#no 70s au without a fringe
evax3 · 2 years
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Oh damn, I think I love her... —
DAISY JONES & THE SIX AU for @magalidragon and @youwerenevermine​ – may it bring you good vibes and inspiration! 💜
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trothplighted · 2 years
I love the little snippets of the Marauders we've seen in your Grindeldore AU. It's like opening peanut butter and finding a hidden chocolate swirl. Great and unexpected. What do you think about the way Lupin was straightwashed in canon? How does that affect your opinion of Wolfstar as a ship?
oh yes, I very much want to talk about this
I don't know, really, how aware that JKR was that she queercoded Sirius and Remus. I feel like she had some awareness, because of the extremely homophobic way she treated Sirius in OotP (I'll elaborate on this in another post probably but it's upsetting, it's probably the most deliberately homophobic writing I've seen in a piece of written genre fiction from the last 40 years) and the way that it's a complete pivot from how he's portrayed in PoA and GoF, but nothing's confirmed. I'm not actually sure how aware she is that the entire wizarding world is very queercoded (a group of people with stores and bars and music that's distinct from the rest of regular society, they look the same physically but often dress in flamboyant or deliberately weird or gender-nonconforming ways, they have their own dialect of language and words that are distinct to their subculture, they're in a position where they have to exist on the fringes and undersides of the ordinary world) but there's a strong argument to be made for it as a read regardless of her intent.
despite not knowing I'm very happy to say that straightwashing Lupin was homophobic even though Wolfstar never got to achieve the full canonicity of Grindeldore, and there's sort of two ways to think about it. (one more parenthetical: bi men exist and have real relationships without being either straight or gay. the reason I don't argue for bi!Remus is because to my eye the coding is very clear that he's gay. Harry is probably bi, but that's another post)
from an in-universe/Watsonian perspective, my explanation for him marrying Tonks is that people do stupid things when they're grieving, they throw themselves into new ideas or new relationships and act in reckless and self-destructive ways, and this is an example. I think the reason he tried to run away from his marriage in DH is because he was basically having a psychotic break over marrying a woman and he had to get away, he had to leave, he couldn't stay. He was being hit with the full weight of what he'd done and that he was about to have a family and have a long-term existence with his wife and he genuinely needed to get out before he did something even more reckless. I also think that Tonks was similarly grieving the death of Emmeline Vance, but we're talking about Wolfstar here, so I'm gonna try to stay on topic.
staying Watsonian, I think too that this is evidence of a really fucked up, dysfunctional relationship built on love and longing but hampered by homophobia (it was the 70s and 80s) and by abuse and by trauma and by neither man really knowing how to communicate well because they weren't ever allowed to date or to exist out in the open. and I love it, for all its sadness! it's a tragedy, and I'm a Silmarillion scholar, I'm fucking here for queer tragedy, something something men as wolves and werewolves, the dog star and the hunting hound - I don't need this to be a happy ending. I can fix it in post to not make it homophobic.
from an out-of-universe/Doylist perspective, I think JKR needed to marry Remus off.
in the hypothetical What She Did To Sirius post I'll probably talk about this too, so might as well start here, but the main thesis of this is that JKR became aware of reader feedback and fan culture in between writing books 3 and 5. GoF escapes her trying to compensate for her flaws and respond to her critics, but it's sort of the last time this happens, which is why it's probably her most-balanced book, though not her best-written. The Three Year Summer gave the world ample time to write and spawned a lot of influential trends and fan interpretations and tropes. Wolfstar shipping was in probably its true golden age thanks to "Lie low at Lupin's", and Cassandra Claire gave the world the (plagiarized) Draco Trilogy and forever changed how fandom interpreted Draco Malfoy. The HP Lexicon came into its own as the reference site complete with meta and essays and timelines. Fanfiction.net exploded, mainstreaming fanfic in a way it had never been before.
And JKR was aware of all of this, and started responding to it, in particular criticisms of the more childlike aspects of her story. She's a very insecure writer when it comes to kid lit, she doesn't truly seem to be happy she's writing it. Contrast Tamora Pierce, K.A. Applegate, or any other author working in the middle grade field, all of whom genuinely love their chosen career path. in particular she seems keen to really start punishing people for deviating from her ideas of gender norms. and it's not just men! Fleur Delacour spends an entire book being shamed for being too feminine, and made fun of by Ginny and disliked by Hermione, and Lavender Brown is vilified for her crush on Ron. we're well into JKR's "every good girl is a Cool Girl" phase, she's kind of a shite feminist. nobody gets away unscathed.
