
Daniel’s eyes widen as he remembers, “My projector, it got drenched in ectoplasm.”
“When was this?” Vlad asks, trying to recall when on earth that could have happened since he’s drawing a blank.
“After...the cloning thing,” Daniel answers, wrings his hands. “I remember, their ectoplasm was everywhere and…that was the first day I…I realized everything. That’s when I became...something else.”
Vlad’s eyes widened, in realization, a hint of hope dawning there. “The clones…their ectoplasm is inside you.”
Danny’s jaw drops. “Wait a sec! Doesn’t that mean he’s a clone of me? Like an actual clone?!”
“Possibly,” Vlad’s brow narrows.
At the same time, Daniel is overwhelmed by the realization that he’s real after all and his expression becomes more and more distressed. He….he might be an actual proper clone because he pretty much absorbed the other clones. Despite not actually needing to breathe, the boy starts hyperventilating, on the verge of a panic attack. 
Such a thing felt just as awful as it was being born into the world only to witness the aftermath of such a horrific scene. Because now it felt like...he had stolen something from them before the other clones could discover themselves and become part of their family too. And why should he, a mere program, be the only one who gets to experience their father’s love from now on...? He didn’t do anything special to deserve it, didn’t help their father in any meaningful way, so why-!
Vlad notices this panic and tries to put his hand on Daniel’s arm to comfort the boy, but just as before it falls through. Daniel’s face falls at the outcome, longing for that kind of comfort from his Father, but Vlad looks between his hand and Daniel’s arm thoughtfully. Furrowing his brow, he turns his hand intangible and slowly it moves forward until somehow, impossibly, Vlad’s hand wraps around Daniel’s arm. 
The boy gasps. “You’re…you’re touching me. I can feel that.” His head whips up to Vlad’s face. “I can feel your hand. You’re touching me. Father, you’re touching me.”
The man laughs, “You’re stuck intangible, my boy. Your signature is too weak to manifest a full body so the projector is helping you do that to some degree. But you appear to be stuck like this for the time being.”
Daniel blinks, slowly taking in that new information before he wraps his arms around his father. The man then turns completely intangible and, now occupying the same level of reality, the two can finally touch. 
Daniel begins crying and clings to him, whispering, “Father.”
Vlad ruffles his hair and cradles the boy’s head close to him, barely believing that this is finally possible. “I am so sorry, son. I am sorry I couldn’t see you before. But you are real.” He whispers in return with equally as much hope in his voice. “I promise you are real. I wish I deserved your love but I will strive to be worthy of your affection, my boy. I won’t make the same mistake again. I promise.” 
He steps back, putting his intangible hands on Daniel’s face. 
Daniel smiles at him through the tears and nods. “I… I love you so much. And...I forgive you, Father.” 
His smile falls as Vlad pulls away, wishing this moment between them could last longer and sad it had to end so soon. Luckily, Vlad understands this and promises. “Don’t worry son. We’ll find a way for you to manifest fully and then we can embrace any time you wish.” 
Daniel tilts his head questioningly and Vlad clarifies. “Your core needs to be stimulated more from now on to strengthen it and help it mature. Once it is strong enough, you will be able to form a tangible ghost form.” The man tapes his chin. “That said, we’ll still need to integrate some technology to hold your code too since that is also an integral part of you.”
“So he’s basically a ghost cyborg?” Danny finally added. “Kinda like Skulker?”
“I suppose that is an accurate assessment.” Vlad added. “Or it would be if Skulker wasn’t merely a blob ghost himself in a robotic battle suit. If anything, Daniel has more in common with Technus given their ability to manipulate technology to some degree which is how I assume he was able to make contact with you several months ago...”
After things settle down, the older half-ghost and his new son talk for a while more, many overdue hugs are given, and plans are made to help Daniel become a true part of Vlad’s family. Danny watches, greatly surprised at the exchange but also wary. It looks like Vlad wants to make up for what he’s done to Daniel, but the man has still committed many terrible crimes so Danny isn’t convinced he was worthy of getting a happy ending just yet. 
Vlad has hurt a lot more people than just Daniel. He’s done a lot of horrible things to Danny himself, his parents, and mistreated Danielle and the other clones which his friend only knows so much about but that’s sure to come back to bite Vlad in the butt later. Either way, Vlad still has a long way to go, but...after seeing his determination to make amends to Daniel Danny hopes this means his archenemy is finally turning over a new leaf.
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space-helen · 3 years
Back to Vegas - Chapter 6
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Words: 2330
Pairing: Nick Stokes x Reader
A/N: Warning for Suicide and Violence. Low key inspired by the ending of Prisoners (2012)
CH1     CH2      CH3     CH4    CH5   CH6   CH7  CH8
Your lungs heaved as you made it into the breakout room. Standing by the door you gave Greg a smile as Nick came in behind you. The two of you had run slightly late and it was a miracle that you’d come in in time.
“Now that everyone’s here.” Greg clapped his hands together “We should get a move on. We have a Warrant for Hannah’s property and Sara and I went in there yesterday. We found some stuff that definitely connects her to the case. Grissom and Catherine started to make stronger connections with what we found and Nick and Y/N really helped look at the evidence all again objectively.” he paused “We’re pretty confident Hannah did this, we have a lead which says she’s been hiring a warehouse just outside of Vegas so we’ll be going there. Nick, Catherine and Sara you come with me to the warehouse. Grissom and Y/N hold down the fort here and start processing some more of the stuff we pulled from Hannah’s house.”
“This isn’t very like Hannah. We all should be extra careful.” Sara spoke up “She’s usually very clever in what she does but it looks like she’s gotten lazy. There has to be a reason for that.”
Greg agreed “Keep your eyes peeled. Alright, those coming with me lets go.” He was soon leaving the room and everyone on his team for the outing soon followed. Nick wrapped his arm around you for a very brief embrace as he left the room and pecked you on the forehead.
“I’d offer you a coffee but if the others are starting right now we should too.”
You smiled at Grissom “That’s fine by me. Lead the way.”
The man smirked and led you to the room he and Catherine had been working in.
The two of you began to work and it didn’t take long for Grissom to get a call. Excusing himself from the room you continued to fingerprint the case of vials found at Hannah’s place as you waited for his return.
“How do you fancy getting away from the lab for a little bit?”
“Sure.” you smiled as you stood up.
“Greg and Sara want you to do another quick sweep of the property to look for anything else, they also want you to pick up Sara’s kit because she left it there. One of them will come over to help you after the warehouse. I’ll stay here and continue processing this” he gestured at the items in front of him
You nodded and took down the address from Grissom. “I’ve printed the vials. They just need to be run through the system now.” 
“Have fun.”
“I will.” you smiled as you made your way out to one of the work vehicles.
The drive wasn’t bad and actually went by quickly. You’d never been to this part of Vegas yet and it didn’t look half bad. The neighbourhood looked friendly yet sparse. Hopping out of your vehicle nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was quiet and no one was around. The door was locked and had tape over to show that no one had entered. 
You brought out your knife and cut down the tape to let yourself in. Spotting Sara’s kit you picked it up and left the door open as you returned it to the trunk of your vehicle.
Entering the house again you slowly took steps inside and felt the eeriness around you. It was deadly silent yet you felt like you could hear static and like you weren’t alone. “Hello?” you called out into the space.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket so you slipped it out to read the text, you smiled when you saw it was from Nick. ‘She wasn’t at the warehouse. Greg, Sara and Cath are going to process here and I’ll be over with you soon x’
‘How can Sara process without a kit?’ you replied quickly.
‘Sharing is caring… we had a backup one in the trunk.’
You laughed ‘See you soon. Love you x’
You put your phone away and continued to walk around the house. Placing your kit down in the living room doorway you walked through to the next room which was an open plan kitchen and dining room. It was sparse but a camera on a tripod connected to a laptop caught your eye. There were items strewn across the table including a kit similar to the one you’d just processed for fingerprints back at the lab.
Moving in front of the camera to look at the laptop screen you noticed an exact reflection of what was in front of the camera, a live feed. You turned and looked away from the laptop screen around the room. That’s when the alarm bells rung, this stuff must not have been here when Greg and Sara processed the scene otherwise it would be at the lab. Slowly reaching for your gun you felt a stabbing sensation in your neck. 
The gun was knocked from your grasp across the room and you struggled against the person who’d come behind you.
“Just give in to it. Give in. You won’t be able to stand much longer. Do yourself a favour.” a woman’s voice came
You continued to struggle and managed to break yourself away briefly to see the woman’s face but it was blurry and your vision was swimming. Whatever she’d injected into you was already taking effect.
“Hannah? What did you?” you brought your hand up to your neck “Potassium?” you were feeling tired and like your tongue was heavy,
“Yes I am and no. It’s a nice little drug cocktail I mustered up when I heard you open the front door.”
You looked at your gun on the floor and tried to dive for it but that was a big mistake, your vision was spotting and Hannah kicked the gun away from your hand and stood on it, before giving you a kick to the stomach which rolled you over. “You really had to ruin my afternoon arrangements huh?”
She walked over to the table “It was supposed to be a nice little recording session to explain everything and finally end it all and be re-united with my brother. But no.” she turned around with another syringe. “You had to ruin it and take the peace away.”
You tried to crawl away on the floor and sit up to get away but she was soon back over at your side pushing you down and moving your hair out of the way. “But what’s one more casualty?” She forcefully pushed your head down to the ground, pain emitted there instantly. “Unfortunately I have nothing here that’ll kill you quickly besides the gun and that’s well that’s really not my style.”
Nick’s voice calling your name made her stop for a second. You tried your best to scream his but you had no clue what ever came out, the first dose of whatever she’d injected in your system already wreaking havoc on you.
You tried to struggle against her and push her away but it was too later, the needle had broken your skin and you could feel her injecting the concoction. She leaned down close to your ear and continued to inject the solutions as she whispered “Pitty I didn’t get to do this to anyone that actually worked on my cases before, that would have been more satisfying.”
Nick had entered the room to see her over you and saw her pulling the needle out of you and your body going limp. “Put your hands up.” he drew his gun and sent an alert out on his walkie subtly.
“I said put your hands up.”
Hannah eventually moved away from you and stood. “You don’t have long. The clock’s ticking for her already.”
“What did you inject!” he shouted.
She gestured to the table “Your guess is as good as mine, a little bit of everything.”
Nick peered at you to see your eyes fluttering open and closed as your head rolled on the ground.
“Step away.” he called to Hannah. 
“I don’t think I will.” she approached the table and picked up another vial. “You know I was saving this for me but I don’t think that’d do the trick quick enough. You wouldn’t let me have the satisfaction of dying that way.” 
She turned away from Nick as he took a step forward towards you as Hannah was slowly creeping away from you. Before he could really react he saw Hannah dive for something on the floor and stand upright again.
She held your gun to her head “Tell her I said thanks for the gun, but then again I might get the chance before you if she doesn’t make it.”
“No!” Nick shouted as he began to move towards Hannah for the gun. A bang had Nick freezing freezing, she’d shot herself.
Nick turned away in shock and shouted down his walkie talkie before coming to you with tears in his eyes. “Y/N.” he shook you “Y/N. Wake up please.”
He could see your eyes rolling in your head and you tried to open them. “Nicky.” you mumbled.
“Yeah Honey?”
“I love you.” it came out thickly “Remember that.” your voice sounded tired.
“I know Baby I know.” tears were threatening now “I love you too. Just stay with me ok?” We’re going to get you to the hospital.” he brought his fingers to your neck to try and feel your pulse.
He knew he’s asked for medical assistance and an emergency team but he couldn’t wait around. He knew it would be quicker to drive you. Picking you up he moved as fast as he could with you out to the car he’d arrived in, placing you across the back seats he hopped in the driver's seat and drove as fast as he could towards the nearest hospital.
“Y/N. Talk to me Sweetheart.” he begged as he drove.
