#no bc i follow a good amount of rp blogs
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mors-pulchritudo · 6 months ago
Me after seeing a blog I really wanna RP/interact with but I don’t have the guts to reach out yet
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wtf yall are so cool. I’m here ig. 💔
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brokentoys · 3 months ago
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is it me or .... are people just more reluctant to follow blogs now? or maybe the RPC is just not as big as it once was and it feels that way? now, i'm not saying this is a bad thing -- after all, ppl are def free to have their boundaries and choose to write with whoever. but... i am noticing it's way harder to new blogs o' mine to gain traction. like i have blogs that practically "fail" just because nobody rly wants to interact with 'em or follow me back. HELL, when i started this blog, it actually took 3 months before i started getting new followers. for those 3 months, i only wrote with like 3 other ppl and those were friends or followers of my prev blog. and it's not a reaching out prob because like, i ACTUALLY did follow others and either never got any follow backs, or got a declined message (which that's fine too) and now this blog has a fairly good amount of followers.
but like i've had blogs that i've given up on or practically gave up on BECAUSE i have barely anyone to write with. usually it's my more niche muses with no rp scene. but like why i think this must be a new thing is because i was actually looking through my old RP graphics and i found some from a blog that was around 2016. it was another niche muse from a very old show (liek 1960s) and liek that fandom ALSO had no rp scene yet i had a "follow forever" graphic for reaching 200 followers???? that was so long ago that i don't remember much on that blog, but to see i had that many followers is just surprising. that's liek half the followers i have here.
and it just makes me wonder if people have just become more reluctant? more reluctant to follow and more reluctant to get out of "comfort zones" and write with characters they're not as familiar with? which again! is ok. if somebody wants to keep writing with characters they know, that's fine. but it does get a lil disappointing when you have ideas and they virtually go nowhere due to disinterest. it also just makes me wonder why things seem to have changed. is it due to how toxic the rpc became? is it bc the rpc in general is less active? is it because ppl just decide to stick to familiar canons / ocs 'cos that's more fun to them? hmm.
i guess to end this on a final note is that... personally, i care about muses but i don't care about them at the same time. like the whole reason i LOVE RPing and why i did it in the first place isn't to write with certain characters, it's to place my silly blorbos into situations -- it doesn't matter WHAT situation it is. it doesn't matter if we're doing "tails gets trolled" style rps and crossovers. my goal is to have batshit insane fun with other people. that's why i do follow muses from canons i've never heard of. it's also why i struggle to fill in interest checkers or when a mutli asks "what muse do you wanna write with?" because frankly? i'd be happy to write with ANY muse. like you can throw any muse at me, and i'm happy. oc? canon? niche canon? unfamiliar canon? i want it all.
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nanistar · 8 months ago
Kinda surprising you got that many apps, usually people are iffy about control like that being taken away from them ( not that it's a bad thing, I just notice rps like that are less likely to get a lot of apps or players )
Question though, do you think you promoting it could've led to the uptick in apps? If so, I'd watch out, bc another rp on Tumblr had the same thing happen ( Aspenshadow joined/helped with an rp server, they got a huge number of apps, but the rp died, and many speculate it was bc those people that applied just wanted free art of their character/to try and be buddy-buddy with a famous artist ). I just don't want the same to happen to this one because it seems genuinely interesting.
hmm i'm not sure. maybe we should have had a "how did you hear about this rp" section in the apps to see how many people came from tumblr. in all honestly i think people are interested in it because it's a new type of rp and the concept of having full control (except random events (including the murders)) is fairly unique.
as for my involvement idk i personally don't know if i am a good judge of my influence. i have a fairly decent amount of followers, which is why is sometimes use this blog to boost important posts rather than my main, and maybe im undercutting myself but i wouldn't call myself a "famous artist" especially not to the degree that someone like aspenshadow is.
if anyone wants to be buddy buddy with me they can hang out in the public sbc server . but i will not be doing any extra art or pmvs of this rp regardless of how cool it ends up being, as my heart and effort belongs entirely to our small private Unholy wcrp. and especially since i will be doing official art for this project, on TOP of SBC pages. which already take up 4 days out of the week. i never get time to draw for myself anymore, i certainly wont have time to do art for other people unless they pay me.
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crows-evil-blog · 1 year ago
((Yo! A very quick hello and passing wave! Figure I should do a written update.))
((So yeah, this blog is basically kaput at this point. I had a lot of fun Rp'ing as crow over the years. As it stands right now, Ive past 200 followers on an RP account, good lord.))
((But... since I've havent touched this blog other than for a few moments here and there, since November 2019 essentially, I kinda think Im at a point of just basically accepting where the blog is and was.))
((Ive had a habit to unfollow people after a certain point of inactivity from the blog, originally bc I was following like x5 the amount that followed me back, but now I think I have like- 10% of my followers being mutuals... so interactions are few to say the least.))
((Ive made many friends and keep in contact with them over discord, and I am so happy and proud of the communities I help create, and was part of.))
((I think my Rp days in general are done. Maybe a rare thing on discord under tight rules, but otherwise I had a exceptional run, and I thank every single person who looked at the blog and took the time to read my shenanigans.))
((Yall can find me under my main username on discord, without the numbers, but glad that I have this to look back fondly on. Love ya all, and catch ya around!))
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year ago
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🚩// @dollhidden
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Something wrong with people who think that canon stole from them.