there's a much more solid argument to be made about things like "Harry doesn't tell adults anything in the early books and then he communicates with them and is dismissed or belittled" as direct responses to critics, but I think there's room for Wolfstar too: the book written while she would have been becoming aware of this ship (and there's no way she wasn't, Wolfstar was the slash ship of the fandom in a way that Drarry was forever playing second fiddle to) punishes Sirius for being a bad and untrustworthy person who's not a fit guardian for children and isn't safe to be around and ends with his death. Remus never mentions Sirius substantially again after OotP, focusing instead on James and (with his attempt to leave with the trio) feeding again into that really ugly trend in this series of queercoded men being presented as irresponsible and dangerous guardians and unsafe for children because they're selfish and care more about themselves than the Right Thing To Do. Albus also falls into this slot, the more overtly queer he gets the less good of a person he becomes. it's gross. it's really fucking gross.
but all of that was to say that Jo was in a position where if she didn't marry Remus off, people would keep on with the gay rumors. And TonksxRemus (also called Remadora sometimes) did its job of killing Wolfstar's continued presence as a mainstream pillar of the fandom, though the ship never died and has since developed a lovely second life. it's here for the long haul, and I couldn't be happier. I love this ship, I want to write about it. I'm infinitely more interested in them as adults than schoolchildren, but that's because I'm a disaster lesbian who's an adult, and they're sad old men with a History.
in that light they're not too different from Grindeldore, actually.
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Wednesday, 12 March 1840
5 35/’’
11 50/’’
Reaumur 10º on my table (our breakfast and washing and writing table – Our only one) at 6 1/4 a.m. Quite ready – Washed and at breakfast at 5 55/’’ – Not bit here tho’ abundance of the sort of beetle and another sort of little insect likish a small beetley (hard back) ant? Do these larger insects that the people never seem to disturb and that swarm on the walls, keep them free from insects of worse kind, bugs &c.? 
Just after breakfast Gross came in flippantly saying ‘a great misfortune’ – Beginning to enlarge upon breaking my St. P-[Petersburg] thermometer – This too bad – The loss too great – I never uttered ∴[therefore] his talking useless, and he wisely went away – A-[Ann] never uttered about it then or afterwards – Nor I – 
Gave a blue note (= 5/-) to the old woman of the house (the old mother?) – She very well satisfied – One of my old thin leather gloves missing – Must have fallen out of my fur glove in the Prince’s Kibitka last night – Seeking it (the glove) detained us a few minutes – The only thing I have lost since Norway – Domna lost her little sac with p.[pocket] handkerchief scissors pins and needles &c. &c. = 4/-? She said, on Sunday night at Kopanowskaya (vide bottom of p.[page] 70) – off from Soroglazinskaya at two minutes before 7 – Ha Волга, on the Volga – 
(станица Замиянооскя) at Zamianowskaya at 9 1/4, a poor and picturesque little fishing village – Unpainted board, little, cottage-like Station House but the best house in the village? We might have slept there – Neat little church – Had slept most of the way to here – Much snow in the river latterly – Fine morning – Not much wind – Have written all the above (in pencil in my note book) without glove on without my warm hand getting starved or even cold – Proof how much warmer it is today than yesterday – 
Wattled farm yards – Hay stacked on the tops of the sheds, but little to be seen now – 2 Calmuc tents in farm yards – Large iron cauldrons lying about – Using for boiling fish grease – An undulating desert of fine red sand all immediately around the village – On rising ground at a little distance there seems a roughness as if of some low shrubby vegetation – 
Off at 9 3/4 down again upon the Volga – The village lies along the sand bank close above the river – The right bank has sometime since lost its boldness (from Tzaritzine) – It is now little different from the sandy bank on the left side – Wherever a stick will grow, there is willow which fringes both banks more or less – Read Russian Grammar and sleep – Right bank low bare sand as last station – Left bank low but a line of wood – 
At 12 1/4 Lebajinskaya (the village and good church at some distance) – Station House – Lone house – Large unpainted-board Government Station House, the Imperial Eagle as usual in the pediment of the front end – Forlorn – Getting out of repair – A sort of fosse all round the house, to clear it of the surrounding sand, now 3 or 4 ft.[feet] higher than the bottom step of the 5 or 6 up to the ground floor – As if the sand avait envie de l’engloutir – Sauntered about on the bare sand hillocks while we changed horses – The very desert of the great Zahara – Fine red sand that must blow about terribly – Picked up some of the white prickly low stuff that every where covers the sand where and as much as anything does cover it hereabouts – They say there is pasturage at some distance – 
Off at 12 40/’’ at 1 25/’’ pass near under little village left bank – Is it not on an island? Our route yesterday and today has seemed very much au milieu du fleuve – At 1 50/’’ the Courier called attention to a man and boy going at a good rate on a huge camel – The 1st we had seen – The Prince’s (Prince Cerdebjab de Tumen) people, from near his garden – The large wooded island alongside us (left – a little distance) all belongs to him – In fact, he is Sovereign Prince of the Calmucks all along from here to Astrakhan – 
