#no i dont plan on having kid too many bad genes
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So people love to say that America doesn’t have free healthcare because the quality would sink and the waits would go up. Now, while those are valid worries despite being no excuse for the atrociously high prices of even minior procedures, I’d like to share some bullshit that I’ve experienced involving normal US hospitals and medical branches alike.
My root canal is going to cost 2500 dollars because it is not covered by most dental plans despite it being a completely necessary procedure that directly affects my health. Absorb that then absorb the fact this plan covers some of braces. The crown alone is costing over 1200.
I almost died in a hospital waiting room because my ‘stomach ache’ that was causing me so much pain I was sick with it wasn’t severe enough to qualify for immediate attention. Undiagnosed Appendicitis.
My nephew and sister almost met their end because an incompetent doctor misdiagnosed my sister with a URI. She had type A flu.
My cousins father had a doctor who refused to diagnose him despite him coming back constantly because of lethargy. Said he couldn’t find anything wrong. Her father was poor and had really bad insurance. Finally he went to another doctor and was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He could have lived if he had been diagnosed a year or two prior before it spead but by the time he got his diagnosis, it was too late. He died, I believe, a few months later but I was young so he might have made it a year or longer.
I suffered from chronic nosebleeds as a child to the point that blood didn’t even scare me anymore. The doctor told my mother that it was coming from wounds inside my nose and I was most likely picking at it and there was nothing medically wrong with me. My mother, knowing even as a child I knew not to waste her money, took me to another doctor. Severe Anemia. Still suffer from it too this day. Have to take those horrid tasting red pills🤢.
My aunt constantly butchering her budget because she needs her insulin and it’s cost keeps getting higher despite it remaining relatively the same. Luckily my state is looking to cap it at 100 though if that will actually go into effect isn’t determined yet.
My mom, bless her, repeatedly going in for her back aching only to be told pain was normal for someone of her weight and age. Nope, she is a nurse and turned people that were 300 pounds or more. She had completely blown her back and had a pinched nerve that was so severe she could barely stand without pain. The doctor that diagnosed her was surprised she could even walk.
My sister, having a grand mal seizure in the nurses office of a high school. They told her to stop faking. That bitch wasn’t even a real nurse so this one doesn’t count but I had to mention this because why the fuck wasn’t a registered nurse hired?
My (other) aunt having minor chest pain then suffering a heart attack in the waiting room because they had her wait so long since she didn’t seem serious. I’m sure that’s going to have lasting damage that could have been easily prevented.
My sister giving birth and getting a 28,000 dollar bill for a room and care for her and the baby. She was there for a day and a half. She didn’t even have a long or complicated delivery.
My mother being told she was completely fine to continue working despite having an off feeling about her third pregnancy(about 24 years ago) the doctor told her there were no complications and she could go on as normal. She miscarried her seven month along daughter three days later because her placenta was underneath the baby and tore. That doctor is still in practice.
The nurses in my mothers delivery room ignoring both her and the monitor. Which, if they had been looking at, clearly desplayed my older brother with his umbilical core wrapped tight around his neck. He lived because my moms main doctor walked in and had a conniption fit when he noticed the vitals dropping. He’s the doc my sis uses now. A good man.
(Same bro)My older brother turning blue everytime he cried being brushed off. Hole in his heart that has since closed.
When I was younger, I slipped in the shower and hit my head so hard against the metal lining of it(stall shower) that the skin split open and abscessed. My doc treated the abscess but did no further testing after a 4 hour wait. As we were leaving, I don’t remember much of this week my mom told me, I vomited and passed out in the parking lot. Had a concussion.
My brother being misdiagnosed with the flu, strep, and a few other things over the course of a few weeks before one doctor finally tested him for HIV. It was positive. Luckily he only had one partner. Unluckily, the partner was the one that gave it to him via cheating on him.
Me, almost dying of a violent case of strep throat because they said I had a sinus infection. My fever peaked at 104 then, blessedly, broke. I do not remember this as the memories of the days I was sick are incredibly fever burned but I remember wrapping blankets around me because I was so cold.
The strep attacked so quick and harshly that if I had lived alone it probably would have killed me since I wouldn’t have been able to get help and I would’ve kept trying to get ‘warmer’ and helped raise my temp over 106. You typically don’t come back from that one unharmed. If at all.
My older bro(cord baby) being told suffering from auditory hallucinations was a common thing(not wrong but they should have actually asked about his family history and idk, did more??) he had undiagnosed bipolar disorder. He is medicated and much happier now.
Me breaking my gotdamn pointer knuckle and the x-ray person getting blurry x-rays that she used despite the fact that they weren’t accurate. Thank you bitch, now my abnormally short pointer finger clicks because it began to set wrong.
Theres a few more but I’m currently giving my bro a hard time for texting me a text meant for his bf so imma bounce for now. May add more later. The whole point to this was to show people that don’t want free health care because the ‘quality would go down’ or the ‘wait would be too long’ that the wait is already long enough for you to die anyway and the quality already sucks ass if you’re poor because they will not diagnose you correctly.
Or They will misdiagnose you then blame YOU when you sue(happened to my mom in that miscarriage one but because he hadn’t wrote a release back to work she had no actual proof he’d told her she could.)
Or They will overcharge you for things that have a far cheaper value simply because they can and you can’t do anything about it because you need that procedure or medicine to keep your health good.
I can understand things like heart surgery or transplants, you know, the big major stuff not being free because yeah that shit takes a fuck ton of resources and care so I get it, I do. I can reasonably say “Yup that should cost thousands.” I mean, I’m don’t even avocate for fully FREE healthcare, I just want a limit on their overpricing bull shit to where it matches with economic standards.
You can’t expect someone with an average 7-4 job that pays 10/hr(oooh ya, y’all think I’d go higher? Guess what, young people starting out their careers also get sick!) to drop thousands upon thousands of dollars for whatever. The sad thing is I can say ‘whatever’ and you can actually think of multiple things that aren’t that major or that resource draining yet still cost thousands.
Even someone making 15/hour couldn’t do that and I’d be hard pressed to say even 20-25/hr could do that. They may have it better and be able to pay it off faster but they’d still be in debt for a while or have to work years after their planned retirement to make up for the lost savings if they were lucky enough to have them.
I’ve also heard people complaining about it raising taxes but you’ll spend way more getting something done at a hospital then you’d spend on those taxes in a year.
Besides, if you’re so pissed about taxes then to even it out protest the stupid taxes. Your house? Taxed. Your inheritance that you gain but also leave behind to care for your family? Taxed. Your property that you bought 100% full price paid? Taxed every year. Your car? Taxed.
How bout getting pissed about those instead of getting pissy about people getting their health fixed? There are plenty of ridiculous taxes so I don’t know why people are so against having one that actually helps people.
Sorry for this rant, I know it’s not centered around my profile theme but I am majorly pissed off that I’m about to have to let a tooth rot out of my head because my insurance decided that: covering something cosmetic like braces? Yeah! Covering a completely necessary surgery that can actually harm/kill the person via infection if left untreated? Nope, that costs us more!
I can’t drop two fucking grand on dental surgery. It’s just not happening. I don’t know anyone who can do that shit. Anyone who gets pissed off about me posting this: go slam a hammer against your tooth until it cracks down the middle, exposing your nerve to the harsh unforgiving world then let it develop a cavity around it.
Afterwards, try to eat literally anything: hot, cold, hard, soft, it doesn’t matter. You’ll cry, I promise. Now imagine being told the only way to fix that is to cough up over two grand and if you can’t well then oh fucking well? Kinda hurts ya a bit. Not nearly as much as the tooth but still.
Hell, I know dental probably wouldnt even get covered if they made healthcare reduced or free but this whole situation has reminded me just how fucked you are if you get anything remotely wrong with you in the U.S
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An (un)usual surprise
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender neutral Reader
Category: Comfort
Warnings: Adoption, fluFf, onlY flufF
Summary: During the team’s usual dinner party at Rossi’s house, Reader and Spencer both have an exciting surprise to announce to the team.