I've seen this happen multiple times across fandom spaces and it is a one-two punch every time. I have seen multiple people take creators/showrunners admitting to looking at tumblr to mean not that they found thousands of posts of gay porn about their leads, but that they somehow found a specific independent rp blog in a specific corner of fandom and ripped off the mun's interpretation of an established canon character with various past incarnations in media. I have seen people witness a plot twist in a new release coming that bears the barest blush with a fic they wrote 15 years ago and go on pages of delusional rants about how a multi billion dollar company ripped off a fic that barely cracked 5k views on fanfic.net.
It's especially weird to me bc I had a friend basically call their muses arc in an upcoming game. You know what they did when their roleplay neatly reflected what played out in canon? Patted themself on the back for being able to follow narrative patterns, foreshadowing, and call based on established canon where an arc was going. I once dreamed the ending of the same game almost beat for beat, and while it was neat, it's not like the creator hacked into what amounts for a dream about my OTP for setting Inception-style. We joke about Apollo's Dodgeball but sometimes that's all it is -- luck. Being able to follow patterns. Fandom conjecture come true.
I just feel like this behavior should not be coddled. It feels truly unwell and like something above tumblr paygrade if it's not just like. An entitled meltdown bc reeee only I can have the special insight to canon! They're MY divine visions!!! It's this weird slant on parasocial dynamics with creators that they are only good because you, a fandom member, create content for them to lift.
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halfrest · 4 years ago
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* emilija baranac, demi woman + she/her  | you know siobhan ivers, right? they’re twenty-three, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, a couple days? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to manta rays chloe moriondo like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole tears lit under grocery store fluorescents, existing in your mind as a hollowed space, and manicured hands riddled in pen marks thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is september 27th, so they’re a libra, which is unsurprising, all things considered. 
background wise, she’s the daughter of former child actors that fell in love and had her quite young. then they grew into early-2000s reality tv star fame where they played the part of the young hip cool parents, toting siobhan around in the midst of drama amongst other washed-out former child stars. the show only lasted for a few years, but it made up most of siobhan’s toddler life. from then on, her parents got involved in different facets of media. her mom jumped on family vlogs, kept up a huge social media presence as instagram and the sort rolled around. her dad got involved in a company like buzzfeed as a producer? it might as well just be actual buzzfeed? sue me. but anyway, they had money and a pretty great lifestyle just based on their past fame, but i wouldn’t say their family is notoriously famous by any means. there’s probably a small fanbase from their heyday and now they’re basically a Family of the Internet. moms that like to wear knee high suede boots are obsessed with them!
siobhan grew up in this sort of flashy, always on the move, los angeles socialite-esque lifestyle tho! so yes, she’s insufferable! that being said after her time in the limelight as a 3 year-old baby...she was probably forced into the usual things like gap baby campaigns <3 n other miscellaneous stuff that kept her face out there as the lovechild of america’s sweethearts <3 in a way every single aspect of her life was sort of on show for everyone!
as she grew older, she began to resent her upbringing. she didn’t like that people felt like they knew her just bc of her parents. she didn’t like that she was a sort of trophy on display (altho this is quite a dramatic way of her to look at it...her parents were doting altho i’ll also admit that at times it was an extremely suffocating amount). but either way siobhan ended up with a warped view of the world. a constant struggle between figuring out who she really was vs. how people viewed her.
siobhan’s tried on many hats (metaphorically) thru her life just to help her grasp onto something more substantial in her life. writing quickly became her One True Love. in a way it was for her to get her thoughts out there in a safe way where she was the only one in charge of her words. it’s admittedly gotten out of hand! like aaron eckhart once said in a batman movie “u either die a hero or u live long enough to see urself become the villain.” i’m kidding but going back to siobhan’s warped view of the world/social media... in a move she thought was So Powerful she decided to take the narrative back into her own hands. and by that, she meant building up a substantial social media following. she has two twitters and two instagrams. one twitter and instagram is her public self curated n all under the username @siobhanivers (saved by her parents immediately). the second is sort of her sad girl twitter/finsta where she tries 2 keep things secretive and on the DL but everyone knows it’s her? the username for that is @yrworstgirl (edgy!!!!!!!). she goes on long rants about stuff. posts ab everything w long-winded captions ( parallels to having her own life all over the internet but still continuing the trend in a different way ). very weird relationship with social media as a whole. but i guess the way she was raised On The Internet does that to u sometimes.
as a person...siobhan’s quite intense.....for a lot of reasons. she has a lot of feelings about a lot of things that are expressed in different ways, not all the healthiest but it’s to cope. <3 figuring herself out is still an issue so u can catch her slipping into different selves and starting new regimens which she may drop or continue with. the stuff she’s doing this week is probably drastically different from the stuff she’s doing last week.....she likes to consider herself cultured n is always listening, reading, watching something Grand (i can’t relate so i can’t rp this out?). has good intentions despite all of the intensity. always willing to speak up for someone if she thinks they r being wronged in some way. big on social justice. very loud! likes to b social. has a problem where she can get fixated on a person for a bit but wants to be loved :pensive: but also doesn’t :pensive: no she does....does she? yes she does.
anxiety / she does have problems w anxiety and occasional panic attacks just from the pressure she puts on herself n just always being under scrutiny. sometimes she has it handled. sometimes she doesn’t. leaves it vague x / end tw
she’s into journalism n thats what she went to college for. this is real writing unlike her dad’s buzzfeed gig. spits. pretentious fuck. she has her own blog on top of things where she writes articles n sometimes she’s been able to get into magazines. she’s trying to develop her own small online publication but that’s pending. she likes to write about people in her life, her feelings, n she’s very candid about things to an extreme at times. she has a series where she writes about her sexcapades? no names mention but u know who it’s about, she knows who it’s about. it can b good or bad. it’s just a lot. probably involved in the school paper to an extent. probably involved in other stuff too.
at irving for A Lot of reasons. she’s writing a book. i won’t say anymore. bt also….she has to deal with some ghosts of her pasts (ambiguous). she lives at a beach house w cecilia n [insert anna muse].