The camel female – À double bosse – When fat, each boss stands upright – Now that the animal is poor, and hard-worked, and has just had a young one, these bosses hang down like 2 thick flaps (perhaps 8 in.[inches] broad and 9 or 10 in.[inches] long?) when they stand upright said George the animal is four archines high – Now she is only 3 – I should guess her to stand now (to the top point of the shoulder) 6 ft.[feet] 6 in.[inches] English that is 19 1/2 hands high! I asked if she was one of their tallest – Yes! And certainly the one we saw a little while afterwards stood 2 or 3 hands lower – This man has 2 camels – Some have 20 – The laine George called it woolly hair, is cast every Spring and is worth 16 Rubles per pood – She herself is worth 100/- all this took us 12 minutes the long line of wood near (left) is an island belonging to the Prince – Gave the man a 20 Silver Kopek piece – He well pleased – The nose of the animal pierced thro’ the ligament above the nostrils and a smooth hair cord run thro’ to which the cord (rein) is tied, and by pulling this the animal lies down for the people to mount or dismount – She chewed her cud all the while – 
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A Kalmyk and his camel. (Image Source)
We had been about 7 or 8 minutes in our Kibitka again when Nikolai (the Courier) called our attention to a fishing party – We alighted again, and stood from 2 10/’’ to 3 5/’’ over the square hole in the ice intently watching the outdrag of the net – The draught of fishes – It reminded me of the N.[New] T.[Testament] the manner of this being probably much the same as in the time of our Saviour – The net seemed never ending – They had got some little of it hauled out when we arrived, and it certainly took 3/4 the time we were there before we came to the end – 
The mesh seemed about 1 1/2 in.[inch] square yet 2 moderate sized frogs and good sized prawn had not escaped – The net was a good deal torn yet there was a tolerable draught – Some hundreds of fish – Perhaps a tank of 2 cube yards would have held them  
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2 yards x 1 yard and 1 yard deep – There was one Poisson Blanc = 20 lbs.[pounds] at -/80 per lb.[pound] at Moscow might be had perhaps for 2/- here on the spot – This the most valuable because they salt this kind – There were 2 or 3 Sadocs nearly as large as the Poisson Blanc, or perhaps that would weigh said George 15 lbs.[pounds] and the Courier bought one (Sadoc) for us = 10 lbs.[pounds] and another sort of fish that George seemed to call something like Lyash – All the fish taken were of these 3 kinds – The latter not much valued – Our Sadok = 10 lbs.[pounds]) -/15 and the other fish was given? – There were about 30 men – Pay 25,000/- per annum for the right of fishing here – A certain extent of river – Could not learn how great – Water here about 2 archines deep and ice (said George) 1 a.[archino] thick – 
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Fishing on the Volga, near Astrakhan. (Image Source)
Off again at 3 5/’’ – At 3 50/60 at Dowinowskaya – Neat red-yellow painted board Station House at this end of village on our left – We had never stopped before having our Station on our left – It seemed as if we had got to the other side of the river – How is this – Neat white green roofed church – Village apparently small and not good – Merely a fishing village – 
Off again at 4 1/4 – At 5 1/4, left, near, island of willows and a few Calmuck tents among them – By and by pass close left a line of Calmucks sitting on their hams on the ice, each (5 or 6 yards apart) at a little round hole not a foot in diameter (perhaps 8 in.[inches] diameter) fishing – Great breadth of river – Perfectly flat, sandy banks – The Cathedral seen at some distance and a church or 2 far in the distance ahead as if the Town or another Town extended far down the river – 
We seemed to come within the precincts as it were of Astrakhan at 5 3/4 and at 6 1/4 we stopped at the address given us by our Postmaster at Jenotaiewsk – Full! Drove on and inquired at 2 or 3 places – No Inn – Not a lodging to be had – What to be done – Sent to the Chef de Police – Very civil – Came and offered us his house for the night – Accepted with reconnaissance – He spoke a little French – Thankful – 
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Astrakhan seen from the Volga in the late 19th century.
At 7 1/4, having waited an hour in the street and fallen 1/2 asleep, chez lui – A good salon and large anteroom – In clover – But long in getting tea – I lay on the sofa – Our fish (non Sadok) was to be boiled – But as it turned out the Cuisinier was out – There was no fire, no anything – And I had completely finished tea and lay some time on the bedstead they had brought before the fish came after 10 – A-[Ann] had waited for it – I tasted and then went on eating – Excellent – Never tasted such fish – Fresh – Fat – Full of roe – Well boiled – It was A-‘s[Ann’s] thought to keep it for breakfast – Had Domna at 10 50/’’ – Fine day –
[in the side of the page:]      thermometer broken
[in the side of the page:]      on the Volga all today –
[in the side of the page:]      Camel
[in the side of the page:]      Fishing on the Volga
[in the side of the page:]      Station on our left
Page References: SH:7/ML/E/24/0043 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0044
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futuresandpasts · 5 years
Futures & Pasts | MRR #429
Nearing the last of my columns for the print version of Maximum Rocknroll; this one was from #429 (February 2019) & if y’all are quick, you still might be able to pick up some back issues. 
