#no devine intervention
jlbilu · 1 year
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@moonextinguisher , Tumblr didn't allow me reblog this from your account, hope you don't mind.
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moonextinguisher · 2 years
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anniflamma · 8 months
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Aphrodite~~! 🕊
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mileshiding · 4 months
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ferretsandducks · 18 days
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I can’t get over these lyrics his and Aphrodite’s
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beeeinyourbonnet · 3 months
Devine Intervention | Chapter 1
Pairing: Develle (Danny Devine x Belle)
Rating: M
Summary: A collection of fics/ficlets where Belle works for Danny Devine to pay off her father's gambling debts.
A yellow carnation landed on her calculator, and by the time Belle looked up, Danny had skittered back toward the door.  He ran a hand through his hair, his wiry body looking tight enough that it might vibrate if Belle poked it.
“What’s this?” she asked, not touching the flower yet. In the few weeks that she’d been doing his books, he’d hardly even brought her a coffee without giving her a hard time. The nicest thing that she could think about this flower was that it was an apology of some sort—though Danny had never apologized to her, and she didn’t know what he could have done.
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kinialohaguy · 2 months
Always With You
Aloha Lāpule. If only just a few millimeters away, we would have lost our President. Was there divine intervention that happened? Only God Knows. Our heart weighs heavy for the one victim killed by the deranged gunman at the MAGA rally. We pray that God has him in his hands. The life that was lost was truly tragic and unnecessary. A deranged mad man was instructed to kill by hateful voices of a…
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pluto-attacks · 2 years
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Obsessed with Sam’s “yes, another successful flirty text conversation pulled off flawlessly” smirk.
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couthbbg · 8 months
thinking of becoming a witch so I can drum up a new franchise curse. no particular reason
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new-berry · 5 months
Spurs fans DNI (DNE?)
I had to sort 28 socks and of all that there were three pairs and one was dog napped and is now no longer a pair. For this reason and this reason alone my team should win.
If you did engage here. Have some thighs
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press1forf1 · 11 months
There's no way Charles and Lewis gets away with this. This means Lando p2 and Carlos p3 lol.
It only gets worse for Charles' 100th race with Ferrari
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anniflamma · 8 months
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Both have mischievous smirks. One I hate cuz it's Zeus... Nothing good can happend with that
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Aziraphale telling Maggie he's out of miracles when she's talking about her love life is so fucking brutal
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v-tired-queer · 7 months
Hi!! I'm a Christian, and while I've encountered people who combine witchcraft with their Christian faith, I've never understood it. I saw in your pinned post that this is something you do. If you're willing/interested/have the energy, would you be willing to share more about that? Or point me in the direction of some more information on it?
I know really little about this, and I really want to understand more. I'm not coming here to be critical, just super curious. :D Hope you're well!
Hello there! 😃👋 I hope that you're doing well, too, and sure, I'd love to share a little more about combining witchcraft with my Christian faith!
I think, for starters, that it's important to remember that, like for everything else in life, how I've experienced this might not be how another Christian witch experiences it, views it, or even came about it. But I think that as Christians we can also understand that fairly easily, as that's just how a lot of us experience Christianity in and of itself. How one person came to Christ won't always be the same way that another person has come to Christ, and how we worship won't always look the same, either. It's just like that for Christian witches, too.
In an attempt to make a very long story short (spoiler alert: I failed), I feel like I am very lucky and blessed to have grown up with a Methodist mom, Southern Baptist father, aunts who were Catholic, cousins who became atheist and agnostic and friends at school who were Muslim and Jewish. I was surrounded by all sorts of different paths to take, and my mom had always encouraged my brother and I to choose our faiths for ourselves when we were old enough to understand what having faith really means, which is why we weren't baptized when we were babies, but raised in church nonetheless. I grew up very faithful. Sunday School was my favorite part of the week, and I loved to learn more about God and Jesus and say my prayers at meals and at night. God always made me feel loved. Still does 🩷
When I was in middle school, I was very, very traditional. I was open minded to others, but I was always hesitant to let myself explore more things for myself. I think I was afraid that exploring meant that I was a bad Christian, that I was questioning God, and I didn't want to make Him angry or upset with me. But I eventually met a friend who was a Wiccan, worshiping a god and goddess, living by the cycles of the moon and seasons, doing spells and rituals and worshiping at home or in nature. I loved things like that growing up, but always thought that it was just something from Hollywood or the mideavel period at best. I didn't think people actually did it, though I had always wished that they did. Little middle schooler me thought that maybe this was God's way of giving me permission to explore more, so I asked questions, watched spells and rituals, learned correspondences, and eventually asked, "Is there a Christian faith that's like this, too?"
Turns out there wasn't really one specific faith in Christianity that I could find, but rather, a practice instead. Google led me down so many different paths of people who were both Christians and witches and I decided I wanted to give it a try, too. And honestly? It felt like my faith was renewed. I felt like by choosing how I specifically worship and "do Christianity", I was making a relationship with God and Jesus and even the Holy Spirit that was closer than ever before because I was letting myself actually feel my faith instead of just going through motions at church, which was a rut than even middle school me was stuck in. I wasn't just doing what I thought I had to, I was doing what I wanted to do to show God my love and faith, and it really empowered me to form my own path in life, one that was and still is Christ centered, even if not in a way that tends to be expected for Christians.
So, the witchcraft itself: personally, I don't know if I view my spells an rituals the same way that other witches do. I don't really do a spell and think of it as me bending the wills that be to my desire, but rather, I view it as a really intense prayer. I see it as me using visual representations of my goals, needs and wants as a way to show God what it is I feel like I need (or just really, really want lol), but I always still leave it up to Him and His plans at the end of the day. I can do a thousand spells for the same thing over and over again, but if God says no, than the answer is no, ya know? My rituals are just ways to show my love, devotion, and gratitude. I pay special attention to seasons because the world God made is beautiful in all of its many ways, and personally, when I take the time to rest in the winter or come alive in the summer, I feel like I'm using the natural patterns of the Earth to further build my relationship with God, and Jesus, too. I feel like God made so many things in a natural rhythm and pattern--I just try to live by those things to strengthen the relationship between us.
I'm sure you can tell by how many times I've said it, but at the end of the day, it's all about my relationship with God and our Savior, just like for other Christians. I'm just doing things a bit differently. I'm 1000% that there are people who don't believe that this is a "valid" thing to do or that I'm sinning or that I'm going to Hell for all of this, but their opinions don't matter to me. My relationship with the Lord, His Son, and His Spirit matters to me, and when I do the things that make me feel the closest to Him, that make me feel His love and grace, then I feel like I'm doing fine.
Allllllll of that being said, there's lot of different ways that other Christian witches worship or practice witchcraft, which I think is really cool! There are some that have Mother Mary as a huge focus in their worship, or the Saints, or even the Disciples! I especially like witchcraft that involves the angels (Gabriel, my beloved 🤍). Personally, I steer clear of anything that involves demons or dark spirits and the like, but I'm always on the lookout for signs that angels are near or that the Lord is with me (which He always is, like he's always with you).
Unfortunately, I can't think of any sources or materials off the top of my head that would be good for further research. But maybe there are some other blogs on here that would have some good starting points, or would share their own views, too! You could search by denomination and then put witch after, like "Catholic witch" or Methodist witch", things like that. There are some books about Christian witchcraft, too, but personally I haven't read any of them. I think there might be come Christian witches on YouTube, too.
I hope this post made sense! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! 😊
God bless! 🕊
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thinkingnot · 1 year
pov last nap at school
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graduation test today and tmr mornin :0!!!!
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