#no because i'm normal. and it was even crazier to see people be like that after the debate when him dropping out and being replaced by
maddy-ferguson · 2 months
i was just thinking this afternoon how pathetic it was to see americans who hated biden three months/weeks/days ago because of his enabling israel's genocide against palestinians be like nooo he's actually great and not old if you think he is and dislike him in any way you might as well be encouraging people to vote for trump at least now we're done with that
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emptyjunior · 1 year
Enough random notes that have a written story on them as environmental storytelling, explore the space, get crazier with it.
You move into a house and aw cute, it has the kids height on the walls but you notice there's a three foot difference in height between measurements, you check the date, they're a month apart. The final measurement is on the ceiling. It's dated two days ago.
You're part of a recovery team that have finally found a stranded ship, they were found too late and have all passed a long time ago. They all died of starvation. You enter their storeroom, it's filled with food. In the dining hall you find the tables laden with perfectly fine looking breads, cakes, cured meats, jams, candies. Your medic says all the people sitting at the table didn't eat a Thing.
You wake up in an apocalypse. You can't find anyone at all as you wander the streets but you do hear faint music playing from somewhere. You stumble into a supermarket, to see all the aisles still full, except for the shelf that was full of ear plugs, which look to be the only thing that was looted.
Like there's light, sound, props. Having a street where every house is decimated except for One. Landing on a planet known for having No Water and a plant is growing and you don't know where it could have possibly gotten moisture from but you can't find the citizens Anywhere.
I'm sorry, I'm just kinda over the "graffiti on the wall to show the bad guy is around". That's not environmental storytelling that's just normal story. Show me I'm in the villains territory by the rain suddenly cutting out above me as I'm driving, even though it's meant to be raining all night. I park the car and step out, and realise the constellations are Wrong, until I see they're Not constellations, they're the blinking lights of a massive ship-
I Will stop now because everytime I go to write a sentence it devolves into another prompt but I'm just saying we have a Lot of senses, engage them, show me the Environment in environmental storytelling.
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loveandmurders · 2 months
Imagine Michael Myers ruined your life. He killed your boyfriend and your friends because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have been able to run away just in time, but he left scars on your body.
You couldn't stop watching them and you couldn't stop thinking about him. You used to be such a normal and mentally stable person, but then... You grew obsessed with revenge. You were a wounded animal desiring to wound in return.
So you started to plan out how you were going to kill the big and frightening Shape.
Imagine you completely change your basement for it to become the most perfect prison. You could easily tie someone there, and you could even more easily kill them without anyone to hear anything about it.
Transforming your basement was the easy part, then you needed to get Michael Myers out of the asylum and to trap him there. But you were smart, ressourceful and ready to murder him and to be covered in his blood.
You did get him out of the asylum by briding a few guards and nurses. You patiently waited for him to go back to his house, where you were waiting for him. Gosh, waiting was driving you even crazier.
Imagine taking Michael Myers by surprise; you shot him and hit him on the head. No matter how strong he was, he collapsed. You painfully pulled him to your car and brought him to your home. Whenever people heard Michael was out of his cell, they were hiding so it was easy for you to go unnoticed.
You were quick to bring him to your basement, not caring about the way his head was hitting one step after the other, or the way his shooting wound was staining his clothes. You were quick to tie him down with chains even an elephant couldn't tear apart.
And then you waited again. You wanted for the man to see your face before hurting him and killing him. You needed him to know who was hitting him.
Imagine Michael waking up in your basement, half confused of what was going on. He quickly understood he wasn't back at the asylum. He had no idea who you were, not that he cared. He simply wanted to kill you, to dismantle you and to forget about you. He didn't show his surprise when he couldn't break free from his chains.
"I'm gonna kill you so slowly" you darkly promised him and it made him completely freeze. He recognised your cold anger. You started to interest him.
You didn't try to guess what he was thinking; no one could understand him anyways. You just wanted him to suffer. You tried to make him scream, but you could slice his skin, burn him, break his fingers... and yet he wouldn't show anything.
Imagine getting so angry, you had to leave the room. You didnt want to kill without him to experience true pain and you wanted proof he was in pain.
It was then he hit you. Physically hurting him was useless. You needed to play with something so deep inside of him, that it would break him. You needed him to fall in love with you and then to put him back into the asylum, so far away from you, driving him insane.
You read about Stockholm Syndrome a lot. You fed Michael, you took care of his wounds, and then you would let him rot for a few days alone downstaires. You were alterning between abuse and some sort of "tenderness".
You were patient and it started to pay off. Whenever you were coming downstairs, Michael was instantly trying to get free of his chains, but not to escape, just to touch you. He couldn't think, all he knew was that he needed you more than oxygen. When you were around, he was behaving like a dangerous puppy trying to please you. When you were punishing him and leaving him alone in the dark, you were only feeding his obsession of you.
Imagine one night, you got a little bit tired and hence not being as careful as you should have been around a monster like Michael. You have come too close to him and you haven't moved quick enough. He caught your wrist and easily made you fall on his lap. You found yourself straddling him. You tried to move from him but his big hands were around your waist, keeping you close.
He had never wanted to kiss or to pleasure someone before, but he would be on his knees in between your legs if only you had wanted it. Him. He took in your scent and nuzzled in your neck as his hands softly slipped under your top so he could feel how soft and warm your skin were.
"Michael" you warned him and he froze "Let me go, or I'll be very mad"
Imagine the most dangerous of killers, twice your size and three time your strenght, letting you go. You saw the shadow of a pout on his face. He was so disappointed. Everything felt so cold without you.
You quickly went upstairs, not caring about the wounded grunts echoing in the basement as Michael was desesperate to watch you go. It was then you understood he was ready. He was ready to be put back in the asylum, far far away from you.
You went to work and when the night came, you joined Michael with some meal. You watched him eat and drink his water. You praised him before settling on his lap on your own accord, but you forbidad him from touching you. And even if he was struggling he obeyed as you moved closer. You didn't really know why but you kissed him, and he instantly - and yet a little bit clumsily - replied to it.
"You're gonna be a good boy to me and you're gonna have a little walk near by your house, okay?" you told him. Michael didn't understand why you would ask him to go "But then you come back. I want to see if I can trust you without those chains" you explained to him and he nodded.
Imagine playing with fire and removing his chains. He didn't care about the bruises littering his wrists and ankles. He only wanted to touch you. He had been love and touch starved his whole existence, and if his lack of empathy helped him to pretend it was alright, now he was in need of you. You allowed him to roam your body and to squeeze your flesh with want.
Soon enough you asked him to go and he reluctantly obeyed. He left your house with the only desire to come back to you. But before, he knew he had to obey to you like he used to obey his mother. He went near his former home - because his home was now you. You called the police on him.
He fought like a lion, but there were too many cops and doctors, even for him. He got shot with sedative. Next time he opened his eyes, he was back to his cell in the asylum. And he quickly lost it. Doctors had to intervene, to sedate him again and to tie him up to his bed as he was destroying everything around.
Dr. Loomis had no idea why the usually quiet man, was getting so out of himself. Nothing could calm down Michael, who was absolutely going even more insane the more time he was being away from you. He couldn't stand a world without your warmth and presence. You were a drug, the only thing he ever desired, the only thing that made him feel something.
Imagine missing the flash news about Michael Myers escaping the asylum, as you were asleep on your couch.
Imagine waking up to your front door being torn apart. You ran to your kitchen, grabbed a sharp knife and was ready to dialled 911 when you saw Michael coming into view.
He took a few more steps before kneeling down in front of you, showing you he was no threat to you, and more importantly that he was all yours.
"Oh. You came back home" you whispered to yourself as he wrapped his arms around your mid section.
