#no goals no nen just vibes
tjlnn22 · 2 months
Does anyone else ever think about how the main villains of each HxH arc prior to CAA represent a twisted/evil version of each of the four main protagonists? (CAA also has this but in a much more complex way that I’ll save for a later post)
Gon-Hisoka: I think this is fairly obvious with Hisoka being obsessed with fighting and getting stronger/being the best with no real regard for anything else. We see many hints of Gon having obsessive tendencies that could lead in this direction, also his love of fighting that could very well have turned sinister eventually had Gon been a less moral person than he is/went down a different path. Even then though we still get glimpses of that in the early arcs.
Killua-Illumi: again, pretty obvious. Illumi represents what Killua could have been had he followed his parent’s wishes of becoming a full time assassin and leader of the family, or potentially if he had never met Gon in the first place. Illumi is everything Killua fears becoming. (Also I think it’s worth noting how Hisoka and Illumi also have a “will they, won’t they, what are they to each other” vibe going on with the romantic subtext of their relationship. Not nearly as blatant or prominent as it is with Killua and Gon, but it is there.)
Kurapika-Chrollo: This one’s a bit more subtle, but I think the connection can be made between the two of them. First of all both of their backstories involve horrible deaths befalling those they loved when they were a child, which motivated them to go down their respective paths of revenge. Both are incredibly intelligent and competent nen users as well, and take the leader role in their respective groups, a position that neither of them take lightly and feel an intense sense of responsibility for when it comes to their people. Both are willing to sacrifice everything for their cause (Kurapika’s being Justice and Chrollo’s being the PT as a group) and their personalities are also very similar as well.
Leorio-Genthru: Up until this point the parallels have very clearly come from the rival of each character, however I think this comparison also applies regardless. Genthru and Leorio both share a driving goal of doing what they do for money, although in Leorio’s case it’s so that he can help others while for Genthru it’s entirely selfish. Both of them are smarter then they let on at first, and capable of being very dangerous/powerful when they want to be. However, they also share a deep care and camaraderie with their friends despite their outward personalities. We all know that Leorio would do anything for his friends but Genthru as well is shown to deeply care for his two friends even to the point of his own detriment. There is also the fact that they do share many physical traits as well. Tall, lanky, glasses, etc. (also they’re both a bit underutilized in the story IMHO lol) but yeah, I think it’s clear where the similarities are.
Anyway, I may go more in depth into this at some point, or I may not. It’s just something I think about from time to time and was wondering if anyone else does too.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 month
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It's late at night and we're a month away from the big return. So excited! Overall I keep my hopes for Hunter x Hunter reasonable. Maybe not this batch but within two from it we can finish the Kakin Succession Arc and by extension Kurapika's story. Then if we can get something on the Dark Continent Leorio's set up to shine, make good on what he started with the Election Arc. An ending is feasible, a good one with everything we need to resolved. It'll take time, but I just usually think about the Succession.
I care about the Dark Continent though. And what sold me was these dudes. Agents in some unspecified multinational travel advisory organization that also has a secretive department pertaining to the true nature of the world. It's cool we're getting to One Piece's equivalent of seeing the true extent of the world's deep secrets, but I don't think Oda can compete with Togashi here. I love these guys because they're so real, and I think in a way where it'll come back around for Leorio. I'm going somewhere with this:
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We've seen Gon & Killua's arc play out, but with what we have so far I think I get the point with the other half of our quartet. They sorta changed places from where we established them at the start. I love the 99 dub having a line of them like, answering at the same time a Hunter is the noblest/wealthiest profession around. We've developed this well so far, Kurapika's quest for vengeance has led him into an opulent but sleazy lifestyle around organized crime and organ dealers. Leorio's not really found that material success but his Hunter license ends up being a fast track to public prominence. He has all the skills to be someone like Pariston, and it's very rare to see a guy written to be a benevolent version of that. So what does that have to do with the G-Men?
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I love these two having a little mini arc to kick off the arc because they're so...realistic for a modern fantasy world. Does that make sense? Like, I don't get the vibe these two are great Nen fighters. But they're probably familiar with several classified reports on it. Kinda like how East Gorteau had that one Nen user guard. Yes, of course a world with modern governments and world beater threats has a government agency overseeing boring nuts and bolts. And they act just like a present-day NGO too. Their solution with Kakin is kinda slimy but on point for contemporary diplomacy. Find that line that lets everyone get what they want without really rocking the boat.
I love how well it works, how it builds off of Pariston showing this alternate way of fighting for a goal. It's a great transition...but I can't shake the feeling this also casts a long shadow over everything going on with this expedition. The agents seem quite casual about the idea they may need to replace the Hunter Association suggesting they have the capacity to. And I'd agree. All in all, just remember these two when you're getting back up to speed. You can't discount the impact of a multinational agency who's #1 is making sure people don't fuck around with the DC and their MO is to act like they're playing along.
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halt-kun · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Chapter 396 - Formation (2)
Second part of the troupe gremlins story. I’m really excited for more cuteness
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Whas it a nen screening ? Or maybe for the first suicide bombers ? Unless the PT is the result of some tvreality show like the ones creating girl and boys band ? That’s how I see them, Meteor city got talent vibe. I’m dumb it’s for the super sentai -_-
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Stop pestering my man ! Fei not being in a panel because of his height is always the funniest thing.
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Sarasa is so cuuuuuute and Phinks is a softie
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I’m so happy for these kids, a bit of happiness is good for them
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Chrollo should have been a voice actor 
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OMG CHROLLLOOOOOOOOOO YAY gooooo don’t care about the future cringe you’ll have ! BE YOU
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Uvo is shook
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GON ?!? Anyway this is wholesome PT content and I’m here for it
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Chrollo is definitely a good actor, raising in my favourite characters ranking right here
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CHROLLO is awakening his nen right now ?????? Joking, probably just the dark vibes
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This is really bringing back fond memories of my youth and supersentais
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I’m tearing up
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All that for a show about cleaning
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Kids being kids
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Uvo probably won’t mind and just give you all the tapes he can find
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He didn’t say it himself, that’s toxic masculinity for you, COME HERE BIG GUY AND GIVE ME A HUG 
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TROUPE ORIGINS, a team of voice actors of an obscure show in an obscure language
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More dub work, anyway when can we see the troupe acting as a super sentai with transformation sequences and spandex 
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Machi’s no princess, just a little gremlin
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THE PHANTOM TROUPE, what a cute bunch of people 
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I love them, I’m really caring a lot more about the trope now, FUCK
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Welp, that didn’t age well
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Bad idea, well bye bye Sarasa ? your death will be the origin of the troupe’s secondary goal after its inception
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FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, well next week for more children adventure !
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For some reason I decided to pick up 7 currently airing anime this season, so here’s my thoughts and ratings just as the season is nearing finale time:
Majo no Tabitabi: 4/10. This is the only one I dropped (after 8 episodes). You can get a better experience by muting Kino’s Journey and playing the audio from Little Witch Academia over it. Don’t bother.