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sentryworm · 5 years ago
what was the fandom like in the early days (it seems like sorta dying but not quite dead rn?)
Woah this is gonna be long, sorry!
It was just more lively, really. More fanart being produced, more ask/RP/AU blogs popping up, more fic being made (ao3 barely updates now), A LOT more memes and shitposting or other humorous shenanigans. I never looked at this particular part of the fandom but, I had no clue that people were also making So Many baldi animation memes..? I rarely saw them crossposted to tumblr so I guess that’s why.
Like I would describe the early fandom as being a lot more... funny? There was lots of hilarious posts and really good blogs like ‘baldibuthesugly’ (deactivated, rip) that gave me lots of laughs. It did get pretty crazy and I (and others) got lots of crazy ask. Like the one anon who wanted to lay eggs inside of Baldi’s stomach or something.
Also because we were more active we often got attention from the outside, people just being like “wtf y do u guys exist??” or taking peoples art and putting it in cringe comp vids lol
Another thing was- from my perspective- we had surprisingly little drama for a fandom like this..? Like stuff did happen and people did fight but there was never anything really major (that I witnessed) that caused a divide in the fandom, or mass deactivations, or even cause the dev to step in and tell people to stop like I have seen and heard of happen with other fandoms. Which was always kind of funny bc I remember back in 2018 people outside the fandom kept yelling about how we were super toxic when......we werent... at all?
I would definitely ask other blogs who have been around this long this same question, anon! Sentryworm has always been a side blog, and I never followed many bbieal blogs (and still do) because I’m already following too many blogs to properly keep up with my dash. So my exposure is mainly through the baldi tag, asks ive received, and looking at the few blogs I did follow. Honestly I feel like I probably missed out on a big chunk of the fandom because of this. i’ve always regretted keeping this as a sideblog and not turning it into an account of its own but its way too late now.
But yeah to answer the other part the fandom is dying and everyone whos still hanging on is hoping that it will pick up after baldi’s basics plus comes out. You can actually see how the fandom is dying by going into the archive of any blog that has been around since 2018, and compare the amount of notes that posts received back then to what they receive now.
Currently the most active part of the fandom might be the japanese part of the fandom on twitter. They really love baldis basics and put out tons of great art all the time. the fan games like alex’s basics and billy’s basics are also really popular there too, so theres lots of fanart with baldi and the characters from those games.
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nya-nya-nyan · 4 years ago
nyan cat lore momence
[time 2 actually make a post about this bc i realized i probably. yknow. should.
so like. i have nyan cat w the whole “mysterious past n amnesia” thing but i Do actually have proper lore for where he came from. it’s. just. is this Too silly? is this too much?????
ok skipping straight to the point: nyan cat is an escaped rogue superweapon created by space lolcats of questionable morality. yes i have lore for the space lolcats. no i dont know why i’m like this.
ANYWAY - SO. an unclear amount of time ago, there were two warring deity-like figures known as Ceiling Cat and Basement Cat residing on earth. i will not go into the backstory of them bc this is a nyan cat rp blog not a “the entire lolcat mythology” rp blog.
through an increasing level of shenanigans, the war between their respective followers (nearly all of which being cats, of course) grew too intense for them to easily hide their presence from humanity, and so the two factions agreed to take the battle and all the followers willing to go with them To Space. i am not sure what their current homeworld is called but it’s probably something like “Cheezburgeria” or something. on this planet, the two warring factions continued their shenanigans unhindered and eventually built up a whole proper society with their own weird phonetic spelling-based offshoot of english - informally known as lolspeak, by the way. and yes, you can somehow tell how it’s spelled even when spoken. note that while ceiling cat is the “good” faction and basement cat is the “evil” faction (by their own definition, in fact!), they have a completely different set of moral standards than humans and so are much harder to cleanly categorize.
Nyan Cat was actually created by the two factions working together to create “teh kitteh 2 end teh war!!!!!” but you know both sides were mutually planning to backstab each other to take Nyan Cat for their own first chance they got. the reason he is a pop tart is because lolcats find foodstuffs hilarious and thought it would be awesome if their ultimate weapon was a pop tart.
however, creating a magical rainbow superweapon cat and immediately trying to tear him between two different factions kind of... immediately backfired. incredibly overwhelmed by it all and panicking, the very young nyan cat tried to escape the research base, and with little control over his powers eventually accidentally blew up the Invisible Highly Explosive Reactor (which, of course that’s a thing a society of highly advanced lolcats have) in said base and got launched into outer space by the resultant explosion.
nyan cat was left confused in space with no memories, while the lolcats who survived the explosion (...the grand majority of them, actually) were like “o shiet we just lawnched da super raynbow wepon kitteh in2 spayse........”
