#no footage allowed at 2 separate events
puhpandas · 6 days
this is so weird that they arent letting people not there in person at the events see any footage like I feel like something weird is going on
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Heisei/Reiwa Kamen Rider Bike Riding Time research
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Hello there! Does anyone remember from a little while back when this image was going around?
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For a while, at least in fan communities I frequented; this was quite infamous for showing just how sharp a decline Kamen Rider's namesake had become in the last few years, with the absolute nadir of the Heisei 20th anniversary Kamen Rider using his bike for a total of 47 seconds (and also, on the other end; just how much Kuuga would not get off his bike)
Obviously, it's been a few years since Saber now; and I've found myself wondering from time to time exactly how the Riders since then have fared, especially since both Geats and Gotchard have garnered a reputation of sorts for putting a bit more emphasis on the bikes and feeling like they have more screentime than your Zero-Ones and your Sabers.
So! I went looking and found the source. This extremely dedicated Japanese poster called Yamashita Radio who of course I will be basing the majority of this on, including his rules and his counting. And when I say 'dedicated' I mean that at one point he lost all his data so he just counted Kuuga through Saber all over again. MAD respect for this man! I highly recommend a full readthrough of this 5-part post at one point because it's very impressive and interesting stuff in my opinion
One other interesting point is that that chart there? That's main rider only; and also includes any riding they did as civilians. There is a separate chart for all motorbike riding in the show as a whole; including other riders, including monsters, including even just random civilians! For posterity, I think it's important to post that chart for comparison with the main rider one -- I've colour coded here so that red is Heisei 1 (Kuuga-Decade), green is Heisei 2 (W-Zi-O) and yellow is Reiwa (Zero-One onwards). Main rider only on the left, all biking on the right.
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Up front there are some absolutely fascinating observations to make here - Zero-One had the least bike scenes of any show! Brand new era of Kamen Rider! - but I think I've talked about the past enough. With all this said and what I feel is a very important plug to make, let's get into the meat of this -- how do Revice, Geats and Gotchard compare to previous shows?
... okay, yeah, sure; let's quickly establish a baseline first. As I'm going off of Yamashita's work, I'm also going by all his rules; it's a good thing I agree with all of them because I kinda didn't want to completely redo the count of every season!
TV Show ONLY! No movies, no TTFC specials, no HBVs, no V-Cinema, none of it. The main reason given is that, uh, Paradise Lost has a 100+ bike scene near the start so that's too much of an advantage -- fair enough! Personally I also think it's more interesting, because movies generally have more budget and allowances for bike scenes so those tend to be the same. Maybe a separate count would still be interesting, but I think including movies would flatten out the times too much and make the data pretty uninteresting
No openings! Agito has too much of an advantage
Non-transformed states count the same as transformed states. Godai riding a bike is the same as Kuuga riding a bike.
All motorcycles are treated equally! Mopeds and even CG scenes and bikes are allowed
Other vehicles such as cars, trains and even bicycles and hoverbikes are excluded. Two big exceptions are made for Drive and Revice as they do not have a main motorbike otherwise, but this does exclude things like Gaim's Dandeliner, many of the Oni in Hibiki's transport vehicles, Den-O's Den-Liner, Gotchard's Steamliner and Madwheel and Decade's Agito Slider
Transformations of the bike still count as long as it's being ridden. The Boostriker turns into fox mode while you're riding it? That's fair game
Flashbacks and other repeat footage ("previously on" segments etc) don't count of course. But in cases where it's clearly stock footage but it's still a new event, like the many Ryuki Rideshooter scenes, that's still counted
Count from the moment the bike is straddled to the moment the bike is gotten off, and everything in between. Scenes where the bike isn't technically visible - such as close-ups of the rider's face, or cutting to another character's reaction - are still counted if it's all the same scene
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3m21s (2m23s for Revi only)
Oh lucky me, this was actually done for me! Yamashita made a small update after Revice finished to add this. I just went over and double checked it.
At 3m21s, Revice is at this point the series with the 2nd least amount of bike riding; above Zero-One and below Zi-O. For Revi alone he's in 3rd least; above Zero-One and below Saber. Happy 50th anniversary!
An interesting note here is that Ikki never rides Vice Ptera untransformed -- concerns over the actor's safety, maybe? Daiji also pulls in 58 seconds for the show on his own motorbike, but abandons it completely after episode 13; only bringing it back for the summer movie (which is also the only place he rode it as Live). Interestingly, the 12 seconds he rides it with Sakura in episode 13 is the only time he uses it in the show after becoming a Rider. The skateboarding scene in episode 7 for Jackal Form goes on for over a minute, but unfortunately can't count for this...
I think most people expected Revice to place quite low, though. So let's move on to a show I think a lot of people expect to place higher.
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4m05s (3m45s for Geats only)
I keep repeating it, but this is a show where it seemed a lot of people got the impression of the bike having more importance than before. I think there's a lot of aspects that come together into that -- the bike being tied to a specific 'special' item that's even part of the main rider's main form, the upgrade forms going off of that, and the bike being used in prominent scenes including in the first episode. Geats even arrives on it in his Revice summer movie cameo!
But ultimately if you look at riding time, Geats ends up in 3rd place for overall bike time; above Revice and below Zi-O, while for main rider only Ace ends up in 5th last; above Saber and below Decade. As such he ends up being the main Reiwa Rider to use his bike the most.
This is where I started splitting main rider and untransformed rider in my personal tracking charts, just for fun -- I actually couldn't do that for Revice because as said Ikki never rides anything untransformed except his bicycle. Until episode 11 Ace actually just slightly edged out Geats for having more bike time which was enjoyable to see.
A very interesting thing happens in regards to the Boostriker's transformed state. I decided not to include finishers involving it unless the Rider is specifically riding it -- and the one and only one to do so was Buffa in episode 6, accounting for every single second he rode the machine. He had a penchant for using the buckles' weapons in ways he wasn't supposed to, and he kept up that rule even when the 'weapon' was a bike.
Geats spends a decent amount of time in the final episode sitting on his bike while talking to Regad and the other Riders, and that really saved the show's overall times.
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5m09s (2m32s for Gotchard alone)
According to production blogs, Gotchard had a stated aim of using the bike more. Unfortunately it seems this didn't manifest itself in a very major way... but I think we did see more interesting uses of it! Spanner has his own bike (that like Daiji, he never rides transformed!), there's a version of Golddash from the future, other characters including Golddash itself ride rather than Hotaro at multiple points!
For 'others', the 3 seconds in Episode 2 is when Minato rolls up to deliver Golddash to Hotaro personally. Episode 9's 5 seconds have Renge (with Sabimaru in the back) riding it to deliver Hotaro's cards to him in Kyoto.
Spanner shockingly saved the series' overall time here in a similar way to final episode Ace, by sitting on his for an extended period of time during his conversation with Lachesis at the start of episode 47.
While it's not a very long scene nor did it change anything for the rankings, the bike scene in the final episode that just aired is notable for an extremely rare instance of a Rider Machine being ridden by a Kamen Rider's final form. To my knowledge this has previously only been done by Agito, Den-O and Revice (the latter in a movie). Fittingly for a show where part of the direction was inspired by Agito, both Agito and Gotchard do this Final Form bike scene in their final episodes.
And now, for the final count...
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Gotchard ended up in 21st for overall bike time between Zi-O and Saber, but this was largely due to other characters; so Hotaro alone ended up in 22nd between Revice and Saber.
Overall we're now 5 shows in instead of 2, we can indeed see a very large dropoff in the Reiwa Era -- including Zi-O, the most recent 6 shows are all at the bottom of the list. This is especially notable when The next most recent series, Build, had 12m31s; almost double that of Saber's -- and this wasn't uncommon, with Ghost and Ex-Aid sharing similar times.
This was the main thrust of my research... but what say we go on a little addendum? Because when I mentioned Yamashita updated his post to include Revice in 2022, there was... one other series he saw fit to do a count for. One that was only halfway through, but nonetheless saw an impressive amount of bike riding time. He only got halfway, but what say I finish the job out of pure interest?
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It is "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers"
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The extremely normal 2022 entry into the Super Sentai series has a number of bike scenes. Some you may expect from Don Momotaro riding his CGI Enyarideon on his Palanquin for much of the first cour. Some of you might say that CGI shouldn't count, it's easy enough to animate together a scene than deal with road laws and such -- but does Kijibrother not count? Does Inubrother not count? Do none of the mech scenes count? It's a festival, people. Let's enjoy it.
Even aside from the CGI, Yamashita noted halfway through the show; that can't quite account for everything else. Sonoi has a bike he rides in multiple episodes, every time with a wheelie. Inuzuka twice within 4 episodes steals a bike and almost runs people over with it, as is perfectly fine for a hero. Don Kaito shows up with his own motorbike to promote his new book, which you should buy. For a show where it's not even in the name and for recent Sentai, there's an awful lot of riding going on.
Yamashita in his post speculates that part of this is Inoue's own habits -- as a man whose Toku experience largely consists of regularly writing for Kamen Rider in the 00s, it's natural to expect he would be inclined to write something like "Inubrother escapes the scene on a motorcycle..." as if it was second nature; as if that's nothing special for a modern show.
And I would be inclined to believe that... as such a habit is something that would likely get ironed out after a while; and sure enough, while bike scenes are frequent for the first half of the show, they disappear entirely from episode 23 to 43. It is at this point in my own count I thought we would simply never see a large bike scene from the show again, and the sheer fun of counting up Donbrothers would be lost.
And then... he appeared.
My saviour from the future.
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With a full uninterrupted 1 minute 15 second bike scene
I could hardly believe what I was seeing. I remembered the future episode but I had completely forgotten this was a part of it. When I started timing this episode I was leaving the house fairly shortly and I figured like the past 20 episodes this would be easy enough to count, and I was utterly bewildered. I should never have disbelieved for a moment.
With all that said... where does Donbrothers end up in full?
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7m21s (4m23s for Don Momotaro alone)
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This overwhelming record easily puts both Donbrothers and Don Momotaro in 20th place of their respective charts; beating all Reiwa Riders and Zi-O -- with Don Momotaro even coming close to dethroning Kamen Rider Decade's riding time!
This is where we stand, my companions. In an era where Kamen Rider's biking time is lower than ever before and shows no sign of significant recovery, Donbrothers swoops in to steal its glory. Never lose faith. The festival never ends
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Rasheem Carter was found decapitated in Miss. woods. His family believes he was murdered.