Requested by @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff
A/N: I apologize ksksksksk, i dont know anything about adoption stuff- but here we go, my first gendEr nEutrAl fiC :D
Word count: 2.2 k
You had always appreciated Rossi’s dinner parties, he had been welcoming with you since the first time you had gone here with Spencer; it had been a long week, and since you haven’t been able to see him; he had thought it’d be a great occasion for you to see each other.
It had been two years since you had grown closer to them, they had eventually become family as well; you began to understand why Spencer liked them so much.
It had taken him a bit of time to get you to introduce you to them, the team had apparently heard rumors of Reid having a partner, but other than that, nothing much; he was quite personal when it came to his private life; and with the job he was doing, he didn’t want anything to happen in case someone would attempt at harming you.
Although the chances of this scenario happening were quite slim, he still preferred to be careful about it, no matter how many times you would convince him to think of the opposite.
When he had decided for you to come with him, his coworkers apparently convinced him a bit after he had told, seeing how nervous and excited he seemed earlier in the day. He hadn’t stopped thinking of it: Spencer at thought that it could be the perfect occasion, and that with his work, it wouldn’t have been much sooner; so he had called you the day before; at 11pm, suddenly asking if you wanted to meet his friends, just like that. He hadn’t told you what he had been thinking about, but he probably was afraid that you’d decline because of whatever reason that could refrain you from attending the party.
His call had surprised you since you were half asleep from the long day you had, but you had nonetheless accepted the invite, since you hadn’t anything planned that day. The next words had been nothing but an ocean of apologies when he had found that he had woken you up, resulting in you trying to get him to calm down as you had assured that it wasn’t much of a big deal.
Even with your groggy state you didn’t seem much excited, you really were. It had been a while since he had begun talking about them, when they were on cases, at the office, whatever his mind contained, which had made you more and more excited at each of his words whenever you’d ask about them, or when he’d bring them in the conversation, whether you were at his apartment or on the phone.
You often were more on the phone than at your respectives homes because of how much time his work was taking, resulting in the both of you not seeing each other for a week sometimes, you had gotten used to it, even if it had made you a bit sad not to see him. You didn’t want him to know it, he had enough stress from his work, you didn’t need to add much worry than he already had; even if he insisted for you to tell whatever you felt like, even if you were in a bad mood while he was working, he always felt the need to know how you felt, in order to try his best to make you feel better as he couldn’t be with you.
A year after you met the team, it was between two cases that he had decided to propose to you. He only had a couple days with you before another case would make him busy again. You both were in his apartment, watching whatever was on tv at 9pm. He had pretended to go to your bedroom to grab another blanket for you, but you didn’t find it suspicious, he often acted like this, he wanted to make sure that you weren’t cold, he didn’t want you to have a cold if he happened to be on a case.
When it had been a moment since he left, you decided to turn your head to the direction of the room, not seeing him in sight. Even if you didn’t want to, you slowly got up from the couch, stretching up for a bit, before heading to the room, expecting to see him asleep on your bed.
But when you had gone into the room, you certainly didn’t expect to see him with a squared box in one of his hands, as his face turned into a worried and stressed mess. He had taken a deep breath when he had seen you, as you stepped further in the room.
Everything happened fast after that; you had jumped into his arms before he could even pronounce the question; but nonetheless, had accepted his proposal.
You couldn’t have said no to the man you dearly loved, always here to support you, even if he only can talk to you for a minute or so, or sends a text when he’s at work.
Your normal tv date night had turned out to be more surprising than ever.
When you had gotten married, a flow of future projects had been included in your daily conversations, including the topic of having a kid.
But the worries about the matter would do nothing but increase on Spencer’s side.
He kept saying that his genes wouldn’t be genes he’d want his child to ever have, he had been nothing but afraid of the moment the child would be born; his father had left him as a child, nonetheless, he didn’t know what it was like to have a father figure as he only grew up with his mother.
On your side, you were completely lost on the whole parenthood stuff, and you always felt like you wouldn’t be ready at all to go through nine months, after you had heard other experiences from some friends that had children.
You both were tied at point 0 on this subject, but as the conversation was brought up on a rainy day at a café; you had proposed an idea.
“Look, I know that we both are lost as hell about the ‘kid matter’, but when you left yesterday I got an idea, but I don’t know if you would be up..”
“Go ahead, I’m all ears.”
“Well, um...what if we, adopt a kid?”
“You want to...adopt a kid? I mean, are you sure?”
“Well, I think that would be the best option for both of us. You’ve always been worried about passing your genes to your child, and I’m not really enchanted by the idea of going through nine months so...I thought that would be a good idea that we’d both like, but if you’re not okay with this-”
“No, not at all! I just uh...asked, because if you really wanted the child to be yours or-”
“Biological or not, it will be mine, ours. It won’t change anything whether we’re blood related or not. We’ll love them the same.
“Do you think we can really do this? I just...wouldn’t want the child to feel unloved, or anything else because I wouldn’t know how to act as a good father since you know, barely had a present father figure in my childhood.”
“You’ll be fine, no, amazing. I know you can do it, you’re amazingly caring, nice and the way you act when you’re with JJ’s kids, you’re made to be a dad, you know how to act with kids, and I’m sure that nothing could go wrong. Look at me, I don’t know anything at all about parenthood, but I do want to have a kid, and in this case, we’re gonna give a chance to a kid that didn’t get to have one.”
“I know, I’m just...afraid.”
“I know you are, I am too. But we can do this, I know we can. “
“Yeah, we can.”
“Hell yeah, we are capable of this.” You said, as you leaned in for a kiss, returned a few seconds after. You both had felt the other smile against the other’s lips to the wonderful journey that would change your lives; in a good way, of course.
Who would have thought that a year later, the journey awaiting the both of you, that had you go through sleepless nights because of stress, planning everything in secret and almost getting caught a few times, would have been the most amazing thing that could have happened?
You had both fallen in love with a little girl named Clara; she was about five years old, she really was full of joy, liked to talk with people of whatever went through a child’s mind, she really didn’t have any trouble socializing with people she didn’t know.
But to Spencer and you, she was perfect. You swore that you could have imagined a lifetime of memories when both of your eyes laid on her.
She also had Spencer’s hair, a detail that you didn’t fail to notice.
She really was everything both of you had wished for, and the love you had been ready to give her since you first heard about her would be unconditional. She wasn’t your biological child, but you would love her as she was, nothing could change that.
The adoption process would be long, but you both were determined to adopt her, no matter what.
In the meantime, Spencer had decided to bring you to Rossi’s usual dinner parties after both of you happened to be free at the same time for once. You hadn’t told them anything about it, but since the adoption process had seemed to go well, you had thought that it would be a good time to announce the team.
You had both stopped the car in front of the house, heading in the alley leading to the entrance of the house, as you had entered along with Spencer in the house , welcomed by Emily.
The rest of the night had gone pretty well, from talking about cases to events that had occured, no one could get bored.
Towards the end of the night, Emily, JJ, Penelope and Tara had stayed in the living room with Rossi, while Luke, Matt, Derek and Hotch had stayed in the back with you, as both of you had exchanged knowing looks, and without talking to each other, you knew what he meant.
To your surprise, Derek had both caught you once, first thinking that it just was for whatever reason, but after a few times, your stares had happened to be suspicious.
“Something tells me the lovebirds have a thing to say to everyone, or is it just me?” Derek had asked Luke, as Matt frowned, looking at you.
“Yeah, they got somethin’.” Matt joined the conversation.
“Hey y/n, mind telling us? We’re curious now.” Luke asked, tapping your shoulder to bring your attention.
“We...may have something, yeah.” You said, as you glanced at Spencer.
“Yeah, we might.” He had answered, as you looked at him; like you wanted him to tell it instead of you. “You were the one that insisted on saying it now, so now you’re doing it.”
“Yep, 100%.”
“You’ve been exchanging looks with him all night, and now you’re shy? Come on y/l/n, go on.” Derek teased.
