#no lie i liked doing this trend/miss this
dakooftacos · 4 months
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Give Me a Character - Animal Crossing Edition! (2020)
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gay-dorito-dust · 20 days
Hello! Just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing! A bit of a request for the batboys (Jason, Tim, Dick, and Damian), just something silly.
I recently saw a video of a girl saying her boyfriend's entire name as if he was in trouble only for her to tell him she loved him. It was funny to me at the time, it was also late at night lol.
Soo... How would the boys react to reader suddenly saying their full name out of the blue as if they were in trouble as a prank? 👀👀🤭
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Dick is thinking to death about what he might done to earn you saying his full name, so much so the poor man was sweating bullets which each step he took in your direction
Did he miss an anniversary?
Date night?
Hayley’s vet appointment?
He wanted to know badly so that he could think up a way to make it up to you however you wanted. Steal his clothes because they smell like him, he didn’t care, he just didn’t like you using his full name.
So as he looked you deep in the eyes, mentally preparing for whatever left your mouth, only for you to relax your face and kiss his cheek much to his surprise.
‘I love you.’ You told him sweetly as you smiled at him.
‘What?’ Dick said.
‘I love you.’ You repeated, still smiling.
‘That’s…that’s all you’ve called my full, legal government name for, to tell me you love me?’ Dick asked as though he was waiting for a joke that was never going to come.
‘Yep.’ You said.
‘No catch.’
‘Can you stop calling me Richard now and go back to calling me baby, cutie, dickie bird or -preferable- handsome now?’ Dick again asks as he felt a weight lift off of his shoulders and was finally able to breathe again now that his questions could finally be laid to sleep.
You chuckled as you kissed his lip. ‘Sure, whatever you say, handsome.’
Damian is unfazed.
He’s use to his full name being used and he doesn’t exactly feel anything but annoyance that he has to leave the piece he has spent the better half of a week working on, just to answer your call.
Damian loved you without a doubt but he’s not exactly fond of whenever you try to follow along these tasteless ‘trends.’ Though he knows himself well enough to know that he would never stay upset or mad at you for long, you were his weak spot, his treasure forever and always even if this is the things they kept you entertained.
‘I know you’re not saying my full name for any particular reason my treasure.’ He told you rather plainly.
‘And how would you know there isn’t a reason I called for you?’ You replied, crossing your arms over your chest. Damian copied.
‘Because I have a good memory and I haven’t missed any important date, that’s not until next week, that and the fact that I can see the muscles in your face struggling to keep the smile at bay.’ Damian said as he pointed out your biggest sign that you were lying about something.
You always involuntarily smiled when telling a lie the title made it far easier for Damian to know that what you were saying was far from the truth. It was your Achilles heel and Damian knew how to use it to his advantage.
‘I’m not.’ You said, struggling to stop the smile.
‘You are and you’re doing a bad job at it my sweet.’ He replied as he was now the one cockily smiling, knowing he’s got you where he wants you that you couldn’t do anything but crack under his stare.
‘Fine you loser, I only called you in here to say I love you, there happy?’ You asked as you pouted.
Damian walked over to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. ‘All you had to do is say my treasure.’ Was all he said as he spent the rest of the day with you and Titus.
Jason is immediately in front of you within a heartbeat.
He, much like dick, didn’t like it when you use his full name.
You’re his partner! USE THE CUTE NICKNAMES YOU CHOSE FOR HIM INSTEAD! Who’s this Jason Todd? He only responds to Jaybird, jay jay, or baby with the occasional sweetheart from time to time.
‘Chipmunk, can you please tell me want I did wrong?’ Jason asked as he walked into the kitchen where you called him from.
You furrowed your brows. ‘Wrong? I only called you in here to tell you I love you.’ You replied as Jason started at you for a bit before he pinched your side, making you squeal.
‘You’re a little shit, you know that sweetheart.’ Jason asked as he kept pinching your sides, making you giggle and squeal in his hold. ‘Had me all worked up and everything.’ He adds as he starts biting your neck playfully.
‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Have mercy!’ You cried, trying to push yourself away from Jason but it was proven nearly impossible when your man was a literal wall of muscle.
‘’All I can hear as the squeaks of a cheeky little mouse.’ Is all Jason said as he continued to tickle, pinch at your sides. He hates it when you call him his full name, it reminded him of lesser then ideal times, sure it sounded far sweeter and loved when it was coming from you rather than theirs, but he’d much rather you call him anything it his full name.
Tim knows what you’re up to the very moment you use his full name.
His detective brain kicks into hyperdrive and goes into the logical explanation as to why the sudden change.
You’ve never used it before, so why now did you use it unless you had seen a cute trend or something that you thought was hilarious on TikTok, or on another social media platform and wanted to try it out for the sake of following whatever was the thing to do.
That or you were genuinely mad and he should at least go talk to you in hopes of de escalating the situation, should it come to it.
‘I love you.’ You said.
‘You’ve said my full name, lured me out of my room, just to say I love you?’ Tim asked with a raised brow as though his heart wasn’t going nuts once again with how much your words easily affected him.
You paused for a brief moment before smiling. ‘Yeah sounds about right.’
Tim sighs but he couldn’t help but feel a smile creep up on his lips. ‘You’re ridiculous sometimes I swear.’ He says under his breath, ‘you almost had me second guessing myself there but I’m glad this is what you called me out for instead.’ He finished as he pressed his forehead against your own, feeling relaxed and clear minded once more.
‘You may say I’m ridiculous but you love it when I keep you on your toes, it’s like a brain exercise in a way.’ You cheekily told him as you kissed his cheek.
‘You call that a brain exercise?’ Tim said. ‘That was barely a brain activity but more like a brain fart if anything.’ He said as you pouted and smacked his bicep, causing him to smile.
‘We can’t all be smart asses like you drake.’ You said and Tim shrugged as he tugged you close.
‘True but you certainly are a pain in the ass.’ Tim replied, which only made you slap his bicep again as he chuckled and you bury your head into his neck.
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cutieeva · 2 months
The Beautiful Lie
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Female reader
Warnings : Manipulation. Love bombing. Self harm. Sexual Assault.
⌜ The art and the love interest (male character) belongs to the talented artist @meo-eiru and the story is inspiringly written and dedicated to @meo-eiru and the readers ! Hope you enjoy the plot that belongs to me but also helped by @meo-eiru a lot ⌟
(Y/N) rarely has time to offer to love, dating and such things because first : her taste in men are bad and second: she is a extremely busy person to balance her work life and personal life seperated until the most beautiful man she ever saw came surprising her with love. Or is it ?
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"(Y/N), could you go to the Cutieeva mall to check out the new product's sales ?" Her female senior asked sitting from her desk.
"Of course, mam. I will be in a minute". (Y/N) agreed, saving all of her working documents before taking her handbag and left with car keys. Aurora Bloom, the brand of the cosmetic company she works, it is for now one of the top three companies to be trending in global and the best in Europe. While She works in HQ department of the company at a young age she didn't expect and living her life at ease at the rented apartment she lives quite close both to the company and her parents house who always here and there tell her to come home and when she does, it's a feast to eat of her home's comfy food and hearing thousand fictional stories from her writer father, well he wasn't a writer at first before he was a regular working manager at a company but he quit after (Y/N) outdone herself to such pristine department letting him decide to do what he likes until his last breath could be taken applying he wants no regrets to bear.
And he surprised the family by being quite a good writer himself, finding his own group of fandom invested in his writing and always support him while her mother is happy as she was being a housewife like always along being madly in love with her father who reciprocate the feelings to this day which (Y/N) finds utterly endearing yet she has no time to dwell about her love life when she has too much on her plate with her newfound career she wants to grow, as a independent woman and a person who lives her life to the fullest if overlook her empty love life.
"Yes mam, indeed people are enjoying the new shade of lipstick saying it's not only non-sticky but also long lasting highlighting their skin tones". The department store female manger explained pointing to the several women trying their new product 'the cherry blossom lipstick' either on their lips or on their palm.
(Y/N) nod, curling into a pleasant smile when her eyes caught a beautiful woman's back, wore pink shirt and tight skinny black pants with her musing long hair flowing with the breeze. "Must be pretty". She thought when she witness from her pocket a small object— foundation she recognized fell on the ground yet the woman walked away.
"She didn't noticed". On instinct almost she walked to the floor picking up the tiny box and call out. "Miss, your foundation..." She tailed off as she turn into the light, and captivated (Y/N) by the vision before her. His hair was a mesmerizing pink musing hue, with subtle waves that cascaded down his back like a rosy waterfall. The straight strands framed his face, accentuating his chiseled features, while his bangs fell effortlessly across his forehead, adding a touch of whimsical charm.
His eyes, a deep, burnished logoon color, like the warmth of a sunset on a tropical isle, sparkled with amusement as he caught her gaze. They seemed to dance with an inner light, drawing her in with an irresistible pull.
His lips, a vibrant red, curled into a gentle smile, revealing a hint of mischief, and (Y/N) felt her heart skip a beat. But it was the glint of gold at his ears that added the final touch to his captivating appearance - delicate, filigree earrings that seemed to shimmer in harmony with his eyes.
(Y/N) felt like she was drowning in the depths of his gaze, and before she knew it, the words tumbled out of her mouth in a whispered gasp "You're beautiful."
The man's smile widened, and a low, husky laugh rumbled from his throat, sending shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. "Thank you," he said, his voice dripping with warmth, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You are a funny one complimenting me beautiful after calling me a lady".
As he laughed, the golden earrings caught the light, adding a touch of whimsy to his already captivating presence. (Y/N) felt her cheeks flush, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from his face, her heart still racing from the impact of his beauty also sinking the fact she mistaken a man being a woman.
"I am sorry. It wasn't my intention". Honestly said, she look down, dare peeking though her lashes to flinch finding him staring at her the entire time.
"I can see that, the way it's written over your face". He chuckle moving his finger in air to the circle to her face making her palm touch her own heated cherry face.
"Ah !" She laughed nervously, unconsciously fisting on the foundation box.
"So, can I have it back ?" His hand reached out, palm up, with shiny white nails gleaming in the light, as if beckoning the object back from (Y/N)'s grasp. His fingers, slender and elegant, curled slightly, inviting her to return the coveted item. The nails, smooth and rounded, seemed to shine like tiny beacons, drawing (Y/N)'s gaze to his outstretched hand. With a gentle, yet persuasive gesture, he coaxed the foundation back into his possession, his shiny white nails glinting with quiet confidence.
"Huh ?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, then blinked slowly, as if awakening from a spell, realizing the man had taken the foundation with effortless ease, leaving her feeling bewitched while his eyes crinkled, lips curling into a warm smile as he chuckled, clearly delighted by the woman's adorable, bewildered expression. His low, husky laugh filled the air, his gaze sparkling with amusement.
"What a adorable lady she is". His eyes roamed her body, lingering on every curve, exploring each detail, as if discovering hidden treasures. "You aren't from the department store right ?" (Y/N) blink twice.
"Oh, then you came to shop ?" He narrowed his eyes noticing her carrying a huge white handbag.
"No". She answered in short.
"Then why ?" He asked tilted his head with the notion his golden earrings swing gently.
"I am from the HQ department of the brand you are holding". Finally she smiled confidently pointing at the foundation's box printed Aurora Bloom.
"Oh !" He delightfully smile, toying with the object. "Pleasant to meet you then. He added.
"Pleasant to you t—" a melody emitted from her wrist watch widening her (E/C) eyes. "Oh god ! I need to hurry ! I am sorry but I need to go". She apologized having fun to converse with the stranger.
"No worries—" His eyes spot the missing ring finger. "—Miss ?" He tailed off insinuating her unknown name.
"(L/N) (Y/N), sir". She replied.
"Mine is Elias". (Y/N) choose not to comment at his lack of surname and nod before walking hastily. How could she forget this time's event manager is herself hosted on Tuesday, the very next day. Cursing her fate she ran.
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Perfect. (Y/N) release a sigh overwhelmed by the fast yet perfect preparations she had to done within such short amount of time thankfully today would be the flawless day to showcase their skin products to their VIP guests who might be arriving any minute. The models have already came but "Has the makeup artist come yet ?" She questioned worried for the delayed time of the famous make up artist they somehow succeed in booking his seat as social media following was staggering, with millions hanging on his every post and tutorial. Celebrities clamored for his attention, and fashion icons praised his work. Sold-out masterclasses and coveted collaborations solidified his status as the most sought-after makeup artist in the industry. His name was synonymous with glamour and expertise, and his influence was simply unparalleled.
"It's alright ! The artist must be running late right ?" Soon her worries were proven right because soon after their automatic glass door opened revealing a man wore sleek black glasses, adding a touch of sophistication to his chiseled features. His French brown coat, crafted from seemly fine leather, draped elegantly across his broad shoulders, exuding luxury.
"The artist came, mam !" Her female junior announced however (Y/N) knitted her brows finding the man somehow familiar, from his blush long hair, tall statue only be still surprised finding the man remove his glasses to indeed be that beautiful man from yesterday who smile at her noting he remembered her.
"Wow ! The world indeed works in a mysterious ways". She grin shaking her head. "Welcome to the our event sir, please hurry the show begins within minutes". Adapting her professional mannerism she shaked his hand, guiding him to their backstage to appear on the front stage.
"We met once again, Miss (L/N)" His lagoon eyes on her, standing behind the dark curtain to go.
"Of course, Sir Elias". She professionally smiled intriguing the man a little. "Oh ! Your turn". She stretch out her hand to the stage guide him who nod.
Wonderfully the event unfolded with seamless precision, a testament to the makeup artist's mastery. With each stroke of his brush, he transformed the models into living canvases, showcasing their company's product unparalleled quality. The VIP guests watched in awe, their faces aglow with delight, as the artist's vision came to life. As the final model face the guest revamped into a living goddess, the room erupted into applause, a joyful crescendo that wrapped the evening in a warm, golden glow. The event concluded with effortless elegance, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended including the staff and (Y/N) herself.
"He was the right choice". She giggle as her co-workers swarmed around her, beaming with pride and admiration. "Congratulations, you absolutely crushed it!" they exclaimed, patting her on the back and shaking her hand. "Your attention to detail and tireless efforts made this event truly unforgettable!"
Meanwhile, the VIP guests approached her, their faces still aglow with delight. "Thank you for an incredible experience," they said, their voices filled with genuine gratitude. "Your preparation was seamless, and every aspect of the event was meticulously executed. You truly are a master of your craft!" As the guests departed, (Y/N) waved goodbye, basking in the warmth of their praises. Her colleagues continued to congratulate her, their kind words and smiles a testament to her hard work and dedication. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, (Y/N) smiled, knowing she had truly outdone herself once again.
"You know your craft". She flinch almost screaming meeting his eyes.
"Hello, Mr. Elias. Partially it is your skills too that the reason why it was such a successful event". He smiled shrugging his shoulder.
"Okay, please have a safe drive and reach home". She wave her hand and farewell him before he parted his lips to say, remained rooted at his place, watching her figure disappearing.
"She is always hurry to leave". He mutter walking to his car.
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"Hmm...this time their new lipstick looks better". (Y/N) discreetly stare at the neighboring make up store despite having much customers on her stores, she still find the new appeal of their products threatening to her company so she walked inside nodding to the welcoming female clerks.
Picking out the a box, she about to apply on her palm when a voice intrupted.
"Don't do it that way". Her eyes wide meeting his lagoon ones, smiling alike to crescent moons she compare. "Apply it in your lips directly and it will definitely have a different impact". He encouraged the doubtful woman who glided the crimson bullet across her lips, leaving a bold, velvety trail in its wake.
"Hmmm not suiting your face. Lighter". He picked out a peach shade handing her who again gliding the peach lipstick across her lips in soft, smooth strokes, as he whispered, "Let it caress your skin, like a summer breeze." As his warm breath danced across her ear, she flinched, her hand trembling with the lipstick. She turned, her gaze darting to his, their faces too close, the air thick with tension. Her eyes widened, a flicker of discomfort crossing her face, as she leaned back, her shoulders tensing. The lipstick hovered, forgotten, as she struggled to create space between them, her breath catching in her throat. His gaze held hers, intense, unyielding, making her skin prickle with unease and heart racing.
"This suits you. I will take one". Hearing his comment she cleared her throat, slowly keeping the lipstick to where it was when from the tail of her eyes she saw him choose an uneven box of peach shade. Quickly she picked the perfect box stretching to him who raised his eyebrows in question.
"I already have one". He jiggle the box but frown staring at her shaking head.
"Take this, it has perfect box unlike the uneven one". She pointed out to his surprise as a thrilled chuckle left his lips.
"Thank you". Replacing the case.
"No problem". She wave her hand as if physically waving his gratitude.
"Wanna grab drinks ?" Elias suggested out of nowhere tilting his head.
"Okay". Checking her wrist watch she still has few minutes to spare. Also she did wanted a drink and they together went to the drink store nearby ordering one white chocolate matcha for her and one caramel frappuccino for him.
Waiting for the drink they sat near a white seat opposite of each other, talking about trivial things about one another where she learnt he is a regular customer of her brand along their frequent makeup artist that's why she was able to book him easily. Soon the waitress called for their drinks and they talked, sipping their drinks and walking.
"Okay I need to leave". She decided glancing at her wrist watch missing his disappointed gaze.
"Okay. It was nice talking to you". He told.
"Me too". Happily she answered, finding herself enjoying their conversation. "I will take my leave". With a wave she left once again.
However what she didn't expected was their daily meeting at the mall department store as she stepped into the store, clipboard in hand, she was focused on her task: ensuring the department was running smoothly. But then, she saw him—a familiar face among the shelves. Their daily meetings had become a pleasant ritual, a brief respite from her HQ duties. He'd ask about her day, and she'd share stories about the office, or he'd gossip about his latest makeup news. She found herself looking forward to these encounters, feeling a sense of comfort and camaraderie with this customer. He was easy to talk to, and their conversations flowed effortlessly. As she checked the inventory, he'd chat with her, making the task more enjoyable. Their bond grew with each passing day, an unexpected connection between them she wasn't anticipating because once a mundane checking became the hightlight of her day with that weeks pass in blink of an eye. Until one day they sat in their usual white table in front of the drink shop inside the mall.
As he asked the question "Do you like me?" she felt a sudden jolt of surprise, her mind racing with a mix of emotions. Her eyes widened, and actions paused before laughter awkwardly bursting back and forth like a defensive shield.
"Yes, as a good friend!" she exclaimed, trying to brush off the tension, her tone light and playful. But in her haste to respond, she missed the subtle strain in his smile, the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes but a doubt linger on her mind for him to ask such a question. Why ? Never in her mind did she view the man romantic, beautiful yes but that's a admiration unlike love, she is certain of her feelings are not alike to love.
"I like you too." His voice was calm, sincere, To her, his words were a friendly echo, a mirrored response, a confirmation of their camaraderie. She nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her, thinking the tension had dissipated, that they were back on familiar ground. (Y/N) simply smiled back, comfortable in her assumption, oblivious to the moment hung, suspended, a delicate balance of feelings, but she didn't notice, already moving on, the exchange filed away as a pleasant, friendly conversation and took her drinks however she soon has to depart this time with a hint of awkwardness.
"It's alright. Nothing is wrong". And correct to her thought the next day was normal as their conversation flowed easily, like a gentle stream. (Y/N) chatted with him, laughing and joking, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity. His question from the day before seemed like a distant memory, a minor blip in their friendly interactions. She didn't dwell on it, assuming it was just a momentary lapse, a strange anomaly in their otherwise effortless exchanges. As they talked, she felt her guard drop, her smile genuine, her heart light. Everything seemed alright again, the tension forgotten, their friendship back on track.
"Okay, see you again !" (Y/N) told glancing at her wrist watch because today she has an important delivery to approval on the said store.
"Yup ! See you again". He bid too when a message notification made her pause, worry etching her face. Her dad's request to bring the anniversary cake had just been detailed by the store's cancellation due to an emergency. Panic set in, her mind racing with consequences, her eyes darting around for a solution. Stress and concern replaced her relaxed demeanor, her fingers flying across the screen to respond to her dad's message. Elias noticing the drastic change asked and she replied elaborating her situation of how she must reach to approvel the delivery application but on the otherhand has to get the custom cake from the cake shop if not then the cake would not be handover.
"How about I went to get the cake instead of you and delivery to your parent's house. Didn't you said it is near ?" He presented the idea, smiling causing (Y/N) to halted her racing thoughts and a breath of air pass her lungs.
"Of course ! Of course !". She laughed heartily handing him the receipts and addresses before running to the delivery store to hastily complete her task and return home as soon as possible.
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"Today's work was difficult". Her finger pads rub her forehead re-thinking her workload, getting out of the car and towards her parent's house caught the setting sun's beautiful view. Ringing the doorbell she waited thoughts going back to Elias. "How sweet of a person he is". A smile naturally curl to her lips and wider when the door opened by her mother.
"Happy anniversary mama !" (Y/N) embrace tightly, soaking on her familiar comfort while she returned the affections.
"Thank you dearest. Come inside, it must be hot outside". Her mother close the door behind as she let herself in, walking to the living room finding glimpse of her father sitting on the side chair and ran to embrace him from behind.
"Happy anniversary papa". She sing song, playfully kiss his hair.
"Thank you princess". His aged voice laughed, caress her hands to which she close her eyes melting into his raw love. "Also this young man is such an gentleman. Your taste in men is indeed great like your mother". She frown opening her eyes.
"What are you talking—" Her (E/C) wide, taken a back by Elias appearance sitting across her father, on the sofa and he raised his hands in mock surprise, his eyebrows arched in a playful gesture.
"Why are you—" Her words cut by her mother gentle ones.
"My heartless girl ! You left this man to fend for himself by telling him to get the cake and now you ask why is he here ? Of course I told him to grab one or two bite". The young woman nod, feeling guilty and appreciate at her mother's gesture.
"Ah— about that I am extremely sorry. It was my job to do". Elias shook his head nonchalant.
"Yet without my idea you wouldn't agree so yea, not your fault too". She glee truly pleased to find such a good friend she couldn't ask more and the anniversary celebration was a resounding success, filled with love, laughter, and warmth. As the evening unfolded, (Y/N)'s parents shared a tender moment, her father leaning in to kiss her mother softly on the lips. (Y/N) couldn't help but mockingly scrunch up her face in distaste, eliciting a hearty laugh from Elias sitting beside her. The atmosphere was light and joyful, with the sweet scent of cake wafting through the air. As they gathered around the dessert table, (Y/N)'s parents fed each other cake, their eyes locked in a loving gaze. The beautiful man joined in, playfully feeding (Y/N) a bite, his fingers brushing against hers. The room was filled with the sound of clinking forks and happy chatter, as they all savored the sweetness of the moment, and the love that surrounded them. Time stood still and they basked in the warmth of their little family's happiness, creating memories that would last a lifetime.
"Thank you very much. You helped me a lot". She showed her gratitude standing at the doorstep.
Elias shake his head "I enjoyed it so no need". Silence fill between them letting (Y/N) once again notice the lunar luminescence cascaded over the beautiful man's countenance, bathing his sculpted features in an soft, silvery radiance, as if the moon itself had bestowed a gentle caress upon his serene and peaceful face.
"Bye and good night".
"Same to you". He returned, turning his back to her and drove his car away.
From that day forward, the bond between (Y/N) and Elias blossomed into a beautiful, unbreakable connection. (Y/N) found herself opening up to Elias in ways she never thought possible, sharing with him her deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires. She began to show him pictures of her friends, promising to introduce them soon, and shared stories about her life, her passions, and her dreams. As their trust grew, they exchanged contacts, marveling at how they had gone so long without sharing such a simple yet intimate detail. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, filling their break times with laughter and delight. Elias became (Y/N)'s confidant, her partner in crime, and her guiding light. Their friendship was a symphony of joy, a harmonious blend of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. (Y/N) cherished this new connection, feeling seen, heard, and understood in ways she never thought possible. Elias had become her rock, her safe haven, and her forever friend.
"By the way, I need your help with something". This alert her entire attention to him, sipping her drink from the staw as they both stood in front of the usual drink shop at the mall.
"Yes, anything. What is it about ?" (Y/N) was ready to help him when it's his need of time.
"I need your expertise in sorting through my grandparent's old photo albums. I want to create a memory book for my family, but I'm overwhelmed". Elias avert his eyes, smiling rigidly causing her heart melt at such an thoughtful gesture.
"Aww ! That sweet of course. I am happy to help". But his expression remained uncomfortable.
"But, you need to come to my house for that". He whispered dare to stare into her (E/C) eyes.
She suck her breath knowing she never once visited his home and she gulped nevertheless she grin again because her schedule is free mostly and she wants to help "It's alright ! I am happy to go but of course if you are comfortable". She tilted her head.
"Oh !— of course I would be or why would I ask you for help".
"Likewise but why did you ask me ?" If she recalls correctly he showed her many of his influencer, normal friends.
"Because you are the only friend who is good at managing things. You know like a good event manager who knows how to put things together ?" It earned a melodious laugh from (Y/N).
"I feel appreciated".
