#nineteenth-century gothic
midsummernightsmemes · 9 months
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𝔄𝔥, 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔲𝔩𝔞.
𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔦𝔰 𝔥𝔬𝔴 𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔙𝔞𝔫 ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔶𝔢𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔟𝔬𝔵𝔢𝔰.
(𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔢𝔰, 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔲𝔩𝔞 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔣𝔬𝔫𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢.)
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notnursenightingale · 1 month
I propose that we add Winchesters to our armament. I have a kind of belief in a Winchester when there is any trouble.
|| Bram Stoker, Dracula
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jmscornerlibrary · 3 months
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Here I give to you The Ringmaster Zylocke as of 1882, the black-hearted, the infamous, the Master of Auraul. He is the mmc in my upcoming series, Zylocke's Wandering Spectacle, and the first character I had ever drawn in this style!
His hands are purposefully so white, compared to his face... why they are this way will be revealed in the books :)
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aetheralsis · 4 months
Emily Brontë and her way with words
"Liver-coloured bitch pointer."
"What vain weather-cocks we are!"
I love her man
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warblingandwriting · 5 months
Okay but started reading Poor Things and it has illustrations!! 😍😍😍
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I would like to talk for a few moments about my enduring and all consuming love for Mary Shelley.
Today would have been Mary's (because we would be on first name terms) 226th birthday. It has been designated 'Frankenstein Day' after her most well known and influential work.
The influence of Frankenstein cannot be overstated. Without it the horror and sci fi genres would not look the same as they do now. The fact that she started the book as something to do while she was on holiday and the weather was terrible is fascinating to me. We were so close to not having this book. She came up with these ground breaking ideas and executed them so beautifully because she was bored. She was eighteen when she did this. I can barely fathom this.
Mary's personal life was no less intriguing than her writing. She was raised by learned and free thinking parents. Her mother was Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the earliest feminist writers. She died, tragically as so many women did in the late eighteenth century, giving birth to her and Mary was raised by her father and his second wife. Her father always surrounded himself with the most brilliant minds of the day and Mary absorbed their ideas.
Her marriage to Percy Bysse Shelley is well documented. She was his second wife, his first wife, Harriet, having taken her own life, possibly as a response to Percy's affair with Mary. Their relationship was passionate and tempestuous, but their love and devotion to each other was genuine. When Percy died, in a sailing accident off the coast of Italy, Mary apparently kept his heart wrapped in a silk scarf for the rest of her life.
She also apparently learned to write her own name by tracing it on her mother's grave.
However goth you are, you will never be as goth as Mary Shelley.
Mary continued to write after her husband's death, keeping herself and her children comfortable. Her other words often dealt with strikingly modern sci Fi themes, such as The Last Man about a man who thinks he is the only one left after a pandemic. She also wrote historical novels, including one about Perkins Warbeck, who claimed to be one of the Princes in the tower to usurp the throne from Henry VII.
She died in 1851 at the age of 53. I cannot imagine what my life would have been without her.
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submarinerwrites · 2 years
the plot of supernatural is gay incest. the message of supernatural is consanguineal responsibility.
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chthonic-cassandra · 28 days
An anonymous individual asked @awildwickedslip for recommendations of literary criticism on the gothic, and she directed them to me, so I thought it was time I make a rec list on the topic.
I'm keep this to more general analyses, but of course have a lot of recommendations for more works on more specific texts (especially but not limited to Dracula).
I'm also including some things that are more properly about amatory or epistolary fiction, because I think an understanding of those genres will serve you well in contemplating the gothic.
Mario Praz, The Romantic Agony
Nina Auerbach, Our Vampires, Ourselves
Christy Desmet and Anne Williams (eds), Shakespearean Gothic
Kate Ferguson Ellis, The Contested Castle
David J. Skal, The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror
Devendra P. Varma, The Gothic Flame
Angela Carter, The Sadeian Woman
Roland Barthes, Sade, Fourier, Loyola
Elizabeth Cook, Epistolary Bodies
Jacqueline Howard, Readng Gothic Fiction: A Bakhtinian Approach
Toni Bowers, Force or Fraud: British Seduction Stories and the Problem of Resistance
Peter Cryle, The Telling of the Act: Sexuality as Narrative in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century France
Peter Cryle, Geometry in the Budoir: Configurations of French Erotic Narrative
Jalal Toufic, Vampire: An Uneasy Essay on the Undead in Film
Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art and Literature
Marianne Noble, The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature
Terry Castle, The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth Century Literature and the Invention of the Uncanny
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todorokies · 7 months
RUMOR HAS IT - suguru geto
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✩࿐ the streets of london have now been considered a danger for citizens when a blood hunger vampire prowls looking for their next lady in waiting . . .