“I...okay. We’ve been thinking about it for a while now and uh...we began looking into it, and filing paperwork so...okay,” you said, as you took a deep breath. “ we’re adopting a child.” You announced, as everyone became silent, apparently shocked by the sudden news.
“But- s-since when? We uh...never heard about it, how come we never found out?” Luke asked, visibly confused about the situation.
“We wanted it to be a surprise.” You said.
“So, we get to be uncles?!” Luke asked, eyes widening.
“Yes, you get to be uncles.” Spencer answered, as Luke gave a high five to Derek and Matt.
“So, the kid is gonna be a father.” Hotch stated.
“Is it a girl or a boy?” Matt asked.
“A girl, her name is Clara.” You answered.
“I don’t know how to react honestly, my mind is telling me to either jump out of joy or cry for an hour; but I’m gonna avoid embarrassing myself and avoid crying even if my whole mind is telling me to do it.” Luke admitted, earning laughs from everyone around.
“You can cry, it’ll stay between us.”
“Nah I’m okay, I’m okay.” Luke said, as it was kind of obvious that he was lying. The conversation had soon been interrupted by the sounds of various voices coming from the girls, and Rossi behind them.
“Are you having a secret party or what?” Emily interrupted.
“No, they just announced that they adopted a child.”
“Oh, then it’s- WHAT?” She yelled.
“See? That’s us when they announced it.”
“I- when, how?!”
“It’s been a month since we did it. We just waited for a great occasion to say it.”
“And they hid it from us without us even guessing anything.” Rossi said.
“I guess we’re prolonging the night then?” Emily asked.
“We are.” Spencer and you had both answered.
A lifetime worth of memories awaited the both of you, and you would never regret it if it meant to have someone to look to, give love and watch grow, all of this for nothing but never ending love,
Taglist; @pinkdiamond1016 ;
#Criminal Minds#criminal minds fanfic#criminal minds spencer reid#spencer reid#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fanfiction
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You know what since we’re still in quarantine and i have nothing else better to do, i need to obsess over ACOTAR. I don't like a court of frost and starlight. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't like it. I aggressively read the book in maybe a day and I closed it feeling frustrated and annoyed. My version had A Court of Silver Flames preview so that definitely contributed to my annoyance greatly.
It's because it felt too perfect. Everything that had happened -- after the entire war was fought and won, they just go back to their normal lives? Yes there were hiccups and yes there were still aspects that made every IC character feel like their problems aren’t solved yet...but it didnt feel right. yes i enjoyed the snowball fight between the bat boys, feyre + rhys sexy time, and those little comfort moments too, the slice of life type things and seeing feyre accomplishing her goals and how hopeful the future seems BUT its too fast. the good parts of the book did not offset the bad parts of it.
Feyre literally accomplished pretty much every single goal she made back in ACOMAF just like that?? within a span of what a few months? a year?? She really came back from an entire war -- probably the first war of many since she's immortal and just like that, after her 21st birthday: she gets a whole entire estate, wants to start poppin babies, opens her art studio and starts teaching kids and then acting like she can rule an entire court?? the timeline is sooo short esp since its been brought up over and over again how everyone is literally 500 years old and have a super “messy” history and their changes seems to come super dupe slowly. but feyre, who has only lived 0.000000002% of her fae life, is out here thriving just fine???
the war devastated thousands of illyrian soldiers where its changing the politics of the illyrains and the faes, all of whom feyre has responsibilities over too as high lady. the mortal queens are still at large who left the humans on prythian to die which is why feyre was willing to go to war in the first place! what about the rest of hybern and their land and residents?? they wanted to enslave humans for social and economical reasons! then what about integrating humans w deep hatred and fear with deeply prejudice fae??? there’s also spring and summer court who are literally in ruins. thats literally so much. so idk how feyre is just chillin???? she gonna let rhys do all the hard work???
like feyre sit down. u should not be having a baby. esp since it took u literally a 700 pages to heal from those 3 months UTM. ur telling me shes gonna whole heartedly bring in a newborn in a war devastated world, with civil unrest (illyrains, other courts), with the messiness of human and fae integration, with trauma u and rhys will have to continue to overcome esp after THIS war??? even helping ur sisters w their traumas??
this is a personal opinion on this subject (and maybe my thoughts will change on this later on; opened to other thoughts) but when i read the part about how that weaver/seamstress artist who made that dark quilt that feyre loved talked about how her mate of 300 years didn’t come back from the war and her biggest regret was that she didnt have a kid to remember him by i just thought ur kid isn’t some sort of memorabilia. don’t have a kid to keep the memory of ur mate alive; have a kid cuz u want a kid purely for the sake of having a kid. ur memories and photos and shit will keep their memory alive but its not having a kid. some primitive need to keep the genes alive maybe?? but the way it was phrased and then in turn how feyre was like oh i need a baby pronto cuz rhys might die in the next war and regret not having a kid with him didn’t sit right with me. also the other couple were together for +300 years and have a rich life together, while shes been with rhys for literally two years THATS NOTHING IN FAE YEARS. thats still the honeymoon phase and also ur problems arent even close to being over!!!
everyone was shitty to nesta. in ACOMAF, we saw how much the IC went through and still did all they could to help feyre. what made them not think nesta deserve the same welcome? nesta is mean as a defense but did no one try to figure out what would help (amren got close but shes so under developed)??? feyre knows nesta feels too much and yet she continued to be shitty. continued to flaunt her wealth, her status, her familiarity/borderline know-it-all attitude about fae/night court, her ~estate~. forcing nest to the solstice party when nesta was literally like i dont belong, im looking at everyone through a window type of thing; the fire cracking triggering her, etc. what kind of power play was that when she made nesta come to her estate, where nesta could SEE how ~homey~ and how suscessful feyre is and fully see all the lovely paintings of everyone feyre loves that explicitly exclude her to tell her to fuck off to a war camp?? bro???? cas was a dick too and elaine was rude. i think a lot of his actions were meant to make her angry since anger keeps u fighting (as was the method of rhys for feyre in ACOMAF) but what he said was stupidly shitty and i demand that he apologize properly. elaine could have done more to help her sister but whatever. mor was definitely an ass too (and im upset for how little her character growth is).

Lucein. that man can’t catch a break tbh. im happy that hes w the band of exiles cuz he is whole heartedly accepted there. feyre was definitely an asshole to him even tho he helped as much as he could throughout the books. he tries so hard w elaine as well and it did hit my heart a bit when she was like gloves to work in my garden?? no ?? i use my bare hands see oNly aZiReL sEeS mE fOr WhO i Am. and at the same feyre is like flaunting her mate status to lucein which is mean as shit. its like this man can’t find love in prythain. then tamlin sending him his box of his things??? thats for sure brutral. tam was literally his partner through it all; savior of sorts even. no love from IC, no love from elaine, no love from feyre, no love from tamlin, no love from autumn court rejected everywhere! also HIS TRUE FATHER?? HEllo???
then on tamlin. i pity the guy! was i suppose to feel that way??? it felt like he is allowed to get a redemption arc and maybe i’ll even root for a redemption arc??? i was absolutely excited for freysand in ACOMAF but after ACOFAS, im like tamlin is....not completely bad??? his relationship w feyre was bad and the controlling parts were very much a no-no. i dont truly understand the dynamics of an abusive relationship but i can understand that it can be insidious and its the little things that hurt the victim. and i felt feyre through ACOMAF and rooted for her to escape her abuser! but then it felt like i dont think he was doing any of those things out of malice. ill say tamlin is a bad leader and doesn’t know how to run a court outside of what he sees his father do. his understanding on everything is based on the traditions of the past which i think fueled most of the things he did i.e. not telling feyre she was in danger since maybe his mom didn’t do those war planning things. ACOTAR showed how he truly cared/loved and took good care of feyre and her family. he even talked about how he didn’t believe in the enslavement of humans! i think that tam wanted to preserve what he thought was the good (aka feyre + her love of painting) and get back a sense of control that he and his entire court lost while chained to amarantha. but at the same time, i think he truly thought feyre wasn’t safe. he knows rhys can crush minds and knows feyre can’t read/write so when he got that letter telling him shes safe of course hes gonna flip shit and made a deal w the devil (although those temper outbursts were DEFINITIVELY not ok!!!). he also didn’t listen and has sense of he knows best when feyre was not the type of person. but feyre destroyed his entire court. he lost all his sentries who literally went out to die for him during amarantha’s reign. he lost lucien too; his trusted right hand man. his people were cursed for 50 years and then continued to suffer UTM and was in the process of rebuilding too! but just seeing spring court, WHO BORDERS THE HUMANS, be in ruins where his subjects left him, his people left him and hes all alone in the manson?? that was sooo sad. so im like why does what feyre did not feel satisfactory????? im mad that it didn’t feel right??? maybe there wasn’t a point where feyre talked to tamlin -- like really talked to him esp w her new found voice and power, etc. anyways, i dont hate tamlin and was like oh shit i think feyre fucked up a bit there.
