#ningguang Genshin
owlelight · 1 month
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more genshin art finallyy
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venshuko · 9 months
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✶  🌸  ˚  ningguang and ganyu graphics art: yemsao/yeetoldy
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Monthly special: Variable Barricade crossover!
I'm finally done with it! For now it doesn't differ much from the game, really I was rewriting the scenes more than anything but I'm glad it's finally done. It might be weird for now but honestly I just can't wait to get to write the romance!
Taglist: @audre-falrose
If you want to join the taglist just send an ask or dm me!
Reader here is female and has established background.
Cw: Age gap (Reader is 18 and the ladies are ages 20-24)
Next chapter =>
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A young woman from a wealthy family always seeks a spouse who is of an equal status or preferably higher. At least that's what you always liked to believe…
As the only heir of the L/N family, you had your fair share of responsibilities. Marriage just happened to be on the higher priority list. It was expected of you. You had to pick yourself a man or allow your family to pick him for you.
It was a lot to agree to, given you never had any interest in men. Oh how you remember those meetings with businessmen who tried to match you with their sons. While not all of them were that bad it didn't change the fact that you ever only saw yourself beside a woman.
But you can't have everything in this world, so you've accepted the fact that your love life might never be fulfilling to you.
… but you were never so clueless about the upcoming storm.
Part one: chapter 1- Engagement at the first sight.
"Good morning miss Y/N" your maid greeted you with a practiced smile.
"Good morning"
"I've prepared your bag for today, is there anything else you require?"
"No, that will be all. Thank you" taking your bag you realized that it's slightly heavier than normal, but it's likely due to the extra materials you had prepared for the start of the semester. As a soon to be heir you've attended a prestigious school, it almost feels weird how close you are to graduation- where all of your actual responsibilities will begin.
Before your mind drifted away fully you've heard a familiar voice "Good morning my lady, I trust you're ready for school? You still have a few more minutes before we have to go" turning around you saw Thoma. He was one of many servants, but he was unlike all of them. He was your true ally… but even if you hold him in such high regard he had recently abandoned you as soon as your vacation had started. Granted his trip was purely to perfect his skills as a butler, but he still decided to hide his information from you until the very moment of his departure. So naturally you were mad at him, while being happy to see him at the same time.
"Good morning to you too Thoma" you looked at him, more glared almost like you wanted to tell him that he should've come to greet you earlier and that you were still mad about what he had hidden from you. He of course immediately caught on.
"I'm not sure how many times must I apologize to you miss, but I only wish for you to understand that-"
"Yes, I'm aware that grandfather had arranged it" you cut him off, as you heard this explanation before on more than one occasion. You definitely could see that villain plot something just to inconvenience you- but that's just how your grandfather was. Always ready to make your life ever so harder.
"I'm quite flattered that you missed me so much, but can we please move past it?" of course he was right about you missing him but all you could say was "It's not about me missing or not missing you, it's how you abandoned your duties without notice" although your words were harsh Thoma could see right through you, he always did but he didn't have a habit of arguing with you about your intentions "I see, in that case I stand corrected" although his smile was polite you could feel the smugness behind it. Almost like he was saying "we both know you're lying" but not in a very malicious way.
He knew that you felt hurt, betrayed even but there was nothing he could do when it was your grandfather's orders. It would be nice if someone took your feelings over orders though “No matter what my reasons are, I’m sure you agree that you ought to make it up to me” you said as your mood got a little brighter.
"Naturally, I don't intend to leave like that again so it shouldn't be a problem" he affirmed before continuing "We should get moving now, you wouldn't want to be late now would you?" there was no room for a disagreement from you so the two of you left your family estate.
After getting in the car there was only silence. The atmosphere wasn't tense at all, yet you felt like something big was going to happen today. Thoma had avoided your gaze which made you wonder if he wasn't hiding anything from you again. Last time when he had that trip planned he also tried to avoid looking at you, so you became a little suspicious "Thoma?" you got his attention "Yes my lady?"
"Do we have anything scheduled for today? I was hoping to go out with Ayaka" you knew asking directly was pointless but you made sure to emphasize "we", it was so he knew that you planned to take him with you like any other time.
"I'm afraid today won't work, master L/N wanted to speak with you today. My apologies for not mentioning it sooner, but I thought it'd save you some stress while at school" he sighed as you knew that he felt bad for you. You froze in place as you thought about having to deal with that old man "Do you have any idea what that might be about?" you asked, trying to hide your distaste "I do, but I was asked to not mention it to you" he said equally disappointed. Of course nobody had to know if he told you right here and there, but knowing what he knew he definitely didn't want to be the one to break it to you.
You sighed and before you knew it you were at the academy. It was an all girls school, where everyone comes from rich and influential families. You politely exchanged greetings to each girl you've passed. You didn't know them all but you knew better than to ignore them.
"Good morning Y/N" finally you were greeted by a familiar face "Good morning to you too Ayaka"
"You seem worried, is something on your mind?"
"I'll have to wonder all day what my grandfather is plotting" you sighed heavily. To give you some comfort Ayaka placed her hand on your shoulder "I'm sure you'll be alright. I don't think there's anything he can say that you can't handle"
"Let's just hope you're right…" it's not that you had no faith in yourself. It's more that it's him you're dealing with.
"You know, your grandfather isn't such a villain. From the times I've spoken to him nothing seems to make him out half as evil as you make him out to be" you heard that from more than one person whenever they know what you think of him. You thought if anyone- Ayaka would be different.
