#nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar
deusvervewrites · 11 months
Genuine question here, where did the fanon idea that Bakugo smells like caramel come from? Since he sweats and ignites a nitroglycerin-like substance, he should smell like bananas. Even if he does smell like caramel, it would be of the burnt kind, not the good smelling kind, and you can tell that distinctive burnt caramel(because he is going a lot of explosions) does not smell great.
Someone asked me this before a couple months ago and I have absolutely no idea. The only source I can find for nitroglycerin smelling like caramel/burnt sugar was, of course, from the My Hero fandom.
My assumption is that someone included that he smelled like caramel/burnt sugar in their fic and people who read it thought it was a cool detail without realizing it was inaccurate, and thus included it in their own work, creating a cycle that spread the idea.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 11 months
As Bakugo continues whatever the Mary Sue is going on there, you know about the extremely common fanon theory that he smells like caramel? That is not a canon fact and has never been mentioned in story or by Hori in any interview or in the light novels. In fact, nitroglycerin when lit up as dynamite smells closer to bananas. If he were to smell like caramel, it would be of the burnt caramel kind, which smells a lot worst than the sweet smelling caramel due to his constant explosions.
I believe this popular fanon fact came from some unknown but popular fic that came out about 3-4 years ago, perhaps during Covid, where Bakugo was in some sort of porn without plot scene that happens to have food as a common sex item or that he was in the kitchen or bakery causing an explosion on some caramel. Such scenes would have his smelling like caramel, but people not knowing the science of what happens to sugar and caramel when they get burnt. We know that it’s a nitroglycerin-like substance and not the real thing given that he doesn’t need as much nitroglycerin to make his explosions or is as reactive without his command or ignition source.
I actually didn’t know this. I always thought it was canon. Just goes to show how often fandom ideas get muddled with canon ones. The U.A robots having off-switches is also another idea that the fandom birthed but isn’t canon.
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I'll take one for the team.
Petunia: Cleaning chemicals. But if you catch her on a more tame day then she smells like natural pine.
Handy: Concrete and woodchips. The concrete is hard to ignore.
Giggles: Artificial flowers. But she likes to switch it up a lot with different perfumes. It's a fun hobby.
Pop: An old, but frequently worn jacket. It's a memorable scent that most people think about for a while even if they only caught it through passing him in the store or something.
Cub: Not actually sure what babies smell like. The realistic answer is probably piss. I'll say baby powder instead.
Disco Bear: Fruity cologne. It's strong enough for someone to think, "yeah, that's cologne," but not enough for them to think it's BAD cologne.
Russell: Seaspray and salty water. Shifty told him he smells like bad seafood once to fuck with him and he hasn't shaken it off since.
Cuddles: Lightly-worn socks. He tries to seem more cool-smelling by association by dousing himself in unleaded motorcycle fuel and died from ethanol poisoning in an hour.
Toothy: Cheap lollipops. It's not a very strong smell, unlike someone.
Lumpy: Cold coffee and petrichor. A weird combination that not even he is aware of, but together they combine into something surprisingly underwhelming unless you're shoving your nose in his fur.
Flippy: The sweetest ingredients in baking and that odd spot between the spine and middle area of the pages of books. Ironically the latter is usually stronger.
Fliqpy: Iron and burnt firewood. Often has traces of vanilla on him too.
Shifty & Lifty: The smell you get in your hand after you've held coins for a long time. There's always mixed reactions.
Sniffles: Alcohol wipes. He likes wiping all his things down, even outside of a lab-environment. It's cute.
Nutty: Sugar. Lots of it. Giggles envies him for being able to smell nice so naturally, though she doesn't envy how quickeningly sickening it gets.
Mole: The inside of a car with fabric seats on a hot day. It's odd. But not really bad.
Flaky: Hard-boiled eggs and keratin. It's out of their control, but the smells actually cancel each other out more than often.
Splendid: Nitroglycerin. Nobody but Sniffles knows what that smell is, though, so the closest they compare it to is burnt caramel.
Lammy: Stuffed animals left outside for prolonged amounts of time. They still smell homely, but some of it has changed beyond your comprehension.
Mime: Birthday cake. :)
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@splatoonfan88 @hazawatsugu feel free to add if you want.
Hair is so curley and unruly he isn't aware when spiders crawl into it until someone screams there's a spider in his hair.
When the timeline gets rebooted/gets isekaid into a new world cause some gods are dicks due to him losing his eye to Hajun he's colorblind in that eye if not blinded fully. Funnily enough his other eye adapted and is better then most eyez.
Due to the early years training his quirk he can't fully close his fist without strain.
His teeth are naturally sharp. People used to claim he was part shark or part dog.
He hasn't combed his hair in a long time. Its bed head.
Even when he was burned more then dabi he wasn't Sure how he kept his hair.
He has a pair of handprint scars on his chest cause in the reboot timeline a doctor with a defibrillator hand quirk had to resuscitate him.
He can't stand the smell of anything that smells like burnt sugar which smells like nitroglycerin aka BAKUGOUS QUIRK (hint hint)
He's horribly dense and can't tell if someone is flirting with him.
The real life Ryoma grew up in a well to do family that rand a brewery and a linen tradery while also eventually making a navel trading company that eventually became part of the Japanese navy Saito started all these businesses in the reboot timeline Tsugu and Garou both unknownly get some clothes from their brand and According to Bun the Sakamoto name is held in as high regard as the 3 great unifiers of Japan do to Saito.
Saito has 3 names. Birth name Ryoma Sakamoto, shinsengumi captain Saito Hajime, and the new identity after she 'kills' both the last two Kiryu Kazuma which he has a birth name when reincarnated into modern times.
Despite being born a woman Saito has the face and body of a man. She gets reincarnated into a males body (Based female Saito off both Fates and Yakuza what gave that away?)
Saito was blessed by Ebsu. One of the seven lucky gods of Japan. More specifically the god of luck involving trade and fishing. Considering he runs a well off trading business and can easily fish up large tuna octopi and even great white sharks. Yea. It's obvious.
He dosent mind being called he or she as it dosent bother her. (1st life born a woman looks like a man. 2nd life born a man but having hobbies that were dubbed feminine [bonyo fan dancing, dressed in drag once to sneak into a place. And is the kind of father to answer the door covered in makeup as her daughter wanted to make daddy look pretty.])