rhys is a dick to nesta. which made me think, if feyre wasn’t his mate would he extend the same love and care to her??? i loved how he tried so hard to make sure feyre was ok. made sure she wasn’t breaking! all of it! but for nesta, he had the audacity to use his high lord voice and be an ass overall. even tho he can see how cas is fucken in love??? even just how he talks to cass feels off too.
i’ll even go as far as to say because of how terrible ACOFAS was, it created this intense divide within the fandom. i remember reading the first three books and was absolutely 1) rooting for freysand 2) curious about the sister relationship and how it will be mended 3) i definitely didn’t hate nesta nor did i hate elaine either -- but i was adament about them talking it out with feyre for those tough times 4) saw a more realistic and charming healing arc 5) was rooting for feyre to be a stronger voice and grow into herself 6) love the dynamic of the inner circle + feyre
but after ACOFAS, I have this intense need to defend nesta and was super mad at how she was treated after the war and in turn a deep dislike for elaine for both her lack of agency, lack of grit that made all the other characters interesting, and lack of care for her sisters (who showed how much they would risk for her). i dont hate rhys but i was extremely not happy with him and his attitude and behavior. feyre became more arrogant and was acting like how asshole rhysand would act. like her life is perfect now and i was not rooting for her anymore. freysand didn’t feel like they have complimenting qualities that made them interesting in the first place but rather they are merging to become the same person but in a bad way. that mind reading thing was cute in the beginning but it became insufferable since all thoughts were shared so seamlessly it made reading feel weird.
anyways those are my thoughts on ACOFAS. it was a 1/5 stars for me and im mad those events transpired. reading the other books made me excited to know what was gonna happen and i was truly ready to accept the characters as flawed and nuanced as they are. im not mad about character not liking each other but i am mad that everything felt off. ACOFAS just felt regressive in some parts and forced in other parts. i know not everything ends in a nice tied up bow but this book single handily ruined what i thought about these characters in the worse way possible. this book wasn’t suppose to wrap up all the problems that exists in the other books but it didn’t feel hopeful like i thought it would. it didn’t feel wrapped up and didn’t feel like i should be excited about the next books. theres so many missing pieces i feel that i think need explaining and at the same time, i think it introduced too many problems at once which made it feel like its jumping around everywhere. although im still excited for ACOSF because i love nesta, and nesta deserves so much better and i want to have hope that this bad ending will either make sense later on or it was just a blimp.

#amandathoughts#a court of thorns and roses#acotar#acofas#a court of frost and starlight#sarah j maas#freye#rhysand#nesta archeron#tamlin#lucien#cassian#late night thoughts#acotar rant#nesta stan#updated with memes#just to break up the novel i wrote#feyre#feyre archeron#high lady feyre#amandabookthoughts
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its fine if you dont like alola but can you not make incest jokes?
I'm not joking. I'm serious.
Alola, or, as I prefer, La Boca del Infierno, ain't all sunshine and smiles as it pretends. Beneath that plastic exterior lies true darkness.
What am I meant to think when I see this?
There's swimming pools bigger than the gene pools down their way!
Although described as 'twins', it's really triplets, but Lana suffers a prematurely ageing growth abnormality.
Children I expect to bear a similarity to their parents, but the moms 'n' dads ain't meant to look like each other!
Everyone here has blue barnets and Inside-Out Eye, where the pupil's the white and the white's the pupil.
Sight defects are notorious in the 'close-knit' communities.
Each insists on hair decoration, but it's almost part of their heads, which you can call bad animation or deformity resulting from too much intermarriage.
Momma's 'thing' just resembles lumps.
It's them space ticks at it again.
Even the hedgehog is round in this house, which may imply he's an illegitimate offspring of one of 'em.
What about inbreeding suggests practitioners won't stoop to even greater infamy?
Stufful's dad never arrived did he?
Funny that, and a bachelor like Oakie-Dokie residing nearby knew nothing about it.
All that bathing in Cuprenol does terrible things to a man.
Ever wondered what'd go down in the marriage of Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Well here you are, yer deviant.
A pair of pudding-faced, gormless Cabbage Patch Dolls, each with snouts, black button eyes and glandular issues, and they don't share DNA even when they do?
Oh yes, Lusamine met a total stranger also possessing her lime pies and effusive mane of unruly, ice-blonde slats.
Total coincidence there.
He came to Alola, he says. On a prison ship.

It's just one head in triplicate!
Oversized an' all: sure sign of genetic tomfoolery.
Dot Nose, Bridge Nose, Fish Eye: bloody serious case we have on our hands.
Now you understand why she failed to remarry: no other brothers cuts yer options ter nil.
Incest is of course, relative.
Whatever dæmon they worship, some are more pious about it than their fellow perverts.
The more dedicated the believer, the greater insistence on keeping things running in the family.
They'll show off their interwoven connections to the neighbours in a smug game of one-upmanship.
The more lapsed follower will tolerate copulation with distant kin.
These sinners are naturally despised and forced into menial labour, whereas the fanatics just so happen to be rolling in wealth.
• Lana's family get by on a fisherman's salary, apparently.
Yeah, yeah, as if the state doesn't have to subsidise their medical bills.
• Sophocles don't go hungry, he has a lab, a giant hamster wheel, a portable hologram in a Pikachu, and he's so rich he not only had the roof fixed, but can move down the road in the meantime.
Oi! The rest of us get by putting a bucket under the leak!
• Lillie has every material possession possible, but no spine or company.
Oh the irony that top sickos should be so resistant to the lure of family obligation.
Hey, yer didn't say that earlier!
• Lusamine is fawned upon for her pwehshush research to the extent she can abandon her children, turning her daughter into a nervous wreck and her son a moody, absent drifter, and it's up to them to understand her work comes first.
• Mohn (by name and nature) fannied about with worm holes until he got sucked off by another dimension.
What did yer think would happen?
Yet on his return, is he knocked on his arse as he deserves?
No, because of incest privileges. The in-group take care of their own, and worse.
Mallow's mater and pater both share hair, thick brows and close-together peepers of murky green.
The contrast in noses suggests something lesser than siblings, but then again other differing aspects are forgivable.
She is of a lighter pallor, being dead, and wanting an open coffin, had a shave beforehand, which is a frightening nod to morality.
Woman, are you ashamed of our love?
Well Abe went along with it, thus is also culpable of this grotesque bristle denial.
Being unclean, he's gotta cook the dinner.

And this lot milk the cows.
On the surface, Kiawe's old 'uns aren't identical. You might think some heretical decency has finally sneaked in under the oppressive Alola regime, but it ain't that simple.
These people pray to a volcano as if an earthbound deity, so are nutters.
One aspect you must remember:
Ol' Granpappy the Island Kakuna, i.e. a dried-up chrysalis.
'Cause Pappy got Momma's tufts...
And Dadda's humourless mouth, oblong head, straight-line nose, rectangular eyes and pin pupils.
Well that's not how it's s'posed to go!
I'm thinking Granpappy, as one of them there Kakunas, is in a position of power high enough that he's able to wilfully flaut the laws he imposes on others, like how popes had kids in the Good Old Days and no one took a blind bit o' notice.
