#no matter how many achievements or pop movies and stars would promote it. it is sad for rich and very followed bands
nunap · 2 months
As a European whose radios has multiple languages playing I hate to admit that it's not a matter of popular or mainstream style. Is your song in the 3 main languages(English and Spanish and on a lesser extent french)or the country's one? Then u have radio play or else piss off
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fyexo · 4 years
EXO's Kai Talks Independence, Motivation And His Incredible Career
There’s the saying that you’ve made it into the upper echelons of fame when you achieve single-name status. Monikers like Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, and Billie Eilish ring a bell for they’ve relentlessly dominated not just the music charts, but pop culture, fashion and news in general. Then there’s also Kai. The 26-year-old main dancer of popular K-pop boy group EXO and a member of global K-pop boyband SuperM, beloved for his powerful moves, and experimental style — read: crop tops — that challenges the traditional markers of masculinity.
Today, it’s clear that the space Kai inhabits has only gotten bigger since his debut eight years ago, most recently wearing the hat of Gucci’s first-ever Korean male global ambassador — dismantling cultural boundaries and parlaying the mononym, Kai, beyond the K-Pop realm. In this cover interview, the superstar chats candidly about going global, being independent, and why he felt like he needed an Instagram account.
Some time ago you revealed the results of your personality test on Instagram live. With regard to the question “Have you wondered about your existence?”, you answered that you have.
I think I have always thought about the question, “Why was I born?”. Also, I often wonder about questions like, “Why am I not born as someone else but as me; is the world I see through my eyes different from another person’s point of view?”
You revealed that you have an INFJ personality type based on the MBTI — it seems quite accurate.
I don’t really remember my result, so I plan to take it again. My family has taken it too, and after seeing my mum’s result I thought it seemed like a very credible test [laughs]. My mum is a dreamer. Even before I debuted, she said, “You like to dress up, and because I brought you up in that way you are definitely going to have something to do with fashion brands in the future.” Naturally, when I became a Gucci ambassador, she was ecstatic.
Your Instagram feed’s theme is filled with “EXO”, “family” and “Gucci”.
I created my account in 2018 when I was having a shoot with ELLE for Gucci’s Cruise show. I’ve always known that social media was important, but I really felt that even more when a lot of celebrities asked for my account during the show.
You participated in the filming of a global eyewear campaign that was revealed not too long ago in the Amoeba Music store in Los Angeles. Was it a special experience for you as a musician?
Of course, it was supposed to be closed down and so the fact that I managed to take pictures and create memories of that historical place made me feel happy and blessed. The production crew were all non-Koreans, and the atmosphere at the location was different as well so it was all very nerve-racking. I felt like I had gone back in time to when I first debuted.
Even Kai gets nervous. Have you had any other similar experiences when a location you liked disappeared or closed down?
The old SM building I grew up in when I was a trainee and formed so many memories [at] just recently underwent some remodeling works. The rooftop and a few other spaces where I spent so much of my time have all disappeared. Those were places that meant so much to me, so with the new changes made, I was able to actually realise how much time has passed.
There are many people with a good [sense of] style. [Your] outstanding point is that when you try out different styles, it doesn’t seem foreign [to you].
I think that cool and pretty things can be captured easily but capturing a specific concept — in terms of fashion — can be a difficult feat. I use that mentality as an excuse to try out different styles of fashion that I would not have dared to in my daily life, such as the reggae hairstyle that I did in Growl, or the short crop jacket that I wore during my promotions for Obsession. I think two weeks is more than enough to prepare and try out new things [laughs].
You have made appearances in variety programmes such as Knowing Brothers and Radio Star last year. Were these experiences enjoyable?
Thanks to the humorous moments that came about, I actually received many offers from other shows. However, I was worried that the Kai that I portray on stage could be hindered by my different sides shown on TV, and that it might be difficult for anyone to focus on my performances due to the drastic differences.
I can’t not mention SuperM’s group promotions. Three different groups under SM came together to form this sub-unit, as part of a project!
When EXO went on our American tours, we experienced that culturally, races and traditions had been blurred. I could feel that there was less of a “line” separating us. I was able to approach fans more easily; I don’t think there’s a limit to K-Pop. I don’t need to deliberately mention the [global] success of Parasite. The fact that I became the global ambassador of Gucci eyewear proves that race does not matter at all, but it’s more about one’s talents and charisma.
Personally, I felt the progress of K-Pop after watching the safety briefing videos that SuperM and BoA shot together for Korean Airlines.
I am too shy to watch it, but I did receive a lot of video stills of myself from my friends and they didn’t look good at all. They keep sending me parts where I look bad [laughs].
Due to your performances and dancing, I think the pressure on the stage is incredible.
Usually I don’t have much worries, stress, or even anger, but it’s different right before going up on stage. I get so stressed to the point it can be tiring. Honestly, waking up at six in the morning with hardly any sleep just to pre-record our performances for music shows — it sounds impossible. I’m only able to show 20 per cent of my all and that is really sad. Last year was such a busy year, I hardly had any time to recharge myself nor did I feel I was ready to stand on stage, but the show still had to go on. I was not fully satisfied with the performances as a dancer, but it just has to be endured.
What are the reasons that you are able to carry on despite all the difficulties?
The contentment after I get things done, and the comfort that I was able to pull through. On the other hand, I think the sincerity I feel towards everything I do and the constant ambition to do things better is a huge motivation and a relief when I accomplish it. If I don’t feel this way, it will mean that this work no longer means as much as it did to me in the past. Showing my fans the best version of myself, and the comfort and happiness I feel when I’m contented with my performance or work, is really important to me. In the past I couldn’t even sleep after making one mistake, but I sleep really well now [laughs].
And dancing is still something you enjoy?
I’ve been dancing for almost 20 years now. I can’t not dance. Even when I was young, I’d dance everywhere and anywhere, to the extent my mum said, “Stop dancing, it’s embarrassing.”
It’s well known that you have some really special and tight relationships with a few people around you. Do you get any inspiration from their advice, or from their influence?
I’m not the type to ask for advice from anyone first. Even when I ask what’s the better of two choices, I already have an answer [that I’ve] decided on in my mind. I’ve always felt that I needed to be independent; to [think for myself] when I decide, in order to be able to say that it is “mine”.
So, you’re a man of few words around people.
If they want me to be. If necessary, I will say good things, but more [so] the realistic point of view. I always think of the worst possible situation before saying anything [when giving advice], so those who know me well will not ask me trivial questions. When things go south or important decisions to be made, they will look for me. As for myself, I humbly listen to criticism or harsh words.
“Sexy” and “beautiful” are words that you probably hear a lot, but your fans call you “cute”. Which sides of yourself do you think are cute?
None! Even if I have thought of myself as cute, I won’t say it or admit it [laughs].
There are many people who idolise you as they see you as an iconic person. Does [the phrase] “a symbolic beauty of youth” or any other nicknames that you carry, feel a little too exaggerated?
Everyone views me differently, so I can’t say that it’s burdensome or exaggerated. Instead, I’m thankful. I don’t want to think of these nicknames or titles consciously as I live my life. Like, “Oh since they call me this, I should try to behave a little more as such”. I only want to show my true self without having other considerations — always.
What do you consider to be beautiful?
Definitely cool clothes, sculptures, drawings and paintings. When I look at some really good-looking people, I feel that that is beauty too. But personally, I think that true beauty lies in moments. Past memories and ordinary moments that when you look back, [you] realise that what you felt back then was more beautiful and precious than any other happiness that you’ve experienced.
A line from the drama The Miracle We Met pops into my mind — “Memory isnot [just] a record of time, but [is always]accompanied by emotions. That’s something surprising we never expect.”
Good memories always bring back rushing emotions, regardless of when you look back at it. That is really beautiful, and that is why I really love watching movies with film static noise, as it seems like I’m looking into someone’s memories.
Your name Jong (鍾) comes from“iron drum bell” and In (仁) comes from “benevolent”. Your grandfather named you that, which means to be as benevolent as the person who rings the morning bell. Throughout your life, have you ever thought about the meaning behind your name?
Hmmm, firstly, I’m not a morning person [laughs], but hitting the bell at dawn means to be of use to someone and to [have] more initiative, so I do want to live up to that and inspire others. Perhaps I could already be doing just that, I’m not sure.
I’m sure you’ve garnered plenty of praise for your dance techniques, but the shoot today focused quite a bit on your looks too. Which feature of yours do you like?
I do like to think that I have my own attractive features, like my small ears or a round bear like nose which most would say is so-so — but I still like them. If I really had to choose, it would be my chin and eyebrows for now. I think these two features make up 80 per cent of my defining look.
What does family mean to you?
Family is family. There may be no one in the world who will be completely on my side, but my family will still accept me as I am. I grew up happily with two siblings, and so if I were to have a family of my own, I always thought three kids would be just nice. But now when I look at my sister struggling with childcare, I realised it’s definitely not something to think lightly of. My family members are also my seniors (sunbae) in life.
Your eight-year anniversary is coming up soon, and you’ve probably been through many hardships. Do you think it is necessary for a person to go through pain to mature?
Looking back now, not all hardships have changed my nature; I personally don’t see the need for a person to go through change and pain in order to mature. But you know there is going to be a tough time for everyone at least once in their lifetime, and it’s not so bad a thing to be positive and think of precious things to get through it. Most importantly, just because you’re going through something difficult doesn’t mean you should hate yourself or be hard on yourself, because the most precious thing in the world is yourself.
Some may look at you and think that you’ve got it all. In spite of this, is there still anything that you wish to have, and is there a further goal you have in mind?
Before my debut, I had a lot of ambitions but the Kai I am today doesn’t have anything else I could wish for. I don’t think the place I am today is my final station but even if it is, I would be okay with that. Even if my debut was the end, I am proud of the life I’ve led, and I would be super proud of whatever I do. I am able to say this confidently because I learnt that the more fixated I am on something, the less happy I am. I learnt that it is better to focus on and enjoy the present; to enjoy doing what you do.
What type of person do you hope to be to your loved ones?
There is only one thing I wish for and that is for them to always be by my side no matter what decisions I make. Likewise, I will do the same.
SOURCE: Elle Singapore June 2020
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doomonfilm · 4 years
Memories : Top 15 Films of 2020
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If 2020 taught movie fans anything, it was that we shouldn’t take things for granted.  On the dollars and cents side of things, movie theaters were already facing an uphill battle to stay sustainable, but the “shelter-in-place” practice of March and beyond decimated box office returns, with many theaters yet to reopen (if they will open at all).  In terms of famous names and faces, the list of those who passed away featured numerous icons : Kobe Bryant, Kirk Douglas, Max von Sydow, Honor Blackman, Carl Reiner, Ennio Morricone, John Saxon, Wilford Brimley, Chadwick Boseman, Sean Connery, Tiny Lister Jr., Adolfo ‘Shabba Doo’ Quinones and many more transitioned to the great beyond.  Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Shudder and a number of other streaming services saw themselves step into the forefront of the entertainment provider realm, with Warner Brothers and a handful of other studios making announcements that they will be following suit for at least 2021, if not for good.
With all of this uncertainty and chaos, however, the year 2020 was a surprisingly strong one, in my opinion, when it came to cinematic output... so much so, in fact, that aside from a number of Honorable Mentions, my list of top films was expanded to 15 in order to accommodate all of my choices.  For anyone who has checked out my lists from previous years, you will know that I did not see every film released this year, but I did make my best effort to cover as wide a range of films as possible.  Enjoy the list, and be sure to support film in whatever medium you are able to moving forward so that it can thrive.
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The 40-Year-Old Version (dir. Radha Blank) A nice little personal film that spoke to my hip-hop sensibility, as well as that ever-present awareness of the inevitability of age, and how it can skew our perspective in regards to our achievements.
Ava (dir. Tate Taylor) This isn’t the action film that’s going to reinvent the wheel, but if you look at action films like wheels, this is a quality wheel.  Outside of Common, I couldn’t really find much to shoot down... this will definitely be one I consider the next time I have company and we’re looking for something fun to check out.
Bill & Ted Face The Music (dir. Dean Parisot) I honestly would have been satisfied with just two films in this franchise, but surprisingly, a third entry was created that didn’t ruin my overall enjoyment of the previous two films.  Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter jumped in without missing a beat, a healthy dose of familiar faces popped back up, and the new cast additions weren’t too jarring... it’s nice to know that a pair of my favorite childhood films are officially now part of a trilogy.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (dir. Jason Woliner) This was possibly the most surprising release of 2020... outside of a couple of news blips that Sacha Baron Cohen made during production, not a lot about this film was leaked prior to its release.  For such a dated character and a seemingly outdated style of humor, Borat once again exposed the simplest parts of society in an incredibly insightful (albeit cringey as all get-out) manner.
Guns Akimbo (dir. Jason Lei Howden) One of the most fun films of 2020.  Somewhere, the creative minds behind Nerve are wishing that they’d made this film instead. 
Henrietta and Her Dismal Display of Affection (dir. Jeffrey Garcia) Jeffrey Garcia is the homie, and I’ve had the pleasure of being in a number of his short films, so when he announced his intentions to write and shoot a feature film in 2020, I was completely on-board.  Miraculously, he was able to film the movie while the world was being ravaged by COVID-19, and though I cannot publicly announce details yet, this film has definitely already met (and likely succeeded) his expectations.
The Midnight Sky (dir. George Clooney) With each film that George Clooney directs, I realize more and more than he is an old soul trapped in a body idolized by the new school of film.  That being said, it’s nice to know that there are directors out there willing to embrace patient, silent and contemplative moments while simultaneously withholding from force-feeding viewers exposition.  
Tenet (dir. Christopher Nolan) This was possibly the most anticipated release of the year, considering it was the king of the IMAX release crowd in its pre-release promotion.  After a small delay due to COVID-19, it was one of the first films released in hopes of testing the movie-going waters during what was sure to be a diminished period of time, which probably hurt its numbers.  Too many, the film was confusing, and the nit-picking was fierce from the criticism contingency, but in all honesty, this was pretty impressive Nolan fare... certainly a good second movie in a Nolan double feature.
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (dir. Aaron Sorkin) I cannot tell a lie... I was hugely impressed with how Sorkin managed to reel his personality and voice back in order to let this well-known, controversial moment in time present itself.  Sorkin has a tendency to be the star of his films, be it when he is in the writer or director role, but for this film, he managed to focus the best parts of his skillset into a highly respectful, educational and inspiring tale that fit the tumultuous summer we endured.
VHYes (dir. Jack Henry Robbins) I remember seeing this trailer as 2019 was coming to a close, and it was a film high on my list of desired viewing.  Then 2020 reared its ugly, stupid head and many releases disappeared into obscurity or found themselves delayed.  Luckily, this one slipped through the cracks and found a home in the streaming world, which in all honesty, suited its presentation very well.  One of the most delightfully weird films of the year, hands down. 