Absolutely has the highest alcohol tolerance of the Einherjars due to the drinking games in the yakuza games.
Massive mommy and daddy issues. He maybe stuck to bangs side as bang was kinda like a dad. [We don't see much of garous dad and a bonus page claims garous crush looks just like his mom but qoute 'unlike her she is actually a kind and gentle person']
Due to him only getting caught and fined for dining and dashing and shoplifting he was only wanted for 50$
He's next in line to inherit bangs dojo if he proves himself to his master.
He'll eat about anything. Monsters. Burnt animals. Bugs. Any. Thing. Within reason.
He'll avoid fighting child Emperor at any cost because he will do anything to protect children.
He having a crush on the actor of a yellow sentai ranger you know he is a fan of super sentai the power rangers and Kamen rider.
(If you want I'll doo trivia on Derail and Paradox.)
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
Since nitroglycerin has a sorta caramel-ish smell, wouldn't Bakugou smell like that too?
nitroglycerin has like a burnt sugar / vaugely sweet scent but its not like caramel necessarily 😭
given his explosions i figure he smells like he blew up some shit and that his body products make him smell like spicy
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wetdabi · 2 years
my favorite headcanon the bnha fandom came up with is that bakugo naturally smells like ~caramel~ because nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar. now you know damn well that boy smells like onions and motor oil
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nitronapalm · 2 months
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Honestly, if you don’t know who this dumbass is…. I feel bad for you. Lucky for you, I have a Google Doc describing this moron, for the most part.
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Unlike in canon, my Baku swears. HEAVILY. He is also very vulgar – but then again, it wouldn’t be the Bakugou we all know and love if he didn’t, now would he?
Mitsuki abused him growing up – however, this is not common knowledge, as she was also very secretive about it, including the fact it isn’t in any records. If anyone ended up finding out about this, they’d have to watch Katsuki himself for telltale signs.
He also really loves horror. Don’t interrupt him in the middle of a horror game especially because he can and will bitch at you for it.
There are a few arcades he frequents and all of the games he has top scores on. He’s also exceptionally good at fighting games along with horror games, but he does have to work at keeping the top scores on dancing games.
As much as he is vulgar, blunt, and crude, he actually tries not to curse or use that vulgarity around kids and the younger generation. Ever since the remedial course, he’s actually gotten a lot better with kids, too.
Katsuki actually knows sign language and how to lipread – he taught himself how to in case his quirk ever blew his eardrums out and he was unable to hear.
Katsuki is very insecure about his hands. Someone once pointed out how sweaty his hands were while holding his hand and it left him nervous about it ever since. That’s why he always has his hands stuffed in his pockets.
Katsuki has a snake named King Murder and a tarantula named Deku.
–Will add more as I think of them–
There are also several headcanons I have regarding his quirk – due to the fact it is very similar to nitroglycerin, it has a lot of the same properties and thus has effects on his body not many would actually know about.
His body temperature is higher than most, though only by a few degrees, so as to make it easier for him to be able to sweat. As a result, the cold doesn’t bother him quite as much as he complains about it, he just doesn’t like the cold due to the fact it’s more difficult to get his quirk to activate.
Believe it or not, this boy smells not like nasty gross things (primarily because he showers or bathes quite a lot) but actually has a sweet scent due to his quirk, something between toasted caramel and burnt sugar depending on how much he used his quirk.
Due to the fact that the nitroglycerin running through him actually widens the walls of the blood vessels, his body has learned to counteract it by constantly running some degree of adrenaline through his body. This gives him more energy that he has to burn off, which is why he stays so active and so high-strung.
This also means that Katsuki literally cannot drink alcohol because it will kill him – the only way he would be able to is if he counterbalanced it with energy drinks, due to the widened blood vessel walls, and even then he still can’t drink much. He often ends up the designated driver because of this.
Katsuki also has constant migranes, to the point that sometimes, the combination of the excess energy and the severe headaches leave him unable to sleep at night. This is the real reason why he goes to bed so early.
Katsuki goes mountain climbing not just because he likes it but because the nitroglycerin nature of the sweat on his palms is really oily and it helps him learn to counteract it by adjusting his grip accordingly. It’s how he can grab things without them slipping out everywhere.
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fuuwas · 6 years
could I get a bakugo fluff scenario please? maybe where he asks you out on your first date and what his date plan is?? thank you and good luck with new blog!
aww thank you sweetie! love writing flustered Bakugo, so tysm for this lovely prompt!
note: Margaret is a biweekly Japanese shōjo manga magazine published by Shueisha, primarily for girls from 11 to 15 years old, although some stories are read by adult women. (cit. Wikipedia)
Loitering in a conbini after school like some sort of otaku was not Katsuki’s idea of a good time. Standing in front of the magazine rack, the latest issue of Margaret in his hands, his face scrunched into a terrible scowl, the pages crinkling helplessly under his angry fingers. He looked so livid that a bubble of empty space had formed around him, the other costumers scurrying away as their survival instincts kicked into gear. The poor, baby-faced cashier cowered behind the counter, inwardly begging the scary U.A. student not to buy anything so they wouldn’t have to interact, his hands shaking violently as he handed an old lady her change.
“This is BULLSHIT!” Bakugo’s roar made the entire store jump. He slammed the magazine back in its place so hard the magazine rack creaked and swayed, “How the fuck am I supposed to do any of this mushy shit?! Die, Margaret!”.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and stormed out of the store, that had been a colossal waste of fucking time. Time he could have spent studying or training. Except lately he couldn’t focus on anything because you were on his mind 24/7. 
The panels of the manga chapter he’d been reading for the past ten minutes flashed before his eyes. The male lead was a pretentious dickhead with a stupidly long chin who would spout the cheesiest crap; every time he moved, sparkles would shoot out of his hair and flowers would bloom in the background. Did girls really like that shit? Katsuki couldn’t stomach it. The thought of getting down on one knee and calling you ‘princess’ flustered him gave him hives, but he had no other research material. He’d sooner die than ask his mother, or hell, Kirishima and Kaminari for love advice. 
He had considered just confessing to you after class and getting it over with, but for some reason, rushing things with you didn’t sit well with him. Bakugo wanted it to mean something. He wanted you to feel good about him, about yourself and the two of you together. 
