#no judgement promo
gravekeptsecret · 1 month
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read the cards ... happy birthday @openedskull <3
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chalamet-chalamet · 10 months
He’s silently begging her to stop with his eyes 😅
TikTok credit to entertainmenttonight
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Louis Tomlinson is sequestered in the executive boardroom of a swanky hotel in suburban London, and is treating it the way a pupil might a classroom when the teacher’s popped out. He’s leaning back on his chair, feet up on a radiator, hands clasped behind his head and a cigarette on the go. “All right?” he says, grinning impishly.
Despite huge global success with One Direction (70 million albums sold), which prompted a fanaticism that made Beatlemania look tame, he seems remarkably unaffected and far more normal than one might expect from someone with 35.8 million Twitter followers. He’s a 31-year-old so unassumingly bloke-next-door that the bloke next door wouldn’t look twice.
“I’ve always had a problem with ‘ego’,” he says, “and I’ve always been worried about being one of those people in the public eye who just loses all sense of reality, and becomes an arsehole.” As if by way of explanation, he adds: “I’m from Doncaster.”
And so while his former 1D bandmate Harry Styles, a superstar, floats through life like the fashion world’s favourite clothes horse, Tomlinson kits himself out in JD Sports: Kappa T-shirt, black sweatpants, Adidas socks, scuffed trainers. When he tells you he often frequents his local pub unmolested, you believe him.
“If someone does come up after an hour to ask for a selfie, I won’t say no and I won’t run away,” he says, “’specially if I’m three pints deep!”
Of the five members of 1D, Tomlinson has had the slowest start to a solo career. There are compelling reasons for this — family tragedy for one — but he’s also had to figure out who he is without the band around him. “With this job,” he says, “there’s so much room for overthinking, you know? Someone from the record label will tell you they like your stuff, but you find yourself thinking: yeah, but do they? It’s the fans that help you really believe in yourself.”
In the band, Zayn Malik had the best voice and Styles had the best everything else. While the other three — Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Niall Horan — were hardly driftwood, each has nevertheless had to dig deep to carve out a solo persona that would compel beyond the bubble.
“I do miss the boys,” he says, “and I do definitely miss being one of the five, but I like doing my own thing too. It was time.”
It’s a bright winter’s day, and the man in sports casual is enjoying special dispensation here in the hotel: permission to light up. Had this been denied, there might well have been a problem, for Tomlinson chain-smokes with the wild abandon of Mad Men’s Don Draper.
After the release of his second solo album, Faith in the Future, in November, he adds another necessary notch in the belt of any self-respecting pop star next month: the documentary. All of Those Voices is a routine behind-the-scenes look at 21st-century celebrity but stands out for the multiple crises of confidence Tomlinson feels any time he’s not on stage.
“This is a confidence game for anyone,” he says earnestly, “and there’s been plenty of moments of vulnerability throughout the entire process.” An overriding concern of the documentary is not just whether people would be interested in him, but whether they’d take him, someone discovered on a TV talent show, seriously.
When Styles won his Grammy awards this month — he collected two and won four Brits — he used his acceptance speech to say that “this doesn’t happen to people like me very often”. This was swiftly ridiculed across social media because of course white men tend to win quite a lot. But what he likely meant was that it doesn’t happen to the product of manufactured boy bands, many of whom have the use-by date of a pint of milk.
“Only Harry knows what he means there, it’s hard to speculate,” Tomlinson says, “but we all came from relatively humble beginnings, and now we are where we are.”
But while Styles is a once-in-a-generation talent and knows it, his erstwhile bandmates — and this one in particular — need convincing.
Louis Tomlinson comes from a big family — his mother, Johannah Deakin, married twice and had seven children — and was a hopeful child actor before in 2010 auditioning for The X Factor. This is where 1D were created, “masterminded” by Louis Walsh. Deakin, who had Tomlinson when she was 19, was his biggest fan and they’d always been close. When, for example, Tomlinson lost his virginity, it was she he told first, not his friends.
In 2016, a year after One Direction split, she died from leukaemia, aged 42. Two years later, his 18-year-old sister, Félicité, who’d been struggling to get over her mother’s death, accidentally overdosed on cocaine, painkillers and an anxiety drug. The combined loss hit him hard. Aside from the single he wrote about his mother’s passing, 2020’s Two of Us, his mourning has been largely private.