Vivarium (dir. Lorcan Finnegan) Of all the films cut from my Top 15 list, this was the toughest cut to make.  I went into the film totally blind (with Jesse Eisenberg and my respect for his acting chops being the sole selling point), but this film really hit a lot of my buttons... it’s trippy as can be, there is a character that is freakishly unique and wholly unnerving, and the production design leaves a lasting impression.  Don’t let the Honorable Mention designation fool you... this one is a winner.  
Wonder Woman 1984 (dir. Patty Jenkins) The Christmas gift that the masses collectively decided that they did not want.  Much like Ava, there is one glaring aspect of this film that I could have done without, but otherwise, I found this to be an enjoyable film.  Gal Gadot was made for this role, while Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal stepped up to the plate and impressed.  If you’re looking to be blown away, the Wonder Woman franchise isn’t the smartest place to go, but if you’re looking for entertainment, there’s plenty of it here.   
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15. Mignonnes (dir. Maïmouna Doucouré) This one started off the year with plenty of controversy.  What was an award-winning tale about womanhood and the difficulties surrounding coming of age in an ever-changing and evolving world quickly devolved into a campaign to ban the film (and Netflix).  Many people overlooked the film as a cautionary tale about what access to the Internet and the sexually-charged nature in which women are portrayed can do to developing girls, instead choosing to accuse the film of being fodder for malicious types seeking to exploit the sexualizing of young women.  More than anything, in my opinion, Mignonnes served as an example of our outrage-fueled culture and the way it tends to skew our perspective and/or our ability to take art at face value.
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14. His House (dir. Remi Weekes) As I’ve mentioned many times over the past week or so on this blog, horror films were one of the few genres that found a benefit from the film industry’s transition to streaming services for primary access to film.  While a number of traditional horror films received notice, His House took the opportunity to not only make a pure horror film, but one that spoke on racism and the conditions that asylum-seekers and refugees face.  The film is well-acted, the production value is high quality, and it’s paced beautifully... while not the highest film on this list, it is certainly one I will encourage others to see as time goes by.
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13. All Day and a Night (dir. Joe Robert Cole) When human nature reared its ugly head during COVID-19 in the form of numerous race-related killings, multitudes of businesses quickly adopted the Black Lives Matter mantra, with film distributors and streaming services taking advantage of the moment to produce and release content relevant to cultural and social awareness.  Netflix was no different, and of the many films they released in the wake of the harrowing events, All Day and a Night is the one that feels the most sincere and honest in its approach and presentation.  The streets of Oakland are presented with a vast array of characters, each with complex backgrounds and states of mind, all of which helps the viewer understand the pressure many minorities live with and process on a daily basis.
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12. She Dies Tomorrow (dir. Amy Seimetz) Execution is king, even when applied to the simplest of premises, and She Dies Tomorrow is a shining example of this.  In a very John Cassavetes move, director Amy Seimetz took her payment from her appearance in Pet Sematary and used it to fund a personal project that more than likely would have been ignored by studio heads.  The result is a hypnotic, entrancing and haunting film where stillness and anticipation play antagonist, while we as viewers feel the need to transpose ourselves into the protagonists we are presented due to their stilted but emotional performances.  Hopefully this one finds some notoriety in the cult classic realm as the years pass.
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11. The Vast of Night (dir. Andrew Patterson) For a debut film, The Vast of Night handles itself with a surprising amount of confidence in its vision.  The immersion is nearly instant as we are first placed in the premise of a TV show, and then a 1950′s town, but once the actors and camera get going, it’s up to us as viewers to strap in for the ride.  The story is deeply intriguing, the performances are strong enough to carry a very dialogue heavy movie, and the final act is chilling in its reveals.  I will be surprised if this one finds its way to a Best Original Screenplay nomination due to it being a debut film from a relatively unknown writer/director, but if it manages to get the nomination it will certainly be a well-deserved one.
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10. Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (dir. Cathy Yan) The movie that broke the list.  If someone would have told me in 2019 that a film directly connected to Suicide Squad would be anywhere on a Top Films list I curated, I would have laughed dead in their face, and yet, here we are.  It’s like every good idea that was poorly executed in Suicide Squad found new life in Birds of Prey, which makes the film not only an entertaining watch, but a satisfying one.  Not only is Margot Robbie perfect in this film (as well as given a break on the exploitative costuming), but Mary Elizabeth Winstead arguably takes a stab at stealing the show with her performance.  Don’t let the DCEU association fool you... Birds of Prey is the real deal.    
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9. Never Rarely Sometimes Always (dir. Eliza Hittman) Probably the most contemplative film on the entire list, and impressive in its nature for sure.  To my knowledge, the cast is made up of mostly unknowns (unless I’m sleeping on actors and actresses, which has been known to happen), and as a result, a tough slice of life to swallow is presented in an extremely grounded nature.  Sidney Flanigan gives a powerful performance, hopefully the first of many.
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8. Possessor [Uncut] (dir. Brandon Cronenberg) Easily the most “what the f-ck” film on this list, and certainly one worthy of the Cronenberg name.  Andrea Riseborough has been on my radar since Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) and Mandy, and seeing her in a lead role confirms her talent.  I’m a sucker for science-fiction films that don’t rely on digital effects and elaborate set pieces, and Possessor rings both of those bells with a vengeance.  I watched the uncut version, which has a couple of extremely brutal sequences that will unnerve even the most hardened viewer, but these sequences only serve to drive home the lost nature of Tasya, our protagonist.  This one isn’t for everyone, but for those who can stomach a bit off graphicness and process a narrative that doesn’t spoon-feed you answers, this one is a must see.
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7. Da 5 Bloods (dir. Spike Lee) Spike Lee has always been a huge influence on me as both an aspiring filmmaker and a fan of the medium, but I’d be lying if I told you that his last decade was a memorable one.  Outside of BlacKkKlansman, Lee has found himself falling short of his vision more often than not, but Da 5 Bloods is a tonal and stylistic bullseye.  Fans of Lee will dig it, fans of Vietnam films will dig it, and anyone who had an inkling of respect or admiration for Chadwick Boseman will be moved.  If Lee continues to make films as good as this one, he may find an entirely new generation of fans as a result.
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6. Soul (dir. Pete Docter) As mentioned at the top of this list, people love to try and sink films due to their own personal agendas, and Soul found itself in the crosshairs prior to its late 2020 release.  Many people were upset that a minority character would not only spend most of the movie as a blue blob, but would also seemingly serve as a tool for another character’s “salvation”.  That being said, once Soul dropped, anybody with common sense dropped those stances and realized that Pixar had not only made a stunningly beautiful film, but one that likely spoke to adults more than children.  Plain and simple, Soul is a bonafide instant classic.
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5. Kajillionaire (dir. Miranda July) If Evan Rachel Wood doesn’t win an Oscar for her performance in Kajillionaire (or at least garner a nomination), Hollywood needs to collectively have their head checked.  Every year worth its salt has a weird, quirky but loveable film, and Miranda July more than succeeded in making one for 2020.  The humor, both physical and dialogue-based, is on point, and the bittersweet nature of the story is gut-wrenching as the film progresses.  This one was probably the biggest surprise for 2020 in terms of prior awareness versus post-watch admiration.
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4. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (dir. George C. Wolfe) The final film of Chadwick Boseman’s short but prolific career is one that allowed him to exist in the wake of his reality, making his performance powerful and (seemingly) cathartic.  He is surrounded by supreme talent on all sides, as there are no weak performances in this film, and despite it essentially being a play shot for film, it feels far from limited, contained or constrained.  Not only does it speak on larger issues of the commodification of Black pain and talent, but it may serve as a vehicle for a posthumous Oscar for Boseman.
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3. The Devil All The Time (dir. Antonio Campos) This was the first Netflix original that made me really and truly respect them as a film distributor.  The list of talent for The Devil All The Time is truly impressive, and Tom Holland knocked his lead role out of the park.  Robert Pattinson is great as always, and the way that the story winds back into itself keeps you locked in and connected until the credits roll.  For something that came out so many months ago, it’s respectable that it was able to hold such a high position on a list that was as fluid as any I’ve ever put together.
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2. Mank (dir. David Fincher) For a time, this was the hands down film of the year on my list.  Gary Oldman has basically become a “can do no wrong” actor, and his performance was amplified by David Fincher’s ability to emulate the look, sound and feel of a bygone Hollywood era.  On top of this, the built in intrigue that comes with handling anything remotely connected to Orson Welles is present, making Mank almost feel like a companion piece to the prolific film that is Citizen Kane.  If The Devil All The Time was a victory for Netflix, then Mank was the win that put them into a true spot as contenders in the future of film distribution. 
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1. I'm Thinking of Ending Things (dir. Charlie Kaufman) Where does one even begin with Charlie Kaufman?  Time and again, he proves to be one of the most truly unique voices to gain fame.  For I’m Thinking of Ending Things, Kaufman seemingly returns to his foundation of odd, offbeat love stories, only to take us on a journey of truly mind-bending and psyche-warping proportions.  Of all the movies on this list, this is the one that almost demands repeat viewings, as one must have an idea of the entire journey before they can understand the individual aspects laid out.  If dialogue isn’t your thing, then this one may not hold you, but that would be a shame, as this beautiful mystery stands head and shoulders above the rest of 2020′s stellar output.
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baehkhun · 6 years
Cosplay Models
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Properly aware of the advantages that come from reading comics. Which Marvel comics do you have to learn before (or after) Captain Marvel? Repetition. Go back to your DC Titans every day newspaper and look at the comics’ web page. The cartoonist is utilizing repetition to identify the character. Due to this fact, we could say that it has nothing to do with a altering trends, whatever is new and trendy, photo to pop artwork print stays within the midst of its identified usability in subject of artwork. I seemed, and there before me was a pale horse! There actually is one thing for everybody. Cosplay additionally means costume play and the fans often come to the comedian conventions dressed in costumes. Eight delectable Expansions that adopted added to the joy of the sport play. Then by all means, use it. Through the use of these exaggerations, it doesn’t matter what different particulars I include. The possessed doll first hit the screens within the 1988 horror basic 'Child's Play'. Corey Haim, the lead of the original horror film, and Corey Feldman, the two Coreys, reprise their original roles. However, in 2003 Hasbro would relinquish control to Batman's rights to Mattel. You also get preferential remedy in some cases and entry to special occasions and performances.
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Best Walking Dead Collectible Action Figures and Graphic Novels The Amazing Spider-Man hasn't been considered one of the most popular super heroes. I tend to be of your Batman and Wolverine sort of guy myself. However, I can't sell Spidey short when talking about his history successful summer blockbusters. He's been in some hits which are considered to be thousands of comic movies ever. The next work for balance box office glory from Spider-Man is reboot and yes it stars a new cast which has a somewhat familiar story. Only time will tell how whether or not this can live up to past glory of their predecessors.
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First some definitions, specifically just what comic, a graphic novel, along with a Manga. A comic can be a format to provide a medium, within our case a tale. A graphic novel is only a longer comic. However, parents often get concerned once they hear graphic novel, mistakenly thinking it's got something to do with graphic such as inappropriate adult material. Graphic in our case merely means art. Graphic novels are certainly not a genre boost the local tissue. There are graphic fiction, graphic nonfiction, graphic mysteries, you get the idea. Finally, Manga is a Japanese term for their comic medium which enable it to be quite fun for kids since it reads from right to left. Kids often love this given that they can easily conform to the format but their parents generally battle to read them. Loki, he in the golden horns who had earlier made life difficult for Thor inside movie Thor, runs a pact having an unknown race, an alien race, may help him extract his revenge, if he opens a portal for them to attack Earth. Loki does what he could be told, and steals the Tessaracat (a McGruber if there ever was one), and opens a portal for your other world to fight Earth. Loki steals the Tessaract, requires a band of scientists and Hawkeye under his command, and opens a portal that literally brings the aliens onto Earth.
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But as companies use digital comics to reach new potential markets, will the entire process of comic writing and drawing should evolve at the same time? Until now, the phrase "digital comic" has often been employed to describe a print product scanned right into a computer. Even webcomics, which are released digitally, in many cases are designed specifically to be gathered into print editions; in fact, this is often the goal of webcomic creators, since the digital versions are free. But a lot more creators are coming up with truly digital comics, involving screen technology to see stories in a manner that print cannot. Will this customize the convention of writing monthly comic scripts with twenty-two pages of content? Or will storytelling chapters be broken into shorter or longer sections, with corresponding changes in release schedules? And will these creators still try to collect their stories into print versions, knowing some of the storytelling itself is going to be lost from the conversion to print? Stay tuned, the subsequent couple years should provide some interesting new answers.
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Owning and paying attention to a radio or perhaps a radiogram would be a wonderful experience, particularly when it turned out capable to grab stations from around the globe. The fact that they crackled and were packed with a number of interfering noises simply didn't matter at all. Of course, there were no such thing as television with an alternative source of information.
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No Stones Unturned: Mick Jagger
Sir Michael Jagger was born in Dartford, England to a middle-class family. Both his father and grandfather were teachers, while his mother of Australian descent was a hairdresser. Both his parents had hoped he would follow in his father’s footsteps becoming a teacher, but Jagger has stated that he had always wanted to be a singer from a young age. "I always sang as a child. I was one of those kids who just liked to sing. Some kids sing in choirs; others like to show off in front of the mirror. I was in the church choir and I also loved listening to singers on the radio–the BBC or Radio Luxembourg–or watching them on TV and in the movies." Until 1954, he lived next to and went to school with Keith Richards. The artist that led Jager to rhythm and blues was in fact the flamboyant singer, Little Richard. In 1961, Jagger left school after testing out of seven O levels and two A levels. He moved in with Keith Richards and Brian Jones in an apartment on Edith Grove in London. Richards and Jones had planned to start a rhythm and blues group called Blues Incorporated, while Jagger attended the London School of Economics as an undergraduate student. A common misconception is that they all met on that first day, then the Rolling Stones started. It happened as more of a gradual process. For his part, Jagger began to jam with Jones and Richards, which eventually led to the formation of the Rolling Stones. Yet, this emerged as a process because Jagger still kept one foot within the academic world.