‘I must be fucking sick.’ He groaned and ran a hand through his hair, his heart picking up the pace as he thought about making you smile. 
The following day Bakugo was still agitated. Why couldn’t this abhorrent feeling in his heart just fuck off somewhere? He stared at you from across the classroom, head nestled in his arms as he sat sprawled lazily over his desk. Whatever, he just had to do it. He lost sleep thinking about your stupid, pretty self, but at least he now had the perfect plan to sweep you off your feet. You would be so amazed by how romantic he could be, that you would accept his feelings as soon as he was done confessing them. He didn’t need no damn shoujo manga to tell him how it’s done.
Waiting for lunch had never been so nerve-wracking. Bakugo did his best to focus during class, but a nervous, acrid sensation in his stomach kept him from relaxing in his chair. The day wasn’t even half way done and he was already sweating bullets.
Once the morning classes were over, he waited until he was the only one left in the room. He knew Kirishima would be looking for him if he stayed back for too long, and he had absolutely no intention to appease his friend’s useless curiosity had he started to suspect anything, so he had to act quickly.
He casually opened the notebook you had left on your desk, catching a glimpse of your girly handwriting and your colorful notes, and slipped a piece of paper inside it. 
You would come back from the cafeteria almost half an hour later with your female classmates in tow, noticing Bakugo’s message after settling in your seat. It was folded more or less neatly, but the paper was all wrinkled (he’d actually considered crumpling it into a ball and throwing it at your head), as if he’d been gripping it so tight he almost ripped it, and was that writing on the back of it? 
Curiosity compelled you to open it right away. Your eyes moved to the single sentence in the middle of the paper, your fingers tracing the letters to find that he had been almost stabbing it with his pen. The thought of the grumpy boy you liked sitting down to nervously write something like this for you filled your heart with sweetness.
‘Go out with me this Sunday’
Was this his way of asking you out…? It wasn’t even a question…You looked towards Bakugo’s desk only to find him stubbornly staring at the blackboard, as if he wanted to fight it.
‘Is this a date?’ You wondered, turning the note around to read the back of it. ‘Ah…seriously, this boy…’ You couldn’t keep your giggles in check, your hand flying towards your lips in a demure gesture as you tried to quiet your laughter.
On the back of the paper, in the messiest handwriting you had ever seen, were the words ‘IT IS A DATE’, written just as if he was screaming them in your face. 
He couldn’t get a wink of sleep. Bakugo yawned and leaned back against the brick wall of the dormitory. He was waiting for you near the entrance, knowing full well that keeping your date a secret from the others was a battle lost from the start.
Every now and then, one of his classmates would exit the dorm, throwing Katsuki either a confused look or a knowing grin as they passed him. Most of them had been wise enough not to say anything, but he ended up having to chase Ashido Mina down the street after she yelled a ‘GOOD LUCK! BAKUGO!’ at the top of her lungs, shouting a million profanities as the girl cackled.
He was a little early, but all the nervous pacing in his room was driving him insane. He needed to be outside, get some air, clear his head. And yet not even the morning chill could keep him from thinking about you.
“Katsuki-kun.” His heart fell to his stomach at the sound of your voice, his body stiffening in response. He looked towards the entrance, towards you, and for a moment all of his troubles seemed to disappear into thin air.
He had seen you in casual clothes before, you lived in the same building after all. He’d seen you in your school uniform, in your training clothes and in your hero costume, and he’s always found himself thinking that shit, you were pretty. But there was something about seeing you just a little more dolled up than usual, wearing the clothes you picked to go out with him, your lips shining with the pink of your lip gloss, that left Bakugo incapable of looking away.
Earth to Bakugo. What is one enamored boy to do in this kind of situation? He swallowed the lump in his throat, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. One compliment, come on, you can do it.
“You look…” He started, looking away from you with an uneasy scowl on his handsome features. Beautiful, you were fucking beautiful, but no matter how hard he tried to say it, his pride kept him from being completely honest.
“…Nice, now let’s go.” He opened his palm towards you, turning his head away once again to hide the light flush that colored his cheeks. You hesitated for a second and he finally looked at you, the blush spreading to his ears as he shouted, “It’s a date, idiot! I don’t give a rat’s ass who sees, of course we’re fucking holding hands!”.
The day hadn’t even really started yet and Bakugo already felt as if he was in some strange time paradox that had him struggling through the nine circles of Hell over and over again. Or maybe this was actually Heaven, because you were so fucking close to him, he could have kissed your face if he just leaned down.
The subway was crowded, of course it was. But while that’s not usually that big of a deal when one is alone, it turns out that by having your date pressed against you, their chest on yours and their face red from the sheer intimacy of the position and inches away from your lips, the menial task of riding on public transportation turns into a torture for the saints.
‘Fuck’s sake…’ Bakugo wanted to sigh, but inhaling would mean having your scent fill every one of his senses, so he gave up on even that, standing stiff as a robot with his back pressed against the cold side of the carriage, and you pressed against the rest of him.
“I’m so sorry about this…” He heard you mumble as you meekly tried to unglue yourself from him. Your efforts took you nowhere, for the second you managed to create one inch of space between your body and Katsuki’s, you were immediately pushed back into him.
“Ain’t your fault.” His low voice grumbled through his chest and against you, making your stomach flutter. He smelled like caramel and he was so warm, you had to keep yourself from cradling his toned body into your embrace. He took care of that for you when he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Any of these creeps touch you, you let me know. Got it?”.
It took you a moment to realize what he was doing. Enveloping you in a cozy hug, his arms were resting casually on your lower back, not because he was trying to cop a feel, but because he wanted to cover your legs with the sleeves of his jacket. He obviously didn’t mind having you so close to him, but he wasn’t going to let anyone else lay a finger on you, not on his watch.
“You kind of look like a shark!” Your teasing comment had earned you a sound cheek-pinching.
Walking hand in hand with you, Bakugo thought that maybe aquariums were not so boring after all. He wasn’t really interested in this kind of place, he liked watching all the colorful fish when he was a child, but he wasn’t sure this would have made for a very exciting date spot.
Still, Katsuki was an observant boy and he knew what you liked. If the beautiful smile on your face was anything to go by, you were enjoying spending time with him just as much as he was with you. There was one more thing he wanted to do while the two of you were at the aquarium though, so he ordered you to wait in front of the dolphins’ tank and quickly made his way towards the souvenir shop.