contents: very suggestive, fem!reader, vampire!geto, geto is bewitched by you(r blood), nanami cameo (yippee), nineteenth century gothic victorian era, this leans towards the thriller side, reader is a bit naive, a wee bit of manipulation, blood drinking, usage of ‘m’lady’, inspired by the song ‘rumor has it’ by adele & this tweet, 2.5k words
a/n: there is a lot of imagery written !!! i truly hope u all like it, reblogs & supportive feedback is welcome ik the wc is a lot but pls bare with me :”) . . . apart of @kentopedia’s ‘love through the ages’ collab
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the sun has begun to shift into its everlasting transition of casting soft orange hues of light that are softly entangled with a dark shade of blue that covers up above. the moon had tucked its companion away for the time being as it began to come into view.
the current state of main street however didn’t reflect the tranquillity of peace; the town clock had loudly reverberated alerting the public of the danger that would soon lurk.
citizens both young and old trampled out of buildings leaving a simple gust of wind in their wake to reach their residences.
a curfew had recently been implemented by the town council in order to reduce the sudden influx —dubbed as animal attacks— of women being found lifeless on the cold streets, with their blood being completely drained from their bodies.
but alas, the troublesome rumours of the attacks being performed by a person rather than an animal, rattled in, heightening the unpleasantries.
the rotten smell of fear lingers in the air with the pumping adrenaline coursing through the towns folks veins. if the perpetrator weren’t foolish enough, an entire course meal has been presented onto a platter for them.
“staring won’t do you any good if you end up dead.” nanami, your coworker, noted who was packing the last of the bakery’s unsold goods in a bag to be taken home.
you quickly drew away from the windowsill, “doesn’t the site of it all make you miserable. this new curfew has done nothing but made everyone even more frightened.”
nanami’s features softened and pursed his lips in a thin line before sighing. “the curfew is sensible in hindsight, but when rules are enforced people have a sudden urge to break them, mainly to figure out what animal—”
“—or person,” you sharply cut him off which causes his eyebrows to crinkle.
“i mean, let’s face it, what kind of animal leaves two perfectly clean puncture wounds on the neck and abandons the body as it is without any carnage?”
a beat follows before you continue, “this is obviously the work of some mad scientist in town looking to make a name for themselves.”
he sighs, “animal or …person, you shouldn’t be standing here chatting with me about it.”
his eyes twinkle with remorse whilst handing the bag of baked goods over to you, “i could chaperone you to your residence, you do live on the outskirts of town. i deeply worry about your safety.”
you lightheartedly scoff, politely waving off the suggestion. “nonsense kento, i always seem to have luck on my side, the walk home will be uneventful as always.”
he frowns at this.
you can be extraordinarily stubborn at the most inappropriate times.
“besides what would society think once they see an unwed woman getting escorted by the opposite sex. you should hurry home yourself! send my kind regards to yuuji for me.”
you bunch up the detailed lace of your overflowing gown in one hand while holding the brown bag of pastries in the other.
swiftly scurrying off into the abandoned streets, “do take care of yourself!”
“get home safely and hurry before the streetlights turn on!” nanami yells out the door before locking up the establishment and heading on his own way.
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the cobblestone beneath your feet painfully ached and crumbled apart with each passing step you took. shutters from other houses forcefully swung open from the wind that picked up overtime, soon a ghastly fog began to move in, hindering some of your vision.
you truthfully dreaded this. nanami’s offer is still mulled in the back of your head, you mentally slap yourself for dismissing a comforting and preferably safer option of returning home.
however, dwelling on the what if’s have never been your cup of tea, instead you attempt to take in the scenery of the town in it’s glory.
the eerie atmosphere reminded you of an agatha christie novel you’ve once read. the fond memory warms you up in the dead of night.
soon your manor appears into view. relief immediately washes over you, a small breath of air exited your lungs.
