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narabea06 · 4 months ago
Do you... Have any Flynn Rider headcannons..? From NIWL?
Flynn Rider (NIWL) Headcanons -
Flynn is queer and transmasc (according to Plu in their discord, Flynn actually had a late husband who used to work for Fazbear, though I'm unsure if this is still canon, but I personally like to think it is)
After he quit working at Wonderheart, Flynn actively refused to enter the Wonderheart building anymore, and any time he ever has to go there, it's just to talk to Zero or pick up Sova.
Flynn is the kind of guy to put his boots on your dash in your car.
He is actually really gentle and patient with kids despite seeming super intimidating.
Flynn doesn't like physical touch.
His love language is gift giving.
He’s a dog person.
He dresses mainly in a 80s rock aesthetic in his free time, and actively listens to punk rock, mullet rock, and classic rock. (The way I draw Flynn is directly inspired by my dad, so I'll admit, it is a bit self indulgent, but idk I love it)
Flynn has tons of piercings, namely an eyebrow piercing, a nose bridge piercing, and four ear piercings. They used to have gages too, but they stopped wearing them and let them close up and heal.
Flynn is the only Wonderheart worker that's taller than King. (King is 6'2")
Because of Hatter stabbing him in the arm so badly, Flynn hasn't been able to use the injured arm very much and had to get a fuck ton of stitches. He can barely carry stuff with that arm and it constantly hurts like hell.
Before Pluto realized how bad their injury was and after noticing Flynn hadn’t been at work in a bit, Pluto tried to get Flynn back into work only to immediately get a prompt "fuck you" from Flynn.
He is left handed, so when his arm was stabbed, he had to learn how to write with the other hand.
King and Flynn actually get along super well, with them being the grumpy + sunshine duo. Even though Flynn doesn't work with King anymore, they still see each other from time and frequently text and send each other voice memos.
King and Flynn once ran into each other at the mall when they both happened to be getting groceries. Flynn offered to help King find stuff and read their grocery list. In return, King held his groceries to take the strain off Flynn's arm.
King and Flynn have matching blue heart clips that King bought them.
Flynn does not like Iris too much because of his connection to Fazbear but tolerated working with him.
Flynn loves horror movies, with his favorite being Nightmare on Elm Street.
They can play the bass guitar, and are a decent singer.
Flynn was a guitarist in a band in highschool in the 90s.
Flynn has a shepherd dog named Max. Zero often dog sits him.
His main interests are DC Comics, horror movies, and psychology.
Brian and Flynn are neighbors and live in the same apartment building.
Before Flynn quit, he actually considered White Rabbit his favorite among the animatronics, which was saying a lot because he practically hated everyone else.
Zero, Flynn, and Sova all hang out as a trio a lot, and have a found family dynamic, with Sova and Zero seeing Flynn as a dad.
Flynn, even though he's not actually working at Wonderheart anymore, is always invited by Zero, Sova, and King to out-of-work hangouts.
Flynn would punch a transphobe in the face, especially if they messed with Zero or Sova.
Flynn is very intimidating and oftentimes Zero and Sova will hide behind him for scary dog privileges.
Flynn sometimes picks Sova up from work on his motorcycle. He always gives Sova his helmet, and constantly double-checks that they're comfortable.
Flynn lends Zero clothing sometimes, such as jackets after Cheshire ate most of his.
Zero asks Flynn for advice a lot since Flynn has "old man wisdom". Zero also genuinely looks up to Flynn and cares a lot about what Flynn has to say.
Zero and Flynn are both transmasc, with Flynn being an older trans man and Zero being a much younger, newly out trans guy. Zero got his top surgery very recently and even got a couple months off work to recover while Flynn got his surgery YEARS ago. They bond over it a lot. (I DID WRITE A ONESHOT ABOUT THIS ON AO3 IF YOU'RE INTERESTED: "Same Scars")
Flynn has a motorcycle that he named Joan.
Flynn has been trying to get Zero to get drumming lessons because Zero has a drumroll stim and he genuinely thinks he'd enjoy it.
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sqffytaffy · 1 year ago
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white rabbit & queen of hearts
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divinus magia as the addams family & boba taylor !!
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art dump wahooo - i drew all of these awhile ago i just havent posted on tumblr in awhile soo why not
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ladyshadowsblog · 2 years ago
I'm back! Sorry for the huge lack in Mcfnafverse posts.
Anyways on topic.