"Perhaps because he meets levels of basic decency with guests?" it was but a common sense to not disrespect members of the Kamisato family.
"How about Thoma? How does your grandfather treat him?" she asked, but she looked like she already knew the answer.
You on the other hand weren't exactly sure "You'd have to ask him yourself" to Ayaka you aren't a perfect liar, so she'd easily see through all of that. So making up an answer wouldn't do you any good.
"Well, at least they have one in common" she smiled and all you could do is look at her confused.
"And what could that be? How can a rude old man be compared to someone like Thoma?"
"Both of them certainly care much about your well being. You may not believe it but each time I chat with your grandfather he'd talk about you. And not in a way you'd assume"
"Oh really? I'd have to hear it to believe it"
"Of course he has a habit of throwing the word ''foolish'' pretty often. But besides that little detail I think anyone can agree that he doesn't mean any harm to you. Honestly I envy how casually you can speak to him"
"I wouldn't call arguments ''casual speech''"
"I suppose we just have different view on the matter" she looks away and when things were getting a little awkward she said "Regardless, I think you shouldn't worry so much about what he has to say"
You stood up to each challenge the universe had in stock for you for today. It allowed you to feel more confident about today's meeting. But as the day wasn't over so were your challenges.
There was a big commotion outside "What's going on over there?" you wondered "I have no idea" Ayaka looked just as confused as you "Nobody does. All we know is that there are four women by the gate, they all look so classy! I wonder what they are looking for" a student joined your conversation.
No matter what their business was, you had to go back home so you went towards the gate. You saw the ladies and they seem to have their eyes on you. When you were close enough to approach they all blocked your path. Before you could ask them what's going on they all took out roses and all of them said "Marry me" at the same time.
"Did you hear that?" "Did they say marry?" "I didn't know L/N had such tastes…" and other whispers could be heard from the students who all watched the situation unfold.
You didn't know what to say- but then again you weren't proposed to a bunch of gorgeous women on a daily basis. After taking a moment you were able to respond "Is this some kind of a joke… or a uh… misunderstanding maybe? Surely you all didn't just propose to me" you tried to be as calm as you could get.
"My, my the old guy was right- your reaction would be priceless indeed" one of them said, she had light pink hair the rose she was holding had almost the same color.
"To think you'd be so cold about the rejection, I can't let that slide. I'll have my vengeance" the one that had threatened you had beautiful golden eyes the rose she held was a strong shade of red.
"Although I should feel relieved at my rival dropping her chances this early, I insist that you'll stop yourself from making such threats miss Eula" another one spoke up. She was dressed the most formally among the group and her rose was white and elegant much like herself.
"You're making a scene here, the poor girl must be so confused" the last one finally spoke. She had a mysterious aura around her much like a dark purple rose she was holding. Although it was nice that she took your feelings into consideration you still had no idea what was happening.
You looked around trying to notice some hidden cameras or something that'd indicate that what's happening to you is just some sick joke. Or at least you were hoping to see Thoma- who could get you out of here.
“What are you looking for? If you think it’s some prank you’re mistaken my dear, everything you see here is very much real” the first one spoke up again. Her speaking so bluntly helped you adjust to the reality, you definitely can handle such forward strangers “May I ask who are you ladies exactly? Could you please tell me how you know me and what’s the meaning behind your sudden proposal? Do you even have permission to be here in the first place?” you said as you were surprised nobody reacted to strangers blocking the gate without any problems from the security.
"Alright then let's start with a simple introduction" the woman who earlier tried to put herself in your shoes spoke but before anyone could follow that you heard "I believe that won't be necessary" turning around you saw Thoma who continued "There will be plenty of time for that later. Miss Y/N, we must get going" he turned to the women "As for you, we'll meet at our arranged spot" he definitely knew what was going on. But before you made yourself into any bigger fool you waited until you got into a car.
"Before you lash out on me I told Master that it was a terrible idea" he said equally as annoyed as you were "I can't believe it! He really went through that knowing how you'd react" that was surprising, you don't usually see Thoma snap like this. He cleared his throat "But I suppose he'll explain everything to you once we get back to the estate" with that you stayed quiet. You were just speechless. Not only because of what happened but also because of how Thoma handled it. You don't remember seeing him this angry before.
Upon your arrival the silence still wasn't broken. You went ahead to meet with your grandfather, with each step you knew that whatever he had planned you're not going to like what you're about to hear.
"Y/N it's been a while" he said almost like he was proud of his little plan.
"It wasn't long enough" you said coldly.
"Haha! Wanted more time to miss me?"
"Indeed I did, perhaps that way I'd be able to forget how exhausting it is to talk to you" although it's annoying sometimes talking to your grandfather has proven to be a good practice for when someone tries to get on your nerves, at least it's easier to react without losing yourself.
But your sarcastic attacks have ended and with it silence filled the room. You felt tense and you had waited for him to explain himself but losing your temper and focus now will only lead to his victory. You can't possibly allow that "Well then, what was the reason for you to see me?"
"Didn't you figure it out already? I want you to tell me what do you think of the four women I chose for you" blunt as always. He always has to hit you with such a lack of tact. His voice was impatient but you were only surprised to hear that he was the one who chose your suitors.
"Excuse me…?" you panicked as you connected the dots. He knew. He knew without you ever telling him.