He came back to find you still with a grin on your face, the azure glow of the tanks making your eyes shine like gems in the sea, and his pulse started racing again. Fuck, how could you make him feel so inevitably in love every time he looked at you?
You jumped a little when you felt something soft land on your head. You looked up through plushy tendrils to see Bakugo standing next to you, looking at the dolphins with a relaxed expression on his face.
“You like jellyfishes, don’t you?” He said, slowly bringing his carmine eyes back to you, a small smirk curving his lips, “Fuckin’ weirdo.”
To say you liked jellyfishes was the understatement of the century. Your hand slowly lifted the object from your head, your heart racing with anticipation and your eyes twinkling like stars.
“Oh, Katsuki!” You turned towards him and beamed, the jellyfish plush squished in your loving arms, not noticing the way he almost chocked on his saliva after hearing you say his first name without honorifics. “Thank you thank you thank you!” You jumped up and down, barely resisting the urge to grab his face and smooch his cute, filthy mouth.
“Yeah, yeah…” Katsuki grumbled. Maybe the way you got excited over jellyfishes wasn’t exactly normal, but fuck if it wasn’t cute. The way you looked at him made him feel like lava, like you adored all of him, and the poor boy suddenly didn’t know what to do with himself.
His face burning, his palms sweating, he grabbed your head and turned it back towards the tanks, “Stop looking at me! Look at the fish, dammit!”.
For someone so rough around the edges, Katsuki had treated you with the utmost care for the entire day. Opening doors for you, being considerate of your needs, and forcing you to sit down and rest when it looked like you were getting tired, all without really thinking about it. Taking care of you came naturally to him, as if he considered the both of you to be a single unit.
He held your hand for the entire day. His palm was clammy but you found it adorable, the way he got so worked up over you made you feel cherished, especially when you managed to fluster him so much that smoke started coming out of his hands.
Now he was standing in front of you, the date was over, you two were back where you started at the Heights Alliance, but you weren’t ready for this day to end.
“Thank you for today, I had so much fun.” You smiled up at him and Katsuki preened, completely pleased with himself. Take that, stupid fucking Margaret.
“Yeah, I bet this was the best fucking date you’ve ever been on.”
“Well…” You hummed, bringing a finger to your chin and tilting your head, pretending to think about it, “I guess I could rank it in my top three…?”
Your devious joke was met with a loud and incensed “HUH?!” as Bakugo’s infamous anger flared back to life. He looked so offended! You just couldn’t help but laugh at the funny expression on his face.
The pretty chimes of your laughter were cut off as he covered your lips with his warm ones, his bony hands cupping your face, effectively shutting you up.
You could see the sun setting behind his back, coloring the sky a stunning, blinding shade of orange that still could not warm you quite like Katsuki did.
“…You’re supposed to close your eyes.” He whined lazily against your mouth, cracking his ruby eyes open to shoot you an annoyed look. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck, sweetly silencing his complaints with your lips again and again.
Katsuki was truly your precious treasure.
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Would it be alright if you shared some headcanons about the Crowned Kings au?
Oh, absolutely! Love talking about my bastard boys!
- Paul and Patrick also work for the King's Army! Paul is in charge of communications and is a chronic chain smoker--but he's also a wicked sharp shooter with his revolvers, a regular cowboy. Patrick is Chief of Security and is in charge of defense of the base. He keeps tabs on cameras and personal and it's his business to know your business.
- Edd currently has fourteen cats living in his suite. Their names are Matilda (f, named after Matt), Pawssanova (m), Lucifer (m), Bingo (f), Cleo (f), Meeps (m), Pure (f), Gigabite (f), Kitt (m), Obi Paws Kenobi (m), Apawllo (m), Aslan (m), Peaches (f), Cream (m, Peaches’ brother)
- Tord was kicked out of college because his experiments were “morally questionable”. Also he’d unleashed a hoard of mutated rabbits on campus. After that, he was working like three jobs to try and make ends meet. He got sick a lot because of a slightly compromised immune system and felt like a useless burden to his friends.
- If Tord hadn’t dosed Tom with the Kaiju Formula, Tom’s liver would have failed a few months later and likely killed him.
- Tom’s parents died when he was very little and he got tossed around from home to home. Tord’s parents were constantly fighting each other or beating him up, so he often ran away from home to stay with friends or sleep on the streets. Edd never knew his parents and was raised by his horribly strict and abusive grandfather. Matt came from a well to do family; his parents showed him off like a trophy and lavished him with praise...until they caught him kissing a boy. Then they disowned him and kicked him out of the house.
- Tom doesn’t like hospitals, doctors, and isn’t overly fond of Tord’s labs. He gets whiny, twitchy, and uncomfortable. Tord calls him “big guy” if he knows Tom’s stressed or upset; it’s a term of comfort and endearment so it gets said a lot when Tom has to be in Tord’s labs.
- The other three call Tord “Tordie” as an affectionate nickname.
- Actually, Edd has nicknames for pretty much everybody. These can be a form of affection ooorrr a way that Edd specifically needles other people to get a rise out of them. (for example, he calls @eddsworldrus‘ Space AU Edd “Fishsticks”)
- Tom can breathe fireballs! It’s a recent mutation so he’s still learning to use it and he can use it in either his human or shifted forms. He has glands near the bottom of his jaw that lead to openings underneath his tongue. These glands produce a gooey, nitroglycerin-like substance--it doesn’t explode on its own and doesn’t have a flavor, but still carries a burnt sugar sort of smell. An additional small sac is attached to his lungs that contains a colorless, odorless gas that becomes an acrid smoke when it contact with oxygen. The sac with this gas is usually closed so Tom isn’t constantly leaking smoke, but when combined with the gooey substance, both will ignite and create a sticky, liquid fireball. He can only produce so much of the goo a day and once he runs out, he needs time to recover. To protect his body from his own fire and chemicals, Tom’s saliva contains a substance that coats his mouth and throat, as well as an additional lining in his stomach and esophagus. The substance has a subtle bitterness to it, like an aloe plant. Theoretically, coating something in his his saliva could make it temporarily flame resistant. Tom has not allowed Tord to test this theory yet.
