universalzones · 1 year
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"Sure are a lot more wanted rebel posters and telegrams lately." Nine's wonder where all these people where coming from, though the rebel group had been growing slowly for years so maybe there were hitting a surge or something.
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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@ninetailsofmisery sent:
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Nine's was in the middle of making some small adjustments to his scanner having picked up a unique energy that was far different from the Shards. Perhaps it was nothing, though it seemed more powerful than if it overrode what the scanner was supposed to pick up. The fox was in a pretty isolated place, at least that's what he assumed since he was in the middle of a decent forest. Not enough trees to where he couldn't traverse it, though enough to keep him and his ship out of sight. "I wonder if this is how things were before New Yoke. If this is why the rebel's fight, I guess I can understand them a bit better now." A place like this would be worth fighting for.
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"Jeez, this place is a mess..." There's a little huff as Amy hopped over a tree's roots, looking around as tried to figure out where she was. It certainly wasn't where she was just a bit ago... she pauses, spotting yellows that seemed familiar and heading for them.
Was that...?
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"Oh, Tails! Is that you?!" She calls out after getting closer, glad to see a familiar face and hastening her approach through the trees.
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grounded-sparrow · 1 year
// @ninetailsofmisery from THIS
Suzume raised both hands in protest, taking a step back while giving Nine an unimpressed look, "Whoa! Whoa! Don't get your pants in a twist kid. I'm not up to any game."
The tiny bird shakes her head with a loud, exasperated sigh.
She knew this sort of reaction well, and while she wanted to be comforting his immediate threat of harm put her in an awkward position of needing to be firm with him. Not too firm, but firm enough that he understood.
"...Look, I'm going to make this as clear as possible: I can tell you got some serious talent with the craft of those robotic tails. I was hoping to maybe start a conversation with you about them. Simple as that." She puts one hand on her hip, playing with her tuft of plumage on her forehead with the other.
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cxffeeshxp · 1 year
"Pretty sure that game is for kids, isn't it?"
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{{ L }} " Mean, it's T for TEEN and has music in there that talks about stuff I wouldn't exactly say is kid friendly. It's no Club Penguin. "
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
"Don't forget. I'm with you in the dark."
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// Thanks for reading my rules! I've read your rules as well!
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rolling-orb-bot · 1 year
@ninetailsofmisery cont from here.
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"Whether you know me or not depends on you, so why are you asking me this question?" By the way his head moved, you could have sworn that the robot rolled his eyes. He offered a newspaper page, that seemed to have fallen out of Nine's pocket, back to the fox.
"I am sorry, I just couldn't help my curiosity. This photo looks like living nightmare. Please tell me it's edited." There seemed to be genuine worry in the robot's tone.
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ultimumvitae · 1 year
what are your hidden wings?
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This is a rather interesting type of wings to get! Normally they come in the form of feathered Angel wings, but come in two pairs instead of just one. These wings aren't built for swift flight, but they provide you with stamina for extremely long flights without tiring, and allow one to fly at even the highest altitudes. The top pair of wings is slightly larger than the bottom pair. If you got these wings, you are most likely a fairly mysterious individual, and not very trusting of others. Keeping your distance from the crowd, you prefer to be yourself and would hate to conform to the ways of others. At times, people with these wings can be either indecisive, or may seem cold and not open to new people. Once someone gets to know them, though, their personality can change from solemn and quiet to outgoing and even sometimes hyper. It takes certain people to be able to bring you out of your shell, but once you find them, you are often friends for a long time, since you only befriend those that you trust won't leave you!
Strengths: Mature, Mysterious, Does not conform to others, Loyal friend Weaknesses: Misunderstood, Indecisive, Cold, Not open to new people Flight Style: Smooth, not very fast; Outstanding stamina and height Representing Element(s): Water
tagged by: no one! saw it on the dash and thought it looked fun tagging: @unlackeyed, @hcrwish, @phantomjackal, @sunsetrcse, @charllatan, @ninetailsofmisery, @timewontwait, and anyone else who'd like to! i have so many cool mutuals i can't tag 'em all, so if you see this meme from me and wanna do it, please boop me! i'd love to see your result!
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king-scourge · 1 year
“Let’s get one thing straight here: I don’t like you.” To Scourge
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"Oh great another Miles look a like." Scourge huffed his expression quick to turn into glaring.. "Yeah well the feeling mutual! Did you come all this way to say that to my face? If you didn't realize most don't like me.."
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universalzones · 1 year
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"AHHHHHHHHH!" Nine's is currently screaming after having been transported into the air after an experiment went horribly wrong and this was certainly a worse case scenario if he every saw own.