"I trust they were all to your liking? I'm sure you at least agree that they are beautiful indeed" his smug smile knew no bounds.
"Just wait a moment! What was the reason for you choosing women as my possible marriage candidates!?" this definitely was a joke on his part, a way to taunt you. Perhaps he set that up as a reminder that he had chosen for you and you had no say in the matter, you were only allowed a choice. The first wave was just a prank and the actual candidates might be some guys. That must be it!
"Did I read the signs wrong? Do you want me to match you with men instead?" this threw your possible theory out of the window.
"Yes!... I mean… not exactly… Just think what scandals might arise from that!" although you were happy about not being matched with men, you were still bothered by the entire situation so maybe if you bring it up it'll save you some time. That way you may be able to find someone on your own.
"Oh please we're not in the times where such things matter anymore. I thought I was supposed to be the old fashioned one" the way he said it made your blood boil. He never could take your concerns seriously now could he?
"Alright, I see your point… how long did you know?" you wanted to know how obvious you were. Perhaps he was more observant and caring than you thought. After all, he did you a huge favor by finding those ladies.
"I'd say quite a lot. I thought I was doing you a favor by sending you to an all girls school, but of course you'd miss an occasion like that. You could find yourself quite a bride but since you took your sweet time I had to step in" to say it made you mad is saying little.
"What do you mean by that? WHO asked something like that of you!? I certainly didn't. It's far too early for me!" you lost it. Everything felt so scary since your future is about to be decided at this very moment. All your grandfather did was sigh "I thought you already were aware that for you finding a suitable spouse is important"
"I do but I believe I have the right to make that choice on my own at my own time!" at least that's what you were told.
"And how would you go about it? By refusing to speak to anyone who isn't a business associate like you always do?" although you didn't want to agree, he was right about your total lack of social skills. As you didn't respond to his question he continued "Look, you don't have to make this choice right now. You'll have plenty of time to get accustomed to them and you can have a lot of time before you come to your final choice. Not only that if you wish to have someone else as your possible suitor just say the word and it'll be arranged" he sounded much less condescending now but after that he stood up to leave "Whatever you do the choice is yours to make"
You stayed in the room in silence, thinking over everything you discussed. Your train of thought however was stopped by Thoma who just entered “So… How did it go?” he was awfully casual but you didn’t mind it at that moment. You needed that, honestly if he asked you in some trained butler way or whatever you'd honestly lose it "You can probably imagine… not very well. I need to rest" you just wanted to go to your room and let this day be over with just so you could think it through. But you'd seen the awkward look on his face and you knew that you won't be done with today's disappointments “I’m afraid the surprises aren’t over yet for you my lady, from this day forward you won’t be living here”
"... What?" you weren't ready for something like that. You didn't even have the energy to say anything more.
"A vacation home is prepared where you'll live with the suitors" with that you recall him mentioning arranged spot. It made you realize that perhaps you knew all along what will happen next but you were just hoping to deny it…
You stood in front of a vacation home. Still in shock you had no clue what to say, you weren't here before so Thoma started to tell you about it. He sounded like he wanted to calm you down "The building has three floors. The first one is a common area, second is your suitors' rooms, where the third floor can only be accessed by us" it didn't help much but knowing you'll have some privacy was making the situation from totally unbearable to slightly less totally unbearable "I know it's tough but you must understand that escaping reality will not solve the issue"
"I know that… it's just…" you were too frustrated to find the words.
"If anything happens you know you can talk to me. I'll make sure you'll feel safe so should any of those women try anything I'll see to it that they'll be gone" he reassured you "Now, follow me" inviting you to follow him was like a gentle push into the unknown, then again you won't be alone at any point. So taking a deep breath you go inside.
"Before… uhm… I go to them… can I at least go to my room and change?" you found excuse with your uniform. Thoma smiled at you but before he said anything you heard footsteps.
"Greetings, I heard the door open so I thought it'd be nice to say hi" the girl standing in front of you had dark hair, if you remember correctly it was the one holding the purple rose. Regardless you were still a little stressed "Seems I had a bad timing… sorry about that. I'll let the others know and we'll wait for you okay?" she waited for your response but all you could do was nod. It seems like she didn't need anything more. After she left you asked Thoma to show you to your room where you got ready to see your suitors.
"Look who's finally here" the woman with pink hair said with a teasing voice.
"It took a while but it sure was worth the wait. After all seeing such a gem is a treat" although all of the ladies changed that one still remained in rather elegant and formal clothing.
"At least you didn't run away this time" the one who had threatened you before seemed annoyed. But such remarks made you feel the same. It wasn't that you ran away, you were forced to leave! But who is she to judge you anyways?
"It's good to see you aren't as nervous" the one who greeted you by the door smiled but her bringing that up caused the first lady to giggle "Oh that wasn't fair how you got to get to greet Y/N in our place. I definitely would love to see the look on her face now that you mention it"
"What can I say, I was the first one to get there on time"
"It was more that you left without any of us noticing" it seemed like an argument was going to burst out at any moment.
"Let's get to introductions, shall we?" Thoma finally spoke up.
"I'm Eula, you better not forget it" she didn't waste a moment to introduce herself. Considering her behavior towards you so far you wonder what she is doing here in the first place.
"Miko, but soon you'll get the privilege to call me your wife" you finally had a name to connect to that smug smile she displayed so far. She could see that her remark wasn't exactly serious but you could tell that she was here to "win".