- Matt puts his hand on the small of his friends’ backs when he wants to lead them away from something he knows will bother them.
- Eduardo, Mark, and Jon are in a kind of open relationship. But Eduardo and Mark are very, very protective of Jon and tend to worry when he’s outside the base. Jon used to basically live in a hospital--they have a right to worry.
- Tom once got so angry at Edd, that he ripped up the security fence around the officer’s quarters. Tore out the gate right out of the ground. He was quite sorry about it afterwards.
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murder0us-0wl · 3 years
Bakugou headcanons ( explosion boi’s turn)
- everyone hangs around in his room. He claims he hates it, he doesnt. He secretly loves the attention and company
- hes amazing at cooking and half the dinners for class 1a is made by him
- hes constantly’ bullying’ deku for not being able to cut carrots thin enough
- he goes to deku’s room to recharge and just lays on top of him to take a nap
- he doesnt like the taste of liquor
- he isnt allowed into chemistry class anymore bc one time a drop of his nitroglycerin sweat caused a small explosion in the lab
- he loves cats. A lot. He bonds with aizawa about it
- he doesnt like bitter coffee. He loves bitter chocolate but he needs like a shit ton of milk and sugar just to get through one cup of coffee
- he loves spicy food so much he has to make a separate dish for himself whenever he cooks bc ppl cant handle his spice intake
- he has everyones food allergies and preferences memorized by heart so he doesn’t accidentally kill one of them
- he stole one of deku’s all might posters and put it on his wall with a frame so it actually looks nice
- he has reading glasses
- he has a bit of everyones stuff in his room bc everyone comes in and they need shit to keep them entertained
- he bonds with tokoyami over their shared music taste
- Bakugou has like an intense workout playlist he listens to everyday
- his hands are always in or on Deku’s hair.
- he steals all of deku’s jackets any chance he gets
- he gets super weirded but also happy when deku calls mitsuki “ mom”. It gives very mixed signals to his brain
- he always smells like caramel and burnt wood
- in the summer he is pretty much untouchable outside bc he sweats so much he might combust any minute
- he likes flying around campus
- he has a bad habit of drawing shit with deku’s freckles like connect the dots
- he has 6 pins on the inside of his backpack so nobody can see it. Its pins of all might and deku
- he complained about his tongue piercing hurting non stop for 3 weeks and now he loves it
- he has an irrational fear of tarantulas. He hates all spiders with a burning passion
- hes the only one who actually cares that iida cant have dairy and forbids him of even touching whole milk
- iida is the only reason why they buy soy milk
- he was in a feminism group with the class girls bc he saw ‘ kill all men ‘ and misunderstood it for ‘ kill all people’. He was very disappointed they weren’t actually killing ppl
- hes involved in girls night bc one time he saw mina trying to do tsuyu’s hair and barged in like “ what the fuck are you doing? Her hairs not yours, she doesnt have as much texture- tsk just let me do it” and now he just gossips and does face masks with them
- he knows the exact number of scars on dekus body. Hes taken the time to count them. Its 19
- he and deku have matching all might onesies they wear for movie marathons. Ppl have walked in on them wearing the onesies and bakugou yelling in excitement. Including all might.
- he likes dekus hands. Like a lot. A LOT
- he, uraraka and sato are the only ones who has some actual cooking ability so they are the ones who are usually working in the kitchen.
- except breakfast, bakugou refuses to make breakfast and just waits for someone to fix him up smthn in the kitchen. Except that person is either mina or deku bc apparently “ nobody else can make a decent bowl of fucking cereal”
- mineta called him a pillow princess once and he FLUNG him across the room. ( he wasnt wrong tho)
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oh-katsuki · 3 years
Fun fact: nitroglycerin actually has a slightly sweet smell that smells like burnt caramel. So it not just a headcannon, that what he would actually smell like. And since all Bakugou does is sweat and fight he would probably like a mix of caramel and fire.
- ⭐🧃 anon
ah yeah i guess you're right but from what ive read it smells like SERIOUSLY burnt caramel which smells.... not the greatest 😭😭
idk if any of y'all have ever burnt sugar like that but it's not a sweet smell. it's super acidic and acrid and kinda burns the back of your throat a little. i'd imagine that it works to his advantage fighting.
sobbing he's so stinky i love him.
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Bakugo x reader/cheating Deku
Happy Thanksgiving hoes
Nitroglycerin which is part of Bakugou's quirk, smells like burnt sugar or Carmel fyi.
Once again no uraraka hate this was a request
As a last hurrah before you all graduated, Momo invited everyone to her luxurious home as a way to celebrate with games and bomb food.
 "Kaminari if I look back at my plate and another chicken strip is gone I will short circuit you." 
You sigh as you hear no response back, "You ate all my chiken strips didn't you?" Bakugo laughs, "Y/N you know damn well he did, now focus on how I beat Sero's ass cause this'll be you next!" You shake your head as you pick up your plate to get more food. 
You walk through the long corridor of the estate looking at all the bland artwork on the walls. "The kitchen shouldn't be this damn far from the living room." You grumbled pulling your phone out. As you got closer to the kitchen you heard a series of shuffling coming from the crack of the door. 
"Does Momo have prestigious cat or something?" You joked before peeking through the door. Izuku was pressed against the kitchen island breathing heavily. His face was red and skin shining in the light from sweat.
'that's weird.'
"Ochaco we can't be doing this so close to the others!" You could hear a clinking noise and Izuku's was currently looking down towards the floor. You could hear Uraraka's signature giggle bubble up but you still couldn't see her. Honestly, you couldn't see anything without opening the door more.
"That's suspicious"
"Calm down Deku, I'm sure no one is hungry anymore so we're fine!" Izuku grimaced, "I really think this is a bad idea- ahh!" 
You were too busy trying to peek inconspicuously that you pressed your whole weight against the door making it swing open. The plate that was in your hand fell with a loud clatter. 
Nestled on her knees was Uraraka who was currently busying her mouth with Midoriya's dick. Both of them turn their head at the sound of the noise, eyes going wide when they see you.
You stand there unsure on what to do. You weren't as sad as you thought you'd be in the situation. You weren't even boiling with rage like so many other stories you had heard. You were empty for lack of a better word. "What the hell is this?" 