I'm glad March Hare is back, I was starting to miss them. I will agree with Freddy tho, telling them everything in one sitting or just at all was not a good idea. Freddy caused massive damage, even tho we never saw the condition March Hare was in. We still can confirm from when they woke up it was pretty bad, even with the amount of info we got on how damaged they were even before they were repaired.
It would have been best to leave that topic to be told at a later time instead of immediately after they woke up, March's reaction to Freddy when they saw him speaks for itself. Telling March at all was a bad idea, and warning them about Queenie I cannot confirm was a good or bad idea as well. I just hope March Hare is a lot nicer than their past self and they don't try and possibly unalive someone.
Now off topic somewhat, to hopefully lighten the mood a little bit.
Cheddar trying to get March's pronouns, was really wholesome. Cheddar is doing their best. Also, Love the fact that there is a tone of Iris fanart. I absolutely love the fact that people who go into the cafe are questioning,
"who is That guy" -King
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senorboombastic · 1 year ago
Track By Track: BITW - Rehearse
Words: Andy Hughes Known for shared stages with the likes of Cate Le Bon, H. Hawkline and Gruff Rhys (he also wrote all of the strings on Gruff’s new record, ‘Sadness Sets Me Free‘), Welsh musician Gruff ab Arwel (a.k.a. BITW) took in the end of 2023 with the release of a new album, ‘Rehearse‘ (out via Klep Dim Trep). Featuring clarinet, flute and saxophone assistance from fellow countryman…
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saegladiolus · 1 year ago
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White Rabbit fanart :3
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paintybrush · 1 year ago
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⏆𓈒  they're not just like me...⠀⌓⌓
hello! welcome to my osc/fictionkin blog :3 i'm paintbrush/mari, and i go by he she pronouns! i'm 15, and im an audhd system & a fictionkin!
if its not obvious, i kin paintbrush from inanimate insanity, and this blog is dedicated to posting stuff about that!! other ii kins, PLEASE interact!!! ^o^
i like aesthetics/making layouts, omori, mcfnaf/tff/niwl, drawing, minecraft smps, and analogue horror! i also enjoy internet drama/discourse lol.
interactions are from @starryv01dz - dni if pro-endo, good faith ids (lesgays, mono mspec ids, etc etc), proship/comship, nsfw accs (unless friends prior!), pedophiles/zoophiles/"maps", dteam stans, vivziepop defenders, interact with vvolfy/ziggypop/null.
i hope u enjoy my blog!! :3
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txcgst · 2 years ago
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Tokiwa - niwl Spotify▸ https://open.spotify.com/track/26xQtaVyMaOfJDsqOd7E0h?si=892c269740b7495c Apple Music▸ https://music.apple.com/jp/album/niwl/1684229617?i=1684229621 Others▸ https://linkco.re/2H48Rt9E
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f0xysthings · 6 months ago
Some random drawing of my oc, Niwl
Cringey alert!
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thatropoenthusaist · 7 months ago
guh I forgot I don't have a pinned post on here anymore and should mayybbee do that if I ever decide to start rambling about stuff more consistently
Names: Mango / Nyx
Current Fandoms: The Little Club - Little RoPo mainly FNAF - Security Breach mainly The Security Breach Shows - TSAMS , EAPS , FAFFS MCFnafVerse - TFF , Punkrocks , NiWL Octonauts Invisible Davis Fairy Tail
Socials: Ao3
#thatropoenthusiast's posts , #thatropoenthusiast's rambles
I say stupid shit sometimes. I blame it on the lack of sleep. /hj
I reblog a lot!! To see my actual posts please go through my tags <3
If you are a completely empty blog with no profile picture or anything, I'll most likely block you thinking you're a bot.
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narabea06 · 1 year ago
" And next up in the competition . . . TIMEBOMB ! "
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nuagerave · 2 years ago
Timecodes: 00:00 Egni Anweledig 01 08:40 Cymdeithas 05 17:12 Nefoedd 03 24:40 Trawsfynydd 05 32:40 Niwl 08 38:24 Gwynt 02 46:00 Ffridd 02 56:32 Diflastod 09 01:00:16 Cenfigen 06 01:11:02 Anobeithiol 01 01:17:52 Allt 08 01:25:28 Aer 08 All tracks by Rob Jenkins
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nikoldragonne12 · 9 months ago
Worldbuilding part 1 (Midnight’s Pack): calendar
Hello, thanks for helping me choose how I should make the lifespans of the magical species in Midnight’s Pack.