"My name is Ningguang. I hope our odd circumstances won't make it hard for you to talk to me" she, just like Miko looked like she was here to "win" but her behavior towards you was different. She was less cocky but not any less confident.
"You can call me Yelan, you'll have to wait to learn more about me later though" from the four she seemed the most concerned about your situation. At the same time she wasn't open about herself at all. Perhaps it was a strategy for you to get interested in her.
But listening to all those introductions it felt awfully weird how all of them were so casual about the whole situation. They also seemed rather close even though they aren't living together for long.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but have you always been friends?"
"Not at all, but after living for a month you could say we got close. Still having Thoma around did make things easier" Yelan said and you immediately glared at Thoma.
"So you lied to me after all!" you didn't take even a second to call him out.
"I'm truly sorry but I couldn't-!"
"Now dear, no need to start an argument here. I'm sure you can tell he had no choice in the matter" Miko was right. But it didn't take away your shock- yet she continued "Let's just calm down okay? I know you're confused but all of us need to adjust to the situation. Of course our circumstances aren't the same but I say we make the best of it"
"Exactly, I'm sure you will pleasantly surprised once you get to know us" Yelan added
"If any of them will be too pushy I'll make sure to kick them out for you" Eula said, although Thoma said just the same thing earlier.
"The only person being pushy right now is you. Give her a breathing room, would you?" although Ningguang was talking to Eula, she was looking at you.
Now that you think of it all of them are looking at you. Perhaps they think that what they've said gained them some points in some made up game where you react positively to their words. You just stood there dazed as you realized that you are now but a prize to be won by these women.
After that conversation you went back to your room. Your brain jumps from one topic to another. You never felt this lost. You looked at your phone and remembered that there is one person you can rely on right now. Unlike Thoma, Ayaka won't have any classified information and she surely will listen to you. As you were about to call her you heard a knock on your door "My lady?" the only one who could be there was Thoma. You were still mad at him and you thought it'd be a good time to ignore him. Either that or you'd give him a piece of your mind. After all, your previous argument was cut short. So after thinking of the pros and cons of letting him in- you open the door.
Of course knowing him he didn't come empty handed, he had a tray with tea and your favorite snacks. With an apologetic smile you knew he was trying, but he needed to try more than that to make you forgive him.
"Don't I deserve an explanation first? Or do you take me as some sort of child who will trade her forgiveness for just a bunch of sweets?" you cross your arms. As you stared at him though you felt a little guilty for being so harsh on him.
"Are you really that mad at me…?" he was hurt, but so were you.
"Do you think I have no reason to?" you knew he didn't think that. But by underestimating how betrayed you felt he deserved your cold treatment.
"We both know I'd be lying if I said no…"
"So, are you going to make any excuses?"
"Well, Miss Yae was correct when she said I had no say in the matter. As a mere butler I can't do a lot"
"I know that" it was the truth after all. Perhaps you got used to Thoma always putting you first so much that when he took your grandfather's orders over your feelings you felt surprised. Even though it was normal and very much expected of him as a butler of L/N family… but not expected as your ally "Couldn't you at least warn me? Or not so subtly hint at what's going to happen?"
"I really wanted to, but if I did then they'd fire me" he said it so calmly, it made it clear that to him that choice wasn't hard at all "I wasn't even the one who had to come up with the excuses, but I must admit that today I had to improvise a little. Which didn't let me feel any less guilty I'll have you know" he sighed "But when they threatened my ability to work with you I knew there was no other option"
"To think they'd go that far…" and all that for what? A moment of surprise? Or perhaps there were many reasons you yet have to discover. Suddenly your anger went away from him and went towards your family who'd arrange such a thing.
"No matter what my situation was, what I did harmed you. So as a friend I want to apologize" you really liked the sound of that. After so many years you'd feel odd if your relationship had only the professional side of things. Still, such a statement out of nowhere caught you off guard.
"Uhm… As a friend, I accept your apology" you paused "But now that you don't have to hide anything anymore… care to tell me why now I was assigned suitors?"
"It definitely wasn't out of nowhere if that's what you're thinking. Recently a lot of men showed interest in you. The amount of letters only grew with each month over the past year. Usually what you got to see was filtered to say the least"
"I see, but I still don't understand why that should mean that I'll have suitors arranged right away"
"You see… uh how should I put this… It's more about pressure coming from your extended family"
"Oh. So that's why huh?" of course your "lovely" relatives are behind such a thing.
"That's right, I don't think it's in my place to mention it but they said they rather proceed with caution when it comes to leaving you to your own"
"I see, so they're just doing everything they can to make sure I can't elope" it wasn't unimaginable for them to think you'd do that. But it was your father who didn't accept his fate as an heir. You on the other hand were aware of what you're getting yourself into since day one "It's a shame that they still don't trust me. I know what my duties are"
"It's not all of them who think so I'll have you know, just a loud bunch who insisted on it" he sighed "But they were loud enough for Master to do something about it"
"... Wait! Doesn't that mean…" if these ladies were accepted by both your relatives and grandfather then surely they'd be qualified enough. Most certainly they had some character so you wouldn't be surprised to learn that they're high class "Hm… I should've guessed that highly born women would be slightly different from my previous possible suitors. I'll have to make sure to treat them well"
"Oh…" he suddenly looked nervous and avoided eye contact.