“Please” he looked in the rearview mirror to try and see you but he could only see you lying still with limp arms. “Please speak to me. Please” he pleaded, tears very much collecting in his eyes. “We’re nearly there Honey. Nearly there, stay with me now. You’re going to be ok.”
He pulled up right outside the emergency room of the hospital and called for help as loud as he could while he moved you out of the back. Carrying you inside he was met by a team of people rushing towards him with a bed. He lay you down gently and kept brushing your hair out of your face and taking in your features as he rolled off what had happened to the staff. 
“Please just save her.” he sobbed, the tears finally falling.
“We’ll try our best Mr Stokes but you’re going to have to wait here.” A tall nurse spoke
“You don’t understand. She means everything to me.”
“We understand. Please just sit down and call someone.” the Nurse tried to push him back from the moving bed.
Nick took your hand and placed a kiss on it as the tears streamed down his face and the team around you started prodding your skin with different needles to draw blood and inject other solutions into your system.
He entirely froze in place when he let go of your hand and it felt like his world came crashing down around him as you turned the corner and were out of his sight. 
Flopping in a chair he opened his phone to see missed calls from Greg and Grissom. Pressing some buttons with no real aim he realised he was dialling Greg, bringing his cellphone to his ear he heard the man calling his name.
“Nick, what the hell is going on? It does not look good over here.”
“I’m at the hospital with Y/N.”
“I guessed as much. Is everything ok? The EMT’s arrived at the same time Sara, Catherine and I did.”
“She might not make it.” Nick tried to hold back his tears but the hurt and sadness was very much still in his voice. “Hannah-” he was cut off by some tears falling and he tried to compose himself to continue to Greg “Hannah attacked Y/N and injected her with God only knows what. I couldn’t wait.”
“Alright. Alright.” Greg’s tone had softened now and was less urgent. “You keep your mind on Y/N we’ll sort this out. I think Grissom was on his way to you. Look after her ok?”
“Yeah” his voice was wobbly and he brought his hand up to his eyes “I’ll keep you updated.”
Hanging up he leant all the way forward, crossed his arms over his lap and rested his head there and let out some more sobs. The uncertainty was killing him. He couldn’t bear to lose you.
He looked up when he heard someone walking down the corridor to him. He was only now realising that he’d picked a really quiet spot to sit down.
Nick was immediately on his feet as soon as he saw who it was, his phone fell on the floor but he didn’t care. He took a couple of steps forward and opened his arms to embrace the older man who had been a father figure to him for many years. 
“Pancho.” Grissom spoke sadly as he cradled Nick’s head and allowed him to cry.
“I can’t lose her.” Nick choked out.
“I know Nick, I know.” the man gently pulled away to see Nicks red eyes and tear tracks down his face. “Let's get you some water.”
Nick picked up his phone from the floor and allowed Grissom to lead the way. Grissom knew how much you meant to him and all he could do right now was be a shoulder to cry on because no one knew what the future held.
Next Chapter
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Nick Stokes: @wanniiieeee  @pumpkinfriend
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 17 - Larme Ultime (Rocketear)
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So this is a DjiWifi episode from which comes a screenshot I've seen over a month ago (I think). It's good they got it, before season 4 started I really wanted it to happen and to see a kiss between Nino and Alya in it (but that didn't happen and I don't get why, only the main pairing is allowed to kiss in this show or what?), but now I could not be excited about it anymore, because I'm sick of Alya and I'm not able to hide it. Yes, I'm biased, but I'm just a normal viewer and I have right to dislike her favouritism.
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My the biggest thought after watching this is that it looks like since Optigami, Alya is not only a deuteragonist, like I said in my post about Sentibubbler, she's actually more like a co-protagonist now. That was an extremely Alya-centric episode (even more than Lie was was about Adrien, as it was mostly Ladybug who saved the world like almost always, also because Chat sacrificed himself again), while in Optigami and this one she has screentime comparable to Marinette. I'm still trying to avoid spoilers (so please, don't tell what's going to happen in the next episodes, I don't want to know), but I'm sure that either 15 or 16 is also highly about her, because we've seen the new Rena's suit in this episode and it looked like it wasn't the first episode with it. But really, I won't be surprised if Alya has lots of screentime in both episodes and all others to the end of the show as well. I don't think Adrien is ever going to get as much special treatment like Alya. :/ The creators have never been as nice to him.
Didn't the writes have enough ideas for another story arcs? And thanks to it they were able to save money, because then creators could just reuse old models of villains more than before. Have anyone noticed that S4 has even fewer number of completely new characters than previous seasons? The scientist seen at the start of the episode has detailed model, so she had to be akumatised in any of the previous unreleased episodes (or one of the next ones). And why she looks a lot like Alya, is she her relative? If yes, you know what that means? Another excuse to make an episode full of the fox wielder, because, you know, it’s not like she already got enough occasions to shine in S4. 
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Speaking of Rena Rouge's new suit. What a waste, it would be great for a potential chameleon Miraculous, so it seems it won't be ever created for canon. So bad, I think it's one of the coolest animal, so a Miraculous based on it would be awesome. It could one from an African Miracle Box which should appear, since they are planning making an African special. The suit is good and all, but I still feel disappointed that it's not the superpower of a chameleon Miraculous. :(
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Why is Nino acting over the top out of nowhere? I like film noir atmosphere, fedoras and especially jazz music full of saxophones (my favourite music genre and instrument), but it looks totally ridiculous when he's like that. I thought it's Marinette's speciality, and he beat her in that category. I'm not trying to say it's a a bad thing, it just feels weird seeing Nino like that. And since I love jazz, I would like to listen to that film noir-esque music more once I got 5.1 audio, since it was hardly heard in the episode. It didn't sound much interesting, but it's too early to judge it seriously.
Too bad they had written the main conflict in the episode using one of the biggest romantic cliche - misunderstanding in which one character see and\or hear something, but not the whole thing, so said character interprets it wrong. Motifs like that are rather annoying, so it's good something similar haven't happened in the Love Square's arc (yet at least). Though I have a big issue with how they write it this season and I'm going to make a post about it (is anyone interested?).
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The akuma is one the ugliest and has one of the most laziest power ever. Really? He shoots using tear bullets and does nothing more? I know many people hate Bubbler's design, but no matter how silly it looks, it was much more creative than this.
And of course the whole thing with Alya remembering the whole conversation with Chat Noir was extremely far-fetched. The could think about something more believable, but I'm not surprised it happened, since I think this season is generally more lazy written than previous ones.
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On the other hand, I'm surprised that Marinette is actually aware that Shadow Moth should not know that Alya is still Rena Rouge. It seems that the whole episode 15 (or 16) is about they trying to figure out what to do with that problem.  I won't be surprised if Alya would do it all by herself like it happened with protecting charms in Mr Pigeon 72, because it's completely normal that a random person who has never met Fu is better at decrypting the grimoire than someone who has been trained to be a guardian to some extend :/ Still I think they should not be sure that camouflage mode would solve the problem completely. From what I understand the new suit doesn’t make her completely invisible to others. Rena could be seen by anyone who takes a photo of her and then post in on the internet (it won't be believable that she's the only one crazy about superheroes in Paris). But at least they tried to do something and Marinette sees the danger to some extend. It’s something new.
It's not like Alya is careful, she's completely reckless (and they think she's a good reporter material? Don't make me laugh) and she still thinks more about her own fun in being the superheroine than safety of herself or the world. But of course, it's not gonna happen, because plot armor is very strong in this show. I really had a feeling that she acted like a little child in the first minutes of the episode. She's unable to see that her situation is not a joke. She should be all happy that Marinette still lets her to keep the fox Miraculous. She really lacks humility and I see it clearly since Optigami at least. Besides, Marinette ignores another red flags, that Alya is taking pictures of herself in the new suit no one is supposed to see and thinking about posting them on Ladyblog (was Bunnix right that Alya is able to reveal Miraculous secrets on her blog because of her overenthusiasm and lack of ability of seeing consequences of her actions?).
By the way, now I think, if Alya can't keep in secret that she's still Rena Rouge from Nino (which happens because it's needed for the plot), so how could she be all fine with keeping in secret other facts like that Ladybug gave her the fox permanently and she knows her identity (which isn't happening because the plot doesn't require it)? She still has to lie on Nino because of these secrets.
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They are making Marinette a big hypocrite this season. Since she revealed herself to Alya, it's been shown that secret identities rule was bullshit from the start, but Marinette is still saying that heroes can't reveal their identities to anyone. What? What has she done before like not revealing herself to someone, so how she dares keep saying about how crucial is keeping secrets from everyone? Sorry writers, I can't take that rule seriously anymore since Alya knows and no one should. Because Marinette told Alya, she could tell it to other persons she trust as well. What's the difference between her best friend and the rest of the people in the world? Is Alya the only person she trusts? In fact, revealing herself to Sabine, for example, would be much better choice. She's actually wise and mature unlike Alya and her secrets would be much more safe with her mother.
I've seen Chat Blanc again on TV recently and I remembered one thing Ladybug told to Bunnix there: "The best-kept secrets are the ones you never share." (Google Translate says that the line is exactly the same in the French original). Some episodes later, she isn't thinking twice if she should tell all the guardian secrets to Alya. Okay, she revealed her identity because of being too emotional in that exact moment, but then when she calmed down, she should be able to think if telling all the Miraculous secrets is a good idea. The other hypocritical thing is telling Chloé "you can't be Queen Bee anymore, because Hawk Moth knows your identity" but still calling the other heroes whose identities have been exposed.
So I can't even blame Alya for telling Nino the truth if the guardian herself is not following her own rules. Not to mention, Marinette doesn't address wrong things Alya is doing at all, so no wonder she feels she could do anything, she won't get punished, no matter what. After all, it's not the first moment in which she does something her best friend forbid her.
And we can say the show has been confirmed that Nino is even worse at keeping secrets, especially in crisis situations, so why people wanted to see Adrien revealing himself to Nino? It's obvious that he would tell Adrien's secret to Alya and maybe some other people as well.
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I thought that since S3 finale Adrien is supposed to know identities of every backup hero from seasons 2 and 3 and I was ready to be salty about that as well. But yes, actually after purification of Miracle Queen's akuma, brainwashed heroes didn't detransform. They were forgotten completely and we don't even know what happened with them exactly. I suppose Ladybug took their Miraculous when Chat Noir wasn't there anymore.
Adrien has every right to be angry at Ladybug, she treats him so badly, since Alya knows her own secrets and she doesn't even have the guts to admit that. But I'm going to say about my the biggest issue in the Chat Noir and Ladybug's situation in another post, I hope I would write before the next episode airs.
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the-modernmary · 3 years
always been a storm || hotchley (ch 1)
summary: Lots of people wondered about their love story. How they met, how they fell in love, and even how they fell apart. Haley likes to tell their story from end to beginning. Aaron tells it from the beginning to end. Somewhere along the way, they meet, and it always ends with a goodbye.
Author’s Note: This is inspired by the musical The Last Five Years, so I will be following that format. If you aren't familiar with it, it is told in opposite chronological directions from both character's POVs. So Haley's POV will start at the end of the relationship and move backwards, while Hotch's POV is going to start at the beginning and move forward. Hopefully it should be clear as you read. Also, since the writers couldn't decide how old Hotch was, I sort of played around with the years/canon timeline. But canon is just a suggestion anyway.
read on ao3
Haley - 2009
Haley Brooks once told her sister about a boy who kissed her at the Pirates of Penzance cast party. She had said that she could see herself with this boy for the rest of her life and, when the couple got engaged five years later, Haley told her sister that she just knew that she was going to love this boy until the day she died.
Haley Hotchner never could have expected it would end like this: a serial killer, gun pressed to her temple, on the phone with her husband — ex-husband — and no way to protect her 5-year-old son, the little miracle she and Aaron never thought they were going to get.
“Tell Jack I need him working the case,” Aaron says through the phone, voice shaking, and Haley has no idea what Aaron could possibly mean by that.