The general concept is similar to Kino’s Journey: After a couple episodes of witch training, Elaina goes from country to isolated country experiencing the unique culture of each. Unlike Kino’s Journey, Elaina is a self-important busybody with enough magical power and social privelege that she barely ever faces an inconvenience, let alone a consequence or moral dilemma. There is no development for a character who believes she’s the most perfect person in the world, and nobody is powerful enough to threaten that worldview.
Every episode of Kino’s Journey leaves you wondering who, if anyone, was in the right in any situation. Every episode of Majo no Tabitabi says “Elaina was right, of course, because she’s right all the time”. The casual sexism, the single lesbian character portrayed as a clingy boundary-pushing annoyance, and the constant undertone of horniness don’t help either.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: 7/10 Surprisingly fun!
I wasn’t planning on watching this on my own, but my friends were interested and I sat through it. Originally I thought it was repetitive and wished it were a short anime instead. Now ten episodes in, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I ever thought possible. It keeps a solid comedic strength, and adds just enough backbone to really let you care about everyone. I can really tell the same creative minds behind Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun headed this project, and it’s the best sweet funny turn-your-brain-off show this season has to offer.
Yuukoku no Moriarty: 8/10 Cathartic, and a very well-done perspective flip
Usually a Sherlock show is about Sherlock, and hint at a sinister presence behind the shadows tying together threads that otherwise seem unrelated. This show doesn’t even show Sherlock until episode 6. Instead it shows how Moriarty, presented as a hero, is trying to topple the corrupt British empire by assassinating nobles one by one and letting their working-class victims get the final revenge.
It’s the reverse of a murder mystery: We’re shown an evil noble, and spend the episode setting up how to kill them and get away with it. The villains of the week are, admittedly, pretty ham-fisted. There’s a lot of yelling about how DARE these filthy commoners think their lives matter than MY NOBLE BLOOD, they are but livestock born to serve us, etc. The show doesn’t give you any reason not to want them dead, and seeing Moriarty arrange for these common folk to commit the perfect murder against their oppressors would have been enough brain candy to carry me through the season.
The introduction of Sherlock is quite interesting- because he’s not shown as the hero, he’s allowed to be a character you really don’t want to root for. He’s not evil by any means, and he has strong morals he won’t compromise, but he’s irresponsible and impulsive and has a big ego and is just kinda annoying. If he were our hero, the show would be almost as bad as BBC. But it keeps the central character intact while allowing us to root heartily for the supervillain.
Jujutsu Kaisen: 8/10 If everyone hasn’t convinced you yet I probably won’t
Judging it against other shonen series: I appreciate it setting up a power ceiling and difficult but reachable goals for the characters, I like the main trio, and the power system is somewhat like HxH’s nen: solid but has a lot of potential for fun twists and combinations. I wish it treated its female characters a little better, but nothing stands out as egregious. The animation and soundtrack are superb. Give it a go.
Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst: 9/10 Holy shit??? How is this based off a mobile game??? Why isn’t anyone else talking about it???
Realistic fantasy done exceedingly well. While it’s set in a world with a generic Anime Fantasy vibe (mixed with some 1930′s tech and fashion), it’s filled with people. Characters are realistic yet diverse and recognizable, government power is complex and messy and everyone’s got their own motives, fights between swords and pistols and magic staffs are balanced and feel like everyone has equal weight to throw around.
It’s dark enough to hurt, but not gratuitous enough to numb and keeps you hopeful that they could succeed. Enough people die that you really wonder if people will make it through the danger, but they’re not killed so thoughtlessly that you avoid getting attached. You hate the villains, but they’re realistic: not flat caricatures of a person. They throw you in without establishing worldbuilding, making you piece together what’s going on just as the main characters are thrown against each other.
It’s got a tight plot and characterization as well: they throw out a lot of threads, but they tie them together and keep them moving. Characters develop and change without changing the core of who they are. At this point, all it has to do is stick the landing to get a 10/10.
Haikyuu: 9/10 It’s still Haikyuu.
Still damn good. I almost cried over a receive that went really high up.
Talentless Nana: 9/10
This is a thriller that has kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering how it’s going to play out. I can’t get into it much without spoiling the base concept much, but if you like My Hero Academia, Among Us, and The Promised Neverland then DEFINITELY watch Talentless Nana.
The tension stays high, you don’t know who’s pulling all the strings, and they do an excellent job of giving you enough hints and foreshadowing to try and guess at some of the twists before they reveal them but still keep the action almost unpredictable. I’ve been seeing it week-by-week but I feel like this will be a show meant to be binged in one rollercoaster of a day. Again, I’m waiting to see if it sticks the landing but forsee a 10/10.
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otakween · 3 years
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100-man-nen Chikyuu no Tabi: Bander Book - Final Thoughts
I feel like this was just a bunch of nonsense. The film kept jumping from idea to idea hoping something would stick. I did enjoy the more original bits (like the cultures of the different planets), but the really awkward homages to Hollywood were just off putting. I know that movie references are kinda a Tezuka thing and normally I like them, but these did not feel well integrated at all. At one point they made a reference to The Birds and it just said "A. HITCHCOCK" in the background in text. Like, yeah, thanks for that. Also, Dracula and the mummy show up, cuz why not?
At least I got some pretty aesthetic screenshots out of this. Full thoughts below the cut.
-As usual, although it's definitely not as smooth as modern shows/movies, 70s anime is beautiful and you can see the passion behind it (especially with how much more difficult animation was back in that time). Some of the character design was pretty whack (Bander's design is really doofy looking), I admire the inventiveness and variety (no same-face syndrome here!) I don't really have the vocabulary to describe it but the simple color palette is very pleasing to the eyes as well.
-I'm very confused how Black Jack fits into this story. I've never read/watched a single Black Jack story, but I had no idea he had anything to do with Sci-Fi. I legit just thought he was a rogue doctor lol. I can't tell if this is supposed to be part of his canon or if they were just reusing the character and this is like an alternate universe where he has a space brother. -big shrug-
-One confusing aspect of the film were characters just magically knowing names. Somehow Banders' adoptive parents knew he was named Bander (was his capsule labelled or something?) and somehow Marina knew Mimuru's name (plant lady powers??) Zero explanation.
-Two very anime/Japan things about this movie: a fixation on boobs (EVERY animal had boobs including reptiles) and the step sister being the love interest, because of course she is. The second Mimuru was introduced as a step sibling, I instantly knew. DangitJapan, it doesn't matter if they're not blood related if you spend 17 years growing up with someone it's weird!!
-The transformation sequences were fun. I bet those were tricky to animate.
-Why did that one lady wear her transformation ring on her nipple and then the dad wore his on his arm? Do these people not know that you can wear rings on your finger? Is that one lady just kinky?
-They did the same thing they did in I'm Standing on a Million Lives where you use the word for horse ("uma") to describe something that's definitely not a horse. I guess anything you ride is an "uma"?? (Unless it's a chocobo).
-The alien designs were a mixture of creative and cursed. That weird water-boob monster in the desert freaked me out lol
-Can't say the female characters were super inspiring. Their only traits were "love interest #1" and "love interest #2" It was also hella awkward how Mimuru was just waiting for Marina to die to swoop in and be the rebound.