"As you should". She giggle more along him for his compliment. Soon she found herself in his car as he drove smoothly through the city, their eyes meeting briefly in the rearview mirror. Arriving at the penthouse he lives. The towering marvel of modern architecture that seemed to touch the stars. He expertly maneuvered the car into the private parking garage, and they stepped out into the opulent lobby, surrounded by polished marble and gleaming steel. A swift elevator ride later, they entered the penthouse itself, a breathtaking expanse of floor-to-ceiling windows, chic décor, and stunning city views. Her eyes widened in wonder, feeling as though she'd entered a different world more important his personal safe of walls.
"Sit on the sofa". He pointed going to the open modern kitchen. (Y/N) felt serenity wash over her when her feet stepped onto the shiny white tiles, their cool surface calming her senses. Sinking into the plush black sofa, she felt enveloped in comfort, her eyes darting around the luxurious space in wonder. With each glance, her awe grew, her heart swelling with gratitude for this stunning sanctuary.
"Here, a juice for you and you see those dusty stacks of heavy things. I found them inside". The cold glass slid within her grip but she smiled nervously because unfortunately blinded by the luxury she often seen on the TV she failed to detect the bluntly dusty things.
"Yes". She lied now laiding her eyes.
"They are I think contains photos of my grandparents but I need help to create an entire new album". Elias shrug helplessly.
"Alright ! Let's do this then". (Y/N) full of enthusiasm knelt down, her hands reaching for the dusty photo albums that lay open on the sleek glass table, her fingers touched the worn covers, a cloud of dust swirled up, carrying with it memories of laughter and love. But with the memories came a fit of coughing, as the dust tickled her throat and lungs.
Elias being swift and attentive, appeared beside her, his movements fluid as he knelt down. He handed her a glass of crystal clear water, his eyes filled with concern. "Here, drink this," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing. She sipped the water, cough subsiding only then to be aware of the proximity of their bodies, kneeling together on the floor. Their faces were inches apart, their shoulders touching, and their legs aligned. The closeness sent a shiver down her spine. His lagoon gaze drifted from her eyes to her lips, still moist from the water. His hand, still cradling the glass, began to move, his fingers brushing against her face.
With gentle care, Elias thumb rubbed against her lips, wiping away the droplets of water. she felt a sudden jolt of discomfort. His touch, though gentle, sent a wave of unease through her body. She tried to pull back, but his long slender hand lingered, his fingers tracing the curve of her mouth.
"(Y/N), I love you. Actually I was in love with you for a long time. Please, please accept me". Desperation whisper though his pink lips bringing their face closely and gripping her chin with his thump settle on the curve of her mouth.
"But you said you like—" Her words intruded.
"Never as a friend did I said". Elias connect their forehead. "It was you who receive it that way". (Y/N)'s eyes darted away, her gaze falling on the dusty floorboards as she struggled to process the sensation. Her heart raced, but not with excitement— rather with anxiety.
She is feeling her personal space invaded by the intimate touch. The air thick with tension, the silence between them oppressive. (Y/N) longed to break free, to shatter the uncomfortable stillness that had settled over them. But her voice caught in her throat, leaving her unable to speak, unable to move, as Elias' hand remained, a gentle yet unyielding presence on her skin.
Why ? How ? When ? So many unanswered crawl inside her limited knowledge. Everything was going well, perfect yet why did it has to crash so harshly.
"Please, (Y/N) be mine. I can offer you anything you want. Riches, fame, connection, promotion. Say a word and it inside your palm". Slowly he draw their distance and (Y/N) felt utter destroyed by the wave of soft lips press against her. The kiss was harsh, demanding, and devoid of love. Her hands desperate to push him away, however his slender grip her fast, his arms wrapping around her like a vice or more like an beautiful snake wrap around his beloved prey.
Raged filled her (E/C) eyes, loathing the string of fate leading her in such advance, loathing the feel of his lips on hers, the way his tongue probed her mouth without consent. loathing the way he held her, like she was a prisoner, not a willing participant she wanted to grace her loved man her first kiss.
Finally air became a need did the beautiful man separate their interviwned lips, heat bust his pale cheeks, adoring heart pupils onto his eyes, chest heaving with newfound excitement snarling the chance she shove him, spatting words of vemon and eyes blazing with anger. "You disgust me". With that she ran and he let her.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, she rushed to a taxi, traveling to her home of trust, sobbing by the betrayal she was returned by the conditional trust she gave after reaching home towards her bathroom was a burl rather her sole focus is escaping the lingering sensation of Elias lips on hers.
Rushed to the sink, gagging at the memory of the unwelcomed kiss. She turned on the faucet, cupping her hands under the running water to splash it onto her lips. Fingers rubbed her mouth harshly to scrub away the disgust moment yet the sensation lingered, haunting her. She gagged again, her stomach churning with revulsion. (Y/N) grasped the edge of the sink, her knuckles white with tension, as she struggled to compose herself eventually her legs gave out, and she collapsed to the white floor, her body trembling with anger and disgust. She sat there, her back against the cabinet, her eyes fixed on the floor as tears of frustration and violation streamed down her face.
The bathroom, once a sanctuary, now felt like a refuge from the trauma of the forced kiss. (Y/N) sat there, surrounded by the cold, sterile tiles, trying to catch her breath, in effort to erase the memory of Elias. The man she thought was her cherished partner, a delightful friend. Where ? Where did it all went wrong ? Where was the wrong step or word she utter to lead such devastating ending or was his whole persona was a facade. A spider wed to trap a butterfly like her and she was a naive little thing to walk right on it.
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As the night's veil lifted, the sun rose, casting its warm rays upon the world. The golden light crept over the horizon, banishing the shadows and illuminating the landscape. The rays peeked through the curtains, gently coaxing (Y/N) out of her dark reverie.
Her eyes sunken and dark from the sleepless night, slowly opened alike two heavy doors creaking on their hinges. The golden light danced across her face, highlighting the purple circles that had formed under her eyes. The horror of the previous night's experience still lingered, etched on her face like a shadow.
(Y/N) blinked, her gaze unfocused, as the light pierced through her brain, reminding her of the traumatic events that had unfolded. She winced, mind recoiling from the memory. The usual ray of sun, a symbol of hope and renewal, now seemed like a harsh reminder of the darkness she had endured. She sat up, her body droop heavy, weighed down by the exhaustion and emotional turmoil. The golden light continued to pour in, illuminating the room, however (Y/N) felt not a hint of warmth, not of comfort. Only a sense of dread, a fear of what the new day might bring.
Disturbed by her numb thoughts she called her senior announcing her day off slipping the lie of being sick before declining and about to drift into sleep.
DING ! Her doorbell ring. She ignored. Again. Again. Again. Again and again following with a "(Y/N) ! This is me, your mother and father". Irritated she drag her feet to the front door, opening to reveal her aged parents.
"(Y/N)— what happen sweetie ?" Worry weight her words, touching her daughter's check when she flinch unconsciously frightening both her parents and herself.
"Come inside". Heavy her voice sounded, closing the door and sitting on the chair while they together on the sofa.
The air was heavy, thick with tension. Silence was oppressive, suffocating. The atmosphere was dense, like a knife could cut through it. Slicing through the strained quiet like a razor-sharp blade through velvet. Every breath felt like a struggle, every movement a battle against the crushing gravity of the moment.
"Darling, did you fought with your boyfriend ?" Bravely her mother finally questioned raising her eyebrows.
"Boyfriend ? Fight ?" Her voice trembled.
"Or". The old woman grasp. "Did you break up". Her husband rest his palm on her shoulder while (Y/N) confuse more by their words.
"Boyfriend ? Break up ? What are you talking about ? I do not have a boyfriend to begin with so how can I fight or break up with him ?" Frustration she shake her head as if physically shoving their creative imagination.
"Honey, it's alright. You don't have to hide from us. We understand you wanted to keep it a secret but he told us and we accept him as your boyfriend". Her mother calmly smiled providing a sense of comfort yet all she felt was suffocation and more confusion.
"Okay, at first I was sceptical. He looked flashy, an playboy however he is actually a child at heart, a very good one and is always eager to help". This time her father spoke lacing with a fondness she didn't expect him to talk about someone.
"What is wrong with you ! I never had a boyfriend in my life". She scream her lungs out yet her mother clap her hands on her mouth and her father pressed his lips thin.
"We know Elias is your boyfriend. (Y/N), don't be afraid. We are your parents". Then why ? Then why she doesn't feel the warmth from her parents as if they are distant people wearing familiar faces because the words spoken from their lips doesn't make sense.
"He was never my boyfriend ! Who ever told you that ? Don't assume things on your own". Frustration leaking though her voice, eyes narrowed in a glare and lips in disdain from stress.
"He told us himself. Elias told us when he delivery the cake ! Now don't tell me he was lying". Her father sigh stunned to see her daughter's rebellious side at such age.
"W-what ?" She stutter suddenly the world blurred, the walls melt away like a watercolor painting. The room zoomed out, leaving her suspended in a sea of uncertainty. Furniture and decorations receded into the distance, and she felt like she was floating, disconnected from reality. Their voices turn to distant echoes, thoughts a jumbled mess, as shock wrapped around her like a shroud.
"Why would he be my boyfriend ?"
"Why are you asking us ? You are the one in relationship and you are the one to hid it if not for the good man". Enough. The last straw of her held anger cut.
"G-G-Good man ? Good man ? Good fucking man ! You are calling a man who—who—" Words trailed off, lost in the abyss of her own horror, as she struggled to articulate the vile truth. "A-and that good man—" Despite her effectors the sentences remained unfinished, a haunting echo of her own trauma leaving her succumbed to the darkness of her memories.
"(Y/N)". Her mother's brows quiver and her hand touch hers. "I understand". A sense of relief came to her. Her mother understood, understood her assault by the vile, vile man. "I understand couple fight. They fight a lot and dirty but in the end they fight to be better, to be more loving, setting differences aside fight is normal as long as the couple love each other. You going through a rough patch with Elias is normal. He is a good man, believe your mother's judgment". Her words burn a slap on her cheek and her words were salt on (Y/N)'s wound.
"How dare you !" Her voice shattered the air, a raw, anguished with tears rolling down her cheeks. "How dare you labeled a man who forcefully kiss me ! Get out". Standing up, her eyes close feeling her throat constricted, dry and tight, as shame crept in like a thief, stealing her breath and dignity.
"Oh my (Y/N), couples fights are normal so is kissing. He must have meant it to calm you—"
"So he forced himself on me ?"
"He must not had meant to make you—". Her eyes wide in horror watching their impassive expressions oblivious to her distress she felt a stranger rather than daughter sharing a space now. Their faces blur by her teary vision. They are not her parents. They are strangers. They are not her parents if they slide with a stranger who not only forced himself on her but also lied.
"Get out". She commonded raw, loud and clear walking to her bedroom running from the suffocated, unbreathable small space. Her eyes watched her parents walked away, their figures fading into the distance. She felt a complex layers of emotions and when they turned their heads, she quickly shut the curtains, blocking out the sight of their faces. Her strength couldn't bear to look at them, couldn't bear to see their nonchalant expressions.
Turning away from the window and sat down on her bed, her hands shaking as she reached for her phone. She needed someone to talk to, someone who would understand. Her fingers dialed the familiar number of her best friend, the one person she knew would listen without judgment. The phone rang, (Y/N) felt a lump form in her throat. She was ready to unleash all her emotions, to share the pain and confusion that had been building up inside her. She took a deep breath, preparing to pour out her heart to her friend, the only one who could offer her the comfort and support she desperately needed.
"Hello (Y/N) ! How do you do ?" Her ray of light spoke.
"Emily. I-I-I want to talk to you about something".
"Sure, anything (Y/N) ! Aren't I your best friend". Lighthearted giggles on the otherhand comfort her ears.
"The thing is, remember Elias ?"
"Oh ! What about him ? The hottie". A bitter taste left her lips hearing her sound so oblivious yet she understand it's not her fault.
"Well, yes. He yesterday forced himself on me". Silent was the line for a second before a loud screeching noise came.
"What ? That's messed up !" Her firm and resolute voice felt a weight lift from (Y/N)'s heart, a sense of validation wash over her. She was no longer alone in her outrage and hurt. Emily's words were a balm to her soul, soothing her raw emotions. Feeling seen, heard, and believed.
"I knew it you woul—"
"But you see we have to also must see his point of view. He must had done that in desperation to be more than friends with benefits with you. I know normally friends with benefits should know their limits but he is a kind, pure and perfect man for you". As fast as the ray of light came, that vanished in front of her soaking her in cold reality, numbing her heart. Icy truth seeped in, crushing her soul.
"W-what are you talking about Emily ? I never had that kind of relationship with him !! Didn't I told you ?" More tears cover the dry ones, confusion lay on her mind to wonder how each important person to her is on his side.
"Gosh ! (Y/N) forgive me actually Elias told me about your relationship. He was even ashamed to admit it at first before whole heartedly declare his romantic feelings for you that even I was touched". Lies. Lies and lies. Gritted her teeth she decline the call, throwing it on her bed.
Madly her lips parted to scream. Ha ! What a wicked man he is, feeding lies to her loved ones, snatching them away from her and all in an blink of eye and right under her nose. How idiot was she to not notice ? How ? How ? How ? Rage pump on her veins and emotions controlled her rationality.
Swifty she call his number, clenching her fist. "Hello darling, I was waiting for your call". His sickly sweet voice came from the other line.
"Stop this you fucking bastard ! Stop these mind games ! Stop the lies". (Y/N) glare at him though phone.
"Ouch ! Calling my love lies, games hurt more than I expected. I guess this is the power of loving someone. Huh ?" His laughter was like a taunting to her, racing her pulses.
"I will kill you !" She threaten.
"Oh how lovely it is to have your hand on me as I take my last breath". She throw the phone across her bed in disgust and helpless not aware he is driving to her house. Finally obtained the moment he was so patiently awaited. The time to have her vulnerable and alone.
Wasn't she sound so cute right now ? He bite his lips betting she looks more adorable.
Spoiled. Growing up he was spoiled by everyone, every meeting face from his childhood, once they look at his face, they drastically change their behaviors, showering him with free gifts, praises and all, regardless of old or young. He was the beloved of their hearts, the king ruling their minds. Thus, growing up being spoiled wasn't new for him, the admiration stares mixing with some disband doesn't affect him why ? Because that means they are jealous of him. Ha ! Who wouldn't, he didn't view his arrogance as bad, he simply believe it as his confidence nothing more, nothing less after all all women confess to him one after another non-stop yet never did he loved any. Until that fateful day he went to the shopping mall of department store meeting that adorable woman, all red, blushly for him. It amused him to end, what a pleasant play toy to enjoy for sometimes however the drastic change due to her professionalism was a behold see.
She was nothing like the woman he saw that day. He almost tricked into thinking she forget him.
"We met once again, Miss (L/N)"
"Of course, Sir Elias".
Good, she didn't forget him. She simply wanted to act professional. How fun. He enjoyed nailling his usual performance that for some reasons always got him claps, praises when in reality he just does it naturally because he has nothing else to do. Unlike other people investing in their hobby, he has nothing. Perhaps because of that he is used to being pampered, loved and given anything he wish.
However why ? Why once again like yesterday after the event end did she not stay to convey meaningless string of words like others ? Always running away like an lamb catching sight of an wolf. Boring. Elias care not to pay attention to her after all many have dislike him but thousands who love him. The next day encountering her again was a pure game of fates but after noting her little consider habits did he realize she loves him.
Because if she doesn't, who will notice the uneven box of lipstick replacing with the perfect one ? If she doesn't, why she glance at him so many times ? Often smiling and appearing cheerful ? If she doesn't, why she always remembers his drink from the one time he ordered ? And so much more.
She must love him. Right ? Oh ! Oh ! How naive he was to not realize her blunt feelings for him. It's okay he has fallen for her too. Yes, Elias, the man who usual pampered has this sudden desire to pamper his beloved, watching her daily or even seen a glimpse of her flutter his heart like never did before. Their accidental brushes of fingers and shoulders sent him jolts of delight. Once seen her beautiful face could his lips curve to smile itself.
It's okay he will wait. Wait for her to confess and him accept. One week pass, two week pass. Maybe she is playing hard to get. Understandable she must be waiting for the perfect moment to confess that must mean he has to appear perfect right ? Daily he spent hours in front of mirror selecting the perfect outfit, smoothly care his hair, highlight his beautiful face. First it was only limited to changing outfits to style his hair daily to cut his hair in more desirable way to only repeat the routine. Each passing day he is refining himself then why ? Why ? Why didn't she even compliment him ? Let alone confess to him already ? He dolled himself up almost—no surely daily yet what is she so timid about. Til he realize —actually she isn't timid at all.
Rather she is not in love with him. How he got to know ? Because he was hastily ran to the mall, very giggy to meet the heart of his life when his breath stuck in his throat. In front of him a scene of (Y/N) tying a middle aged man's tie that came untie and she welcome him warmly in return of his thanks before talking warmly to the staffs asking if any needs they wishes to have, even helping a woman who's having trouble wearing lipstick and non-judgmentally explaining their products to others.
She is actually not in love with him. She is just nice. As if the gods played a ridicule game to him still his hatred was directed to the gods not her. How could he blame her ? She was a naive little thing. Sooner of later she will come to love him. That's why one day he asked her.
"Do you like me ?"
"Yes, As a good friend !" What a dishearten words.
"I like you too." In a romantic way were the words he choose to not speak. It's okay, if she doesn't like him now she will in the future. All she needs is time. He has to nurture, sewed and take time to built the love or else how it would be possible. First he has to make her alone. Alone to reply on him. And only him.
And the gods were at his side to grace him with the opportunity on golden plate he was used to. Using the excuse to delivery the cake to her parents house was the first step to isolate her. So he did what he was naturally gifted at, winning hearts regardless of age. Quickly they were head over hell, swooning at his lies about their secret relationship and more lies about their wish to keep it a secret as she want to disclose it on her own term. Fools, her parents were and naive his (Y/N) was moving closer to him. Showing him pictures of her friends, spewing all of her work related words and he silently memorize her password so when she went to use restroom or busy checking her tasks, he smartly save all of her contacts.
Charming her friends, dancing them at his rhythm against her, saying they are friends with benefits where he was unfortunate to fall in love and finally he invited (Y/N) home and confess his passionate love.
"You disgust me".
Well, didn't it end badly ? It's alright she will come crawling to him. Right inside his embrace all willingly. Elias will be the bigger person in here, forgiving her amuture mistakes because he loves her.
Ring ! Ring ! Elias stand in front of his beloved house, ringing the doorbell. The finale came and his patient broke all lose. This is the moment she has to be his and he hers.
"Mom, Dad ! I told you—" Her breath hitched and instinctively tried to slam the door shut, but he was too swift, too potent. His hand darted out, arresting the door's momentum with a firm yet gentle touch, and he stepped across the threshold with a fluid motion. The door creaked in defeat, surrendering to his quiet strength. (Y/N) retreated, her heart racing like a wild animal, as Elias's eyes seemed to delve into her very essence. His presence was a palpable force, filling the space with an almost suffocating intensity. With a subtle click, he closed the door behind him, his hand lingering on the doorknob as his gaze continued to hold hers captive.
"What's the hurry hmm ?" The gentle smile contrast to the violent actions was ironic. Unfazed he step forward. She step back.
He advanced, his footsteps deliberate and purposeful and (Y/N) retreated, her own steps faltering in a desperate bid for distance.
With each step he took forward, she mirrored with a hesitant step back, her eyes fixed on his, her breath caught in her throat.
"What are you doing here ?" Alarm danger ringing inside her entire body, sending mix signals to her flight, fight or freeze mode. All she felt being hovered by him was fear, no longer the anger fuming her veins.
"Just here to visit my darling". In sing song manner he told, walking until his wild cat cornered. (Y/N) feeling the wooden wall of her kitchen immediately run away near the stairs.
"Just stay there—". Her words cut off.
"Do you love me ?" Using the same honeyed coated voice he asked.
"I will call the police Elias !" She threatened
"Do you love me ?" He bore his lagoon eyes into her (E/C) ones.
"Please stay away".
"If you answer. Do you love me".
"No. I don't". She spat, bewilded by the fact he would wish for her to love him even after the twisted games he played with her.
"Then will you love me ?" Her face contorted in mix of anxiety and exasperation.
"No". Nodding calmly to her denial he picked the nearby kitchen knife scarying her further.
"No. No. No. No. No. Elias ! Please don't do this—"
"I must or else you won't be mine". Saying she was ready to sprint for her survival however he pressed the knife to his throat, tears streaming down his face like rivulets of sorrow, his eyes pleading for her. "Please be mine or I will kill myself". He gaze fondly at her widen ones.
"You are crazy". She whispered not expected such move.
"Yes, I am for you". A sly, mirthless grin spread across Elias's face, his lips curling upward in a macabre smile. "So will you love me ?"
Tears swelled in her eyes, fear and despair mingling watching his steady hand inch the sharp blade closer.
"No wait !"
"Then say do you love me ?" He whisper alike to the sweet nothings hushes. "Because without you why must I stay alive". He added.
"Okay okay I will say it". She doesn't know. She doesn't know why she says it because a twisted sense of desperation clawed at her chest, a morbid longing to preserve the life of the one she loathed, as if his existence was inextricably linked to her own.
"I l-l-lo— I can't". In despair she collapse unable to bear so many complicated emotions and nightmares at the same time in her seemly simple life. Footsteps echoed the silent room as his shoes came to her view and he bend to her level, throwing the knife and cupping her chin like she was a delicate flower despite plucking her roots and held her.
"It's all right you will learn to love me". A happy smile curve his alluring lips that press against hers. This time the is gentle, caressing and lovely as if petals of love is pouring out of his lips silently conveying his words. Slipping his tongue in hers, he trapped her tongue savoring her divine flovours he was thirsty to drink again. Sucking mouthful of air he kiss more, not letting their lips separated for a moment and close his eyes drowning under the moment while she close her eyes motionlessly stilled, letting him do as he please selling herself to him with the price of forever.
As oxygen grew scarce, he parted their lips grinning ear to ear, leaning his forehead to hers.
"This is a lie. All of these are lies you said to others". She utter hopelessly.
"Then let's make it a reality". He suggested however brows frown watching her shake her head.
"Can't. Too much lies to forget".
Chuckly raspy, he kiss once more saying. "Then let's make it the beautiful lie".
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⌜ Once again thank you @meo-eiru for letting me use your wonderful male character Elias and your permission to write this story along thank you readers for reading the story. Hope you enjoy it ⌟
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un-lawliet · 1 year
“He Knows”
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— in which you’re avoiding Gojo and he wants you to tell him why.
(or i’m coping with rejection rn pls god help me)
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“You’re avoiding me.”
“Huh?!” You jump back, almost dropping your pen as you turn to see frowning Gojo Satoru staring down at you expectingly, the usually relaxed demeanour he wore crumbling in the slight dip in his brow.
It wasn’t a question, Gojo stated it as fact, and if you looked hard enough, the downwards tilt of his lips could tell you about his complete (and utter) disapproval in his conclusion.
“I have no idea what you mean.”
You were running, sprinting even away from your problems.
Avoid, avoid avoid.
You refused to let it come to this, cornered in a library with Gojo Satoru, a man you definitely were not avoiding, nope not at all.
“You.” Gojo leans down, capturing your eyes in his, “Are avoiding me.”
And you’re leaning back, in your seat, away from him. Attempting to create any distance between the pair of you, unable to stand the giddy rush of joy that the proximity generated.
A moment passed.
And then another.
And deep down you pleaded, with conviction similar to that of a desperate man crying out for God, that the floor would fall in, taking you with it and allowing you some leeway to escape.
Gojo cocks his head, blue eyes scanning your panicked face before he sighs and stands back up again, resuming his position of elevation before you.
“Why?” His voice lacked the sentiment of interrogation, he couldn’t find in himself to dwindle on anger, he missed you and he selfishly wanted you to know it, to feel guilt in your mistreatment.
“Gojo.” You started, moving your eyes away from his face to glare at the book your reading instead.
Were you sweating? You felt like you were. Oh God.
Jujutsu sorcerers were not supposed to fall for another, it was an unspoken rule shared between sorcerers.
An unspoken rule that constantly plagued your thoughts when you were near Gojo. And so, you decided confidently to yourself that you could easily get over this silly personal flaw. Surely it would be easy.
But Gojo isn’t an easy man, and falling out of love with him followed that damn trend.
At every turn of your head, your gaze found his, longing for him to catch your eyes and reassure you with his presence, boisterous, like how he handles everything. And at night, when you tossed and turned, the cruel Summer heat forcing you to wither in your bed, you wondered if he could ever dream of you like how you longed for him.
It was pathetic really.
And so yes maybe you were avoiding him.
But you were doing it with good intentions!
You weren’t about to burden him with your childish wish for his unreturned feelings. Not in this world, under these circumstances, not when he was already holding the weight of being the strongest.
“Is there something bothering ya?” Gojo paused, “Cause y’know you only have t’ ask, and I could take care of it.”
And you wanted to cry.
Because Gojo Satoru is loud, and unabashedly himself, but he cares in silence, through actions hidden behind a loud laugh and a cocky grin.
“No, no it’s nothing really.” You had to do something, to say anything.
“Nothing? I haven’t seen you in days Y/N.”
“I’ve just been busy…” You mumble, fidgeting awkwardly in your chair.
“Oh yea? With what? Reading?” Gojo scoffed, his shoulders dropping in poorly hidden exasperation.