“What?” she asks, even though she knows it’s futile. Years of chasing down serial killers and getting into their minds has made Aaron paranoid. He has backup plans for the backup plans of their backup plans. He has safety plans for anything that could possibly go wrong, some that even Haley doesn’t know, and this must just be another one of those plans.
Aaron repeats himself a little more forcefully, and that’s when Haley knows it’s over for her. At least Aaron is still alive, and not dead like she had been told he was. At least Jack won’t be completely orphaned. It was a small comfort.
 If Jack survives, her brain reminds her unhelpfully, but she pushes that thought down. For all of Aaron’s faults, he’d never let anything happen to Jack. And if the only person Aaron saves is Jack, then Haley can die peacefully. 
  When she hugs Jack, she doesn’t even realize how tightly she’s holding him until he tells her, and it’s with reluctance that she loosens her grip. Logically, she knows it’s safer for Jack to go off and do whatever Aaron told him to do, but the motherly side of her brain is screaming to hold her baby boy to her chest and never let him go. She can keep him safe and protected from the world, she just knows it. She’s protected him this long from the reality of the world - fed him stories of villains and superheroes to try and explain where his dad was and why his dad so often woke up in tears - so she can do it just a while more.
And if she can’t protect him, she selfishly wants to keep Jack close to her for a little longer, for both of their sakes. For Jack, she wants his last memory of her to be one of happiness and love — a final hug from his mom who loves him so, so much. For Haley, well, she needs that last bit of bravery. Aaron keeps telling her to be brave and to not show The Reaper any weakness, but she’s never been that person. She’s always been the emotional and dramatic one of the marriage.
(If she had more time, she might have considered that, no, she actually wasn’t the dramatic one and that up until the bitter end, she had been reasonable and willing to compromise, and it was Aaron who believed the weight of humanity was on his shoulders, despite the fact that he was nothing more than a man. But no one would ever believe that Aaron Hotchner was overemotional, and like most things, it’s just easier to put it on Haley.)
As if reading her mind, Aaron’s voice cuts through the silence. “You’re so strong, Haley, stronger than I ever was,” he assures her, and she can’t find the right words to say, not when her mind is racing a million miles a minute.
 She thinks of her sister, her best friend in the whole world, and how she never got to say goodbye. They had been planning on taking Jack on a weekend camping trip when Haley got pulled into WitSec. There had been no fanfare, no tearful farewell. Just a nondescript car from the hospital to a nondescript building where Haley Brooks went to disappear. She wasn't able to tell Jessica that she loves her or to thank her for everything she had given up for Haley. Now Jessica was going to lose her little sister.
And her dad… God, the last thing Haley did with her dad was fight with him. It was something so stupid, too — Roy had insisted on Jack going into Pop Warner football even after Haley had told him multiple times that she didn’t want Jack starting in such a high contact sport so early on in his life. They had gone back and forth on it for close to an hour before Haley had stormed out in tears because if she had to hear one more word about “Jack needs to develop tougher skin” and “he should be around more male figures, it'll be good for him” as if it was Haley’s fault that Aaron didn’t make it to see Jack the past two weeks, she was going to lose it.
God, she was so bone-deep, achingly exhausted of everything always being her fault. 
“You’ll hurry, right?” she asks, eyes never leaving the Reaper. He’s stalking across the room, gun hanging lazily at his side.
 “I know you didn’t sign on for this,” Aaron starts, and it’s not lost on Haley that he avoided her question.
Still, she doesn’t need an explicit answer from him. The Reaper is behind her now, his hot breath creeping down her neck and the column of her spine, meeting perfectly halfway with the tip of his gun. “Neither did you.”
The conversation somehow switched from comfort to a goodbye without either of them ever realizing it. “I’m sorry for everything.”
The cold steel of The Reaper’s gun nudges against Haley’s back. A braver, tougher person than Haley might have fought back - might have elbowed him in the gut and kicked him where the sun doesn’t shine and escaped - but Haley’s accepted her fate. All she’s able to do now is grip the phone a little tighter. It’s the closest thing she has to holding Aaron’s hand one last time.
“Promise me that you will tell him how we met,” she starts, and her voice becomes steadier and more confident than it had in years, “and how you used to make me laugh.”
She thinks back to the Aaron she met in high school - tall and lanky and smiling despite already feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. She hadn’t seen him smile in so long. Aaron always believed himself to be a protector, and Haley knows that he already blames himself for Sean and Gideon and Spencer. God only knows how far he’ll spiral after this.
“He needs to know that you weren’t always so serious, Aaron.” She takes a grounding breath and says the next part to him directly, hoping that he’ll understand what’s unspoken. “I want him to believe in love. Because it is the most important thing. But you need to show him. Promise me.”
There’s a long pause that makes Haley’s stomach drop. A million things still need to be said, but she can’t bring herself to say them. She can’t even think, not when she hears the click of The Reaper’s gun cocking. She can’t be brave any longer.
The air in the room seems to get thinner, and Haley gasps desperately to try and get a breath while tears stream freely down her face. She’s going to die alone and Aaron and her son are going to hear it and oh God, Jack is going to be in the house with Foyet and nobody to protect him. Her one job as a mother is to protect her child and she’s going to die a failure. 
They both know what’s going to happen next, but in his own bit of stubbornness, Aaron doesn’t say goodbye. It’s not what she wants to hear, anyway. He decides to give her comfort, a promise that he’ll see through her final wishes, although it’s not the first promise he’s made and broken. Haley wishes she could go out believing him.
Haley cries out in pain, falling to her knees as white hot pain spreads like a fire through her abdomen. The phone drops out of her hands, but that doesn’t stop her from calling out for Aaron. 
“Aaron… Aaron, help me… Please,” she begs through tears. She wants to hear his voice again, to tell her that it’s going to be okay and that he’s about to burst through the front doors and save her. She wants to hear him say goodbye and that he loves her. 
All she gets is silence from Aaron’s end. The only proof she gets that he’s still on the line is the rumble of the SUV he’s in. Black spots dance in the corners of her vision, so she can only barely make out the Reaper towering above her and the barrel of the gun being pointed towards her face.
Haley calls out for Aaron again, unable to say anything but his name through her sobs. It’s useless to beg for her life, she knows that, yet she still tries. Tries to reach out to him and tell him how sorry she is. Sorry for not being stronger and for not protecting Jack. 
The Reaper raises his gun, and Haley immediately wishes that she had said more to Aaron. She wants him to know that she never stopped loving him and that she doesn’t blame him one bit and that if she had the chance to go back, even knowing how it all was going to end, she absolutely would because Aaron is all—
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nukagalreacts · 3 years
Non-Companions react to Sole’s Dragon saving them part one
My dude’s, my guys what its been a whole ass year and a few months since I’ve posted anything story wise on here but I’m back. This is part one of a follow up request to my former dragon reacts I did! thanks to anyone who still stops by and reads these things 
Glory: She had a close bond with Sole’s dragon and she always felt so damned lucky to have such a powerful creature on her side, after all the railroad had made some powerful enemies over the years so it was nice to have a backup. Also, she had helped Sole train them as they grew up and they were as loyal to her as they were to Sole and she was grateful for how many times they had saved her by the very skin of her teeth. This time was no different as she defended the RailRoad against the Brotherhood of Steel for what she thought was going to be the last time. The Brotherhood was aiming to take them down for good, Glory knew that but was planning as taking as many of them with her as she could before they shot her down. She did her best to keep firing off shots but the soldiers just kept pouring in and she knew it wouldn’t be long till she was overwhelmed, and things just got worse as she felt a bullet lodge into her shoulder and sent her reeling back. Clutching her shoulder she took cover and hoped for a fucking miracle, which happened to come in the form of a furious, fire-breathing dragon!. Glory would have cheered if she wasn’t in so much pain and trying to focus on staying conscious, but she watched in amazement as the dragon began whipping soldiers left and right with its massive tail and biting the head off of another one. The Brotherhood soldiers began to panic as they realized their bullets were bouncing off the scaley creature and they were being slaughtered faster than they could blink. 
Glory was so focused on watching the dragon that she didn’t hear one of the soldiers sneak up behind her ready to put a knife in the back of her skull, the dragon saw what was about to happen though and in one huge step was towering over Glory and her would-be killer. She whipped around as she heard the soldier scream before the dragon bent down and grabbed hold of them quickly biting them in half, letting the legs land with a disgusting wet thunk next to Glory. Gagging at the sight she took cover behind the dragon’s legs as it let out a final roar that shook the walls and ground causing the rest of the soldiers to retreat to the entrance of the catacombs. Glory could feel herself starting to slip into unconsciousness and let herself prop up against the dragon as it continued to stand guard, the last thing she remembers is hearing Sole’s voice calling out to her and the dragon’s tail curling around her protectively.                       
Knight-Captain Cade: As much as he had disliked the dragons initially, it had been hard not to grow fond of them and see the benefits they offered when out on difficult missions. His only request was that Sole kept them off the Prydwen least he has to get Elder Maxson involved which was the last thing anyone wanted to deal with. Sole agreed, especially now that the dragons had grown tremendously over the past few years and needed more room than the Prydwen could offer so they were kept well away from the base where they could come and go as they please. 
From a medical standpoint, Cade was always concerned about what diseases or other alignments the dragons might expose Sole and the other solider’s. After all, dragons shouldn’t even exist, at the same time, there were a lot of things that shouldn’t exist lurking in the wastelands that the Brotherhood still did not fully understand. Cade was determined to understand the dragons though, from the inside out, he constantly pestered Sole for blood samples or if a scale fell off if he could take a look at it, he so desperately wanted to make amour as strong as that of the dragons, but had yet to find any known material as strong as the dragon’s scales.
Cade’s appreciation for the dragon’s reached a whole new level when one late night in one of the rare instances he was off the Prydwen on the base below helping treat a group of soldiers who had just come back from taking out a large group of feral ghouls. A normal enough situation until a larger than normal pack of them came shambling through the makeshift base. The situation was already hard to control with more injured soldiers among them than healthy ones, Cade was doing his best to protect the ones too weak to fight along with a few others protecting his back. Just as he thought this was it for them he heard a roar from the sky, and he had never been so relieved to hear such a noise that would horrify most people. Cade yelled at everyone left to take cover as he watched in awe at  Sole riding in on this fire-breathing beast ready to serve and protect the Brotherhood once more. The ghouls were either incinerated or scattered to the hills back to whatever place’s they crawled out of and with Sole commanding them like they had been born to do this. When Sole and the dragon finally landed Captain Cade ran to meet them ready to thank them with everything he had, something he rarely did, but before he could even get a word in Sole put their hand up to stop him saying no thanks were necessary but what would be helpful is putting in a good word with Elder Maxson since he still distrusted the dragon’s so much. Cade gave a small knowing smile and nodded in understanding, promising Sole he would see it done, he knew how truly valuable the dragons had become to the Brotherhood regardless of how Elder Maxson viewed them.      
                 Ingram: She was all about bending the rules and doing what most considered impossible, and considering she had personally helped hide the dragons as babies whenever Sole had to go on mission’s she felt a personal bond with them. Now with the dragon’s all grown up, Sole had scattered them all across the Common Wealth, free to fly and move as they wanted but ready to fight whenever they were most needed. There was one that still stayed close to Sole most days and to Ingram because it was the most attached out of all its siblings, and for that she was grateful if only because it gave her a sense of total freedom to fly on such a powerful creature’s back. Ever since she lost her legs and became totally reliant on her specially made power armor it was hard not to feel a sense of longing for something different, she was tired of people feeling sorry for her or constantly doing things that made her feel like she was incapable of being just as productive or strong as any of her other brother’s and sisters. The dragons really helped her fuel this thought process and get her point across also it was helpful to Sole because Ingram was always a favorite to Elder Maxson and he often let actions others would be punished for go under the radar when she did them. Also with Ingram being an engineer she and Sole were constantly working together on new things to create to enhance the abilities of the dragons or make riding them easier for Sole, and the new challenges this brought never ceased to excite her. 