from here, the followers of ceiling cat and the followers of basement cat took two different directions in trying to reclaim nyan cat. ceiling cat’s followers took a more direct approach and most of them just try more directly going after nyan cat, which has brought the increasingly over the top and dangerous shenanigans of lolcats much closer to earth than they’ve been in a long time, while basement cat’s followers took a subtler approach of just....... making knockoff superweapons to send after nyan cat - one of which, of course, being tac nayn, built directly off of what remains of nyan cat’s “blueprints”! but, of course, reflavored to be more “evil” since evil is kind of the aesthetic of the basement cat guys. (tac nayn is a waffle because they figured part of the reason nyan cat failed is that they used the wrong breakfast food. not a day goes by that tac nayn doesn’t wish he had a normal goddamn torso instead)
tac nayn was raised in a much more controlled environment and so has a somewhat skewed view of morality, being raised by, yknow, guys who are evil just for the hell of it. however, ever since being released to hunt down nyan cat, he’s had a lot of outside influences and honestly really does not harbor much in the way of positive feelings towards his creators.
i don’t actually have much else to say here just. evil space lolcats and their rebellious breakfast food children !]
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dotsz · 5 years ago
How does one join the phandom? I know there's a discord server and a baby server but I have not yet learned how to use discord :') Or do you have to be a content creator to join?? Cuz my phic has been sitting in my drafts for 3 months and it ain't gettin done anytime soon
man, when i tell you this is one of the easiest fandoms to get into, i’m not kidding. just start liking/reblogging posts, talk about your fave fics, whatever!
a lot of us are really meme and shitpost friendly so whatever dumb headcanons you have, spew em out. or give us genuine good content we eat that shit up too.
we just!! love any content!!! it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make sense, we pretty much ignore all of canon anyway so whatever you have to offer we’ll love!! no matter your skill level!!! like this was originally an art blog but i’ve made more shitposts than actual art haha and it’s rly fun
we do loads of phandom events too, the phandom phight club just started and while you can’t join as a contestant anymore, you can still vote and participate in other ways! i’d recommend checking out the official blog for it @phandomphightclub
we also do regular calendar type stuff, like danniemay, some others i can’t think of off the top of my head, but usually when there’s an event there’s a bunch of posts about it
we’re fairly laid back, not a lot of discourse except the ungodly amount of memes people sometimes get tired of. also!!! wips are really cool too!! if you wanna give a preview of your fic or just post random stuff about it, go wild
here are some blogs i’d recommend following for the Phandom Experience:
@lexosaurus official cursed phandom memer and super funny
@reallydumbdannyphantomaus you can submit your danny phantom aus, whether it’s something genuine or just “au where danny wears disco pants” whatever!! bug, the person who runs it, is also super fun
@dannyphandump another really good dp blog, tali also co-runs the phandom phight club together with @babypop-phantom!!!
@ceciliaspen makes RLY neat art!!
@amitynews is a blog for amity park, the posts give off a certain Energy that i think really encompasses the phandom well
@dalv-co-official rp account for the employees of dalv co, also really fun to look through!!
as for the discord, you may want to ask one of the mods for it. i can’t remember off the top of my head who that is so if anyone knows pls comment aha
and of course, a nod to the fact that a lot of the new people haven’t even seen the show. we’re so far away from canon at this point that anything vaguely related to ghosts with a dp character in it fits right in. so don’t stress about content bc we literally eat anything up 
welcome to the phandom i hope u enjoy your stay!!!
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amortentiando · 5 years ago
I’m going on an official hiatus with this blog.
Ever since I discovered the HPRP community I fell in love with the idea of it being a safe place for everyone to express their art in forms of cosplay and roleplay and etc, and I was obsessed with all of it for a long while.
I met fun, talented, incredible people here, people I’m happy to have met and people who were always kind and nice to me. I met people I genuinely admire for their talent and wish all he best, always.
I also met people that think they’re really important and better than others just bc they have a pretty face and a few thousand of followers in a blog on the internet, and think that bc of that, they have the right to treat others like shit. It wasn’t only one, two or three times that some people in this so said “welcoming and safe” community were rude to me or didn’t even bother to answer me bc I obviously didn’t have a blog that was “famous enough” for them to waist their time or something like that (like? Calm down Beyoncé, people only hype you so much bc you’re pretty or rich enough to buy good things to RP with or North American/European or basically only white).
So let’s be honest and cut out the bullshit, there are tons of people in here that try to join in the RP community but are completely ignored by most of yall bc they just don’t fit in the physical features idealised by most of you. And, yes, there are a few “big” blogs whose owners are poc’s and/or don’t have as much resources to use to RP as the other big ones, but they’re not too many and clearly have to work way harder to have half as many attention as the usual ones.
I’ve had this blog and tried to make it work for about two years or so. I wanted it to be a fun place for me to escape reality a bit, like I saw it was for some of you. I actually didn’t have any kind of contact with most of the people that everybody knows and loves inside this community, and most of them are probably nice people, but after I’ve tried to reach a few of them (not gonna quote names, cuz if I did yall would just pretend it never happened just to keep hyping them) and was treated really badly I just lost the courage and the will to try to make friends with people I’ve always admired and wanted to be friends with in here. I felt, almost all the time, like I was invisible in here, and it was a bad feeling, considering how 99% of all those people are always posting and rebloging discourses about social inclusion and things like that.
Soooo, that’s why I’m putting this little babe on a hiatus indefinitely. Thanks for everyone who helped me with anything and were nice to me, and I hope if I come back in the future I’ll find more of these kind of people and less of those who have a superstar complex and think their content is worth shit when all they have to rely on is a basic look and the same amount of face expressions as the eye of Sauron.