He squints through a veil of cigarette smoke. “Some of the things that have happened recently have been quite drastic, yeah, but then so much in my life seems to have been pretty extreme, one way or the other.” In 2016, at the age of 25, a brief relationship with a Californian stylist, Briana Jungwirth, resulted in a son. “There’ve been challenging times, definitely. It’s funny, but I couldn’t even tell you how many years ago my mum passed, I just blank it out. But for the first 18 months, I’d take any form of bad luck personally. I’d feel every tiny thing. But now I genuinely feel I’ve come out the other side. I feel more empathy for everything and everyone these days.”
After his 2020 debut album, Walls, failed to set the world alight, Tomlinson called time on his relationship with Simon Cowell. “It was mostly amicable,” he says, nodding. “Simon always had my best interests at heart, and I liked him. He had his faults of course, like all of us, but it was always inevitable I’d have to go off and do my own thing.”
His new record, then, was a leap into the unknown and he elected to write not with professional songwriters but rather fellow creative artists: Theo Hutchcraft from the band Hurts, Joe Cross from the Courteeners and the singer-songwriter James Vincent McMorrow. “And that was a big difference, huge. These are people who live and breathe music. It’s the first time I felt really comfortable doing my own stuff, you know?”
Previously he’d been encouraged to sing like a nice young pop star should, without regional inflection. “When I was in the band,” he says, “working with professional songwriters whose entire aim was to write the hit single, they’d tell me that singing in my natural accent wasn’t commercial. Sorry, but what a shit idea! Who wants to sound like everybody else? I dumbed down a little bit in the band, because you do, but I’ve learnt who I am now.”
The album, which has its inspiration firmly in early Noughties indie, sounds more Kaiser Chiefs than One Direction. A risk, then. But when it came out, it debuted at No 1. While this did wonders for his confidence, it’s clear from the documentary that he still needs people — a support group — around him. He actively courts the friendship of his touring band, not necessarily a given among solo pop stars, and he seems almost always sociable. It’s when he’s not up for group activity that people worry. There’s a revealing moment in the documentary of him having just appeared on James Corden’s US talk show. Backstage Corden, an old friend, pleads with him not to go quiet on him afterwards. “You vanish, you change your number, no one knows [where you are],” he says.
Until recently Tomlinson lived in London with his long-term girlfriend, the model Eleanor Calder, but recent reports suggest they’ve split up and he’s dating another model, Sofie Nyvang. Life, clearly, is complicated. Perhaps that’s why he smokes so much. He says, though, that he feels finally relieved of the myriad pressures that once clung to being a pop star whose fanbase was predominantly teenage. Such as?
“Well, being a role model for one. I never wanted that. I always had to worry whether it was OK if, say, I was seen here or if I could get away with smoking a joint there, before concluding: hmm, probably not. But I never wanted to be the perfect pop star, especially in the climate of Instagram. I don’t want to put an artificial world out there. I think it’s important that people see your scars, your flaws.”
It’s never easy growing up in public and Tomlinson had no choice. “When One Direction split up,” he says, “I was mortified, I was absolutely gutted. I was a bit bitter, I suppose because it just felt like another loss to me. But I’ve a better understanding of things now, and there’s not as much anger. It is what it is.
“Getting back together at some point is hard to imagine right now,” he continues, “but I’d be surprised if we lived out our lives and didn’t have a moment where we had a reunion, or whatever you want to call it. I’d be up for that.”
When I ask what it’s like watching Styles’s ascendance into the biggest star of his generation — something that might delay such a reunion — he blows out a long plume of smoke.
“Well, it’s not a surprise is it? We were always aware that Harry fit that mould, and it’s been an amazing thing to watch. Envy? At the start maybe, when I was trying to find my feet, but it’s never healthy to cross-reference your own success with others is it? These days I’m learning to elevate myself in those moments when I have to. I didn’t know how to do that before, but now? Now I know I f***ing can.” All of Those Voices is in cinemas from March 22,  allofthosevoices.com
-Full article. Feb 23 2023. Link here. Free link here.
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bumblingest-bee · 11 months
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judgement-fanzine · 30 days
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Well he's in a predicament, anyway
Just a little promo thing for the fanzine I'm working on (it was a really quick drawing, apologies for the quality)
If anyone doesn't know it yet, we're still looking for more artists and more writers to help or support the project
Link to the discord has been posted
(ref under cut)
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lmao funny show
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finexbright · 2 years
for fuck's sake the reason harry isn't doing much promo for my policeman isn't because he's a queerbaiter or whatever but because the one time he did speak about the movie he said something so profoundly gay and hashtag relatable about hiding your identity and sexuality and the yearning that comes along with it that everyone was confused how this 'straight' man knew so much about being gay
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
The singer, 30, on selling pies, losing count of his tattoos and why he’s not been out clubbing in years.