Deku pushed Uraraka away from him and turned towards you. "Y/N I can explain, I-It isn't-" "What it looks like?" You finish picking up the plate with shaky hands. "See, call me crazy but, I think it's exactly what it looks like Midoriya." 
Deku flinches as the use of his last name. Uraraka stands up with a small blush on her face looking down at the floor. "Got damn it Uraraka be a woman and look at me!" You growled feeling the anger flow steadily through your veins. She looks up at you with small tears in her eyes. Whether from fear or remorse you couldn't care.
"H-How-" you choke on the words, holding your mouth as you stagger in place. "How long?" Izuku doesn't answer only watching with furrowed brows. "Y/N you don't look so good, do you need to sit down?" He walks towards you and touched your arm making you jerk it away. "Don't fucking touch me Midoriya and tell me how long!?" 
Deku clenched his fists before adoring a far away look in his eyes. "A month, a little bit after you visited your parents in the states. I-I didn't mean for it to happen I swear!." You slap his face, and he allows it. You shake a finger at him as the tears collect and the sobs threaten to surface. "A mon- ooo, I swear to God Deku." Your body shakes as it's over come with a hidden emotion.
"Aye y/n, you need to get your ass out here before you miss your...turn..." Bakugou said, trailing thin at the end. You step back from Midoriya before hitting his chest. "Ka-chan you gotta help me!" Demi starts, "Don't you fucking Ka-chan me! What the hell is going on?!"
Your let out a gutteral scream and throw the plate at Midoriya's head before walking past Bakugou into the hall. "Y/N!" Multiple voices scream out at you.
You blindly walked into a room and pace around, frustrated that there wasn't anything in the room you could throw that didn't cost more than your life. "Ima kill him, Oo I'ma kill him!" You mumbled as hot tears rolled down your face. You threw punches into the wall cracking it on impact. 
The door opens behind you and you side step into a kick almost meeting your mark before your foot is caught. It was Bakugou who looked at you with blank eyes. "If you wanna fight, don't take it out on the upholstery." You shake out your hands as you feel adrenaline flow through them.
Bakugo looks around and sighs before jumping up and down, holding his hand up in a fighting stance. "Come on, this rooms big enough as long as we don't use quirks." You narrow your eyes and charge without warning, punching Bakugou in the gut. 
"That Bastard!" You cried through grit teeth. You swipe under Bakugou's feet knocking him over before slamming your foot down which he doges easily. You felt the shock of it all coarse through you, "He cheated on me!" Bakugou stands up before bobbing away from a punch, "I know." 
You kick again which Bakugou blocks before attempting an upper cut. "He did it for a fucking month." You say feeling the acknowledgement as you side step. "I know." Responds Bakugou as he circles you. 
Anger flows once again and you put Bakugo in a head lock, "Uraraka, it was with fucking Uraraka. She knows me!" Bakugou grips your arms before bending over and sending you to the ground. "I know."
You stand up faceing him again, tears pouring down your face as your eyes burn from your eyeliner. "I loved him." You weakly swipe at Bakugou's face as the crippling feeling of sadness comes over you. Bakugou easily grabs your wrist and pulls you into a crushing hug grounding you. 
"I know."
You curl your fingers into the fabric of Bakugou's shirt as you sob loudly. Bakugou sighs uncomfortably as he gently rubs the top of your head, griting his teeth at your broken cries. Bakugou's hand trails down your trembling back as he sooths you.
He offers no comforting words. No questions. No angry affirmations. Just his presence as you let out your emotions. 
You raise your face from his chest and glared up at him. "What did I do!?" Bakugou swallows down his own rage and cups your face, ''Nothing dumbass you're perfect."
 You turn your head away bashful. "Bakugo, if I asked you to do something for me… Would you do it?" Bakugo sucks in a breath. "What is it?" You say nothing for a while as you stare out the window feeling your inner turmoil come to a stand still. "Will you make love to me?" 
You turn back to look at him, "It doesn't h-have to mean anything, I… I just want…" you bury your face in his chest letting yourself be surrounded by the faint sugary smell of his toxic sweat. 
A firm hand grasps your chin, softly tilting your head up. Your noses touched as your exchanged breaths intimately. Closing his eyes, Bakugou presses his lips against yours. You lean into it allmost too energetically as Bakugo backs you into the bed.
"I will do it for you this one time. But after that you'll have to be mine, no going back." You look at Bakugou and see his earnest face as he looks back down at you. "Promise not to-" "Like hell I'd do that!" You chuckle grimly, "Yeah he said that too."
Bakugou clicked his teeth before grabbing you by the waist pushing you further on the bed. "Forget that ass and focus on me." 
Hands slide along your sides as you kiss, intertwining tongues. You grip Bakugou's hair as you run your hands up his neck. Pulling away for air, your lift your head as he trails soft kisses along your jaw before coming back to your mouth. "So pretty.." you shake your head whimpering at the compliment.
Bakugou nibbles as your jugular, "No back talk." 
Nimble fingers unbuckle your pants as he kisses you again nibbling on your lips.  Tossing your pants somewhere, Bakugou nibbles on the soft flesh between your thighs as he continues to rub your sides. 
You moan, softly bucking your hips when you feel a warm wet muscle massage your lower regions. "Bakugou." You gently card your hands through his soft hair as he eats you out, opting between gentle sucks, licks, and the occasional bites on your thighs and stomach. 
Your legs flex from shocks of pleasure as Bakugou grows more persistent with your heat. You raise your hips to find some relief from the constant pleasure but Bakugou only held on tighter to your thighs, lapping up your fluids like they were the sweetest nectar.
With one last lick Bakugou trails up your body again leaving kisses as he grinds slowly into you. "Are you sure? We can stop right now if you want." You shake your head as you slide your hands up his body watching him shiver as your fingertips lightly brush over his chest. "Please, keep going." You become serious. "I want him to hear it." 
Bakugou looks at you unsure for a while. He was conflicted, on one hand revenge like this would be perfect. On the other hand would this truly help you? Putting away his better judgement, he nods. "Then you better scream my name." 
You open your legs wider as Bakugou undresses before you, poisoning in-between your legs. You were more than ready to receive him as he pumps his cock in front of you. "Bakugou!" You whined, shaking your hips, "Shit, I know but we're gonna need a little more than that."