Bye 🤘🏼
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tenacityblitz · 4 years ago
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
I nearly let someone run me out of the Free! fandom many years ago bc a duplicate suddenly decided that I was threatening her status as ‘top’ RP blog for Rin, she decided I was copying her solely because of things such as theme color scheme, the fact that we had mutual friends/rp partners, and I gained a lot of followers in a shorter amount of time and apparently it rivaled her enough. She nearly turned a close IRL & rp friend against me for good just from the sheer amount of complaining about me she did, and how much she got on my case for things that weren’t really my fault. I could literally be here for an hour recanting the whole story and details of it that I still remember, but that’s the bare bones of it. Don’t let people harass you out of a fandom, it’s pathetic that they feel the need to take so much time out of their day to go after someone on the internet when the block button has been and still is a feature on here. I’m glad that I chose to not let this girl run me out of Free and prematurely abandon my Matsuoka sibling blogs because I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of thinking she won or had the power to win over me.
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madelvnisms · 5 years ago
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tw: slight mention of drug use?? i just wanted to tag to be safe 
yall i literally love essy so much i’ll follow her to the end of the rp world :/// and thats on loyalty. PERIODT. but hi !!! hello !!! i am courtney and this is my dangerously pessimistic devil child whose life is just. i like to make tragic okay, because otherwise, where’s the fun in that??? I HOPE YA’LL LOVE HER AS MUCH AS I DO. also i haven’t rped in a hot minute so please bear with me tumblrs done a whole 360 on me and nothing is the SAME 
madeline woodrow didn’t actually have a name for the first??? three months of her life?? she was born on an unusually cold september night, to two incredibly young teen parents who just so happened to be addicted to illicit substances, her ‘mother’ abandoned her at the hospital with a weak immune system and pretty much fighting for her life. she was born with holes on the heart, resulting in surgery during the first week of her life. however, her ailments soon came right ( for now ) and madeline was adopted into a well-off, seemingly loving family; the Woodrow’s, who happened to have a young child already,,,, you guessed it,,, named.... darcy. eyyyyyy [ tik tok vc ] sibling check 
growing up into a family that valued achievements and success over, well... anything, really, madeline had always felt a little out of place. Her parents were well-off academics who took pride in their work, her older brother seemed to be a genius, whereas school work had never been madeline’s strong-suit. like, yeah, okay, she was smarter than the average person in class, but learning was never something she was interested in. books didn’t interest her like they did darcy and while she was passing all of her classes, there were no outstanding academic awards for barely trying. 
instead, madeline seemed to have a naturally affinity for sports. she loved the outdoors, she was the kid that was always picked to be team leader,,,, u know the kids who think they’re better than everyone on the field..... akskskskks that was HER. she may not have been as academically gifted as the rest of her family, but she would bet none of them could throw an object further than her, that was for sure. 
it was an accident, finding out she was adopted. Robert & Stephanie Woodrow had many quiet discussions over the years as to what would be best for Mads, they both felt she should know, but ig they were just scared??? bc they never??? really. mentioned it to her. buT MORE ON THAT SOON 
madeline loved tennis. it was her favourite sport, she was literally on track to go to the olympics at one point in her life, when disaster struck. she was in the middle of an intense game when randomly, mads passed out on the court and fell on her leg the wrong way. not only had her heart problems come crashing through the door; she now had to have another surgery on her leg along with months of rehabilitation. 
the kicker???? this was around the same time grandfather Woodrow had passed away, leaving the remaining kin to deal with his crippling debt. she was barely sixteen when this happened. well - technically grandfather Woodrow had left her mother, father and brother a huge amount of crippling debt, whereas madeline wasn’t even mentioned in the will. no inheritance to her name, especially no debt to her name - there was no mention of a madeline woodrow in his last will and testament at all. 
that was when madeline found out about her true origins; she was left in a hospital by her birth parents, she was born with holes in the heart and now, now she couldn’t even play tennis again. Ever. 
Madeline, once held on a high pedestal due to her athletic achievements, held on a high pedestal by being a Woodrow, had come tumbling down to reality. She didn’t know, and still doesn’t know who she really is to this day. 
Now that all her athletic careers are out the window - her leg never fully recovered and now on top of taking medications for her heart problems every day, she has a barely noticeable limp while she’s walking or jogging, madeline is majoring in creative writing. she needed a back up plan, and while this is nowhere near what she wanted to do with her life at all, not even close, she has to deal with the hand she’s been dealt. 
because of everything she’s been lowkey trying to find her birth parents without the Woodrow’s finding out bc she doesnt wanna break :// their hearts :// but she wants to KNOW WHO SHE IS 
it doesn’t take a lot to get madeline to do anything. she’s down for an adventure (within reason bc she is !! not as healthy !! as she likes to think anymore), pretty easy to get along with. admittedly, her IQ is not as high as darcy’s (she’d never admit that, obV) but she’s witty and sharp with her tongue. because of everything she has been through, has a very warped sense of the world atm. 
won’t admit it but second guesses everything. she genuinely believes?? she’s not good enough??? for the life she’s been given, which is why she excelled in sports, but now that’s out the window too she’s kind of just... flailing. 
despite being a woodrow,,,, does noT have as big of a stick up her ass like the rest of them. but she’s still a woodrow, the stick is still there. sometimes. 