Your cheeks burned as you nodded, unable to form words, “And missions too I guess.”
“I asked Yaga, you haven’t been on a mission since September.”
“Preparations for missions then.” You cringed at yourself, lowering your head in the shame of being caught in your own shitty lie.
“Come on Y/N cut the bullshit.” Gojo all but whines, “I know somethings off, I know you.” You look at him then, his shoulder slumped, and face pouting, and you felt horrible.
“It’s really nothing Gojo I swear.”
“See there!” Gojo jumped, his eyes wide with determination, a look you only ever see on him in the middle of a mission. “You called me Gojo, you never do that, it’s Satoru to you, just Satoru.”
“You’re upset because I’m not calling you by your first name?” You asked, unable to break eye contact with him.
“You use to call me Satoru.” He huffs, crossing his arms.
You had to get out of there, the fact that your confession was all but resting on your tongue scared you beyond words, and you moved to pick up your stuff.
Then you felt his hand touch yours and your froze.
“What’s going on inside that head of your Y/N.” He was so close, so, so close. You could feel the warmth of his chest that was almost pressed against your arm, “Please.”
And you crumbled, because your weak and you could never escape the way you felt when he was near you, how you could barley hold yourself back from leaning into his chest and breathing in his scent.
“Satoru.” You whispered, your confession hushed, your head down and eyes closed, “I think I like you.”
And silence.
And you were running walking away, avoid, avoid, avoid, your feet moving fast, abandoning the books you had brought because oh my god you had just told Satoru Gojo that you liked him and that was stupid, you’re stupid, everything was stupid and-
You were pulled back into him, effortlessly turned around so that your face was in his chest, the sound of his chuckling encasing your shameful state.
“The fuck are you laughing for?” You protested, unsuccessfully trying to wriggle your way out of his embrace, his arms circling you close.
“You’re pretty when you’re embarrassed y’know?”
And you had to hold yourself back from punching him right then and there, because of course Satoru Gojo knew you liked him, of course he was teasing you.
Nothing can escape those damn eyes, and he’s smarter than he lets on.
“You’re such an asshole I hope you know that, as soon as I leave this room I am never speaking to-’
Your rambles were cut short when you felt a tiny kiss on your forehead, and you finally looked at him fully, only to see the softest expression on his face as he looked down at you.
“I think I like you too Y/N.” He winked, his hand tracing the indent of your spine as he pulled you back into a hug, rocking you gently.
And you hugged him back, finally allowing yourself the closure you had dreamed of for months.
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feel free to leave a request !!
masterlist here <3
( authors note: do we all wanna hear a mini rant about how the girl i fucking adore just got a boyfriend and my heart is in SHAMBLES- anyway i wrote this to cope pls enjoy,,, i love u thank u for reading have a great day <3 )
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astrae4 · 21 days
HAN TAESAN | happy wife, happy life
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pairings — idol!han dongmin x idol!reader
warnings — hanging joke, saying marriage but not actually married yet(?)
genre — FLUFF & romance hehe (wc. 789)
note — mentally not the best so im rlly inconsistent but it’s okay for now guys 😎👍 if u have any requests i’d be very happy to make it for u 😘😘 plspls like repost n follow 🙌
more works — navigation | bnd!masterlist
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The buzzing notification sounds echoed loudly in a busy cafe, making some customers look at the victim responsible for these noises.
Said victim hurries to turn their notification sounds off, before checking his messages—only to see 6 missed calls and 14 messages from ‘manager 😫🔥’.
manager 😫🔥: WHERE ARE YOU???
you: im On the Way!
you: gimme a bit
manager 😫🔥: dont lie. I literally see your location and it isn’t moving AT ALL.
you: okay im actually almost done.
you: seriously, the line’s almost over
you: [picture attached]
manager 😫🔥: fine. Come back faster! We need to hurry up to isac bc u guys already missed the track comp.
you: 👍👍
“Order 1140, Mr. Woonhak!” Called a server.
Nobody reacted to that call for a few seconds, before the 180-ish-cm man jolted, remembering that he was supposedly Woonhak.
(Ever put a name in your order and forgot about it? Yeah, it happens to me all the time.)
“Here!” He replied, coming to the counter in a hurry.
“Matcha cake with pink frosting and custom lettering?” They asked to be sure.
“Yes, thank you so much!” Replied “Mr. Woonhak” as he takes the takeaway-boxed cake and hurried out the door.
He practically jumped in the car (gracefully though) with how fast he was going.
“Yah!” shouted Woonhak, “why’d you take so long!?”
“Don’t you see the line?” Replied Taesan, his eye rolling as he holds the cake with care.
“Yeah but why do we have to go get this cake? Just get it at any other bakery so we wouldn’t be late to ISAC—we already missed the track race!”
Someone (Leehan) suddenly sat up from the backseat, glasses crooked on his head as if he just woke up (he did), “That’s because it’s y/n’s favorite cake.”
“Yeah Woonhak,” butted another menace (jaehyun), “It’s their 2nd anniversary— but of course youuuu wouldn’t understand since you’ve never had a woman’s touch before other than your mom and sister.”
“YAH!” screamed Woonhak.
Thus, another bonekdo quarrel emerge.
(Woonhak lost once again. Give me a dab in the comments; one dab = one hp for our maknae’s patience)
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In the ISAC 2024, k-pop boy band BOYNEXTDOOR (under KOZ) arrives 5 hours late to the venue, earning some attention from netizens. Onedoors (Boynextdoor’s fans) called them hilarious, especially with that spectacular entrance, consisting of the members wearing sunglasses and strutting in the building as if they won the games (they will then lose really badly in archery) in a proud manner.
Despite the many games and groups competing in the games, what went most viral was surprisingly not sports-related, and we’re here to tell you the scoop!
Boynextdoor’s Taesan is widely known for dating [reader] of [group name] since the very beginning of their debuts. They also went trending many times for that—like a fresh breeze in the very tense atmosphere of idol-relationships. This time, it seems that Taesan decided to take it up a notch with his display of public affection and prove to everyone that romance is very much not dead!
Running in the building—and then sliding on his knees to stop in front of [reader]’s view—before procuring a bouquet of pink lilies for her all the while his very supportive members threw confetti at them!? Gosh, me when! After that, he also gave [reader] an exclusive cake from [reader’s favorite cake shop] to celebrate what seemed to be their 2nd year Anniversary.
Other idols in the building such as ZEROBASEONE and THE BOYZ’s Younghoon gave their support by cheering on the couple—as well as many others. Later on, it was even said by Zerobaseone’s Gunwook jokingly in his group’s vlog that he was jealous of their relationship, haha!
When asked about it later on in a live, Taesan responded that it was simply because it was their anniversary, and he wanted to make it special for them. In addition, he said a catchphrase that went viral— saying “Happy wife, happy life”, despite them not being married yet. [reader’s group] have not yet responded to this statement.
Many netizens are reacting to this viral video, saying that it’s so fresh and sweet of them two—some even joking and saying that “I’m the guy h*nging in the lights behind them” (source) in Tiktok and Instagram. All in all, netizens seem to think that it’s extremely sweet and wishes them both to remain happy and strong in the relationship!
What do you think about it?
Comments (19.99) | open
More related searches… BOYNEXTDOOR comeback September 25 | Sungho’s so hot in the new concept photo: twenty ver.
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TAGLIST @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @teddywonss @taerae-verse
NETWORKS @onedoornet @k-labels
© astrae4 2024 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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sugurufic · 6 months
Two best friends in a room... (Gojo x F!Reader)
Summary: You and Gojo are stuck with each other one evening and Gojo decides to make a tiktok. You've got your own devious plan in your head.
Word Count: 1k
Content: fluff, Its a bit different from the other trends i've written… gojo tries this one on you instead, reader mentions she is bad at biology but likes math (self insert).
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“Satoru, why do you only have sweets for snacks?” you complain, plopping down on his bed. “Don’t you ever crave something salty or sour or spicy?”
“Hey! Stop whining about my sweets in my dorm!” He pouts, half sitting up. “You should’ve gotten your own snacks instead.”
“Suguru and Shoko aren’t here yet,” You say, taking out your phone to text in the groupchat. “I’ll ask them to bring me something other than sweet.”
“Oh, Suguru is busy - Yaga sent him on a mission at the last moment.” Gojo complains. “Shoko is busy preparing for her med school entrance exam.”
“Oh, right! I had totally forgotten about that,” you say, thinking about Shoko. She didn’t really need to prepare this hard, but you figured she did it because she enjoys studying about the human body. She has the brains to do it, you dont - having always been more inclined toward maths than biology. “Shoko’s stronger than me because I had already given up on biology back in middle school.”
“That is good because you make an excellent sorcerer.” Gojo says, somehow the teasing is missing in his words. “People would have died if you became a doctor.” There he is.
“Oi! I wasn’t that bad.” You defend yourself.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” he shrugs.
“What do you want to do then, Satoru?” You ask.
“Let’s make a tiktok!” He sits up straight, reaching for his phone on the nightstand. “I have been wanting to do this for ages,”
“What?” you ask, not recalling any trend that you have come across recently. But that might be because you don’t use tiktok (A/N: not a lie, but i use ig reels so it's the same)
“It will be funnier if you don’t know,” the white haired man grins, looking at you from over his sunglasses. His bright blue eyes sparkle with mischief - which you’d have found adorable if you weren’t the target of his joke.
He sets his phone up, floating it in the air above the bed with his limitless. The mischief is not gone from his eyes, and he has ditched the glasses for now. You rarely get the chance to admire his pretty blue eyes - it’s for your own good, you think. His eyes are captivating.
The audio starts to play, and Satoru says the words with it, “two best friends in a room…” you recognize the audio, but force yourself to not give it away, a devious plan forming in your head on seeing his annoyingly endearing smirk. “...they might kiss,” he finishes, and you give him a shy smile, keeping up the innocent act.
“Yes we will,” you say with the audio, still keeping that innocent act with puppy eyes looking right into his pretty blue eyes.
“What?” the what he says times up with the audio, but the shock on his face is genuine.
“I said, yes we will,” you finally give up the innocent act and smirk, loving the red-faced Satoru, who looks like he is about to explode. You turn towards him, on your hands and knees as you lean into his space and he seems to be running on autopilot and leaning towards you, the red flush never leaving his face. The audio continues to play promiscuous girl, but you don’t pay much mind to it.
Just as your lips are about to touch, you look at Gojo - his pretty eyes closed and lips open expectantly, and you almost feel bad for what you are about to do to him. Keyword being almost. You have gotten a once in a lifetime opportunity to get the ultimate teasing rights over him - with the proof being recorded, and no matter how much you want to kiss him too, you steel your nerves to not laugh, and blow air into his ear instead. 
Your warm exhale into his pink ears has your best friend shivering with a shrill squeal, and the phone drops to the bed, still recording as Gojo loses all his focus.
“What the hell was that?!” He screams, voice still higher pitched.
“I was having a bit of fun,” you say, biting your lip to stop the laughter. “But you looked like you actually wanted to kiss me?”
“So what if I did?” He gets defensive and pouty. “You’re pretty and I like to hang out with you.”
“Is that so?” you tease, feeling warmth creep up your face. “Go on then,” you say, knowing well enough that you will regret this later, but you can’t not do it. “I’ll let you kiss me,”
If Satoru was blushing then, his blood vessels looked ready to combust when you said those words in that challenging tone. He was all but compliant, leaning towards you when you took charge and grabbed the collar of his white shirt, pushing yourself to him, your knees on the outside of his thighs and your lips pressed against his. His large hands fly to your hips, holding on to them as if his life depends on it and parting his lips eagerly to welcome your tongue.
Your heart thunders in your ears, disbelief at the fact that you are kissing your best friend, your very attractive best friend that people would give anything to get a chance with. One of you hands leaves his collar and rests against his warm cheek, caressing it gently as the kiss turns into a full make out session with you sitting on his lap and his hand reaching down to your ass.
When you separate, both of you are panting, heavy lidded eyes looking into one another, and Gojo finally breaks the silence with a breathy admission, “I don’t think I can ever stop wanting to kiss your sweet mouth, princess.”
“Then don’t stop,” you whisper back, resting your forehead on his.
“Be my girlfriend,” he asks.
“Be my boyfriend,” you say.
“Hey girlfriend,” he tests.
“Hey boyfriend,” you tease.
“Let's go on a date, girlfriend.” Gojo suggests. “I’ll let you have something other than sweet, babe.”
You giggle and nod, before taking his phone and sending the tiktok to yourself. Boyfriend or not, you can never pass up the opportunity to get blackmail material against him. He is an annoyance, but he is your annoyance now.
A/N: man i love bottom-coded gojo with my whole heart. also first time writing gojo i hope you like it &lt;3
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aardelea · 18 days
How They Would Comfort You After a Long Day
Hi everyone!
I wrote this little headcanon to brainstorm some new scenarios for fanfics, and I thought you all might enjoy it too! It’s all about how each of the ghouls would react when you come home after a long, exhausting day—and the unique ways they’d comfort and soothe you.
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You wouldn’t even need to tell him that you’re overworked. He’d notice right away.
He sits down at his piano and gently pats the seat beside him, inviting you to sit next to him.
While you rest your head on his shoulder, he plays a few soothing melodies just for you.
Afterward, he takes your hand and leads you to the couch, where you rest your head on his chest as he holds you close, stroking your hair while you both simply lie there, enjoying the quiet.
Tohma is a keen observer, so naturally, he doesn’t miss the fact that you barely made it through the long day.
He pours you a nice aromatic tea and waits for you to drink it and absorb its comforting warmth before asking if you’d like to talk about your day.
If you’re the type who prefers to vent, he’ll listen patiently without making a single comment. At the end, he’ll ask if you want an honest piece of advice (which can be brutally honest) or if you’re just looking for comfort.
In the latter case, or if you choose not to talk about your day, he’ll simply offer to let you sit on his lap. He’ll hold you and let you bury your face in his shoulder for as long as you need.
Luca will want to know every single detail of your day so he can fully understand what’s going on with you.
But if you’re not in the mood to talk, he’ll understand and won’t pressure you.
He’ll offer to take you to the training grounds with him to meditate together and release the stress.
His entire focus for the rest of the day will be on you. Whatever you ask of him, he’ll do it.
Kaito will initially panic when he sees you’re stressed and ask if he’s done something wrong or upset you.
After you (even more tired than before) assure him that he (so far) isn’t the reason for your stress, he’ll become the brightest star in the sky, making it his personal mission to make the rest of your day as pleasant as possible.
He’ll offer to bake something for you. If you enjoy it too, he’ll love sharing the kitchen with you.
Whatever you wish is his command. He’s ready for any mischief and always has a contagious smile on his face.
He’ll spend the entire evening thinking of how he can make your next day sweeter too.
Alan is a bit awkward in situations like these and simply says he’s sorry you had a tough day.
He’ll suggest taking a little drive with him to clear your mind. He’ll drive you to the harbor, where you’ll have a wonderful view of the Rainbow Bridge. You rest your head on his shoulder and just enjoy the view.
A walk through the woods is also a great way to forget the stress. Don’t worry about the dark; he’ll protect you.
Sho will ask what’s wrong when he sees you so lost at the end of the day. He’ll tell you not to take everything to heart and to relax more.
You might initially feel like Sho doesn’t understand your feelings, but trust me, he does. Seeing you so upset hurts him deeply.
The kitchen is his familiar ground. He’ll make you anything your heart desires.
Once he’s sure all your basic needs are met, he’ll offer to take you and Bonnie wherever you want to go.
You're making a big deal out of a tough day? Ugh, how annoying.
He doesn’t even want to know what’s wrong unless it involves gossip. You shouldn’t take everything to heart; otherwise, you won’t get far in life.
But fine, if you insist: sit down next to him. He’ll put an arm around your shoulder and pull you close. Have you heard the latest gossip?
He’ll pet your head while showing you the latest TikTok trends. Leo’s real intention, of course, is to distract you with trivial stuff. Nothing shuts down the brain better, and he knows it.
At some point, you’ll end up on his lap, where you’ll fall asleep peacefully. Anyone who dares make a sound near you will face his wrath.
Haru is often overworked himself, so he quickly recognizes that you’re not feeling well.
Once he’s finished with his tasks for the day, he’ll devote all his attention to you and only you.
Expect a candlelit bath with the most pleasant scents.
While you bathe, he’ll prepare something for you to eat. It won’t be a feast, but he’ll make the best of whatever’s in the fridge and pantry.
He’ll listen to everything you have to say during the meal. But after the bath, you’ll probably already feel much better. Haru will find many comforting words for you.
You’ll end the evening together on the couch, where you’ll lie in his arms and start planning your next getaway for when you finally have some free time.
Towa doesn’t really get why someone could be so down over something as trivial as daily stress, but he absolutely hates seeing you so sad.
He’ll take you outside if you’re not already there, lay down with you on the grass, and stargaze together.
He’ll hold you tight and won’t even think about letting go.
Towa will ask if a particular person is responsible for your tough day. Why? You wonder. They might have a stormy day tomorrow.
While lying there, he’ll give you a gentle kiss on the forehead, pull you even closer, and suggest staying together until sunrise. Tomorrow, he could show you the most beautiful spots on campus. Forget about work. Just relax.
Ren might seem a bit annoyed when he asks about your day, but he’ll patiently listen to whatever you want to share.
Since he doesn’t have much experience with comforting people, he’ll suggest you both retreat to his room to watch your favorite movie. Voluntarily watching anything other than a B-movie? Absolutely. After all, this is about you. If you still suggest a bad horror movie, you’ll hardly miss his relief.
He’ll get all the snacks and drinks ready. He’ll fend off any potential disturbances. You don’t have to worry about anything.
Cuddling together in bed, you won’t miss how much more caring he is than usual as he does his best to be the most comfortable pillow you’ve ever experienced.
As if his own day hadn’t been stressful enough, now he has to take care of his girlfriend’s well-being too? But fine, what’s up?
Despite his initial annoyance, he quickly pulls himself together because, as we all know, constant stress is really bad for the skin.
He listens calmly to what you have to say and occasionally offers genuinely helpful advice on how to handle similar problems in the future.
As you sit on his oversized couch, you’ll plop onto his lap and let him stroke your hair.
Shortly afterward, he’ll ask you to sit up. He’ll grab his tablet from the table without leaving your side and show you an absurdly expensive shopping website full of designer clothes. Pick something out. He’ll get it for you. Isn’t shopping always incredibly relaxing? That dress would look absolutely stunning on you (whether you want it or not, it’ll soon be in your possession).
His reaction will largely depend on which Taiga you’re facing.
Possibility 1 – The Calm Taiga: You’ll probably find him in his room. Even if he sighs in annoyance at first, he’ll pull you onto the bed, hold you, listen to your worries, and tell you that all these problems are completely insignificant. Just relax a bit and lie down with him. He’ll surprisingly gently stroke your back while holding you in his arms.
Possibility 2 – The Irritable Taiga: Even if he recognizes you as his girlfriend during this phase, he won’t react positively to you. Regardless of your mood, if you don’t want your problems to multiply, you should make a quick exit.
Possibility 3 – The Crazy Taiga: Stress? What for? Whatever, play with him a bit! Wander through the casino, sit on his lap, and be his beloved good luck charm, accompany him on his rounds to intimidate people. The night is yours, and your problems are in the past. At least your old ones, because after tonight, you’ll surely have new ones.
If you’re this stressed, you probably didn’t manage your time well and ended up working inefficiently. Ritsu will sit down with you to go through every second of your day, looking for ways to optimize it.
Someone gave you trouble? Don’t worry. Ritsu will dig up something about that person that’ll make them quiet down quickly. However, he’ll never tell you about it. Just trust that he only has your best interests at heart.
He doesn’t want you staying up late, so he responsibly takes you back to the cathedral on time.
If you ask him to, he’ll (though very reluctantly) stay with you until you fall asleep.
The best remedy for stress is long, leisurely walks. That’s why Haku wastes no time and takes you outside.
He’ll patiently listen to whatever you have to say without interrupting you. Every now and then, he’ll make sympathetic comments.
Only when you’ve finished speaking will he wrap you in his arms, give you a gentle kiss, and tell you that you’re handling everything wonderfully and that he’s proud of you. You’ll get through this, he assures you.
However, be prepared for him to start teasing you again on the way back to your dorm once he notices you’re feeling better. Get ready to fire back.
Subaru is also one of those who immediately notice your emotions.
He prepares a wonderful tea for you and serves the best sweets he can quickly find. Of course, he apologizes for not having anything better at the moment (he’s already making a mental note to always keep something on hand for emergencies like this).
You won’t find a more patient and understanding listener. At the end of your story, he’ll lean in and gently stroke your hand if you allow it.
He offers to take you home and keep you company for as long as you like.
Zenji is absolutely outraged that anyone could put so many obstacles in the path of such an angelic being as you.
He listens intently to every word you say, and it’s clear he’s emotionally invested in every detail. It’s incredibly easy and oddly satisfying to get worked up with Zenji about certain events and people.
But there’s no dwelling on negativity for long. He immediately starts listing all the positive things that await you in the near future, things you must not let negative emotions overshadow. Life is simply too short for that.
He’ll encourage you to get creative with him. Why not turn the day’s events into an exciting story, a poem, or even a song? His Biwa is at your disposal.
Rui invites you to his bar, closes it off to everyone else for the night, and treats you to as many cocktails as you like while patiently listening to whatever you want to share.
He’ll join you in venting about certain people’s behavior or how certain events unfolded. There’s no better partner in gossip.
Although he can’t offer physical comfort, since you both agreed to be in a relationship despite your circumstances, he gave you a cute teddy bear to hug whenever you feel the need. Beneath the shameless womanizer lies a cheesy romantic.
Every time you cuddle that teddy bear, his heart practically bursts with joy, sorrow, and longing.
He’ll gladly tuck you into bed, and as always, you’re free to sleep in the guest room or his room. He’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.
Even though Ed is usually the one complaining about something, he’s just as good a listener when it comes to your problems.
He invites you into bed, where he’ll stroke your head while you bury your face in his chest.
He’ll patiently listen to your story and occasionally marvel at the seemingly trivial things that bother humans.
If you don’t doze off in his arms, he’ll show you interesting YouTube videos he watched during the day. You might have to stop him from making some questionable purchases.
Lyca tries his best to be empathetic, but he doesn’t really understand most of your problems. Why not just speak your mind? Or simply don’t do things you don't want to do?
By the end of the conversation, Lyca himself is so frustrated that you have to talk him out of accompanying you to work the next day. That can only end badly.
Poor Lyca doesn’t have much experience with humans, let alone women. So, he directly asks what he can do to make you feel better.
Whatever it is, he’ll do it. The more exotic the request, the more reluctant he might be, but he doesn’t want to lose you. So, he’ll do his best. That has to be enough.
If you’re bold enough to bring your trivial problems to the great Mr. Isami, then you’d better have some real issues that only he can solve.
Since he’s very busy, he’ll ask you to keep him company in the lab. If that doesn’t appeal to you, he’ll begrudgingly take time and meet you in the visitor area upstairs. His expression will clearly show that he’s not thrilled.
Nonetheless, he’ll listen to your problems without complaint. If it involves people he doesn’t like, he’ll happily join you in venting.
But you’ve already stolen enough of his time. Come here, get your hug, and then back to work.
As he watches you leave through the door, he’ll watch you until you’re out of sight. His heart longs for your presence, but there’s still a curse to break. He won’t let anything happen to you.
Jiro isn’t familiar with the concept of stress. You’ll have to explain to him exactly what’s going on, or he won’t notice or understand your feelings and behavior.
He’ll listen to everything you tell him and dryly offer suggestions for how you can handle these situations better in the future. They may or may not be helpful.
If you don’t want to hear his logic, you’ll need to tell him directly and explain how you want him to react instead.
Whatever you tell him, he’ll implement it without fuss. Want to cuddle in bed with him? He’ll pick you up and carry you across the campus to your room. Want to go out with him? He’ll take off his lab coat, hold your hand, and march with you to the restaurant of your choice.
He doesn’t understand what it is that makes him feel this way, but he’d do anything to see a smile on your face.
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auragasmics · 2 months
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° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ synopsis! Banquet Night, a time of class, grace, and digust. When invited to the yearly banquet hosted by tokyo’s elite, you and toji step into a glamorous world that hides remnants of the past you both barely survive. When the memories start rolling in and emotions of the past run high, who will crumble to the feet of the elite first, or will love light a way out for these two?
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ pairings! ! widow!fem!reader x toji fushiguro
˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ˚ ₒ ∞ cw! ! 14.6k words, dubcon, pwp, age gap (toji is 35, reader is 27), use of ocs, mention/talks of death, hints of fluff, implied anxiety/panic attack, implied flashbacks, use of alcohol, drunk sex(?), power play, vouyerism/exhibitionism, oversimulation, slight dom fem!reader, masturbation, toji hits from the side, fingering, oral(m → f), teasing, multiple orgasms, spitting, no protection, slow sex, implied marathon sex, sorry if i forgot some mwuah <3
˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ˚ ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ˚ ₒ ∞ xoxo, chris! yeahhhhh…if this isn’t the epitome of self indulgent idk what is. thanks to my gracious beta reader @n3vr-f0und (thank you for reading these bricks i send you :3)
tags: @lalunanymph @mikyapixie @prettylvne @dongh9e @humantrashcan2000
m.list. pt. 2. pt.4
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PAYMENT: + ¥ 80,000
Again, Toji’s stuck grimacing at his phone screen. It comes with a heavy sigh as he rests his throbbing temple along the tinted glass of the car window. 
