#no i will lightly mention the forsy
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ratatatastic · 4 months ago
"thought that was aaron ekblad's best game of the year." [...] "do you think ekblad gets under appreciated?" "how we appreciate defencemen has changed over the years and it's skewed to points now [...] when a player is up for contract these guys all now get paid on points, and there's a sacrifice for him, to our team, for him to put the defense first and he's done that."
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toronto maple leafs @ florida panthers postgame interview | 11.27.24 (x)(x)(x)
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ideas-for-you-to-adopt · 7 years ago
Of Masks and Hatred pt. 5
A/N: Hey guys. I have a confession to make. Despite writing a Riverdale fanfiction, I have never seen an entire episode of the show so please forgive me if the details aren’t really that accurate. Also, this is the longest part I’ve ever written for a story. Ever. I didn’t even notice it had already gotten so long. I had so much fun writing this so I hope you like this one. Enjoy Word count: 3.3k
You can hear whispers and feel stares as you walk away from Weatherbee’s office, not that you can blame them. You’ve been away for a whole week after the scene with Veronica and you come back showing up with a cast on your right hand. They look away and scramble faster than you can think once they see you looking back at them. You internally sigh as you make your way to your locker. You hear loud masculine voices as you drop your stuff and make sense of your schedule. Closing your locker, you’re met with a trio of grinning jocks, looking at you like Christmas just came early. You narrow your eyes at them which didn’t seem to help and just made their grins wider. On the corner of your eye, you see Toni and her friends who you remember Cheryl called Sweet Pea and Fangs, seem to tense while watching. “What are you three imbeciles smiling about?” You notice the middle one glancing at your cast smirking before taking a step forward making you frown. You then notice how quiet the hallway seems to be. You see Toni and her friends being held up by a familiar guy in a beanie. “Seems like little Y/N/N got herself in trouble.” “You’ll be the one in trouble if you don’t stop using that ridiculous nickname on me, Reg-reg.” The two jocks flanking him tries to keep their snickers in but failing. “Oi! That is so not cool!” Reggie crosses his arms while narrowing his eyes on you. The action causes you to smirk. “I see you’re still a big baby, Reg-reg. And seriously, it fits you. You were never cool to begin with.” The two jocks can’t help but guffaw in laughter as Reggie began to stomp. “Damn it, Y/N. You’re still as annoying as ever,” Reggie resigns and raises his hands in defeat before looking at you, face softening. “It’s great to have you back, Y/N/N.” “It’s good to be back,” you turn your gaze to the two other jocks. “Chuck, Moose, you’ve grown!” “Hey, Y/N. It’s been a while. We wanted to say hi to you last week but you weren’t around,” Chuck says while he pats your head. “I remember you used to be taller than us.” You groan as you swat his hand away. “I can still kick your arse.” “Now you got the cool accent too,” Moose chuckles. “We thought you weren’t coming back. I never had the chance to thank you for the bike you got me before you left.” You sigh before lightly punching his stomach, something you used to do to them when you were kids. You may not be as friendly as your twin but you still made friends when you were kids. Instead of playing with barbie dolls like your twin, you’d rather sit on a park bench and read. That was until you met the boys when you were nine after you threw the football that landed on your foot back to Reggie’s face. At first you apologized but he thought you were cool for a girl and so he introduced you to his friends. “You boys aren’t giving Y/N here trouble, are you?” You hear a feminine soft voice ask. Reggie takes the new comer into his arm. “Well, well. Look at that. Reg-reg found himself a girlfriend,” you and the boys snicker as Reggie blushes. Josie looks at you all in amusement. “No need to worry, Josie. I can keep these boys in line.” “Glad to hear that. Reggie alone is hard to look after,” she grins as Reggie looks at her with a pout to which she kisses his cheek. “Okay lovebirds, that’s enough. We’ll see you later Y/N.” Chuck leads them away before you hear your name being called. Turning around you see Cheryl striding towards you confidently being followed by Toni and the three boys. She kisses your cheek before glancing at your cast. “You did not drive that death