-I enjoyed Black Jack's old timey badassery. He kinda reminds me of Tuxedo Mask with his suave cape swishes haha
-I got major Star Wars vibes from some scenes, but this only came out a year after that, so I don't know if they would really have had time to be inspired by it.
-I feel like the movie mostly made sense until we got to the part with Dracula and then I just lost the plot completely. The plot felt pretty aimless to begin with because Bander was just like "I'm going to Earth because a robot told me so!!" Like, he didn't exactly have a plan or goal.
-Dr. Sharaku made no sense. First of all: why is he a baby? I swear they just didn't explain that. Second, why exactly did he create "the power of fear"? He was literally just like "Yeah, I spent 3 years making this uber deadly weapon, sure would be bad if someone used it." Then why'd you make it!? Just for science reasons?
-I could have done without the "history of the world" bit. That honestly felt like padding. Even Bander was like "get on with it!"
-Marina's death sequence where she transforms into a tree was nice. Reminded me of Fantasia 2000. I feel like snippets of this movie are great, but all together it's a bit of a mess.
So yeah, that was a thing. Definitely one of my more obscure viewings (not a lot of info about this online). As far as I can tell, this is a standalone work, aside from referencing other stuff. The way it's called "Bander Book" makes it sound like it's one "book" in a series, so I'm not sure why they called it that. Anyway, it was a hot mess so I give it a 5 outta 10.
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cxisao · 4 years
cheadle is gon's mother? - hunter x hunter theory
this is mostly a joke but i found the similarities/proof of this theory funny so i thought i'd share it with you hdhsh
ok so let's get started;
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now ging has black/dark brown hair, and brown eyes.
cheadle has green hair, and blue/greenish eyes.
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i tend to brush off gon's hair color easily. but we know that gon doesn't dye his hair,, his hair obviously grows and is cut during the show. tho it looks like it, gon's hair is not black with green tips. it's very dark green that has naturally lighter tips because some peoples' hair does that + lighting.
comparing 3 different characters' skin colors is hard in anime because of the lighting differences, etc,, but it looks a lot like gon either has the exact same skin tone as ging, or slightly lighter.
gon's skin and hair color are both a perfect mix of genetics from ging and cheadle.
gon definitely has ging's eyes though, no question about it.
cheadle and ging both have short/small/petite bodytypes as well.
(gon's transformation brings up another theory about gon's mom being super tall which is reasonable, but let's take into consideration the fact that gon-san is very exaggerated. that is NOT what gon is going to look like in the future. that's what he WOULD look like with CONTINUOUS training. like an inhuman amount of training that we know gon is not going to go through. now that doesn't necessarily affect height much,, but it can affect height and seeing a super overly muscular adult gon as short as ging would have been a JOKE.)
ging, although he has had good friends in his life, is selfish. which makes him the perfect hunter. he doesn't get attached to things easily, because he's always going after his own goal.
cheadle, seems like a caring, yet also somewhat stubborn person. she is very smart and reasonable and cares a lot about peoples' feelings.
gon is a very special and unique character on his own. he's unlike any other, but he does show strong similarities to both ging and cheadle.
gon is selfish. but gon obviously cares about his friends more or at least in a much more important way than ging. he's always going after his own goal like ging, but it's clear that a lot of his own goals (excluding finding ging, saving kite, some of his fights, etc that are based on his hidden trauma) have to do with caring for his friends.
(example: saving killua from the zoldycks, saving leorio (and the others) from the cave, etc.)
gon is dumb and adventurous but when he has to, he can also be smart. especially in some of his fights.
what supports the theory
ging and cheadle obviously have a history being in the zodiacs and all. makes perfect sense for ging to meet cheadle when he's building up his rank as a hunter, and therefore joining the zodiacs and all that. and they don't exactly have the best opinions on each other. cheadle getting angry at ging always definitely sounded like an ex wife who has to deal with her ex husbands bs for some reason and gets frustrated.
we don't know any other woman ging knew that share these similarities (tho obviously not showing gon's real mom is probably intentional)
they're most likely around the same age.
+ (this one is for a few more funny thoughts i had, but none of these can be considered as real 'proof')
1) this one is small, but the irony in ging and cheadle appearing when gon's in a coma,, and then ging going on to bigger and better things (dark continent), and cheadle becoming the literal chairman of the hunter association just as gon loses his nen 'forever'.
2) gon being a nature kid isn't JUST because he lived on whale island.
ging definitely doesn't give off nature lover vibes, even in his flashbacks he just mostly gave off the aura of a very adventurous person. which he is.
cheadle is a disease hunter/healer/doctor.
gon (especially in the beginning) definitely showed off those kind of healing traits when it came to helping his friends and strangers.
now since ging doesn't really show these kinds of personality traits, it was funny that cheadle did.
and no, cheadle did not just show this through her personality.
cheadle's appearance (to me) is a humourous refrence to the side of gon that we don't see in ging,,
in the beginning hxh puts a LOT of attention towards gon's superhuman sense of smell, hearing, sight and taste (specifically being able to taste when somethings bad)
cheadle is a disease hunter (refrence to being able to taste when somethings bad)
she has the dog nose. (refrence to good sense of smell)
she has the ears. (refrence to good hearing)
those are typical for the dOG obviously.
so then you think,, hmm do dogs have a specially good sight? not really, but hey this is still a human so let's just put glasses on her as a bonus. and there you have it.
turns out the reason cheadle dislikes ging and pariston so much is because she was salty that his douchebag (trash bag) ex husband ditched her for the glamourous rat politician.
this is still a joke
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trashscenariihxh · 4 years
aight since the askbox is open, what would the adultrio be like as a teacher to the reader? Both sfw/nsfw hcs, if they’re teaching their student nen, training them rigorously, rewarding or punishing, taking them out on missions? 💦 not necessarily teacher/student role play
Hisoka is a weird teacher.  He will go to great lengths to explain nen to you, but he doesn’t do a great job of breaking down the components of it.  He just kind of tells you what it is and expects you to get it.  
You have no idea what his criteria are.
Every day he reminds you that his bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum.  Just in case you forgot.  
Hisoka’s ultimate goal here is to train you so you will be worth killing someday, so he’s a very harsh instructor (when he isn’t going off on some tangent.)
His absolute favorite thing is to be training your nen and then suddenly launching a surprise attack at you.  Watching your eyes widen in fear and surprise as you dodge the attack is just so very exciting to him.
He takes his role as a teacher way too far, so if you do anything sexual, it just kind of... leaks into that.  He’ll start giving you... instructions in the bedroom, and will expect you to follow them.  He has fun little punishments, involving vibrators, bondage, and forcing you hold benwa balls inside of you for absurdly long periods of time.
“O.O I am not a teacher.”
He’ll probably just foist you onto one of the butlers for training, to be honest.
Roleplay is much the same.  If anyway, Illumi is the most teacher-like when you’re trying to get him to engage in sexy roleplay.  He starts to take things far too literally and starts imitating anyone who taught him stuff in his youth. The “sexy” punishments are... severe.