It’s his typical trend to gasp, gawk, and mindlessly swipe at the screen whenever a payment from you enters his account but in a month’s time, he’s learned a valuable lesson.
Numbers don’t lie and neither have you.
He’s been under your care for a month, and not once have you failed to honor the haphazard agreement. In truth, Toji’s managed to accumulate 250,000 yen in the short month with you. He’s been thinking about it; He’s saved himself from financial ruin with more money than he could’ve hoped for, so why not leave?
Yet, there’s something worth more than all the money, all the wealth, and all the thoughts he’s had recently.
And that could be found right next to him— you squinting into the small hand mirror carefully swiping on lipstick he knows he’ll be dressed in once the night comes to its sinful close. 
Would Toji say he’s fallen for you?
No, he knew this wasn’t love, not when he’s being paid 80,000 yen to do something he would’ve done for free—should you have asked him with that smile he loves so much. It wasn’t love but lately, Toji’s had his hands full of acquainting himself with every curve, every etching, and every nerve found across your body. It wasn’t love but Toji’s been finding solace in waking up in your bed with you snuggled up in his arms. 
It wasn’t love, but right now Toji can’t help but allow himself to get lost in your artistry. 
Beautiful, that’s the only word Toji can use when he’s at a loss like this. His azure irises hinge on your precocious care for detail, watching as you softly trace the curves of your lips in red.
So slowly does that shade of rouge melt upon your lips, as if nothing else outside the backseat of this car speeding down the Tokyo interstate matters. So mindful not to miss the thinning corners of your mouth too, ensuring that your grace permeates every inch of your being.
Toji’s thinking about what you’d possibly do once you drop the brush from the canvas, would you turn and grin at him out of that childish sense of accomplishment? Would you mark him with a kiss or two like you always do? Every artist signed their painting, and it’s due to you that Toji can break into the world he’s never known—or the world he barely escaped from. 
Right now, he wouldn’t mind donning an extra accessory for the night. Just to walk into the room with your lipstick as a badge of honor that shows everyone in that room who he belongs—
“Toji!” your voice pulled Toji from his mediated fantasy.
Jolting awake from his wondrous thoughts, Toji nervously tucks his phone back into the breast pocket of his black suit before giving you his attention. 
“Hm? What’s wrong, Baby?”
“This,” you sigh, dropping the small compact mirror from your face. Levering your neck, you turn to Toji for his thoughts. “Does this shade of lipstick go with my dress? I think it’s too…cheerful.”
“Isn’t that what you wanna go for? I mean, it is a banquet. Drab and depressing isn’t what I think of when it comes to events like this.”
“Ha!” you sneer, “Banquet amongst Japan’s elite. I rather sit at home and count how many times the street lights flicker.”
The flat of Toji’s palm coats your thigh, his pulsing grip teasing past the leg slit of your brown mulberry silk grown. “So…it’s boring? I’m sorry Princess, but ‘m just a little confused. Last month, you were all excited about gettin’ dressed up and going out, but now you hate it?”
“I don’t ‘hate’ it, I hate the people we’re about to encounter. Tokyo’s elite, remember? And…it’s the first time I’ll be showing my face in some years. But it’s just for barely an hour, then we can go—”
Toji found his way beside you, nuzzled at your side with his chin resting along the peak of your bare shoulder. He’s peering at you with heavy eyes, weighted by dreams waiting to waltz through his mind. His voice mirrors his new form, his deep voice softened by comfort. 
“Tell me about these people you hate so much.”
There’s a longing breath that curls in the back of your throat, your lips twisted and pursed as you gather the best words to present your heartaches to Toji.
“These people…they’re heartless. They care only for their money and status, as if they too didn’t come from humble beginnings. When my husband and I were first invited to these events, I was just making my name as a business consultant and he was just making rank as a CEO.
And on that night, I’ve never met such a bunch of disgusting, rotten people. The men hound the women, and the women hate each other. Nothing is good enough for them, there’s always a complaint.”
“Yeah?” Toji echos, “So then, why are we going, Princess? It’s like we’re going straight into trouble. Not that I mind that—there’s always an adventure waiting—but it’s not your style.”
You drop your sights to meet Toji, his gentle-mannered stare washing over you with relief. But that glance you pay him comes with a heavy price—that bubbling urge to kiss his tepid smirk. It’s a need you could act on, but there’s a shrouding guilt staining your mind, one that you can’t ignore: 
Your ex-husband.
The memories are still there, fresh in your mind. Even now as you vaguely speak on his name and legacy, it’s almost like he’s here, holding you in his arms, watching you with a smile on his face, playing the role of spectator to your timely crime.
It’s an act of betrayal in your eyes, in your gut, yet this longing to kiss Toji reigns with an iron fist over your will.
But it’s Toji who has you tucked beside him now, and he’s the only one listening to your dolors with attentive ears. He’s giving you all—the attention, time, and energy. Whether it was genuine was his concern alone, nothing for you to ponder, that conversation being between him and the universe. 
For now, he’s here with you, taking in every word you say with a look of interest. He’s even tagging his palm to your waist, keeping you close to his side. He’s turning himself into a place of solace for you, which has you itching for more than just his attentive nature. 
All the cards are present and in your favor—but the guilt of upheaved tradition denies the relief of giving into your desire.
You bear it with a harsh swallow, your eyes fluttering shut as you work to finish your explanation. 
“Be-Because…as the wife of the former CEO, I’m now the unseen face of the company. I have to handle all the social affairs, to tend and mend relationships. Being here…going there to dine with people I despise…it’s all for him. And I intend on keeping all his hard work alive and thriving.”
“Aren’t you a good wife? Most men would travel through heaven and hell if it meant they would meet you in their next lifetime. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t let anyone look or speak to you wrong, especially when they have no clue of the burden you carry on your shoulders.”
He’s straightening himself up, sitting tall beside you from his slouched state. And of course, he’s still forgotten the mere idea of space, the pad of his thumb reaching to swipe along your powdered chin.
“Fuck…” Toji whispers, his sly smirk drifting dangerously close to your lips, “You’re just a good girl, after all, Princess.”
There’s room for mockery in his tone, something that has you waving off his favor with a shrug. “Stop it, don’t try to baby me, Toji. I—”
“ ‘m not trying to do that. Not in the slightest. I admire it, honestly. You don’t need my sympathy, and I wasn’t offering it up. Just take my praise and let it be, alright?”
Hesitantly, you accept Toji’s words, shooting your narrowed eyes to scan over his impartial mien. 
Toji’s latent apology is a mere stare, his typical gaze eased by a nurturing glint. He's tentatively squeezing at your waist, luring you into his salacious trap.
His suave nature has your mind dizzy with everything Toji—his gentle smile, his warmth, his cologne wafting past your nose. He’s done nothing to you, yet that suppressed craving is flickering once more and it has you diving blindly into Toji’s stronghold. 
Until the perfect excuse presents itself.
“Toji, wait! I’m all dressed up and it was a pain to get this!”
“Shhh, just giving you a kiss. I wouldn’t dare to ruin all your hard work. And besides…” He trails off, tilting his head towards the tinted glass wall separating the driver from the blooming scene.
“He can’t see a damn thing.”
“Fine,” you huff, “Just a kiss, okay?”
“Whatever you say.”
“No, I said just a kiss—”
Toji steals the last words of your warning as his own, sealing them away behind a soft peck. 
Though his fingers ache to strip you bare, a kiss is truly all Toji tends to leave you with. He’s considerate towards you, aware of the fact that your lips are dressed up in the similar fashion you carried yourself for the night. He doesn’t dare to bite at your bottom lip, to slip his tongue along your own, he simply presses his kiss slowly onto you.
“See?” he grins as he pulls away, “Just a kiss. Told you I wanna keep you looking nice.”
“But I think I changed my mind,” you tease, pushing your eager lips back onto Toji’s gaping awe. The care you could almost thank him for flies right out of the window as your greedy tongue traces the caverns of his mouth. 
You’re just so delicate, taking the time to study every inch of him before working a shy coil around his tongue. It’s nearly as if you’re treading a careful line too, holding back from what you know will pass.
But that won’t stop your hands from roaming along his chest, smoothing out the wrinkles from the silk black lapels of his suit jacket, tugging at his collar, all for your touch to find the comfort of cupping his rosy cheeks. 
He takes heed with a smothered smirk, offering a lengthy response through unspoken language. But being the man he’s sworn to be tonight, Toji can’t let you show face with swollen lips, smeared lipstick, and wrinkles spouted all over your dress. 
To depart from your adoration chips at Toji’s heart, but he does so with a parting gift. His teeth, pearled and strong, generously nip at your bottom lip as a courtesy to his exit. But he doesn’t draw too far, just enough for his shaky breaths to cloud your skin. 
He tethers onto a smug smile to huff out his rhetorical thoughts, “What happened to being classy, Honey? Now your makeup’s gonna be messy ‘nd–”
“I don’t care about that. Any of it,” You lay out flatly, biting down on the present Toji plucked onto your bottom lip. “It’s nothing we can’t clean up in the bathroom, right?”
Toji kisses his teeth, using his grip to squeeze at your waist, “Nasty girl. As much as I'd that, and I really hate to ruin our moment, but I think we’re here so…here…”
Reaching beside you, Toji grabs the discarded pocket mirror and tube of lipstick for you. With what gap exists between you both, he presents the tools with a soft tilt of his palm.
“Go on, I’ll hold your mirror for you…for a price.”
“A price?” You press, lurching back from Toji’s hold. You accept the silver bullet from him, tugging off the cap before placing the red velvet tip to your pout. 
“Mhm.” Toji blindly nods. He’s already absorbed into you, his hounding gaze following your careful hand once more.
“When you’re done, kiss me on the cheek. Just to…make sure it’s all dried, y’know?”
All you offer Toji is a sharp squint, “Is that right?”
“Yup, riiiight here,” Toji beckons, tipping his jaw towards you. 
A sigh seeps through your lips, but you cave at Toji's request. Pressing your dressed lips along Toji’s cheek imprints the mark of deep crimson upon his fair skin.
“There, how’s that?”
Toji greedily turns the mirror on himself, his eyes gawking at the pretty signature you’ve given him. 
“Perfect! Wooow, red looks good on us, Princess,” He chuckles to himself. Toji shuts the compact in his grip, leaving him to pin his sights on you. 
“Well, ready to eat, breathe, and drink like elites?”
“Oh, Baby,” you playfully coo, your hand sitting along his thigh, “We already do.”
That’s all Toji needs to hear before he reaches for the door handle, pushing the heavy black car door open. The sidewalk’s concrete cracks beneath his feet as Toji stands from his seat, his hand reaching back for your own.
“Careful, careful, don’t step on the dress…” Toji chants as he guides you out of the backseat to stand beside him.
His concerns bring a giggle to ring from your lips as you thank him, softly squeezing at his linked grasp. Though, you find your attention set onto the building before you—standing at easily 30 floors high with what you made out to be an open rooftop on the top floor. Through a bushy squint, you noticed flickering lights dancing from the rooftop, pulling a sigh from your bundled chest. 
“Yup, just like ‘em. Partying on the top floor like the gods they wanna be,” you mutter under your breath. 
Stress wasn’t a good look on you and Toji needed a way of breaking that tension quickly. 
Toji didn’t need another word, he knew he had to ease your worries fast. Lacing his arm around your hips, Toji adopts the role of an attendant, using slow steps to lead you inside the building. He steals a look at you, and he’s met with a clenched jaw and twisted lips. 
“We’re gonna have fun tonight, ‘kay?” He assures, “Just go in—hey, wha-what do you eat at these things anyway?”
“Oh, a mix of everything. Native food like sushi, sashimi platters, and beef. Some foreign dishes like curry, or stew to call it something fancier, some other stuff. They serve oysters here sometimes—Oh, desserts derive from France, so things like that. But you can see some local items like parfaits, cakes, and red bean dishes too.”
Toji simply grins as you speak. He’s got you so invested in rattling out food, you didn’t even notice his intention of distracting you. Just his luck that it’s working. That list of potential menu items brought you both through the grand lobby of marble walls and columns, down the winding path of red carpet, and into the awaiting elevator leading upstairs
As the elevator doors shut, Toji pulls you into him once more, his fingers tapping at what curves lay within his grasp. He takes a moment to look around the small chamber with curious eyes—and down to your heavy stare cast upon him.
“Ugh, your lips are a little red, Toji. Want me to wipe—”
“Don’t bother,” he shrugs, “ Now you can’t go around calling me your “friend”. And I’ve got all the proof.”
Your brows weave a knot of confusion, “So you had all this planned out?”
“Pfft, ‘course not,” Toji swiftly shoots down, “Listen, don’t worry about any of that. You’re my lady, that’s it. And besides…I like being covered in your kisses. Is that so wrong?”
“I guess not—”
The soft ‘ding’ of the elevator doors rings through the speakers rip you and Toji out of your safe haven, and the growing sliver of light from the retracting doors seals your fate for the night. 
Toji rushes to assume his role as your escort, taking your dainty hand into his calloused palm. 
As you laggardly stroll out of the elevator, Toji leans towards your bejeweled ear with a whisper.
“I’ve got you, Princess. Keep a smile on your lips and no matter what…you’re here for a reason. Don’t let anyone take that from you.”
You keep your eyes pinned to the beckoning glass doors, but your focus doesn’t hinder how a smile crowds at your lips. 
The marble flooring dons the honor of bearing the first step you take into the busy room. People, crowds of the recognized and deemed distinguished, scatter about the hall, cradling dainty glasses to their chest. 
And one of these “recognized and deemed distinguished” has your name rolling off their tongue. 
“Ah, isn’t it the lovely lady we’ve all been waiting for!” The voice calls out.
The curiosity prompts you and Toji into a standstill, his hand softly squeezing your own. 
“Not even a minute inside and you’re already getting hit on. Tch, don’t forget about me, alright?” He smirks, passing a teasing wink onto you.
You roll your eyes, scoffing at Toji’s playful taunt. “Please, nothing but old men have their eye on me. But, that voice…it sounds so familiar. If I’m remembering properly, it belongs to…him.”
Your pairs of eyes fall short of the approaching figure, your nose wrinkling at the unfortunate realization. 
He's a stout man, with tanned skin, black hair sprinkled with stands of salt and pepper, and his lecherous gaze hides behind the glare of wire-framed glasses. Few wrinkles dress his face, aside from the heavily contoured smile lines around his thin, pink lips. 
He’s no taller than five-foot-seven, dressed in an all-white suit with a gold tie tucked behind suit lapels. He keeps a cane in hand, clutching at the polished brown stick modeling his laggard trail. 
And when he flashes you a smile, there's a gold tooth that floods your mind with a single name.
That man is…Dr. Sai Yusuno.
“Who’s this old man?” Toji whispers into your ear.
“Dr. Sai Yusuno. He used to be on a board with my husband. But when he passed, this man has been nothing but persistent to court me. He asked me out a week after the funeral. Hah, guess someone couldn’t wait,” You hum while maintaining your smile as Dr. Yusuno urges closer.
Toji keeps his hold over you, drawing you into his side once the unwanted presence comes to stand before you both.
“Oh…Dr. Yusuno! How…nice to see you this evening!” Your pitched voice feigning innocence as you bow your head. 
“Oh…I didn’t know you’d taken someone new,” Dr. Yusuno chides, sucking his teeth as he scans Toji from head to toe. “So…who is this man?” 
“Oh..um…he’s my—”
“Toji Fushiguro,” Toji introduces, keeping his head held high. “She’s my lady. That’s all that needs to be said, if we’re being honest.”
“Hmm…,” Dr. Yusuno pauses for a moment, “Toji, you say? That name sounds similar. Are you from a cl—”
“Oh! Princess!,” Toji blurts out, “I think I see your names over there, let’s go get comfortable.”
“Oh, okay,” you nod, giving into Toji’s lead. “See you later, Doctor!”
Leaving Dr. Yusuno behind, Toji guides you to a chair at the end of the long dining table, allowing you to explore the rest of the banquet hall.
In your sights, you’ve found the bar standing in the corner, the staff working hard to feed thirsty patrons their desired dream for the night through shaken or stirred drinks. 
Above hangs a grand crystal chandelier, the chiseled gems cutting the pure white night into a lively kaleidoscope of rainbows across the banquet floor. 
Marveling the lavish space with wide eyes, you mumble to yourself.  “It’s beautiful!” 
Toji’s abrupt stop drags you out of thought, the sudden appearance of the dining table catching your eye.  “Here you are, Princess,” he hums, pulling you from your thoughts. He works swiftly to tug out your seat from beneath the black tablecloth. 
You find yourself reading a small tented card, the white paper wearing your name in gold characters. 
“Thank you, my good sir,” your giggling flirt satisfying his ear as he pushes you in gently. 
Toji falls to his knees beside you, bracing your thigh for support. 
“How was that? Said hi and now it’s just some food. If you like something enough, I’ll cook it just for you,” he grins, the polished apples of his cheeks drawing his marked skin taut.
You trace the faded kiss on Toji’s cheek, inviting a doddering frown to your face.  “Aww, I think the kisses are fading away.”
“That’s fine, Princess. But when we get home…I’ll be expecting ten times the amount you gave me.”
Before you can craft up some sly response to his innuendo, Toji rises back to his feet and over to the seat across from you, where his own name awaits his arrival.
“Aw man, I feel so fancy!” Toji chuckles as he slips into his seat. 
“It’s kinda nice, right? And we came just in time, dinner’s coming out!” You note, pointing towards the budding sight of servers carrying plates into the dining room.
Like moths to a flame, all the socialites work to end their conversations as they drift into their assigned seats, making new discussions with those around them.
You’ve set your eye on the man before you, whose scarred grin captures your attention with ease.
“What’s that smile for?” your head slipping into a faint tilt. 
“I know these types of events. Stuffy people, but the food’s great and there’s high-quality booze on rotation all night. Plus, I get to enjoy all this while courting the most wanted woman in the room,” Toji chuckles as he folds his arms over the table. “Aren’t I just the luckiest man in Tokyo right now?”
He’s an arm’s length away and that’s still not good enough. 
While there’s a growing tension weighing on the minds of you both, nothing compares to the story written behind the doting stares you set onto each other. With your dilating eyes pinned on him, batting your blackened lashes ever so slowly with that small smirk creeping onto your features. 
He’s no better, the poor man hiding his satyric ways behind the act of mindlessly tracing along the supple curves of his lips with his tongue.
All the chatter, all the screeching chairs, it all drowns out around you and Toji. Nothing dares to break into your world—except for the commencement of the dinner service. 
“Pardon the intrusion.” The presence of a young man pulls you and Toji from each other, the pair of steady eyes watching him place a gold plate before you both. 
“Tonight, we have for you both slices of seared beef, smoked salmon, dusted with truffle oil and masago. Please, do enjoy,” the server slowly announces for you and Toji. 
“Wow…” the dull excitement speaks for Toji as he carefully observes the plate. “Where’s the rest of it?”
You slowly unravel the folded cloth napkin, hiding a laugh behind your focus. “These things are multi-courses. We’ve got like…10…15 small dishes like this to go. But we can go get something to eat after this too, I’m usually hungry after these things.”
Toji simply nods as he turns to face his plate once more. He stares hard at the delicate trims of meat before him, reaching for his hidden fork within the napkin. ‘At least it’s the high-quality cuts,’ he wonders to himself, bringing the gossamer trim of meat to his mouth.
As the gentle chew rings in his ear, Toji takes a moment to observe the room’s sudden shift.
Chatter breaks around the dinner session talks of business and affairs break from each end of the table. Not a single word matters nor interests Toji, not when he’s seeking out your due attention once more.
His sapphirine tincts wash over you, and instead of being greeted by your allure, he’s somehow satisfied with watching your newfound interest in the paper-thin strip of beef sitting on your plate.
Though he’s taken to you as his newest attraction, his ears are keen. Ears like this are carefully trained to hear even a pen drop in a room like this, and even with such skill, immunity from the talks of the elite isn’t granted unto Toji.
“…Oh! Have you heard who’s taken up the role there now? I heard he’s nothing more than a moron trying to fit in amongst the best.”
“Such a poor man. He’ll try so hard to win over the shareholders, but he’s just so useless.”
“Useless? An animal would have better luck than him!”
“No, but have you heard of the newly elected president of XXXX?”
“Ha! I did…he’s no better than a dog. So worthless, how dare he accept the position? Does he think he’s worthy? He must be thinking he can sit in some company and just gain status like us! Disgusting!”
All this talk surrounds Toji, filling his ears and penetrating his firm psyche with such cruel ideals. To critique a man is one thing, but to ridicule his name without any consideration for his character, his actions, his morals—why, that simmers on Toji’s tongue like poison.
He’s gripping his fork tightly, his knuckles dusting a ghostly white. He can’t explain what’s brought about his sudden shift in manners, but it’s unnatural for the man he’s become.
His eyes flicker to you for guidance, but you’ve taken to some light conversation with the woman beside you, whose questions seem true and modest.
Toji’s left to rely on himself, his spiraling mind coaxing him to bite down on his lip—he wants your aid but he deems his fragile thread of composure is nothing worth interrupting you over. 
Yet, these words still sit uncomfortably familiar in Toji’s ears. Not a single word aimed at him, but the message behind them pulls at memories he’d buried years ago. But all it takes for his mind to crumble is the utterance of mere affirmations…
“He’s worthless!”
                                    “He’s not worthy of what we offer.”
                        “He’s better off dead…”
“He’ll never be accepted here!”
               “Born a failure…and always will be a failure.”
His heart races in his ears, channeling a cold sweat to sweep across his body. He can’t even focus on you anymore, not with his eyes senselessly blinking away the threatening patches of stars. 
Slipping a finger between the apple of his throat and the pesky collar button of his dress shirt, Toji yanks the tied cloth from the back of his neck in hopes of fresh air flooding his hitching lungs. He tries to cast his gaze elsewhere, though, in a room so vast, how could the walls suddenly close him in, trapping him in his plagued mind with spinning thoughts? 
 Memories replay in his head with the very words in the air as a soundtrack. He can’t figure out why these exact words would come to haunt him years later?
Dead? Was he really better off dead? He hasn’t heard such heartless words since his younger days, why—how could strangers know about his anguish? Why would strangers speak to him like this, judge him before his character can attest for him? Why…why…
Why would a family speak to their own like this?
There’s only one thing on Toji’s mind, and it’s the one thing he knows all too well: escape. He has to put some space between him and the dinner, and he’s already plotting his next move.
Toji’s weary body shudders as he stands from his seat, his mind stumbling over his ingrained words of manner.  
“Um…I-I…Excuse me.” 
His words fall short on the ears of others, but the loud shriek of his chair scraping along the black tile commands the attention of all in the room.
“Toji?” You mouth out his name, but his eyes hang low—low and blurred by his nerves.
His exit fades out as the idle dinner chatter picks up once more. His brisk steps toward the patio are drowned out by taxes, how well the beef has been marinated, and worse of all—the ridicule of Toji’s “childish” need for attention. 
The look on Toji’s face was like nothing you’d seen from him before. He was pale as if a ghost had just tapped his shoulder. And the very confidence you found yourself fond of was replaced by a quaking fear, one so heavy he couldn’t even keep his head held high.
Guilt shrouds your mind, and it’s a heavy cloud that threatens all the confidence he’s worked to instill in you. That very guilt–the need to balance your mind with comfort…his specific comfort. Without a moment’s delay, you rise from your seat, the similar screech of your seat ringing through the hall. 
“Excuse me.” Your announcement halts all chatter, all gossip, and all means of communication falling short of your cold tone.
The clicks of your heels dart across the glossy floor as you tread toward the balcony. 
You find him leaning along the stone-carved railing, gazing out at the city’s skyline. To ease the mood, you mark your next steps carefully, creeping behind him with light steps. 
But Toji doesn’t even have to turn his head to know you’re there. 
“Don’t go hiding from me, you know I’ll find you, Princess.”
Dropping the charade, you join Toji’s side, leaning into him with a hand bracing the tensed sleeves of his suit. 
“Then I’ll never be lost with you. But…”
Your touch laces onto the frazzled hairs covering Toji’s eyes, lazily raking through his onyx locks. 
“That means you can’t go hiding from me either…what happened, Toji?” 
Toji’s attention from the overview doesn’t seek a replacement, his eyes dead set on the passing nightlight below. “If I tell you, it’s not like it’s gonna change how I feel. And it’s silly anyways, nothing you need to stress yourself over.”
“Toji,” you coo “If your feelings don’t change, that’s okay. And if you think it’s silly, that’s fine too. But…I can’t help but stress with you. So don’t tell me, I won’t force you. We don’t even have to talk, we can stay out here all night, looking out over the city.”
Toji sighs as his head drops, “You care too much for me, y’know that? Most people would’ve let me be. But here you are, on such an important night…babysitting me. I think we’re making each other soft, yeah?”
“That’s fine with me, as long as I’m with you, right?”
Those words had no business slipping from your lips, but they did. By uttering something so dangerous to Toji—your sentiments of care to him—all he can do is gawk at you.