Rasheem Carter, a 25-year-old Black father who went missing late last year, was found with his head severed from his body and separated from his spinal cord, which was found in a different location near Taylorsville, Miss.
The Smith County Sheriff’s Office originally ruled that there was no foul play in the death of Carter, whose remains were first found in November, but now say they are still investigating along with the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation.
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According to Carter’s family, Carter felt he was in danger as he tried to find a way back home to Laurel, Miss. from work in Taylorsville, a majority-white city. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump, the family’s attorney, described Carter’s death as a “modern-day lynching.”
“This was not a natural killing. This was not a natural death. This represents a young man who was killed,” Crump said during a press conference in March. Now Crump is calling on the Department of Justice to open a federal investigation into Carter’s death.
What happened to Carter?
The chain of events began on Oct. 1, when Tiffany Carter, Rasheem Carter’s mother, received a call from her son that he felt unsafe. “My son told me it was three truckloads of white guys trying to kill him,” she said during a press conference.
Authorities confirmed that Carter came to the police station asking for help. Taylorsville Police Chief Gabe Horn, who has not responded to requests from Yahoo News, told local news outlet WDAM that the officers couldn’t help Carter or give him a ride home due to staffing issues and liability concerns.
“He told the officer that night that he and his roommates had a verbal disagreement and he felt threatened and that was it,” Horn told WDAM. “[Rasheem] did tell the officer that night that was up here that he had a ride coming and the officer advised him, ‘You’re more than welcome to stay’ [at the police department].”
But according to Carter’s aunt, the police did not allow him to stay there.
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“He asked if he could sit around until his ride came. They didn’t know that my sister was on the phone and could hear them: ‘This not no hotel, you can’t stay here,’” Felicia Kaho, Carter’s aunt, told Yahoo News.
Carter’s mother says the police failed her son, “I told him to go to the police station because I felt in my heart they would serve and protect like they are obligated to do,” she said.
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The final photo
On the day Carter was reported missing, camera footage showed him shirtless in a wooded area in Taylorsville, holding a large branch.
“Seeing the image of him on someone’s hunting camera is disturbing, because he did not have a shirt on at the time, which indicates that he had been running or [was] overheated,” Mississippi state Rep. Christopher Bell told Yahoo News.
Carter’s mother says she believes the photo proves that her son was in trouble and “running for his life.”
But Smith County Sheriff Joel Houston, told Insider that Carter is the only one seen in the footage that they have reviewed from that day. “It doesn’t show anybody else present,” he said.
Carter’s remains
On Nov. 2, a month after Carter went missing, some of his remains were found in the woods near Taylorsville, where he was last seen.
According to Crump, authorities emailed the family to notify them of the discovery.
“At first, when the first of Rasheem’s remains were discovered with his head decapitated from his body, officials told the family that it was animals that killed Rasheem. Officials later said that they believed he was murdered,” Crump said in April.
The first set of Carter’s remains were found just a few days before his funeral, according to the family. “They only had like 15 bones, they had a skull and like a rib bone and a clavicle and a mandible,” Kaho said.
In February, another set of Carter’s remains were found in Smith County, and last month additional remains were found, according to Crump.
“They have recently found remains that they believe are also Rasheem Carter at another part of where he went missing, and what that tells us is, this was a nefarious act. This was an evil act. Somebody murdered Rasheem Carter. And we cannot let them get away with this,” Crump said.
Last week, Crump and his legal team were notified of a fourth set of remains from a bystander who captured on video police discovering what seems to be human remains.
“There is no excuse for bystanders coming showing video to the family, and officials not having the dignity and respect to notify the family immediately, and say ‘We found more human remains in the vicinity where your son’s head and spinal cord and other bodily remains were found,’” Crump said.
Still, Carter’s family doesn’t have all of his remains. “Where are the rest of his remains? We have [206] bones in our body. And we only got 15 or 20. That’s like a whole body somewhere still out there,” Kaho said.
Family demands federal probe
As the case continues to develop, Carter’s family is calling for a federal investigation. In March, Sheriff Houston told CNN that local authorities are still investigating. “To this date, we do not have evidence of foul play but everything is on the table. Until we turn over every stone, it’s still an open investigation,” he said.
As the family awaits additional answers, You Are the Power, a national nonprofit, announced a $50,000 award for tips that lead to a conviction for Carter’s death.
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“Mississippi, all of America is watching to see if you’re going to do right by Rasheem Carter,” Crump said. “His brokenhearted mother has nightmares at night about what her son must have been doing as a result of this lynching in 2022.”
Kaho says she believes that eventually the truth will come to light. “They can stop telling us [no foul play]. We will never settle for that. Never.”
While sometimes small local law enforcement agencies lack resources, Bell says that is not an excuse in the investigation of Carter’s death.
“We also have the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, who also comes in and investigates cases like this, as well as the FBI. So these are agencies that are very capable of doing the investigation and finding out what happened in this case,” he said.
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hellodeepanshuuu22 · 22 days
Soar Above Paradise: The Ultimate Guide to Skydiving Packages in the Maldives
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The Maldives is renowned for its stunning scenery, crystal-clear waters, and luxury resorts, but it’s also an exceptional destination for adrenaline seekers. If you're looking to add an exhilarating twist to your Maldivian getaway, skydiving offers an unmatched perspective of this tropical paradise. Imagine leaping from a plane and soaring above the breathtaking atolls and turquoise lagoons. In this guide, we’ll explore the thrill of skydiving in the Maldives and how our exclusive skydiving packages can make your dream of flying above paradise a reality.
1. Why Choose a Skydiving Package in the Maldives?
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Skydiving in the Maldives is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and choosing a specialized package can elevate your adventure. Here’s why a skydiving package might be the perfect choice.
1. Comprehensive Experience
Skydiving packages typically include everything you need for an unforgettable jump. From the moment you book your package, you’ll receive detailed instructions, professional training, and all necessary equipment. This ensures that your skydiving experience is seamless and safe.
2. Professional Guidance
Most skydiving packages are led by experienced instructors who provide comprehensive briefings and support throughout the process. This professional guidance is crucial for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience, especially for first-time jumpers.
3. Scenic Flights
One of the highlights of skydiving in the Maldives is the scenic flight that precedes your jump. As you ascend, you’ll enjoy panoramic views of the atolls, lagoons, and coral reefs, setting the stage for a breathtaking freefall.
4. Cost-Effective Solutions
Booking a skydiving package can be more cost-effective than arranging individual components separately. Packages often offer competitive rates and bundled services, including the jump, equipment, and sometimes even post-jump celebrations.
5. Memorable Experiences
Many packages include additional perks such as video and photo services to capture your jump. These professional recordings are a fantastic way to relive your adventure and share the experience with friends and family.
2. Highlights of Maldives Skydiving Packages
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1. Tandem Skydives
For those new to skydiving, tandem jumps are a great way to experience the thrill of freefall with the safety of an experienced instructor. Your instructor will handle all the technical aspects, allowing you to enjoy the ride and stunning views without any prior skydiving experience.
2. Scenic Flights
Before your jump, you'll enjoy a scenic flight that offers panoramic views of the Maldives’ beautiful atolls and turquoise waters. This pre-jump flight is a highlight of the experience, providing a breathtaking view of the island paradise below.
3. Professional Training
Skydiving packages include comprehensive training sessions to prepare you for the jump. You’ll learn about the equipment, safety procedures, and what to expect during your descent, ensuring that you’re well-prepared and confident.
4. Video and Photo Packages
Capture the thrill of your skydive with professional video and photo services. Many packages offer the option to purchase a recording of your jump, including footage of your freefall and landing, as well as aerial views of the Maldives.
5. Post-Jump Celebrations
Some skydiving packages include post-jump celebrations or special events. Enjoy a celebratory toast or a relaxed meal after your jump, and share stories with fellow skydivers about your incredible experience.
3. Top Skydiving Locations in the Maldives
When choosing a skydiving package, consider these top locations known for their stunning views and exceptional skydiving experiences:
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**1. Malé Atoll
Malé Atoll offers a spectacular backdrop for skydiving, with its crystal-clear waters and vibrant coral reefs. The atoll’s central location makes it a popular choice for skydiving, providing panoramic views of the Maldives’ iconic landscape.
**2. Ari Atoll
Ari Atoll is known for its breathtaking underwater scenery and tranquil lagoons. Skydiving over Ari Atoll provides stunning aerial views of the atoll’s natural beauty, including its pristine beaches and vibrant marine life.
**3. Baa Atoll
Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity and stunning coral reefs. Skydiving over Baa Atoll offers unique perspectives of its lush islands and clear waters, making it a memorable experience for thrill-seekers.
4. How to Choose the Right Skydiving Package
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**1. Assess Your Experience Level
Consider your skydiving experience when selecting a package. Tandem jumps are ideal for beginners, while experienced skydivers might prefer solo jumps or advanced packages. Ensure the package you choose matches your skill level and comfort.
**2. Check Inclusions
Review the package details to understand what is included. Look for packages that offer comprehensive training, equipment, and additional perks like video and photo services. Comparing inclusions can help you find the best value for your adventure.
**3. Read Reviews
Check reviews and testimonials from previous skydivers to gauge the quality of the experience. Reading about others’ experiences can provide insights into the professionalism of the operators and the overall enjoyment of the jump.
**4. Book in Advance
Skydiving slots can fill up quickly, especially during peak seasons. To secure your spot and potentially benefit from early-bird discounts, book your skydiving package well in advance.
5. Final Thoughts
Skydiving in the Maldives is an exhilarating way to experience the beauty of this tropical paradise from above. With our exclusive skydiving packages, you can enjoy a thrilling adventure that includes everything you need for a safe and unforgettable jump. From tandem skydives and scenic flights to professional training and video services, these packages offer a comprehensive and exciting way to see the Maldives.
Ready to take the plunge? Explore our Maldives skydiving packages and start planning your high-flying adventure above paradise today! 🌴🪂✨
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ayodya-mga2024mi4016 · 2 months
Additional research
What is a Documentary?
A documentary is a non-fictional film or television program that presents factual information about a particular topic. It aims to inform, educate, or entertain its audience by presenting real-life events, people, places, or issues. Unlike fictional narratives, documentaries strive for objectivity and accuracy in their portrayal of reality.