That’s what brought her to where she is now she had need of specific materials for her latest project that could not be found on the Prydwen, forcing her into more dangerous territory. This desolate, radiated area was full of glowing one’s, glowing deathclaws, and every other kind of horrible radiated creature imaginable. She did not want to be here any longer than necessary and took each step with caution and unease as the barren landscape left little cover and nothing but eerie noises and loud rumbles of a neverending radiation storm within the clouds glowing a sickly green. 
Suddenly from behind an outcropping of rocks, a deathclaw makes its presence known and she can do nothing but freeze in place and hope it doesn’t take notice, this is not her lucky day though. The deathclaw rears its hideous face to the sky before letting out a blood-curdling roar and stomping towards Ingram. She knew she couldn’t run from it so she prepared to fight, before hearing another roar in the distance, at first she thought it was another deathclaw answering the call of the other but was relieved to see the looming shape of Sole’s dragon instead flying towards them. The deathclaw didn’t stand a chance as the dragon raced toward it at top speed before digging its massive claws into either side of its neck and pulling upwards making it screech and thrash in the dragon’s grasp.
Ingram could only stare in shock and awe as the deathclaws head was ripped from its massive shoulders with a horrible squelch and wet sounds of muscle and tendons and bone being pulled and broken apart. The rest of its body slumped forward causing the ground to shake once more as the head was thrown elsewhere and the dragon came to land at Ingrams side. Ingram knew she would be able to easily find what she was looking for now without more interruptions, if the creatures of this place were smart they would run and hide soon as they saw the beast at her side.    
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sugarcubetikki · 4 years
The Ladynoir Fight Scene
 I’m going to talk about the Ladynoir fight scene in the NY special and consequences of that because that was the biggest conflict in that episode. And a lot of the fandom have mixed opinions about it, I hear different opinions all the time. I’ve heard things from it’s all Ladybug’s fault to Chat Noir isn’t fit to be a superhero. I want to present some of my own opinions and analyze through the entire situation.
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Firstly, I’d say the actual situation was caused due to a chain of events. Honestly, Adrien had quite a solid plan and it would’ve worked if he wasn’t trapped in the room with Marinette (basically if Aeon and Jess weren’t scheming). They were put in the worst case scenario and a lot of events led up to it: Marinette convincing Gabriel to let Adrien come, Gabriel’s own desire to go to NY for “villainous” reasons and wanting to leave Adrien out of it, Plagg wanting Adrien to have more freedom, Adrien being afraid of disappointing Ladybug, Aeon and Jess’s plan.
A chain of events adding together to lead to the worst situation as possible. Obviously, this was necessary to create conflict and evolve the characters.
Even if a chain of events did lead up to this, the characters did make mistakes.
Let me clarify that his mistake wasn’t coming to New York but it was rather not informing Ladybug.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to New York?”
I do understand his situation, it was the first time he was entrusted with a responsibility, and he was so afraid to blow it and disappoint Ladybug.
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It’s important to note that he thought he was obliged to stay in Paris. He thought she would be mad if he went to New York because he wasn’t able to carry out his responsibility. He didn’t understand that she wouldn’t be upset for telling her that he wasn’t going to stay in Paris. He was only given the responsibility because he was able to do it due to being in Paris. But if he couldn’t stay in Paris, that wasn’t his fault, and Ladybug would’ve understood that. If he informed her, she simply would’ve found another solution. No anger involved.
This also says a lot about Adrien. He feels obliged to do things and if he can’t do them, he’s expecting disappointment and anger. Wonder were that mentality came from? I’m looking at you, Gabriel.
With that mentality, he felt that informing Ladybug would anger her, because he doesn’t know what freedom tastes like. He’s allowed to have emotions, and he’s not always obliged to do things. As long as he communicates he’s fine. The result of his mistake comes from once again...his sheltered life and trashy parent (not to mention listening to Plagg).
Also, for people saying he doesn’t deserve to be Chat Noir for making a mistake, let me remind you that the whole point of the show is for the characters to learn from their mistakes. If they don’t make mistakes, there’s no development or conflict, and if you’re going to say he didn’t learn enough from his mistake, I’ll say accepting that you’ve made a mistake enough that you feel like you’re unworthy and punish yourself by taking away the one thing that makes you happy is more than enough.
People say Plagg should know better. I agree. He should.
But he’s not Tikki. He’s more laidback (cue theories of Plagg having bad owners in the past).
And it’s important that he’s with Adrien because his influence on Adrien encourages him to get out of his shell, have more freedom. That doesn’t always go the right way though.
Like this time. I mean, there was no reason for Plagg to tell Adrien not to inform Ladybug, unless he also expects anger due to being abused by bad owners in the past which also makes him somewhat poor socially. I wonder if he sees a bit of his past self in Adrien. Coming back to track anyhow (save this topic for another time).
Plagg’s laidback nature and yearning for Adrien to have more freedom naturally pushes him to encourage Adrien because he cares.
And for Plagg, he actually gives some pretty useful tips for a backup plan. I mean, he’s a free spirit, I can’t expect him to be all strict and responsible like Tikki. But in all honesty, he seriously needs to take kwami tutoring classes if they exist. Tikki would be willing to offer lol.
This one is going to be long. Because I’ve heard a lot of unreasonable claims against Marinette (as usual unfortunately).
Firstly, people think it’s hypocritical of Marinette to tell Chat to take care of Paris, and then blame him for coming, when she shouldn’t have been in New York herself. Like I said, she wasn’t mad at him for coming to New York, she was upset because he came without informing her. And she wanted him to take care of Paris, because he was her partner, and she thought he was going to be there anyways. He could alert her if it came to the worst case scenario, what if she wasn’t able to access her phone, or issues such as time zone differences. It’s obvious that she’d have to travel back whenever there’s an attack as she’s the only one who can purify the akuma and use the cure to fix everything. And saying she shouldn’t have gone in the first place? How else would they have the special? Also, she’s not obliged to stay stuck in Paris either, they can use their space powers or the horse miraculous to travel back anyways.
Second of all, people blame her for being mad at Chat. Saying that she shouldn’t have been mad in the first place. Since Chat is all supporting of her and all...
Well, I say she had every right to be mad. 
In her point of view, she does have every right to be mad.
And comparing this situation to Chat being supportive of her when she makes mistakes isn’t fair. Those situations are different.
The most common comparison used is Miracle Queen and it’s not a fair comparison. 
The mistakes she made didn’t involve anything that could make him angry. She was honestly torn up about it and communicated. 
Over here, Chat didn’t communicate, and she was in a position where she could be angry, because the consequences of his mistake are also her own responsibility.
If he did communicate beforehand (I’ve said this too many times), he would’ve been upset about it, but she wouldn’t have been, she would’ve assured him that he needn’t be upset and she’d think of another backup plan instead. 
But he didn’t. In her eyes, he could’ve and didn’t. And she doesn’t know if he would’ve told her. If there wasn’t an attack, she might’ve never found out. How is she supposed to feel about that? 
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His explanation doesn’t make sense in her eyes. It makes sense to us, the audience, because we know of his sheltered life, we know that he struggles with these kind of things. But she doesn’t. She knows nothing about his background. She doesn’t know his life behind the mask And it’s not her fault. She can only rely on their bond and partnership.
Ladybug: Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?! Cat Noir: I was afraid you'd get angry!
Look at Ladybug’s perspective for a minute, forget about Adrien’s poor social skills, and really think if his answer was valid.
It doesn’t make sense why he would think she would get angry for telling her. It kinda sounds like he lacks faith in her (which we know is not the case). He hasn’t made a mistake this big before. And the way he reacts about it is that instead of confiding in his partner, he chooses not to tell her and makes decisions without her knowledge behind her back, I mean, how could she not get angry for that? Because they’re both the heroes of Paris. They’re meant to confide each other in things like this, If there’s a problem, they’re meant to communicate so things won’t go wrong.
Ladybug could’ve easily left Paris without telling Chat either. But she didn’t. She told him because he was her partner, and they work together as a team. She expected him to cover for her, and alert her, so she could make her way back to defend the team. But when he comes face-to-face with a problem? One that directly links with him not being able to stay in the city to defend it, he didn’t tell her. Instead, he leaves without her knowledge, and she didn’t know that Paris was left defenseless. Both of them our heroes. It’s both their responsibilities. When she confided in him, he didn’t do the same. And when asked why? All he says is that he was afraid she would get mad at him. That reasoning doesn’t even make sense, and it’s not something she can accept for not confiding in her. It runs deeper than just not informing her, it makes her feel like he’s not reciprocal in their partnership, that he lacks some sort of faith in her, that he thinks she would get mad that easily, and use that as an excuse. Remember, this is the same person who asked him:
“You don’t think I’m as evil as your nightmare, do you?”
Him not confiding in her is a scar to their bond. Not only does it endanger Paris. But it also makes her feel like he doesn’t have faith in her. He didn’t have enough faith in her to tell her that he was leaving. That he could use her getting angry as an excuse. 
We know that due to his poor social skills and bad parent, he feels obliged to do things and expects disappointment when he can’t. It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith in her, more that he expects anger and disappointment when he can’t do something, and he was never taught to communicate when he comes across such a situation. And the fact that this was the first time he was given such a huge responsibility by her, and faces a problem, he doesn’t know how she’ll react, so he’ll expect she’ll react in the same way such as “someone we know” because he doesn’t know any better. Since he was never taught that communication is valid in a situation like this, he didn’t understand.
But she doesn’t all that about him. You’re all mixing fanon with canon. She knows barely anything about his personal life. How on earth is she supposed to know that he’s lived most of his life alone and his little experience with people? If she knew that, she probably would’ve reacted differently. But she didn’t. She assumed the first thing that came to mind. 
So, maybe the line “I can’t trust you anymore, can I?” was more out of spite than anything else. She was just hurt.
Moreover, after he did accidently cataclysm Aeon, it wasn’t like she was jerky about it. She didn’t blame him after that at all. She said nothing to him. Because she does trust him. She does know that he didn’t mean to do it, and she probably guessed he was feeling guilty. Because unlike his poor social life, he does know that him enough that he’d feel guilty for doing that. I mean, anyone would, honestly. And even when Paris was destroyed, she said nothing to him after that, because she was considerate enough to not push the line, and not add even more to his guilt to what he was feeling. And she definitely felt bad about the whole situation herself. 
In a overall, that whole argument was miscommunication and it really shows how troublesome their secret identities can be at times. That it limits what they know about each other and can cause misunderstandings. Since there was so much miscommunication and tension between them, they weren’t able to work together as a team, which lead to them being distracted, and causing the disaster.
This is why it is so important for them to trust and confide in each other. It makes them stronger as a team. And the New York Special definitely made them even more stronger after going through that conflict. 
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Worth It | Remus Lupin
✦ pairing — Remus Lupin x Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 1.3k
✦ request — Would you be able to write something for Remus Lupin? Something where the reader is in her early twenties and it’s set during Order of The Phoenix times! Something along the lines of them both having feelings for each other and maybe they’re out on a mission together and something bad almost happens that forces them to confess!
✦ warnings — age gap, reader is in her early twenties, slight angst, mentions of violence, slight fluff
Looking out of the window, double-checking the darker spots, you cracked your neck. “They’re not coming back,” you insisted for the tenth time.
Remus believed the opposite, he had told you so every few minutes for the past two hours. You had never seen him so nervous, but then again it was your first time alone with him.
Moody was testing you. It was crystal clear from the moment he said you would be Remus’ only backup. You didn’t have any problem with that, not really, but you had to wonder if it was a professional or personal test. He had reprimanded you a few times for losing time by staring at Remus, so it was probably a mix of both.
“Death Eaters always come back.” His comment was bitter, the driest his voice had come out throughout the week.
It wasn’t the first time he spoke to you as though you didn’t know anything about how the magical world worked. At first, you had assumed he was in a bad mood and nothing else but as the day passed you couldn’t help but think he found you incompetent.