but then you hear it; an extra set of footsteps a mile or two from behind you that rippled the cement.
too heavy of a stride to be another woman in heels and too human-like to be a four legged animal. with each step you took, they would take on another, almost in sync to throw you off their suspicions.
you felt bare and exposed as the only thing that you could focus on was the tangible breeze rattling your bones, fingers turning numb and losing its feeling. your head buzzed considering the only two options to best handle the situation: continue the venture to your housing or confront the entity.
continuing your journey would result in the mysterious entity gaining knowledge of your location. whereas, standing idly waiting for the perpetrator’s next move would result in you being the newspaper’s front headliner.
you’ve concluded the mental battle with yourself on cutting through the woods and loosing whomever is behind you in the dust.
just as you were about to pick up your feet, a tap by a set of fingers rippled against your shoulder causing you to shriek.
“m’lady, i believe you dropped this.” a sultry voice booms through your ears that belonged to a man so majestic you couldn’t comprehend. your breath staggers while your mouth hang slightly agape.
he was as pale as a lilith in its full bloom but still managed to glisten under the moonlight. monolid eyes sharpened that showcased nothing but intensity and gluttony.
you couldn’t dare away, especially not when his gaze has your flesh burning to the touch as heat pools between your legs, an endless void of lust and mystery.
somehow breaking out of his enchantment, you regain consciousness, blinking away the blurriness and swiftly take the handkerchief he handed to you and stuff it in your dress pocket.
“o-oh, thank you kind sir,” your words heavily slurs past your lips.
his overwhelming aura seemingly switches, presenting more of a laid back approach when speaking to you.
“what’s a dream like you doing roaming the streets at this hour?” he inquired.
it’s almost like whiplash— fear surging from every portion of your body to feeling a sense of ease with his presence around.
your face warms up. subconsciously picking at the skin that surrounds your nail beds. “just trying to make my way home, i had picked up a late shift from—”
“the bakery in town square, correct?”
taking a step, his taller frame leaned a quarter into your personal space suddenly being consumed by his aroma. sweetness mixed with a hint of sandalwood and lavender.
his fingers weakly pranced around a single strand of your hair that had been loose, meticulously swirling it about in a specific way that only pleased him.
only then were you able to come about his long raven locks that were styled in a charming half-do that seemingly blended in with the sinful sombre of the midnight sky.
your pulse amplified, picking up like the speed of lightning. your hands soon began accumulating sweat just by a single question.
despite town square serving the population of two countries bound together, not once have you had the pleasure of encountering this man.
he was far too bewitching to grace the status of a commoner. no, he must be a figure of royalty or at least had rich wealth flowing through his blood, but he showcases no obvious signs of luxury.
just who was this man exactly?
he watches you regain control over your psyche, backing away which lets the strand of hair he possessed on his finger seemingly bounce free.
“enlighten me. how do you possess knowledge of the location of my employment? my eyes have never seen someone of the likes of you before.”
he senses utter hostility from you. the entire cobbled street reeks of your fear. he can practically taste your appetizing disdain on the tip of his tongue.
his bottom lip gets trapped between his teeth to conceal the withering moan that elicited from his core; you’re unsettled by him which only fuels his erogenous.
he playfully surrenders his hands in the air as if you had just caught him in an obtuse act, “what, pray tell, are you insinuating?”
you scoff, “do you take me for a mockery?” your voice doesn’t waver, eyebrows cinched together with lips into a firm line.
he simply tuts, “only a well put together woman like yourself could gain employment at such a high end bakery that stands in town square. i based such an assumption off my judgement . . . forgive me, m’lady.”
your eyes cautiously scan his face to detect any signs of playfulness that went against his explanation. when none was present, it was your cue to ease up on your suspicions.
with a sharp intake of air, your tense shoulders unwind themselves from your ears as you straighten out your dress trying to knead at any wrinkles.
the bakery in town has built a famous name for itself, being known as one of the most ancient buildings standing tall, as well as offering fresh pastries throughout many wars and battles.
different hierarchies from all across the globe have made it their mission to invest in a trade deal of importing the bakery’s goods in exchange for many benefits.