He was indeed back home.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
are we ready to talk about shauna's barely hidden but somehow very ignored psychosis and how it, like a ton of her other qualities, is brushed aside by both those around her and the audience? like, i think its clear that a central focus of the show is the way lottie is the only one who got stuck in a facility (and natalie in and out of rehab being the next closest to reckoning with her shit) when the rest of them are very clearly not okay. as a certified Crazy Girl, i've been weary of how they'll handle lottie's story line (blurring psychosis and the supernatural is a very delicate and tricky thing and thus far i've been sort of just waiting to see where it goes). our data on and understanding of mental health is incredibly limited for a lot of reasons (but that's a rant for another time) but there is a large mainstream misconception of when hallucinations and delusions can happen. psychosis isn't just something that happens in schizophrenia and its very complex, so if you want to learn more there's plenty of info out there i'm not going to get into it here, but it happens in a lot of other cases. psychosis is, most simply put, a loss of contact with external reality. ptsd can cause psychosis, especially auditory and visual hallucinations.
so shauna is shown to have these experiences and i didn't realize that they were being so heavily overlooked by a large amount of people until the reaction to the scene where she beats lottie nearly to death. shauna is introduced in s1 as having hallucinations of jackie 25 years later. she is shown to disassociate. in 207, she both holds the baby's body and believes the delusion that they ate the baby. the episode shows her fighting the delusion until she can't anymore. meanwhile, adult shauna tells lottie she keeps callie at arms length out of "fear that she would die...i guess? or maybe that she was never even...real to begin with." then she adds "i think something is broken, lottie." implied: she's broken. something is wrong with her. this is the is the most honest about her mental state we've ever seen shauna be.
why? because lottie has always been and likely will always be perceived as crazier. lottie is the one they pin it on, lottie is the cult leader both then and now, lottie is the scapegoat, lottie is the one who got sent to switzerland. i think there's something to be said for the effect lottie has on people (again, a whole other post) but honestly, that alone is enough. shauna is feeling vulnerable for a lot of reasons and she can tell lottie that she thinks she's crazy, that she's never quite sure her daughter exists, that she's constantly afraid she'll die to the degree that she doesn't let herself interact with her in a real, tangible way, because it's always safer to tell the crazy girl you're crazy, too.
and lottie knows. shauna knows that. lottie clocked her psychosis almost immediately, when she was in the meat shed for all hours. the other girls were shocked by the makeup, and their shock was so fucking strange to me when i watched it, but now on reflecting i'm realizing maybe its the lottie effect. like, have i done the shit shauna has? abso-fucking-lutely not lol. but does my mind work in a way where i immediately would assume shauna was doing something along the lines of the shit she was doing out there, because to me its like...what else would it be? yeah. like sees like, in a way. lottie knows what this looks like at baseline, even if its coming out way different in shauna. even if in shauna it looks like aggression and violence a lot of the time. lottie gets it.
jeff doesn't get it, he thinks strawberry lube is too wild. taissa gets it to a degree, and we see shauna be the second most open with her, but tai suppresses and hides it a degree that she wouldn't dare step foot in a therapist's office (this is yet another thing that makes me crazy but is a whole other post lol). shauna's main goal in this life she's created is pretending to be normal. and she's like, impressively bad at it. but people let her, because what else are they going to do? addressing the clear issues is taboo, because we categorize people so heavily. she masks better than lottie, but it's fucking wafer thin. you see this when she interacts with people who aren't her family or the other yjs. the way she speaks to the taylors? to adam? shauna is only sometimes masking passably when she's in her set world, where she has a routine, and is surrounded by people she only has to half-convince of her sanity.
if shauna is honest about the level of psychosis she experiences, she knows she'll end up like lottie. and i think there's an argument to be made that the people around her (which at this point in her life is pretty much just jeff because she's done another common thing and insulated herself from other people, re: the way she behaves being clockably off to others who won't overlook certain things or can't relate) understand that too. it can't be addressed, because then in their minds there must be action of some kind if it is. (taissa yelling you're acting crazy, shauna is one of the most purely terrified moments we see of her in relation to shauna, because she knows she's admitting something. jeff yelling something to the same effect after the carjacking, same thing.)
the person we see try to get shauna to open up about it is callie. her teenage daughter, who bares the brunt of her difficulty maintaining reality, (who knows that shauna has never accepted her fully as her child, and seems to actually sense that there is a deeper reason for that), asks her to open up. she tells her after the club scene that she knows something is wrong. she even mentions jackie directly. she spends all of s2 trying to relate to shauna, to get her to be open with her about everything. there's no way shauna's trauma and psychosis and general issues have gone unnoticed by callie. daughters always know. they see it in their mothers before they even have a concept of the world. so we're watching a 16 year old try to get her mom to open up, because she doesn't understand fully why that's so dangerous to shauna. to callie, it may even be a secret she thinks other people are in on that she's being left out of. i think maybe she's realizing that it isn't personal and that shauna is guarded like this in general, and we're watching that happen.
callie is learning to care for and relate to her mother and she doesn't see why shauna won't let her in, because to her it's an innate truth that she'll be by her side no matter what (if only she'd let her be). she has unconditional love for her mother and that is the scariest thing in the world to shauna, because the last person who had unconditional love for shauna died because shauna didn't know what to do with it. a baby she never got a chance to meet in reality could've replaced the love that jackie gave her, and shauna was maybe starting to look forward to that, but that ended before it began. so twice shauna has killed that figure in her life. the one who loves her wholly and for who she is, which is terrifying to shauna in it's own right (she tried to take that away from jackie in their last moments, maybe you never really knew me, because that would be easier. shauna can't handle someone really knowing her because she can't handle really knowing herself because, again, that means addressing things that go unaddressed). and she doesn't plan on killing that figure again.
(if callie's even real, because the baby wasn't real when she met him and jackie wasn't real every time she's talked to her in the last twenty-five years, so who the fuck is to say callie is real?)
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msnihilist · 2 months
Hi, I just wanted to say a post you made a little while back about how in your writing you get to decide whether normally bad relationships like child/adult stuff get a happy ending actually nearly made me cry from joy. I'm plural and regression and older/younger dynamics of all kinds, platonic, romantic, and sexual happen in our system exactly for this reason. Both us and our wife's system were abused badly as kids and it has been an incredible outlet because we know that these people ARE safe, that they're not in these relationships to creep or predate on people but because they know that doing things with them occasionally is a healthy coping mechanism compared to the alternative (and also because consanguinamory rocks tbh). Basically, seeing you say that creating a world where those relationships are genuinely healthy is good for some people made us feel WAY better about some stuff we do that we would never tell anyone in our normal life about and I hope this isn't weird and doesn't make you uncomfortable but we've felt so guilty about it for a while despite knowing that it's 100000% healthy in here that seeing that made us feel so good. It felt like someone finally understood exactly how we feel. I can't go of anon or reblog that post or any response to this bc of backlash from people I know but I just wanted to say thank you for that. That changed us for the better.
You know, what's funny is, I don't personally know how you feel AT ALL. I'm not a system. I don't understand age regression. I don't have any childhood trauma I'm coping with.
I've never been there. All of my stories that reflect my own trauma have dark, grizzly endings. (My therapist recently mentioned something like that, in regards to so many of my recent projects having gaslighting as a theme.)
My unhealthy setups (I.E., incest, child/adult) that have happy endings, have them just because I think it suits the characters or the theme. Not for any trauma/coping reason.
But you know what's crazier? Even though I've never been there, I completely understand how you feel. I don't understand why antis can't. Empathy is not that hard.
I understand that stories like this give you comfort. That it helps you. That you can manufacture a situation where you feel safe, like you should have been as a child. I understand that you get something out of these stories that even I, the author, might not fully grasp.
I understand that your thoughts don't make you a bad person, and that you're so fortunate to have a spouse in the same place you are.
I hope that you continue to heal this way. I hope you can someday stop feeling shame, because you truly are not doing anything wrong. It is okay to pretend that the "adults" in this situation are safe and loving, because they really fucking should have been the first time. You deserve to feel protected. You deserve an adult who won't fail you — not this time.
You are breaking a cycle of violence and hatred, anon. Remember that. Every step down the path of healing is one step further from becoming the same people who once hurt you. Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed just because your road is a little unconventional.
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vibinginthedreamlands · 2 months
Mild season five spoilers at one point, I give a heads up before hand.