trap you call Midnight to school, did you?” “No. I drove the Bugatti.” Instead of appeasing her as you expected, Cheryl looks at you as if you’re the biggest idiot she has ever seen and considering her rant about Riverdale High being filled with brainless imbeciles, that’s quite a feat. “On one hand?” You nod meekly as she huffs. On your peripheral vision, you take in everyone looking at you two either in amusement or confusion. “Y/F/N. Y/M/N, Y/L/N!!! With a Superior IQ of 127, please explain to me what on this trashy hideous giant piece of terrestrial plane we call Earth made you think that it is perfectly alright to drive a freaking Bugatti with only one perfectly functioning hand?” You take a step back before sending a pleading look towards Toni who winces at you shaking her head. You rub your nape with your hand and smiles sheepishly at Cheryl before taking a deep breath and giving her a soft smile. The smile you only give to her and Elena when you were kids. “I’m fine, Cher. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll hire a chauffeur to drive me around.” She softens her gaze at you and in that moment you know you’ve won. “Fine. You better make sure you already have one by tomorrow. I’ll be driving you home later after we go to Pop’s.” Toni clears her throat making Cheryl jump a bit. By the surprised look on the redhead’s face, she must’ve thought they left you alone by now. “We have cheer practice later, Cheryl.” Cheryl sighs before turning to you. “Mind waiting for me? We can get milkshakes after practice. Then we’ll stop by Thistle House so I can get some things then we’ll have a sleepover. Since y'know… you’ve been gone for a week.” You notice Sweet Pea and Toni exchanging a weird look making you furrow your eyebrows. “Oh these are Sweet Pea and Fangs,” Cheryl points to the two before landing her eyes on Jughead. “And the hobo-looking one is Jughead.” Your eyes take in Jughead’s appearance, a spark of recognition finally hits you after staring at his beanie for a bit longer. “Forsy? Forsy Jo?” He groans then rolls his eyes. “Ry-ry,” he says with a straight face making you cringe. “Okay, ‘Jughead’,” you use your good hand’s index and middle fingers to make quotation air marks. “Let’s drop the childhood nicknames. You’re still scrawny.” The Serpent boys doesn’t even try to hide their snickers as Toni looks at Jughead with a smirk while Cheryl is just plain bored. “Now if you’re done with your reunion. It’s about time we get to class,” her red manicured thumb and index finger meticulously picks up your sched. “Why do you have basic introductory subjects? Algebra, Biology, English I, et cetera.” “Grandpa made me take all the advanced ones at London. So I’m already done with calculus and whatnots. I asked Weatherbee if I could have as many classes crammed on the first two days. I’m taking extra classes online.” “This, my dear, is the reason why you need a social life,” Cheryl rolls her eyes. “C'mon, Toni. Let’s head to class.” She quickly slips her hand to hold Toni’s as they both confidently stride through the hallways. “So you’re the owner of the Ducati?” The guy called Fangs asks. “I told you it was a Harley,” Sweet Pea retorts before you can even answer. “It’s a Ducati,” Fangs rolls his eyes dramatically as he crosses his arms. “It’s a Harley,” Sweet Pea. “Why don’t you let the owner speak?” Jughead grumbles. The two serpents quickly turn their attention to you looking at you in anticipation. “It’s actually both. I like the Ducati design and Harley’s motors so I figured I’d cross it,” you shrug as you make your way to your class. The boys following you like some puppies. “You made a hybrid…"Fangs looks at you with a dazed expression,“out of a Ducati and a Harley?” “Yes, it was hard at first. Trying to work on making them compatible but it did work so….” you try to explain nonchalantly even if you’re geeking out inside. You’ve always been in love with motorcycles. The thrill of it really. And knowing people are enthusiastic about it as much as you are makes you quite excited. “We should race,” Sweet Pea decides. “Once your hand heals.” You don’t even think about it before you answer. “Yes, sure. I’d like that. I miss racing. You better prepare though. I haven’t lost a race yet.” “Don’t cry once you do then,” Sweet Pea smirks. “Seriously, you two?” Jughead rolls his eyes. “Y/N, you know Cheryl’s gonna kill you once she finds out, right? And Sweet Pea, did you really have to? She hasn’t even healed yet!” “Good thing she’s not going to know, right Jughead?” You look at him with a mischievous smirk. “I’ll see you boys later. This is my stop.” You quickly took off even before Jughead can retort.