“then again, you find yourself situated on this street conversing with an utter stranger during after hours. so pray tell, who exactly is the jester here?” he dryly asks.
the warm energy circulating between the two of you came to a sudden halt as the tension quickly grew cold.
his voice is fervent. a barbaric ignorance flows naturally in his tone as if he was challenging you, which is much different than how he addressed your inquiry.
truthfully suguru was growing impatient by the minute. he has worked all of the charms in the book but you still haven’t given him an opening for what he wanted the most. your body, soul and most importantly; your blood.
he salivated at the sight of the minuscule veins on your neck becoming more prominent when your voice raises an obtuse or two.
the excruciating torment of his body thumping with thirst made his head throb. his tongue swirled hungrily around his sharp left fang in anticipation. 
if you had blinked, you would’ve missed how he traveled at the speed of light. a gust of wind swept through the streets as a strong swooshing of air caused the ends of your dress to get caught up in the wake. suddenly, you were face to face again with the mystery man, his nose ever so gently grazing yours, feeling his cold breath onto your lips.
his eyes carefully scans your features, taking notice of the crease between your eyebrows. “you aren’t aware of my name yet you give me your time of day? or rather night that is? i feel honoured.” he purrs.
your heart collapses to your feet. what in god’s name were you doing?
allowing yourself to get seduced by a nameless maniac on the street at the devil’s hour. letting your head get filled to the brim with such deception and trickery. your bread must’ve gone stale and you hadn’t noticed until now how terribly your feet ached from standing for so long.
your brain screamed at you to pick up your feet and dash out of a sickly situation you’ve unfortunately found yourself in. but to no avail your soles stood firmly in place, you pitied yourself for still being under his aphrodisiac.
your eyes sting as tears begin to well up into the base of your waterline. he shushes you by lightly tapping his index fingers against your bottom lip then leans into the shell of your ear, “you were the most naive out of others yet the most challenging one, what is your secret, m’lady?”
the only thing you could muster up in the moment was a faint, “p-please don’t hurt me…”
to that, suguru’s current expression gets replaced by a look of genuine remorse. he smiles fondly, his eyes forming into crescent moons. “you mustn’t worry, i have different plans for you. now be a darling and tilt your head for me.”
his eyes glowed a crimson hue that casted a reflection in your own eyes. his divine string of words compelled you to follow his demand, having no conscious influence over your own actions.
he could see your arteries viciously pumping oxygen. unstable hollow breaths depart from your plump lips.
what a delightful sight you are.
finally, his fangs penetrate your fragile skin causing goosebumps to arise upon impact as angry scarlett red seeps out of the two puncture holes he’d created.
you gasp, your head is frantically bubbling with heat as your knees buckle, static shoots through your joints feeling vibrations all over your body.
he gently cradles the back of your head with one hand using his grip to better his angle on his landscape. drowsiness consumes you whole. feeling yourself slowly slipping into a labyrinth that only the man in front of you has the key to.
your whimpers and soft pants fill the air. your stomach soon coils with a pleasant sensation of pleasure, you’ve truly gone mad as you bite your lip to cover up the choked up moans from the pleasurable aches of pain.
your eyes roll back to the sky, mentally counting the stars until your body decides to shut down what leftover functions it had left.
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your eyes softly flutter open, wincing almost immediately from the dim overhead lap that shines directly in your face.
you’re currently lying on top of the broody velvet red loveseat that resided in your manor’s foyer. how you got home is beyond your comprehension.
suddenly the horrific memories of this particular night floods in your head like a tsunami.
that man… his fangs…the blood.
your hand quickly flies towards the area of the wound that resided on your neck, which to your surprise, is covered by a heavily padded gauze that will soon need to be changed once you get up.
who or what brought you home and tended to your wound? was it that man or maybe he had left you on the streets, barely alive when another lost soul roaming at the witching hour took you home.
you spot a glass of water on the floor that had a note taped onto it next to your bagged pastries. you cautiously pick up the glass to hydrate your overly dry throat then carefully peel the paper off the glass to read the note.
the contents of the note reads:
i have seeked high and low for the purest form of life, to find a companion worthy enough to indulge me in this wretched world of misery but yet, you were found from right under my nose.
your purity sings to me like a songbird o’holiest of thee. a crystallized soul patiently waiting for a body to mold.
your blood is as rare as black dahlia, hidden deep within the nooks of clouded nostalgia. your pastel beauty is the cure to my everlasting torment in hell.
i will return for you, my love.
always and forever yours, suguru.