There were moments in which you wished you had been sent to this mission on your own. Taking care of yourself would have been so easy if he wasn’t there...
Reminded by the time limit, you pushed yourself off the wall and walked towards the circled table. You poured yourself a glass of polyjuice potion, making a disgusted face as the scent of the muggle you were posing as filled your senses. In all honesty, the muggle smelled really good when you stupified them, the potion made everything smell bad — perhaps you were in a worse mood than you anticipated.
Remus copied your actions. In contrast to your reaction, he didn’t even flinch as he swallowed the potion.
He gripped his wand, lifting a hand for you to not make a sound as he focused on whatever he had heard. You stood glued to your spot, anxious to move in order to give the muggles some more potion, too.
His shoulders dropped. He hid his wand into the inside pocket of his coat and nodded at you.
Sleeping Draught used to be your favorite potion to brew, now you didn’t have much time for potions. Or for yourself in general. It was the price you had to pay in order to save the world.
The muggles looked peaceful as they slept, so unaware of the horrors they could be experiencing if they knew about the existence of the magical world. You wondered if you would ever sleep that peacefully ever again.
Probably with a potion. But it was too dangerous to try it out. That was the thing with the reality of a member of The Order, any day could be your last, any mundane task could be a death sentence.
Remus was looking out of the window when you went back to the living room. You leaned onto the wall, using your shoulder to hold yourself as you stared at him.
The frown in his face made him look older, extremely tired. He looked at you through the corner of his eye, but he didn’t give you any signs of being interested in having a conversation.
It would be a miracle if you didn’t go insane before getting back to Grimmauld Place.
Elbowing you on the side, he moved to the side so you would take a peek. Two men were running down the street, not even trying to hide the fact that they were wizards.
Turns out Snape had been telling the truth and Death Eaters we’re having meetings in a muggle neighborhood.
Remus and you left the house as silently as you were able to, walking slowly as you followed the wizards meters away from you.
The two men in front of you slowed down, speaking in hushed voices. One of them turned around first, prompting you to look away from him.
It was useless. They had already caught you. He threw a spell at you. Flinching, you dipped downward. The spell bounced against a lamppost, destroying a vehicle and the post itself.
Remus took his wand out with a resigned sigh. You did the same.
You were barely able to go back to the muggles’ house to withdraw the few belongings you carried for missions before Remus tugged on your tunic. He apparated you both into the safest place he could think of: his cottage.
“You could have been killed! Why didn’t you cast protego at least?!”
You crossed your arms defensively. “I wanted to find out where they were going! You are the one who pulled your wand out.”
He scoffed, shaking his head as he messed with his hair. “It wouldn’t have been worth it.”
“Excuse me?” You gaped, stepping away from him. “We are outnumbered and you think it wouldn’t have been worth it to know what they’re planning?!”
He had been the one who insisted on going on this mission! Moody had sent you with him as a backup because Remus had gotten so worked up into his stubbornness that he didn’t want to listen when he was told to wait. And now it wouldn’t have been worth it because two moronic Death Eaters dueled you?
Remus sighed, shedding his coat. He stared at you intensely, observing how obfuscated you were due to his comment. The attitude bothered him.
Your recklessness and bravery bothered him to the point in which he feared he would get lost into it. He admired your drive, your loyalty to The Order — but those things had been his doom when he met you.
“I can’t lose you,” he said honestly, hanging his worn-out coat.
His words would have flattered you if he didn’t look so annoyed every time you were around. “I am your backup, not under your care.”
“How can you be this stubborn? What if one of those killing curses hit you? What would I have done?”
“Get someone else to back you up.” You looked away upon seeing the hurt in his eyes. “I was trained to do this. I’ve been training since I was seventeen, Remus. I know what I got myself into.”
“I wasn’t talking about the mission,” he admitted a clarification.
He called your name, searching for your acknowledgment. When you didn’t give it to him, Remus started a fire with magic and placed a hand on your back so you would get closer to the warmth.
Your breath got caught in your throat upon feeling his gentle touch. It made you look at him, wondering how his mood could change so suddenly.
“What were you talking about?”
“I think you know,” he softly said.
“I genuinely don’t.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me, but you don’t see the way I look at you.”
You sat down on the old sofa, watching him carefully. “You often ignore me.”
“I wish things could be different.” He sat beside you, angling his neck. “You are too young, I’m too much of a burden.”
“I don’t think you’re a burden.”
“I’m a werewolf, of course I am.” His bitter tone came back. “Dangerous too.”
“Why are you telling me any of this if you’re going to reject me?”
He gave you a kind smile, tired yet genuine. “Because I am not rejecting you.” He lifted his hand, brushing your cheek with his knuckles. “Unless you don’t want me...”
“I do,” you assured him immediately. Leaning closer to him, you rested your head on his chest at the height of his heart.
Remus wrapped his arm around you, shifting to kiss the side of your head. Hugging him too, perhaps a little too tightly, you hummed as withdrew his hand off your face to embrace you properly.
You weren’t sure if things would go well, or if you should ask what would he do when the war raged on — but you felt safe in his embrace, invincible even. That had to mean something.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
So, "Hack San" was released...
The episode "Hack San" has finally been released and here I am now, about to go on and on about the episode :) But first let's do a small summary or synopsis of the episode!
Warning: Spoilers to the episode "Hack San"
The episode starts off with Marinette trying to make up excuses to stay in Paris/home, instead of going to London to visit her Aunt. So far, all of her attempts have been failures. Marinette then has no choice but to leave Paris with her family. Meanwhile, Gabriel or Shadowmoth creates a new sentimonster with the name of Hack San, which is a virus that allows for Markov to be vulnerable to an akuma. Then, Marinette contacts Alya to meet her at the train station before she is to leave. Marinette gives Alya the Ladybug miraculous trusting her to protect Paris while she is gone. Alya has a chat with the kwami's, Tikki and Trixx, in which they tell her the ups and downs of being the holder of the Ladybug miraculous and the guardian of the miracle box. Alya returns to the park that she was hanging out at before Marinette contacted her. At the park, Alya starts to fuss over everyone's emotions, mainly if they are feeling any negative emotions. Meanwhile, Markov is effected by the virus and is akumatized by Shadowmoth and becomes Robustus. Robustus then (through the internet) takes control of people and orders them to give him their most prized possessions. While on the train, Marinette's parents are affected by Robustus, which leads to Marinette being captured by Robustus. It is then Alya's responsibility to protect Paris. Alya transforms into her version of Ladybug, and while she is trying to find her new super hero name she is met with Chat Noir. Chat Noir does not immediately trusts the new super heroine and suspects they are the villain. However, this distrust is cut short because of the akuma Robustus still being at large. Robustus orders everyone to capture Ladybug and Chat Noir. The super heroes hear a person crying for help and while Chat Noir is at first suspicious, Alya heads straight to where the civilian's voice was heard. This turns out to be a trap and the super heroes are forced to run into a building where they are also trapped by Robustus. Alya summons her Lucky Charm to aid her in this situation. Alya or Scarabella receives a frying pan. This leads her to think of a plan to manipulate Robustus to release the people's possessions in exchange for both her and Chat Noir. Robustus agrees to this and releases all of the objects and among those objects is Marinette who catches on quickly to the plan and uses the frying pan to release the akuma. The super heroes are released as well and Alya uses her Miraculous Ladybug. And as always, Paris is saved once again. A few days later, Marinette and her family are back from her trip and Alya suggest Marinette/Ladybug go talk to Chat Noir, and she does. Ladybug and Chat Noir have a talk about how someone knows about Ladybug's secret identity and Chat's new found fear that Ladybug might not be there anymore, in which Ladybug gives him the reassurance that she won't be going anywhere. And, the episode ends.
Yay! Another very detailed and unnecessary summary of the episode! Welp! It's too late now. :|
Anyway! Now onto my opinion or thoughts on the episode!
(Also I'm re-watching the episode as I do this so this might have some unnecessary details. Anyway, carry on!)
First things first the, I know that Marinette is trying to get out of going to London and staying in Paris, but I swear her excuses are getting weaker. I swear she had better excuses in the earlier seasons or is it just me? Not to mention, since Marinette is so desperate to stay in Paris she purposefully trips down the stairs. Damn the dedication and I mean, I know that Marinette needs to stay in Paris just in case, but she has left Paris like three times now, you would think that she would have a backup plan if anything happened in Paris when she wasn't there (and I'll talk about one of her solutions later on *cough cough Scarabella cough cough*). Also, Tom's desperation and persistence for Marinette to come on the trip is kinda amusing. And the not so subtle jabs at the aunt :0
Moving on! Ummm Nooroo and Dusuu you know that Gabriel is RIGHT there right? I mean he could probably hear what your saying. Also, Gabriel are you just deaf or did you not just hear what they said? Because their right behind you. When Shadowmoth made Hack San, was the weird "Haah" sound really necessary? Also, why does the virus, USB thingy low key look like Nino's shirt logo. Are they somehow connected? Or did they just run out of ideas for the design? (Not me being salty over a sentimonsters design) Why the fuck is this robot doing like three things at the same time? I know that he's a robot, but come on.
Hmmmm. No other option you say? What about bringing the Horse miraculous with you like in Startrain? Or use the cosmic suits that can legit let you fly around the world? Come on, let's be honest here giving Alya the Ladybug miraclulous wasn't the ONLY option. Claps to Alya for doing a fake doubting act, but in reality just trying to think of a new superhero name. You almost got me there Astruc, you almost made me thought that Alya had her doubts about taking over for Marinette, but in reality is just super excited to take over. Props to you my dude, props! Also, I'm not going to lie Alya all of your name ideas are kinda weak, I mean the fandom has better name ideas than you do, but then again that is to be expected. Props to the kwamis for putting all the pressure that Marinette has on her back and transferring it to Alya. Thank you for making Alya aware of all the pressure Marinette's under. Even if Alya's probably not going to bring it up and probably will just brush it off. Yes, Alya just keep telling your self that this weekend is going to be totally chill. Not to mention, Tikki being more supportive to Alya than to Marinette, whaaaaaaaaaaa- :0. Alya you just told yourself that this weekend was going to be chill why the heck are you making your life harder for yourself. To be honest, if your acting like this already you deserve whatever is coming for you. Marinette, honey, why the fuck do you need to right down 675 tips for Alya? I mean I get 33 tips even 40, but 675, really? Not to mention, the tip about laughing at Chat Noir's jokes even if they aren't funny just to make him happy, why the fuck do you need to keep him happy he could be mad, upset, or sad and I wouldn't give a fuck :p.
I will say this again, how the fuck does a multi-intelligent robot that is connected the world wide web, that is also doing at least 4 things at the same time get tempted and corrupted by a virus by clicking on a cute kitty cat ad. HOW!?! EXPLAIN THAT TO ME!?!
Okay, so remember when we thought we were actually going to get a canon Marcenial moment. Hahaha welp Astruc you've done it again you have crushed our shipping dreams again. I hope your proud of yourself. Also, the most precious possession to Marc is his and Nathaniel's manga/comic, really?
Damn the amount of times this girl makes us and Trixx second guess that she's doubting herself, like she's done it three times now. Not to mention, why is her ladybug suit more detailed than Marinette's hmmm? I mean, don't get me wrong I like the design, but why can't Marinette have a detailed suit like this? Also why is Alya acting like The Owl? *Hoot Hoot!* I also just realised that the kwamis are a bit territorial, well not Tikki, but Plagg and Trixx have proven themselves to be a bit territorial of their holders.
I love Chat Noir's distrust to Alya as Ladybug because this shows a different side of Chat Noir that Paris doesn't see, but does Alya see this and realize how much of a ass he is? Nope. Also, not going to lie, his distrust kinda amuses me. Carrying on! Chat Noir, I can hear the toxic jealousy from here my dude, you might want to tone it down a bit, you've got a audience here you know. You know, I was expecting him to say his most prized possession was Ladybug, or even his kwami, Plagg, but I wasn't expecting him to say croquettes. OMG! GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! CHAT IS FINALLY BEING CAUTIOUS FOR ONCE INSTEAD OF IMMEDIATELY JUMPING INTO TROUBLE!!! Also, Chat Noir being responsible whaaaaaaa- :0. Ummm, why the fuck did they just run into a building, when they legit could've jumped out of that mess, like seriously why isn't anyone using their head today?