Now, I believe I should add another info from worldbuilding and why not say something about the year: it's a topic we, people from the Earth, know and it usually affects us.
As I mentioned in the first post about Midnight’s Pack, this fantasy world has different beliefs, traditions etc. from our world, although there are some similarities.
However, I decided to make the year a little different from the Earth: the year has exactly 366 days and is divided into 12 months, 6 of them have 30 days and 6 of them 31 days - the calendar year starts with the 1st spring day, however the school year starts in autumn.
Important: Names of days of the week are the same as ours (although the origin behind the meanings is different - I'll keep this unanswered and won't think about it actively) but the week starts with Monday - I made it because we, people from Czechia, also start the week with this day and I'm used to it.
The fantasy world also has its own sign flower (these work similar to Zodiac Signs/Zodiacs in our world).
Spring (92 days):
1st month (31 days): Mideulog
2nd month (30 days): Unadow
3rd month (31 days): Duwydd
Summer (91 days):
4th month (30 days): Trenfys
5th month (31 days): Queth
6th month (30 days): Quinqwym
Autumn (92 days):
7th month (31 days): Seilaith
8th month (30 days): Septwynt
9th month (31 days): Octiwl
Winter (91 days):
10th month (30 days): Noveilen
11th month (31 days): Deceira
12th month (30 days): Underhew
Sign flowers:
Mideulog: water lily
Unadow: thistle
Duwydd: poppy
Trenfys: lavender
Queth: white rose
Quinqwym: sunflower
Seilaith: buttercup
Septwynt: peony
Octiwl: geranium
Noveilen: carnation
Deceira: pansy
Underhew: orchid
Fun facts and facts (and q&a):
1 - The names of the months were made by combining a latin spelling of a number (0 - 11) + a welsh weather word (except for Unadow). And why did I start with null and not one? I liked the spelling…
Mid��n + heulog -> Mideulog
Unus + meadow -> Unadow
Duo + tywydd -> Duwydd
Tres + enfys -> Trenfys
Quattuor + poeth -> Queth
Quinque + twym -> Quinqwym
Sex + llaith -> Seilaith
Septem + gwynt -> Septwynt
Octo + niwl -> Octiwl
Novem + deilen -> Noveilen
Decem + eira -> Deceira
Undecim + rhew -> Underhew
2 - Why a combination of welsh weather words and latin spelling of numbers? I was just playing around with words and was looking for a combination that sounds nice together. It's not rocket science.
3 - The order of a calendar year is actually based on a Roman republican calendar. This ancient calendar used to start with the month Martius (known as March nowadays), which is, according to a meteorological calendar, the 1st spring month. And in my fantasy world, the calendar year starts with the 1st spring month Mideulog.
4 - The school year starts in autumn like in most of the countries in our world. It's just something I'm used to from my home country (we start in September at elementary and secondary schools or in late September/early October at universities).
5 - Why did I make the year have 366 days every year? I wanted the re-counting to our world to be easier.
6 - Why flower signs instead of a zodiac? Both humans and magical species are connected to magic and nature, so why not? By the way, the floral signs are based on which flower fits our Zodiac Signs, however, I combined information from more internet sources and put it in Midnight’s Pack.
7 - There's a tradition to make decorations that represent each sign flower on the first day of its respective month. The decorations are often seen in public places like supermarkets, city squares etc. A lot of schools do so, as well.
8 - The flowers are also used during the Games of Liberty, an event that celebrates the end of the Great War. As the Games can take place in different months, different flowers can represent this event in different years.
9 - If we wanted to place our months to the calendar of Midnight's Pack, it would go like this:
Spring (Mideulog, Unadow, Duwydd): 92 days
Full March (31 days) + full April (30 days) + full May (31 days)
Summer (Trenfys, Queth, Quinqwym): 91 days
Full June (30 days) + full July (31 days) + 30 days of August
Autumn (Seilaith, Septwynt, Octiwl): 92 days
Last day of August + full September (30 days) + full October (31 days) + full November (30 days)
Winter (Noveilen, Deceira, Underhew): 91 days
Full December (31 days) + full January (31 days) + full February (29 days)
10 - Which birth month and flower fits which protagonist of Midnight’s Pack?:
Liam Desrosiers: Queth; white rose
Alex Black: Octiwl; geranium
Abby Nightingale: Deceira; pansy
Kim Anderson: Underhew; orchid
Randy López: Duwydd; poppy
Bonus: 11 - Liam was put in a lower grade than he was supposed to be in, not only to get used to the new system, but because he actually didn't finish this one at private school due to a mental struggles.