I have to say, I'm very happy with the LMK casting of voice actors who are mostly known/most prominently coming from the anime English dub field.
I personally don't watch much anime. One of the reasons being I don't like a lot of the over acting that comes with it. Great for other people, but it throws me out of the immersion and just generally gets on my nerves (no shade to anyone who enjoys it, just not for me).
Having said that, the actors themselves are so talented and have such good voices.
Christopher Sabat, Azure Lion's VA, is All Might in MHA.
Matthew Mercer, as of Season 5, plays The Nine Head Demon and in the past was AoT's Levi Ackerman.
And then of course, SEAN SCHEMMEL. I've seen a lot more Dragon Ball (Siblings) than most any other anime, and I never really paid any speacial attention to Goku's VA, despite him being the MC. But now in LMK, wow. Impossible not pay attention. Monkey King is for sure one of my favorite characters and that feeling has only grown with each season as his character growth has been supported and elevated by the voice acting. Season 4's A Life of Mistakes lines?
"I did this for us!"
"Oh kid, you found me."
"I lost sight of why I was even doing it in the first place."
And quick Season 5 mention because I just finished it and this scene alone was definitely not the reason I started making this post in the first place:
The Scream. In Episode 9. Oh My God. I have an occasional habit of smiling while watching media, even if it's tense or sad because I'm enjoying it and appreciating the work that was put in. Not with this. The gutwrenching horror he put into that-
Fuck me I guess, made me sick/pos
And that's just the characters and their VAs I recognized based in my Generalized Anime Knowledge! Each of them have done dozens of more shows or projects.
As well as the rest of the cast who bring such amazing talent and skill. I don't know what they've all done prior (aside from Jack De Sena of course) but wow am I so happy they're apart of the show.
Billy Kametz as Macaque for the first three seasons was amazing. Rest in peace sir
Alejandro Saab who took over in 4 and 5 does such justice to the role (check out his song covers they're amazing and there's nothing like being able to imagine Macaque sing Peaches).
Jack De Sena? I loved him as Sokka, saw the possible corruption arc abilitiy with Callum, and was granted that dream in the form of MK and his subsequent Harbinger counterpart. This man has range and I'm so glad the show is allowing him to use it
Stephanie Sheh as Mei? Gaaaaaaah! I love Mei, and she brings such a vibrancy and life that just perfects the vision for the character.
Dave B. Mitchell and David Chen as my all time favorite old married couple, Pigsy and Tang respectively. Couldn't have asked for better.
Patrick Seitz as Sandy, Kyle McCarley as Red Son (who now that I'm looking at it, is *also* an anime voice actor) and Johnny Bosch as Ne Zha to name just a few more.
I don't know, this started out as a post about being able to enjoy voice acting from people who aren't normally in shows I would watch, but now I guess it's just an appreciation post.
I Love this show. The team, everyone involved, do such a good job . No one who worked on it will see this of course but just gotta say thanks for 5 Amazing Seasons, I've never been crazier about plastic monkies.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
Wait do you also spam posts on the Zolu and Lusan tags as well? I haven't been on those so idk haha. And I know you said don't ask buuut why do you ship Lusan? 😅 I ship every other character together easily but I can't see the appeal between those two. Except for like post time skip. I'm trying to understand it.
mmm i wouldn't say i spam posts on those tags, but i do post a lot about them?? i think i just post more sanuso and zolu. more sanuso, probably. or maybe it's just that there are fewer people posting there and it makes my posts stand out more. we need more sanuso shippers, besties!!!
and you're asking me why i ship lusan but the true question here is why wouldn't i.
they're so romeo and juliet!!! so poetic!!! so love story by taylor swift!!!
it's not only because of whole cake island (that does help a lot, though) but their relationship dynamic and story as a whole. sanji grew up with a family that made him believe he was worthless and undeserving of love, and suddenly this silly guy appears out of nowhere saying that he wants him to come with him on an adventure because he believes he's the best cook ever (complimenting something his family constantly told him it was a weakness). he tells luffy about the all blue, opening up his heart and dreams to him in such a beautiful way that luffy can't help but say "yeah. this is the one. this is my cook now". they both share the same hopes and dreams!!!! reaching for the stars!!! fighting for their beliefs that everybody told them they wouldn't be able to follow!!! it's so so beautiful.
also, for luffy, food is something really important. not only referring to the comedic relief side of it, but also on a character level. food is what gives him strength, and it's also his love language (he's selfish when it comes to eating, but offers food to the ones he loves and cares about). and for sanji... well, food is his whole world. he won't let anyone starve, no matter who it is. it's the perfect dynamic. for luffy, food is important, not only bc he loves it, but because it's what makes him keep going (he literally needs to eat more than twice a normal person would because his power requires it). and for sanji that's!!! his perfect person!!!
whole cake island showing luffy refusing to eat until sanji comes back is so,,, i can't put it into words. but it's majestic. poetry. such a devotion to his cook it hurts. and sanji can't let him starve!!! it's so kzsdbjkasdbjkab i'm weak. crying. sobbing. luffy literally can't become the king of the pirates without him. he said it himself.
and also: luffy sees through sanji. we know luffy is like, the most empathetic character ever because he has this perception of people that's always so so accurate. he sees them as an open book. crystal clear. i mean, not really that crystal clear all the time but he knows when somebody is lying to themselves or him. and he knows that sanji is lying to himself in whole cake island the same way he's been aware of his insecurities ever since they met. and it's SO good.
the passion and devotion a cook and his constantly hungry captain have for each other is so intimate... luffy is curious by nature and wants to know more and more about the world and sanji. and sanji could just settle for cooking for him and finding the all blue, but luffy brings out that dreamy nature in him. luffy helps him ask for help and be himself.
sanji is selfless. luffy wants him to be selfish.
and it's!! so good!! so so romantic!!!
also don't get me started on luffy's speech to him because that's literally pride and prejudice mixed with romeo and juliet and a hint of corpse bride.
and yeah, you were talking about not getting the appeal pre time skip? well, let me tell you:
it might not be as romantic as post time skip, but it still is beautiful. sanji follows luffy to this adventure because he wants to find the all blue, but also because luffy has a dream even crazier than his. after being told countless times that his dream is a lie and impossible to achieve, seeing somebody as reckless and impulsive as luffy wanting something like being the king of the pirates does something to sanji. once again, as i was saying, luffy makes him want to be selfish. sanji doesn't want to leave the baratie because he feels like he owes zeff his life. that's his home, but also where his father and savior is. he wants to leave. he just doesn't know how to without feeling guilty. both luffy and zeff help him realize that he needs to go after his dream.
also, sanji's obsession with women goes beyond, you know, anything. but his devotion to luffy is stronger!! when you leave the comedic gags aside, of course.
besides, their dynamic is extremely funny. sanji is calm and mature and luffy is a menace to society. but... are they, really? because their dynamic is always funny like that, but also... it's kind of the other way around. luffy might seem immature and impulsive (he is) but when it comes to other people's feelings he's always the first one to understand. sanji, on the other hand, seems to have everything under control but once stuff like wci happens, we see that he's actually pretending to be like that. he's just a kid. he's scared and insecure and trauma suddenly hit him like a fucking truck without him expecting it and luffy is the one that needs to save him.
!!!!! lusan is GREAT. not only bc their "love cook x insatiable eater" dynamic, but because of their understanding and love for each other.
look, sanji is a damsel in distress and luffy is his knight in shining armor. except that they're actually a cook with an abusive family and an intense captain with a lot of love for food and his cook.
also they're very cutie patootie and they act very silly goofy together. i love when they're calm and laughing and nobody has to go through intense trauma for them to be happy in the end.
just look at them and tell me they aren't in love (although i see them more like in a queer platonic relationship but that's for another day):
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that's sanji's ray of sunshine right there!!!!! and luffy's damaged wet cat!!!!! they're so!!!!! luffy can't be the king of the pirates without his cook and sanji can't find the all blue without his captain!!!