Types of Documentaries
Documentaries are a diverse genre that can take many forms.
Based on Style and Approach
Expository: These documentaries aim to inform and educate the audience. They often use narration, expert interviews, and archival footage to present factual information.
Observational: This style focuses on observing and capturing real-life events without interfering. It's like a fly-on-the-wall approach.
Participatory: The filmmaker becomes actively involved in the subject matter, often building relationships with the people they're documenting.
Reflexive: These documentaries explore the filmmaking process itself and the impact of the filmmaker on the subject.
Performative: The filmmaker's personality and perspective are central to the film.
Poetic: These documentaries prioritize visual and auditory imagery over narrative structure, often creating an emotional or atmospheric experience.
Based on Subject Matter
Historical: Explore past events, people, or cultures.
Social: Focus on social issues and problems.
Political: Deal with political events, figures, and ideologies.
Scientific: Explore scientific discoveries and theories.
Biographical: Tell the story of a person's life.
Nature: Showcase the natural world and its inhabitants.
Hybrid Forms
Docudrama: Combines documentary footage with dramatic reenactments.
Mockumentary: A humorous or satirical film that pretends to be a documentary.
How to do a documentary?
1. Concept and Research
Identify a compelling topic: Choose a subject that has potential for a strong narrative.
Conduct thorough research: Gather information from various sources, including books, articles, interviews, and online resources.
Develop a strong thesis: Define the core message or argument of documentary.
2. Planning and Pre-Production
Create a treatment: Outline the story, characters, and structure of the documentary.
Develop a shooting script: Create a detailed plan for filming, including scenes, interviews, and visuals.
3. Production
Capture footage: Film interviews, b-roll (visuals), and any necessary scenes.
Conduct interviews: Prepare thoughtful questions and create a comfortable atmosphere for interviewees.
Gather archival footage: Find relevant historical materials to enhance the story.
4. Post-Production
Edit footage: Assemble the story, selecting the best shots and creating a compelling narrative.
Add sound and music: Enhance the emotional impact of the film with sound effects and music.
Color correction and grading: Adjust the visual look of the documentary.
Add graphics and titles: Create on-screen text and visual elements.
0 notes
govindhtech · 7 months
Get Ready! Xiaomi 14 Series Launches Worldwide!
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Latest Features of Xiaomi 14 Series
Xiaomi, a worldwide innovator, proudly launches its next flagship smartphone range, Xiaomi 14 Series, in Barcelona, Spain, at an exclusive launch event. Xiaomi’s dedication to providing world-class experiences is reflected by this announcement. William Lu, Partner and President of Xiaomi Corporation and President of Xiaomi foreign Business Department, introduced its updated “Human X Car X Home” smart ecosystem to foreign markets at the event.
Xiaomi and Leica revolutionized smartphone imaging after forming a strategic cooperation in 2022. The Xiaomi has changed industry norms with each product generation via continuous pursuit of quality. Xiaomi 14 Series, with Leica Summilux lenses, is the culmination of this cooperation. Xiaomi’s worldwide leadership in mobile image innovation is reinforced by its fusion of cutting-edge optical principles and product designs.
Xiaomi also announced Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro 12.4, Xiaomi Watch S3, Xiaomi Smart Band 8 Pro, and Xiaomi Watch 2 for release.
Xiaomi 14 Ultra: Premier Photography, Unmatched Performance, and Innovative Design
Xiaomi 14 Ultra comes in Black and White in international markets and has a circular camera module with a flat back design, inspired by classical camera aesthetics.Image Credit to Xiaomi
Xiaomi 14 Ultra has a sturdy aluminum chassis, Xiaomi nano-tech vegan leather, and Xiaomi Shield Glass. Xiaomi 14 Ultra has 1.38x stronger frame strength thanks to a single metal block. A breakthrough recipe makes Xiaomi nano-tech vegan leather thinner, lighter, and 6x more durable. Xiaomi 14 Ultra’s All Around Liquid Display, made with Xiaomi Shield Glass, blends the visual attractiveness of a flat screen with the tactile input of a curved edge. Xiaomi-custom C8 WQHD+ 6.73″ AMOLED display offers an immersive visual experience with WQHD+ (3200 x 1440) resolution, 522 ppi pixel density, configurable 1-120Hz refresh rate, and 3000 nits peak brightness.
Xiaomi 14 Ultra has a professional quad-camera setup with a wide 12mm–120mm focal length range. The primary camera’s /1.63-ƒ/4.0 stepless variable aperture allows for smooth exposure changes in various situations. An ultra-large 1-inch LYT-900 image sensor with a 14EV dynamic range ensures excellent picture quality in difficult conditions. The Leica 75mm floating telephoto, 120mm periscope, and 12mm ultra-wide cameras complete the quad-camera configuration.
All four cameras on Xiaomi 14 Ultra enable 8K 30fps, leading smartphone imaging. The 50MP sensor and Leica lenses record 8K films with remarkable quality, enabling professional post-production editing. Its primary camera can film 4K 120fps with 5x slow-motion. It also has 60fps full-range zooming at 4K. Stabilization and Dolby Vision 4K 60fps video capture are also supported. An extra microphone forms a 4-Mic array for surround and directional sound recording.
The new Movie option uses cinematic industry principles such a 2.39:1 aspect ratio and 180° shutter rule to create cinematic footage with motion blur. The new MasterCinema encodes HDR films in 10-bit Rec.2020 for better details, highlights, and shadows than 8-bit BT.709, particularly on HDR televisions. Director mode has sophisticated parameter settings and Log file filming for flexible post-production. Xiaomi 14 Ultra may be used as an external monitor with Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro 12.4 for an immersive production experience.
Xiaomi 14 Ultra Photography Kit, released with the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, offers enhanced functionality in a grip and case for photographers and videographers. A two-stage shutter button, zoom lever, configurable video recording button, and custom dial are included. It charges externally and has 1500mAh battery life. This item is sold separately.
Xiaomi 14 Series: Small, Strong Imagery, Uncompromising Experience
Xiaomi 14 is 152.8mm x 71.5mm x 8.20mm, a small everyday companion. Its slightly curved rear panel provides a stable grip for long-term usage. By moving the speaker to the display and the infrared port to the camera deco, the top and side frames appear clean and simple. A tiny 1.71mm bottom bezel is created using innovative FIAA technology to incorporate panel circuits into the display for an immersive viewing experience.
Xiaomi 14 has a triple-camera setup with a wide focal range from 14mm to 75mm. The Xiaomi 14 has Leica Summilux optical lenses, an improved ƒ/1.6 aperture on the primary camera, and a Light Fusion 900 image sensor with up to 13.5 EV dynamic range. The Leica 14mm ultra-wide camera now features 50MP resolution and the highly regarded Leica 75mm floating telephoto lens with a 10cm minimum focus distance.
Xiaomi 14’s 6.36″ CrystalRes AMOLED 1.5K (2670 x 1200) screen is stunning. With 460ppi, the screen boasts more details than before. The peak brightness of 3000 nits makes colors brilliant and images clear even in direct sunshine. Its variable refresh rate, from 1 to 120Hz, ensures fluid viewing throughout surfing, reading, and gaming.
Uncompromising hardware increases performance
Xiaomi 14 Series consumers get a flawless smartphone experience with cutting-edge CPUs, cooling technologies, and battery life.
The leading Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform powers Xiaomi 14 and Xiaomi 14 Ultra, which improves CPU performance by 32% and GPU performance by 34% and power consumption by 38% over the previous generation. Xiaomi 14 Series has Qualcomm FastConnect 7800, which provides 320MHz Wi-Fi 72. Xiaomi 14 Ultra revolutionizes high-speed multi-device connection with High Band Synchronous (HBS) Multi-Link, having the broadest channel and lowest latency.
Both smartphones run well in demanding situations like video recording, computational photography, real-time AI, and heavy gaming thanks to the Xiaomi IceLoop cooling technology. Xiaomi 14 Ultra’s Dual-Channel IceLoop technology adds a second thermal channel for the camera module for smoother photos and videos.
Xiaomi 14 and 14 Ultra include the Xiaomi Surge battery management mechanism for all-day performance. Xiaomi 14 has a 4610mAh battery with 90W and 50W wireless HyperCharge. Xiaomi 14 Ultra’s 5000mAh battery has 90W HyperCharge and 80W wireless HyperCharge.
Xiaomi HyperOS explores smart ecosystem future
Xiaomi 14 Series has the cutting-edge Xiaomi HyperOS operating system, developed over seven years. This human-centric solution for the “Human X Car X Home” smart ecosystem prioritizes Comprehensive Refactoring, Cross-Device Intelligent Connectivity, Proactive Intelligence, and End-to-End Security. Xiaomi 14 Series users can enjoy enhanced system fluidity with advanced file and memory management, a graphics subsystem-enriched UI, seamless device connectivity, and comprehensive security and privacy features to ensure a safe, connected experience with Xiaomi HyperOS.
Google photographs integration in Xiaomi Gallery lets users securely back up photographs and videos to Google Photos. From Xiaomi Gallery, users can view, edit, and share Google Photos backups. Xiaomi smartphones worldwide will have this feature in Spring 2024.
Xiaomi 14 Series uses Xiaomi HyperOS’s cutting-edge AI to make life smarter. Integration of large AI models into system applications streamlines and improves functionality. AI subtitles transcribe video conferencing speech in real time. AI Album Search uses natural language processing to help consumers find photographs in their photo collections by describing them. AI Portraits uses powerful algorithms to produce new portraits from existing pictures. AI Expansion also allows realistic visual content additions, expanding creative possibilities.
Xiaomi HyperMind lets gadgets anticipate user wants and respond appropriately. Xiaomi HyperMind uses devices’ environment, vision, sound, and behavior perception skills to learn user preferences and modify devices automatically. After user approval, Xiaomi HyperMind will automatically switch on the living room light upon opening their smart door lock.
Xiaomi changed its group strategy from “Smartphone x AIoT” to “Human x Car x Home” smart ecosystem at the end of October last year, including cars as a key priority. Xiaomi’s worldwide debut of Xiaomi 14 Series, new IoT devices, and Xiaomi SU7, all powered by Xiaomi HyperOS, solidifies its technical leadership. These portfolio developments demonstrate Xiaomi’s dedication to innovation and user experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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agentcable · 9 months
Taxi Driver 2 Ep. 12
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After being kicked out of Black Sun and beaten up, Do-Ki is arrested by the police instead of them intervening. Despite Young-Min's help in bailing him out, Do-Ki now realizes that the police are working with Black Sun. Rainbow Transport infiltrates the club to bring them to justice for the crimes they are committing.