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Since I just finished putting together my requisite top ten of 2018 list for MRR, which always feels so unnatural and stresses me out way more than it probably should, I feel like I’ve earned the right to mentally shift gears here for a bit and start my final column of 2018 by talking about what I’ve actually been listening to as this year is about to end, even if it’s mostly things that came out almost four decades ago…
Fringe post-punk resurrectionists Bunkerpop Records are back with their first release in two years, a reissue of the 1985 four-song 7-Inch Round Black Thing EP by Auckland, New Zealand’s art-damaged provocateurs ?FOG. Vocalist Sam Swan landed in the group after her stint in the short-lived LIFE IN THE FRIDGE EXISTS (whose “Have You Checked The Children?” remains one of the most eternal classics of ‘80s Kiwi DIY), and both projects shared a decidedly shambolic approach with inclination toward performative theatricality. ?FOG ultimately took things into a much more confrontational direction—deep, propulsive bass lines colliding with urgent drumming, stuttering razor-wire guitar, and deadpan lyrical recitations marked by pitch black, tongue-in-cheek sarcasm (especially on the fiery feminist take-down of “Fatman With a Big Dork”). The choppy rhythms and dueling male/female rant between Sam and guitarist Lindsay Fog on “Five Heads of State” puts ?FOG on a very EX-like axis of agitated skronk, and there’s even some distant echoes of the Rough Trade school of spiky AU PAIRS/DELTA 5-style UK femme-punk in “Move Your Brain,” if that particular sound had then been refracted through the cracked lens of harsh-edged avant-noisemakers like the GORDONS over on New Zealand’s South Island. Between this single, the two recent NOCTURNAL PROJECTIONS LP collections, and the THIS SPORTING LIFE CD anthology, 2018 has been a pretty solid year for bringing renewed attention to some of the weirder and less musically linear products of the early-to-mid ‘80s NZ underground, but this one is an especially obscure delight to have been rescued from the archives. (Bunkerpop Records, bunkerpop.bandcamp.com)
French coldwave group COLDREAMS released a two-song 7” that’s since become one of the formative (and most highly sought-after) touchstones of the genre’s mid-’80s second wave, so the straight reissue of the original single that just recently turned up on Parisian label Camisole is a nice end-of-year surprise for any Factory Records-meets-4AD freaks out there. While COLDREAMS borrowed from the detached presence and bass-anchored minimalist post-punk rhythms associated with the early Euro coldwavers like CHARLES DE GOAL and KAS PRODUCT, their approach was also much less mechanical and dystopian, instead leaning toward gauzy, ethereal melodies not entirely dissimilar to those of goth-tinged dream-pop combos like COCTEAU TWINS or even Faith/Pornography-era CURE. You can almost picture frost forming on some dimly-lit window as the swirling synths in “Morning Rain” blur right into Géraldine Sala’s sweet-yet-somber vocals, but there’s an almost breezy undercurrent amidst all of the longing and gloom that spares COLDREAMS from any overly melodramatic darkwave pretensions. While that song is great, but the sparse B-side “Eyes” is the real gem here, quietly drifting in the same mysterious and otherworldly minimal wave/synth-pop atmosphere as cult heroes SOLID SPACE, and it’s just as chillingly beautiful as anything on that group’s much-beloved Space Museum. (Camisole, camisolerecords.bigcartel.com)
Not reissued (at least not yet), but something that I’ve been playing a bit lately: RAZOR PENGUINS were from Columbus, Ohio, and their debut two-song 7” from 1981 was an exercise in bleak, incisive post-punk that largely deviated from the sort of warped and deconstructed weirdo sounds generally associated with late ‘70s/early ‘80s Ohio DIY (think ELECTRIC EELS, DEVO, PERE UBU, et al). There’s definitely some psychic connections to be drawn between the post-industrial decay of the Rust Belt and the grey, brutalist urban landscapes of London and Manchester, so in that sense, it’s entirely fitting that RAZOR PENGUINS would have turned to the early output of 4AD and Factory Records for their primary source material—JOY DIVISION, obviously, but also slightly less canonized groups such as CRISPY AMBULANCE or IN CAMERA who had a similar affinity for sinister bass throb, martial beats, and vocals delivered with a desperately anxious edge. The single’s frantic A-side “Paris” is a perfectly dark discotheque smash for the black peacoat and clove cigarette crowd, all needling guitar, loping bass, busy hi-hat, and anguished shouts like they were trying to come up with an American response to SECTION 25’s “Girls Don’t Count”. On the flipside, “Indifference” gives in to the band’s starker goth leanings, existing in some parallel universe where Ian Curtis never died, NEW ORDER never existed, and JOY DIVISION had simply gone into semi-secrecy to come up with a follow-up to Closer after relocating to the middle of Ohio. RAZOR PENGUINS wound up putting out one more 7” in 1986 before totally falling off the radar, but it couldn’t reach the same heights at this one. Midwest post-punk gold!
