#no beta we die like abigail
Imprinting: any kind of phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behavior.
Leda Darling was abducted at age 18. The only person she saw for what felt like ages was her abductor until a new face peered through the darkness and reached out. Nine years after being kidnapped, she is rescued by a curious FBI profiler, Will Graham. With Hannibal Lecter overseeing her return to society and Will Graham there to protect her from any threats, Leda's life seems to have turned for the better.
But some people are not who they seem, even to those who know them best.
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter/Original Female Character
Chapter 1 - Someone to Watch Over Me
“Please,” he said evenly, “come in.” He stepped out of the door frame and ushered the woman into a large open study. His voice was smooth and inviting, but it didn’t stop the girl from flinching away and casting her eyes downward as she crept into the dark library-esque office. 
She followed the doctor’s directions and slowly lowered herself into a gray leather chair as he followed suit in an identical chair across from her. Her eyes stayed trained on her shoes, a new pair of boots that didn’t quite fit her and felt awkward on her feet. It had been so long since she had needed shoes; she couldn’t decide if they made her feel free again or reminded her of confinement. 
“Ms. Darling,” his voice made her flinch slightly once more, “you’re looking better than when we first met.”
She inhaled sharply remembering his cold scrutiny from their first meeting at the BAU.
The doctor sat with his hands folded in his lap, looking at her with curiosity. 
“I understand that you haven’t spoken since being found,” he said, grabbing a pen and notepad from the table beside him. He put them in his lap and leaned forward slightly. “Trauma like you went through can cause a condition called psychogenic mutism. It’s not something that can’t be treated.” 
She raised her head slightly, meeting his eyes for the first time. He didn’t smile, but his face softened and his eyebrows raised minutely. Warmth bloomed in her chest momentarily: she had done something right.
“Do you know any sign language, Ms. Darling?” he asked.
She shook her head no. 
He nodded and jotted something down. “Are you able to write?”
She nodded, her body becoming less stiff as they talked. He saw this as a good sign and wrote more in his notebook before setting it aside. He pulled his chair closer to her and pulled out a smaller notebook from the inside of his jacket. He handed it to her along with his pen and sat down.
“We’ll start with something simple. I’d like you to write your name and when you were born.” Dr. Lecter instructed.
She grasped the pen gently, the object feeling foreign in her hand. It had been years since she had last written something; truthfully, she didn’t know if she could still write, but she was praying that she hadn’t lied to the doctor.
Shakily, she put the pen to paper. Her writing was slow and deliberate. After what felt like forever for her, she handed the notepad back to Dr. Lecter. 
“Leda Darling January 8th 1998”
The doctor nodded and handed it back to her. “That’s right. Do you know what year it is now?”
She wrote more confidently this time. “ 2023. Agent Crawford said .”
“Very good,” Dr. Lecter praised. A warm feeling welled up in her chest and a ghost of a smile past her lips. He noted how she responded to the praise and made a mental note of it.
“I’m going to ask you some harder questions now. If you ever want to stop, just put the pen down,” he explained. “Don’t hesitate to stop if something becomes too much for you to handle. Our sessions will only work if you feel safe here; do you understand?”
She thought for a second before nodding.
“I’d like to put you on some medication to help with your anxiety,” Dr. Lecter explained, “Is that okay?”
Leda nodded, and Dr. Lecter nodded before looking at his watch. 
“I’ll send a prescription to your doctor and ask Agent Crawford to pick it up for you,” he said, getting up and walking over to his desk and rifling through a couple of papers before seemingly finding what he was looking for. He made his way back to Leda, who had stood up as well. She looked up at him with big eyes, and something akin to regret passed his face for a moment. A memory of something, or someone.
“This is my office phone number, and my personal cell is on the back. If anything happens do not be afraid to call me.”
She took the small paper card from him and tucked it into her jacket pocket. She stood up and held the notepad out for him to take back, but he just put his hand over hers. 
“It’s yours to keep. I have more than enough paper here,” he explained, gesturing to his desk. He wasn’t lying.
Leda nodded in appreciation. 
Dr. Lecter led her gently to the door and as soon as it opened, the slightly cooler air flooded over her and her demeanor changed instantly. Her shoulders tensed and her gaze dropped back down to her boots as she caught a glimpse of Agent Crawford waiting for her outside. 
“Good afternoon, Agent Crawford,” Dr. Lecter greeted the man outside, who had stood up from his spot in one of the chairs in the waiting room when the door opened up. 
“Dr. Lecter,” the FBI agent nodded, “Ms. Darling, are you ready to head back to the house?” 
Not making eye contact, Leda nodded slightly.
Dr. Lecter cleared his throat. “Leda is suffering from psychogenic mutism. It may be a while before her brain believes it's safe enough to speak again. For now, we’re going to communicate by writing.”
Agent Crawford nodded in understanding. 
Dr. Lecter turned to his patient once more. She had retreated back into herself and was viewing the outside world through a veil of fear. He put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her and she brought her head up slowly, her eyes meeting his gaze. His brown eyes seemed to pierce through her veil. 
“I’ll see you soon, Ms. Darling,” he said before turning his attention to another figure in the waiting room. He had snuck in quietly, not wanting to interrupt the debrief happening before him. 
“Good evening, Will.” Dr. Lecter greeted, drawing all eyes to him. Leda’s eyes snapped up and she froze.
Why was he here? 
Will Graham was the first face that Leda saw when the door to the cellar was opened. It was he who had wrapped his arms around her and helped her step into the light for the first time since she was abducted. His hand had touched her face so gently, brushing away the tears from her eyes.
