#nip meme
velociraptrix · 2 years
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memesmadefullmetal · 2 months
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In case you have NO IDEA what this means, we’ve seen an influx of Hohenheim stans (many of them thirsty) on this blog (RIP our askbox) who we have lovingly dubbed Mr. Ho’s Hoes 😅
We want to know just how many of you there are out there so get voting! ⬆️
- Mod Mustang & Mod Hawkeye 🔥🦅
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captainkurosolaire · 2 months
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~ Cat Fix ~
<This is Existence.> (meows sophisticated)
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i used to do that when i was in school.. and not HJ and i having the same ring finger size.. 🥹 he has tiny hands. baby hands.
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scarefox · 1 month
me every time I see Taemin shirtless
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
AU Five Fun Facts game: Time travel AU
ONE: It takes them crossing paths four times for Alex to notice that Henry keeps popping up in all the timelines he visits. (Henry, perhaps unsurprisingly, notices Alex straight away.)
TWO: The first time they have a real conversation, Alex notes that he would have known Henry's a time traveller even without having seen him everywhere from 1872 to 2039, just because of the way he speaks. (When he finds out Henry was born in 1997, he chokes on his drink.)
THREE: Alex loves the adventure of it all. Henry is looking for an escape. Henry gives Alex a reason to slow down and appreciate the smaller things; Alex gives Henry something to run towards instead of away from.
FOUR: Henry kisses Alex for the first time in Stonewall, right before Stonewall, full of fury at the world and unable to tell the people around him what will come of that night.
FIVE: Long after they settle down in their own timeline, Alex never stops suggesting that they travel back to one or both of their younger selves and try to initiate a threesome.
[Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story.]
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9n9rchist · 4 months
Your answer may be "because I want" but what's the real point of hiding your nipples? By perpetuating this taboo you're not doing any favors to all the women who have been arrested or charged with public indecency, disturbing the peace, or lewd behavior for baring their breasts in public.
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chthonicmoons · 7 months
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not to be bisexual but oh my fucking god. oh my god. jesus fucking christ
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tweedfrog · 2 years
AITA [M39] for marrying my neice [F23] one day after my second wife's funeral [F27] ? My brother [M43] is really angry but he married my neices best friend [F16 when they married] who was also clearly in love with my neice so he's got no room to talk.
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dragetunge · 9 days
Having three brainrots at the same time is weird.
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nyan-fae · 1 month
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💖Good Luck, Bubs!💖
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diemauergone · 5 months
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@flmed : you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war. (for lena.. transfer talk? transfer talk)
                            he  wasn't  the  first  manager  to  approach  her  with  such  a  generous  offer.  she  had  a  year  left  of  her  contract  ,  so  yeah  ,  it  was  about  that  time  more  of  them  came  around.  though  ,  aside  from  bayern  wanting  to  keep  her  –  he  had  made  such  an  offer  that  beat  most  everyone  outside  of  her  current.   eyebrow  raised  as  she  sat  across  from  him.  "  despite  my  most  recent  doing  that  landed  me   missing  two  games  ?  "   no  doubt  ,  lena  had  a  habit  of  being  overly  aggressive  on  the  pitch.  everyone  knew  it.  which  the  game  against  wolfsburg  had  been  rather  tense.  and  her  heated  argument  with  the  ref  showed  it.  even  after  some  of  her  teammates  made  an  attempt  to  calm  her  down.  she  still  managed  to  be  a  bit  mouthy.   small  grin  formed  though  as  she  kept  green  orbs  on  the  man.  "  i  appreciate  that.  i  do  though  –  "  she  trailed  off  leaning  forward.  "  i'm  not  sure  arsenal  would  be  a  fit  for  me.   i've  only  ever  played  in  this  league.  and  let's  be  real  here  –  both  leagues  are  different.  in  their  own  rights.   one  lacks  what  the  other  has.  vice  versa.  my  luck  ,   i  wouldn't  do  so  hot  there.  playing styles differences and what not . " 
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
What an excellent fucking question that I feel a LOT of pressure to answer well!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Write what you want to write. This is probably something that sounds obvious, but I think it's easy to fall into the trap of writing what you think people want to read. And it's a very understandable impulse (god knows I do it lol) but when you're starting out I think there's a lot of value in writing the tropes/characters/pairings/whatever that YOU vibe with the most.
Tropes are tropes for a reason. Do not fall into the trap of "oh, I shouldn't write a soulmate fic/there was only one bed/a coffee shop AU because lots of those already exist in this fandom". They exist because people LOVE THEM and are always keen for more cake.
Make friends! Join a discord server, drag your irl friends into fandom, whatever works for you. Fandom is a wonderful, collaborative space and I can't imagine doing it on my own.
Everything's made up and the points don't matter. And by 'the points' I mean kudos/hits/etc. And I'll be the first to admit that this is not advice I'm good at taking for myself 🤣 but I know for a FACT that some of the fics I've worked the hardest on and poured the most of myself into are the ones that have gotten less attention. There are some incredible hidden gems I've found when joining a new fandom with fuckall kudos that are absolutely amazing. Please, please don't get demoralised. Keep writing. ❤️
[Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask]
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
obviously Goncharov (1973) is way more popular here on the hellsite than say, Reddit, but what makes us the best Goncharov fandom is we refuse to take it seriously
the film bros over in r/goncharov are stroking their beards arguing about which is cut is The Best One and cataloguing every make and model of timepiece that appears onscreen, meanwhile we're out here making pizza memes and photoshopping Valery's butt crack longer and longer until it goes all the way up to his shoulder blades
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2 Men 1 Tesla Coil
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Warning. Highly cursed. Smut is towards the end mostly. Direct sequel to this but can be read as stand alone. https://www.tumblr.com/sailorsenshishitposter/741029367625482241/femboys-2-electric-boogaloo?source=share
It was decided then. Sundowner was going to learn what a power bottom was. The two men met up the following night. They decided to go to a hotel since Sam could still be heard sobbing throughout the building. "What is with that guy? He plays VR chat once and now suddenly everything is about him needing to cry to my heart will go on? Disgusting."