Season 2 Episode 12 "I Need To Get Back Inside"
The series is based on real-life heinous crimes committed in Korea and has received praise from viewers for its performances and storylines.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Episode 12 "I Need To Get Back Inside"
In Episode 12 of Taxi Driver Season 2, Do-Ki is taken into police custody on Guard Jang's orders. Go-Eun, Kyung-Koo, and Jin-Eon witness Do-Ki being taken away, while the mother of the minor arrives in an ambulance to take her son and his friend away. The woman berates Guard Jang for allowing her son in, and Jang blames his subordinate for letting something like this happen. Jang discovers that the children gained entry to the club through Windy. Jang requests that Windy's schedule be erased, which prompts the escort. She locates Jang in the VIP room and slaps him for causing her financial harm. Jang informs Windy that the club can handle situations such as rape or assault, but allowing minors inside is unacceptable. Windy attacked the chief guard by hitting im with her heel and breaking a glass bottle over his head as revenge. Yoo Moon-Hyun, the chief in charge of Black Sun, walked in and separated the two.
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Meanwhile, Detective Jang Jin-Ho called Guard Jang to inform him about Do-Ki's arrest. During Do-Ki's interrogation by Senior Officer Jo Min-Geon, Detective Jang claimed that Do-Ki was being arrested on charges of molestation. Do-Ki was locked up and left in shock. Meanwhile, Go-Eun attempted to gather information to assist Do-Ki. She spotted the journalist from earlier that night entering the police station. Kim Young-Min, the journalist, managed to help release Do-Ki from lockup. During a meal and drinks, Young-Min and Do-Ki bonded, and the journalist shared how he saved Do-Ki using CCTV footage. Do-Ki praised Young-Min for his bravery in being beaten up by the guards at Black Sun to expose them. Young-Min advises Do-Ki to steer clear of Black Sun and requests that he refrain from interfering. At Rainbow Taxi headquarters, the sun group speculates about the events at Black Sun. Go-Eun discloses that the club had six owners, none of whom were the true owners, but rather individuals posing as such. To investigate the club, Do-Ki decides to use a method other than attending as a guest.
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In one of the VIP rooms, Park Hyun-Jo, the chief of police and one of the club's owners, is with Victor. The idol thanks the cop for saving him from a DUI. Hyun-Jo signs the revenue chart for the month, which shows that Black Sun's monthly business is 5.64 million dollars. Hyun-Jo is invited by the idol to his comeback party, which will be held at a private resort with women that Hyun-Jo likes. Hyun-Jo informs Victor that the club is making a profit every month. Kyung-Koo and Jin-Eon successfully take down one drunk guard outside the club while Do-Ki abducts two others in his taxi. Moon-Hyun is frustrated that Guard Jang is unable to handle the other guards and contacts someone to get replacements from the gym.
Do-Ki is a gym-goer who was selected to work at Moon-Hyun's club due to his aggression, which he demonstrated by beating two other gym-goers. Guard Jang is surprised to see Do-Ki as one of the new guards, but Do-Ki lies and says he acted on instinct that day to avoid an argument. Moon-Hyun appreciates Do-Ki's attitude and asks him to report any minors seen in the club directly to him. Guard Jang has narrated a set of rules for the bouncers. The rules state that only men and women who meet certain appearance standards are allowed inside the club. The club only allows VIP males during peak hours at 12am. VIP women who meet certain appearances standards are also granted access after 12am. Windy and Jang bicker in front of the junior guards. Do-Ki is assigned as Guard #9 on the main dance floor and instructed not to intervene in any fights.
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CEO Yang recognizes Do-Ki as the guard and appears pleased to see him. During his break, Do-Ki chats with the other members of the revenge crew. However, Guard Jang spots him there. To face Jang, Do-Ki puts on a scene and kicks Jin-Eon and Kyung-Koo out of the club's premises. Jang is shocked to learn that CEO Kang wants to meet Do-Ki and invites him inside. Jang informs Do-Ki that he will now be working with the VIPs. Like the other guards, Do-Ki must protect the alcohol bottle with his employee number (#9). If the bottle shatters, breaks or is stolen, Do-Ki will be responsible for it. He follows the VIP who was holding the bottle #9 and enters the VIP room. Do-Ki observes that the VIP clients are middle-aged women who are being entertained by male escorts. Fortunately, CEO Kang is also present in the same room and is conversing with Ha-Joon who is on his way inside the club.
A superior guard coincidentally calls Do-Ki out and swaps his employee ID with him. As a result, Do-Ki becomes guard #2 and is instructed to wait outside. Ha-Joon notices Do-Ki leaving the VIP area, but doesn't think much of it. Do-Ki witnesses two guards dragging a drunk VIP client into a car and is then asked to drive the woman home. In her VIP room, CEO Kang becomes suspicious when she finds someone else wearing the #9 badge. She ends up breaking a bottle, which frightens the guards and other guests even more. During a discussion about the bishop's arrival, Ha-Joon intervenes and puts on a show to entertain the guards. He fights three of them alone and manages to beat them all. The VIPs are entertained by the guards being beaten up. CEO Kang agrees to fulfil Ha-Joon's wish as per their deal.
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Meanwhile, Do-Ki is concerened about the client who is passed out in his car but notices that another car is following him. he whispers to Go-Eun, asking her to run a check on the number plates. She discovers that the car belongs to journalist Kim Young-Min. Do-Ki attempts to escape from Young-Min, but the journalist crashes into his vehicle. Young-Min is recognized by the other guards in the car. The journalist rams into Do-Ki's vehicle in an attempt to stop him. Young-Min loses his balance and is about to be hit by a truck. However, Do-Ki uses his vehicle to save the journalist. He beats up the guards who come to check on him after using pepper spray. Do-Ki tells the journalist that they need to take the girl to the hospital as soon as possible. Young-Min informs Do-Ki at the hospital that the girl was drugged and at risk of sexual assault. The doctor confirms that the girl had drugs in her system and had reported it to the police. The woman is arrested by female officers while Detective Jang Jin-Ho reads her rights while she is still sedated.
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Do-Ki and Young-Min observe as the girl is taken away, and the journalist appears angry. He returns to the car where the guards have just regained consciousness. Do-Ki pretends to be unconscious too, as the guards are concerned about losing the drugged girl. Later, after finishing his shift, Do-Ki meets with Young-Min at his house to discuss the case he was working on. Do-Ki discovers that Young-Min had been working to expose the Black Sun for a while. After Do-Ki insists, Young-Min admits that he was seeking revenge for the death of his friend, Choi Seung-Eun. Seung-Eun was killed after attempting to expose the Black Sun. The incident was reported as a suicide, but Young-Nim knows it was staged.
Young-Min holds himself responsible for the incident because he drove Seung-Eun to the Black Sun nichtglub where drugs worth millions were being sold. Seung-Eun had called Young-Nim for help, but reportedly killed himself before they could meet. The police showed Young-Min footage of Seung-Eun, who allegedly died by suicide due to loans and debt. Young-Min believes Seung-Eun saw something he shouldn't have at the nightclub and vowed to uncover the truth about his death. Young-Min inspected the tapes and noticed that Seung-Eun did not have the spy cam pen he was given. Additionally, Young-Min observed that Seung-Eun's demeanor had changed after leaving Black Sun. Furthermore, Black Sun framed Young-Min, resulting in his termination from his job. The journalist filmed himself on the rooftop hoping that Black Sun guards would kill him. This would draw public attention to the nightclub's wrongdoings. Do-Ki left Rainbow Taxi's contact information for Young-Nim before returning to headquarters.
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Go-Eun and the others believe that fighting Black Sun is beyond their capabilities. However, Do-Ki is certain that Young-Min was also after the same target they were. Sung-Chul remains neutral on the situation and suggests that the nightclub, Black Sun, may have the answers to their questions. He recommends taking the case on. Meanwhile, Do-Ki reassures Go-Eun that everything will be okay. Later that night, Do-Ki drops off Young-Min after taking on his case. The group resumes using the taxi M5283, and the episode concludes.
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asap-tent · 9 months
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1.How long does a 10×20 pop-up canopy usually take to install?
The installation time for a 10×20 pop-up canopy can vary depending on the design, features, and the experience of the person setting it up. The information provided by ASAP Canopy indicates that their 10×20 pop-up canopy is easy to set up, and the setup time is about 1-5 minutes. Here are some factors that contribute to the quick setup time:
1. Pop-Up Design and Instant Deployment:
The pop-up design of canopies, including the 10×20 model from ASAP Canopy, is engineered for instant deployment. The collapsible frame utilizes a scissor-like mechanism that allows users to effortlessly expand the frame, achieving a fully functional canopy structure within moments.
2. User-Friendly Features:
Manufacturers often incorporate user-friendly features to streamline the setup process. Look for canopies with clearly labeled components, color-coded elements, and intuitive design features. These aspects make it easier for users to identify and connect the various parts correctly.
3. Quality Frame Materials:
The materials used in the frame construction play a crucial role in the ease of setup. High-quality materials, such as lightweight yet durable aluminum or steel, contribute to the stability of the frame while keeping the overall weight manageable for users.
4. Adjustable Frame Mechanisms:
Canopies with adjustable frame mechanisms, such as telescopic legs with push-button adjustments, provide users with the flexibility to set the desired height easily. This adaptability ensures that the canopy can accommodate various event spaces and user preferences.
5. Pre-Attached Components:
Some pop-up canopies come with pre-attached components, reducing the number of separate pieces users need to connect during setup. For example, pre-attached sidewalls or valances can simplify the installation process and minimize assembly time.
6. Instant Locking Systems:
Advanced canopies may feature instant locking systems, allowing users to secure the frame components in place swiftly. This feature adds to the stability of the canopy and reduces the time spent on adjusting and securing individual parts.
7. Clear and Concise Instructions:
Manufacturers often provide comprehensive and user-friendly instructions with their canopies. Clear step-by-step guidance, possibly accompanied by visual diagrams, ensures that users can follow the correct assembly sequence for a hassle-free setup.