Please don’t try to get Illumi to engage in roleplay.
As an actual teacher, he’s actually pretty good, if a little verbose.  He explains everything extremely thoroughly and with seemingly endless patience.  It’s probably because he likes the sound of his own voice, but he’ll never admit it.
He adores it when you’re confused.  He finds it so cute, and he gets to be a condescending prick about it.  Win/win!
He’s not the greatest with teaching nen, though.  Ways to kill and steal?  Wonderful.  Nen, though?  Nen came to Chrollo naturally, and he’s a specialist, so it’s very hard for him to connect with you in that way.
Sexy teacher roleplay with Chrollo is... an experience. It’s not a pure teacher/student roleplay- there is more of a bdsm vibe to it.  He’ll have you dress up, but he’ll have you wear a collar as well.
He likes to make you recite poetry while you have a vibrator inside you.  If you falter, you’ll be punished.
Chrollo is a bit of a traditionalist, so he likes nothing more than bending you over his knee and giving you a good, hard spanking.
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j--meat-hook--j · 4 years
Taiyuu Prequel: A mess of a day
The train to Taiyuu was a long one. The speed the train was going at accentuated and exaggerated the little shakes of the carts. 
The carts were full of potential candidates, a boy who radiated heat like a small furnace, two people with stars glowing through their hair, a boy made out of slime, there was one boy at the back who was playing with a couple batteries. And then there was Andrew Meda, the boy made of pure energy, beside him sat his friend Nento Attoteki.
Andrews doesn’t see the way normal people do, so Nento had to describe herself when they first met. Nento described herself as ‘just sort of someone. My hair’s a faded blue mess and I have way too much acne. I wear these ugly glasses, as you can obviously tell and, I don’t know, I’m just a regular turbo-nerd.” 
Andrew didn’t know why Nento put herself down so much, from his point of view she looked fine. Andrew doesn’t even know what acne is. Or the colour blue. 
“It looks like there are a lot of people here Andrew.” Nento said, her voice quivered.
“And now they’re all looking this way.” Nento continued. Nento shrank away from the attention Andrew naturally (An)drew.
“Ish fine. TH-er aw-ll here tuh-bee heroes, ever-one seemsh cool.” Andrews words all slurred together, his energy body had no mouth or vocal-chords so talking required some extra concentration. 
“There are some types that want to be heroes, not all of them want to be good. Like that guy with the grey skin, I am getting some bad vibes from him.” Nento, quickly drew judgement about a boy Andrew couldn’t recognise.
“Can’   t see gRey Nen.” Andrew gave Nento a quick reminder.
“Wai, no, stop juh-jing people so k - kwi-” Andrew threw up his hands in frustration at not being able to pronounce the word.
The floaty stumps that tipped each one of Andrews arms formed full hands with full fingers. He thrust them out in a compressed thumbs-up shape. 
‘Quickly’ Andrew signed.
After Andrew signed the appropriate word his hands and fingers dissolved back into their floaty stump shape. 
“I know, you’re right. Wouldn’t want to be on his bad side though.” Nento kept going.
The two continued in idle chatter on the train, Andrew chastised Nento whenever she quietly badmouthed someone.  
Andrew had come to Taiyuu today to take the entrance exam, ever since he was a kid he’d always wanted to be a hero. Nento came to just get away from the house, she was going to catch the next train back to the mainland and meet up with Andrew after he was done.
The next train back to the mainland was in about 20 minutes so Nento and Andrew had some more time together.
“It says here, that you all take the written test. It should be modified for you. Then it is the practical exam, that should be a breeze for you.” Nento read from the papers that were sent to Andrews house. 
“Alrigh’, I’ll see you after yeah?” Andrew asked his friend.
“Yeah. Send me something when you’re done and I’ll meet you at the train station.” Nento responded, her posture was nervous but she rarely went anywhere without a plan.
“Sounds good. Anyfing comes up don’ be afrai-d to shoo’ a message my way.” Andrew said.
“Of course. I’ll see you later Andrew.” Nento said before walking off.
Andrew continued with the flow of people, he got the occasional double take and hushed whisper about his unique body. He didn’t mind, he liked the attention, it made him feel special. The crowd funnelled into the Orientation Zone, Andrew forgot the building name.
The Principal, Laccadaisy, pointed out all the major landmarks of Taiyuu, the dorms, the track, the classroom buildings, the multitude of gyms, the etc. She explained how the day would work, first came the written exam and then the practical exam, once you’ve finished everything you can go home. The details for the practical exam came later.
Just as the written exam was going to start Andrew was pulled into a different room by someone who introduced themselves as Aurora. Aurora was going to read Andrew the multiple choice questions and options and Andrew would tell her which one he wanted to fill out. 
The questions were mainly about the laws regarding heroism and quirk usage. When it's okay to step in and when isn’t and how to prioritise civilians in dangerous situations. 
After everyone had finished the written exam they were explained the details of how the physical exam would work. There were 8 trials total, each student was randomly assigned 3. Sounds easy enough. Andrews sheet was written in japanese and braille, he got assigned trials 1: Shaky Shimmy - located at the track, 3: Dogcatcher - located in the forest, and 5: rope climber - located near the coast of Taiyuu.
The Shaky Shimmy Trial would be happening at the track very soon. Aurora pointed Andrew in the direction of the track field and he took off. 
It didn’t take too long for him to catch up to the silhouettes of the other people doing the Shaky Shimmy Trial. One was radiating heat off them like crazy, one had the night sky in their hair, and there were two more unexciting people. 
They were all standing around awkwardly with the silhouette standing at the front, Probably Laccadaisy, impatiently looking at her wrist. 
“Wait up! Hold on!”  Another boring silhouette came running from behind the group. They already looked out of breath. 
“Now that we’ve got all 5 of you we can start.” Probably Laccadaisy said. 
“Start the Sh-” The Furnace Person said. “The Shaky Shimmy trial, yes. Your goal is to get to where those orange cones are.” Probably Laccadaisy answered. 
The two cones were about 10 meters in front of the group framing some the track lines of the field.
“Oh, well that’s not that bad.” One of the boring silhouettes said.
“3 times. Just two laps of the track and you’ll be good.” Laccadaisy responded with a bit too much excitement.
Andrew couldn’t see where the track lines were, but he assumed it’s the hard stuff without grass. It made a large oval shape about 400 meters in length. 
“Alright, line up, get ready.” Laccadaisy said, she stood to the side of the track and raised her arms.
The students all picked a lane, the ones with meat started doing stretches to limber themselves up. Andrew could tell the one radiating heat was getting hotter, more around the shoulderblades than anywhere else. 
“3. 2. 1. GO!” Laccadaisy shouted. One of the boring silhouettes started skating forward; the rules of friction didn’t seem to apply to her now. The hot ones back exploded in fiery wings and he shot forward, like a high speed jet or a particularly angry Phoenix. Andrew, not wanting to be outdone flew after the flaming phoenix as fast as he could. 