"Thoma… what is it?"
"It's a bit hard to describe-"
"Thoma. You weren't supposed to hide things regarding my suitors anymore"
"I think it's better if you see it for yourself, give me a moment. I'll be right back" this definitely didn't sound good. You waited for Thoma to come back and in the meantime you became increasingly nervous. When he knocked again at your door you opened it right away.
"These are their background reports…"
Hesitantly you took the documents. Confused as to why it'd be a problem you started looking through them. You couldn't believe what you were reading. This is either some kind of joke or maybe wrong documents perhaps?
"Thoma… these background reports…"
"Are true…"
"Just hold on it can't be! If that old man wanted to play a sick joke on me, this is the time you tell me so!"
"That's not it my lady"
You felt like you were about to lose it, you looked at the documents again. You read them through but there is one thing that caught your eye in each one.
"Yae Miko, age 24…kept woman" the last thing you wanted is to be matched with someone whose job is to get taken care of. But perhaps she has something else going for her.
"Ningguang, age 22… Can't keep a job?" you have no idea if it means she's continuously getting fired or is she dropping out "She's unemployed?"
"All of them are…" you could hear that he felt bad for you.
"Great" you said sarcastically.
"Yelan, age 23…Gambler" ah yes because there is nothing better but a gambler in a rich family.
"Eula, age 20…Disowned by the Lawrence family" Although she was the closest to your age not only was she associated with that family she got disowned by them probably for a reason.
"How can this all be!?"
"Calm down Y/N-"
"Don't you dare to tell me to calm down! This is unthinkable, unimaginable! I don't even know what else to say to that" you were losing it, but it's not like Thoma chose your suitors so you realized taking it out on him won't do any good "Sorry, I just need to be alone right now. I need to think this through"
"Of course… but if you need me just say the word" he left the room without saying anything else.
It was a true nightmare. You had no idea why fate had such a thing for you prepared. And more importantly… WHY your suitors were some random women who definitely didn't have the qualifications to be involved with your family!? They were just looking for an easy life... This definitely wasn't how you imagined your marriage to be arranged.
... To be continued...
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
Can I have an enemies to lovers headcanon for fem!reader x Lisa or Ningguang? I love your writing, so keep up the good work!
featuring: lisa; ningguang (separately) tw: rivalry, the fuck word type: enemies/rivals to lovers pronouns used: she/her a/n: as i always say i write for the girls and the gays and THIS ONE goes out to the GAY GIRLS LET'S GO LESBIANS LET'S GO request | genshin masterlist | discord server
under the cut for length
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honestly, it's pretty difficult to be "enemies" to lovers with lisa. instead i'd say you're most likely more of an academic rival
you've known each other since your days at the akademia, and somehow, you've mirrored each others' journeys after graduation.
while lisa joined the knights first, you (without knowing she had done this) followed only a few months later and were incredibly surprised to see her as a newly hired librarian
"oh? well, if it isn't my little shadow. you must be awfully obsessed with me to follow me all the way to mondstadt~ are you sure you aren't in love with me after all?"
you hate her.
you hate how often your job takes you to the knights' library
you hate how she's there, somehow, as if she lives there or something?? every single time you enter
you hate how whenever you bump into her she just has to make another stupid comment about how much her research has helped people this month. how's your work going?
you hate her stupid smirk that she gives you every time you huff at her
and she hates the way your nose scrunches up when she flicks it teasingly, the way you look away from her when she flirts with just the tiniest bit of malice
she hates the fire in your eyes that blazes when you glare at her
and then the both of you start to realize that actually that "hatred" that had been fueling you to do even better might not have been hatred at all, and "oh fuck maybe i'm in love with her."
the next time you meet lisa "accidentally" in the library, you spend time with her on purpose, at the end of which she confesses
she tilts your head up just slightly with her hand, then moves it to cup your cheek and pull you in for a kiss
her lips are frustratingly soft and taste like her rose chapstick
"hmm, you know, i just did that to test a theory, and i think i may have been correct. i am in love with you, after all"
she gives you a moment to short circuit and marvels internally at how your face heats up and you try to think of a retort
instead, ever competitive, you kiss her back, determined for yours to be even better.
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the two of you had grown up together as childhood friends
while ningguang's dreams took her up the social ladder and into high society, your place had always been to stay and take care of the people who'd helped raise you
you understood ningguang's ideals, but yours had always been different. as such, every so often, she would pay a visit to you and your shared home neighborhood and asks what everyone needs for an improved quality of life.
this is called "the airing of the grievances," aka "you complain to ningguang about everything the liyue qixing is failing at and everything she has to singlehandedly change about the government."
over time, this had put a strain on your relationship - that is, until one day when after you aired your grievances, ningguang snapped at you and explained in an extremely clipped voice for an extended period of time how she was not singularly responsible for the entire liyue government and she was frankly getting sick of only getting complaints when she came to visit
which... well. now you feel bad. damn.
the next time she came to visit you apologized, which took her by surprise, and gave her a detailed list of some of the problems your neighbors were having
instead of rolling her eyes and swishing away dismissively like usual, ningguang looked at the list, nodded, and thanked you
and eventually, every visit became almost like a little date
ningguang would show up, you would greet her, and she would treat you to a meal at the local café, where you would go over some of the issues of the past few months.
and over time, ningguang began visiting more and more, and there were fewer and fewer issues for your neighbors to report. your conversations over tea became less about things ningguang could do and more about your day-to-day lives, occasional jokes, and even flirting.
and soon, you realized that you were literally just going on dates with a woman who, only a few years ago, you had hated the guts of
ningguang realized this at roughly the same time
at your next meeting, ningguang sat you down at a more secluded table than usual, and confronted you about this
"my apologies, it seems it's taken me quite a while to realize this, but... are we, perhaps, girlfriends?"
honestly, hearing that come out of her mouth, it's impossible not to laugh at least a little bit.