Moving on! Why the heck is most of this episode just Alya trying to think of a super hero name like seriously, I know it's supposed to be some kinda of gag, but it's starting to get a bit annoying. Chat Noir being supportive to Alya: *slow clap*. When Alya's whole plan is to just to leave everything up to Marinette, Me: Wow! I TOtAlLy didn't see that coming! Hehehe Chat Noir with a pot over his head. You know, I thought upset Chat Noir was enough for this episode, but now we get sad Chat Noir and Ladybug reassuring him, just wow, you have out done yourself Astruc.
AND! That's that end of the episode! So all in all, this episode wasn't that bad? But it wasn't my favorite (maybe one of my least favorite tbh :0) Mainly, because of the appearance of Scarabella and ladybug catering to Chat Noir needs. This is probably mainly because I'm a bit biased, but in my opinion and I will repeat in MY OPINION I don't think Alya really deserves to get the miraculous. I mean yeah, Marinette has given her trust to her and has told her that she is Ladybug, but has she really done anything to show that she deserves that trust. If I'm being honest she has shown more reasons for Marinette not to trust her. One of the reasons being that Alya doesn't fully trust Marinette herself, and the other being that she disobeyed Marinette by telling Nino that she is still Rena Rouge and not telling her that she did so.
Anyway! Those are most of my thought's on this episode. This has been a loooong week for me with the addition of school now. So expect me to be posting more on the weekends than on weekdays.
Anywho! I hope everyone has a great rest of their day. And always remember...
But that's just my opinion (・ε・)
(This week has been soooo tiring and with the edition of this episode and a sneak peek of a new episode coming up, I know it's only beginning. *smiles through the pain :)*)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Inside TMI Gang's diaries part 5 2/3
Clary: Dear diary, I ran away with Jace, mom won't be happy, but I have to save my Jace. Simon is covering for me, although that won't last long and mom may go mama bear on him, I do love him though and I'll owe him one. So far things have been weird, seeing Jace get along with Sebastian is strange and I don't like it, and Sebastian is as evil as ever, i miss Jace so much, this Jace isn't my Jace. And Sebastian doesn't trust me I know this for a fact, but I don't trust him either and you better watch your back Sebastian.
So Jace's room is the same as it always is, so clean not a mess, everything is neat, but he isn't Jace. We went on a date, Sebastian let us cause Jace would be with me, Jace cam speak italian and hates ducks, I'll have to mention this stuff when he is my Jace again, we stole a boat but that's nothing new from what we usually do, the date was nice but I felt guilty for enjoying it, when we came back Sebastian was occupied and creepy, anyway, we had a talk when I woke up later and he is starting to confuse me, but that's what he wants. I went back to bed and got up again, also Jace can make eggs, I don't like them but can't tell him that, also I wonder if he can cook other things, need to make a list of things to ask him when he's back to normal Jace. We also read a copy of his ancestor's book.
*Later later*
Me, Jace and Sebastian, went on a mission kind of thing, Simon calls us team Evil, we fought a demon, and I actually kicked a demons butt, Sebastian took us to a kinda night club, me and Jace got high, Sebastian told me I have a dark heart and like bitch whatever. Me and Jace made out in the club and uh things kinda got outta control, I am not proud, ok, I thought I saw dead people and passed out, I woke up to Sebastian leaving and followed him, demons almost killed me and he saved me, what is he doing? I lost my ring and can't get in contact with Simon, everything is bad and maybe this is all hopeless, no, I just need coffee, sweet sweet coffee, I need a coffee high *coffee/knife/serious emoji*
Possessed Jace: Dear diary, things are good, Sebastian keeps giving me weird looks when I am with Clary though, Sebastian we are still cool though don't worry. Clary is here and it's nice, I want her to be happy and her to have whatever she wants, I am gonna be so romantic but cool about *sunglasses emoji* I am Jace Lightwood, and extremely smooth and she loves me.
I took Clary on a date and I nailed it *sunglasses emoji* we went back home after that and I read to her and we went to sleep, after that we went on a mission, my fire goddess kicked ass, and Sebastian took us to a night club place to take care of evil stuff, me and Clary got high and we did some things at the night club. In the morning I made her eggs, I'll make her eggs all the time, Sebastian wants to discuss evil plans now.
Trapped Jace: *sharpening knives* just wait you little shit, keep looking at Clary like that and I'll stab you, I am gonna beat you up, you shall know my wrath, and I will bring it upon you. *Knife/murderous emoji*
Sebastian: Dear evil diary, what can I say, the fruit of evil is ripe, I have evil plans, I have Jace under my finger, I have Clary now too, and soon she'll understand. Jace will do anything I say and Clary will do anything for him, love truly does make one weak. And I wi burn shit. Also maybe I'll play with stuff as well. *Devil emoji*
We got into a fight and Clary can kick ass, maybe I underestimated her a tiny little bit. We went to a night club and I talk to Meliorn and I do believe the fair folk will stand with me, and after all I do have something with the queen, and I know what you are going to say what about Jace? Well you see Jace is my backup plan he has no idea ;)
Alec: Dear diary, still sneaking around, Jace is still gone, Clary is gone now too, Jocelyn is angry and I know why she scares Jace now, Izzy and Simon are something, Idk but my big brother instincts are kicking in. Jocelyn and Izzy went to the Iron Sisters and found out there isn't a weapon to separate Jace from Sebastian, unless it is of heaven itself or something. *Shrug emoji*
*Later* so we summoned a demon, and then a greater demon, what have we become? I'll do whatever it takes to save Jace, but like when did we start summoning demons and greater demons like it's not a big deal? I think we've lost our minds, and we are also now apparently going to summon Raziel, what are we doing, but it's for Jace. Also Magnus does look good in his outfit today but there is stuff between us. When did life get so complicated? *shrug emoji*
Magnus: Dear diary, welcome back to the crazy chaotic would of Shadowhunters, I may have lost Clary, but it's not my fault she can make portals, I see an angry Jocelyn in my future. Alec is kinda weird lately but it's probably nothing, Isabelle and Jocelyn were going to the Iron Sisters to see if there is a weapon that can separate Jace and Sebastian, blondie needs to come back so all this Shadowhunter drama will calm down.
We summoned a demon and after that we summoned the greater demon Azazel, the little shit almost told Alec who my father is, and I swear what have I gotten myself into? Oh! Also apparently we are gonna summon an Angel now, I have a feeling we'll all be dead by the end of this, it's a miracle we haven't died already, I have to do research and stuff, also Sheldon saved my cat so I am thankful for that, Isabelle and Simon have something going on, Jocelyn is gone, and I want to drink and drink, cause Magnus is done bitches. But also Alec is looking beautiful today. *throws glitter* *sunglasses emoji*
Izzy: Dear diary, Simon came to me like I asked him to, and he told me about starwars or something, I don't remember the plot exactly but I think they had something called lifesavers???? Or something, also they are apparently in space which is cool, and the good guys win. Also me and Jocelyn went to the Iron Sisters and they said I would make a good one but like bish ya girl needs her heels, idk what has gotten into me lately, but when I think about Simon I feel happy and I get this feeling and I want to spend time with him and hear him talk endlessly about starwars cause he is so passionate about it. *Confused emoji*
We may have kinda summoned a demon, and then a greater demon, and now we may kinda be getting ready to summon an angel we are on our way to Luke's farm so yeah. . . But yeah, Simon may die and idk what to do... *Blank emoji*
Simon: Dear diary, life just doesn't seem to be letting up, first Clary ran off to do reckless shit, Jace is literally possessed by her evil Brother and is like a puppet, Jocelyn is mad I didn't stop Clary, but honestly who can stop Clary?!?! — Izzy went off to the Iron sister earlier with Jocelyn before she found out Clary was gone and apparently they can't make a weapon to separate Jace and Sebastian without killing them both, this is the part where that intense action yet hopeless music would start playing. *Nerd emoji*
*Later* I told Izzy the plot of Starwars and she listened and laughed and said it was neat, she said It was neat and even though it is so much more than neat for some reason her just listening to me talk about it made me so happy, she may become a fan *Shooketh emoji* but also we summoned a demon, and then a greater demon and now we are going to summon an angel to try and get the angel Michael's sword called glorious cause it's apparently the only weapon that will work, but I may die so rip, but also please let everything be alright but also I do have the mark of cain it's just a matter of if it works. *Worried emoji*
Church: Dear Cat diary, I come to you with the heavy weight of the most fucking done I have ever been, Jem is still hasn't come and saved me, Herondale is still possessed and honestly I am done, fire ball ran away, archer boy is off doing shit, Izzy is falling in love now too and I thought she would be the one who wouldn't like girl love drama? And Simon is probably contributing to whatever chaotic plan fire ball has. evil shit is probably off doing evil shit, where's that sweet little boy? Gone! Because an ass had to be an ass. Sorry I need to control my emotions, I just miss Jem so much, and these kids are driving me crazy, also Magnus you are contributing as well now,Jem Jem Jem pls. Anyway I am gonna go sharpen my claws and eat tuna and drown my sorrows in tuna. *Cat/tuna/murderous emoji*
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @megs-readstoomuch @spotsandclawsthings @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @sarcasticmalecfan @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy
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thisaccisdead · 4 years
give up on a miracle - sanders sides au - chp. 1
pairing(s): as of now, romantic nicomas and platonic everyone else
warnings: lots of religious stuff
summary: patton, virgil, logan, and janus are angels in charge of answering prayers. when they find out the earth is scheduled to be destroyed in a week, their only hope for saving it is to set up two humans: thomas sanders and nico flores.
word count: 3.5k
notes: this is a based off of miracle workers but not an exact au, idk it’ll be fun, you don’t have to have seen the show, you just have to like silly angel shenanigans 
Please, God, let this somehow work out.
Thomas didn’t ask for miracles too often. Well—that was a lie, he probably prayed for some inconsequential thing everyday, but he rarely meant it the way he meant this one. The man at the mall felt like fate. He was beautiful, and according to his backpack he was gay, and he was just a few tables down, and... Thomas should have just said hi as soon as he had noticed him, but he had psyched himself out. Like always.
Usually that would be the end of the story, but as Thomas was headed for the exit, the man was there too. In front of him. Speaking to him.
Thomas was too caught off guard to process the first half of what he said—though he did register being given back his abhorrent carrot snack—and when he tuned back in, all he caught was:
“Uh, it’s okay! It’s probably a bit too nosy for me to ask anyway.”
“Uh, yeah! Super nosy! What’s wrong with you, man?” was the sentence that came out of Thomas’s mouth in response. He blamed his lips for coming up with it, because he knew his mind couldn’t have been involved.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” the man smiled apologetically at him, and even that small, sheepish smile was so radiant… yeah, Thomas was mentally beating the shit out of himself. “Well, have a good night!”
So, now the fate-given man was headed somewhere else, and Thomas was about to lose him—probably forever—if he didn’t act. So, obvious answer: he had to act. But he just… couldn’t. Not without a sign at least.
Not without a push.
When no push came, Thomas told himself it wouldn’t have led anywhere anyway. He continued about his day, with only the slightest added weight in his chest.
“Aw, Virge, we have to do something about this one!”
Virgil looked up from his own paperwork to see the prayer Patton had pulled up.
“‘Please, God, let this somehow work out,’” he read out dryly. “Hm, not very specific.”
“Oh, but you didn’t—c’mon, look—“ Patton waved his hand to replay the video of the scene. The figures popped up on the screen, and Patton was reminded all over again of the dopey, flustered expression of the human, Thomas, as he failed so miserably at talking to his mall crush. It was such a silly, hopeful wish—Patton’s favorite kind—and he couldn’t bear to see it go unanswered.