Once Andrew and The Phoenix reached a curve in the track the ground started shifting across the whole field. The Phoenix tried to turn to make the curve but lost height in the process, they crashed hard into the ground. Andrew gave them a mock salute as he overtook them.
Andrew continued pushing forward, it wasn’t too far until he would finish his first lap when he heard a voice behind him say.
“I’m not losing like that!” It was the Phoenix, quickly back in the air after eating dirt. The second bend wasn’t too far away now, Andrew could control his flight easily enough that he decided to do an air drift over the second bend.
The Phoenix, predictibley, hit the shifting ground again.
“FUCK!” They called out.
Andrew raced past the orange cones, starting his second lap. Ahead he spotted the two boring silhouettes, one was really struggling against the shifting landscape as they hadn’t made it past the first bend, the other had already skated past the first bend. The silhouette with the Night Sky in their hair was about halfway between the other two, they were skating too but not as well as the boring silhouette in front.
Andrew flew over the first boring silhouette who was still struggling to gain his footing. The Phoenix was back in the air and hot on Andrew’s heels. 
Andrew took the bend narrow, hugging the inside of the track. The Phoenix ended up taking the bend wide and started to lose altitude when WHAM they slammed right into the silhouette with the Night Sky in their hair. Andrew winced at the sudden impact between the two. Instead of tumbling straight into the ground The Night Sky stayed upright, The Phoenix used the Night Sky to keep himself balanced and in control of his flight. The Night Sky got a free speed boost, The Night Sky’s shoes sliding perfectly across the shifting and tumbling ground.
Andrew kept pushing forward, past the second boring silhouette that was skating. The Phoenix hadn’t stumbled across the bend and was catching up. The skating silhouette joined the train of the Phoenix, adding even more to the stability and control the Phoenix originally lacked. 
The second and final bend of Andrews lap two was coming up soon and the Phoenix Train was catching up. The boring silhouette placed her hand on The Phoenix’s face and the Trains speed was increased by a little bit more as the Phoenix Train all of a sudden had less drag. 
The three were gaining speed and catching up to Andrew when finally the bend came. Andrew took the bend narrow again, keeping as close to the inside as possible. The Phoenix Train took the bend a bit wider. The Night Sky and the boring silhouette kept The Phoenix from crashing into the ground. The Orange cones were close, so was the Phoenix Train. The two groups were pushing further and further until… There, The Phoenix Train pulled in front at the last second. 
“Don’t stop now! We still have one more lap to do!” The Night Sky said. 
Andrew pulled off to the side having finished his two laps. He caught his nonexistent breath while the other three finished their two laps. The Phoenix Train pulled up after not too long, the last boring silhouette had to keep huffing along. 
“Woooahhhh! That was so cool, I mean hot!  Whatever!” The Phoenix said.
“I’m Nerva Rekka - Burning Soul.” The Phoenix, no, Rekka said. Name, then Quirk, as was custom nowadays.
“Meda Andrew- Energy Physiology.” Andrew responded.
“Naishin-Sunomu Isejin - Sandman.” The Night Sky, Isejin said.
“Kouka Fuitchi - Path of Least Resistance.” The boring silhouette, Fuitchi said.
“Dude you were so fast, it was like zoom and whoosh and PHWAAAA.” Rekka said, with equally extreme hand motions to emphasise the sound effects.
“No meat, no drag.” Andrew said. He liked simple and short words, they were easier to say.
“You look so, sparkly, almost see-through.” Isejin commented.
“Rekka what as with that reckless flying! It was so cool, you could have gotten hurt.” Kouka said excitedly.
“It’s no biggie really, just ate it a few times.” Rekka said, brushing the dirt on his face and torso off.
As Andrew was thinking of something to say the fifth participant of Trial 1 finished up.
“Huff, huff. What the fuck,, was that.” The new boring silhouette doubled over gasping for breath.
“You good?” Isejin asked.
“Fuckin, barely, I swear to god the next test I’m in better have a robot or some shit.” The new one said.
“You are?” Kouka asked.
“Zeke Funkee - Electrokinesis” The basic silhouette, Zeke, said.
“I think the next Trial’s starting now.” Rekka said.
“Fuck.” Zeke said, or was it Kouka.
“That’s me.” Kouka said, probably, the two look so similar.
“Anyone else?” Zeke asked the group.
“Nope. I’ve got a bit of a break.” Rekka said.
“No, I’m the one afta.” Andrew managed to stumble out.
“I’m the same as Meda.” Isejin said.
“Alright, off we go then. Um, I never got your name.” Zeke said to Kouka
“It’s Kouka, lets go Funkee.” Kouka said, slightly dragging Zeke with her. 
“So are we watching Trial 2 or what?” Isejin asked the other two.
“Yeah, that's at the forest, isn't it?” Rekka said.
“Souns goo” Andrew said. 
The three made their way over to the forest area where the 2nd Trial was happening. They sat a distance away from the trial happening.
“I like to play a game with my dads where we try to guess other people's Quirks, you lot wanna give it a try?” Rekka asked the group after they sat down.
“Sure.” Andrew said. “I’ll give it a try.” Said Isejin
The trial started and some wolf shapes started lunging at the student shapes. One student threw something that grew out of their hand.
“Uhhhh, that one’s really good at throwing things!” Rekka interjected.
The thrown thing exploded into huge gobules of cotton candy, it stuck a couple wolves together making it easier to dodge them.
“I think it’s a cotton candy bomb.” Isejin said.
“Tha’s a safe bet” Andrew said with some effort.
A wolf lunged towards another student, but they were pulled back by their jacked in the nick of time.
“What’s that, a cloth manipulation one?” Rekka said.
“Yeah, I think so. They’re moving as if they’re being dragged by their clothes.” Isejin agreed.
Andrew saw something the other two didn’t, his energy sense finally came in useful, the clothes on their body were colder than everything else. Super cold, like starting to freeze temperatures.
“No, ish bit more. Cold.” Andrew said. 
“Huh, cold quirks suck. Garbage. I hate ‘em. YUCK.” Rekka said.
One student simply stood still, sometimes a wolf would approach them but after they did a small maneuver the wolves lost interest. 
“What about her?” Isejin asked.
“I don fink hers is suited for this trial.” Andrew said.
“She’s  totally Quirkless. That’s super impressive!” Rekka said.
The trio's eyes and similar sensory organs shifted towards a girl who launched into the air, propelled by a platform underneath her. 
“Woah. That one’s flashy.” Isejin said.
“Yeah, is that… asphalt or concrete or something like that?” Rekka said.
Andrew’s energy sense came in handy once again. The pillar was warm, not boiling hot but not room temperature. 
“It looksh like freshly laid asphal” Andrew said.
“I mean, I guess so. Sorta.” Isejin said. 
The group moved focus again. 
“What about her? She’s not doing anything flashy.” Rekka asked the group
It was the girl that was standing still again.
“We alread-ee talked abou’ her.” Andrew said.
“Really? What was the verdict?” Isejin asked
“That she was Quirkless but it was cool.” Andrew responded.
“Ooooh yeah! I remember now.” Rekka said.
