#ninjago garmaon
art-i-sticks · 2 years
Okay, I'm a silly Billy and I LOVE the Excnaged Fate AU atm so now I GOTTA ask quite a few questions (feel free 2 take yr time answering!!!!)
What's up w the SoG in this AU? Are they a thing? Do they still worship Garmadon because HE destroyed the Devourer? Do they plan to like, use the Oni Masks to bring his Oni side out of him?
Does Garmadon get baby-ified in s8? Does he reunite with Ray in s7?
Do the ninja still go to the First Realm?
How does Garmaon react to Morro?
This is a long one soooo answers under the cut!
1. What’s up with the SoG in this AU? Are they a thing? Do they still worthship Garmadon because HE destroyed the Devourer? Do they plan to like, use the Oni Masks to bring his Oni side out of him?
Ding ding ding! I can answer every part of that question with a yes!
At the beginning of season 8, The SoG attack Garmadon in an attempt to capture him. They fail, terribly. As a result of this the ninja team and Garmadon are extra alert of the SoG.
I imagine the team probably tries to protect Garmadon through the season, since they've figured he’s targeted. This is despite the fact that he’s like, one of the most powerful people in Ninjago atm. I just find it a wholesome way for the team to show off that they care about him, plus it potentially makes for some hilarity considering they’re trying to protect the son of the creator of Ninjago, someone with heritage from both creation and destruction, a man who was a warlord in the past and has actually killed a god before.
With all that said the SoG…
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Do eventually get him.
2. Does Garmadon get baby-ified in s8? Does he reunite with Ray in s7?
Garmadon actually does not get baby-ified, so I’m glad you asked! I don’t imagine Garmadon treading many of Wu’s steps in s7 because, while Garmadon fills Wu’s role as master to the ninjas, they’re not the same characters. One of the things that is changed because of that, is that no master is lost in time in s7.
With that, yeah, Garmadon reunites with Ray and Maya in s7!
Also, baby Wu is in s8. Yeah, that’s how we bring him back. I couldn’t keep him dead forever, I’m too much of a softy for that. I may be a Garmadon fan first, but I'm a Spinjitzu Brothers fan second.
3. Do the ninja still go to the First Realm?
Yeah! And they got one extra!
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Lloyd is in shambles.
4. How does Garmadon react to Morro?
Terribly, as one may expect. Season 5 is really not Garmadon's season when it comes to having a nice time.
Garmadon is powerless to save his son. He can't fight Morro, because then he'd be harming his son; but every second he does nothing, Lloyd is suffering. It's a perfect concoction of torture for him. One I intend to exploit thoroughly.
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NInjago AU- Ninjago but it was Autistic!Lloyd's coping mechanism for real life
I'm inspired by that one Harry Potter headcanon where they said Hogwarts was a coping fantasy for Harry so yeah time to get gritty.
Garmadon is an abusive father in the fact that he has anger management issues. So sometimes he's really kind with Lloyd but sometimes he isn't. It got worst after Misako left the family. Lloyd was using the analogy of 'great devourer blood' as an explanation as to why his father was turning evil.
Darkley's School for Bad Boys is just your average Elementary school where they were a bit more mean to Lloyd because he's essentially parentless
In sometime Lloyd leaves his own home because he's scared of Garmadon and goes to his uncle. His uncle takes him in. Now, his uncle is a martial arts teacher and actually has 4 top students: Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole.
The green ninja prophecy was just a thing that Lloyd used to illustrate the 4 fighting each other in order to become Wu's protege and inherit the dojo as well as Wu's technique.
Lloyd have actually met the 'ninja' is Juvenile / tuition and he starts to form a bond with them outside of the dojo. Inside, he's getting trained.
Wu finally told them all that Lloyd was going to inherit the dojo, because he felt that he was slowly nearing death's edge. The great devourer analogy is used here as well.
Evil business corporates, which Kai calls 'snakes', which transforms them into snakes in Lloyd's mind, tries to get the land back from the dojo. So S1 culminates into Wu dying and Garmadon managing to save the dojo.
Of course, the 'ninja' didn't want Lloyd to move back with Garmadon. S2 E1 happens pretty similarly in real life, where the ninja try to find jobs to support Lloyd as well as a good living space for him, because whilst Garmadon had saved the dojo, Wu hadn't written a will and his house is given back to the government.
Throughout S2, the Ninja are fighting a legal battle in order to keep Lloyd from Garmadon. It all ends when Lloyd tells the court that he'd rather be with the Ninja.
Tomorrow's tea is also an analogy as to how Lloyd feels more grown up himself, and in this AU Lloyd just matured by understanding that Garmadon doesn't provide a safe home for him.
Zane actually died in S3. It wasn't a computer virus, but rather, a real life one. Lloyd actually spent some time with his father because of quarantine and the ninja not being able to live together. But Zane couldn't die to a virus! The robot joke cemented Zane as a 'robot' in Lloyd's mind. Rather, Zane just had high functioning autism and the ninja didn't understand it at first but quickly realised what was going on.
I like to think of S4 as an analogy of Lloyd entering middle chool, and he was just sitting for an exam, trying to beat out other students and thinking of the principal/teacher of the school, 'Mr Chen', as the true villain because whoever was setting the questions was evil. He actually works together with his classmates to prepare for the exam and found that by working together, he got a higher grade. He still sees Zane, unable to ccept his death. S4 is also the death of the 'good' Garmadon, and Lloyd's accepted that his kind father was no more.
S5 is just Lloyd dealing with his trauma and abuse. He too may display signs of anger management issues. Lloyd calls this angry side of him 'Morro', and Cole feels like he has bipolar disorder, so they get him diagnose and on meds. Slowly, Lloyd feels the influence of Morro draining out of him, such as Morro not possessing Lloyd as much. He feels like Morro has disappeared, but really, it's just him accepting himself.
S6 was just a weird dream Lloyd had, he must have been asked too many questions by Jay about relationships with Nya since Lloyd is seen as Kai's younger brother.
S7 was just Nya and Kai dealing with their parental issues , aka news that their missing parents were found. Krux and Acronix were kidnappers and held them captive for years.
S8, now that is, ooh. Harumi is a girl Lloyd has a crush on in middle school, and Lloyd's heard rumours that his dad would do anything to get him back. 'Sons of Garmadon' was born through too many ruours and Lloyd just refers to that as a simplification of everything that was happening. He didn't know that Harumi was a trap set by his father, and when he tried to escape by fighting his father he couldn't win. he was sent to the hospital.
Unfortunately, Garmaodn had become a very influential person and sent Kai, Jay, and Cole (and Zane, Lloyd's mind supplies) overseas for their work. This left Nya shielding Lloyd. Together with Skylor, Kai's friend and crush, and PIxal, Zane's girlfriend, they try to tough through the extreme legal battles in order for Lloyd to remain separate.
S9 ending is just Lloyd making his father understand his decision to not go with him. With the fight draining out of him, Garmadon turns himself into the police, trying not to hurt Lloyd anymore.
S10 is the final legal battle where Lloyd tries to remain with the 'ninja'. The oni are Garmadon's workers and now find themselves out of a job. Of course they look to Lloyd for the heir to a Mafia that Garmadon was head of. Lloyd and his father have to work things out legally, and the years away from the other person caused the air between them both to be very awkward. They didn't understand each other at all.
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