He's a rebel I tells yer.
He don't play by the rules.
No sister-wife for him.
Not when he's got a sexy cousin a-waitin'.
A little bit of new blood's crept in, disgracefully so, that's why the whole lot's punished by living near an active volcano.
Surrender 'em to the flames!
Kiawe makes such a big deal about Pappy, and sod the other three grandparents.
Except he only had two!
What is the explanation?
1. Bone-idle writing team.
Character design is foundational stuff. If yer can't even be arsed to do that properly, nothing you do is worthwhile.
I mean, come on, repeating the same model that blatantly?
Halfwits so limited in imagination shouldn't be working in any creative industries.
I blame modern diets.
A whole generation's grown up timid and risk averse because they were taught to fear E. numbers as kids.
I make it a rule to suspect any sod unaware of the joy of a blue tongue.
They've never lived, man!
Where did you think it'll end when dangerous, pretend edibles like houmous, avocados and quinoa replace the wholesome, nourishing fare of biscuits, cake and crisps?
Stop toying with the fundamental principles of the universe!
The mess of the modern era screams systematic abuse of too much kale and not enough sugar.
2. Incest
Alola is extremely insular.
It's implied to be a tourist destination, but no amount of degenerate outside influence appears to have diluted the weird customs it still upholds.
They didn't even think of starting a League until Ash turned up with all his wild exoticism, and why's that?
A. Inbreeding has destroyed their capability for innovation.
B. Many thousands of years ago, Alola got well annoyed its dirty habits weren't exactly catching on as it strove to spread the Satanic message.
Thoroughly confounded in its plans for world conquest, Alola shut itself off in a purification ritual, which is why later developments popular elsewhere, such as replacing beasts of burden with machines, never caught on.
3. Alola isn't Hawaii, it's a combination of Australia, a penal colony, and Crete, where lived the lepers.
Specifically it's a dumping ground for all the regions' sex offenders to keep their own societies clean.
Of course, the guilty took their nearest and dearest along too, since they were on the receiving end, and loved it.
This explains the large amount of foreign Pokémon, since the owners are also from abroad.
Now I think 'anging's too good for 'em, but these wet-willy countries insist on storing up trouble for themselves, for if cinema has taught us anything, it is that mutants will always escape.
Nature finds a way, however abominable.
Since so many on Tumblr simply love Alola, they aren't about to admit the slightest weakness in the creators' abilities.
Therefore, incest is the acceptable answer to all and sundry.
#pokémon#lana#lana's parents#sophocles#sophocles's parents#lillie#lusamine#mohn#mallow#mallow's mom#abe#kiawe#sima#rango#kiawe's grandfather#alola#inbox
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Unadulterated Uncensored Bigotry
Maybe it’s because I’m tired, maybe it’s because I’m pissed at the world around me, but this has been on my mind for quite some time. Does your ethnicity define you? Are they ingrained in your genes? Nature vs. Nurture? While I find many parts of my personality are due to the American environment I have been brought up in, there are aspects of my personality, that I only see in Persians, despite the lack of that upbringing. Aspects that I only see shared amongst those back in Iran. How could have such aspects of my personality if I’ve never been exposed to it? And that brings me to the topic of the day. Profiling.
This is for me, my ideas, this page is seen by me (I don’t even know why I get followers when I post once in a blue moon). I will not use politically correct terminology, because my terminology comes from a universal language, and that is the fact people are defined by their appearance. Black is black, not african american. Everyone in the world calls African Americans black people. Most consider Asians almond eyed people. This is how people are defined. I will be using generalization and stereotypes, and yes there are exceptions to everything, but generalization exist for a reason. Observations are not inherently racist, unless used as such. I have nothing against races of people, there are aspects of each culture I dislike and like. However, as stated before, people do seem to be potentially defined genetically by their culture. Without further ado.
We shall start with Persians. Never have I met a group of individuals so arrogant with such a lack of humility. They are smart, crafty, intelligent, even attractive and physically fit. And they know it. And yet, we always fall. Because we are always arrogant, always thinking we’re better than everyone. We have no sense of humility, doing whatever we want with no regards to others and the consequences. Our society always rises because of our innate abilities, but always falls due to the flaws inherent in our personality. Our women, vain. They also have intelligence, and beauty, and they know it. Never have I met a group more vain than Persian women. Always striving to better than other women, insecurity rampant, and always jealous. Persian women have the most potential in all races of women, and yet I despise them the most out of all races of women. Their intelligence is rotted away with their obsession over looks. Their definition of power defined by their man. They are dominant, but become submissive as they are unable to do anything without their man. The women is battling her man, other women, and herself. A war on 3 fronts, is a war you cannot win. And it is for this reason, they always lose. The worst part is, Persians know this. This upsets me the most. They are aware of their arrogance and intelligence, and yet do nothing about. Like an alcoholic who refuses to quit.
Asians, smart crafty devils, with an absolute lack of compassion for other races and usually severe racism as well. Robots? Not quite. Robots would be indifferent, Asians are not indifferent. Similar to Persians in intelligence and their understanding of it, but without the arrogance. The feeling of superiority, masked by humility, by sub-conscious racism (giving them the benefit of the doubt). They’re quiet, and always make themselves seem less than they are, but are always planning to best their competition. Drive and determination, but with a flawed premise. No love to bring others up with them, but rather leave everyone in the dust. To use the common man for self use, and make sure he doesn’t get to the same level. A comrade has no meaning. The women are the same, but their disdain for others is even worse. The perfect counter-part as they support and go hand in hand with their man. However, often times, they find themselves weak against their man. They are driven and determined, but as soon as they find an Asian man who stands to oppose them, they crumble. As if admitting superiority. See that’s the entire problem here with Asians, the concept of superiority. Persians are always brought down by our stupidity induced by our arrogance, but Asians always see themselves as superior as above. As soon as that image is crushed, they crumble. As if being below anyone is the realization of failure. This is what I mean by a flawed premise.
Black people. Incredibly emotional, and lazy. Quick to anger, rash, lashes out easily. Uses great effort to build something, only to quickly destroy it. Hardworker...and yet I said lazy? Works hard, but not smart. Not that they can’t, just that they don’t want to. Life is hard, and yet if it’s simple, it’s not too bad. Yet complains that it’s not better, that they want it to be better, and yet doesn’t want to put the effort to make it better. Living in dreams, but never wants to make them a reality. An uphill battle that they can fight, but just that they don’t want to. Let someone else fight it for them, let them reap the rewards. Only fighting when they become emotional, but fighting out of anger, is a short fight. The fuse is only so long, and after it burns, back to mediocrity. Mediocrity isn’t a problem, if they didn’t find it a problem. Like a slouched spine. Works hard to keep you upright, but never quite does the job right. The women are similar to the women. Unsuprisingly, the women actually have more drive than the men. A culture so driven by emotions, it makes sense that the gender with more emotion is more driven. Dominant, aggressive, demanding....yet with all things extreme, easily broken. Unlike Persians with it being a fight against others and their own insecurities, and Asians with it being a fight against superiority and intelligence, with black people, it’s the fight of emotions. Don’t attack a black womens confidence or intelligence, attack her heart. That’s the walls weak point.
Arabians, all the bravado of Persians, with none of the attributes. Take the arrogance of Persians, and take away the craft and intelligence, and you get Arabians. There is a difference though, see Persians arrogance is against everyone, including fellow Persians. This causes conflict amongst Persians, which is why we are always bringing ourselves down. Arabians create a heirachy, with arrogance designated towards others that are not Arabian. Targeted arrogance you might say. A shared ideology and common belief, is all it takes to becomes uneasy friends with Arabians. You are part of the “cool kids table” now as they say. They have no superior quality outside of numbers and co-operations (which may be a quality in and of itself). One of the most unified cultures out there. This is what makes extremism so likely however. A unification of simple ideals is all that is needed to make one part of the cool kids and having disdain and arrogance towards everyone else. But who defines the cool kids? This is the infighting for Arabians, and makes it so they always form unified groups fighting unified groups; whereas for Persians it’s always a free for all. The women are basically the same. Lack of intelligence, lack of looks, and yet vain and demanding. Inferior in every way to Persian women. I’d feel bad for their conditions, if it wasn’t the fact that they treat the men just as badly as the men treat the women. They’re submissive state is only due to the fear induced by the mens aggression. Against any other physically submissive group, they would dominate. There are other cultures with men physically dominant (like black men), but they only tolerate Arabian men.