The group faced towards the next person, this one has almost comically long hair.
“Woooahhhh. That’s so cool!” Isejin said.
“Yeah, that looks like it could come in useful for like, stealth missions and that.” Rekka said.
“What are you talking abou? I can’ shee anyfing.” Andrew asked.
“Seriously dude. It’s so obvious. They’re hair’s changing colour!” Rekka exclaimed.
“Oh, okay.” Andrew said.
There was another student who was dodging wolves only based on his own athleticism. Rolls and tucks and short sprints all over the place.
“Seems like a strength quirk, or maybe they’re just in shape.” Isejin said.
“Yeah, I dunno. There’s nothin superhuman about it. What do you think Andrew, you seem to see some stuff we don’t.” Rekka said.
Nothing out of the ordinary revealed itself to Andrew’s unique sense. 
“Dunno, just seems like a regular dude.” Andrew responded.
“What about her.” Rekka pointed at someone.
It was the girl standing still again.
“She’s just standing still, maybe some sort of stealth Quirk.” Isejin said. “Guysh, we already talked about her. Twice.” Andrew said.
“Wha. Oh yeahhh, now I remember. Silly me.” Rekka said.
“Hmmm, that is a bit odd.” Isejin said.
The trio spotted Zeke and Kouka again. Kouka was being super slippery with her movements, the wolves couldn’t get a hold of her. Zeke was already pinned to the ground.
It wasn’t too long before the trial ended. In a couple minutes the third Trial would be up and running. 
“Welp this is my trial. See you both later.” Isejin said.
“I’m doin this one too.” Andrew said.
“Alright, I’m gonna grab a snack. I’ll catch y’all later.” Rekka said. 
Andrew and Isejin were already in the right time and place for Trial 3: Puppy Catching. It took a little bit for the other silhouettes Andrew assumed were students to funnel in and out. After a quick headcount from the silhouette in charge, probably Laccadaisy, she squared up and announced.
There were flashes of kinetic energy everywhere as people took off running. Andrew took off into the sky and kept his “eyes” open for the distinct silhouette of a wolf. His vision didn’t blur or decay over distance like a normal human does, it sometimes gets a little overwhelming but it comes in as an advantage today. 
He scanned around from his vantage point. His full 360 field of view was an advantage for scouting. 
‘Wolf shape, wolf shape, THERE!’ Andrew spotted a gaggle of the plant puppies breaking off from the crowd.  He took off chasing the breakoff group, the best he could do is round up 4 of the Good Boys at once. 
Andrew was tailing the gaggle of Plant Dogs but he couldn’t quite catch up to them. The group was always just out of his reach. This wasn’t a problem for Andrew, he reached out with both hands and his arms extended far beyond human proportions.
His long noodle arms wrapped around two Plant Puppies and pulled them close to his chest. Andrew did a quick aerial maneuver so that his chest faced the sky and his legs were at his front. Andrews' legs then stretched out and wrapped around another two Wolves and pulled them close.
Andrew looked like a chandelier of a jacket and wolves as he raced back to the starting area to claim his Good Boy points. When he reached the starting area the person in charge called out to him. 
“Good job Meda, that's four points to you.” 
“Fan-s Lacca-d-d-day-see” Andrew assumed it was the principal running this exercise.
“I’m not...” The silhouette began but Andrew was already gone taking off into the forest again. 
Andrew was searching for another set of dogs when he spotted the Person with the Night Sky in Their Hair sitting and surrounded by sleeping dogs. He flew past them as more and more dogs went to approach them.
He flew past as Isejin gathered something that acted like sand or dust and launched it at the new dogs. Isejin waved up at Andrew.
“H-Hey.” Andrew managed to stutter out. 
WHACK! In his light daze Andrew wasn’t watching where he was going and slammed right into a tree and its branches at high speed. 
“Aww my jahck-eh iz rew-inned." Andrew managed to stumble out. A branch had managed to go right through his energy body and poked a huge hole in the back of his jacket. 
“Woah, are you okay?” A new silhouette said from next to Andrew. Which is weird because he’s far off the ground. Andrew managed to maneuver his jacket free of the branch, his energy body could easily shrug off a branch through his chest. 
“Yeah. Jush tings a lihl.” Andrew responded. 
“Just be careful when you’re in the air, aight?” Andrew got the chance to take a better look at this new silhouette now that he wasn’t impaled. The silhouette didn’t have any distinct energies or silhouettes. Just a regular person floating next to Andrew. 
“I’ll try harda.” Andrew emphasised with a quick laugh at the end. 
“The exercise is over!” The person running the exercise, Laccadaisy probably, called out.
Waiting/Exploring - Not recognising people
After the end of the exercise the students piled together in one place, one student ran off to attend the next trial but the main student body just stuck together. Andrew spotted the Night Sky of Isejin through the whole crowd of silhouettes. He flew closer before he was asked by one of the silhouettes.
“I haven’t seen anything like you before? Such a unique physique.” said this new silhouette
“Uhm, yeah. Mah Quirk is Energy Physiology.” Andrew responded.
“Your whole body is made of plasma? Fascinating. I’m Naishin-Sunomu Seisho - Bioelectricity Manipulation.” The silhouette said. Naishin-Sunomu, wasn’t that the same as Isejin?
“Not plas-” Andrew started but was cut off by another silhouette.
“Nice to see you back in one piece. I’m Sainoch Yurei - Phantasm.” The silhouette said. “Yeah, i’ was jush a scrach. Mah jahk-ehs coul’ use a rep-air though.” Andrew struggled out.
“You really helped me out there Seisho, thanks.” Another un-unique, an ique silhouette approached the small group. 
All the other students talking amongst themselves, their unrecognisable voices blended together, the movement of all the students made it hard to keep track of who was where and with who.
“Yeah, how’d you find the trial Andrew?” A silhouette said.
“It wash preddy easy I fink. I got four poin’s, wha abou’ you Seisho?” Andrew said.
“I’m not Seisho, I’m Kayaki.” Kayaki? When did Kayaki get here? Who’s Kayaki?
“Yeah, m bad.” Andrew said apologetically.  
“I’m shree, I’fe gotta go. I fink my next Trial is up soon.” Andrew said to the small group that had gathered. 
Andrew flew off from the group. His next trial was the Rope Climb, located near the coast of Taiyuu. He spent his time looking around the cliffs and beaches of Taiyuu. Along the way he spotted a short silhouette with a large hat. He floated close to the small silhouette assuming this was where the next trial would be.
“Can I help you?” The silhouette said when Andrew got close.
“Is this where tha rop-ah climin trial is?” Andrew said.
“Not quite kid, follow this cliff face round till ya hit the ocean, then head up, go North-by-North-East by 62 paces and ya should be right there.” The silhouette said.
“Okay, fanks.” Andrew said. 
‘Those were some confusing directions’ Andrew thought to himself. 
He followed the cliff face around for another while until he finally hit the ocean. He then flew straight up the cliff face.
‘Which way is North-North-East?’ Andrew thought. Compass directions are wild and weird and whacky. Andrew kept flying up to gain a vantage point to see if he could spot any groups of people. 