From the beginning of the band, they would often perform for no money. Their first gigs were playing the intermission between sets for musician Alexis Corner. Their first live performance officially as the Rolling Stones was at the Marquee Club in July 1962. Jager officially left school by the autumn of 1963 in order to pursue music full-time. Another misconception was that the collaboration between him and Keith Richards took shape from the very beginning. Once again, this was a gradual process that took a bit of time to develop. Their first hit song was a blues cover, “Little Red Rooster.” Their first Rolling Stones original hit, “The Last Time”in 1965 took a lot of inspiration from the Staples Singers song, “This May Be the Last Time.” They did not really hit their stride until the song “Satisfaction”was released, which also emphasized an image of rebellion. The singer would say this in 1992 in an interview in Vanity Fair. “I wasn't trying to be rebellious in those days; I was just being me. I wasn't trying to push the edge of anything. I'm being me and ordinary, the guy from suburbia who sings in this band, but someone older might have thought it was just the most awful racket, the most terrible thing, and where are we going if this is music?... But all those songs we sang were pretty tame, really. People didn't think they were, but I thought they were tame."
In the 1970’s, Jagger changed his look, but more importantly his music as well. By the time of Sticky Fingers, he had learned to play guitar with contributions even on that album. On subsequent albums, the singer contributed guitar parts on every release with the notable exception of Dirty Work in 1986. By the 1972 tour for Exile on Main Street, Jagger had fully embraced the glam rock style that would define him for the rest of the decade. He would even admit himself this embrace of an androgynous look in an interview years later. The singer would often perform live wearing glitter and eyeliner. By the time of that album, Jagger had also taken over business decisions for the band in conjunction with his personal investment manager Prince Rupert Loewenstein. This partnership still exists to this day. Some have said that financially he helped to save the band because management had been robbing them blind since the beginning. In a 1994 60 Minutes story, a promoter for the Voodoo Lounge tour noted how unique it was to have a lead singer so plugged into the business side of things.
In the mid-1980’s, Jagger decided that it was time for him to record a solo album. This decision would almost lead to the end of the Rolling Stones. He would say in Rolling Stone magazine, there was a need to establish an artistic identity outside of the band. Keith Richards felt the complete opposite in that anything musically should be directed towards the Rolling Stones. In 1985, he would release his first solo album, She’s the Boss, which actually sold pretty well. Two years later in 1987 the singer released a second solo album entitled, Primitive Cool, which emerged as a modest success. Sandwiched between that was the release of a 1986 Rolling Stones album, Dirty Work. At the time of recording that album, Jagger and Richards could not even be in the same room together. The only reason that album even exists is probably because Ron Wood acted as peacemaker between the two during the recording sessions. To make matters worse, Jagger refused to tour after the completion of the 1986 album, but instead wanted to tour his solo material instead. This decision put the future of the band very much up in the air. The other band members went ahead and worked on their own side projects as well. The irony came in that Jagger was the only one who did not really grow from the experience of going solo when the band reunited for Steel Wheels.
Jagger has also starred in some well-known films throughout his career. His debut took place in the film Performance, which also starred Keith Richards girlfriend. Jagger portrayed an aging rockstar recluse in the film that has gone on to achieve almost a cult film status today. His next film took place with the film, Ned Kelly, where he portrayed the infamous Australian outlaw. The singer seemed very selective in the roles that he chose as they seem to take on a feel of art house. He did audition for the role in Rocky Horror Picture Show, but Tim Curry was eventually chosen for that film. Jagger also had planned to star in an adaptation of the book Dune, but the movie never went into production. Ironically, the film would be made in the 1980’s, but starring former lead singer of the Police, Sting. In more recent film roles, he has tended to play more of a bad guy as seen in 1992’s Freejack. In 1995, the singer even started a film company that released a 2008 remake of George Cukor’s The Women. The film did very poorly at the box office and critically panned by everyone with the possible exception of Roger Ebert.
Mick Jagger has been married once and been in several other relationships with women over the years. From 1966 to 1970, he was with singer Marianne Faithfull. A year later he was married to Nicaraguan model, Bianca Perez Mora Macias. They were divorced in 1978 on the grounds of adultery. He would reportedly have an affair from 1974 to 1976 with Bebe Buell, but they both have denied that this ever occurred. In 1977, Jagger began dating Jerry Hall, who had four children together. Another positive aspect of this relationship emerged in that Hall got the singer to give up heroin. Next up was Carla Bruni, who the singer had an affair with from 1991 to 1994. She would go on to marry the future president of France becoming that country’s first lady for a time. His relationship with Hall ended after yet another affair. A court in England ruled that their marriage was not legally binding when she sued for divorce. From 2001 to 2014, the Jagger was in a relationship with L’Wren Scott until she committed suicide in 2014. In her will, she left her entire $9 million estate to Jagger. Finally, ballet dancer Melanie Hamrick, who had his child in 2016 when he was 73.
Mick Jagger has left an indelible mark on pop-culture outside of the Rolling Stones. In 1975, Andy Warhol painted his likeness, which ended up on the wall of the palace of the Shah of Iran. His wife had purchased the painting. The band Maroon 5 had a hit song entitled “Moves Like Jagger” a few years ago. One thing he said about the song was unfortunately he didn’t hear receive royalties from it. In the film, Almost Famous, his name is mentioned when the character played by Jimmy Fallon asked the question, do you think make Mick Jagger is going to be going up on stage when he’s 50? In 1973, Carly Simon wrote the song “You’re So Vain,” but she has never revealed what guy the song is actually about. Some have speculated that the song is indeed referring to Jagger. This does seem unlikely since he did background vocals on the track. Don McLean created the iconic song “American Pie” with references to many of the musicians of the 1960s including Jagger. In the lyrics, McLean sings about Satan, which many believe is a reference to the singer. In 1967, a photographer took a picture of Jager‘s naked buttocks with the original going up for auction in 1986. The image sold for $4000.
For his part, Mick Jagger will go down as quite simply one of the most influential lead singers in the history of rock and roll. David Bowie once said that he dreamed as a boy about becoming the next Mick Jagger. Universities have had classes where they study the movement of Jagger as it relates to power, sexuality, and gender. They argue about how much the singer is really acting on stage, and whether he actually means everything that he sings about in his songs. Another aspect of his legacy emerges in his longevity. He has done it longer than anyone else in the history of music. A few years ago Jon Bon Jovi commented on this, where he was simply astounded at how much running and jumping around an older man does on stage. He wondered if there was any way that he could do that at the same age.
In 1980, Mick Jagger was persuaded to write an autobiography. The reason being came in that there were quite a few unauthorized biographies of him already out there. He wanted to set the record straight and went ahead in producing a 75,000 word book. Yet, at the last minute, the singer decided to completely shelve the manuscript. There is only one copy of it in existence, which belongs to the person that persuaded him to write it, Lord Weidenfield. There is no word yet as to whether this work will see the light of day upon his passing. In my personal opinion, I am not sure that it would be a worthwhile read since the book would only include the first 15 years of the Rolling Stones. He had not even begun to feud with Keith Richards at that time.
Jagger in his limited free time loves sports. He is a diehard fan of both soccer and cricket. The Rolling Stone regularly follows the English national soccer team, and will travel to see them play in the World Cup, if they qualify. Jagger also started an Internet site that follows and announces cricket games, Jagger Internetworks. His politics have also changed quite a bit over the years. In the beginning, he was very liberal writing songs about revolution and protest like “Street Fighting Man.” Yet, nowadays Jagger is a strong proponent of the conservative party in England. For a long time, he remained a large supporter of Margaret Thatcher. Finally, the singer has participated in a great amount of philanthropy in England towards music education and local schools. He started a Mick Jagger Center at his former school in Dartford, England. Another thing he started was the Little Red Rooster music program, which is featured in schools throughout the country.
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rodgersodimba · 6 years
Dua Lipa Net Worth in 2018. Real Name, Age, Birthday, Facts.
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Dua Lipa is popular singer and model. She has sold millions of copies from her records and has graced different fashion events. In this article, you are going to learn more about Dua Lipa net worth, Her Real Name, Age, Birthday, how she makes her money and how much she earns. Dua Lipa is one of the most respected and successful young pop singers in the world. Therefore, it is not a surprise that Dua Lipa is a millionaire at the age of 22. The Albanian singer has been independent since the age of 15 when she moved from Albania to chase her dream in the UK. medianet_width = "600"; medianet_height = "250"; medianet_crid = "442568836"; medianet_versionId = "3111299"; Although she is a big name today, Lipa still talks about her tough beginnings and the times she used to work as a hostess in a high-end hotel in London. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); “one needs to be very tough to stand and tell people they cannot get into the hotel when it would be just okay. When I had to get rid of my friends because they were putting on trainers, I knew I did not want to work there.”
Singer and Model Dua Lipa
According to Lipa, her dad, a famous Albanian musician, is her greatest musical influence.
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Singer and Model Dua Lipa Since at a tender age, she was exposed to the music of Radiohead, David Bowie, The Police and many other artists, but digs Tupac Shakur, and she always sings his songs whenever she goes for karaoke.
Dua Lipa Net Worth in 2018 is $3 Million.
Many people do not know that Dupa was a YouTuber. She started to post covers of songs of musicians such as Nelly Furtado and Christina Aguilera. Her YouTube channel played a big role in launching her career and making her first million. Whether it is because of her strong voice or collaboration with artists such as Martin Garrix and Sean Paul, she was the most streamed female artist in the UK in the year 2027, and because of this, her net worth grew steadily, even as you are reading this piece. In the year 2018, she recorded a project titled “High” with Dj Whethan to promote the movie “Fifty Shades Freed”. The song garnered over 1 million views on YouTube in only a day.
Dua Lipa net worth in the last three years
2018 $3 million 2017 $1.5 million 2016 $350,000 Many people think her name is Dua Lipa, but the truth is that is her real name.
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Dua Lipa Net Worth (2018) She has an amazing name, her first and last name are short and nice.
Dua Lipa Age, Birthdate, Birthplace
Her parents come from Pristina which is the capital city of Kosovo, but the family shifted to London in the early 90s. Lipa was born on 22nd August 1995. In 2008, the family went back to Kosovo, but two years later, Dua Lipa decided to go back to London to pursue her musical dream, and this was the best decision she ever made.
Her relationship status
Dua is currently in a stable relationship with Paul Klein, who is a model and a musician. The boyfriend is from the three-member band called LANY. He is seven years younger than Dua Lipa, but they are not married yet.
Dua Lipa’s Parents, siblings.
She is the firstborn in the family. Her father’s name is Dukagjin while her mother is Anesa.
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Dua Lipa with her family and siblings Her father is a renowned Albanian musician, and that of her fans say his father is attractive. Lipa has a younger brother called Gjin and a sister called Rina, who is an actress and a model.
House and properties
There is no information about her house or where she lives at the moment. She has not shared this information with the public.
Dua Lipa’s home address, phone number, and email
Many people search for the pop singer’s number on search engines, especially her home address and phone number, but an artist of her caliber cannot just post her number on social media or online.
Cars and other toys
No one knows exactly what the singer drives but she once posted a photo beside a pink BMW on her social media accounts, and we can assume that that is her favorite machine
Social media presence
Lipa is quite active on social media. She also has a huge following. Her Facebook fan page has over 1.5 million followers while her Instagram has more than 5.3 million followers. Her YouTube account has over 3.6 million followers. Her Twitter has 1.2+ million followers and Google+ boasts of over 1000 followers. She is also on Snapchat. Her ID is @dualipa. You can learn more about the pop singer on her official website or Wikipedia page.
Her educational background
The singer has never gone to college, she instead chose to focus on her music career since she was a teenager, and it paid off. Tattoos and body markings The singer has six tiny tattoos. She has dancing people tattoos on her thumbs, one palm tree tattoo on the left arm, an angel tattoo on the right shoulder, sunny hill on her right arm and words “this means nothing” on her left forearm.
Dua Lipa popular songs
The following are some of the singer’s most popular records: Hotter Than Hell Last Dance Bang Bang Rules IDGAF Scared to Be Lonely Blow Your Mind (Mwah) Be the One Homesick Lost in Your Light
Wiki bio for Dua Lipa
Full name Dua Lipa Place of birth 22nd August 1995 Year of birth Pristina, Kosovo Parents Dukagjin and Anesa Siblings Gjin and Rina Profession Singer Net worth $3 million Affair Paul Klein Signs of the zodiac Leo Height 173cm Weight 58kgs Sexual orientation Straight Eye color Brown Hair color Dark brown
Dua Lipa is indeed an amazing singer and has an appealing personality. She has inspired millions of young girls out there, that no matter the situation, one can always achieve their dreams as long as they hunger for them. The sky is the limit for the pop star. Check out her official page for upcoming tours and events, as well as related information. Trending. Cheap Celebrities Who Are Terrible Tippers Rich Celebrities Who Live Humble Lives Celebrities Who Are Incredibly Generous Tippers. No 8 might surprise you. Best Animal Shows that You will Love. Celebrities Who Drive Most Expensive Cars In The World Read the full article
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Red Hydrogen One: The internet reacts to the 3D-enabled phone
Picture copyright Crimson
Picture caption Crimson’s promo movies exhibit folks’s reactions to the 3D show, but it surely can not replicate the impact itself on a traditional display
When Crimson revealed plans to provide a “holographic” smartphone 15 months in the past it caught the without warning.
The model will not be a family title, however over the previous twenty years its digital cameras have come to be revered amongst filmmakers.
They’ve been used to make high motion pictures together with Star Wars: The Pressure Awakens, Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2, and the newest Mission: Inconceivable.
Founder Jim Jannard was beforehand behind the Oakley sun shades model.
So many questioned whether or not handsets would possibly show to be the third sector he would disrupt.
On the idea of the primary opinions of the Crimson Hydrogen One, that appears uncertain.
The embargo on write-ups lifted earlier this Monday forward of the $1,300 (£1,000) aluminium model occurring sale in November.
A $1,600 titanium version is promised to comply with.
Picture copyright Crimson
Picture caption The handset can seize video and stills in each 2D and 3D modes
Testers appeared intrigued – if not overly impressed – by the 3D display, which simulates a way of depth relatively than produces pop-out photos.
However frustratingly it is not possible to seize the impact on a traditional digital camera – that means neither the opinions nor Crimson’s personal advertisements might present pictures or movies of what it seems like.
And whereas the system also can seize 3D imagery, the impact can solely be performed again on different Hydrogen Ones, limiting the enchantment.
Moreover, one other of the important thing promoting factors of the system – the power to snap extra modules on to rework it right into a higher-end video digital camera – will not be because of be launched till late 2019.
California-based Crimson is infamous for lacking its deadlines.
The Hydrogen One was presupposed to be launched months in the past and contains a last-generation processor as a consequence.
So cinematographers attracted by the thought of an Android cellphone doubling as a film digital camera would possibly need to wait to see how lengthy that takes to be achieved.
Crimson goals to ship about 16 million of the smartphones a 12 months. Apple sells extra iPhones in a month-and-a-half.