Madeline is used to the finer things in life, however has adjusted since their grandfather royally did a number on them. she wont admit it, but she misses how easy money had been to access. 
she carries !!! a walking stick in her bag sometimes in case her leg is just Extra Bad. she hates to use it. probably never will admit to needing to use it 
is on heart medication. does not stop her from doing Stupid Things 
will literally be like Darcy who??? to your face but as soon as someone say something about him, she will literally fight you. leg and heart problems and all this bitch will throw the fuck down for her brother, and that’s that. 
Acts like nothing is bothering her at all, when in fact.... everything bothers her 
bisexual queen 
love is love af 
is terribly afraid of ants. 
wanted connections !! 
ex best friends - i literally just imagine them being ‘best friends’ because their parents were in the same affluent circle until the woodrow’s crushing debt, now they literally cannot stand each other. could be more in-depth. i love all the angst 
exes - could have ended great, or terribly. i just LOVE ANGST OK 
best friends - i imagine best friends from like ??? kids ??? family friends?? who have stuck by her always??? 
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princesshalfdemon · 5 years ago
listen i’m not posting this in the tags if you find this on search bc you track the tags man i’m not trying to pick a fight with you this is a psa
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alright as someone who really loves yanderes now that i have some downtime at the clinic here are my thoughts
i followed yansim really closely (had yanderedev on notifs) and downloaded the builds a lot and i REALLY wanted to look forward to yansim
one big thing is just the revelations yanderedev just fucking sucks as a human being the game itself got more convoluted and pretentious with its mechanics, and his refusal to refuse literally panty shots as a currency would probably be enough to get it back on twitch
combined with his absolute genuine distaste for his fanbase? literally having a character dedicated to representing his fans as a whiny bitch bothering him and even murdering that character in one update animated, as well as refusing to actually hire people despite having (well once, didn’t he lose a ton of patrons?) a decent amount of patron money and living with his rich parents and instead demanding free labor from “volunteers”
i remember one of the first times he REALLY rubbed me the wrong way was when he was like, talking about how much ~annoying~ fans take up his time, like “what can you do to help the game-” and was like “don’t send me annoying emails that aren’t really seriously talented blah blah because i take time to read EVERY single email in case it’s actually important and worthwhile” and i was like
“haven’t you considered maybe hiring somebody trustworthy to manage the email aspect of things if you get 1k+ emails a day? someone with experience with office work and competent to shift through your emails so you have more time to work???”
and yeah in general the game getting more convoluted with it’s shit like. the best builds of the game were the early ones where it was like, a murder simulator basically. and it’s just gotten more convoluted and complicated i don’t even know what the fuck is happening in this game anymore
i think the last of my interest died with the female delinquents; their designs were genuinely so good and unique and i REALLY was looking forward to seeing them in this game in the early days, and then they got replaced with very boring bland dudes. i remember i actually had an RP blog for the delinquent boss, who i’ve since then retooled into an OC
yansim was something i was genuinely really really looking forward for a long time but yanderedev’s own shitty attitude and pretentiousness which has seeped irreversibly into the game killed any passion or interest i had for it years ago
i might pirate it or get it if someone actually was willing to go 50/50 with the cost for me one day out of sheer bile curiosity but he’s such a clown there’s no way i’m sure it won’t turn out to be a pile of shit
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nerokai · 4 years ago
@skipperdamned tagged me to do this and TBH I usually never do but fuck it we’re gonna do it!!! 
Name: Matt
Gender: Imma dude! I think! Maybe!
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 5'6″
Sexuality: Gay  AF
Favorite book: Under the assumption manga’s count I’m gonna say One Piece! Because im weeb trash
Current time: 5:13 PM
Average amount of sleep: 4 or 12. 
Dogs or cats: Yes. 
# of blankets: Assuming my bed is actually made, 2-3 usually. 
Dream job: See I used to LOVE dealing with people so like my hubby’s dream job of owning a restaurant I would love to support them and be like the front of house person but good lord lately I would probably strangle anyone that complained (Oh the food here sucked?? Here let me kick your ass!!!!!!!!!!)  That said I’d still do it because I love talking to nice people so either that, or something in IT. Like let me work behind the scenes fixing everyones computer problems 
Blog established: idk? I’d like to not think about that thanks
Favorite animal: Penguins!!!!!!
# of followers: 123! Active? Probably like 10. 
Reason for url: Its my username for things online. Where I came up with that idk. Just a portmanteau of words I thought were cool sounding? 
Something I’m grateful for: Watching my hubby lay on our bed and just being adorable af? Like??????? 
Favorite color: Red and Black
Last song: ADAMAS by Lisa was the last one that came up on my youtube music feed when I was driving!
Last movie: Hocus Pocus!
Last show completed: Agents of Shield I do believe? 
Currently Reading: One Piece weekly and I’ll eventually start the book my hubby lent me.
Currently watching: Rewatching Kamen Rider Build with my hubby. Need to start Kamen Rider Saver. Let’s see. One Piece, Black Clover, Sword Art online(I Like it bite me) with my mom.....Walking Dead on occasion with my mom when I feel like it. I need to start watching more stuff. 
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Yes.
Craving: Honestly I really want some tortilla chips and salsa con queso
Coffee or tea: I am a slut for some good iced tea. 
Named after someone: Nobody! I share my middle name George with my Grandpa’s middle name (Roy George) 
Last time you cried: October 31st! Had a good ole meltdown in my car being held because my mom was being a massive bitch.