8. Practice and Familiarity:
Users who are familiar with the setup process can significantly reduce installation time. Practicing the setup at home or in a controlled environment allows individuals to become proficient in assembling the canopy, making event-day installation even more efficient.
The 10×20 pop-up canopy, particularly the model offered by ASAP Canopy, is designed to combine quick setup with user-friendly features and durability. Understanding the various elements contributing to efficient assembly empowers users to make the most of their canopy for a wide range of outdoor events and activities. Always consult the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific model you have, and take advantage of any resources provided to ensure a seamless setup process.
2.How big is a 10×20 pop up canopy?
A 10×20 pop-up canopy from ASAP Canopy, as indicated in the description, unfolds to provide a massive 200 square feet of event space. This means the canopy covers an area that is 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length. The calculation for square footage is achieved by multiplying the width by the length:
Width×Length=Square footageWidth×Length=Square footage
For a 10×20 pop-up canopy:
10 feet×20 feet=200 square feet10feet×20feet=200square feet
Therefore, when fully unfolded, ASAP Canopy’s 10×20 pop-up canopy provides a spacious area of 200 square feet, making it suitable for various outdoor events, gatherings, exhibitions, and other occasions where a large covered space is required.
3.How much does a 10×20 pop up canopy cost?
ASAP Canopy’s cost starts at $1395 for a 10×20 pop-up canopy. It’s important to note that pricing may vary based on factors such as specific features, customization options, and any other accessories that come with the canopy. The offer mentioned by ASAP Canopy also includes free design and free worldwide shipping, which can add significant value to the overall package.
1. Premium Materials and Construction:
ASAP Canopy’s commitment to quality is reflected in the choice of materials used in their 10×20 pop-up canopies. High-grade frame materials, such as durable aluminum or steel, ensure structural integrity and longevity, making the canopy a reliable investment for various events.
2. Customization and Branding:
The inclusion of free design services by ASAP Canopy adds significant value to the purchase. Customization options allow businesses and individuals to showcase their brand, logo, or specific messaging on the canopy, enhancing visibility and creating a professional and branded presence at events.
3. Free Ball Shipping:
The offer of free ball shipping further enhances the affordability of the canopy. Including necessary accessories, such as weights for stability, without additional shipping costs contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness of the package.
4. Quick and Easy Setup:
The quick setup time of 1-5 minutes, as highlighted by ASAP Canopy, is a valuable feature for users seeking efficiency during events. The pop-up design, user-friendly features, and clear instructions contribute to a seamless setup process.
5. Versatile Event Space:
With a massive 200 square feet of event space, ASAP Canopy’s 10×20 pop-up canopy offers versatility for a range of outdoor activities. Whether used for trade shows, markets, parties, or promotional events, the spacious coverage accommodates diverse needs.
6. Durability in Various Conditions:
The canopy’s design and materials are likely selected to withstand various weather conditions. This durability ensures that the canopy remains stable and functional, providing reliable shelter for users in different outdoor settings.
7. Comprehensive Warranty:
Confirming the warranty details provided by ASAP Canopy adds another layer of assurance for buyers. A comprehensive warranty underscores the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s quality and can provide peace of mind for users.
8. Professional Appearance:
Beyond functionality, the opportunity for customization contributes to the professional appearance of the canopy. Businesses can use the canopy as a promotional tool, reinforcing brand identity and creating a visually appealing presence at events.
9. Additional Accessories and Features:
Explore any additional accessories or features included with the canopy, such as sidewalls, carrying bags with wheels, or instant locking systems. These features enhance the overall user experience and may contribute to the canopy’s value.
10. Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Practices:
If applicable, consider any environmentally friendly practices employed by ASAP Canopy in the production and materials of their canopies. Sustainable practices contribute to the overall value for eco-conscious consumers.
Investing in a 10×20 pop-up canopy from ASAP Canopy goes beyond the basic provision of shelter. It involves acquiring a versatile, customizable, and durable outdoor solution that meets the needs of both individuals and businesses. As consumers evaluate their options, considering the features, branding opportunities, and additional benefits offered by ASAP Canopy can help them make an informed decision and maximize the value of their purchase. 
4.Does the 10×20 pop-up canopy come with a carrying bag for easy transport?
The 10×20 pop-up canopy from ASAP Canopy comes with a free Portable 600D polyester roller bag. This is a valuable inclusion that enhances the portability and convenience of the canopy. Let’s explore the significance of this accessory:
1. Design for Easy Transportation:
The roller bag is specifically designed to facilitate easy transportation of the folded 10×20 pop-up canopy. Its design takes into account the dimensions and shape of the folded canopy, ensuring a secure fit for effortless movement.
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2. Multi-Directional Rollers:
Some roller bags come equipped with multi-directional wheels, allowing users to maneuver the canopy smoothly in various directions. This feature is particularly useful when navigating through crowded event spaces, ensuring agility and ease of movement.
3. Telescopic Handle:
A telescopic handle is a common feature in roller bags, providing users with an adjustable handle that can be extended or retracted based on their height and comfort. This feature adds to the user-friendly design of the roller bag.
4. Weather-Resistant Material:
The use of 600D polyester in the construction of the roller bag not only contributes to durability but also offers a level of weather resistance. The material can withstand exposure to light rain or moisture during outdoor transportation, helping to protect the canopy inside.
5. Secure Closure Mechanism:
A secure closure mechanism on the roller bag ensures that the canopy is held in place and protected during transport. This may include zippers, straps, or other fastening features that prevent the canopy from shifting within the bag.
6. Identification Tags and Pockets:
Some roller bags may include identification tags or pockets for users to insert their contact information. This not only helps in case the bag is misplaced but also adds a personal touch to the user’s experience.
7. Ventilation Features:
Ventilation features, such as mesh panels or vents, can be incorporated into the design of the roller bag. This allows air circulation and prevents the buildup of moisture, ensuring that the canopy remains fresh during storage.
8. Additional Storage Compartments:
Roller bags with additional storage compartments provide users with extra space to store accessories, promotional materials, or personal items. This feature enhances the bag’s functionality as a comprehensive storage solution.
9. Branding and Personalization:
The roller bag may offer opportunities for branding or personalization. Manufacturers may include logos, labels, or customizable elements on the bag, allowing users to further personalize their canopy and create a cohesive brand presentation.
10. User Tips and Guidelines:
Manufacturers often provide user tips and guidelines for optimizing the use of the roller bag. This may include recommendations for folding the canopy, securing it within the bag, and maintaining the longevity of the bag.
The Portable 600D polyester roller bag accompanying the 10×20 pop-up canopy from ASAP Canopy is not just a practical accessory; it’s a key component that enhances the overall usability, convenience, and protection of the canopy. The thoughtful design, inclusion of user-friendly features, and durability of the roller bag contribute to a positive user experience, making the transportation of the canopy a seamless and efficient process. When considering a pop-up canopy, the presence of such well-designed accessories adds considerable value, making the product more appealing and user-centric.
5.What are the shipping and delivery options for a 10×20 pop-up canopy?
ASAP Canopy offers comprehensive shipping and delivery options for their 10×20 pop-up canopies. Here are the key details based on the information provided:
1. Logistics Partners:
Logistics Companies: ASAP Canopy cooperates with renowned logistics companies, including DHL, UPS, and FedEx.
Benefit: Partnering with these logistics giants ensures reliable and efficient shipping services.
2. Estimated Shipping Time:
Customized Canopies: For all shipments of customized canopies, the estimated shipping time is approximately 6-13 working days.
Note: Shipping times may vary based on factors such as location, customs processing, and other logistical considerations.
3. Free Worldwide Shipping:
Coverage: ASAP Canopy provides free shipping worldwide for their 10×20 pop-up canopies.
Advantage: This inclusive shipping policy makes the canopies accessible to customers globally without additional shipping charges.
4. Trackable Goods:
Tracking: All shipments from ASAP Canopy are trackable, allowing customers to monitor the status and location of their goods.
Transparency: The tracking feature enhances transparency and provides customers with real-time updates on their delivery.
5. Global Accessibility:
Worldwide Delivery: The combination of free worldwide shipping and collaboration with major logistics companies ensures that customers around the world can receive their 10×20 pop-up canopies.
6. Secure and Reliable Delivery:
Logistics Expertise: Partnering with DHL, UPS, and FedEx signifies a commitment to secure and reliable delivery services.
Peace of Mind: Customers can have confidence in the reliability and efficiency of the chosen logistics partners.
7. Customer Support:
Assistance: In case of any inquiries or concerns related to shipping, customers can likely reach out to ASAP Canopy’s customer support for assistance.
Communication: Effective communication channels contribute to a positive customer experience.
Considerations for Customers:
Shipping Timeframe: Customers should be aware of the estimated shipping timeframe (6-13 working days) and plan accordingly, especially if the canopy is needed for a specific event.
Customization Lead Time: If opting for a customized canopy, factor in any additional lead time required for the customization process before the canopy is shipped.
Tracking Information: Take advantage of the tracking feature to stay informed about the shipment’s progress and expected delivery date.
Shipping Address Accuracy: Ensure that the shipping address provided during the order process is accurate to avoid potential delivery issues.
Customs and Import Regulations: For international shipments, be aware of customs regulations and any potential import duties that may apply.
By leveraging the expertise of major logistics companies and offering free worldwide shipping with trackable goods, ASAP Canopy aims to provide a seamless and accessible shipping experience for customers ordering their 10×20 pop-up canopies. Always refer to the specific shipping information provided by the company and reach out to customer support for any additional clarification or assistance.