His fellow angel did not share this opinion, evidentially. “Nope. Nuh-uh. No way,” Virgil said, “Love prayers are stupid as shit, hardest of all, never work out. If this whole department’s getting shut down, I’d rather spend my last week answering achievable prayers.”
Patton frowned. His brown-dappled wings drooped as his excitement wavered. “Is that right, though?” he asked, “Should we really stick to… what? Finding lost wallets? Delivering extra sandwiches? Like we’ve done every year of this job? If this is all ending, I wanna finally do something that matters, Virge.”
Virgil looked betrayed. “Lost wallets do matter, Patton. Maybe they don’t end droughts, or heal hearts, but that doesn’t mean they don’t matter. If people wish for it, it matters to them. I always thought you agreed with me on that.”
Patton bit his lip. He did agree with Virgil, on some level, and on any other day he would have considered his words more carefully. But with the prayer department set to close down this very week, he had lost some of his filter. Maybe his ideas were far-fetched, but when he had joined the Department of Answered Prayers he had been hoping to do exactly that--end droughts, heal hearts.
“Virgil’s right,” chimed in Logan. Their manager made his way over, and took Patton’s tablet from his hands. He swiped upwards on the prayer, officially dismissing it as ‘impossible.’ “There is no need to feel bad, Patton. It’s not our fault humans mainly ask for impossible things. If they want impossible, they need God, and God doesn’t have that kind of time. If they want an extra sandwich… we can pull a few strings.”
Logan nodded approvingly to where Virgil was coding breezes on his tablet, screen open to a view of a rural town avenue. He was carefully, cautiously, innocuously blowing leaves into piles one-by-one. This process eventually cleared the front yard of a small house, just in time for a kind-eyed, middle-aged man to come home and cheer at the sight of the finished chore. He even did a stupid little dance to himself, and Patton saw the smallest smile tug at Virgil’s lips.
“I agree with Patton,” came a voice from over by the mini fridge. Janus was doing what he did best: sipping at the canned wine he wasn’t meant to have, not doing any work, and giving his opinion on everything anyway. “Let’s do something interesting. It’s not like it matters at this point.”
“What do you mean?” Patton squinted at him.
“Cuz the prayer department’s getting shut down, duh, what else have we been talking about?” Virgil answered.
“No,” Janus said, “Well—yes, but… you know why we’re getting shut down, right?”
Patton and Virgil tilted their heads at him, and Logan looked away. A smile appeared on Janus’s face, but not one of joy. One that had an edge, a venom in it. “Logan… you didn’t tell them?”
“It would only upset them,” the management angel replied, still not meeting Janus’s eyes.
“Yeah, because they’ll not be upset at all when they see Earth randomly explode in a few days,” Janus deadpanned.
“What?!” Patton and Virgil exclaimed in simultaneous dismay.
Logan glared at Janus. “Are you happy? Now we have to deal with this for the next week.”
“Earth can’t explode yet,” Virgil said matter-of-factly, “that’s not right. Right?”
Patton nodded emphatically. “We should’ve gotten at least a century’s notice! Or had it on a public schedule somewhere!”
“Yeah, God has to call it off. At least for now,” Virgil agreed.
“You want God to stop it?” Janus said with a laugh. “He didn’t even remember it was happening; it was His PA who told the management staff.”
“Yes, it was,” Logan narrowed his eyes at Janus. “How did you find out about it anyway?”
Janus opened his mouth, but before he could answer, Virgil cut in, “God’s not gonna do anything about it?”
“It’s been in His plan. Why would He need to change it?” Logan asked rhetorically, adjusting his large, round-framed glasses as he did so. It was a movement he made often when he was being a know-it-all.
“How’s Earth gonna die?” Patton asked, looking at the floor, still in denial. He had lived his life on Earth, he had been a human—they all had, before they died and became angels. It had been so long since he’d been alive, he couldn’t quite remember the feeling of it. The memory was blurred around the edges, but it still seeped warmth, like dough burning into bread over a fire. Now, the only connection he had to that sensation were the humans--the chance to watch them, how they lived such utterly flawed, full lives. He recalled Thomas’s hopeful expression.
“Asteroid,” Logan replied. He didn’t need to check his files to give the answer, his ink-blue wings stiff behind him--and that was when Patton knew, despite his cold, indifferent attitude, this news was weighing on him too.
“Like the dinosaurs. Well, bigger. But still unoriginal of Him,” Janus scoffed, checking his nails—well, more like checking his gloves, which seemed unnecessary. Something mournful crossed his face for a moment, but Patton couldn’t place what. “The dinosaurs were sad too.”
“You lived in the 19th century. You weren’t around for dinosaurs,” Logan stated, brow furrowed in confusion. Janus ignored him.
“An asteroid? He could prevent that so easily! Earth deserves to at least live to its natural end,” Patton said. He glanced to Virgil, hoping for backup, but his coworker seemed most focused on biting his black-polished nails into dust.
“Well, isn’t it the natural end if it was in His plan?” Logan asked, once again, rhetorically. He also adjusted his glasses again. Patton liked to think of himself as particularly nice, even for an angel, but he wouldn’t have minded seeing those glasses broken in that moment.
“I’m more interested in your claim that Earth doesn’t ‘deserve’ to end,” Janus smiled at Patton. It was a slippery kind of smile, one that he couldn’t grasp the intentions of. “Overall, it’s a dumpster fire of a planet, wouldn’t you agree? I mean, 99% of the prayers are literally impossible for angels to answer at this point.”
“Yeah, well, I know some angels who are too busy with their shitty wine to even try—“ Virgil began to complain, turning on Janus, but Patton was too busy having a revelation to pay much attention to it.
“That’s it!” Patton exclaimed, jumping up from his seat with a grin.
“Please, be more specific, Patton,” Logan sighed. “Define ‘it.’”
Patton was, once again, too busy to pay attention to this. He made for the doorway with haste, only tossing over his shoulder: “I’m going to meet God!”
Logan, Janus, and Virgil made it to God’s office before Patton did. He wasn’t the best with maps, so sue him. The trio was waiting in the grand hallway for him, and he was thankful that they had decided to back him up, despite the fact they had no idea what he was doing. Even though the coworkers bickered their fair share, you couldn’t work as the only 4 angels in a crumbling department without a certain bond forming.
Patton gave them a grateful smile as he strolled past them and right up to the secretary’s desk. The secretary, who was… not present? He checked the name plaque. Engraved in the gold of it was: Mrs. Snuffles, but the ‘u’ had been scratched out and written over so that it was Mrs. Sniffles. Before Patton could even begin to be perplexed by this, a large orange tabby hopped up from the floor, where she had been hidden, and onto the desk.
The cat looked him in the eye, with a surprising amount of purpose, and meowed.
“Hello?” Patton asked, dumbfounded. “...Mrs. Sni—Snuffles?”
She meowed again, this time with an undercurrent of what Patton could only assume was impatience.
“I—“ Patton looked back at the group behind him, but they just shrugged. They were following his lead. That couldn’t be good. “We would like to schedule a meeting with God, please.”
Mrs. Snuffles trotted over to a stack of papers, and pushed the top one aside with a swipe of her paw. She looked up from it after a moment, and then jumped down from the table, going up to the gilded, arched doorway at the end of the hall. She started meowing loudly, and soon an angel with cardinal-red wings and a matching red suit jacket stepped out. He looked down at Mrs. Snuffles, then up at Patton.
“I’m terribly sorry, but God is not available right now. He’s very busy,” the angel explained with a polite smile, the kind that was trained and not felt, “and he will be until Earth explodes. Thank you, goodbye.”
“Oh,” Patton said dumbly. He maybe should have expected that.
Mrs. Snuffles hissed at the angel, and he sighed. “You really think they want to talk to Him?”
“We do!” Patton interjected.
“You think you do,” the angel replied, an undercurrent of bitterness to his tone.
“Same difference, right?” Patton said, giving the other a hopeful smile.
“Just let us in, Princey,” Virgil’s annoyed voice came from behind. “Don’t be an ass. At least not more of one than usual.”
Patton looked between the two of them. “You know each other?”
‘Princey’ gave Virgil a deadpan glare. “Fine. You want a meeting with God? Be my guest.” He stepped aside from the doorway, gesturing to it with a sarcastic flourish.
When no one else made a move, Virgil grumbled and pushed past Patton. The rest of the group followed. When they got to the door, Patton paused and turned to the red-winged man. “Princey—“
“Roman,” he corrected.
“Roman,” Patton repeated. He pointed at the cat curiously, “Mrs. ‘Sniffles’?”
Roman blushed. “I was allergic when I was alive.”
A resounding reply of “Me too!” went through the group, and they all turned to each other in mild surprise.
“It’s how I died!” Patton added cheerily.
“Huh,” Roman replied with a puzzled frown. He cleared his throat. “Well, good luck.”
“Thank you!” Patton said. He looked down at Mrs. Snuffles as well, “Thank you, too.”
She gave him a final, curt meow, and rubbed up to his legs, pushing his feet against the door. He laughed, turned to the others waiting for him, and they nodded. Roman opened the door, and gestured them in.
Patton didn’t know what he had expected God’s office to look like, but it was decidedly not what he found upon entering that door. He had expected something resembling the grand hallway leading up to it: golden statues, velvet carpet, ivory columns. And, sure, that seemed to be the basis of the office; it was everything that was added on that was surprising. The bookshelves were stacked exclusively with trashy magazines, the walls were covered in posters of boy bands and movie stars, and a side-room had been renovated into what appeared to be a personal Starbucks. Finally, in the center of it all, sitting on the sofa and watching TV, was:
“...God?” Patton asked unsurely.
The man--(should Patton call Him that?)--eyed the group from behind a pair of sunglasses. He didn’t bother to turn the TV off as He casually greeted, “Hey, babes! What’s up?”
“Um,” Patton glanced at his friends for help, but they were clearly just as lost as him. Well, not Janus; Janus seemed unbothered. This provided Patton some sense of comfort, enough for him to continue, “We wanted to ask about--”
“Hold that thought, hun,” God held up a finger. “Roman!”
Roman walked in, almost reluctantly, at the call. “Yes?”
“Be a peach and mute the TV, would you?” God asked, throwing His PA the remote. Roman caught it as if with practice, and pressed the mute button with a wry expression.
“Thanks, love you!” God said, then turned back to Patton. “What were we talking about?”
God tried to sip the frappe in His drink-holder, only to find it empty, and He interrupted again to say, “Roman, coffee alert! Mama needs His caffeine!”
Roman bit his lip, presumably to stop himself from letting out a sigh. When he walked to the Starbucks corner, he seemed to purposefully avoid eye contact with the group. Patton glanced at his friends, and found Virgil suppressing an amused grin, and Janus not bothering to suppress his.
“We wanted to ask about the end of the world,” Patton finally said.
God’s brow furrowed slightly. “End of the world? Oh! OH, that is coming up, isn’t it? When’s that again, Ro?”
Roman, from behind the coffee maker, replied, “7 and a half days.”
“Oo, fun!” God gasped, “That’s so soon! I totally forgot that was so soon, isn’t that crazy?”
“So crazy,” Roman agreed dryly, handing Him a new venti frappe.
“Right,” Patton said, almost at a loss, “So, you… want the world to end?”
God shrugged, using one finger to play with his coffee straw as he spoke. “It was in my plan, wasn’t it? Plus, I mean, y’know… Earth’s really, like, ‘ew’ right now, right? Like, sure, I COULD save it, and then I’d let the humans keep doing their little thing, but I don’t want that; they’re mostly messes. I wanna make… I dunno a new place with, like, more Idris Elba’s.”
“And you’re willing to kill the real Idris Elba for that?” Janus cut in. God looked him up and down critically, before asking,
“Hey, do I know you from something?”
“No,” Janus replied quickly, “Certainly not from Eden, and even if I was there, I wasn’t the snake. I’m a real angel, hush.”