Picture copyright Crimson
Picture caption The handset has pogo-pins on its rear to permit modules to be added sooner or later to extend the system’s performance
However as Important and Google’s Pixel model have found, reaching annual gross sales of only a few million generally is a wrestle.
Beneath are a few of the highlights from the early experiences.
Digital Traits
The Crimson Hydrogen One is essentially the most attention-grabbing cellphone of the 12 months, but additionally essentially the most disappointing… Jim Jannard stated folks will need to purchase the cellphone after they see the display. We should disagree. That is clearly the primary effort of an organization that lacks smartphone expertise.
The Verge
Pictures of individuals typically find yourself wanting actually goofy, with the particular person showing as a paper cut-out on high of no matter was behind them… Movies are nonetheless a ache to look at. The impact tends to flicker out and in and have a lot of unusual artefacts. It might probably damage your eyes to look at, and it is a bit of dizzying any time there’s an excessive amount of movement.
Tom’s Information:
The Hydrogen One is an bold system that so desperately needs to vary your life. And from time to time, when the show strikes your eyes at simply the exact angle, you’re feeling fleeting glimmers of the magic. Nevertheless, Crimson is working with expertise that merely hasn’t been perfected but… there is no assure that Crimson’s specific model of 3D will probably be satisfying or stress-free on your eyes.
Whereas in regular 2D mode, the Hydrogen One’s show is comparatively high-res… However if you flip 3D on, you possibly can instantly see that the display’s decision is considerably lowered to the purpose the place you possibly can see particular person pixels. On high of that, nothing ever seems that sharp, and there is at all times a faint rainbow color forged lurking within the background.
It looks as if a 3D digital camera that doubles as a cellphone. And that is what really differentiates it from earlier 3D gadgets. The Hydrogen One is not nearly consuming 3D content material. It is about creating it. And if that appeals to you, then it is positively value testing… However for practically everybody else, it is arduous for me to suggest.
PC Magazine
I see a imaginative and prescient on this cellphone. It is the imaginative and prescient of a go-anywhere, pro-quality related film digital camera that effortlessly captures large recordsdata and uploads them simply, most likely utilizing 5G… [But future] content material goes to must be secure, vivid, and in an 8K industry-standard format, not in some proprietary 3D format.
The Hydrogen One is a reasonably run-of-the-mill digital camera cellphone, able to capturing strong pictures with good lighting, however struggling in less-than-ideal settings. It is not shocking that Crimson’s first-ever cellphone cannot compete with the likes of Apple or Google relating to capturing beautiful photos, however contemplating the pedigree and the worth of the cellphone, it is arduous to present Crimson any slack on this division.
Picture copyright Crimson
Picture caption Patent filings trace at how the cellphone could possibly be used to type a part of a extra superior modular digital camera
Android Central
I am craving for Crimson to disclose extra particulars on the cellphone’s modular attachments. There’s nonetheless a lot left to be accomplished with this cellphone, a lot bottled up potential. Till these attachments can be found, although, it is arduous to suggest the Hydrogen One to… properly, anyone.
If the system does, certainly, flop, it’ll have accomplished so with the type of audacity not often seen in an area filled with me-too gadgets. If you are going to fail, fail massive. A minimum of that approach you will not be forgotten.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/red-hydrogen-one-the-internet-reacts-to-the-3d-enabled-phone/
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): princess bella INSPIRATION: she grew up watching and listening to the first generation of idol groups as well as famous american performers and singers. so, sunjung gradually fell in love with the world of glamour and singing and she wanted to be a part of that, too. the world of fame was the perfect escape from cruel reality. others made it all look so easy and simple. SPECIAL TALENTS: 
voice impressions; sunjung can almost with an ease imitate voices of many idols and foreign pop stars, and that includes imitating the way they sing and speak. most notable impressions are of mariah carey, ariana grande and beyonce. 
she attended school of performing arts seoul
she taught herself how to play the piano and guitar
made a solo debut in 2016
also known as ‘the model’ of heaven
the first goal would be to release more music, at least one new single. while heaven’s songs are always so catchy and summery, the new much colder season would give her a chance to explore new things and allow her put the ‘summer queen’ crown away, at least for some time. the other goal would be to attend upcoming fashion events and shows for she wishes to get more exposure
staying in the limelight for as long as possible. sunjung knows that the kpop industry is oftentimes unforgiving, especially to those who are getting older but she wants to do all in her power to keep people interested. she wants to keep singing and that includes eventually leaving heaven for better opportunities. as a solo artist, she’d try to reach a legendary status in the industry. but at the same time, she wishes to promote her face and body for as long as she can and make waves in the fashion and modeling industry.  
her undeniable habit of hanging out with boys has gained miss lee a certain reputation that is hard to shake. a femme fatal, some call her. an enchantress, a heart-breaker, the less pleasant voices go as far as calling her a whore. rumored relationships are the norm in the thick catalog of headlines connected with her name, but they were always just that - rumors. some of them were true, but the rest were always just completely fabricated. these days a person can’t even touch someone without being accused of dating them. however sunjung doesn’t pay attention to it, not seeing too much harm in a little false press. after all, the company usually takes perfect care of it. without any real evidence - like pictures and videos, those who want to bring her down really can’t criticize her too much.
it’s impossible to build kingdoms with just words. they company usually offers normal explanations - potential models for their upcoming videos or just anti fans that are quite skilled with photoshop. she claimed in a few interviews that she was not focused on dating, only her career and that she was undeniably worried and heartbroken because of those few false rumors. however, those were all just lies. she only cared about her group and how it would affect them, but luckily all the explanations were pretty believable and made her seem like a victim of bad press. but of course, those events made her question her own actions and she became quite more private and better at hiding things. for a girl who never had a thing for the first half of her life, she sure is on the right track now. fame and wealth go hand in hand and she wants to live her life in luxury. she’s never the one to shy away from buying expensive clothing brands or cars. she’s earned all that money fairly, it’s only right for her to spend it now. however, people always find a reason to criticize someone. they had even called her selfish and snobbish, but once again sunjung didn’t care. the following day, she was simply seen at a center for homeless people, helping those in need.  
luckily most people and fans perceive her as a kind and outgoing girl. she’s always the first one to approach someone, shyness is not a word that can be used to describe this young lady. she wants to be likable, approachable. her charm is hard to ignore, just like her stunning smile. her company works hard to portray her as the cool and trendy one, the girl that knows all the summer and fashion secrets and that’s always ready for an adventure. she has that sweet aura of freshness around herself and she does everything with ease. however, taking into consideration the stories and rumors about her, she has to be careful when she’s around men. she has to be make sure that she doesn’t make any wrong moves, but the company still gives her the freedom to work with them. they know that she’s learned her lesson.
she’s the image of class and style. but she is greedy and ambitious, and sometimes even jealous of the younger groups. all the world could be hers and she’d still want more, doomed to eternal dissatisfaction. always will she strive for more, want more, need more to find some peace, steadily reinventing parts of herself to keep the mystery alive, to rewrite fairytales and keep the audience engaged, ensuring no one will feel tempted to turn the page and close the book on her anytime soon. she’s been in the industry for many years, but she still wants to stay on top. no one will ever push her to the sidelines again for nothing is left of the scared, neglected little girl. a dragon like her will never be overlooked again.
the clock kept ticking, half past eight o’clock and there were still no signs of her father. he was supposed to be home an hour and a half ago, she kept fuming, but always silently. life hadn’t been kind to that little girl, a girl born and raised in seoul and named sunjung - a name that represented goodness and nobility. when she was a little girl, her mother worked at a perfume company and she was doing pretty well in spite of being so young and rather troubled, at least that’s what she has heard. she would often tell sunjung stories about her glorious life and all the money she was earning, but today all those things seems to be lies her fanciful mother told to look better before others. sunjung’s the first and only child of the lee family, her mother and father had married out of romanticism rather than out of wits, the result of this being an economic disaster perpetrated by stupid decisions that eventually destroyed the whole family. every time, every time she moved, she moved to a worse place - life was dull, gray, and it wouldn’t wait for her.
all she had left was her pretty voice, the way her fingers easily strummed the guitar and false memories of a beautiful life. even now, she remembers singing and performing at small coffee shops and restaurants, and getting a large trail of desserts ‘on the house’ at just the age of fifteen. empty stomach always remembers such things, even if the head doesn’t want to. her voice was her lifeline and her dreams and fantasies helped her cope with the harsh reality and she had to keep going, no matter the circumstances. now looking back on her life history it all seems so ridiculously painful, but she can’t forget, no matter how hard she tries, after all nightmares can’t just vanish so quickly. neglected, underestimated and hushed, the story of sunjung was a tearjerker, and the girl herself didn’t like the genre at all. instead, she wanted to create a world of her own. she loved movie stars, the decade of the twenties, she loved men she was never to meet and missed places she was never to see.
this imaginative personality, this undying ambition, would push her forward soon enough and at the age of only sixteen she became a trainee much to her family’s discontent - but what was the point of keeping her pretty head held low, of hiding her powerful voice that could pierce souls and lure others ? a loveless home void of riches had nothing to offer to such a young and ambitious girl. she had to fight for herself. make something out of herself, and not just let time consume her. she was an excellent trainee, thoroughly dedicated to that lifestyle. the lack of sleep, the sudden loss of weight and constant practices never bothered her. she only had two options: sing with her whole heart and soul or go and serve drinks at a local cafe bar. of course, it wasn’t easy to survive those harsh months, but her ambition didn’t allow her to rest. she would practice every day and every night, striving to achieve perfection and impress everyone with beautiful singing and performing. she was born with it, but while training she managed to improve her skills. perhaps she wasn’t the best dancer and following all the choreography was sometimes hard, but having such a powerful voice was more than enough to impress others. she wanted to be the best, wanted to be noticed and soon enough, it was time for heaven’s debut and with that a chance to prove herself to the world came.
the first year was the hardest. she was constantly worried about the future of the group and how the public would perceive them. she wanted success and she wanted it badly and finally she was getting a taste of it - that sweet liquor of glamour and fame. let’s not forget about all the attention - she adored it. she wanted to be like all those dancing and singing starlets in old hollywood movies that she had watched way too many times as a child. gradually her fear subsided and being referred to as the most talented vocalists in the industry helped her a lot. that was all she had ever dreamed of. it felt like she was almost in paradise - or well heaven. criticism and false rumors simply weren’t enough to stop her and she always had her group by her side. however, over time and with all the ups and downs, sunjung’s love for the group gradually subsided. but still each new year is a blessing for this ambitious lady and she has no plans of stopping anytime soon. growing strong, always.
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/avengers-infinity-war-goes-forever-villainous-thanos-makes-worth-time/
Avengers: Infinity War Goes on Forever, but Villainous Thanos Makes It Worth the Time
We can say this much for Thanos. For the greatest villain in all the universe — a tyrant whose chin might be lumps of grape mashed potatoes scored with a fork to resemble Devil’s Tower — he’s got some ideas that aren’t all that bad. His mission, to gather all six of creation’s so-called infinity stones, is a bit of childish collector’s mania, a prank on the superfan marks who buy multiple copies of an Avengers comic to get all the “variant” covers. But Thanos’ endgame I can understand: In the name of achieving “balance,” he aims to blink away half the population of existence. When he announced this, not too long into Avengers: Infinity War, I admit to thinking about the film’s running time (160 minutes) and daydreaming that he might vacate his asteroid lair for the editing bay. Forget the cosmic genocide, Thanos, and show Marvel how to kill some darlings!
Infinity War does claim a body count, the specifics of which, I’m happy to report, fans probably won’t guess. As the third Avengersfilm, it has an air of senior year about it: There are some drearily solemn speeches, but you’ll remember the blowouts, and there’s plenty of time to wonder which of these faces you’ll see again. This epic, the first of two final Avengers films, finds the Class of ’12 — the core Avengers — getting together for one last rager, joined by select newbies and spazzes from the ranks of sophomores and freshmen. Here’s Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, all giddy heart and whip-fast Looney Tunes action. Benedict Cumberbatch’s Dr. Strange takes up the role of square-jawed stiff who just can’t believe/grudgingly respects this Iron Man fellow. Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther turns up much too late into the movie for the superhero whose own film is Marvel’s top grosser. (His job, essentially, is to host the apocalypse.) And the Guardians of the Galaxy zip through to get caught up in yet more daddy issues and remind us that, even with the fate of all creation on the line, there’s no joke they can’t belabor a couple of beats too long.
Simply put, the Marvel Universe is too big to squeeze into one movie. But the biggest surprise here is that much of Infinity Warfairly zips along, as directors Joe and Anthony Russo and their armies of pre-viz teams and editors cut between dozens of competing characters and cliffhangers — they’ve yanked all the good parts from a colossal Marvel comic-book crossover event and chucked them onto the screen. To the heroes, they dole out big moments the way awards show producers dispense goody bags, making sure each star has reason to go home happy. Everyone gets a quip to crack, an ass to kick and an opportunity for noble sacrifice. (The latter especially — Thanos the editor would have cut one.)
The second biggest surprise, after many spectacular faceoffs and showdowns, is the ending, which I’ll not spoil except to say this: I didn’t see it coming. I mean that literally. When the screen faded to black, I thought there must still be half an hour of fighting to go. What higher praise can one give a movie that takes all day than, “I got caught up enough that I didn’t notice how much day it had taken”?
The first action set piece, in Greenwich Village, stands as a highlight of all the Marvel films, a witty world-outside-your-window dustup full of teamups, tech upgrades and a wizard fighting space aliens at high noon in Washington Square Park. The second, set in what we’re told simply is “Scotland,” whiffs, but it stars the android Vision (Paul Bettany) and the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), mopey characters whose souls have not survived the promotion from comics to movies, possibly because the movies cut away every time they start making eyes at each other. Here, their limited screen time is amusingly at odds with their crucialness to the plot. That’s perhaps proof that Marvel movies truly are made by fans for fans — whenever these two are on screen, Infinity War itself seems like it’s ready to sneak out to the bathroom.
Their scenes seem trimmed to make way for Josh Brolin’s Thanos, the character whose movie this is — nobody’s onscreen more than this brooding purple titan, and he’s a more compelling villain than most non-Loki, non-Killmonger Marvel screen baddies. Still, his pronouncements veer from the monumental to the tin-eared, often in a single line. “I ignored my destiny once,” he rumbles, before adding, unnecessarily, “I cannot do that again.”