"yeah, honestly, i think we are."
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favficbirthdays · 28 days
Happy Birthday
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Ningguang (26th August)
Genshin Impact
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manias-wordcount · 2 years
Ningguang with a s/o whose her bodyguard? Can be sfw or NSFW either or!
Bodyguard HCs (Ninnguang)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗺𝗺𝗺...𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵 !!! 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲 :)
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 !! 𝘀𝗲𝘅𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
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On the Clock!
Naturally, you try to keep your relationship on the down low
Boss and employee dating? That’s not really something that’s something that should be happening y’know…
Anyways everyone knows about you two
It’s very hard for people to NOT know about you two when she always manages to find some way to close to you while she’s definitely not in NEED of a body guard
That all being said, life is really good for the new of you and this dynamic (despite what every bodyguard story tells you) works out for the best for both of you
You get a job being close to your every busy girlfriend and she gets an personal bodyguard/escort who she’s more than comfortable being close to 
Even though she doesn’t really need one
The PDA is kept to a minimum of course- the Tianquan does have a reputation to uphold
But when it’s just you two?
Yeah, you can expect a kiss or two whenever she needs to destress (among other things…)
After Hours
Okay so about those aforementioned “other things”
Expect a lot to happen while in her office. Like, a lot
Sometimes when you’re off the clock. Sometimes when you’re very much on the clock too
Also, you better be into fem doms- because that’s exactly what you’re getting
Boss/bodyguard dynamics definitely follow you guys into the bedroom
Or the office or the kitchen or the dining room or one of the garden or literally any of the places Ningguang deems to be a good enough space for her to bend you over
Or sometimes, for you to bend her over
But like your relationship, everyone knows about this (or at least is vaguely aware of what happens behind everyone’s back)
Though it is practically hard for you to hide whenever you have to come back to work with fresh hickies on your neck
But hey! What can you say? You just love your boss heheh <3
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taotaoirl · 1 year
Can I get a Ningguang and Lisa separate with a burn out s/o reader, I have been feeling a little down and kinda lost worrying and all so wanted some comfort :)) any pronoun works
* DRAFT !!!!! hii!!! it's been a while since i've logged on tumblr, i have been struggling with my mental health and didn't have the motivation to write, or do anything, really. i'm so sorry for the empty promises i've made but i was scrolling through my requests earlier and found so many cute prompts, so i'm going to attempt this one ^__^ i hope this doesn't suck lol and i apologize for the massive delay, enjoy !!
ningguang x burnt-out!reader
gender neutral pronouns :D + since you didn't specify whether you wanted headcanons or a full-on oneshot, i'll just write headcanons bc they're easier for me
ningguang is not one for pda
since her love language is gift-giving, she likes to buy you small yet exquisite gifts all the time
this is further highlighted when you're feeling down
she would bring you hundreds of gifts, from flowers to a gold necklace, trying to cheer you up
ningguang is quite busy herself, but she knows how to handle her stress and prevent burnout. you on the other hand? well...
she would ever so quietly slip into your room, see you slumped over in stress and anxiousness, and before you know it, she is behind your chair, hands wrapped around your neck, peppering small kisses on your temple and forehead, whispering sweet words into your tired, tired ears
you look up to see the gentlest of smiles, warmest of eyes, her smooth and silky voice telling you to take a break and join her for tea, or a lovely stroll around liyue
"y/n, you've been working so hard all day, love. shall we take a break?"
if you say yes, she will gladly organize the most luxurious and perfect outing tailored to your liking
if you're one for simpler things, she would do exactly that
she is willing to do anything to make sure you feel refreshed and energized afterward
she would hold your hand and travel all across liyue with you, picking flowers, eating the most delicious delicacies you could get your hands on
if you have too much work, ningguang would step in and have her secretaries finish your work for you without hesitation
if you don't trust her secretaries enough or if you insist on doing the work yourself, she would offer to do it for you so now you can't refuse ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
she also likes to bathe with you lol
you can leave it up to her to make a simple bath feel like the coziest, most expensive bubble bath of your life
the room would be covered with candles and the sweet scent of glaze lilies, mixed with the touches of mint is enough to calm you in seconds
she is an excellent listener, attentively listening to all your concerns and worries as she wrapped her arms around you in the bath
she doesn't say much but she's always there to listen
"put yourself first okay?"
"it's okay to take a break sometimes. you won't perform well if you're not in optimal condition, yes?"
i know i've already said this but i feel like she really has a thing for murmuring into your ears and i just think that is so sexy mmmm
also it's so difficult to imagine the "g/n reader" as anything but a woman because ningguang is the most lesbian lesbian i've ever laid my eyes on, but whatever you say babe x
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artoffict · 9 months
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An slightly older piece! Zhongli and Qixing Ningguang, from early 2021
Again, my main carry, Zhongli, love that man. Ningguang is cool, but I never actually use her because it feels wrong to make her leave the office. She should be scheming behind closed doors, not getting her hands dirty. She has a whole lesbian polycule for that.