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tags: @cawwn @osaemu @yunymphs @megumimania @dollria @maeby-cursed @get0
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reblogs & feedback is extremely appreciated !! <3
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notnursenightingale · 2 months
He delighted in the energies of the passions; the difficulties and tempests of life, which wreck the happiness of others, roused and strengthened all the powers of his mind, and afforded him the highest enjoyments, of which his nature was capable. Without some object of strong interest, life was to him little more than sleep; and, when pursuits of real interest failed, he substituted artificial ones, till habit changed their nature, and they ceased to be unreal.
|| Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho
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thenightling · 1 year
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I didn't know Guillermo del Toro was a fan of Over The Garden Wall. I'm not that surprised. It's beautiful, surreal, Gothic, and fairy tale-like. He's one of the only people I'd trust if they ever did it in live action (which I really don't think they should as the artwork was meant to resemble vintage New England postcards.) If you've never seen it, Over the Garden Wall is a mini-series that when spliced together is roughly movie length. It's about two boys lost in a strange and surreal forest. It's sort of an autumn themed Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or The Wizard of Oz. All the visuals are based on late nineteenth century and early twentieth century Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, and Christmas New England postcards. It features the voices of Elijah Wood, Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, John Cleese, and several others. Though most people now associate it with Hallowe'en it actually originally aired in November of 2014, meant to bridge between Halloween and Thanksgiving. It's sweet and it's wholesome. The mini-series is like chicken soup for the soul. I highly recommend it.
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letterful · 4 months
Romanticism is the primitive, the untutored, it is youth, life, the exuberant sense of life of the natural man, but it is also pallor, fever, disease, decadence, the maladie de siècle, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the Dance of Death, indeed Death itself. It is Shelley's dome of many-coloured glass, and it is also his white radiance of eternity. It is the confused teeming fullness and richness of life, Fülle des Lebens, inexhaustible multiplicity, turbulence, violence, conflict, chaos, but also it is peace, oneness with the great `I Am', harmony with the natural order, the music of the spheres, dissolution in the eternal all-containing spirit. It is the strange, the exotic, the grotesque, the mysterious, the supernatural, ruins, moonlight, enchanted castles, hunting horns, elves, giants, griffins, falling water, the old mill on the Floss, darkness and the powers of darkness, phantoms, vampires, nameless terror, the irrational, the unutterable.
Also it is the familiar, the sense of one's unique tradition, joy in the smiling aspect of everyday nature, and the accustomed sights and sounds of contented, simple, rural folk — the sane and happy wisdom of rosy-checked sons of the soil. It is the ancient, the historic, it is Gothic cathedrals, mists of antiquity, ancient roots and the old order with its unanalysable qualities, its profound but inexpressible loyalties, the impalpable, the imponderable.
Also it is the pursuit of novelty, revolutionary change, concern with the fleeting present, desire to live in the moment, rejection of knowledge, past and future, the pastoral idyll of happy innocence, joy in the passing instant, a sense of timelessness. It is nostalgia, it is reverie, it is intoxicating dreams, it is sweet melancholy and bitter melancholy, solitude, the sufferings of exile, the sense of alienation, roaming in remote places, especially the East, and in remote times, especially the Middle Ages.
But also it is happy co-operation in a common creative effort, the sense of forming part of a Church, a class, a party, a tradition, a great and all-containing symmetrical hierarchy, knights and retainers, the ranks of the Church, organic social ties, mystic unity, one faith, one land, one blood, `la terre et les morts', as Barrès said, the great society of the dead and the living and the yet unborn. It is the Toryism of Scott and Southey and Wordsworth, and it is the radicalism of Shelley, Büchner and Stendhal. It is Chateaubriand's aesthetic medievalism, and it is Michelet's loathing of the Middle Ages. It is Carlyle's worship of authority, and Hugo's hatred of authority. It is extreme nature mysticism, and extreme anti-naturalist aestheticism. It is energy, force, will, youth, life, étalage du moi; it is also self-torture, self-annihilation, suicide. It is the primitive, the unsophisticated, the bosom of nature, green fields, cow-bells, murmuring brooks, the infinite blue sky.