 It’s the house style of the Marvel movies to undercut grandiosity with wisecracks, essentially RiffTracking themselves. Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord points out that Thanos’ chin looks a “nutsack,” and Rocket, his one-racoon-army pal, tells a giant space dwarf played by Peter Dinklage that naming an ax forged from the very essence of a star “Stormbreaker” is “a bit much.” That ribbing often seems to me cheaply self-exonerating, a case of the filmmakers letting themselves off the hook for the goofiness of these stories — for their failure to sell us the most outlandish elements. Rather than commit the imaginative resources to stirring awe in us at the power of Stormbreaker, they layer a critic’s complaint about its cheesiness right into the scene. Rather than design the villain so that he doesn’t look like a rugged scrotum, they score a laugh out of it and move on.
Infinity War only sags, I think, in its middle, when the filmmakers give us too many underlit scenes in a row set in what seems to be the basement junkyards of a host of indistinguishable planets. Thanos stalks through some of these in ponderous monologue, as humorless as a pastor on Good Friday. That’s true to the comics — Marvel villains do go on — but the relative blandness of the cosmos is not. Jack Kirby, Jim Starlin and the many other architects of the pen-and-ink infinities that have inspired Infinity War all packed their universe with weirdness, visions and grandeur. The Russos and the hundreds of craftspeople who worked on this film have dreamed up marvelous battles — especially the one where a motley assortment of heroes take their cracks at the purportedly unstoppable Thanos. But only once here did an intergalactic vista catch my breath the way a splash page in a Silver Surfer comic might.
That’s partially because the filmmakers are always in a hurry: Grandeur takes time; jokes can come quickly. To be fair, in all Marvel universes, it’s the characters that count most. That’s what the films have gotten right ever since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man 10 years ago. The world-building has sometimes come at the expense of narrative (Iron Man 2, Avengers: Age of Ultron), the storytelling has often been rote or formulaic (Ant-Man, Doctor Strange), the action has sometimes looked like an afterthought (Spider-Man: Homecoming), and Thor: The Dark World remains, unforgivably, Thor: The Dark World. But through them all — even in Captain America: Civil War, which scrambled motivations to create conflict — is a certainty about just who these heroes are, what makes each interesting and what fans have dreamed of seeing them do. More often than not, the filmmakers have achieved the latter.
(Super vague ending spoiler follows!) The cliffhanger climax of Infinity War left the audience at my screening in a state that I can only describe with the most tired of critical clichés: They were stunned. No matter the film’s flaws, that decade of character work — of character love, even — powers an all-too-rare pop-culture wallop. For once, the superhero movie punches us.
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berti145gaming-blog · 7 years
How free musically likes can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
HOW To be Renowned ON MUSICAL.LY
Several followers imply much more likes and responses within a dependable holistic tactic that can make you well-known on Musical.ly. Via this article, We'll present you quite possibly the most comprehensive improvement strategy that gets you nearer to becoming a Musical.ly celeb across the world.
Below are a few tips that should be adopted so that you can turn into renowned on musical.ly and they are:
one. TRY NOT TO BE IN HURRY Although Producing A Movie.
After you designed your 1st video in A fast method, it basically seemed as if you have been transferring like snails and it absolutely was so awful. For example, Dani, sixteen, who performs along with her thirteen-calendar year-aged-sister Devan had created video clips which can be relaxed and composed rather then made an effort to be designed in a hurry. These California-primarily based sisters have 1.five million supporters on Musical.ly.
two. In case You should DANCE, Put money into A TRIPOD
Many persons, Generally, isn’t all set to keep the smartphones ourselves like most Musers do in gentle of exhibiting their dance moves. They Also get their companions in it or they are going to assistance them movie the video, and it makes it a good time For each one of them! Using in the musicality is crucial regardless of whether you are shifting or lip modifying. So, attempt to carry the smartphone you when producing the movie.
3. Make an effort to Use POP WITH PROPS While in the Video clip
Try out to acquire some link during the movie using your admirers by employing props that actually showcased the tune of the music. With sixteen million lovers, Infant Ariel is considered the most taken soon after Muser. She used props in almost all of her movies that set up a company connection amongst her followers.
In an effort to generate videos that seem extremely interesting, probably the greatest 3 hints that would want for being to employ are wonderful lights, overstated outward appearances, and candid facial expressions.
Maryland-dependent Musers Lucas and Marcus swear that in which you shoot is really a standout amongst the crucial elements in creating arise recordings. Locating a good place is very important. It needs to be within an enthusiastic, brilliant, ailment. You'll want to learn considered one of A form and an unusual spot.
six. One of a kind Troubles ARE YOUR BEST COMPANION
Using slanting tags and tunes enables you to have much more followers that should allow them to discover your candid profile. The most-desired online video on musically is moving for the tune “Juju on that Conquer”. It was a very effectively-recognised sample for getting popular to the musical software.
Ideal in class Muser Morgan Monrad had similar achievement because of a viral check. "My most beloved movie that isn't integrated is my #mirror challenge one," the sixteen-year-previous shared. "I did not have several supporters at time, nonetheless, I posted on an inclining hashtag in advance of it was a point As well as in light of The point that I used to be at the ideal everybody observed it."
Try to not feel like you have to Reside with the recordings until the top of time. "I erased my initially ever Musical.ly in light-weight of The truth that it had been so terrible," Morgan clarified. "Reality be informed, I erased every one of my recordings taped on my outdated iPad in light-weight of the fact that I could not stand the character of these. I see every one of my recordings commonly and erase those I feel are not suitable." Plus, Morgan swears she hardly ever posts her first choose in mild of the fact that "there is dependably opportunity to recuperate." The brand new Zealand-dependent soaring star as of now has greater than 300K fans.
To have more likes on musical.ly indicates to enhance the social trustworthiness of your profile over the musical.ly. Google rankings of the individual that has a really credible account also get improved on account of which the person can easily get in contact Along with the persons. If you get likes frequently with your movies, the social reliability will increase which makes it easy to promote anything.
Via this information, we would Allow you understand the information, that you need to follow in an effort to get additional likes within the musical.ly and they're:
one. COMEDY VIDEOS GATHER LIKES A lot Conveniently
Danielle Cohn observed that unique kinds of recordings having varied details of desire. "I get much more likes when I put up melodies, still I get incorporated far more with my drama recordings," she clarified. "In February, when I bought my very first ingredient, I recognized my history was exploding. I started receiving highlighted at the time each week and hit a million admirers inside a number of months."
At twelve many years of age, this Florida neighborhood has just piled on greater than 2 million adherents.
two. Attempt to BE Reliable BY Publishing AT LEAST seven VIDEOS Each week
"I generally publish two recordings around evening time and two toward the beginning on the working day," Danielle quoted. She is amongst the shining stars of your Musical.ly.
three. Attempt to Article VIDEOS In the Preset MUSICAL.LY HOURS.
Canadian muser Kristen said that timings normally subject. "Try and put up concerning the hours of 10 a.m. Also, 4 p.m. I have seen That is when people today are most dynamic on Musical.ly plus more persons will see your recordings. Submitting no below 2 times every day is ideal in the event that you might want to boost swift followers, nevertheless, I publish additional Considering that the far more you submit, the more possible your recordings might be found."
Kristen’s "TRENDSETTER" video clip is as of now her most-cherished movie with one.69M Choices.
Dani and Devan outlined the importance with the timing. "We more often than not endeavor to write-up all around three:00 p.m. PST so individuals of our age are away from college and might enjoy on each the West Coastline and the East Coastline," claimed Dani.
4. BECAUSE YOU Do not Enjoy A Video clip Doesn't suggest YOUR Followers Is not going to.
"The initial-hand video which i at any issue offered might have on me (as I wish to Imagine) the right video clip on Musical.ly — or the web all in all," Kristen shared. "It had been a lip-match as many as a Nicki Minaj melody and oddly ample it bought incorporated! I'm super happy for how significantly I came from that point ahead, nevertheless, amusingly ample, which was the video clip that kicked off every thing!"
five. Place Actual Movies THAT MATTERS Truly
14-calendar year-old Muser Loren Grey uncovered that illustration of her legitimate facet pursuits and inclinations in videos pulled in more fans with comparative pursuits. "Act Obviously! Some of my most relished recordings are my Harley Quinn outfit recordings. They shown quite a lot of id, and Halloween was ideal within the bend when I posted. What is actually much more, who won't love Suicide Squad?" the Pennsylvania-dependent star shared.
Loren has an incredible twelve.eight million admirers on Musical.ly!
"Decide melodies that suit you and which you appreciate," Loren proceeded. "In case you recognize satire, make comic drama recordings. Ensure you're Okay along with your compound and be inventive.
six. CREATE Video clips ON THE FLY — YOUR Followers WILL GO MAD.
14-yr-previous twins Lisa and Lena endeavor to fill in nonetheless A lot suddenness into their profile as could fairly be anticipated. "Our most-appreciated online video is a single we did at a photograph shoot," the pair partook in an e mail. "We shot it truly swiftly amid a short break. That a person knowledgeable the rooftop – quite possibly That is on account of it's, incredibly unconstrained and we had this kind of an unbelievable time at the shoot."
The German sisters have Pretty much fourteen million adherents.
seven. DON’T Fail to remember YOUR LYRICS
As indicated by 13-12 months-old twins Max and Harvey, probably the most exceedingly poor issue you can do is copy every other human being. "You need to endeavor your very best to consider unheard of choices and attain a little something one of a kind in lieu of what each and every other person is performing," they mentioned within an email. "Be certain your Musical.ly is remarkable and intriguing!"
WHAT Mothers and fathers Must Learn about MUSICAL.LY
Specifically once you believed each and every social medium spot was designed and nobody might have an extraordinary considered for another site, a company termed Musical.ly Inc. has created an software pointed toward young people.
This online networking software enables shoppers to create recordings that can be shared and remarked on by means of their method of supporters. This application allows customers to create 15-second recordings, using a tunes audio clasp to oblige it and present it to their web site. Consumers, in any other case referred to as "Musers," may take immediately after their companions and in addition to superstars and outsiders. Whilst most of the web-site is innocuous and brimming with an excellent time for kids, it's a couple of angles that guardians ought to know about Earlier enabling their kids to wander the appliance unreservedly.
• First of all, the main point guardians should be concerned about with Musical.ly is definitely the age requirement. During the organization's Privacy Plan place, they specify just swiftly all around an age limitation to the application. This arrangement will counteract in basic principle, pre-youngsters or young children making use of the applying without parental assent. This removes the obligation within the Business's fingers and spots a duty about the guardians to view what their kid in employing their gizmos. Be that as it might, as most on line networking locales and programs, it really is to a terrific degree uncomplicated to acquire all around this clearly show.
• Musical.ly is less demanding than most programs to produce a profile without meeting the age prerequisite. Even though producing a file, it is best to To put it simply in an e-mail deal with, telephone quantity or interface with Facebook. There is not any doubt about the person's introduction to the whole world calendar year or maybe a case to examine expressing the consumer have to be 13 or maybe more seasoned to make use of the application. Due to this, pre-teenagers and those as youthful as first-graders can progress towards getting "Musers" also. Young children presently get gadgets at exceptionally youthful ages and discover how to function them to an incredible diploma swiftly,
• The youthful customers can publish any kind of video clip they could want and Also appear into contact with outsiders. Many youthful clients might not understand what exactly is and isn't suited to publish through Website-centered networking media. With that, they may overtly post their phone numbers or personalized residences to some companion's remark, which could prompt an outsider picking up that facts. Anyone can see these remarks especially If your video you remark on has no safety settings linked to it.
• In South Wales, an episode occurred wherever a youthful eight-calendar year-old younger lady was educated by a "kid" with the Musical.ly software. The kid asserted to become an indistinguishable age from your young lady, but was stating such things as "You might be A great deal as well Wonderful for being solitary, I like One's body likewise," "I want to be your sibling," "You manufactured them experience wicked," and "When would I have the ability to see beneath the spreads ."
• Something else guardians ought to learn about will be the material of the appliance. The recordings made by "Musers" are considered to get an outflow of on their own and can be of whatever they could want. Most tend to move or lip match as many as well-known melodies. Once more, sounds like it really is all great moments. Nonetheless, the melodies that happen to be inside of the application aren't typically fitting. You can find melodies that discussion about intercourse, using tobacco, drinking, and celebrating. A handful of tunes swear or suggest illegal substances likewise. While this material will be much more suitable for the genuine team. The applying is endeavoring to drag in, it is not fitting to the gathering of folks that basically utilizes it.
• There was A different incident when there was anyone named Mr. George quoted “I was thoroughly confounded After i opened my smartphone in the future to some video clip from my 10-12 months-old sister. She was imparting to me certainly one of her various entertaining Musical.ly recordings that I consistently obtain attention-grabbing. In any case, I failed to find this online video as engaging in light of The truth that the tune she picked away from sight was a woman apologizing to some male for declaring and executing issues she did not plan to do in light-weight of the fact that she drank excessively tequila. Essentially the most significantly poor section about your complete detail is that the moves she was doing in shape splendidly While using the tune verses, so Most people who considered the movie understood she was greedy exactly what it absolutely was stating even supposing she is simply ten. That is only one scenario of the numerous tunes that any person more youthful than 13 should not to maneuver to or putting up about.”
• All in all, there is absolutely no authentic answer for this problem aside from to not allow youngsters under 13 on the appliance which is completely get musically likes while in the fingers of guardians.
• Notwithstanding, when guardians do display the applying or educate their little ones ways to be guarded on the internet, Musical.ly has a lot of capacities to weed out the extra youthful and also the noxious characters from the applying. A single method of do as a result should be to report written content to the organization. In case a remark appears to become Improper, a customer can report it and the website will have it brought down in quarter-hour. About the off prospect that a shopper reviews the songs company they settle for is below 13 or noxious, the Corporation will look at The difficulty and Verify whether it is envisioned to shut the history down. Something else that people today can do is to prevent unique clients from seeing any of their substance or their name in the application. Musical.ly features lots of enable bases and belongings for guardians and kids to employ if harassing or ruthless ailments are actually confronted by the youngsters.
• So how can guardians hold this from getting a problem? Screen your son or daughter’s utilization of the appliance. Make certain over all else that their security options are on Which the leading individuals that were subsequent them are those they admit. Upcoming, converse with your son or daughter about protection. Nobody can Regulate another person's protection settings, so it is important which you notify your kids that remarking individual data, such as, telephone numbers and addresses are not suited. In summary, make sure that you instruct them to accept persons they know and so are companions with in light of The reality that finally Irrespective they have got the opportunity to acknowledge outsiders as supporters.
• While Musical.ly is amazingly fun and stays up with the latest on The newest designs and intriguing things which their companions are undertaking, it is On top of that a hotspot for electronic violations, tormenting, and wrong tactics that guardians really should fork out Unique brain to it. It is critical to speak with Your sons or daughters with regards to the fitting utilization of the world wide web, what to share on the web, who to converse with, and actions they need to consider if anything horrible happens online. In case you make a space where by Your kids sense open to talk with her or him about various issues they confronted employing musical.ly.