Sat 19 Nov 2022 09.00 EST
I’m the oldest sibling, so there’s always been an element of responsibility. It was a big family, we’d have friends over, we were always on top of each other. It was dead loud in our house.
I worked at Doncaster Rovers as the guy you bought the pies off. We had a little scheme. If the pie fell on the floor, even foil side up, it couldn’t be sold. I didn’t have a lot of money at the time, so a lot went overboard, because the pies were banging.
I was the singer in my school band – the Rogue – for two years. We covered Green Day, blink-182, Oasis. I loved performing – even in front of 100 people from my year group – but they formed another band behind my back because the guitarist wanted to be the singer. I’ve had the last laugh.
What does Simon Cowell smell like? The same as me – cigarettes.
It’s so important, mentally, to have breaks from my abnormality, even if that means putting my business head on for 10 minutes.
I’m not the kind of guy who puts my awards up all over his house, but I do give them the credit they deserve. They’re pretty much centre stage in a cabinet.
Who is more likely to get back together: Oasis or One Direction? I’d love to see Oasis, but I’m going to say us fellas.
The weirdest thing I’ve had to sign? A fan’s boobs.
I’ve no idea how many tattoos I’ve got, 30 or more. Two or three are good, the rest are pretty mad. I’ve got them on my arms, feet and one I’m not proud of – a penguin – on my arse. It’s the least sexy thing in world.
My worst fear used to be getting older, but I’m in my 30s now, so I suppose I’m here. Will I still be doing this when I’m 50? I hope so.
I have an incredible skill to sleep on any flight. Whatever time, however long, it doesn’t matter, I will sleep 90%. I think my body is just starved of sleep. I do have to kind of constantly be reminded of what time zone we’re in, where we are. Your head’s a little pickled – you’re detached from the real world. It’s cool to a degree.
I’ve not been on a night out in Doncaster for years. It’s a combination of being too busy and the fact there’s always a chancer who wants to give you a slap. I don’t want to get my head kicked in.
I’m low-maintenance. I don’t have any major diva requests. As long as I’ve got coffee and cigarettes, I’m sound.
I live a pretty happy life. I’m lucky like that. I don’t cry often, but I’m not afraid to.
The worst thing about fame is the judgment, but I get it. I used to be a judgmental little fucker as well.
Louis Tomlinson’s new album, Faith in the Future, is out now.
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emmybeearts · 1 year
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AYY! Your girl is going to Dragoncon this year!
im gonna be leaving a couple of these shameless self promotions around! see if you can find one if youre there!
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healingscarsarc · 1 year
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ㅤㅤ #𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒ㅤ.ㅤ. ㅤ.ㅤ a  private  &  mutuals  only  multi-fandom original character—  features fandoms  like  alice in borderland, yakuza / judgement, tokyo revengers, and much more.  written  &  adored  by  wrench.  they/them  &  25.  est.
ㅤㅤ a study in surviving the impossible, breaking away from abusive enviornments, & discovering yourself.ㅤmature themes will be present.ㅤminors & personals DNI.
ㅤㅤ please read the carrd !!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Do you like reading spoilers or do you prefer to go in blind?
Referring to Ahsoka here as there are leaks on reddit
It honestly depends. If it was something I wasn't going to see anyway I generally don't care, if it was something I was interested in but ultimately has content and messaging I don't care for I do like to be forewarned so I don't waste my time.
I have been avoiding Ahsoka spoilers like the plague because I want to go into it as fresh and unassuming as possible. I'm actually probably going to be MIA from Tumblr because the husband wants to watch the premiere with me so I'll have to wait until he's off.
So short answer, DO NOT SPOIL ME for Ahsoka, thank you.
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princguard-a · 1 year
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Shadows fall and hope has fled. Steel your heart. The dawn will come.
a Dragon Age verse feat. On Princguard.