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lesbiamano · 2 months
im back asking about the wildcard!futaba au. im interested to hear your royal trio dynamic! would haru enable all their impulsive ideas and tangents? maybe haru and sojiro talk about growing coffee beans,, that would be so fun. any hcs for how they spend their time? - 🦐
omg i didn't even see this until now, sorry! i wrote a whole rant about how this aus royal trio (futaba, sumire, ann) would kinda interact until it kinda dawned on me that maybe you mean akira, goro, and sumire and now i'm not so sure. i think i'm just a little stupid and understood this entire question wrong but. here's the au rant
honestly, i haven't sat down properly and thought of how their interactions would go yet. during 3rd sem i feel like sumire would be very nervous and hesitant about letting ann explore the metaverse with them (as the newbie and everything), since sumi knows of all the horrors in the metaverse and palaces and whatever, while futaba would be like lol chill. this girl can whip some serious ass. and ann does indeed whip ass. id like for them to have more interactions than actual in game royal trio, both before and after 3rd sem, i think they would be fun. like, teenage celebrity 'kasumi' yoshizawa, model ann takamaki, and,,,,,,, random shujin girl sitting down at a cafe and being totally normal with eachother. very hilarious. futaba would come up with some crazy stupid ideas and ann would be like girl! you're so right! let's do this reckless insane plan you came up with on the fly because you haven't been thinking straight since the rest of the phantom thieves left! and sumire is like. hey guys. you don't have to listen to me but maybe we should not do this. just my opinion. my brain stopped working so i can't think of more but i might add more into this later idk.
as to akira, goro, and sumire, i mean,, in the shortest way possible theyre crazier i guess. i mean sumi was the black mask here so go figure.
and about haru, she would totally be bonding with sojiro over growing coffee beans and the like,, he was very glad when futaba befriended haru because to him it was like. phew she's actually adjusting here and befriending seemingly normal average people? when haru is very much not normal or average but hey she's good with plants and grows coffee beans so sojiro doesn't mind her and tells futaba to hang out with more people like her lol
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rosetashes · 30 days
I love Castor as a Character, but he doesn't have a lot of screentime. Which is a shame to me because there is so much you can do with the guy. So since I'm bored and inspired, I came up with my own Castor backstory.
Castor grew up in Meteli. He's only five years older than Laurance and Candezea. His family wasn't the best. They weren't cruel by any means, just neglectful. And as any child would do without adult supervision, Castor started to explore and playing with things he didn't understand. He so realizes he had a natural gift, he had magicks. He could feel energy around him, and deal with spirits.
As he grew older, he began to experiment with potions and became one of the best in town. His favorite thing about it was experimenting with potions and magicks and seeing the effects. But he also shared his knowledge. He taught Candezea how to make dyes, and other paint for natural stuff. He taught Sasha some potion skills. And he even taught Laurance some survivalist skills.
One day however Castor was exploring the as normal when he came across a portal of shorts in a cave on the outskirts of the village. He kept the portal existence to himself at first, as he wanted to explore everything about it himself alone. He went in the nether a number of times, however he was always lucky and smart enough to stay away from the obvious fortress holding something or rather someone. Mainly explore the many different biomes the nether had to offer. He always made sure to take stuff from the nether for experiments and new potions. He would become quite skilled at finding his way back to the portal going back and forth.
One day, he was confronted by Lord Joh. Castor's reputation was both good and bad. Those close to him knew he was harmless, but due to his skills and the fact he was a bit weird he was often feared and framed for stuff he didn't do. Most of the time, his name can be cleared easily. Joh was a friend, but as a Lord he had to figure out what Castor was doing as complaints started to show up. Castor, already used to this, agreed to show Joh and his guards on the condition it had to be nighttime.
Joh was confused, as nighttime was very dangerous, but he agreed. So, when night arrived, Castor showed Joh, Laurance, and Sasha the nether portal. Laurance and Sasha were worried and concerned since both were guards and knew how dangerous the nether was. Joh told Castor that he couldn't enter the nether anymore, and while Castor was a bit disappointed, he agreed.
Days passed, and Castor kept his word. He even figured out how to grow the nether ingredients at his own home. All was going well; Sasha was even promoted to head guard. All the sudden Joh was taken and pulled into the nether. The guards were rounded up for a rescue mission, but no one knew their way around the nether. No one but Castor, who agreed to join and help his friend.
Castor led the group to the nether and entered the place he avoided. The nether fortress always gave Castor a bad feeling, as if something wasn't right. Like the spirits were telling him to run. As a Shaman, Castor tried to listen to the spirits warning when he could. And like always he was proven right. They managed to grab Joh, but sadly they lost Sasha.
Castor grieved for his lost friend and apprentice, and it didn't help that people were blaming him. He started to drink to cope with the loss. He made a decision, No one would ever enter that nether portal again. He talked to Joh and agreed to move to the outskirts of town near that damned portal. He cast a spell, so the portal was hidden to those that didn't know the location. He made sure guard it should anything enter the portal or worse come out. However, this came with a cost, his mental health. Being isolated wasn't the best, and he was painted as nuts by the villagers. Laurance, Candezea, and Joh visited when they could, but it wasn't often, nor could they stay long.
So, when Joh died it hit him hard. That's when he started to go a bit crazier, declaring himself lord of chickens. He attempted to run for Lord, but he didn't really care about the position. But his work doubled when Cadenza accidently turned into a chicken. He tried to fix it, but if him being kidnapped and encouraged to drink more he couldn't help her.
When Old Meteli got attacked, he led the people to safety. He showed Hayden the way to Phoenix Drop and gave him some healing potions for the injured. During the attack and even the war, Castor fought as many soldiers as he could. He wasn't the strongest, but people often underestimate him, so he used that to his advantage. Plus, he was pretty strong himself he could handle the rush of soldiers.
After the 15-year time skip, he got grew crazier and mellowed out. He stopped drinking as much due to age reasons and moved into the ruins of Old Meteli. However, due to years of isolation, his age, he started to experience problems. He got sick easier and grew more tired faster. He could hold it off a bit, but it still had an effect on him. Candezea and Hayden (When he was alive), would visit occasionally but that was few and far between.
More time passed and when Alina was around four. Aphmau got a message from Candezea saying that she needed help. The war with Shad was over as well as the threat of Tu'la. So, Aphmau was confused on what could be so urgent. Aphmau brought Laurance since she was visiting Meteli. When they got there Candezea told them that the people were claiming that Castor killed someone. The claims were based on the fact Castor was seen by Cloud and Vincent making a coffin and craving a tombstone.
All three of them knew Castor wouldn't kill anyone, but they were concerned. So, they went to check it out. They first saw the tombstone in the ground next to a hole, which read: "Here lays Castor Aatamgosh. Lord of Chickens and Hopefully a good friend.". Obviously, this shocks them, as One because Castor isn't dead yet, and two the fact he was planning his own funeral alone. When they confront him about it, he tells them the truth. He's dying. He has been for a while now. He tried to hold the illness back, but it wouldn't last forever, nor did he want it to.
The next couple days Castor stayed in New Meteli, much to Castor's weak protest at first. Candezea got him the best doctors she can, and Aphmau tried to help him by using her healing magicks. But sadly, there isn't much anyone could do. At the request of Candezea and Laurance, Castor agrees to spend the rest of his life in New Meteli in two conditions. Castor's chickens must be cared for, and he is to be buried in Old Meteli. Conditions Candezea wasn't expecting but agreed to.
Castor doesn't live long after the rearrangement was made, he kind of just stop prolonging his life, he realized it wasn't right and decided to just enjoy the time he has left. After he died, he left his stuff to the people he cares about. He left his food to his chickens which are all vegan. Candezea was left with all of his jewelry and Old Meteli along with his old house on the outskirts. Laurance was left with his weapons and his liquor. His potions were split between the two siblings.