“You’re safe now, Leda,” he had consoled, holding the broken woman in his arms as she sunk down into the wet leaves beneath their feet. “You’re safe.”
“Hello, Leda,” Will said softly. His eyes were weary, but he smiled at her softly nonetheless. 
Her nod was almost unperceivable, but Will noticed it along with the slight relaxation of her shoulders. She didn’t smile, but her face softened and he could see the relief in her eyes at the sight of him. 
Agent Crawford watched this interaction with interest. Leda seemed to relax around Will, perhaps in time he would be a key element to get her to open up and help them catch her kidnapper. 
He broke the silence, making Leda flinch slightly, “We best be on our way. Thank you, Hannibal. It’s good to see you, Will.”
The two men nodded to the older FBI agent before he led Leda out of the building and to his car. 
“She looks better,” Will commented, following Hannibal into his office, “Still not great, but better.”
Hannibal took a seat behind his desk and looked through some papers as Will sat down. “She’s incredibly malnourished. I’m surprised she’s walking on her own without any mobility aids.” 
“Jack offered them, but she refused,” Will explained, sitting forward in his chair and perching his chin on his fists. “For someone so beaten, she’s very resilient.”
Not looking at him, Hannibal replied, “Her resilience is what saved her from dying in that cellar.” He found what he was looking for and stood up before making his way to the chair across from Will. He sat back and put the notebook in his lap, setting his hands on it and crossing his legs. “She seems to relax when you’re around.”
Will sat back. “I noticed that.”
“A newly hatched bird will imprint on the first thing it sees. It’s instinctual and vital to their survival that they learn to hunt, walk, and even fly. Many times, if it imprints on the wrong thing, it will never be able to survive in the wild,” Hannibal explained. “Euthanasia is oftentimes the only answer.”
Will bristled slightly. Ever since he pulled Leda out of the cellar, he felt somewhat protective of her. At Hannibal’s mention of euthanasia, he felt a surge of uneasiness and anger wash over him. Hannibal noticed this and jotted something down in his notebook. 
“Our little bird will be fine,” Hannibal reassured, “As you said, she’s resilient. She made good progress today and she’s looking much better physically as well. Where are you with finding her abductor?”
Will relaxed his shoulders, which he hadn’t been aware of tensing. Back to business, he thought. 
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basu-shokikita · 1 year
Kloktober 2023 Day 5
Abigail Appreciation Day
I think we can all agree that Abigail could've been developed more in the show. One thing I really appreciate, though, is that she seemed to be a sort of protective/comforting presence for Toki in Doomstar of Requiem so I wanted to develop a bit on that for today's entry. I really appreciate that she was there for Toki, when no one else was. In my head, the two of them remain in contact for years to come.
Here's to you, Abigail!
Tumblr media
Abigail pet Toki’s hair softly, fingers running across the silky strands. His head was resting on her lap, a gesture that would seem too intimate for most people, yet felt natural for them after what they had gone through. 
She couldn’t remember much of what happened, besides the fact that she had weirdly protective urges for Toki. A few times, she had awoken in a panic, wondering where Toki was. She couldn’t explain what it was, just that she feared for his safety, more than hers, somehow. Something about Toki seemed so vulnerable, so innocent, so in-need of help.
Or maybe that was her way of coping with whatever she had gone through.
“So, ams you and Nathans togethers-togethers now?” Toki asked.
She chuckled awkwardly. “Not really. It’s…complicated.” The last thing she wanted to think about was her situation with Nathan. 
“Aw.” He sounded disappointed.
“I thought it would be cools if we could pals around from nows on.” He said.
Abigail smiled sadly at him, still petting his head. 
The truth is, she didn’t really feel like seeing anyone from Dethklok besides Toki ever since they got back. She was grateful that they had saved her, of course, but the last thing she wanted was to keep seeing the guys that…well. It wasn’t their fault, she knew that. She did. The fact was, though, that she was a collateral in the situation. All the trauma, that she couldn’t even remember, was because she happened to be there. At the wrong place, at the wrong time.
It wasn’t their fault, it really wasn’t. But she couldn’t risk being in that position again. She couldn’t afford it. Even if…Magnus was presumably dead. Who knew what else…It’s not like she wanted to leave them on their own, but…
Let’s be honest, they had way more protection than a measly walking casualty like her ever would and not even a million promises from Charles would change that. He would not hesitate to throw her to the wolves if it came down to her or Dethklok. And it’s not like she could blame him, it was his job after all. But she had to look out for herself.
It did hurt his heart to leave Toki, though. She felt like he was the only chance she had at ever putting the pieces together on what happened and, if she could be so lucky, start healing. 
“It ams so weird not rememberings.” Toki said. “Does you remembers?”
“Not really.” Abigail shook her head. “Just…flashes…that I can’t seem to explain anyway.”
“I remembers…” Toki turned up, his gaze on the ceiling. “I remembers thinking of thems. Of da band.” A smile slowly crept up on his face. “Of when dey accepteds me…and I founds a home…and brothers whats loveds me..” He had a faraway stare, like he was somewhere else now. “Playings with Skwisgaar…we was in the skies like two gods…” He beamed at something Abigail couldn’t see. “It was da greatest days of my life…” Slowly, the smile fell off his face and he glanced at her. “Ams that weird?”
“No.” She squeezed his shoulder gently in reassurance. “I’m glad you had good memories to rely on. That’s important.”