After accumulating a good amount of pre-cum, you feel the familiar burning sensation of his cock being forced into you. Bakugou wheezes at the contrasting warmth of your insides as you squeeze all around him. Your voice shakes as you feel the rough drag of his cock as it moves throughout your tightness.
"You're so thick." You sigh as you toss your head back to try to focus on relaxing. "Thanks." Bakugou replies dryly, nosing at your neck as he waits for you to adjust. He knew his cock was thick as hell and hard to adjust to, so he understood your tired enthusiasm
Bakugou takes hold of your thighs and uses them to thrust into you. He raises your leg suddenly making you yelp as he humps his cock against your g-spot. "Wait Bakugou I'm sensitive!" You grab his hand to slow him down but he simply intertwined his fingers with yours, slamming it back down on the bed.
"Remember, you wanted them to hear you." You turn on your side and grip the sheets as Bakugou growls into your ear. Your breath hitches as his rough hands grip your love handles, using them for momentum. 
"Come on, say my name." You squint as your spot is hit repeatedly, "Baku-" a heated hand comes to wrap around your neck, "That's my last name TeddyBear, I want you to say my real name." As the hand squeezes,  you moan as you feel small shocks, pop against your skin, "F-F-Fuck, Katsuki!" 
Bakugou moans at the sound of his name and snaps his hips against yours, "That sounds so sexy, Say it again."  A heated hand whips your ass, "K-Katsuki, you feel s-oh good!" Your eyes roll behind your head and you push yourself away from the pleasure as you feel your impending orgasm. 
"Don't run from me Y/N, I wanna hear my name when you cum!" You close your eyes as Katsuki goes faster, wrapping his warm hand around your neck again. From where he's hand is holding your love handles, you can hear smalll pops as your waist lights up in sweet pain. "Katsuki!" "Louder! Fuck I'm going to cum!" 
"KATSUKI!" Your world sparks to white as you come around his cock. Bakugou continues fucking you through your orgasm. His eyes are tightly closed as heavy pants leave his mouth. His hips stutter as he cums deep inside releasing a high moan as he slouches over your worn out body.
After a half assed clean up, you and Bakugou walk to the common room and come to a shocking scene. "I am very disappointed in you Midoriya." Iida says as Todoroki renews a fresh layer of ice over Deku's legs ask while Deku is receiving a wet willie from Sato. 
Mina and Jiro are yelling at Ochaco who looks like she's about to cry. Kaminari and Mineta are talking about how it is unlawful to cheat on a "total babe" and Kirishima is lamenting to Koda, Shoji, Ojiro about how it is "unmanly" to lie and cheat.
A hand drops down on your shoulder and you turn to see Tokoyami with Koda behind him. "Are you okay Y/N?"
You smile and put a hand over his, "I'm fine boo." He nods, "Good because if you weren't I wouldn't hesitate to go to the end of the earth and find the most painful way to end a hero's life, then i would double it by 4 and use it to cut off Midoriya's prepubescent balls."
The room goes quiet as you cautiously peel Tokoyami's hand off your shoulder, eyes wide.
You look at Midoriya and take a deep breath. "You ain't shit, but I forgive your cheating ass." You turn to Ochaco, "You raggity but I forgive yo skank ass." 
Mineta laughed, "I would hope so, with how loud you two were." The room laughs as you a Bakugou blush.
Hagegure was nowhere to be seen
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thewheezingwyvern · 4 years
Okay- as much as I love the caramel idea, burnt sugar is a very unpleasant smell. It's sickingly sweet with smoke to it and just 🤢
Yeah I agree. But the plus side on it is the scent is *faint* for nitroglycerin so it wouldn't be quite as overwhelming. But yeah I was staggered that people took "faint burnt sugar smell" to as far sided as "he cums caramel!" xD but I think its more about the fantasy than...like science.
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luvvmamaia · 3 years
beh may kausap ako atm and we landed on the topic of health achuchu,,, ngayon we're talking abt nitroglycerin, and he said, "ow yung amoy sunog na asukal" and i was like "no hala weh so— bakugo's sweat,,, " T_____T
tldr; bakugo smells like burnt sugar </3
Omggg HAHAHAH interesting topics nyo hmMMM oh! Dyk that sodium and postassium explodes in water?? 🤓🤓
Tumblr media
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cloudwaeve · 4 years
Bakugo Katsuki and nitroglycerin HC
He doesn't want people to get near him not only because he isn't mentally healthy but because he doesn't want people to figure out the side-effects of his sweat;
Nitroglycerin has a medical use as a vasodilator and to treat heart conditions, but its side effects can be headache, dizziness, weakness, fast heart rate, nausea, vomiting, flushing and rash too;
Nitroglycerin actually doesn't have a strong smell even if it actually does smell somewhat sweet (I researched a lot, but by seeing the amount of HC saying that it smells like burnt sugar, I'm still unsure about the results I got), so its difficult for people to even realise they are smelling it;
There was one time when Bakugo was still a kid, a few months after he presented his quirk. They were playing together (much like the kids were just following him. Deku was there too), but after some hours of playing some of the kids started to feel headaches and slowly went back to their houses;
Bakugo didn't care much but was still a bit bothered, so he talked about his dissatisfaction with his parents. This was when Mitsuki said his sweat is poison and someone might even die if they smell too much of it;
Bakugo was surprised and scared, but wouldn't admit it. Mitsukis intention wasn't bad but she did make one of the worst use of words to explain the situation to the kid. The very next day Bakugo started to act more intimidating in order to scare others away;
Bakugo doesn't want to deal with people who'd get literally poisoned by him (it makes him feel bad in so many ways) as much as he doesn't want people to find out that he himself experiences some of those side-effects sometimes;
Its his own quirk so his body changed to be able to handle it when he developed it, so most of the time he doesn't have any side-effects. But when he overuses it or gets sick, in the worst cases his lips and fingertips can turn blue and his throath won't make any sound because its too dry, he will feel nauseous and even forget who he is;
It came to happen just two times, though, and he won't ever let those times repeat again;
He has a concrete schedule to do everything he does at the exact same time (when possible) in order to always have control over his body and therefore never be sick;
He doesn't want people to get in his room because he knows it smells like nitroglycerin and that it does smells good, so people will want to smell more of it and there is when they can actually get intoxicated;
He doesn't considere himself such a good person to get out of his way like this just so that he can protect others. This sound like what Deku would do, and he knows damn well he is different from Deku (read this like a fact he himself knows. Like, he can't use the same path as Deku is using to be a hero, he is different from Deku, but not on a prejorative way anymore). He just doesn't want to deal with people getting sick around him because of him, it just scares him but he won't ever admit it;
He doesn't know that people can actually get used to nitroglycerin little by little and progressively become unafected.