Any kids: Not at the moment, but in the future definitely! Two at least!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Yes, which usually gets me in trouble. A lot. 
What’s the first thing you notice about ppl: Hmm. Probably face? Like retail for 10 years kinda has me honed into seeing what type of person they are by their facial expressions and how I should act around them to make the transaction as pleasant as possible? 
Eye color: Hazel? I think?
Scary movie or happy ending: Happy ending
Any special talent: I feel like I can get random strangers to like me pretty easily? Like, its something that I got from my uncle and grandpa, who, in retrospect were doing it to be pervs and for me it was just “oh im gonna be polite what no im not hitting on the person?” and its kinda evolved into a natural like...idk sense of just being nice? Which is something I’ve tried to bury in but SOME PEOPLE LIKE TO REMIND ME HOW NICE I AM SO FUCK IT I GUESS IM NICE
What country were you born in: The USA
What sports do you play/have played: Hahahahahahahahahahahah.  Junior year of high school I took Racket Sports as my PE elective and TBH I was pretty decent at it. 
What are your hobbies: Video games mostly. I used to love writing and I would RP a bunch but lately that itch hasn’t been there but god I would love to start getting into it. I also love reading. Not necessarily novels anymore but like, people sharing their passions online and I get to experience what they love about something? Awesome. I feel like once i move out of my home my hobbies may increase. 
Any pets: Not currently!
Favorite subject in school: High school I actually enjoyed Math and Chemistry, but college kicked that love right out of me because I was horribly mentally unprepared for college. Literature in general is pretty good. I like analyzing stuff! 
I’m not gonna tag anyone bc fuck it but do it if you want to! I will definitely read!!! <3
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sternenteile · 4 years ago
— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
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tagged by:  @rebeljest​ !! thank u!! tagging:  ahhh man uhhhh. my brain is so dead tonight HOGUDSHG i tag every single one of yall. everyone. all yall do it. yes.
nicknames:  my only nickname is nikki which is. also my middle name hgkjdhskjhg. (full middle name is nicole!!)
zodiac:  aries sun & rising, taurus moon!
height:  5′3″.......... cries loudly
time:  for spaghetti (10:17 pm est)
favorite band / artist:  i don’t rly have a specific favorite and just appreciate music across a large spectrum, but pink floyd was my childhood and is a dear band to my heart, so they’re a good example!!
song stuck in my head:  i just recently played through the main (not green stars, tho i’m about to do that!) campaign of galaxy and 2, so this is in my head right now, my absolute favorite song in the entire ost of either game.
last movie i saw:  my neighbor totoro!! can u believe i only just recently saw it for the first time? yeah... yea..........
last thing i googled:  ‘lays potato chips sodium’ bc i was making. comparisons. between junk foods i eat bc i’m a gremlin and am trying to be Less Of A Gremlin. (i’m not v good at that)
other blogs:  skubulbunt is my only other blog, my art blog! yes, that means no other rp blogs that are active. geno is my only muse and has been for... coming on two years in december or january??
do i get asks:  here and there!! thank u all for sending me things!!
why did i choose this username:  sternenteile is german for star bit. i was listening to a certain song from a certain popular indie game, the song of which has a german name. it inspired me. that. that was about it ghOUDSHGDg
following:  271! including a lot of inactives tho hgouhsgoug... real number is probs a lot smaller if u dont count those ;;;;
average amount of sleep:  in terms of actual night-time sleep, probably between 5-8 hours nowadays. but then we have to factor in naps. so. uh. idek anymore. heck.
what i’m wearing (right now):  a set of short-sleeved pastel bunny pajamas!!
dream job:  at this point, i’m so tired and lacking in Spoons™ to even know at this point. i was interested in graphic design, but decided against it because the industry is super cutthroat. i’d love to work with animals or some sort of psychoanalytical or psychological job, though... or to work for nintendo of america in some way, shape, or form omfg.
dream trip:  i’ve alwaaays wanted to visit the uk. i have good friends there, plus there is so much lovely stuff to see there. i prefer the less extravagant, more humble areas of the uk, at that. it just seems so cozy.
favorite food(s):  buffalo wings are my lifeblood. i’m p. sure my blood is buffalo wings. fried chicken and mashed potatoes are both v. close. i also would kill for good pernil (a kind of puerto rican roasted pork) and mondongo (a kind of beef tripe stew), talking about my latine heritage. i would bust one whole asscheek for those.
play any instruments:  god no lmao i have no musical talent whatsoever
eye color:  deep brown! those are some classic boricua eyes for u lmao
hair color:  also deep brown, same as above!
languages you speak:  what’s absolutely depressing is that, despite my closeness and pride over my heritage, i am shite at spanish. i only know a very tiny amount of it. english is otherwise my first and only fluent language. i’ve tried to learn spanish for years upon years ever since childhood, and try as i might, i still can’t grasp it. i guess my brain isn’t very oriented to be multilingual...
most iconic song:  uhhh for what. for whom. for me? for geno? for me, this one is a childhood favorite. for geno, come sit down and cry in tandem with me.
random fact:  i’m super into video game glitchery, coding, and programming. i may not be able to understand some of it, but nothing gives me more joy than figuring out how games tick and how to utterly break them from the inside-out.
describe yourself as aesthetic things:  a bag of chicken nuggets, a single egg, a basket of fluffy kittens, a massive hutch full of hungry rabbits, a disgustingly pink bedroom with not a single darker color in sight, a purple game boy color under the sheets with a flashlight, fluffy dresses, an amassment of pixilation forming an unidentifiable eldritch abomination... just. y’know. stuff.