“Yeah…” Toki’s eyes wandered. “It ams funnies. I was a bit sicks of everythings before. Nethans and Pickle dramas…I was still mads at Skwisgaar…I was distants from da bands…even Rockzo’s was annoyings me…” He blinked. “But nows ams realizing…I was stupids. It was stupids. My lives ams greats!” Toki raised his arms to the ceiling. “And I loves them! They ams my families. I loves Skwisgaar even if he ams a dildos sometimes.” He couldn’t help simpering. “And Moidaface, and Nethans and Pickle. Alls of thems…For a moments I forgots they ams my brothers. Buts no mores of that!” He nodded to himself, determined. “Alls remind them everydays that I loves them. That way I won’t forgets either.”
Abigail chuckled. How was she supposed not to care about Toki? He was so easy to grow fond of. “You do that, Toki.” She ruffled his hair affectionately.
They remained in silence. After a while, Abigail looked at her watch. She should get going soon. 
“Ams you leaving?” Toki asked apprehensively.
“Yeah, I should.” She said. “I booked an appointment with a therapist. Are you seeing someone?”
“Umm…noes…” Toki averted his gaze and Abigail could tell he was less than comfortable. “Shoulds I?”
“When you feel ready for it, yeah.” She replied, taking care not to sound forceful about it. 
“Okays.” Toki accepted, ready to change the subject. After a pause, though, he asked. “Do you thinks one day we’lls be okays?”
Abigail swallowed, unsure of the answer herself. Her hand gently cupped the side of Toki’s face. “I hope so, Toki.” She looked outside the window, the red sunset spreading into the horizon. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. “I really do.”
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apostleofgreed · 5 months
It's here, the finale - my friends thoughts throughout Nona the Ninth (it's a long one)
Right which one of these idiots is stuck in Nona's body
Signs point to both
I think more likely Harrow and shes just removed the massive stick up her ass
Most other signs thus far do point to Gideon though- lack of aforementioned stick, finds herself attractive, loves ass jokes, wants to pet dogs (Harrow seems like a don't work with animals or children type)
Also these other kids have names like they're gonna be running in the fucking grand national
Honestly what the fuck is going on with child conception in this series???
Someone has five dads, God was asking if Harrow and Ianthe were being 'safe' sexually and I'm just confused
Okay so I've only listened to half an hour today but if Crown isn't coronabeth I will eat my own arm
My theory is that neither of them are in Harrow's body and that she's being possessed by The Body
Maybe I should follow in Harrow's footsteps and ask you to fucking lobotomize me
No beta we die like Babs
"what do you think is sexy?" "Eating breakfast" Me too, Camilla, me too
Maybe someone needs to lobotomize Judith, has anyone thought of that?
Thing is I feel like I'm supposed to think John is really bad and is the villain here but I just don't
The worst thing he's done is lie to his friends for a few thousand years
Finally, the baddest bitch in all the nine houses (it's Ianthe)
What a power move honestly first she steals Babs' soul now she steals his body, absolutely inspired
She could literally kill another 200 babies to resurrect Harrow and I'd be like what a babe 😍 at this point
I'm bored of shooting can we go back to swords and doing weird things with your body please
I just think it would be great if Harrow could hop back into her body and have a full meltdown about how to function in this world
Erm Corona darling can you please try to stop them bombing your sister in the body of one of your lifelong pals pls and thanks
Y'all better sTOp
Fucking marry, kill, reanimate I can't hahahaha
"that's not actually crown's boyfriend Nona, it's her sister but I don't think anyone could blame you for getting confused" Fair hahahahah so very true
Don't know how they think this is gonna work seeing as though Harrow and Ianthe literally lived together for like over a year and had an interpersonal relationship but ok
Maybe it's because pash has the accent of a rudeboy from Oldham and suffer is weirdly French (on disliking We Suffer and Pash)
Palamades in Ianthe in Babs is sending me west
Abigail died too soon and really she did all the legwork in Harrow
Can't help but feel all of this drama could have been avoided if Harry had just done the job properly in the first place and just let Gideon die properly
All of this just because an 18 year old gave herself the brain scramblies
Cam has just burst into fire wtf
Can't believe Crux hasn't dropped dead tbh
I've got less than an hour left I feel like we're cutting it fine to get Harry back in her body here
Big flex to be waiting for everyone to arrive smoking a ciggie with your golden skeleton arm
Fucking friendship bracelets and a secret handshake hahahahah
Gideon needs to stop being such a bloody himbo
Who has shouted "get in line thou big slut!" Hahahahah
There we have it, the full series. Hope y'all have enjoyed this.
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and-so-he-rambled · 4 months
ITS DONE! It’s 12,000 fucking words but it’s written Martha sweetie I’m coming home-
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
F/M, Multi, Other
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Shane/Player (Stardew Valley), Jas & Shane (Stardew Valley), Jas' Parents & Shane (Stardew Valley)
Shane (Stardew Valley)Jas (Stardew Valley)Jas' Parents (Stardew Valley)Marnie (Stardew Valley)Jodi (Stardew Valley)Leah (Stardew Valley)Abigail (Stardew Valley)Sam (Stardew Valley)Sebastian (Stardew Valley)Original Characters
Additional Tags:
Shane is Bad at Feelings (Stardew Valley), No beta we die like Jas’s parents, Character Study, sober Shane (eventually), Suicidal Thoughts, Canon compliant Shane angst, Poly implications, Farmer uses they/them pronouns, Farmer is called The Farmer, Mute Farmer, Farmer is a background character, Jas is a ray of sunshine, Canonical Character Death
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mech4nicalbr1de · 5 months
Floral Sins - Chapter 3
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Chapter: 3/?