All the things YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MUSICAL.LY- Operating & Use
Musical.ly is simply a smartphone application in which buyers make limited lip-syncing to famous tunes combined with the facial expression. The main reason guardians have a tendency to know an awesome offer about the applying is always that its aim gathering comprises primarily of youngsters and pre-adolescents.
60% of musical.ly's consumer base is while in the vicinity age of 13 and 24 — just a short time back again an astounding ninety% of shoppers have been from that statistic. This Plainly demonstrates when the center marketplace remains young people, the appliance is presently exploring its path in the trendy smartphones.
Also, having an assorted variety of age groups, In addition, it comes along with a good assortment of content material. Other than excellent lip-syncing and moves, "users" (as musical.ly clients are named) now make a considerable evaluate of a novel substance, from melodies, melodic satire and plays to design recordings and substantially more.
Originally, the creators of musical.ly experienced embarked to generate an instructive person-to-man or woman communication software, in which shoppers could educate and find out as a result of limited-form recordings. At the point when the application neglected to acquire a footing, the organizers rotated and propelled musical.ly. The authority software was propelled in August 2014 and now has in surplus of two hundred million clients who transfer all around twelve million recordings constantly.
Users can report, alter and transfer a 15-next to 1-minute recordings. They choose the tunes or document their particular unique audio and contain various various consequences and filters in the video clip. Recording alternate options incorporate numerous velocity configurations time-slip by, average, standard, swift, and epic which prompts intriguing impacts once the recordings are played again in the applying.
For the individuals who are genuinely serious about it, musical.ly contains a considerable amount of function than its preceding version, from honing the lip-syncing to concocting hand actions. Accomplishing it well isn't really straightforward.
Certainly, customers have lots of strategies to communicate with each other, besides savoring, remarking and subsequent to be fanatics of one another. They will reuse one another's distinctive Appears from recordings. What is actually extra, they might interface by way of highlights like "Make an Inquiry" and "Two-component harmony". What's more, it permits them to operate alongside one another on recordings with no remaining in an analogous place. The recordings are then joined collectively
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laurenscc-blog1 · 7 years
Interview Techniques
Question Types
Open - Open questions allows for the interviewee to expand or explain their answer. Open questions start with the 5 Ws and how, mostly, how, what and why as these provoke the most detailed answers replies. Open questions are used in all types of interviews whether it be sport based, celebrity based or hard news. They can even be used in TV show’s when the root of a story needs to be established such as ‘This Morning’ or ‘The Jeremy Kyle Show’. An example of an open question that is used frequently in promotional interviews is “how did you come up with the title (of the book, film or album)?” because it cannot be answered with a one worded or yes or no answer. 
Example:  “What did you do over the weekend?”
Strengths - More detailed answers and you can gain an opinion on a matter more easily.
Weakness - Sometimes the answer can go off topic or you might receive more information than necessary. 
Closed - Usually only requires a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer with no explanation necessary. Closed questions are the opposite to open questions because they are answered with one worded answers or yes or no answers. Some closed questions do start with some of the 5 Ws but, “what”, “where” and “when” occur most frequent. This is because an interviewee could give one worded answers to all of these such as in questions like “what is your favourite colour?”, “where did you meet?” and “when did it happen?”. 
e.g “Did you have a good weekend?”
Strengths - Answer is straight to the point and gives the exact answer without a long explanation.
Weakness - Might not be detailed enough for what the interview is required for and a very brief answer.
Leading - A question that encourages a certain answer. For example, if someone was to ask “do you know what you are doing?” as oppose to “what are you doing?”, it implies that the questioner expects them to not know what they are doing so they might change their answer in order to fit what was asked. Leading questions can be reworded in order to not form a biased reply.
e.g “Do you like....” encourages the interviewee to agree as appose to “Do you dislike”.
Strengths - Answer usually consists of information that the interviewer requires.
Weakness - Could be biased or influence their reply.
Hard news - This is news needs to be reported immediately as it can affect everyone. Examples of this can be, politics or economics or disasters. It is a serious style of interview as it is mostly facts and figures and straight to the point. 
An example of hard news would be this interview with Jeremy Corbyn as it is a political interview with straight forward questions about the Labour party. Corbyn goes on to explain how his party is ready to form a government compared to the Conservative party. This news effects the public as they vote for which government they want.  
Combative - These interviews are aggressive and can be a competition as to who’s more determined. Sometimes these interviews are interpreted as rude.
An example of a combative interview is this interview when Paxman had to repeat the same question over and over to achieve the answer he needed. This could come across as rude as he was repeating himself when it was clear the interviewee didn’t want to answer it. However, it shows that this question was a key question and shows that he was determined to get the answer. 
Light-hearted - News that doesn’t affect everyone directly and is usually an interest rather than life affecting. These usually aren’t hard hitting questions and are likely to be used in emotional interviews rather than important ones. 
For example, in this interview for a film, they discuss where eachother lives rather than hard hitting questions about the film. It’s a light hearted interview as it’s more relaxed and will appeal to fans of the film or actors rather than affecting everyone. 
Entertainment - Celebrity interviews. These interviews focus on the media and stars, for example, lifestyles or scandals relevant to the person. This would be entertaining to the audience rather than important. 
One example would be this interview with Ariana Grande as it’s more appealing to her fans rather than everybody as the information given doesn’t affect the public. They have a ‘sleepover’ which shows it’s not a hard hitting interview as it isn’t a formal, serious interview. 
Investigative - To find out information that hasn’t been researched before. It can be similar to hard news as some information can be sensitive and serious. 
For example, in this interview, Stacey Dooley interviews a DUP voter to investigate why she does vote for them. This can be a hard interview because some of the views may conflict with the public such as the DUP’s opinion on gay marriage. 
Promotional - To promote a new project, such as a film.  These can be done in a press junket or a red carpet event to draw more attention to the product. 
An example of a promotional interview would be this one for the movie ‘IT’, they ask questions about the film and if they have seen it themselves yet. This is promotional as most questions are about the film to spread promotional and make people aware of the film. 
Introduction - Most interviews begin with this and it can consist of introducing the guest to the interview.
Developmental questions - These questions usually are light hearted to help make the guest feel more relaxed. It can help introduce the audience to the guest and set the mood for the interview. 
Confidence building - These type of questions help make the guest feel confident about answering questions and more comfortable with the interviewer. 
Key questions - These are the most important part of the interview and can be why they are taking place. This is where the key information can be received and happen early on so that the rest of the interview can have more complex questions. 
Soundbites - These are short sections of an interview that can be used for promotion of the interview or advertisements. These could also be used in media products such as radio news. 
Summary - This happens towards the end of an interview as all questions need to be summarised into one overall question so that there is a closure and conclusion on the topic. 
Windup - The last thing in the interview as it brings the entire thing to a close and winds it up. It can end on a light hearted question and an exchange of thank you’s. 
Using this structure within interviews can help make the interviewee more relaxed and comfortable with the interviewer. The intro is usually when the interviewer boosts the confidence of the interviewee with compliments and lays out all their accomplishments. Development questions are usually light hearted ones such as “How are you?” to make the guest feel more comfortable and less nervous. Confidence building questions are often compliments to settle the nerves of the interviewee even further. Key questions are the main part of the interview and possibly the most important ones, they are usually about a controversial topic. Soundbites are the advertisement questions that can be used to promote the interview and are usually short and snappy questions that can be cut easily. The summary and windup are very similar as they mostly close the interview and do an overall view with a light hearted question. 
For example, in this Taylor Swift interview with Barbra Walters, the interviewer begins by introducing Taylor by complimenting the star and previewing her hit single, this follows the structure for introducing and developing the interview. As well as this, the development questions allow the audience to know what Taylor is there to promote. She also talks about her album and how many were sold, adding to the compliments to make Taylor Swift feel more comfortable and friendly with the interviewer. They then proceed to the key questions which are the most important part of the interview as they are usually the key reason the interview is taking place. In this case, the interview is about Taylor’s career and her transition to pop music so most questions are about her career and her newest hit single.  She follows the structure of interviews throughout the interview to warm up to the key questions and end the interview on a positive and comfortable note.
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nightbuzz-blog1 · 7 years
Night Buzz
Exciting New Female Pop Music Artists
The Way Brand New Female Pop Music Artists Are Creating A Brand New Pop Era
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The pop music industry is taking on new female pop music artists that are and forming the world of pop in a whole new way. It's time to have a look at how the new female audio artists are shaping the business, as well as the pop ladies who are breaking those boundaries.
As the years went by, music has taken a new course. You may observe the shift in music televisions and you can listen to it on the radio. Artists like Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, and Beyonce are only some of the new female music artists who are taking the music world by storm and at precisely the same time shaping the entire pop culture around their manner of sound. They are establishing a new route for pop and they're leading young future brand new female pop audio artists in the process. To tell the truth, they may be the last possibility that the pop genre has.
New Female Pop Music Artists and The Industry
We all know that the music industry is one of the biggest and the most immune businesses there are in the world. They have mastered the strategies of creating music, documenting it, and distributing it to the masses. They tell us what's popular, unlike a few years ago when new female music artists - and guys alike - were actually famous for their hard work and talents. If the radio station couldn't afford fresh new pop music, then they seemed for local and unsigned artists' songs - most of those being the most alluring pop music girls out there today - both female soloists, and bands alike.
These days, the music industry is striving hard to keep what they had built, and in precisely the same time they are struggling to fight piracy. Since the styles of music change during the years, the sector has also suffered its own ups and downs, and today, the expense of music production and production has decreased as well as the expense of distribution and promotion.
Pop Music Ladies - A Bit Of History
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In the last couple of decades a great deal of new genres have grown, and the industry has known them "micro-genres". Lots of them are combination's of existing music styles. As an instance, the brand new genre ska is described as a fast punk with some Jamaican inspiration. Other micro-genres consist of Nu-metal, which combined hip-hop and hardcore into a song.
The rise and fame of those micro-genres was the start of the way the Internet changed the music industry. These days, it's extremely difficult to stereotype listeners, because you no longer needed to be portion of a single genre-you can now listen to both kinds and much more. Children who listen to metal and hardcore may also listen to house music any time they want. The Internet has also made it possible for everyone to discover new songs with only a click of a mouse.
Today it is clear that the industry is taking on a new wave of female pop music artists and talents who focus more on their appearance rather than their music. They've taken control of the pop culture and they now decide what is "sexy" and what isn't. A decade ago, it wasn't like this.
New Female Pop Music Artists Leading The Way
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Pop stars such as Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, and Beyonce are letting other new female pop songs artists have a run for their money. They've created numerous songs that have made its way through the top charts. Although they dress In an odd way, their lovers know that this is a new era - one to be possessed my pop music girls, and this is the newest pop culture.
However, other than just paving the way for prospective new female music artists to the new era of pop culture, these musicians are showing the audio industry that one thing never changes-artists still write in their own experiences in life. Their songs still have that substance, and they still like to add personal stories and experiences as inspiration for their own songs. This makes their music even more close to the hearts of their fans because they can relate to exactly what their favourite artists sing about.
You Are Right To Wish More Original New Female Music Artists!
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But one thing is always right and most significant- me and you as the fans. All of the artists indicate, the fans know what they want. Despite what many record labels and music directors may make of this change that you as fans are asking of these, there is no debate that YOU as a fan are correct to love originality, uniqueness and personality in fresh female pop music musicians, and the guys of pop equally.
Pop music is audio that is actually contemporary music. Today whatever music you hear, songs that's moving with the times, all it's pop music. Fifty five years before, the music which was contemporary in that age was also pop along with the dads of pop, Bob Dylan etc dwelt. But now's music can also be called pop, so pop is actually a genre of contemporary music throughout all ages, which can be flexible enough to change its shape from one to another and still maintain some integrity.
That means you can have rock, jazz, blues, R&B, dancing numbers and many other genres influencing this one particular genre of music. Sometimes even elements of country and folk music was found to be within pop. The basic trick that pop music undertakes to keep its prevalence is utilize melody that would stay in the minds of individuals. They do not use catchy tunes but tunes and rhythm which compels you to remember it. Also, the songs are barely full of lots of music, there's 1 speed which goes through the whole song and does not change. But this is an element which has attracted much criticism around the tune. Critics often say that soda is too simple and therefore maybe worthless.
Nevertheless, popular music is characterized by what people love in general and what they have full access to. It is a social representation, a social category of its own and it is not just another kind of music. It's a music that's intended to be heard again and again. This happens with me always, Matthias Matt Zemlin whenever I hear any pop song for the first time I don't really enjoy it since it seems to be too simple. But as I listen again and it kind of grows on me and I am hardly able to get rid of it. Now pop is simply popular music and once it grows on you, you barely think of any other music.
The very best thing about pop up is the fact that it is a massive music industry. The production and sale of pop is by far more than any other form of music. The rhythm, the simplicity, the beats, everything combine to produce the magic that we call popup. Mostly, all the best selling tunes are such of the pop genre and quite seldom does other Genres make it on the top of the top ten listing.
With time nevertheless pop songs has changed a whole lot. With the coming of the various recording devices that can now create a variety of forms of sounds pop has entered a new era. These recording devices and also the ability to modify the tonal quality of listeners has really set pop aside from the several different kinds of musical genres such as jazz etc..
Pop music is the most amazing and favorite genre of music. This genre is very famous and is acclaimed world wide. It is the music style of contemporary times and has led to a wonderful revolution in the world of music. It's the wonderful category of music that has broken various barriers of traditional and traditional music. This music is outside the formal schooling in music or typical music styles. The only real reason of the immense achievement of this sort of music is the way it can muse and amuse people.
The audio is created with a goal to attract and appeal the masses. Anyone and everyone is able to enjoy this music with no expert and connoisseur of songs. It focuses more on entertainment than the artistic and expert conceptualizations. This music does not highlight on the some particular music form. But, it only provides the artist freedom to experiment with the several types of music and express them in their particular styles.
The genre is immensely famous amongst the kids and the teens. Its design is now the favourite of the masses due to its flexibility. People are able to easily comprehend it and relate to it. Pop tunes are written with sheer objective of entertaining the viewer. This music genre can't be typified or categorized according to one's style. This exquisite style includes of different moods and it's sheer expression of the artist's imagination that matters the most.
Pop Music is gaining popularity since 1950's that this fantastic music style has overshadowed all of its contemporaries. Played with the typical musical instruments like Guitar, Drum and electronic keyboards, the audio is all about higher spiritedness and fun. These music rings are extremely famous and individuals throughout the globe admire them. The orchestra and the singers together comprise the pop ring.