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
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⛅ Genshin Impact x Pizza Hut 2nd Collab Animated Comic 🍕
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Aurum Aequilibrium/Golden Eclipse/Edeguang: Ningguang with the color pallette of Eden from Honkai Impact 3rd
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bunnnyblossoms · 8 months
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Wow omg THE Qixing itself wow 💅
Keqing - personifycosplay (instagram)
Ganyu - cherri.cola.cos (instagram)
Photography - yuki_cat_captures (instagram)
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
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Multi Fandom Asexual Headcanon Icons
nobody requested, self indulgent! i (mod zhongli) recently realised i was ace, so i’ve been considering making these icons since then. took me a bit longer than i thought, but here they are. 
feel free to use with credit! like or reblog if you save!
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Hi, I read your rules and I don’t think my request breaks anything. If it does I apologize.
I would like to request platonic headcanons for a sickly!sibling reader who was born with a weak constitution with Jean, barbara, ningguang and Ayaka.
Please and thank you.
It doesn't! I'm very happy about writing familial and platonic stuff :3
Jean, Barbara, Ninguangg and Ayaka with a sickly sibling
Reader here is gender neutral
There isn't a time where she isn't worried about you. She knows you're capable and all... But she just can't help but overthink sometimes.
Luckily at least Barbara can take care of you on daily basis, but she still wants you to know that you can rely on her too.
Your relationship is rather awkward, but it's easy to see how much Jean is trying her best during each of your interactions.
You still have a long way, but in the end as family you look out for each other in every way you can. Especially since Jean needs someone to look after her as well.
You and Jean meant everything to her, so while she didn't spend much time with Jean she gave all that focus to you.
She knew how to take care of your condition since forever. There wasn't a time where she felt clueless about what to do in certain situations when your illness took a toll on you.
That and her abilities made for perfect support. She always made sure to also cheer you up when you needed it. Although she often worried she might say something wrong.
But she never did so. You could always count on her encouragement... That's why you felt bad that she was so nervous about possibly offending you.
Ever since you were young she always took care of you. She never wanted you to wonder if you'll have enough Mora for medical treatment and such.
Of course you hated feeling like such a burden to her. Seeing how she had to find ways to earn Mora just to keep the two of you going.
You helped her in any way you could, and such upbringing only made your present bond stronger.
Although she was busy, she always made sure to have time for you. You're her family, and you're the most important person to her.
The last thing she'd do is to make you feel forgotten. She always reminds you to take your medication, you always eat together, and at least once a week you have a day where the two of you have some sibling bonding.
As she recently began going to different places, experiencing new things she always brings you along with her.
If your condition gets worse, she's willing to skip on some events because she'd never let you feel lonely or forgotten.
Either that or she tells you literally everything you want to know about her outing. She doesn't miss out a single detail and when possible she even brings a few photos.
You can always count on her, Thoma and Ayato (whenever he's home) but it's obvious that you're the closest to Ayaka.
~Mod Lisa
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zkullcat · 11 months
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Watch the speedpaint of this beautiful lady here: X Don’t Trace, Copy or Edit my art. Reblogs > Likes Commission’s Info // Carrd // Patreon
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sakurango · 2 years
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୨୧ like/rb if saved * credit artist if used
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
Voice Lines pt 3
Ninnguang about Duchel
"Hm? What about Duchel? I-Is he hurt!? No? Oh, that's good, I was worried for a second. Duchel is still in a learning state, and I still really worry for him nowadays. I don't fuss over him because he sees me as a strong sister figure and I wish to stay that way, so when he does need me after he breaks down, I'll be there for him and show him a more vulnerable side to his big sis....show him that everyone can't be strong for too long, you know"
Duchel about Ninnguang
"Big sister Nini takes care of me a lot and doesn't hesitate to cater to my needs. She takes me uh, what was that word? Oh! Traveling! She takes me traveling! I got to see some nice sights and I even met Yelan's little brother, Drax, he was a nice guy. Whenever I'm sad, she reads me a story or sings a song or she takes a nap with me to calm me down. Learning how to be human is fun thanks to Big sis Nini."
Ninnguang in "Dinner Party"
"At the beginning and end of every week we hold a themed dinner party for Duchel. It's to help him learn the holidays and he dresses up however he wants for that day, his outfits are always adorable. During the Winter Dinner Party, he wore a reindeer onesie, I made sure to have pictures taken and paintings painted of that adorable outfit! A-Ahem, sorry I got excited there for a moment, I was just happy that Duchel is comfortable around everyone. Oh and here, a invitation made by Duchel for the next themed dinner party, please be there, it would bring the biggest smile to my little brothers face"-Ninnguang in "Dinner Party"
Xianyun about Murkus
"One did not understand what Murkus meant about everyone disliking him, that was until one herself noticed that Murkus was never invited out to eat with us or join us for a stroll. One found Murkus when he was left beaten on the roadside and took him in, in which he became close with Shuyu and made a promise to protect her. Murkus is a sweet boy who does whatever is needed to keep those he loves safe and one cannot help but be proud of that trait and make sure he is well trained so he can keep his goal of protecting loved ones"
Murkus in "Silence"
"I didn't understand at first about what people 'disliked' me...but it was because I wasn't making myself known, they loved and cherished me and my company but I have less of an impact to make myself known since I was so used to being forgotten. Mother Xianyun taught me that silence can bring loneliness but sometimes the most silent are the most wise. Hahaha, then she scolded me for an hour and a half about allowing myself to let them leave me out. So to say...I shall speak up more and make myself and my feelings known to my new family"
Yoimiya about Yulis
"Have you seen Yulis? Oh? He was running around with Gilda, that's good! I worry for him a lot, sometimes I can't tell if he's okay or not because he's not too good at speaking. I'm trying my best for him though! Yulis needs someone in his life to make sure he grows well and I'm gonna be that person. Thanks to Xingqiu I got Yulis into a school and he became friends with Xenia! I should make beef stew tonight to celebrate! That's his favorite food!"