Time seems to pass slowly as classes commence. Betty and Jughead make their way to the cafeteria when Archie rushes towards them and leads them to an empty classroom. “What the hell are we doing here?” “We’re waiting for Veronica. Oh, here she comes,” Archie responds as Veronica hurriedly rushes in. “God, this is a nightmare,” Veronica grumbles as she approaches the trio. “Okay, what’s this about V?” Betty exchanges a look with Jughead. Veronica slips her hand into her bag and takes out a cellphone placing it on top of a table. “What are you doing with Cheryl’s phone? I heard she lost it last week,” Jughead eyes the phone with trepidation then turns his glance on Veronica. “Eversince what happened last week, people would glare at me, talk behind my back or outright ignore me. It’s like Ethel giving out those flyers over again but worse,” Veronica huffs. “And what does that have to do with Cheryl’s phone?” “Jughead, people say that Y/N’s bestfriends with Cheryl and Cheryl’s not exactly the best person out there. For all we know they could’ve been planning something behind my back.” “What exactly do you have in mind, V?” “Well, Betty, now that you’ve mentioned it….."Veronica trails off as she looks at Betty with a hopeful look. "V, no! I’m not doing it!” Betty moves a step back and bites her lip “Betty, look, I know this sounds bad but there is absolutely no way that Y/N won’t do anything about me. You’ve seen how she reacted last week. And have you seen her hand? It’s on a cast! And there are rumors that she went to Greendale. She must’ve done something there! She left the first day of school instead of staying until the weekend. It must’ve been something important. Or dangerous. Or… or whatever. Something she couldn’t do here because my mom is mayor here in Riverdale? Something that can possibly be a danger to me… to my family.” “Veronica, aren’t you getting a bit paranoid?” Jughead carefully questions her “No, Jughead. Don’t you get it?I need to know what possible things she’s hidden. Any possible weakness. Anything I can use to strike against her before she strikes first. I need to know how to defend myself from her and the Rileys,” Veronica all but screams. “V, I think Jughead’s right. You need to relax,” Betty tells her bestfriend. Before Veronica can answer, a loud thud hits the door causing them to spread apart and grow silent. Trying to hear what could’ve possibly made the noise, an influx of students pass by. Veronicagoes and locks the door.“I must’ve not locked it properly.” Betty and Jughead exchange a look before Jughead sighs. “Whatever it is you’re planning, count me out,” he heaves out making everyone look at him. “It doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. Plus that’s invasion of privacy. And it’s not even Y/N’s privacy.” “Jug, we’ve literally done this before,” Archie reasons out. “It’s different. We were after murderers then. Looking for clues, solving mysteries. But this,” Jughead motions to Cheryl’s phone. “This is a disaster waiting to happen.” Betty looks at Archie who moves closer to a distraught Veronica. She can see the dark circles underneath the other girl’s eyes and takes careful note of how exhausted the raven-haired girl looks. “I’m sorry, V, but Jughead does have a point. This is too far.” She reaches for Jughead’s hand and intertwines their fingers before leaving the room. “What are we going to do now, Arch?” Veronica clings to the gingerhead boy. “I don’t know, Ronnie,” Archie answers as he kisses the top of her head. His eyes landed on the phone on the table. “I don’t know.”
The remaining hours of the day seem to trickle down slower than usual. When the final bell rings, Archie makes a beeline for Jughead. “Archie, you can’t make me do something we’re not sure what the consequences will be without enough evidence. Have you really seen Veronica lately? Like really seen her?” “She’s exhausted, Jughead. She broke down earlier when you and Betty left.” “And what’s the cause? Paranoia. Why? Because she’s afraid. Again, why? Because she’s guilty.” “Jughead….” “Archie, I’m not saying that she’s a bad person because we can clearly see how she’s been trying to atone for all her and her family’s mistakes. I’m not judging her. I’m only stating the facts. Anyway, have you at least persuaded Ronnie to get rid of the phone?” As they reach the music room and before Archie can respond to what Jughead said, the sound of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata reached their ears. Due to curiosity, the two entered the room only to see you playing the piano. Your uninjured hand pressing on the keys as the other rests on the side, eyes closed as if feeling every note of the melody. Gently but surely, your fingers hit each note, your head lightly swaying to the beat. They watch you until you finally stopped. “Piano Sonata no. 14 in C# minor, op. 27 no. 2 or more popularly known as Beethoven’s The Moonlight Sonata. Shame I can’t play it with both hands but this have to do for now,” you turn your attention to them as you began playing, albeit more softly than earlier. You gave each of them a nod. “Archie, Jughead, it’s been a while since the three of us had time together.” “Yeah, things have… changed… a lot… since the last time,"Jughead tilts his head, trying to study you. His eyes landing on