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sworntoprotect · 5 years ago
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon) / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. He started off as a tertiary character in the mage origin/Broken Circle quest in DAO, then ended up becoming something of a staple tertiary/secondary character in DA2 and DAI.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I’m not entirely sure how people feel about DAO Cullen’s appearance but DA2 and onwards he got himself a glow-up and an unwitting thirst trap reputation. What made ramen boy appealing in DAO for some is that if you played a female mage Warden, he’s “the one who got away”... because he literally booked it down the corridor if you got too flirty.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Perhaps? If you take a stroll through his tag, despite being a Templar, he’s not often portrayed as someone who’s fighting (*winkwonk*).
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. Some in the fandom might even call him overrated, depending on who you ask. 
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. In DAO he begs for you to kill all the remaining mages in the Circle Tower, and you can accept or decline to do so. In DA2 he solicits a few quests and eventually sides with you to defeat Meredith. In DAI he’s the Commander of the Inquisition and a vital part of the war council. Overall, he’s there to provide a pro-Templar outlook for the character. 
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. He’s met every game protagonist thus far and had some level of personal/professional relationship with them. 
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. In DAO he was a newly minted Templar. DA2 he was elevated to Knight-Captain very quickly which got his name floating around Kirkwall, and of course by DAI he’s the head of the Inquisition’s forces so he’s even more well-known throughout (at the least) Ferelden and Orlais.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Both. The common people and fellow Templars would look up to him, whereas mages and pro-mage sympathisers would absolutely have an issue with the role he’s played over the years.
How strictly do you follow canon? — As closely as I can, without lingering too deeply into the “problematic views” part of his character. I don’t seek to erase them or ignore them, and I don’t have too much issue writing them for the sake of being genuine, but I also don’t want to write him as if he’s some mustache-twirling villain because he is not. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Since he was 18 years old, Cullen has suffered and struggled through adversity after adversity (torture, sexual assault, brainwashing, night terrors, drug abuse, and a healthy spoonful of “all my friends are dead”), and yet maintained a soft heart underneath the steel wall of being a warrior. His goal since childhood has been to serve and to protect, and his self-awareness, loyalty, intelligence, and drive to make himself a better and more caring man is what sets him apart from others of his ilk who in his shoes would’ve broken a long, long time ago.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — He’s a man who’s allowed atrocities to occur by not standing up to speak against them, has perpetuated the cycle of mage abuse by the hands of others, can be callous, closed-minded, and aggressive, and has a strong prejudice against mages that wasn’t properly resolved in his “redemption” arc – nor was his lyrium addiction/withdrawal.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  He’s the type of muse I gravitate towards: bookish, devoted, protective, a softy under all the stone, endearingly awkward. More than that, though, his story intrigues me. Cullen has gone through a lot (he’s either the luckiest or unluckiest person) and watching his trajectory throughout the series has been really interesting. I’d like to provide him proper growth and development that he wasn’t entirely given in the games, or that wasn’t explicitly shown.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3  (<-- keeping that answer bc agreed)
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more. (<-- keeping bc agreed)
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF I write quite a few of them that never see the light of day, and I constantly and randomly sling little thoughts at my rp partners as they come to me. As for this blog itself, I’d prefer to have my headcanons evident in my writing, so I don’t post things about Cullen’s favourite colour or what he likes to eat for supper every night (and that’s absolutely no shade to people who do post headcanons that way; I honestly wish I operated the same way lol)
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. There’s a few on the blog already, hidden in plain sight.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. Even when I don’t want to think about him, I end up thinking about him. But I like thinking about him, so...
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? I’m still fairly new to the fandom and I’ve been learning a lot about Cullen, what people think about Cullen, what Cullen thinks about himself and others, etc. etc. Plus there are other, more well-established blogs for him out there. I’m honestly surprised I got more than 20 followers tbh.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I'm my own worst enemy with this one. Like, I know I’m alright but I’m not good enough for myself.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. Some things do bother me a lot more than others, but any annoyance I feel is pretty quickly done after I vent about it. Then I typically forget after a while.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m always open to constructive criticism that both highlights what I’m doing well and considerately points out what I could improve upon. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course! I enjoy delving into his character and wondering the “what ifs” of various situations that may or may not occur. And if we can write it together in a thread? Even better!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  No one owes me an explanation as to why they have an opinion, but yes I would like to know why. Maybe I misinterpreted something, or overlooked something. Maybe I made a mistake. I’m human. It happens.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — It only bothers me if it’s directed at me. I fully acknowledge that Cullen is controversial and has a very contentious past (or present) that rubs a good amount of people the wrong way. You don’t have to like him, but I do take some issue with people purposely twisting facts to make him out to be worse than what he actually is. I’ve considered writing a post about it truthfully but I don’t want that unbridled hatred to come to my doorstep if/when someone who’s not a fan of him reads it. It’s not worth it. Might do it anyway though. I don’t know.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Please do. Politely. English is my native language but I’m still out here making mistakes. smh @ myself
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I’d like to think so, yes. I have a very high tolerance level for a lot of things, don’t get easily triggered, and I’m always willing to chat about character stuff or irl stuff or... anything, basically. 
tagged by: @orsino-the-enchanter tagging: did you read this? then it’s you
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