Many popular artistes of the music genre have ruled the music world. Its fans keenly await the launch of the records from their favourite artistes. The Beetles has been one of the very popular music bands in the world. They have mastered the music charts and people have loved their music crazily. Through the years the singers, song writers and the artists played a vital part in the growth and growth of the genre. Everyone loves to listen to this incredible music genre.
We are the World, Careless Whisper and Footloose are some of the very rocking strikes of the 1980s. It was the age where the genre gained its greatest position. In 1990s, the audio gained new heights with feminine artistes coming up with awesome pop music movies and songs. There were some magnificent female singles released that outclassed the male performances. Vogue, The energy of Love, Hold and the Hero are the few outstanding numbers.
Madonna, Shania Twain etc were some of the most revered pop stars of the last ten years. Elton John came up with a few of the most astonishing Pop classics that gave the audio immense popularity. Michael Jackson gained the best fan following with his distinctive design and amazing pop numbers.
In the current times, the pop songs has dominated the music world. No other genre Is popular and admired by the people. With youthful pop stars coming with advanced and attractive numbers, this music is all set to attain new heights. Britney Spears is one of the hottest pop icons of the new generation. Her mortal music movies like Oops! I did it Again, I'm a Slave For You etc have made her the most desirable Pop icon amongst the teenagers. Beyonce Knowles' Crazy in Love, White Flag along with other strikes have also rocked the music fans the world over.
Jennifer Lopez, Boy Zone, Spice Girls along with other pop stars have given excellent amusement to the people across the world. Shakira has set a new fad with her personal style with the smashing strikes like Hips Don't bend and Whenever, Wherever.
Hip hop based pop music movie made waves, with great hits like Hot in Herre, Don't Phunk With my Heart, India Club and Chocolate Shop. Latin Pop additionally became significantly popular with all the wonderful hit by Enrique - Hero. The Ketchup Song was also a great hit in 2002. Pop music has enthralled people throughout the globe. Everyone should listen to pop songs to get good entertainment and rejuvenation
Though we should be seeing great new male artists popping up here and there, and boyband fans will always remain boyband lovers, from where I am looking, female music artists are destined for both topping charts and pushing the boundaries of pop music this season!
Have a look at the scene to get female music artists right now - the likes of Taylor swift, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga, all solo guys, completely eclipsing any type or male behave, and bringing some of the edgiest and punchiest fresh pop songs around.
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But who to watch for sexy new tunes?
A number of other gifted female pop audio artists are all set to take the stage in 2010 - you will have heard vibrant and fun tracks from Ke$ha, whilst the well known first ladies of pop are dominating individuals playlists once more.
Can anyone really tell me they did not like Beyonce's completely new image, and how feisty alter-ego Sasha Fierce really came through in her songs?
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Madonna has once again taken the pop world by storm, increasing the attention on female pop music musicians by pairing forces together with the infamous Britney - who's thought to be releasing some new material this March!
So - you've been seeing and listening to the proof for some time today - lady pop music artists are the ones to keep your eye if you want to be the first to hear brand-new pop music.
But if you're a true pop fan, and want to encourage the ladies in climbing up the music charts, why don't you go a bit further to make sure you're the first person in the know about who's the next female music artists in the top will probably be before they get there - utilize what's infront of you, the net!
How do I get my hands on their albums first?
A simple Google search for fresh female pop audio artists, or even a browse around Myspace is all that's required for you to discover, listen to - and also contact - exciting brand new up and coming talent in the pop market.
This is a great way to do it, and also my personal favourite - only because when your buddies are listening to their tunes on the radio, you'll have already had a few personal chats with the new favourite female. Trust me, it's a good feeling!
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
The craziest celebrities are the ones that stay at the tip of our minds even after we see their last breath of day. Now that times have changed and we notice a different side of the music business, the harsh reality is musicians must consistently be seen doing unthinkable acts by the paparazzi to be relevant in the game. Even introverts like The Weeknd need to show their faces every once in a while, or they will quickly be forgotten in favor of an artist that can party hard. The lifestyle of red carpet events, drugs, groupies and scandals can only last for so long. A few of the most infamous party animals such as Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers had to put it to rest. The other side of a musician’s lifestyle is most of the time represented by rappers, rock artists, and R&B singers dishing out lyrics about being in the VIP at a club or waking up the next morning not remembering what happened the night before. Most fans are expecting them to live up to the expectation and if not, they are considered boring. Who wants to pay $100 concert ticket to watch a dull artist? What we see on TV rarely matches the reality of these entertainers’ finances. Yes, we see the fancy mansions, decked out cars, a Rolex on the right arm or diamond grills in their teeth but it is only a small percentage of the truth. Let’s say it together everyone; music – business. Eighty percent is business, and twenty percent is what we enjoy as entertainment. It means the money can come quick like a train but might also disappear as fast as a one-hit wonder.
#1 Rihanna – Was $9 Million In Debt Rihanna is the epitome of pop star success. She is exotic, talented, funny, two-dimensional and has a net worth of $160 million. While the “Work, Work, Work” artist has wooed the hearts of fans worldwide, Rihanna has also run into cash flow problems in 2009. It does not come as a surprise because this was around the time she was in an abusive relationship with her then-boyfriend Chris Brown. Despite this fact, Miss Robyn Fenty pointed fingers at her accountant, alleging that he gave her terrible financial advice leading to her being $9 million in the hole. How can this happen, you ask? Let’s see. When Rihanna was dating, Chris Brown the both were in and out of night clubs as they fell in love, popped bottles and promoted themselves as artists. As a native Bajan (Barbadian), Rihanna is a jet setter that quite often visits her hometown. We also need to add that her best friend Melissa Forde has been a part of her entourage, traveling with Rihanna almost everywhere she goes. I doubt she is helping RiRi pay for first class flights and trips around the world while she is on tour. Nonetheless, most of her money went to purchasing a $7 million property that her accountant told her was okay to buy despite her over the top expenses. We’re rooting for you RiRi! We know you can keep pumping out hits to make up for your loss. A lesson to learn here is no matter how your romantic relationship can get, put the same effort into making sure that you don’t overspend.
#2 Ozzy Osbourne – Owed $1.7 Million In Taxes, Bought a Chicken Coop Ozzy Osbourne was at the height of his career in the 1980s when his album Blizzard of Oz went multi-platinum. He was energetic, fun, crazy; a natural born leader before and after he left his group The Black Sabbath. If you felt entertained while watching his MTV-reality show The Osbourne’s in the early 2000s, you could tell that the rock star persona was still in him despite having two children and a wife. Despite the family oriented/dysfunctional vibes on the show, there is one thing that Ozzy couldn’t resist while in his 20s, and that was quote on quote, partying like a rock star. He even has a single on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer soundtrack named “Party with the Animals.” What exactly does that mean? I’ll fill you in on the examples: His previous wife named Thelma Riley started to have enough of his partying. She went as far as buying a chicken coop, leaving him responsible for feeding his chickens at night. To show his wife he was unable to be tamed, he lit the coop on fire while shooting a gun. I can only imagine what she was going through. Thankfully enough, later on in life when Ozzy had financial troubles he and his current wife Sharon Osbourne pulled through and paid $1.7 million in back taxes. Now, that’s what I call a success story!
#3 Andrew W.K. – Blew All His Money Partying, But Smartened Up Andrew Fetterly Wilkes-Krier (aka Andrew W.K.) is a musician, music producer and songwriter who made popular hits such as “We Want Fun” and “Party Hard.” Not to say that Ozzy Osbourne had anything to do with his financial shortfall but Andrew was a headliner for Ozzy’s annual music festival called Ozzfest in 2001. A few of Andrew’s hit songs including “It’s Time to Party” were used in video games in addition to commercials. Wow! He must have been racking in a lot of money. Andrew W.K. considers himself to be a professional partier with no grasp of managing his finances. He has admitted to spending most of his money on partying because of hearing negative phrases from friends such as “money is the root of all evil” as he was growing up. Later, in life, a wise person in his circle told him that money could be good and bad. It depends on how people use it. As Andrew reminisced on the past, he thought about how he could have achieved more goals if he had handled it correctly. This guy might seem like an airhead because of the titles of his hit songs, but he came to realize that if you are poor, there is no way you can help other people and began spending his money more wisely on his family. What is the moral of Andrew’s story? Be weary of people that have bad money habits and beliefs that will make you think that money is negative.
#4 Puff Daddy (aka Sean Puffy Combs) – Has Had Artists Claim He Stole Their Money It seems that Puff Daddy has the world at his fingertips. Starting as an intern with Uptown Records after dropping out of Howard University turned out quite well for him. He is infamous in Miami for throwing all-white parties, and if you search his name with the word party, Google Image pages will tell the rest. Although the late Notorious B.I.G. is no longer with us, Puff Daddy helped birth the careers of many artists including French Montana, Mase, Bow Wow and the list goes on. Besides music, he made a smart decision to diversify his portfolio and opened a restaurant in 1998 located in the hot city of Atlanta called Justin’s, which is the name of one of his sons. In 2009 the IRS searched high and wide for Puff Daddy for a slightly over $7,000 back tax check for the restaurant. As a business man that always appears to be well dressed and so eloquent with his words, how can anyone miss that? Well, we all know that Puffy is known for partying and after popping bottles in the club for too many nights, forgetting to pay taxes for a business that is in another state can happen to anyone. Aside from his restaurant, there have been many of his artists that have come out of the woodwork admitting that Puffy cheated them out of money from music albums. The artists include the rap group The Lox, R&B singer Carl Thomas, and “Whoa!” Hit rapper Black Rob. No matter what Puffy is going through, the right thing to do is pay his artists for their hard work.
#5 Lindsay Lohan – Couldn’t Stay Away from the IRS or Jail She’s back! Yes, Lindsay Lohan is back in tinsel town. Not on the Hollywood scene but she pops up occasionally, in the news stories. Most know her for being an actress, but she is also a singer with four albums. I remember her as the innocent Disney star with bright red hair. I thought she was going to maintain the girl next door image. In the mid-2000s right before her career started to take a downturn, Lindsay would show up to movie sets late, became friends with Paris Hilson was pictured with Snoop Dog in the club and was proud of her behavior so much that she had a cameo in Pharrell Williams music video Everybody Knows. An infamous song about crazy things that happen at night clubs. Like Puff Daddy, the IRS came looking for her when she owed $250,000 in 2012 after she went bankrupt. After finding out that she had no plans to pay up, the IRS stopped her assets. Surprisingly enough, her celebrity friend Charlie Sheen helped her out with $100,000. Four years later it seems that her partying ways remain. We can at least say that she was close to being domesticated; she was recently engaged to a Russian Billionaire heir named Egor Tarabasov, later breaking up with him for his violent behavior. Well, it is never too late to get back on your feet Lindsay. One of the points we can learn from her story is there is nothing wrong with being a good girl. They usually last longer in their career and make better financial decisions.
#6 George Clinton – Lost All His Money To Financial Advisers  What is the first thing you think about when you hear the name, George Clinton? If you ask me, I reflect on the multi-colored dreadlocks and the party lifestyle that baby boomers would tell me about when they reminisce on their musical favorites. He had a good time performing with his bands Parliament and Funkadelic and earned the respect of the great James Brown. As he was traveling the globe with his band, taking part in some of the best parties while brushing shoulders with celebrities, he failed to pay attention to the little details of his compensation from the record label that he deserved. George went on the record to say that he earned less money than his fans thought. He had no idea that his business partners and managers took ownership of the publishing rights to all his music. If he played his cards right, he could have retired earlier on in life. Owning the publishing rights to hit music means receiving a check every month in the mail. In 1984 Mr. Clinton, unfortunately, filed for bankruptcy to avoid an economic mess. On a more positive note, George Clinton’s last day on tour in 2016 is on December 31 in Las Vegas. He also has a book that was published in 2014 out right now called “Brothas Be, Yo Like George, Ain’t That Funkin’ Kinda Hard on You? A Memoir.” Who knows? With all the tours, he had lined up this year and his book; there’s a possibility that he can get himself back in the green.
#7 Allen Iverson – Thankfully Will Get $30 Million When He Turns 55 Allen Iverson wore many hats as an NBA player including being a rapper. It is common as a matter of fact for most athletes to want to step into the studio. I once asked one of my NBA obsessed friends what happened to Allen Iverson? Nothing had me more prepared than watching a documentary on Netflix of him called Iverson. He had a whirlwind of media scandal’s, and it doesn’t help that his cornrows (at a time when they weren’t a favorite of the NBA), and his thug-life persona was intimidating to society, although he was known as being one of the top shooting guards ever to live. Allen Iverson lived a lifestyle behind the scene like most American athletes. He partied a lot, and the money gave him a bit more pep in his step to the point when he thought he could say controversial comments to the press and get away with it. Sources state that he made up to $200 million throughout his career, mostly from his endorsement deals. In addition to fancy jewelry, real estate, and fast cars it started to override his fame and when the day came that the courts garnished his bank account, it was a life awakening event. He opened his statement and noticed a $900,000 deficit for payment towards jewelry. Out of all the organizations that he can thank for an opportunity is Reebok. He apparently has a $30 million trust with the shoe company that will become available the minute he turns 55 years old.
#8 Amy Winehouse – Did Not Have a Will Amy Winehouse had a heart full of soul, broke boundaries of what jazzy rhythm and blues looked like, lived her life like a rock star and her meltdown was captured by media for the world to see. Even until today, new artists from the UK mimic her singing style to continue the legacy of Miss Winehouse. Before she died, Amy was married to Blake Fielder, who many blame her excessive partying and drug addiction due to the emotional abuse that he imposed on the creative songstress. Shortly after they got married, we started to see a different Amy Winehouse. After a crazy night of partying, the paparazzi caught her walking barefoot around London town. She was drastically losing weight because of her drug addictions. Her voice was taking a toll and news outlets publicized that her performances including the one in Dubai in February 2011 were a disappointment. Her estate was said to be worth over £4 million which equals $6.7 million in US dollars. However, with her additional debts and taxes that needed payment, the most disappointing part of this story is she did not write up a will before she left to give what was left over to family and loves ones. At the end of the day from a financial perspective Amy Winehouse lost out big time; when our time to go comes we can’t take the money with us which means the tax man and other non-family sources took over what she worked so hard for.