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tenshindon · 2 years
I love how Tori legit not disputing reason why Launch left is because he forgot about her. Not I just couldn’t fit her in anymore, oh I was sick of her. He straight up forgot about her 😂😂😂 how do you do that the woman sneezes and changes into a different person.
i don't think toriyama forgot about her- she features in a short christmas comic he did during Z's run (sometime amidst the namek saga). it probably was just a matter of 'she has no place in the plot or setting anymore' and since she wasn't much of a main character anyways, he prob didn't think she deserved a proper write out
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lambify · 9 months
new tag dump . . .
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
Louis Tomlinson talks success as Faith In The Future hits No.1
by MusicWeek Staff November 21st 2022 at 7:00AM Interview by Charlotte Gunn
Louis Tomlinson is revelling in the feeling of hitting No.1 as a solo artist for the first time.
As the Doncaster singer and his team told Music Week in our cover feature, Faith In The Future was a painstaking process, with Tomlinson poring over every detail. He was obsessed with the physical product and the connection he hoped it would have with his devoted fanbase.
Faith In The Future, the star's first album for BMG, debuted at No.1 on consumption of 35,239 units (14,944 CDs, 9,577 vinyl albums, 1,501 cassettes, 6,790 digital downloads and 2,427 sales-equivalent streams).
Tomlinson’s debut solo album, Walls, debuted and peaked at No.4 on first week sales of 14,729 in February 2020, and has since gone on to achieve consumption of 72,329 units. Faith In The Future, then, sold more than double its week one total.
“I like anything that's tied to a physical release because that's what I grew up with,” Tomlinson told Music Week. “It's nice to have something to hold and we put cool little inserts [into the records].”
Here, in a previously unseen extract from our interview, we look into the future with Tomlinson and talk, success, perception and his Away From Home festival…
What are your biggest dreams and ambitions that Faith In The Future is out in the world?
“To keep growing the festival would be great. The next target will be next year, maybe the year after. I'd love to do it over two days. And I'd love to play on the Sunday, because that will give me a really clear indication of whether it can live outside of the context of myself. Because in an ideal world, if I can keep growing this festival, one day, I won't play it and we could still put it on and that will be really cool.”
Are there any artists you look to in terms of careers you'd want to emulate?
“It's hard to think like that... I don't really compare myself to others. Look, the most important thing for me is that I can keep making the music I love and touring it to the extent I have been. So, in terms of what a dream might be, if I can still be touring in 10 years, I'll be buzzing.”
Faith In The Future sounds in parts like a record made by a band rather than a solo act. Have you ever thought about doing something like that, rather than under your own name?
“Definitely, yeah, and it's a good point. Around halfway through making Walls, I had a conversation with my manager at the time, because I [was thinking about] a number of things, the sessions I was going into and the natural perception and judgement around coming out of a band like One Direction... I had this plan in my mind that was, not quite like a Gorillaz kind of vibe, but something where I could hide who I am, and maybe people like the song first, and then be surprised that it's me. I definitely went through that process in my head. I mean, I might still do it one day, I do like the idea.”
Where did that idea come from? 
“From the fact that I felt frustrated about the perception and the judgement I'm always going to be up against. I understand that I've lived long enough now, that's why I have to play the long game, but it’s about chipping away at this idea of me as a solo artist and someone coming out of a band.”
How do you feel about where you’re at in life now?
“Where I'm quite lucky in my life is that my job keeps me feeling forever like I'm 18, it just has that way about it. We're always moving about. But when I go and spend my personal time with my son in LA, it gives me... That's when I feel, you know, like a responsible 30-year-old. I put my Dad hat on and I'm almost taking on a slightly different version of myself, because that's what's required as a parent.”
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hashtagloveloses · 1 year
so SAG-AFTRA finally released some official guidance for fans, viewers, creators/influencers, critics, and more during the strike. here's what you need to know:
if you see a publication/news source/journalist talking about a piece of struck work, that's ok. they're allowed to do that.
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2. they're asking regular viewers and fans to DONATE TO STRIKE FUNDS, SHOW UP TO PICKETS IF YOU CAN, and please do NOT boycott streaming services or movies in theaters.
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3. influencers, content creators, cosplayers, and anything in between is still a bit of a grey area, but they're asking people to use their best judgement. "organically" means UNPAID promo (like an invite to a premiere without being paid, being sent a publicity box, letting the company's social media post a photo of you in cosplay, etc).
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obviously this doesn't answer every question, and isn't hard and fast rules for fanworks, but it can at least inform how you personally choose to move forward when posting online and moving publically. i hope this helps!
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sparksliberated · 1 year
tag dump !
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