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Jack Crawford, Beverly Katz, Molly Graham
Tags: Cheating, Infidelity, The whole point of this fic is Will cheating on Molly with Hannibal, Alternate Universe, Florist AU, Florist Hannibal Lecter, Professor Will Graham, Will is not with the FBI, Cannibalism, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Floriography, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Blood and Gore, Blood, Deception, Autistic Will Graham, Graysexual Will Graham, more tags to be added as I update, A lot of the ones I put down will show later, no beta we die like will's morality, Dark Will Graham, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Mentioned Abigail Hobbs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Will Graham Has Anger Issues.
Summary: After an argument with Molly, Will seeks the comfort of the attractive, odd florist that had been plaguing his dreams and thoughts.
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Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter. Will Graham & Abigail Hobbs
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Abigail Hobbs, Garrett Jacob Hobbs, Alana Bloom, Winston (Hannibal), Mason Verger, Beverly Katz
Additional Tags: Caraval AU, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Character Death, Enemies to Lovers, a/b/o dynamics, Omega Will Graham, Alpha Hannibal Lecter, Beta Abigail Hobbs, Games, Mind Games, will is 21, Hannibal is 31, Abigail is 18, Cannibalism, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Will and Abigail are siblings, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, No beta we die like the rude, Implied/Referenced Mpreg
Language: English
All his life, Will Graham has dreamed of the magic of Caraval- A game of wonder and magic, where the players compete to win a wonderous prize. He has spent the past ten years writing to Legend, the Master of Caraval, hoping to play the game, though he has never left the tiny Isle of Wolf Trap. And now that his cruel and powerful father has arranged a marriage for the young omega, those dreams seem shattered. But Legend has finally written back, and he has invited Will to play his game. With his younger sister Abigail and the help of a mysterious sailor, Will escapes from Wolf Trap and arrives at Caraval. But no sooner have they arrived does Abigail disappear- Kidnapped by the mastermind of Caraval himself. This year, Caraval revolves around finding Abigail herself to claim the prize. Will has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is nothing more than a game, a performance, but he quickly learns that not everything is as it seems. Caraval is more dangerous than it seems, with a dark and bloody past he quickly begins to unravel. Now, with the help of the sailor Hannibal, he must race to find Abigail before the others and win Caraval, before his sister disappears forever... Or worse.
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rosethreeart · 10 months
Any like states first step, or like first word would be fun.
Hope you're ready for an angst train cause its about to hit you :)
No I do NOT know why I took such a cute and fluffy idea and turned it into an Emotion Crushing Machine but I did :)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: America & USA States (Hetalia), Female America & England (Hetalia) Characters: Female America (Hetalia), USA States (Hetalia), Delaware (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mentioned England (Hetalia), Antoher Abby has a mental breakdown fic because smth is wrong with me <3 /j, no beta we die like HRE, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Emotional Hurt, Baby's first words, Mental Breakdown, Abandonment Issues, englands a bad dad sorry its true Summary:
Written for a request about any states first steps or first words :D!
Abigail laments about how to be a good parent, and toddler Delaware's Wise Words of Wisdom(tm) get her through it.
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wrathfulgraham · 1 year
okay so i havent actually hit my follower milestone yet but you guys get my wip anyways.
the sun amidst small stars
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Abigail Hobbs, Abigail Hobbs & Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Abigail Hobbs & Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Jack Crawford, Abigail Hobbs
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Hannibal (TV) Season/Series 01, Established Relationship, Murder Husbands, Hannibal Lecter Loves Will Graham, Will Graham Loves Hannibal Lecter, Dark Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Will Graham Knows, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Secret Relationship, Will Graham is a Cannibal, Will Graham is the Chesapeake Ripper, Autistic Will Graham, Manipulation, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Cajun Will Graham, Mild Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Rating May Change, Tags May Change, No beta we die like abigail hobbs
Hannibal turns toward him, face gone soft with fondness. "Merely reminiscing, meilė. It feels like only yesterday that I got my first proverbial peek behind the curtain back in New Orleans." His hand turns on the center console, palm up. Huffing a laugh, Will tenderly clasps it in his own.
"Not going to stab me this time, I hope," Will jokes.
"Not unless you intend to arrest me," Hannibal replies. For a split second, Will sees the man as he'd been back then – pale skin and sharp cheekbones, a wily smile wrapped in a doctor's coat that looked two sizes too big on his lithe frame. Then he blinks, and the present reinstates itself around them. Hannibal's palm is warm, his smile even moreso.
"Nah," Will finally answers. "I have no interest in seeing you declawed. Not anymore."
In a different world, Hannibal and Will met much earlier. They married, bought a house, and live in their version of domestic bliss. Hannibal is still a psychiatrist of questionable morals and Will is still a professor at the Academy. No one in this world knows that, together, they are the Chesapeake Ripper.
Follows the events of TV canon.