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Of course the fox didn't get time to formulate any thought or plan before landing face first into what he could've sworn was a blimp of some kind. Thankfully he didn't bounce off as he was basically already over it so it was a short fall.
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Nine would push himself up a bit, not wanting to risk standing up and be thrown off as while he can fly with his two tails it was only for a short amount of time. "Okay, that could've gone better, though at least I'm alive. Just gonna find out where I am." The fox would then turn his attention to the sky, though was surprised to see it was blue and clear. Much different than the dark and red skies he was used to. "This isn't normal." At least not his kind of normal.
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universalzones · 1 year
Continued from X @atangledfate
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Nine was surprised Rusty of all people were offering words of reassurance in the decision he made, though it was something he actually needed, if only for the fact being alone with his own thoughts were getting to much even for him. "No, it's fine. You just caught me at a bad time." The fox was willing to admit when he messed up and snapping at the robotic hedgehog was a mess up on his part. "...Thank you," he said before her next statement made him raise a brow.
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"Since when did are interests align? Last time we saw each other you were with that pirate version of yourself and you seemed pretty okay with that. Besides, my goal is to change the Grim into a better world than the one's I've been to." Nine then wondered how she even knew he was in the Grim or how she was aware of happened.
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"Did Sonic tell you I was here? You gonna try and trick me too? Act all nice then when I'm not looking steal the shards to give them to Sonic?" Nine asked, his hand holding the blast twitching at the thought that Rusty was working with Sonic. The fox's mental state was clearly all over the place with how he went from angry, to calm, and now to paranoia. The question was could the robotic hedgehog convince him she was truly on his side.
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universalzones · 1 year
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" You made the Logical choice, no one would fault you for the choice you made. Sonic was simply to blind to see past his own selfish desires..."
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"No one asked you!" Nine's would yell, though mainly due to the fact that Rusty scared him half to death showing up out of nowhere like that. The fox would take a step back as he took deep breaths, in and out. It only managed to calm him down a little.
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"Sorry, just, wasn't expecting any, uh, guests?" He wasn't sure what to consider the robot seeing as they certainly weren't friends, though they were no longer enemies.
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universalzones · 1 year
"T-tails? " ~ Amy
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"It's Nine. Not Tails, not Tails Nine, just Nine, got it?!" The fox was sick and tired of being called Tails by this point. Nine then turned around to face the stranger.
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Upon turning around Nine saw one of Sonic's friends from Green Hill, though clearly not an image anymore. The fox would swiftly draw his blaster and point it at her. "How'd you get here?! Did Sonic send you?! Don't lie to me!" He yelled, clearly seeming mental unstable.
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universalzones · 1 year
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Nine isn't known to get sad as most of the time when dealing with any negative situations his main method is either anger, hostility, or a combination of the two. The few instances the fox has even felt sadness was when he was younger due to the other kids often getting his hopes up only to turn against him which he quickly became numb to along with everything that happened when he still lived with his parents. These day's he's closed off to the world and everyone in it, doing his best to reject anyone who tries to get close to him.
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universalzones · 1 year
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" Who th' heck are yous? " @mobiankaiju (Max)
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Cue Nine's being startled by the sudden voice as he turns to look at the stranger. The fox was so focused on trying to see if there was a shard in this dimension that he didn't even hear them approach him.
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"The name is... Tails." That's what Sonic kept calling him so he might as well use it as a sort of alias when searching different dimensions. "Can I help you?" The fox asked, wondering why the suddenly approached him in the first place.
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universalzones · 1 year
Continued from X @ofmoraliity
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"First of all, the name is Nine's. Second, I can see why." Nine's wasn't sure why the Chaos Council were after him, though this guy dragged him into the middle of it so here they were in an abandoned part of the underground subway station. The fox was a bit concerned how this guy knew his real name, though questions for later.
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"Look, as much as I hate you for causing me all these problems I won't deny you're good at smashing up the council's bots. So, until we get them off our trail it's be we stick together because I'm guessing you don't have the map of the underground subway memorized like I do." Nine's had done that a few years ago if he ever need a quick get away and just to avoid people in general, though it seems it might have the benefit of making a temporary truce.
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universalzones · 1 year
Continued from X @coffeehousemuses
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"Oh, uh, was talking to myself. Sorry bout that." Nine's would keep talking to the bare minimum as not to attract any attention to himself. The fox having found another world to explore, yet the entrance to it was extremely different from the first one's he saw when first entering the Shatter Space. He did take a quick glance at the strange, though that was about it as he was more focused on his scanner to see if this place had a shard.
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