His jaw’s sunk slack and the words he wants to say fall short on his tacked tongue. He wants to ask you why give him a second of your time. His outburst might have cost you your reputation and relationships. And you could be inside, tending and cleaning up whatever tension that might have been sparked—but you’re outside with him as your only muse.
That’s what he aims to say, but his heart has him rattling off something he can’t—rather, something he won’t try to bite back any longer. 
“All this…fancy dining, sitting and talking like this…it reminds me of a life I barely got away from. I hated it—those people treated me like their mortal enemy. All my life until I was old enough to leave, living in hell became my home..”
You lean into Toji, resting your chin on his shoulder. With a weighted gaze, you peer up to Toji through your lashes, and the very words that roll off your cherried tongue break down any wall he had left standing tall towards you. 
“Tell me about these people you hate so much.”
Toji finds the energy to scoff, the choked chuckle cracking through the crisp air. “Horrible. Because I didn’t meet some standard they made up in their heads, I was a castaway in my own family.
Having to work myself to the bone, proving myself to people who didn’t care if I dropped dead right at their feet. And having done all that work, just for it to be thrown back in my face when it came time for dinner. That cycle…no one should have to go through that.”
“Some days, death seemed like the best option. Better than putting on a brave face that mattered to absolutely no one.”
“What kept you from ending it all then?”
“Hope. It’s a stupid thing. But the hope of knowing it all might get better saved me. If I had given in to all that hatred and become what was expected out of me, giving up would’ve been worse than dying. But all the scars you love to touch, that’s both from the hell and freedom I’ve lived through. The scars of freedom, however…they never once hurt me.”
“So then,” you begin, carefully gathering your words, “Was it all worth it?” 
That’s when Toji committed himself to you, his body shifting to face you. He’s got his eyes pinned on you and you alone, his ears tuned to your gentle coo, and his heart open to sing its long-awaited melody. 
“...Yeah. It all…it all brought me to places I couldn’t begin to imagine, to meet people in my wildest dreams. It’s been a crazy one, but I wouldn’t regret a single moment. But, I have to say this one thing, or else I’m gonna lose it…”
Toji stares at you for a moment in silence. His eyes scan every curve of your face for what he wants to discover as a hoax, but all he’s met with is the kindness of sincerity. Sincerity dots your eyes, in that soft smile you hold, and touches every strand of hair your digits comb through. 
Sincerity is a rare trait for a man like him to encounter and when he does…it becomes something he has to question.
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
Reverting back to his old self, Toji stands tall with his hands briskly searching for your waist as his keepsake. He’s back to grinning, drinking in that sudden gasp you give when he encompasses your body flush to his own. 
“You just…sat there and let me talk your ear off. None of it affects you, yet you seem like you actually care. So…why?”
“Why do I care?” You rehash, fixing your arms to link along the broad of Toji’s shoulders.
 “I care because that’s what I’ve come to do with you. You care for me and I care for you. And I’ll be honest, it’s scary…caring for you like this is going to give way into something I can’t afford just yet—but I won’t stop it. So yes, talk my ear off. But I want to listen, I want to know whatever you’re willing to let me know about you because…that’s how much I care for you, Toji.”
Toji ghosts a peck against your lips, breaking his sentiments with a speech. “Well, aren’t you the poet? Thank you, really. You’re learning just how to calm me down and I like it.”
“Don’t thank me, I just want you to be okay. So we don’t have to—oh Toji?!” You yelp as he begins to lead you back inside. His hand slips into yours, tracing your gentle palm with his grazing thumb. 
All Toji gives you is his back, hiding the flourishing spout of blush curling at the tips of his ears and the highs of his cheeks. He’s almost forgotten: he’s the luckiest man in Tokyo to have you. And with such a title means he has one single job: to keep a smile on your face at all times.
 “Don’t go and worry your pretty little head off. Let’s get back in there and enjoy ourselves!”
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀  ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀  ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀   ✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀
“Mhmm…Toji?” you huff, tightening your slinking arms along his shoulders.
“Y…Yeah, Baby? Whatcha’ wanna tell me?”
“Are we home yet? I wanna go to sleep with you.”
Toji chuckles as he peers down at you, his pretty lady cradled resting like a princess in his arms. 
Replaying the night in his head, he’d call every minute of it a success. After the heart-to-heart out on the balcony, you and Toji went back into the party as if only you two were there. 
From sharing sips of the finest aged wine and brandy, finishing out the dinner service, and sharing a dance that ended with you and Toji swirling about for an hour pressed to each other, all the makings of a night to remember. 
But with every night out, the fateful comedown is never too far behind. 
When the adrenaline wears off, tummies are full of food, and the liquor’s finalizing its course through bodies, the whimsy of the night comes to a curtain-falling close.
As for this timely scene, Toji’s taken on the role of caretaker. And as a caretaker, that means ignoring his hazy brain and tired muscles to carry you out the car and inside your apartment.
Beneath the dull glow of the street lights, Toji steals a glimpse at you, gawking at how a sense of ease dresses your visage.
Beautiful, that’s the only word in his mind as he admires you. Your eyes gently shut, your timid lips faded from their red hues, your puffy cheeks soft and begging for a kiss.
 In his eyes, you look perfect in his arms, resting in his care without a care. That’s his lady—a woman he’s finding himself endowed to with each passing day.
Living carefree, as Toji’s learned, is a right that belongs to everyone. To wake up, do whatever you please, and do it all again the next day. And while living carefree is deserved, it’s a word that carries various definitions. 
In his definition of carefree towards you, Toji would work to strip your mind of all the grief, stress, and responsibilities that come with your world.
But when the morning comes, you’ll be back to worrying, making phone calls that hold materialistic value, and working to the bone–while Toji continues living carefree on your dime.
What a life.
Toji aimlessly presses a kiss to your forehead, charming himself back to the present where your question awaited an answer. 
“We’re right outside the door, silly. Then we gotta take the elevator up, take off this pretty dress, wash your face, then you can go to sleep, ‘kay?”
“But…I wanna sleep with youuu,” you draw out, your eyes widening at Toji’s lack of involvement amidst his own plans.
“Alright, alright,” Toji sighs as he taps his hip against the lobby’s door sensor. “Stay up and wait for me. I gotta help you, then I gotta help myself. So after all that’s done, then we can sleep. Sounds like a deal?”
Pushing yourself deeper into Toji’s hold, you nuzzle your cheek against his burly chest. 
Entering the quiet lobby, Toji rocks you in his arms as he treks to the elevators. A night full of dancing, drinks, and questionably small plates leaves him with a dumb smile plastered to his lips. 
And to end it all right, he’d finally be able to sedate all his concerns for you within a matter of minutes. 
Though, the call of his name impedes his plans. 
“Oh, hey Toji!” the night doorman calls out with a wave.
Sho Hisagari, the nighttime doorman. Standing at six feet even, he’s a gentle giant with a strong build that hides behind a black uniform jacket. He’s got sharp brown eyes, dyed blond hair that sits just short of his ears, and a soft, crooked smile that’s kind to the eyes of all. 
During the day, he’s a college student entering his final days of graduate school, and at night, the twenty-five-year-old collects a check watching the night of Tokyo pass by.
Toji’s quick to recognize him, considering that he’d been the mediator to bring Toji up to your doorstep a month prior. 
He looks over to greet Sho with a lax smile, “Hey kid, how’s the night going?”
“I should ask you guys,” Sho chuckles as he leans over the desk. “I’ve never seen her drunk.”
“Oh, this pretty lady?” Toji hums as he glances down at your serene face.
“She wanted to drink some wine, then some martinis, a few cocktails, and I got to thinkin’ ‘ Who am I to keep a grown woman sober?’ So I made sure she didn’t overdo it and ended up getting some sake and a few cups of wine in my system too. But, someone had to be the responsible one. She’s always the strong one, so why not let her enjoy this?” 
“She is strong, isn’t she?” The doorman breaks, Sho steadily focusing his sights on you. 
The sudden interest in you has Toji intrigued. He carefully studied Sho, how his brown eyes hang over your dozing face. It’s a familiar gaze—a look that brings even the strongest, unmovable, and rigid of men to dote on their muse. A look that softens the eyes into a trained whimsical glint, leaves the lips and jaw lax for the gasps or gape to roll out.
A mien that seems so familiar to Toji because he dons those exact traits whenever he too is entranced by you.
And while Toji had no reason to feel that lump in his throat swell, his harsh swallow barely chips at the growing resentment. 
It’s such a pure look in his eyes, but why does it look so…so…natural on Sho?
As if he’s trained his eyes to look at you like this?
“Well, I’m gonna go and get her in bed. Have a good night, kid,” Toji mumbles before entering the elevator, leaving Sho with a solemn nod. 
“Night, Toji! Tell the miss’ I wish her a good night too!”
Toji could only count the seconds before the doors shut, leaving him alone with his sleeping beauty wrapped up in his beastly arms. 
His cobalt hues flicker down to your timid visage, and all the anger that threatened his eventful night was wiped clean the moment you began to stir about in his hold.
“Toji?” your weakly rasp, your pinched eyes squinting at your suitor.
“Hey, Baby. Thought you went to sleep without me for a sec,” he teases behind a growing grin.
You simply shake your head, hands coming to rub your strained eyes beneath the piercing white lights, “I thought I heard Sho’s voice. Wanted to say hi.”
“Huh…” Toji trails off. “You like Sho?”
“Mhm,” you nod, He’s nice. He gives me flowers, takes me out to lunch, and sometimes when I can’t sleep. I’ll go downstairs and talk with him for a while.”
That taints Toji’s mind like ink bleeding through a scroll. He’s overrun by hypotheticals and probabilities, trying to make sense of what your sentiments towards the young man might be.
He didn’t expect to uncover such a rich history between you and the doorman, yet he has no choice but to absorb it all for what you’ve shared. 
Toji has half a mind to seek reassurance, his mind already sorting out the indirect questions to pry at your own sentiments towards him.
But…he stops.
All thought, all the plotting, it comes to a screeching halt when your words at the balcony replay in his mind. Those sincere words that sat on his ears like the sweetest hymn from a siren. 
Upon reciting your soliloquy in his head, Toji peers down at your softened features with the very look he envies Sho for wearing.
He can’t blame the guy, he was falling for you all the same—all because you care. You take the time to show your adoration for others, the words only act as a seal to what’s already known. 
Maybe, just in some random universe that happened to be his own, maybe it was lov—
“...Are we home yet?” you groan, pulling Toji from his thoughts. 
The chime of the splitting elevator doors welcomes you and Toji back into the humble abode, the familiar dark scene of the living room draws Toji inside. 
“Look, we’re in the living room. Now, let’s get you in your room and in bed” Toji hints as he begins his winded strides down the dark hallway. 
He softly nudges the door open with his hip, revealing the night-clad oasis to his eye. The faint twinkling rays of moonlight cast upon the red duvet of your bed, drawing Toji to put you to rest.
“Okay just lay there for a—”
“Toji.” you call out calmly, your blurred gaze setting on him.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
Folding your hands along your tummy, you rally the energy to turn towards him, a weak smile curling onto your lips. “I’m feeling better, trust me. The room’s stopped spinning now, just a little tired, but I’ve got some energy.”
“Okay, good!” Toji beams with a bright grin, “If you can sit up, I can bring...”
Toji’s offer falls deaf on your ears as you sit up slowly, shifting hands sinking into the soft red duvet beneath your body. Tilting your head back, you stare aimlessly at the ceiling, the miniature glass chandelier returning your starry gaze.
In theory, Toji's done a great job; he kept you company, made sure you arrived home without a hair out of place, and he's even going the extra mile to put you sleep too. you've arrived back home in one piece
However...something's missing from the night, from his usual antics.  He's too princely, acting so pure when he's the farthest thing from.  He was insistent on being classy for the night, but did he really means the whole night?
Even after he kept pressing kisses to your lips and cheeks alike, pinning his hand to your side, and even whispering about how he'd love to take you down out of some cups of wine.
And he has yet to act on any of the hints he planted. Now, here you are, just on the verge of greeting the setting night and he was still too kind with you.
There simply has to be some word, some action, just something you could call upon to rouse all the desires he's pushed aside for the night...right?
“Princess?” Toji croaks as he stands before you. He takes a tender hold of your jaw, the pad of his thumb grazing along the softened contours. “Talk to me, what’s got you so down?”
“I’m okay, really. Just…a little disappointed is all.”
“You? Disappointed?? No no no, how can I fix it?” Toji hums as he drops to his knees. He tends to remove your heels, tugging the tiny clasp free from your ankle. 
“Okay okay, ‘disappointed’ is a little bit of an exaggeration. Tonight was fun…but…”
“But?” Toji repeats, his hand coasting along the peeking curves of your thigh. 
“I won’t lie, I was expecting for us to sneak off for a quickie or something.”
“Yeah?” Toji breathlessly chuckles out. “You were really waiting for that?”
“Mmhm,” you nod, tugging your bottom lip between a smothered grin, “That’s why ‘m not wearing any panties.”
The sweet smile Toji taped to his lips withers away beneath a slack jaw and widening eyes. First he’s pale, the draining palettes of shock claiming his lush skin. You’ve grown bold, something he’s taken note of, but he wasn’t prepared to handle this. 
Somewhere in his stunned sights, he falls on the cut in your dress, the slit freely bunched up to your hip. He swallows hard, blinking at the realization: you’re sitting all too pretty with your cunt waiting for him.
That’s when the prickling sear of heat licks at his cheeks, a cloud of pink spreading across his gawking face.
“Don’t believe me?” You giggle as you slowly drape your leg along Toji’s shoulder. You bear witness to his final threads of sanity snapping as your dress drips off your skin, revealing the results of a one-sided gamble.
“Check for yourself.”
What visibly seals Toji’s fate as he hunts for a shed of fabric is the languid spread of your legs…just enough for him to see the delicate webs of slick sewn to your folds.
“See what you do to me, Toji? All that teasing in the car, touching me all over the dance floor, it’s all for you. And you let your so-called ‘lady’ walk around dripping and this is all you can say?”
“Oh fuck…” he’s shuddering, swallowing down the hindering lump in his throat. “Princess, i-if you wanted me to—”
“Don’t apologize. And I know you wanna fix things too, but I think, for tonight at least, I’ve got things under control.”
“No, let me make it up to you, “ Toji pleads, “W-What…do you want me to do?”
“Watch me.”
“Watch you?” he presses with a quirked brow, “Watch you do—”
You cut Toji’s question short carelessly, “Mm, Toji, help me out. Can’t keep my legs at the same time.”
Toji’s stare is heinous as dark clouds threatens his sights. You’ve got the nerve to sit there and wait for him as if he’s holding you back. He has the words boiling at the tip of his tongue, ready to fire off his rebuttal.
He picks the latter, Toji locking his firm grip around your thighs. The hold he has over you is unyielding, not granting an inch of room for any second thoughts.
He’s even spiteful enough to drag you right to the edge of the bed, forcing your hips to tilt toward his awaiting mouth. 
“How’s this?”
“Just like that. Now keep your head riiiight here.”
Your lithe fingers sit atop the charcoal coronet of Toji's head, veering him to rest his cheek along your inner thigh. He doesn’t fall to hesitation either, merely falling to your whims with the same daunting stare.
You’re hurting his pride, turning the man into nothing more than your pet. To sit there and take orders, listen to your every fancy, and be expected to act on them without fail. You almost feel bad for him in a way too, considering how you can watch his patience grow thin with how he clenches his jaw. 
But then again…it’s precisely what he signed up for. 
“You’re such a good boy, Toji. You know exactly what I want without me saying it. Starting to understand me more…”
Again, you descend on a journey, tracing the curves of Toji’s flustered features until you find a ledge worthy of your touch—that cute quivering pout he wears proudly. 
His lips feel plump against the pads of your digits, such supple skin brimmed with a soothing heat. Toji’s still sitting beneath awe’s influence, flustered and shy. 
You take to the idea brewing in your brain, especially when there’s something so delightful laying behind his lips. Your ghostly touch sedates the brimming heat of his pout, that mere swipe a lulling famed whimper from his mouth. 
“C’mon, baby…don’t keep me waiting…you always know exactly what I want.”
“Do I?” He sarcastically scoffs, but his remarks don’t go unnoticed. 
“Yeah, you do. I don’t have to say a word, I know you’ll give me what I want.”
Just like that, Toji’s lips part to welcome you into the caverns of his mouth. His tongue’s swift to coil around your digits, basting your skin in his spit to his heart's content. He’s given himself to lust, sloppily working his lips until soapy bubbles seep out of the corners of his mouth.
“Oh, you’re such a good boy!” You purr as you reel away from Toji’s swollen lips. All that connects you both is a wispy thread of glass, serving as evidence of your time together.
Your dripping digits sit right between your legs to paint your cunt in his shade, fingertips dragging glossy webs along the pink pearl.
Your hand falls into a tantalizing sway, drawing messy circles about your clit. It's a slow start but you’re quick to respond to your own touch, rousing the dormant nerves with haste.
It’s the heft of arousal that suddenly douses your bud in a searing heat that drives you over the edge, your hand adopting a frantic pace. 
“D-Do you see what you do to me, Toji? 
There’s a reveling heat blooming amongst your core. It’s all-consuming, so overwhelming that every bit of your strength surrenders to you. Sinking back down onto the bed, Your enticed spine spikes into an arch, forcing your hips to bear the heft of paradise alone.
But Toji’s right there to help you; wedging your thigh atop his shoulder, hands clipped to your rocking hips. 
He’s sitting there with a pout on his face, the flat of his tongue sketching over his lips. Each time you swipe over your clit, Toji’s thinking about what he’d do instead. He’s the one who knows your body like his own, so watching you work so hard splinters his pride by the seconds. He can’t take it, watching his poor baby enjoy such shoddy workmanship. 
“Just like that, Princess, you got it.” All he can do is support you through words, his touch, and the kisses he’s peppering along your inner thigh. 
He can’t surrender his gaze to anywhere else. He can’t complain, can’t intervene, so he simply takes it. He takes it while sitting enviously on his knees, gawking at the sight of you bathing in that sweet ambrosia. He wants nothing more than to touch you—so badly that it hurts him in mind, body, and spirit. 
 You know how bad he wants to touch you too and just how much restraint it’s taking him to play the innocent act. And all that knowledge is the very thing that pulls a spiraling heat to flood your tummy. 
You want a reaction from him, to hear him ridicule your poor technique. Excitement captures your entire body as you begin to draw out Toji’s true colors with a wandering touch. You slide a single finger between your folds down to your quivering hole. 
The manner you take to tease your rousing core is gentle, paddling your sweet spot beneath tender strides. Just off that calm touch, you’re melting into your touch. With Toji being the one handling your needs as of late, you’ve almost forgotten the thrill of chasing your own high. 
But that sense of bliss quickly turns to thirst, a ravenous urge to feed that heavy pit in your tummy. You swiftly invoke a jagged cadence, drumming at your spot feverishly. You’re working so hard that the stack of bangles on your wrist erupts into a cheery jingle, voicing the hymns of your pursuing finger. 
“Mmm…f-fuck,” you whine, drawing the glossed finger from your cunt. 
Toji’s eyes staple to you, a burning gaze that overlooks your polished digit tapping along his bottom lip. He isn’t waiting to hear permission, he simply can’t bring himself to wait a moment longer. 
He envelops your fingers between his lips, the flat of his tongue cupping along the digit. Toji’s swift to clean up your mess, the slicked muscle twirling at every inch of your skin dressed in your essence. 
“So needy…C’mon, spit on it.”
Toji’s eyes widen at your request, his shot pupils darting to meet your gaze. He’s mulling over your question, using every ounce of his strength to think clearly. Did you really just ask him to spit on your—
“Aww, what’s that look for, Baby? Didn’t hear me?” you taunt, ripping your digit from his mouth.
“N-no, no…I-I heard you. I-I just...uh—“
“Shhhh," you whisper, placing a slicked finger against his rambling lips, “I’m waiting…”
A muffled moan snags itself within Toji’s throat as he slowly leans in. His quivering frown just grazes past you, closing the distance for the tears of spit he’s dying to glaze over your sporuted mound.
 You’ve gotten so wet, dripping from the sad display he’s born witness to. He doesn’t want to spit on your clit, he’s dying to taste you, to create an abstract mess out of the swollen bud. 
But he does as he’s told without fail, his puckered lips pushing out sticky rivets of spit. His stares stays pinned to you as he observes the messy trail whisking down your folds.
“Fuck… pussy’s so pretty like this,” Toji mutters to himself as he pulls away to admire his finishing touch. 
He’s right, your cunt does look so pretty being pushed to the edge—the glistening pearl of your clit consumed by a waltz of shivers, your puffy folds dewed by your essence and his spit, and your cute little slit flittering for attention. 
Somewhere in his murky mind, he’s thinking about it: how you’ve finally elicited his help without having to lay a finger on you. 
And to think it’d be so lewd, so messy—and just perfect for a man like him. The thought doesn’t just stop with the mind, it’s feeding his cock with all sorts of ideas too, condemning his bulge to strain against his pants. 
You slip your hand between the sloppy mess of Toji’s lips and your cunt, rubbing the soapy bubbles of spit to meld with your slick.
“Just like that…n-now, don’t stop o-okay?” you moan, driving yet another finger to fill your walls. Lazy pulses rip against your piqued nerves, engulfing your pussy in a ravenous flame. Your thighs suffer beneath the force of your inevitable undoing, immersing your suspended legs into a world of tremors. 
“ ‘m gonna cum! gonna–I’m c-cum—"
A flash of white breaks over your eyes, stars dotting your sights. Curses spew from your lips as that knot in your tummy finally snaps. It’s all too much, your saturated body succumbing to the consequence of reaching nirvana. All you can do is toss your head back and grit your teeth, your hands racing to fist at the plushy blanket beneath you.
In the peak of your heat, Toji settles a peck between your folds, a poor excuse to satisfy his need to taste you. 
A sly smirk creeps onto your lips as you come down, fixing your misty eyes to study the shameless kisses he’s pinning to your swollen pussy. 
Your hands slip into the ruly forest of Toji’s hair, combing away the frazzled locks from his face. 
“Look at you, couldn’t even wait.”
The route Toji endures to have his tongue bathe in your essence is dangerous. He’s so reckless, disregarding your sensitivity just to sedate his gluttonous desires. He’s savoring the fruits of your high, the mere taste blurring his unmoving judgment. You’re just so sweet, so sticky and so addictive like honey but venomous once you seep upon Toji's palate.
But he’s using every drop of that venom to soothe his soul, regardless if you can supply him or not.
“W-Wait! Toji…s-slow down! I jus’ —fuck!—came!”
Toji breaks himself from you, painting your flushed cunt in his hot, patterned breaths. He doesn’t meet your stare, his eyes trapped to the corked swell of your clit. “Sorry, baby. I’ll be gentle…and so fucking gentle, I swear."
Whether he meant it for your ears or not, Toji couldn’t tell you. But that won’t change his resolve. The resolve that bleeds through the dripping tongue he swathes against your folds. He’s working his jaw to bear those long, pampering strokes of his. 
Those long, pampering strokes that trail up from your gummy hole. 
The lazy, careful drags that skims against the pulsing channel of your folds. 
His gentle laps that cling to your spry knob just because it feels so damn good to soak up the beating heat that leaves your clit so puffy and cute.
“Oooh—shi– Just…hah…just like that, Toji!”
He has your body running hot, your stirred nerves sparking underneath your skin. He’s simply dragging his tongue against you, so how can something so simple risk pulling another orgasm from your core?
He’s honoring his words too, using soft laps to soothe your poor bulb. But that doesn’t stop the twitches that litter your weak legs, that arch driving your chest into the air, and the mindless drivel spilling from your gaping lips. 
“Mmmm,” Toji whimpers as a ‘pop’ ricochets from his mouth, “I wanna suck it, Mama. Please? I’ll be soft too! Just let me suck it, ‘kay?”
“Th-then go ahead! I’m not gonna—oh fuh—Toji!”
“Mhmm,” Toji hums as the whites of his eyes flicker behind his squint. If there’s one thing he’s grown to attach to, he’s grown too fond of sucking on that clit of yours.
Something about having the cute pearl swell up between his lips that plays on his senses a little too heavily. Just the thought alone has his mind wiped clean of anything that wasn’t your moans, your writhing body, or the looming orgasm he has to bring over you.
It’s sheer vigor that graces him to lure your clit between his quivering lips. He has to coax you, earn your trust before delivering ruin right to your feet. That’s why he’s ever so kindly pedaling the tip of his tongue against you, lazily winding a mindless path around the bundle of nerves. 
Every languorous lash of his slicked muscle weakens your resolve—a fact he can see with the naked eye. Your hips tell him all he needs to know, rolling along with his rhythm. 
The power of the unspoken is a great one, and because of its strength, Toji is able to move on with his plan. One that allows him to gradually reel back that curling tongue of his, letting his lips plant fluttering kisses as an apology for stealing back what’s rightfully yours. 
A whimper tells him you miss it, but the pecks he’s baking at your core aren’t for naught. Not when he’s easing you in, blanketing his lips over your clit until all he can do is cling to the silky button.
So fragile, it’s the opposite of his entire persona, demeanor, and even his way of life. The polar opposite of him, but Toji wears delicacy like a glove when drawing your clit into a churning toil. He’s nursing you with the kindest of care, suckling the spry nerves into a pudgy bloat. 