Aphmau was surprised when she was left a letter. She didn't expect to get anything from Castor. The two weren't close by any means. They weren't enemies, they were allies, but they weren't exactly friends. When she opened it, she found the letter was explaining everything not only to her but to Laurance and Candezea as well. His past, his thoughts, and his knowledge on things he learns. And on the bottom was a map and a chant. As they follow it, Laurance remembered the path. They reach the spot and enact the chant. It reveals the nether portal Castor spent so long guarding. Aphmau and Candezea were shocked, Laurance wasn't but he wasn't happy about the portal. They agreed to keep the portal under lock and key which wasn't too hard as the portal was in a deep cave.
The group kept their word and buried Castor in Old Meteli. Not where everyone was buried but close enough. His burial place was on a hill overlooking the town. His tombstone read: "Here lied Castor Aatamgosh. A beloved friend. Lord of Chickens. Great teacher. And protector."
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skratchytheclown · 2 months
What would an AU be like where all of the Koopalings (Minus Roy- Or just anyone of your choosing) met horrible fates and became monsters, while the Broodals stayed normal?
Well, I did create "monstrous Koopalings" a while ago, which can be seen here. Though, it's not really an AU. It's just some designs I created during October. (Although I can turn it into a post-apocolyptic AU where there's a plague that's mutating everyone, and Roy is the sole Koopaling survivor [zombie-like stuff])
I think it would be pretty interesting to create a proper "role-swap" AU though! I was originally planning on just making some designs and posting them here, but that ended up taking a lot longer than I thought, so I only made two of the Koopalings for now.
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Iggy and Hariet: (the Iggy design was inspired by the one in the other post because I just liked how it looked)
These events take place in an alternate timeline. Hariet still trespassed into the castle and messed with Ludwig. He eventually got fed up with her, and instead of trying to get her out of the castle, he just told her to hang out with Iggy instead (passing the responsibility to someone else). Iggy ended up encouraging Hariet's mischievous behavior, and even helped her mess with people. The two of them had a lot of fun hanging out with each other, and wanted to do crazier and crazier things. One time, they decided to explore some of the castle's "restricted" areas. One of those areas belonged to Kamek's co-worker, who focuses on potions. Of course, the duo played around in that area, using the tools down there like toys. After fooling around too much, they knocked something over, and Iggy was cut by it. Not wanting to be noticed, they quickly (but quietly) went back upstairs into Iggy's room. At that point, he seemed a bit ill, but the two of them agreed to just ignore it. Iggy was overly optimistic and Hariet did not want to get in trouble with the authorities. The "illness" just kept getting worse and worse, and the two of them still tried to ignore it. "It will pass, I'm sure. he just needs some rest, right?" Hariet decided to leave for a couple of days, hoping Iggy would be better when she returns. He didn't get better though. It was quite the opposite. He looked weak, had strange behaviors, and a few lacerations started to form. She started to panic. She considered calling for help, but she thought she could be executed by doing so. She wasn't supposed to be in the castle in the first place, so nothing good would happen if everyone knew she was in one of the restricted areas. She just put some band-aids on him and hoped the "illness" would still get better with time. She kept him in his room and slept there. The next day, she woke up to see that things have only gotten worse. Iggy looked like a corpse. At that point, she had enough and dragged him back down to the basement to try to find a cure. She grabbed a bunch of potions that "looked medicinal" and gave those to him. Despite her efforts, nothing worked, and Iggy died after a couple of hours. The noise alerted the guards, and they entered the restricted area to find Hariet. She was then punished for trespassing, despite her pleas and explanations.
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Lemmy (and The Lemmings):
Topper got a call from the hospital about the whereabouts of his little sister. He wanted to visit her, so he decided to inform Silvea that he would not be meeting with her as planned. Silvea still tried to convince Topper to visit her, but he was very clear about what he wanted. He told her to contact one of the Koopalings if she really needed help with her project, and that he would just find another way to get his business back on its feet. Silvea wasn't sure what to do now that her plan went down the drain, but she still had a few "plan B's" in mind. Instead of creating MT, she was going to use the parts for something else. Before dealing with that, she got curious and looked up who the Koopalings were. She saw that they were rather notorious, and helped their king with various crimes (like the Broodals), so she figured she could use one of them for experimentation, although it wouldn't be nearly as much as what she had planned for Topper. She chose Lemmy because he seemed to be the easiest to capture (and he wasn't a child). Silvea entered the Kingdom, and pretended to be a fan of the Koopalings for their "hard work". She was able to get Lemmy's phone number from one of his friends. She called Lemmy, telling him to meet with her in the park due to all the good things she was told about him. Lemmy agreed (he is rather naive). This led to Silvea bringing Lemmy to her workshop by force. She tied him to a chair and started measuring him. Terrified, Lemmy was willing to tell her anything in order to be freed. He told her about his family and how he doesn't know what he did wrong. After a while of him spewing those desperate words, Silvea got a bit curious, and started to ask questions. They had a long conversation, and Silvia was not only interested, she also found out that Lemmy was a pretty decent guy. She changed her initial plans, so she came up with a few lies about how she was hired to capture him for a secret project. She claimed that she was intending to create robots based off of one of the Koopalings. Upon saying that, she got the idea to make that lie a reality. She broke down the MT structure, and built multiple robots she called L.I.S.M.s (Lemmy-inspired security machines), though she nick-named them "The Lemmings". Lemmy was with her, providing help in exchange of free food and money. One day, near the end of the project, The Lemmings malfunctioned, and when turned on, did a lot of random, frantic movements. Lemmy ended up being caught in the middle of the chaos, and was mutilated by the machines. Silvea turned off The Lemmings as quick as she could, but Lemmy was severely injured. Silvea decided to patch him up and bring him to the hospital. While they were there, the doctors considered Lemmy to be a "lost cause" and that too much of him was missing or damaged to make a full recovery. Silvea wasn't happy with that, so she took Lemmy back to the workshop and used the remaining scraps from MT to replace some of Lemmy's body parts. It took a lot of experimentation, but she was eventually able to get Lemmy walking again. After the project was finished, The Lemmings were shown to some of the castle's guards, and they were very impressed. Silvea was able to sell them to the Koopa troops for a fortune, and she shared a fifth of that with Lemmy. He ended up buying a few tubs of ice cream.
The stories are a bit rough, but it still took me a long time to come up with these (which is why there is only two). I went through quite a few ideas in my head, trying to come up with some that not only created a unique design, but also kind of made sense. Maybe If people like this idea/AU, I can make a "part two".
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
As a Levi x Erwin shipper myself. I think it's very crazy to think Levi would follow Erwin no matter what. Mikasa who was actually attached and canonically in love with Eren didn't follow him no matter what. She killed him at the end and even before that she didn't become a jeagerist.
Those who think Levi would follow Erwin no matter what are only around for the shipping and a tragic shipping plotline and some admit to this while others try to make it sound factual.
I also think some eruris like to troll people by repeating things they've said that people don't agree with. Most of them repeat these takes to piss people off because they believe they're the only Levi shippers who get criticized a lot when there's other Levi ships claiming crazier things. I have seen levihans say Levi only cried in the end for Hange because they never cried any other time for any other comrade until Hange died and Levi said his final goodbye but that take never really gets criticized or talked about.
At the end of the day, and as someone who also occasionally trolls people. A lot of eruris know Levi wouldn't follow Erwin no matter what lol. We're trolling. It's just to piss of people who deny how important Erwin was to Levi and vise versa.
I'm sure there's normal shippers like yourself who know it's absurd to claim Levi would have followed Erwin no matter what. But I've seen plenty of shippers who claim this in earnest, and without any sort of sarcasm or irony, and I've been viciously attacked by these same shippers, accusing me of all kinds of horrible things, saying things like I'm homophobic simply for stating the canon fact that Levi and Erwin aren't romantically together, or harassing me, actually creating multiple accounts to harass me over my refusal to accept their takes. That goes beyond trolling, and trolling in and of itself is, imo, an ugly thing to engage in. I've seen that take also spread around by Levi haters, and used as one of the main points of criticism against Levi by haters, and I have to think they likely picked it up from shippers spreading around that trash. Whether done in earnest or to troll people, it's harmful to people's understanding of Levi's character, and has created a perception about his character that simply isn't true, and shouldn't be tolerated. That's why I make it a point to counter these takes with actual, serious analysis. Levi's character gets wildly misunderstood, particularly because of shipping and ship wars and all the stupidity that goes on there, and if you care about Levi's character, I think the best way to show that is by actively combating the misconceptions about him, rather than spreading them. As you said, those who think Levi would follow Erwin blindly have a clear agenda, projecting their desire for Levi and Erwin to fit into whatever mold of doomed and tragic romance they envision onto their words and actions, twisting their characters to fit what they want, rather than just accepting them for who they are.