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Renovations, Additions, and Homeowners Insurance in Huntersville and Cornelius, NC: Why Updates are Vital
Home renovations and improvements are exciting endeavors for homeowners in Huntersville and Cornelius, North Carolina. Whether it's expanding the living space, upgrading the kitchen, or adding a new deck, these projects enhance the comfort and value of one's home. What many homeowners often overlook is the significant impact these changes can have on their homeowners insurance in Huntersville and Cornelius, NC.     1. Increased Replacement Cost:   One of the primary reasons to update homeowners insurance after a renovation is the increased replacement cost of one's home. If the homeowner has added extra square footage, upgraded fixtures, or made other improvements, the cost of rebuilding the home in the event of a disaster has likely gone up. Failing to adjust this in the policy accordingly can leave one underinsured and facing financial hardships when one needs to file a claim.   2. Specific Coverage Needs:   Certain home renovations, like building a pool, a detached garage, or a home office, require specific coverage to protect these new additions. Standard homeowners insurance may not automatically cover these structures, and failing to secure the right endorsements can leave one vulnerable.   3. Protecting the Investment:   Home improvements and renovations represent a significant financial investment. Upgrading the homeowner's insurance in Huntersville and Cornelius, NC, protects the investment. In the event of a covered loss, one can recoup the value of these enhancements.   4. Enhanced Property Value:   Home improvements often lead to an increase in the overall value of the property. If the insurance policy doesn't reflect this enhanced value, one could face difficulties in repairing or rebuilding the home to its upgraded standard after a disaster.   5. Liability Concerns:   If the renovations involve changes that might pose liability risks, such as a new swimming pool, the homeowners insurance might need to be adjusted to account for potential accidents or injuries related to the addition.   6. Energy Efficiency Upgrades:   Many homeowners today invest in energy-efficient upgrades, like solar panels or improved insulation. These upgrades can lead to lower energy costs and potentially qualify the homeowner for insurance discounts, which one might miss out on without an updated policy.   7. Home-Based Businesses:   With the rise of remote work, some homeowners have turned to home-based businesses. If a homeowner is running a business from home, then the homeowners insurance may not cover business-related liabilities. A business endorsement or separate policy may be necessary.   8. Updated Personal Property:   Renovations often involve changes to the personal property. Suppose a homeowner has purchased new appliances, furniture, or electronics. In that case, it is important to ensure that the personal property coverage is sufficient to protect these items in the event of theft, fire, or other covered incidents.   9. Prevent Coverage Gaps:   One of the most critical reasons to update home insurance in Huntersville and Cornelius, NC, post-renovation is to prevent coverage gaps. Without the proper coverage, one could face significant out-of-pocket expenses if something goes wrong. This can negate the financial benefits of home improvements.   10. Peace of Mind:   Lastly, updating the homeowners insurance provides peace of mind. Knowing that the home and investments are adequately protected allows one to enjoy the home improvements without unnecessary worry.   Home renovations and improvements are a positive step for homeowners in Huntersville and Cornelius, North Carolina. They also come with responsibilities. To fully enjoy the benefits of an upgraded living space and ensure the protection of one's investment, it's crucial to update the homeowner's insurance. By doing so, one can rest easy, knowing that the insurance policy aligns with the enhanced value and features of the home. 
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nelsondesign · 1 year
Open Floor Plans: Pros and Cons for Today's Homes
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In today's modern homes, open floor plans have gained immense popularity. They offer a seamless flow of space, creating a sense of openness and connectivity. However, like any architectural design, open floor plans have their pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of open floor plans for today's homes, with a focus on house plans. If you're considering incorporating an open floor plan in your home design, this article will provide you with valuable insights to make an informed decision.
Open Floor Plans: Embracing Spaciousness and Flexibility
Open floor plans revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with our living spaces. By removing barriers such as walls and partitions, these designs create a seamless integration of various areas within a home. Let's delve into the pros and cons of open floor plans and how they can enhance the functionality and aesthetics of modern house plans.
Pros of Open Floor Plans
1. Increased Natural Light and Airflow
One of the key advantages of open floor plans is the abundance of natural light and improved airflow. Without walls obstructing the passage of light, the entire space is bathed in sunlight, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. This feature not only enhances the aesthetics of the house but also contributes to energy efficiency by reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day.
2. Enhanced Social Interaction
Open floor plans foster social interaction and connectivity among family members and guests. Whether you're preparing meals in the kitchen, entertaining guests in the living area, or supervising children while working, the lack of barriers allows for seamless communication and interaction.
3. Flexibility in Space Utilization
With open floor plans, homeowners have the freedom to utilize the available space according to their needs and preferences. Whether you want to rearrange furniture, create a home office, or host a gathering, the absence of walls offers unparalleled flexibility. You can adapt the space to accommodate various activities without feeling constrained by fixed room layouts.
4. Improved Sightlines and Safety
Open floor plans provide improved sightlines throughout the house, enabling better supervision, especially for families with young children. With a clear view of multiple areas at once, parents can keep an eye on their children while attending to other tasks, ensuring their safety and well-being.
5. Better Entertaining Experience
Hosting gatherings and social events becomes more enjoyable with an open floor plan. It allows for seamless movement between different areas, ensuring that hosts can socialize with their guests while attending to their hosting duties. From cocktail parties to family celebrations, open floor plans create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.
6. Perception of Spaciousness
Open floor plans create an illusion of a larger space, even in homes with limited square footage. By eliminating walls and partitions, the eye can roam freely, making the area appear more expansive. This perception of spaciousness adds value to your house plan and enhances the overall appeal of the property.
Cons of Open Floor Plans
1. Lack of Privacy
While open floor plans promote connectivity, they often come at the expense of privacy. With fewer walls, it becomes challenging to find secluded spaces for activities that require solitude or concentration. Individuals seeking privacy may find it difficult to escape the constant visibility and noise that open floor plans entail.
2. Noise and Lack of Acoustic Control
One of the primary drawbacks of open floor plans is the potential for increased noise levels. Without walls to act as sound barriers, noise from various activities can easily travel across the space. This can be particularly problematic in households where individuals have different schedules, engage in separate activities, or prefer different noise levels.
3. Limited Wall Space for Storage and Artwork
In an open floor plan, the absence of walls translates to a limited amount of wall space. This can pose a challenge when it comes to storage options and displaying artwork or photographs. Without dedicated wall space, homeowners need to explore alternative storage solutions or get creative with freestanding furniture and decorative elements.
4. Difficulty in Temperature Control
Open floor plans can present challenges when it comes to maintaining consistent temperatures throughout the space. With unrestricted airflow, it can be more difficult to regulate heating and cooling, leading to potential discomfort in different areas of the house. This can be mitigated with well-designed HVAC systems or by using zoning techniques to control temperature variations.
5. Visual Clutter and Organization
Without walls to conceal certain areas, open floor plans require meticulous organization to maintain a clutter-free and visually pleasing environment. The lack of partitions means that every aspect of the space is on display, demanding a strategic approach to storage, tidiness, and interior design.
6. Higher Energy Consumption for Heating and Cooling
While open floor plans provide ample natural light, the increased square footage can lead to higher energy consumption for heating and cooling purposes. With larger spaces to condition, it's important to consider energy-efficient solutions and insulation to minimize the impact on utility bills and the environment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Are open floor plans suitable for all types of homes?
Yes, open floor plans can be adapted to various types of homes, including single-family houses, apartments, and condos. However, it's important to consider the specific needs, lifestyle, and preferences of the occupants before implementing an open floor plan design.
Q2: Can I add walls or partitions to an existing open floor plan?
Yes, it's possible to add walls or partitions to an existing open floor plan. This can be done to create more private areas or to separate specific zones within the space. It's recommended to consult with a professional architect or designer to ensure structural integrity and aesthetic cohesion.
Q3: Are open floor plans more expensive to build?
Open floor plans can be cost-effective in terms of construction, as they require fewer materials and simplified structural elements. However, the overall cost may vary depending on other factors such as finishes, interior design, and customization options.
Q4: How can I address the issue of noise in an open floor plan?
To minimize noise issues in an open floor plan, consider incorporating sound-absorbing materials such as carpets, area rugs, acoustic panels, or curtains. Additionally, strategic furniture placement and the use of soundproofing techniques can help create a more acoustically controlled environment.
Q5: Are there any design strategies to create visual separation in an open floor plan?
Yes, there are several design strategies that can be employed to create visual separation in an open floor plan. These include using different flooring materials, varying ceiling heights or treatments, incorporating architectural elements like columns or beams, and utilizing furniture or decorative screens as visual dividers.
Q6: Can I achieve energy efficiency in an open floor plan?
Yes, energy efficiency can be achieved in an open floor plan by implementing sustainable design principles. This includes using energy-efficient appliances, optimizing natural lighting, incorporating insulation, utilizing efficient HVAC systems, and employing smart home technologies to regulate energy usage.
In conclusion, open floor plans have become a popular choice for today's homes, including house plans. They offer numerous advantages such as increased natural light, enhanced social interaction, flexibility in space utilization, and improved sightlines. Open floor plans also create a perception of spaciousness and contribute to a better entertaining experience.
However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks of open floor plans. These include a lack of privacy, increased noise levels, limited wall space for storage and artwork, difficulty in temperature control, visual clutter, and higher energy consumption for heating and cooling.
When designing your home, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons of open floor plans and consider your specific needs, lifestyle, and preferences. Consulting with professionals, such as architects and designers, can help ensure that the chosen floor plan aligns with your vision and maximizes the functionality and aesthetics of your home.
To explore various open floor plan options and house plans, you can visit the website nelsondesigngroup.com. They offer a wide range of designs and resources to assist you in creating your dream home.
Remember, every home is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. By carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages, you can make an informed decision and create a living space that perfectly suits your needs and preferences.
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gotolundon · 2 years
The Best 2-Way Dash Cam On The Market
How much do you understand about 2 way dash cam.
When you’re driving in traffic, having a dash cam in your car can be incredibly useful. You can capture footage of an accident that may have occurred, or you can use it for safety when driving at night. But what if you don’t want to deal with a separate device? What if you just want to have the camera always recording? There are now a number of 2-way dash cams on the market that allow you to do just that. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best ones and help you decide which is right for you.
How to choose the right 2-way dash cam for you?
There are a variety of factors to consider when choosing the best 2-way dash cam for your needs. Determine your purpose for using the camera, as well as what features you need. Purpose: The first step in selecting the right 2-way dash cam is determining why you need one. Are you looking for peace of mind while driving? Do you want to capture important events while driving, such as a car crash? Or do you just want to have fun recording all your trips? Each reason requires a different type of camera. Size and Mounting: Another key factor to consider is the size and mounting option of the camera. Do you want a smaller camera that can be mounted on your windshield or dashboard? Or do you want a larger camera that can be mounted elsewhere in your vehicle, such as on the roof? Also think about how easy it will be to access the footage if something goes wrong. Is the camera hard to get to or does it require professional installation? Features: Once you've determined the purpose of your dashcam and chosen an appropriate size, it's time to decide which features are most important to you. Do you only need video Recording capabilities? Does photo quality matter too? Do you need GPS tracking abilities? All of these factors affect which features are included on a particular dashcam. Technology: Another key factor to consider is technology. Dashcams come in both traditional (live) streaming formats and more recent
What to look for in a 2-way dash cam?