“F-ff-fuck! I‘m gonna cum again!” you squeal, your thighs knocking against Toji’s head.
He doesn’t curse. He doesn’t chatise you. Toji merely slips his hand from your waist in exchange of bracing the silky plush you’ve crowned upon him. 
He could stop, Toji knows that much. But hearing your cry out like that—you’ve abruptly fueled some hidden agenda of his to push you over the limit. Just how loud can you scream his name? How many times can you cum before you’re a fucked out mess? All these questions contaminate Toji’s fleeting mind, and he’s dying to answer each and every one tonight.
“Go ‘head, I can take it, Baby.”
He means every word. He’ll handle everything to come with you; the good and the bad, all the pain and the pleasures, he’ll take it all with a smile.
Your orgasm is a heavy burden to carry, costing you every ounce of strength in your reserves. The familiar flash of white crosses your eyes, dashing in front of your sights for a single moment. Like the thrill of lighting cracking through the sky, your body holding strong before the crumbling curse washes over you. 
The looming heat at your core surges across your body, from the balls of your curled feet to the fading reality in your head. Your jaw drops slack by a muted cry, and all you can do is give into your body’s coiling instinct without delay.
Toji’s hands are foreign to you, but it’s the only source that brings you down as he softly taps a wayward tempo along your flushed skin.
 “Oh, that was beautiful, Princess. But, I hope you can keep up that little act…we’re not done here.”
As you pull the words from your broken thoughts, Toji’s swift to reach over you, his hunkering body casting a shadow upon you. 
“Toji?” you mumble out, squinting at his face with blurry eyes. 
“You started this. You gotta finish it—and if you don’t…well, you might regret it.” His warning comes with a hint, one that lacks the grace of subtly. Because in Toji’s mind, the hint he has for you sits right against your inner thigh, his thick cock hidden behind a shameful bulge. 
Perching upon your elbows, you close the distance between you and Toji, leaving just a sliver of the room’s heat to separate you both. 
“I’m going to regret it? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to scare me, Toji. I told you already, try all you want…you can’t break me. Besides, if I choose to let you go to bed like this, who’s truly gonna regret it?”
“Only one way to find out…” the final words marking the room’s sultry atmosphere as Toji captures your lips with a kiss.
He keeps his rhythm purely surface—soft, gentle, gliding his kiss against you like the finest silk. He doesn’t dare to, not when he’s already dizzy off those small whimpers you let sink into his mouth. 
It’s so gentle that it’s almost hypnotic, the soft curl of Toji’s lips passing over your own. He’s leaving you wanting more, the impulse to trace his skin burning at your fingertips. However,  the obstacle of clothing hinders you—but your hands move quicker than you can think. 
Nothing could truly explain the way you labor across Toji’s towering body; tugging off his suit jacket, unbuttoning his dress shirt, yanking at his black slacks until he was free of all clothing, and the loud clunk of his belt and shoes joining the floor. 
But you do it all while the fervour of his gentle kiss stews at the forefront of your mind.  
He could say the same, unsure of what skills allowed him to strip you of that dress, tugging off your shoulders, down your legs, and off onto the floor with such ease—but he did so anyway. 
He did it all while relishing the heat of your lips on his. 
And maybe a kiss does hold such mind-numbing powers, to subdue lovers to its binding will. As much as you rather push off such a ridiculous thought, the evidence lies with you and Toji alike. 
Why, it must have some influence over those who dabble within its magic because the next time you blink, you find yourself laid on your side with Toji’s bare chest tucked along your spine and his bicep as your pillow. His hooked arm outlines your chest, pitting him to knead the silky fat of your tits. 
He’s peeling away from the sin of your kiss down to your exposed neck, peppering pecks along the velvety tract of your throat. Just because he’s broken from your lips doesn’t mean he’s stopped sipping from lust’s cup. His hands, wide, firm, and blessed with fingers so thick, take on the honor of roaming your body. 
Those husky hands that cup your tits, kneading at the pillowy flesh until your pebbling nipples slip between his windowed grasp. 
Those stout fingers that lazily caress your curves, the pad of his thumb feathering along your skin. 
There are so many whimpers that don’t mean to pour from your lips—but they do, shamelessly and unfiltered. He carries the art of delicacy, Toji’s treating you under the fear of breaking you. But his efforts only spur you on, guiding you down the path that he leads. 
Those stout fingers that lazily caress your curves, the pad of his thumb feathering along your skin. A hot, rousing channel that erupts beneath Toji’s languid tour of your body. His touch smolders over your skin, coaxing every nerve to greet him without fail. 
His path ends just short of your thigh, his reach slipping to coddle the supple underside. 
“Hold your leg back,” Toji instructs, dragging his hand to cup the back of your knees. Carefully, he replaces his brash grip with your kind, tender hands, pinning your folded leg just short of your chest.
“What are you doing?” you pry, skewing your head along Toji’s chest. 
His hand slowly glides along the front of your body, squeezing at whatever fills his rough hands. His trail lands him right before your sopping cunt, his shaky hand dusting past your puffy lips.
“...Tch, n-nothing. J-just wan..n-na touch you, that’s it,” his trembling breath mutters along the thumping pulse of your neck. 
The moment Toji’s confidence allows him to dip into the viscous mess of your pussy, a hiss cuts between his lips. You’re dripping, your slick dressing his touch before he’s even landed a tap on your puffy pink pearl. Suddenly, there’s a stress on Toji’s mind that warns him of the impending doom set to befall him. 
The doom of him cumming too quickly.
It’s an issue he’s never had until meeting you. He still remembers the mess your sputtering pussy drowned him in back in that dressing room. But this doesn’t even compare to that first time.
He could only imagine how you’ll suck him up this time, how sloppy you’ll be after a few rolls of his hips, how he very much could end up creaming your walls white—
 “Oh fuck…” he groans at the thought, his hips bucking along the small of your back. 
Precious anticipation that has Toji taking his sweet time to trace through your folds, up towards your clit, and down to your entrance. You tug at your bottom lip as he drifts over your hole at last—but deliverance like this doesn’t come with the flick of a wrist. 
Rather than fulfill your every wish, he’s taken with the idea of thumbing at the fluttering ring, the tips of his digits just nicking at your knotted hole. 
“Don’t tease me, just do it alread—”
Just two fingers. It only takes Toji slipping past your sticky slit to ruin your pussy beneath that burning stretch. He’s sinking into you, your cunt swallowing every bit of Toji’s fingers. He’s down to the hilt with you, so far gone that he has no choice but to adorn your sweet spot with his hooked reach. 
“Hah, omygosh—fuck, Toji!”
“Thaaaat’s it! Oh, you feel that?” Toji taunts as his wrist flicks against your splitting cunt.
All he’s met with is your breathless gaps, your mouth hinged by a gape. He’s got you right where he wants you—speechless and needy—and that’s exactly when he plans to strike.
And Toji can’t help but savor every passing second. 
“Aww, why can’t you talk to me, Baby? Told you I just wanted to touch you…’nd it’s nothing you can’t handle…”
There’s a timeless look that settles on your features, one that Toji can’t help to admire with a ghastly smirk. The look that has your gaping mouth webbed with spit, dewy eyes screwed shut, and your threaded brows weighed down by a crease. All he’s done was fill you, nothing more and nothing less. 
“Toji, Baby, please! I-I can’t—I can’t take it!” 
Toji’s chuckling along the shell of your ear. All that sass, and you can’t even keep the charade you—it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. But that’s his princess, always making a mess he’s just a little too willing to clean up. 
“I’m not one to tease, Baby. You know that. You make me wanna go harder, so ‘m not playing when it comes to you,” he hums between the wayward kisses he plants along your cheek. 
“Oh, fuck you, Toji,” you wince, hips flinching at his curled fingers. 
“Yeah?” he purrs, “Then c’mon, I know you feel that dick begging for you, so do it then…fuck me, Mama.”
His taunt comes with the relentless drive of his soiled fingers, bullying your sweet spot with brash toils.  He’s trying to be kind but when you start clenching down around him like that, he’s faced with having his way with your squelching pussy. 
His wrist picks a brazen droll, driving up against your honeyed walls however he pleases. All his efforts reward him with a ring of white to brandish his twirling digit—and bring you onto the cusp of what might just be another wave of ecstasy. 
You’re shaking, thrashing about in his hold for mercy from his punishing touch, but Toji’s doesn’t even grant you a lick of freedom. Not when he’s so insistent on keeping you close, his hunkering body seizing you in his grasp. 
“Toji, wait! I don’t think I can cum again!” you hysterically sob, bracing your body for the weight of yet another orgasm. 
“Oh, but you can, Princess, “ Toji’s quick to reassure, “Just not now.”
Leaving you with one final curl of his fingers, Toji swiftly reels his glossy digits from your heat. 
Toji embellishes a pumping fist around his length, lathering your slick down his shaft. His hips ride against you, bringing the head of his cock to rake between your sloppy folds. 
But that’s all he does, simply dragging his twitching cock aimlessly. He plays it off, but the throbbing veins that dust against your clit tell you how he’s barely hanging from a sliver of thread. 
You had the chance to ridicule him, call out Toji for his bullshit—but who were you to say a word when something so easy like this was throwing you into ruin? Each time he pulls back, that brewing heat in your core pines for him, inexplicably desperate for his fat cock to spread you thin around him. 
You dip your head along his chest, catching sight of his crumbling exterior. He’s breaking, the man you once knew is now replaced by his shadow self. He’s a panting mess, his fair skin claimed by heat’s red tinge, and those midnight blue eyes are clamped shut. Toji’s dangling at the edge with his feeble attempts of euphoria, as if the solution to his issue doesn’t lie right between your legs. 
“Tojiii…” you call out, earning his lowly grunt as a response. “Don’t keep me waiting!”
“H-h…hm?... Think you can take it, Baby?” Toji sighs as his forehead rests along your temple. His eyes peel open to find you staring right back at him, that precious dreamy gaze binding him to your every whim. 
“Mhm,” you nod, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip. “I can take it.”
Excitement gets the better of Toji at the sound of your voice. All knowledge of his feeble states flees from mind as he races to align himself with you. One brash snap of his hips sends his cock wedged between your fluttering walls and his mind snapped in two.
“Fuck…” Toji’s trembling against you, painting the peak of your shoulder in hitching breaths. All he’s accomplished is plugging you up with the pink-hearted crown of his cock and he's doomed with facing a losing battle. 
With whatever breath he can muster, Toji grapples with himself to fulfill his lone task. No matter how good, how sinful, how tempting it seems, he’s got no choice but to walk down the path of slow and easy if he desires to win this race. 
Inch by painstaking inch, Toji guides himself to fill you. The slow drive of his hips coaxes the fat girth of his cock to simmer along your silken walls. As his eyes begin to roll, he’s groaning at how your pussy’s suckling him deeper. 
There’s something to be noted with how he’s immersing himself in your warmth, how his gentle approach differs from nights like this. Maybe it’s because for once, Toji isn’t rushing to stuff you, he isn’t rushing to make you eat your words. Tonight, he’s got something else on the brain, something soft and gentle.
And with this ‘gentle’ approach, you can’t help slow down with him. You can’t help but notice all the little details unfolding between your merging bodies, like how the heavy underside of his cock twitches with each inch plunged inside of you or how the veins ribboning his length pulse whenever you clench around him. 
You can feel every unspoken word he’s crying out to you—and he knows you can too.
“You feel that, Baby? That’s me…stretching you out like that…nice ‘nd slow, just for you. C-Can I take my time with you?” he’s almost begging as his warm breaths fans along your opened mouth.
“Y-yes…fuck, yes, please!” you cry out, sealing the deal with a sloppy kiss. A kiss so messy that control flies out your hands and leaves you two crashing into one another.
Through the hunger of desire, Toji’s drawn back into exploring your body, intuition guiding what’s blinded by logic. He’s driven by the messy kisses you push against his lips to hold you close, to have his touch become your entire world. 
He knows you like having your hips squeezed, so he does it. He knows you like having your nipples tweaked between strokes—so he does it. He knows you love those deep, long strokes that overwhelm your pussy with sheer thrill, so he does that too just to hear the praise. 
“Yesyesyesyes—j-just like that!” 
“That’s my girl, feels good, right? I kn—shit—I know!” He chuckles, hips mindlessly drawn back for another laborious round. It’s tedious work but Toji’s enjoying every moment of it. Even with his mind so hazy, he isn’t one to overlook how good it feels to have your velvety walls coddling his pudgy length. 
He can’t tune out the lewd symphony playing in his ears either. By guiding his cock to strum your walls, he’s able to give you a solo debut with those breathless notes pouring from your lips. By curling his hips just right, he’s able to coax your pussy into giving him those perfectly viscous chimes that churn through the air. 
And when he’s ready for the finale, all it takes is for that single dip. That single dip that sends his tip to kiss your teased sweet spot sparks every fiber of your being into a raging flame.
 Your mind, broken by the night, is too far gone for the courtesy of announcements. Your body, drained and frail in Toji’s hold, is spent of all precious energy—but that fact alone welcomes the crashing world of your orgasm through you like no other.
Because when Toji did land that finishing kiss, all he’d done was strike devastation upon you both. 
Your legs fall to a thundering close, limbs riddled with harsh tremors. Your hands race to grasp into the robust arms Toji’s tied around you, manicured nails scratching at his bulging muscles. Your spine arches off of his chest, and all you can do is whimper as the ripped tide leaves your body parched and weak.
Toji’s no better when he rushes to withdraw from you, seething out a string of curses at how the cold air bullies his cock. With a fist wrapped to the base, he pulls one final stroke over his length before the rushing spill of white weeps from his raw tip.
Toji cuddles himself besides you, burying his head along the nape of your neck as he bucks his hips into the fat of your ass. 
It’s all too much for him. His vision’s blown white and spotty, his heart skipping beats, and the sweltering heat settling amongst his skin drives him mad. Toji’s desperate for something, anything to ground him.
He’s left to his own devices, scouring around until his findings leave him to cling to your waist. He prays you won’t say too much for the brash act, but you’re the only one he can turn to, the only one who knows how much of a toll his bliss takes on him. 
What he doesn’t expect is you combing back his sweat-sunken hair, your lips scattering kisses along his clenched jaw, and the thoughtful words of encouragement loops in his ear.
“It’s a lot, right? Just let it out…”
“Fuck, ‘m still cumming,” he rasps. He has a song mulling heavy on his heart, all those moans waiting to break free from their cage. With all the restraint he can muster, Toji knows he can’t continue the ruse of choking back the notes any longer.
 And with you soothing his woes, Toji’s resistance gives without a second thought. The heartless, cold shell Toji dons shatters the moment his lips give way with a whimper. Because of you, he’s whimpering, letting his body grieve the weight of his orgasm with you as his lone witness. 
You pull his clipped hand from your waist into your own, swiping at his roughened knuckles with the pad of your thumb. “That’s it, you’re doing such a good job, Baby.”
“T-Thank you, Princess,” Toji shudders between breaths. 
A veil of silence falls over the room, the pair of you finally mending tattered breaths. While silence keeps the scene calm, nothing about your entangled bodies changes one bit.
Your hand can still be found in his, your bodies still bare and melted into each other, even the exchange of soft kisses joins the frame. 
But calmness is a fleeting trait, with the call of Toji’s name summoning a new plot to play out. 
“Oh…Toji?” you innocently coo.
“Can we go again? Just one more time, please?!?”
A weary smirk crowds upon Toji’s lips as he flickers his heavy eyes over your face—that callow look of batting lashes melting his perseverance. Such a pretty face, and a kind voice, but the nastiest mind.
His chest is still heavy, sweat lathers his skin, with exhaustion claiming him whole, Toji’s newfound soft spot for you curbs him from committing such a treasonous act of denying you. 
“You really wanna go again?” He chuckles, pressing his forehead to your own.
“Mhm,” you nod, pulling your bent leg taut to your chest. 
“It’s gonna be slower than before…”
“That’s fine, I just—"
“You don’t have to say it or explain yourself, Princess…I know.”
It’s just as you said, Toji knows you so well, so much so that he knows that you aren’t after another high—it’s just the sheer intimacy that has you both addicted.
Because for the first time in Toji’s life, he’s finally reached his long-waited oasis through your hands—sensuality.
A place where time stands still for lovers, allowing them to abstain from all that isn’t each other. Where all that’s needed to survive is the heat of one’s body, the synchronization of breaths, and the beating drum of a unified heart. 
That s why Toji has no issue to grant your wish by taking hold of his length once more, his palm greeted by his hardened cock once more. 
Strings of curses rip from Toji’s throat as he works to fill you all over again. The tepid lunge of his hips, the breathy moans slipping from his barred mouth, his hand still clinging to yours as his lifeline—all of which he establishes to be his new standard for taking you. 
He keeps his eyes in line with yours when he finally immerses himself so deeply within your walls, a timeless gasp capturing you both. 
You’re back to smothering his girth beneath a sticky grasp, marking every inch of his cock in your essence. He’s curling up beside you, using his angled hips to reach deeper than before.
You feel so good, you always do but tonight has Toji’s strong-willed mind rolling off the faintest touch.
Sensitivity isn’t a word Toji likes to associate himself with, out of his respect for his pride and ego—yet he’s imbued with the very essence of the word tonight.
Every graze, kiss, even the shallow channel of your breath renders him a quivering, frail mess. He can’t begin to handle it when you pick up a nasty habit of rocking your hips against him, grinding your deepest bliss down against his cock’s writhing bulbous head.
There’s no loud clash of skin, overdrawn cries, or pleas of mercy—there’s just the beautiful blend of skin on skin, keeping each other company through another one of the world’s perilous nights. 
Why ruin you with tyrannical lust when sensuality grants him your warm body melding into his, your every cry sitting like music in his ear, and your touch pulling him into a dream? 
“Fuuuuccck,” he's whining, his stark chest billowed with staggering breaths. “Oh Princess, what’re you doin to me?”
It’s a rhetorical question, but it’s been burning on your mind all the same. What was he doing to you?
Just off his driven cock, he’s carving at your walls, littering you with memories of how he fits. He’s marking you with every vein, curve, and twitch he carries so you never forget how he’s supposed to feel inside you. He’s taking the time to make you his, inside and out, by focusing on you and you alone.
All this attention on you, it has the gears of your empty brain turning. And then…the unthinkable falls from your lips.
“T-Toji…please…don’t go…”
Before you can even catch the mistake, Toji’s peppering your cheeks with kisses, shushing your words with his boyish smile.
“Shhh, don’t talk like that. ‘m right here and I’m not going anywhere, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, hiding your blunder behind a returning kiss.
Because, of course, you just meant right now…right?
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justallmyfantasies · 26 days
usage of his piano
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piano, piano, piano.
series masterlist
contains: 18+ smut! (unprotected p-in-v)
word count: 2.4k
the side of the bed next to you was cold, had been for the last few nights. you felt alone. all you wanted was to lie in bed with your husband, alex and just sleep next to him with his warmth against you. but instead of that, he was cooped up in the office in your house working on a new album for his band.
obviously you were proud of alex, seriously you were. you couldn’t express it any other way. but this was frustrating for you, hardly seeing him, hardly speaking to him. it just started to feel like you were just in this house all by yourself.
you’d make dinner every night for the both of you, only for his to go cold. alex hated missing out on working on a new song just to go and do something else. if he had an idea, he’d had to get it done right there, right now.
but this was a repeating cycle every night. he would promise to come to bed with you then end up not. instead, he’d fall asleep on the chair in his office and wake up midday.
you had tried your best to get him to notice you again, you missed the way he looked at you, the way his hands felt on you, the way would always play with your hair when you were cuddling, you just missed him.
but explaining this to him wasn’t the easiest, he would easily get frustrated and say that he’s just doing what he loves. you knew that, you were proud of him, like you had told him many times.
so after a while, you stopped going in there to check on him, to ask when he was gonna head to bed, to tell him food is done. it was a waste of time. but of course you still loved him. he was your husband after all, you still cared about him you just wondered if he did with you.
one evening, you were sat on the sofa. your legs propped up on the poof and a tv remote in hand. you were flicking through the different channels. you had been for the past half hour. usually, alex would pick what to watch. you hadn’t got a clue what was the latest thing that was trending on tv. after a while you decided to go up to the office. after all, you missed him.
you quickly knocked on the office, checking if you were okay to come in. you hated disturbing him.
“baby?” you called out. waiting for an answer.
you heard a sigh, not an annoyed sigh but a tired one. “come in.” he answered.
you opened the door to see alex sat at his piano, the look on his face making you wonder if he actually had been sleeping lately. what a stupid question, of course he hadn’t.
“i just wanted to see if you were okay.” you said, making his eyes twitch up to look at you. he smiled faintly and nodded.
“i’m okay.” he replied. “album is frustrating me out.” he sighed.
you leaned against the door frame, folding your arms as you looked at him. “alex, you look exhausted.”
he sighed again as he turned back to his piano, his fingers running over the keys. “yeah, i know. i haven’t really slept much these days.”
you took a step into the room, your gaze flickering over the scattered sheets of music. “you’ve been working yourself too hard again.”
he shrugged. “it’s just this new song, love. i can’t get it right. it’s irritating me more than usual.”
you walked over to him, standing behind him. you placed your hands on his shoulders, gently massaging him. “your shoulders are so tense. don’t you think you should take a break?”
he let out a sigh at your touch, relaxing his shoulders. he leaned his head back and looked up at you, his tired eyes meeting your concerned ones. “i can’t stop right now. but i’ll make it up to you later.”
you let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. “you always say that, and you never come to bed.”
alex winced a bit, knowing you were right. he reached up and grabbed your hand, pulling you into his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your chest.
“i really am sorry, baby. you know i am. it’s just this song is driving me crazy.” he murmured, his voice muffled against your shirt.
you threaded your fingers through his hair, your thumb gently rubbing his temple. “i know you’re sorry. i know how passionate you are about your music, love. i know how important this album is to you.”
you gently grabbed his chin, making him look up at you. you could feel the stubble of his beard growing. “but i miss you. i miss having you in our bed, next to me.”
his face frowned, he felt guilty. “i’m sorry, i am. i do miss yo-“ but before he could continue, your lips crashed onto his in a desperate need.
he made a surprised noise, but he returned the kiss almost immediately. he pulled you closer, his arms circling tighter around your waist. it had been so long since he had felt your lips on his.
he was desperate for your kiss, his lips moving greedily against yours as he grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap properly, straddling him.
you ran your fingers through his hair as the kiss deepened. his hands slid under your shirt, his touch burning your skin. his tongue traced your lower lip, pleading access to your mouth.
you parted your lips for him, letting him explore the warmth of your mouth. his touch against you was like fire and you couldn’t get enough. you tugged on his hair making him let out a low moan.
his lips left yours, trailing kisses along your jawline and down your neck. his beard slightly tickling your skin. he nipped at your skin gently, his fingers pressing into your hips. you let out a soft sigh, arching your body into him, silently begging him for more.
he could feel the heat between your legs, his hips instinctively bucked against yours. he was aching for you, aching to touch and feel you. he needed you, and if he was being completely honest, he had been craving your touch.
he pulled your shirt off, throwing it somewhere on the floor. his hands roamed over your bare skin, his lips finding their way back to your neck. "i've missed you.." he breathed against your skin.
you ran your fingers through his hair, your other hand slipping under his shirt. you wanted to feel his skin against yours. you pushed his shirt off, his chest now bared to you. you pressed kisses on his collarbone, your teeth grazing over his skin.
he let out a shaky moan, his hands moving up to your breasts, his thumb rubbing over your hardened nipple. he shifted his hips, pulling you closer to him. "i need you.."
you moved your lips to his ear, gently nipping on his earlobe. "then have me." you whispered in his ear, feeling him shiver.
he grabbed you and flipped you onto the piano, his body hovering over yours. he leaned down, his lips trailing down your body, leaving a trail of kisses in their wake until he reached your hips.
his fingers hooked under the waistband of your pants, slowly pulling them off with the underwear, tossing them behind him. he looked down at you, his eyes dark with desire. "you're so beautiful.. so perfect." he murmured, his hands running over your thighs. he pushed your legs apart, making space for himself between them.
your body ached for him, your skin burning under his touch. you reached up to pull him down for a kiss, your lips meeting his in a hungry, needy kiss. his tongue traced your lower lip, his hips pressing against your core.
"alex.." you breathed, breaking away from the kiss. you could feel him, hard and aching against you. "i need you, now."
he let out a shaky breath, nodding. he needed you just as much. he didn't know why he had been so dumb to not touch you for so long. you were perfect, the most beautiful person in the world for him. he quickly removed his pants, pushing them off the piano.
he positioned himself between your legs, his body pressing against yours. he looked down at you, his eyes meeting your gaze and his hands gripping your hips.
he leaned down and kissed you, his tongue tangling with yours as he slowly pushed into you. you let out a soft moan, your hands gripping his shoulders. it had been so long since you had him like this that it felt like the first time again.
he groaned in pleasure as he pushed further into you, his lips finding their way to your neck, kissing, sucking and biting on your skin. you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer until he was all the way inside of you.
he let out a shaky moan, his hands gripping your hips harder. he started to move slowly, his pace slow and steady. you could feel every inch of him inside of you and it was driving you crazy. you tangled your fingers into his hair, pulling his head up so you could kiss him.
he responded eagerly, his lips moving against yours in a desperate kiss. his tongue slipping into your mouth, his hands wandering over your body, tracing over your curves.
he started to move faster, the sounds of moans and gasps filling the room. he was getting lost in the heat of the moment, in the way you felt under him, in the way you gripped his shoulders, in the way you were looking at him. he had never felt this way before, so completely and utterly consumed by you.
he broke away, panting. "say my name." he murmured, his voice low and deep.