On the other hand, I doubt there's anyone with any, actual understanding of Levi's or Erwin's character that doesn't know or understand how important they are to each other. Anyone with even an ounce of media literacy should be able to pick up on that. The problem is, is when people extrapolate that out into Levi only caring about Erwin, or caring more about Erwin than anyone else. It's just simply not true.
Levi's relationship with Erwin is more complex than his relationship with Hange, and so given to more complex and nuanced discussion. I think that's why you see some of the more absurd takes of Levihan shippers get ignored, because their friendship wasn't as impactful, philosophically speaking, as Erwin's and Levi's was on each other. There's little room, when looking at Levi's relationship with Hange, to twist it into something it's not, because it's fairly straight forward. But again, Levi's relationship with Erwin isn't so simple, and so you see a lot of brain-dead takes regarding it that require more push back because those takes can easily be misconstrued as canonical fact.
At the end of the day, Levi and Erwin aren't romantically involved, there's no, concrete evidence to support that they are, or that Levi acted out of romantic feelings when he made the choice he did in Shinganshina, or in his decision to follow Erwin at all, and trying to filter their relationship and Levi's actions through that lens will, inevitably, lead to a horrible misinterpretation of his and Erwin's characters both. It creates a fundamentally flawed perception of who they are.
I just wish more people actually tried to treat these characters and this story with some level of seriousness.
Shipping and discussions of shipping is a waste of time to me, and has literally zero to do with the story of AoT or it's characters beyond actual, canon pairs, like Mikasa and Eren, and even then, the romance is largely unfulfilled. AoT isn't a story about romantic love. For Levi and Erwin, it doesn't apply at all. It's fine to explore ideas of romance between them in fanfiction and fan art, but it should never enter serious discussions about the actual canon story or characters.
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phoenixremix69 · 2 months
How I think SUF should have ended
Ok, now, I'm gonna have to do one thing right off the bat, homeworld bound no longer exists. For one, it doesn't really do anything besides showing what the diamonds are up to and it would break up the plot cohesion for the next point.
Instead of shattering Jasper and eventually corrupting, that final bumrush is their fusion dance and the worm Steven is their fusion. We've seen a bunch of times that the more toxic a relationship is, the crazier the fusion gets. A self-loathing Steven mixed with a gem who literally only knows toxicity would probably be 90% feral anyway.
And here's the most important part. While I am my monster becomes the penultimate episode, it gets a second part. While all the stuff is going on on the outside with monster steven and the gems like normal, we also get an entire episode inside Steven's gem. Jasper's there as a voice in his head as we get a gallery walkthrough of some of the biggest points of the show, all his biggest highs and lowest lows with Jasper commentary. And at the deepest corner of his mind, he sees her. Rose Quartz.
And she doesn't say a word, doesn't try to defend herself, just takes it and cries. until he finally peters out and she says her first words to her son "I'm sorry. You 're absolutely right, and I can't be sorry enough about it. I was petty, and cruel, and every single thing I accused the other diamonds of. And you're right to hate me for that. But you shouldn't hate yourself for it. Steven, just you existing surpassed every one of my wildest dreams. Something good, coming from me? Ha! But all this, helping all these people, making all the friends, I couldn't even imagine doing half of the things you did. But right now, you aren't just hurting me, you're hurting yourself, and the people who love you."
Rose waves a hand to open up a window to what's going on outside with worm steven wrecking everybody
"Steven, you have every right to hate me, and to keep hating me forever, stars know I deserve it. But I'm just a ghost now. You're real and your friends are real, and they love you, and I love you and you should love you. So please, for your own sake, learn to accept that love."
the world starts to fade away, with the last Steven sees of his mom is her crying, smiling, and making a heart with her hands
And the episodes sync up with the big group hug. From there it's pretty much the canon ending, but there's also a time jump montage of Steven getting better and going to therapy
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lamentingocean · 6 months
Female Jaha X Subordinate Reader
Warning: gore and blood, violence, thirsting over the mc, and typical maniacal jaha bullshit,
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+Work made by your favorite rotmd blogger- Ocean!+
Master Jaha. A Madwoman in nature and possibly one of the most powerful martial artists in china to be able to harness qi like a vacuum to take qi but to have it as her own. she's resilient, she's strong, and she's more crazier than a schizophrenic psychopath but is capable. I had a lot of reasoning to understand her ways of waging war just for a sex sect, defeating nachal dae due to his control over the heavenly generals, the defeat of the old black sea wolves master, the defeat of the cloudburst clan master, she works her ways like clockwork. As a subordinate. Her ways of killing threats are so trivial that it even makes a master of cards cry in despair, thus making her unpredictable and quite hard to follow. I try to analyze her actions just by following her lead and maybe trying to see what's going on in that insane brain of hers. To see if any type of normality speck is shoved into her brain since she's capable of running two sects on her own two hands. But I can't help but believe that she's hot as hell.
Even after threatening to shove a knife up a drunkard's ass because they keep flirting with her. she's insane Yes, but her attractiveness is also a highlight of that reoccurring active insanity within the locks of her mental mindset and brain working like a machine towards who she wants to kill. it's not like she's a bad person in nature since murder is a terribly frequent necessity to human's power over control. But she does have priorities and boundaries for many men murdering innocent people without a care in the world. This isn't a thirst trap. I'm just simply analyzing master jaha even though those red hot eyes.
They look like the bottomless pit of hell in which there is no escape. It looks like hell's fire bottled up into two beautiful looking eyes that gaze at a man's soul, and it will terrify them. shattering their heart into peices until they realize they can't mess with a woman more crazier and more powerful than most grandmasters of china. And to be honest. I been simping like a silent pig. I also know she doesn't like slutty men who simp over woman like a dog so I need to keep this quiet. I saw her getting some debris and dirt off her mask once she went into war with more enemy associations that claim to underestimate her motives into becoming mad demon. enemies are like flies to her. easy to swat but hard to get to. it's only a matter of time before she openly admits that she's into woman or man who will stand by her.
I shaved the iron bits off my weapon to buy off some time, only to see dokgo walk behind me to spill out some news from his mouth like spit stuck on your throat. "Master jaha needs to see you." I unintentionally tried not to blush when I heard that name spill out of his vocal cords only to shoot mine like an innocent human being. I stood up and thanked him for informing me about her. I remember she resided at the training grounds alone while she watched her disciples get their bones broken while they screamed in physical pain.
I walked out to see the beautiful nightsky. I remember the cloudburst clan/ elder dragon king war she had to deal with on her own. her insanity was on her peak that night. her glare resonates with mental insanity and a killing intent to kill every one of the gaurds. even their blood is spilled upon the ground due to one swing of her blade. her crimes of arson and mass murder are nothing more than the elimination of pure evil masters who are obsessed with control. pure evil doesn't exist in this world. But ones who are evil enough to hurt innocent people without any reason is enough to be much evil than most governments.
I remember those days like the back of my hand. Her unthinkable unpredictability about slapping a man inconsistently due to his appearance is nothing but fun. I saw her jet black hair swarming around in the air like an ocean tide while her red attire fit her appearance entirely. I came up to her slowly while my mind was pushing away my simping for her only to act normal.
"What did you need me for master jaha?"
"What do you think about getting into another war? I have one that's about to rain down upon the black rabbit clan."