Indians. What is there to say? Racist, sexist, aggressive but weak? Out of all the groups, Indian men are the most sexist and treat women the worst. They make Arabian men look like angels. They have an inferiority complex, that they take out on the weaker groups due to lacking the balls to take someone on their own size. Their cowardness is unmatched in the world. Like the Asians, they too have a heirachy, and they strive to be the top. Unlike Asians though, they have compassion, and guilt. They will screw you over to get to the top, but they will feel bad about it (doesn’t mean they’ll do anything about it). Like Asians, they are quiet, but not out of disdain and contempt, but out of fear. They don’t bring themselves down like Asians (strategic), but rather only see themselves as lower due to the inferiority complex. This doesn’t mean they lack drive however, as they will still compete to be the top of their heirachy. Take the intelligence of Persians, but without the arrogance, and add the heart the Asians are missing, and you get Indians. Indian women on the other hand, are incredibly racist. The potential to be smart, but kept ignorant by their Indian men. Demanding, aggressive, insulting. Whereas Arabian women are physically abusive, Indian women are mentally abusive. They are like a peach, soft on the outside, but hard on the inside.
Finally....the white man. Individualism as an ethnicity. Congregation by like minds for a greater purpose, but for everyone else below them, they are tools. The white man will not come above others like Asians, but will bring others down below him. The white man doesn’t look to live like the black man, or to congregate like the Arabians, or look to fullfill a superiority complex like the Asians, or to fight off an inferiority complex either. The white man looks to control for the aim of bettering his life. Arrogant, but aware enough of that arrogance to curb it to the point it is still deterimental, but not as severe as Persians. As for the women, they are used as tools just as everyone else for the white man. The women are emotional, ignorant, arrogant, with little drive and purpose outside of be the useful tool of the white man. A blanks slate....literally. Easily influenced and written, by the white man, or other cultures. This makes it so the white women is able to congregate more easily with other cultures; if the other cultures racism allows.
Now, this may all appear negative, and it may appear I just hate all cultures, but that is just not the case. As is with everything, each culture has it’s positives and negatives.
Persians have so much potential. Their men are smart, intelligent, and can become experts in any field (as many are). Their women have the most potential out of any group. Looks and brains, can’t beat them. Asians are also smart and intelligent, always raising the bar, always increasing the competition. The women as well. Smart and determined, but humble and quiet. As long as they are empowered, they can achieve just as much if not more than the man can. Everyone can learn from black people. From all the groups, I love being in the company of this group the most. They have....soul.. would be the best way to put it. They are what it means to be human, to express yourself, and to live. Arabians demonstrate the power of Unity and tolerance. With their empire being one of the most peaceful and prosperious for it’s residents. The ability to set the petty aside and focus on the main ideals that unite all of us. Their women demonstrate how despite being oppressed and put down, you can always keep that drive and determination to be better. That no one can stop you. Indians are the nicest people in existence. Bettering their neighbor, and always trying to live with love and compassion. Their women are in fact the reasons this is the case, with mothers who teach the importance of loving oneself and ones neighbors. The white man, the centerpiece of all of this. Having the potential to unify all the groups, and have them cordially work with one another. While Persian woman are born with the most potential, white women are designed with the most potential in mind. The blank slate, combined with beauty and grace, enables them to create their own personality, and to be influenced by other cultures. Allowed to fluorish on their own, the white woman is one of the purest in all the groups.
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Sunday Word
The Sheep And The Wolf.
Jesus. Saving The World. By Saving The World's Genes?
But BaBa. I Saved The World!
My Your Long. Why? Breathing Into Her Fan. Grabbed The Back Of Her Neck And Kissed Her. Long Neck Come With Me. You Mean Long Hair?
Jesus. Woo Them!
Can You Feel My Touch. Through Your Dress. Shakingly.
Have You Always Been So Good. Beats Being Bad. Practice? Faith. Rarrh. Show Me.
Oh Jesus. Woman No! I WIll Not See Whats Under Your Dress. So. Then See Me WithOut One? O.o
Why BaBa? Who Are Talking To. My Friends On The OtherSide. They Can Hear You? It's Not That Far. Do They Know. Not Always. Rape Me! What? Ohw… I Mean Take Me. Sure Where You WAnna Go? . Home. With Pleasure. Always. My Sweet Bamaby. You Mean Bumby, Dad's Been Talking ABOUT THAT! :)
Can I Hold Your Hand? Sure. JESUS!!!!!!!!!
Why Do You Turn Around When I SMile. ? Cause It's YOu. MwAh!
IF You WAnt My Daughter GEt In HEre! Sure. You No Good To Any One Dad. Now Hold Still! . IN! . There You Go. You Like Me. . Now. Your The Master Of The House And I Am Your Virgin. Now There! SEE! YOu HAve My DAughter? Or Son. :) JESUS!
Why Do You ALways Think We Are Good. Your Funny. Plus When I Smell You My Tired Turns Into Soaking Suns. Your Perfect. I'd Die For You. I Am Good At ThAt! :) NOW! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO? WITH? THE REST OF MY LIFE. ME! :) SO TELL ME! JESUS!
Jesus! Wah! MwAh! SMILE! You Are Loved. So Adorable! So MINE! Hihihihihi!
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My Sides. AKA the Gene-Pool
ok so i wasn’t tagged for this cuz i dont really know many people in this fandom? but i want to feel included and i have IDEAS so yeh. im doing this. its happening. um i guess i can tag a couple people, and heres a link to the original post. @prinxietyhell @doctorshufflepuff
My Adventurous Side - Adrienne
-impulsive, sexual, outgoing, sensual
-Down for Anything
-Total flake, flits after the most interesting thing at the time.
-Has my sense of humor
-Needs To Do Things. Not really hyper but just really active
-Very literal and concrete thinker; abstract and theoretical conversations confuse her
-Party kid. like they thrive off high energy social interaction. the more people, music, dancing, drinking, etc the better
-doesn’t understand the concept of money ffs they run my bank account into the ground why are they like this
-”Just Do It”
-They dress like they’re going clubbing. tight crop-top, shorts, comfortable boots, maybe a cute button down tied around their waist. Fluffy strawberry smoothie hair
My Ethical Side - Ethan
-Moral compass, passion, ambition, compassion
-The Punk
-Authority means nothing to them if its detrimental or even nonproductive
-Will Fight Anyone if they decide they deserve it
-Slight God complex, believes they can do no wrong
-The Angeriest
-Fuels my sass tbh
-Is very focused on getting help and equality to those in need
-They’re the reason I attend protests
-”Fuck You” / “How Can I Help”
-They wear politically loud clothing. My Anti-Fascist coat and feminism tanktop, as well as some dark wash jeans and black converse. Spiked magenta hair
My Logical&Creative Side - Laura
-Organization, Aesthetic, Obsession, Efficiency
-Pun master
-Efficiency is their endgame with any plan they come up with.
-Not big into maths or things like physics outside of real-world application
-Responsible for my special interests and obsessions
-Also responsible for anything I create from those interests
-Also credited with my system of reminder alarms so I can function like a normal adult.
-Can catch anyone in a lie, cuz they look for logical inconsistencies
-Pretty good with people. Or at least reading them, which makes responding much easier.
-Does things you would see on Pintrest because they go for optimizing utility and aesthetic
-”You’re Doing It Wrong”
-Wears a blue button down with the sleeves rolled above the elbows, white tie, black slacks, high heels, glasses. Blonde hair, neatly coiffed.
My Paranoid Side - Pandora
-Fear, Preparedness, Vigilance, Superstition
-Ready for Anything
-Seriously they are the reason I’m fairly sure I would survive a while during the zombie apocalypse
-Also the reason I’ve never been seriously injured or seriously ill.