When shopping for a dashcam, there are a few things you should look for. The quality of the camera, the features it offers, and how easy it is to use are all important factors. Operating System: Most dash cams come with either an Android or iOS operating system. Both systems have their pros and cons, but generally speaking, Android systems are more customizable and allow for more advanced recording features. iOS systems are generally simpler to use and can be installed in more vehicles. Video Resolution: A good dashcam should have at least 1080p resolution (or higher). This resolution provides good detail and clarity when viewing video footage on a device such as a phone or computer. More expensive dashcams may offer 4K resolution footage, which is even better but not currently available on most devices. GPS/GLONASS/WiFi: A few newer models of dash cams now include built-in GPS/GLONASS navigation systems so you can track your vehicle's location live during recording. Some models also include WiFi capabilities so you can stream the footage directly from the camera to your mobile device without having to connect the camera to your car via USB cable. Mounting Options: When choosing a dash cam, make sure to consider how easy it is to mount the camera on your car. Some models come with suction cups or adhesive mounts that make installation simple and foolproof. Others require you to attach the camera using screws or
In today’s world, where accidents happen and roads are constantly bustling with traffic, having a reliable dash cam is essential. There are so many different types of dash cams on the market that it can be hard to decide which one to buy. In this article, we have reviewed some of the best 2-way dash cams on the market and given you our top picks. We hope that this information will help you make an informed decision about which dash cam is right for you.
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daniel306gaming · 2 years
¿What if Batman became a Avenger in Avengers 2012?
To: Christian Bale, Christopher Nolan, Joss Whedon and Marvel Studios
¿What if events went differently in the MCU? What if Batman became a Avenger in Avengers 2012? In today’s fan fiction we’re going to be exploring what would have happened if Batman from the Nolanverse joined the Avengers from the MCU? ¿How can this affect The Dark Knight Rises, Age of Ultron, Infinity War and Endgame going forward? This is an original what if created by me taking inspiration from the Ultimates comics while following the mythology of Batman and the Avengers and the timeline of the Nolanverse and MCU respectively. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.          
                                                      Act 1
The events of Avengers were playing out the same as in our universe with Loki’s attack on the Shield base and the formation of the Avengers. Our story begins when Fury said that he wanted to recruit a vigilante known as Batman. The Avengers were surprised to hear this as Stark told them that Batman doesn’t exist. Fury said that while that is true there is a universe where he does exist and he has been working on a teleporter that can transport anyone to another universe if needed. Meanwhile, in the Nolanverse the ending of The Dark Knight 2008 was playing out the same as in our universe with Two-Face’s death and Batman telling Commissioner Gordon that he will take the fall for Dent’s death and jumped from the building. However, in this story a portal suddenly opened and Batman landed on the floor instead. He then saw many people and asked them who they were. They introduced themselves as Nick Fury and the Avengers. Batman said that he has not heard of the Avengers and Fury told him that he was in another universe adding that they need his help for the coming invasion. Batman said that he will cooperate with Fury but said that he wants to return to his universe after that.
                                                 Act 2
When Loki attacked the Helicarrier the Avengers with now Batman managed to fend off Loki’s possessed agents. Batman discovered that this was a threat unlike anything he has seen before. He faced Ra’s al Ghul and most recently the Joker but this was something different. The Avengers and Batman were told by Nick Fury that soon a Norse God called Loki which was Thor’s brother would be arriving in New York sooner than expected. He told Batman and the Avengers to start evacuating the civilians as a war would break out amidst New York soon. A possessed Erik Selvig opened the wormhole allowing the Chituari army to arrive and the Battle of New York has begun.
                                                         Final act
Batman and the Avengers were battling the Chituari army in the middle of Manhattan. The armies were being defeated and Thor was battling with Loki while Natasha made her way up to Stark Tower knocking Selvig out unconscious releasing him from Loki’s mind control. Natasha started to close the portal when Batman came and knocked Loki out defeating him. The WSC launched a nuclear missile across Manhattan and Iron Man sent the missile into the wormhole destroying the Chituari ship deactivating the army. As Iron Man was falling to the ground in this universe Batman came and saved him instead of the Hulk redeeming himself for all he has done. The ending of the movie will be the same however in this universe before they separated Batman told them everything that happened in his universe and that he has become a criminal for killing his lover’s boyfriend. The Avengers said that there’s something that can be done about that.
The Avengers joined Batman back to his universe and Iron Man told all of Gotham that Batman had recently helped them in saving many lives including Tony Stark himself. He showed them footage of what happened and told him that Batman should be a hero instead of a criminal. The people believed him and declared him the caped crusader of both Gotham City and the world in general. Batman parted ways with the Avengers and they thanked him for his help in New York and that if they ever need him again to call him. The Avengers would then separate. The Dark Knight Rises would play out the same just that now Batman has become a hero instead of a criminal…
                                                          THE END!
And that is going to be it for what if Batman became a Avenger in Avengers 2012. Let me know if u want me to do any other version of Batman in the MCU. Be on the lookout for more what ifs coming soon. Take care guys and have a fantastic day. Peace out!
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
Blu-ray Review: Manhattan Baby
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Following the success of Zombie and his Gates of Hell trilogy (City of the Living Dead, The Beyond, and The House by the Cemetery), Italian horror maestro Lucio Fulci released two genre films in 1982 in which he tackled more grounded, contemporary material. The first, The New York Ripper, is a nihilistic giallo; the second, Manhattan Baby, is a supernatural horror film. While neither reaches the operatic heights of his earlier work, both have their merits. Fulci himself was unhappy with Manhattan Baby, but it endures better than its reputation might suggest.
In a shrewd attempt to make the audience believe the film has high production values throughout, Manhattan Baby opens with a family vacationing in Egypt. After a mysterious woman gives 9-year-old Susie (Brigitta Boccoli) an amulet, her archaeologist father, Professor George Hacker (Christopher Connelly, 1990: The Bronx Warriors), has a brief Indiana Jones-esque adventure in an unexplored tomb that leaves him temporarily blind. Terror follows the family home to New York City as the ancient curse claims several victims.
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While the title alludes to Rosemary's Baby - and both movies feature a female in New York being overtaken by evil - Manhattan Baby owes more to The Exorcist. Both films open with a relic being discovered in a foreign desert, impacting events that occur in America. Along with elements borrowed from The Awakening and The Omen, the movie plays like a bizarre Italian counterpart to Poltergeist - though the movies opened within months of one another so any direct influence is unlikely. (Manhattan Baby debuted in the U.S. as Eye of the Evil Dead, an alternate title as misleading as it is meaningless.)
It may not fire on all cylinders, but most of Fulci's signature elements are accounted for in Manhattan Baby: a muddled plot written by Elisa Briganti (Zombie) and Dardano Sacchetti (The Beyond), a dreamlike atmosphere, ocular trauma, idiosyncratic cinematography by Guglielmo Mancori (The New York Ripper, Spasmo), a haunting score by Fabio Frizzi (Zombie, The Beyond) which reuses some cues from some of his previous Fulci films, and a cameo by the filmmaker, this time playing a pipe-smoking physician. Gory practical effects are present, and so too are optical effects - with mixed results.
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Manhattan Baby was restored in 2K from the original uncensored camera negative with DTS-HD 5.1 and DTS-HD Mono audio options for a limited edition Blu-ray/DVD/CD release in 2016. For those who missed out (or simply want a more budget-friendly alternative), it has been reissued on Blu-ray and DVD, sans the bonus booklet and soundtrack CD. The picture quality allows the hallucinatory visuals to shine in all their gory glory, though it also makes the optical effects look even more artificial.
The best of the special features is Fulci & I, a 55-minute career-spanning documentary on Frizzi with a focus on his work with Fulci. The composer discusses his scores film-by-film, intercut with footage of him and his band rehearsing and performing for their Frizzi 2 Fulci tour. A nine-minute live studio performance of a Manhattan Baby suite by the band is included separately as well.
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The disc also features interviews with actor Cosimo Cinieri, who shares sweet memories of his four times working with Fulci and details Manhattan Baby's infamous bird attack scene; special effects artist Maurizio Trani, who fondly traces his 25 years of collaboration with Fulci back to an argument on their first movie; and Sacchetti, who details his attempt to make a high-tech horror movie for modern audiences before the budget was slashed and discusses Fulci's misogyny. Other extras include a film analysis by erudite author/historian Stephen Thrower, the theatrical trailer, and a gallery of posters and stills.
Manhattan Baby is available on Blu-ray and DVD now via Blue Underground.
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aspoonfuloffiction · 4 years
So now that the excitement has simmered a little I do have a few thoughts and concerns an a fellow Indian woman:
Kate being an Indian woman was great and something I was super excited about and still am-Simone Ashley is a great choice she and JB are gonna do Kate and Anthony so well.
But I’d talked about this a while ago too-making the conscious choice to make Kate a desi woman and acknowledge her desi-ness (ie changing her name from Sheffield to Sharma) rather than just colorblind casting has ramifications that show can’t just gloss over now:
Disclaimer I’m not a historian (so please correct my history if I misremember something!)
It’s 1814 during the events of The Viscount Who Loved Me meaning that by the events of season 2 over in India, the East India Company has already annexed and controlled the local rule of several Indian states either by force or treaties in exchange for limited autonomy.
In 1858 so just about 30 years after the events of The Viscount Who Loved Me (so probably in Kate’s lifetime and canonically in Anthony’s) The official rule of India would be transfered from the East India Company to the British crown and Queen Victoria would name herself Empress of India and continue to subjugate the Indian subcontinent until the independence on India and Pakistan 1947
So it would be unlikely that anyone named Sharma would be in position of prominence within London’s social scene from a historical standpoint. This leaves the show with a few routes to deal with the ramifications they’ve now created-and they’re all a little problematic:
They could pretend that British colonialism didn’t happen-which would grossly absolve Britain of their relatively recent bloody history (for context Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were married in 1947 and we have video footage of that event). However this does kinda avoid problems that arise in my later points-This is honestly my preferred choice for the show, its still problematic but at least its not insulting.
