mamaneedsarefill · 5 years
A whole year?!
I started this blog exactly a year ago this week! How do I know?! BACK TO SCHOOL, BABY!!
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isabellasmama · 5 years
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Can't believe it's his first day of high school 😭 I have known this kid since he was six years old. He was so funny the first time I talked to him on the phone. Even funnier when we built a gingerbread house the first time we met. I know he will do amazing things #bonusson #highschool #ninethgrade #imnotready #lovehim #family https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CO9xcHc3uPGHKOsrxAicC1Ny6FMrYzGW5cYw0/?igshid=26i2b66nryv2
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cre8iveassassin · 7 years
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TJ's new hairdo!!! Lmao. He #ninethgrader
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It’s time for School
First day of school is on Tuesday for us Canadians ( A couple of days ago for our American friends, sorry about the slow update.) 
I’m here to tell you that you’re gonna do great, especially if you’re going into grade 9 and you’re super nervous, or even if you’re in grade 12 and you’re just super done. ( That includes you Victory Lap folks too.) 
This post is for Grade 9′s ( Freshmen?) and it’s gonna be a ride so lets get on with it. 
The first year of high school is going to be a bit of a train wreck. You’re getting used to things, and getting annoyed the things that you’re getting used to. Now  come sit down around me and let the senior over here give you some tips and stories from my youth.
1- All you need straight off the bat for grade nine are as follows 
    - Binders ( 4 small or 2 big, try to orient this on how your schedule is set up. If one class is in one end of the school, and the other is in the complete opposite or far away from your locker, put a divider in the middle and use one large binder.  D-rings are best in my opinion, but whatever you’d like) 
    - Pencil Case
    - A Pack of Pencils (I’d recommend 12)
    - A Pack of Pencil Crayons ( Even if you don’t have art)
    - A Pencil Sharpener
    - Pens ( Blue, Red, Black.)
    - 2 Erasers ( I use white)
    - Hi lighters ( I use three different colours so that I can code my note book 
    ( ex.) Blue: Definition     Yellow: Important to Remember     Pink: Terms 
    That’s just how I do it because it makes it easier for me to recognize everything, i’m kinda weird, do what you’d like. 
    - A Scientific Calculator 
    - A Ruler
    - A Combination Lock ( This one really depends on the school, some lockers have built in locks, none of the ones in my city do so I recommend when you go to pick up your schedule you look at the lockers and ask if you’ll need one. Most schools that I know of will require you to bring your own, you can buy them cheap at Walmart or even thee Dollar Store I believe.) 
    - Water Bottle ( Preferably a reusable one.)
    - Emergency Kit ( This one is only for girls, if you don’t know what to put in an emergency kit I have another post about it, just head over to my dash.) 
Anything else will be told you in class. I know I had tech courses that I needed safety equipment for, things like that will be told in the class. 
NOW, onto the first day. 
The first day is gonna be kinda wild, you’ll be a bit more pressed for time, chances are that school starts a lot earlier than your previous school had, it’ll be a mess for everyone. Just own it. Grade 9 can be really scary, it’s not actually that bad 
Now don’t get me wrong, high school will be nothing like the movies or a lot of the videos out there. For many people it can mean a lot of stress, especially on the first day, my fist tip is this: Slow it down a little ( Hi lighted in Yellow)
The energy of the environment will make it seem like you have to go go go when in reality you have a good bit of time to figure out what you need to do any where you need to go. 
Try to get to school 15 minutes earlier than the bell, it will make it easier to get to your first class and get a look at your schedule to figure out where you’re going next. I recommend taking a picture of your schedule with your phone, some people make it their lock screen, I just like having it so that I know that if I lose the initial paper then I can still have a copy. You will be assigned a locker in your first class and should be given time to fill it, keep your bag in it do not take your bag to class. Not only does it get annoying to carry around but I am telling you right now that the chances of it ripping are extremely high and EVERYONE will be tripping over it. It also clogs up the hallway and it’s annoying. 
When you get into class don’t just sit in the back, unless your desks are named that is, then listen to that. Try to sit in the second row from the back or the middle, it will make it easier to see the board and chances are you will have someone beside you in case you need anything, it’s also a good way to make buddies, which can definitely be hard. 
When traveling to classes it is okay to ask where something is if you don’t know. My high school is quite large and a bunch of my buddies and I have had people ask us where classes are. The world didn’t explode and a monster didn’t come and ravage the school, we just told them where their classes were and they went on with their day. Older kids could look like their glaring at you or angry, we’re probably just tired and ready for the year to be done, we aren’t plotting your death I promise, we’re plotting out what to do when we get home. 
You can sit literally anywhere for lunch, people will be sitting literally anywhere, just roll with it. Make sure you eat, especially if you are walking home, you will start to feel very tired and often dizzy, even if its just a granola bar its something. 
At the end of the day, don’t just try to get out as fast as you can, go to your locker and put in anything that you do not need to carry home, trust me on this, your back and feet will thank you immensely. 
If you’re going to be walking or busing to school, do it once or twice before the first day of school so that you know what time you will have to leave to be at school on time. ( Try to get there 10-15 minutes before class will start.) 
And last but definitely not least, just try and get some sleep the day before. Scared you wont wake up? I set four alarms starting at 5:30am and ending at 7:30am, ringing three times for one minute every five minutes. You can set up a specific alarm sound on your phone that you know will wake you up. I use the purge sirens and my brothers hate me for it. 
I understand that anxiety can be a huge part of someones life. I have chronic anxiety and panic disorder along with Bipolar Disorder so I can really relate. I’m gonna make a seperate post on some idea’s on how to help with that.   
I’m also going to do a locker post, so if you need that then it’s there too. 
I’m here for you guys, high school was scary as hell for me, so hopefully this helps prep you a bit. 
              - Bear 
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mamaneedsarefill · 5 years
Toooooo soooooon!
While filling out Sarah’s XC forms, I had a tear in my eye. She’s now in the high school. She’s now in 9th grade. 4 more years and she’s gone. I may have died a little inside...
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