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roguelesbian-writes · 10 months
You Can Travel The World A Million Times Just To Learn It Never Mattered
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Sophia/Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Female Player (Stardew Valley)
Sophia & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
Female Player & Male Player (Stardew Valley)
OFC farmer
OMC farmer
Jameson Walsh
Ophelia Walsh
Sophia (Stardew Valley)
Shane (Stardew Valley)
Marnie (Stardew Valley)
Jas (Stardew Valley)
Zinnia - Character
Leah (Stardew Valley)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Haley (Stardew Valley)
Emily (Stardew Valley)
Lewis (Stardew Valley)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Alex (Stardew Valley)
Sam (Stardew Valley)
Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Victor (Stardew Valley)
Vincent (Stardew Valley)
Olivia (Stardew Valley)
Maru (Stardew Valley)
Robin (Stardew Valley)
Demetrius (Stardew Valley)
Jodi (Stardew Valley)
Kent (Stardew Valley)
Junimo(s) (Stardew Valley)
i'll add more later probably
Additional Tags:
This is a lot more than ofc farmer x sophia
this is everyone in the valley being a mess and sorting theirs bs out
Romani Haley
Hard of Hearing Haley
Black Emily
Latina Marnie
Latino Shane
Afro-Latina Jas
Hijabi Jodi
Native American Leah
Black Elliott
Jewish Elliot
All the Mulners are Samoan
All the Mulners are Jewish
Plus-Size Abigail
Legit just DSV races
and ethnicities
except for Lewis
He's still white
Trans Sam
Trans Penny
This is the set up for a lore fic
be prepared for some fluff
and most of all
character developement
no beta we die like my sister's will to read this fic
she actually came up with that tag
We hate Lewis in this house
Marnie is gonna dump him in this series
Working title
Ophelia and Jameson Walsh moved to town to take over their late grandfather's farm a season ago, it's going great. Totally not stressed out over literally anything at all. Sam and Sebastion have been friends for as long as either of them can remember, this new feeling building between them doesn't have to change that, right? Abigail just wants to go on adventures and prove she's not weak or just that one weird chick, why can't her parents chill out for five seconds? Haley is living her semi-best life, she just wishes her parents could pretend to care about them sometimes. Emily feels something has shifted since the new farmers' came to town. Harvey is tired and wants to be able to nap for the first time since the farmers started going down to the caves. Alex is trying to build himself up to try to go pro, while dealing with a lot of self-doubt. Marnie is getting tired of Lewis' excuses, Shane's lack of self-care, and trying to balance everything. Zinnia wants to know more about her mother and her research and Gabriel just wishes she would stay safe. Penny's life is a mess but at least she has the kids and Maru. Leah and Elliott are tortured artist gays.
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sunny-bunny-bird · 2 years
I know the beta only came out 30 minutes ago so there will be tweaks but who thought this was a good idea. Who. Literally who. Let me speak to them.
The Codex should not be a spellbook. This is a horrible idea. Especially if they keep the health requirement the way it is. The Codex is and will always be Maxwell's ''thing''. It works for characters like Wickerbottom because the books as a whole are her's, but to have Maxwell's Codex have durability just. It's the one way he accesses his powers. I don’t care how generous it is, Abigail doesn’t have a durability. No. No no no no no no.
I like not having to set it down, keeps people from playing ""funny pranks"" by stealing it but the durability. No no no, absolutely not.
Also the shadow servants as they are are just a downgrade. Sure you don't have to use flint and fuel but they last such a paltry amount of time, worse than singleplayer even. I get why Charlie is cranky if he can only keep it up for a minute.
They cover a tiny area and they only mine, chop, and dig. Things I know a lot of Maxwell mains like myself were thinking of, like collecting grass and twigs, and a longer lifespan would make setting them somewhere then leaving viable but as it is now? Literally just a nerf. A bad nerf.
Also the fact they have to bring the supplies TO you. One. At. A. Time. At least let us put a chest down or something.
The duelists are at least slightly less useless but like. No one cares about the goddamn duelists. Also the traps suck. Scare an enemy? I can die and do that as a ghost for free. Imprison an enemy for a few seconds? What use is that except maybe for koalaphants?
There’s no way to lower your sanity reliably anymore as Maxwell which, considering you’d need more fuel than ever to make more and more Codexes. Refueling them is also a big diminishing returns things, when you add that it no longer caps sanity and you STILL do have to sacrifice health in fighting the shadow monsters (do not just tell me to get good. the lag is unreal and we all know it)
I know I sound like such a salty fanboy right now but I mean. I am. Are we going for a thematic thing, here? Taking away Maxwell’s power and replacing it with a few cheap tricks? Cause if we are it’s at the cost of, y’know, making the game enjoyable.
I know some other characters had some rough-ish betas but everyone else GOT something instead of a nerf and a new hat. They need to fix this. The complete butchery on display....
(Edit) AND as people on the forums pointed out, this has just replaced one form of griefing with another. Now instead of stealing the Codex people will be reaching into Maxwell mains POCKETS to steal things.
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Imprinting: any kind of phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behavior.
Leda Darling was abducted at age 18. The only person she saw for what felt like ages was her abductor until a new face peered through the darkness and reached out. Nine years after being kidnapped, she is rescued by a curious FBI profiler, Will Graham. With Hannibal Lecter overseeing her return to society and Will Graham there to protect her from any threats, Leda's life seems to have turned for the better.
But some people are not who they seem, even to those who know them best.
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter/Original Female Character
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Sunlight
The home that Leda was staying in was alien to her. Her family’s house had been cozy and lived in; trinkets and photographs everywhere. The kitchen was outdated, but everything worked well enough and her dad was an adamant follower of the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” mindset. This house was newly furnished with brand-new appliances and furniture. It felt almost sterile; like it was for display only. 
The hardwood floor was cold under Leda’s feet as she made her way to the couch and wrapped herself up in a blanket. It was comfortable and for a second, she could hide away in a cocoon of warmth and forget everything that had happened to her. Hiding wouldn’t help her get better though, so she sighed and grabbed the notebook that Dr. Lecter had given her. 