Bonus: 12 - Which birth month and flower would I be in Midnight’s Pack? As I was born on 14th June in our world, my birth month in Midnight’s Pack would be Trenfys, meaning my flower sign would be lavender.
And what about you? Which birth month and flower would be yours?
Write in the comments if you want to!
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textpostscymraeg · 22 days ago
Cofia adael ffenestr dy stafell wely ar agor ar nosweithiau niwlog neu fel arall ni fydd tendriliau o niwl byth yn dy hebrwng allan yn dy wely ar hyd y strydoedd
Remember to leave your bedroom window open on misty nights or else tendrils of fog will never carry you out with your bed into the streets
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ringworldbuilding · 1 year ago
People Part II
The Ridwin
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The Ridwin are by far the most numerous, most diverse, and yet most elusive race on the planet. What they have in common; they are short, growing no taller than a human of 10 or 11, they have tails, and pointed ears. They vary greatly however based on the climate in which they live. In temperate climes they appear green or yellow-brown skinned with slender ears and tails. In hotter places they are red as devils, with larger floppier ears and tails to regulate temperature. In colder regions they are blue with short stubby ears and tails to protect from frost bite. Their islander cousins from the Skipping Stones are perhaps the most unique, being shorter still than mainlanders and monkey-like in appearance and behaviour. Humans even have a different word for the islanders, whereas they call most Ridwin "goblins" they call islanders "imps".
They live in nomadic clans that move around a particular hunting ground, with maybe one major settlement that can be raised and moved and reassembled elsewhere swiftly. Their technology isn't much beyond stone age, but their knowledge of the natural world is unsurpassed.
Ridwins believe the world is the body of an ancient dead god, and that all life forms are merely the insects and the mold. While this might sound like a rather gloomy outlook on life, they actually find it quite liberating. They do not worship the dead god though. He's dead. They do not even know his name, simply calling him The Earth Bones. This is why they have no gods of places, such as rivers or mountains or forests, as these are just bits of dead god covered in the same decay they themselves.
Instead, the Ridwin venerate a pantheon of sky or weather gods, as things that come from above are believed to be all that remains of The Earth Bones' Goddess lover, who poured all her essence into her grief. Her tears became the rains, her sighs the winds, and light her love. The gods the Ridwin actually worship is the weather created by an ancient goddess that grieved herself out of existence. Different Ridwin clans focus on different gods or groups of gods, but all are recognised and respected.
The Rain Gods
Glaw - God of rain and storms.
Laith - God of drizzle and damp.
Eira - Goddess of snow, frost and ice.
Niwl - Goddess of mist, fog and clouds.
The Wind Gods
Aderyn - God of cold winter wind.
Awel - Goddess of warm summer breeze.
Gawl - God of gales.
Ortheniad - Goddess of the music of the wind.
The Light Gods
Geni - Goddess of dawn and daybreak.
Awyr - Goddess of noon light and clear skies.
Waith - Goddess of dusk and twilight.
Enfys - Goddess of colour and rainbows.
The Reflections and The Shadows
The Ridwin also believe that, just as everyone has a shadow and a reflection, so do the gods. The Reflections and The Shadows are themselves gods of their dimensions, and just as we have some control over our shadows and reflections, so do they weald influence on our world. Worshipers of these deities tend to form smaller cults within associated clans.
For example, the Painted-Face clan of The Haze-Lands venerate Enfrys, Goddess of colour and rainbows, but within their society their will be a cult to Enfrys' Reflection, Rhubanio Goddess of aurora borealis, and her Shadow, Seryn Goddess of starlight.
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byakuwan · 2 years ago
tagged by @steamworksfairy but i'm making a new post!
Rule: you must pick a song for each letter in your username
Better Days - Night Tempo
Yumesanpo - HoneyComeBear
Augmentation - KMNZ, Moe Shop
Kai - callasoiled
Under Mebius - lapix ft. Aitsuki Nakuru (YUKIYANAGI remix)
Wave - niki, TOUYU
All my friends - rejection ft. RANASOL
Niwl - tokiwa
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narabea06 · 1 year ago
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Floor Fence
You interesting yet so easily punchable motherfucker
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