No less, however, it is also dandyism, the desire to dress up, red waistcoats, green wigs, blue hair, which the followers of people like Gérard de Nerval wore in Paris at a certain period. It is the lobster which Nerval led about on a string in the streets of Paris. It is wild exhibitionism, eccentricity, it is the battle of Ernani, it is ennui, it is taedium vitae, it is the death of Sardanopolis, whether painted by Delacroix, or written about by Berlioz or Byron. It is the convulsion of great empires, wars, slaughter and the crashing of worlds. It is the romantic hero — the rebel, l'homme fatale, the damned soul, the Corsairs, Manfreds, Giaours, Laras, Cains, all the population of Byron's heroic poems. It is Melmoth, it is Jean Sbogar, all the outcasts and Ishmaels as well as the golden-hearted courtesans and the noble-hearted convicts of nineteenth-century fiction. It is drinking out of the human skull, it is Berlioz who said he wanted to climb Vesuvius in order to commune with a kindred soul. It is Satanic revels, cynical irony, diabolical laughter, black heroes, but also Blake's vision of God and his angels, the great Christian society, the eternal order, and `the starry heavens which can scarce express the infinite and eternal of the Christian soul'.
It is, in short, unity and multiplicity. It is fidelity to the particular, in the paintings of nature for example, and also mysterious tantalising vagueness of outline. It is beauty and ugliness. It is art for art's sake, and art as an instrument of social salvation. It is strength and weakness, individualism and collectivism, purity and corruption, revolution and reaction, peace and war, love of life and love of death.
— from Isaiah Berlin's The Roots of Romanticism.
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pasdetrois · 2 days
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Deborah Lutz, The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative
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marwyn · 3 months
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Daemon’s gothic vacation at Harrenhal
Dracula by Bram Stoker and Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of Nineteenth-Century Gothic by Eugenia C. Delamotte
Inspired by @dragonseeds’s post 🦇
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immediatebreakfast · 5 months
One of the things that it's always interesting to see in a gothic noble is what the villain, or the antagonist represents in the narrative as a whole.
The Gothic is a romantic literary response to the historical, sociological, and political contexts of the the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. It's a look through the ruin, the passionate, the bigoted, the decaying, and the irrational rationality.
It's an explanation as to why it's crucial to the narrative of why Dracula is a count, why Jonathan is an inexperienced worker, and why there is so much emphasis on the locals.
"Because your peasant is at heart a coward and a fool! Those flames only appear on one night; and on that night no man of this land will, if he can help it, stir without his doors. And, dear sir, even if he did he would not know what to do. Why, even the peasant that you tell me of who marked the place of the flame would not know where to look in daylight even for his own work. Even you would not, I dare be sworn, be able to find these places again?"
How much contempt, and underlining hatred can one fit in a single paragraph that bordelines on a monologue? Dracula truly holds true resentment towards the locals of Transylvania for daring to try, and defend themselves against him.
He doesn't call them locals, citizens, not even commoners, but peasants. A word that not only signals the kind of social hierarchy that Dracula benefits the most (notice how he also included Jonathan in the social class at the end), but also why he is shown so angry despite Jonathan asking a simple question.
The locals of Transylvania had commited the worst crime in the eyes of the Count, the peasants dared to revolt against their "master" in order to keep themselves alive instead of baring their necks for the slaughter. Even with all of the fear that Dracula has sowed in the heart of the locals, to the point that they obey all of his orders, it's still not enough for him. That fear it's not enough for Dracula because it lacks the concrete submission of his old days as an actual noble class.
The locals of Transylvania fear him for his power and his wealth, but they lack the class mentality that would truly put them under Dracula, and that is eating the Count alive. He calls them fools while they fill their streets with protection wards and put rosaries around their necks, he calls them cowards while we have read how everyone around Jonathan risked the Count's wrath to protect him.
We Transylvanian nobles love not to think that our bones may lie amongst the common dead. 
The Count hates the old innkeepers, the coachman, and the passengers for daring to rebel against him, even if he is still the unliving cause of their suffering.
Hell, it's heavily implied that all of that is still not enough to fully stop Dracula, and yet he is still so angry. There is nothing that the aristocratic nobility hates more than the mere vision of how the people they deem beneath them act together to stop their abuse.
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