the cast wrapping your injured hand. How you can still play well with only one hand is a mystery to him "Ahhh… changes,” the corner of your lips upturns a bit. “It’s inevitable, and yet…."you press unto the keys faster and firmer. Your face seemingly morphing in a daze as you play. "Did you two know that the Moonlight Sonata has three parts? Most people don’t. They only seem to remember the first one. I can’t blame them. The first one’s melody is relaxing. Peaceful. Hypnotic even.” “Y/N—"Archie tries to speak but you cut him off. "The second movement sounds like a walk in the park if I think about it. A bit energetic. Quite the change after the first movement, but not unwelcome.” “Y/N. I need to speak to you about Veronica.” The moment you heard her name, you press the wrong key making it offtune. “Please, Y/N. Hear me out,” Archie takes a stool and places it in front of you. “I’m sorry about Elena but you can’t put all the blame on Veronica.” You stare at the piano keys blankly before slowly settling your eyes on the boy in front of you. You also feel Jughead moving closer to you. “Tell me, Archie. Who am I going to blame then?” “No one!” For a while you kept your gaze locked on his face. But then you turn your attention back to the piano, this time your injured hand hitting the keys on certain parts. “The third movement–fast, and ROUGH. A seemingly inappropriate change to accompany the first movement. It seems wild. It seems clamorous. A chaotic melody.” You turn to Archie whose face has become pale. You grit your teeth as you slam your uninjured hand on the keys creating off-key tones instead of music. You feel Jughead’s hand on your shoulder. “Enough, Y/N.” You stop completely out of breath clenching your free hand. You try to regulate your breathing. Closing your eyes, you will yourself to calm down before opening them again and fixing your stare into Archie’s own eyes. Your eyes soften at the sight of him. You suddenly remember all those memories you once shared with him when you were children. You were saddened by the memories of how you used to be friends. You, him, and Jughead. And even Betty on occasion. “You’re comparable to the Moonlight Sonata, Andrews. You’ve changed. But unlike the sonata, yours is a melody I do not recognize anymore.” Jughead squeezes your shoulder causing you to look away from Archie. “Arch, you should leave. I’ll just see you later.” He immediately rushes out of the room. “You okay,Y/N/N?” He takes the seat Archie vacated. You nod as you ran your fingers through your hair. “Archie’s…. just worried about Veronica. I don’t know if Cheryl told you but he’s her boyfriend.” “She did tell me. And you’re Betty’s,” you smirk at him. “Betty’s a good catch. I approve.” “Yeah, she’s great.” “Okay loverboy. Don’t gush over her now. God, I remember having a crush on her,” you casually say taking in his stunned expression. “W-wait. What?” Jughead stutters. “You heard it right. I did have a crush on Betty. I came into terms with my sexuality two years ago,” you shrug. “So you’re what now?” “Human, of course,” you chuckle making him scowl. “A (Y/S) to be specific.” “Whoa. That’s cool. I mean, you being open about it,” he stammers. Your phone rings causing for you to take your attention from him. “I have to go. Cher’s been waiting for me at Pop’s... strange. I thought she has practice,” you tell him as you stand up. You give him a nod before getting your things and walking out. Jughead makes his way to the Blue and Gold.
After closing the room, Jughead sees Betty at the student lounge. “Hey.” “Hi,” Betty kisses his cheek as he sits down. “Cheryl’s a nightmare today. She and Toni made a new routine and my back’s killing me.” Betty feels Jughead tense. “What time did your practice end? Was Cheryl with you all throughout?” “It just ended a while ago. And yes, Cheryl’s been teaching us all throughout. I think she’s still in the locker room.” Jughead quickly stands up and breaks into a sprint causing Betty to run after him. “Wait, Jughead! What’s all this about?” “Y/N. She received a message from Cheryl earlier saying she’s waiting for her at Pop’s!” The door to the locker room slams as Jughead and Betty comes in. “Hobo, if you’re brain hasn’t figured it out yet, this is the vixen’s locker room! Aka sonewhere you shouldn’t be!” Cheryl’s voice can be heard in the four sides of the room. “Did you or did you not send Y/N a message telling her that you’re waiting for her at Pop’s?” Jughead unabashedly asked while the other undressed girls in the locker room tightens their hold on their towels except Josie who scrambled to get her phone after it rang signalling an incoming call. “No, I didn’t. I lost my phone last week. I already have a new one but the only time I’ve seen her after the time she left for Greendale was this morning and I forgot to get her number,” Cheryl crosses her arms. “Now what is this about?” “I was in the music room with her earlier when she received a message from you. You, Cheryl. It says you’re waiting for her at Pop’s but if you had practice with the vixens then that means–"before he can finish, he got interrupted by Josie whose words made all of them turn pale. "Cheryl, Reggie’s on the phone. He says Y/N got into an accident on the way to Pop’s.”
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