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ftmfandomfics · 4 years
What I think the male characters of mha smell like
Izuku: Greenery and that smell just before it starts raining. Like when you’re walking through the woods and you get a deep breathe of fresh air.
Bakugou: Nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar (not caramel), and I think he would wear way too much expensive cologne in an attempt to cover it. It doesn’t work now he just smells like if a candy store and Aeropostale joined forces.
Kirishima: I think he smells like sweat and axe. It’s not that he doesn’t shower after working out, he just smells like sweat. You can decide if that’s a good or a bad thing.
Todoroki: I think hes worn the same expensive cologne since middle school. Probably something called ice lake or glacier. He also smells like ✨daddy issues✨
Kaminari: He smells like a Spencer’s. I can’t pin down what smell it is but specifically the body jewelry area. All of them smell the same. There must be like an air freshener they all use or something idk.
Tenya: Beef stew. I fully head cannon that he’s autistic and that beef stew is his safe food. This bitch smells like beef stew and control issues.
Shoji: Shoji is a minimalist so I don’t think he would use cologne or anything, but I think he would have an essential oil diffuser in his room so he smells like a mixture of herbs and citrus fruits.
Oijiro: I’ve seen other people say he smells like vanilla and I agree, but I also think he would have an earthy smell too. Like pine and vanilla, very unique but it smells amazing.
Tokoyami: Black pepper and papyrus, you can’t tell if he naturally smells that way or if it’s from the old books he reads. When dark shadow comes out the papyrus smell dissipates and is replaced by the smell of damp earth.
Sero: Dragons blood incense, Apollo axe body spray, and just a wiff of marijuana
Aoyama: He smells like setting powder, body glitter, and a VERY sweet perfume. Is almost hurts your nose.
Koda: He smells like his bunny, and bunnies smell similar to cats. I don’t mean their poop or anything, their fur. When he’s in his room he’s always holding or playing with his rabbit so he ends up smelling like it.
Sato: He smells like pastries which isn’t really surprising. But somehow he always smells like fresh baked bread and cherry pie. He even seems to radiate the warmth too.
Mineta: piss, desperation, and grape cough syrup.
Shinsou: Coffee and lavender, he also has an earthy musk that smells almost spicy.
Tetsutetsu: I know he uses old spice wolf thorn. Or like KrackenGaurrd or whatever. Something with a name that makes him feel manly 😭🥺
Inasa: He smells like old leather, parchment, and paprika. When he uses his quirk the paprika smells gets stronger. A very mild but spicy smell.
Mirio: He smells citrusy and warm, like fresh baked lemon bars. He also wears the bourbon body spray from bath and body works.
Tamaki: Tamaki doesn’t like drawing attention to himself so I don’t think he would purposely have a distinct smell, and you can’t really place his natural one. He smells like how it feels to take a deep breathe of cold air, it’s almost addictive.
All might: Clean linen and oak wood. I just think he would smell very fresh and warm. Like when you wake up before your alarm so you get to roll back over and go back to sleep.
Endeavor 🤢: Expensive cologne and ass. I don’t believe that this man wipes his ass, that’s gay. Also you can’t convince me that he showers purely because I don’t think he would fit. He thinks no one notices, they’re just too afraid to say anything.
Gang Orca: Orcas have really sensitive skin so I don’t think he could use any scented products, including cologne. But I feel like he might have a very faint smell of saltwater.
Aizawa: He wears a cologne that’s very spicy and musky but he won’t tell anyone what it is. He naturally has a very earthy smell that the cologne enhances.
Present Mic: Stay with me on this, I think he would wear a very sweet sugary perfume. I feel like Hizashi naturally smells very tangy and spicy, so adding that sugary smell makes him ever more irresistible.
Hound dog: I think he smells like a clean dog. He’s a person, just with a dog quirk, so he’s fully aware that dogs smell. He’s pretty self conscious honestly, he doesn’t smell he’s just really really worried he will.
Rock Lock: I think he smells like a cave. If you’ve ever been in one you know what I mean. That damp earthy smell with just a tiny hint of metallic or salt in the air. I’m not picking this just because of his name idk he gives me really strong but calm vibes.
Tiger: I can’t decide if he would wear cologne or not. If he did I think it’d be fruity or cinnamon. Maybe like spiced apple cider.
Keigo: Fried chicken. Not because of his quirk he just eats a lot of fried chicken. Also the type of guy to wear old spice with a really “epic” name.
Fatgum: He smells like the food court part of a carnival, and I don’t mean that as a bad thing. He smells really good, like a mixture of sweets, spices, and fried foods.
Tensei: I think he smells clean with a tiny bit of musk cologne as well. Doesn’t seem like the type of guy to wear really strong cologne.
Natsuo: He would also wear a cologne with a name like glacier because something like that would piss Enji off.
Overhaul: He smells like a doctors office. It’s not pleasant. Does he spray himself with disinfectant or does he just use so much that he smells like it?
Kendo: He smells like sweat but not body odor. He works for overhaul so I don’t think Kai would let him get away with smelling bad.
Tomura: The shiggy stans are gonna come for me, but he smells like a rotting fucking corpse. When’s the last time he showered? Also not to mention he’s an incel so he probably also smells like piss and cum. You know it’s the truth.
Touya: He also smells like rotting flesh but it’s not as bad. Fire kills bacteria. He can’t wear cologne because so much of his body is skin graphs, but maybe if he took care of them properly he at least wouldn’t smell like a morgue.
Twice: Ciggarettes and borderline pedophelia gin.
Spinner: Honestly I think he’s the only member of the league (other than Magne)that would actually have some type of self care. He doesn’t smell like anything, which in comparison to his partners is amazing.
I think I got everyone that people would want. I’ll do the girls later and I’m thinking of doing the atla and lok characters too. If I forgot someone you want just tell me and I’ll add them :).
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