#niola chen
runicmagitek · 5 years
Promise (Lillian Platt drabble - Transistor)
Lillian promised to permanently block off Wednesdays for Niola. She was the refreshing breath of air Lillian needed come the middle of the work week. And yet she sat cradling her cappuccino while staring at the untouched hazelnut latte opposite her. The steam vanished, then the lunch rush, all oblivious to the vibrant woman missing at Lillian's table.
Not once did she sip her own drink. Not until Niola showed up. It wasn't until the sun dipped into the horizon that Lillian pried herself away from the window table, discarded both drinks, and lost herself to the sea of pedestrians.
[also on AO3]
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runicmagitek · 5 years
Knowledge (Lillian Platt drabble - Transistor)
(( double drabble, because I really like the idea of these two becoming friends ))
Lillian shoved a grilled sandwich in her mouth, barely tasting it, let alone notice someone looming beside her.
"Mind if I sit here?"
Lillian scanned the woman balancing coffee and pastries in one hand.
"Every table's full, but I won't be any trouble." She lifted her terminal. "Have deadlines to meet."
"Don't mind at all."
She pushed up her glasses with a grin. "Oh, thank you!"
The mutual silence, save for the diligent typing, offered comforting solidarity. It helped when the woman matched Lillian's work ethic, at least from looks alone.
And then she groaned. "I swear, there's not enough coffee in Cloudbank to survive this day."
Lillian smirked. "To my knowledge, that's why there's wine."
The woman cackled. "You too?"
"Monthly operations report due by midnight. I'm pulling teeth to gather last-minute data."
"I hear you. I'm begging for signatures on this ordinance for a new vote. Also for midnight. I might be here longer than lunch."
"Well, if you close shop with me, I know a bar down the street with a good merlot."
The woman smirked and tilted her head. "What's your name again?"
"Lillian Platt."
She extended a hand and Lillian firmly accepted it. "Niola Chein."
[also on AO3]
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runicmagitek · 5 years
Transformation (Lillian Platt drabble - Transistor)
They met in between deadlines and conference calls for wine or coffee. Niola contrasted Lillian's cold, analytical eye with warm charisma while Lillian's data bolstered Niola's campaigns. Two sides of the same coin working together to strengthen Cloudbank.
"You ever wonder what would fall apart if you hadn't stepped in?" Lillian asked one night.
Niola laughed and adjusted her glasses. "I used to. All the time." She raised her drink. "Then I met you. So here's to something new—a transformation even the polls won't erase."
Lillian grinned and tapped her drink against Niola's. "A transformation no one will forget."
[also on AO3]
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