I stared back at her, her eyes looking at the moon while her firey pits of hell camouflaged as eyes were shining in the moonlight. Her long black hair was swirling in the ground, but instead of thirsting over her like I usually do in my free time. I thought about it for a second. Those who double cross jaha will be dragged into the depths of hell while they are burning for all eternity. Those who claim their existence as a proud pure evil sinner wouldn't live long enough to see the ends of the earth. She doesn't tolerate it but giving the fact that her blade is often stained with the blood of her enemies.
No matter if it's a war, a duel, or a fight. I'll always see her stained with newer blood than ever, like red velvet chocolate dip with strawberries. let's put it this way.
Jaha drizzling chocolate all over the strawberries . The strawberries are her enemies, and they never stood a chance against her abilities and power. only to be devoured and crushed in the drooling depths of her mouth because they thought they could fight a madwoman like her.
The worst opponent to have. but my overthinking is over and done with as she waited for my response. staring at me with a slightly annoyed look but keeping her low term patience for a small subordinate like me.
"I mean... we dealt with a lot since you've taken control of the black rabbit clan. So...as long as we die and as long as our army stays intact, then it should be fine..war is inevitable and destructive, but it can be overcome."
"Thanks for being honest with me. It's not like I'm anxious. But I got a lot on my plate, so it's too much to deal with both the Hao sect, the southern alliance, and the black rabbit clan. so I'll murder those fuckers faster than hell towards picking up their sinners."
I went closer to her without trying to make it seem like I'm flirting with her. I don't want to die due to a stab in a chest just because of my crush on the legendary master jaha Lee of Jaha inn. The cute little errand girl who can be pampered like a good little slu-
You know what? I'm gonna shut the fuck up.
"Why are you so closer to me?💢"
"I was just friendly. There is no need to get so hostile."
I was about to say something back until we saw a full deck of spears and swords rose up in the front gate. me and her both saw it and was callous to see what it was. I stayed on my spot when I saw her walk up to the front gate to open it. her sword was ready to strike whoever is at the door at this time. her eyes looked to the front of the door to see the alliance she's at war with.
her eyes were peppered with angry faces.
"Why are you here dipshit? this war doesn't start until tomorrow."
"Look just open the fucking door or I'll bust in here.💢"
"no. Take your delusional mess somewhere else."
at this point. I wanted to help her, but I'm too busy staring at her ass while she's still talking to those weirdos on the door. god fuck me down to hell.
"Open. the. door. fucking errand girl or else."
"Or else what? Going to kill me?"
the alliance leader suddenly didn't give a flying shit about breaking the door down until he did. His spear was coated with fresh blood, almost like he committed a mass murder nearby without any reasoning for it, so I guess jaha just assumed that he hurt the people of ilyang while I'm just sitting here wondering whats happening here.
"How many people did you kill in ilyang?💢"
his eyes glanced to his spear dripping of blood from the innocent, falling to the concrete training grounds like it's a net catching fish in a fresh river. He had no redeeming explanations to this before his death hour, so he tried to lie right to her face, thinking that she's dumb enough to buy killing multiple animals nearby for breakfast tomorrow.
"I was killing animals for tomorrow's breakfast. don't worry about it master jaha. All I'm focused about is killing you agonizingly.. do you understand me?"
he glanced at her after looking at the spear, and all he saw was a death stare full of madness and anger, her fist trembled out of this situation like she isn't a boss at keeping her composure and nonchalance towards dangerous situations. her grin wasn't full of kindness. It was full of darkness in that grin. she had full of thoughts in her head that could gut this man down like a dead fish. that can purposefully snap off his limbs if he said one more word full of lies.
His skin shivered at the sight of her red eyes stabbing directly through his soul since he didn't know openly lying to the mad demon's face is a terrible idea and is a ticket to burning in hell for such a small lie. But it isn't a small lie. It's a lie that costs the lives of multiple people, I'm sure. but he tried to cover up his fear by putting on his shit eating grin in order to seem fearless to the mad demon's wrath.
"You didn't kill animals. You killed people in order to assert your power to the black rabbit clan were you..? To assert domination to my power?"
that caused him to keep his mouth shut, forcing him to remove that shit eating grin off his lips and put on a face full of fear and devastation for his lifespan, while the alliance men were pointing their spears at master jaha thinking they can have a chance of standing up to her abilities no matter how much the definition of "one army one army" can be important at this very moment.
jaha slid her finger through her sword with a chuckle of hidden intentions, glaring her eyes into the patterns of the sword like she's reminiscing about what to do about the alliance in her mind like it's a paradoxical way to torture someone, the air was silent somehow..like time had been stopped under the gaze of a terrible moment with a master of their word under madness.
For the first time ever. the alliance leader felt despair for his life. He slowly felt an existential terror over having a body since he might get brutally mauled into death by the mad demon. I mean...who wouldn't feel this way if they fucked up by poor decisions?
jaha pointed his sword directly to his heart to signal his death with her lips curling in insanity and hatred for the man's existence in her very eyes..she can't help but feel disgusting by him.
"I...I have two options. You can either..go home and never associate with the black rabbit clan ever again, or I can kill all of you. a quick and easy death. How does that sound? Surely, the man having the intentions to come here, harassing me out of a war, won't...run away like a little bitch. that seems pathetic to me."
all of it was like one big action movie in my eyes. if the alliance leader didn't make a decision within the next 3 seconds, then it's over for his life. he continued to stall, considering the despair the men were feeling when their leader was silent about his decision, like he's purposefully trying to send his alliance up for devastation and horrible death all in one.
" I don't have time for this, so let's get straight to the point."
a big splat of blood came out directly from a fresh human body. the alliance men were horribly mesmerized by the head flying through the air only to fall down to ooze blood over and over like it's an existential loop of reality,
her blade was full of blood. a murder to show off her real domination, a way to let them know that jaha doesn't take shit from anybody or anything. the rest of them started to back away in fear, heading to the door as an act of betrayal for.."always being on the leader's side at all times." it's complete torture to see you have nobody by your side in a horrible situation.
"This is my warning. get out of here and never associate with my clan ever again if you even try to touch a single soul of the citizens of ilyang. I will fucking tear you apart you disgusting son of a bitch. You understand me?"
"Y-yes ma'am."
He ran out with his tail between his legs like a scared little puppy. while I'm thinking..damn.
jaha is so hot, I swear.
she glanced at me with a tired look, some spot of blood were dripping down her skin.
she sat right next to me with a crushing feeling of silence between us. i guess her anger still hasn't dissipated yet since I can still feel it resonating around her, so I'm deciding what to do to ease this haunting atmosphere.
"Do you... want to get some candy at ilyang..? If you want. I'll issue the heavenly generals to watch over the clan for us."
"...fine. tanglulu sounds really good right now to me."
I stood up to reach for my hand, waiting for her to grab it so we could go. never have I ever grabbed the hand of someone who probably snapped necks before with their bare hands. I shouldn't be careful around her, but at the same time, I should.
She grabbed it out of her usual silence and stood up along with me.
"Let's go. I need to take this blood off my face anyway. things like this always never fail to set my rage to the highest point in me."
(I try so hard to study jaha's personality for this a bit more since he's a hard nut to crack. but I'm so proud to be in this fandom)
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Continuing on "Haru's quest to annoy FF about every character in Milgram because they had the bad luck of getting interested in it basically at the same time he did" (/lh) Next on the list of prisoners is Fuuta. I remember you once said that he's one of your favorites along with Amane, Mikoto, and Muu, so I'm interested to hear you cover him !
Ah, so that’s why you’re doing this, your character motivation. The lore thickens. /lh
Yeah, I like Fuuta quite a bit. I’m always a sucker for protag foils, and since we can consider Es and even ourselves as the protag(s), then obviously I was going to love Fuuta. His views on justice are really interesting when considering we kinda do the same thing he ended up in Milgram for, deciding on people’s fates with horribly incomplete information and trying to justify to ourselves why we’re in the right for causing these people psychological pain. Not like it’s gonna stop me from voting people guilty when I think it’s deserved though lol.
CW: Cyberbullying, mention of suicide and murder.
(T2) Q9: How do you feel about the first trials results?
F: You’re the same as me.