Yulis about Yoimiya
"Yoimiya...take care me good...Like Yoimiya me! New school...new friends, fun...be like Yoimiya...older"
Freya in "Attacked"
"A Fatui agent attacked me one time..I didn't know what to do...so I run..I told "Father" and....she wasn't...happy. I didn't..see the....agent after that, I wonder what happened to him and why did "Father" seem....pleased with herself, I wanted the agent to know...there were no hard...feelings at all..."
Freya in "Tea"
"Tea....? Lynnette makes me tea, I like her tea.....I don't want anyone else to make me tea....where's Lynnette, why can't she make me tea...I want her not you...you're not family to me..and besides she makes the best tea"
Freya in "Slow Speaking"
"Throat was damaged in rock slide...I saved a few kids but nobody wanted to help me.....the world is cruel but "Father" and the others tended to me and taught me how to speak...I'm really grateful for that.......I'm hungry..I want Freminet........I-I *sniffles" I wanna go home"
Freya in "Magic Tricks"
"Whenever...I'm sad...Lyney shows me magic tricks whenever I'm sad....he taught me some card tricks too, I like his magic shows...One time he pulled a rabbit out of his hat and gave it to me. I told him I wanted the rabbit to go free and he came with me to let it back out into the wild.....I was really really happy that day"
Freya in "Hair"
"My hair....I don't know how to do my hair, Freminet does it for me...even though he doesn't know how to do it either. He learned just so he can do my hair for me, I prefer he do my hair rather than..anyone else..."
Arlecchino about Freya
"Freya is a fragile child, who tends to follow Freminet everywhere. Not that I mind her going with him, he's a good moral support for her despite how he is, both care for the other immensely. If you see Freya do well to not spook her, spooking her will lead to you getting possibly attacked by a pair of certain twins. When it comes to Freya those three do not joke around about her safety and happiness"
Tighnari in "New Member"
"When Cyno brought Mahil to me, I was deeply surprised, the child was clinging to him so much that it was hard to separate them. Even Cyno's eyes were glossy as if he was going to cry but I didn't question it. Me, Collei and Sahara nursed him enough for him to be able to be brave enough to tell Cyno what happened and that was it, Mahil joined our little family. Cyno gets himself a little brother that plays with Sahara and goes home with him when Cyno's done with his duties. I think that kid brings out a way more vulnerable side to Cyno, and I wish them both all the best, never before has anyone seen Cyno close to shedding a tear"
Cyno about Mahil
"I don't know what had happened but I found Mahil by an Oasis, the same oasis that Sethos has found Meggie at. I didn't know if it was fate or just a mere coincidence but I wasn't gonna leave a child on their lonesome. When I approached and got the child's attention, he clung to me and cried so much...he cried for me to help him and that he didn't want to die...and...sorry, remembering this is just...*sighs* Huh? No, I'm not gonna cry! ...Anyway, I brought him back with me and hunted down the people he told me about, safe to say justice has been brought for Mahil"
Cyno in "Going Home"
"I give Mahil piggyback rides on our way home and I let him wear my 'General Hat' as he calls it. By the time we get home Mahil is always fast asleep and I make sure to tuck him gently into his bed. He looks oddly cute with his cheek squished against the pillow, makes me think of slimes sometimes"
Albedo about Minata
"When I first found Minata, she was so scared of everything, even a pin dropping would send her into a panic. When I brought her home with me, she stayed huddled in a corner for days, I didn't want to go near but I did for the sake of knowing how close she'd allow me to get. I'd talk to her, give her blankets and food, gradually building a foundation of trust with her, when she came out of the corner I was finally able to get her bathed and dressed, now she's learning how to smile and how to get around without her vision. Jean and the knights had quite the field day with the bandits Minata told me did this to her, I heard Avios and Vixo tagged along as well. No matter, Minata is in my care and for now is my main focus"
Anahita about Neuvillette
"Neuvillette is the best guardian, he takes good care of me and lets me play with the other kids whenever he sees them! I help around the courthouse by carrying papers around and on his break days, he takes me to the beach so I can swim around! Although, he's worrying over the other kids, he still focuses his attention on me so I don't meet the same fate as them! Oh he makes good commentary on the water across Teyvat and he always gives me a taste of the water too!"
Neuvillette about Anahita
"Anahita is such a small child, there is at times a moment where my mind makes up a scenario of her getting hurt and it makes me fearful of her safety. I was told that kids who didn't eat as much as Anahita don't grow as well as others.....it looks like SOMEONE is gonna be put on trial for neglect. Speaking of Anahita though, I got some water from Liyue and Inazuma, would you be so kind and bring her back, these kinds of water are her favorite"
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