Jack had dropped her off and left two other agents to guard her safehouse; a constant reminder that her abductor was still out there. Since they had yet to figure out the motive behind her kidnapping, Jack decided that it would be best to keep Leda in an FBI safehouse with guards at all times. The agents were quiet. They talked between themselves more than they talked to her; not that she minded. She kept herself busy by writing down the different thoughts in her head. She thought it would help with her anxiety to get her thoughts into words on paper. She also wanted to get more comfortable writing again so she could speak to Dr. Lecter more effectively. For some reason, she wanted to prove herself to him; to show him that she wanted to get better. 
It was around nine o’clock when there was a knock on the door. One of the agents, Greggory as he had introduced himself, put a hand up to her and made his way slowly to the door. Leda tensed and brought the blanket closer to her, trying to sink further into the couch. After looking discreetly through the door he sighed. “It’s Will Graham.”
The door opened and sure enough, Will Graham was on the other side, holding a box of some sort. His curly hair was wet from the autumn rain, sticking to his forehead like it was holding on for dear life. 
“Thanks, Greg. Sorry if I startled you,” he apologized, setting the box on the kitchen island before taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack nearby to dry. “Hannibal made dinner and asked me to bring Leda some of the leftovers.” Leda watched intently as he avoided eye contact with the agent. Even so, the two agents seemed to respect him.
Greggory nodded to Will before he and the other agent went out onto the porch. Leda had noticed that the other agent, Sam, was a smoker and she wasn’t surprised when she could smell the faint, acrid odor seeping beneath the door and into the house.
Leda stayed where she was on the couch, still startled by the sudden intrusion. Will opened the box and took out a plate of food, which he brought to the microwave. As he heated the food up, he looked back at her. 
“I was going to call, but my phone died. Hannibal was worried that you weren’t getting proper food so he sent me over. Please, come eat,” he coaxed, “Hannibal is a surprisingly good cook.”
As much as she wanted to stay curled up in her blanket cocoon, the smell of the food heating up in the microwave was mouthwatering. And she was starving. 
She slowly got up, wrapping the plush blanket around herself as Will grabbed a glass of water and set it down on the island for her. She sat down on the stool and watched as he set the plate of food in front of her with a fork and knife. It was some kind of roasted meat with potatoes and small green vegetables that she didn’t recognize. 
“Leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary paired with roasted potatoes and sauteed fiddleheads.” Will read from a card that had been tied to the box he had brought in. 
“Thank you,” Leda wrote on her notepad, before delicately cutting into the meat. 
He read the note and placed it back by her plate as she worked on her dinner. He had eaten with Hannibal back at his house, so he was perfectly content just watching over her as she enjoyed her meal. 
Leda put a piece of the lamb in her mouth and instantly relaxed. It was tender and flavorful, and she had never experienced anything like it. She ate the meal slowly, savoring every bite as if it might be her last. 
Will watched her reverently. He could see her restraining herself and he wondered how often she was fed when she was in the cellar. Not nearly enough, he thought, as he looked at how the blanket fell over her gaunt frame. She was deliberate with every move she made, her delicate hands holding the silverware gently. “You should drink some water too,” he instructed, pushing the water glass closer to her. She did as he asked.
“Are you comfortable here?” he asked as she finished the last of the food in front of her. 
She nodded, setting the fork and knife down onto the plate before Will grabbed it and set it in the sink to wash later. 
“Good,” Will responded, turning back to Leda. She had wrapped the blanket around herself once more and was looking towards the front door. He leaned on the island counter and asked, “Do you feel safe?” 
Leda hesitated this time, looking to where the two agents had left and gone outside. They were confident that Will would keep an eye on her, and she appreciated not having to be watched over like a child. The agents were doing their best to make her feel safe, but knowing that the man who abducted her was still out there made it hard for her to let her guard down. She pursed her lips slightly and nodded again. The FBI had already given her two bodyguards to protect her; she didn’t want to be any more of a burden. But Will caught on.
“Is there anything I can do to help you feel safer?” he asked, pushing himself off of the counter and moving around the table to sit on the stool next to her. 
The way Will made eye contact was different from Dr. Lecter, or even Agent Crawford. Their gazes were inquisitory; always wanting to dig deeper into her psyche. However, while there was nothing but questions behind Agent Crawford’s eyes, Hannibal’s gaze was different. She remembered how he had put his hand on her shoulder and looked into her soul at the end of their meeting, sending shivers down her spine retroactively. Looking into Hannibal Lecter’s eyes was like staring down a hungry wolf. But Will was different. His eyes were soft; the dark circles underneath contrasted the bright green of his irises. Being under his gaze was like being in the sun; it made her feel like a real person again. He looked at her as she was, not as a piece of evidence. 
After a moment to make up her mind and summon the confidence to do so, she grabbed the pen and paper. “Stay for a bit longer?”
“Of course,” Will nodded and moved to the living room with her. 
With a sigh of relief, Leda sat down on the couch and sat next to her. “I can stay for a while, but I’ve gotta feed my dogs so I can’t stay too late.”
She perked up at his explanation and he smiled at her. She loved dogs; she loved all animals in general, but dogs were near and dear to her heart. They were so pure and gentle, uncorrupted. 
“You like dogs?” Will asked.
Leda smiled widely and nodded fervently. 
Will chuckled. It was the first time he had seen her actually smile, and he instantly knew he would be addicted. “I’ll ask Jack if you can come out and meet them soon. They love meeting new people.”