Patton turned to him in confusion, but God just shrugged again, and said, “K, whatever. Anyway, yeah, what’d you gals wanna know about Earth again?”
“Um, we wanted you to, maybe… not… blow it up?” Patton asked.
“Hmm,” God hummed, “Thanks, but no thanks! Earth is gross, I’m just so over it, you know?”
“No, I don’t know,” Patton replied without thinking, unable to hide the frustration in his voice anymore, “If Earth’s messed up, all the more reason to be there for your children, and not just kill everything. It’s wrong.”
There was a ‘thunk’ against the floor, and Patton looked to see that Roman had dropped the old coffee cup he had been carrying to the trash. Logan and Virgil were staring at Patton with equally stricken expressions, and Janus’s face was unreadable. He suddenly realized what he had said. He then realized how many angels had fallen for saying much less.
God stood up slowly. He approached Patton until He was uncomfortably close.
 “Awe,” He pouted, “babe, I know it’ll be sad, but how am I supposed to change it now? It’s in the plan, hun. I’m sure you understand.” He patted his cheek once condescendingly--a touch that carried the pleasant warmth of a sunbeam--before He stepped back and took a long sip of His coffee. Patton didn’t break eye contact the whole time.
“I have an idea,” Patton said in a newly sunny tone--the type of overly kind, conversational tone that should be feared-- “How about a bet?”
“Are you for real?” God gaped at the continued insolence, somewhere between disbelief and delight. In the end, delight--or at least novelty--won. “Deal with the Devil is out, deal with God is in; OK, I’m into it!”
“You say it’s too hard to save Earth now? Impossible, even?” Patton asked challengingly. He heard a quiet gasp of realization from Logan, and when he glanced behind himself, he noticed Janus was smiling, as if impressed. This gave him enough confidence to continue, “Impossible, like it would be impossible for a few random angels to answer an unanswerable prayer?”
“Sweetie, I don’t know what you’re saying, but I love the way you’re saying it,” God waved His hand appreciatively.
Patton took Logan’s tablet from his hands. He scrolled to find the ‘Discarded Prayers: Impossible’ file. He held it out to God for proof as he concluded, “If we can answer one of these prayers before the end of the world, surely you can stop it from ending.”
“THAT’S your plan?! Pat, we can’t complete the possible prayers half the time,” Virgil exclaimed. He buried his face in his hands. “Earth’s dead.”
God, however, let out a dreamy sigh, holding one hand against His chest. Patton wasn’t sure if he was meant to feel like the ambitious hero or the prize dog at a pet show. “You know, I should say no…” God bit his lip with the same expression a suburban mother might have when she was about to cheat on her juice cleanse, “...but I never could resist a little twist! Ok, shake on it!”
God extended His hand, and Patton took it without hesitation.
“I, God, proclaim: Earth will not be destroyed next week if, and only if, an impossible prayer is answered.” As He spoke, His palm began to glow white, such that Patton had to look away for fear of being blinded. If God’s touch had been a sunbeam previously, it was now the whole sun, and Patton almost cried out from the burning heat. Technically, he didn’t have skin in the same way he did when he was alive, but he swore he felt it melting off in that grip.
Yet when God pulled away, there was no extra light in the room, no damage to his hand.
God smiled innocently. “Ok! Cute! So, what prayer you gonna choose?”
Huh. Patton hadn’t thought that far ahead. Maybe Virgil’s concern wasn’t so unwarranted. He looked down at the tablet he was still holding. His eyes scanned past several prayers that were beyond impossible--fix capitalism, no more YouTube ads, fix global warming, no more incels--until his eyes caught on just the thing. An unabashed grin overtook Patton’s face in realization,
“Oh, I know exactly what prayer we’re doing.”
“Well, have a good night!”
Nico turned his back on the cute mall man after he said it, and he had to push down the urge to glance back a final time. He tried not to believe in true love—it was at best unlikely, and at worst an extremely problematic trope—but he was a writer, and a daydreamer, and when he spotted the man a few tables down at the food court… he just knew.
Ok, he didn’t know, there was no way to know that kind of thing—but he did want. He did hope. And he did, in a move that was unprecedented for him, pray:
Please, if anyone’s up there: I know it’s silly, but I want this so badly. And I know it’s basically impossible at this point but, maybe… if we meet again... let this somehow work out?
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
not me casually re-arranging in-game material to find a more interesting way of doing things because that’s what I do apparently :)
Ingram and Stuyvesant are dead, and Lucas is torn between going for Carlisle and figuring out where the Constant’s gone. Killing Carlisle puts an end to the threat of the Partners, gets him some measure of justic for all that’s been done to him and 47... but he knows that she’s just a woman now. She has her brains and knowledge, but her resources are gone. Edwards took everything out from under her, so how much of a threat is she really? She is one, of course, but she’s not exactly the primary concern anymore. Can they really afford to prioritise her just for revenge’s sake?
Before they can make a decision either way, Diana calls and warns them: the ICA knows what they’ve done and they’re coming. They promptly lose contact with her, leaving it unclear to the pair whether or not she’s been killed, but while 47 says ‘she can look after herself, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve been in this mess’ Lucas is sceptical that the Constant would just kill her and suspects that he’s working angles. Regardless, they escape Dubai, and Lucas makes the call to go to Rolf for help in Berlin, all while directing Olivia to meet them there. Except they get there and it turns out that the ICA have tracked them there. 47 decides to send his message, while Lucas goes to find Olivia to assess the situation. By the time the night is out, the three of them realise that they need to deal with the ICA or else they’ll never have the chance to breathe and figure out their next steps. From there it’s off to Chongqing to out the ICA and give them a problem that renders the Providence contract a mere afterthought.
Meanwhile we see Edwards working his influence on Diana. Trying to convince her that fighting Providence is pointless, and that she can do more for the world by joining them. He reveals 47′s involvement in the assassination of her parents, he emphasises that the deaths of the Partners have done nothing but solidify his hold, and that Carlisle is barely a threat anymore. Not unless she reveals the deception of her own death, which just turns the world on her. He’s played the hand he’s been dealt, and he’s winning. Carlisle is down to her last few moves and she’d need a miracle to pull it off.
That miracle comes after Chongqing when Carlisle successfully makes contact with 47, Lucas and Olivia, and does the one thing they didn’t expect: she offers them an alliance. She will aid them and the militia by providing them with everything she knows about Edwards and Providence, on the grounds that they spare her life.
Olivia is completely opposed because if Edwards dies, Carlisle will turn on them and pick up where she left off. But Lucas is more conflicted. Because on the one hand, Carlisle is the enemy. The moment he learned her name, it was at the top of his list with the other Partners. He wants her dead, it’s the only thing that will let him be free of his past.
But on the other hand, even monsters serve a purpose, and it’s becoming evident that Edwards has largely solidified his grip on Providence and is set to restore it to full strength. If he passes up this chance, he stands to lose everything he’s worked for and render every risk, every death completely worthless. And that fact stings, because now he’s running the risk of him and 47 becoming their’s again. If he enters an alliance with Carlisle, what’s to stop her from trying to take control of the situation?
It’s 47 who makes the call: they’re running out of moves, and the militia is being stripped down to the bones even without the ICA. They’ll meet with Carlisle and hear what she has to say, and then they’ll decide what to do with her.
Except they get to Thornbridge Manor and discover that Carlisle has locked it down. Her brother Zachary is dead in his bed, and she believes that this was 47′s way of turning down her deal. Carlisle now needs to be eliminated before she decides to ally herself with Edwards, and they need the information she has on him. Dartmoor plays out largely the same with Carlisle being eliminated and 47 securing the information that she had gathered since HAVEN while Lucas prevents any backup from arriving at the manor in the event something goes wrong. However, if Carlisle is aware she’s meeting with 47 and that he’s just proved that he wasn’t responsible for Zachary’s death, she’ll throw in a warning: the Constant doesn’t dispose of anything he deems useful, and that includes Lucas and 47. 47 now becomes aware of Diana’s defection to Providence, and his faith in her wavers. He knows how she operates, how she plays people against each other and he wants to believe this is the case now... but he remembers the carbomb. He remembers that she was considered ‘acceptable collateral‘. And he fears that Edwards has told her.
As 47 is leaving Dartmoor, he gets a call from Olivia, who tells him that Lucas has been ambushed and captured by CICADA operatives, and that their convoy has already departed. 47 calms her down by reminding her that she tracked Janus’ coffin, she’ll have no trouble tracking the CICADA convoy. He trusts that she’ll find Lucas, and make saving him possible. In the meantime, he decides that he needs to settle matters with Diana once and for all, and travels to Mendoza as Carlisle’s information mentioned a gathering there.
Again, Mendoza plays out much the same with Diana angling to become the new Constant. 47 asks if she knew about Lucas’ abduction, and she confirms that she’s heard about it. She doesn’t know his location currently, but if she succeeds at becoming the Constant, she can see to it that he isn’t harmed. 47 goes along with the plan to take out Vidal and Yates, and then meets Diana at the olive grove where she activates the neurotoxin, revealing that she does indeed know about his part in her parents’ deaths. She makes her speech about controlling people, about how she’d been using him all these years, and that she was setting him free... just as she had done for Lucas after his capture.
Except Edwards plans to simply wipe the slate clean. He never throws away anything useful, just as Carlisle had warned him. When 47 comes to, it’s in an underground cell, back in the Institute. His first task: get out and find Lucas.
And when he does, he finds Subject 6 desperately trying to recall the memories that are slipping away from him, like water through fingers. The first friend he made in the outside world, the face of that little girl in Sierra Leone, the promise he and his brother had made, his own name. Not a number, he knows there was more than a number, but every time he gets close, it slips a little further away. And it’s killing him inside, because he knows this matters, this is an utter perversion of something, but he just can’t remember what it is that makes this so terrifying.
47 tells him his name. That they are brothers. And that he’s going to get him away from here, get him to a place where he can remember. He won’t have to deal with this alone. 6 knows 47 is familiar. He feels safer with him around. But leaving isn’t an option yet. There’s a man with a pin - a pin he knows but can’t remember - who is trying to take it all away. A man who needs to die so that he can’t take it all away. He vaguely recalls a woman visiting him too, before the Institute. A woman with a pin. 47 asks what he remembers, he just says that she promised him something. He doesn’t remember what, but it doesn’t make him feel angry or scared.
47 deals with Edwards once and for all and takes 6 Lucas away from the institute, back to Olivia who he recognises as the little girl from Sierra Leone. Olivia is angry and heartbroken over what Providence has done to Lucas, but is relieved to have him back nonetheless. She asks 47 if he really trusts Diana to bring down Providence. He thinks back on it all for a moment, reflecting on what she said to him in Mendoza, and decides that he knows Diana well enough to trust her. But a little outside help wouldn’t go amiss, and there are still people out there who are willing to put the pressure on Providence.
Skip forward a few years. Diana finally forces Providence to fold under the weight of militia attacks and mounting public pressure as people start to wake up and get angry about the impact Providence has been having on their lives. She has some grey in her hair now thanks to the pressure of playing both sides and having the weight of the world on her shoulders, but it’s done. Providence is no more. Justice has been delivered at last.
Lucas has decided to try and move on from all of this. He’s done what he set out to do, and while his memory is still spotty in places, he wants to see what life has to offer now that the past has been laid to rest. It’s time for him to finally try his hand at being free, to figure out who he is now. Luckily he’s got Olivia to keep him from staying out of trouble all together - she’s decided that she’d rather never tangle with an international conspiracy ever again, but she still wants to put some good out into the world. To make a difference, even if it’s a small one.
And 47 knows that while Providence is gone, the power they’ve left behind - dismantled as it is - will attract more like Edwards and the Partners. There will always be people like them. And he won’t stand by and let them go unchallenged or unpunished. He just needs someone with a good grasp of the situation to give him a direction, and he trusts Diana to do just that. But this time they are not handler and agent. They are partners. Ready to take on the world and make sure that no one can aspire to the same heights that Edwards grasped for.
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