Monsoon finished rambling only to find Sundowner laying on the bed while eating a bag of Cheetos. "What are you doing?" The other man opened his jaw and ate the contents in one gulp. Burp "waiting for the movie to start." Monsoon frowned. "Its not another one of Sam's suggestions is it?"
"Course not! I asked the guy at the video store what all the gay fellas are watching and he suggested this one." Before the cyborg could even ponder about how a DVD rental chain was still open, the opening credits started. Sundowner then grabbed the man and forced him on to the bed, snuggling him. Well this was new.
Just as Monsoon had tried to hide his blushing cheeks the dialog could be heard. "Sometimes, I pull so hard, I rip the skin-" It was now ten minutes later. The television had been destroyed by a flying sai and one could hear loud screaming in Khmer. "FROM NOW ON YOU WILL READ THE CASE TO CHECK FOR 'STARRING STEVE RAMBO'!"
Sundown lowered his head in embarrassment. "Will do." He realized the best thing to do was to calm down. "Got any smokes?" Sundowner asked. "That depends. How do you feel about red phosphorus?" An hour later and the two men were higher than the length of the ending cutscenes of metal gear solid 4. "This reminds me of the time I took so much benadryl and was visited by the hat man. Good times were had, I tell ya what."
Monsoon had a higher tolerance to the smoke so he wasn't as severely affected. "Dude. What in the hell are you talking about?" He would give the other man a judging look if he had the eyes to do so. "Y'know. Hat man!" Monsoon had no idea what the man was talking about. "You've lost your mind..."
And with that Sundowner ran into the bathroom and locked himself in. The cyborg sighed. "Stop being such a baby! I already learned to stop crying by the time I was seven so stop being so dramatic!" More sniffling could be heard. "Ugh. If I say I'm sorry will you come out?" The crying stopped for a moment. "Maybe."
"How about this? I'll have the lab department create you that dog you love so much. What was his name? Handbanana?" The door then burst wide open. "YIPEE!" Sundowner jumped on the bed canon ball style and violent shaking could be felt through the whole building.
Monsoon then sat down next to him and patted the mans bald head. "You know what? I think I'm ready to know what a power bottom is!" The cyborg grinned. "Wonderful. Let's get started." Monsoon then went on in full detail about the meaning of a power bottom and every gay slang terminology one could think of.
"Wow. You find out something new every day, huh?" Monsoon grabbed a book out. "This is my favorite novel. Let's move on to the foreplay!" They ended up reading the selfish gene in its entirety. Sundowner didn't understand a word of it but he enjoyed hearing the other man moan when talking about memes.
"So how do we do this?" It was Sundowners first time with another man. "We use my electromagnetism to our advantage. You enter inside me and it will be like we've become a tesla coil." Sundowner was confused. "What's that?" Monsoon sighed. "Just shut up and get on with it already..." Sundowner was about to put it in when he remembered something important.
"Wait! What about protection?" Monsoon threw something towards him. "I've got it covered." It turns out that it was a condom made of tinfoil. "Alright! Three..., two...., one...." And blast off. Sundowner was trying to enjoy the feeling when he noticed something was off. "Monsoon? Babe ya okay?"
The cyborg started violent shaking. "NOT ENOUGH MEMORY IN STORAGE". Sundowner pulled out like a slip and slide. "THE HELL?" He went to make sure the other man was alright. "Sorry about that. I guess you're bigger than I assumed you would be. But don't worry, we just need to make more room." Monsoon then gave him two USB sticks. "This should give us more memory. Insert them right here." His chest plate moved to reveal two USB ports where his nipples should be.
Sundowner plugged them in and then twisted them like a key causing Monsoon to let out a loud hentai style moan. Sundowners penis than began to harden more than Armstrong's nanomachines. "Hot!" Then he rammed inside and shouted "IT'S MY HOLE! IT WAS MADE FOR ME!" Monsoon couldn't get enough. "C'mon, I can take it!"
Sundowner somehow went even deeper, causing Monsoon's eye socket wires to burst out and push off his mask. They were both close to finishing. Soon the Alabama man screamed "AND IT WILL CUM!" finally climaxing. This caused the other man to release, his snail like protrusions twisting into hearts.
As they both rested they soon heard a beep. "What's that?" Monsoon blushed. "My battery is low. You better hook me up to an outlet." Sundowner then carried the man bridal style all the way to the kitchen counter and placed him on top of it. "Hope this works..." He took out his phone charger and plugged it into the wall outlet. Then he saw the two USB nipples protruding. 'Well I gotta take those out I guess..."
Five minutes later and Monsoon was now charging. "This goes without saying but I think we're going to need to leave soon. I'm not paying for the damage we caused to our hotel room." Sundowner shushed him. "No need darlin'. I've got it covered." He then slammed down a large stack of cash. The cyborg zoomed in on what he was seeing. "Where did you obtain this?"
Sundowner grinned. "Why monopoly of course! I can't believe they just let you take it all!" Monsoon then stared into the ceiling, contemplating his life choices.
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