"alex.." you breathed, your head falling back against the piano as he started to move faster.
he groaned, his thrusts becoming harder and more frantic. he loved the way you said his name. "i can’t hear you, love.” he teased. of course he could hear you.
"alex..." you gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders. he was hitting just the right spot, his body perfectly molded against yours. it felt so good, so right. "don't stop, please don't stop." you whispered, arching your back off the piano. he leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth, his pace getting faster.
you could feel your orgasm building, your body quivering with pleasure. you clung to him, your hips bucking against his. he was driving you insane, making you feel things you never knew were possible. he was the only one who could make you feel this way, the only one who could make you feel so good.
he broke the kiss, his head falling down to your neck. he let out a low moan against your skin, his body starting to shiver. he was so close, so close to climax. he just needed a little bit more.
"i'm so close, love.” he panted, his hands gripping your hips. he could feel you clenching around him, your body shaking with pleasure.
you let out a gasp, your nails digging deeper into his skin. you were right there, so close to the edge. you could hear his breaths getting heavier, his body shaking with effort. "i can't hold on much longer.." he groaned against your neck.
"look at me." he murmured, his fingers tangled in your hair making you look up at him. his eyes were dark, filled with desire and need. he wanted to see your face as you came undone.
you looked into his eyes, your body on the brink of release. you could feel it building, the pressure almost too much. his intense gaze was making you feel even more vulnerable and exposed, yet you loved it. you wanted him to see everything, to see how he made you feel.
"you're so beautiful.." he said, "just let go, baby. come for me." he whispered, his hands caressing your body.
his words were all it took to push you over the edge. a loud moan escaped your lips as your body shook with pleasure, your release washing over you like a wave. he watched you, his eyes never leaving your face as you clung to him, your vision going white. he had never seen anything more beautiful.
he gave one more hard thrust before he came undone too, his face burying into your neck as he let out a low moan. you could feel his body shudder against yours, his breathing ragged and heavy. he held onto you tightly, like he never wanted to let go. he had needed this, needed you. he was a fool to have gone so long without you.
the both of you lay there for a few moments, too exhausted to move. his body was still on top of you, his head resting on your chest. you tangled your fingers his hair, your breathing slowly returning to normal.
you both layed there in silence for a while, the only sound in the room was your breathing. finally, alex broke the silence.
"i love you." he murmured, his voice muffled against your skin.
your heart skipped a beat at his words. it had been so long since he had said that to you. it almost made you tear up hearing it again.
you ran your fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. "i love you too." you whispered back. “also, never did i ever think you would fuck me on this piano.” you laughed.
alex let out a light laugh, his head lifting to look at you. "i've had a couple thoughts about it here and there," he admitted, a sly grin on his face.
you giggled and swatted his shoulder. "you're terrible." you teased, shaking your head at him.
he chuckled, leaning in to give you a quick kiss. "but you love me." he said with a smirk, his hand rubbing your hip.
you rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed. "unfortunately." you joked, but you couldn't help the smile on your face.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 5 months
Hiya!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I love your stories and your OCs a lot and i read them everyday. Especially loving your Damon, Knoxx, and Eros 😘. Would you mind to write a scenario when Y/n teasingly calling them "husband" one day when talking to their friends like : "Oh, me and my husband just doing something" and their reaction to that lol. Thank you very much (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Yandere! Jock, cowboy, and Villain with their darling calling them "husband"
This is really cute djadjasdja like if ya'll watch tiktok, you know that one trend where the gf "mistakenly" calls their boyfriend husband? THATTTT I like that trend. It's sweet and cute (except for that one viral boyfriend who obviously hated it. I felt bad for the girl ;-;)
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Damon was a bit inebriated that day.
After the gruelling day's work of grinding his ass off, proving to his coach that you aren't a bad influence on his sports career, all he wanted to do is lie by your side and kiss your soft, supple cheek. Maybe cuddle, touch... Run his rough, calloused fingers down your skin, tease the hem of your shirt...
He tenses, feeling the blood rush between his legs. He needs to calm down if he doesn't want to scare you into ignoring him again.
Ah, those days were quite painful.
Speaking of, did he feed Venus that day? He can't remember.
Drinking more of the beer one of his teammates offered, he wiped his lips dry. They were celebrating the fact that they got in the preliminaries for the national team. Just one more step and--
"Pah!" Damon exclaimed, his throat bubbling deliciously from the froth. "That's a good beer. Hmm~ I want to see my cute darling..." He even used that dastardly nickname he uses for you.
He smashed the can to the floor and stood up, excited to find you. "Don't you dare all follow me. I want to see my darling alone." He threatened to his teammates who only chuckled at his antics.
He skipped towards the Education building, drunk and confidently giddy. He doesn't care if he's caught drunk, but he just wants to see you.
Then, there you are. Talking to your friends who were asking for help in their Lesson Plans.
"Darling!" His eyes lit up like lights blaring down, bounding towards you. The ground shook a bit even due to the sheer force of his powerful legs and weight. "I miss you..."
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, burying his face and nibbling on your outfit a bit.
"Ah..." you blinked, not expecting this. Is he drunk? Well, he smells like it.
The friends flushed red from the sudden display of affection and looked away, excusing themselves as they decided to run away. Annoyed, you looked at Damon. It's the first time you saw him drunk.
Wanting to tease him a bit, you gave him a gentle pet on the head and hummed. "I miss you too, my husband."
He froze, his whole body rigid as your words took 10 seconds to register.
You just said husband, right?
He looked up at you. And sure enough, you are giving him an affectionate, almost domestic look as you hummed a bit. "My husband is so drunk. Hah, I don't really like drunk people."
Oh god. He's sober now. He cleared his throat, washing his face with his hands. He can feel the heat running through his body and to his neck, then his face.
"Ah... W-wife..." He whispered, holding your hand. He feels extremely shy now, but really happy.
Knoxx has just finished feeding all of his horses.
It's been a long day of rounding up his animals, patrolling the whole town, talking with the mayor, interacting with the residents, helping them with their shit...
Knoxx can't even take a break.
Seriously, who's the sheriff or mayor here again? It sure ain't him.
"Sorry, boy." He whispered as he caresses the mane of his horse, Red. "I didn't mean to neglect ya. We'll have our walk tomorrow mornin'. How's that sound?"
As if to answer, Red whinnied and huffed out air from his nostrils.
Knoxx felt his body ache from the whole day of activities. All he wants is to rest on his bed, sleep, and dream of nothing. He looked down at his muddy work boots and pondered if there's something he forgot.
"Ah shit... Darlin..." Knoxx groaned, feeling ashamed that he forgot about you.
He can feel the bile rising to the back of his throat. It's a date night too. And it's already 7pm, way past the meeting time. His skin crawled from the cold air and the quiet air. He just knew he fucked up.
He slowly slid down to the floor, burying his face on his knees. He's so overwhelmed that it's not even funny for the usually calm man. He can feel his ears ring, his heart hurting from the fact that he forgot about you. Fuck this day, fuck the mayor, fuck the people, and fuck himself for forgetting you.
He can imagine your disappointment painting your face as you thought he stood you up, waiting in your beautiful dress as the people wondered where he is. His fingers and toes curled as he buried his face deeper to his knees.
He'll just explain to you tomorrow. What time will the florist be open again? Also, where is his mother's cookie recipe sheet?
He shakily stood up, chuckling weakly at Red's attempt to nuzzle him. "Not now boy. Dad's kind of... Sad. I stood up your mom." Red whinnied again, perking at the word mom and started looking for you.
Knoxx sighed again and pat Red once more before walking outside of the building.
As he sluggishly opened the door to his home, he froze when he realized it's unlocked. And is that stew he smells?
He looked down to remove his shoes and froze again. A pair of shoes. Shoes that are so familiar. He trembled.
Not bothering to remove them entirely at the front, he stumbled as he ran to the kitchen. His heavy footsteps echoing on the floorboards as it creaked.
And there you are, stirring the stew you cooked with a smile on your face.
"Hi Knoxx." You giggled, a bit shy. "I saw how much you ran around the town today. ANd I kind of knew that you're not gonna be able to attend our date. So I decided to surprise you by cooking. You were working so hard too."
You wiped your hands on the apron and approached him. You gently grabbed his face, cupping his cheeks. Instantly, Knoxx melted at your gentle touch and leaned to his left, the stress leaving his visage.
"Wife..." He muttered lowly, making you blink and chuckle.
"Husband..?" You said, a bit unsure but giggling at the face he showed.
Red, shocked, shy, and happy. The previous look in which he looked like the world collapsed on him, was exchanged with a look that says that you're the most precious thing in the world.
Eros has done it again.
He threatened Yuno once more because of his stupid mouth.
It was just supposed to be a nice, relaxing cup of tea with the Empress. She just wants to catch up, see if she can weasel her way into how's Eros' mind work. After all, with Yuno's position as a crown prince being shook due to the scandal, the Empress wanted to see if there's a way to make her son the crown prince again and not that arrogant Callisto.
But the Empress found herself trembling at the presence of Eros. He may be lowkey these past few months, but he's still a warlord of intelligent standards. That cold, calculated look in her eyes always struck fear in her. She also remembered how Eros exposed his own mother, a pedophile, and had her executed sadistically with a rusty axe.
The Empress then discreetly called for Yuno, excused herself, then placed Yuno in that uncomfortable spot to "reconcile".
What's there to reconcile when Yuno's ex-fiancee is rumored to be dating the Duke?
Yuno was trembling as he watched Eros sip his tea calmly, a bloodthirsty glint in Eros' eyes.
"Yuno, may I know what's going on in your head?" A line of a polite man, but the distant coldness in his tone was surfacing. Yuno gulped and decided to talk his annoying mouth again.
"So, y/n..."
Eros gripped the teacup in his hand. small cracks forming.
"Did they seduce you that much? Or are they pregnant that you have to take responsibility?"
The sound of broken porcelain, a terrified shriek, and the sudden influx of dark mana spreading around the vicinity of the greenhouse.
"Do not talk to y/n like that." Eros gravely tone came out. "I do not like filthy pigs like you being hypocritical about the situation."
"B-but how did the two of you even know each other? There's no other way to explain it really. They were really head over heels with me too!" Arrogant yet wrong, Yuno blurted out stupidly and that made Eros even angrier.
And that's how he found himself. His arm, with pulsing veins running across the muscular appendage, wound itself on Yuno's collar. His eyes filled with bloodthirsty rage that one cannot fathom the depth of the emotions in them.
The air was full of tension. As if one wrong move will make Eros ballistic.
Then, the door opened and a familiar voice made Eros falter slightly.
"Yes, your imperial Majesty..." You inwardly sighed. You were just supposed to visit the Imperial library to know more if there are other cases of reincarnation like you. But the Empress knew of your entry and had to rush off to where you are to convince (command) you to talk to Yuno. Talk about luck. "I will talk to Yuno..."
When your eyes finally landed in front, you froze from the scene in front of you. The air was thick with dark mana too that you can even feel some pour inside of you despite not intaking them. That's how thick it is.
And you saw Yuno suffocating from the dense mana that seems to clash with his. So, in a panic in not making Eros a royal murderer and you an accomplice, you rushed towards the still Eros and tackled him in a hug.
"My loving husband! You're here! I've been looking everywhere for you!" You can feel sweat pouring on your back as your lips trembled from telling those words.
You somehow know that Eros adored you greatly. Maybe romantically. Well, not maybe. You know that he's deeply attached to you for some reason. You had suspicions that he remembers the past too, so you have to get close to him no matter what.
Even if it meant being brash like this.
Yuno's jaw slacked, his eyes wide. Husband? The fuck you mean husband?
"COUGH! COUGH!" Yuno coughed out saliva and spittle when Eros' grip loosened and he fell to the ground. He looked at you once more, betrayal on his face. "W-what do you mean husband?!"
Eros finally moved. He moved in front of you protectively and held your hand. "Yes. Husband. We were supposed to announce it at a later date, but we got married secretly. An elopement if you will." Eros lied smoothly. But gods is his heart pumping so fast that it's embarrassing.
He doesn't know why you called him husband. It honestly confused him. But he loves it so much. It rang true in his ears, and is intending to make it stay that way.
So, with a kiss on your hand, he took you away from that greenhouse with a triumphant, calm smirk on his face.
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rebelfell · 23 days
I love your writing so much it's giving me so much joy. I was close to dropping out of the Eddie fandom because I couldn't enjoy the current trends of writing him but you write him so well I'm falling in love again. Do you have any writers on here that inspire you or that you would recommend to follow if that's ok.
Oh. Oh, anon. The way I wish I could print this out and hang it above my mantle. And I don’t even have a mantle. Thank you so much, truly.
I think I would have to tag every single writer in this fandom to accurately portray who inspires me. There is such a wealth of work about him, there’s something for everyone out there.
Whatever version of Eddie you want to read, he exists, and it’s not a matter of anyone’s version being better/worse, but what speaks to you.
I am gonna list some of my favorites, because I deeply want to give people their flowers, but my brain is also mashed potatoes and I hate for anyone to feel overlooked/left out.
So this is BY NO MEANS a complete list.
My sideblog @madeofmunson has pretty much everything I’ve read and my blathering recs. I’m gonna link this post I made last year, in which I babbled about some of the stories that really impacted me as I entered the Eddie fandom.
A number of them are what I would consider to be modern classics in the fandom, so I doubt you’ve missed them, but just in case 😘
And the rest are going under a cut because I am a loquacious so and so (if you couldn’t already tell)
@aphrogeneias writes such a fun, silly, goofy Eddie, but WATCH OUT because he’ll hit you with the feels out of nowhere. rockstar!eddie and his assistant make my knees weak on the regular.
@bettyfrommars has it out for me, specifically. They ruin me over and over and KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT (partly because I keep going back but that’s neither here nor there)
@br0ck-eddie is the undisputed reigning champ of soft, sweet eddie. They put out all of these little vignettes that make me feel so warm and gooey inside like I’m literally butter in the microwave.
@jo-harrington’s mind is WILD. I don’t even know how they come up with some of their concepts and I can only imagine what it’s like to create whole universes in your head from nothing.
@lesservillain fucks my brain up every time they post. I learned a whole lotta stuff I never knew about myself from their omegaverse fics 😳 Namely what the omegaverse was…
Read Red String and thank me later.
@littlexdeaths I want to put in my pocket and carry around with me all the time. They will start with just a little blurb and the next thing you know you’re swept away in the current of a whole saga and desperate to find out what happens next.
@lonelysatellites is a devastatingly good writer. I still think about Safe Hands and Bruises and how they altered my fucking brain chemistry. Actually, now that you mention it…I might need to go re-read them…again…
@mrsjellymunson is a radiant ball of light. They write stories that are just FUN and silly and sexy and they deserve only the best 💖
@somnambulic-thing is…an enigma. They have the capacity to write something so emotionally devastating I have to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling for 10 hours about it. Or they will write something that is so silly and lighthearted it makes your belly ache with joy and love.
And then go and write something that is BOTH.
@the-unforgivenn is literally the sweetest soul who ever lived, I think they were a piece of candy in a past life. They write a great Eddie and a great Corroded Coffin (specifically Gareth) became they really nail that band banter/dialogue.
@trashmouth-richie makes me horny and makes me laugh and makes me horny all over again. They write with a real razor sharp wit and confoundingly good smut 😵‍💫
@urhoneycombwitch is so creative, so skilled. They create the kinds of Eddie’s that burrow under your skin and make their home there. Roomate/neighbor!eddie have my heart.
@word-wytch just received a lot of the brunt of my flailing about one of their chapters, so if you haven’t read Don’t Stand So Close To Me - DO IT.
Seriously there are still so many more 😭 But I gotta stop or I’m never gonna actually post this. If you’re reading this and your name isn’t here, it so would be if I had infinite time ♥️ Yes, you.
I did not even touch on my Steve writers???????? (see @stuffedwithsteve for them)
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trappedinafantasy37 · 3 months
There is a trend that I've noticed amongst fandom spaces around games, and it isn't a trend that is unique to Baldur's Gate. I have seen it happen in my other fandom spaces like Fallout, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, etc. But people have a habit of having very strong opinions about companions/characters that they do not know.
It is comical to watch the abject lies people create about companions and use them as justification to dislike said companion because they know they don't have a valid reason to do so. This isn't unique to Minthara, this happens to ALL companions (ironically, the funniest and most egregious lies I've ever heard actually aren't even about Minthara). It's just glaringly obvious when it comes to Minthara as she is the least recruited and most killed companion in the game and is thus the least known. So the lies and mischaracterizations pop up more often, and there is an abundance of them. And it gets exhausting having to constantly fight these lies all the time. Especially when so few people actually know her and thus there are few who are able to defend her.
I remember there was a poll a few months ago that overwhelming voted Minthara as the least loyal and most likely companion to cheat on you. To me, that just screams that the people who voted for her in that poll have never had a conversation with her outside the goblin camp. Minthara is the most loyal companion. That is not an opinion of mine. That is a fact. That is canon to the game. She is canonically your most loyal companion. And it's not that she's the least likely to cheat. She never will. Again, not an opinion. That is canon to the game. But this is information people don't know, because they've never spent a single moment getting to know her. This is a lie being spread about her that will be used as justification to dislike her and to justify not recruiting her or justify killing her.
I have also seen people admit that their opinions about her is formed solely on social media posts from YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, or Tumblr because they just can't stomach having her in their party. As ironic as this is going to sound, but your opinion about a character should never be based on social media alone. The people who do this are missing out on the context of that post and often fail to use it in comparison with the rest of the character (especially since there is a high risk of a social media post containing misinformation or just straight up lies). People will take this one snippet of a character, and use it as if that it is all that character is. Posts on social media, including mine, are meant to be supplementary to your experience of a companion, not the sole foundation.
When it comes to these social media posts, no two people are going to have the exact same interpretation, which may cause confusion for an outsider looking in. Even amongst us Minthara enjoyers, we do not always agree, and that is to be expected. We are all different people who have lived different lives and thus have different experiences informing our interpretations. Even amongst my mutuals we do not always agree, and that's normal. But at least we have taken the time to get to know her and come to our own conclusions and can understand how someone else came to a different one. My posts, or anyone else's, should not be your sole source of information about Minthara or any other characters. You still do need to form your own opinion and that can only be done by actually spending the time to get to know them.
Recently, one of my old posts in which I talked about the relationship with Minthara and Karlach has exploded again. And I see the tags that people are attaching to it. The game has been out for 10 months now. And it makes me sad that people still have the wrong opinion about Minthara. It makes me sad just how little people actually know about her. It makes me sad that people are only now going to go recruit her for the first time, even though the knock out exploit has been here for months. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that my post has changed the way people see Minthara and encouraged them to want to get to know her. But it breaks my heart that I have to use another companion to convince people to get to know Minthara, because to them, Minthara alone just isn't good enough. They have already made up their mind about her, even though they don't even know her.
People are allowed to have whatever opinions that they want. But don't get online and share those opinions about a character you don't even know to people who do. It's like highschool level petty nonsense where people would rather believe and spread rumors about a person, rather than getting to know the person themselves and forming their own opinion. And, no, I don't care if your opinion is a positive one because even positive opinions can be inaccurate and wrong if you don't know the character. Again, this isn't just about Minthara but all characters and companions. And I'm only scratching at the surface level here. This essay would be significantly longer if I actually took the time to talk about how implicit bias, racism, homophobia, and sexism have all had a negative impact on fandom perception of Minthara and the other companions.
I will never tell anyone to do anything with their game they don't want to do, I will only encourage people to try new things. If you truly do not want to recruit Minthara or interact with her, that's fine. It's your game, your world, your rules, your vision.
But, I will say this. If the only conversation that you have ever had with Minthara is the one in the goblin camp, shut the fuck up about her. This cruel, heartless, evil person that floats around is a twisted version of Minthara that only exists on social media and was created by people who do not know her. This bastardized version is nothing like the version that actually exists in the game. And you would know that if you ever spent a single second of your time getting to know her.
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aiizenn · 1 year
busy. kento nanami.
ₓ˚. ୭ cw: fem!reader, jealous!nanami (rough and slightly mean) ,slight degradation, alcohol, praise, fingering (f! receiving) masturbation, no actual sex but still juicy
in my nanami era! it was about time i wrote for him.
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summer was here.
as you walked out to the backyard, the warmth of sun rays touched your skin. the laughter from a certain pink haired and white haired bothering the ever so black haired dull boy. the twins, a very cheerful nobara and miwa in the pool talking about the latest fashion trends. the quiet yet annoyed toge laying on the ledge lounger listening to the other seconds years rants. the polite utahime keeping her cool from listening to mei's money rambles. and to the corner of the pool is found the luscious blonde man, drinking beer.
besides the warmth, he was the reason behind putting the mini summer floral dress on. secretly wishing he would throw you into a room and shove his cock inside your dripping pussy.
the white-haired man ran towards you, taking the beverages from your hand—helping you out. he flashes you a flirty smile along with a wink, in return you chuckle; placing your hand on his shoulder. your small interaction is not missed by the blonde man, gripping the beer bottle just a little tighter than before, making his knuckles turn white.
a gentle breeze rushes past you, causing the hem of your dress to lift. the incident doesn't go unnoticed, nanami’s eyes were on you the whole time, making his jaw clench.
the pink-haired boy gets up and opens the chair for you, such a gentleman. “you look beautiful.” he says, giving you a sunshine smile. followed by another compliment, this time it’s from the blue-eyed man. “right? i picked that dress for her” you shake your head at his blatant lie and thank the boy for his sweet compliment. then gojo’s hand lands on your lower back, playing with the fabric of your dress. “when will the food be ready?” asked the dull boy. “it should be out soon” answers geto. “which reminds me, i need the seasoning.” he says as he places the tonsils down. “i’ll get it” standing before he moves any further.
once in the kitchen, you look around for the seasoning. found neither in the drawers nor the counter, so you look in the pantry. bingo! you’re about to head out, until a strong grip wraps around your forearm, shoving you into the storage room.
the dim lighting from the window hits you, and you are met with brown eyes, those eyes that you are all too familiar with. but this time, for the first time, you couldn't read them…anger? frustration? his breath was heavy and his slick hair was now disheveled. he was caging you in between his arms, against the wall.
“nanami, what’s wrong?” coming out as a whisper. he tilts his head to the side and scoffs. “what's wrong? well, let’s see sweetheart. you’re being all giddy with satoru, playing along with his teasing and flirting—touching him. letting him do the same to you, his touch lingering on you longer than it should. you're walking around with a big smile, laughing with no care. while wearing this skimpy dress, advertising to everyone that you want to be fucked like a little slut.” he breathes in. “so sweetheart, why don't you tell me what's wrong?” he finishes.
it was probably not the right moment to think about it, but you were liking this side of him. he was always so neat and well put together, always had composure. but the person in front of you looked like he was breaking with every second that passed. so you decide to play a little. “what do you mean? i’m just being nice to ‘toru, he’s my friend after all.” you say with a tiny smug. “ toru? you have a nickname for him now?” he said baffled.
his hand moving to your waist, sliding down to the small ruffles of your dress. his fingertips touching your thigh, that touch alone sending vibrations to your core, a sensation that satoru’s touch could never do. his thick fingers dance as they reach your already drenched folds. “does ‘toru know how wet you get? does he know how to touch you? or how you don’t wear any panties?” making small circles on your clit. the small contact making you jolt, placing your hands on his shoulders.
the roughness of his digits added friction to his vulgar movements. you felt the build up in your lower stomach, closing your eyes in bliss. “does toru know what you look like when you're about to cum? does he know the way your toes curl, and hole clenches when you’re at your climax? or where your sweet spot is? hmm?” the pace of his fingers make you mewl. the feeling causing you to look up; nanami's lips landing on your neck, leaving ghost kisses. “you're going to keep me busy, butterfly.” his hoarse voice echoing in the small room. he halts his movements, and takes you in.
you looked unworldly, your lust hazed eyes and heavy breath made him feel something inside. all he did was touch you and it had you all flustered and pent up. “you're going to cum, but not on my fingers” that’s when his beer bottle comes into view. as you look at him and back to the bottle in his hand, your cunt tingled. . .knowing exactly what he was asking of you.
“you're going to make yourself cum on this. on your own.” the seriousness in his tone making you squeeze your thighs together. “go on, butterfly. let me see what you can do. you’re a big girl, yeah?” you take the bottle from his veiny hand—the seasoning long gone—lifting your dress as the cold air from the a.c hits your pussy.
you see the blonde man making his way towards the back wall—wanting to get a good view of you. your hand shakes due to his intense gaze. his intense gaze that makes you melt. your knees come in contact with the cold tile floor, placing the bottle under you. lowering yourself down, you feel the cold glass in your wet walls.
tch “look at that. it went right in, such a filthy whore.” his harsh words stripping you naked. the wetness of your insides made more than just the tip slide into your cunt. the unfamiliar feeling was enticing, the shaft of the bottle was so deep in you, you could practically taste the beer. it takes you a minute to adjust to the weird yet enthralling sensation.