-Honestly they’re such a mom. A very bitter, resentful mom, but still mom.
-Carries a tiny but well stocked first aid/survival kit
-Also has at least 3 knives on their person, in case of attack or if ya just need to cut something ya know
-Comes up with absurd situations to worry over (eg. “if theres an earthquake right now what are you gonna do?” “Don’t sit with your back to the room you could get stabbed”)
-Demons are totally real and they could be literally anywhere we would have no idea
-”What was that”
-Dresses ready for the apocalypse to start at the drop of a hat. Thick but light leather jacket (the kind you can’t get a knife through unless you’re Really trying), black leotard (cuz that won’t get caught/tangled in anything and is made to optimize movement), quick-dry cargo pants (I live in the biggest watershed in the US there’s no way I’m gonna be able to avoid wading through a marsh several times during the zombie apocalypse. also pockets, hell yeah), steel-toe boots. Dark brown hair cut real short out of the face (less noticeable, won’t get in the way or caught on things)
My Depression - Daryl
-They’re my god damn serotonin imbalance personified my dudes
-Always tired
-The Most Persuasive
-Even though they’re exhausted they never shut up?? Please go take a nap
-Very clingy, but hates that they’re clingy so they just fuckin insult people in attempts to push them away
-So insecure please protect them
-Can twist any of the other side’s words into something negative
-Can be very philosophical, and not always for the worst reasons. They just like contemplating existence.
“Why bother?”
-Wears a heavy fluffy black hoodie, a soft threadbare black tshirt, black sweatpants, thick fuzzy socks. Hair is frizzy and faded version of whatever my current color is, roots grown out to at least half an inch because updating hair is too much work.
-A&E: the kind of besties that become a feedback loop of increasingly bad/dangerous ideas if no one else steps in.
-A&L: power team, they get so much done when they work together. unstoppable force of memes.
-A&P: they kinda work against eachother, but they keep eachother from going off the deep end. P stops A from accidentally dying and A gets P out of their comfort zone.
-A&D: cannot stand eachother. If A is around D too long they get irritable and whiny. A exhausts D.
-E&L: L keeps E grounded and E gets L excited about new stuff a lot.
-E&P: P is the reason E hasn’t gotten caught up in a riot yet. E has no problem ignoring P if its for the greater good, however.
E&D: E does their best to ignore D for the most part. D pisses E off to the point of violence and shouting when D gets bad. When D gets REALLY bad E will do whatever necessary to subdue them.
L&P: they fight constantly. L does give P tips on what to be ready for, but if P gets over the top L will fucking fight them. P is the only one who can draw this much of a reaction out of L.
L&D: L is actually pretty supportive of D. L appreciates D’s rhetoric skills and can even be a little protective at times. D is the most attached to L and will actively seek their approval.
P&D: they have a weird relationship. It’s both tense and chill. They will sit and keep each other chill, balancing their two extremes, but once that balance is broken it is hard to get back and they will quickly get overwhelmed by the other.
#my sides#not ss tag#doctorshufflepuff#ocs#fanders sides#the gene pool#i fuckin love that#its such a good pun
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Jeff Johnson is 40 years old, and for all 40 of those years, he has been living with hemophilia. The genetic disorder prevents blood from properly clotting, which, if untreated, can cause uncontrollable bleeding. Yet, Johnson says, he does not want a cure. He grew up with hemophilia, went to summer camp with kids with hemophilia, and forged some of his closest relationships within the community.
I was interested in speaking to Johnson because new advances in gene therapy and gene editing are making the elusive cure seem closer than ever. At least five clinical trials are currently aiming to fix the faulty genes that underlie hemophilia. The New York Times recently interviewed patients from one gene-therapy trial who no longer had to worry about bruising and bleeding. “They Thought Hemophilia Was a ‘Lifelong Thing,’” read the headline. “They May Be Wrong.” It is unknown how long the effects of the therapy will last.
“I’ve been told the hemophilia cure is around the corner for literally the last 30 years,” Johnson told me with a laugh. “Which I know sounds a little cynical, but when you’ve been around the bend as many times as I have, you kind of start hedging your bets.” He does not speak for every hemophilia patient, of course, but at a time of increasing optimism about cures, his perspective is thought-provoking. Johnson lives in Washington State, and he is actively involved in the hemophilia-patient community. As is not uncommon for patients, he also works for a specialty pharmacy that dispenses hemophilia drugs.
In two conversations, we spoke about his experience growing up with hemophilia, his sense of identity, and his hopes for his newborn baby girl. The interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Sarah Zhang: Tell me about your experience living with hemophilia.
Jeff Johnson: As early as I remember, honestly, I was having to go in to the emergency room for regular injections. I was on a different medication at the time, cryoprecipitate [which is derived from blood plasma and contains clotting factors]. I remember some kind of foggy memories as a toddler. The cryo was frozen, so it would have to sit out on the counter and thaw, and then they would do the infusion, and it would drip in over the course of a couple of hours.
There were people who were on clotting factor [which could be stored at home] when I was a kid. The hematologist had told my dad that factor might not be safe. There were hemophiliacs getting sick from it, so my dad didn’t let them use factor on me. It turns out hemophiliacs were getting sick because they were contracting HIV from their factor, so I was on the older treatment, but it ended up saving my life.
Right now, I deal more with the aftereffects of bleeds that I had years ago than I do with bleeds today. I had arthritis in my knees since my early 20s. I have arthritis and damage in my spine from bleeds, so those things just, they kind of wear on you more and more. I did get hepatitis, but I didn’t get HIV.
Zhang: You’ve been talking about some of the challenges of living with hemophilia. So why are you personally not interested in a cure?
Johnson: The analogy I offer people, and I offer to you, is, as a woman, I’m sure you experience difficulties and challenges just being a woman in life. If someone came to you and said, “We’ve got a genetic cure for being a woman,” that would be really bizarre to you because being a woman is who you are.
I am hemophilia. I don’t have it. I am hemophilia. So when they come to me and say, “We’ve got a genetic cure for hemophilia,” to me, that’s just as weird as if you said you’ve got a genetic cure on the horizon for your left foot. This is really who I am. So I don’t necessarily see it as something that needs a cure. As far as genetic cures go, the whole principle of changing my DNA is something I’m not comfortable with. A lot of us that grew up with it, it’s part of our identity, so we don’t really see separating our identity from us.
A CRISPR pioneer on gene editing: “We shouldn’t screw it up”
Zhang: Not everyone in the hemophilia community feels the same way about gene therapy or gene editing, of course. One thing I’ve heard talking to people with hemophilia is that for older folks—who grew up in the ’70s and ’80s when treatment was not as good and then lived through the HIV epidemic—there is a really strong sense of identity and community. Do you sense a generational divide in attitudes about a cure that would fundamentally alter your DNA?
Johnson: There is very much a generational divide. I think it’s really more among parents.
Zhang: How so?
Johnson: The group I see most ardently wishing for a cure are new parents. They’re people who don’t have hemophilia, so it’s not part of their identity, so they still kind of see it as something that’s separate from us. To them, hemophilia is an invader—like for 20 years of their life where it wasn’t part of their existence and they had a kid, and that kid had hemophilia. They see hemophilia as this intruder that needs to be cured and taken away from their lives.
Zhang: But if you’re a kid with hemophilia, that’s been part of you your whole life ...
Johnson: As you see parents and their families grow, you’ll see a cure is all they talk about for the first four, five years. And then the kids get to like 5 to 10 and they’re going to summer camp for kids with hemophilia and managing their disorder; the parents talk less and less about a cure. And then when you get to the teenage years, unless they’ve got a really bad inhibitor or something [which prevents the use of clotting factors], the parents have kind of graduated on to, “It is what it is.” If there’s a cure, cool, but he’s doing fine. You really see that in young parents because that cure is the light at the end of the tunnel that they didn’t plan to be walking through.
Zhang: Do you have kids yourself?