#9 Luke Campbell – Thought He Was Too Cool For The IRS If you don’t know about Luther Campbell, get ready to learn today. Luther is infamous for making hit music (that in my opinion) started the campaign of booty shaking songs all over the world in the early 1990s. If you think misogynistic music is bad now, imagine how much it was not accepted back, then. The lyrics in his music stirred controversy and here’s how it happened. In 1989 he was in a group called As Nasty As They Wanna Be and a hit single on the album caught the attention of the American Family Association (AF) leading to court visits for making obscene music. Now to get back to the topic, Luther Campbell was the Jamie Foxx of our time throwing over the top parties with women in itty-bitty swimsuits with rappers, R&B singers, rock stars and their entourages all in one house. Although he is known for starting a musical trend that brought him millions of dollars, he had to pay off legal fees for his raunchy lyrics and was also unable to pay the IRS $74,000 in taxes in 2012. To go back in history, his record label Luke Records went into bankruptcy. At the end of the day, Luther now works a few jobs as a Miami New Times writer and is the coach for a Pee Wee football team. What can we learn from Luke’s story? Watch your words, actions and what you write. It might offend someone and if you decide to cross the line, make sure it is timely. Breaking the mold in a traditional industry might sound genius but give it time and break down barriers when the time is right.
#10 Lil Wayne – Spends $55,000 a Month on a Jet Lately, Lil Wayne has been in the tabloids more for his lifestyle versus his legacy of making epic music. He is one of the few mainstream rappers that was good enough to sit in on an interview with Katie Couric in 2009 on her talk show named Katie. Wealthy Millennials in the suburbs flocked to his skateboard riding persona even though his lyrics about being ghetto fabulous were not even close to their reality. The one thing that Lil Wayne or his public relations team can’t deny is the man partied more than a DJ. He has even spent $30,000 at Diamonds club in less than 3 hours. A $30,000 donation to an organization for in-need families would have been a better expenditure! Nonetheless, the stories about his career with Cash Money Records were leaked, his $55,000 a month jet and $30 million worth of fine art in his Miami Beach castle were re-possessed. I need to add that he also owes $2 million to a company named Signature Group, and is still in financial dispute with Cash Money Records owner Birdman for money from previous albums he hasn’t received. My goodness. I hope that Lil Wayne figures it out or gives us another great album to take care of his situation. The lesson today from Lil Wayne’s lifestyle is to curb expensive addictions and pay attention to the small details of money you spend. Partying is a luxury, but when the year ends, and you have nothing to show for, the only person you can hold accountable is yourself.
#11 James Hetfield – Wasted Money on Drugs and Alcohol Forcing Them To Keep Working If you have a debate with your friends about the best rock band ever to exist, Metallica might end up in the conversation. This group has traveled to perform in all the great cities worldwide. North America loves a lifestyle train wreck to success story no matter who it is, and it helps even more if you are a musician. James Hetfield admitted to cleaning up his act after a long time of drinking excessive alcohol and being addicted to extracurricular drugs. In 2001 he became sober and got his life back on track. Woo hoo! Even an alcoholic with a resilient liver can’t fight off the way it impairs your mind, lessens the number of brain cells to improve memory and makes you make irrational decisions. James and the group hired staff they could not afford and were unable to keep up with an entertainment corporation. Because of the mishaps, Metallica cannot retire; they have to tour every summer to make up for the loss. They tried to create a movie, but unfortunately, the film Through the Never flopped. It was over budget, and if successful, it could have helped them out with a chunk of their debt. As one of the thought to be richest bands in the world, James has a lot of work ahead of him. To all of the upcoming rockers reading this story. Do your best not to let this happen to you.
#12 The Goo Goo Dolls – Made $0 Off Album  Another fete passionate group, the Goo Goo Dolls, made our list. While we wish they had a better story ending with the success of their musical catalog, it looks like fun parties and keeping up with the Joneses was one part of the business this band couldn’t resist. More recently in 2013, Johnny Rzeznik, the lead man in the group stopped drinking. He told CNN “I quit drinking. And that lightened up my perspective on the world quite a bit… I think our last album was a bummer. But the only way out is to go through, so that was going through. And now we’re out on the other end.” In the 1990s the band sold over 2 million albums while under contract with Warner Bros. Even after the Goo Goo Dolls owed Warner Bros. money, the record label was kind enough to give them an advance after completing the Dizzy Up the Girl album in 1998. Until this day, none of the members have seen one penny of royalties from earnings for the album. It makes full sense that the strategy for the record label to request an album was to recoup the money. We would think that the three members learned from their partying ways back in the day, but more recently they surround their performances around parties. The moral of Goo Goo Doll’s story: a rock star lifestyle can be a reality without doing things to destroy your life. In your twenties and thirties you can catch up, but if you’re forty years old in the business with no assets to your name, you may have to start all over again.
#13 Courtney Love – Walked Away From Nirvana Collection When I think of Courtney Love, my mind turns to Kurt Cobain, plastic surgery and her love for the nightlife. Her first music video I can remember on MTV made me believe that she had what it took to be the next Madonna or being respected much like her counterpart (back then) Gwen Stefani. Whether it was her personal issues or the death of her late husband Kurt Cobain, she was the talk of the town and not for the right reasons. If you are thinking that she was caught a few times in her past for being tipsy, it is 2016 now, and she ended up booted out of a Guns N’ Roses party at Coachella for drinking too much. Who gets tossed out of a rock stars party? That means she was acting out more than a male pop artist that will get a pat on the back for his behavior. It is a belief that she is worth $150 million but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. She made $27 million of Nirvana’s estate disappear; apparently, she inherited this money in 2006 after her husband died. When interviewed by the Business Insider about this she said that she “had to let it go.” If she was sober when she made this decision, her daughter Frances Bean owns the Nirvana music catalog, and after turning 40 years of age, she will be the board member of the Empire. Note to self, never make a child responsible for an estate. While this sounds like a good way to create generational wealth, you have no idea how your son or daughter will turn out. Five percent of the Estate looks good. Twenty-five percent of the estate, even better, but be ready to groom them for the responsibility before the time comes.
#14 Busta Rhymes – Forgot To Pay His Taxes Busta Rhymes had the swag to become the next Snoop Dog. His dreadlocks, tough guy stare, heavy build and Jamaican accent in some of his songs were loved by many. If we count down the top 20 rappers of all time, he will end up on the list. We don’t know if it was his fast rapping style or his fearless New York mindset, he couldn’t shake off the nightlife. Busta Rhymes music played at night clubs, weddings, and birthday parties. It didn’t take rocket science to realize at the beginning of his career that he will carry out his lively personality we see in his music videos in night clubs in New York, and major cities he would perform in. Much like the other artists in my article, Busta forgot to pay his taxes on time owing more than $800,000. He even dedicated partying in a rap song featuring Zhane named “It’s a Party” in 1996. In 2015 at an after party for the BET awards, Busta ended up being in a club where a shooting took place. He was with rappers Meek Mill, The Game, and T-Pain. Also, he is the life of the party so much that fashion designer Alexander Wang called him on stage at his after-party in September 2012. When a successful fashion designer invites you to a party, you know you made it in life. Busta is also a good time Charlie with prim and proper celebrities. In 1997 the cookie cutter Martha Stewart took pictures with him on the red carpet at the MTV Music Awards.
#15 Tupac Against the World – Was Worth $40 Million But Died With Under $100,000 When you are an artist signed to a music label named Death Row Records it is probably a part of your contract to live out the life of a real gangster. Tupac Shakur was a man of many faces; besides the one we know the most, he was an activist, critic of politics, and an avid reader of the sciences. That is not bad for a gangster rapper! At the same time, Tupac had his share of run-ins with the law and had no choice but to live up to the thug life image with a boss like Suge Knight. He was conflicted between being a simple man or pursuing a new career. Before the end of his demise, Tupac Shakur wanted to turn his skills that he learned as an actor in Gridlock’d (co-starring the British actor Tim Roth) into working in front of the big screen. There are many theories out there as to why he is dead; Tupac wanted out of Death Row Records to change careers or the hip hop beef with the Notorious B.I.G. At the end of the day, the most shocking part of his lifestyle is he died with only $60,000 in the bank. Say what? How can a man with a net worth of $40 million die with less than a $100,000 to his name? Here’s the answer. As much as he was an intellectual, Tupac loved late nights at the nightclubs. Before he passed, he was engaged to music producer Quincy Jones daughter Kidada Jones, but before then he enjoyed the presence of female groupies. His assets such as his beautiful rental house in the Kardashians hometown of Calabasas was taken care of by Suge Knight and his fancy Rolls-Royce, Mercedes-Benz and BMW on rims were all owned by Mr. Knight as well.
Source: TheRIchest
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lucyariablog · 8 years
Working on Your Content Marketing Plan? 9 Components to Consider
Building an overall brand story is essential to effective marketing, and doing so online can be achieved by mixing a little business operations with journalistic procedures.
Documenting a content marketing plan can be simple, and it must be done. Here are nine essential components to consider.
Documenting a #contentmarketing plan can be simple, & it must be done, says @neilpatel. Click To Tweet
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1. Set a tiered goal
Every successful business plan starts with a set of tiered goals. Set quantifiable annual, quarterly, and monthly progress goals so everyone knows what to aim for. One article per day is the minimum goal you want to meet, in addition to at least three posts on each social media platform. These posts are meant to build on the story of the daily article – think of them as the special features on a Blu-ray disc.
When the article is automatically promoted on each social media channel, three posts of conversational subject matter are necessary to keep the social media channels feeling fresh and active.
Don’t worry too much about how much direct traffic you get from each individual post, but do include daily, monthly, and annual traffic in your content marketing and social media reports.
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2. Quantify ROI
The only way to know something isn’t working is to quantify it. Lead generation and sales should increase by a certain percentage by the end of the year. Any increases to the content marketing budget should reflect an appropriate lead generation and sales increase by the end of that fiscal year.
It’s important in marketing to track quality and production numbers for operational purposes. You wouldn’t print 1,000 coupons without accounting for usage. Results for every published post should be documented.
You wouldn't print 1,000 coupons w/out accounting for usage. Document results for every post, says @neilpatel. Click To Tweet
Documented production and quality numbers allow marketing managers to be proactive instead of reactive by identifying weak links in the system when ramping up to 10 or even 100 posts per day.
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3. Determine content purpose
Before you create content, you need to identify the reason for the content. The internal focus ultimately is to drive sales, but content marketing isn’t salesy content (I’ll come back to this point later).
Content should be focused on creating a brand image and telling a story. How you tell your story is your choice, which centers on two types of content – evergreen and topical.
Evergreen content is a general truth or comment of the human condition like encyclopedic or academic knowledge – it’s a topic that is always (or almost always) valid and current no matter the year. Topical or time-related content is about current events like news, reviews, and gossip. For example, “corrupt politics” would be an evergreen topic, while “2017 political candidates are corrupt” would be topical content.
Evergreen content is easier to write for long-term editorial calendars, but topical content can drive spikes in traffic. The problem is the interest in timely content fades as the event becomes less current.
Consider implementing an RSS feed to curate current event topics in a sidebar (or on social media) while featuring evergreen content on your website and app.
4. Create an editorial calendar
To keep things running smoothly, it’s important to create a monthly and annual editorial calendar. Use it to work ahead and understand ultimate deadlines while working on multiple projects.
It’s important to create a monthly & annual editorial calendar to keep things running smoothly. @neilpatel Click To Tweet
With a documented content marketing strategy, in a week you can easily create a three-month plan and plan time to create one or two more quarters in those three months.
An editorial calendar is a quick map where anyone can see the progress on every content project in the pipeline. A formal calendar process also makes changes and updates simpler and less stressful endeavors.
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5. Generate clickable titles
If you used a headline such as “Businesses Teach Helpful Things,” you’re unlikely to attract many readers. “12 Business Lessons from Successful Company Owners” would draw more clicks if you wanted to write an evergreen and general article on business. “10 Regulations Everybody in the (Your Industry) Should Know” is even more specific and likelier to get more clicks.
While listicles attract clicks, you don’t have to focus on them. Some content marketing tools like Quora can be great for determining what content people will want to click on.
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6. Contract writers, editors, and graphic designers
Once you have an editorial calendar filled, it’s time to hire writers, editors, and graphic designers to execute it. While an in-house editor is best, you can contract one. You also can hire for the project so you can see someone’s skills before hiring him or her.
Graphic designers should be tasked with creating high-resolution and thumbnail images to go along with each title as well as infographics and images to include in the article. (Don’t forget to ensure that the editorial calendar includes at least one image for each piece of content telling the overall brand story.)
In addition to crafting the text content, writers can research statistics and related data for infographics.
Editors are tasked with deep reading and fact-checking all the information. Fact-checking is the most vital component of any content marketing strategy. While marketing managers still should review all materials, most errors should be caught in the editing process.
Fact-checking is the most vital component of any #contentmarketing strategy, says @neilpatel. Click To Tweet
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7. Document procedures and training
Detail the procedures for every job in writing. That way when you expand (or have to replace someone), it’s easy to keep the process going.
Documented company policies and departmental procedures allow everybody to understand how they’re performing based on what’s expected. Meet with your team often to ensure that they’re all on the same page and updating procedures on a regular basis.
To make information more digestible to everyone on the team, create templates, training manuals, and job aides. Provide notepads and pens, encourage process improvements, and engage everyone using these in-house marketing materials.
8. Promote and backlink
There’s no point in publishing content if nobody is promoting it. You can link multiple social media accounts within your content management system to automatically publicize your content as soon as it’s published.
There is no point in publishing #content if nobody is promoting it, says @neilpatel. Click To Tweet
Also, don’t just publish or share content that links to your site. It’s important in your search engine rankings to link to other reputable resources. Also, if you are a guest blogger, you can link back and forth to your published articles on your own and other sites. Consistent linking allows visitors to browse your brand story seamlessly across channels.
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9. Do not sell
You have a shopping cart on an e-commerce site. You have a phone and an office. That’s where you sell. Content marketing is not the same as marketing content. Everything you do in content marketing should be to educate, entertain, or inform.
Everything you do in #contentmarketing should be to educate, entertain, or inform, says @neilpatel. Click To Tweet
You want to create content that provides real value to your audience. You’re not knocking on their doors to sell vacuum cleaners. If someone wants your opinion on a vacuum, and you happen to sell them, give your honest opinion on what to look for and demonstrate your advantages. Don’t offer to sell a vacuum to them, just talk about dirt, carpets, new advances in technology, recent movies, and pop culture.
Then excuse yourself, tell them to have a nice day, and hand them your business card. They’ll come back when they need someone like you. That’s content marketing.
Content marketing is an important part of any marketing strategy. Too many businesses struggle to quantify and document a content marketing strategy.
By setting goals and building a creative team around a solid editorial calendar, a brand story can be built. Documenting processes and achievements allows the projects to be quantified and show a legitimate ROI.
By creating informative content that’s strategically placed throughout the web, businesses can generate warm leads and increase sales.
Make CMI’s free daily or weekly newsletter a key component of your content marketing training. Subscribe today.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Working on Your Content Marketing Plan? 9 Components to Consider appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2017/02/content-marketing-plan-components/
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