Oh yeah that’s the good shit right there.
That is certainly a huge factor, Fuuta is great as a reflection to some of Milgram’s main themes and I love him for that. Even if his personality is maybe reminiscent of some other characters I’ve seen (when did Xander Matthews and Ace Markey have a secret love-child and why does he have a Bakugo complex), he’s still unique enough that I don’t see it as much of a problem.
And let’s not kid ourselves. Part of me enjoying a character sometimes comes from loving their song, and not only is Bring it On a banger like no other, Backdraft is probably my favorite Milgram song.
There’s also just a certain amount of hilarity that comes with the fact that people in Trial 1 managed to inno someone they believed to be a damn organ harvester then turn around and guilty my guy for having a Twitter account. Truly the most unforgivable of crimes.
It’s especially interesting now with Backdraft the theories around his “murder”, because I actually think it may be one of the more unclear ones in terms of what happened. You might have seen there’s a theory he wasn’t the one to start the witch hunt on the girl that ended up dying, which I find is quite believable even if we still have to explain what was going on with that photo he took of someone’s home in his Undercover silhouette thing. But what’s even crazier to me is the goddamn Undercover kill shot where his victim has both shoes on, unlike Mahiru’s and Kazui’s. Does this imply it wasn’t a suicide? Is it because whoever has the orange spray paint that shoots really straight at the one graffiti’s forehead actually murdered the girl themselves? But Fuuta still got blamed for it?
Hey remember when I said the more headache inducing a character the more I’m going to love them?
Anyways, I also think it’s cool how much Backdraft references the events during Milgram themselves. I love Es appearing in a prisoner’s song, too, especially with the whole “the one shadow from Purge March kinda looks like Es thing”-
Oh yeah Amane! I love her dynamic with Fuuta so, so much. They’re so cool and awesome and great and I hope Fuuta doesn’t get too indoctrinated but also I think it’d be kinda funny. I don’t think it would happen though, I trust big bro Fuuta will help Amane reject her cult’s teachings please I need them to have a wholesome ending where they just eat cake and play video games together you know Amane would beat his ass in any game even though she’s probably never touched a videogame in her life-
I am immensely normal about them, as you can clearly tell.
Anyways, some other things which I find really interesting.
(T1) Q1: What is a friend?
F: Folks you can get hyped over the same thing with
(T2) Q16: Do you have a lot of online friends?
F: I don't know if we were friends or not. There were times when we had fun together. But I don't know if I can call it that.
Am I reading this wrong or did my guy change his definition of what a friend is specifically to exclude his old friends? Because that’s some crazy character development right there.
(T1) Q9: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed?
F: I never killed anyone. Didn't you hear me? I thought you were a guard!
(T2) Q6: Do you remember the name of the person you killed?
F: I'm pretty sure I do. I saw it often after all.
So he’s admitting he did kill someone in a way. More character development.
(T1) Q10: Which prisoner do you get along with the most?
F: I'm not anyone's happy friend. Well Haruka's younger, so I take care of him.
(T2) Q2: How do you feel about Haruka?
F: This isn't the time to worry about other people. Plus it's not like he's a kid either.
More changes, my guy really is very different from trial 1 himself and I think that makes him extremely compelling.
Okay I need to stop or I’m gonna be here forever, this guy is just all kinds of silly. Anyways, love him. Please don’t get indoctrinated into Amane’s cult.
(T2) Q14: What are you thinking about now?
F: Maybe because I'm anxious, but I want something to rely on.
Please. Fuuta you’re like the only one there who might be able to reach her Fuuta please.
Anyways, I gotta go before those two rot my brain further. Hope you enjoyed! Take care!
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Here is a new Destiel story I'm working on. I hope you like it and I would love to hear what you think! Updates once a week, or more if the muse and work let me. Enjoy! - QD * * * All We Are by QuietDarkness on Ao3 * * *
They call them Shadows.
Everyone has one. An androgynous, incorporeal counterpart that roams aimlessly. They are as normal to everyday life as the trees or the sky or the weather man’s inability to accurately predict the weather. No one ever sees their own Shadow until the moment before they die. But they can see everyone else’s, wandering without interacting with the world around them. Each one carries the scars of the life lived by its person. Some Shadows are far more damaged than others. None last forever.
There are different names for people like Dean Winchester.
Carved, Broken, Freak, more. His Shadow, wherever it may be, doesn’t carry his scars. Because he carries them himself. Small, large, it doesn’t matter. His life has left his wounds on display. The world has come far in its acceptance of him and the others like him, what few there are. People know that he’s not contagious or any less human. But there are still those who look at him with disgust and fear. In a world where difference is embraced, no one seems to be able to open their arms to the Carved.
Disowned by his father long ago, and outrunning a tragic and terrible accident, he takes over the mechanic shop of a hole-in-the-wall town in the middle of nowhere Alaska called Bettles, thinking he’ll be safe there, and no one will bother him. But the town has its secrets, and its oddities. More than he could have bargained on.
The people there all have their reasons for living off the grid. Some of those reasons are a little crazier than others. And they’re all accepting and relentlessly kind to him, despite his scars. Which is only the beginning of the strangeness. Because… the Shadows in Bettles are pristine. None of them have any scars. And those aren’t even the strangest things.
Not long after settling in, Dean begins to see a Shadow unlike any he’s seen before. It’s covered in scars, but they don’t look like they should. They’re layered, of different shapes, sizes and stages of healing. Hundreds of scars, piled on top of each other. And they’re everywhere on the Shadow’s form. Dean has seen Shadows of burn victims. He’s seen a Shadow whose person had their legs and arms amputated. But this was something altogether new and intriguing.
The residents in Bettles call it ‘the Angel.’ But none of them will tell him why.
Then one night, during a particularly bad storm, Dean’s jeep goes off the road. He wakes to find himself in the cabin of the town doctor. He’d seen him around Bettles before, getting supplies in town with the one eared German Shephard that followed him everywhere. The lodge owner, Donna, had said the man didn’t talk much, and no one knew anything personal about him except his name was Castiel Novak. Dean remembered because he felt like he’d heard that name before.
Novak had fixed up his injuries and sent Dean on his way without saying much at all. But it wasn’t long after he got home that Dean realized there was far more to Castiel than he could have predicted.
Because one of the oldest, most traumatic, and largest scars that Dean had was suddenly gone. And the Shadow in town, the Angel, was carrying it instead… (First two chapters are up on Ao3. Please click the link provided.)
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(gif credit goes to its creator)
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your-thorn · 1 year
It seems I made him question if he wants to be with me. I didn't mask well enough, my paranoia tipping him off. I did promise in a previous post that I would do that, but I didn't show him this blog, I only told him about my wizardblr. (Haha guess which one I am, but I won't tell...)
He thinks all my overthinking is a quirk, which I guess is much nicer than it being a symptom of something greater. But that shows me that he doesn't seek beneath my layers, he can't see the hurt and the pick marks on my skin.
He claimed his red flags to be like mine, but then when I freak out he's confused as to why. He told me "the crazier the better". I don't think he means that.
I think I should split from him. I have this huge urge to push him away, especially with all the chaos surrounding my home life right now. I think this would be a good move to give us a way to work toward our own separate futures, or to save him the trouble.
What he wants is clearly not what I want... I don't hate him, I thought I loved him, but dread soon started to replace excitement when I heard my phone buzz. 4 days though... what a record haha and totally not pathetic.
Better to know what you want than to stick to something that isn't good for you.
We're also both high maintenance/low energy people, which you'd think would get along, and we do but he is too normal about his requirement, also he's suspicious of me. I wrote a long farewell, I hope he doesn't take it too hard because he told me he liked me.
And my mother won't stop trying to influence my personal relationships. Wow I'm SO loved aren't I? Even some of my internet life and pretty much my whole regular life.
☆I will soon resume my series after the splitting since I won't be putting my energy into a 3rd party source and my self worth can influenced by you guys again, YAY you guys are like my babysitters now.☆
Love [platonic] all of yall. I'll be happy to return soon.
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