On a more contemporary tip, Manchester’s clattering and clanging combo D.U.D.S. (formerly known as, uh, DUDS) are back from last year’s apparently brief foray on Castle Face with a new LP called Immediate, and it’s an even more controlled exercise in walking the tightrope between spiral scratched post-punk and the kinetic danceability of the early ‘80s post-No Wave downtown sound (think LIQUID LIQUID or pretty much anyone on ZE/99 Records). The clash of rubbery bass and wiry, minimalist guitar definitely still harks back to GANG OF FOUR, but without that band’s tendency toward dryly caustic lyrical commentary on the effects of capitalism on interpersonal relationships—the shouted (and somewhat buried) declarations that D.U.D.S. throw out seem to be much more abstracted and cryptic, with a good number of the songs this time around dispensing with words altogether, leaving just a skeleton of knotted and frenetic rhythms behind. The occasional sharp bursts of brass that were scattered across their previous record have also been more fully integrated into the D.U.D.S. equation this time around, with “Humour and Friction” and “Same Device” in particular recalling the horn-spiked harsh funk and mutant disco commotion of early A CERTAIN RATIO. Shack up, y’all. (Opal Tapes/Red Wig, opaltapes.com)
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dragonkingtm · 5 years
Judgement Day | Accepting!
wow. prepare for a whole ass gay spiel. i’m sorry in advance to everyone ;Dwow. what can i say? there’s so much to cover with nickey. she is quite literally the best and greatest friend i’ve ever had. she has been there for me through EVERYTHING, and I have never felt more grateful in my life. If it weren’t for her, god, who knows where i’d be or how i would’ve ended up. I’m so glad I met her, and it’s thanks to one of my good friends, Jesse. If he never introduced me to ace attorney, I never would’ve gotten into the games, I never would’ve gotten into the rpc, I never would’ve made Edgeworth, and I never would’ve met Nickey. I am so so thankful that I’ve had to opportunity to meet her. The second we met, we hit it off instantly as best friends and as writers. I have to say, I was actually intimidated by her. She is such an amazing writer and I was new to the fandom and she was just so good, and she had already had a main Edgeworth, so I was very quiet in my presence and tried not to latch too hard. Then things shifted, we started shipping, and then our muses just meshed so well and then we became each other’s mains and it was just so great and cool, because I had never been someone’s main blog before. It felt nice. She’s so fun to write with, and we have so many ships and muses and wild verses and aus. We literally have like,,,, 70 discord servers for our roleplaying because we have so many muses and ships. It’s chaos ;DGod though, her writing. Can I just say, she’s a fantastic writer. She’s so good at her muses, each one she picks up, and I admire her writing. You’re literally missing out if you don’t write with her. She’s the greatest person I’ve ever met. She’s cool, she’s dorky, she’s passionate about things she loves, and she’s supported me for so long, even before we began dating. She welcomed me into a new fandom and she’s stuck by me and now we’re fringing on three years as friends, and I’m so lucky to have met her. If y’all know Nickey, y’all know that she’s the bees knees. She’s a+, god tier, but also the memelord and the dorkiest nerd I’ve ever met. Idk where I’d be without her. She means a lot to me, and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her.If y’all aren’t following her or interacting with her, you should change that. It’s so worth it. She’s worth getting to know
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beyondthedreamline · 6 years
Any World But This, Part 2
Remember that Veronica Mars Fringe AU I started once upon a time? Probably not! It’s been years! Nevertheless, better late than never, so here is part two. Happy birthday, @ghostcat3000!
It’s ten to seven on Monday morning. Wallace has stripped out of his hazard suit and is freezing to death like the martyr to modern law enforcement that he is while the Mars women face off on the sidewalk outside Starbucks. Streamers of police tape billow back and forth between them. There are eleven dead people inside. From what Wallace can tell, they more or less exploded.
Lianne Mars is still upset that she couldn’t make herself a coffee.
“There was pumpkin spice! I could smell it!” she protests.
“Really?” Veronica hisses, and Wallace is familiar enough with that sound to wince. For a tiny blonde pixie of a woman, there are times she strongly resembles a cobra. “Because all I could smell was blood.”
“The barista is dead,” Lianne continues reasonably. “If I solve his murder I’m sure that’s worth a free coffee.”
“You are a piece of work,” Veronica grits out, and walks away with her hands shoved deep in her pockets, like she’s afraid of what she might do with them if she stays.
Wallace is 98% sure she will come back. She has after every other fight. Lianne watches her daughter go with a look of utter confusion, like she just can’t figure out what she did wrong, and Wallace feels bad that he feels bad for her. Lianne Mars is a dictionary definition of ‘mad scientist’. Her file reads like a pulp horror novel and after just a week working with her, Wallace is beginning to think that is the tip of the iceberg. But here she is, wrapped up several layers of mismatching wool, pouting because she didn’t get her treat.
“How about we stop by a different Starbucks on the way back to the lab?” Wallace suggests.