They could make the Sharmas British loyalists. The kinds of families that signed treaties to retain some autonomy and power. Which no just no. There’s precedent Princess Sophia Singh was raised in the British aristocracy with permission from Queen Victoria but I don’t like what that says about the Sharma/Sheffields (I mean you’re supposed to hate Sam Seabury in Hamilton) Also canonically the Sheffields were lower upperclass Princess Sophia Singh was allowed a spot in the aristocracy because her father was an Indian King so unless they rewrite the family’s past, it still doesn’t really work. Also also Kate as she’s written is not a Tory.
The show could be hyper aware about it. This is Shondaland sometimes they go a little overboard on the messaging-see most of recent seasons of Greys Anatomy. And Bridgerton was criticized for not building on Simon/Lady Danbury’s conversation on race. However no matter how strongly they have Kate come out against colonialism we would always know that she’s still actively a part of a system that contributes to it. This route also creates the most opportunities for the show to drop the ball entirely if it can’t stick the landing (see most of the recent seasons of Greys Anatomy)
I usually shut off my brain when I consume regency romances because you kinda have to however Bridgerton is choosing to make a conscious choice. Making her last name Sharma makes her unapologetically Indian which on one hand is extremely important and feels really validating as a desi woman. On the other there’s just a separate can of worms the show is now forced to reckon with that scares me just a tiny bit.
But I’m rooting for the powers that be because this is a story I love and characters I care about.
(Also sidenote I wanted them to change it anyway but now they really should-when Michael decides to run away from his feelings-don’t send him to India, that plot point is one of the few issues I have with When he was Wicked, just send him to America or something. You really don’t need the ackward feeling of colonization in that story...it works perfectly without it)
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
( important note: for this term, this is a two-part mission so this one is the first one! next one will be posted after the deadline has passed! )
on SUNDAY morning, LEE ARIN, LEE MINJI, LEE YEJIN, and MOON HAYOUNG were called by their manager, PARK EUNSOOK, to head to the van for a show that they would be filming together ( minus EUNHYE ). when all of the girls arrive inside the van, they are each given an eye mask to wear because they would be unaware of where they’re going or what they plan to do. but what seemed like a short journey gradually turns into hours until the van arrives at the first location. EUNSOOK calls YEJIN first and guides her out of the van and towards a designated spot. she tells her to stay there in the meantime until she’s allowed to remove her mask. this continues on with the rest of the girls until MINJI arrives at her final spot. 
all of the girls hear from a walkie talkie a different voice that tells them to remove their masks. when all of them do, they are met with several surprises. with the cameraman filming their initial reactions, the girls realize that not only were they separated from each other but they are located at different parts of the forest, which means that none of them could spot each other. right in front of them is a backpack with a mission card. the mission card states, “welcome to TIME TO FABULA! to celebrate the first episode of the show, all of you have been given the task to find each other in this forest. however, the search to find each other isn’t easy! inside ( or next to ) your backpack, you are each given one item and that one item will help you in some way with the camping trip. your goal is to find each other as soon as possible and arrive at the destination mark located in our ( poorly drawn ) map! good luck!”
here are what each of the members have ( in terms of what the one item was ):
LEE ARIN: two tent kits ( for the whole group )
LEE MINJI: flashlight
LEE YEJIN: compass
MOON HAYOUNG: sleeping bags
for context as to how far apart the girls are, imagine that it’ll probably take a 15 minute walk ( if not, more ) to find any of the members ( if they know how to navigate properly ). the mission will only be considered a success if they can ALL find each other and arrive at the resting spot. the cameramen will also suggest to them that it’s best to find each other before dawn.
as for EUNHYE, in between inkigayo breaks ( and after the show is done ), one of the staff members will show her footage of what is going on with the rest of the girls and give commentary about it. at some points, one of the pd assistants of the show will be asking EUNHYE a question regarding what some of the members will do ( ex. “so and so finds a path that offers two directions, which direction do you think she went?” etc. ) for every time she gets a question correct, she will be awarded additional items that will help make their camping experience better ( ex. food, camp grill, kitchen utensils, and clothes ).
( spoiler alert ) even when all of the girls arrive at the destination spot, the pd will not count it a success until one or more of them realized that they would need to get their leader to arrive at their destination spot. for them to get a hold of her, they would need to search around the area for a box with a combination lock attached to it. on top of the box, it says the word “backpack” and the girls would have to look through their backpack to find a paper that says when the girls were confirmed to debut on the future dreams finale, “1218”. once the box is unlocked, they will be given a phone where they can only make one call and with that call, they will be given a chance to call EUNHYE to tell them of their location.
when EUNHYE arrives at the destination, the girls will be given their reward which are the additional items ( food, camp grill, kitchen utensils, and clothes ) to make their camping experience ( somewhat ) better. then they will be assigned tasks for the remaining days they are camping. 
HAYOUNG and ARIN will be handling cooking duties using the ingredients that the staff got from the grocery store. MINJI, YEJIN, and EUNHYE will be setting up the tents and sleeping bags. once the food and tents are ready, they’ll be spending the rest of the night talking and bonding. before they head to bed, the staff will ask them to play a game of rock, paper, scissors, and the two people who lose will then be playing one final round to decide who stays up at night to clean up and handles cooking for the morning. YEJIN and EUNHYE are then given the said tasks as “punishment” as the rest of the girls head to their tents to sleep.
while YEJIN and EUNHYE does the cooking for the morning, ARIN and HAYOUNG will handle removing the tents. most of the morning will be spent gathering food ( through fishing ). for lunch & dinner, MINJI and EUNHYE ( again ) will be handling the cooking. during the cooking, one of the staff members will call each one of the girls to a separate place where they are given some paper and pen. the staff member explains that since this activity was done to help the fans get to know the girls, they are requested to write a short journal entry talking about their thoughts regarding the whole experience. this journal entry will be read later that night during the bonfire with the rest of the girls. at the end of the night, the girls are told that they will be heading back home the next morning.
for any moments when the girls aren’t assigned to do a specific task, they can do whatever they want as long as it’s doable in a forest ( ex. going on a hike ). there will be at least one cameraman with them at all times to make sure that they get some footage and prevent getting lost in the forest. 
on JULY 18, the girls are told that they will be having a comeback in SEPTEMBER. however, because the company has been prioritizing on FUTURE DREAMS, they haven’t confirmed the title track yet. however, they were given their b-sides list, which is noted below:
the girls will then be recording the songs early AUGUST and be practicing on their current set list ( plus ZERO:ATTITUDE ) because they will be attending LGC’s FAMILY CONCERT 2K22. more details about this will be posted when the time comes.
similar to how lgc boys adventures was done, you will be given two options and you just need to pick one:
2 THREADS with two different partners about anything related to the activities mentioned above. each thread should have 4 replies ( 2 per mun; minimum 8 lines ) in total. 
1 THREAD with one partner about anything related to the activities mentioned above. the thread should have 8 replies ( 4 per mun; minimum 8 lines ) in total.
to add to that, all of the FABULA members will have to write a SOLO of 200+ WORDS talking about what their muse wrote in the journal entry. for the journal entry, they can talk about the experience as a whole and anything they might have learned about their fellow members. just be mindful of the fact that parts of what was written in there could be aired on the actual episodes.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:fabulamission for all of the tasks. you have until AUGUST 13, 2022 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog. 
 MUSE NAME ∙ FABULA MISSION 002 - TIME TO FABULA: # OF POSTS WRITTEN [ LINK ] ( link both threads if you did two threads ) - JOURNAL ENTRY: [ LINK ]
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momentofmemory · 2 years
hi mem! i love your work. i was looking at your 'scott as nogitsune' set and i wanted to ask: how do you decide whether to go with big gifs vs smaller ones for a set involving typography?personally i go big but the way you did that set is so well done and coherent, i'm v inspired 🥰 sorry i hope this makes sense
ah this was so kind 🥺 i'd be happy to walk you through the thought process for that set!
deciding how the text is divided is usually my first step for figuring out what a set is going to look like. for the nogitsune set, i chose a quote that easily breaks up into four lines, so either i could have 4 gifs with text on each, or 8+ if i wanted textless gifs in between. this is already a plus as i personally prefer quotes that break up into even numbers for side-by-side sets, as that way you can start the first gif with text, and end the last gif with text if you’re doing a zig zag pattern.
i should probably also mention that part of the decision for that specific set was that originally, i was going to use a clip from a 480p video:
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so a style that used heavy color block & maybe wasn’t a full 540 would’ve allowed me to fudge the lack of detail better. this was useful also as i knew i wanted a mixture of black & white & red for the Drama™ of it all, and i personally really like it when that kind of layout is every-other, which lends itself really nicely to a side-by-side look. side-by-side/smaller gifs also allow for a lot of cropping, which is great when you want to focus on specific details.
...also, sometimes i just feel like it! especially during an event when im doing a lot for one character, variety can be a fun challenge. i like how the gifs feel like they’re interacting visually so much more when they’re smaller, instead of more like a separate unit.
so! in sum, smaller gifs are especially helpful when you:
have footage constraints
want to crop heavily
are focused on contrast
just want to!
ok now some thoughts on typography.
part of the struggle with doing side-by-sides is that it’s really easy to get overcrowded really fast, or conversely, for them to all start blurring together. because of this, i generally prefer to do text on every-other gif going down, like in the nogi set.
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there are a few things that help tie the text to the set: the red colour matches the red of the opposing gifs, while still popping out of the b&w gif they’re on. The slant on one of the text blocks adds dynamics and movement, whereas the horizontal text on the other helps you linger there for a bit. the font work is also not something super complicated, as at the end of the day it’s just an accent font and a supporting font.
this isn’t the only way to do text on side-by-sides, ofc, as you can do one for every gif—if there’s variation.
specifically, the sort of variation wherein one side is very dynamic, but the other side is very calm, like in the kira set:
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doing the heavy text on both sides would make the gifset harder to read, as you’re getting too much information vying for your attention at once. so here, i balanced it out by having an accent font on 1&4, but then just the supporting font on 2&3.
i think side-by-sides are also fun bc they allow for that mixing of font work in ways a large blended gif wouldn’t, so you can either highlight lone images (like in the nogi set) or add special emphasis to parts of the quote (like the kira set).
i’m not sure how much i’ve actually answered your question, but hopefully this was at least a tiny bit fun. 🥰
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