Johnson: We have a two-month-old baby girl. My wife and I started talking about kids four years ago. I found out really late that I had contracted hepatitis from my cryo. Even though it’s pretty safe to still conceive when you have hepatitis, it just was too nerve-racking to me to risk passing that infection on to my wife. So I fought for my insurance for three years to get treatment for my hepatitis. I switched jobs to the one I currently have, got new insurance, finally got approved. I actually finished my treatment regimen [last year].
Zhang: Did you think about the possibility of passing hemophilia to your kids?
Johnson: So the way that the genetics work, if I have sons, they’ll inherit my Y chromosome. So if I only have sons, it wipes it out. If I have daughters, they’re going to inherit my X. That’s going to mean that either they carry it to their children, or it may present to the point where my daughter may actually have hemophilia.
Zhang: Does your daughter have symptoms of hemophilia?
Johnson: At two months, her body’s still forming itself. So if we tested her factor level now, that would be meaningless because that would change in a few days. It really won’t level out until she reaches puberty. We’ll check her levels every now and then and if she grows up and she decides she wants to play soccer or something like that, it’ll be something that we watch for, but we really won’t know until she’s a teenager if she’s a full-fledged hemophiliac or if her factor levels are high enough that she’s not going to be affected.
We’ve realized in the last 10 to 15 years that girls who we’ve traditionally called carriers, they’re still bleeding from a factor deficiency sometimes. Not quite as badly as I do, but they’re still bleeding. Treatment for girls with hemophilia is not as good as it is for boys with hemophilia.
The doctor doesn’t listen to her. But the media is starting to.
Zhang: How are girls treated differently?
Johnson: Hemophilia, growing up my entire life, because it’s on the X chromosome, we were taught that it only affects boys. Only boys have hemophilia. And the big problem we’re facing is that that is so entrenched in the medical establishment that hematologists will still tell women, “Well, you don’t have hemophilia. You’re a woman. You just bruise easily.” We still have those horror stories today of a woman going in and her menstrual flow lasts for like three weeks, and she has a child and she almost bleeds to death. She got joint damage in her 20s or 30s. She’s got all the hallmarks of having hemophilia, and even today, hematologists will tell women, “Well, hemophilia affects men. You’re just a carrier.”
As soon as a doctor says no, that starts to throw up roadblocks because that gives insurers an excuse to say, no, we’re not going to cover expensive treatment therapies. So a big portion of our community’s efforts now are about ensuring that our hemophilia sisters have the same quality and access to care that hemophilia brothers do. So we’ve got a bit of inequality even within our community, which is unfortunate.
Because I’m a community activist, I’m educated, I work in the community, I would feel confident handling my daughter’s hemophilia. It doesn’t bother me. Whether she does or she doesn’t, I know we can have a full, thriving life with hemophilia.
from The Atlantic https://ift.tt/2wqvXZs
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‘The Walking Dead’ Season 8 will be ‘epic’ and ‘gigantic,’ but will it involve Negan?
They clean up pretty nice.
Image: Michael Bulbenko for the Paley Center
The Walking Dead is rapidly approaching 100 episodes (time flies when you’re crushing zombie skulls like watermelons), but according to its showrunner Scott Gimple, they’re not planning on cancelling the apocalypse any time soon.
The series has already been renewed for Season 8, but Gimple apparently has his sights set on a much loftier goal.
“Episode 801, the first episode of Season 8, is gonna be the 100th episode. The first episode is less about that we reached 100 episodes, its more about setting up the next 100 episodes,” he revealed during a panel at Los Angeles’ annual PaleyFest television festival on Friday night. “The end of this season is very much the end of a chapter; it’s a conclusion that promises this epic story ahead. Its about setting up this gigantic, epic tale to come, not only in Season 8, but beyond.”
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Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his allies are currently trying to rally the neighboring communities of The Kingdom, Hilltop and the Scavengers against Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and his oppressive Saviors, so it’s entirely possible the Season 7 finale will show us an all-out war between the factions.
Then again, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has also confirmed that he’ll “be around for Season 8,” so that confrontation might not be as satisfying as we’d hoped…
And if you’re still scarred from the devastating Season 7 premiere, which saw Negan kill both Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Abraham (Michael Cudlitz), Gimple admitted that the cast and crew felt your pain.
“The first episode was a trifle traumatic, for you guys and for everybody here,” he noted, explaining that the point of the angsty first half of the season was “to get from that point to a point where these characters can smile again.”
Remember what joy looks like?
Image: Gene Page/AMC
The second half of Season 7, on the other hand, is more about “seeing these people come alive again and earning the place where they are now,” he said. (It would be nice if we could also keep them alive, but that might be a little too optimistic.)
Here’s what else we learned from the cast and producers at PaleyFest:
Eugene (or should we say “Negan”) is just trying to survive, according to actor Josh McDermitt. The cowardly engineer seems a little too comfortable bossing people around at the Saviors’ HQ, but McDermitt doesn’t think he’s actively trying to betray his friendsor to help them, for that matter.
“I dont really feel like hes playing a game; hes out for himself, hes trying to protect himself,” he explained. “Eugene is scared, and a lot of that fear is coming from Negan… why not align yourself with the man whos causing the most fear in your life? Weve seen him adapt and change. We may see him change and adapt again if he continues to live on in the series. Thats how he survives; he lies, he manipulateshes like a cockroach, man.”
There could be hope for Dwight. While Eugene’s busy playing dress-up at the Sanctuary, Dwight seems to be having second thoughts about living under Negan’s oppressive rule, and actor Austin Amelio admitted that he relished the opportunity to show a more vulnerable side of his troubled character in episode 711. “When I first got that script I felt a reprieve, because most of the time Im popping out from behind trees… or shooting your favorite character,” Amelio joked, pointing out that the episode gave viewers some insight into “what he truly cares about and what hes fighting for.” Is redemption possible for Negan’s right-hand man? “I hope so,” Amelio said.
What doesn’t kill you makes you strongerespecially when you’re Maggie. Lauren Cohan admitted that the only way her character can deal with the loss of her husband and the rest of her family is because “shes come to understand its not about her, its not about any of us as individuals; its about them as a whole, them as a greater good, them persevering because theyre still standing.”
While it would be easy for someone in Maggie’s circumstances to give up, Cohan said, “What other reason would there be to experience such loss than to have life inside of you and to know that you still have to live for that?” She added, “The more people she loses, the stronger the fire burns in her to share and to spread and to strengthen everyone else she’s with.”
Don’t mess with Maggie.
Image: Gene Page/AMC
Sasha is pretty tough too. Sonequa Martin-Green expressed a similar sentiment to Cohan, especially since Sasha and Rosita (Christian Serratos) are now planning to join forces to take down Negan in a mission that neither of them are planning to return from. “It is not about me anymore, its not about me pursuing my own survival or my own safety, its about solidifying the future that we can create,” she said of Sasha’s motivations after Abraham’s death.
Melissa McBride doesn’t see Carol as a badass (and that makes her even more badass). “Badass is really hard for me to wrap my head around because I dont feel like I play her as a badass, she just does badass-y things,” she admitted. “Im so proud of Carol. [What she’s going through is] nothing compared to what she came from. If she could withstand that… and still shes learning from where she was. Any bad thing that happens that you cant learn from it is a missed opportunity. Its okay to be in a mess when your mind is in a mess. Im proud of her for that and I do admire that in her for being honest with herself and not just being a people-pleaser.”
Andrew Lincoln thinks Michonne is the key to Rick’s new sense of purpose. “The thing I love about playing this guy is, hes been beaten down onto the canvas so many times and he keeps pulling himself back up, generally for other people. This is the first time he hasnt done that, hes needed a helping hand up, and shes absolutely key in his return,” he said. Oh, and he’s also okay with the idea of Rick and Michonne having a kid of their own someday: “We’ve got to repopulate the world,” he shrugged.
The Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.
WATCH: Rare Walking Dead facts about zombie food and SWAT teams on set
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nkQzz4
from ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 8 will be ‘epic’ and ‘gigantic,’ but will it involve Negan?
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