It was an odd feeling for Leda, to look forward to something. For the first time in nine years, she was looking toward her future.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Will asked, grabbing the remote for the TV off of the coffee table in front of them. 
Leda shrugged her shoulders in a way to say “sure”, and Will nodded. They flipped through Netflix for a couple of minutes before Leda put her hand on Will’s arm and motioned to the one he had stopped on. 
“Brother Bear?” he confirmed with a smile. He knew the movie; he had watched it when he was younger. It was a kid's movie, but that didn’t bother him. He could see the joy in her eyes as she nodded to him and curled into the couch. He pressed play on the movie and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. 
There was something about Will that made Leda feel safe. She couldn’t explain it, but being with him was like coming home. He felt like a warm campfire on a cold winter day or the cool shade of a large oak tree. After years of being alone, it felt nice to feel a warm body by her side. 
The way Leda slowly moved closer to Will made his heart ache. He couldn’t resist putting his arm around her and guiding her head to rest on her shoulder. It was as if she was melting into him. The feeling was intoxicating; better than any drug that existed. He knew as she slowly fell asleep on his shoulder that he would do anything to protect her and give her the closure that she needed. No matter what happened. 
Will stayed until the end of the movie, even though Leda had fallen asleep about halfway through. He wanted nothing more than to stay on that couch forever, with Leda resting her head on his shoulder and her hand on his thigh. He ran his fingers through her short hair absentmindedly, thinking about everything she hadn’t experienced because of her abduction. Just the thought of someone inconveniencing the woman in his arms was enough to make him seethe, let alone hurt her. He looked down at her sleeping face and studied it intently, not wanting to forget any detail. Her cheeks were slightly sunken in and her lips were scarred from years of starvation and dehydration. He traced the line of her nose and jaw with his eyes, carving it into his memory. Her blonde hair was soft and fine, sliding through his fingers like silk. 
When they had found her, it had been so long and matted that it needed to be cut short to inspect for any head injuries. He wondered if she missed her long hair or if she was relieved to be free of it. 
He wondered a lot about her, but now wasn’t the time to pry. She needed to heal first, but in time Will decided he wanted to know her more. He wanted to learn her deepest secrets, her darkest fears, her highest highs, and her lowest lows. He wanted to be there to show her the things she never got to experience. He wanted to give her every last bit of his attention and never take it away. His scarred and broken heart was in his hands for this woman who he barely knew, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Will sighed quietly before gathering her up and carrying her bridal style to her bedroom. He laid her down gently in her bed and covered her up with the large puffy duvet. 
At this moment, Will could forget what had happened to the both of them. He was just a guy and she was just a girl. In another world, this could’ve happened after a date or maybe they had been lifelong friends. But this was the real world, and nothing about the situation was ideal. 
Trying not to dwell on the what-ifs, he brushed her hair out of her face. He smiled as her eyes fluttered open momentarily.
“Thank you for staying,” she said, her voice hoarse and gravelly from disuse. 
Will smiled before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Anytime, Ms. Darling.”
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Crystal Ball - Quarry (game) Fanfic
Fandom: The Quarry (video game)
Pairing: Ryan Erzahler/Dylan Lenivy
Summary: Ryan gets hold of a Crystal ball. Being curious and having listened to maybe a few too many podcasts, he decides to stare into it. Unfortunately for him, it isn’t a normal crystal ball. He is dragged into scenes where he sees one of his campmates and friends die a gruesome death. Terrified but determined, he continues to come back, looking for clues. Anything that might help him stop it from happening and save his friends.
Tags: Ryan Erzahler, Dylan Lenivy, Kaitlyn Ka, Chris Hackett, Jacob Custos, Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Nick Furcillo, Fake Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Paranormal, Friends to Lovers, Werewolves, Background Relationships, No beta we die like literally everyone, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Chapter: 2/3 posted
Words: 9.552 (for now)
A/N: So I’m currently in the process of editing the last chapter and I hope it will be up soon. But for now, let me share the other chapters here too. Please enjoy :)
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murderkittyz · 5 months
The Party - Chapter 3
Content Warnings: Nothing really except how Gramps isn’t feeling great and a spooky moment. This one is a little shorter!
Important notes! In this fic Stardew is set in 1996, the Scream movies exist.
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The sun beamed down through the leaves, dappling onto the pathway. Smudge trailed after you, tail held high. The chirping of birds, pattering of paws, rustling of the wind… it was so serene.. You could say a lot of things about your parents’ decision to send you here, but one thing for sure is that it’s a soul healing thing, returning to nature.
The two local kids (how come there were only two?) ran up, the strawberry haired boy squealing about the kitty while the girl quietly trailed behind. “Hey, hey be careful!” You warned, seeing Smudge’s tail puff up.
“Sorry, we, we weally wanted to pet da kitty!” Vincent babbled, blue eyes wide. With the reassurance that, yes, he can pet the kitty as long as he’s careful, he gave Smudge a little pat on the head. You decided to take this opportunity to run into the convenience store without the cat running in. You’d rather die than shop at that sterile lifeless Joja Mart.
You looked through the basic list and your budget, humming. While you browsed and stood in contemplation, a pale hand grabbed your shoulder. With a yelp, you turned.
“Woah there! Hah, you look like you saw a ghost! Sorry about that.” Abigail laughed a bit, rubbing the back of her neck. “It’s fine Abs, but don’t scare me like that!” You huffed, to which she gave a light hearted eye roll. “Okay, okay… Say, how come ya ditched last night?” The girl inquired, tilting her head. “Ah well umh, needed to check on gramps. I’ve got a schedule, you know.” You chuckled.