She smiles at him, wide and happy. “Can we do that, William?”
“Wallace,” he corrects, for what feels like the hundredth time. She never remembers his name. He almost doesn’t take it personally any more. “Sure we can. I’ll go let Agent Echolls know.”
A row of nondescript black vans are parked in a no-parking zone, screening the cafe from the morbid curiosity of passersby. Echolls is sitting on the hood of the one at the front, phone clamped to his ear, one long black shoe hanging down to tap rapidly against the pavement. All he’s said so far is a monotone “Yes, ma’am” at long intervals, which probably means Navarro is reading him the riot act.
Wallace is secretly on Navarro’s side. Echolls is a wild card. He can rattle off every official spiel in the book and then the next thing you know he’s picking a lock or breaking a window without turning a hair. It was an open secret in the department that he was hooking up with Agent Bishop, who was her own unique brand of unreliable brilliance; then came the Flight 167 crisis and Bishop was exposed to a chemical agent that put her into a coma. Wallace is never going to forget the sight of her, skin the colour and texture of ice, the veins stark blue underneath.
That was Wallace’s first experience with fringe science.
By the time he got involved, Fringe Division was already a team. There’s Agent Navarro, old-school, hardass, ex-army, literal and figurative grandmother to generations of agents. She was put in charge of the division due to what she terms ‘field expertise’ and seems to have been regretting it ever since. Echolls, of course, is her exasperating right hand. Agent Mackenzie is tech support, which is about as deep as she is currently willing to dip her toe into this mess, and she’s valuable enough at a desk that Navarro isn’t pushing her on it yet.
Then there’s Lianne Mars, scientific wunderkind of the 70s, patient of a mental hospital for nearly two decades, released a month ago into the care of her only living relative – that being Veronica Mars, who is only here because Echolls blackmailed her onto a plane and has been throwing roadblocks into her way ever since. He hoped Lianne could save Bishop, and she did; from the contagion, anyway. No one realised Bishop would have to be saved from herself.
No one realised Bishop was a traitor.
Now she’s dead and Lianne is free, Veronica is angry and Echolls is…unpredictable.
He hops off the van and gives an order to the driver inside. The vans peel away from the sidewalk in a little cavalcade, stocked up with nightmarish evidence that will soon be laid out in Lianne’s laboratory for analysis. She claps her hands excitedly as they go.
“It’s going to be a good day, Winston!” she says.
Wallace sighs. “Let’s get that coffee, Dr Mars.”
It takes nearly forty eight hours, but Veronica does come back, walking into the diner and sliding into the booth next to Wallace like she hasn’t noticed Echolls glaring at her. “What are you having?” she asks, leaning into Wallace’s side and eyeing up his hash browns. He catches the waitress’s eye, raises a hand. He’s learned fast that Mars women are mean when they’re hungry.
“Charmed you could join us,” Echolls drawls from the other side of the table, where he’s sitting next to Lianne. He looks haggard this morning; Wallace would sympathise more about his clearly abysmal sleep cycle if he didn’t feel the need to impose it on everyone else.
“I thought you’d gone back to California,” Lianne says anxiously. “Veronica, why didn’t you go, it’s not safe here. There’s a serial killer boiling people’s brains with their own blood.”
The waitress freezes next to their table. Echolls grins at her, all charm. “Actors,” he says confidingly. “She’s so method.”
“Riiight,” the waitress says, but she takes Veronica’s order, if only to get away as fast as possible.
“Lianne,” Echolls says, gentler than Wallace expects, definitely gentler than Echolls is with anyone else. “Remember how we don’t talk about the special science where people can hear?”
“But Veronica has to go to California,” Lianne says stubbornly. She gets like this sometimes, when she has an idea stuck in her head. “Otherwise they’re going to find her.”
“Who is going to find me?” Veronica demands, leaning across the table. “Mom, what are you talking about? We moved away from California when I was ten, what’s so special about it now?”
Lianne blinks at her. “Jake’s there. He’ll help us.”
Veronica flops back in her seat with a groan. Echolls looks out the window. So they’re back to this: Jake Kane.
“Oh, yeah,” Veronica says, scathingly. “The founder of Kane Dynamic is going to trip over his billions to help his ex-con lab partner and her private dick daughter. I mean, he hasn’t even made a public appearance in years, but for us he’ll make an exception, right?”
Wallace elbows her sharply. If he used a tone like that on his mother, he would already be shrivelling with shame under the laser beam of her disappointment, but Lianne’s face is blank. After a moment, she says, “You’re a private detective? I thought you were going to become a lawyer.”
“Yeah, well,” Veronica says curtly, “plans change.”
Her breakfast arrives at that point, a welcome opportunity to de-escalate the situation while her mouth is full of scrambled eggs. “Kane Dynamic did send over the files Navarro requested, so at least we can get started on interviewing suspects,” Wallace says, steering the conversation back to business. He turns to Veronica. “And I know you’re bummed out that you missed the autopsies yesterday, but guess what, today we’re doing simulations on watermelons!”