He was scanning the environment around him, “eyes” darting around the place searching, searching. THERE. Andrew found a cluster of people standing in front of a small thin line of stuff, probably rope.
Andrew rushed towards the group, hoping he wasn’t too late. He was close by when the silhouette in charge spotted him. Andrew landed near the back of the students, his energy “feet” never touched the ground. 
“Well it looks like we have a volunteer. Late start. Step forward.” The silhouette in charge said. 
Andrew imitated a step forward as he maintained his floaty nature.
“Just slap the rubber ball up top and you’ll be done.”
Andrew nodded with his whole body and flew up to the top of the rope. 
‘Rubber ball, rubber ball.’ Andrews lack of traditional sight has betrayed him once again. The silhouettes of the rope all blended together and looked the same. Andrew was a little confused and just smacked the highest point of the rope.
“Nope, that’s stone.” Called the silhouette in charge.
“Oh, shree.” Andrew apologized. He aimed a fair bit lower and smacked there.
“That’s rope.” Came from the silhouette again.
“Uhhh.” Andrew aimed a bit higher and smacked. If he had blood it’ll all be at his face.
“That’s the one. You’re all good.” The silhouette called. 
“Fanks.” Andrew responded quietly. He slowly floated down back to the ground. It was the other students' turns but Andrew didn’t really care at this point, it’s been a long day. He just floated back to the train station on Taiyuu Island. 
Train ride home/ Meet up with Nento
While Andrew was on board the train he pulled his phone out of his pocket. His other hand formed a full finger to unlock his phone. After some struggling he got his messages app open.
‘Alright, deep breaths Andrew, take your time.’ Andrew hyped himself up for this bit.
“Ne-n-t-oh” He managed to struggle out. 
‘Sending message to Nento’ The phone responded.
“I’m do-ne wif my physical tri-als. M-e-e-e-et y-ou at the lib-rar-ee?” Andrew slugged through, talking so much was like rolling a metal ball through his nonexistent mouth. Andrews' phone wrote down what he said and with a voice command it sent.
After a minute a blip came from Andrew's phone. 
‘Message from Nento.’ The phone's text-to-speech said. Andrew fumbled around with his phone again until he could get it unlocked. 
‘Sounds good. I’ll meet you there.’ The phone said aloud. 
Andrew enjoyed his time on the train. It was a break from the bright and unending technicolour barrage from the sun. All the energy coming off of it was so intense and focused, it gave Andrew a headache. The night sky is far better, Andrew could see all the energies of such far off places with vivid detail. The sky was beautiful at night.
Andrew nodded off a little for the rest of the train ride, when he woke up again he was only 5 minutes from the mainland station. Andrew navigated his way through the familiar streets of the city until he found the library. 
Andrew got his messages app on his phone again and prepared himself for the high-concentration speaking action that tired him out so much.
“I-m outsi-de Nen--to.” Andrew said. The phone bleeped and blooped and sent the message. Andrew was stuck outside the library, he didn’t want to disturb the peaceful goes inside. After a little bit someone exited the library. This person's hand signed the letters for “A” and “N”. 
“Hey Ne-nt-o.” Andrew said to his friend.
“Hey Andrew.” Nento said back.
The two made their way back to the Train Station to head back home. The two walked most of the way in silence, perfectly comfortable with the other.
“Hey Andrew.” Nento piped up. “Wassup.” Andrew slurred out.
“Do you think Nick would mind if I stayed over?” Nento asked. “Nah, not at all.” Andrew said.
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yikesscibbles · 3 years
The Alluka anon here! May I ask you about your other fave hxh characters then?
Sure!! Some of my other fav hxh characters are Killua, Bisky, Knuckles, Kaito(Kite?) and Leorio!
Killua is my fav because I have the tendency to like jerk cat boys/cat girls who have a dark depressing past. For example, tfp soundwave if you think hard enough about it. Or Zane from m/necr/ft diaries (except we hate ap/mau now).
Knuckles Bine is pretty self explanatory because I mean, who could hate a good animal loving himbo?
Bisky is kinda like the mentor figure that I really like but something that always got me is how she knows enough to be like,"dang, that white haired catboy needs some therapy". Like all other people are like,"wow! I just help trained a possible monster"! Or try to throw hands with an 11 year old. She actually takes time to realize that what these boys have gone through is sad and traumatizing. I mean Gon is pretty chill up until he gets long hair yk.
Kite has the mysterious anime boy vibe that I love in a character. Usually my fav characters have some sort of like mysterious past or something and idk, when I set my eyes on him I was like,"ya this dude is cool". I love his nen ability in particular and I really wish we would have seen more of him.
Leorio has always kinda had my heart because of him being like the smartest dumb guy. Also because of his determination to achieve his goals and help people! Not to mention I watched the sub and his voice is just perfect for him. Everytime I see someone watch the dub I cringe a lil because of how dirty they did like, everyone except hisoka. Hisoka in english sounds like what I expected when I first saw him.
Most of my fav characters listed here are just kinda like "oh they're cool!" But alluka and killua are the main favs.
Other characters that I hate but I think are interesting are the zoldycks. Specifically Silva, Zeno, and Illumi. Don't get me wrong, I hate illumi fans with a burning passion. I like illumi's character and how it can be interpreted but anything to do with ad/lt trio or how hot he is makes me immediately want to punt that person into the sun. Not an illumi simp.
I would love to see more breakdown of Silva and Zeno because Zeno seems chill meanwhile Silva is like bonkers. Did Silva get a similar treatment to killua when he was a kid or did he just go like off the rails in order to make his family the best? Maybe this is explained a bit more further on but I would def like some background info. Also imo Gotoh was super underrated.
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How to dress for spring, according to your zodiac sign
If you’re struggling with what to wear this spring, looking to your zodiac sign can inform your wardrobe decisions more than you’d think.
Although Mercury was in retrograde recently since the third day of spring (in case you were wondering), the days when nothing seemed to go as planned and inspiration was nowhere to be found are finally behind us. Now the planet that rules communication is back on track, and your highly anticipated spring outfits should follow. Whether you’re a fire, air, earth, or water sign — or even if astrology is not your thing — choosing a wardrobe that reflects your personality can help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin.
With that in mind, we’ve paired spring’s most coveted trends with each of the 12 zodiac signs. So whether you’re a fiery Aries or a tell-it-like-it-is Sagittarius, there’s a hot spring look just for you.
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How to dress this spring according to your zodiac sign
If you’re struggling with what to wear this spring, your zodiac sign can inform your wardrobe decisions more effectively than you’d think.
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)
Oh, Rams, spring is off to a rocky start for you, with Mercury in retrograde in your season and all. However, the key to getting through the hard times this spring is taking things head-on with a bold and bright outfit that matches your go-getter personality. That’s why color blocking à la Isabel Marant or Cinq à Sept spring/summer ’18 collections will look good on you, Aries — especially if you pair fiery colors. Zara, Checked Sweater, $36, zara.com ATP Atelier, Abra White Vacchetta, $336, atpatelier.com Susan Alexandra, The Merry Bag, $225, susanalexandra.com Alexa Chung, Red Wide-Leg Jeans, $325, alexachung.com Le Specs, Outta Love Sunglasses, $59, lespecs.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
For Taurus, spring 2018 is the best time to mix things up and work toward your goals. You’re no stranger when it comes to persistence and determination, so it’s a no-brainer that you should amp up your power suit game this season. Bonus points if you opt for pastel colors like Victoria Beckham’s spring/summer ’18 collection. H&M, Single-Breasted Blazer, $50, hm.com Stella McCartney, Straight-Leg Trousers, $610, matchesfashion.com Urban Outfitters, The Little Brother Tee, $20, urbanoutfitters.com Creatures of Comfort, Gloria Heel, $395, needsupply.com Justine Clenquet, Lana Hoops, $55.45, justineclenquet.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Geminis, you’re all about versatility and adaptability. Instead of searching for what to buy next, work with what you’ve got. Cue socks and sandals. This detail will make your spring outfits anything but boring. And if any sign can rock this trend, which was spotted down MSGM’s and Marc Jacobs’s spring/summer ’18 runways, it’s yours. Mango, Ruffled Linen-blend skirt, $60, mango.com Lisa Marie Fernandez, Pouf Eyelet Cotton Blouse, modaoperandi.com Maryam Nassir Zadeh, Olympia Wedge Sandals, $443, shopbop.com Happy Socks, Hysteria Lily Rib Ankle Socks, $18, happysocks.com Tuza, Masha Hoops, $88, tuzajewelry.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Cancer (June 21-July 22)
You’re tired of waiting for things to change on their own, Cancer. This spring, it’s time to embrace your intuitive and imaginative persona and take matters into your own hands. And you’ll need a wardrobe that’s up for the challenge. It’s time to dabble in the luxe streetwear trend and give chunky sneakers a try. Trust us, you won’t regret it. Mango, Peaked-Lapel Suit Blazer, $60, mango.com Kenzo, Striped Crepe Track Pants, $395, netaporter.com Poppy Lissiman, Le Skinny Sunglasses, $98, poppylissiman.com Nike, Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, $160, nike.com Kara, Void Pinch Wristlet, $295, shop.karastore.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
Leo, despite (and in spite of!) the highs and lows you’ll face this spring, your closet should be prepared, literally. Asymmetrical necklines like the ones in Prabal Gurung’s and Haider Ackermann’s spring/summer ’18 collections should rule in your spring closet and will reflect your awareness of your desires and personality. Reike Nen, RJ2-SH002, $298, reikenen-shop.com Zara, Minimal Collection Top, $30, zara.com Everlane, Kick Crop Jean, $78, everlane.com Opening Ceremony, Medium Plaid Tote Bag, $30, openingceremony.com Laura Lombardi, Curve Earrings, $105, lauralombardi.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
As usual, this spring Virgos will be efficient, bright, dynamic, and creative, which means you have exactly what it takes to achieve all your goals — and your outfit shouldn’t slow you down. That’s why you should opt for all things utilitarian this season, as seen in Prada’s and Tod’s spring/summer ’18 collections (tiny bags, which complement this trend, are optional). & Other stories, Belted Denim Dress, $125, similar version on stories.com Whistles, Cora Buckle Slingback, $199, whistles.com Common Muse, Greta Chain Earrings, $42, commonmuse.com Urban Outfitters, Gird Plastic Shopper Tote, $29, urbanoutfitters.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
There’s just something about spring, with its flowers and pastel colors, that exudes romance and charm. So this season, embrace your own gracious qualities and make sure to have plenty of blouses and dresses with puffy sleeves that add the perfect amount of statement to any quaint outfit. Ganni Bliss Cropped Tulle Top, $540, netaporter.com River Island, White Mila Wide-Leg Jean, $84, riverisland.com Topshop, Fever Strappy Slide Sandal, $65, topshop.com The Common Knowledge, Mini Prism, $210, thecommonkowledge.com Crap Eyewear, The Sweet Leaf Sunglasses, $85, crapeyewear.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Your intuition is an excellent guide, so be sure to listen to your gut feeling this spring, Scorpio. You follow your own rules, and that’s why denim-on-denim should be your uniform this season. It’s a classic that can’t be beat but one you can always add your own cool Scorpio flair to. Take notes from Alexander McQueen’s and Y/Project’s spring/summer ’18 collections. & Other stories, Denim Overall Jumpsuit, $125, similar version available on urbanoutfitters.com Vintage Virginia Slim Cat-Eye Sunglasses, $18, urbanoutfitters.com Mari Giudicelli, Leblon Mule, $591, needsuply.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
As a fire sign, you’re known to be quite straightforward. However, this spring learn to go with the flow and make sure your outfit transmits those vibes as well. Opt for sheer garments that go with your extroverted personality, all while adding a touch of vulnerability to your outfits, like Molly Goddard‘s spring/summer ’18 Vaish dresses and Dior‘s dreamyspring/summer ’18 maxi skirts. Ganni, Fairfax Georgette Maxi Dress, $294, ganni.com Everlane, Tank Bra, $22, everlane.com By Far, Day Approach sandals, $468, garmentory.com Gogo Phillip, Banana Earrings, $47, gogophilip.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
If Capricorns could be any clothing item, they would be a classic trench. Luckily for you, this wardrobe staple is one of spring 2018’s biggest trends. From versions by Céline to Chloé and Max Mara, this light layer will compliment your independent and reliable persona. Mango, Linen Trench, $150, mango.com Topshop, Broderie Mini-Sundress, $75, topshop.com Charles David, Strappy Patent Leather Slide Sandals, $199, bloomingdales.com Coach, Rose Buddies Silk Hanky, $65, zappos.com Urban Outfitters, Catelyn Mini Bucket Bag, $34, urbanoutfitters.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
A creative force, such as yours, Aquarius, is the only one who can make Bermuda shorts a thing this season. First seen in Tibi’s and Off -White’s spring/summer ’18 collections, this trend is something Aquarians can definitely bring from runway to real life — and actually make it work. Aspesi, Checkered Bermuda Shorts, $238, farfetch.com Aritzia, Sedum Camisole, $65, aritzia.com H&M, Sandals, $35, hm.com The Frankie Shop, Black Wooden-Ring Handle Bag, $134, thefrankieshop.com Rachel Comey, Factor Earrings, $115, rachelcomey.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Pisces’s otherworldly nature makes you gravitate to all things fun and daring, so this spring you should be all about mixed prints paired together. Polka dots with stripes, animal prints with checkers — no matter which combo you decide to style, don’t think twice about it: Just do it, like Emporio Armani’s and Burberry’s spring/summer ’18 collections. Ganni, Polka-dot Silk Satin Skirt, $395, mytheresa.com Skechers, D’Lites, $65, skechers.com Bershka, Fanny Pack With Chain, $26, bershka.com Madewell, Basil Striped T-shirt, $50, netaporter.com Fox & Feather, Ichi Sanne Socks, $15, trouva.com
Source: Yahoo Lifestyle
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