“Well, ‘pose I can’t argue with that.” She shrugged. “Sayyy, wanna come over tonight? Like a sleepover?” Abigail chirped up, seeming suddenly very excited. “Well I’d.. I’d have to check with grandpa, but if he’s fine with it-“ “Cool! See ya tonight!” She smiled, running out the door. Strange. She was acting kinda weird —well, more than she normally is—
You returned to the farm, putting up the groceries. Hearing a creak, you called out “Hey gramps! Do ya mind if I have a sleepover at Abby’s tonight?”
No response.
“Uh, grandpa? You okay? Didn’t fall down the stairs or something, did you?”
No response.
“Grandpa?” You asked, voice a little more nervous.
The front door opened, the elderly man stretching and flopping down into his chair. “Oh! There you are grandpa! Say could I-“ “Now now kiddo! Give ya old man a moment to rest…” A few moments pass. “Now, what’s up?” “I’d like to sleep over at Abby’s tonight, is that okay?”
He took a minute to think before sighing and shaking his head. “I’m sorry kiddo, my back is acting up a lot. I would let ya if I was feeling better.”
You sighed, nodding solemnly. “I understand, grandpa.”
You should probably tell her..
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Credits: <3 on Pinterest for the header, @beamer-boy for the footer, beta read by @phebbsl
Tags: @warpedbands @sashiavi
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malec-ao3feed · 9 months
Love Beckons All Fallen
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ECm4qXI by khaleesiofalicante As winter solstice approaches, so does the possibility of the prophecy being fulfilled. Despite being scattered all over the world, the Next Generation of LBAF find themselves thrust into the middle of the chaos. Will Lance destroy Idris? Will Kincaid kill him first? Will Arthur save them both? Will Cami choose the Clave over her family? Will Iris find the White Warlock? Will Joan make peace with Kincaid? Will Atlas figure out the secret behind Lance’s blood? Will Alec, Magnus, Rafael and Max make it through to the end without destroying their family and each other? Let’s find out. This fic updates every Tuesday and Friday. Words: 55182, Chapters: 3/23, Language: English Series: Part 6 of LBAF Fandoms: The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Max Lightwood-Bane, David Beauchamp, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Anjali Rosales, Lexi Herondale, Olivia Carstairs, Selena Fairchild, Gabriel Guzman, Georgia Lovelace, Roman Penhallow, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Simon Lovelace, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondale, Lance Lightwood-Bane, Arthur Lightwood-Bane, Camila Lightwood-Bane, Arjun Lightwood-Bane, Joan Herondale, Iris Fairchild, Atlas Lovelace, Abigail Lovelace, Theia Blackthorn, Harry Anh, Malik Shah, Hermes Cain, Madeleine Bellefluer, Regine Bellefleur, Antoine Bellefleur, Other Max (iykyk) Relationships: Max Lightwood-Bane/David Beauchamp, Rafael Lightwood-Bane/Anjali Rosales, Lexi Herondale/Olivia Carstairs, Selena Fairchild/Gabriel Guzmán, Georgia Lovelace/Roman Penhallow, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale/Clary Fairchild, Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Heavy Angst, Angst and Romance, Angst and Feels, Betrayal, Heartbreak, Prophecy, Time Travel, Blood and Violence, Sexual Content, Sibling Love, Idiots in Love, Forbidden Love, The author spent more time doing the tags than writing the fic, The author is not to be trusted, The author is gay but enjoys making gay people suffer, POV Multiple, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, No beta we die like Joseph Goldheart read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ECm4qXI
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Illegal Artistry
Illegal artistry by spook z
Midoriya Izuku is a con-artist. One night he's too confident and gets arrested. Dum dum.
Words: 2014, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Original Characters, briefly
Additional Tags: Con Artist Midoriya Izuku, Parental Tsukauchi Naomasa, Tsukauchi Naomasa is So Done, Tsukauchi Naomasa Adopts Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Short One Shot, Short, no beta we die like izukus mom in every fanfiction, on that note, Dead Midoriya Inko, Dead Bakugou Katsuki, Not Canon Compliant, based on Great Pretender, mentioned Abigail Jones, Minor Original Character(s), I wrote this instead of doing school work
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41640054
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ao3yennaia · 2 years
The universe made constellations in her skin and bones
by BlissfulSnow
Tally is and always will be a witch; that her not so subtle secret of being from another world is coming to light, is a mere after thought. Both her homes are in danger. Both hunted by a very similar enemy.
And she will fight, like she has always done. With Storm and Fury. With Silver and Steel. She will fight like a witch. Like a sorceress. Like a Witcher. She will fight, but will the others stand with her?
Or, set after 3x05; Tally has some explaining to do and life goes a bit differently.
Words: 1618, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Motherland: Fort Salem (TV), The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, Multi
Characters: Tally Craven, Sarah Alder (Motherland: Fort Salem), Abigail Bellweather, Scylla Ramshorn, Raelle Collar, Nicte Batan, Adil (Motherland: Fort Salem), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Tissaia de Vries, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Relationships: Sarah Alder/Tally Craven, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: No beta we die like Renfri's band, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, After the wild hunt, i need this to heal, Rated E for a reason, Gore, Mature language typical to the witcher, After 3x05, This was all a dream and now it's on paper, I feel possessed, Crackish but then again not?, We are going on an adventure!, Spoilers, My first fic after years and on AO3, I wrote this in one setting whilst listening to the Blood and Wine soundtrack
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41079834
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