“Better than that,” Lianne says eagerly. “Agent Navarro is sending over a corpse to use instead!”
“Right,” Veronica says, in a very similar tone to the waitress.
Echolls grins. “What about it, Mars, are you going to spend today blowing up fruit or grilling Jake Kane’s best and brightest with me?”
Veronica tips her head to one side and smiles back at him, viciously sweet. “I guess it might be fun watching you harass someone else for a change.”
Wallace thinks this is a very bad idea, but he doesn’t get paid enough to risk saying so.
The next time Wallace sees Veronica, she’s perched on a hospital bed while Echolls prods masochistically at the bandaged parts of his left arm.
“You were supposed to be interviewing suspects!” Wallace says incredulously. “How did you turn that into a shoot-out?”
“It’s his personality,” Veronica says, but there’s no venom in it, only a bubble of laughter that is almost giddy. “He opens his mouth, triggers get pulled.”
“Got our man, though,” Echolls interrupts, with deep satisfaction.
He looks at Veronica and she looks at him and they’re both grinning like they’ve got away with something, like they can’t wait to do it again. Like somehow, between sniping in the diner and getting shot in a warehouse, they’ve pulled parallel with each other for the first time.
“Navarro is going to kill you,” Wallace observes. He remembers Lianne, going frantic in the lab even after the all clear filtered through, and steps into the hall to call her. When he glances back over his shoulder, Veronica is pulling Echolls’ hand away from the bandages.
“Stop poking it, you’ll make it worse,” she instructs.
“But I’m good at making things worse,” Echolls says lightly. “You said so yourself.”
“I’m sure you’re good at other things too,” Veronica says. “When you try.”
Logan tips his chin down to half-hide a smile, looks up through his eyelashes, and is he blushing? He’s goddamn blushing. “Aw, shucks. Now I know how to make you be nice to me.”
Wallace turns away, clutching his phone. It’s like watching fire flirt with gasoline. Whatever happens next, he has a sinking feeling that he will be caught in the blast radius.
“Don’t give away my secrets,” he hears Veronica say. Her voice has gone soft.
“I won’t,” Echolls says. It sounds like a promise.
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hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt
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Deniart is a lifestyle Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
usatshirtsonline · 3 years
Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
Tumblr media
Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
evax3 · 2 years
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Jonerys Remix/Harry Potter AU: Jon as James, Daenerys as Lily 
“She started going out with him in seventh year, once he deflated his head a bit.” — originally from HP5, OotP
For @youwerenevermine ❤️
Happy birthday, my dear!! I had so many ideas what to gift you, but in the end it had to be this. Enemies to Lovers, Young Love, Potter Verse; I know it checks many of your boxes, so I really hope you like it! :)
Thank you so much for all your support, your wonderful creations, your knowledge that you always share with us, whether it's a great book recommendation or the long-desired link to a photo shoot, and above all, thank you for the many jokes and laughs!!! ❤️❤️❤️
92 notes · View notes
Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
Tumblr media
Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
Tumblr media
Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
funnyteeshoponline · 3 years
Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
Tumblr media
Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
Tumblr media
Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François Go Cry In The Walk In Cat Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
jodybouchard9 · 6 years
Fringe Benefits: 6 Tips for Flaunting This Flourishing Decor Trend
iStock; realtor.com
Fringe is back—and it’s better than ever. No longer content to be that 1970s calling card seen on macramé plant holders or pleather jackets, fringe is enjoying a modern-day resurgence, thanks in part to a leap from the fashion runway, reports Jana Phipps, an embellishment expert who’s also known as the “Trim Queen.”
“Fringe is absolutely au courant, having traveled from Milan’s couturiers,” she explains. “And what’s new about it now is the sleek, draped look that’s very often layered, to become the entire textile on chairs, light fixtures, and sofas.” Even the color gurus at Pantone declared fringe to be a hot new trend this year.
How fringe found its way back to our homes
Fringe was born in the ateliers of 16th-century France, where artisans, Phipps explains, elevated into an art form the fabrication of decorative edging materials, or passementerie—which means “to turn by hand,” as in the making of lace.
After several years of apprenticeship, master fringe makers were able to turn out commissioned work for royalty, the military, and the clergy. Fringe continued to pop up on clothing, playing a starring role in 1920s’ flapper dresses; later, hippies of the 1960s and ’70s embraced the free-swinging style.
But today’s look is sleek and elegant—decidedly not your grandmother’s tassel ties. The current home fringe frenzy is an outgrowth of trendy runway looks including Tory Burch’s jeans embellished with beads and shells, and Dolce & Gabbana’s fringed Mary Jane pumps, Phipps says.
Want to embrace this chic yet timeless look in your home? We’ve got you covered—no strings attached.
1. Fall back on fringed accessories
Bring on the swish! Light the way with this amazing fringe chandelier.