“move. now.” the sternness of his voice only making it harder to get anything done. not wanting to upset him you move up, while holding the bottle down. the feeling of the bottle was pleasant, but you wanted him. you wished that it was his cock going in you, not his bottle. your small whimpers filled the space between both you, the chatter from outside overlapping your whimpers. that’s when it hits you, your friends are outside, one wrong move and you could give yourself away. the idea of being caught made the situation more exciting, yet you covered your mouth causing muffled noises to come out.
the squelching noises below you were so lewd, you were riding a bottle in front of the man that’s made you cum countless of times. it all felt unreal. “just like that, butterfly. ride that bottle. cream all over, leave your filthy juices in it. so when i drink from it, your little toru looks and doesn’t have the slightest idea it’s his little friend’s cum.” the dirty praises add more pleasure to the pressure on your stomach. your movements are now faster, your breasts bouncing with every breath and thrust.
nanami's lust-blown eyes were fixated on your pussy; your pathetic moves made him want to tease you. he noticed how you were growing steadily lost into your rhythm, your thighs moving farther apart, placing more of the bottle in you. your drooling cunt visible to him, taking in the item so well. “touch yourself” he demanded. the hand that was once covering your glossy lips, was now on your glossy clit. you start with small circles, trying to mimic his movements from earlier. the size of your fingers not making up for his thick ones. the pace of your swirls rise, the tingles clearly present, soft curses falling from your plumpy lips.
“good girl”
those two words alone were enough to make you moan, though combined with cold glass—who’s nanami's lips were once on—and the motion of your fingers on your aching clit, your whole body shook. it was clear that you were close, that much was obvious. your movements were feeble as the bumps of the shaft touched your walls.
the knot in your stomach was getting too intense; you wanted to cum, but you so desperately needed his permission. subconsciously you knew that you needed his authorization, and nanami knew that you were aware of it; making the bulge in his shorts grow. with every second that passed your breath hitched. swollen lips, decorated by your saliva, giving them a glossy look. . .to nanami you looked heavenly.
“cum for me, butterfly.”
your dignity was long forgotten, your mouth opened, while your eyes turned practically white. the knot that was presented was now gone, your bouncing was sloppy, as your knees trembled, almost giving out. your orgasm was like no other, this certain climax was different. gushing out, convinced this was the hardest you’ve cummed before.
“good. . . good fucking girl” you hear his voice and footsteps getting closer. he kneels down and meets you eye to eye, his eyes still dark, as if painted black. “you’re dripping everywhere, butterfly. i can’t wait to taste those sweet juices of yours.” your inner thighs were covered with your cream, the sight itself was erotic. nanami's large hand lands on your face, and you nuzzle into it, feeling his warmth. his thumb strokes your cheek, then on your swollen lips. what he does next is unexpected. he kisses you. it was rough yet sloppy, dominance clearly shown. his lips were soft unlike his fingers, the feeling adding undeniable pleasure. and you let out more of your juices you didn't know you had.
“guess you weren't done, little one. now be a good slut and clean up after yourself.” smiling against your lips. nanami gives you no mercy as he tortures you by retrieving the bottle, leaving you hot and bothered. the only thing you hear is the a.c running, and your loud heart beat. . . it takes you awhile to pull yourself together. a few minutes pass before you make your way back. as you exit the door to the backyard you are met with multiple pairs of eyes. “are you okay? what took you so long?” asks satoru. you’re attention is caught by the blonde man, who is sitting down in his usual spot. you answer gojo while keeping eye contact with nanami.
“i was. . . busy.” you answer. the edge of nanami's lips rise as he places the bottle in his mouth, the bottle that contains not only the beer but your juices. drinking it infront of everyone. the seasoning definitely forgotten.
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blubffsd · 2 years
summary: The lie you believed your whole life just fell apart, the person you loved the most let you down once again. Why did you think this time would be different?
previous chapter
note: i really don't know what song to recommend for this part, just play your favorite sad song lol. please pretend that on social media it says "Mia" instead of Y/N, i edited it like 3 times and it never saved so i gave up.
@http-isabela love u 😚💞
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That's what Mia feels now.
She has a hard time believing what she sees, but unfortunately it is real.
They backstabbed her in front of miles of people.
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It wasn't until she arrived in Argentina that she found out about their tweets, all thanks to Anto, who had found out from Jorgelina Cardoso, Di Maria's wife.
After Mia found out, the players of the Argentina team found out too, Lio told them what happened after Anto told him.
Most are completely outraged by the audacity of her brother-in-law and his wife to make such comments.
All of them are still euphoric for having become world champions less than 2 days ago, and even more so now that they are waiting in Ezeiza to celebrate with the Argentines at the Obelisk.
So right now they do and say things that they wouldn't do at another time.
And Mia too.
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Will she regret of this? Yeah.
Does she care now? No.
Obviously people suspect that the tweets are for Melissa and Jirès (especially those of Enzo and Julián).
If Kylian and Mia's names was a trend before, now there are even newspaper articles speculating what happened between them.
And as if that weren't enough, now she has his boyfriend's fans attacking her on twitter, just like when he said he's dating her.
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Jirès even had the audacity to reply to her tweet.
Mia knows she were wrong a lot, but is all that necessary?
It's okay that they're mad at her and she understand it. But why increase the hate she is getting?
Why are they treating her like this if two days ago they had dinner with her and told her how grateful they are to have her in their lives?
Did they lie to her or were her attitudes so bad that they changed their opinion drastically?
Even if it hurts Mia keeps seeing the tweets out there about all the drama.
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Now they are relating the songs of her favorite singer with her love dramas.
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THEY EVEN MAKE A PLAYLIST. (it's real btw)
Mia lets out a laugh when she saw the songs they chose to "cry over your divorce".
At least they are not criticizing her or judging her actions.
It doesn't make Mia feels better, but she doesn't feel worse. That's okay.
She wants to believe that's okay.
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Mia arrives at her father's house hours after arriving in Argentina.
Anto insisted so much that she stays with her and the children but Mia refused, she needs to talk to her dad, she miss him so much.
Mia knocks on the door of the house while she sees the Argentine flag hanging.
Her father opens the door for her in a matter of seconds and when he sees her he smiles and hugs her.
Mia smiled slightly as she felt his arms around her.
It feels good to hug him again. And that he is the one who took the initiative makes her happy.
Although deep down in her heart she knows that he is hugging her because Argentina won the World Cup and not because she came home after 5 years.
He invites her in and she enter his house.
Everything in the house was the same as when she left, but it felt different.
—Sentate si querés (Sit down if you want) –he says pointing to the couch in front of Mia.
She nods and sit back watching him do the same.
There is an awkward silence between the two of them until Mia speak.
—Y... ¿cómo andás? (So... how are you?) –her father turns to look at her and smiles widely.
He's going to talk about football.
—Estoy re bien, hija. Me siento tan feliz, nunca me había sentido así en mi vida, te lo juro. (I'm fine, daughter. I feel so happy, I have never felt like this in my life, I swear.)
He doesn't have to swear for Mia to believe him, she knows he's not lying. He was never this happy.
—Qué alegría, pa. (What a joy, dad) –she smiles slightly not knowing what else to say.
Mia wish she were as happy as her dad, but she can't knowing what she did.
She can't get Kylian out of her mind and how he must be now, a few hours away from his birthday.
She knows she have to explain everything to him but she doesn't have the courage to do it.
What excuse could she make for having abandoned him after not having achieved what he dreamed of all his life?
Mia comes back to reality when she feels her dad's touch on her shoulder.
—¿Eh? ¿Qué pasó, pa? ¿Me dijiste algo? (What happened, dad? Did you say something?)
She hears her dad laugh and sees how he shakes his head.
—Te pregunté qué dice tu noviecito por haber perdido (I asked you what "that guy" you're dating thinks about losing) –a mocking smile appears on his face.
"That guy you're dating"? Is that the way he intends to name her boyfriend?
—No sé, todavía no hablé con él. (I don't, I didn't talk with him yet).
—¿No quiere hablar con vos todavía después de haber perdido? Qué idiota. ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Kyle? ¿Kylan? (He doesn't want to talk to you after losing? What a idiot. What's his name? Kyle? Kylan?)
The mocking smile doesn't leave her father's face and that can't bother Mia anymore.
He doesn't even know his name.
—No es ningún idiota y su nombre es Kylian. Me sorprende que no sepas el nombre de mi novio, con quien estoy hace 4 años. (He's not an idiot and his name is Kylian. I'm surprised you don't know the name of the guy I've been in a relationship with for 4 years.)
Her father laughs mocking Mia's words.
—Kylian, nombre de perdedor en las finales (Kylian, name of a loser in the World Cup finals) –he laugh again.
Mia frowns. He's acting like her boyfriend hasn't hattrick or won a world cup yet.
He's trying to humiliate Kylian and she is not going to allow it.
—Te recuerdo que "ese perdedor" ya ganó un mundial y en su primer intento, y también casi gana su segundo mundial por su cuenta (I remind you that "that loser" has already won a World Cup and in his first attempt, and he also almost won his second World Cup on his own).
Now her father is the one who frowns, surprised by her words.
—Dejá de defender a ese tarado, ese chico no vale la pena, te lo dije millones de veces. Estás haciendo lo mismo que hiciste en 2018. (Stop defending that dumb guy, that boy is not worth it, I told you millions of times. You're doing the same thing you did in 2018.)
Mia takes a deep breath trying to calm down, what is happening cannot be real.
—Te hacías la que querías que ganáramos nosotros para que acá en los medios de comunicación no te dijeran nada, pero seguramente querías que gane ese estúpido que tenés por novio. Y sí, no querías que te pase lo mismo que en 2018, que lo apoyaste a él cuando estaba jugando contra tu país y me hiciste quedar como un tarado. Me traicionaste y me dejaste de lado por tu novio, lo elegiste antes que a mí y no tuviste ni un poco de consideración conmigo (You pretended that you wanted us to win so that here in the media they wouldn't tell you anything, but surely you wanted that stupid boyfriend of yours to win. Of course, you didn't want the same thing to happen to you as in 2018, that you supported him when he was playing against your country and you made me look like a stupid. You betrayed me and dumped me for your boyfriend, you chose him over me and you didn't have one bit of consideration for me).
Mia can't believe what she is hearing.
—Ese chico te va a dejar por la primera chica que encuentre, no sé cómo duró tanto con vos. Todos los futbolistas son iguales. No me sorprendería si me decís que prefiere el fútbol antes que a vos (That boy is going to leave you for the first girl he finds, I don't know how he lasted so long with you. All footballers are the same. I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me that he prefers football over you).
That was the last straw.
—Entonces estás diciendo que Kylian va a hacerle lo mismo que vos me hiciste a mí (So you're saying that Kylian is going to do the same thing to me that you did to me?)
Mia feels her dad's stunned look and her let out a sarcastic laugh.
—Según vos él va a elegir el fútbol antes que a mí ¿no? Y me estás advirtiendo. Qué considerado, no querés que pase por lo mismo que me hiciste pasar vos (According to you, he is going to choose football before me, right? And you're warning me. How thoughtful, you don't want me to go through the same thing you put me through).
Her dad gets up from the couch completely angry.
—¿Qué decís, nena? Si a vos te di todo lo que pude para que no te faltara nada (What do you say? If I gave you everything I could so that you didn't lack anything).
Mia sighed completely frustrated, he doesn't get it.
Obviously he doesn't get it.
—Ya sé y te lo agradezco. Pero siempre hubo algo más importante que yo, no te importaba qué pasaba conmigo ni nada, nunca fui tu prioridad (I know and thank you for that. But there was always something more important than me, you didn't care what happened to me or anything, I was never your priority).
She feels how a lump forms in her throat and tears appear in her eyes.
Her father keeps glaring at her in front of her, as if she just insulted him.
—Siempre había un partido más importante que mi cumpleaños, una práctica más importante que mi graduación. Cuando nací mamá me dijo que te quejaste porque tenías que jugar un partido ese fin de semana y no ibas a poder por tener que cuidarme a mí. Y tenés el descaro de venir a advertirme de Kylian. (There was always a game more important than my birthday, a practice more important than my graduation. When I was born, mom told me that you complained because you had to play a game that weekend and you couldn't make it because you had to take care of me. And you have the nerve to come warn me about Kylian).
Her father does not take his eyes off her.
—Bueno, y decime entonces, ¿dónde está tu noviecito ahora? ¿Te buscó o algo por lo menos o no le importas lo suficiente como para querer saber dónde estás? (Well, and tell me then, where is your boyfriend now? Did he look for you or something at least or does he not care enough to want to know where you are?).
That hurt Mia.
Kylian hasn't called her.
But she didn't call him either and she should have.
—Él al menos no me llamó gritándome que soy una traidora, que no merezco vivir y que dejé de existir para él como tú lo hiciste (He at least didn't call me yelling that I'm a traitor, that I don't deserve to live and that I ceased to exist for him like you did).
There isn't a single hint of regret on his face, her father looks at her seriously, as if telling her that if he had to do it again, he would.
—Estabas apoyando al enemigo (You were supporting the enemy).
Mia remember Hiba's words to her during the match.
"You're wearing Kylian's jersey and sitting next to his family as you clap for the enemy."
This whole situation is so similar to 2018 but feels so different.
—Kylian necesitaba mi apoyo y estuve ahí para él. (Kylian needed my support and I was there for him).
Her father laughs sarcastically.
—¿Y por qué estás acá conmigo y no con él? Si él tanto te necesita (And why are you here with me and not with him? If he needs you so much).
Mia looks at her dad and then at her bags.
He's right, for the first time since she were born.
Why is she there with him if the one who really deserves to talk to her is Kylian?
Why did she think her dad would change this time?
Why is she there with him and not with Kylian? How could she get so carried away?
Mia takes her bags under the stupefied look of her dad and take one last look at his house.
The walls still have the same photos of her dad when he played football, it makes Mia a little sad to remember when she asked him why he hasn't photos of her there.
"It's just that I don't care enough about you".
After saying it, he laughed, implying that it was a joke.
Mia opens the door and walk out of her dad's house.
Maybe it wasn't after all.
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taglist: @nightlockcornucopia @melliflulu @mad-die45 @bifici @woozarts @neymarsrealgf @meanwhilesomewhereelse @psgkm7 @matthiashelvarsgf @krillfromsky @ashley-leclerc @mxgvmiii @like3dbypierregasly @httpspedri26 @aerangi @berryhtrs @lena-03 @gash167 @claaau5 @notanenthucutlet @okayline @noodle81937
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leclsrc · 2 years
Could you maybe write a blurb for Charles . Just like the trend on tiktok, that you are having a argument with your boyfriend and during the argument you are flashing him with your tits?
my own doing – cl16
genre: smuuut, 2k celebration, toxic relationship bec i listened to pnd and care package so much tn
auds here... title from this (but also listened to this while writing), also this is not funny its just smutty anon i am sorry.
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+ because... penetrative sex, praise/dirty talk as per auds law, angryish sex, unprotected sex too (wrap it before u tap it)
“Didn’t you used to date this guy?”
The newspaper rustles, is turned to you, and Charles Leclerc’s flushed face is in yours displaying a championship-winning smile. It takes a lot for you not to visibly react, your lips still pursed and eyebrows still furrowed when you face your friend’s curious face again.
“Huh. Used to,” you chuckle. “I haven’t heard from him in forever.”
The only thing you’re used to is lying—and not only are you accustomed to it, you’ve also grown good at it. You lie to your friends, who ask where your flights are headed; to your dates, who ask if you’re committed to anyone; your mother, who asks you if you’re involved with anyone. You gulp, watching your friend’s interest fade away as she flips the page and reads the horoscope.
“Today, you will…” She hums, searching for your zodiac sign. “Hmm. Fall into old habits.”
“So wet for me,” Charles murmurs behind you, fingers toying with your clit. “So good, yeah? Missed me that much? Come on, cum for me.”
“Y—yeah,” you keen desperately. “So good, fuck, I’m gonna—!”
You grind back onto his cock when you cum for the third time tonight, legs shaking with overstimulation. As always, he cleans you up, presses gentle kisses to your hair and forehead, blowing softly over your sticky face.
“Flight tomorrow?”
“First thing. I have work Monday,” you say, turning over to face him. Your lips move softly against his neck, his jaw. His hands roam over the expanse of your bare back, tracing circles on your favorite spots; the ones that feel good, aren’t too ticklish. He knows every spot. Every inch. He’s the only one that does.
“Wish you didn’t.” 
You snort. “Wish I could believe that.”
Charles has high tolerance to just about everything. The worst type of drunk he gets is goofy drunk, which isn’t bad at all—he dances like crazy, starts telling the worst jokes, moves around a lot, is unnecessarily noisy, but all that takes him a fuckton of alcohol. It’s jealousy he falls into easily—and when he does, it’s almost a whole different Charles.
“I saw your post with Matt, or whatever. Pensais-tu que je ne verrais pas? Why post with some guy then fly economy just to see me?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re full of it. Matt and I—just friends. Don’t act like you’re not linked with every other girl in Monaco.” The conversation you’re having seems out of place when you’re on top of him making out, but alas.
“You are mine.” He says it, doesn’t ask it, no softness to his tone. He’s not angry, but he has something to prove. He licks hungrily into your mouth, his hand unbuttoning your jeans, sneaking into them. “No one else’s.”
“Yeah?” You smile into his lips. “You sure about that?”
He grunts, irritated, taking both hands and tugging at the collar of your tank top to eventually pull it off of you. The room smells like weed and sex, two of his favorite post-race pastimes. You arch into his touch, wait for his hand to make its way to the clasp of your lace bra and pull your jeans off.
“Can anyone else fuck you this good?” He bites on your lip. “Huh?”
Your kissing grows hungry, desperate, aggressive. He thumbs at your nipples, drags the cups of your bra down to tweak them and get them hard. You whimper his name and it sounds like music. You grind onto his cock in his pants, denim to denim, awaiting more friction, more pleasure. He walks you through it, slow, easy.
“Answer me.”
“No,” you say, lip caught in between your teeth.
“I know,” he says, kissing up your neck. “I know.”
“You’re so fucking”—you claw antsily at his shirt, at the hard abs underneath—“full of yourself.” But you love it. 
“Keep whining and you’re not getting fucked.” He cups your jaw, faces you toward him so you fully grasp his instructions. You groan, the noise teasing and petulant, but you nod anyway, letting him maneuver you out of your jeans even if it takes a few moments.
“Stop it,” you insist when his eyes are stuck on you, features shy. It’s always a reward for Charles, undressing you, so he can see your matching lacy sets (most of which he’d bought for you) and inadvertently realize how bad you want him to praise you.
“You just wait in my room in your pretty underwear hoping I fuck you?” He asks wickedly, his accent extra thick, sliding in and out of vowels and syllables slowly. “You want it that bad. Even when you say you don’t care about me. Even when you’re on dates with other men, no?”
“I don’t,” you lie, gritting your teeth as he pulls your panties to the side and slides a thumb over your slit. There’s something about being practically naked and him being fully clothed, with just enough room to tug his dick out.
“Couldn’t even wait ‘til we were in the same city, yeah?” He grabs you by your hips and pulls you downward, onto him, hot and tight, letting the stretch simmer. “Flew out here in fucking economy. Needed my attention that bad.”
“Charles,” you sob, guttural. He fucks up into you slowly. His words are too honest, too hard-hitting.
“Tell me,” he demands, pounding into you. “You can tell me. I wanted this too, baby. Was just gonna cum thinking of you but I got the real thing instead. Je ne peux me lasser de toi.”
You clench around him, giving in to the words, the persuasion, the pleasure. “Yes,” you confess, overwhelmed. Fuck, he’s splitting you open. “M’gonna cum. Wanna cum, wanna cum.”
“No. Wait.” He says firmly, and you curse, nodding, needing to follow his orders.
You’re tense all over, your orgasm brewing right at your stomach, and finally he’s throwing his head back, whining, releasing inside you. You follow suit, moanin, pushing back against it, your fingers playing with the damp curls at the nape of his neck.
Your foreheads collide, breaths mingling.
“I didn’t fly economy,” you protest. “First class only.”
“If we got back together,” he argues, “it’d be a private jet.”
“We have to stop this,” he says. Your mental tally chalks it up to six—six iterations of this exact conversation. Sometimes he starts it, sometimes you do. Today it’s him, because last night he cheated on his fling with you in the backseat of his car.
Is it really your problem? “Fine,” you say simply. “Stop it then. Block my fucking number and everything.”
“Ah, putain.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Do you really think it’s that easy?”
“Jesus. How many times are we going to fight like this?” You roll your eyes.
“Until you and I realize the sex is awf—”
But you’re fed up. You take the hem of your flimsy tank top in two hands and pull it upward, showing him your tits underneath. “This is awful?”
His eyes darken. “You’re such a brat.” But it’s the same brat he’s pinning up against the wall and fucking dumb anyway.
You’re greedy. You broke his heart, but you want him to yourself. And he’s stupid. He’s broken up with girls just for one fuck with you.
“They’re not even together,” you tell Pierre when a picture of a random girl is shoved in your face. “He said so himself.”
“When?” His eyes narrow.
“I meant—I meant, he never confirmed it. You know what? That’s besides the point,” you say, face warm with embarrassment at being caught in a lie. “Which is that he’s single.”
“Why do you care? You broke up with him years ago.”
“I don’t,” you say. And this time it’s the truth. The sex has been off the table for almost five months now, and both of you seem to finally be moving on from the viciously toxic cycle of fucking and crying and considering getting back together and fucking friends to get the other jealous (you don’t speak of Carlos.)
It’s healing the way you’ve both been mature enough to forgive, to grow up and stop hurting yourselves and each other. Your phone buzzes and you lower the brightness, lest Pierre attempt to take a peek.
Room 1903 baby.
Be there in 5. And hey, your lying’s gotten really good recently.
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ofmdsalt · 3 months
i do think it’s funny that the gentlebeardies who proclaim their love for the revenge crew don’t actually talk that much about or create content for the revenge crew. they don’t give a shit about the “boatful of queer poc that Izzy sold out” (LMFAO) unless they can use the crew’s diversity as some kind of moral gotcha. they care about GB because that’s the only thing that matters about the show in their eyes. and it’s so fucking unoriginal!!! just endless regurgitated post about “omg they’re soooo in love~~ and isn’t it great that love conquered all their problems~~!” it’s unoriginal derivative dreck unless they have to invent new ways to lie about how izzy deserves the death penalty.
oh anon you get me
you have no idea how much i hate the diversity of the crew being used as a literal weapon in this fandom when it comes to demonizing izzy and washing Ed and Stede of any of their wrong doings.
im frustrated by the use of the crew in season 2 only because it was so painfully obvious to me that the budget cuts really affected the ensemble. the way the Swede and Buttons were written out of the show felt rushed and like it came out of nowhere, especially as those two characters, felt the 'least' developed out of the rest of them. so giving them both this long winded set up to be written out was too clunky for me.
i miss when Frenchie was singing and strumming along on his lute. i miss when Jim was Jim, because lbr that was Vico in s2. it just felt like Jim wasn't there anymore. i can't say what happened in the writer's room at that time or what sort of material Vico was given or if it skewed more to improve, but a lot of what was established for the characters in s1 was missing for me.
the rhetoric of this being the Ed&Stede show i think did more harm than good. the assertion that the other characters are only here in service of Ed and Stede's development reduces the sense of scale and scope and also agency these characters have.
a lot of the foundational aspects of GB as a ship i think falls a bit too much into fan service. people talk about how revolutionary and groundbreaking the ship is as a cis gay couple on screen. as if it hasn't been seen before. like i didn't get the wow moment of Stede in the mermaid costume as other fans did. Stede's dream at the beginning of season 2 with him killing Izzy and then colliding with Ed in this romantic gesture of love and passion on the beach is straight up fantasy for Stede, but i think fans took the idea of Stede literally killing Izzy a bit too seriously because that is Stede's fantasy. he wanted his reunion with Ed to be simple and understandable. that it was all Izzy's fault when the reality of the situation was so much messier and complicated. like David and the writers were literally telling us that Izzy is not the enemy here because this moment on the beach was pure fantasy. and fantasies can be dangerous
and then the fans said that Izzy deserved it, should have had his second leg shot and amputated, that he deserved to die, that he's still a nuisance even in death despite the fact that he's dead. that is both a master manipulator but also a cringe fail loser incapable of doing anything right. and it's like. okay. you don't seem to understand this character either.
like a lot of the problems in this fandom have existed before and will continue to exist in other iterations. every fandom has its ship wars. every fandom has long ass call out posts about characters they don't like. but let's not pretend this is anything revolutionary
what i've noticed is that this fandom will reach a burnout period and it's probably already upon us. the constant need to be like 'we're trending!!' when all algorithms are dog shit and glitchy as hell doesn't mean anything. plus the fact that there are only two seasons, less BTS content to go around, it's all coming from the same overdrawn well and eventually it will come up empty.
it's okay to step back. it's okay to leave a fandom for a bit and come back to it years down the road. it's okay. but all of this is exhausting
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