If you’re not sure how to use fringe in your home, you can’t go wrong with accessories. And don’t be afraid to be generous with your use of fringe.
“You can easily attach it to window treatments, pillows, ottomans, a table skirt, a bed canopy, and even outdoor umbrellas,” Phipps says. And don’t forget to consider it for a duvet cover, shower curtains, or on table linens.
Strive to employ various types of fringe. For example, try a thick brush fringe on a pillow and a longer version on the bottom of a sofa. Variety is key—don’t use the same fringe style on multiple items in the same room.
“It’ll jump out at you like a flapper dress,” Phipps warns.
2. Match fringe to your home style
Photo by Adeeni Design Group Of course, you’ll want to consider your home’s dominant theme before employing too much fringe.
“If you’re going for a shabby-chic or rustic look, you can pile on the fringes,” offers Beverly Solomon of the eponymous design firm. “But in a more minimalistic home, stick to fringe on an area rug, such as a Persian or Navajo textile.”
You can also bring fringe into boho-type decor, with throw blankets, table runners, and floor pillows.
3. Hang up fringe
Photo by An Aesthetic Pursuit 
If you’re not ready to invest in a settee or footstool with fringe, you might dip your toe into this trend with a piece of art. An inexpensive wall hanging with fringe can be moved from room to room, giving you a chance to try out the look without buying pricey furniture.
4. Sizing up fringe
Gauge the item you’re hoping to adorn with fringe and keep proportions in mind. Larger items (love seats, armchairs) can sport a longer fringe, while smaller pieces, such as throw pillows or petite lampshades, should have fringe that’s shorter in length. Phipps recommends a length of 2 inches when choosing a brush fringe on pillows, and up to 9 inches for fringe on a couch bottom.
As for materials, silk is the most luxurious option if you can spring for it. But rayon can be attractive and tends to hold up better.
“Cotton is a bit bohemian, though twisted rayon and chainette (a chain of tiny fringe fibers) are more elegant and tend to drape better,” Phipps says.
5. Nix fringe and pets
It should come as no surprise that dogs and cats are likely to be transfixed by the gentle sway of fringe on a wingback chair or the border on a piece of carpet.
“Do yourself a favor and avoid this trend if you have pets, because they’ll delight in rooting through, chewing up and then spitting out fringe edges,” cautions designer Darla DeMorrow.
6. Caring for fringe
We’re not gonna lie: Fringe can be a pain to maintain.
“Fringe doesn’t stand up well in the wash, as it tends to get tangled and knotted,” DeMorrow says.
And dry cleaners tend to charge extra to clean fringe, in part because it has to be hand-combed to face the same direction. But if you’re game for a bit of spot cleaning, fringe might just be for you.
The post Fringe Benefits: 6 Tips for Flaunting This Flourishing Decor Trend appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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usahotshirtonline · 3 years
I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt
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Deniart is a lifestyle I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
hotshirtstoreonline · 3 years
I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
Tumblr media
Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt
Tumblr media
Deniart is a lifestyle I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . Brand led by an independent artist who draws inspiration from the dark arts, occult symbolism, and the surreal. Speaking of surreal, he tells us of a strange paranormal occurrence that left him startled: “When I was a child, a woman with long black hair and a white dress came through the half-open door of my bedroom one night. While I was lying and paralyzed in bed, unable to move my body or close my eyes, she walked slowly to my side. She stopped beside me and ran her hands over my body, without touching me. After a few moments she left the room the same way she came in—walking backwards always facing me. I pray to this day that it was just a nightmare.”Eternalshirt.com thank you for your interest in the shop. If you have longer hair, considering braiding it in pigtails or a braided crown with some moisture cream or oil to safeguard it,” she says.I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
Tumblr media
Unisex Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Unisex Hoodie
Tumblr media
Classic Men's  For individuals with natural hair, protective styles, such as braids and twists, are beneficial way to minimize tension and strengthen the hair, says François I survived My Mom’s Nursing Degree Shirt . “Wear a silk cap or wrap your hair in a silk scarf overnight to keep protective styles looking and feeling good for as long as possible,” he explains. Another easy way to keep hair healthy, as well as steer clear of split ends, is by laying off the hot tools. “Avoiding blow drying and heat styling will help regenerate hair healthy,” says Mischa G. “Go au naturale for now One more time for the cheap seats in the back: Boredom is not an invitation to throw caution to the wind in a cut a fringe or take trimming matters into your hands. “Shaggier bangs have been trendy lately and thankfully those grow out into great ’70s curtain bangs,” Jones assures those with bangs, encouraging them to embrace the new phase of growth. Other ways to do so are by getting creative with head scarves (we love Upstate’s silk tie-dyed scarf), as well as experimenting with wet sets, like rag curls, for natural waves. Hoodie, long-sleeved tee, female tee, men's tee, 3-hole tee, V-neck tee. Cosigning the use of getting creative with head scarves and heat-free styling technique, Mischa G underlines. You Can See More Product: https://eternalshirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes